® ® RGC Officers Chairman- Kenneth Reeves TX XXI E-Mail – blueknightstx21@aol.com Vice Chairman- Richard Cashell TX XXXIV E-Mail – rcashell@tylertexas.com Secretary- Gary Keeter ARII E-Mail – 3dkeeter@windstream.net Treasurer- A. J. Sandoval TX IV E-Mail - ajsandoval@satx.rr.com International Representative- D. J. Alvarez TX XXXI E-Mail – blueknightstx31@aol.com Rio Grande Conference Web Site - www.bkrgc.org Web-Master- Shawn Lootens TX XXXI E-Mail- vorticity37@comcast.net Safety Officer- Roger (Crash) Byars TX XXXI E-Mail- v8ford7753@yahoo.com RGC Quartermaster- Laura Sims TX XXXI E-Mail- mamatx31@yahoo.com ****************************************************************************************** Publication Dates– 1st of January, April, July,October, articles need to be submitted before these dates ***************************************************************************************** Chairman – Kenneth Reeves There has been a lot going on in the last three months, almost too much to keep up with. The 2010 RGC in Hot Springs, Arkansas was well done and it looked like everyone had a great time, even the ones who had an accident up to the point of having the accident. Our prayers are with everyone for a fast recovery. As you know by now we had a few of the RGC board members change hands. I will be the new Chairman for the next two years and Richard Cashell TX XXXIV of Tyler will be the new Vice Chairman. Richard had a very bad accident and is now back in Tyler recovering. Being the Vice Chairman does not require having a bad accident but I forgot to tell him that before the election. We are both members of the Blue Knights Survivors Club. I am not only a member, I am the President. Our thoughts and prayers are with Richard. The only thing he has to do right now is get better. Laura Sims of TX XXXI will be the new Quartermaster for the RGC. If you are in need of any of the RGC products, which we now have a good selection of items, please get with her or your President. Her e-mail address is mamatx31@yahoo.com. The 2010 International Convention will be in Billings, Montana. There are a lot from the RGC going to Montana in July for the Conference. Should be a real party with the RGC there. I will be leaving around the 10th of July for a long ride to Montana. In Montana for a week then a week or more to get home in time for the annual Ruckus on the River hosted by TX XXI. in New Braunfals Page 1 of 18 1 The RGC 2011 will be hosted by my home Chapter TX XXI of Waxahachie. The Conference meeting will be in Granbury, Texas. Information can be found at http://www.blueknightstx21.org The RGC 2012 will be hosted by TX XII in Waco, Texas. I know they are already working hard and this should be a great event. I think we should keep things in the RGC so Texas XXXIV in Tyler will be hosting the first ever RGC International Conference in 2012. Richard Cashell is barely out of the hospital and is hard at work on this event. Give yourself time to recover from your accident Richard but not too much time. The RGC Chapters have been very busy recruiting new members. In the last week of May and for the month of June I have helped five different Chapters with recruitment issues. We are still growing faster than any other Conference in the world. I do not see it slowing down. Our newest Chapter is TX XLIV (44) in Eastland. Rodney Rasberry is the new President of the Chapter. I received word from International that TX XXXIV in San Angelo, TX did not renew its Charter. On Wednesday June 23 I rode my trike out to San Angelo to check on the Chapter. By Thursday night, 6 of the 11 members were found who listed on the 2009 RGC roster with three new members wanting to join. Friday night we had a meeting where nine members signed up and elected new officers. The new President is Orlando Cortez and the VP is Allen Turner. Send Allen a welcome back message and he can give it to the Chapter atphoto@gmail.com. I know this is a long report but a lot has been going on. As many of you know I have been working for several months, talking to a lot of insurance companies, trying to find some insurance coverage and some benefits for our RGC Blue Knights. Not only to give you and your family some extra coverage but to help in your recruitment efforts. This is what I have come up with. Quite by accident, my accident, I found I have been doing business with this company for about 20 years through the Texas State Trooper Association. The coverage and other benefits are as follows: 1. AD&D policy coverage 24/7 2. Amount of coverage is $3,000.00 3. 1/2 amount for a single lost, In my case one eye. 4. Discount Program to cover the family on: 5. Eye Care, Up to 60% 6. Hearing, Up to 60% 7. Prescription Drugs, Up to 30% 8. Chiropractic care, Up to 60% 9. A Child Safe Kit. This is information, about your children or grandchildren, for your records 10. Family information Guide. Necessary information you will need in an emergency all in one location. Cost to the RGC members: 0 Extra coverage is available at a low cost but this would be up to each member. No salesman will call on you unless you want to talk to one. Your name and mailing information is kept with the RGC and not given out. You can move any where in the world and your coverage will stay in effect as long as you are a member of the RGC Blue Knights. If you join another conferences like the Tri-State or you leave the Blue Knights LE/MC your coverage will end. You will be receiving a mailing from the RGC around the middle of July. I am hoping that you’re Discount Program Card for you and your family will be in sometime in August. Right now this policy only covers cardcarrying members. I am hoping in the near future your wife can be covered also. Working on that. Ride with Pride Blue Knights Chairman RGC Kenneth Reeves ****************************************************************************** Page 2 of 18 2 Vice-Chairman – Richard Cashell No News still recuperating from accident! *************************************************************************** Secretary - Gary Keeter Well 2010 RGC held in Hot Springs, Arkansas has come and gone and even though Dawn and I worked through most of it helping Arkansas IV put on a good conference, we still had a good time. RGC 2010 in Hot Springs, AR will now be in the RGC recorded books as they have the highest attendance with 338 attending. Beating Arkansas 2 out by 5, Arkansas 2 had 333 attending the 2000 Conference in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Those that missed RGC this year I am sorry you missed all the great camaraderie, motorcycle riding, picture-rustic views, and let’s not forget the stores, all kinds for what ever your taste may be. I want to welcome the 2010 Executive RGC Board they are RGC Chairman Kenneth Reeves TX 21, Vice Chairman Richard Cashell TX 34, Secretary Gary Keeter AR 2, Treasurer A.J. Sandoval TX 2 and International Rep. D.J. Alvarez TX 31. I look forward working with the New Board as I know they have the RGC bests in mind. I guess you know by now the RGC election results: RGC Chairman Kenneth Reeves TX 21, Vice-Chairman Richard Cashell TX 34, Secretary Gary Keeter AR 2, Treasurer A.J. Sandoval TX 4, and International Rep. D.J. Alvarez TX 31. The only votes were on the International Rep. as the rest of the board was unopposed. It was a close race for International Rep. with a count of 18 votes for D.J. and 15 votes for Chuck Doran TX 2 Well RGC started a new position this year we now have a RGC Quartermaster. Laura (Mama Bear) Sims TX 31 accepted the position and I know she will do the RGC well. She went right work from the Presidents Meeting after being approved and went to work selling RGC items at the RGC table. Way to go Mama Bear! If you wish to purchase any of the RGC sales items you may contact Laura (Mama Bear) Sims at mamatx31@yahoo.com . If she does not have it, give her a little bit and I bet you she will get it for you as soon as possible. We are looking at putting pictures of the RGC items on the RGC web-site so keep looking for the RGC sales page. Next years conference will be in Granbury, TX May 19-22, 2011 hosted by Texas 21 they have there website up and running already for the 2011 RGC Conference. Go check it out at www.blueknightstx21.org . 2012 Rio Grande Conference will be in Waco, TX with host chapter being TX 11. I know Texas 11 will be planning a good conference for everyone. Ride With Pride Gary Keeter, RGC Secretary ****************************************************************************** Treasurer- A.J. Sandoval Greetings RGC Blue Knights Hope this news letter finds everyone in the very best of health and spirits. I’d like to thank everyone associated with the 2010 RGC Conference in Hot Springs a very special thank you and congratulations for a successful convention. Everyone I spoke to had a Page 3 of 18 3 great time and appreciated the Arkansas hospitality. For those who were involved in motorcycle mishaps, I wish you the very best and speedy recovery for you and your motors. “Congratulations” to our 2010 – 2012 RGC Board Members (incumbents and newly elected) and also a “Special Thanks” to our newly appointed RGC Quarter Master Laura MAMA BEAR Sims, TX 31. She’s really excited about her newly excepted position and already is making a positive impact with new ideas to help the RGC prosper. Next time you see her, please extend your appreciation as well. As for me, I’m excited about beginning and serving my second term as RGC Treasure. Although our global economy is in tough times and our funds aren’t invested in the market, I’m still very concerned about protecting these funds for our conference. I’m proud to report, the RGC Board and Chapter Presidents approved the financial report for May 2008 – May 2010 at the RGC Conference by having the account and ledger validated, confirmed and approved into the meeting minutes. Again, I’d like to wish everyone a happy riding summer season and reminding you to please ride safe … and always RIDE WITH PRIDE! Sinceramente, AJ Sandoval, PAISANO Rio Grande Conference Treasure / TX Rep. Blue Knights TX 4 – San Antonio, Immediate Past President ****************************************************************************** International Rep. – D. J. Alvarez Greetings, First, I would like to thank all the members that supported to re-elect me as your International Representative. I would like to thank our former Conference Chairman Chuck Doran for his years of service to the Rio Grande Conference. I would also like to thank Richard Cashell for being elected as the new Vice Chairman, Ken Reeves as our new Chairman, Gary Keeter for being re-elected as Secretary and AJ Sandoval for being reelected as Treasurer. I look forward to working with the board for the next 2 years. I would like to thank AR IV, and all of the AR chapters who assisted with the annual Rio Grande Conference gathering in Hot Springs. A great time was had by all, and I cannot wait until next year! This year’s convention is coming up really soon, and I am looking forward to traveling to Billings, MT. This year will special since TX XXXIV will be the only chapter submitting a proposal for the 2012 International Convention, so it looks like it’ll be in Texas in 2012. Also at the convention we will be selecting the Blue Knights International Scholarship recipients. There were 68 applicants of which 15 were from the Rio Grande Conference. In closing I want the conference to know that I am a candidate for International Vice President this fall. I am asking for the support from the conference. The vote return during the last election was less than 30% and this year’s return will be greater. Ride with Pride, D.J. Alvarez RGC-Int'l Rep Texas 31-President (281) 642-8716 www.dj4vp.com ***************************************************************************** Page 4 of 18 4 Chapter News ***************************************************************************** Arkansas I - North Little Rock July 10 Ride to: Hot Springs (Boat Ride w/ Ice Cream Social) Meet: Bryant Cracker Barrel Time: 11:00 AM Leave 11:30 AM Notes: Coast is $15.99 each for ride on the Belle of Hot Springs - eat at Gilligan’s Dockside Café. August 14 Ride to: Meet: Time: Cothams for Dinner and Charlotte’s Eats & Sweets Faith Baptist Church in North Little Rock 2:30 PM Leave 3:00 PM September 11 Ride to: Branson Missouri - (Overnight Trip) Meet: Conway Cracker Barrel Time: 8:00 AM Leave 9:00 AM October 9 Ride to: Meet: Time: Jim Rainbolt Memorial Ride (Push Mountain Route), eat at Gaston’s Restaurant Conway Cracker Barrel 8:00 AM Leave 9:00 AM November 13 Ride to: Moonshine Run (Eat at Jasper, AR) ride through Harrison Meet: Faith Baptist Church in North Little Rock Time: 8:30 AM Leave 9:00 AM December 11 Ride to: Jefferson, Texas (Overnight Ride- Bike or POV) Meet: Ed & Kay’s Restaurant Benton Time: 8:00 AM Leave 9:00 AM This is a ride our Chapter goes on every year. Any Chapter wishing to participate would be honoring the life of a wonderful Arkansas State Police Officer David Donham who is no longer with us. Charlie Carty Arkansas I Secretary Page 5 of 18 5 4th Annual David Donham Motorcycle Run Tyndall Park in Benton to Pettit Jean State Park Fee is $20.00 per bike, and all proceeds will go into the Donham fund for Saline County’s 1st responders who become severely injured or terminally ill. (Police, Fire Fighters, EMT’s) Saturday August 14, 2010 Leave Tyndall Park at 10:00am Contact: Jack Campbell at 501-772-5859 Or Jennifer Tarvin at 501-240-5466 In case of inclement weather the ride will be moved to August 28, 2010. All riders welcome. Door prizes T-Shirts available Hamburgers and Hot dogs provided at the end of the ride. To serve those who serve us..! It's that time of year again.....Mark your calendars for the Annual David Donham Motorcycle Ride!! This year’s ride is Sat. Aug 14. Please pass on this flyer to all of your friends and let’s see how many bikes we can get this year!!! Only $20.00 per bike and we will have T-shirt's again this year with a new design. If you would like to pre-order yours, send me an e-mail @ jennifer.tarvin@yahoo.com with your sizes. Shirts will be $15.00. Looking forward to seeing you at the ride!! Cookout again to follow at Petite Jean State Park: Jennifer Tarvin ***************************************************************************** Arkansas II – Harrison We had 3 members go to the Rio Grande Conference held in Hot Springs, AR. Dawn and I help Arkansas IV with several things to try and make it a great conference for all who attended. Of course we still had fun even though we worked most of it. Morris Pate our Treasurer and Joe Barbalace our Vice-President and his wife Linda went to the RGC Conference, we did not see a whole lot of them as they were enjoying the Great area for riding. We would like to thank David Ellington of Arkansas IV for putting on a great conference at a great location. Page 6 of 18 6 I hear David may have lost his mind as he was asked to think about hosting a Blue Knights International Convention in Hot Springs, Arkansas and he said he would think about it. David you need to get the straight jacket ready HA! HA! Look out 2013! Dawn and I rode to the Mid-West Conference which was held in Saint Joseph, MO. We meet a lot of old friends and made some new ones, as that is part of going to a Blue Knights Conference. We had a good time even with the early morning showers that slow up things a little bit but we still had fun. We went to a couple of museums where we saw a lot of neat stuff. Ride With Pride Gary Keeter President AR II ***************************************************************************** Arkansas IV- Pine Bluff Greetings from AR 4, RGC is over. I am proud to announce we set a record for total number registered at 338. By all accounts a good time was had by all who attended with a few minor glitches and for those I deeply apologize. I have been asked to consider hosting an International Convention in Hot Springs and I lost my mind and am considering it. Someone please bring a straight jacket, I have totally lost it. On another note, AR 4 is hosting a Poker Run for Madison Kay Lanway on July 17th. We will pull out from the West Coast Motorsports, 4030 W. 25th Ave., at 8:00 am, go to Landers Harley Davidson in Hot Springs, pull out from there at 10:00 am, go to Landers HD in Conway, pull out from there about 12:00 pm (noon), go to Burns Park, pull out from there at about 1:00 pm, and end up at Landers HD in Little Rock. We will have live entertainment at Landers in LR. The cost will be $10.00 per hand and you can purchase more than one. We are planning on having a band in Little Rock and are checking on having the Hooters girls there washing bikes, the cost of the bike wash has not been set yet but I believe it will probably be about $5.00 plus a tip for the girls, that is all they work for at these events. Check our Face book page for updates. Ride with Pride, David Ellington President AR 4 RGC South Arkansas Rep ***************************************************************************** Texas I- Hurst It’s hard to believe that summer is finally here and so is the heat! Texas #1 seems to be riding to all sorts of Blue Knight chapter functions in our area. It’s really good to see all of the activities and participation of the Northeast Texas BK chapters. I hope other areas are as active and sharing with some safe riding and great camaraderie. I’ll try not to be so long in this report as in the past. However, “We are doin’ some ridin’.” The first event after the Police Officer Memorial Ride with Waco Chapter, BK TX XI, was the semi-annual trash pick-up day for the “Texas Beautify Our Highways” program. Texas enlisted our services to be responsible for a two mile stretch of highway to keep clean for our community. We go out on the first weekends of April and October to Highway 26 (Grapevine Highway) in Hurst (our home town) and pick up debris. The State then provides workers and trucks to come by and pick up our sacks of trash from the side of the road. We had a member with a brain-storm a couple of years ago and we have been teaming up with the Tarrant County Jail Work Release Division. They have been able to provide us with probationers who have been ordered to serve a number of hours for community service in their sentencing for misdemeanors and we let them do most of the work while we sort of “supervise!” It’s a WIN / WIN for all of us. After the job, the probationers get picked up by the TCSO commuter wagon and all of the Blue Knights go eat a well earned lunch! Page 7 of 18 7 Dan has a little fun with Gene while “working?” One of our Two signs. The very next weekend, Texas #1 assisted in a fundraiser for a Tarrant County Deputy and his wife who were the parents of a very ill, pre-mature baby. One of the local Harley-Davidson dealerships allowed the event to be held on their lot and everybody was there! I never knew there were so many police motorcycle clubs. Along with us, other volunteers doing different things were the Iron Pigs, the Law Dogs, and the Gunslingers. Other participants included the Shamrocks, the Untouchables, the Protectors, the Shields of Honor, and the Iron Circle. There was even a club of U.S. Postal Investigators called the Cancellers. It was a great turnout of police groups along with numerous public riders. Heck, my Division Chief was even there. There was t-shirt sales, a bar-b-q lunch, a bike wash, a skills competition, and a couple of raffles, a silent auction, a live band and about $8,000 raised. Sadly, the baby passed away two days after the event. But, the bills were still there and we helped! The “Debths.” It was for their baby that we helped with the fundraiser. Our Prez and first Lady sold T-shirts The next weekend was the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office Kid’s Fair. The Blue Knights participated with a booth for the kids to sit on the motorcycles and have their photos made. We had a police motor which was a big hit with the lights and siren button. We even recruited a new member! The best part was free hotdogs and drinks because – that’s what we do, ride to eat and eat to ride! Our display tent for advertising. V-P Randy tries to recruit anybody. I think this brings us to the first weekend in May? Anyway, this was the annual Texas Peace Officer Memorial Ride in Austin. This was the off year for the ceremony but it was a fundraiser event to support the memorial on the Capitol grounds. Just a couple of our group made the ride but there were Blue Knights from all over when we got there. It was great seeing so many brothers and sisters and Austin PD blocked I-35 for the procession from the Cowboy Harley dealership all of the way to the Capitol. What a sight to see only Page 8 of 18 8 motorcycles on I-35 as far as the eye could see. There were probably 300 or so bikes. The weather was great and the memorial presentation by the Legislators was short, to the point and honorable. We happened to have a member with us who lost his brother, who was an officer in Euless, Texas, in 1982 and this was the first time he was able to make an etching of the wall engraving of his brother’s name and date of honor. Next year is the big ceremony and plans are being made for a HUGE Blue Knight turn-out. Keep May 2011 open on your calendar. This was the I-35 Northbound in Austin for the procession. The Texas Police Officer Memorial at the Capitol. No stoppin’ yet! The next weekend, one of the churches in the area, with their own motorcycle club, held an event to raise funds for a relief crew to go to Haiti to rebuild from the damages of the earthquake that leveled everything. There was no poker event but there were raffles, bike games and, of course, a bar-b-q lunch. The ride route was pretty nice, through the countryside just north of the DFW metroplex. I saved the route map so we could possibly use it with our next event or just a group ride for the ones who missed this one. Finally! (not “finally” as in the last item to report but – FINALLY as, “it’s time to go!”) It’s RGC time and the enthusiasm was too unbearable to sleep the night before departure! We had been looking forward to this for several months and “get there” plans were ready to be implemented. Keeping with tradition, Deb and I were a couple of minutes late to the meeting point (yeah, just a couple – really!). But, when we got there, we waited for our Prez to show up. We waited and waited and called all of the phones we were aware of that he owned. About 30 minutes past the meet time, we raised him on the CB radio. All was well and we headed east. Here is a little secret for you Harley riders – “When you have an ignition that you can set to start without the key Don’t leave your key at home when you are headed out of town!” I’m not saying that this happened to our Prez., just throwing a little bit of helpful information out there for some of you. Anyway, Hot Springs, Arkansas was a great place to have the conference and we all had a great time with our brothers and sisters to the North. It just went by so fast after taking so long to get here. Congratulations to all of the elected officers for the next two years and ---- GET WELL SOON RICK CASHELL!!!!!! Texas #1 has gotta go eat! Great riding in the Arkansas mountains! We didn’t stop riding just because the RGC was over! We jumped right back in the saddle in June. Texas Chapter XLIII held their first ever event. The new chapter did a great job organizing, escorting, entertaining, and yes – feeding everyone who participated with their fundraiser. Somebody in their group has done this before! It was too smooth for a new club first event! Great job folks! Page 9 of 18 9 Home of Chapter XLIII Scary! But dead! Just for a get-together, TX #1, TX #39, and TX #41 decided to meet up and get something to eat. (What a surprise!) We all met in Granbury for a good time and a great meal at Babe’s Chicken House on the square. With a back roads ride afterwards to let the meal settle, we wound up in Weatherford and “just happened” to find a Dairy Queen for a hot fudge sundae and some air conditioning. Seems like it is getting hotter as we schedule our riding times, doesn’t it? Anyway, the ice cream always helps. The gang in the Babe’s Cabana Ahhh! Ice Cream and Hot Fudge! Our last ride for this report (yes- this is getting near the end!) was another meal with the Denton chapter, TX #27. They sponsored a fundraiser with the help of the Cycle Center in Denton with burgers and hot dogs for anybody who showed up. There was no ride but the meet and greet, the food, the entertainment in the parking lot, and the 20% discount for police throughout the shop was great. I needed new tires before the convention trip to Billings, Montana and saved a bundle! I hope everyone is having as much fun as Texas #1 and we look forward to seeing ya’ll again. Get your event flyers to “Joker”, Shawn Lootens, the RGC webmaster, and he can put them on the RGC website for everyone to see! We don’t know what you’re doing if you don’t advertise!! Ride Safe, Ride Smart, and RIDE WITH PRIDE!!!! Gene Fuqua - BKTX#1 Secretary ***************************************************************************** Texas II- McAllen No news at this time for the News Letter but we are still alive. Roland Torres, President TX II ***************************************************************************** Texas IX- Lorena Texas IX has added five members since the RGC. All is good out west Michael Everette, President TX IX ***************************************************************************** Page 10 of 18 10 Texas XI- Waco Hello from Central Texas. 2010 has been a busy year for Texas Chapter XI (Waco). On March 28 we held our 6th Annual Police Memorial Ride. We had 157 motorcycles participating in the event. We were excited to see a large turnout of Blue Knights members. We had 97 Blue Knights members representing 11 Texas chapters. We appreciate your support to our annual event. We were able to make a $2200.00 donation to the Texas Police Chiefs Association Foundation which assists families of Texas police officers who die in the line of duty. On May 14 our Chapter was invited to be a part of the McLennan County Peace Officer Memorial Service held at Indian Springs Park in Waco. It was the first time a motorcycle unit was included in the ceremony. We were honored to be a part of the ceremony. Several of our members also participated in other ways. Check out our website at www.blueknightstexaschapterxi.com for photos of this lovely ceremony. Ten of our Chapter members attended the 2010 Rio Grande Conference in Hot Springs, Arkansas. It was the largest gathering of Blue Knights that our Chapter has attended. We rode to Mt. Magazine, the tallest peak in Arkansas, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery. (Picture on next page) Page 11 of 18 11 Our Chapter member, Retired Chief Deputy Dan Weyenberg, won the award for the “Oldest Biker”. This was his third year to win the award. Dan is 78 years old and retired from the McLennan County Sheriff’s Department. We enjoyed visiting with Blue Knights members and the hospitality of the Arkansas Chapters. On June 5 our Chapter attended the TX Chapter XLIII (Corsicana) fundraiser, Cruise for Kids 2010. We enjoyed meeting with their members and helping to raise funds for their Children’s Advocacy Center. On June 26 we held a fundraiser event for 4 year old Cooper Dixon of Troy, Texas. He was diagnosed with neuroblastoma cancer in September 2009. He has just completed his ninth round of chemotherapy. We joined forces with the North Texas Wrestling Alliance and had a benefit wrestling match. Cooper is fighting the biggest fight of his life and has been a brave fighter. One of our own Blue Knights members, William Hitch, participated in the “Fight for Cooper”. Cooper was well enough to attend the event and he was the “Big Winner” that night. He even got into the ring with his Dad for a little wrestling. Everyone who attended enjoyed the show and seeing little Cooper having fun. More information on Cooper can be found at www.cooperslegion.com Get ready for the 2012 Rio Grande Conference. Blue Knights Texas XI (Waco) is hosting the conference. We are planning scenic rides through the country. Waco is rich in history. You can visit the Texas Ranger Museum, Texas Sports Hall of Fame, Historic Waco Suspension Bridge (Chisholm Trail stop), the new Waco Mammoth Site, Baylor University Mayborn Museum Complex and Historic Village and more. We are also home to Dr. Pepper and you can visit the Dr. Pepper Museum. As more details become available we will have them on our website. Jim Brock President TX XI www.blueknightstexaschapterxi.com ***************************************************************************** Page 12 of 18 12 Texas XXI – Waxahachie As has become tradition, TX XXI showed up in great numbers at the RGC this year in Hot Springs. For our third year in a row, we took home “The Chapter with The Most in Attendance” award. Dave Ellington and the Arkansas Blue Knights put on a great RGC conference. In June, a group of TX XXI women had their “Big Girls Ride” to Marble Falls. No men, just the women, and they had so much fun that they are already planning for next years ride. Texas 21’s next big event will be our 7th Annual Ruckus on the River in Canyon, TX, August 6-8, 2009. This is a weekend of hanging out with good friends, floating the Guadalupe River, eating, drinking, swimming and some more eating. Oh, don’t let me forget the Home made Ice Cream contest, wine tasting, and outdoor movie nights on Friday and Saturday nights. There are even rumors of karaoke being available during the day on Friday. This is open to all Blue Knights chapters everywhere, so come on out and join in on the fun. This is not a motorcycle ride for our chapter, but if you want to make it one, that is fine. If you are planning on spending the night, you need to make your reservations right away, as the park is filling up very fast. You can get complete details by going to TX 21’s web site www.blueknightstx21.org and go to our calendar, or you can click on this link directly to the information page about the Ruckus on the River . Also coming up August 21st is our 7th Annual Bonnie Reeves Memorial Ride. Information will be available soon and will be posted on our calendar. Then September 24 – 26 we will be making our annual trek to ride the Talimena Trail. Last year we had such a large turnout, we had to split into several groups in order to have a safe ride on the Talimena Trail! Feel free to come and join us for one of the club’s favorite rides. June has been a month of growth for us, as we just added 3 new members! TX XXI continues to grow! And let us not forget, TX XXI is hosting the RGC in 2011 in Granbury, TX. You can get all the information by going to our website www.blueknightstx21.org or by Clicking below: RGC 2011 Granbury, TX Stay Safe & Ride with Pride! El Gee Larry A. Green President/Webmaster Blue Knights TX 21 www.blueknightstx21.org bktx21pres@charter.net 469-585-7236 ***************************************************************************** Texas XXII- Lufkin Texas XXII has been busy since its reformation. We had one third of our membership make the Hot Springs trip. Fresh off that trip we started recruiting and have five new members and two more hopefuls. That is a 20 percent increase for the chapter as we stand. We are having monthly meetings and rides. Two members rode the Natchez Trace and toured the Smoky Mountain National Park, Moonshiner 28, the Dragons Tail, and the Cherohala Scenic Sky way. Before heading back to Texas via the Vicksburg Battlefield last week. While on the 2200 mile ride we meet Blue Knights every where we went and I made sure to get pictures of the vest all along the way. We are now working on our first fund raiser and really need support from the surrounding chapters we are having a Benefit ride and barbecue on august 20 and 21 for the Angelina Alliance For children, an organization that helps child victims of physical and sexual abuse. Attached is the poster and registration forms please get them out to everyone. Ride With Pride Mark Hurst President Texas XXII Page 13 of 18 13 Blue Knights XXII Ride for the Alliance for Children Barbeque: August 20, 2010 Ride: August 21, 2010 Registration Form Barbeque Plates Only $6.00 per plate. We will deliver to Lufkin and Nacogdoches with orders of 5 plates or more. Name _________________________________________ Street Address __________________________________ Phone _________________________________________ Open to all Makes and Models of Motorcycles $25.00 (1 rider) Riders Name __________________________Shirt size__________ Street Address ___________________________________ Phone __________________________________________ $45.00 (2 riders) Passengers Name ______________________Shirt Size__________ Fee includes lunch, and a ride t-shirt Send Completed Registration form with check or money order payable to Blue Knights Texas XXII (memo: Ride for Children) Mail to: Blue Knights Texas XXII 3840 Homer Alto Rd. Lufkin TX. 75904 Page 14 of 18 14 ***************************************************************************** Texas XXIII – Kerrville We have had a busy quarter here in Kerrville, and are loving the weather to ride in. We added 2 new members this last month and want to welcome Jim Kitchens from Brady and Jim Cornelius from Brownwood. Jim Kitchens in Brady has a full service leather shop and can fix about anything from boots to saddles and everything in between. He also sews on patches on leathers, so stop by and see him if you are in Brady @ 246 Open County Road, even if it is just to say hey. Walter, Rob, and I all attended RGC Conference in Hot Springs and all I can say is the areas to ride there are awesome and rival to surpass our Hill Country here in Texas!! We are proud to sponsor the Dare Program in Bandera this year, picture left to right, Karen Todd- Deputy Arnold Harst-Walter Todd. Our meeting next month is on July 10th, 9:00A.M. at the Fredericksburg LEC on 290 E with a ride to LLano to meet the Brownwood guys at Cooper's for lunch. Going to be in town? You are welcome to join us!! That's the news, hope to see ya'll soon!!! Karen Todd Secretary Kerrville, Texas XXIII todd.karen@hotmail.com ****************************************************************************** Texas XXXV- San Angelo Texas XXXV has been restarted again in San Angelo Texas. The club has been mildly active over the last year. A meeting held with Kenneth Reeves on Friday June 25th to help get XXXV active again. New Officers and Board members were placed and activities are being planned. Texas XXXV had a new Facebook and email. bktxXXXV@yahoo.com Officers are: President: Orlando Cortez , Tom Green County Sheriffs Office. 325-234-1250 Past President: WA Estis , Tom Green County Sheriffs Office. 325-656-4991 w.aestes@yahoo.com Vice President: Allen Turner , San Angelo Police Dept. 325-245-8206 atphoto@gmail.com Secretary: Michael Campbell , San Angelo Police Dept. michaelchevy@suddenlink.net Treasurer: John Rodriques, San Angelo Police Dept. john.rodriguez@sanangelopolice.org Board Members are: Brian Bylsma, San Angelo Police Dept. 325-450- 0811 bylsma@suddenlink.net Josh Loudermilk, San Angelo Police Dept. David Fason, Tom Green County Sheriffs Office. Allen Turner, Vice-President TX XXXV ****************************************************************************** Texas XXXVII – Eagle Pass “Ride with Pride” Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Texas Chapter XXXVII members participated in the first Eagle Pass, Texas “RIDE FOR THE RED RALLY” this June 19, 10. This rally was organized by the American Red Cross. Over forty motorcycle riders participated in the five mile parade which was led by 2010Rio Grande Conference State Representative, Humberto “Mr. T” Torralba. Blue Knights TX37 Road Captain Jose “JOE ROCKET” Ramos participated and won in three motorcycle events, one being the slow ride. Page 15 of 18 15 Pictured, Secretary Douglas “HANNIBAL” Watkins, E.P. Road Captain Jose “JOE ROCKET” Ramos, Diomar “Terminator” Perales, Jose Aguilar, Albert “DIRTY” Lowe, Uvalde Road Captain Rodrigo “RODDYROD” Rodriguez and Treasurer Scott “RHINO” Davis. Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Texas Chapter XXXVII; fourteen members road to the Republic of Texas Rally in Austin, Texas this past June 11-13, of 2010. Members assisted the Austin Chapter in selling brisket plates at Cowboy Harley Davidson. Blue Knights TX37 members rented two condos right in the middle of the party being on 6xth Street. Pictured Charter Member Jose Aguilar. Page 16 of 18 16 Carrizo Srpings, TX. Road Captain Edgar “SANCHO” Sanchez, RGC Texas State Rep. Humberto “Mr. T” Torralba, Honorary Diomar “TERMINATOR” Perales, Board Director Hugo “JUICE” Barrera and David “ROUNDBOY” Arredondo. Charter Member Felix “PHILIPON” Mendoza and friend…. ******************************************************************************* Texas XXXVIII- Plano Hello all from Texas XXXVIII. So far the Plano chapter of the Blue Knights has had a good spring. Back in April we had a group ride down the Texas hill country where we stayed in Leakey Texas at the Tea Rose Inn. There were 13 of us that road down and back with a two night stay at the Tea Rose Inn. The weather was beautiful going down and pretty darn nice coming back, but unfortunately the weather while we were down there and when we rode the twisted sister route was not very nice. We had some pretty heavy fog in the mornings and while up in the mountains but we were still able to ride. We did however manage to elude the rain for the most part. We also had a couple of members go to the Ride for the Fallen in Austin and several members made the trip and stayed in Hot Springs, Arkansas for the Rio Grande Conference where they had some great rides and made some new friends from other chapters. We continue to have our monthly meetings where we have had some pretty good turnouts. Many of our members have been trading in there Gold Wings and other motorcycles for new Harley’s. Even our President traded his fancy old Gold Wing in for a brand new Harley Ultra Classic. So to date we now have more members riding Harleys than any other type of motorcycle. (The secretary, that’s me, is even looking at selling his Yamaha V star and purchasing a Harley Ultra Classic so as not to be out done). We are looking forward to having a great summer and really getting out there and riding some miles. Hope all of our other chapters and members have a safe and fun summer and remember to “Ride with Pride “!! Tood Koons, Secretary TX XXXVIII ******************************************************************************* Texas XLII- Brownsville "No News at this time for the News Letter but we are still alive." Have a great one. Thanks, Gilberto "G-MAN" Losoya ,President Texas XLII Blue Knights LE/MC Brownsville, Texas Cell (956) 466-4065 Email: lamigra15@yahoo.com Among the Blue Knight members, "There are no strangers, only friends you haven't met." Page 17 of 18 17 ******************************************************************************* 2010 Blue Knights Conferences Blue Knights International, July 18-23 Billings, MT hosted by MT-1 South West Conference, July 24-28 Grande Junction, CO hosted by CO-3 West-Coast Conference, (combine) same as South West Conference Mid-West Conference, (Fall) September 10-12 Grand Forks ND hosted by ND-1 United Kingdom and Ireland Conference, Tulliall Castle in Kincardine, Scotland host chapter Scotland 1 Tri-State Conference, (Fall) Oct. 08-11 Latham, NY hosted by NY 6, NY 8 and NY 22 Page 18 of 18 18