COVER SHEET (PAGE 1) I. FUNDING GUIDELINES General Rules/Guidelines for Funding of all requesting organizations: All Recognized Student Organizations are eligible to receive up to $2,500 one semester with a cap of $4,000 per year. Funding requests can be made within the following categories: o Conferences/ Leadership Programs/ Competitions (Maximum Allocation of $1,000 per ACADEMIC YEAR) o Revenue Generating Events (Maximum Allocation of $1,000 per semester) Per Administrative Policy No.6 “All funds generated by the activity, whether from use of student fees or from other sources, must be deposited into and expended through the university account of that activity” Please also refer to the “Cash Handling & Wristband Procedures for Recognized Student Organizations” section of the Mason Event Procedures & Guidelines o Non-Revenue Generating Events o Newsletter/Publications Office Supplies may be requested once per academic year. The Maximum Allocation for this will be $100 per ACADEMIC YEAR. This allocation WILL BE considered part of the $2,500 maximum per semester. National Dues/ National Insurance may be requested by organizations. The Maximum allocation for this will be $500 per ACADEMIC year. This allocation WILL BE considered part of the $2,500 maximum per semester. **Funding will not be approved to pay for food at regular meetings, only one meeting supported by food will be approved per semester. II. REVIEW PROCESS The SFB committee will review requests every 2 weeks. Responses will be provided to applicants via email by an SFB Board Member within 3 business days of the review process. Purchase Order (PO) Requests must be submitted at least 5 days prior to the event. Invoices/receipts as a result of a PO must be submitted no later than 5 days after the event. Contracts must be submitted NO LATER THAN 30 DAYS IN ADVANCE All other payments and reimbursement requests of $1,999 or less (not involving contracts)-must be submitted within 10 days after the event All orgs are required to submit an event evaluation form NO LATER THAN 10 BUSINESS DAYS after the event, if not submitted additional funding requests will not be approved. **All above documentation must be submitted to Barbara Campbell, Student Activities Business Manager according to the guidelines and deadlines listed above. Recognized Student Organizations who fail to comply with any of these deadlines listed above will lose access to funds for the remainder of the school year.** III. APPLICATION In order to be considered for funding, all application packets must include the following items: Signed/Initialed Student Funding Board Coversheet (pages 1 and 2) TYPED SFB-1 o If only requesting funds for Office Supplies/National Dues or Insurance, you only need to complete the first box TYPED SFB-2 (submit one SFB-2 form for each program). Attach a copy of contracts/invoices for food services, honorarium, events management, events production, etc. Organization President, initial here (each President): Student Funding Board MSN 2D6, 4400 University Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444 PHONE: 703.993.2953 FAX: 703.993.4566 E-MAIL: WEB: STUDENT FUNDING BOARD COVER SHEET (PAGE 2) IV. APPLICATION PROCESS & DEADLINES All Student Funding Board requests must be submitted by 5:00 pm on the event deadline prior to the event. Awards for approved programs will be announced no later than 3 business days after each Committee review session. Deadlines are: Spring 2010 February 5th (for events taking place after February 28th) February 19th March 5th March 19th April 2nd April 16th (for all programs taking place between May 12th until September 10th and will be applied to your total funding available for the Fall 2010 semester) Note: Review of Applications takes place after each deadline only. Depending on when you submit, there could be a 1-2 week turn around time for a response. V. SIGNATURES By signing below, you agree that all information provided within this packet is complete and accurate. Furthermore, as President of your respective recognized student organization, your signature indicates the approval of your membership to complete this application on behalf of the organization. Signature of Organization President Date Printed Name Name of Organization By signing below, as Faculty/Staff Advisor of this recognized student organization, your signature indicates your awareness of this funding request and have worked with the organization on planning this program. Signature of Organization Primary Faculty/Staff Advisor Date Printed Name Submit completed application packets to: Student Funding Board Office of Student Activities George Mason University Student Union Building I, Room 101 Student Funding Board MSN 2D6, 4400 University Drive Fairfax, Virginia 22030-4444 PHONE: 703.993.2953 FAX: 703.993.4566 E-MAIL: WEB: