Word Origins Practice - Circulatory - mics-bio2

WORD ORIGINS - Circulatory system practice
Define the following: (89 total points)
(3) thromb/o/angi/itis
(2) ven/otomy
(3) cardi/ologist
(2) capillar/o/pathy
(3) angi/o/cardi/o/pathy
(2) aort/o/tome
(2) laryng/eal
(2) phleb/orrhagia
(2) pharyng/eal
(2) ventricul/otomy
(2) hemat/o/genesis (see note on master list)
(2) hemat/o/genetic
(3) auricul/o/ventricul/ar
(2) splen/o/megaly
(-megaly means enlargement, add this to your list of words)
(2) thromb/o/poiesis
(3) thromb/o/poietic (see note on master list)
(3) arteri/o/sclerosis
(2) lith/o/tripsy
(2) phleb/o/pexy
(2) phleb/otomy
(2) phleb/o/ectomy
(2) globul/o/lytic
(2) globul/o/lysis
Circulation word origins practice
Form scientific words from the following definitions:
(2) fixation of the spleen
(3) pain in a blood vessel
(2) formation of a clot
(2) irrigation of an artery
(2) hardening of an artery
(-sclerosis is abnormal condition of hardening, add this to your list)
(2) pertaining to a ventricle
(2) inflammation of a capillary
(2) destroying plasma
(2) enlargement of the heart
(4) Stopping blood flow from a vein
(2) forming blood
(2) forming red blood cells
(2) pertaining to the heart
(2) pertaining to an auricle
From the following noun suffixes form adjectival suffixes:
(1) -stasis
(1) -sepsis
(1) -pepsia
(1) -esthesia
(1) -sclerosis
Anecdote: A little-known, entertaining story is called an anecdote. The word is composed of the
Greek prefix an- meaning "not" and the verb ekdidonai meaning "to give out" or to "publish". Thus anecdote literally means "an unpublished story".
Circulation word origins practice