Julius Caesar study guide

Julius Caesar
Miss Albers
Act 1
Read to the end of Scene 2, paying close attention to the characters of Caesar, Brutus, and Cassius. Note especially the
differences between Brutus and Cassius. When you finish reading answer the following questions.
Scene 1
1. When does the opening scene take place? What holiday is it?
2. What two reasons, one comical and one serious, does the Cobbler give for not being in his
3. How does Marullus insult the mob? (line 33-55)
4. What does Flavius tell the commoners to do?
5. How do the commoners react to Flavius’ words? (line 56-60)
6. What do Marullus and Flavius undertake to do?
Scene 2
7. What is wrong with Calpurnia? What does Caesar ask Antony to do to help her?
8. What does the Soothsayer tell Caesar to be aware of, and how does Caesar respond? (lines
Who are the conspirators?
What does Brutus perceive as a difference in character between Antony and himself (lines 28-29)
How does Brutus respond when Cassius accuses him of behaving in a cold, strange manner?
Find one sentence spoken by Cassius that claims he sees Brutus’ nobility better than Brutus himself can. (lines
What types of weaknesses in Caesar does Cassius point out to Brutus in lines 100-131?
Do you think these weaknesses would hinder Caesar’s ability as a Roman emperor? Why or why not?
How does Brutus react (in lines 162-175) to Cassius’ arguments against Caesar?
As Caesar and his group approach, how do you think they appear to Brutus?
What type of man does Caesar tell Antony he wants around him? Why?
Why does Caesar believe Cassius’ heart will never be at ease? (208-210)
How does Casca react when Antony offers Caesar the crown three different times? (234-247)
What chronic illness does Caesar suffer? What happens to him in the marketplace?
What does Cassius plan to do to win Brutus’ cooperation?
Scene 3
What strange things does Casca see during the night? (15-28) and tell what he thinks they signify. (28-32)
Why do the conspirators want Brutus on their side?
What do the senators plan to do on the ides of March, according to Casca?
Who does Cassius blame for Caesar’s tyranny? (103-115)
What does Cassius say he will do if Caesar is crowned?
How does the conspiracy against Caesar take shape in this scene?
Match the character with the adjective that best describes him.
Caesar _____ Brutus_____
a. angry
c. arrogant
Antony _____ Cassius_____
b. cautious
d. obedient
Act 2
Scene 1
1. What is Brutus worried will happen if Caesar is crowned? (lines 10-34)
2. What promise does Brutus make to Rome?
3. To what does Brutus compare the mental anxiety he has been experiencing? (lines 60-69)
4. Indicate two words Brutus uses to describe the conspiracy. (lines 77-85)
5. What reason does Brutus give for not wanting to swear an oath for what they have decided to do? (114-119)
6. What reason does Metellus give for wanting to include Cicero in their conspiracy? (144-149)
7. What reason does Brutus give for excluding Cicero? (150-152)
8. What does Brutus suggest they do about Antony? Why? (162-183)
9. Who among the men is not convinced by Brutus’ argument?
According to Decius, what is a sure-fire way to flatter Caesar?
Portia is unhappy about Brutus’ recent behavior (237-256). What does she ask of him?
What does Brutus tell her? (305-309)
What is significant about the claps of thunder?
Scene 2 (In scene 2, notice the contrast between the relationship of Caesar and Calpurnia and Brutus and Portia.)
14. How does Calpurnia’s concern for Caesar differ from Portia’s concern for Brutus?
15. What is wrong with the bird that they arguers, or priests, sacrifice to tell the future for Caesar? What do they advise
him not to do?
16. What does Caesar say about danger that proves he overestimates himself? (41-48)
17. What reason does Caesar tell Decius to convey to the Senate for his not coming? (71-79)
18. Describe Calpurnia’s dream as revealed by Caesar.
19. How is the dream interpreted by Decius (83-90)?
20. What does Decius tell Caesar the Senate plans to do?
21. How does Caesar react toward Calpurnia after hearing Decius’ explanation? How do you feel about this?
Scenes 3 & 4
22. What does Artemidorus have for Caesar?
23. Why does Portia send Lucius to the capitol?
24. Has Brutus told Portia about the conspiracy?
Thinking about Act 2
25. _____ The tone of Act 2 can best be described as:
a. ominous and foreboding
b. humorous
c. light and trivial
d. satiric and mocking
26. _____ Portia can best be described as:
a. dedicated to Brutus
b. interesting in only herself
c. plotting against Caesar
d. loving mother
27. _____ In Act 2, Caesar reveals his:
a. bravery and concern for his wife
b. belief in bad omens
c. hypocrisy in saying he fears death not
d. military skills
28. orchard:
29. extremities:
30. visage:
31. exploit:
32. affability:
33. appertain:
34. vouchsafe:
35. imminent:
36. tinctures:
37. emulation:
Act 3
Before you read, fill out the chart and question.
1. Before we started reading the play, we learned about what a tragedy is. In this play, acts one and two are the
_____________ ____________, so we can assume that act three is the ____________, and the final two acts will be
the ________________ _______________.
Act 3
Acts 1 & 2
Acts 3 & 4
2. What do you think are Caesar’s tragic flaws?
Scene 1
3. Is Artemidorus successful in presenting his document to Caesar?
4. What does Metellus ask of Caesar?
5. What does Caesar tell Metellus not to do? (36-43)
6. What does Caesar’s response to Metellus, Brutus, and the others tell you about his self-image? (55-70)
7. Who is the first to stab Caesar? Who is the last?
8. Why do you think Caesar stops defending himself when he sees the dagger is in Brutus’ hand?
9. What does Brutus feel every Roman has gained by the assassination? (103-110)
Cassius feels that the assassination of Caesar will go down in history. How does he feel he and the other men
will be remembered?
What is Antony’s attitude toward the conspirators? (149-164) What does he ask them to do?
Brutus attempts to explain their actions to Antony, offering brotherly love. What does Cassius offer Antony?
What does Antony want to do with Caesar’s body?
What does Brutus instruct Antony not to say in his funeral speeches?
Scene 2
Read through Scene Two. Pay close attention to the speeches of Brutus and Antony, notice how the crowd reacts to
them, and answer the following questions.
15. What does Brutus say he will do if the country calls for it?
16. Why do you think Antony repeats the line, “and Brutus is an honorable man,” in his funeral speech from lines (82107)?
17. What does Antony mean when he says, “I speak not to disprove what Brutus spoke/ But here I am to speak what I do
know”? (100-101)
18. How is the crowd responding to Antony’s speech?
19. In refusing to read Caesar’s will to the crowd, what frame of mind does Antony hope to get the crowd in? (127-136
and 140-145)
20. Which was the “most unkindest cut of all”? Why?
21. How does Antony suggest that the death of Caesar is the death of each individual Roman?
22. In lines 207-225, Antony denies having the ability to “stir men’s blood.” Is this true? Why or why not?
23. What does Caesar leave to the people of Rome?
24. What happens to Brutus and Cassius at the end of the scene?
Thinking about Act III
Now that you have heard Brutus’ and Antony’s speeches, who do you think was in the right? Explain why.
25. enfranchisement
26. firmament
27. prostrate
28. discourse
29. quartered
30. censure
31. parchment
32. bequeathing
33. commonwealth
34. interred
Act 4
Scene 1
1. What list are Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus creating? Why are they creating the list? (lines 1-10)
2. What does Antony think he and Octavius ought to do about Lepidus? (18-32)
3. To what 3 things does Antony compare Lepidus?
4. According to the side note, what are Brutus and Cassius doing? What is about to happen between the two groups?
Scenes 2 and 3
Read Scenes 2 and 3. Pay close attention to the transformation of Brutus’ character because his change of character is
the focus of the entire play.
5. What has happened to the friendship between Brutus and Cassius?
6. Why is Cassius angry at Brutus at the beginning of scene 3? (1-5)
7. Why is Brutus angry at Cassius?
8. In lines 65-83, Brutus reveals an additional flaw in Cassius’ character; what is it?
9. Why does Cassius feel that Brutus is not treating him as a close friend should?
Having denied Brutus’ gold, what does Cassius now offer Brutus? (93-107)
What purpose does the Poet serve in this scene?
Brutus finally reveals the cause of his sorrow. What happened at home?
What does Cassius think will benefit their army?
What does Brutus want to do instead? Why?
What does Brutus see while he is reading that night?
What message does he receive?
Why do you think Caesar’s ghost identifies himself as “Thy (your) evil spirit, Brutus”?
How does Brutus react to this encounter?
What do you think the appearance of Caesar’s ghost is foreshadowing?
Thinking about Act IV:
Explain how Brutus’ character changed in this act. Is he still a noble man? In what ways are he and Antony now alike?
rash (not the skin kind)
Act 5
Though this act brings you to the front lines of an historic battle, the fighting and its results are not Shakespeare’s main
concern. Now comes the culmination of the good and bad decisions these men have made; strong personalities have
brought themselves and the civilized world to this crucial point.
Scenes 1-3
1. Who controls the army of the triumvirate (Octavius Caesar, Antony, or Lepidus)? How do you know?
2. Do you think Antony’s retelling of the assassination in lines 39-44 is accurate?
3. In lines 100-107, Brutus expresses his feelings concerning suicide. Write his opinion in your own words below.
4. What does Cassius fear? Why is this day significant to him?
5. What does Cassius do for Pindarus?
Scenes 4-5
6. What qualities, admirable in a soldier, does Lucilius reveal in Scene 4? What does he do to try and save Brutus?
7. Why does Antony keep Lucilius alive? What does he say?
8. What does Brutus whisper to Clitus and Dardanius?
9. Why do you think Brutus believes that he will have “glory by this losing day/ more than Octavius and Mark Antony” will
have in their victory?
How does Brutus end his life?
Brutus’ last words are addressed to Caesar. What do they mean?
Why does Antony believe Brutus was still the “noblest Roman of them all”?
Analyze the final words of Octavius and Antony. Are they respectful, angry, or vicious? Why do you think so?
Thinking about the Play
After reading the play, take time to answer the final questions.
14. If you were a Roman citizen, whom would you want to lead you? Chose one of the potential leaders (Caesar, Cassius,
Brutus, Lepidus, Antony, or Octavius), and explain why you’d want them to lead the Roman empire.
15. Do you feel that Brutus was noble and that he did not kill with envy? Why or why not?
16. exigent
17. parley
18. consorted
19. disconsolate
20. engendered
21. ruse
22. vessel
23. demeanor
24. melancholy