AP Statistics Test 10B: Confidence Intervals & Hypothesis Testing

Test 10B
AP Statistics
Directions: Work on these sheets. Answer completely, but be concise. A normal probability table is
Part 1: Multiple Choice. Circle the letter corresponding to the best answer.
1. The value of z* required for a 70% confidence interval is
(a) -0.5244
(b) 1.036
(c) 0.5244
(d) 0.6179
(e) The answer can’t be determined from the information given.
(f) None of the above. The answer is _____________________.
2. A significance test allows you to reject a hypothesis H0 in favor of an alternative Ha at the 5%
level of significance. What can you say about significance at the 1% level?
(a) H0 can be rejected at the 1% level of significance.
(b) There is insufficient evidence to reject H0 at the 1% level of significance.
(c) There is sufficient evidence to accept H0 at the 1% level of significance.
(d) Ha can be rejected at the 1% level of significance.
(e) The answer can’t be determined from the information given.
3. A 95% confidence interval for the mean  of a population is computed from a random sample
and found to be 9 ± 3. We may conclude that
(a) There is a 95% probability that  is between 6 and 12.
(b) There is a 95% probability that the true mean is 9 and a 95% chance the true margin of error is
(c) If we took many, many additional random samples and from each computed a 95%
confidence interval for  , approximately 95% of these intervals would contain  .
(d) If we took many, many additional random samples and from each computed a 95% confidence
interval for  , 95% of them would cover the values from 6 to 12.
(e) All of the above.
4. A 95% confidence interval for the mean reading achievement score for a population of third grade
students is (44.2, 54.2). Suppose you compute a 99% confidence interval using the same
information. Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) The intervals have the same width.
(b) The 99% interval is shorter.
(c) The 99% interval is longer.
(d) The answer can’t be determined from the information given.
(e) None of the above. The answer is ______________________.
Chapter 10
Test 10B
5. Which of the following are correct?
I. The power of a significance test depends on the alternative value of the parameter.
II. The probability of a Type II error is equal to the significance level of the test.
III. Type I and Type II errors only make sense when a significance level has been chosen in
(a) I and II only
(b) I and III only
(c) II and III only
(d) I, II, and III
(e) None of the above gives the complete set of true responses.
6. In a test of H0: µ = 100 against Ha: µ  100, a sample of size 80 produces z = 0.8 for the value of
the test statistic. The P-value of the test is thus equal to:
two-tailed test 이므로 0.21*2 =0.42 (d) 입니다.
7. To assess the accuracy of a laboratory scale, a standard weight that is known to weigh 1 gram is
repeatedly weighed a total of n times and the mean x of the weighings is computed. Suppose the
scale readings are normally distributed with unknown mean  and standard deviation
 = 0.01 g. How large should n be so that a 95% confidence interval for  has a margin of error
of ± 0.0001?
(a) 100
(b) 196
(c) 27061
(d) 10000
(e) 38416
8. A 95% confidence interval for µ is calculated to be (1.7, 3.5). It is now decided to test the
hypothesis H0: µ = 0 vs. Ha: µ  0 at the  = 0.05 level, using the same data as was used to
construct the confidence interval.
(a) We cannot test the hypothesis without the original data.
(b) We cannot test the hypothesis at the = 0.05 level since the  = 0.05 test is connected to the
97.5% confidence interval.
(c) We can only make the connection between hypothesis tests and confidence intervals if the
sample sizes are large.
(d) We would reject H0 at level  = 0.05.
(e) We would accept H0 at level  = 0.05.
Chapter 10
Test 10B
95% confidence interval이 (1.7, 3.5) 이므로
1.7  3.5
 2.6
hypothesis test 에서
m argin of error= Z / 2
test statistic Z =
 1.96
 0.9
X   2.6  0
 5.65
/ n
P-value = P(Z>5.65) * 2 = 0.000 (너무작아서표시안됨, two-tailed test)
P-value < 0.05 이므로 H0 reject 답은 (d) 입니다.
(위와 같은 과정을 거쳐 confidence interval을 이용해 hypothesis test 결과를 알 수 있습니다.)
Part 2: Free Response
Communicate your thinking clearly and completely.
9. A steel mill’s milling machine produces steel rods that are supposed to be 5 cm in diameter. When
the machine is in statistical control, the rod diameters vary according to a normal distribution with
mean µ = 5 cm and standard deviation  = 0.02 cm. A large sample of 150 produced by the
machine yields a sample mean diameter of 5.005 cm.
(a) Construct a 99% confidence interval for the true mean diameter of the rods produced by the
milling machine. Follow the inference toolbox.
I assume that the sample is random and that the distribution is approximately normal
The pop of interest is the steel rods produced by the machines. Mu =5,l std.=.02
I will now estimate mu.
5.005+/- 2.576* (.02/root150)= (3.95335, 5.00921
Im 95% →99% confident that the true mean diameter of the rods are between (3.95335, 5.00921
계산을 실수 한 것 같습니다.
5.005  2.576
 5.005  0.0042 이므로
(5.0008, 5.0092)
(b) Does the interval in (a) give you reason to suspect that the machine is not producing rods of the
correct diameter? State appropriate hypotheses and a significance level. Then explain your
H null: mu =5
H alternative: mu <5
→ H alternative: mu ≠ 5 (correct 인지 물어봤으므로 크거나 작은 것 모두 불량으로 보는 것이
더 타당해 보입니다.)
I will test at .05 significance level
→ (confidence level 99%를 사용했으므로 significance level도 비슷하게 0.01을 사용하는게 좋아
I divine H alternative as mu < 5 because the interval suggests that the machines may be producing
smaller rods
(5.005-5)/(.02/root150)= 3.06
P at 3.06 = .9989
Chapter 10
Test 10B
1-.9989= .0011
→ P-value = 2*0.0011 = 0.0022 (two-tailed test)
.0011< .05
because the p value is smaller, I reject H null and accept that the company is making
smaller rods
P –value = 0.0022 < 0.01 이 H0 reject
(c) Describe a Type II error in the context of this problem. How could the manufacturer decrease
the probability of a Type II error.
Type two error: if the company believes that they make 5 cm diameter but aer actually producing
smaller rods.
→ Type II error 는 Ha가 true 일 때, false라고 판단할 오류 입니다.
즉, rod 가 5cm diameter가 아님에도 정상(5cm)으로 판단하는 경우입니다.
(소비자 위험 – 불량제품을 정상으로 판단하는 경우이므로 소비자에게 손해)
10. A pharmaceutical manufacturer does a chemical analysis to check the potency of products. The
standard release potency for cephalothin crystals is 910. An assay of 16 lots gives the following
potency data:
Assume a population standard deviation  = 8.2.
(a) Construct a 99% confidence interval for the population mean. Follow the Inference Toolbox.
I am finding the mu interval for all the cephalothin crystals. Mu = 910 std, =8.2
Assuming this is an SRS and that the sample distribution is approximately normal,
911.5 + / - 8.2/root 16 *2.576
= 906.2 ~ 916.8
I am 99% confident that the true potency of cephalothin is between (906.2 and 916.8)
→ sample mean = 907.75 나옵니다. (911.5는 계산기 입력이 틀린 듯)
confidence interval= sam ple statstics  m argin of error
m argin of error = criticalvalue * standard deviation
criticalvalue = Z /2  Z.005  2.58
따라서, interval은
907.75  2.58 
 907.75  5.29
You want to test hypotheses about the mean population potency,
H 0 : µ = 910
H a : µ < 910
at the 1% level of significance. The z test statistic is z = x  910 8.2
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16 .
Test 10B
(b) What is the rule for rejecting H 0 in terms of z?
If 1 – the corresponding z-score is less than the levl of significance, we reject H null
→decision rule : p-value > significance level 이면 H0 accept
p-value < significance level 이면 H0 reject
x  910 
907.75  910 
P  z 
  P  z 
  P ( z  1.096)  0.1365
8.2 / 16 
p-value = 0.1365 (one-tailed test)이므로 significance level 0.01이면 H0 accept
(c) What values of x would lead you to reject H 0 ?
(X -910) / (8.2/ root 16) < .2.325
X< 905.234
→ significance level 0.01 에서 고려하면
P( Z<-2.326)=0.01 이므로
x  910
 2.326 에서 x  905.232
8.2 / 16
(sign 주의!)
(d) Describe a Type I error in the context of this problem. What is the probability of a Type I error?
When I accept H alternative, the statement that potency, is < 910 when H null, the statement that mu =
910, is actually true
Significance level alpha is always the probability of type 1 error
Probability of type 1 error =.01
→ Type I error : H0가 true 이지만 reject하는 오류 이므로 맞습니다.
significance = probability of Type I error
Chapter 10
Test 10B