Problem/Solution Presentation


Problem/Solution Presentation

Directions: For this assignment, you will read a newspaper or magazine article that discusses a social, economic, or environmental problem and develop a logical solution for the problem. The article should sufficiently describe the problem, its causes and effects, and it might also discuss possible solutions. After your preparation, you will give a 2-3 minute presentation, which includes a summary of the article and a developed discussion of a logical solution. The presentation should include the following two parts:


1. Give the complete source of the article (author, title, publisher, date, etc.).

2. Provide a general idea of the article.

3. Report the main ideas of the article. Do not include quotes, details, or descriptive information.

4. Paraphrase. Use your own words to report the information. But remember to continually give the author credit for his/her ideas by using phrases such as

"according to the author", "the author believes", "the author reports", etc.

5. Do not include your personal opinion in the summary. Save that for the next section.


1. Use a clear transition sentence to indicate that you are discussing the solution(s) to the problem.

(This section should take at least half of the time of the presentation.)

2. Clearly state your view on the most logical solution.

3 . Explain how the solution addresses the different parts (causes and effects) of the problem.

4. Develop your support by giving examples, explanations, facts, etc. You may need to check other outside sources for examples, explanations and facts.

5. If you use additional outside information to support your own opinion, you must cite those sources.

Outline and Article

On __________ you should submit a copy of the article that you summarized and an outline of your speech. If you used additional outside sources, you should also submit a bibliography.


Frankie Sutton D:\726834628.doc

1. Find an appropriate Article.

a. Find an article that discusses a social, economic, environmental, or political problem. c. Make a Summary Outline of the article if you decide you want to use the article. d. If your article did not sufficiently address the causes and effects of the problem, develop an additional section that discusses these areas. (You may need to find another outside source.)

2. Develop a logical solution for the problem that is enforceable.

(This solution might come from ideas in the article or another article, or from your own beliefs and experiences-but it must be logical and enforceable.) a. Make sure that your solution addresses the most important causes and effects of the problem. b.Support your ideas with examples, explanations, facts, etc. c. Make an outline of your solution section

3.Make an outline of the speech a. Make sure that you have done a good job of paraphrasing in the summary b. Make sure that you have added a section that discusses additional causes and effects if your article did not sufficiently address those areas. c. Make sure you give credit to outside sources in your solution.

4. From your outline, make notecards that emphasize key words and phrases, not complete sentences or paragraphs.

5. Decide what visual aids you will use if any--any words that are difficult to pronounce should be written on the board.

6. Practice your speech using your notecards, visual aids and a timer.

Good Luck


Frankie Sutton D:\726834628.doc
