Breakfast Club Character Analysis Your assignment is to analyze one the characters in the Breakfast Club according to 2 different personality theorists. You will describe your character and explain why he/she has that personality according to 2 different theorists. As you watch the movie in class you should take detailed notes about all of the characters listed on the worksheet. Be sure to write down specific behaviors, relationships, conversations, and revelations for each of the character’s personalities. I have provided some focus topics for you, but you are not limited to these. You must provide evidence from the movie in your paper so take good notes! Theorists and Focus Points: Unless otherwise noted (Freud), you MUST discuss all of the topics listed for 2 theorists. You must choose 2 different theorists. Freud: You may pick one of the following topics: 3 structures of the unconscious; psychosexual stages (address at least three); defense mechanisms (address at least 3) Jung: Collective unconscious and archetypes Adler: Inferiority complex and birth order Horney: Neurotic Trends Big 5 Trait Theory: Analyze the character according to 3 of the 5 traits Rogers: Self-concept, unconditional positive regard, real vs ideal self Maslow: Hierarchy of needs Character: ____________________________ ______________________________________ Theorists: Paper layout and rubric Paragraph 1: Introduction of the character and explanation of their personality and important information such as why they are in detention, what their family is like, etc. __________________/10 Paragraph 2: Includes explanations and definitions of the vocabulary used for theorist #1. Uses specific examples from the film to analyze the characters personality based on this theorists. Accurately explains the person’s behaviors, thoughts, feelings etc. based on the theories provided. _____________________/15 Paragraph 3: Includes explanations and definitions of the vocabulary used for theorist #2 Uses specific examples from the film to analyze the characters personality based on this theorists. Accurately explains the person’s behaviors, thoughts, feelings etc. based on the theories provided. _____________________/15 Overall clarity, quality, correct spelling and grammar ____________/5 **Please staple this paper to your typed response