Axial SkeletonScapula Origin Insertion Innervation Action Supplied by... - occipital protuber - med sup nuchal line - ligamentum nuchae - SP C1-T12 - post. lat. 1/3 clavicle - sup spine scapula - acromion Spinal Accessory (XI) Sup- elevates scapula Middle- retracts scapula Inf- depresses scapula Whole- rotates scapula upward Transverse cervical a. Rhomboid Major - SP of T2-T5 - supraspinous ligament - medial scapula from scapular spine to inferior angle Dorsal Scapular n. (C4-5) Retract Scapula Rotate Scapula (downward) - Deep branch of transverse cervical a. - Dorsal Scapular a. Rhomboid Minor - SP of C7 &T1 - ligamentum nuchae - supraspinous ligament - medial margin of scapula at medial angle Dorsal Scapular n. (C4-5) Retract Scapula Rotate Scapula down Tilt glenoid cavity inferiorly - Deep branch of transverse cervical a. - Dorsal Scapular a. Levator Scapulae TVP of C1-C3 or C4 -sup angle of scapula toward scapular spine Nerves off cerv plexusventral rami (C3,4) Elevates Scapula Rotates scapula down Tilt glenoid cavity inferiorly Extends/laterally flex head Transverse cervical a. Trapezius Ventral Rami C3 & C4 Dorsal Scapular n (C5) Axial SkeletonHumerus Serratus Anterior upper 8 or 9 ribs costal aspect of medial margin of scapula Long thoracic n. (C5,6,7) Protracts scapula Stabilizes against thorax Assists in upward rotation Lateral thoracic a. (upper) Thoracodorsal a. (lower) Pectoralis Minor ribs 2-5, 3-5, or 6 medial coracoid process Medial Pectoral n. (C8, T1) Lateral Pectoral n. (C5,6,7) via medial pectoral n. Depresses and rotates scapula downward Stabilizes scapula- holds against thorax Lateral thoracic a. Latissimus Dorsi - SP T7-L5 - upper 2-3 sacral seg - iliac crest - lower 3-4 ribs - lateral lip of intertubercular groove Thorocodorsal n. (C6,7,8) Extends, Adducts, Medially rotates arm Raise body toward arm Thoracodorsal a. Pectoralis Major - medial 1/3 clavicle - ext oblique’s aponeurosis - ant aspect of manubrium + length of body sternum - catilaginous attach of upper 6 ribs - lateral lip of bicipital groove to crest of greater tubercle clavicular head: Lateral pectoral n (C5,6,7) Adducts, Flexes, Medially rotates humerus Thoracoacromial a. pectoralis branch (runs with lat. pec. n) - clavicular insert more distally- sternal fibers more proximally sternocostal head: Medial pectoral n. (C8, T1) Flexes arm from extension (clavicular portion) Extends arm from flexion (sternocostal portion) Lateral thoracic a. (runs w med pectoral n.) Origin Insertion Innervation Action Supplied by... Clavicle Subclavius rib 1 at jct of bone and cartilage lower surface of clavicle Nerve to the subclavius (C5,6) Assists in stabilizing clavicle (+depress) Thoracoacromial a. clavicular branch Rotator Cuff mm. Teres Minor - middle half of lateral margin of scapula lowest of 3 facets of greater tubercle Axillary n. (C5.6) Lateral rotation humerus Stabilizes genohumeral jt Scapular circumflex a. Supraspinatus - supraspinatus fossa - muscle fascia uppermost 3 facets of the greater tubercle of humerus Suprascapular n. (C5,6) Adduction of arm (first 15-20*) Stabilizes glenohumeral jt Suprascapular a. (poorly suppled) Infraspinatus - infraspinatus fossa - muscle fascia middle facet of greater tubercle of humerus Suprascapular n. (C5,6) External rotation humerus Stabilizes glenohumeral jt Suprascapular a. Scapular circumflex a. Subscapularis subscapular fossa lesser tubercle of humerus Upper and lower Subscapular n. (C5,6) Medial rotation humerus Stabilizes glenohumeral jt Subscapular a. branches Deltoid - anterior - lateral, ant 1/3 distal clavicle - middle - lat border of acromion - Posterior - scapular spine deltoid tuberosity Axillary n. (C5.6) Abducts arm Ant portion: flexion and medial rotation Post portion: extension and lateral rotation Posterior humeral circumflex a. Thoracoacromial a. (deltoid branch) Teres Major -inferior, lateral margin of scapula crest of lesser tubercle (medial to latissimus dorsi insertion) Lower subscapular n. (C5,6) Assists in adduction arm Assists in medial rotation Assists in extension arm Thoracodorsal a. Coracobrachialis coracoid process anterior middle shaft of humerus Musculocutaneous n. (C5,6,7) Flexes the humerus Assists adduction of arm Brachial a. (muscular branches) Biceps Brachii Long head: supraglenoid tubercle Short head: tip of coracoid - radial tuberosity - bicipital aponeurosis Musculocutaneous n. (C5,6) Flexes forearm Supinates Stabilizes ant. shoulder Flexes shoulder Brachial a. (muscular branches) Brachialis - anterior side of distal humerus - both intermuscular septa -ulnar tuberosity Musculocutaneous n. (C5,6) Elbow flexion Brachial a. (muscular branches) Radial recurrent a. Otherthese 6 m. dont touch head or vert col. Arm: anterior Arm: posterior Forearm: anterior Origin Insertion Innervation Action Supplied by... Triceps Brachii Long head: infraglenoid tubercle Lateral head: upper 1/2 of post shaft of humerus Med head: post. humerus - posterior olecranon process of ulna - deep fascia of forearm Radial n. (C6.7) - Long: extends arm, adducts and some flex - Lateral: extend forearm - Medial: extends forearm - stabilize genohumeral jt Brachial a. (muscular branches) Superior ulnar collateral a Profunda brachii a. Anconeus - post.surface of lateral epicondyle of humerus lateral aspect olecranon Radial n. (C6.7) Extend forearm Support elbow in extension Middle collateral a. from profunda brachii a. Pronator Teres - humeral head: CFT - ulnar head: coracoid - antebrachial fascia lateral aspect of radius in middle of shaft Median n. (C6,7) Pronates forearm Weakly flexes elbow Ulnar a. and Radial a. (muscular branches) Flexor Carpi Radialis - CFT (medial epicondyle) - antebrachial fascia base of 2nd metacarpal Median n. (C6,7) Flexes hand Radially deviates at wrist Assist in pronate forearm Radial a. (muscular branches) Palmaris Longus - CFT - antebrachial fascia central flexor retinaculum sup. palmar aponeurosis Median n. (C6,7) Flexes hand at the wrist Ulnar a. (muscular branches) Flexor Carpi Ulnaris - humeral head: CFT - ulnar head: olecranon, antebrachial fascia, prox. dorsal ulnar shaft humeral head: pisiform and hamate bones ulnar head: base of 5th metacarpal Ulnar n. (C8,T1) Flexes hand at the wrist Ulnarly deviates wrist Stabilizes wrist to permit thumb motion Ulnar a. (muscular branches) Flexor Digitorum Superficialis - humeral head: CFT, coracoid, medial collateral lig, antebrachial facia - radial: anterior radius both sides of base of each middle phalanx of 4 fingers Median n. (C7,8,T1) Flexes proximal and middle phalanges Flexes the wrist if fingers are extended Ulnar a. and Radial a. (muscular branches) Flexor Digitorum Profundus - anterior and medial surface of upper 3/4 ulna - adjacent interosseous membrane distal phalanx of medial 4 digits (through FDS tunnel) Medial portion: Ulnar n. (C8,T1) Lateral portion: anterior interosseous of median Flexes the distal IP jts and in doing so flexes the proximal and middle IP jts Flexes wrist if fingers ext Ulnar a. and Radial a. (muscular branches) Anterior interosseous a. (from ulnar a.) Flexor Pollicis Longus - anterior radius - interosseous membrane palmar aspect of base of distal phalanx of thumb (deep to flex retinaculum Anterior interosseous branch of median n. (C8,T1) Flexes distal phalanx of thumb (IP joint) Flexes other jts to wrist Radial a. (muscular branches) Anterior interosseous a. Pronator Quadratus distal 1/4 anteriomedial surface of ulna distal 1/4 anteriolateral surface of radius Anterior interosseous branch of median n. (C8,T1) Pronates the forearm and hand Anterior interosseous a. Radial a. (muscular branches) Forearm: posterior Origin Insertion Innervation Action Supplied by... Brachioradialis - upper lat supracondylar ridge of humerus - lateral intermuscular septum of humerus - sup styloid process radius - lat side of distal radius - antebrachial fascia Radial n. (C6.7) OR Deep branch of radial n Flexes forearm Pronates forearm Supinates forearm Radial recurrent a. Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus - lower lateral supracondylar ridge - lat. intermuscular septum of humerus base of 2nd metacarpal Radial n. (C6.7) OR Deep branch of radial n Extends hand Radially deviates hand Weakly flexes and supinates forearm Radial recurrent a. Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis - lateral epicondyle (CET) - radial collateral ligament - antebrachial fascia base of 3rd metacarpal Radial n. (C6.7) (deep branch) Extends hand Radially deviates hand Radial recurrent a. Extensor Digitorum - lateral epicondyle (CET) - antebrachial fascia - base of middle phalanx of each of 4 fingers - base of distal phalanx of each of 4 fingers Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Extends 4 medial digits Extends wrist Abducts digits (spread) Posterior interosseous a. Extensor Digit Minimi - lateral epicondyle (CET) - antebrachial fascia - ulnar aspect of ext dig - base of middle phalanx of 5th digit - base of distal phalanx of the 5th digit Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Extends 5th digit Abducts 5th digit Posterior interosseous a. Extensor Carpi Ulnaris - 1st head: lateral epicondyle (CFT) - 2nd head: post. ulna - antebrachial fascia medial side of base of 5th metacarpal Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Extends hand Ulnarly deviates hand Posterior interosseous a. Supinator - lateral epicondyle hum. - supinator crest of ulna - radial collateral ligament - annular ligament - antebrachial fascia prox. portion of anteriolateral surface of radius Radial n. (C6.7) (deep branch) Supinates forearm Radial recurrent a. Abductor Pollicis Longus - posterior ulna and radius - interosseous membrane - antebrachial fascia lateral aspect of base of 1st metacarpal Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Abducts 1st metacarpal Assists to extend / rotate thumb Radially deviate the hand Flexes hand Posterior interosseous a. Hand Origin Insertion Innervation Action Supplied by... Extensor Pollicis Brevis - posterior radius - interosseous membrane - antebrachial fascia base of proximal phalanx of thumb Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Extend the proximal phalanx and 1st metacarpal of thumb Radially deviates Posterior interosseous a. Extensor Pollicis Longus - posterior surface of ulna - interosseous membrane - antebrachial fascia distal proximal phalanx of thumb Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Extends distal phalanx, Extends proximal phalanx of thumb Assists to extend wrist Posterior interosseous a. Extensor Indicis - posterior surface of ulna - interosseous membrane - antebrachial fascia base of middle and distal phalanx of index finger Posterior interosseous n. (of radial n.) (C6,7,8) Extends 2nd digit Adducts 2nd digit Assists to extend hand Stabilizes metacarpal jt. for flexion of IP solely Posterior interosseous a. Abductor Pollicis Brevis - distal border of flexor retinaculum - trapezium - lateral aspect of base of proximal phalanx of the thumb Median n. (C8,T1) recurrent branch Abducts thumb Helps flex thumb (at metacarpal joint) Superficial palmar branches of radial a. Flexor Pollicis Brevis - distal border of flexor retinaculum - trapezium - floor of carpal tunnel - indirectly to scaphoid and trapezium Sup head: recurrent branch of median n. Deep head: deep branch ulnar n. (C8,T1) Flex thumb (powerful at metacarpal jt) Superficial palmar branches of radial a. Opponens Pollicis - distal border of flexor retinaculum - trapezium lateral aspect of 1st metacarpal Recurrent branch of median n. (C8.T1) Opposes thumb to fingers Superficial palmar branches of radial a. Adductor Pollicis - transverse head: 3rd metacarpal - oblique head: base of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd metacarpals and floor of carpal tunnel - medial aspect of base of proximal phalanx - medial sesamoid at metacarpal Deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Adducts thumb Helps flex thumb (at metacarpal joint) Superficial palmar branches of radial a. Palmaris Brevis medial margin of palmar aponeurosis - skin of ulnar border of palm Superficial branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Tense skin on ulnar side (used in grip) Superficial palmar branches of ulnar a. Abductor Digiti Minimi - pisiform - tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris - medial aspect of base proximal phalanx of 5 digit Deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Abducts 5th digit Helps flex 5th digit Deep palmar branches of ulnar a. Origin Insertion Innervation Action Supplied by... Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis - distal border of flexor retinaculum - hook of hamate medial aspect of base of proximal phalanx Deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Flexes 5th digit (at metacarpal joint) Deep palmar branches of ulnar a. Opponens Digiti Minimi - distal border of flexor retinaculum - hook of hamate - medial aspect of 5th metacarpal Deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Opposes the 5th digit with thumb Assists to “cup” the palm Deep palmar branches of ulnar a. Palmar Interossei - from side of metacarpal that faces the midline - base of prox phalanx of digit of origin - ext hood of same digit Deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Adducts fingers (PAD) Flexes the fingers (at McP while IP jts ext) Palmar metacarpal a. of deep palmar arch Dorsal Interossei - btw each metacarpal - directly distal to origin on base of prox phalanx closest to midline - ext hood of same digit Deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Abducts the fingers (DAB) Flexes the fingers (at McP while IP its ext) Palmar metacarpal a. of deep palmar arch Lumbricals - tendon of flex digit profundus - 1&2 have a single head of origin (radial aspect) - 3&4 have two heads of origin (each from an adjacent tendon - extensor hood of digits 2-5 1&2 median n. (C8, T1) 3&4 deep branch of ulnar n. (C8, T1) Flexes the fingers (at McP joints) Extend IPs Palmar metacarpal a. of deep palmar arch