ADMINISTRATIVE COUNCIL MEETING December 20, 2004 Attendees: Marvin Cepica, Norman Hopper, Ernest Fish, Don Ethridge, Dick Auld, Kevin Pond, Alon Kvashny, Cary Green, Matt Baker, and Dean Ethridge. 1. Mentoring Guidelines/Three Year Review Dr. Cepica asked if there were any final edits to the Mentoring Guidelines and Three Year Review documents. Consensus was that the two documents are ready for distribution to departments/faculty for review. Comments and/or departmental approvals should be sent to Dr. Cepica via email. 2. Deans Meeting (12-13-04) Future faculty start-up packages will be funded from tuition increases, carry-over from lapsed salary, and GEA (Governor’s Executive Authority), formerly referred to as excellence money. The Provost indicated that DOE increases as a result of increased faculty FTE may be addressed in the next budget cycle (2006) in the spring. The Provost also reported that there have been complaints about early final exams or no exams given at all. Exams must be given according to the exam schedule. Beginning next semester, exceptions must be approved through the Provost’s Office. Also, all final exams should be comprehensive. The University Development Office staff then joined the meeting for discussion devoted to university scholarship fund raising and endowment levels. Development has been charged with raising merit scholarship endowments. Two documents were distributed, Merit Scholarships position paper and proposed Endowment Levels. These two items will be discussed in more detail at the January 10th meeting. 3. Graduate Recruiting An information hand-out was distributed outlining the general process of recruiting graduate students, graduate population profile at Texas Tech, points of interest and concerns from the Graduate School. 4. CASNR Master Plan “kick-off” Meeting Feedback from the “kick-off” meeting has been good. A CASNR Facilities Inventory sheet was distributed. This is information maintained by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. Each department will add their department name and occupant of each room in their areas to the inventory sheet and forward the information to Dr. Cepica. Linda Stafford will provide information for the new Animal and Food Sciences Building and the old Animal Science Building and Coop Unit will be included in the inventory. Ira Fink will be on hold until he receives this information. It was agreed that chairs would provide this information to Dr. Cepica by Wednesday of this week. The Dean’s Office will compile the information and forward to Ira Fink. 5. LEAD 21 This information was forwarded via email. General discussion indicated support for our participating in this new leadership program organized by NASULGC Academic Programs, Experiment Stations and Cooperative Extension. This item will be placed on the agenda for the January 10th meeting for further discussion. 6. University Water Initiative Drs. Cepica and Misra met with Bill Jeffery last week. He was very complimentary regarding the work being done in CASNR regarding water research. CASNR plans to make application for a Water Management and Policy Center the first of the spring semester. Walt Huffman will submit an application for water law from the Law School. Bill Jeffery would like to see the visibility of the college raised and indicated the Water Management and Policy Center would be consistent with the structure envisioned for the University Water Initiative. 7. A.C. Correa – New Director of ICASALS Dr. Cepica met with Dr. Correa, the new Director of the International Center for Arid and Semiarid Land Studies (ICASALS), and Ambassador Nagy. Dr. Correa has significant experience in Mexico and South America. Dr. Correa recently forwarded information on a grant opportunity for an assistance program in Afghanistan and Dr. Cepica asked the Administrative Council to look at the proposal and provide feedback. Dr. Auld indicated that TAMU is working with Afghanistan at this time and that Kevin Bronson has been to Afghanistan three times. He will set up a meeting involving himself, Dr. Bronson and Dr. Correa. 8. Texas Enterprise Network As an FYI, Dr. Cepica stated that Dale Gannaway connected us with this group and our interaction has been very positive. Participants are TAMU, NT, Texas Tech, TEDC, TDA, OREA, TWC and ACCION. Funding for the state economic development initiative is being sought in the next legislative session. Our participation would be primarily through the proposed Agribusiness Solutions Center. 9. Agenda for January 10th Administrative Council Dr. Cepica stated that a theme for the summer Faculty Retreat needs to be identified. He suggested “Recruiting, Retaining and Placing Students” as the theme to include departmental, college and university levels and undergraduate as well as graduate programs. Council members were asked to consider this theme and any other alternatives desired. The theme will be agreed upon and an ad hoc committee will be appointed at the January meeting. Dr. Cepica feels there is a need to establish general guidelines for the Gilmore estate. The Gilmore estate should generate approximately $60,000 per year. It has been determined that this money should be used for faculty and staff recognition, teaching and research enhancement and student awards and scholarships and other programs that set us apart from other Colleges of Agriculture and Natural Resources in the state and country. The Educational Enhancement Committee and Research Committee are currently studying the idea of faculty and staff recognition and have been asked to provide a recommendation to the Dean’s Office. Set aside for faculty and staff awards in the range of $5,000 - $8,000 per year is being considered. Other: Dr. Pond gave an update on the move to the new Animal & Food Sciences Building. The move started on Saturday and should be finished on Tuesday. He has a panel of duplicate keys to the old building. Administrative Council members were asked to submit agenda items for the January 10th meeting.