Selected, Mainly Recent, Publications - Nordeuropa

Selected, Mainly Recent, Publications
Berglund, Sten, Bernd Henningsen, Mai-Brith Schartau, eds, (2006, forthcoming), Political
Culture: Values and Identities in the Baltic Sea Region, Berlin.
Berglund, Sten, Walter Rothholz, eds, (2006, forthcoming), Political Culture: Symbol and
Politics, Berlin.
Berglund, Sten, Joakim Ekman, Frank H. Aarebrot and Henri Vogt (2006), The Making of the
European Union:. Foundations, Institutions and Future Trends, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
Berglund, Sten (with Kjetil Duvold) (2005) ‘The Difficult Art of Measuring Support for
Regimes: An Inventory and Evaluation of Democracy Criteria’, paper prepared for the 2005
ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 14-19 April 2005.
Berglund, Sten, Kjetil Duvold, Joakim Ekman (2005), ‘The Baltic States and the European
Challenge: National Independence versus Security’, paper prepared for the Riga conference of
the ISC, the Nordeuropa-Institut of the Humboldt University, and the South-Stockholm
University College, February.
Berglund, Sten (Rose, Berglund and Munro) (2004), ‘Nation-States with Multi-National
Populations: Cross-Cutting Cleavages in the Baltic States’, in McGarry, John and Michael
Keating, eds, (2006), European Integration and the Nationalities Question, London,
Routledge. Also published by the Centre for the Study of Public Policy, University of
Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Berglund, Sten, Joakim Ekman and Frank Aarebrot, eds. (2004) The Handbook of Political
Change in Eastern Europe, Second Edition, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
Berglund, Sten (with Jonas Linde and Joakim Ekman) (2004) ‘An Assessment of Support for
Democracy in the New EU Member States’, in The Central Europe Political Science
Yearbook 2003, Institute of International Relations and Political Science, Vilnius University,
Berglund, Sten (with Kjetil Duvold) (2004) ‘Divisions Count, but Personalities Decide?
Cleavage Crystallisation and Mass-Elite Linkages in the Baltic Countries’, paper prepared for
the 2004 ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, 13-18 April 2004.
Berglund, Sten and Kjetil Duvold, eds. (2003) Baltic Democracy at the Crossroads: An Elite
Perspective, Norwegian Academic Press, Kristiansand.
Berglund, Sten (2003) ‘The Consolidation of Democratic Governance in East Central
Europe’, Journal of Japanese Political Science, autumn 2003.
Berglund, Sten, Frank H. Aarebrot, Henri Vogt and Georgi Karasimeonov (2001) Challenges
to Democracy: Eastern Europe Ten Years after the Collapse of Communism, Cheltenham,
Edward Elgar.
Berglund, Sten, Tomas Hellén and Frank H. Aarebrot, eds. (1998) The Handbook of Political
Change in Eastern Europe, Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
Berglund, Sten and Frank Aarebrot (1997) The Political History of Eastern Europe in the 20th
Century: The Struggle Between Democracy and Dictatorship, Aldershot, Edward Elgar.
Berglund, Sten and Jan-Åke Dellenbrant, eds, (1994), The New Democracies in Eastern Europe:
Party Systems and Political Cleavages, 2nd edition, Edward Elgar, Aldershot.
Berglund, Sten and Jan-Åke Dellenbrant (1992), ‘The Evolution of Party Systems in Eastern
Europe’, in Ronald Hill, ed., Beyond Stalinism, Frank Cass, London, 1992. Also printed in
Journal of Communist Studies, 1992:1.
Berglund, Sten and Jan-Åke Dellenbrant, eds, (1991 The New Democracies in Eastern
Europe: Party Systems and Political Cleavages, Edward Elgar, Aldershot.
Berglund, Sten and Søren Risbjerg Thomsen, eds, (1990), Modern Political Ecological Analysis,
Åbo Academy Press.
Berglund, Sten and Jan-Åke Dellenbrant, eds, (1986), Svensk partiregionalism, Liber, Umeå.
Berglund, Sten (Kjell Goldmann, Sten Berglund and Gunnar Sjöstedt) (1986), Democracy and
Foreign Policy, Gower, London.
Berglund, Sten et al., (1988), East European Multi-Party Systems, Finnish Scientific Society,
Berglund, Sten and Ulf Lindström (1985), ‘The Conservative Dilemma’ in Zig Layton-Henry,
ed., Conservative Politics in Western Europe, MacMillan, London. Also printed in Archivum
Iuridicum Cracoviense, Vol XVIII, 1985.
Berglund, Sten (1980), Paradoxes of Political Parties, Liber, Umeå.
Berglund, Sten, Ulf Lindström (1978). The Scandinavian Party Systems: A Comparative Study,
Studentlitteratur, Lund.