
College English 105
Chapter 2 and 3 (Narrative and Description) Syllabus
Thursday, September 17
Journal entry #4
New syllabus
Go over comma exercises
HW: Read pages 42-60 in Seyler. Answer blog #2 on website to be used in class.
Friday, September 18
Discuss readings using blogs
Read pages 60-72 in Seyler. Be ready to discuss!
Monday, September 21
Discuss readings (QUIZ!)
HW: Read pages 80-84 in Seyler. Be prepared for a vocab quiz from the narrative
chapter on Wednesday. (Simile, metaphor, hyperbole, personification, allusion)
Tuesday, September 22
Lit Terms: Imagery Review
Read “The Worker” using Imagery
HW: Read pages 84-100 for Thursday. Be ready to discuss the descriptive
techniques used in the essays. Prepare for vocabulary quiz tomorrow.
Wednesday, September 23
Vocab Quiz 2
Journal entry?
HW: Read pages 84-100. Be ready for discussion tomorrow.
Thursday, September 24
Discussion of descriptive techniques used in essays
Begin in-class writing (concrete imagery)
HW: Read “Shooting an Elephant” and “The Art of Eating Spaghetti” excerpts.
(Handouts) Respond to blog #3.
Friday, September 25
Continue concrete writing
Begin abstract writing
HW: Short descriptive writing assignment is due on Monday. Read pages 218-220
in Harris. There will be an imagery quiz on Tuesday.
Monday, September 28
Collect short descriptive writing assignment
Finish abstract writing if needed
Assign descriptive narrative essay and MLA outline set-up—example paper
HW: Be prepared for imagery quiz tomorrow. Brainstorm a list of snapshots.
Formal outline for the essay is due on Thursday.
Tuesday, September 29
Take imagery quiz
Work on outline
HW: Work on outline / paper
Wednesday, September 30
Journal entry
Working with short descriptive writing assignments
Work on paper
HW: Formal outlines for snapshots are due tomorrow. Introduction and first
snapshot due for class on Friday.
Thursday, October 1
Conference with outlines
Work on papers
HW: Introduction and first snapshot due for class tomorrow.
Friday, October 2
Sharing of snapshots with partners
Conferencing if needed
HW: Complete rough draft is due on Monday. Please bring two copies of your
rough draft to class.
Monday, October 5
Explanation of Advice centered reviews and switching of papers
Grammar day! Types of sentences—notes and practice
HW: Read papers to be used in a conference tomorrow. Read pages 249-254 in
Tuesday, October 6
Advice centered reviews
Continue working on types of sentences.
HW: Final papers are due on Thursday. Read pages 168-214 in Seyler for