Read the text and answer the questions that follow

Read the text and answer the questions that follow.
Google, the most popular Internet search engine, has recently offered a new version of its Chinese-language search engine.
Users were frustrated by the constant blocking of contents by the Chinese government on the old search engine. However,
the new search engine,, is programmed to censor itself in order to satisfy the Chinese authorities.
The communist Chinese government keeps a very tight control on the Internet, its users and the kinds of sites that Chinese
citizens can access. The CNN and BBC news sites, for example, are simply inaccessible in China. In addition, if a Chinese
person tries to search for information about Falun Gong, a spiritual movement that is banned in China, will direct
that person to a long list of condemnatory articles regarding this movement. Other topics that probably cannot be accessed
include independence for Taiwan and the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre, both subjects that the Chinese government
refuses to discuss openly.
Julien Pain, Internet spokesman for Reporters Without Borders, commented on Google’s decision and said this was “a black
day for freedom of expression in China”. He has called on Google to stand up for freedom of speech in China and to practise
what it preaches about its goal to make information universally accessible.
Google, however, argues that it would be more damaging to pull out of China altogether. The company says that it can play a
more useful role in China by participating rather than by boycotting, despite the censorship involved. A Google official said
that, “While removing search results is inconsistent with Google’s mission, providing no information … is more inconsistent
with our mission.” Google also promised it would inform users when access has been restricted on certain search terms.
The number of Internet search users in China is predicted to increase from about 100 million currently to nearly 200 million
in the near future. A survey conducted recently revealed that Google was losing market share in China. The new search
engine, it is hoped, will change the situation in Google’s favour.
Choose the correct answer.
1. Chinese Internet users … .
a. can only find information about China
b. are unable to access information about all subjects
c. will only have problems getting information about
political issues
2. According to the last paragraph, Google is mainly interested
in China … .
a. in order to defend freedom of speech
b. since it’s fashionable today to do business in China
c. due to economic considerations
Complete the sentences using the information given in
the text. Use your own words as far as possible.
1. Unlike Google’s old Chinese site, the new one .................
......................................................................................... .
2. Reporters Without Borders believes that Google ..............
......................................................................................... .
3. According to Google, it will defend freedom of speech in
China by ............................................................................
......................................................................................... .
Find words or expressions in the text that mean:
upset, annoyed (paragraph I)
not allowed (paragraph II)
is not willing (paragraph II)
act according to its ideology
(paragraph III)
5. limited (paragraph IV)
Answer the question according to the information in the
What information will a person find when searching for the Falun
Gong movement on the Chinese Google search engine?
Write a composition of about 100-120 words. Choose
one option.
1. How has the Internet changed our lives? Include
examples to illustrate your explanation.
2. Many claim that the Internet must be censored because it
contains offensive information. Explain your opinion on
this issue.