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What did Peter, Andrew,
James, and John do for a
Jesus asked them to come
with Him and He will make
them fishermen of what?
(They were fishermen.)
(Of people or Men.)
What did the fishermen do
when Jesus asked them to
come with Him and He will
make them fishermen of men?
(They left their boats and went
with Jesus on his journeys.)
What did Matthew do for
a living?
How many disciples did
Jesus have?
Was John the Baptist one of
Jesus’ disciples?
Which disciple wrote the
Book of Revelation?
Who went secretly to the chief
priests to tell them when it
would be safe to arrest Jesus?
What did the priests give
Judas to betray Jesus?
Did Jesus say at The Last
Supper that one of his disciples
would betray him?
(30 silver coins.)
(He was a tax collector.)
Jesus told the disciples to eat
the bread. What does the
bread represent?
What did Jesus tell the
disciples that the wine
(His body.)
(His blood.)
Who denied Jesus three times
Who kissed Jesus on the cheek just like Jesus said someone
in the Garden of Gethsemane?
Judas was sorry that he’d
given Jesus away to the chief After Judas went to the temple
priest. What did he do when
and threw down the coins,
he went to the temple?
what did he do?
(He threw down the 30
silver coins.)
(Hanged himself.)
Which two disciples ran to the
Who did Jesus ask to take care tomb to see if Jesus’ body was
of Mary, his mother?
(Peter and John)
Jesus told two disciples to go to
Jerusalem to meet a man carrying
Who went straight inside Jesus’ a jar of water. They were to follow
him to his house and he will have
tomb and saw it was empty?
their meal in a room upstairs.
Who were the disciples?
(Peter and John)
Before the meal began, Jesus
While Jesus prayed in the
knelt in front of each disciple and Garden of Gethsemane, what
did what to the disciple’s feet just did He asked the disciples to
like a servant?
(Washed their feet and dried them
(To keep watch.)
with a towel.)
What were the disciples doing Who cut off an ear of one the
while Jesus was praying in the
guards that were trying to
Garden of Gethsemane?
arrest Jesus?
After the people had eaten,
how many baskets of leftover
food did the disciples collect?
Where did two disciples see
Jesus first after he rose from
the dead?
(On the road to Emmaus.)
Did the disciples recognize
Jesus at first when he rose
from the dead?
Who wouldn't believe that Jesus
was alive until he saw the marks
of the nails on Jesus' hands and
feet, and touch the wound in
Jesus' side?
What will the Holy Spirit do for
the disciples?
Who was God going to send to
(He will give them the power
the disciples?
to speak bravely about Jesus
and all that He has taught
(The Holy Spirit.)
What happened to Jesus after
he told the disciples about the
Holy Spirit?
What flickered around the
disciple’s heads, but didn’t
burn them?
(He was taken up to heaven.)
(Fiery flames.)
What did Jesus cook for
breakfast for his disciples by
the lake?
Which disciple did not want
Jesus to wash his feet?
(Fish and bread.)
What did Jesus tell Peter to do
by the lake?
When was the last time the
disciples saw Jesus alive?
(Told him to take care of his
(When they were walking on
the Mount of Olives.)
While the disciples watched, Why did the disciples lock the door
of the room they were in after
what hid Jesus as He was
Jesus had died?
taken up into Heaven?
(A cloud.)
(They were afraid of the Roman
rulers and chief priests.)
Even though the door was When Jesus suddenly appeared
locked, who suddenly came in in the locked room with them,
the room with the disciples?
what did the disciples think
Jesus was?
(A ghost.)
Who were sons of Zebedee?
(James & John)
Which disciple tried to walk on
water as Jesus did?
What reward did Jesus say the 12 What did the disciples do when
disciples would get for forsaking
people brought their children
everything and following Him?
to Jesus?
(Sit on 12 thrones and judge the
(They rebuked them.)
12 tribes of Israel.)
What did James and John ask
Jesus that displeased the other
(To sit beside Jesus on His
right and left hand in His
What did Jesus send two
disciples to do before He
entered Jerusalem?
(Fetch him a donkey.)
What sign did the betrayer give What event did Peter, James,
that Jesus was the man the
and John, witness on a
multitude wanted?
mountain with Jesus?
(A kiss.)
Jesus used a little child to What did James and John want
show the futility of what
to do with the unwelcoming
argument the disciples had?
Samaritan village?
(Who is the greatest disciple.) (Call down fire from heaven.)
Which disciple brought the
boy with 5 loaves and two
fishes to Jesus?
How did Jesus identify his
betrayer at the Last Supper?
(Jesus identified his betrayer
as one who dipped his hand in
the bowl with Him.)
Which parts of his body did Peter
ask Jesus to wash, after being told
that unless Jesus washed his feet
he would have no part with him?
(Feet, hands, and head.)
Which disciple asked Jesus to
show them the Father?
What did Thomas want to see
before he believed Jesus was
raised from the dead?
What did Jesus and the disciples
have for breakfast when Jesus
appeared to them after the
resurrection by the Sea of
(He wanted to see the mark of
(Fish and bread.)
the nails in Jesus’ hands.)
What were the disciples
allowed to bring when Jesus
asked them to follow Him?
Which disciple was
martyred first?
Which apostles were present
when Jesus raised from the Which disciple’s mother-in-law
dead the daughter of the
was healed by Jesus?
synagogue official?
(Peter, John, and James.
Luke 8:51)
This disciple was called his name
Which disciple was originally with “the Less” or “the Younger” to
name Simon and was one of
distinguish him from another
disciple who was the son of
the first disciples?
This disciple was the one who
introduced Nathaniel
Which disciple is the brother
(Bartholomew) to Jesus. Before
of Andrew?
Jesus did the miracle with the fish
and loaves, Jesus asked him where
to buy bread for the crowds.
Who was called “the disciple
whom Jesus loved”.
This disciple was also called
This disciple was one of the
first to follow Jesus with his
brother Peter.
When Jesus was sitting at this
disciple’s table the Pharisees asked
Jesus “Why does your teacher eat
with tax collectors and sinners?”
Which disciple’s home was
Jesus at?
This disciple said that his name
was Nathaniel in the Gospel of
John. He was one of the disciples
whom Jesus appeared at the Lake
of Galilee/Tiberias after the
This disciple was called his
name with “the Zealot” to
distinguish him from Peter.
Which disciple was the first
to die?
How did Judas die?
(He hung himself.)
Who replaced Judas?
Who kept the money bag for
the disciples?
Who was John’s brother?
What was John and James’
Which disciple performed the
first miracle?
Which disciple was also
called Levi?
(Sons of Thunder)
Which disciple was from Cana
and Jesus saw him under a
fig tree?
(Bartholomew or Nathaniel)
Who were Jesus’ first disciples?
(Andrew, John, Peter, and
What was another name
Peter was called?
Whom did Jesus call “The
How many disciples were
Which disciple is said to have
present at the Transfiguration? been crucified upside down?
Which disciple was not
Which disciple did not write
any New Testament books?
Which disciple is also known
as Nathaniel?
Three of the four New Testament
gospels list the disciples by name.
Which gospel does not name all
twelve of them?
In Mark's gospel, Jesus gives the
surname 'Boanerges' to two of his
disciples. According to the gospel,
what is the meaning of this name?
(The sons of thunder.)
After the crucifixion and
resurrection of Jesus, the
remaining disciples nominated a
twelfth disciple to replace Judas
Iscariot. How did they actually
make their choice?
(By casting lots.)
What was another name for
(Jude or Judas, son of James)
Of which disciple was Jesus
speaking when he said "upon this
rock I will build my church; and
the gates of hell shall not prevail
against it."?
Which of the twelve disciples
of Jesus wrote the most New
Testament books of the Bible?
Before becoming a disciple of
Jesus, he was a disciple of
John the Baptist.
What other name was Simon How many disciples saw Jesus
“the Zealot” called?
on the road to Emmaus?
(Simon the Cananean)
When Jesus was transfigured
which disciple said that he would
Which disciple is thought to be
make three tents, one for Jesus
the only one to die of old age
one for Moses, and one for Elijah?
Which disciple was the
What did Simon “the Zealot”
do before becoming a disciple?
(He was a member of one of
the Jewish revolutionary
movements known as Zealots.)
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