AP BIOLOGY ROOT WORD GLOSSARY Hold onto this packet. A lot of terms that you will learn this year will come from greek and latin roots. This packet will help you to understand the meanings of words through knowing what parts of the word mean. Prefix/suffix a- Meaning Not; without; absent; less. ab-, absabdomino- Away from, from, off. Pertaining to the abdomen or belly. Pertaining to, or relating to. Thorny or spiny Extremity To, toward, near, motion toward, increase, adherence, very. Toward; in the direction of; ward. Gland Fat Blood Air Sensation Producer; an agent that promotes the expulsion of a specific substance. Sudden severe pain Pertaining to White Pain Other; differing from the normal; reversal; referring to another Both, around, on both sides -ac acanth-, acanthoacroad-ad adenoadip- , adipo-aemia aer-, aero-aesthesia, asthesio-agogue -agra -al albus alge-, algesi-, algio-, algoall- , allo- amb- , ambiamphiamyl-, amyloananaandroangio-, -angio anisoankyloanteanteroanthropoantiantr- , antroapo- Both; Around; On both sides; On all sides. Starch, polysaccharide nature or origin Without, not, -less. Up; Toward; apart; back; against Man; male; masculine Vessel, as a blood vessel or lymph vessel Unequal; assymetrical; dissimilar Stiff; crooked; bent; growing together or fusion of parts Before In front; before Human beings; human life Against, opposing, an antibody for Antrum, a hollow body area, as the sinus cavity Separated from; Derived from Example Achlorhydria, absence of hydrochloric acid; Aplastic Anemia, anemia due to bone marrow failure; Aphasia, without speech; Asexual without sex, or reproducing without sex Aboral, away from the mouth Abdominalgia, abdominal pain Cardiac, pertaing to the heart Acanthocyte - Thorny cell Acromegaly, large extremities Adrenal, near the kidney Cephalad, toward the head Adenoma, benign gland tumor Adipocele, a hernia containing fat or fatty tissue Hypoglycemia, low sugar in the blood Aerophagia, the swallowing of air Anesthesia, without sensation or consciousness Uragogue, a susbtance that causes expulsion of urine Cardiagra, pain in the heart renal, pertaining to the kidneys Albino, whitish, little or no pigment Cephalgia, headache Allopathy, treating a disease by creating an enviroment that is antagonisitc to the disease or condition Ambidextrous, being able to use both hands equally Amphogenic, producing young of both sexes Amylase – enzyme that breaks down starch Anoxia, without oxygen Anatomy, to cut apart Androgen, 'producing male' characteristics Angiitis, vessel inflammation Anisomastia, a condition in which one female breast is much larger than the other Ankylosis, a pathologic stiffening Ante-mortem, before death Anterolateral, to the front and side Anthropology, the study of humans or human life Antisepsis; against infection; Antitoxin, against a toxin Antrodynia, pain in the sinus area Apoptosis, falling away, the sloughing off of a scab or other skin crust arch- , arche- , archiarteri- , arterioarthro-ase -asis, -esis, -iasis, -isis, -sis astro-ate -ate ateloathereatmo- First; original; principal; beginning Referring to an artery Joint Enzyme pathological state. Star or star-shaped A salt or ester of an "ic" acid Use, or to subject to Imperfect; incomplete An abnormal mass of fat or lipids Steam; vapor autoaxio- , axobacteri-, bacteriobalan- , balanobaro- Absence of an opening Pertaining to the atrium of the heart. Self Centerline; axis. Bacteria; bacterium Glans clitoridis; glans penis Weight; pressure basi- , basiobi- , bisbio-biliblast- , -blast blenn- , blenno- Base; foundation. Twice; Double Life Bile A primitive cell Mucus blephar- , blepharobrachybradybrom- , bromobronch- Eyelid or eyelash Short Slow; dull A compound containing bromine; or odor or stench Bronchus, or windpipe bucca Cheek. cac- , caci- , caco- Bad; ill calx canthus Heel Angle at either end of the slit between the upper and lower eyelids Hair; or hair like atretoatrio- capillus capita carcin-carcinoma cardi- carpocary- , caryocat- , cata- , cath- , kat- , katacaudocaus, caut Head, or enlarged or prominent extremity of an organ or part Cancer. Malignant epithelial tumor Pertaining to (1) the heart or (2) the esophageal opening of the stomach Wrist Nucleus; nut. Down; reduced; destructive; against; according to Tail. Burn Archetype, an original pattern or model Arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries Arthritis, joint inflammation amylase, a starch splitting enzyme Enuresis, condition of (uncontrollable) urination Astrocyte, a star-shaped neuroglial cell A sulfate - from sulfuric acid Impregnate, to make pregnant Ateliosis, literally 'incomplete condition', a form of dwarfism Atheroma, deposits of fatty material in a vessel Atmosphere - the sphere of air that surrounds the earth Atretoblepharia, 'closed eyelids' Autoimmunity, self-induced immunity Bacteremia, presence of bacteria in the blood Balanitis, and inflammation of the glans penis Barometer - a devise to measure weight or pressure of the atmosphere Bilateral, on both sides Biology, The study of life Biliary, of or pertaining to bile ducts Blastoma, an embryonic tumor Blennorrhea, an excessive discharge or flow of mucus Blepharedema, a swollen eyelid : Brachydactyly - having short fingers Bradycardia, a slow heartbeat Bromhidrosis, an abnormal condition in which the sweat has an unpleasant odor Bronchoscope, a flexible tube for visually inspecting the brochial tubes Buccogingival, pertaining to the internal mouth structures : Cacodemonomania, an abnormal mental condition in which the patient claims to be possessed by an evil spirit Capillaries, the very small, hairlike blood vessels connecting the veinous and arterial systems Caput Frmoris, the head of the femur, or lower leg bone Carcinogen, cancer producing Adenocarcinomal tumor of glandular epithelium Cardiologist, a doctor who treats problems of the heart Carpal tunnel, a tunnel containing tendons of the wrist Cataplexy, reduced movement Caudal, toward the tail Cauterize a wound, to treat by burning cel- , celo- , -cele cent- , centicente- , -centesis cephalo- , -cephaly , -cephalic cervix- , cervic- , cervicocheil- , cheilo Protrusion, tumor, or hernia Hundred, or one hundredth A Perforating or Tapping. Pertaining to the head. Neck Lips cheiro, chiro chlorchol-chole Chond- Hand. (1) green; (2)chlorine Bile Bile. Pertaining to cartilage; or granular or gritty Color. Killing, destroying, causing death Movement Around On this side; on the near side chrom- -chrome -cide, -cidal cinecircumcisclas -cle , -cule Cleid- , cleidoclinococolcolp- , colpocomconcontracorcor costo- Break Little Clavicle, the shoulder blade Bent or curved With; together; in association; very; complete With; together; in association; very; complete Vagina. With; together; in association; very; complete With; together; in association; very; complete Opposed, against With; together; in association; very; complete Pupil of the eye. Rib. cyst-cyte cytodacrydactyl- Hip, or hip joint Referring to the cranium or skull Secretion. Cold Hidden. Elbow or forearm. Vagina Blue. Circle; cycle; ciliary body of the eye Bladder, sac Cell. Cell. Tears. Fingers and toes dedec- , deca- , dek decidemi-demic dent- Away from; cessation - ceasing Ten (10 One tenth (1/10). Half. Population. Tooth coxa cranio-crine cry-, cryoCryptoCubitus culpocyancycl- Meningocele, hernia protrusion of mininges Centimeter, one hundredth (1/100) of a meter Thoracentesis, taking fluid from the thorax Cephalgia, headache Cervicodynia, pain in the neck Cheiloplasty, surgical correction of defects of the lips Cheiromegaly, abnormally large hands Chlorophyll, green coloring in leaves and plants Acholic, without bile Cholecystitis, gallbladder inflammation Achondroplasia, Lack of cartilage growth Polychrome, many colors Herbicide, that which kills plants; Suicide, killing one's self Cineangiogram, a movie record of blood flow Circumscribe - to draw a line around Cisvestitism, wearing closthes appropriate to one's sex but not appropriate to the age Osteoclasis, Surgical fracture Molecule, a 'small mass' Clinodactylism, abnormally bent fingers or toes Colposcope, an instrument for visually inspecting the vagina contralateral, opposite sides Costochondral junction, junction of bony rib to cartilaginous rib Craniocervical, referring to the junction of the head and neck Endocrine, secretion into the blood vessels Cryogenic, producing cold Cryptogenic, of unknown origin Culposcope, instrument used to inspect vagina Cyanosis, a patholoogic state of being blue Cyclencephaly, abnormal fusion of both halves of the brain Cystitis, bladder inflammation Lymphocyte, lymph cell Cytolysis, cell breakdown Dacryorrhea, abnormally large flow of tears Polydactyly, many fingers or toes (more than five on a hand or foot Dehydrate, take water from Endemic, in a population Dental, pertaining to teeth dentdermdextdidiadifdigit dirdisdipldolicho dors- , dorsi- , dorsoduodenody-dynia dyodysec- , ect- , ecto- ,ex-ectasis -ectomy (EK-to-mee) Second. Skin. Right; toward the right side. Separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un Two, twice. Through, apart, between, across, completely Separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-. Finger or toe. Separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-. Separation; taking apart; reversal; not; un-. Double. Long Back The deuodenum Two. Pain. Two. Difficult, bad, or painful Outside Dilate. Excision, cutting out, or removal edem ef- , es- , ex- , exoelectr- , electroeleo -embolus Congenital absence of a part; missing at birth Swelling. Out. Electricity Oil. A plug (in a vessel). -emesis -emia and -osis enenantioencephaloend-, endo- Vomit. Blood. Into or in. Opposite. Brain ("in the head"). Within. enna ent- , entoenteroep- , epiepisio Nine (9). Within; inside Intestine. Upon; over; in addition to; following; subsequent to Vulva. erythr-esis esthesio- Red. Condition; pathological state Sensation; perception -esthesia Sensation, Perception etioeueury exexo- Causation. Good; well, true Broad, Wide Out of; away from; completely Exterior; external; outward; outside of; without Without; outside Causing; making happen ectro extra-facient Dermatitis, skin inflammation Destrocerebral, referring to the right side of the brain Dichromic, having two colors diagnosis, complete knowledge dissect, to cut up; Disarticulation, separation at a joint Diplococci, two cocci Dolichoderus, long neck Dorsiflexed, bent toward the back Pleurodynia, plural pain Dyskinesis, difficult motion Ectopic, out of place Bronchiectasis, bronchial dilation adrenalectomy means removal of the adrenal gland Cephaledema, swelling of the head Exfoliate - Take out follicles, or hairs Thromboembolus, a plugging clot that has moved from its origin Hematemesis, vomiting blood Acidosis, acid in the blood Endemic, in a population Encephalitis, brain inflammation Endometrium, lining of the uterus; Endocranial, within the cranium Enteritis, intestinal inflammation Epicostal, upon a rib Epesiotomy, a cutting of the vaginal passage to facilitate birth Synthesis, a condition of coming together Anesthesia- that which causes a lack of sensation or perception of pain Anesthesia- that which causes a lack of sensation or perception of pain Etiology, the study causes Eubiotics, the study of healthful living Eurycephalic, unusually broad head Exostosis, bone growth out of surface Exoskeleton, an external skeleton as in insects Extraoral, outside the mouth facio-ferous ferr- , ferri- , ferroferrofibr- , fibrofiss flex flu, flux, fluofore-form frons-, front--fuge -fuse galactgam- , gamo, gametogastr- , gastro- , gastero- gen- , -gen, -gene, -genic, -genesis, -genetic -genesis gengiva genito- genu ger- , gero- Referring to the face. Producing. The presence in a compound of a ferric ion (Iron Metalic iron, the divalent ion Fe2+. Fiber or fibrous split or cleft Bend Flow. Before; in front of. In the form or shape of, resembling Forehead, or front To expel; to drive away; to flee fleeing To pour or flow. Milk. Marriage; sexual union; reproductive cell (egg or sperm Pertaining to the stomach,digestive system, or the abdomen Producing; forming; coming to be; Precursor of. Origin, Production, Beginning process. Gums. Referring to the genitals or the exterior portions of the reproductive organs. Knee. Old age. -graphy Billion. (1,000,000,000) Tongue. Referring to the opening to the larnxy. Glucose. Sugars. Jaw. To make flow. Semen; seed; genitals; offspring A record, tracing, mark, message or picture Granular; granule; grain-like Writing, as in a recording instrument that makes a drawing or record Writing or recording gravid- , -gravida gravis gyn-, gyneco- Pregnant, or pregnancy Heavy; Severe Woman gyro- , -gyria , -gyro Circle; spiral; convolution ring. Hallux halo Great toe, or big toe Salt; Halogen haplo hecto hem-, hemo-, hemato- Single or simple. One hundred (100). Blood. gigaGloss- , glossoglottgluc- , glucoglyc- , glycognath-gog , -gogue gon- , gono-gram granul-graph , grapho- Lactiferous, producing milk Fibroma, fibrous tumor Fissure, cleft or groove Flexion, bending Influx, a flowing in Forearm, the front portion of an exterded arm Fusiform, spindle shaped Centrifuge, 'driven away from the center' diffuse, to spread out or pour out Galactorrhea, 'flowing of milk' Gastrostomy, the creation of an artificial stomach opening Hemorrhagenic, causing blood flow Pathogenesis, origin of a disease Gingivitis, inflammation of the gums Genu valgum, knees bent inward (knock-kneed Geriatrics, branch of medicine dealing with the diseases and ailments of the elderly glossitis, inflamed tongue Glucosuria, excess clucose in the urine -glycemia, condition of sugar in he blood Gnathodynia, pain in the jaw Gonads, the reproductive organs Angiogram, a picture of the blood vessels -granuloma, tumor-like mass of granulation tissue Cardiography, a recoding of the hearts functions gynocologist, a doctor who specializes in treatment women Haloderma,skin changes caused by injection or injection of halogen Haploid, single chromosome Hemoglobin, coloring material of red cells hemihepat-, hepatoHept heredheterohex hidrohist-, histo hol- , holohomo, homeohyal hydr-, hydro , -hydria hyohyperhypnohypo- , hyph- , hyphyster-, hystero-ia, -iasis -iasis -iatric -ic -ician -ics -icterus icthyo-id ideoidioileo- , ilioimininfrainguin interintra- intro- One-half. Liver. Seven (7). Hereditary, passed on from one generation to another. Dissimilar; other; different. Six (6). Sweat. Tissue. Complete; entire; homogenous Similar; likeness; resemblance; constant unchanging state. Glassy. Water, or fluid U- shaped. More than normal; above; excessive; beyond Sleep; hypnosis Less than normal Uterus (womb). A state or condition Process, ususally pathogenic Medicine; medical profession; physicians Pertaining to; relating to. A specialist in a filed of study or work Organized knowledge, practice, treatment. Jaundice. Fish; fish-like. Structure; body; member of a group Mental images. Individual; distinct; peculiar. The ileum Into; in; within; intensive action; negative Into; in; within; intensive action; negative Below; under; beneath; inferior to; after Groin. Between. Within; in; into -isis -ism Same. The iris of the eye. The ischium, a part of the hip bone Condition; pathalogical state State; condition; disease; theory -ism -ismus iso-ist -ite , -ites , -ity A practice or doctrine. Spasm; contraction. Equal. Practioner of a science. The nature of; resembling; like. -ite In chemistry, a salt of an acid with the termination of -ous; A ipsiirid- , iridoischi-, -ischio Hemisphere, half of a sphere Hepatomegaly, enlarged liver Heterocellular, of different cells Hidradenoma, a benign sweat gland tumor Histology, the microscopic study of tissues and cells Holocephalic, referring to a malformed fetus Homeostasis, the stability of normal body states Hydrothorax, fluid in the pleural cavity Hyoid bone - which is u-shaped hyperactive means excessive activity Hyopnosis, a state of (induced) sleep hypotonic means less than normal motor tone Histerectomy, excision (removal) of the uterus Anesthesia, a state of no sensation Amebiasis, a pathologic presence of amebae Pediatric, specializing in medical treatment of children Hemmorhagic, relating to bleeding Pediatrician, a physician who specializes in the treatment of children Pediatrics, the trreatment of diseases of and injuries to children Anicteric, without jaundice Icthyosis, condition that is fish-like - i.e. scaly skin Idiopathic, without a known cause Implant, insert into; Improper, not proper Injection, forcing fluid into Infraorbital, beneath the orbit, or eye socket Inguinal hernia, a rupture in the groin Intercellar, between the cells. Intracellular, within the cells; Introversion, turning inward Ipsilateral, the same on both sides Iridopathy, any disease of the iris Priapism, state of (persistant) erection Budhism, the doctrines of Budha Isotonic, equal strength Audiologist, a practioner of the science of hearing ithy-ity -itides body part. Erect or straight A state or condition Plural of -itis, an inflammation. Acidity, the amount of acid Inflammation. Use, or subject (verb) to; to treat by special method A section of the intestinal tract. Apendicitis, an inflammation fo the appendix Visualize, to use images Juxtaposition, situated next to or end-to-end kera- , kerato- Close proximity. Nucleus; nut. Down; downward; destructive; against; according to; reverse The cornea of the eye kilokin-, kinesklepto- One thousand (1,000). Movement or motion. To steal. kolp- , kolpokynokypholabilactlaparo- Vagina. Usually spelled culpo or colpo Dog Humped Lips. Milk. Flank; abdominal wall. lapis larynglat latero- Stone. The Larnyx. Broad. Lateral, to the side leio lepido-lepsis , -lepsy leptoleukolevo Lieno Liga linguolipo- Smooth. Flakes; scales. A seizure Light; thin; slender; fragile. White; colorless; relating to a leukocyte Left, to the left Spleen. Band. The tongue Fat. lith- , -lith , -lite -locus Stones. Place log-, logo-log Speech; words. Speech; words -login, -logy, -logia longus lumbolymph, lympho-lyo- Study of; collecting Long. Loin. Lymph. Loosen; Dissolve; Dissolution; decomposition Dissolution; setting free; disintegrtion; in medicine, a reduction of, or relief from Breakdown Large; long. -itis -ize jejuno juxtakary-, karyokat- , kata- lys-, -lysis, lyso- -lysis macro - Katadidymus, conjoined twins separate at the top but joined in the lower portion of the body Keratoconus, a cone shaped protrusion of the cornea Kinetogenic, producing motion Kleptomania, a condition of compulsive stealing Kynophobia, fear of dogs Kyposis, an abnormal curve or 'hump' in the spine Lactation, the production of milk in the breast Laparohysterectomy, a hysterectomy performed through an incision in the abdomen. Laterotorsion, the displacement of the uterus to one side Leiodermia, smooth, glossy skin Lepidoma, a scaly or flaky tumor Leptodermic, thin skinned Leukemia, literally, "white blood", or a shortage of red blood cells Levorotation, turning to the left Lienopathy, a disease of the spleen Ligature, a binding Liposuction, removing fat through a tube through suction Lithiasis, a pathologic presence of stones Translocation, displacement, moving to another place Dialogue, a conversation or exchange of words between two individuals Metabology, the study of metabolism Lumbar, pertaining to the lower back Autolysis, self dissolution Macrocyte, a large cell malmala -malacia Bad; ill; poor Soft, spongy. Softening. Malnutrition, poor nutrition Malacia, softening Osteomalacia, bone softening mamaman- manu-mania mastmed- , medi- , mediomega- , megal-megaly, -megalia megna meio- , miomelanmelia men- Breast. Hand. Frenzy; madness; compulsion Breast. Middle. Large; great Enlarged, Large Large, great Less; smaller Black Limbs. Month. Mamagram, a picture (x-ray) of the breast Manual, done by hand mening- , meningo- covering mentomes-, meso- , mesio Chin. Middle; mean; intermediacy; in medicine - secondary, or partial. Change; transformation; next in a series; beyond or middle Measure. Uterus. Small. One one thousandth (1/1000). Submental, under the chin Mesonasal, middle of the nose miomon-, monomorphmuc- , muci- ,muco- myxa , myxo, musculo- , my- , myomutomyel- , myelomyomyringo myxnano- Less; smaller. Single; one Form or shape Mucus. Mioplasmia narconaris, nares nasonecr- , necroneo- Sleep; numbness; stupor. Openings in the nasal cavity. Nose. Death New; recent neph- , nephra- , nephro-nephros Neur-, neuri- , neuro- Kidney. Kidney. Neural, pertaining to nerves, or neural system Nitrogen. Night. No; none. Normal; usual. Disease The back. The nucleus Night; darkness Against. Back part of the head. meta-meter metra-, metromicromilli- nitr- , nitronoctnonnormo NosoNotonucleonyct- ,nyctoobocciput, occipito- Muscle. Change. Bone marrow or Spinal Cord Muscle. Ear drum. Mucus One billionth (1/1,000,000,000); Mastitis, breast inflammation Median, in the middle Megacolon, colon enlargement Splenomegaly, enlarged spleen Abducta Megnus - the thigh muscle Melanin, black pigment Melanin, black pigment Menses, menstruation, monthly blood flow from uterus Meninges; Covering of the brain and spinal cord. Metachrosis, change of color microcyte, an undersized red blood cell; Millimeter, one one thousandth (1/100) of a meter Mutation Myeocyte, bone marrow cell Myocitis, muscle inflammation Myxedema, mucinous edema Dwarfism (nanism). Narcolepsy, seizures producing sleep Nasal, pertaining to the nose Necrosis, death of cells Neoplasm, new growth; Neonatal, newborn or recently born Nephritis, kidney inflammation Hydronephrosis, water filled kidney neuralgia, nerve pain Nocturnal, at night Nosology, the classification of diseases Notochord, backbone Nyctophobia, fear of the night or darkness octoculo-ode , -oid odont- , odonto-odynia , odyno-oid oleoolfact olig- , oligo-ology Eight (8). Referring to the eyes Form; shape; resemblance. Tooth. Pain Form; shape; resemblance; Like. Oil Smell. Few, or small amount Science of; Study of. -oma omoomphal- , omphalo- Tumor. Shoulder. Navel. -onca, onco- , oncho-onis Tumor; bulk; volume Dust. Onychoooophorop, opt Fingernail or toenail Egg. Ovary. Vision. ophthalmo-ophthalmos orb, orbit Orchid-, orchio, orchido ora-, oro-orrhea, -rrhea Ortho Eye. Eye. Eye. Testes. Mouth. Flow. Straight, normal, correct os oscheo-, oschero -ose Bone; mouth Scrotum Carbohydrate; primary alteration of a protein Pathologic processes or possessions A pathologic process or possession; A state or condition Odor; smell; Impulse; Osmosis. -oses (plural of osis) -osis (plural -oses) osmoosseoossioste- , osteo-ostomosis , -ostomy , -stomosis , stomy ot- , oto-otomy -ous ovari-, ovario ovi ovo-, ovario oxypachy-pague palato paleo pali- , palinpalpit pan- , pant- , pantopapulo- Bone. Bone. Referring to bones. Formation of an opening Ear. cutting Pertaining to or relating to; possessing; full of. Ovary Egg; ovum. Egg; ovum Oxygen in a compound; sharp, keen, acute, acid, pungent Thick. Twins joined at a specific site. Palate or roof of mouth Old, primitive Recurrence; repetition Flutter Whole; all; entire Pimple; papule Monocular, one eye Sphereoid, resembling a sphere : Mucoid, raucous like. Ovoid, egg shaped Olfactory, pertaining to smell Oliguria, scant urination Biology, Science of life; Histology, Study of tissues Osteoma, bone tumor Omodynia, shoulder pain Omphalocele, a congenital hernia or protrusion of viscera around the unbilical cord Pneumonconiosis, dust-produced pathologic state of lungs Oophorectomy, ovary removal Hyperopia, far sightedness, Myopia, near sightedness Ophthalmologist, an eye specialist Exophthalmos, protruding eyes Orchiectomy, testes removal oral, pertaining to the mouth Diahrrea, a flow through Orthodontics, straightening teeth; Orthograde, walking erect Osseous, bone like Amyloidosis, the pathologic state of having amyloid Osteomyelitis, inflammation of bone and marrow Gastrostomy, making a stomach opening Otitis, ear inflammation Gastrotomy, making a stomach opening Cutaneous, relating to the skin Pachyderm, "thick skin", craniopagus, joined at the skull or head Paleogenic, originating in the past Palilalia, babbling the same word or phrase Palpitation, fluttering Panophthalmitis, inflammation of the whole eye para- , -para patho-, path- , -path , -pathic , pathy -pathy Pectus ped- , pedi- , pedopedia-penia As a prefix - Alongside, against, beside. As a suffix - Bearing offspring. Disease; suffering Paramedical, beside medical; Paracardiac, beside the heart.; Paracyesis, pregnancy outside the uterus Pathogenic, disease producing Disease Chest Foot Child. Poverty, Shortage, Deficiency Neuropathy, any nerve disease Pediatrics, medical treatment of children Thrombocytopenia, decrease in thrombocytes or blood platelets pent- , penta-pep, -peps per- Five (5). Digestion Through; thoroughly; intensely. periperineoperitoneoperopetro-pexy phaco-phagia, -phagy phag- , phago- Around. Perineum. Peritoneum Deformed. Stone; the petros portion of the temporal bone Fixation, usually surgical lens-shaped; relating to a lens. Eating, devouring. Eat, devour, ingest. phalanx, phalnages phall- , phallopharmacopharyng- Fingers or Toes. Penis. Drugs, medicine. The pharynx. phas Speech. Aphasia, loss of speech funtion -phil , -philia , -philiac phleb- , phlebophobia Love of; affinity for; tendency toward; craving for. Vein. Fear. Philanthropy, love of mankind; Eosinophil, a leukocyte staining with eosin Phlebitis, inflammation of a vein Hydrophobia, fear of water phon-, phono- Sound; speech; voice. phor-, phoro- Carrying; bearing; a carrier, a bearer; phoria. -phoria In ophthalmology, a turning with reference to the visual axis Transmission. Light. Light. Diaphram. Of the mind, or of the diaphram -phoresis phosphot-, photophrag phren- , phreni- , -phrenia , phrenic , phrenico-phthisis Wasting or Decay. -phylaxis Protection physi- , physico- Physical; Natural; The science of physics Air; gas. Plant; something that grows One trillionth (1/1,000,000,000,000). Bitter. physophyt- , phytopicopicr- , picro- Dyspepsia, indigestion Pericardium, membrane around the heart Perodactylus, deformed fingers or toes Mastopexy, fixation of the breasts Phagocyte, a cell that eats foreign material Esophagus (gullet), tube from the mouth to the stomach Myelophthisic anemia, displacement of normal marrow cells Prophylactic - a condom, "for protection" from sexually transmitted disease -pieses pilo pimel- , pimeloplagio-plakia -plasia plasm-plasma- , -plasm -plastic -plasty platy-plegia Pleo pleur- , pleuro-ploid plur- pluri-pnea, -pneo pneum- , pneuma- , pneumato- , pneumo- , pneumono-pod, pod- , podo-poiesis Pressure. Hair. Fat. Slanting; oblique. Plaque. Growth; formation; cellular proliferation Living substance or tissue The liquid part of a cell Molded; indicates restoration of lost or badly formed features. Molding or forming Flat; wide; broad. Paralysis; stroke More. Rib; side; pleura. Chrosome pairs in a specific chromosome number. Several; more Breath; respiration; breathing. Breath; air; lungs. Foot; foot-shaped Growth; formation; production poikilo polio- Irregular, varied Gray pollex poly- Thumb. Many; multiplicity of; polymer of. Purple. After, behind, posterior. Posterior; behind; toward the back Act or activity; practice; use. Before; anterior; in front of. porphyro postpostero-praxis pre- Proct- , procto- Old age Before; forward; precurser of; in behalf of The anus; the rectum pronus prosoprotopseud- , pseudo- Face down. Forward; anterior First False. psych- , psychopsychro-ptosis pubio- , pubopulmopyelo- The mind Cold. Falling. Pubic bone or region Lung. Kidney pelvis py- , pyopycn- , pycno- , pykn- , pyknopyelopyretopyroquadr- , quadriquin- , quinqu- Pus. Dense; thick; compact; frequent Pelvis. Fever Fire; heat; fever Four Five. -presbypro- Plagiocephaly, a skull that is askew or irregular Leukoplakia, white patch Neoplasm, new growth; Hyperplasia, overgrowth of tissue Cheiloplasty, surgical correction of defects of the lip Hemiplegia, paralysis of half of the body Pleoosteosis, excess bone growth Dyspnea, shortage of breath Pneumothorax, air in the chest (outside the lungs) Hematopoiesis, blood formation Poikiloderma, mottled skin Poliomyelitis, inflammation of spinal cord gray matter Polycythemiam, excess number of red blood cells; polycystic – many cysts Post-mortem, after death Posterolateral, behind and to the side Preoperative, before an operation; Prenatal, before birth Promyelocyte, the cell that develops into a myelocyte Prone, lying face down Prototype, the first of a kind Pseudohypertrophic, false appearance of great growth Visceroptosis, falling of abdominal viscera Pulmonary, pertaining to the lung Pyelonephritis, inflammation of renal pelvis and kidney Pyosalpinx, uterine tube filled with pus Pyromania, a compulsive fascination with fire Quadriped, a four-footed animal rachiradio- The spine. Radiation, chiefly x-ray; radius rerectren- , renoreticuloretrorhabdo-rhage , -rhagia Again; backwards The rectum Kidney. Reticulum Behind. Rod Bursting forth; rupture; profuse fluid discharge Surgical suturing, or sewing; stitching Current; Stream; to flow; to discharge Rupture of a specific body part -rhaphy rheo- , -rhea, -rrhea -rhexis rhinorhizorhodoroseo-rrhage , -rrhagia -rrhaphy -rrhea -rrhexis sacchar- , saccharosacrosal salping- , salpingosarc- , sarco-sarcoma scaphoscapuloscato-schisis , schistoschiz- , schizosclero-sclerosis scolio-scope -scopy scotosebosemi-septiserosesquisial- , sialosiderosigmoid-sis sit- , sito , sitio skeletoskiasodio Nose. Root. Red. Rose-colored Bursting forth; rupture; profuse fluid discharge Surgical suturing, or sewing; stitching. A flowing, a flux Rupture of a specific body part. Sugar. Sacrum Salt. A tube, such as the fallopian tube or auditory tube Flesh. Malignant tumor of supporting tissues Boat-shaped; scaphoid. Shoulder. Dung; fecal matter Split; cleft. Split; cleft; division Hard or Fibrous; or relating to the sclera Hardening; dryness Twisted, crooked An instrument used for viewing. The use of an instrument for viewing, or examination. Darkness. Fatty substance One-half; partly. Seven. Serum. One and a half. Salivary; saliva Iron or steel. The sigmoid colon Condition; pathological state Food; bread; made from grain Skeleton Shadow Sodium. Renal, pertaining to the kidneys Retrocecal, behind the cecum Menorrhagia, profuse menstruation Herniorrhaphy, repair of hernia Metrorrhexis, Rupture of the uterus rhinorrhea, flow from the nose Menorrhagia, profuse menstruation Herniorrhaphy, repair of hernia Metrorrhexis, Rupture of the uterus; Enterorrhexis, Rupture of the intestine Sarcoma, a tumor of fleshy appearance Scleroderma, hard skin Arteriosclerosis, hardening of the arteries Scoliosis, crooked spine Microscope – instrument used to view very small objects Sialadenitis, salivary gland inflammation soma- somat-, somato-some spasmospectrosperm-, spermatosphenosphygmosplanchnsplen- , splenospondlyospongiostaphyl-stasis The body; bodily Body. Spasm. Appearance; image; form; spectrum Semen; sperm; spermatozoa Wedge; sphenoid bone Pulse The viscera. The Spleen Spinal column or vertebrae Sponge-like Uvula; or like a grape or bunch of grapes Standing still steatostenostercostereosterno- An agent to prevent changing or moving Fat. Narrow; short; contracted. Feces. Three dimensions Sternum, Breastbone stetho- Chest. stom- , stomato- Mouth. -stomosis , -stomy A created mouth or outlet strept- Twisted sub- supinus supra- Beneath; under; less than normal; inferior; in samll quantities In excess; above; superior; beyond; in the upper part Face up. Above; beyond; on top sy- sylsymsyn- Together Together; with; along; beside. Together; joined systachy taen- , taeni- , ten- , tenitarso- , tauto- Together. Rapid; fast; swift. Tapeworm Edge of eyelid; instep of foot; flat of the foot. Art; skill Distant; far; end. Perfect; complete Temples of the head Tendons Tapeworm Three. One trillionth (1/1,000,000,000,000). Severly malformed fetus.) Four. Chamber; part of the brain where a nerve originates; thalamus. -stat super- technotel- , tele- , teloteleotemporotend- , tendoten- , tenitertera teratotetrathalamo- Lyosome, destroying body Staphylococcus, a bacteria that bunches together like grapes Hemostasis, arrest of circulation; Metastasis, standing in a different place Hemostat, a scissor-like device used to clamp a vein or artery to prevent blood flow Stenosis, a pathologic narrowing Stethoscope, an instrument for listening to sounds in the chest and torso Subcutaneous, under the skin Supine, lying face up Suprapubic, above the pubis; Suprarenal, above the kidneys Symmelia, fusion of limbs Syndrome, a constant complex of symptoms; Syndactyly, fused -together fingers or toes Tachylogia, rapid speech Telagia, pain from another area thanatothecotheltherm- , thermotherap- , -therapy thiothoracthrombothymothyr- , thyro-tic -tion toco-tome tomo-tomy -tonic tonotop- , topotox- ,toxi- , toxico- , toxo- , -toxic trache- , tracheotrachelotranstraumato-tresia tri-trich , trich- , tricho-troph- , tropho- , -trophy, trophic -tropin tropotubotympanotyphlo typhouloultrauniureterourethrouri-, uric-uria urin- , urino- , uro uter- , uterovas-, vasoVena- , venoventr- , ventri- , ventrovermivertebrovesicoviscero- volv vulvo- Death. Sheath; case; receptacle. The nipples Heat; hot Treatment or cure. Sulfur. The chest; the thorax Blood clot; thrombus Thymus gland; soul; emotions. The thyroid gland Relating to or pertaining to. A state or condition Childbirth. Cutting instrument; segment or section Section; layer Cutting operation; excision. Strength. Tone; Tension; Pressure Place; locale; topical A toxin or poison The trachea or windpipe. Neck Across; over; beyond; through Trauma. Hole. Three. The hair; Hair-like structures. Nourish; grow; nourishment Stimulation of a target organ by a substance, esp. a hormone Food; Nutrition Tube. Eardrum; tympanum Cecum; Blindness Fever; typhoid. Scar; scarring Beyond; excess One. Ureter, the vessel carrying urine from the kidneys to the bladder Urethra - the tube carrying urine from the bladder. Uric acid. Refers to urine Relating to urine Uterus. Vessel. Vein. Belly; Front; Anterior aspect of the body Worm. Vertabra; vertabrae Bladder; vesicle Viscera, the organs of the body inside the torso (the chest and abdomen). Turn. Covering; vulva. Hydrotherapy, treatment in or with water Thrombocyte (platelet), a clot making cell Acoustic, relating to sound Inhalation, the taking in of air, inhaling Apendectomy, surgical (cutting) removal of the appendix Hypertonic, increased strength Translocation, a displacement Atresia, failure to make an opening or connection Atrophy - wasting, opposite of growing Aminoaciduria, amino acids in the urine; Anuria, no urine Dysuria, painful urination Vasospasm, vessel spasm vermiform appendix, appendix shaped like a worm Revolve, to turn again or turn back xanth- , xantho- Yellow xenoxero -y Zoo- Strange; foreign Dry. A state or condition Animal; animal life. Xanthochromia, yellow coloration, usually of spinal fluid Xeroderma, dry skin Therapy, treatment condition * Information from this packet was taken from the following website http://aspin.asu.edu/geneinfo/pre-suf.htm