Constitution Test: Articles 1-7

Constitution Test: Articles 1-7
Answer the following questions on a clean sheet of paper, and keep your eyes on your
own paper. Make sure your answers are thorough and specific.
All tax bill/money bills must be introduced/originate in this branch of Congress?
This is a vote of formal disapproval of a Congresspersons action(s) in Congress?
Article one created this branch of gov’t?
What are the different requirements for an individual that wants to run for either
the House of Reps or the Senate (age, citizenship, and residency)?
5. Representation in the House of Reps is based on what?
6. How many years can a Senator serve before they must run for reelection?
7. How long can a member of Congress serve?
8. What fraction of Senators runs for reelection every two years?
9. Originally (not anymore), how were Senators chosen to serve at the federal level?
10. Which branch of Congress conducts the trial for the impeached President?
11. What must occur every ten years to determine how many representatives each
state has in the House of Reps?
12. What is the combined number of Congressmen/Congresswomen in both the
House and Senate?
13. How many Senators is each state guaranteed?
14. At least how many house seats is a state guaranteed?
15. This individual can only cast a vote in the Senate when there is a tie?
16. This clause prevents members of Congress from being fined, sued, or jailed for
their remarks that are made while Congress is in session?
17. In this publication an individual could find out exactly what Congress debates and
what is spoken?
18. In order to conduct business in Congress one-half plus one is needed, which is
know as a what?
19. This individual takes the place of the Vice-President when he/she is absent from
the Senate?
20. What must both chambers of Congress do with a bill before passing it to the
President for his/her approval or disapproval?
21. The powers of the national gov’t specifically listed in the Constitution are called
22. What is it called when the President decides not to do anything with a bill
Congress want the President to approve (Congress had adjourned or is in recess)?
23. This had provided Congress with its most far reaching power(s) that involves
regulating business among/between states?
24. Which branch of gov’t has the power to declare war (be specific)?
25. Which branch of gov’t has the power to create all the lower courts (courts inferior
to the Supreme Court)?
26. This clause gives Congress the rights to take whatever action(s) necessary to carry
out its enumerated powers?
27. This means that an individual can’t be held in prison or jail without being
formally charged with a crime (in a time of rebellion or invasion they could)?
28. This prohibits the passage of any law that convicts or punishes a person directly
without a trial (must have their day in court)?
29. This means an individual can’t be found guilty for an act that was legal when it
was performed?
30. Members of the House of Reps must run for reelection how often?
31. The President is limited to serving how many terms in office?
32. Explain how the President could end up serving ten years and also explain how
the President could end up serving only six years?
33. What type of votes must the President receive to win the election and how many
of those votes are actually needed to win?
34. What are the requirements for an individual that wants to run for the Presidency
(age, residency, and naturalization)?
35. This is the phrase used to express the fact that the President controls the U.S.
36. A treaty must be approved by which branch of Congress before it can go into
effect, and what fraction of this branch must approve the treaty?
37. The President delivers this annual address to Congress (it’s on TV every year)?
38. This branch of gov’t has the right to declare federal, state, and local laws
39. Does the Supreme Court here more cases based on appeal or original jurisdiction?
40. This phrase means each state must recognize the laws and records of other states?
41. What would usually happen to a fugitive that committed a crime in N.D., but
escaped to S.D.?
42. If a new state was created in the U.S., would it be inferior or equal to the
preexisting states?
43. This article deals with amending the Constitution?
44. The executive branch was created by this article?
45. Article three created which branch of gov’t?
46. This phrase/clause states that the Constitution is the supreme law of the land?
47. How many states had to vote in favor of the Constitution before it could become
48. How are the salaries of members of Congress, the nine Supreme Court justices,
and the President paid?