FLAT ROCK ELEMENTARY STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET HOMEROOM TEACHER _______________________________ Please PRINT clearly Student’s Full Name Student’s Date of Birth Student’s Race Student’s Social Security Number Student’s Parent/Guardian Name(s) Student’s Home Telephone Student’s Mailing Address *City/State/Zip Code Student’s Residence Address Mother/Guardian’s Name Mother/Guardian’s Employer Mother /Guardian’s Work Telephone Mother /Guardian’s Cell Phone Mother /Guardian’s Home Address Mother /Guardian’s Home Telephone Bus Number or Car rider Father/Guardian’s Name Father /Guardian’s Employer Father /Guardian’s Work Telephone Father /Guardian’s Cell Phone Father /Guardian’s Home Address Father /Guardian’s Home Telephone PARENT/GUARDIAN EMAIL Please list life threatening illnesses or allergies. Please list Emergency Contact Numbers Name Relation Telephone Name Relation Telephone Name Relation Telephone CUSTODY CONCERN FLAT ROCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1 LEGAL RESIDENCY HOMEROOM TEACHER________________________ Student’s Name _______________________________________Grade___________ By signing this statement, I declare that I am a legal resident of Anderson School District Three and my child is eligible to attend Flat Rock Elementary School by living in the Flat Rock Elementary attendance area. Parent or Guardian Signature Date Students who do not reside in Anderson County School District Three must pay out-of-district tuition or qualify by some other reason. Forms are available at the District Office for these purposes. Out-of-district tuition may be charged to parents retroactively if the above statement is discovered to be false. Students who reside in Anderson County School District Three but do not reside in the Flat Rock Attendance area must have permission to attend Flat Rock School from the principal and superintendent. A conference must be arranged with the principal before the request can be considered. Priority is given to students that live in the Flat Rock boundaries. Space is dependent on class size and grade level enrollment. Permission must be granted each year even if the student(s) attended Flat Rock Elementary in the previous year(s). This is granted on a year by year basis. My child (children) attended Flat Rock in the previous school year. Please circle YES or NO Name(s) of child (children) ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Bus Number or Car rider __________________________________ (How does student get home?) FLAT ROCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 2 CUSTODY INFORMATION Student________________________________Grade_______Teacher___________________ Bus Number or Car rider _____________________ PLEASE CHECK ONLY ONE BOX: ___________My child does not have any custody issues that need to be addressed. ___________My child HAS custody papers on file at school. ___________My child HAS custody issues, but does NOT have papers on file at school. I am aware that without papers on file legally my child may be released to both biological parents. Due to custody issues, my child MAY be released to the following people: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Due to custody issues, my child MAY NOT BE RELEASED TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Additional Comments: FLAT ROCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 3 COMMUNICATION INFORMATION HOMEROOM TEACHER_____________________________ Bus Number or Car rider _____________________________ EMAIL If you would like to receive school news by email, please complete and return. We request that you print carefully and clearly in order for us to get your address in our system correctly. If you would like to include your business, community organization, or church, please include at the bottom of this sheet. Through the year, please keep your email current with us. Name of Student__________________________________ Grade___________________________________________ Teacher_________________________________________ Email Address___________________________________________ Other: Person/Organization Email Address Person/Organization Email Address ANDERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT THREE FLAT ROCK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 4 Parent Permission Form HOMEROOM TEACHER_________________________ 1. Please read the information below. 2. Fill in your child’s name. 3. Sign in the appropriate space to indicate that you DO or DO NOT give permission for the activities described. 4. RETURN SIGNED FORM TO YOUR CHILD’S TEACHER. As a parent/guardian of ___________________________________________, a student at Flat Rock Elementary School, I DO hereby give my permission for my child’s name, a recognizable picture and/or school work to be used by Anderson County School District Three in the following manners: 1. In school-sponsored publications, including but not limited to newspaper and newsletters. 2. On the school/district website concerning school-related activities. 3. In other media, including but not limited to newspapers and television, in articles or news stories pertaining to the school/district including recognition for student awards and achievements. I understand that by providing permission for name, recognizable picture and/or school work to be used as noted above, I am NOT giving permission for the District to release any information regarding my child’s discipline record or special education records pertaining to my child. I agree to hold harmless and indemnify Anderson County School District Three, its Board of Trustees, employees, and agents should any claim arise regarding the use of my child’s name, photographic image and/or school work as noted above. I DO give my permission: ______________________________________ Signature Date As a parent/guardian of ___________________________________________, a student at Flat Rock Elementary School, I DO NOT give my permission for my child’s name, a recognizable picture and/or school work to be used by Anderson County School District Three. I DO NOT wish for my child to be identified or photographed for publications and/or display with regard to any related activity. I do NOT give my permission: __________________________________ Signature Date 5