Study Guide for Getting Ahead World Geography Mexico

Study Guide for Getting Ahead World Geography Mexico
Mexico is bordered by the United States to the North and _______________ ______________
to the South.
2. __________________ is the official language of Mexico.
3. There are _____ distinct Indian cultures that survive in Mexico today.
4. The ____________ calendar is more accurate than our own.
5. The _______________ were the first known c civilization of Mexico.
6. Tenochtitlan was located on the site of modern day _____________ _______________.
7. In _______ Hernando Cortes led the Spanish conquest of Mexico.
8. The ____________ in Mexico City was built over the main pyramid at Tenochtitlan.
9. There are ______ million people in Mexico City.
10. Mexico city is the ___________ city in the world in terms of population.
11. The word indigenous means _______________.
12. ___________ _______________ was a famous muralist in Mexican History. His murals span
the history of Mexico from the pre-colonial period all the way through the Mexican Revolution
in the early 20th Century.
13. ____________ is the name of a silver mining city located South of Mexico City.
14. The _____________ peninsula is located in the eastern portion of Mexico.
15. _________________ ___________________ is the name of a famous Mayan ruin. This ruin is
the home of the El Castillo.
16. ____________ is the name of the Mayan rain god.
17. ______________ is a city known for its scuba diving, snorkeling, and cruise ships.
18. The _____________________ Rainforest is located to the South of Palenque.
19. There is only _____ percent of this rainforest left.
20. __________________ __________________ is the name of the greatest of the Zapotec ruins.
21. The ________ _____ ______________ (Day of the Dead) is celebrated in the fall in Mexico.
22. This holiday is considered (circle one) happy
sad .
23. ________________ and _______________ are two types of crafts sold in Mexico.
24. Many coastal towns in Mexico depend on _________________ for a good part of their
25. __________ ___________________ is the name of the 800 mile peninsula located in Western
26. ____________________ is the name of the resort city on the Southern end of “Mexico’s
27. ____________________ is the name of the cliffs where people dive from.
28. What are some challenges that face Mexico today?