ENVS 660 Advanced Watershed Science & Policy Fall 2014, CSU Monterey Bay. Copyright (C) Dr. Doug Smith , Dr. Fred Watson & Dr. Marc Los Huertos and/or Guest Instructors. Syllabus Course Description from Catalog .........................................................................................................................1 Instructors ................................................................................................................................................................1 Class times & location ...........................................................................................................................................1 Prerequisites ...........................................................................................................................................................1 Course Introduction................................................................................................................................................2 M.S. Coastal and Watershed Science & Policy - Major Learning Outcome 5 ..............................................2 Course Outcomes ..................................................................................................................................................2 Three Course Modules ..........................................................................................................................................3 Treatment Systems for Agricultural Runoff.................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined. Carmel Lagoon Ecology and Water Quality ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Fire Impacts on Big Sur Lagoon .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. Tentative Schedule of Topics: ............................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined. Assessment.............................................................................................................................................................3 Accommodation of Students with Disabilities ....................................................................................................3 SMART College Policy on Academic Honesty ..................................................................................................4 Course Description from Catalog ENVS 660 – 4 credits: Addresses current watershed environmental issues using advanced research methods and sound science. Considers issues from multiple perspectives, including legal, political, diverse stakeholders, and natural science. Students present project results in both written and oral formats, utilizing innovative visualizations, as necessary, to communicate technical science to decisionmakers or non-specialists. (Offered fall semester.) Instructors Dr. Marc Los Huertos Chapman Science Academic Center, Room E213, (831) 582-4696, marc_loshuertos@csumb.edu Office hours: By appointment set up using email. ON LEAVE 2014-15 Dr Doug Smith Chapman Science Academic Center, Room S302, (831) 582-4696, douglas_smith@csumb.edu Office hours: By appointment set up using email. Dr Fred Watson Chapman Science Academic Center, Room E112, (831) 582-4452, fred_watson@csumb.edu Office hours: By appointment set up using email. Class times & location Tuesdays: 12:00 – 4:00 Chapman Science Academic Center E136 Prerequisites Watershed Systems (ENVS 560 and 560L) Research Methods/Experimental Design (ENVS 550) Instructor consent Course Introduction Watershed environmental issues embody some of the greatest challenges for sustainable living in our region and beyond. These issues include water supply, water quality, public health, flooding, and endangered species. Some watershed impacts are also translated to the marine environment via lagoons, estuaries, or direct discharge. Effective environmental science that improves watershed and marine conditions requires an understanding of the interactions among policy, laws, technology, stakeholder perspectives, management, the complex environment itself, and natural science. Students completing ENVS 660 will be able to apply advanced topics in watershed science to address real world problems In ENVS 660, students will learn first-hand about current watershed issues from professionals in the community who need solutions. Students will analyze select problems from legal, societal, technical and scientific perspectives, with the goal of developing a scientific project that formally addresses the issue in a technical report. Emphasis will be placed on clearly communicating technical scientific results to decision-makers and associated stakeholders who brought the issue to the class. M.S. Coastal and Watershed Science & Policy - Major Learning Outcome 5 Advanced Watershed Science & Policy partially fulfills the requirements for “Applied Sciences” major learning outcome (MLO 5) in the Coastal and Watershed Science and Policy M.S graduate program. MLO 5 states that students will apply advanced principles, theories, and practices of a life science or earth science field to environmental issues and policies. This outcome is met by passing the ENVS 560 and ENVS 660 series. Advanced methods and technologies in watershed research are introduced in ENVS 560 (Watershed Systems) using a series of short teaching modules. In each module, advanced analysis tools that are used to address watershed issues are introduced and practiced. In ENVS 660 (Advanced Watershed Science & Policy) students combine the skills that were learned in both Watershed Systems and Research Methods to effectively address current watershed issues brought to the class by invited environmental professionals. In any given semester the invited speakers might include representatives from politics, regional government, environmental agencies, consulting firms, agriculture and business, non-profit groups, and academia. The final product is a written (and perhaps oral) report presented to interested parties in the environmental decision-making process. The report must effectively communicate the technical science of the issue to the intended audience. The ENVS 660 learning outcomes include demonstrating skills in problem definition, analysis design, project execution, and results communication. Course Outcomes Course Learning Outcome 1—Define a watershed issue: Students will define and distill a watershed environmental issue so that it can be addressed by science. The student will frame the issue after considering multiple perspectives, including legal, political, diverse stakeholders, and natural science. Learning Experiences 1. Invited speakers 2. Lecture with examples of issue definition. 3. Feed back on stages of research and final project Course Learning outcome 2—Design a scientific approach to addressing a watershed issue : Students will develop a research or analysis plan using advanced research methods, including experimental design. Learning Experiences 1. Invited speakers 2. Lecture with examples of analysis design. 3. Feed back on stages of research and final project Course Learning outcome 3—Apply scientific approach to a watershed issue. Students will execute a well thought out scientific project that addresses a watershed environmental issue. Learning Experiences 1. Feed back on stages of research and final project 2. Feedback from target audience and peers if time allows Course Learning outcome 4—Effective Communication: Students will communicate project results in both written and oral formats suitable for decision makers and stakeholders. Students will utilize innovative communication tools, including visualization, as necessary to communicate technical scientific results to a non-specialist. Learning Experiences 1. Invited speakers 2. Feed back on stages of research and final project 3. Feedback from target audience and peers if time allows Three Course Modules Over the course of the semester, students will cover 3 discrete topics, each managed by one of the three instructors. This has been designed to cover a broad bases of skills needed on watershed science with a hands one approach from project development, implementation, and reporting. The modules differ each year. The products of most previous modules are summarized here: http://sep.csumb.edu/class/ENVS660 Schedule Each module runs for 5 weeks, nominally but flexibly spanning five Tuesday sessions. Depending on the year, typical module start dates are approximately: 8/27, 10/4, and 11/5. Assessment This course must be taken for a letter grade. Student learning will be assessed entirely through completion of the three group projects. Each student will receive a numerical score for each project. Peergrading may be used in combination with grading by the instructors. The scores will be tallied, and letter grades assigned approximately as follows: A+ A AB+ B BC+ C D+ D F 98% 92% 90% 88% 82% 80% 78% 70% 68% 60% <60% You are expected to have a good understanding of Excel, Word, PowerPoint, ArcMap, and Acrobat (writer) and you should be able to utilize and combine all of these programs to create assessable documents. Assignments are due at the times assigned in class. Grades will be specifically linked to the learning outcomes of each project. While the grade A+ signifies perfection beyond the basic learning outcomes, the C signifies the ability to accomplish the learning outcome, and grades between A and C reflect the performances between these extremes. Accommodation of Students with Disabilities CSUMB welcomes and accommodates students with disabilities as part of campus diversity and for legal compliance. Students with disabilities who may need accommodations please see a course Instructor by 9/11/14 (3 days after the Add/Drop deadline of 9/8/14) during office hours or by making an appointment. ALSO, contact: Student_Disability_Resources@csumb.edu, Building 47, Student Services, First Floor, Phone: 831/582-3672 voice, or 582-4024 fax/TTY http://sdr.csumb.edu/. SMART College Policy on Academic Honesty All students are expected to do their own academic work. Plagiarism, copying the work of others and claiming it as one's own, has lead to the destruction of many reputations and careers. The code governing student conduct in the California State University regarding plagiarism and academic honesty is based on section 41301, Article 1, Subchapter 3, Chapter 5, Title 5 of the California Code Regulations, and is as follows: "41301. Expulsion, Suspension and Probation of Students.--Following procedures consonant with due process established pursuant to Section 41304, any student of a campus may be expelled, suspended, placed on probation or given a lesser sanction for ..... cheating or plagiarism in connection with an academic program at a campus." Within the SMART College, plagiarism or other forms of dishonesty by students in their academic work will not be tolerated, and will result in serious and immediate consequences. In keeping with CSU requirements, academic dishonesty cases that occur in the classroom shall be handled by faculty members. The practice in SMART shall be that students who are found by faculty to have committed plagiarism in an assignment will, at minimum, upon the first offense fail that assignment. Upon the second offense, a student will, at minimum, fail the class. In addition, and in keeping with CSU requirements, after action has been taken, the faculty member shall complete a REPORT OF ACADEMIC DISHONESTY form to identify the student who was found responsible, the general nature of the offense, the action taken, and a recommendation as to whether or not additional administrative action is needed. The completed form shall then be sent by the faculty member to the Judicial Affairs Office. This process provides an opportunity to hold students accountable and to identify students with multiple academic dishonesty reports. In all cases, the student may be subject to an academic sanction as determined appropriate by the faculty member, as well as administrative sanctions as deemed necessary by the Judicial Affairs Office.