No. 40 2547 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY ALL PUBLIC ACTS appearing in this GAZETTE are to be considered official, and obeyed as such ADELAIDE, THURSDAY, 31 MAY 2012 CONTENTS Page Appointments, Resignations, Etc. ............................................ 2548 Aquaculture Act 2001—Notice ............................................... 2548 Associations Incorporation Act 1985—Notice ........................ 2673 Consumer and Business Affairs, Office of—Notice ................ 2549 Controlled Substances Act 1984—Notice ............................... 2549 Corporations and District Councils—Notices ......................... 2673 Communities and Social Inclusion, Department for— Notice .................................................................................. 2548 Development Act 1993—Notices ............................................ 2550 Emergency Services Funding Act 1998—Notice .................... 2549 Expiation of Offences Act 1996—Notice................................ 2549 Fisheries Management Act 2007—Notices ............................. 2614 Harbors and Navigation Act 1993—Notices ........................... 2615 Health Care Act 2008—Notices .............................................. 2560 Liquor Licensing Act 1997—Notices ...................................... 2616 Local Government Act 1999—Notice ..................................... 2618 Mining Act 1971—Notices ..................................................... 2619 National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001—Notices ................................................. 2620 Natural Resources Management Act 2004—Notices .... 2549, 2621 Passenger Transport Regulations 2009—Notice ..................... 2624 Page Rail Safety Act 2007—Notice ................................................. 2623 Police Service Fees and Charges ............................................. 2625 Proclamation ........................................................................... 2637 Public Sector Act 2009—Notice ............................................. 2626 Public Trustee Office—Administration of Estates .................. 2673 REGULATIONS Development Act 1993 (No. 150 of 2012) .......................... 2638 Fisheries Management Act 2007 (No. 151 of 2012) ............ 2657 Motor Vehicles Act 1959— (No. 152 of 2012) ............................................................ 2667 (No. 153 of 2012) ............................................................ 2671 Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991—Notice ................... 2630 Training and Skills Development Act 2008—Notices............. 2627 Valuation of Land Act 1971—Notice ..................................... 2630 Water Conservation Act 1936—Notice ................................... 2633 Waterworks Act 1932—Notices ............................................. 2633 Water Mains and Sewers—Mains Laid, Replaced, Etc. ...................................................................... 2630 Wilderness Protection Regulations 2006—Notice .................. 2632 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES ALL poundkeepers’ and private advertisements forwarded for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette must be PAID FOR PRIOR TO INSERTION; and all notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written on one side of the paper only and sent to Government Publishing SA so as to be received no later than 4 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040. E-mail: Send as attachments in Word format and please confirm your transmission with a faxed copy of your document, including the date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. The Government Gazette is available online at: 2548 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 31 May 2012 HIS Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Government Financing Advisory Board (SAFA), pursuant to the provisions of the Government Financing Authority Act 1982: Member: (from 9 June 2012 until 8 June 2015) Mark Day Leonard Raymond Foster Yvonne Sneddon By command, JAY WILSON WEATHERILL, Premier T&F12/016CS AQUACULTURE ACT 2001 Grant of Aquaculture Leases PURSUANT to the provisions of Section 22 of the Aquaculture Act 2001, Gail Gago, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries, hereby gives notice of the grant of the following leases for the purposes of aquaculture in the waters of the State: LA00297 LA00298 Further details are available for the above leases granted on the PIRSA Aquaculture Public Register; which can be found at GAIL GAGO, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 31 May 2012 HIS Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the South Australian Asset Management Corporation Board, pursuant to the provisions of the State Bank of South Australia Act 1983: Director: (from 18 June 2012 until 17 June 2013) Linda Hart Deputy Chair: (from 18 June 2012 until 17 June 2013) Linda Hart By command, JAY WILSON WEATHERILL, Premier T&F12/037CS DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND SOCIAL INCLUSION NOTICE BY THE MINISTER FOR DISABILITY Fees Payable for Services Provided by Disability Services THE fees set out in the table below will be charged by Disability Services for services specified in the table where the services are provided to compensable disability clients: The Chief Executive of the department may waive payment of, or remit, the whole or any part of a fee payable under this notice: Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 31 May 2012 HIS Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint the undermentioned to the State Procurement Board, pursuant to the provisions of the State Procurement Act 2004: Member: (from 10 June 2012 until 9 June 2014) Steven John Archer Katrina Ball Virginia Deegan By command, JAY WILSON WEATHERILL, for Premier T&F12/030CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 31 May 2012 HIS Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has revoked the appointment of David Frederich Hutchinson as a Justice of the Peace for South Australia, effective from 31 May 2012, pursuant to the provisions of the Justices of the Peace Act 2005 and Section 36 of the Acts Interpretation Act 1915. By command, JAY WILSON WEATHERILL, Premier JP12/020CS Department of the Premier and Cabinet Adelaide, 31 May 2012 HIS Excellency the Governor’s Deputy in Executive Council has been pleased to appoint David Frederick Hutchinson as a Justice of the Peace for South Australia for a period of ten years commencing from 31 May 2012 and expiring on 30 May 2022, it being a condition of appointment that the Justice of the Peace must take the oath required of a Justice under the Oaths Act 1936 and return the oaths form to the Justice of the Peace Services within 3 months of the date of appointment, pursuant to Section 4 of the Justices of the Peace Act 2005. By command, JAY WILSON WEATHERILL, Premier JP12/020CS Table of Fees $ 1. Disability Services—fee for campus based or residential accommodation—per day or part day ...... 437.00 2. Disability Services—Fee for arrangement or co-ordination of access of client to disability services—per hour or part hour ................................. 35.50 3. Disability Services—Fee for preparation of report on access of client to disability services (for purpose of compensation or legal proceedings)— per report ................................................................... 352.00 4. In addition, where transportation is provided or arranged by Disability Services, an additional fee equal to the cost of providing, or arranging for the provision of that transportation is payable. Non-compensable disability clients provided with a supported accommodation service by Disability Services are charged a percentage of their Disability Support Pension. The rate charged depends on the type of support accommodation provided. Fees are increased twice yearly in line with Disability Support Pension increases. In this notice: Department means the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion; Disability Services means the division of the department known as Disability Services; Compensable client means a client receiving services who is, or may be, entitled to payment, or has received payment, by way of compensation in respect of the injury, illness or disease for which the client is receiving those services; Day means 24 hours (whether a continuous period or in aggregate); Client means a person to whom services or care is provided. This notice will come into operation on 1 July 2012. IAN HUNTER, Minister for Disability DEPARTMENT FOR COMMUNITIES AND SOCIAL INCLUSION NOTICE BY THE MINISTER FOR COMMUNITIES AND SOCIAL INCLUSION Fees Payable for Services Provided by the Screening Unit THE fees set out in the table below will be charged by the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion for services specified in the table as provided by the Screening Unit. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE The Chief Executive of the department may waive payment of, or remit, the whole or any part of a fee payable under this notice: Table of Fees $ 1. Screening Unit—employed individual—Fee for criminal history check and background screening service ....................................................................... 61.00 2. Screening Unit—volunteer or student individual— Fee for criminal history check and background screening service ....................................................... 39.75 In this notice: Department means the Department for Communities and Social Inclusion. This notice will come into operation on 1 July 2012. Dated 21 March 2012. IAN HUNTER, Minister for Communities and Social Inclusion, Minister for Disability CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT 1984 Fees and Charges I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse, hereby give notice pursuant to Section 55 of the Controlled Substances Act 1984, of the following fees to apply for licences issued under the Act: These charges will operate from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. 1. Annual fee for manufacturers licence: (a) for a manufacturer who manufactures only Schedule 1 poisons ...............................................No fee (b) for a manufacturer who manufactures Schedule 2 poisons ............................................ $255.00 (c) for a manufacturer who manufactures Schedule 3 poisons ............................................ $255.00 (d) for a manufacturer who manufactures Schedule 4 poisons ............................................ $255.00 (e) for a manufacturer who manufactures Schedule 7 poisons ............................................ $255.00 (f) for a manufacturer who manufactures drugs of dependence .......................................... $334.00 Note— The maximum cumulative annual fee is: • for a manufacturer of poisons other than drugs of dependence is $848. • for a manufacturer of drugs of dependence is $1 062. 2. Annual fee for wholesale dealers licence: (a) for a wholesaler who sells only Schedule 1 poisons ...............................................No fee (b) for a wholesaler who sells only Schedule 2 poisons .............................................. $84.50 (c) for a wholesaler who sells only Schedule 3 poisons .............................................. $84.50 (d) for a wholesaler who sells only Schedule 4 poisons ............................................ $171.00 (e) for a wholesaler who sells only Schedule 7 poisons ............................................ $171.00 (f) for a wholesaler who sells drugs of dependence ........................................................ $334.00 Note— The maximum cumulative annual fee is: • for a wholesaler who sells poisons other than drugs of dependence is $425. • for a wholesaler who sells of drugs of dependence is $650. 3. Annual fee for retail sellers licence........................... $171.00 4. Annual fee for medicine sellers licence ...................... $38.75 5. Annual fee for licence to supply, possess or administer: 2549 (a) S4 drugs (other than drugs of dependence) (Section 18) ........................................................ $84.50 (b) drugs of dependence or equipment (Section 31) ........................................................ $84.50 Note— The maximum cumulative annual fee for a licence to supply or administer S4 drugs and drugs of dependence is $113. 6. Annual fee licence to possess Schedule F poisons .... $127.00 Dated 21 March 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Mental Health and Substance Abuse OFFICE OF CONSUMER AND BUSINESS AFFAIRS Fees Payable for Marriage Services Provided by Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office I, JOHN R. RAU, Attorney-General, hereby give notice that the fees set out below will be charged by the Office of Consumer and Business Affairs for marriage services at the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Office: $ Lodgement Fee ................................................................ 96.00 Solemnisation Fee ......................................................... 162.00 These charges are inclusive of G.S.T. and will come into operation from 1 July 2012. In this notice: Marriage has the same meaning as that under the Commonwealth Marriage Act 1961, defined as the union of a man and a woman to the exclusion of all others, voluntarily entered into for life. Lodgement means notice to be given under Section 42 of the Commonwealth Marriage Act 1961. Dated 30 April 2012. JOHN R. RAU, Attorney-General EMERGENCY SERVICES FUNDING ACT 1998 Section 14—Fees I, MICHAEL FRANCIS O’BRIEN, Minister for Finance, set the fee pursuant to Section 14 of the Emergency Services Funding Act 1998 at $13.70: • To inspect the Assessment Book during ordinary office hours; or • for a copy of an entry made in the Assessment Book; commencing 1 July 2012. Dated 21 March 2012. MICHAEL O’BRIEN, Minister for Finance EXPIATION OF OFFENCES ACT 1996 NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Instrument of Authorisation I, PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, being the Minister responsible for the administration of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, do hereby authorise, pursuant to Section 6 (3) (b) (i) of the Expiation of Offences Act 1996, Kym McAtee, appointed as a State Authorised Officer pursuant to Section 66 (1) of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, to issue expiation notices for expiable offences under the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, or Regulations made under the Natural Resources Management Act 2004. Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation 2550 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993: SECTION 39 (1) (a) Determination of Residential Code Development Application Form by the Minister for the Purposes of Section 39 (1) (a) of the Development Act 1993 Preamble This notice is in addition to the notice that was published in the Government Gazette on 11 November 1993 at page 2459 that determined the form to be used for the purposes of Section 39 (1) (a) of the Development Act 1993 which still applies. NOTICE PURSUANT to Section 39 (1) (a) of the Development Act 1993, I, John Rau, being the Minister administering the Development Act 1993, have determined that the form in Schedule 1 is a form that may be used for an application to a relevant authority for residential code development under clauses 2A and 2B of Schedule 4 of the Development Regulations 2008. Dated 31 May 2012. JOHN RAU, Minister for Planning 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2551 2552 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993, SECTION 29 (2) (b) (ii): AMENDMENT TO THE ADELAIDE (CITY) DEVELOPMENT PLAN Preamble It is necessary to amend the Adelaide (City) Development Plan consolidated on 5 April 2012. NOTICE PURSUANT to Section 29 (2) (b) (ii) of the Development Act 1993, I amend the Adelaide (City) Development Plan dated 5 April 2012 as follows: 1. Within the existing RA 6 Residential (Hurtle West) Zone: (a) Rename the ‘RA 6 Residential (Hurtle West) Zone’ to ‘RA 5 Residential (Hurtle West) Zone’. (b) Replace the maps and figure references ‘Maps Adel/24, 25 and 31 and Figure RA/6’ with maps and figure references ‘Maps Adel/25 and 31 and Figure RA/5’. (c) Replace ‘Figure RA/6’ with the contents of ‘Attachment A’. 2. Within the existing RA 8 Residential (Whitmore East) Zone: (a) Rename the ‘RA 8 Residential (Whitmore East) Zone’ to ‘RA 6 Residential (Whitmore East) Zone’. (b) Replace the figure reference ‘Figure RA/8’ with the figure reference ‘Figure RA/6’. (c) Replace ‘Figure RA/8’ with the contents of ‘Attachment B’. 3. Within the existing RA 11 Residential (Whitmore West) Zone: (a) Rename the ‘RA 11 Residential (Whitmore West) Zone’ to ‘RA 7 Residential (Whitmore West) Zone’. (b) Replace the figure reference ‘Figure RA/11’ with the figure reference ‘Figure RA/7’. (c) Replace ‘Figure RA/11’ with the contents of ‘Attachment C’. 4. Replace Concept Plan Figure CC/1 and Concept Plan Figure CC/2 with the contents of ‘Attachment D’. 5. Within the MS1 Main Street (O’Connell) Zone, insert the following Principle of Development Control after existing Principle of Development Control 12 and renumber the remainder principles accordingly: ‘Except on allotments south of Tynte Street or on sites greater than 1 500 square metres in area (which may include two or more allotments) the following plot ratios apply: (a) Basic plot ratio: 1.2; (b) Maximum plot ratio: 1.5; and (c) Bonus plot ratio: 0.3.” 6. Within the Table Adel/2 Local Heritage Places rename the heading of the second column ‘Description and/or Extent of Listed Place’ to ‘Description of Place and Elements of Heritage Value’. 7. Within the Table Adel/3 Local Heritage Places (Townscape) rename the heading of the second column ‘Description and/or Extent of Listed Place’ to ‘Description of Place’. 8. Within the Table Adel/4 Local Heritage Places (City Significance) rename the heading of the second column ‘Description and/or Extent of Listed Place’ to ‘Description of Place’. 9. Fix the day on which this notice is published in the Gazette as the day on which the Amendment will come into operation. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ATTACHMENT A 2553 2554 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ATTACHMENT B [31 May 2012 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ATTACHMENT C 2555 2556 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ATTACHMENT D [31 May 2012 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2557 JOHN RAU, Deputy Premier, Minister for Planning 2558 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ADVERTISEMENT RATES To apply from 1 July 2011 Agents, Ceasing to Act as .................................................... Associations: Incorporation ................................................................... 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Probate, Selling of ........................................................... Public Trustee, each Estate .............................................. $ 45.50 23.00 57.00 57.00 45.50 57.00 33.75 45.50 57.00 33.75 33.75 45.50 $ Firms: Ceasing to Carry on Business (each insertion) ................ 30.25 Discontinuance Place of Business ................................... 30.25 LandReal Property Act: Intention to Sell, Notice of ............................................... 57.00 Lost Certificate of Title Notices ...................................... 57.00 Cancellation, Notice of (Strata Plan) ............................... 57.00 Mortgages: Caveat Lodgement ........................................................... Discharge of .................................................................... Foreclosures ..................................................................... Transfer of ....................................................................... Sublet ............................................................................... 23.00 24.10 23.00 23.00 11.60 LeasesApplication for Transfer (2 insertions) each ......... 11.60 Lost Treasury Receipts (3 insertions) each .......................... 33.75 33.75 11.60 38.00 Licensing ............................................................................. 67.50 45.50 11.60 90.50 11.60 57.00 23.00 45.50 45.50 57.00 90.50 57.00 52.50 45.50 42.50 79.00 67.50 45.50 102.00 23.00 45.50 45.50 33.75 57.00 11.60 33.75 1.50 45.50 11.60 Municipal or District Councils: Annual Financial StatementForms 1 and 2 .................. Electricity SupplyForms 19 and 20.............................. Default in Payment of Rates: First Name ................................................................... Each Subsequent Name ................................................ 636.00 452.00 Noxious Trade ..................................................................... 33.75 Partnership, Dissolution of .................................................. 33.75 Petitions (small) .................................................................. 23.00 Registered Building Societies (from Registrar-General) ..... 23.00 Register of Unclaimed MoneysFirst Name ...................... 33.75 Each Subsequent Name ................................................... 11.60 Registers of MembersThree pages and over: Rate per page (in 8pt) ...................................................... 289.00 Rate per page (in 6pt) ...................................................... 382.00 Sale of Land by Public Auction ........................................... 57.50 Advertisements .................................................................... 3.20 ¼ page advertisement .......................................................... 135.00 ½ page advertisement .......................................................... 270.00 Full page advertisement ....................................................... 529.00 Advertisements, other than those listed are charged at $3.20 per column line, tabular one-third extra. Notices by Colleges, Universities, Corporations and District Councils to be charged at $3.20 per line. Where the notice inserted varies significantly in length from that which is usually published a charge of $3.20 per column line will be applied in lieu of advertisement rates listed. South Australian Government publications are sold on the condition that they will not be reproduced without prior permission from the Government Printer. All the above prices include GST GOVERNMENT GAZETTE NOTICES ALL private advertisements forwarded for publication in the South Australian Government Gazette must be PAID FOR PRIOR TO INSERTION; and all notices, from whatever source, should be legibly written on one side of the paper only and sent to Government Publishing SA so as to be received no later than 4 p.m. Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040. E-mail: Send as attachments in Word format. Please include date the notice is to be published and to whom the notice will be charged. The Government Gazette is available online at: 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2559 MISCELLANEOUS LEGISLATION AND GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS PRICES AS FROM 1 JULY 2011 Acts, Bills, Rules, Parliamentary Papers and Regulations Pages Main Amends Pages Main Amends 1-16 17-32 33-48 49-64 65-80 81-96 97-112 113-128 129-144 145-160 161-176 177-192 193-208 209-224 225-240 241-257 258-272 273-288 289-304 305-320 321-336 337-352 353-368 369-384 385-400 401-416 417-432 433-448 449-464 465-480 481-496 2.80 3.70 4.85 6.10 7.10 8.30 9.45 10.60 11.80 13.00 14.10 15.40 16.60 17.50 18.70 20.10 21.20 22.30 23.30 24.70 25.75 27.00 27.75 29.25 30.50 31.75 33.00 34.00 34.75 35.25 37.50 1.30 2.30 3.45 4.70 5.90 6.85 8.10 9.30 10.50 11.60 12.80 13.90 15.30 16.20 17.30 18.30 19.40 21.00 21.90 23.20 24.30 25.50 26.75 27.75 29.00 30.00 31.50 32.75 33.50 34.50 35.25 497-512 513-528 529-544 545-560 561-576 577-592 593-608 609-624 625-640 641-656 657-672 673-688 689-704 705-720 721-736 737-752 753-768 769-784 785-800 801-816 817-832 833-848 849-864 865-880 881-896 897-912 913-928 929-944 945-960 961-976 977-992 38.50 39.50 41.00 42.00 43.00 44.50 45.75 46.50 47.75 49.00 49.75 51.50 52.50 53.50 55.00 55.50 57.00 58.00 59.00 60.50 61.50 63.00 64.00 65.50 66.00 67.50 68.00 69.00 70.00 73.00 74.00 37.50 38.25 39.50 41.00 42.00 42.50 44.00 45.50 46.00 47.75 48.25 49.75 50.50 52.00 53.00 54.00 55.00 57.00 58.00 58.50 60.50 61.50 62.50 64.00 64.50 66.00 67.50 68.00 68.50 69.50 70.00 Legislation—Acts, Regulations, etc: $ Subscriptions: Acts ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 237.00 All Bills as Laid ..................................................................................................................................................................... 570.00 Rules and Regulations ............................................................................................................................................................ 570.00 Parliamentary Papers.............................................................................................................................................................. 570.00 Bound Acts............................................................................................................................................................................. 263.00 Index ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 132.00 Government Gazette Copy ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6.25 Subscription ........................................................................................................................................................................... 315.00 Hansard Copy .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 17.30 Subscription—per session (issued weekly) ................................................................................................................................ 494.00 Cloth bound—per volume .......................................................................................................................................................... 212.00 Subscription—per session (issued daily) ................................................................................................................................... 494.00 Legislation on Disk Whole Database ..................................................................................................................................................................... 3 660.00 Annual Subscription for fortnightly updates .......................................................................................................................... 1 125.00 Individual Act(s) including updates ....................................................................................................................................... POA Notice of Vacancies Annual Subscription .................................................................................................................................................................. 174.00 Compendium Subscriptions: New Subscriptions ................................................................................................................................................................. 2 167.00 Updates .................................................................................................................................................................................. 765.00 (All the above prices include GST) All Legislation, Government Gazette, Hansard and Legislation on disk are available from: Counter Sales Government Legislation Outlet and Mail Orders: Service SA Customer Service Centre, Ground Floor—EDS Centre, 108 North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 Phone: 13 23 24 (local call cost), Fax: (08) 8204 1909 Postal: G.P.O. Box 1707, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 Online Shop: Subscriptions and Government Publishing SA Standing Orders: Plaza Level, Riverside Centre, North Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 Phone: (08) 8207 1043, (08) 8207 0910, Fax: (08) 8207 1040 2560 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 Fees and Charges I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing, hereby give notice pursuant to Section 44 of the Health Care Act 2008, of the fees in the list attached to apply to a compensable patient: These charges will operate from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. Dated 16 May 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2561 Interpretation (1) unless the contrary intention appears— Act means the Health Care Act 2008; admission means the formal administrative process of a public hospital site by which a patient commences a period of treatment, care and accommodation in the public hospital site; admitted, in relation to a patient, means a patient who has undergone the formal admission process of a public hospital site; compensable patient means a patient receiving services from a public hospital site who is, or may be, entitled to payment, or has received payment, by way of compensation in respect of the injury, illness or disease for which the patient is receiving those services; day means 24 hours (whether a continuous period or in aggregate); discharge means the formal administrative process of a public hospital site by which a patient ceases a period of treatment, care and accommodation in that public hospital site; discharged, in relation to a patient, means a patient who has undergone the formal discharge process of a public hospital site; health professional includes a person employed to provide training or instruction to patients or their carers in relation to patient treatment and care; incorporated hospital means a hospital incorporated under the Health Care Act 2008. Medicare patient means a patient who is an eligible person for the purposes of receiving medical benefits under the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth; non-admitted, in relation to a patient, means a patient who is not an admitted patient; outreach service, in relation to a public hospital site, means treatment or care provided by the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient at a location outside the public hospital site premises (being treatment or care provided as a direct substitute for treatment or care that would normally be provided on the public hospital site premises); patient means a person to whom a public hospital site provides treatment or care (including outreach services or domiciliary maintenance and care); private, in relation to a patient, connotes that the patient receives medical or diagnostic services from a medical practitioner selected by the patient; public, in relation to a patient, connotes that the patient receives medical or diagnostic services from a medical practitioner selected by the public hospital site of which he or she is a patient; public hospital site means a hospital facility which is operated by and is part of an incorporated hospital and which can have buildings and facilities at more than one location in the State; 2562 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 retrieval team means a team of health professionals, at least one of whom is a medical practitioner, with specialist expertise in the treatment and care of seriously ill or seriously injured patients during transportation; salaried medical officer, in relation to a public hospital site, means a medical practitioner who is employed by the employing authority under the Health Care Act 2008. Determination of fees Fees (1) Subject to subsection (3) and (4), the fee to be charged by a public hospital site for services of a kind set out in Schedule 1 provided to an admitted patient— (a) who is a compensable patient; or (b) who is not a Medicare patient, is the fee set out in, or determined in accordance with, that Schedule. (2) Subject to subsection (3) and (4), the fee (or, where specified, the maximum fee) to be charged by a public hospital site for services of a kind set out in Schedule 2 provided to a non-admitted patient— (a) who is a compensable patient; or (b) who is not a Medicare patient, is the fee set out in, or determined in accordance with, that Schedule. (3) Subject to subsection (4), the fee (or, where specified, the maximum fee) to be charged by a public hospital site for services of a kind set out in Schedule 3 provided to a patient— (a) who is a compensable patient; or (b) who is not a Medicare patient, is the fee set out in, or determined in accordance with, that Schedule. (4) The fee to be charged by a public hospital site for services of a kind set out in Schedule 3A provided to a public patient— (a) who is not a compensable patient; and (b) who is not a Medicare patient, is the fee set out in, or determined in accordance with, that Schedule. Waiver or remission of fees A public hospital site may waive payment of, or remit, the whole or any part of a fee payable to it. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2563 Schedule 1— Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites: fees for admitted patients 1—Interpretation (1) In this Schedule, unless the contrary intention appears— AR-DRG means Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Group; leave hour means an hour for which an admitted patient of a public hospital site is on leave from the public hospital site without being discharged from the public hospital site; maintenance care (formerly Nursing Home Type care) means treatment and care of an admitted patient in which the treatment goal is to prevent deterioration in the patient's health or ability to function and where care over an indefinite period, but not further complex assessment or stabilisation, is required; Manual means the Australian Refined Diagnosis Related Groups, Version 6.0, Definitions Manual, released in November 2008 by the Commonwealth Department of Health and Ageing; non-teaching, in relation to a public hospital site, means a public hospital site listed in the first column of the table in Schedule 4 whose classification in relation to the provision of services to admitted patients is specified in the fourth column of the table as Non-teaching; rehabilitation, or rehabilitation care, means the treatment and care of a patient with an impairment, disability or handicap in which the treatment goal is to improve the ability of the patient to function; rounded to the nearest hour, in relation to the determination of a number of hours, means that where a number of hours includes a fraction of an hour, the number is to be rounded up to the nearest whole hour if the fraction consists of 30 minutes or more and rounded down to the nearest whole hour (or, where necessary, to zero) if the fraction consists of less than 30 minutes; teaching, in relation to a public hospital site, means a public hospital site listed in the first column of the table in Schedule 4 whose classification in relation to the provision of services to admitted patients is specified in the fourth column of the table as Teaching. (2) (3) For the purposes of this Schedule— (a) AR-DRG reference numbers or descriptions are as set out in the Manual; and (b) terms and abbreviations used in AR-DRG descriptions have the meanings given by the Manual. A reference in this Schedule to a Table of a specified number in this Schedule is a reference to the Table of that number in clause 9. 2—Determination of applicable AR-DRG For the purposes of this Schedule, the AR-DRG applicable to a patient must be determined in accordance with the guidelines contained in South Australian Morbidity Coding Standards and Guidelines (Inpatients), effective 1 July 2006, published by the Department of Health. 2564 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 3—Standard fee for admitted patients Subject to this Schedule, the fee to be charged by a public hospital site for a period of treatment, care and accommodation of an admitted patient to whom an AR-DRG specified in the first and second columns of Table 3 in this Schedule is applicable must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the Price is the price specified in the second column of Table 1 in this Schedule according to the public hospital site classification (teaching or non-teaching) specified in the first column of the Table; and (b) the Cost Weight is the cost weight specified in the third, fourth, fifth or sixth column of Table 3 in this Schedule according to the public hospital site classification (teaching or non-teaching) and patient classification (public or private) specified in those columns for the AR-DRG applicable to the patient. Fee Fee 5—Fee for rehabilitation or maintenance care Despite clause 3, the fee to be charged by a public hospital site for a period of treatment, care and accommodation of an admitted patient where the treatment and care consists of rehabilitation or maintenance care must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the Price is the price specified in the third or fourth column of Table 2 in this Schedule according to the public hospital site classification (teaching or non-teaching) specified in those columns, the patient classification (public or private) specified in the first column and the type of treatment or care specified in the second column, of the Table; and (b) the LOS (length of stay) means the number of hours (rounded to the nearest hour) between— (i) the admission of the patient to the public hospital site or, where the patient receives maintenance care, the commencement of maintenance care, whichever is the later; and (ii) the discharge of the patient from the public hospital site, excluding any leave hours (rounded to the nearest hour) for the patient during that period, expressed as a figure in days (including parts of days) and rounded up to the nearest whole day. 6—Medical or diagnostic services not included in fees for private patients In the case of a private patient, a fee determined in accordance with this Schedule does not include a fee for the cost of medical or diagnostic services provided by a medical practitioner selected by the patient. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2565 7—Retrieval fee (admitted patients) Where a retrieval team provided by a public hospital site monitors and treats a seriously ill or seriously injured admitted patient of that or any other public hospital site during the transportation of the patient to the public hospital site or to another facility of the public hospital site, the fee to be charged by the public hospital site providing the retrieval team is as follows: Provision of retrieval team—$2 330.60 8—Transportation fee (1) Where, in addition to providing a service referred to in this Schedule, a public hospital site transports, or arranges for the transportation of, a patient to or from (or between different facilities of) the public hospital site, the public hospital site may charge an additional fee equal to the cost to the public hospital site of providing, or arranging for the provision of, that transportation. (2) Subclause (1) does not apply to the transportation of a patient with a retrieval team provided by the public hospital site. 9—Other fees (1) Pharmaceutical Reform arrangements For public hospital sites participating in the pharmaceutical reform arrangements under the agreement between the South Australian and the Australian Government the following fees apply for pharmaceuticals provided to admitted patients on discharge: (i) For compensable patients: (a) For the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme items (per item) the community co-payment rate for pharmaceuticals as set under the Commonwealth National Health Act 1953 each year on 1 January. (b) For the supply of non-Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme items (per item) an amount that is the cost to the public hospital (using a full cost recovery principle) for supply of that item. (ii) For non-Medicare patients for the supply of non-Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme and Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme items (per item) an amount that is the cost to the public hospital (using a full cost recovery principle) for supply of that item. 2566 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 10—Tables Table 1: Prices Public Hospital Site Classification Price Teaching Hospital $6 410 Non-teaching Hospital $4 463.70 Table 2: Rehabilitation and Maintenance Care Fees Public or Private Patient Price (per day) Type of Treatment NonTeaching teaching Hospital Hospital Public Maintenance care $358 $354 Private Maintenance care $352 $346 Public Rehabilitation—Spinal $1 949 $1 823 Private Rehabilitation—Spinal $1 809 $1 692 Public Rehabilitation—Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury, Amputee $1 130 $1 053 Private Rehabilitation—Stroke, Acquired Brain Injury, Amputee $1 049 $978 Public Rehabilitation—Other $816 $756 Private Rehabilitation—Other $758 $702 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2567 Table 3: Cost Weight Table for All Incorporated Hospitals and Public Hospital Sites Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description A01Z Liver Transplant A03Z Lung Or Heart/Lung Transplant A05Z Heart Transplant A06A Tracheostomy W Vent>95 +Ccc A06B Trch&Vnt-Ccc Or Trch/Vnt+Ccc A06C Ventilation>95 - Ccc A06D Tracheostomy -Ccc A07Z Allog Bone Marrow Transplant A08A Auto Bone Marrow Transplnt+Ccc A08B Auto Bone Marrow Transplnt-Ccc A09A Renal Transplant+Pancreas/+Ccc A09B Renal Transplant -Pancreas-Ccc A10Z Insertion Of Vad A11A Ins Implnt Sp Infus Dev+Ccc A11B Ins Implnt Sp Infus Dev-Ccc A12Z Ins Neurostimulator Dev A40Z Ecmo B01A Ventricular Shunt Rev+Cscc B01B Ventricular Shunt Rev-Cscc B02A Cranial Procedures + Ccc B02B Cranial Procedures + Scc B02C Cranial Procedures - Cscc B03A Spinal Procedures + Cscc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 27.05 16.52 - - 25.75 17.78 31.59 23.58 37.95 22.77 49.93 33.92 34.54 25.96 41.66 32.20 18.24 13.39 21.11 15.86 13.76 10.48 15.40 11.59 8.46 5.69 9.70 6.49 19.00 15.56 16.65 14.88 9.64 7.37 10.51 8.36 3.24 2.63 5.45 4.48 10.48 7.73 12.46 9.42 6.49 4.73 9.47 7.42 57.78 34.36 100.83 73.16 8.30 4.64 - - 3.69 2.11 4.21 2.15 3.52 1.61 2.70 1.16 30.95 20.23 13.36 8.50 2.93 1.95 4.22 2.87 2.11 1.22 2.46 1.37 8.33 5.57 10.84 7.49 5.05 3.29 6.33 4.18 3.75 2.34 4.42 2.82 6.10 4.05 6.37 4.14 2568 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description B03B Spinal Procedures - Cscc B04A Extracranial Vascular Pr +Ccc B04B Extracranial Vascular Pr -Ccc B05Z Carpal Tunnel Release B06A Cbl Psy,Mus Dysy,Npthy Pr +Cc B06B Cbl Psy,Mus Dysy,Npthy Pr -Cc B07A Prphl & Cranl Nerv & Oth Pr+Cc B07B Prphl & Cranl Nerv & Oth Pr-Cc B40Z Plasmapheresis + Neuro Dis Sd B41Z Telemetric Eeg Monitoring B42A Nerv Sys Dx W Vent Support+Ccc B42B Nerv Sys Dx W Vent Support-Ccc B60A Acute Para/Quad+/-Or Pr +Ccc B60B Acute Para/Quad+/-Or Pr -Ccc B61A Spinal Cord Cond+/-Or Pr +Cscc B61B Spinal Cord Cond+/-Or Pr -Cscc B62Z Apheresis B63Z Dmntia&Chrnic Disturb Crbrl Fn B64A Delirium+Ccc B64B Delirium-Ccc B65Z Cerebral Palsy B66A Nervous System Neoplasm+Cscc B66B Nervous System Neoplasm-Cscc B67A Degnrtv Nerv Sys Dis+Cscc B67B Degnrtv Nerv Sys Dis+Mcc B67C Degnrtv Nerv Sys Dis-Cc B68A Mlt Sclrosis&Cerebel Ataxia+Cc B68B Mlt Sclrosis&Cerebel Ataxia-Cc B69A Tia & Precerebral Occlusn+Cscc B69B Tia & Precerebral Occlusn-Cscc B70A Stroke & Oth Cereb Dis +Ccc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 2.85 1.64 3.45 1.80 4.82 3.26 6.27 4.50 2.30 1.43 3.44 2.37 0.43 0.28 0.48 0.28 4.50 3.20 5.19 3.81 1.20 0.80 0.91 0.55 3.00 2.04 4.12 2.97 1.14 0.75 1.20 0.78 0.18 0.15 0.24 0.18 1.47 1.04 3.39 2.57 6.09 4.52 6.33 4.66 3.86 2.87 4.47 3.39 8.79 6.21 8.79 6.27 3.29 2.47 2.56 2.01 6.72 4.81 4.39 3.18 2.44 1.60 1.52 1.00 0.24 0.17 0.27 0.18 2.40 1.89 3.16 2.62 2.87 2.16 3.31 2.59 1.31 0.98 1.75 1.38 0.54 0.37 0.87 0.64 2.45 1.90 2.86 2.18 0.96 0.69 1.37 1.06 3.11 2.31 3.45 2.72 1.45 1.06 2.01 1.58 0.49 0.34 0.87 0.67 2.31 1.67 2.42 1.84 0.39 0.30 0.56 0.45 1.44 1.05 1.79 1.37 0.64 0.43 0.78 0.55 4.06 3.14 4.77 3.79 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2569 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description B70B Stroke & Oth Cereb Dis +Scc B70C Stroke & Oth Cereb Dis -Cscc B70D Strke&Oth Cereb Dis Die/Trn<5D B71A Cranial & Periphl Nerv Dsrd+Cc B71B Cranial & Periphl Nerv Dsrd-Cc B72A Nrvs Sys Inf Ex Vrl Mngts+Cscc B72B Nrvs Sys Inf Ex Vrl Mngts-Cscc B73Z Viral Meningitis B74A Nontraumatic Stupor & Coma +Cc B74B Nontraumatic Stupor & Coma -Cc B75Z Febrile Convulsions B76A Seizure + Cscc B76B Seizure - Cscc B77Z Headache B78A Intracranial Injury+Cscc B78B Intracranial Injury-Cscc B79A Skull Fractures+Cscc B79B Skull Fractures-Cscc B80Z Other Head Injury B81A Other Dsrd Of Nervous Sys+Cscc B81B Other Dsrd Of Nervous Sys-Cscc B82A Chr Unsp Para/Quad+/-Or Pr+Ccc B82B Chr Unsp Para/Quad+/-Pr+Scc B82C Chr Unsp Para/Quad+/- Pr -Cscc C01Z Proc For Penetrating Eye Injury C02Z Enucleations & Orbital Procs C03Z Retinal Procedures C04Z Major Corn, Scleral&Conjnct Pr C05Z Dacryocystorhinostomy C10Z Strabismus Procedures C11Z Eyelid Procedures Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 2.21 1.66 2.63 2.04 1.42 1.01 1.67 1.26 0.58 0.37 0.55 0.38 1.74 1.27 2.19 1.67 0.31 0.21 0.45 0.33 3.99 2.84 3.98 3.00 1.61 1.16 1.38 1.04 0.86 0.59 1.08 0.75 1.14 0.84 1.52 1.21 0.38 0.25 0.63 0.45 0.42 0.29 0.48 0.35 1.88 1.38 1.89 1.43 0.61 0.42 0.62 0.45 0.41 0.26 0.46 0.32 2.70 2.01 3.22 2.46 1.11 0.79 1.06 0.76 1.62 1.13 1.59 1.17 0.71 0.48 0.58 0.40 0.34 0.20 0.37 0.25 2.17 1.62 2.59 2.04 0.77 0.50 1.06 0.79 7.10 5.42 7.33 5.84 2.97 2.26 3.37 2.71 1.71 1.25 1.95 1.52 1.97 1.23 1.63 1.09 2.02 1.26 1.83 1.23 0.98 0.63 0.89 0.60 1.38 0.84 1.77 1.24 0.96 0.58 1.02 0.64 0.68 0.44 0.85 0.52 0.69 0.43 0.83 0.50 2570 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description C12Z Other Corn, Scleral&Conjnct Pr C13Z Lacrimal Procedures C14Z Other Eye Procedures C15A Glaucoma/Cx Cataract Procs C15B Glaucoma/Cx Cataract Procs, Sd C16Z Lens Procedures C60A Ac & Mjr Eye Infectn +Cc C60B Ac & Mjr Eye Infectn -Cc C61A Neurological&Vasclr Eye Dis+Cc C61B Neurological&Vasclr Eye Dis-Cc C62Z Hyphema &Med Managd Eye Trauma C63Z Other Disorders Of The Eye D01Z Cochlear Implant D02A Head & Neck Pr +Cscc D02B Head & Neck Pr+Malignancy/Mcc D02C Head & Neck Pr -Malignancy -Cc D03Z Surgcl Rpr Cleft Lip/Palate Dx D04A Maxillo Surgery + Cc D04B Maxillo Surgery - Cc D05Z Parotid Gland Procedures D06Z Sinus &Cmplx Mddl Ear Pr D10Z Nasal Procedures D11Z Tonsillectomy, Adenoidectomy D12Z Oth Ear,Nose,Mouth & Throat Pr D13Z Myringotomy +Tube Insertion D14Z Mouth & Salivary Gland Procs D15Z Mastoid Procedures D40Z Dental Extract & Restorations D60A Ear Nose Mouth&Throat Mal+Cscc D60B Ear Nose Mouth&Throat Mal-Cscc D61Z Dysequilibrium Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 0.67 0.44 0.79 0.47 0.40 0.24 0.52 0.33 0.56 0.36 0.54 0.35 1.34 0.84 1.25 0.86 0.64 0.40 0.74 0.43 0.51 0.29 0.68 0.33 2.30 1.65 2.56 1.94 1.29 0.81 1.41 1.05 1.11 0.71 1.27 0.93 0.60 0.37 0.60 0.43 0.42 0.28 0.44 0.31 0.52 0.34 0.57 0.39 6.25 1.56 10.98 1.97 6.28 4.23 5.85 3.67 2.89 1.91 2.31 1.42 1.68 1.07 1.45 0.89 1.45 1.02 2.41 1.65 2.40 1.41 3.45 1.95 1.53 0.87 1.87 1.05 1.88 1.16 2.24 1.28 1.22 0.80 1.31 0.76 0.83 0.54 0.99 0.61 0.60 0.41 0.79 0.52 0.99 0.64 1.08 0.66 0.36 0.23 0.48 0.27 0.91 0.58 0.80 0.49 2.19 1.39 2.37 1.40 0.60 0.41 0.71 0.48 2.74 2.14 3.13 2.39 0.65 0.46 0.97 0.70 0.49 0.34 0.67 0.49 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2571 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description D62Z Epistaxis D63Z Otitis Media And Uri D64Z Laryngotracheitis&Epiglottitis D65Z Nasal Trauma & Deformity D66A Oth Ear,Nose,Mouth&Thrt Dx +Cc D66B Oth Ear,Nose,Mouth&Thrt Dx -Cc D67A Oral&Dntal Dis-Extrct&Restn D67B Oral&Dntal Dis-Extrct&Restn,Sd E01A Major Chest Procedure + Ccc E01B Major Chest Procedure - Ccc E02A Other Respiratry Sys Or Pr+Ccc E02B Oth Respiratry Sys Or Pr+Smcc E02C Other Respiraty Sys Or Pr -Cc E40A Resp Dx W Ventilator Suppt+Ccc E40B Resp Dx W Ventilator Suppt-Ccc E41Z Resp Sys Dx +Non-Invas Ventiln E42A Bronchoscopy +Ccc E42B Bronchoscopy -Ccc E42C Bronchoscopy Sameday E60A Cystic Fibrosis +Cscc E60B Cystic Fibrosis -Cscc E61A Pulmonary Embolism + Ccc E61B Pulmonary Embolism - Ccc E62A Respiratry Infectn/Inflamm+Ccc E62B Respiratry Infectn/Inflam+Smcc E62C Respiratory Infectn/Inflamm-Cc E63Z Sleep Apnoea E64A Pulmonry Oedema &Resp Fail+Ccc E64B Pulmonry Oedema &Resp Fail-Ccc E65A Chrnic Obstrct Airway Dis +Ccc E65B Chrnic Obstrct Airway Dis -Ccc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 0.43 0.30 0.50 0.36 0.47 0.33 0.58 0.42 0.34 0.24 0.42 0.30 0.38 0.24 0.45 0.30 1.15 0.82 1.29 0.96 0.34 0.22 0.45 0.30 0.82 0.58 0.88 0.64 0.20 0.14 0.26 0.17 5.56 3.47 6.70 4.57 3.06 1.92 3.98 2.66 5.16 3.50 5.58 3.87 2.00 1.33 2.29 1.53 0.78 0.53 0.93 0.60 5.97 4.45 7.01 5.22 4.52 3.38 5.38 3.98 4.55 3.38 5.21 4.09 4.61 3.29 5.66 4.06 2.06 1.41 2.60 1.81 0.39 0.22 0.45 0.25 4.29 3.28 4.96 3.93 3.08 2.47 3.44 2.74 2.58 1.80 3.12 2.32 1.24 0.84 1.49 1.03 2.28 1.70 2.78 2.13 1.34 0.98 1.66 1.27 0.71 0.51 0.94 0.70 0.33 0.22 0.59 0.50 2.18 1.61 2.59 1.99 1.16 0.85 1.33 1.01 2.09 1.56 2.55 1.96 1.14 0.84 1.37 1.05 2572 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description E66A Major Chest Trauma +Ccc E66B Mjr Chest Trma +Smcc E66C Major Chest Trauma -Cc E67A Respiratry Signs & Symptm+Cscc E67B Respirtry Signs & Symptm -Cscc E68A Pneumothorax +Cc E68B Pneumothorax -Cc E69A Bronchitis & Asthma +Cc E69B Brnchts&Asthma -Cc E70A Whoopng Cgh &Acte Brnchio+Cc E70B Whoopng Cgh &Acte Brnchio-Cc E71A Respiratory Neoplasms +Ccc E71B Respiratory Neoplasms -Ccc E72Z Resp Probs From Neonatl Period E73A Pleural Effusion + Ccc E73B Pleural Effusn + Smcc E73C Pleural Effusion - Cc E74A Interstital Lung Dis +Ccc E74B Interstitial Lung Dis +Smcc E74C Interstitial Lung Dis -Cc E75A Other Resp Sys Dx +Ccc E75B Ot Resp Sys Dx +Smcc E75C Other Resp Sys Dx - Cc E76Z Respiratory Tuberculosis F01A Implntn/Replcmnt Aicd Ttl+Ccc F01B Implntn/Replcmnt Aicd Ttl-Ccc F02Z Other Aicd Procedures F03A Crdc Valv Pr+Pmp+Inv Inves+Ccc F03B Crdc Valv Pr+Pmp+Inv Inves-Ccc F04A Crd Vlv Pr+Pmp-Inv Inves+Ccc F04B Crd Vlv Pr+Pmp-Inv Inves-Ccc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 2.97 2.19 3.42 2.60 1.41 0.97 1.63 1.21 0.73 0.48 0.85 0.61 1.02 0.71 1.23 0.90 0.41 0.27 0.50 0.34 1.71 1.17 1.88 1.38 0.73 0.48 0.91 0.65 1.03 0.74 1.24 0.93 0.44 0.31 0.61 0.45 1.65 1.28 1.61 1.24 0.71 0.53 0.87 0.65 2.17 1.60 2.51 1.91 1.06 0.75 1.33 1.00 1.53 1.16 0.97 0.70 2.44 1.73 2.82 2.08 1.24 0.85 1.48 1.06 0.70 0.44 0.88 0.60 2.45 1.78 2.65 2.00 1.66 1.21 1.98 1.42 0.79 0.55 0.86 0.65 1.88 1.39 2.19 1.67 1.17 0.86 1.38 1.05 0.50 0.35 0.75 0.55 2.79 2.01 3.44 2.74 8.43 3.74 9.54 4.07 4.90 1.39 5.72 1.36 2.16 1.23 2.30 1.29 12.21 7.38 16.96 10.67 7.91 4.62 12.07 6.54 9.62 5.51 13.82 8.57 6.26 3.46 9.04 5.29 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2573 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description F05A Crnry Bypss+Inv Inves+Reop/Ccc F05B Crnry Bypss+Inv Inves-Reop-Ccc F06A Crnry Bypss-Inv Invs+Reop/Cscc F06B Crnry Bypss-Inv Invs-Reop-Cscc F07A Other Cardthor/Vasc Pr+Pmp+Ccc F07B Oth Cardthor/Vasc Pr+Pmp+Smcc F07C Other Cardthor/Vasc Pr+Pmp-Cc F08A Mjr Reconstrc Vasc Pr-Pump+Ccc F08B Mjr Reconstrc Vasc Pr-Pump-Ccc F09A Oth Cardiothor Pr-Pmp+Ccc F09B Oth Cardiothor Pr-Pmp +Smcc F09C Oth Cardiothor Pr-Pmp -Cc F10A Interventn Coronary Pr+Ami+Ccc F10B Interventn Coronary Pr+Ami-Ccc F11A Amputn Circ Sys-Up Lmb&Toe+Ccc F11B Amputn Circ Sys-Up Lmb&Toe-Ccc F12A Implant/Replace Pm,Tot Sys+Ccc F12B Implant/Replace Pm,Tot Sys-Ccc F13A Up Limb&Toe Amp Circ Dis +Cscc F13B Up Limb&Toe Amp Circ Dis -Cscc F14A Vasc Pr-Mjr Reconstrc-Pump+Ccc F14B Vasc Pr-Mjr Reconstr-Pump+Smcc F14C Vasc Pr-Mjr Reconstr-Pump-Cc F15A Inter Coronary Pr-Ami+Stn+Cscc F15B Inter Coronry Pr-Ami+Stnt-Cscc F16A Intervn Coronary Pr-Ami-Stn+Cc F16B Interv Coronary Pr-Ami-Stnt-Cc F17A Insert/Replace Pm Genertr+Cscc F17B Insert/Replace Pm Genertr-Cscc F18A Other Pacemaker Procedures+Cc F18B Other Pacemaker Procedures-Cc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 9.68 6.30 12.55 8.57 7.09 4.87 9.47 6.42 6.44 4.07 8.85 5.84 4.57 3.06 6.72 4.42 9.74 5.69 11.44 7.57 6.59 3.97 9.14 5.93 5.16 3.26 7.39 4.90 7.59 4.75 12.01 8.40 4.00 2.21 5.52 3.28 5.53 3.68 8.07 5.08 3.57 2.40 3.99 2.63 2.52 1.63 2.61 1.83 3.75 2.50 4.26 2.96 2.08 1.32 2.67 1.79 8.35 6.01 10.61 7.99 4.42 3.17 5.73 4.47 4.21 2.46 5.82 3.45 2.09 0.99 2.81 1.33 5.00 3.61 4.86 3.65 2.41 1.70 2.26 1.60 4.22 2.78 5.11 3.52 1.98 1.19 2.73 1.62 1.29 0.67 1.51 0.73 2.11 1.30 2.89 1.93 1.41 0.83 1.88 1.20 1.54 1.06 2.01 1.45 1.08 0.78 1.93 1.50 2.05 1.06 2.41 1.29 1.24 0.47 1.65 0.69 2.63 1.82 2.74 1.87 1.10 0.75 1.77 1.09 2574 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description F19Z Trns-Vsclr Perc Crdc Intrv F20Z Vein Ligation & Stripping F21A Oth Circ Sys Or Pr+Ccc F21B Oth Circ Sys Or Pr -Ccc F40A Circ Sys Dx+Ventiltr Suppt+Ccc F40B Circ Sys Dx+Ventiltr Suppt-Ccc F41A Crc Dsrd+Ami+Inva Inve Pr+Cscc F41B Crc Dsrd+Ami+Inva Inve Pr-Cscc F42A Crc Dsrd-Ami+Ic In Pr +Cscc F42B Crc Dsrd-Ami+Ic In Pr -Cscc F42C Crc Dsrd-Ami+Ic In Pr Sd F43Z Circ Sys Diag W Niv F60A Crc Dsrd+Ami-Inva Inve Pr+Ccc F60B Crc Dsrd+Ami-Inva Inve Pr-Ccc F61A Infective Endocarditis +Ccc F61B Infective Endocarditis -Ccc F62A Heart Failure & Shock + Ccc F62B Heart Failure & Shock - Ccc F63A Venous Thrombosis + Cscc F63B Venous Thrombosis - Cscc F64A Skn Ulcers Circ Disord +Cscc F64B Skn Ulcers Circ Disord -Cscc F65A Peripheral Vascular Dsrd +Cscc F65B Peripheral Vascular Dsrd -Cscc F66A Coronary Atherosclerosis +Cscc F66B Coronary Atherosclerosis -Cscc F67A Hypertension + Cscc F67B Hypertension - Cscc F68A Congenital Heart Disease +Cc F68B Congenital Heart Disease -Cc F69A Valvular Disorders + Cscc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 2.08 1.15 4.44 2.73 1.05 0.68 0.83 0.51 4.57 3.22 5.84 4.29 1.71 1.16 1.94 1.36 5.84 4.35 8.09 6.09 4.07 3.08 5.13 3.85 2.50 1.77 3.49 2.61 1.33 0.96 2.12 1.60 2.36 1.66 2.91 2.10 1.22 0.85 1.64 1.21 0.56 0.42 0.68 0.48 4.37 3.30 4.49 3.58 2.31 1.70 2.94 2.24 0.93 0.67 1.17 0.87 6.24 4.33 5.54 4.06 3.23 2.33 3.03 2.15 2.38 1.74 3.00 2.30 1.05 0.76 1.41 1.07 1.85 1.31 1.99 1.45 0.78 0.54 0.98 0.69 2.59 1.91 3.28 2.54 1.00 0.72 1.61 1.18 1.84 1.31 2.00 1.51 0.63 0.38 0.72 0.46 1.13 0.80 1.37 1.05 0.43 0.30 0.54 0.39 1.52 1.10 1.56 1.17 0.54 0.36 0.67 0.46 1.60 1.14 1.14 0.84 0.49 0.28 2.16 1.50 1.53 1.07 1.76 1.33 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2575 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description F69B Valvular Disorders - Cscc F72A Unstable Angina + Cscc F72B Unstable Angina - Cscc F73A Syncope & Collapse + Cscc F73B Syncope & Collapse - Cscc F74Z Chest Pain F75A Other Circulatry System Dx+Ccc F75B Oth Circulatry System Dx+Smcc F75C Other Circulaty System Dx-Cc F76A Arrhy, Card & Cond Disdr +Cscc F76B Arrhy, Card & Cond Disdr -Cscc G01A Rectal Resection +Ccc G01B Rectal Resection -Ccc G02A Mjr Small & Large Bowel Pr+Ccc G02B Mjr Small & Large Bowel Pr-Ccc G03A Stomch,Oesph&Duodnl Pr+Mal/Ccc G03B Stmch,Oesphgl&Ddnl Pr-Mal+Smcc G03C Stmch,Oesphgl&Ddnl Pr-Mal-Cc G04A Peritoneal Adhesolysis +Ccc G04B Prtnl Adhly +Smcc G04C Peritoneal Adhesolysis -Cc G05A Mnr Small&Large Bowel Pr +Ccc G05B Mnr Small&Large Bowel Pr +Smcc G05C Mnr Small & Large Bowel Pr -Cc G06Z Pyloromyotomy Procedure G07A Appendctmy +Malig/Periton/Cscc G07B Appendctmy -Malig-Periton-Cscc G10A Hernia Procedures +Cc G10B Hernia Procedures -Cc G11Z Anal & Stomal Procedures G12A Oth Digest Sys Or Pr+Ccc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 0.37 0.25 0.49 0.34 1.10 0.78 1.38 1.04 0.55 0.38 0.69 0.50 1.27 0.92 1.66 1.27 0.45 0.31 0.61 0.43 0.36 0.24 0.46 0.32 2.94 2.12 3.23 2.42 1.25 0.88 1.36 1.01 0.63 0.42 0.73 0.52 1.43 1.02 1.84 1.38 0.51 0.35 0.67 0.49 6.96 4.60 8.95 5.98 3.88 2.47 5.05 3.24 6.50 4.40 7.99 5.54 3.01 1.99 4.13 2.73 7.39 5.05 8.63 5.97 3.20 2.17 4.02 2.80 1.97 1.31 2.35 1.56 5.86 4.05 7.03 4.91 3.13 2.07 4.22 2.81 1.79 1.16 2.22 1.43 4.39 3.06 5.02 3.55 2.49 1.66 3.16 2.11 1.56 1.03 2.05 1.36 1.51 1.04 2.81 1.60 2.05 1.35 2.56 1.71 1.18 0.77 1.49 0.97 2.05 1.37 2.33 1.56 0.88 0.55 1.03 0.63 0.70 0.46 0.74 0.50 5.29 3.73 6.04 4.25 2576 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description G12B Oth Digest Sys Or Pr+Smcc G12C Oth Digest Sys Or Pr-Cc G46A Complex Gastroscopy+Ccc G46B Complex Gastroscopy-Ccc G46C Complex Gastroscopy,Sd G47A Oth Gastroscopy +Ccc G47B Oth Gastroscopy -Ccc G47C Oth Gastroscopy, Sd G48A Colonoscopy +Cscc G48B Colonoscopy - Cscc G48C Colonoscopy, Sd G60A Digestive Malignancy + Ccc G60B Digestive Malignancy - Ccc G61A Gi Haemorrhage +Cscc G61B Gi Haemorrhage - Cscc G62Z Complicated Peptic Ulcer G63Z Uncomplicated Peptic Ulcer G64A Inflammatory Bowel Disease +Cc G64B Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Cc G65A Gi Obstruction + Cscc G65B Gi Obstruction - Cscc G66Z Abdmnl Pain/Mesentrc Adents G67A Oesphs, Gastr +Cscc G67B Oesphs, Gastr -Cscc G70A Other Digestive Sys Diag +Cscc G70B Other Digestive Sys Diag -Cscc H01A Pancreas, Liver & Shunt Pr+Ccc H01B Pancreas, Liver &Shunt Pr-Ccc H02A Mjr Biliary Tract Pr +Ccc H02B Mjr Biliary Tract Pr +Scc H02C Mjr Biliary Tract Pr -Cscc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 2.46 1.63 3.10 2.06 1.33 0.85 1.45 0.94 3.94 2.78 4.53 3.33 1.50 1.03 1.71 1.18 0.35 0.22 0.45 0.27 2.90 2.12 3.66 2.72 1.13 0.79 1.46 1.02 0.29 0.19 0.37 0.23 2.35 1.66 3.06 2.21 1.08 0.73 1.18 0.81 0.30 0.20 0.40 0.25 1.90 1.43 2.51 1.94 0.81 0.59 0.97 0.74 1.25 0.91 1.44 1.06 0.49 0.33 0.60 0.43 1.47 1.02 1.40 1.03 0.37 0.24 0.51 0.37 1.39 0.97 1.36 1.01 0.66 0.54 0.70 0.55 1.59 1.14 1.90 1.42 0.75 0.51 0.88 0.62 0.38 0.24 0.48 0.32 1.33 0.97 1.60 1.21 0.38 0.26 0.49 0.35 1.39 1.00 1.56 1.16 0.45 0.30 0.53 0.38 7.77 5.23 9.05 6.11 3.48 2.25 4.09 2.69 5.97 3.91 7.19 4.75 3.10 1.98 4.28 2.76 2.49 1.59 3.00 1.93 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2577 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description H05A Hepatobiliary Diagntic Pr +Ccc H05B Hepatobiliary Diagntic Pr -Ccc H06A Oth Heptobilry & Pancrs Pr+Ccc H06B Oth Heptobilry &Pancrs Pr-Ccc H07A Open Cholecystectomy+Cde/+Ccc H07B Open Cholecystectomy-Cde-Ccc H08A Lap Cholecystectmy+Cde/+Cscc H08B Lap Cholecystectmy-Cde-Cscc H40A Endo Pr Bleed Oes Varices +Ccc H40B Endo Pr Bleed Oes Varices -Ccc H43A Ercp Procedure +Cscc H43B Ercp Procedure -Cscc H60A Cirrhosis & Alc Hepatitis +Ccc H60B Cirrhosis & Alc Hepatitis+Smcc H60C Cirrhosis & Alc Hepatitis -Cc H61A Malg Hepatobiliary Sys Pan+Ccc H61B Malg Hepatobiliay Sys Panc-Ccc H62A Disorders Pancreas-Malig+Cscc H62B Disorders Pancreas-Malig-Cscc H63A Dsrd Lvr-Mal,Cirr,Alc Hep+Cscc H63B Dsrd Lvr-Mal,Cirr,Alc Hep-Cscc H64A Disorders Of Biliary Tract +Cc H64B Disorders Of Biliary Tract -Cc I01A Bl/Mlt Mj Jt Pr Lwr Ext+Rv/Ccc I01B Bl/Mlt Mj Jt Pr Lwr Ext-Rv-Ccc I02A Mcrvas Tt/Skin Graft+Cscc-Hand I02B Skin Graft -Cscc -Hand I03A Hip Replacement + Ccc I03B Hip Replacement - Ccc I04A Knee Replacemt +Cscc I04B Knee Replacemt -Cscc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 5.48 3.75 7.41 5.29 1.66 1.08 2.13 1.35 5.18 3.40 7.39 5.31 1.71 0.96 2.59 1.68 5.14 3.49 6.34 4.24 2.41 1.61 2.97 1.96 2.57 1.64 2.98 1.91 1.32 0.82 1.61 0.99 3.85 2.76 5.20 3.81 1.86 1.32 2.27 1.61 2.87 1.97 3.85 2.66 0.87 0.57 1.26 0.81 3.16 2.22 3.55 2.59 1.05 0.72 1.55 1.14 0.40 0.26 0.59 0.40 2.28 1.67 2.70 2.02 0.97 0.65 1.34 0.94 2.41 1.70 2.59 1.84 0.84 0.56 1.03 0.70 2.15 1.51 2.44 1.73 0.59 0.36 0.78 0.52 1.49 1.02 1.65 1.18 0.50 0.33 0.65 0.45 10.22 5.88 11.76 6.10 5.03 2.30 6.67 2.87 10.30 6.87 9.69 6.62 3.61 2.32 3.68 2.42 5.42 3.27 6.66 3.98 3.95 1.91 4.78 2.22 4.60 2.21 5.23 2.54 3.78 1.70 4.62 2.07 2578 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description I05A Oth Jnt Replacement +Cscc I05B Oth Jnt Replacement -Cscc I06Z Spinal Fusion + Deformity I07Z Amputation I08A Other Hip & Femur Proc +Ccc I08B Other Hip & Femur Pr -Ccc I09A Spinal Fusion +Ccc I09B Spinal Fusion -Ccc I10A Other Back & Neck Procs + Cscc I10B Other Back & Neck Procs - Cscc I11Z Limb Lengthening Procedures I12A Infc/Infm Bone/Jnt+Misc Pr+Ccc I12B Infc/Infm Bne/Jnt+Misc Pr+Smcc I12C Infc/Infm Bne/Jnt+Misc Pr-Cc I13A Humer,Tibia,Fibul,Ankl Pr+Cc I13B Humer,Tibia,Fibul,Ankl Pr-Cc I15Z Cranio-Facial Surgery I16Z Other Shoulder Procedures I17A Maxillo-Facial Surgery +Cc I17B Maxillo-Facial Surgery -Cc I18Z Other Knee Procedures I19A Other Elbow, Forearm Procs +Cc I19B Other Elbow, Forearm Procs -Cc I20Z Other Foot Procedures I21Z Loc Ex, Rem Int Fix Dev Hp&Fmr I23Z Loc Ex,Rem Int Fix-Hp&Fmr I24Z Arthroscopy I25A Bne,Jnt Dxtic Pr Inc Biopsy+Cc I25B Bne,Jnt Dxtic Pr Inc Biopsy-Cc I27A Soft Tissue Procedures +Cc I27B Soft Tissue Procedures -Cc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 5.53 2.92 5.38 2.54 3.30 1.48 4.16 1.75 10.21 4.20 15.15 4.95 6.87 4.79 6.88 4.70 5.27 3.54 6.26 4.21 3.12 1.99 3.80 2.39 9.37 5.01 12.47 5.60 5.17 2.30 6.63 2.57 3.89 2.65 4.38 2.90 1.88 1.25 2.20 1.38 2.92 1.45 2.29 1.46 6.58 4.55 7.09 4.96 3.85 2.71 4.47 3.14 1.94 1.31 2.11 1.39 4.06 2.61 4.67 2.95 1.93 1.19 2.20 1.29 3.38 2.16 2.90 1.73 1.34 0.83 1.59 0.88 2.26 1.36 2.96 1.75 1.50 0.88 1.59 0.94 0.81 0.52 0.84 0.48 2.64 1.66 2.97 1.88 1.46 0.82 1.71 0.95 1.34 0.85 1.39 0.85 1.02 0.67 1.41 0.90 0.59 0.38 0.72 0.43 0.75 0.49 0.78 0.47 4.07 3.12 2.97 1.99 1.26 0.81 1.57 0.85 3.08 2.17 3.13 2.21 0.99 0.65 1.05 0.65 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2579 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description I28A Oth Musculoskeletal Pr+Cc I28B Oth Musculoskeletal Pr-Cc I29Z Knee Reconstruction/Revision I30Z Hand Procedures I31A Hip Revision +Ccc I31B Hip Revision -Ccc I32A Knee Revision +Ccc I32B Knee Revision +Scc I32C Knee Revision -Cscc I60Z Femoral Shaft Fractures I61A Distal Femoral Fractures +Cc I61B Distal Femoral Fractures -Cc I63A Spr,Str&Dslc Hip,Pelv&Thigh+Cc I63B Spr,Str&Dslc Hip,Pelv&Thigh-Cc I64A Osteomyelitis +Cscc I64B Osteomyelitis -Cscc I65A Muscskel Malig Neo+Ccc I65B Muscskel Malig Neo -Ccc I66A Inflm Muscl Dsr +Cscc I66B Inflm Musculsktl Dsr -Cscc I67A Septic Arthritis + Cscc I67B Septic Arthritis - Cscc I68A Non-Surg Spinal Disorders +Cc I68B Non-Surg Spinal Disorders -Cc I68C Non-Surg Spinal Disorders, Sd I69A Bone Diseases And Arthro +Cscc I69B Bone Diseases And Arthrop-Cscc I71A Oth Musctendin Disrd +Cscc I71B Oth Musctendin Disrd -Cscc I72A Spec Musctend Disrd +Cscc I72B Spec Musctend Disrd -Cscc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 3.36 2.30 3.87 2.65 1.24 0.76 1.47 0.87 1.55 0.89 1.76 0.97 0.85 0.54 0.91 0.54 9.30 5.32 10.61 5.97 5.79 2.88 6.42 3.09 10.53 6.21 12.43 7.43 6.50 2.90 5.81 2.79 5.61 2.54 6.22 2.82 2.37 1.85 2.00 1.57 2.52 1.92 3.31 2.71 1.01 0.73 1.25 0.95 1.40 1.03 1.75 1.37 0.50 0.34 0.68 0.48 3.23 2.28 3.64 2.62 1.25 0.86 1.94 1.29 3.17 2.45 3.36 2.53 1.39 1.06 1.83 1.40 2.98 2.13 3.14 2.11 0.50 0.39 0.49 0.39 3.79 2.85 2.95 2.25 1.44 1.03 1.24 0.92 2.03 1.50 2.44 1.88 0.82 0.58 1.10 0.85 0.23 0.14 0.25 0.16 1.77 1.29 2.25 1.73 0.47 0.33 0.67 0.51 1.51 1.10 1.96 1.51 0.45 0.30 0.63 0.45 2.00 1.44 2.41 1.86 0.58 0.40 0.70 0.50 2580 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description I73A Aftcare Muscsk Impl +Cscc I73B Aftcare Muscsk Impl -Cscc I74Z Inj Forearm, Wrist, Hand, Foot I75A Inj Sh,Arm,Elb,Kn,Leg,Ankl +Cc I75B Inj Sh,Arm,Elb,Kn,Leg,Ankl -Cc I76A Oth Musculoskeletl Dsrd +Cscc I76B Oth Musculoskeletal Dsrd -Cscc I77A Fracture Of Pelvis+Cscc I77B Fracture Of Pelvis -Cscc I78A Fracture Neck Femur+Cscc I78B Fracture Of Neck Femur-Cscc I79A Pathological Fracture +Ccc I79B Pathological Fracture -Ccc J01A Micrvs Tss Trnsf Skn/Brst+Cscc J01B Micrvs Tss Trnsf Skn/Brst-Cscc J06Z Major Proc For Breast Conditns J07Z Minor Proc For Breast Conditns J08A Oth Skn Grf&/Dbrdmnt Pr +Cc J08B Oth Skn Grf&/Dbrdmnt Pr -Cc J09Z Perianal & Pilonidal Pr J10Z Skn,Subc Tis & Brst Plastic Pr J11Z Other Skin, Subc Tis & Brst Pr J12A L Lmb Pr +Ulcr/Cels+Ccc J12B L Lmb Pr+Ulcr/Cels-Ccc+Graft J12C L Lmb Pr+Ulcr/Cels-Ccc-Graft J13A L Lmb Pr-Ulc/Cel+Ccc/(Gft+Scc) J13B L Lmb Pr-Ulc/Cel-Ccc-(Gft+Scc) J14Z Major Breast Reconstructions J60A Skin Ulcers +Ccc J60B Skin Ulcers -Ccc J60C Skin Ulcers, Sameday Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 2.48 1.83 3.40 2.77 0.64 0.46 0.90 0.68 0.44 0.30 0.48 0.32 1.66 1.22 2.17 1.68 0.47 0.32 0.59 0.42 1.50 1.08 1.89 1.43 0.43 0.27 0.59 0.42 2.68 2.01 3.22 2.51 1.17 0.86 1.61 1.24 1.74 1.27 2.13 1.63 0.61 0.42 0.66 0.47 3.50 2.61 4.21 3.31 1.35 0.99 2.25 1.64 8.68 5.69 8.89 5.42 5.95 3.78 6.46 4.26 1.55 0.92 1.85 1.11 0.63 0.37 0.78 0.43 3.10 2.19 3.83 2.79 0.93 0.61 0.98 0.62 0.87 0.55 1.01 0.68 0.70 0.44 0.77 0.46 0.48 0.29 0.48 0.29 6.22 4.43 6.47 4.94 3.78 2.72 4.25 3.01 2.18 1.56 2.48 1.85 3.45 2.43 3.94 2.75 1.30 0.90 1.51 1.03 4.62 2.98 4.73 2.82 3.18 2.39 3.83 3.02 1.82 1.33 2.09 1.60 0.20 0.12 0.25 0.17 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2581 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description J62A Malignant Breast Disorders +Cc J62B Malignant Breast Disorders -Cc J63A Non-Malignant Breast Disord+Cc J63B Non-Malignant Breast Disord-Cc J64A Cellulitis +Cscc J64B Cellulitis -Cscc J65A Trauma To Skn,Sub Tis&Bst+Cscc J65B Trauma To Skn,Sub Tis&Bst-Cscc J67A Minor Skin Disorders J67B Minor Skin Disorders, Sameday J68A Major Skin Disorders +Cscc J68B Major Skin Disorders -Cscc J68C Major Skin Disorders, Sameday J69A Skin Malignancy +Ccc J69B Skin Malignancy -Ccc J69C Skin Malignancy, Sameday K01A Or Pr Diabetic Complicatns+Ccc K01B Or Pr Diabetic Complicatns-Ccc K02A Pituitary Procedures +Cc K02B Pituitary Procedures -Cc K03Z Adrenal Procedures K04A Major Procs For Obesity +Cc K04B Major Procs For Obesity -Cc K05A Parathyroid Procedures +Cscc K05B Parathyroid Procedures -Cscc K06A Thyroid Procedures +Cscc K06B Thyroid Procedures -Cscc K07Z Obesity Procedures K08Z Thyroglossal Procedures K09A Oth Endcrn, Nutr& Meta Pr +Ccc K09B Oth Endcrn, Nutr& Meta Pr+Smcc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 1.07 0.82 1.48 1.08 0.43 0.34 0.77 0.55 1.21 0.81 1.32 0.97 0.37 0.23 0.64 0.42 1.89 1.39 2.36 1.81 0.72 0.51 1.39 1.14 1.21 0.89 1.71 1.31 0.40 0.26 0.53 0.37 0.87 0.62 0.95 0.70 0.21 0.12 0.32 0.19 2.52 1.80 2.35 1.82 1.20 0.84 1.23 0.91 0.20 0.16 0.30 0.24 2.66 2.04 2.84 2.15 1.47 1.08 2.21 1.62 0.16 0.09 0.28 0.16 7.62 5.27 7.87 5.91 3.60 2.51 3.48 2.59 5.18 3.45 7.30 5.13 3.35 2.20 3.07 1.96 3.44 2.24 3.90 2.58 3.94 2.47 3.27 1.99 1.79 0.91 1.93 0.94 3.00 1.96 3.98 2.60 1.21 0.74 1.45 0.90 2.75 1.71 3.12 2.03 1.55 0.93 1.88 1.15 1.73 1.17 1.88 1.27 0.94 0.60 1.27 0.79 5.72 3.83 6.71 4.70 2.52 1.55 2.64 1.58 2582 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description K09C Oth Endcrn, Nutr & Meta Pr -Cc K40A Endo/Invest Pr Metab Dis +Ccc K40B Endo/Invest Pr Metab Dis -Ccc K40C Endo/Invest Pr Metab Dis, Sd K60A Diabetes + Cscc K60B Diabetes - Cscc K61Z Severe Nutritional Disturbance K62A Misc Metabolic Disorders +Cscc K62B Misc Metabolic Disorders -Cscc K63A Inborn Errors Of Metabolism+Cc K63B Inborn Errors Of Metabolism-Cc K64A Endocrine Disorders + Cscc K64B Endocrine Disorders - Cscc L02A Op Ins Peri Cath Dialysis+Cscc L02B Op Ins Peri Cath Dialysis-Cscc L03A Kdny,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr Npsm +Ccc L03B Kdny,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr Npsm +Scc L03C Kdny,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr Npsm-Cscc L04A Kdy,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr N-Npm+Ccc L04B Kdy,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr N-Npm+Scc L04C Kdy,Urt&Mjr Bldr Pr N-Npm-Cscc L05A Tranureth Prostatectomy +Cscc L05B Tranureth Prostatectomy -Cscc L06A Minor Bladder Procedures+Cscc L06B Minor Bladder Procedures -Cscc L07A Transurethral Procs +Cc L07B Transurethral Procs -Cc L08A Urethral Procedures + Cc L08B Urethral Procedures - Cc L09A Oth Kidny & Urnry Tract Pr+Ccc L09B Oth Kidny & Urnry Tract Pr+Scc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 1.74 1.14 1.82 1.11 5.38 3.88 5.32 3.94 1.93 1.36 2.08 1.49 0.34 0.21 0.42 0.26 2.11 1.52 2.40 1.83 0.88 0.61 1.03 0.77 3.40 2.62 3.33 2.67 1.65 1.23 2.00 1.54 0.56 0.39 0.72 0.53 1.05 0.71 2.40 1.87 0.45 0.28 0.63 0.49 2.09 1.47 2.69 1.99 0.77 0.44 0.96 0.54 3.75 2.66 4.25 3.13 1.22 0.82 1.20 0.81 6.77 4.45 8.89 6.00 4.37 2.76 5.86 3.69 2.95 1.87 3.96 2.54 5.09 3.45 6.72 4.75 2.75 1.81 3.39 2.20 1.70 1.08 1.95 1.25 3.39 2.29 4.12 2.97 1.20 0.78 1.55 0.99 2.83 1.96 3.30 2.34 0.97 0.62 1.12 0.73 1.65 1.13 2.00 1.39 0.75 0.47 0.87 0.54 1.49 1.04 2.23 1.66 0.71 0.47 0.85 0.56 5.81 4.18 6.94 5.06 2.01 1.37 2.21 1.36 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2583 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description L09C Oth Kidny & Urnry Trct Pr-Cscc L40Z Ureteroscopy L41Z Cystourethroscopy, Sameday L42Z Esw Lithotripsy+Urinary Stones L60A Renal Failure +Ccc L60B Renal Failure +Scc L60C Renal Failure -Cscc L61Z Haemodialysis L62A Kdny&Unry Trct Neoplasms +Cscc L62B Kdny&Unry Trct Neoplasms -Cscc L63A Kdny & Unry Trct Inf +Cscc L63B Kdny & Unry Trct Inf -Cscc L64Z Urinary Stones & Obstruction L65A Kdny & Unry Tr Sgns&Symps+Cscc L65B Kdny & Unry Tr Sgns&Symps-Cscc L66Z Urethral Stricture L67A Oth Kidny & Urnry Trct Dx+Cscc L67B Oth Kidny & Urnry Trct Dx-Cscc L68Z Peritoneal Dialysis M01A Major Male Pelvic Procs +Cscc M01B Major Male Pelvic Procs -Cscc M02A Transurethral Prostectomy+Cscc M02B Transurethral Prostectomy-Cscc M03Z Penis Procedures M04Z Testes Procedures M05Z Circumcision M06A Oth Male Reprod Sys Or Pr +Cc M06B Oth Male Reprod Sys Or Pr -Cc M40Z Cystourethroscopy, Sameday M60A Malignancy, Male Repr Sys+Cscc M60B Malignancy, Male Repr Sys-Cscc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 1.10 0.71 1.03 0.65 0.81 0.53 1.01 0.66 0.24 0.15 0.31 0.19 0.53 0.39 0.68 0.43 3.54 2.63 3.92 3.00 1.59 1.16 1.77 1.34 0.78 0.55 0.73 0.54 0.13 0.11 0.15 0.13 1.75 1.29 2.09 1.58 0.61 0.41 0.83 0.60 1.81 1.34 2.29 1.77 0.64 0.46 0.84 0.61 0.46 0.29 0.56 0.36 1.32 0.96 1.63 1.24 0.44 0.30 0.64 0.47 0.58 0.40 0.72 0.49 2.02 1.48 2.24 1.71 0.38 0.26 0.60 0.41 0.38 0.36 0.22 0.20 3.83 2.48 5.08 3.26 2.69 1.70 3.71 2.35 2.26 1.53 3.05 2.06 1.18 0.78 1.55 0.99 0.87 0.56 0.87 0.52 0.67 0.43 0.90 0.55 0.46 0.30 0.59 0.37 2.15 1.35 2.82 1.86 1.26 0.69 2.11 1.34 0.24 0.16 0.32 0.19 1.73 1.31 1.76 1.40 0.44 0.29 0.58 0.36 2584 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description M61Z Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy M62Z Inflammation Male Reprd System M63Z Sterilisation, Male M64Z Other Male Reproductive Sys Dx N01Z Pelvic Evscrtn & Radcl Vlvctmy N04A Hysterectomy For Non-Malg+Cscc N04B Hysterectomy For Non-Malg-Cscc N05A Ooph&Com Fal Tube Pr Nmal+Cscc N05B Ooph&Com Fal Tube Pr Nmal-Cscc N06A Fem Rep Sys Reconstrct Pr+Cscc N06B Fem Rep Sys Reconstrct Pr-Cscc N07Z Oth Utern & Adnexa Pr For Nmal N08Z Endos & Lapar Pr, Fem Repr Sys N09Z Conistn,Vagina,Cervix&Vulva Pr N10Z Dxc Curettge, Dxc Hysteroscopy N11Z Oth Female Reproductive Sys Pr N12A Utrn & Adnx Pr For Mal+Ccc N12B Utrn & Adnx Pr For Mal-Ccc N60A Malignancy Fem Reprod Sys +Ccc N60B Malignancy Fem Reprod Sys -Ccc N61Z Infections, Female Reprod Syst N62Z Mnstrl & Oth Fem Repr Sys Dis O01A Caesarean Delivery +Cscc O01B Caesarean Delivery -Cscc O02A Vaginal Delivery +Or Pr +Cscc O02B Vaginal Delivery +Or Pr -Cscc O03A Ectopic Pregnancy +Cc O03B Ectopic Pregnancy -Cc O04A Postpartum&Post Abortn+Pr+Cscc O04B Postpartum&Post Abortn+Pr-Cscc O05Z Abortion+ Or Proc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 0.50 0.34 0.71 0.49 0.61 0.41 0.83 0.58 0.40 0.25 0.41 0.24 0.35 0.23 0.42 0.27 3.45 2.41 3.70 2.44 2.62 1.68 2.95 1.89 1.74 1.12 2.19 1.40 2.84 1.88 2.90 1.90 1.48 0.94 1.84 1.14 1.92 1.27 2.27 1.47 1.26 0.80 1.68 1.05 0.77 0.45 0.98 0.58 0.76 0.47 0.80 0.47 0.49 0.30 0.53 0.31 0.42 0.26 0.51 0.30 0.84 0.57 1.13 0.70 4.49 3.04 4.35 2.96 2.38 1.54 2.47 1.61 2.39 1.81 2.62 1.98 0.80 0.58 1.22 0.93 0.55 0.37 0.69 0.48 0.31 0.20 0.37 0.25 2.49 1.80 3.17 2.28 1.62 1.17 2.49 1.77 1.92 1.46 2.70 1.93 1.24 0.98 1.91 1.42 1.44 0.90 2.02 1.28 0.94 0.60 1.45 0.90 2.88 2.05 1.96 1.31 0.77 0.51 0.85 0.54 0.35 0.22 0.52 0.32 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2585 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description O60Z Vaginal Delivery O61Z Postpartum & Post Abortn-Or Pr O63Z Abortion-Or Proc O64Z False Labour O66Z Antenatal&Oth Obstetric Adm P01Z Neonate,D/T<5Day Adm+Sig Or Pr P02Z Neo,Cardiothoracic/Vascular Pr P03Z Neo,Admwt 1000-1499G+Sig Or Pr P04Z Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G+Sig Or Pr P05Z Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G+Sig Or Pr P06A Neo,Admwt >2499G+Sig Or Pr+Mmp P06B Neo,Admwt >2499G+Sig Or Pr-Mmp P60A Neo,D/Tr<5D Adm-Sig Pr+Newborn P60B Neo,D/Tr<5D Adm-Sig Pr-Newborn P61Z Neonate, Admission Wt <750 G P62Z Neonate, Admission Wt 750-999G P63Z Neo,Admwt 1000-1249G-Sig Or Pr P64Z Neo,Admwt 1250-1499G-Sig Or Pr P65A Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Or+Mmp P65B Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Or+Mjp P65C Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Or+Otp P65D Neo,Admwt 1500-1999G-Sg Or-Prb P66A Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Or+Mmp P66B Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Or+Mjp P66C Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Or+Otp P66D Neo,Admwt 2000-2499G-Sg Or-Prb P67A Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr+Mmp P67B Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr+Mjp P67C Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr+Otp P67D Neo,Admwt >2499G-Sig Or Pr-Prb Q01Z Splenectomy Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 0.93 0.76 1.38 1.06 0.51 0.39 0.59 0.47 0.31 0.21 0.38 0.25 0.39 0.31 0.34 0.25 0.31 0.23 0.35 0.26 1.14 0.70 1.40 0.77 19.01 12.42 - - 15.47 12.59 18.20 14.35 12.05 9.59 9.14 7.02 11.06 8.50 7.65 5.79 14.49 11.08 14.71 11.81 5.18 3.93 4.71 3.35 0.39 0.27 0.38 0.26 0.66 0.49 0.56 0.39 33.37 27.04 51.83 42.07 25.03 20.37 38.94 31.15 7.90 6.35 6.41 4.73 6.77 5.40 7.26 5.30 6.82 5.39 5.78 4.32 4.93 3.92 5.70 4.27 3.89 3.04 4.90 3.63 3.38 2.53 3.57 2.65 4.74 3.50 3.81 2.76 3.14 2.45 3.11 2.28 2.31 1.80 2.83 2.11 0.83 0.62 1.05 0.76 3.94 3.02 3.71 2.73 1.90 1.45 1.92 1.39 1.04 0.79 1.36 1.00 0.51 0.39 0.62 0.45 3.60 2.39 4.38 2.98 2586 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description Q02A Oth Or Pr Bld&Bld Frm Org+Cscc Q02B Oth Or Pr Bld&Bld Frm Org-Cscc Q60A Reticlendo&Imnty Dis+Cscc Q60B Reticlendo&Imnty Dis-Cscc+Mal Q60C Reticlendo&Imnty Dis-Cscc-Mal Q61A Red Blood Cell Disders + Cscc Q61B Red Blood Cell Disders - Cscc Q62Z Coagulation Disorders R01A Lymphma&Leukma+Mjr Or Pr +Cscc R01B Lymphma&Leukma+Mjr Or Pr -Cscc R02A Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Mjr Or Pr+Ccc R02B Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Mjr Or Pr+Smcc R02C Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Mjr Or Pr-Cc R03A Lymphma Leukma+Oth Or Pr +Cscc R03B Lymphma Leukma+Oth Or Pr -Cscc R04A Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Oth Or Pr +Cc R04B Oth Nplstc Dsrd+Oth Or Pr -Cc R60A Acute Leukaemia + Ccc R60B Acute Leukaemia - Ccc R61A Lymphma &N-Acute Leukaemia+Ccc R61B Lymphma &N-Acute Leukaemia-Ccc R61C Lymphoma/N-A Leukaemia,Sameday R62A Other Neoplastic Disorders +Cc R62B Other Neoplastic Disorders -Cc R63Z Chemotherapy R64Z Radiotherapy S60Z Hiv, Sameday S65A Hiv-Related Diseases +Ccc S65B Hiv-Related Diseases +Scc S65C Hiv-Related Diseases -Cscc T01A Or Proc Infect& Paras Dis+Ccc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 5.31 3.74 5.11 3.46 1.12 0.70 0.96 0.55 2.38 1.82 2.36 1.79 0.98 0.75 1.02 0.77 0.28 0.18 0.40 0.28 1.42 1.02 1.55 1.15 0.33 0.23 0.43 0.29 0.55 0.39 0.86 0.62 9.56 6.76 8.35 5.84 2.67 1.73 2.56 1.61 6.93 4.72 7.01 4.51 3.46 2.25 3.83 2.53 2.30 1.48 2.44 1.51 6.86 4.82 6.90 4.84 1.35 0.82 1.31 0.73 2.32 1.56 2.67 1.73 1.07 0.67 1.49 0.91 6.56 5.00 6.97 5.27 1.02 0.76 0.85 0.62 4.64 3.48 4.80 3.70 1.75 1.35 1.83 1.44 0.24 0.16 0.27 0.19 1.43 1.06 1.85 1.34 0.76 0.51 0.85 0.56 0.29 0.24 0.40 0.35 0.20 0.12 2.14 0.30 0.32 0.20 0.33 0.23 8.66 5.37 7.55 5.55 3.57 2.34 3.85 2.85 2.66 1.68 2.06 1.59 7.82 5.48 9.59 7.06 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2587 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description T01B Or Proc Infect& Paras Dis+Smcc T01C Or Proc Infect & Paras Dis-Cc T40Z Infect&Paras Dis+Vent Support T60A Septicaemia + Ccc T60B Septicaemia - Ccc T61A Postop & Posttraum Infect+Cscc T61B Postop & Posttraum Infect-Cscc T62A Fever Of Unknown Origin + Cc T62B Fever Of Unknown Origin - Cc T63Z Viral Illness T64A Oth Infectous&Parstic Dis +Ccc T64B Oth Infectous&Parstic Dis+Smcc T64C Oth Infectous & Parstic Dis-Cc U40Z Mental Health Treat,Samedy+Ect U60Z Mental Health Treat,Samedy-Ect U61Z Schizophrenia Disorders U62A Par&Acute Psych Dsrd+Cscc/Mhls U62B Par&Acute Psych Dsrd-Cscc-Mhls U63Z Major Affective Disorders U64Z Oth Affect & Somatoform Dsrd U65Z Anxiety Disorders U66Z Eating & Obsessv-Compulsv Dsrd U67Z Personlty Dsrd&Acute Reactions U68Z Childhood Mental Disorders V60Z Alcohol Intoxicatn & Withdrwl V61Z Drug Intoxictn & Withdrawal V62A Alcohol Use Dsrd & Dependence V62B Alcohol Use Dsrd & Dependnc+Sd V63Z Opioid Use Dsrd & Dependence V64Z Other Drug Use Disord & Depend W01Z Ventiln/Crania Mult Sig Trauma Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 3.57 2.48 3.85 2.72 2.05 1.42 2.10 1.45 6.07 4.49 6.94 5.10 3.06 2.27 3.39 2.58 1.62 1.17 1.66 1.24 1.92 1.35 2.07 1.54 0.94 0.66 1.09 0.81 1.33 0.94 1.51 1.10 0.55 0.37 0.62 0.44 0.50 0.34 0.61 0.44 4.48 3.28 4.10 3.12 1.65 1.20 1.97 1.49 0.73 0.47 0.91 0.65 0.16 0.12 0.28 0.19 0.16 0.11 0.20 0.14 3.92 3.29 4.19 3.59 4.10 3.40 4.35 3.66 2.01 1.62 1.46 1.23 3.40 2.78 3.44 2.91 1.54 1.24 1.52 1.26 1.24 0.96 1.27 1.00 4.84 3.88 5.80 4.68 1.37 1.11 1.83 1.54 4.03 3.40 4.31 3.63 0.46 0.34 0.48 0.36 1.14 0.91 1.76 1.46 1.09 0.89 1.30 1.09 0.29 0.19 0.64 0.41 0.78 0.62 0.63 0.50 0.78 0.62 0.79 0.63 11.38 7.55 15.89 10.94 2588 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description W02A Hip,Femr&Limb Pr Mlt Trma+Cscc W02B Hip,Femr&Limb Pr Mlt Trma-Cscc W03Z Abdominal Pr Mult Sig Trauma W04A Oth Or Pr Mult Sig Trauma+Cscc W04B Oth Or Pr Mult Sig Trauma-Cscc W60Z Multiple Trauma, Died/Transf<5 W61A Multiple Trauma-Signif Pr+Cscc W61B Multiple Trauma-Signif Pr-Cscc X02A Mvtt/Skin Gft+Cscc Injur Hand X02B Skin Graft Injuries Hand -Cscc X04A Other Pr Inj Lwr Lmb +Cscc X04B Other Pr Inj Lowr Limb -Cscc X05A Oth Pr For Injuries To Hand+Cc X05B Oth Pr For Injuries To Hand-Cc X06A Other Pr Other Injuries + Cscc X06B Other Pr Other Injuries - Cscc X07A Sk Graft Inj-Hand+Mic Tt/+Cscc X07B Sk Graft Inj-Hand-Mic Tt-Cscc X40Z Inj,Pois,Tox Eff Drug W Vent X60A Injuries + Cscc X60B Injuries - Cscc X61Z Allergic Reactions X62A Poisng/Toxc Eff Drugs +Cscc X62B Poisng/Toxc Eff Drugs -Cscc X63A Sequelae Of Treatmnt+Cscc X63B Sequelae Of Treatmnt-Cscc X64A Oth Inj, Pois & Tox Ef Dx+Cscc X64B Oth Inj, Pois &Tox Eff Dx-Cscc Y01Z Vent Burn&Sev Full Thick Burn Y02A Other Burns + Skin Graft +Cc Y02B Other Burns + Skin Graft -Cc Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient Public Patient Private Patient 9.53 6.09 11.10 7.51 7.76 4.71 8.13 4.74 6.00 3.99 7.50 5.32 9.28 6.12 10.40 7.37 5.56 3.48 6.01 4.02 1.77 0.98 1.26 0.72 4.37 3.22 4.74 3.69 2.21 1.54 2.57 1.91 2.55 1.64 2.63 1.77 0.86 0.56 1.00 0.64 3.48 2.42 4.62 3.51 1.09 0.73 1.27 0.85 1.55 1.06 1.85 1.28 0.72 0.47 0.91 0.60 3.13 2.14 3.41 2.39 0.99 0.66 1.12 0.75 4.83 3.35 6.58 4.97 2.12 1.50 2.21 1.56 3.86 2.93 4.10 3.11 1.32 0.97 1.68 1.28 0.36 0.24 0.40 0.28 0.34 0.24 0.40 0.29 1.45 1.08 1.58 1.18 0.46 0.34 0.51 0.38 1.50 1.06 1.68 1.22 0.60 0.41 0.72 0.52 1.32 0.98 1.73 1.31 0.39 0.28 0.40 0.29 26.98 20.24 22.60 17.12 6.93 5.38 7.37 5.88 2.27 1.76 2.62 2.07 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2589 Cost Weight Teaching Hospitals AR-DRG AR-DRG Description Y03Z Other Or Procs For Other Burns Y60Z Burns,Trans Oth Acut Care <5 D Y61Z Severe Burns Y62A Other Burns +Cc Y62B Other Burns -Cc Z01A Or Pr+Dx Oth Cnt Hlth Srv+Cscc Z01B Or Pr+Dx Oth Cnt Hlth Srv-Cscc Z40Z Endo+Dx Oth Cnt Hlth Srv Sd Z60A Rehabilitation + Ccc Z60B Rehabilitation - Ccc Z60C Rehabilitation, Sameday Z61A Signs And Symptoms Z61B Signs And Symptoms, Sameday Z63A Oth Surg Fu & Med Care + Ccc Z63B Oth Surg Fu & Med Care - Ccc Z64A Oth Factor Infl Health Status Z64B Oth Fctr Infl Health Status,Sd Z65Z Cngntl & Prb Arising Frm Nnt 801A Or Pr Unrel To Pdx+Ccc 801B Or Pr Unrel To Pdx+Smcc 801C Or Pr Unrel To Pdx-Cc 960Z Ungroupable 961Z Unacceptable Principal Dx 963Z Neonatal Dx Not Consnt Age/Wgt Public Patient Non-Teaching Hospitals Private Patient 1.32 1.76 Public Patient Private Patient 1.15 1.56 0.27 0.19 0.37 0.28 1.00 0.79 1.17 0.95 1.51 1.24 1.41 1.15 0.48 0.38 0.50 0.37 1.78 1.16 2.74 2.13 0.66 0.40 0.66 0.41 0.23 0.15 0.34 0.21 5.50 4.13 3.78 3.20 2.18 1.70 2.62 1.99 0.18 0.15 2.30 1.72 1.00 0.70 1.32 0.99 0.22 0.12 0.30 0.18 2.70 2.07 2.96 2.42 0.64 0.47 1.50 1.20 0.83 0.61 1.20 0.95 0.20 0.12 0.26 0.16 1.16 0.81 2.16 1.76 7.08 4.95 8.99 6.76 3.44 2.30 3.62 2.47 1.49 0.92 1.42 0.86 1.48 1.21 11.99 10.99 - - 0.57 0.34 - - - - 2590 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Schedule 2— Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites: fees for non-admitted patients 1—Interpretation (1) In this Schedule, unless the contrary intention appears— disposition category, in relation to a non-admitted patient of a public hospital site, means the disposition category of the patient following an occasion of service provided by an emergency department of the public hospital site, being one of the following: (a) admitted—where the patient is admitted to the public hospital site, transferred to another public hospital site or provided with outreach services; (b) died—where the patient dies in the emergency department after treatment or care has commenced (this excludes patients who are dead on arrival at the public hospital site); (c) home—where the patient (not being a patient referred to in paragraph [a] or [b]) leaves the emergency department after treatment or care has commenced (whether or not treatment or care has been completed); emergency department (ED), in relation to a public hospital site, means a designated accident and emergency department of the public hospital site that provides emergency treatment and care to non-admitted patients; emergency department service means treatment or care provided by an emergency department of a public hospital site; emergency occasion of service means an occasion of service in which emergency treatment or care is provided by a public hospital site; group occasion of service, in relation to outpatient services provided by a public hospital site to a non-admitted patient, means each occasion on which— (a) the same treatment or care is provided by the outpatient clinic to two or more patients; or (b) treatment or care by more than one medical practitioner or other health professional is provided by the clinic to the same patient; occasion of service, in relation to services provided by a public hospital site, means each occasion on which treatment or care is provided by the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient and includes any diagnostic or imaging services (other than Magnetic Resonance Imaging) performed as part of that treatment or care; outpatient clinic, in relation to a public hospital site, means a designated outpatient clinic of the public hospital site that provides non-emergency treatment and care (usually by appointment) to non-admitted patients; outpatient service means treatment or care provided by the outpatient clinic of a public hospital site; outreach occasion of service means an occasion of service in which outreach services are provided by a public hospital site; 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2591 prescription item means— (a) a pharmaceutical or other item supplied on the prescription of a medical practitioner, dentist or other person authorised to prescribe the item; or (b) an ancillary item required for the administration of such pharmaceutical or other item; SMO means salaried medical officer; specialist, teaching, other metropolitan, country Accident and Emergency SMO, large country and other country, in relation to the emergency department or outpatient classification of a public hospital site, means a public hospital site referred to in the first column of the Table in Schedule 4 whose emergency department or outpatient classification is identified in the second or third columns of that Table as specialist, teaching, other metropolitan, country Accident and Emergency SMO, large country or other country, as the case may be; triage, in relation to a non-admitted patient of a public hospital site, means an assignment by the public hospital site to the patient of a classification of the level of urgency of the treatment required by the patient on an occasion of service in an emergency department of the public hospital site, determined in accordance with the following scale: (2) (a) triage 1—Resuscitation, where the patient requires treatment within seconds; (b) triage 2—Emergency, where the patient requires treatment within 10 minutes; (c) triage 3—Urgent, where the patient requires treatment within 30 minutes; (d) triage 4—Semi-urgent, where the patient requires treatment within 60 minutes; (e) triage 5—Non-urgent, 120 minutes. where the patient requires treatment within A reference in this Schedule to a Table of a specified number in this Schedule is a reference to the Table of that number in clause 9. 2—Fee for emergency department or emergency occasion of service (1) The fee to be charged by a public hospital site for an occasion of service provided by an emergency department of the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the ED Price is the price specified in the second or third column of Table 1 in this Schedule (according to the classification of the patient as public or private) for an emergency department service; and (b) the ED Cost Weight is the cost weight specified in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth or seventh column (according to the emergency department classification of the public hospital site providing the service) of Table 2 in this Schedule for the disposition category and triage of the patient specified in the first and second columns of the Table. 2592 (2) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Where the emergency department classification of a public hospital site is other country, the fee to be charged by the public hospital site for an emergency occasion of service provided by the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the ED Price is the price specified in the second or third column of Table 1 in this Schedule (according to the classification of the patient as public or private) for an emergency department service; and (b) the Emergency Service Cost Weight is 0.406. Fee Fee Fee 3—Fee for outpatient of occasion of service The fee to be charged by a public hospital site for an occasion of service provided by an outpatient clinic of the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the OP Price is the price specified in the second or third column of Table 1 in this Schedule (according to the classification of the patient as public or private) for an outpatient service; and (b) the OP Cost Weight is the cost weight specified in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth column (according to the outpatient classification of the public hospital site providing the service) of Table 3 in this Schedule for the category of the treatment or care provided that is specified in the first column of the Table. 4—Fee for outpatient group occasion of service The fee to be charged by a public hospital site for a group occasion of service provided by an outpatient clinic of the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the OP Price is the price specified in the second or third column of Table 1 in this Schedule (according to the classification of the patient as public or private) for an outpatient service; and (b) the OP Cost Weight is the cost weight specified in the second, third, fourth, fifth or sixth column (according to the outpatient classification of the public hospital site providing the service) of Table 4 in this Schedule for the category of treatment or care provided that is specified in the first column of the Table. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2593 5—Fee for outreach occasion of service The fee to be charged by a public hospital site for an outreach occasion of service provided by the public hospital site to a non-admitted patient must be calculated as follows: where— (a) the Outreach Price is the price specified in the second or third column of Table 1 in this Schedule (according to the classification of the patient as public or private) for an outreach service; and (b) the Outreach Cost Weight is the cost weight specified in the second column of Table 5 in this Schedule for the category of the treatment or care provided that is specified in the first column of the Table. Fee 6—Additional fees The fees specified below (payable in addition to any other fee prescribed in this Schedule for an occasion of service) are to be charged by a public hospital site for the provision to a non-admitted patient of the services specified: (a) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (maximum fee per scan)—$690.00; (b) for public hospital sites not participating in arrangements under the Pharmaceutical Reform Agreement the fee for the supply of a prescription item (per item)—$28.30 (c) for public hospital sites participating in arrangements under the Pharmaceutical Reform Agreement between South Australia and the Commonwealth of Australia, the following charges apply for the provision of pharmaceuticals if supplied on discharge from the public hospital site and/or provided as part of an outpatient consultation: (i) For compensable patients: (a) For the supply of Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme items (per item) the community co-payment rate for pharmaceuticals as set under the Commonwealth National Health Act 1953 each year on 1 January— $35.40 (from 1 January 2011 – 31 December 2011). (b) For the supply of non-Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme items (per item) an amount that is the cost to the public hospital (using a full cost recovery principle) for supply of that item (ii) For non-Medicare patients for the supply of non-Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme and Pharmaceutical Benefit Scheme items (per item) an amount that is the cost to the public hospital (using a full cost recovery principle) for supply of that item 2594 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 7—Retrieval fee (non-admitted patients) Where a retrieval team provided by a public hospital site monitors and treats a seriously ill or seriously injured patient (who is not an admitted patient of that or any other public hospital site) during the transportation of the patient to the public hospital site, the fee to be charged by the public hospital site providing the retrieval team is as follows: Provision of retrieval team—$2 330.60. 8—Transportation fee (1) Where, in addition to providing a service referred to in this Schedule, a public hospital site transports, or arranges for the transportation of, a non-admitted patient to or from (or between different facilities of) the public hospital site, the public hospital site may charge an additional fee equal to the cost to the public hospital site of providing, or arranging for the provision of, that transportation. (2) Subclause (1) does not apply to the transportation of a patient with a retrieval team provided by the public hospital site. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2595 9—Tables Table 1: Non-admitted Patient Prices Price Type of Service Public Patient Private Patient Emergency Department $287 $216 Outpatient $197 $98 Outreach $210 $106 Table 2: Emergency Department (ED) Weights Patient Classification Disposition Triage Public Hospital Site ED Classification Specialist Teaching Other Metro Country A&E SMO Large Country HOME 1 2.213 2.137 1.165 1.165 0.632 HOME 2 1.481 2 1.935 1.935 1.245 HOME 3 1.361 1.735 1.877 1.877 1.044 HOME 4 1.258 1.43 1.421 1.421 0.901 HOME 5 1.166 1.152 1.217 1.217 0.75 ADMITTED 1 6.112 5.379 2.272 2.272 2.77 ADMITTED 2 2.071 2.87 1.565 1.565 1.321 ADMITTED 3 1.723 2.623 1.521 1.521 1.157 ADMITTED 4 1.638 2.247 1.282 1.282 0.953 ADMITTED 5 0.929 2.247 1.286 1.286 0.88 DIED 1 2.988 2.988 2.988 2.988 1.247 DIED 2 2.988 2.988 2.988 2.988 1.247 DIED 3 2.988 2.988 2.988 2.988 1.247 DIED 4 2.988 2.988 2.988 2.988 1.247 DIED 5 2.988 2.988 2.988 2.988 1.247 2596 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Table 3: Outpatient (OP) Weights Treatment or Care Adolescent health Allergy Asthma Audiology Behavioural Medicine Bone Marrow Transplant Breast Burns Cardiac Cardiac Surgery Chemotherapy Colorectal CPU Craniofacial Dental Dermatology Diabetes Diabetes Education Diagnostic service Ear Nose Throat Eating Disorders Endocrine Endoscopy Colonoscopy Endoscopy Other Endoscopy Oesophagoscopy Endoscopy Panendoscopy Endoscopy Sigmoidoscopy Family Planning Fracture Gastroenterology General Medical General Surgery Genetic Geriatric Gynaecology Gynaecology Oncology Haematology Hepatobiliary 3.77 1.77 1.577 0.628 1.518 6.084 1.351 1.682 2.901 1.516 10.005 0.791 1.063 1.491 0.551 0.999 1.659 0.631 0 0.751 0.836 1.259 20.126 13.24 3.77 0.915 1.501 0.564 1.518 6.084 1.351 1.87 1.029 1.516 5.23 0.791 0.804 0.822 1.296 1.208 0.549 0.631 0 0.937 0.836 0.6 6.336 7.313 Other Metro 3.77 1.002 1.501 0.909 1.518 6.084 1.351 1.87 0.888 1.516 5.23 0.933 0.804 0.822 1.296 0.52 1.316 0.369 0 0.486 0.836 0.568 6.336 7.313 6.369 6.369 6.369 6.823 6.823 14.674 10.482 1.425 0.916 2.828 1.727 1.424 1.008 1.502 0.884 1.621 2.94 1.227 5.755 10.482 1.01 0.821 1.731 1.134 1.128 2.27 1.502 0.98 1.621 2.963 1.227 5.755 10.482 1.01 1.033 0.78 1.134 0.583 2.27 2.341 0.628 0.575 0.519 1.227 6.165 11.229 0.583 0.83 0.667 0.928 0.232 0.928 0.846 0.206 0.206 0.296 0.928 6.165 11.229 0.583 0.83 0.424 0.323 0.533 0.323 0.846 0.248 0.248 0.425 0.323 Specialist Teaching Large Country 0.168 0.079 1.012 0.39 0.208 6.084 2.915 1.293 0.091 0.091 5.602 0.232 0.804 0.804 0.064 0.464 0.258 0.276 0 0.192 0.319 0.53 6.788 7.834 Other Country 0.168 0.079 1.012 0.39 0.208 6.084 1.378 0.572 0.091 0.091 5.602 0.533 0.804 0.804 0.064 0.464 0.309 0.353 0 0.192 0.297 0.53 6.788 7.834 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Treatment or Care HIV Hypertension Immunology Infectious Disease Liver Transplant Metabolic Neonatal Nephrology Neurology Neurosurgery Nutrition/Dietetic Obstetrics Occupational Therapy Oncology Ophthalmology Optometry Orthopaedic Orthoptics Orthotics Paediatric Paediatric Developmental/Disabilities Paediatric Surgery Pain Palliative Care Physiotherapy Plastic Surgery Podiatry Pre-admission Pre-anaesthesia Prosthetics Psychiatric Psychology Radiation Oncology Rehabilitation Renal Transplant Respiratory Rheumatology Social work Speech pathology Spinal Staff Vaccinations Stomal Therapy Termination of pregnancy Thoracic Surgery Treatment room Urology Vascular Surgery 2597 6.258 0.877 2.483 2.702 2.683 2.81 2.228 3.151 2.631 0.942 0.824 0.87 0.719 3.913 0.804 0.443 0.98 0.213 1.122 0.901 6.258 0.877 0.915 1.186 1.183 2.81 2.214 2.584 1.514 1.584 0.876 0.975 0.893 2.435 0.575 0.443 0.821 0.376 1.693 0.901 Other Metro 6.258 0.877 0.915 1.186 1.183 2.81 2.214 2.23 1.402 0.377 0.319 0.603 0.337 2.185 0.382 0.443 0.37 0.376 0.729 2.031 4.02 0.839 0.839 0.168 0.168 1.323 1.872 0.343 0.415 1.095 0.544 0.903 1.359 3.559 0.86 1.114 1.453 1.034 2.372 3.021 2.113 0.343 0.583 1.423 0.155 0.715 1.588 1.44 0.105 0.779 0.931 0.866 1.872 0.343 0.29 1.024 0.544 1.304 0.91 3.559 0.879 1.114 1.453 1.551 3.929 1.825 1.293 0.782 1.214 0.948 0.839 0.836 1.28 1.44 0.105 0.999 0.931 0.866 0.698 0.343 0.236 0.235 0.249 1.378 0.661 3.559 1.119 0.605 1.375 0.57 2.524 1.335 0.672 0.671 0.938 0.948 0.839 0.823 1.28 0.716 1.174 0.764 0.988 0.168 0.493 0.928 0.436 0.078 0.265 1.083 0.252 2.625 0.208 0.479 0.241 0.928 2.524 1.012 0.064 0.54 0.981 0.232 0.514 1.494 0.479 0.716 1.293 0.245 0.546 0.168 0.493 0.323 0.221 0.078 0.274 0.447 0.252 2.625 0.208 0.479 0.241 0.323 2.524 1.012 0.064 0.861 0.332 0.533 0.514 1.494 0.377 0.716 0.572 0.249 0.546 Specialist Teaching Large Country 6.258 0.091 0.655 0.928 1.183 2.888 0.388 0.983 0.949 0.064 0.319 0.479 0.693 0.586 0.093 0.093 0.179 0.376 1.87 0.168 Other Country 6.258 0.091 0.655 0.323 1.183 2.888 0.388 0.983 0.949 0.064 0.297 0.377 0.602 0.586 0.303 0.303 0.293 0.376 1.87 0.168 2598 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Table 4: Outpatient (OP) Group Weights Treatment or Care Specialist Other Metro Teaching Large Country Other Country Adolescent health 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Allergy 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Asthma 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Audiology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Behavioural Medicine 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Bone Marrow Transplant 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Breast 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Burns 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Cardiac 0.997 0.997 0.869 0.471 0.785 Cardiac Surgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Colorectal 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 CPU 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Craniofacial 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Dental 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Dermatology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Diabetes 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.351 0.643 Diabetes Education 0.814 0.814 0.803 0.471 0.643 Chemotherapy Diagnostic service 0 0 0 0 0 Ear Nose Throat 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Eating Disorders 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Endocrine 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Endoscopy Colonoscopy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Endoscopy Other n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Endoscopy Oesophagoscopy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Endoscopy Panendoscopy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Endoscopy Sigmoidoscopy n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Family Planning 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.901 0.643 Fracture 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Gastroenterology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 General Medical 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 General Surgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Genetic 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Geriatric 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Gynaecology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Gynaecology Oncology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Haematology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Hepatobiliary 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 HIV 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Hypertension 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Immunology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Infectious Disease 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Liver Transplant 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Metabolic 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Neonatal 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Nephrology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Treatment or Care Specialist Teaching Other Metro 2599 Large Country Other Country Neurology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Neurosurgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Nutrition/Dietetic 1.044 1.044 0.803 2.577 0.643 Obstetrics 1.64 1.64 0.786 0.749 0.643 Occupational Therapy 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.257 0.643 Oncology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Ophthalmology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Optometry 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Orthopaedic 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Orthoptics 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Orthotics 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Paediatric Paediatric Developmental/Disabilities Paediatric Surgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 0.95 0.95 0.803 0.471 0.643 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Pain 2.699 2.699 0.803 0.471 0.643 Palliative Care 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Physiotherapy 0.635 0.635 0.803 0.458 0.643 Plastic Surgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Podiatry 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Pre-admission 1.234 1.234 0.803 0.471 0.643 Pre-anaesthesia 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Prosthetics 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Psychiatric 1.325 1.325 1.131 0.471 0.643 Psychology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Radiation Oncology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Rehabilitation 0.171 0.171 0.803 0.471 0.643 Renal Transplant 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Respiratory 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Rheumatology 2.224 2.224 0.803 0.471 0.643 Social work 0.935 0.935 0.803 0.471 0.643 Speech pathology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Spinal 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Staff Vaccinations 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Stomal Therapy 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Termination of pregnancy 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Thoracic Surgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Treatment room 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Urology 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 Vascular Surgery 1.325 1.325 0.803 0.471 0.643 2600 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Table 5—Outreach Weights Treatment or Care Outreach Acc & Emergency 1.83 Allied Health 0.68 Dental 0.88 Groups 1.12 Medical 1.1 Obstet & Gynae 0.69 Paediatrics 0.79 Psychiatry 1.03 Radiology 1 Surgical 0.57 [31 May 2012 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2601 Schedule 3— Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites: accommodation, rehabilitation, domiciliary care, transportation and related fees 1—Glenside Hospital facility, Oakden Campus (Howard House) Fee for inpatient accommodation—per day or part day $567.10 2—Hampstead Rehabilitation Hospital Facility Head Injury Service— (a) (b) Inpatient— (i) inpatient accommodation fee—per day or part day (ii) professional service fee (not payable by private patient)—per day or part day $1 045.40 $73.40 Rehabilitation service for non-admitted patients— (i) assessment or treatment provided by a medical practitioner, per hour of attendance by the patient (maximum fee) $226.00 (ii) individual assessment or treatment provided by a person who is not a medical practitioner, per hour of attendance by the patient (maximum fee) $169.00 (iii) treatment as one of a group of patients provided by a person who is not a medical practitioner, per hour of attendance by the patient (maximum fee) $71.80 4—All incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites (1) Domiciliary maintenance and care visit— (a) attendance involving a service provided by a medical practitioner or other health professional (other than a paramedical aide)—per visit (b) any other attendance—per visit (2) Where, in addition to providing a service referred to in this Schedule, a public hospital site transports, or arranges for the transportation of, a patient to or from (or between different facilities of) the public hospital site, the public hospital site may charge an additional fee equal to the cost to the public hospital site of providing, or arranging for the provision of, that transportation (3) Subclause (2) does not apply to the transportation of a patient with a retrieval team provided by a public hospital site where a retrieval fee for the provision of such a team by the public hospital site during transportation is applicable under Schedule 1 or 2 $105.60 $47.50 2602 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Schedule 3A — Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites: Australian Cranio Facial Unit and related fees 1—Interpretation In this Schedule, unless the contrary intention appears— aliquot public non-Medicare patient (aliquot patient) means a public patient— (a) who is not a compensable patient or Medicare patient; and (b) who the Australian Cranio Facial Unit has undertaken in writing to admit for specified treatment or care as an aliquot patient for a specified fee; Australian Cranio Facial Unit means the Australian Cranio Facial Unit of the Women's and Children's Hospital; occasion of service means an occasion on which treatment or care is provided to a non-admitted patient and includes any diagnostic or imaging services performed as part of that treatment or care; South Australian Government Funded public non-Medicare patient (SAG patient) means a public patient— (a) who is not a compensable or Medicare patient; and (b) who the Australian Cranio Facial Unit has undertaken in writing to admit for specified treatment or care as a SAG patient for no fee; Women's and Children's Hospital means the Women's and Children's Hospital facility of the Children, Youth and Women's Health Service Incorporated. 2—Fee for SAG patient (1) No fee is to be charged by a public hospital site for Australian Cranio Facial Unit or related treatment or care of a South Australian Government Funded public nonMedicare patient. (2) In this clause— Australian Cranio Facial Unit or related treatment or care, in relation to a SAG patient, means the following: (a) a period of treatment, care and accommodation of an admitted patient by the Australian Cranio Facial Unit, or an occasion of service provided to a non-admitted patient by that Unit, where the treatment, care and accommodation, or occasion of service, forms part of the treatment or care for which the patient was admitted as a SAG patient; (b) a period of treatment, care and accommodation of an admitted patient by a public hospital site, or an occasion of service provided to a non-admitted patient by a public hospital site, where the treatment, care and accommodation, or occasion of service, is arranged by the Australian Cranio Facial Unit and is related to treatment or care of the patient by that Unit; (c) accommodation for a patient between or following admissions or occasions of service referred to above where the Australian Cranio Facial Unit determines that it is necessary for the proper treatment and care of the patient for the patient to remain in this State during that period; 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2603 (d) accommodation for one escort of a patient while the patient is an admitted patient of a public hospital site or during a period referred to in paragraph (c); (e) transportation of a patient between public hospital sites or between different facilities of a public hospital site, but does not include the following: (f) the provision of meals to an escort of a patient; (g) the provision of meals to a patient other than while he or she is an admitted patient; (h) transportation of a patient or escort to or from a public hospital site (other than as specified in paragraph (e)). 3—Fee for aliquot patient (1) The fee to be charged by a public hospital for Australian Cranio Facial Unit treatment or care of an aliquot public non-Medicare patient is $36 267. (2) In this clause— Australian Cranio Facial Unit treatment or care, in relation to an aliquot patient, means the following: (a) a period of treatment, care and accommodation of an admitted patient by the Australian Cranio Facial Unit, or an occasion of service provided to a non-admitted patient by that Unit, where the treatment, care and accommodation, or occasion of service, forms part of the treatment or care for which the patient was admitted as an aliquot patient; (b) a period of treatment, care and accommodation of an admitted patient by any other part of the Women's and Children's Hospital, or an occasion of service provided to a non-admitted patient by any other part of that Hospital, where the treatment, care and accommodation, or occasion of service, is arranged by the Australian Cranio Facial Unit and is related to treatment or care of the patient by that Unit; (c) accommodation for a patient between or following admissions or occasions of service referred to above where the Australian Cranio Facial Unit determines that it is necessary for the proper treatment and care of the patient for the patient to remain in this State during that period; (d) accommodation for one escort of a patient while the patient is an admitted patient of the Women's and Children's Hospital (whether in the Australian Cranio Facial Unit or otherwise) or during a period referred to in paragraph (c), but does not include the following: (e) the provision of meals to an escort of a patient; (f) the provision of meals to a patient other than while he or she is an admitted patient of the Women's and Children's Hospital (whether in the Australian Cranio Facial Unit or otherwise); (g) any transportation of a patient or escort. 2604 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Schedule 4—Classification of public hospital sites Public hospital site classifications for emergency department (ED) services, outpatient (OP) services and services to admitted patients Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites ED type OP type Admitted type Northern Adelaide Local Health Network Incorporated Lyell McEwin Health Service facility Teaching Teaching Teaching Modbury Hospital facility Teaching Teaching Non-teaching Southern Adelaide Local Health Network Incorporated Flinders Medical Centre Facility Teaching Teaching Teaching Repatriation General Hospital facility Teaching Teaching Teaching Noarlunga Health Service facility Other Metro Non-teaching Other Metro Central Adelaide Local Health Network Incorporated Royal Adelaide Hospital facility Teaching Teaching Teaching Hampstead Rehabilitation facility Teaching Teaching Non-teaching The Queen Elizabeth Hospital facility Teaching Teaching Teaching St Margaret's Rehabilitation Hospital facility Other Metro Non-teaching Other Metro Women’s and Children’s Health Network Incorporated (CYW) CYW Women's and Children's Hospital facility (Paediatric) Specialist Specialist Teaching CYW Women's and Children's Hospital facility (Women's) Other Metro Teaching Teaching Country Health SA Local Health Network Incorporated (CHSA) CHSA Angaston District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Balaklava Soldiers’ Memorial District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites ED type OP type Admitted type CHSA Barmera Hospital facility (also known as Riverland Regional Health Service, Barmera) Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Berri Hospital facility (also known as Riverland Regional Health Service, Berri) Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Booleroo Centre District Hospital and Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Bordertown Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Burra Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Ceduna District Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Clare Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Cleve District Health and Aged Care facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Coober Pedy Hospital and Other Country Health Services facility Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Cowell Community Health and Aged Care facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Crystal Brook District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Cummins and District Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Elliston Hospital (also know as Mid-West Health, Elliston) facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Eudunda Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Gawler Health Service facility Other Country Large Country Non-teaching CHSA Gumeracha District Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Hawker Memorial Hospital Other Country facility Other Country Non-teaching 2605 2606 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites [31 May 2012 ED type OP type Admitted type CHSA Jamestown Hospital and Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Kangaroo Island Health Service facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Kapunda Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Karoonda and District Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Kimba District Health and Aged Care facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Kingston Soldiers Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Lameroo District Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Laura and Districts Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Leigh Creek Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Loxton Hospital Complex facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Maitland Hospital facility (also known as Central Yorke Peninsula Hospital) Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Mannum District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Meningie & Districts Memorial Hospital and Health Service facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Millicent and District Hospital and Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Mt Barker District Soldiers' Other Country Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Mt Gambier and Districts Health Service facility Country Large A&E SMO Country Non-teaching CHSA Mt Pleasant District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Murray Bridge Soldiers' Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites ED type OP type Admitted type CHSA Naracoorte Health Service Other Country facility Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Northern Yorke Peninsula Other Health Service facility (also known Country as Wallaroo Hospital) Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Oodnadatta Health Service Other Country facility Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Orroroo and District Health Other Country Service facility Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Penola War Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Peterborough Soldiers' Memorial Hospital and Health Service facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Pinnaroo Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Pt Augusta Hospital facility Large Country Large Country Non-teaching Other CHSA Pt Broughton District Hospital & Health Services facility Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Pt Lincoln Health Services Other Country facility Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Pt Pirie Regional Health Service facility Large Country Large Country Non-teaching CHSA Quorn Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Renmark Paringa District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Riverton District Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Roxby Downs Health Service facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Snowtown Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA South Coast District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Strathalbyn & District Health Service facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Streaky Bay Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching 2607 2608 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites [31 May 2012 ED type OP type Admitted type CHSA Tailem Bend District Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Tanunda War Memorial Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Tumby Bay Hospital and Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Waikerie Health Services facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Whyalla Hospital & Health Service facility Large Country Large Country Non-teaching CHSA Woomera Community Hospital facility Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Wudinna Hospital facility (also known as Mid-West Health, Wudinna) Other Country Other Country Non-teaching CHSA Yorketown Hospital facility Other Country (also known as Southern Yorke Peninsula Health Service) Other Country Non-teaching 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2609 HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 Fees and Charges I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing, hereby give notice pursuant to Section 44 of the Health Care Act 2008, of the fees in the list attached to apply to a Medicare patient who is not a compensable patient. These charges will operate from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. Dated 16 May 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing 2610 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 1—Interpretation (1) unless the contrary intention appears— admitted patient means a patient of a public hospital site who has undergone the formal admission process of the public hospital site; Commonwealth benefit, in relation to a patient, means the aggregate of the following amounts: (a) the maximum amount (expressed on a daily basis) payable as an age pension under the Social Security Act 1991 of the Commonwealth to a person who is not a member of a couple within the meaning of that Act, excluding the amount of any pharmaceutical allowance payable under that Act; and (b) — (i) if the patient receives rent assistance under that Act—the amount (expressed on a daily basis) received; or (ii) if the patient is not entitled to an age pension or disability support pension under that Act—the maximum amount (expressed on a daily basis) payable as rent assistance under that Act; hospital in the home service, in relation to a public hospital site, means treatment or care provided by the public hospital site to a patient at a location outside of the public hospital site’s premises (being treatment or care provided as a direct substitute for treatment or care that would normally be provided as an inpatient service on the public hospital site’s premises); incorporated hospital means a hospital incorporated under the Health Care Act 2008; long stay patient means a patient who has been an admitted patient in a public hospital site for a continuous period exceeding 35 days; Medicare patient means a patient who is an eligible person for the purpose of receiving medical benefits under the Health Insurance Act 1973 of the Commonwealth; overnight stay patient means an admitted patient of a public hospital site who remains an admitted patient of the public hospital site until a day subsequent to the day of his or her admission; patient means a person to whom a public hospital site provides medical or diagnostic services or other treatment or care and includes a person to whom a public hospital site provides outreach services; private, in relation to a patient, connotes that the patient receives medical or diagnostic services from a medical practitioner selected by the patient; public, in relation to a patient, connotes that the patient receives medical or diagnostic services from a medical practitioner selected by the public hospital site; public hospital site means a hospital facility which is operated by and is part of an incorporated hospital and which can have buildings and facilities at more than one location in the State; 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2611 same day patient means an admitted patient of a public hospital site who, on the same day, is both admitted to and leaves the care of the public hospital site (whether on formal discharge by the public hospital site or voluntary discharge by the patient); single room, in relation to the accommodation of a patient, means the accommodation of the patient in a room in which he or she is the only patient. (2) a patient will be regarded as being acutely ill during a particular period if a medical practitioner has certified that the patient will require extensive medical treatment and supervision during that period. (3) A certificate referred to in subsection (2) remains in force for the period specified in the certificate (not exceeding 30 days) or, if no period is specified, for a period of 30 days. 1—Fees for services provided to Medicare patients (1) The fee to be charged by a public hospital site for a service of a kind set out in the Schedule provided to a Medicare patient who is not a compensable patient is as set out in the Schedule. (2) A person who is— (a) a resident of a State or Territory of the Commonwealth other than South Australia; or (b) a member of the armed forces of the Commonwealth; or (c) entitled to a benefit under the Veterans' Entitlements Act 1986 of the Commonwealth, may, with the approval of the Minister, be released from liability to pay the fees contained in the schedule. (3) A public hospital site may remit the whole or part of a fee payable to it in order to alleviate financial hardship. 2612 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Schedule—Fees for services provided to Medicare patients by incorporated hospitals and public hospital sites Fee (per day) 1 For the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment at a public hospital site of a public overnight stay patient no fee 2 For the accommodation, maintenance and care at a public hospital site of a private overnight stay patient— (a) where the patient requests and subsequently receives single room accommodation $547.00 (b) in any other case $318.00 3 For the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment at a public hospital site of a public patient who is a same day patient no fee 4 For the accommodation, maintenance and care at a public hospital site of a private patient who is a same day patient— (a) for gastro-intestinal endoscopy or other minor surgical and non-surgical procedures that do not normally require an anaesthetic (Band 1) $230.00 (b) for procedures (other than Band 1 procedures) carried out under local anaesthetic with no sedation given where the actual time in the theatre is less than one hour (Band 2) $262.00 (c) for procedures (other than Band 1 procedures) carried out under general or regional anaesthesia or intravenous sedation where the actual time in the theatre is less than one hour (Band 3) $290.00 (d) for any procedures carried out under general or regional anaesthesia or intravenous sedation where the actual time in the theatre is one hour or more (Band 4) $318.00 5 For the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment at a public hospital site of a public long stay patient who is acutely ill No fee 6 For the accommodation, maintenance, care and treatment at a public hospital site of a public long stay patient who is not acutely ill 87.5 per cent of the Commonwealth benefit 7 For the accommodation, maintenance and care at a public hospital site of a private long stay patient who is not acutely ill $108.00 plus 87.5 per cent of the Commonwealth benefit 8 For hospital in the home services provided by a public hospital site to a private patient $191.00 (maximum fee per day) 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2613 HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 Fees and Charges I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing, hereby give notice pursuant to Section 59 of the Health Care Act 2008, of the following fees to apply for ambulance services: These charges will operate from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. $ Emergency 1 call out fee........................................................................................................................... Emergency 2 call out fee........................................................................................................................... Non Emergency Fee .................................................................................................................................. Per Kilometre Charge ............................................................................................................................... 847.00 611.00 189.00 4.90 These charges will be Goods and Services Tax (GST) free where the service is in the course of treatment of a patient who pays for the supply of the ambulance service. GST may be charged in addition to the above amounts in circumstances where the Commissioner of Taxation has ruled that the services are not GST-free, for example, for services contracted by a hospital. Dated 14 March 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 Fees and Charges I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing, hereby give notice pursuant to the Health Care Act 2008, of the following fees to apply for the purpose of private hospital licensing: These charges will operate from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. $ Licence application fee (Section 80 (2)) ................................................................................................... Fee for grant of licence (Section 81 (3)) ................................................................................................... Annual licence fee (Section 84 (2)) .......................................................................................................... Application fee for transfer of licence (Section 85 (2)) ............................................................................ 207.00 207.00 207.00 29.50 Dated 14 March 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 Fees and Charges I, JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing, hereby give notice pursuant to Section 58 of the Health Care Act 2008, of the following fee to apply for the application of a restricted ambulance licence: These charges will operate from 1 July 2012 to 30 June 2013. Application fee for licence—$155.00. Dated 14 March 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing HEALTH CARE ACT 2008 SECTION 15 Notice by the Minister TAKE notice that I, John Hill, Minister for Health and Ageing: 1. Pursuant to sub-sections 15 (1) and 15 (3) (c) of the Health Care Act 2008, by notice published in the South Australian Government Gazette on 5 June 2008, established and assigned a name to the Country Health SA Board Health Advisory Council Inc. 2. Pursuant to sub-sections 15 (3) (c) and 15 (4) (a) of the Health Care Act 2008, by notice published in the South Australian Government Gazette of 10 November 2011, varied the abovementioned notice made by me on 5 June 2008, by replacing the name I assigned to the Country Health SA Board Health Advisory Council Inc. with the name ‘Country Health SA Local Health Network Board Health Advisory Council Inc.’. 3. Pursuant to sub-sections 15 (3) (c) and 15 (4) (a) of the Health Care Act 2008, do hereby vary the abovementioned notice made by me on 10 November 2011, by replacing the name I assigned to the Country Health SA Local Health Network Board Health Advisory Council Inc. with the name ‘Country Health SA Local Health Network Health Advisory Council Inc.’ effective 5 June 2012. Dated 29 May 2012. JOHN HILL, Minister for Health and Ageing 2614 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 79 TAKE note that the notice made under Section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, dated 20 May 2012, referring to the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery, is hereby revoked. Take note that the notice made under Section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, dated 12 January 2012 and published in the South Australian Government Gazette dated 19 January 2012, on page 222, being the third notice on that page, referring to the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery, is hereby varied such that it will not be unlawful for a person fishing pursuant to a Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery Licence to use prawn trawl nets in the areas specified in Schedule 1, during the period specified in Schedule 2, and under the conditions specified in Schedule 3. SCHEDULE 1 1. The waters of the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery that are: (a) Contained within and bounded by the following coordinates: Commencing at latitude 3317.40S, longitude 13749.00E, then to position latitude 3317.40S, longitude 13735.90E, then to position latitude 3325.80S, longitude 13735.90E, then to position latitude 3325.80S, longitude 13753.00E; and (b) South of the following co-ordinates: Commencing at latitude 3329.20S, longitude 13716.00E, then to position latitude 3329.20S, longitude 13728.50E, then to position latitude 3334.20S, longitude 13728.50E, then to position latitude 3334.20S, longitude 13731.00E, then to position latitude 3329.20S, longitude 13732.00E, then to position latitude 3329.20S, longitude 13733.80E, then to position latitude 3337.83S, longitude 13733.80E, then to position latitude 3346.00S, longitude 13744.00E. 2. Except the waters contained within and bounded by the following co-ordinates, which shall remain closed to fishing: (a) Commencing at latitude 3341.00S, longitude 13706.00E, then to position latitude 3352.00S, longitude 13715.00E, then to position latitude 3356.00S, longitude 13706.00E, then to position latitude 3401.00S, longitude 13709.00E, then to position latitude 3419.00S, longitude 13648.00E, then to position latitude 3419.00S, longitude 13642.00E, then to position latitude 3402.00S, longitude 13651.00E, then to position latitude 3352.00S, longitude 13640.00E; (b) Commencing at latitude 3410.00S, longitude 13728.00E, then to position latitude 3421.00S, longitude 13712.00E, then to position latitude 3445.00S, longitude 13715.00E, then to position latitude 3454.00S, longitude 13701.00E; and (c) Commencing at latitude 3428.50S, longitude 13643.00E, then to position latitude 3428.50S, longitude 13649.00E, then to position latitude 3434.00S, longitude 13644.00E, then to position latitude 3434.00S, longitude 13638.00E, then to position latitude 3428.50S, longitude 13643.00E. SCHEDULE 2 From 1830 hours on 24 May 2012 to 0600 hours on 28 May 2012. SCHEDULE 3 1. The co-ordinates in Schedule 1 are defined as degrees, decimal minutes and based on the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD 66). 2. No fishing activity may be undertaken during the daylight hours from 0600 hours to 1830 hours on any day during the period specified in Schedule 2. Dated 24 May 2012. C. NOELL, Prawn Fisheries Manager [31 May 2012 FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 79 TAKE note that the notice made under Section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, dated 24 May 2012, referring to the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery, is hereby revoked. Take note that the notice made under Section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, dated 12 January 2012 and published in the South Australian Government Gazette dated 19 January 2012, on page 222, being the third notice on that page, referring to the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery, is hereby varied such that it will not be unlawful for a person fishing pursuant to a Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery Licence to use prawn trawl nets in the areas specified in Schedule 1, during the period specified in Schedule 2, and under the conditions specified in Schedule 3. SCHEDULE 1 1. The waters of the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery that are: (a) Contained within and bounded by the following coordinates: Commencing at latitude 3317.40S, longitude 13749.00E, then to position latitude 3317.40S, longitude 13736.10E, then to position latitude 3325.80S, longitude 13736.10E, then to position latitude 3325.80S, longitude 13753.00E, and (b) South of the following co-ordinates: Commencing at latitude 3329.20S, longitude 13716.00E, then to position latitude 3329.20S, longitude 13728.50E, then to position latitude 3334.20S, longitude 13728.50E, then to position latitude 3334.20S, longitude 13731.20E, then to position latitude 3329.40S, longitude 13732.20E, then to position latitude 3329.40S, longitude 13733.80E, then to position latitude 3337.83S, longitude 13733.80E, then to position latitude 3346.00S, longitude 13744.00E. 2. Except the waters contained within and bounded by the following co-ordinates, which shall remain closed to fishing: (a) Commencing at latitude 3341.00S, longitude 13706.00E, then to position latitude 3352.00S, longitude 13715.00E, then to position latitude 3356.00S, longitude 13706.00E, then to position latitude 3401.00S, longitude 13709.00E, then to position latitude 3434.00S, longitude 13645.50E, then to position latitude 3434.00S, longitude 13637.40E, then to position latitude 3419.00S, longitude 13648.00E, then to position latitude 3419.00S, longitude 13642.00E, then to position latitude 3401.30S, longitude 13650.20E, then to position latitude 3352.00S, longitude 13640.00E, and (b) Commencing at latitude 3410.00S, longitude 13628.00E, then to position latitude 3421.00S, longitude 13612.00E, then to position latitude 3445.00S, longitude 13615.00E, then to position latitude 3454.00S, longitude 13701.00E. SCHEDULE 2 From 1830 hours on 27 May 2012 to 0600 hours on 29 May 2012. SCHEDULE 3 1. The co-ordinates in Schedule 1 are defined as degrees decimal minutes and based on the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD 66). 2. No fishing activity may be undertaken during the daylight hours from 0600 hours to 1830 hours on any day during the period specified in Schedule 2. Dated 27 May 2012. C. NOELL, Prawn Fisheries Manager 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE FISHERIES MANAGEMENT ACT 2007: SECTION 79 TAKE note that the notice made under Section 79 of the Fisheries Management Act 2007, dated 12 January 2012, and published in the South Australian Government Gazette dated 19 January 2012, on page 222, being the second notice on that page, referring to the Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery, is hereby varied such that it will not be unlawful for holders of a Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery Licence, or their registered masters, to use prawn trawl nets in the area specified in Schedule 1, during the period specified in Schedule 2, and subject to the conditions specified in Schedule 3. SCHEDULE 1 The waters of the Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery: (1) South of the line defined by the following co-ordinates: Latitude 3500.00S, longitude 13745.00E, then to position latitude 3500.00S, longitude 13831.00E. SCHEDULE 2 From 1830 hours on 23 May 2012 to 0600 hours on 26 May 2012. SCHEDULE 3 1. The co-ordinates in Schedule 1 are defined as degrees, decimal minutes and based on the WGS 1984 datum. 2. No fishing activity may be undertaken during the daylight hours from 0600 hours to 1830 hours on any day during the period specified in Schedule 2. 3. The licence holder or registered master may only undertake fishing activity according to the balance of fishing nights endorsed on the registrations and entitlement extract of their licence. 4. Fishing activity may only be undertaken using T90-mesh cod ends and grids, in accordance with the licence condition 8221. 5. At least one hour prior to sunset on each night that fishing will occur, the licence holder or registered master must call PIRSA Fishwatch on 1800 065 522 and report the following information: (a) licence number; (b) name of licence holder; (c) registered boat; (d) name of person lodging the report; (e) date on which fishing will commence; (f) nearest land location of departure; and (g) research survey block number from which fishing will commence. Dated 23 May 2012. C. NOELL, Prawn Fisheries Manager HARBORS AND NAVIGATION ACT 1993 SCHEDULE OF SHIPPING CHARGES PURSUANT TO SECTION 31 Effective from 1 July 2012 Marine Facilities Ferry Services Charge THE Marine Facilities Ferry Services Charge (GST inclusive) is to apply to any ferry service using the Minister’s marine (Port) facilities and assets of Cape Jervis, Penneshaw, Kingscote and American River, unless otherwise stated. The Marine Facilities Services Charge will apply for each of the named harbors/ports used by a ferry operator. Passengers departing from or arriving at Cape Jervis, Kingscote, Penneshaw and American River: $0.14 per passenger. Vehicles (irrespective of size and including prime-mover, motorcycle or equivalent but not including a bicycle): $1.16 per vehicle per departure or arrival. Trailers/caravans: $1.16 per trailer/caravan per departure or arrival. 2615 Freight: $1.60 per lineal metre of the semi-trailer per trip (or tonne equivalent for bulk freight excluding grain). Bulk grain: $0.62 per tonne per trip. Boat mooring fee: $64.02 per boat per day (or part thereof). Dated 11 May 2012. PATRICK CONLON, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure HARBORS AND NAVIGATION ACT 1993 SCHEDULE OF SHIPPING CHARGES PURSUANT TO SECTION 31 Effective from 1 July 2012 Navigation Services Charge THE Navigation Services Charge is to recover the costs of providing navigation aids to commercial shipping using the State’s indentured ports of Port Bonython, Port Stanvac and Whyalla. This will be a charge to boats on the basis of the number of times the boat enters State waters from outside those waters and proceeds to an indentured or private port in the State. Note: Other charging arrangements have been made and apply to the ports of Ardrossan, Klein Point, Port Adelaide, Port Giles, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Thevenard and Wallaroo. The base charge (GST inclusive) to be applied is $1 353 + $0.14907 per gross ton per trading voyage within South Australian waters. The base charge will be reduced by 25% for each subsequent call of the commercial boat after the first call and within six months of the first call, (i.e. 100% of base charge for first call; 75% for second call within six months of the first call; 50% for the third call; 25% for the fourth call). No Navigation Services Charge will be payable for the fifth call and any subsequent call, provided they occur within six months of the first call. Alternatively, an option of a one-off, up-front payment of 2.3 times the base charge for unlimited calls by the one commercial boat in a six month period is available. Application must be made prior to the entry of the boat into South Australian waters. Harbor Services Charge (Applied at Port Bonython Only) The Harbor Services Charge is to recover the costs of servicing boats in port and at berths. The base charge (GST inclusive) to be applied is $3 641 + $0.00676 per Gross Registered Ton of the boat per hour at berth. Dated 11 May 2012. PATRICK CONLON, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure HARBORS AND NAVIGATION ACT 1993 FISHING INDUSTRY FACILITIES SCHEDULE OF FEES AND CHARGES PURSUANT TO SECTION 31 Effective from 1 July 2012 FEES for storage, slipping, straddle carrier use and boat movements in Boat Yards at Port MacDonnell, Beachport and Kingscote are charged to recover some of the costs associated with the operation and administration of these facilities. All of the fees and charges listed below are inclusive of GST. Port MacDonnell Boat Yard A boat yard fee is to be charged at the Port MacDonnell boat yard for all boats or trailers as follows: • $662 per boat or trailer for 12 months, or • $165 per boat or trailer per month or part thereof. The fee entitles recipients to boat or trailer storage and unlimited use of the dirty work area for the period paid. 2616 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Beachport Boat Yard A boat yard fee is to be charged at the Beachport boat yard for all boats at $3 796 per boat for one year or part thereof. This fee entitles the recipient to boat storage, 4 slippages, 4 yard shifts using the straddle carrier and unlimited use of the dirty work area for one year. A casual boat storage fee is to be charged at the Beachport boat yard for all boats at $571 per month or part thereof. A casual slipping fee (up to two hours) is to be charged at the Beachport boat yard for all boats at $356. A casual yard shift fee is to be charged for use of the straddle carrier to move a boat in one operation within the boat yard for all boats at $236. Additional to the above and only when applicable, an after hours yard shift fee or an after hours slipping fee of $131 may apply. Slipway Fees—Kingscote Use of the Kingscote slipway will be charged a fee of $138 per day or part thereof. Dated 11 May 2012. PATRICK CONLON, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that The ARH Australian Wine Company Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for the removal of a Producer’s Licence in respect of premises situated at Brooks Road, Clarendon, S.A. 5157 and to be situated at 25 North Terrace, Hackney, S.A. 5069 and known as The ARH Australian Wine Company Pty Ltd. The application has been set down for hearing on 28 June 2012 at 10 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 21 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o DMAW Lawyers, Level 3, 80 King William Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 (Attention: Adrian Battiston or Caderyn McEwen). The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 23 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that III Rings Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for the removal of a Producer’s Licence in respect of premises situated at Brooks Road, Clarendon, S.A. 5157 and to be situated at 25 North Terrace, Hackney, S.A. 5069 and known as III Rings. The application has been set down for hearing on 28 June 2012 at 9.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 21 June 2012). [31 May 2012 The applicant’s address for service is c/o DMAW Lawyers, Level 3, 80 King William Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 (Attention: Adrian Battiston or Caderyn McEwen). The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 23 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that K. Boy Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for a transfer of an Entertainment Venue Licence in respect of premises situated at Unit 26, Hindley Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000, known as Muse Bar & Karaoke and to be known as Rock On Club. The application has been set down for hearing on 27 June 2012 at 11 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 20 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Caderyn McEwen, Level 3, 80 King William Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 23 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Sheng Tang Investment Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Restaurant Licence in respect of premises situated at Shop 5, 60 West Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 and to be known as Sheng Tang BBQ House. The application has been set down for hearing on 27 June 2012 at 10 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 20 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Philo, 60 West Terrace, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 22 May 2012. Applicant 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Jewoo Jung has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Restaurant Licence in respect of premises situated at 3/474 Payneham Road, Glynde, S.A. 5070 and to be known as Miga Kitchen. The application has been set down for hearing on 27 June 2012 at 9.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 20 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Jewoo Jung, 3/474 Payneham Road, Glynde, S.A. 5070. The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 22 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Adelaide Wanderers Soccer Club Inc has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Limited Club Licence in respect of premises situated at Buccleugh Street, Findon, S.A. 5023 and to be known as Adelaide Wanderers Soccer Club Inc. The application has been set down for hearing on 26 June 2012 at 11.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 19 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Adrian Hart, 125 Lipson Street, Port Adelaide, S.A. 5023. The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 22 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Yorke Peninsula Food Group Pty Ltd as trustee for Yorke Peninsula Food Group Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for alterations to licensed premises, redefinition of licensed area, variation to Extended Trading Authorisation and variation to Entertainment Consent in respect of premises situated at Lot 21, Corny Point Road, Warooka, S.A. and known as Inland Sea Seafood Restaurant. The application has been set down for hearing on 3 July 2012 at 11.30 a.m. Conditions The following licence conditions are sought: • Alterations and redefinition to the existing dining room and outdoor paved area and extending the licensed area to include outdoor garden area on the south western corner, as per plans lodged with this office. 2617 • Variation to the current Extended Trading Authorisation and Entertainment Consent to include the redefined and altered Areas 1 and 2 as per plans lodged with this office. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 26 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Graham Wheeler, P.O. Box 98, Warooka, S.A. 5577. The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 28 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that SBNK Mittal Pty Ltd has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Restaurant Licence in respect of premises situated at Shop 1, 163 O’Connell Street, North Adelaide, S.A. 5006 and to be known as Onyx. The application has been set down for hearing on 3 July 2012 at 9.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 26 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Mark Esau, 2nd Floor, 345 King William Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 25 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Kees Jozef van der Pennen and Carol Ray van der Pennen have applied to the Licensing Authority for a Direct Sales Licence in respect of the business to be known as C. R. & K. J. van der Pennen. The application has been set down for hearing on 2 July 2012 at 10.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicants at the applicants’ address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 25 June 2012). The applicants’ address for service is c/o David Watts and Associates, 1 Cator Street, Glenside, S. A. 5065 (Attention: David Watts). The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 25 May 2012. Applicants 2618 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Semaphore Palais Hotel Pty Ltd as trustee for the Palais Hotel Trust has applied to the Licensing Authority for a variation to Extended Trading Authorisation in respect of premises situated at the Esplanade, Semaphore, S.A. 5019 and known as Semaphore Palais. The application has been set down for hearing on 28 June 2012 at 11.30 a.m. Conditions The following licence conditions are sought: • Deletion of Licence Condition 1: ○ There shall be no live entertainment during extended trade of Sundays. • Inclusion of Area 10 as a designated dining and reception area. • Variation to Extended Trading Authorisation for the Licensed Premises to include the following days and times: Good Friday: Midnight to 2 a.m.; Christmas Day: Midnight to 2 a.m.; Sunday (Christmas Eve): 8 p.m. to 2 a.m. the following day; Sundays (preceding Public Holidays): Midnight to 2 a.m. the following day. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 21 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Clelands Lawyers, 208 Carrington Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000 (Attention: Rinaldo D’Aloia). The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 25 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Rosewater Social Sports Club Inc. has applied to the Licensing Authority for the redefinition of the licensed area of a Club Licence in respect of premises situated at 39 McGregor Terrace, Rosewater, S.A. 5013 and known as Rosewater Social Sports Club. The application has been set down for hearing on 26 June 2012 at 11 a.m. Conditions The following licence conditions are sought: • Redefinition of the Licensed Area to include the outdoor verandah and barbecue area on the corner of McGregor Terrace and King William Street. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 19 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Liza Flanagan, P.O. Box 17, Rosewater East, S.A. 5013. [31 May 2012 The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 22 May 2012. Applicant LIQUOR LICENSING ACT 1997 Notice of Application NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 52 (2) (b) of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997, that Alexander Stuart Oxley Russell has applied to the Licensing Authority for a Producer’s Licence in respect of premises situated at 5 Palm Court, Renmark, S.A. 5341 and to be known as Grape to Glass. The application has been set down for hearing on 4 July 2012 at 9.30 a.m. Any person may object to the application by lodging a notice of objection in the prescribed form with the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner and serving a copy of the notice on the applicant at the applicant’s address, at least seven days before the hearing date (viz: 27 June 2012). The applicant’s address for service is c/o Donaldson Walsh Lawyers, G.P.O. Box 2873, Adelaide, S.A. 5001 (Attention: Tim Duval). The application and certain documents and material (including Plans) relevant to the application may be inspected without fee at a place and during a period specified by the Liquor and Gambling Commissioner, Chesser House, 3rd Floor, 91-97 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, S.A. 5000. Telephone: 8226 8655. Facsimile: 8226 8512. Email: Dated 29 May 2012. Applicant LOCAL GOVERNMENT ACT 1999 NOTICE OF DETERMINATION OF RELEVANT PERIOD Review of Council Compositions and Wards PURSUANT to Section 12 (4) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Minister for State/Government Relations has determined the relevant period for the next review of Council compositions and wards, to be the date as contained in the table listed hereunder. Council Last Review Next Review Adelaide ........................ Burnside........................ Charles Sturt ................. Coorong ........................ Goyder .......................... Light ............................. Mallala .......................... Mount Remarkable ....... Murray Bridge .............. Robe.............................. Unley ............................ Alexandrina .................. 22.6.07 6.12.05 6.12.05 17.11.05 30.6.05 6.12.05 27.11.09 1.12.09 24.11.05 17.11.05 17.11.05 4.11.09 Berri Barmera ............... 4.11.09 Elliston.......................... 27.11.09 Flinders Ranges ............ 17.11.05 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 1213 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 April 2012–April 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2619 Council Last Review Next Review Council Last Review Next Review Franklin Harbour .......... 12.12.05 Lower Eyre Peninsula ... 31.8.09 Gawler .......................... 8.12.05 Loxton Waikerie ........... 26.8.09 Holdfast Bay ................. 4.11.09 Naracoorte Lucindale.... 22.9.09 Marion .......................... 11.11.09 Orroroo Carrieton ......... 20.11.09 Mid Murray................... 27.11.09 Peterborough ................. 15.6.09 Mitcham ........................ 14.11.05 Port Augusta ................. 4.11.09 Mount Barker ................ 12.12.05 Renmark Paringa .......... 23.10.09 Port Pirie ....................... 17.11.05 Tea Tree Gully .............. 15.9.09 Streaky Bay................... 24.11.09 Walkerville ................... 20.11.09 Tatiara ........................... 14.11.05 Whyalla......................... 4.11.09 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 Tumby Bay ................... 14.11.05 Wakefield Regional ...... 4.11.09 Wattle Range ................ 20.11.09 West Torrens ................. 20.11.09 Wudinna ....................... 14.11.05 Yorke Peninsula ............ 16.11.09 Adelaide Hills ............... Barossa ......................... Campbelltown ............... Clare & Gilbert Valleys Grant ............................. Kangaroo Island ............ Kimba ........................... Mount Gambier ............. Northern Areas.............. Norwood PSP................ Onkaparinga.................. Playford ........................ Port Adelaide Enfield.... Port Lincoln .................. Prospect ........................ Salisbury ....................... Southern Mallee ............ Victor Harbor ................ Yankalilla ..................... Barunga West ............... 27.11.09 4.11.09 20.11.09 4.11.09 20.11.09 20.11.09 4.11.09 27.11.09 20.11.09 14.12.09 21.9.09 23.10.09 23.10.09 4.11.09 28.9.09 26.11.09 23.10.09 4.11.09 30.7.09 23.10.09 Ceduna .......................... 30.7.09 Cleve ............................. 26.8.09 Coober Pedy.................. 31.8.09 Copper Coast ................ 27.11.09 Karoonda East Murray .. 15.6.09 Kingston........................ 4.11.09 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 October 2012– October 2013 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 April 2016–April 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 October 2016– October 2017 Dated 26 May 2012. RUSSELL WORTLEY, Minister for State/Local Government Relations MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Daktyloi Metals Pty Ltd Location: Alberrie Creek areaApproximately 55 km west of Marree. Pastoral Lease: Stuart Creek Term: 1 year Area in km2: 304 Ref.: 2011/00072 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Blackfire Resources Pty Ltd (97%) and WI & RI Neldner Contractors (3%). Location: Booleroo areaApproximately 65 km south-east of Port Augusta. Term: 1 year Area in km2: 188 Ref.: 2011/00089 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar 2620 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Blackfire Resources Pty Ltd (97%) and WI & RI Neldner Contractors (3%). Location: Amyton areaApproximately 55 km east-southeast of Port Augusta. Term: 1 year Area in km2: 46 Ref.: 2011/00090 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Daktyloi Metals Pty Ltd Location: Mount Havelock areaApproximately 130 km north-east of Port Augusta. Pastoral Leases: Prelinna, Mannawarra and Willippa. Term: 1 year Area in km2: 96 Ref.: 2011/00166 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Daktyloi Metals Pty Ltd Location: Arkaba Hill areaApproximately 110 km northeast of Port Augusta. Term: 1 year Area in km2: 137 Ref.: 2011/00167 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Renaissance Uranium Limited Location: LyndhurstApproximately 30 km north-northwest of Leigh Creek. Pastoral Leases: Mount Lyndhurst, Farina, Myrtle Springs and Leigh Creek. Term: 2 years Area in km2: 305 Ref.: 2011/00195 [31 May 2012 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: Energia Minerals Limited Location: Cobblers Ridge areaApproximately 148 km north-west of Marree. Pastoral Lease: Anna Creek Term: 2 years Area in km2: 78 Ref.: 2011/00247 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar MINING ACT 1971 NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 28 (5) of the Mining Act 1971, that the Minister for Mineral Resources and Energy proposes to grant an Exploration Licence over the undermentioned area: Applicant: G E Resources Pty Ltd Location: Douglas Creek areaApproximately 160 km south-east of Oodnadatta. Pastoral Lease: Anna Creek Term: 2 years Area in km2: 319 Ref.: 2011/00305 Plan and co-ordinates can be found on the DMITRE website: or by phoning Mineral Tenements on (08) 8463 3103. J. MARTIN, Mining Registrar NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE (NATIONAL PARKS) REGULATIONS 2001 Closure of Brookfield Conservation Park PURSUANT to Regulations 8 (3) (a) and 8 (3) (d) of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001, I, Grant Anthony Pelton, Director Public Land Management and Operational Support, Regional Services, authorised delegate of the Director of National Parks and Wildlife, close to the public, the whole of Brookfield Conservation Park from 6 p.m. on Sunday, 17 June 2012 until 6 p.m. on Friday, 22 June 2012. The purpose of the closure is to ensure the safety of the public during a pest control and monitoring program within the reserve during the period indicated. Use of Firearms Within the Reserve Pursuant to Regulations 8 (4), 20 (1) and 41 of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001, I, Grant Anthony Pelton, Director Public Land Management and Operational Support, Regional Services, authorised delegate of the Director of National Parks and Wildlife, grant permission to members of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Hunting & Conservation Branch (S.A.) Inc. in possession of both a current Hunting Permit and a firearm to enter and remain in the whole of Brookfield Conservation Park from 6 p.m. on Sunday, 17 June 2012 until 6 p.m. on Friday, 22 June 2012, for the purpose of taking feral animals. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE This permission is conditional upon the observance by each of those persons of the requirements of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972, National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001, and the National Parks and Wildlife (Hunting) Regulations 2011, including those requiring compliance with the Director’s requests, requirements and orders of a Warden. Dated 25 May 2012. G. A. PELTON, Director, Public Land Management and Operational Support, Regional Services, Department of Environment and Natural Resources NATIONAL PARKS AND WILDLIFE (NATIONAL PARKS) REGULATIONS 2001 Closure of Peebinga Conservation Park and Karte Conservation Park PURSUANT to Regulations 8 (3) (a) and 8 (3) (d) of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001, I, Grant Anthony Pelton, Director Public Land Management and Operational Support, authorised delegate of the Director of National Parks and Wildlife, close to the public, the whole of Peebinga Conservation Park and the whole of Karte Conservation Park from 6 p.m. on Sunday, 10 June 2012 until 6 a.m. on Saturday, 16 June 2012. The purpose of the closure is to ensure the safety of the public during a pest control and monitoring program within the reserves during the period indicated. Use of Firearms Within the Reserves Pursuant to Regulations 8 (4), 20 (1) and 41 of the National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001, I, Grant Anthony Pelton, Director Public Land Management and Operational Support, authorised delegate of the Director of National Parks and Wildlife, grant permission to members of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Hunting & Conservation Branch (S.A.) Inc. in possession of both a current Hunting Permit and a firearm to enter and remain in the whole of Peebinga Conservation Park and the whole of Karte Conservation Park from 6 p.m. on Sunday, 10 June 2012 until 6 a.m. on Saturday, 16 June 2012, for the purpose of taking feral animals. This permission is conditional upon the observance by each of those persons of the requirements of the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972, National Parks and Wildlife (National Parks) Regulations 2001 and the National Parks and Wildlife (Hunting) Regulations 2011, including those requiring compliance with the Director’s requests, requirements and orders of a Warden. Dated 25 May 2012. G. A. PELTON, Director, Public Land Management and Operational Support, Regional Services, Department of Environment and Natural Resources NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Water Allocation Plan I, PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, to whom administration of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, is committed, hereby gives notice for the purposes of the Water Allocation Plan for the Southern Basins Prescribed Wells Area adopted under Schedule 4 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, of the ‘recent recharge rate of the lens’ as set out below: Quaternary Aquifer Coffin Bay A (West) Coffin Bay B (Central) Coffin Bay C (East) Uley Wanilla Wanilla Uley East 29 6 10 14 9 28 Recent Recharge Rate of the Lens 2012-2013 (expressed as millimetres per annum) Quaternary Aquifer Uley South Lincoln A, B and C Lincoln D Lincoln D West Minor Lenses 140 35 8 8 13 Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Water Allocation Plan I, PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, to whom administration of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 is committed, hereby give notice for the purposes of the Water Allocation Plan for the Musgrave Prescribed Wells Area adopted under Schedule 4 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, of the ‘recent recharge rate of the lens’ as set out below: Quaternary Aquifer Recent Recharge Rate of the Lens 2012-2013 (expressed as millimetres per annum) Bramfield............................................................. Kappawanta ......................................................... Polda.................................................................... Polda North ......................................................... Polda East ............................................................ Sheringa A ........................................................... Sheringa B ........................................................... Talia .................................................................... Tinline ................................................................. Minor Lenses ....................................................... 25 22 15.7 13.6 6.6 16.3 15.8 15.8 17.5 14.1 Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Environment and Conservation NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Contribution in 2012-2013 by the Constituent Council in the South East Natural Resources Management Region PURSUANT to Section 92 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, I, Paul Caica, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, having determined the shares of councils pursuant to subsection 92 (4) and having submitted them to the Governor, pursuant to subsection 92 (6) and the Governor having approved those shares on 31 May 2012, hereby advise, pursuant to subsection 92 (7) that the shares of the Constituent Councils of the South East Natural Resources Management Region will be as follows: Council Recent Recharge Rate of the Lens 2012-2013 (expressed as millimetres per annum) 2621 Proposed Contribution $ Coorong District Council 33 960 District Council of Grant 167 526 District Council of Kingston 81 129 City of Mount Gambier 531 551 Naracoorte Lucindale Council 182 332 District Council of Robe District Council of Tatiara 83 364 147 853 2622 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Proposed Contribution $ Council Wattle Range Council 287 285 Total 1 515 000 Dated 31 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Contribution in 2012-2013 by the Constituent Councils in the South Australian Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Region PURSUANT to Section 92 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, I, Paul Caica, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, having determined the shares of councils, pursuant to subsection 92 (4) and having submitted them to the Governor, pursuant to subsection 92 (6) and the Governor having approved those shares on 31 May 2012, hereby advise, pursuant to subsection 92 (7) that the shares of the Constituent Councils of the South Australian Murray Darling Basin Natural Resources Management Region will be as follows: Proposed Contribution $ Council Adelaide Hills Council Council 495 193 The Barossa Council 24 702 Berri Barmera Council 118 681 Coorong District Council 69 472 Goyder Regional Council 66 827 District Council of Karoonda East Murray 23 552 District Council of Loxton Waikerie 162 068 Mid Murray Council 207 187 District Council of Mount Barker 468 940 Rural City of Murray Bridge 268 979 City of Onkaparinga 1 441 Renmark Paringa Council 116 710 Southern Mallee District Council 45 412 City of Victor Harbor Proposed Contribution $ District Council of Barunga West 131 423 Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council 325 612 District Council of Copper Coast 445 156 The Flinders Ranges Council 33 597 Goyder Regional Council 55 638 District Council of Mount Remarkable Northern Areas Council 84 095 185 804 District Council of Orroroo Carrieton 23 345 District Council of Peterborough 24 055 Port Augusta City Council 231 589 Port Pirie Regional Council 293 949 Wakefield Regional Council 241 741 District Council of Yorke Peninsula 704 226 Total 2 780 230 Dated 31 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation 2 443 Alexandrina Council [31 May 2012 NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Contribution in 2012-2013 by the Constituent Councils in the South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Region PURSUANT to Section 92 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, I, Paul Caica, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, having determined the shares of councils pursuant to subsection 92 (4) and having submitted them to the Governor pursuant to subsection 92 (6) and the Governor having approved those shares on 31 May 2012 hereby advise, pursuant to subsection 92 (7) that the shares of the Constituent Councils of the South Australian Arid Lands Natural Resources Management Region will be as follows: Council Contribution $ District Council of Coober Pedy 79 250 Municipal Council of Roxby Downs 92 500 Total (within council areas) 171 750 1 633 Total 2 073 240 Dated 31 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Contribution in 2012-2013 by the Constituent Councils in the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Region PURSUANT to Section 92 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, I, Paul Caica, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, having determined the shares of councils, pursuant to subsection 92 (4) and having submitted them to the Governor, pursuant to subsection 92 (6) and the Governor having approved those shares on 31 May 2012, hereby advise, pursuant to subsection 92 (7) that the shares of the Constituent Councils of the Northern and Yorke Natural Resources Management Region will be as follows: Dated 31 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Contribution in 2012-2013 by the Constituent Councils in the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Region PURSUANT to Section 92 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004, I, Paul Caica, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, having determined the shares of councils pursuant to subsection 92 (4) and having submitted them to the Governor pursuant to subsection 92 (6) and the Governor having approved those shares on 31 May 2012, hereby advise, pursuant to subsection 92 (7) that the shares of the Constituent Councils of the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Region will be as follows: Council District Council of Ceduna Contribution $ 118 780 District Council of Cleve 65 375 District Council of Elliston 58 987 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Council District Council of Franklin Harbour District Council of Kimba Contribution $ 58 180 39 138 District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula 213 431 City of Port Lincoln 493 726 District Council of Streaky Bay 104 390 District Council of Tumby Bay 117 291 City of Whyalla 682 656 Wudinna District Council Total (within council areas) 43 046 1 995 000 Dated 31 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT ACT 2004 Notice of Levy Payable in 2012-2013 by Persons who Occupy Land Outside Council Areas in the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Region 1. Pursuant to Section 97 of the Natural Resources Management Act 2004 (‘the Act’), I, Paul Caica, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation, having determined the levy payable by persons who occupy land outside council areas in the Eyre Peninsula Natural Resources Management Region, and having received, as required by Section 97 (1) of the Act, the approval of His Excellency the Governor, hereby declare: 1.1 a fixed charge levy amount of $61.20 on all rateable land. 2. The approval of this Declaration was granted by His Excellency the Governor on 31 May 2012. Dated 31 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Sustainability, Environment and Conservation RAIL SAFETY ACT 2007 Annual Fees Payable by Accredited Rail Transport Operators I, PATRICK CONLON, the Minister for Transport, pursuant to Section 41 of the Rail Safety Act 2007, fix the following fees for 2012-2013. Dated 14 May 2012. PATRICK CONLON, Minister for Transport SCHEDULE OF FEES 2011-2012 Fees Payable by Accredited Rail Infrastructure Managers and Rolling Stock Operators and Rail Infrastructure Managers of Registered Private Sidings Annual Fee—Commercial Rail Infrastructure Managers and Rolling Stock Operators An accredited person shall pay an annual accreditation fee determined according to the Kilometre Based Charging Regime. All persons accredited at the beginning of the financial year shall pay a minimum annual fee of $14 401. A person accredited at the beginning of the financial year as a rail infrastructure manager or a rolling stock operator, or both, shall pay additional fees equal to the sum of the Kilometre Based fees applicable to the rail infrastructure manager or rolling stock operator or both, as the case may be. 2623 For an accreditation granted during the financial year, the amount shall be payable at the time of accreditation and the fee shall be based on the sum of the minimum annual fee adjusted on a pro rata basis to reflect the actual number of calendar days, or part thereof, that the accreditation will remain in force for the balance of the financial year, and the Kilometre Based fee applicable to the accreditation granted. For an accreditation that is granted for a portion of the financial year, the amount payable shall be based on the sum of the minimum annual fee adjusted on a pro rata basis to reflect the actual number of calendar days, or part thereof, that the accreditation will remain in force, and the Kilometre Based fee applicable to the accreditation granted. An adjusted minimum fee of $7 200 applies for an accreditation granted for a fixed period less than six months. For all the above calculations historical information for the preceding financial year, where available, will be used for the purpose of the Kilometre Based fee in determining the track or train kilometres operated. Where historical information is not available, a projected assessment will be used. NOTE: Train kilometres operated by a Rolling Stock Operator providing a hook-and-pull service are attributable to the accredited Rolling Stock Operator who has engaged the services of the hookand-pull Rolling Stock Operator. Commercial Rail Transport Operator Annual Fee— Kilometre Based Charging Regime Minimum annual fee (payable by all accredited rail transport operators) $14 401 Plus an additional per kilometre fee for track operated by a rail infrastructure manager $139.86 Plus a base charge equivalent to 25 000 km for each rolling stock operator $977.00 Plus an additional per kilometre fee for trains operated by a rolling stock operator in excess of 25 000 km $0.039 Annual Fee—Not-for-Profit Heritage/Tourist Rail Infrastructure Managers and Rolling Stock Operators No fee payable. Annual Fee—Rail Infrastructure Manager of a Registered Private Siding No fee payable. Due Date for Annual Fees The annual fee must be paid on or before 30 September each calendar year. The annual fee may be paid in accordance with an agreement, for example, payment of fees by instalments. This agreement must be finalised prior to 30 September each calendar year. Fee for Late Payment of Annual Fees Where payment of fees is made after the due date, then a late payment fee of 5% of the amount outstanding on the due date shall also be paid in addition to the annual fee. 2624 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 PASSENGER TRANSPORT REGULATIONS 2009 Determination of Fares and Charges for Regular Passenger Services within Metropolitan Adelaide 2012 PURSUANT to Regulations 149 (1) (a) of the Passenger Transport Regulations 2009, I have determined that the fares and charges to be paid by passengers on a regular passenger service are the fares and charges set out in Schedule 1. These fares and charges will be effective from 1 July 2012. Dated 2 April 2012. CHLOE FOX, Minister for Transport Services 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2625 POLICE SERVICE FEES AND CHARGES JENNIFER RANKINE, Minister for Police 2626 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 South Australia Public Sector (Reorganisation of Public Sector Operations) Notice 2012 under section 9(1) of the Public Sector Act 2009 1 – Short Title This notice may be cited as the Public Sector (Reorganisation of Public Sector Operations) Notice 2012. 2 – Commencement This notice will come into operation on 1 June 2012. 3 – Transfer of weekly paid employees The SA Health employees referred to in Schedule 1 are transferred to employment in the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure pursuant to section 9 of the Public Sector Act 2009. Such employees will continue to be engaged as weekly paid employees and shall be employed pursuant to common law. The employees will be employed on the same basis they were employed prior to the transfer (ongoing, temporary or casual). The employees will be entitled to the same conditions of employment that applied prior to the transfer. 4 - Schedule 1 Nickolas Manuel Adams Kenneth Maxwell Barnes Danny Christian Carey Steven Comacchio Kym Conway Sergio Degioia Anthony James Dowler Jonathan Matthew Dreyer Paul Joseph Gregory Brian Robert Grossman Joel Patrick Hammond Robert Lindsay Hasch Jeffrey Lewis Hollis Kevin Gary Mackay Harvey Matthews Virgillo Mazzoleni James Bryan McDonald Peter Wayne McManus Charles John Nelson Christopher Patrick O’Brien David Stuart Osborne Stephen Gregory Parker Sebastian Steven Sapio David Sidney Swift Colin John Tunbridge Dean Vickery-Howe Nigel Wiggins Dated 24 May 2012. Made by the Premier JAY WILSON WEATHERILL, Premier 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2627 TRAINING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACT 2008 Part 4—Apprenticeships/Traineeships Pursuant to the provision of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008, the Training and Skills Commission (TaSC) gives notice that determines the following Trades or Declared Vocations in addition to the gazette notices of: 1. 5. 9. 13. 17. 21. 25. 29. 33. 37. 41. 45. 49. 53. 25 September 2008 18 December 2008 12 March 2009 25 June 2009 9 October 2009 4 February 2010 8 April 2010 17 June 2010 23 September 2010 23 December 2011 19 May 2011 10 November 2011 15 December 2011 1 March 2012 2. 6. 10. 14. 18. 22. 26. 30. 34. 38. 42. 46. 50. 54. 23 October 2008 29 January 2009 26 March 2009 27 August 2009 22 October 2009 11 February 2010 6 May 2010 24 June 2010 4 November 2010 17 March 2011 30 June 2011 24 November 2011 22 December 2011 29 March 2012 3. 7. 11. 15. 19. 23. 27. 31. 35. 39. 43. 47. 51. 55. 13 November 2008 12 February 2009 30 April 2009 17 September 2009 3 December 2009 18 February 2010 20 May 2010 8 July 2010 25 November 2010 7 April 2011 21 July 2011 1 December 2011 5 January 2012 24 May 2012 4. 8. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. 36. 40. 44. 48. 52. 4 December 2008 5 March 2009 18 June 2009 24 September 2009 17 December 2009 18 March 2010 3 June 2010 9 September 2010 16 December 2010 21 April 2011 8 September 2011 8 December 2011 19 January 2012 Trades or Declared Vocations and Required Qualifications and Training Contract Conditions for the Food Processing Training Package FDF10 *Trade/ #Declared Vocation/ Other Occupation Code Title Nominal Term of Training Contract Probationary Period # General Foods Processing FDF2011 1 Certificate II in Food Processing 18 months 1.5 months # Pharmaceutical Manufacturing FDF2021 1 Certificate II in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing 18 months 1.5 months # Wine Industry Worker FDF2041 1 Certificate II in Wine Industry Operations 24 months 2 months # General Foods Processing FDF3011 1 Certificate III in Food Processing 24 months 2 months # Wine Industry Worker FDF3041 1 Certificate III in Wine Industry Operations 42 months 3 months 2628 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 TRAINING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACT 2008 Part 4—Apprenticeships/Traineeships Pursuant to the provision of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008, the Training and Skills Commission (TaSC) gives notice that determines the following Trades or Declared Vocations in addition to the gazette notices of: 1. 5. 9. 13. 17. 21. 25. 29. 33. 37. 41. 45. 49. 53. 25 September 2008 18 December 2008 12 March 2009 25 June 2009 9 October 2009 4 February 2010 8 April 2010 17 June 2010 23 September 2010 23 December 2011 19 May 2011 10 November 2011 15 December 2011 1 March 2012 2. 6. 10. 14. 18. 22. 26. 30. 34. 38. 42. 46. 50. 54. 23 October 2008 29 January 2009 26 March 2009 27 August 2009 22 October 2009 11 February 2010 6 May 2010 24 June 2010 4 November 2010 17 March 2011 30 June 2011 24 November 2011 22 December 2011 29 March 2012 3. 7. 11. 15. 19. 23. 27. 31. 35. 39. 43. 47. 51. 55. 13 November 2008 12 February 2009 30 April 2009 17 September 2009 3 December 2009 18 February 2010 20 May 2010 8 July 2010 25 November 2010 7 April 2011 21 July 2011 1 December 2011 5 January 2012 24 May 2012 4. 8. 12. 16. 20. 24. 28. 32. 36. 40. 44. 48. 52. 4 December 2008 5 March 2009 18 June 2009 24 September 2009 17 December 2009 18 March 2010 3 June 2010 9 September 2010 16 December 2010 21 April 2011 8 September 2011 8 December 2011 19 January 2012 Trades or Declared Vocations and Required Qualifications and Training Contract Conditions for the Metal and Engineering Training Package MEM05 *Trade/ #Declared Vocation/ Other Occupation Code # Engineering Associate Level II MEM6011 1 Title Advanced Diploma in Engineering Nominal Term of Training Contract Probationary Period 36 months 3 months 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2629 TRAINING AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT ACT 2008 Part 4—Apprenticeships/Traineeships Pursuant to the provision of the Training and Skills Development Act 2008, the Training and Skills Commission (TaSC) gives notice that determines the following Trades or Declared Vocations in addition to the gazette notices of: 56. 25 September 2008 60. 18 December 2008 64. 12 March 2009 68. 25 June 2009 72. 9 October 2009 76. 4 February 2010 80. 8 April 2010 84. 17 June 2010 88. 23 September 2010 92. 23 December 2011 96. 19 May 2011 100. 10 November 2011 104. 15 December 2011 108. 1 March 2012 57. 23 October 2008 61. 29 January 2009 65. 26 March 2009 69. 27 August 2009 73. 22 October 2009 77. 11 February 2010 81. 6 May 2010 85. 24 June 2010 89. 4 November 2010 93. 17 March 2011 97. 30 June 2011 101. 24 November 2011 105. 22 December 2011 109. 29 March 2012 58. 13 November 2008 62. 12 February 2009 66. 30 April 2009 70. 17 September 2009 74. 3 December 2009 78. 18 February 2010 82. 20 May 2010 86. 8 July 2010 90. 25 November 2010 94. 7 April 2011 98. 21 July 2011 102. 1 December 2011 106. 5 January 2012 110. 24 May 2012 59. 4 December 2008 63. 5 March 2009 67. 18 June 2009 71. 24 September 2009 75. 17 December 2009 79. 18 March 2010 83. 3 June 2010 87. 9 September 2010 91. 16 December 2010 95. 21 April 2011 99. 8 September 2011 103. 8 December 2011 107. 19 January 2012 Trades or Declared Vocations and Required Qualifications and Training Contract Conditions for the Automotive Retail, Service and Repair Training Package AUR05 *Trade/ #Declared Vocation/ Other Occupation Code Title Nominal Term of Training Contract Probationary Period # Bicycle Mechanic AUR20311 Certificate II in Bicycles 12 months 1 month # Marine Serviceperson AUR20611 Certificate II in Marine 12 months 1 month # Outdoor Power Equipment Serviceperson AUR20811 Certificate II in Outdoor Power Equipment 12 months 1 month # Motorsport Technical Assistant AUR21011 Certificate II in Motorsport 12 months 1 month # Bicycle Mechanic AUR30211 Certificate III in Bicycles 36 months 3 months *Motor Mechanic (Marine) AUR30511 Certificate III in Marine 48 months 3 months *Motor Mechanic (Outdoor Power Equipment) AUR30711 Certificate III in Outdoor Power Equipment 48 months 3 months *Motor Mechanic AUR30911 Certificate III in Motorsport 48 months 3 months 2630 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991: SECTION 24 NOTICE OF CONFIRMATION OF ROAD PROCESS ORDER Road Closure—Bridge Road, Para Hills West BY Road Process Order made on 25 January 2012, the City of Salisbury ordered that: 1. A strip of the public road (Bridge Road) situate opposite Williamson Road and adjoining Allotment 13 in Filed Plan 15515, more particularly delineated and lettered ‘A’ in the Preliminary Plan No. 11/0008 be closed. 2. Transfer the whole of the closed road to Para Hills Community Club Inc. in accordance with Agreement for transfer dated 19 January 2012 entered into between the City of Salisbury and Para Hills Community Club Inc. 3. The following easements are granted over portions of the land subject to that closure: Grant to the Distribution Lessor Corporation an easement for underground electricity supply purposes. Grant to the City of Salisbury an easement for drainage purposes. On 16 March 2012 that order was confirmed by the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure conditionally upon the deposit by the Registrar-General of Deposited Plan 88768 being the authority for the new boundaries. Pursuant to Section 24 (5) of the Roads (Opening and Closing) Act 1991, NOTICE of the order referred to above and its confirmation is hereby given. Dated 31 May 2012. P. M. KENTISH, Surveyor-General VALUATION OF LAND ACT 1971 Notice of General Valuation PURSUANT to the Valuation of Land Act 1971, notice is hereby given that I have made a general valuation of all land within the following areas: City of Adelaide Adelaide Hills Council Alexandrina Council The Barossa Council District Council of Barunga West The Berri Barmera Council City of Burnside City of Campbelltown District Council of Ceduna City of Charles Sturt Clare & Gilbert Valleys Council District Council of Cleve District Council of Coober Pedy The Coorong District Council District Council of the Copper Coast District Council of Elliston The Flinders Ranges Council District Council of Franklin Harbour Town of Gawler Regional Council of Goyder District Council of Grant City of Holdfast Bay Kangaroo Island Council District Council of Karoonda East Murray District Council of Kimba Kingston District Council Light Regional Council District Council of Lower Eyre Peninsula District Council of Loxton Waikerie District Council of Mallala City of Marion Mid Murray Council City of Mitcham District Council of Mount Barker City of Mount Gambier District Council of Mount Remarkable [31 May 2012 The Rural City of Murray Bridge Naracoorte Lucindale Council Northern Areas Council City of Norwood Payneham & St Peters City of Onkaparinga District Council of Orroroo Carrieton District Council of Peterborough City of Playford City of Port Adelaide Enfield City of Port Augusta City of Port Lincoln Port Pirie Regional Council City of Prospect Renmark Paringa Council District Council of Robe Roxby Downs Council City of Salisbury Southern Mallee District Council District Council of Streaky Bay District Council of Tatiara City of Tea Tree Gully District Council of Tumby Bay City of Unley City of Victor Harbor Wakefield Regional Council Town of Walkerville Wattle Range Council City of West Torrens City of Whyalla Wudinna District Council District Council of Yankalilla District Council of Yorke Peninsula Un-incorporated areas of the state The values are assigned as at 1 January 2012 and will come into force at midnight on 30 June 2012. Dated 31 May 2012. D. LANZILLI, Deputy Valuer-General WATER MAINS AND SEWERS Office of the South Australian Water Corporation Adelaide, 24 May 2012 WATER MAINS LAID Notice is hereby given that the following main pipes or parts of main pipes have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in or near the undermentioned water districts and are now available for a constant supply of water to adjacent land. ADELAIDE WATER DISTRICT ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL Onkaparinga Road, Bridgewater. p15 CAMPBELLTOWN CITY COUNCIL La Scala Court, Paradise. p41 and 42 TOWN OF GAWLER In and across Richardson Drive, Reid. p35 and 38 Easement in lot 403 in LTRO DP 87744, Richardson Drive, Reid. p35 and 38 Wilson Court, Reid. p35 and 38 Hogben Avenue, Reid. p35 and 38 LIGHT REGIONAL COUNCIL In and across Paternoster Road, Reid. p35-38 DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MOUNT BARKER In and across Jenkinson Drive, Mount Barker. p30 Easement in lot 515 in LTRO DP 86773, Jenkinson Drive, Mount Barker. p30 Withers Court, Mount Barker. p30 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2631 CITY OF PLAYFORD Faith Road, Davoren Park. p43 Across Walpole Street, Davoren Park. p43 CITY OF BURNSIDE Waterworks land (lot 1 in LTRO FP 131548), Coach Road, Auldana. p4-8 Across Coach Road, Auldana, and Rosslyn Park. p4 CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Manchester Parade, Northgate. p39 and 40 Easement in lot 513 in LTRO DP 88391, Manchester Parade, Northgate. p39 and 40 Hastings Lane, Northgate. p39 and 40 CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Across and in Redward Avenue, Greenacres and Northgate. p31 Floriedale Road, Greenacres. p31-34 Across Muller Road, Greenacres and Hampstead Gardens. p34 BEETALOO COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT WARREN COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT PORT PIRIE REGIONAL COUNCIL Across and in Aerodrome Road, Pirie East and Risdon Park South. p28 Senate Road, Risdon Park South. p28 and 29 Pearson Court, Risdon Park South. p29 Easement in lot 1000 in LTRO DP 86413, Aerodrome Road, Risdon Park South. p29 THE BAROSSA COUNCIL In and across Fromms Square, Williamstown. p12 and 13 MILANG WATER DISTRICT ALEXANDRINA COUNCIL Orana Street, Milang. p44 MURRAY BRIDGE WATER DISTRICT THE RURAL CITY OF MURRAY BRIDGE Stableford Court, Murray Bridge. p27 WARREN COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT THE BAROSSA COUNCIL Fromms Square, Williamstown. p14 WATER MAINS ABANDONED Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned water mains have been abandoned by the South Australian Water Corporation. ADELAIDE WATER DISTRICT ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL Onkaparinga Road, Bridgewater. p15 Waterworks land (section 620, hundred of Adelaide), Kintyre Road, Woodforde. p17, 19 and 20 Across Kintyre Road, Woodforde. p20 CITY OF BURNSIDE Waterworks land (lot 1 in LTRO FP 131548), Coach Road, Auldana. p3 SEWERS LAID Notice is hereby given that the following sewers have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation in the undermentioned drainage area and are now available for house connections. ADELAIDE DRAINAGE AREA CAMPBELLTOWN CITY COUNCIL Easement in lot 77 in LTRO DP 16021, Silkes Road, Paradise. FB 1218 p51 and 52 Through walkway (lot 14 in LTRO DP 88254), La Scala Court, Paradise. FB 1218 p51 and 52 Across and in La Scala Court, Paradise. FB 1218 p51 and 52 CITY OF CHARLES STURT Westminster Avenue, Fulham Gardens. FB 1216 p35 TOWN OF GAWLER Easements in reserve (lot 407 in LTRO DP 87744), Chignell Circuit, Reid. FB 1218 p44-46, 48 and 49 Easements in reserve (lot 400 in LTRO DP 87744), Wilson Court, Reid. FB 1218 p44 and 46-48 Across and in Richardson Drive, Reid. FB 1218 p44, 47, 49 and 50 Wilson Court, Reid. FB 1218 p44, 47 and 49 Hogben Avenue, Reid. FB 1218 p44, 47 and 49 CITY OF MARION Alawoona Avenue, Mitchell Park. FB 1216 p36 CITY OF PLAYFORD Andrews Road, Munno Para West. FB 1218 p43 CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Preston Street, Blair Athol. FB 1216 p34 CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Across Muller Road, Greenacres and Hampstead Gardens. p34 CITY OF SALISBURY Bradford Avenue, Salisbury Heights. FB 1216 p33 WARREN COUNTRY LANDS WATER DISTRICT THE BAROSSA COUNCIL In and across Fromms Square, Williamstown. p12 Fromms Square, Williamstown. p14 WATER MAINS LAID Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned water mains have been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation and are not available for a constant supply of water to adjacent land. ADELAIDE WATER DISTRICT ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL Waterworks land (section 620, hundred of Adelaide), Kintyre Road, Woodforde. p17-25 CITY OF WEST TORRENS Jenkins Street, Cowandilla. FB 1216 p32 SEWERS ABANDONED Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned sewer has been abandoned by the South Australian Water Corporation. ALDINGA DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF ONKAPARINGA Sewerage land (lot 800 in LTRO DP 66717), Rowley Road, Aldinga Beach—225 mm PVC pumping main. FB 1216 p37 2632 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE SEWERS LAID Notice is hereby given that the undermentioned sewers has been laid down by the South Australian Water Corporation and are not available for house connections. ALDINGA DRAINAGE AREA CITY OF ONKAPARINGA Sewerage land (lot 800 in LTRO DP 66717), Rowley Road, Aldinga Beach—200 mm DICL pumping main. FB 1216 p37 OUTSIDE DRAINAGE AREAS THE RURAL CITY OF MURRAY BRIDGE Across Long Flat Road, Long Flat—300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p31 Pfeiler Road, Long Flat and Murray Bridge East—300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p31-34 Across and in Old Princes Highway, Murray Bridge East— 150 mm and 300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p34 In and across Hein Road, Murray Bridge East—300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p34 and 35 In and across Army Range Road, Murray Bridge East and Burdett—300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p36-39 Easements in section 443, hundred of Burdett, Army Range Road, Burdett—300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p39-44 Easements in lot 92 in LTRO FP 168205, Army Range Road, Burdett—300 mm PVC effluent pumping main. FB 1004 p45 and 46 A. J. RINGHAM, Chief Executive Officer, South Australian Water Corporation WILDERNESS PROTECTION REGULATIONS 2006 Closure of Billiatt Wilderness Protection Area PURSUANT to Regulation 6 (2) (c) of the Wilderness Protection Regulations 2006, I, Edward Gregory Leaman, Director of National Parks and Wildlife, close to the public the whole of Billiatt Wilderness Protection Area from 6 p.m. on Sunday, 10 June 2012 until 6 a.m. on Saturday, 16 June 2012. The purpose of the closure is to ensure the safety of the public during a pest control and monitoring program within the wilderness protection area during the period indicated. 1. Use of Firearms Within the Wilderness Protection Area Pursuant to Regulations 6 (3), 16 (1) (a) and 34 of the Wilderness Protection Regulations 2006, I, Edward Gregory Leaman, Director of National Parks and Wildlife, grant permission to members of the Sporting Shooters Association of Australia Hunting & Conservation Branch (S.A.) Inc. in possession of both a current Hunting Permit and a firearm to enter and remain in the whole of Billiatt Wilderness Protection Area from 6 p.m. on Sunday, 10 June 2012 until 6 a.m. on Saturday, 16 June 2012, for the purpose of taking feral animals. This permission is conditional upon the observance by each of those persons of the requirements of the Wilderness Protection Act 1992, Wilderness Protection Regulations 2006 and the National Parks and Wildlife (Hunting) Regulations 2011, including those requiring compliance with the Director’s requests, requirements and orders of a Warden. Dated 28 May 2012. E. G. LEAMAN, Director of National Parks and Wildlife [31 May 2012 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2633 WATER CONSERVATION ACT 1936 Rates for Supply by Agreement IN relation to agreements for the supply of water pursuant to Section 19 of the Water Conservation Act 1936, I fix the rates payable in respect of the 2012-2013 financial year under agreements to which that section applies as set out in the Schedule. For the purposes of determining, levying or collecting the water rates to be paid in any case, any component of the water rates that relate to the volume of water supplied to land over any particular period may, depending on: (a) when meters are read; or (b) the form or nature of the component of any of the rates, be calculated on a pro rata basis. Any determination, calculation or adjustment of any amount (whether in the nature of a water rate or in relation to the supply of water) over or in respect of any period or on a pro rata basis may assume that water has been supplied at a uniform daily rate over any relevant period. SCHEDULE Quarterly rate payable ............................................................................................................................................. $146.50 and Additional water rates payable for water supplied to or in relation to land and standpipes during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013, as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings: (i) .............................................................................................................................................................. for each kilolitre supplied up to, and includ of the relevant meter reading period .................................................................................................. $2.42 per kilolitre (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period .......... $13.80 per kilolitre Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Water WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Water Use Charges in Respect of Non-Commercial Land (except Residential and Vacant Land) AFTER consultation with the South Australian Water Corporation, I fix the water use charge under Section 65C (1) (d) of the Waterworks Act 1932, in respect of all water supplied to all classes of non-commercial land except residential and vacant land during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013 as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings at $3.45 per kilolitre. Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Water WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Supply Charge in Respect of Non-Commercial Land (except Residential and Vacant Land) AFTER consultation with the South Australian Water Corporation, I fix the supply charge under Section 65C (1) (a) of the Waterworks Act 1932, in respect of all classes of non-commercial land except residential and vacant land for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013 at $293.00 per annum. Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Water WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Supply Charge in Respect of Non-Commercial (Residential and Vacant) Land AFTER consultation with the South Australian Water Corporation, I fix the supply charge under Section 65C (1) (a) of the Waterworks Act 1932, in respect of residential and vacant land for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013 at $293.00 per annum. Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Water 2634 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Water Use Charges in Respect of Non-Commercial (Residential and Vacant) Land AFTER consultation with the South Australian Water Corporation, I fix the following water use charges under Section 65C (1) (d) of the Waterworks Act 1932, in respect of water supplied to residential and vacant land during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013 as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings: Properties having the following land use codes: (a) Houses with the land use codes 1100, 1101, 1118, 1119 and 1912; (b) Units, maisonettes, townhouses and row houses (various categories) with land use codes in the range 1200 to 1399; (c) Shacks with the land use codes 1920 and 1921: (i) for each kilolitre supplied up to, and including, 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day up to, and including, 1.4247 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ......................................................... (iii) for each kilolitre supplied over 1.4247 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ........................................................................................................................ Properties with land use codes other than the above: (i) for each kilolitre supplied up to, and including, 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ........................................................................................................................ $2.42 per kilolitre $3.45 per kilolitre $3.73 per kilolitre $2.42 per kilolitre $3.45 per kilolitre Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Water WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Water Use Charges in Respect of Commercial Land AFTER consultation with the South Australian Water Corporation, I fix the water use charges under Section 65C (1) (d) of the Waterworks Act 1932, in respect of water supplied to commercial land during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013, as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings at $3.45 per kilolitre. Dated 28 May 2012. PAUL CAICA, Minister for Water 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2635 WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Rates for Supply by Agreement (other than recycled water and the Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme) IN relation to agreements for the supply of water entered into pursuant to Section 37 (1) of the Waterworks Act 1932, the rates payable in respect of the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013 are as set out in the Schedule. The rates in the Schedule: (a) do not apply to supplies for which rates apply under Part 5 of the Waterworks Act 1932; and (b) do not apply to the extent that the Corporation determines, pursuant to the Waterworks Act 1932, that those charges do not apply or that other charges apply. SCHEDULE Supply charge payable in respect to each supply in any water district other than those in the Marla water district......................................... .................................................................................................................... Water rates payable in respect to each and every supply in any water district other than those in the Marla water district for water supplied during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013, as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings, and have the following land use codes: (a) Houses with the land use codes 1100, 1101, 1118, 1119 and 1912; (b) Units, maisonettes, townhouses and row houses (various categories) with land use codes in the range 1200 to 1399; and (c) Shacks with the land use codes 1920 and 1921: (i) for each kilolitre supplied up to, and including, 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day, and including, 1.4247 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period .................................................................................... (iii) for each kilolitre supplied over 1.4247 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ........................................................................................................................ Water rates payable in respect to water supplied during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013, as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings, with land use codes other than the above or for which the Corporation does not have a land use code: (i) for each kilolitre supplied up to, and including, 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. Supply charge payable in respect to each supply in the Marla water district.......................................................... Water rates payable in respect to each and every supply in the Marla water district for water supplied during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013, as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings, and having the following land use codes: (a) Houses with the land use codes 1100, 1101, 1118, 1119 and 1912; (b) Units, maisonettes, townhouses and row houses (various categories) with land use codes in the range 1200 to 1399; and (c) Shacks with the land use codes 1920 and 1921: (i) for each kilolitre supplied up to, and including, 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day up to, and including, 1.4247 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ......................................................... (iii) for each kilolitre supplied over 1.4247 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ........................................................................................................................ Water rates payable in respect to each and every supply in the Marla water district for water supplied during a relevant period in the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012 and ending on 30 June 2013, as determined by the timing of quarterly meter readings, with land use codes other than above or for which the Corporation does not have land use codes: (i) for each kilolitre supplied up to, and including, 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. (ii) for each kilolitre supplied over 0.3288 kilolitres per day of the relevant meter reading period ................................................................................................. $293.00 $2.42 per kilolitre $3.45 per kilolitre $3.73 per kilolitre $2.42 per kilolitre $3.45 per kilolitre $586.00 $4.84 per kilolitre $6.90 per kilolitre $7.46 per kilolitre $4.84 per kilolitre $6.90 per kilolitre Dated 25 May 2012. Signed for and on behalf of the South Australian Water Corporation by a person duly authorised so to do: J. RINGHAM, Chief Executive In the presence of: R. N. PERRY, Head of Strategy, Planning and Regulation 2636 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 WATERWORKS ACT 1932 Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme Charges 1. Despite anything else in this determination, the charges specified in this determination do not apply in respect of a connection, or a supply of water: (a) to which rates apply under Part 5 of the Waterworks Act 1932; (b) to the extent that the Corporation agrees in writing that those charges do not apply, or that other charges apply; or (c) to the extent that the Corporation determines pursuant to the Waterworks Act 1932 that those charges do not apply or that other charges apply. 2. The supply charge specified in item 1 of the Schedule is payable in respect of each connection to the Pipeline pursuant to an Irrigation Agreement existing at any time during the Notice Period, through which water is, or is capable of being, supplied to the Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme Area, whether or not water is so supplied during the Notice Period. 3. The charges per kilolitre specified in the Schedule apply in respect of water taken during the Notice Period. 4. In this determination: (a) ‘Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme Area’ means the Hundred of Upper Wakefield, Hundred of Clare or Hundred of Stanley; (b) ‘Contract Quantity’ means water determined to constitute the Contract Quantity under an Irrigation Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Waterworks Act 1932 and supplied from the Pipeline to land located in the Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme Area in accordance with that agreement; (c) ‘Irrigation Agreement’ means an agreement with the Corporation entered into on or after 20 October 2004 that provides for the taking of water from the Pipeline for irrigation; (d) ‘Notice Period’ means the period on and from 1 July 2012s until and including 30 June 2013; and (e) ‘Pipeline’ means any pipe connected directly or indirectly to the Morgan to Whyalla Main Pipe or the Swan Reach to Paskeville Main Pipe. SCHEDULE 1. 2. 3. 4. Supply charge ..................................................................................................................................................... Charge per kilolitre for Contract Quantity.......................................................................................................... Charge per kilolitre for water other than Control Quantity supplied from the Pipeline during the Notice Period to land located in the Clare Valley Water Supply Scheme Area in accordance with an Irrigation Agreement .......................................................................................................................................................... Charge per kilolitre for water taken from the Pipeline during the Notice Period other than in accordance with an agreement with the Corporation ..................................................................................................................... $293.00 $3.45 $3.45 $3.45 Dated 24 May 2012. Signed for and on behalf of the South Australian Water Corporation by a person duly authorised so to do: J. RINGHAM, Chief Executive In the presence of: G. M. HENSTOCK, Corporation Secretary 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2637 South Australia Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2012 1—Short title This proclamation may be cited as the Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Act (Commencement) Proclamation 2012. 2—Commencement of Act The Evidence (Discreditable Conduct) Amendment Act 2011 (No 34 of 2011) will come into operation on 1 June 2012. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 31 May 2012 AGO0168/12CS 2638 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 South Australia Development (Residential Code) Variation Regulations 2012 under the Development Act 1993 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Development Regulations 2008 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Variation of regulation 15—Application to relevant authority Variation of regulation 16—Nature of development Variation of Schedule 1A—Development that does not require development plan consent Variation of Schedule 3—Acts and activities which are not development Variation of Schedule 4—Complying development Variation of Schedule 5—Requirements as to plans and specifications Variation of Schedule 8—Referrals and concurrences Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Development (Residential Code) Variation Regulations 2012. 2—Commencement These regulations will come into operation on 1 August 2012. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. Part 2—Variation of Development Regulations 2008 4—Variation of regulation 15—Application to relevant authority (1) Regulation 15(11)—delete "The relevant authority" and substitute: Subject to subregulation (12), the relevant authority 31 May 2012] (2) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2639 Regulation 15—after subregulation (11) insert: (12) The relevant authority must not modify the requirements of Schedule 5 in relation to an application if the application is in relation to residential code development. 5—Variation of regulation 16—Nature of development Regulation 16—after subregulation (2) insert: (3) If an application in relation to a proposed development identifies the development as residential code development or designated development and the relevant authority is of the opinion that the development is residential code development or designated development, the relevant authority must, within 5 business days of receipt of the application, by notice in writing, inform the applicant of that fact. (4) If an application in relation to a proposed development identifies the development as residential code development or designated development, but the relevant authority is of the opinion that the development is not residential code development or designated development, the relevant authority must, within 5 business days of receipt of the application, by notice in writing, inform the applicant of that fact and the reasons for the relevant authority's opinion. (5) In this regulation— designated development means development that falls within the ambit of any of clauses 3 to 9 (inclusive) of Schedule 1A. 6—Variation of Schedule 1A—Development that does not require development plan consent (1) Schedule 1A, clause 1(2), definition of attributable walls or structures—delete the definition and substitute: AHD, in relation to the potential for inundation, means Australian height datum; ARI means average recurrence interval of a flood event; building line, in relation to a building on a site, means a line drawn parallel to the wall on the building closest to the boundary of the site that faces the primary street (and any existing projection from the building such as a carport, verandah, porch or bay window is not to be taken to form part of the building for the purposes of determining the relevant wall of the building); (2) Schedule 1A, clause 1(2), definition of Flood Management Zone/Area—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (3) Schedule 1A, clause 1(2)—after the definition of Historic Conservation Zone/Area insert: relevant wall or structure means any wall or structure that is due to development that has occurred, or is proposed to occur, on the relevant allotment but does not include any fence or retaining wall between the relevant allotment and an adjoining allotment; 2640 (4) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Schedule 1A, clause 1(3)(a)—delete paragraph (a) and substitute: (a) the primary street in relation to an existing or proposed building on a site is— (i) in the case of a site that has a frontage to only 1 road—that road; or (ii) in the case of a site that has a frontage to 2 roads— (A) if the frontages are identical in length—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; or (B) in any other case—the road in relation to which the site has a shorter frontage; or (iii) in any other case—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; and (5) Schedule 1A, clause 3—delete "a Flood Management Zone/Area," (6) Schedule 1A, clause 3(b)(i)—delete "that faces the primary street" (7) Schedule 1A, clause 3(e)(i)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (8) Schedule 1A, clause 3(e)(i)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (9) Schedule 1A, clause 3(e)(i)—delete ", disregarding the distance of any front setback of the building to which the outbuilding is ancillary" (10) Schedule 1A, clause 3(e)(ii)—delete "attributable wall or structure" and substitute: relevant wall or structure (11) Schedule 1A, clause 3(e)(ii)—after "boundary" insert: , unless on an adjacent site on that boundary there is an existing wall of a building that would be adjacent to or abut a proposed relevant wall or structure (in which case this subparagraph does not apply) (12) Schedule 1A, clause 3(g)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii) and substitute: (iii) the garage is located so that vehicle access— (A) will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or (B) will use a driveway that— • is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing; and 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE • (C) 2641 will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and (13) Schedule 1A, clause 3(g)(iv)—delete "1:5 in any place and 1:8" and substitute: 1:4 (14) Schedule 1A, clause 3(i)—delete paragraph (i) and substitute: (i) does not involve— (i) excavation exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre; or (ii) filling exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre, and, if the development involves both excavation and filling, the total combined excavation and filling must not exceed a vertical height of 2 metres. (15) Schedule 1A, clause 3—after its present contents (now to be designated as subclause (1)) insert: (2) This clause does not apply to development in a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (a) (b) the relevant Development Plan— (i) provides that outbuildings may be built in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and (ii) prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished floor levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished floor levels specified in the Development Plan. (16) Schedule 1A, clause 4—delete "a Flood Management Zone/Area," (17) Schedule 1A, clause 4(b)—delete "that faces the primary street" (18) Schedule 1A, clause 4(e)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (19) Schedule 1A, clause 4(e)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (20) Schedule 1A, clause 4(e)—delete ", disregarding the distance of any front setback of the building to which the designated structure is ancillary" (21) Schedule 1A, clause 4(g)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii) and substitute: (iii) the carport is located so that vehicle access— (A) will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or 2642 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (B) (C) [31 May 2012 will use a driveway that— • is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing; and • will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and (22) Schedule 1A, clause 4(g)(iv)—delete "1:5 in any place and 1:8" and substitute: 1:4 (23) Schedule 1A, clause 4—after its present contents (now to be designated as subclause (1)) insert: (2) This clause does not apply to development in a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (a) (b) the relevant Development Plan— (i) provides that designated structures may be built in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and (ii) prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished floor levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished floor levels specified in the Development Plan. (24) Schedule 1A, clause 5(1)(c)—delete "that faces the primary street" (25) Schedule 1A, clause 6(c)—delete "that faces the primary street" (26) Schedule 1A, clause 7—delete "a Flood Management Zone/Area," (27) Schedule 1A, clause 7(d)—delete "that faces the primary street" (28) Schedule 1A, clause 7(f)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (29) Schedule 1A, clause 7(f)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (30) Schedule 1A, clause 7(f)—delete ", disregarding the distance of any front setback of any building to which the sail and any supporting structure are ancillary" (31) Schedule 1A, clause 7—after its present contents (now to be designated as subclause (1)) insert: (2) This clause does not apply to development in a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (a) the relevant Development Plan— (i) provides that shade sails may be built in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (ii) (b) 2643 prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished ground levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished ground levels specified in the Development Plan. (32) Schedule 1A, clause 8—delete ", the Hills Face Zone, a Flood Management Zone/Area, or a River Murray Zone," and substitute: or the Hills Face Zone, (33) Schedule 1A, clause 8(e)—delete "that faces the primary street" (34) Schedule 1A, clause 9A(a)—delete "that faces the primary street" 7—Variation of Schedule 3—Acts and activities which are not development (1) Schedule 3, clause 4(1)(a)—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (2) Schedule 3, clause 4(1)(c)—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (3) Schedule 3, clause 4(1)(f)(i)(A)—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (4) Schedule 3, clause 4(1)(h)—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (5) Schedule 3, clause 4(1)(i)—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (6) Schedule 3, clause 4(8)—before the definition of brush insert: AHD, in relation to the potential for inundation, means Australian height datum; ARI means average recurrence interval of a flood event; 2644 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 8—Variation of Schedule 4—Complying development (1) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)—delete "or in a Watercourse Zone, a Flood Zone or Flood Plain delineated by the relevant Development Plan or any other zone or area shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan," (2) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(e)(i)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (3) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(e)(i)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (4) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(e)(i)—delete ", disregarding (in the case of a side boundary) the distance of any front setback of the building to which the outbuilding is ancillary" (5) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(e)(ii)—delete "attributable wall or structure" and substitute: relevant wall or structure (6) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(e)(ii)—after "boundary" insert: , unless on an adjacent site on that boundary there is an existing wall of a building that would be adjacent to or abut a proposed relevant wall or structure (in which case this subparagraph does not apply) (7) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(g)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii) and substitute: (iii) the garage is located so that vehicle access— (A) will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or (B) will use a driveway that— (C) (8) • is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing; and • will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(g)(iv)—delete "1:5 in any place and 1:8" and substitute: 1:4 (9) Schedule 4, clause 1(2)(i)—delete paragraph (i) and substitute: (i) the development does not involve— (i) excavation exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre; or (ii) filling exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre, and if the development involves both excavation and filling, the total combined excavation and filling must not exceed a vertical height of 2 metres; and 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2645 (10) Schedule 4, clause 1—after subclause (2) insert: (2a) Subclause (2) does not apply to development in a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (a) (b) the relevant Development Plan— (i) provides that outbuildings may be built in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and (ii) prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished floor levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished floor levels specified in the Development Plan. (11) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)—delete "or in a Watercourse Zone, a Flood Zone or Flood Plain delineated by the relevant Development Plan or any other zone or area shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan," (12) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)(e)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (13) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)(e)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (14) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)(e)—delete ", disregarding (in the case of a side boundary) the distance of any front setback of the building to which the designated structure is ancillary" (15) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)(g)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii) and substitute: (iii) the carport is located so that vehicle access— (A) will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or (B) will use a driveway that— (C) • is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing; and • will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and (16) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)(g)(iv)—delete "1:5 in any place and 1:8" and substitute: 1:4 (17) Schedule 4, clause 1(3)(h)—delete paragraph (h) and substitute: (h) the development does not involve— (i) excavation exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre; or (ii) filling exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre, 2646 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 and if the development involves both excavation and filling, the total combined excavation and filling must not exceed a vertical height of 2 metres. (18) Schedule 4, clause 1—after subclause (3) insert: (4) Subclause (3) does not apply to development in a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (a) (b) the relevant Development Plan— (i) provides that designated structures may be built in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and (ii) prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished floor levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished floor levels specified in the Development Plan. (19) Schedule 4, clause 1(10a)—delete paragraph (a) and substitute: (a) the primary street in relation to an existing or proposed building on a site is— (i) in the case of a site that has a frontage to only 1 road—that road; or (ii) in the case of a site that has a frontage to 2 roads— (A) if the frontages are identical in length—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; or (B) in any other case—the road in relation to which the site has a shorter frontage; or (iii) in any other case—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; and (20) Schedule 4, clause 1(11), definition of attributable walls or structures—delete the definition and substitute: AHD, in relation to the potential for inundation, means Australian height datum; ARI means average recurrence interval of a flood event; building line, in relation to a building on a site, means a line drawn parallel to the wall on the building closest to the boundary of the site that faces the primary street (and any existing projection from the building such as a carport, verandah, porch or bay window is not to be taken to form part of the building for the purposes of determining the relevant wall of the building); 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2647 Flood Management Zone/Area means a Watercourse Zone, a Flood Zone or Flood Plain delineated by the relevant Development Plan, or any other zone or area delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD; relevant wall or structure means any wall or structure that is due to development that has occurred, or is proposed to occur, on the relevant allotment but does not include any fence or retaining wall between the relevant allotment and an adjoining allotment; (21) Schedule 4, clause 2A(1)—delete ", the Hills Face Zone, or a Flood Management Zone/Area" and substitute: or the Hills Face Zone (22) Schedule 4, clause 2A—after subclause (1) insert: (1a) This clause does not apply to development in a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (a) (b) the relevant Development Plan— (i) provides that detached or semi-detached dwellings may be altered or added to in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and (ii) prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished floor levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished floor levels specified in the Development Plan. (23) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(d)(iii)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (24) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(d)(iii)(A)—delete "attributable walls and structures" and substitute: relevant walls and structures (25) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(d)(iii)(A)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (26) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(d)(iii)(A)—delete ", disregarding the distance of any front setback of the building to which the wall is ancillary" (27) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(d)(iii)(B)—delete "attributable wall or structure" and substitute: relevant wall or structure (28) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(d)(iii)(B)—after "boundary" insert: , unless on an adjacent site on that boundary there is an existing wall of a building that would be adjacent to or abut a proposed relevant wall or structure (in which case this subsubparagraph does not apply) (29) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(f)—delete paragraph (f) (30) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(i)(ii)—delete "that faces the primary street" 2648 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 (31) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(i)(v)—delete subparagraph (v) and substitute: (v) is located so that vehicle access— (A) will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or (B) will use a driveway that— (C) • is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing; and • will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and (32) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(i)(vi)—delete "1:5 in any place and 1:8" and substitute: 1:4 (33) Schedule 4, clause 2A(2)(m)—delete paragraph (m) and substitute: (m) the development does not involve— (i) excavation exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre; or (ii) filling exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre, and if the development involves both excavation and filling, the total combined excavation and filling must not exceed a vertical height of 2 metres; and (34) Schedule 4, clause 2A(3)(b)—delete paragraph (b) and substitute: (b) the primary street in relation to an existing or proposed building on a site is— (i) in the case of a site that has a frontage to only 1 road—that road; or (ii) in the case of a site that has a frontage to 2 roads— (A) if the frontages are identical in length—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; or (B) in any other case—the road in relation to which the site has a shorter frontage; or (iii) in any other case—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; and 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2649 (35) Schedule 4, clause 2A(4)—before the definition of ARI insert: AHD, in relation to the potential for inundation, means Australian height datum; (36) Schedule 4, clause 2A(4), definition of attributable walls or structures—delete the definition and substitute: building line, in relation to a building on a site, means a line drawn parallel to the wall on the building closest to the boundary of the site that faces the primary street (and any existing projection from the building such as a carport, verandah, porch or bay window is not to be taken to form part of the building for the purposes of determining the relevant wall of the building); (37) Schedule 4, clause 2A(4), definition of Flood Management Zone/Area—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (38) Schedule 4, clause 2A(4)—after the definition of Historic Conservation Zone/Area insert: relevant wall or structure means any wall or structure that is due to development that has occurred, or is proposed to occur, on the relevant allotment but does not include any fence or retaining wall between the relevant allotment and an adjoining allotment; (39) Schedule 4, clause 2B(3)(b)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii) and substitute: (iii) a Flood Management Zone/Area unless— (A) (B) the relevant Development Plan— • provides that new detached or semi-detached dwellings may be built in the Flood Management Zone/Area; and • prescribes requirements for such developments relating to finished floor levels (expressed by reference to AHD or ARI); and the development complies with the requirements relating to finished floor levels specified in the Development Plan. (40) Schedule 4, clause 2B(4)—delete subclause (4) and substitute: (4) If in connection with the relevant application for development plan consent— (a) the applicant has indicated that the allotment is, or may have been, subject to site contamination as a result of a previous use of the land or a previous activity on the land, other than if the previous use or activity was for residential purposes; or (b) the relevant authority has reason to believe that the allotment is, or may have been, subject to site contamination as a result of a previous use of the land or a previous activity on the land, other than if the previous use or activity was for residential purposes, this clause will not apply unless— 2650 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (c) (d) [31 May 2012 the applicant is able to furnish, or the relevant authority is in possession of, a site contamination audit report under Part 10A of the Environment Protection Act 1993 to the effect— (i) that site contamination does not exist (or no longer exists) at the allotment; or (ii) that any site contamination at the allotment has been cleared or addressed to the extent necessary to enable the allotment to be suitable for unrestricted residential use; or consent under the Act was granted on or after 1 September 2009 in relation the division of the land. (41) Schedule 4, clause 2B(5)(a)—after "Development Plan" insert: (and if the relevant Development Plan prescribes different minimum site areas and minimum frontage requirements for detached and semi-detached dwellings respectively, the areas and frontage requirements that are lesser in size are to be taken to be the minimum site area and minimum frontage requirements for the purposes of this paragraph) (42) Schedule 4, clause 2B(5)(b)(iii)—delete subparagraph (iii) and substitute: (iii) in relation to any proposed garage or carport, the garage or carport— (A) will be set back at least 5.5 metres from the primary street; and (B) is or will be situated so that no part of the garage or carport will be in front of any part of the building line of the dwelling; and (C) will not have an opening or openings for vehicle access that exceed, in total, 7 metres in width; and (D) is not designed or located so as to provide vehicle access from an alley, lane or right of way that is less than 6.2 metres wide along the boundary of the allotment; and (E) — (F) • is located so that vehicle access will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or • will use a driveway that is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing and will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or • will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and is located so that the gradient from the place of access on the boundary of the allotment to the finished floor level at the front of the garage or carport when work is completed is not steeper than 1:4 on average. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2651 (43) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)—delete "attributable" (44) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)(iii)—delete "attributable walls or structures" and substitute: relevant walls or structures (45) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)(iii)(A)—delete "attributable walls and structures" and substitute: relevant walls and structures (46) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)(iii)(A)—delete "50%" and substitute: 45% (47) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)(iii)(A)—delete ", disregarding the distance of any front setback of the building to which the wall is ancillary" (48) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)(iii)(B)—delete "attributable wall or structure" and substitute: relevant wall or structure (49) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(d)(iii)(B)—after "boundary" insert: , unless on an adjacent site on that boundary there is an existing wall of a building that would be adjacent to or abut a proposed relevant wall or structure (in which case this subsubparagraph does not apply) (50) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(f)—delete paragraph (f) (51) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(i)—delete "or a reserve" and substitute: (including any road reserve) or a reserve (including any land held as open space) (52) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(i)(ii)—delete "will be an awning window hinged at the top and" (53) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(j)—after "where" insert: the longest side of (54) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(j)—delete ", or reserve," and substitute: (including any road reserve), or reserve (including any land held as open space), (55) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(k)(ii)—delete "that faces the primary street" (56) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(k)(v)—delete subparagraph (v) and substitute: (v) is located so that vehicle access— (A) will use an existing or authorised driveway or access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; or (B) will use a driveway that— (C) • is not located within 6 metres of an intersection of 2 or more roads or a pedestrian actuated crossing; and • will not interfere with an item of street furniture (including directional signs, lighting, seating and weather shelters), other infrastructure, or a tree; or will not require a driveway because the kerbing is formed in a manner that allows a vehicle to roll over it; and 2652 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 (57) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(k)(vi)—delete "1:5 in any place and 1:8" and substitute: 1:4 (58) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(o)—delete paragraph (o) and substitute: (o) the development does not involve— (i) excavation exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre; or (ii) filling exceeding a vertical height of 1 metre, and if the development involves both excavation and filling, the total combined excavation and filling must not exceed a vertical height of 2 metres; and (59) Schedule 4, clause 2B(6)(p)—delete paragraph (p) and substitute: (p) in relation to the site—that the site is, for the purposes of a dwelling, capable of being connected to a sewage system or a waste control system (being a system which complies with the requirements of the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987); and (60) Schedule 4, clause 2B(7)(d)—delete paragraph (d) and substitute: (d) the primary street in relation to an existing or proposed building on a site is— (i) in the case of a site that has a frontage to only 1 road—that road; or (ii) in the case of a site that has a frontage to 2 roads— (A) if the frontages are identical in length—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; or (B) in any other case—the road in relation to which the site has a shorter frontage; or (iii) in any other case—the road that forms part of the street address of the building, as determined by the council for the relevant area when it is allocating numbers to buildings and allotments under section 220 of the Local Government Act 1999; and (61) Schedule 4, clause 2B(8)—before the definition of ARI insert: AHD, in relation to the potential for inundation, means Australian height datum; (62) Schedule 4, clause 2B(8), definition of attributable walls or structures—delete the definition (63) Schedule 4, clause 2B(8)—after the definition of battle-axe allotment insert: building line, in relation to a building on a site, means a line drawn parallel to the wall on the building closest to the boundary of the site that faces the primary street (and any existing projection from the building such as a carport, verandah, porch or bay window is not to be taken to form part of the building for the purposes of determining the relevant wall of the building); 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2653 (64) Schedule 4, clause 2B(8), definition of Flood Management Zone/Area—delete "shown as being subject to flooding or inundation in the relevant Development Plan" and substitute: delineated as such a zone or area in a map in the relevant Development Plan, or otherwise indicated by requirements in the relevant Development Plan for minimum finished floor levels expressed by reference to ARI or AHD (65) Schedule 4, clause 2B(8)—after the definition of Historic Conservation Zone/Area insert: relevant wall or structure means any wall or structure that is due to development that has occurred, or is proposed to occur, on the relevant allotment but does not include any fence or retaining wall between the relevant allotment and an adjoining allotment; 9—Variation of Schedule 5—Requirements as to plans and specifications (1) Schedule 5, clauses A1 and A2—delete clauses A1 and A2 and substitute: A1—Plans for certain classes of complying development An application for development plan consent that relates to an outbuilding, carport or verandah that is complying development under Schedule 4 clause 1(2) or (3) must be accompanied by— (a) a site plan, drawn to scale, being a scale of not less than 1:200, including appropriate bar and ratio scales, showing— (i) the boundaries and dimensions of the site; and (ii) the position and dimensions of the minimum front and side setbacks of any existing or proposed building on the site; and (iii) existing and proposed finished floor levels; and (iv) the location of any regulated tree on the site or on adjoining land that might be affected by the work, or that might affect the work, proposed to be performed; and (v) if the proposed building is to be a garage or carport—the location and finished ground level at each end of any driveway or proposed driveway and, if relevant, its location in relation to an existing or proposed vehicle access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; and (vi) the approximate north point; and (vii) the location of any existing or proposed tanks and areas where the disposal of sewage may soak into the ground for an on-site sewerage or waste disposal system installed or to be installed in compliance with the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987; and (b) if a vehicle access point is to be established—if required under Schedule 4 clause 1(2) or (3), documentary evidence that it has been authorised under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999; and 2654 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 (c) elevation drawings, drawn to scale, being a scale of not less than 1:100, including appropriate bar and ratio scales, of building heights in relation to any relevant or proposed building; and (d) if relevant—a schedule of colours for any cladding. A2—Plans for alterations, additions and new dwellings—complying development An application for development plan consent that relates to complying development under Schedule 4 clause 2A or 2B must be accompanied by— (a) a site plan, drawn to scale, being a scale of not less than 1:200, including appropriate bar and ratio scales, showing— (i) the boundaries and dimensions of the site; and (ii) the position and dimensions of the minimum front and side setbacks of any existing or proposed building on the site; and (iii) existing and proposed finished floor levels; and (iv) the location of any regulated tree on the site or on adjoining land that might be affected by the work, or that might affect the work, proposed to be performed; and (v) the location and dimension of car parking spaces that are not fully enclosed or covered before and after completion of the proposed development; and (vi) if a proposed building is to be or incorporate a garage or carport—the location and finished ground level at each end of any driveway or proposed driveway and, if relevant, its location in relation to an existing or proposed vehicle access point under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999, including a driveway or access point for which consent under the Act has been granted as part of an application for the division of land; and (vii) the true North point; and (viii) the location of any existing or proposed tanks and areas where the disposal of sewage may soak into the ground for an on-site sewerage or waste disposal system installed or to be installed in compliance with the Public and Environmental Health Act 1987; and (b) if a new vehicle access point is to be established—if required under Schedule 4 clause 2A or 2B, documentary evidence that it has been authorised under section 221 of the Local Government Act 1999; and (c) if relevant under clause 2A and in all cases under clause 2B—a floor plan drawn to scale, being a scale of not less than 1:100, showing the number and location of bedrooms and other habitable rooms at the completion of the development; and 31 May 2012] (2) THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2655 (d) elevation drawings, drawn to scale, being a scale of not less than 1:100, including appropriate bar and ratio scales, of building heights in relation to any relevant or proposed building; and (e) drawings showing how the proposed development generally relates to the closest walls of buildings on adjoining sites (other than any site to the rear of the site of the proposed development); and (f) in the case of an application within the ambit of Schedule 4 clause 2B— (i) a declaration by or on behalf of the applicant indicating whether or not, to the best of his or her knowledge and belief, the allotment is, or may have been, subject to site contamination as a result of a previous use of the land or a previous activity on the land; and (ii) if the indication is that the allotment is or may have been so subject to site contamination—a report that complies with the requirements of Schedule 4 clause 2B(4) (unless the relevant authority is already in possession of such a report, or is otherwise satisfied in accordance with Schedule 4 clause 2B(4) that such a report is not required). Schedule 5, clause 1(1)(a)(va)—after "driveway and" insert: , if relevant, (3) Schedule 5, clause 1(1)(a)(vii)—delete "tanks proposed" and substitute: existing or proposed tanks (4) Schedule 5, clause 1(1)(a)(vii)—delete "to be installed" and substitute: installed or to be installed (as the case may be) (5) Schedule 5, clause 1(1)(f)(i)—before "documentary" insert: if relevant, 10—Variation of Schedule 8—Referrals and concurrences (1) Schedule 8, clause 2, table, item 1(c)—after "Development Plan" insert: , other than if the development is complying development under Schedule 4 clause 2B (2) Schedule 8, clause 2, table, item 19(g)(ii)—delete "6, 7," Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. 2656 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 31 May 2012 No 150 of 2012 UPA0071/11CS [31 May 2012 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE South Australia Fisheries Management (Fees) Variation Regulations 2012 under the Fisheries Management Act 2007 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007 4 Variation of Schedule 1—Fees Division 1—Licence application fees Division 2—Registration application fees Division 3—Licence annual fees Division 4—Registration annual fees Part 3—Transitional provisions 5 Transitional provisions Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Fisheries Management (Fees) Variation Regulations 2012. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. 2657 2658 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Part 2—Variation of Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007 4—Variation of Schedule 1—Fees Schedule 1, Part 1, Divisions 1 to 4—delete Divisions 1 to 4 and substitute: Division 1—Licence application fees Application fees payable by an applicant for the issue of a fishery licence (section 54(1)(c) of Act) 1 2 3 4 On application for a licence in respect of the Central Zone Abalone Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each abalone unit of the abalone quota entitlement under the licence $15 419.00 $616.75 On application for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Abalone Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each abalone unit of the abalone quota entitlement under the licence $12 032.00 $229.20 On application for a licence in respect of the Western Zone Abalone Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each abalone unit of the abalone quota entitlement under the licence $15 745.00 $499.80 On application for the issue of a licence in respect of the Blue Crab Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each blue crab unit of the blue crab quota entitlement under the licence 5 On application for the issue of a licence in respect of the Charter Boat Fishery 6 On application for a licence in respect of the Lakes and Coorong Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee— (i) if there is a gill net entitlement under the licence (ii) for each gill net to be registered for use under the licence (iii) if there is a pipi quota entitlement under the licence (iv) for each pipi unit of the pipi quota entitlement under the licence $2 817.00 $24.15 $2 294.00 $3 084.00 $1 507.00 $126.30 $3 753.00 $213.30 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 7 On application for the issue of a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery or Restricted Marine Scalefish Fishery— (a) 8 9 2659 base fee— (i) if there is a cockle quota entitlement under the licence relating to the Coffin Bay cockle fishing zone $7 657.00 (ii) if there is a cockle quota entitlement under the licence relating to the Port River cockle fishing zone $4 714.00 (iii) if there is a cockle quota entitlement under the licence relating to the West Coast cockle fishing zone $7 657.00 (iv) if there is no cockle quota entitlement under the licence $4 614.00 (b) additional fee for each blue crab unit of the blue crab quota entitlement under the licence $26.50 (c) additional fee for each pipi unit of the pipi quota entitlement under the licence (d) additional fee for each cockle unit of the cockle quota entitlement under the licence— $213.30 (i) in the case of a cockle quota entitlement relating to the Coffin Bay cockle fishing zone $53.45 (ii) in the case of a cockle quota entitlement relating to the Port River cockle fishing zone $3.35 (iii) in the case of a cockle quota entitlement relating to the West Coast cockle fishing zone $29.30 On application for a licence in respect of the Miscellaneous Fishery with a giant crab quota entitlement— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $3 345.00 $19.45 On application for a licence in respect of the Miscellaneous Fishery without a giant crab quota entitlement— (a) base fee (b) additional fee if the licence authorises the taking of aquatic resources in the Lake Eyre Basin (c) additional fee if a prescribed fishing activity (as defined in the Fisheries Management (Vessel Monitoring Scheme) Regulations 2007) is to be engaged in under the licence $3 345.00 $17 735.00 $900.00 10 On application for a licence in respect of the Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery $29 641.00 11 On application for a licence in respect of the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery $25 476.00 12 On application for a licence in respect of the West Coast Prawn Fishery $25 479.00 13 On application for a licence in respect of the River Fishery $200.00 2660 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 14 On application for a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder of the licence to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab— (a) base fee $3 324.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster unit of the rock lobster quota entitlement under the licence $16.15 (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 15 On application for a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab and limiting the holder to the taking of aquatic resources of a class (other than Octopus or Giant Crab) prescribed by Schedule 1 of the Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Regulations 2006 for the purpose of bait only— (a) base fee $3 824.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster unit of the rock lobster quota entitlement under the licence $16.15 (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 16 On application for a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery not subject to a condition limiting the classes of aquatic resources that may be taken or the purpose for which aquatic resources may be taken— (a) base fee $5 481.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster unit of the rock lobster quota entitlement under the licence $16.15 (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 17 On application for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder of the licence to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each rock lobster pot of the rock lobster pot entitlement under the licence (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $4 945.00 $158.70 $19.45 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip 2661 $11.40 18 On application for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab and limiting the holder to the taking of aquatic resources of a class (other than Octopus or Giant Crab) prescribed by Schedule 1 of the Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Regulations 2006 for the purpose of bait only— (a) base fee $5 445.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster pot of the rock lobster pot entitlement under the licence (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 $158.70 19 On application for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery not subject to a condition limiting the classes of aquatic resources that may be taken or the purpose for which aquatic resources may be taken— (a) base fee $7 102.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster pot of the rock lobster pot entitlement under the licence (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 $158.70 Division 2—Registration application fees Application fees payable by an applicant for the registration of a device to be used under a fishery licence (section 54(1)(c) of Act) 20 On application for registration of 1 or more swinger nets to be used under a licence in respect of the Lakes and Coorong Fishery no fee 21 On application for registration of 1 or more fish nets (other than swinger nets) to be used under a licence in respect of the Lakes and Coorong Fishery under which the holder may take aquatic resources prescribed in Schedule 1 of the Fisheries Management (Marine Scalefish Fisheries) Regulations 2006 $2 157.00 22 On application for registration of 1 or more fish nets to be used under a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery or Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery $2 157.00 23 On application for registration of 1 or more sardine nets to be used under a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery $56 070.00 2662 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 24 On application for registration of 1 or more fish nets (other than sardine nets) to be used under a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery, Restricted Marine Scalefish Fishery or Miscellaneous Fishery $4 314.00 25 On application for registration of 1 or more sand crab pots to be used under a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery no fee 26 On application for registration of a fish net used solely to take fish for bait provided that the bait is not for sale no fee Application fees payable by an applicant for the registration of a boat to be used under a fishery licence (section 54(1)(c) of Act) 27 On application for registration of a boat to be used under a licence in respect of the Charter Boat Fishery— (a) if the certificate of survey in force in respect of the boat specifies that the boat may carry up to unberthed 6 passengers $573.50 (b) if the certificate of survey in force in respect of the boat specifies that the boat may carry up to unberthed 12 passengers $1 147.00 (c) if the certificate of survey in force in respect of the boat specifies that the boat may carry more than unberthed 12 passengers $2 294.00 Division 3—Licence annual fees Annual fees payable by the holder of a fishery licence (section 56(5)(a) of Act) 28 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Central Zone Abalone Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each abalone unit of the abalone quota entitlement under the licence $15 419.00 $616.75 29 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Abalone Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each abalone unit of the abalone quota entitlement under the licence $12 032.00 $229.20 30 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Western Zone Abalone Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each abalone unit of the abalone quota entitlement under the licence $15 745.00 $499.80 31 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Blue Crab Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee for each blue crab unit of the blue crab quota entitlement under the licence 32 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Charter Boat Fishery $2 817.00 $24.15 $2 294.00 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2663 33 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Lakes and Coorong Fishery— (a) base fee (b) additional fee— $3 084.00 (i) if there is a gill net entitlement under the licence $1 507.00 (ii) for each gill net registered for use under the licence $126.30 (iii) if there is a pipi quota entitlement under the licence $3 753.00 (iv) for each pipi unit of the pipi quota entitlement under the licence $213.30 34 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery or Restricted Marine Scalefish Fishery— (a) base fee— (i) if there is a cockle quota entitlement under the licence relating to the Coffin Bay cockle fishing zone $7 657.00 (ii) if there is a cockle quota entitlement under the licence relating to the Port River cockle fishing zone $4 714.00 (iii) if there is a cockle quota entitlement under the licence relating to the West Coast cockle fishing zone $7 657.00 (iv) if there is no cockle quota entitlement under the licence $4 614.00 (b) additional fee for each blue crab unit of the blue crab quota entitlement under the licence $26.50 (c) additional fee for each pipi unit of the pipi quota entitlement under the licence (d) additional fee for each cockle unit of the cockle quota entitlement under the licence— $213.30 (i) in the case of a cockle quota entitlement relating to the Coffin Bay cockle fishing zone $53.45 (ii) in the case of a cockle quota entitlement relating to the Port River cockle fishing zone $3.35 (iii) in the case of a cockle quota entitlement relating to the West Coast cockle fishing zone $29.30 35 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Miscellaneous Fishery with a giant crab quota entitlement— (a) base fee $3 345.00 (b) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (c) additional fee if a prescribed fishing activity (as defined in the Fisheries Management (Vessel Monitoring Scheme) Regulations 2007) is engaged in under the licence $900.00 2664 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 36 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Miscellaneous Fishery without a giant crab quota entitlement— (a) base fee (b) additional fee if the licence authorises the taking of aquatic resources in the Lake Eyre Basin $3 345.00 $17 735.00 37 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Gulf St Vincent Prawn Fishery $29 641.00 38 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Spencer Gulf Prawn Fishery $25 476.00 39 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the West Coast Prawn Fishery $25 479.00 40 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the River Fishery $200.00 41 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder of the licence to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab— (a) base fee $3 324.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster unit of the rock lobster quota entitlement under the licence $16.15 (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 42 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab and limiting the holder to the taking of aquatic resources of a class (other than Octopus or Giant Crab) prescribed by Schedule 1 of the Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Regulations 2006 for the purpose of bait only— (a) base fee $3 824.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster unit of the rock lobster quota entitlement under the licence $16.15 (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 43 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery not subject to a condition limiting the classes of aquatic resources that may be taken or the purpose for which aquatic resources may be taken— (a) base fee $5 481.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster unit of the rock lobster quota entitlement under the licence $16.15 (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip 2665 $11.40 44 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder of the licence to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab— (a) base fee $4 945.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster pot of the rock lobster pot entitlement under the licence (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 $158.70 45 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery subject to a condition limiting the holder to the taking of Southern Rocklobster, Octopus and Giant Crab and limiting the holder to the taking of aquatic resources of a class (other than Octopus or Giant Crab) prescribed by Schedule 1 of the Fisheries Management (Rock Lobster Fisheries) Regulations 2006 for the purpose of bait only— (a) base fee $5 445.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster pot of the rock lobster pot entitlement under the licence (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 $158.70 46 Annual fee for a licence in respect of the Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery not subject to a condition limiting the classes of aquatic resources that may be taken or the purpose for which aquatic resources may be taken— (a) base fee $7 102.00 (b) additional fee for each rock lobster pot of the rock lobster pot entitlement under the licence (c) additional fee for each giant crab unit of the giant crab quota entitlement under the licence $19.45 (d) additional fee if the licence is subject to a condition limiting the number of Giant Crab that may be taken on each boat trip $11.40 $158.70 Division 4—Registration annual fees Annual fees payable by the holder of registration of a device used under a fishery licence (section 56(5)(a) of Act) 47 Annual fee for registration of 1 or more swinger nets used under a licence in respect of the Lakes and Coorong Fishery no fee 2666 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 48 Annual fee for registration of 1 or more fish nets (other than swinger nets) used under a licence in respect of the Lakes and Coorong Fishery under which the holder may take aquatic resources prescribed in Schedule 1 of the Fisheries Management (Marine Scalefish Fisheries) Regulations 2006 $2 157.00 49 Annual fee for registration of 1 or more fish nets used under a licence in respect of the Northern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery or Southern Zone Rock Lobster Fishery $2 157.00 50 Annual fee for registration of 1 or more sardine nets used under a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery $56 070.00 51 Annual fee for registration of 1 or more fish nets (other than sardine nets) used under a licence in respect of a marine scalefish fishery or the Miscellaneous Fishery $4 314.00 52 Annual fee for registration of 1 or more sand crab pots to be used under a licence in respect of the Marine Scalefish Fishery no fee 53 Annual fee for registration of a fish net used solely to take fish for bait provided that the bait is not for sale no fee Part 3—Transitional provisions 5—Transitional provisions (1) The licence and registration application fees prescribed by Schedule 1 Divisions 1 and 2 of the Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007, as substituted by these regulations, apply where a licence or registration is to take effect on or after 1 July 2012. (2) The licence and registration annual fees prescribed by Schedule 1 Divisions 3 and 4 of the Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007, as substituted by these regulations, apply in respect of the period of 12 months commencing on 1 July 2012. (3) Despite regulation 4 of these regulations— (a) the licence and registration application fees prescribed by Schedule 1 Divisions 1 and 2 of the Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007, as in force immediately before the commencement of these regulations, continue to apply where a licence or registration is to take effect before 1 July 2012; (b) the licence and registration annual fees prescribed by Schedule 1 Divisions 3 and 4 of the Fisheries Management (Fees) Regulations 2007, as in force immediately before the commencement of these regulations, continue to apply in respect of the period of 12 months that commenced on 1 July 2011. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 31 May 2012 No 151 of 2012 12MAFF0008CS 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2667 South Australia Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Variation Regulations 2012 under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 4 5 6 Variation of regulation 3—Interpretation Variation of regulation 6—Meaning of configuration and current configuration Substitution of Part 2 Part 2—Registration fees 7 7 Registration fees for 2012/2013 financial year Revocation of Schedule 1 Part 3—Transitional provision 8 Transitional provision Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Variation Regulations 2012. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. 2668 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 Part 2—Variation of Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008 4—Variation of regulation 3—Interpretation Regulation 3(1), definitions of Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Economics and loaded mass—delete the definitions 5—Variation of regulation 6—Meaning of configuration and current configuration Regulation 6(1)—delete "regulation 8" and substitute: regulation 7 6—Substitution of Part 2 Part 2—delete the Part and substitute: Part 2—Registration fees 7—Registration fees for 2012/2013 financial year (1) The registration fee payable for registration under section 24 of the Act, for the financial year commencing on 1 July 2012, of a motor vehicle with an MRC of more than 4.5 tonnes is the relevant amount set out in the table below. (2) If a motor vehicle falls within 2 or more categories of vehicle with an MRC of more than 4.5 tonnes, the registration fee payable for the registration of the vehicle is the higher or highest of the registration fees that could apply in relation to the vehicle. Division 1—Load carrying vehicles Vehicle type 2 axles 3 axles 4 axles 5 or more axles Truck (type 1) $542 $859 $759 $759 Truck (type 2) $859 $1 021 $1 021 $1 021 Short combination truck $859 $1 021 $1 854 $1 854 Medium combination truck $6 783 $6 783 $7 326 $7 326 Long combination truck $9 361 $9 361 $9 361 $9 361 Short combination prime mover $1 164 $4 744 $5 030 $5 030 Multi-combination prime mover $9 457 $9 457 $10 402 $10 402 Trucks Prime Movers Division 2—Trailers Trailer type Fee per axle Single axle Tandem axle group Tri-axle Quad-axle group group and above 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2669 Pig trailer $550 $550 $550 $550 Dog trailer $550 $550 $550 $550 Semi-trailer $550 $550 $550 $550 B-double lead trailer, B-triple lead trailer or B-triple middle trailer $550 $1 050 $1 100 $1 100 Converter dolly or low loader dolly $550 $550 $550 $550 2 axles 3 axles 4 or more axles $2 429 $2 429 $488 $488 Division 3—Buses Bus type Bus (type 1) $488 Bus (type 2) $488 Articulated bus Division 4—Special purpose vehicles Special purpose vehicle (type P) No charge Special purpose vehicle (type T) $292 Special purpose vehicle (type O) Calculated using the formula 365 + (365 x number of axles over 2) 7—Revocation of Schedule 1 Schedule 1—delete the Schedule Part 3—Transitional provision 8—Transitional provision (1) The fees prescribed in respect of the issue or renewal of the registration of a motor vehicle by the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008, as varied by these regulations, apply where the issue or renewal is to take effect on or after 1 July 2012. (2) Despite Part 2 of these regulations, the fees prescribed in respect of the issue or renewal of the registration of a motor vehicle by the Motor Vehicles (National Heavy Vehicles Registration Fees) Regulations 2008, as in force immediately before the commencement of these regulations, continue to apply where the issue or renewal is to take effect before 1 July 2012. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. 2670 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 31 May 2012 No 152 of 2012 [31 May 2012 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE 2671 South Australia Motor Vehicles Variation Regulations 2012 under the Motor Vehicles Act 1959 Contents Part 1—Preliminary 1 2 3 Short title Commencement Variation provisions Part 2—Variation of Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 4 Variation of regulation 90—Remission and reduction of fees Part 1—Preliminary 1—Short title These regulations may be cited as the Motor Vehicles Variation Regulations 2012. 2—Commencement These regulations come into operation on the day on which they are made. 3—Variation provisions In these regulations, a provision under a heading referring to the variation of specified regulations varies the regulations so specified. Part 2—Variation of Motor Vehicles Regulations 2010 4—Variation of regulation 90—Remission and reduction of fees Regulation 90—after subregulation (2) insert: (3) The Registrar may remit or reduce a fee payable for registration under section 24 of the Act of a converter dolly or low loader dolly. Note— As required by section 10AA(2) of the Subordinate Legislation Act 1978, the Minister has certified that, in the Minister's opinion, it is necessary or appropriate that these regulations come into operation as set out in these regulations. Made by the Governor’s Deputy with the advice and consent of the Executive Council on 31 May 2012 No 153 of 2012 MTR/12/037 2672 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 FAXING COPY? IF you fax copy to Government Publishing SA for inclusion in the Government Gazette, there is no need to send a Confirmation Copy to us as well. This creates confusion and may well result in your notice being printed twice. Please use the following fax number: Fax transmission: Phone Enquiries: (08) 8207 1040 (08) 8207 1045 Please include a contact person, phone number and order number so that we can phone back with any queries we may have regarding the fax copy. NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (fax, hard copy or email) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Government Gazette notices can be Emailed. The address is: Documents should be sent as attachments in Word format. When sending a document via Email, please confirm your transmission with a faxed copy of your document, including the date the notice is to be published. Fax transmission: Phone Enquiries: (08) 8207 1040 (08) 8207 1045 NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (fax, hard copy or email) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. 31 May 2012] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE THE RURAL CITY OF MURRAY BRIDGE Notice of Revocation of Land from Classification as Community Land NOTICE is hereby given that the Rural City of Murray Bridge at its meeting held on 27 January 2009, resolved pursuant to Section 194 (3) (b) of the Local Government Act 1999, to revoke the following land commonly known as McQuarrie Street Reserve, from the Classification as Community Land: Allotment 70 in Deposited Plan D6991, contained within Certificate of Title Volume 2226, Folio 153. P. BOND, Acting Chief Executive Officer CITY OF PORT ADELAIDE ENFIELD Assignment of Names for New Roads NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the City of Port Adelaide Enfield at its meeting held on 8 May 2012, resolved that pursuant to Section 219 (1) of the Local Government Act 1999, that certain new roads all located in the suburb of Northgate be assigned the street names, as detailed below: Beadle Lane, Bertram Lane, Broadstock Street, Condon Drive, East Parkway, Elliot Drive, Eyre Lane, Fidge Lane, Golding Lane, Haines Road, Hillier Street, Howe Lane, Hunt Street, Jeffcott Avenue, Kerr Lane, Kune Lane, Marshall Road, Neates Road, Nottage Road, Proclamation Road, Roberts Street, Turvey Lane, Twigden Lane, Webb Street and Wiltshire Drive. A map that delineates the new roads that have been assigned the street names, together with a copy of the Council’s resolution are both available for inspection at the Council’s principal office, 163 St Vincent Street, Port Adelaide; The Parks—Library Council Office, 2-46 Cowan Street, Angle Park; Enfield Library—Council Office, 1-9 Kensington Crescent, Enfield and Greenacres— Library Council Office, 2 Fosters Road, Greenacres, during their normal business hours. H. J. WIERDA, City Manager ADELAIDE HILLS COUNCIL ROADS (OPENING AND CLOSING) ACT 1991 Road Closure—Un-named Road and Portion of Baldocks Road—Oakbank NOTICE is hereby given pursuant to Section 10 of the said Act, that council proposes to make a Road Process Order to close and transfer to the adjoining owners the un-made road between Shillabeer Road and Baldock Road, and the portion of Baldock Road adjoining piece 54 in Deposited Plan 86168, shown as ‘Y’ and ‘Z’ (respectively) on Preliminary Plan No. 12/0017. A copy of the plan and statement of persons affected are available for public inspection at Council’s web site and offices at 28 Main Street, Woodside and 63 Mount Barker Road, Stirling and the office of the Surveyor-General, 101 Grenfell Street, Adelaide, during normal office hours. Any application for easement or objection must set out the full name, address and give details of the submission with fully supported reasons. Any submissions must be made in writing within 28 days from 31 May 2012 to the Council, P.O. Box 44, Woodside, S.A. 5244 and the Surveyor-General, G.P.O. Box 1354, Adelaide, S.A. 5001. Where submission are made, Council will give notification of a meeting to deal with the matter. P. PEPPIN, Chief Executive Officer KINGSTON DISTRICT COUNCIL Appointment of Development Assessment Panel Public Officer NOTICE is hereby given that pursuant to Section 56A (22) of the Development Act 1993, the Kingston District Council, at its meeting held on Friday, 18 May 2012, revoked the appointment of Martin McCarthy and appointed Malcolm Robert Bates, as Public Officer of the Council Development Assessment Panel. The Public Officer can be contacted at the Kingston District Council office, 29 Holland Street, Kingston SE, S.A. 5275, or by telephone on (08) 8767 2033. M. R. BATES, Acting Chief Executive Officer 2673 RENMARK PARINGA COUNCIL Exclusion of Vehicles NOTICE is hereby given that at its meeting held on 24 April 2012, Renmark Paringa Council passed the following resolution: That pursuant to Section 359 of the Local Government Act 1934, Council excludes all vehicular access to road reserve 1130 (being road reserve) between Allotment 18, Patey Drive, Renmark (CR 5874/243) and Allotments 61-65, Evans Street, Renmark. T. SIVIOUR, Chief Executive Officer IN the matter of the estates of the undermentioned deceased persons: Bates, Leslie Jack, late of 32 Aerodrome Road, Mallala, retired telecommunications technician, who died on 30 November 2011. Britton, Charles Henry, late of 147 St Bernards Road, Rostrevor, retired storeman, who died on 10 March 2012. Clemow, Shirley Lorraine, late of 9 Brenchley Grove, Kingswood, of no occupation, who died on 27 January 2012. Hazell, Yvonne Rosalie, late of 43 Sampson Road, Mitchell Park, home duties, who died on 13 November 2011. Jenkins, William Barry, late of 4 Attingham Crescent, Oakden, retired consultant, who died on 29 February 2012. Kerber, Vara Ellanora, late of 16-24 Penneys Hill Road, Hackham, of no occupation, who died on 13 February 2012. Morphett, David Norman, late of 10 Cherry Avenue, North Haven, retired engineer, who died on 7 February 2012. Nadolny, Marianna, late of 13 Third Avenue, Glenelg East, retired interpreter, who died on 4 February 2012. Porter, Gillian, late of 10 Coromandel Place, Modbury Heights, home duties, who died on 22 January 2012. Smith, Paul, late of 83 Tapleys Hill Road, Hendon, retired courier, who died on 23 March 2012. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Trustee Act 1936, as amended, the Inheritance (Family Provision) Act 1972 and the Family Relationships Act 1975, that all creditors, beneficiaries, and other persons having claims against the said estates are required to send, in writing, to the Office of Public Trustee, G.P.O. Box 1338, Adelaide, S.A. 5001, full particulars and proof of such claims, on or before 29 June 2012, otherwise they will be excluded from the distribution of the said estates; and notice is also hereby given that all persons indebted to the said estates are required to pay the amount of their debts to the Public Trustee or proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof; and all persons having any property belonging to the said estates are forthwith to deliver same to the Public Trustee. Dated 31 May 2012. D. A. CONTALA, Public Trustee ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 1985 DISSOLUTION OF ASSOCIATION Order Pursuant to Section 42 (2) WHEREAS the Corporate Affairs Commission (‘the Commission’) pursuant to Section 42 (1) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (‘the Act’), is of the opinion that the undertaking or operations of Bullinda Incorporated (‘the Association’) being an incorporated association under the Act are being carried on, or would more appropriately be carried on by a body corporate incorporated under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006 (Commonwealth) and whereas the Commission was on 15 May 2012, requested by the Association to transfer its undertaking to Bullinda Aboriginal Corporation (Indigenous Corporation Number 7152), the Commission pursuant to Section 42 (2) of the Act does hereby order that on 31 May 2012, the Association will be dissolved, the property of the Association becomes the property of Bullinda Aboriginal Corporation and the rights and liabilities of the Association become the rights and liabilities of Bullinda Aboriginal Corporation. Given under the seal of the Commission at Adelaide, 28 May 2012. K. L. RODGER, a Delegate of the Corporate Affairs Commission 2674 THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE [31 May 2012 ATTENTION CUSTOMERS requiring a proof of their notice for inclusion in the Government Gazette, please note that the onus is on you to inform Government Publishing SA of any subsequent corrections. For any corrections to your notice please phone 8207 1045 or Fax 8207 1040 before 4 p.m. on Wednesday. If we do not receive any communication by 10 a.m. on Thursday (day of publication) we will presume the notice is correct and will print it as it is. Remember—the onus is on you to inform us of any corrections necessary to your notice. NOTE: Closing time for lodging new copy (electronically, fax or hard copy) is 4 p.m. on Tuesday preceding the day of publication. Phone: 8207 1045 Fax: 8207 1040 Email: Printed and published by authority every Thursday by B. MORRIS, Government Printer, South Australia Price: $6.25, plus postage; to subscribers, $315.00 per annum. (The above prices are inclusive of GST)