RUSA/STARS Interlibrary Loan Committee Meeting

ALA Mid-Winter Conference - Boston
RUSA/STARS Interlibrary Loan Committee Meeting
Monday, January 17, 2005
20+ people attended, not all signed the sheet. * = Committee members attending (8)
Susan Barnes, Univ., of Washington,
Jackie Booth, El Camino College,
Amy Boucher, Harvard,
Ann Coder, Brookhaven College, *
Ed Davidson, FDI,
Wendy Dobson, Enoch Pratt free Library, *
Tina Marie Doody, Montclair Public, *
Matt Goldner, OCLC,
Mary Hickey, Univ. of Denver, *
Gabriella Holland, OCLC,
Keiko Horton, Univ. of Houston,
Carol Kochan, Utah State Univ., *
Christi MacWaters, Colorado State Univ.,
Robin Moskal, Univ. of MD, Baltimore County, *
Corrine Nyquist, SUNY New Paltz,
Marilyn K. Parr, Library of Congress,
Julia Player, National Library of Medicine,
Aimee Thrasher-Hanson, Columbia Univ.,
David Zopfi-Jordan, Univ. of Minnesota, *
Nada Vaughn, Washington Univ., * Chair
Committee member unable to attend: Anne Beaubien, Univ. of Michigan, Immediate Past
After introductions there was a review of the minutes from the ALA Annual ILL
Committee Meeting on June 28, 2004. They were approved as written. Meetings of
other STARS Committees were taking place in the same room at the same time so reports
were given through out the meeting.
Preconference – June 24, 2005
Karen Liston announced that Sarah Laughlin is the speaker for the Annual Conference
RUSA/STARS Preconference, “Currents of Change: Resource Sharing in Turbulent
Times”. She will be targeting concrete problems and issues in resource sharing, and will
discuss work form mapping, strategic planning. She will also invite attendees to “tell
their stories”.
Committee or Group Reports:
ILL Discussion Group –
 Amy Boucher reported on the meeting which was attended by 155 people
 Representatives from the Copyright Clearance Center spoke about new products
they are thinking of developing.
 Infotrieve folks gave an update on the release of Ariel 4.0 which drew heated
discussion from the audience.
 Mary Hollerich gave an update on STARS
 There was a very informative panel discussion, sponsored by the ILL Committee,
entitled “Patron-Focused Services: Models of Collaborative Interlibrary Loan,
Collection Development and Acquisitions” and led by Suzanne M. Ward, Tanner
Wray, Karl E. Debus-López and Jim Jaquette.
 There were suggestions that there be breakout discussions at future ILL
Discussion Group meetings, as 4 hours was too long for a meeting. There were
also suggestions that vendors be asked to present.
Medical Libraries –
 Susan Barnes reported that Docline had been upgraded, and will be upgraded
again to use Lonesome Doc.
 She also reported on the batch transfer of serials holdings from OCLC to SerHold
and from SerHold to OCLC.
ACRL Copyright Committee –
 Richard Uttich reported that for the 2006 Conference in New Orleans the
Committee is planning a program on New Technologies and Copyright,
EReserves, Document Delivery and Blackboard. Speakers will be copyright
specialist Carrie Russell and Washington Legislative Counsel Miriam Nisbet;
both from ALA’s Legislative Office.
 A new award for User’s Rights, the Ray Patterson Award, was presented today by
ALA’s Office for Information Technology Policy (OITP).
 A summit on fair use, “Correcting Course: Rebalancing Copyright for Libraries
in the National and International Arenas” will be sponsored by OITP and
Columbia University, May 5-7, 2005 at Columbia.
 School librarians purchasing videos with out public performance rights from the
Discovery Store have been asked by the store to cease and desist.
 SLC (Shared Legal Capability) and the Digital Futures Coalition have been
surveying school librarians, high school seniors and college freshmen about their
general knowledge of copyright and other rights to help develop teaching tools for
younger folks. AFFECT (Americans for Fair Electronic Commerce Transactions)
is a broad-based national coalition of consumers, retail and manufacturing
businesses, financial services institutions, technology professionals and librarians
opposed to the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act (UCITA).
 They have an advocacy program to use when talking to
In the 108th congress almost all bills were left unfinished. HR24-section 108,
Copyright, was introduced to deal with “orphan works” which are works no
longer being commercially exploited, and so should be treated by libraries as if in
the public domain. (Only covers printed works as of now, nothing about nonprint) This discussion also opens section 108 up for discussion to add or delete
items. John Conyers and Howard Berman are supporting.
The Library of Congress is putting together a copyright working group to discuss
section 108 and copyright. Bob Oakley, Lolly Gasaway and Miriam Nisbet will
serve on the committee.
Database protection is to be introduced in this Congress.
The court case of MGM vs. Grockster is coming up in the courts and deals with
peer to peer sharing of materials.
UCITA is on the shelf for now but may be revisited.
FCC is asking for broadcast flagging legislation so that by 2006 all TVs must be
produced with flags for over the air broadcasts or they can’t record on the
machine, however they won’t be able to play what’s recorded on any other set;
only on the original. This is to stop dissemination of record materials.
International Copyright and WIPO, The World Intellectual Property Organization, is dealing with “Fair Dealing” in Europe. Libraries are not
allowed to send items through ILL that might have commercial use, without a
copyright payment. This could include an article you need for your tenure
review, which could in turn earn you money. ILL between Germany and the US
is effectively shutdown.
UNESCO’s Division on Cultural Diversity has a trade agreement with ALA and
Miriam Nisbet will be the representative to protect library and archival rights.
OCLC Report –
 Discussion about the migration project, resource sharing and the next steps.
 OCLC is looking at NCIP and asking what’s important and what users needs are.
They are putting together a focus group.
 OCLC is also working on improving the Policies Directory.
 There was a question about the Open WorldCat initiative and if there would be
ramifications with library records appearing in Google.
 There was also mention of DeepLinking in WorldCat, which takes you to the
lenders catalog and actual title rather than just to the catalog. It was suggested
that this might be a good idea for a program-to measure how it’s working.
 Julia Player announced the NLM should be the library of last resort for medical
 NLM will accept requests through the email, but not through OCLC, RLIN, etc.
NLM has thousands of free journals available from their homepage at PubMed
Virginia Boucher Award- Jennifer Block announced that the Committee had met and
selected a winner, to be announced later.
ILL Committee Chair Nada Vaughan asked if there were other liaison groups we should
be in contact with to get reports on their progress. If so please let Nada know.
Social EventsDouglas Hasty reported on the Boston dinner get-together, which was attended by 22
folks and was deemed great! He said he’ll be happy to arrange the dinner for Chicago. A
boat cruise dinner was suggested. Folks asked him to keep in mind the time between the
preconference and dinner. More info will come out closer to the conference. Any
suggestions to Doug!
Other BusinessIt has been a tradition to have a preconference one year and a program the next.
Suggested was a program on resource sharing for Annual 2006. Everyone thought this
was a good idea. Amy Boucher and Christi MacWaters volunteered to plan and
coordinate the program. Please send ideas to them. They will post a note to the ILL
listserv as well.
Nada thanked everyone for their prayers and wishes for her during her recent illness.
Respectfully submitted,
Robin B. Moskal
ALA ILL Committee Member