These requirements apply to students declaring this major from Summer 2010
through Spring 2011
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Completion of the CALS degree requirements will satisfy all University General
Education Requirements (GER)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Admission to UW
If admitted with a deficiency see your academic Dean in 116 Agricultural Hall
These requirements apply to all degrees in the College. The courses required
in this section also meet UW General Education Requirements. A course taken to
satisfy a requirement in Section 1 may also be used to satisfy one, but only
one, requirement in another section of the curriculum. Departments may specify
somewhat different courses to satisfy the requirement in each sub-section.
Communication (I.C.)
____ Must complete one University Com A course and one University Com B course.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mathematics (I.A., I.B., VI.A.)
_____ MATH 112 and 113, OR MATH 114, OR Requirement may be satisfied by placement exam
_____ MATH 221 (or Math 217), and 222, and 234
_____ STAT 224 or STAT 324
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Chemistry (I.D.)
_____ CHEM 109 (or Chem 103 & 104)*
NOTE 1: *Taking the combination of Chem 103 and 104 (9 credits) instead of Chem
109 (5 credits) will increase the total minimum number of credits required for
------------------------------------------------------------------------------COURSES MAY ONLY BE USED ONCE WITHIN THESE CATEGORIES (I.E.1.-I.E.4.)
Econ or Ag and Applied Econ (I.E.1.)
_____ 3 credits required from ECON: A A E 215, ECON 101, 102, 111
Ethnic Studies (I.E.2.)
_____ 3 credits required from any course classified as "e"
Humanities (I.E.3.)
_____ 6 credits* required from any course classified as H, L, or Z
Social Science (I.E.4.)
_____ 3 credits* required from any course classified as S or Z - but not
Econ or Ag and Applied Econ
* One of humanities/social sciences must be selected from the list in the BSE
undergraduate student handbook.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------International Studies (I.H.)
A course satisfying this requirement may also meet one, but only one, other
curricular requirement, including one other requirement in Section 1.
3 credits required from this list:
A A E 344, 350, 374, 462, 473, 474, 567
AN SCI 370
ANTHRO 100, 104, 260, 277, 318, 327, 350, 358, 470
ATM OCN 121, 132
C&E SOC (formerly RUR SOC) 222, 230, 260, 613, 630
ECON 467, 474, 552, 567
ENTOM 201, 371
F&W ECOL 360, 430, 450, 452
GEOG 120, 127, 139, 244, 260, 349, 353, 355, 538
HISTORY 103, 104, 142, 242, 260, 277, 349, 359, 410, 419, 436, 440, 441,
444, 445, 446, 458
L SC COM 340
POLI SCI 103, 106, 222, 244, 252, 253, 254, 260, 261, 277, 312, 331, 333,
338, 339, 342, 346, 362, 379, 505, 618, 620, 621, 627, 630, 633, 639,
640, 642, 650, 651, 652, 655, 659, 660, 661, 663, 665
SOC 244, 252, 260, 277, 614, 634
These requirements apply to the Biological Systems Engineering Degree.
Physical Science (I.G., VI.B.)
_____ E M A 201
_____ PHYSICS 202
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Biological Science (I.F.)
3 credits required from this list
_____ BOTANY 130*
_____ ZOOLOGY 101
_____ MICROBIO 101
_____ MICROBIO 303
NOTE 1: MICROBIO 101 or 303 recommended for Food & Bioprocess Engr Option.
NOTE 2: Taking Botany/Zoology 151 (5 credits) or Botany 130 (5 credits) instead
of one of the other 3 credits courses will increase the total minimum number of
credits required for graduation.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Agricultural and Life Sciences (VI.C.)
_____ 3 credits required from:
FOOD SCI 432 (required for FBE Option)
AGRONOMY 100, 300, 302, 304, 320, 338, 377
FOOD SCI 301, 412
F&W ECOL 312, 314, 318, 401, 410
HORT 227, 261, 320, 328
LAND ARC 250, 262, 361
AN SCI 101, 301, 305, 311, 312, 430, 431, 432, 503
SOIL SCI 301, 315
Selected biology related course approved by advisor.
Major (VI.D.)
All are required:
BSE 249 or CBE 250 (CBE 250 is a prerequisite for CBE 310 and 320)
BSE 364
BSE 365
BSE 375 (Biological Concepts for Engineers)
COMP SCI 310 (preferred) or CBE 255 or CIV ENGR 291
M E 361 or CBE 310
I S Y E 313 (preferred)or M E 314 or ACCT I S 300 or FINANCE 300
M E 170 or 231 (M E 231 is required for Machinery Systems Option)
Capstone and Professional Experience (I.I.)
_____ BSE 409, 509 and complete Fundamentals of Engineering Exam*
General Program*
All are required:
_____ E M A 202 or M E 240
_____ CIV ENGR 310 or M E 363
_____ One course required from: E M A 303, 304, 306, ME 306
_____ Minimum of four courses from the following list: BSE 201,351, 356, 367,
372, 441, 460, 472, 473, 475,476,542, 571, 642, 671
_____ Minimum of fifteen credits of math, science, statistics or computer
science courses that are designated “advanced” or engineering courses
with a 300 or greater course number. These fifteen credits can include
BSE courses from the preceding list taken over and above the required
minimum of four.
_____ Select any combination of courses from the College of Agriculture and
Life Science, College of Engineering, Institute of Environmental Studies,
School of Business, and Computer Science Department to bring the total
general program credits to 41.
* The combination of courses that an individual student will take to meet
General Program requirements must be approved by the BSE Undergraduate
Program and Instruction Committee
Food & Bioprocess Engineering (FBE) Specialization
All required:
_____ MICROBIO 325
_____ BIOCHEM 501
_____ BSE 441, 542
_____ M E 363 or CBE 320
_____ CHEM 341 or 343 (CHEM 341 recommended)
_____ FOOD SCI 410, 532
_____ M E 364 or CBE 326
_____ One breadth elective required from: BSE 351, 356, 367, 372, 460, 472,
473, 475, 476, 571, 642
Select courses to bring total specialization credits to 41.
_____ BSE 351, 356, 367, 372, 460, 472, 473, 475, 476, 571, 642 (only courses
not used above)
_____ B M E 310, 315, 356, 401, 430, 461, 505, 530, 547
_____ CBE 311, 324, 426, 525, 540, 541, 560, 561, 562, 565
_____ CIV ENGR 310, 311, 315, 320, 322, 325, 330, 423, 426, 428, 500, 521
_____ E C E 230, 330, 376
_____ E M A 202, 304, 307, 405
_____ INTEREGR 160 (for freshman only)
_____ M E 331, 240, 306, 340, 342, 350, 363, 417, 418, 424, 443, 444, 467, 508,
520, 525, 563, 573
_____ MS & E 271, 350
_____ Physics 201
_____ Up to 6 credits of math, science, statistics or computer science courses
that are designated “advanced” or engineering courses with a 300 or
greater course number not on the above list.
_____ BSE 001, 299, 399, 699 (combined total from these 4 courses cannot exceed
3 credits)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Structural Systems Engineering Specialization
All are required:
_____ BSE 351, 356
_____ BSE 201
_____ CIV ENGR 340
_____ E M A 202, 303
_____ CIV ENGR 310 or M E 363
_____ One course required from: BSE 367, 372, 441, 460, 472, 473, 475, 476,
542, 571
Select courses to bring total specialization credits to 41.
_____ BSE 367, 372, 441, 460, 472, 473, 475, 476, 542, 571 (only courses not
used above)
_____ CIV ENGR 320, 330, 440, 442, 445, 447, 492, 496, 497, 498,
530, 531, 532
_____ E M A 405, 506
_____ I S Y E 315, 323, 510
_____ M E 364
_____ No more than one course from the School of Business
_____ INTEREGR 160 (for Freshman only)
_____ Up to 6 credits of math, science, statistics or computer science courses
that are designated “advanced” or engineering courses with a 300 or
greater course number not on the above list.
_____ BSE 001, 299, 399, 699 (combined total from these 4 courses cannot exceed
3 credits)
Machinery Systems Engineering Specialization
All are required:
_____ BSE 475, 476
_____ E M A 202 or M E 240
_____ M E 331, 306, 307, 313, 340, 342, 363
_____ One course required from: BSE 351, 356, 367, 372, 441, 460, 473, 542, 571
Select courses to bring total specialization credits to 41. May take an
additional 3-4 credit from section I.F. or VI.C. to count here.
_____ BSE 351, 356, 367, 372, 441, 460, 473, 542, 571 (only courses not used
_____ M E 364, 415, 417, 418, 426, 428, 437, 443, 444, 446, 447, 448, 450, 451,
452, 469, 545, 549
_____ M S & E 350
_____ E M A 405, 506, 519, 545
_____ INTEREGR 160 (for Freshman only)
_____ Up to 6 credits of math, science, statistics or computer science courses
that are designated “advanced” or engineering courses with a 300 or
greater course number not on the above list.
_____ BSE 001, 299, 399, 699 (combined total from these 4 courses cannot exceed
3 credits)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------Natural Resources and Environment Specialization
All are required:
_____ BSE 372, 472, 473, 571
_____ BSE 201
_____ CIV ENGR 310 or M E 363
_____ One course required from: E M A 303, 304, 306, ME 306
_____ One course required from: BSE 351, 356, 367, 441, 460, 475, 476, 542
Select courses to bring total specialization credits to 41
_____ BSE 351, 356, 367, 441, 460, 475, 476, 542 (only courses not used above)
_____ CIV ENGR 301, 302, 303, 304, 307, 308, 315, 316, 320, 330, 357, 411,
412, 414, 416, 423, 424, 426, 427, 429, 530, 531, 532
_____ GEOLOGY 627, 629
_____ SOIL SCI 532, 622, 632
_____ INTEREGR 160 (for Freshman only)
_____ Up to 6 credits of math, science, statistics or computer science courses
that are designated “advanced” or engineering courses with a 300 or
greater course number not on the above list.
_____ BSE 001, 299, 399, 699 (combined total from these 4 courses cannot exceed
3 credits)
No more than 6 credits can come from this subset.
_____ MICROBIO 303, 304, 425, 523
_____ ENVIR ST 361
_____ GEOG 320, 325, 326
_____ SOIL SCI 301, 322, 323, 324, 325, 523, 622
SECTION 4: Electives
The student may complete this section with any courses.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------SPECIAL NOTES: For the Bachelor of Science Degree, students must complete a
minimum of 128 credits with 256 grade points and with at least a 2.0 cumulative
GPA. For purposes of calculation, two grade points will be granted for each
transferable degree credit earned at institutions other than UW-Madison.
Students must take their last 30 credits in residence while officially enrolled
in the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences. Degree credit will be
granted only once for courses that are repeated. Other degree requirements are
outlined in the Undergraduate Catalog.
To be admitted to the Biological Systems Engineering program, the following
must be completed:
1. A minimum of 24 credits
2. Math 222 or equivalent
3. A minimum of 17 credits in required mathematics, statistics, science and
engineering courses with a minimum GPA of 2.35 in these courses. “Required
mathematics, statistics, science and engineering courses” is taken to
include all courses that have been completed and that will be used to meet
requirements in Sections 2 and 3 (degree and major requirements,
respectively), and the following math, statistics and chemistry
requirements: MATH 221, MATH 222, MATH 234, STAT 224, CHEM 109 and CHEM 341
or 343. Any transfer course from another university that will be used to
meet “required mathematics, statistics, science, and engineering courses”
must be included in the GPA calculation. If the same course is taken more
than once, only the grade from the last time the course was taken will be
used in the GPA calculation.
4. A GPA of 2.0 for all courses not included in 3, above.
Pre-Biological Systems Engineering students will have a PAE classification.
After admission to the program their classification will be changed to ABE.
*All students must complete the National Fundamentals of Engineering Exam,
offered twice yearly, prior to graduation.
Date of Audit:
Degree credits to date:
Biological Systems Engineering (038)
Effective Summer 2010 through Spring 2011