Unit Review Sheet

Age of Colonization and Exploration Review Sheet
OVERARCHING QUESTIONS (takes a lot of thought and information to answer)
1. How did colonial expansion of European powers impact the world governments in the seventeenth and eighteenth
2. Where did the various European powers expand their colonies in Africa, Asia, Oceania, and the Americas?
3. How did the use of gunpowder affect parts of the world politically, socially, and economically?
4. How did the use of gunpowder contribute to the power of European nations?
5. How did the use of navigational advances affect parts of the world politically, socially, and economically?
6. How did the use of navigational advances contribute to the power of European nations?
7. How did the European nations use trading-post empires, plantation colonies, and settler colonies to influence the
Americas politically and economically?
8. What are characteristics of European colonial power?
9. How did European colonial power affect the society and culture of African nations?
10. How did European nations participate in slave trade?
11. How did African nations resist slave trade?
12. What are characteristics of European colonial powers in Asia?
13. How did European colonial powers affect the society and culture of Asia?
14. How did European colonial powers influence global trading patterns with Asia?
15. How did European colonial powers spread various religions within Asia?
16. How did capitalism emerge?
17. Why are the following significant to capitalism: mercantilism, a developing market economy, expanding international
trade, and the rise of the middle class?
OTHER QUESTIONS (questions to help you reach the overarching questions):
18. Which technological advancementS allowed Europeans to dominate travel, trade, and naval operations among the
19. Which technological advancement had a needle that aligned to magnetic north?
20. Which technological advancement allowed sailors to look at the stars to find their latitude?
21. Which technological advancement allowed Europeans to sail faster by introducing a shallow bottom and lateen sail?
22. Which advancement changed Europeans’ view of the world?
23. Which technological advancement allowed sailors to find the time at a specific latitude?
24. Which advancement was constantly changing due to information from new discoveries?
25. Which technological advancementS allowed Europeans to better navigate in open water?
26. Which technological advancement allowed Europeans to build better weaponry?
27. Which advancement added lines of latitude and longitude for sailors to find where they were?
28. Which technological advancement allowed Europeans to conquer subjugate (rule over) people in foreign lands without
having superior numbers in those lands?
29. Using a map, identify where the Spanish, French, Dutch, Portuguese, and English had colonies.
30. Using a map, identify what world wide trade routes and exploration routes looked like.
31. How did Europeans affect the culture of their colonies?
32. Which European countries were the most active in spreading their religion?
33. Where did Spain have plantation colonies?
34. What were Europeans originally in search of?
39. Define ENCOMIENDA.
41. What resources did Spain have available in their colonies?
42. Who ruled the Spanish and Portuguese colonies?
43. How did the Spanish affect native culture?
44. How did the Spanish affect trade?
45. Where were Portugal’s plantation colonies?
46. What resources did Portugal have available?
47. How did the Portuguese affect the culture?
48. How did the Portuguese affect trade?
49. How did mercantilism affect the colonies?
50. What was England’s first settler colony?
51. Name England’s 3 types of colonies and where they were.
52. Why did people settle in England’s colonies?
53. What groups of people settled in the 13 Colonies for religious freedom?
54. What resources did the English have available in their colonies?
55. How were most English colonies controlled?
56. What were the English colonies’ economy based on?
57. How did the English affect native culture?
58. What type of colony would the SOUTHERN part of the 13 colonies be considered?
59. What type of colony did France establish? Where was it?
60. What did the French build to help stake their claim in the New World?
61. What resources did the French have available in their colonies?
62. How were the French colonies governed?
63. How did the France affect native culture?
64. What was the French colonies’ economy based on?
65. Where were the Dutch SETTLER colonies?
66. Where were the Dutch TRADING colonies?
67. What resources did the Dutch have available?
68. Which other European power could the Dutch NOT compete with in the Americas?
69. Which Dutch colony brought the Dutch A LOT of money?
70. What are some general things about how Europeans affected the culture of their colonies?
71. What are some general things that are true about European trade?
72. Where in Africa did most of the slaves come from?
73. Which list of European nations represents the ones involved in slave trade?
74. Why were slaves sent to the Americas?
75. Draw triangular trade. Label the goods from each leg of the journey.
76. Why did African tribes participate in slave trade?
77. How many slaves arrived in the New World?
78. How many Africans died in Africa as a result of actions connected to slave trade?
79. Approximately how many Africans were either direct or indirect victims of the Atlantic slave trade?
80. What does the term “one crop system” refer to?
81. What does the term “black gold” refer to?
82. How could Africans resist slave trade?
83. What happened aboard the Amistad?
84. What were the results of slave trade?
85. What was the economy like under the feudal system?
86. Which led to a growing capitalist economy?
87. Define CAPITALISM.
88. Why is the economy in Europe not a purely capitalist system during the Age of Discovery?
90. Why are colonies critical in mercantilism?
91. Who operated trade operated under capitalism?
92. Which class of people did merchants and businessmen belong to?
94. What factors were critical in leading to the creation and advancement of capitalism?
95. Where did the Dutch have interaction with an Asian nation?
96. What are the characteristics of Asian nations?
97. What were European dealings with Asia based on?
98. What kind of trade relationship did Europeans have with Asia?
99. Where were Europeans allowed to establish a trade “presence” in Asia?
100. How did European trade affect Asia?