JOBES Exercises for the Rotator Cuff

JOBES Exercises for the Rotator Cuff
The rotator cuff consists of four small muscles that run from the shoulder blade (scapula) to the
top of the upper arm (humerous). As a group, they stabilize the upper arm in the shoulder
socket and allow it its range of motion. All throwing athletes, not just pitchers, need a strong,
healthy rotator cuff. If for some reason, one or more of the rotator cuff muscles can’t help
stabilize the shoulder; most major motions of the shoulder become impossible. An unstable
shoulder can lead to impingement, tendonitis, bursitis, tears, joint wear, and pain. If you have
an unstable shoulder, you can forget throwing, swinging, lifting weights or even
reaching overhead.
To maintain a healthy shoulder, do JOBE type exercises for the muscles of the rotator cuff 3-4
times per week year round. Do the exercises listed below with dumbbells. High schoolers
should start with 3 pounds, graduating to 5 pounds. Start with sets of 10 and move to sets of
Forward Raise
Stand with arms at the sides and palms facing back. Keeping
your arms straight, slowly raise your hands to shoulder height with palms down. Pause
and return.
Lateral Raise Stand with your arms at the sides and palms toward the body. Keeping
your arms straight palms down, slowly raise your hands to shoulder height. Pause and
Reverse Fly
Flex your knees slightly and bend forward at the waist until your
chest is parallel to the floor. Let your arms hang down straight with your palms forward
and thumbs pointing away from your body. Slowly raise both hands out to the side until
they are even with your shoulders. Pause and return.
Internal Rotation
Lie on your back with arms down by your sides. Flex (bend) your
right elbow to 90 degrees and hold your elbow against your right side. Keeping your
elbow against your right side, slowly lower (external rotation) your hand away from your
side as far as you can. Pause and bring it back across the chest.
External Rotation
Lie on one side with your knees bent. Bend the elbow of the top
arm to 90 degrees and let your forearm and hand rest across your stomach. Keeping
your elbow against your side, slowly raise (external rotate) the top hand until it is
straight up in the air. Pause and return.
Empty Can
Stand with both arms down by your side and hands rotated inward
as far as possible with thumbs pointing down. Keep your arms straight, slowly raise your
hands forward and out to the sides, as if pouring water out of a can.
Upward Rotation
Flex your knees slightly and bend forward at the waist until your
chest is parallel to the floor. Pull your elbows back until your upper arms are even with
your back. Bend your elbows and let your hands hang straight toward the ground with
palms facing each other and thumbs up. Slowly raise both hands straight up until they
are even with your shoulders. Pause and return.