Warm Up 09

Warm Up 09.21.10
1. Comparing and contrasting Human/Cultural Geography with Physical Geography, which statement
below is most correct?
A. Physical geography is study of the physical phenomena on earth such as: landforms, their
origins and changes; Human geography focuses on how: people make place, organize space and
society, interact with each other in places and across space, and make sense of themselves and
B. Human geography is study of the physical phenomena on earth such as: landforms, their
origins and changes; Physical geography focuses on how: people make place, organize space and
society, interact with each other in places and across space, and make sense of themselves and
C. Physical and Human Geography both are the study of the earth; physical geography is
primarily making maps and human geography is primarily how humans use maps.
D. Physical and Human geography may be used interchangeably because they basically study the
same things.
E None
2. Which of the following are the “Five Themes of Human Geography”?
A. Person, place, thing, environment, movement
B. Location, human-environment, region, place, movement
C. Continent, country, state, nation, nation-state
D. Continent, country, state, county, city
E. None
. 3. The process of deepening relationships and increasing dependency on those relationships without
regard to a state’s borders in economy and culture is best described as?
A. Human – environmental interaction
B Globalization
C. Culture
D. Regionalization
E. None
. 4. Which answer below is the best example of a Formal Region?
A. Mountain regions
B. Silicon Valley
C. The Deep South
D. Sun Belt
E. None
5. Which of the following is the primary geographic effect of the globalization of the economy?
A. Production is shifted to low-cost locations in developing countries.
B. Countries have greater control over economic activity within their boarders
C. More local ownership makes industries less likely to move.
D. Production is increasingly concentrated in the Manufacturing Belt of the USA.
E. None
6. Which answer below is the best example of a Functional Region?
A. Mountain regions
B. Silicon Valley
C. The Deep South
D. Sun Belt
E. None
7. Which answer below is the best example of a Perceptual Region?
A. Mountain regions
B. Silicon Valley
C. The Deep South
D. Sun Belt
E. None
Lesson Objectives: Student understands maps and their uses
8. Jacksonville being located north of Miami is an example of what geographic term?
A. absolute location
B. Relative location
C. Composite location
d. Geographic location
e. None
9. Scale is best described below as?
A. The distance on a map compared to the distance on the earth usually found in the legend
section of the map.
B. The territorial extent of space such as: local, regional, national, and global space.
C. The distance on a map compared to the distance on the earth usually found in the legend
section of the map and the territorial extent of space such as: local, regional, national, and
global space.
D. The coordinates on a map that indicate absolute location
E. None
10. When geographers study connectedness they are referring to what concept?
A. The degree to which on location is linked to another.
B. The degree to which on location has access to the internet.
C. The degree to which a location has access to cellular service
D. The degree of WIFI coverage in a location
E. None
. 11. Which of the following is an example of a cultural landscape?
A. Adobe ruins
B. Coastal wetlands
C. Cloud forest
D Eroded shoreline
E. None
12. A food assemblage that includes olives, pita bread, cheese, figs, lamb, and wine is most associated
with which of the following?
A. Spain
B. Greece
C. Mexico
D. France
E. None
13. Environmental determinism theory was replaced by which approach to geography in the late 20th
A. distribution theory
B. hierarchical theory
c. Stimulus theory
d. None
. 14. The Middle East is the cultural hearth for three major religions. Christianity generally spread west
while Islam generally spread east. This is an example of what geographic concept?
A. Contagious cultural diffusion
B. Hierarchical cultural diffusion
C. Expansion cultural diffusion
D. Relocation cultural diffusion
E. None