Lets look at the World

Let’s look at the World!
With the following locations, use the atlas on pages (S24-S40) to answer the
questions below. Remember all locations with latitude and longitude must have
degrees and directions to be correct, and absolute location refers to latitude and
longitude coordinates.
1. On the U.S. map, (S28) what is the latitude of Memphis? ____________
2. What is the longitude of Memphis? ____________
3. What is the latitude and longitude of Miami, Florida? ____________
4. On the island of Cuba (S30) is Havana, what line of latitude is it located next to?
5. What is the longitude of the city of London in the United Kingdom? (Europe)
6. What is the absolute location of Cape Town, South Africa? ____________
7. What city is located at 36N 140E? ____________
8. The island of Papua New Guinea sits between what two lines of latitude (S40)?
Use your atlas to identify the latitude, longitude and island name of each of the 4
islands. Use your physical maps.
Island 1
Coordinates: ____________
Island Name: ____________
Island 2
Coordinates: ____________
Island Name: ____________
Island 3
Coordinates: ____________
Island Name: ____________
Island 4
Coordinates: ____________
Island Name: ____________