Feedback to activity 5

Sample feedback for Activity 5
Child’s name: Melanie
Age: 4 years 9 months
Date: 6/3/05
Setting: Morning session in playroom
Time: 9.20–9.25 am
Name of observer: Voula
Start: 9.20 am
Melanie walks toward the reading corner on the
far side of the room from the cubby. As she walks
she scrapes the toe of her left foot at each step,
(1) doing this for about a metre. She passes by
the puzzle table where two children are seated;
no communication. She now walks to a table
with some books on it. Jenny (4 yrs) and Solomon
(5.1 yrs) are ‘reading’ the books (2). Melanie
stops and twists her left foot around and around
(3). She seriously looks at the children and begins
to twist a strand of her hair with her right hand
eventually putting it in her mouth to suck. She
frowns and puts her head to one side (4).
Solomon looks up at her, smiles and says: 'Hey
Melanie, here is a seat for you'. She slowly walks
to the table without speaking, sits down carefully
in the chair Solomon indicated and picks up a
book (5). She looks at the pictures and turns the
pages from the top corner carefully (6). When
Solomon laughs at a funny picture in his book she
glances over at his book to try to see but she
does not move her head or body (7). When
Solomon leaves the table to go to the cubby, she
stays for a few more seconds then walks over to
see what he is doing. She stands against the
cubby with her hands behind her back but
doesn’t enter the play (8).
Finish: 9.25 am
(1) Scrapes her left toe (gross motor)—possibly for fun
or nervous behaviour?
(2) Makes no communication with children here
(language, social)
(3) Twists her left foot again as she watches (gross
motor)—possible emotional action? (emotional).
(4) Watches other children but stands back (social).
Twists and sucks her hair—emotional response/ habit?
(emotional) Uses ‘engaging’ non-verbal strategies
(frown/head on one side) to try to enter play
(emotional, social)
(5) Accepts Solomon’s invitation. Sits 'carefully'—seems
to be compliant (social, emotional).
(6) Uses no speech (language) with peers. Holds book
up the right way (language). Is able to turn pages
individually (fine motor). Seems to remain aloof from
peers although playing alongside them. Shows interest
but resists total involvement. (social)
(7) Shows interest in what Solomon is doing. (social)
(8) Again, she watches peers (particularly Solomon) but
doesn’t join their play, waits to be invited? (social,
Melanie seems as if she would like to join the other children but lacks social strategies to enter their play.
She shows her interest by watching them and possibly using facial expressions and body language to appeal
to them. It seems that she is waiting for an invitation from the children and plays very quietly and carefully
as if she doesn’t want to do anything to draw attention to herself.
She shows particular interest in Solomon and on this occasion she follows him to another activity in the
room. (Solomon comes from a large family where social occasions with many children are frequent, happy
events!) She displays a few mannerisms, which may indicate a degree of nervousness or uncertainty—
perhaps shyness (dragging foot, twisting foot, sucking hair). At times she appears to be somewhat
'removed' from the other children. She does not use any speech during this time.