workshop: eight types of poverty

Poverty is a complex problem. The 8 Forms of poverty is a representation of the problem of poverty. Working with
the scavenger families of the Guatemala City Garbage Dump, Potters House has developed a model to work with the
poor which provides a deeper understanding of the issue. By acknowledging the resources are not the only need in a
human being’s life we have learned that there are forms of poverty that go much deeper, forms that affect the mind,
body and soul. This model shows a contrast between the status of poverty and wellbeing.
Lack of a relationship with God. Refers to Religiosity versus Christian Life. This form of poverty is the most important
of them all. The Christian life is reflected from the Inside-Out, where the Holy Spirit works to will and to act.
Religiousness is a human effort on the outside without affecting the inside. Many times religiousness is being taught
to people and not a real relationship with God. This form of poverty generate: frustrated and bitter adults, confused
and disoriented teenagers, empty people, consumed by their daily routine, lacking joy, resentful men and women
repeating patterns, cycles, addictions, etc.
Potters House is committed to encourage people to have a personal relationship with God by teaching Christian
principles and values through: weekly Bible Study Groups for children, teens, single moms, seniors, large evangelistic
activities, VBS, prayer visits to the homes.
Lack of knowledge; distorted idea or wrong paradigms. Refers to the truth versus the lie- that which is false. This kind
of poverty limits cultural, idealist development as well as the development of thought, etc. This form of poverty
generate: people that feels under value, low self-esteem, illiteracy and technical Illiteracy, discouragement, envy
and mediocrity.
Potters House equips and shapes the lives of the children and adults, providing education from elementary school
through university, training in parenting classes, training in good business practices and assessment of project
potential, technical education such as beauty parlor, cooking, bakery, teaching and fomenting Christian principles
and values.
Lack of love and distorted feelings due to negative experiences such as physical, psychological and/or sexual abuse.
Refers to Love versus Selfishness. This form of poverty generate: people who has a hard time expressing their true
feelings, a large need for love and affection, people who doesn’t feel loved, with no feeling of belonging, they don’t
value themselves or others around them, they keep unnecessary things (hoarders), they always store, people don’t
show their fatherly or motherly love to their children, barrier built and don’t understand God’s love.
Potters House is teaching the people that when we feel valued by God we can love others that love defeats
selfishness. We do this trough: special celebrations such as mom and father day, birthdays, parenting classes,
providing a safety and lovely environment, treating them with dignity and value referring to them as Treasures, bible
studies where they can learn about God’s Love.
The 8 forms of Poverty
All Rights Reserved - Potter’s House Association 2011
Lack of Self Control. Refers to Freedom versus Slavery. It’s the lack of capacity to obey, have character, good habits,
and be determined to achieve one’s own objectives. Understanding that Freedom, it is the stage, environment, in a
responsible way our will. And that Slavery is having one’s will under the control of another person or circumstance.
The other way is excess, when the person shows lack of structure behavior. This form of poverty generate: that
people blame others or the circumstances, don’t take responsibility for their actions, are not conscious that they
need help, sniff glue, get drunk to forget, to withdraw from hunger and the reality they live in, due to the lack of will
in their conduct the cycles repeat themselves in their family, do certain things not because they like them, but
because of their status or the influence around them.
Potters House is contributing to form the character of the people, so they can learn to make decisions and be
responsible for them. Family must be the training center where people can learn how to execute their self-control.
We do this trough: tutoring for children and teenagers, infrastructure projects where people learn discipline and to
be responsible.
Lack of health. Refers to Health versus Sickness. This form of poverty generate: permanent sickness, their bodies do
not function properly, each child that is born is a miracle because of these limited conditions, there is no hygienic
measures neither personal nor in their house hold, malnourishment, severe respiratory and skin issues, ignorance in
the basis, medical attention is considered a luxury and not a right.
Potters House provides general medical attention, support for treatment of serious illness, special medical
attention such as gynecology, eyes and cancer, has developed a network of Health Promoters in the sector, runs
a nutrition program, and provides medicine through pharmacy.
Lack of family or support group. Refers to Family versus Loneliness. We all need a network close to us; we need to
feel we belong to something. Most children and teenagers, even adults come from disintegrated or dysfunctional
families. This form of poverty generate selfishness and loneliness, dysfunctional families (even when both parents are
present, a family doesn’t work as such), envy and violence, unhealthy social relationships (enemies and
unfaithfulness, etc), there is a tendency to not cooperate or collaborate and not live as part of the community.
Potters House is a pro-family organization, recognizing that the family is the cell of the society, we encourage people
to stay and live together as functional families and also we support those who cannot help themselves, we do it
through: senior citizens program, support in case of emergencies, parenting classes.
Lack of interest in participating in their neighborhood or community. Oppression is shown when there is a will to
participate. No feeling of belonging to their OWN COUNTRY. Refers to Participation versus Indifference. This form of
poverty generate: Ignorance and disrespect to the national patriotic symbols of our country, irreverence when
singing the Guatemala National Anthem, throwing garbage in the streets and taking poor care of our surroundings,
disrespect to the authorities set by God, tax evasion, not feeling like being an active part of change, not cooperation,
or support to their neighbors.
The 8 forms of Poverty
All Rights Reserved - Potter’s House Association 2011
Potter’s House believes that by making an impact in a person, the family will be impacted, and thus their community.
If this community is changed the whole country will be changed. Through community projects Potters House
empower the people to take responsibility for the development of their community, beneficiaries are highly involve
in the execution providing labor, organizing themselves, leading theirs neighbors. Also to constant training for
community leaders, in any given activity, such as graduations, special meetings, we sing our national anthem and give
the proper importance to our national patriot symbols.
Lack of resources to generate family income. Refers to Scarcity versus Abundance. The monthly income of families
doesn’t give them an opportunity to progress. Many children are working to help their family because of a lack of
responsible parenthood. The daily working conditions are constantly tougher in the dump. This form of poverty
generates: People and families who don’t have enough to pay for one meal time, bad prioritizing of their immediate
needs, debt, lack of a culture of savings, physical illness, child labor, under employment
Potters House works to satisfy the material needs and empower the people to be self-sustained, providing
small loans for individual and accountability groups, community projects such as, new homes, cement
floors, sidewalks, basic equipment for homes, bags of staple food, and education for children.
The 8 forms of Poverty
All Rights Reserved - Potter’s House Association 2011