Abnormal Psychology Page 1 Abnormal Psychology Psychology 280-Section 730 Summer Session II 2012 Course Syllabus Professor G. Anne Bogat, Ph.D. bogat@msu.edu Class Start and End Dates: July 2, 2012 – August 16, 2012 Chat Room Office Hours: By appointment arranged via email MSU ANGEL Help-Line: 1-800-500-1554 (toll-free) or 517-355-2345 (local) **THIS COURSE IS ONLY OPEN TO STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT TAKING ON-CAMPUS COURSES AT MSU DURING THE SECOND SUMMER SESSION.** I. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK Barlow, D. H., & Durand, V. M. (2009). Abnormal Psychology: An Integrative Approach (6th edition). Wadsworth Cengage Learning: Belmont, CA. Please note that the book comes in two versions. Hard Cover Text+ CourseMate Barlow/Durand Abnormal Psychology : An Integrative Approach (with Psychology CourseMate with eBook Printed Access Card), 6th Edition 1111343624 CourseMate with EBook ONLY ( All Digital) Barlow/Durand Abnormal Psychology : An Integrative Approach CourseMate with eBook 9781111357221 You may purchase the hard copy of the textbook at the bookstores on campus. One option is the Student Bookstore located at 421 E. Grand River Ave East Lansing, MI 48823 Phone: 517-3514210 or on-line at http://www.sbsmsu.com/. You may purchase the ebook version of the textbook online. II. PURPOSE The purpose of this class is to familiarize students with the field of abnormal psychology, or psychopathology, as it is often called. The approach of the textbook is to embed the field of psychopathology in an integrative framework. You will learn about biological, psychological, emotional, social, interpersonal, and developmental influences on abnormal behavior. These Abnormal Psychology Page 2 factors are all important in order to understand what causes psychopathology and how it manifests itself in different individuals. There is not one factor alone that can explain psychopathology. We will learn about definitions of abnormal psychology and how these have shifted during different times in history. We will explore current definitions, especially as they are described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, the handbook for mental health professionals to assess and diagnose various disorders. Then you will learn about research methods used to study disorders. The bulk of the course focuses on specific mental health disorders. These are subsumed under 10 broad categories: anxiety disorders (e.g., posttraumatic stress disorder), somatoform and dissociative disorders (e.g., dissociative amnesia), mood disorders and suicide (e.g., bipolar disorder), eating and sleep disorders (e.g., bulimia nervosa), sexual and gender identity disorders (e.g., orgasm disorders), substance-related and impulse-control disorders (e.g., alcohol-use disorders), personality disorders (e.g., borderline personality disorder), and schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders. Each week you will read 1-3 chapters. On the course web page you will find, for each chapter, learning objectives, a lecture, audio flash cards to help you study, web links for more information, and a practice quiz to make sure you have learned the material. The readings for each week are described later in the syllabus. III. HOW AN ONLINE COURSE WORKS Some of you may be familiar with online courses; for others of you, this might be the first online course you have taken. Please take the time to read this section in order to familiarize yourself with the procedures that are followed in online courses. This course will be held entirely online through the ANGEL course management system at MSU. There will be no physical classes to attend. Since this course is completely online, you need to make sure that you will have consistent access to the Internet throughout the course. This course requires a high speed internet connection. The ANGEL System The ANGEL site is: www.angel.msu.edu. In order to login to the system you will need your MSU user name and password. If you do not already have these, please contact the MSU Registrar’s Office (517-432-3952) and one will be assigned to you. If you should encounter ANY technical difficulties throughout the course, contact the MSU Helpline by calling 1-800-500-1554 or 517-355-2345. **IMPORTANT NOTICE** The following Internet browsers are compatible with ANGEL and have been recommended for this course. You are likely to encounter problems during examinations if you do not follow these recommendations. Abnormal Psychology Page 3 If you are using Windows Internet Explorer 9.x Firefox 3.6 Firefox Chrome Safari If you are using Macintosh Firefox 3.6 Firefox Chrome Safari If you are using UNIX/Linux: Firefox 3.6 Firefox ANGEL Supported Browsers: Especially Important at Exam Times! If you are not sure about what browser you are using or don't understand how to get Firefox remember that we have a great Help Desk! Just call 355-2345 or 1-800-500-1554. They are just as happy to help you prevent a problem as they are to help you in the middle of one. Here are the download links to get Firefox. For Windows: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/personal.html For Mac: http://www.apple.com/downloads/macosx/internet_utilities/mozillafirefox.html Before you begin an exam: 1. Clear you cache and cookies by going into the Tools tab in Firefox. 2. Choose “Clear Private Data” and check two boxes, “Cache” and “Cookies”. 3. Click on “Clear Private Data Now”. 4. Log into ANGEL and begin your exam. Required Online Orientation inside your ANGEL Course Every student enrolled in Psychology 280 is required to take the ANGEL training course online. You will find it in the “ANGEL Orientation” unit folder. Even if you have taken the training course for prior online courses, you are required to take it again for this course. The tutorial explains how to use the ANGEL system and what you will need to know in order to successfully complete the course. You must take a short quiz when you have completed the tutorial; the quiz tests your basic knowledge of the ANGEL system. You will need to click on the Orientation quiz link to access this quiz. Please note: You cannot begin the course until you get 90% of the answers correct. If you do not get a score of 90% on your first try, you can keep Abnormal Psychology Page 4 taking the quiz until you do. However, every time you re-take the quiz, you will need to rereview the ANGEL course orientation. Your score on the quiz is not included in your grade. We have you take the orientation course and the quiz so that you are comfortable navigating the ANGEL system. Learning about ANGEL before you begin will help avoid later problems. Office Hours & Communication with the Instructor There are 3 ways that students may communicate with the professor and teaching assistant: (1) the Chat Room, (2) email, and (3) FAQ Discussion Forum. Students may schedule “Chat Room” times with the professor and/or teaching assistant via email. The Chat Room allows for real time interaction between students and the instructor. If you have specific questions about material covered in the textbook, this is probably the best way to get your questions answered. You can also simply email the professor or teaching assistant. Email should always be used to communicate about sensitive or confidential issues/questions such as grades and exams. Both the professor and teaching assistant will check email often. We will do our best to respond to you within 24 hours during weekdays. An FAQ Posting is also available for students. You will find this under the Units tab. When there is information of interest to many students it is posted on the FAQ. The professor and teaching assistant will regularly add responses to frequently asked questions. Please check the FAQ Discussion Forum to see if a question you have has already been answered! Class Lounge Every student in the class can post comments and questions at the Class Lounge discussion forum. If you read something in the newspaper that relates to Abnormal Psychology and you think other students would be interested, you could post that information here. If it is 2:00 a.m. and you want to talk about one of the points in lecture that you aren’t sure about then make your comments here. In previous classes students have provided excellent resources and study tips to help one another. Your professor will pop into the Class Lounge every now and then. If you have a question that requires an answer from the faculty then please send an email to the faculty under the “COMMUNICATE” tab rather than posting it in the Class Lounge. You will get a quicker response. Student Tracking on Angel ANGEL tracks all student login information. It keeps a record of when you log in to ANGEL and when you log out. It also records when you begin an exam and when you submit it. This helps us to resolve problems that might arise with the ANGEL system. You should know, however, that the professor and teaching assistant cannot view student activity except in the course content area. That is, we cannot view anything you put in the “My Content” area. Course Announcements All time sensitive assignments will be highlighted in the course schedule at the end of this syllabus and on the course calendar in ANGEL. Reminders for examinations and course assignments will also be posted in ANGEL in the course announcement section. Abnormal Psychology Page 5 IV. GRADING There will be 3 non-cumulative (hourly) examinations. All exams are open book and will be timed. All exams will consist of multiple choice questions that will include information covered in course readings, learning objectives, outlines, and powerpoint presentations. Each of the 3 hourly exams will consist of 50 multiple choice questions; you will have one hour to complete each. Examinations will be available to take online on the day of the exam from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. Eastern Standard Time. Please plan accordingly and remember that the exam closes at 9 p.m. That means you must start the exam so that you can give yourself sufficient time to complete the exam by 9 p.m. Once time is up, if you have not already pressed the submit button, the test will automatically be submitted for you. Once you start an exam you must complete it; you cannot save the exam and continue it at a different time. ANGEL offers this option when you are taking an exam but since the time continues to tick away it is not a useful feature most of the time. It is useful if there is a problem with your internet connection and you want to reopen your browser. You also cannot have another browser window open when you are taking the exam. This can lead ANGEL to skip questions or close your exam. As noted above, there is a tracking system in ANGEL for your protection and ours; it lets us know when exams were begun and submitted. All discrepancies between the student’s report and the ANGEL system will be investigated by the professor. If there is a problem during an examination report it as soon as possible to the MSU helpline at 1-800-500-1554 or 517-355-2345. They will log the problem and, in turn, report it to us. These technical problems should be reported immediately (maximum within 6 hours). You may also report the problem to us (although we are not available 24/7 like the Helpline). If there is a system problem, it helps us more quickly to discover what went wrong if we hear from several students. If it is just a problem with your computer, they can help problem solve that issue too. Because of the generous amount of time allotted for students to take each exam, there will not be a need to offer make up exams. There are only two exceptions to this rule: students who have a significant illness or who have a serious family problem (e.g., death, funeral). Students will be required to document the veracity of these incidents if they request a make up exam. Students who do not provide adequate documentation will receive a grade of zero for that exam. Submit the documentation by attaching it to an email or by following the procedure below: 1. FAX the information to: 517-432-2476. 2. Include a cover sheet that says: To: Dr. Bogat From: [your name] Subject: Psych 280 Missed Exam Documentation. 3. Then send an email to Dr. Bogat (bogat@msu.edu) Abnormal Psychology Page 6 Policy on Cheating Students taking this course are expected to adhere to the highest ethical conduct. Students may not assist other students taking the exams, either by sitting with them when they take the exam or by sending or posting exam answers. Anyone caught cheating will automatically receive a failing grade for the course. We encourage you to visit 2 websites for more information about what constitutes academic dishonesty http://www.vps.msu.edu/SpLife/index.htm and http://www.msu.edu/unit/ombud/honestylinks.html. Accommodations for Disabilities Students with disabilities should contact the Resource Center for Persons with Disabilities to establish reasonable accommodations. For an appointment with a counselor, call 517-353-9642 (voice) or 517-355-1293 (TTY). Visit the RCPD website at http://www.rcpd.msu.edu/Home/ or send them an email at rcpd@msu.edu. Also, send Dr. Bogat your VISA document by email on or before the first day of class. PSY 280: Abnormal Psychology Grading Scale Course Requirements Exam 1 Exam 2 Exam 3 Possible Total % of Total Grade 33.3% 33.3% 33.4% 100% Total Points 50 50 50 150 Your final grade will be calculated based upon the total number of points you have accumulated across the semester. Points 135-150 127-134 120-126 112-119 105-111 97-104 90-96 < 89 V. COURSE UNITS Percent 90-100% 85-89% 80-84% 75-79% 70-74% 65-69% 60-64% 0-59% Grade 4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0 Abnormal Psychology Page 7 The course is organized into 7 weekly Units. Each unit includes the following material. Some material is required for the course. Other material is optional and is made available for your help or for you to learn about a topic in more depth. **REQUIRED UNIT COMPONENTS** Online (ANGEL) Materials—found in Course Content 1. A power point presentation is provided for each chapter of the textbook. These provide an overview of the material presented in the textbook chapter. Information from these materials will be on the test. 2. I have provided 4 lectures to supplement the course material for Weeks 2, 3, and 6. These are available online. This material will be on the test. 3. For some weeks (3, 5, 6), there is a video(s) provided to watch. For one week (6), there is an audio link to listen to. This material will be on the test. Readings All reading assignments come from the course textbook. There will be an assignment page in each week’s unit (on ANGEL) to remind you of what should be read for that week. Information in the textbook will be on the test. VI. COURSE SCHEDULE WEEK 1: July 2 Chapter 1: ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT Chapter 2: AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO PSYCHOPATHOLOGY Chapter 4: RESEARCH METHODS WEEK 2: July 9 Chapter 3: CLINICAL ASSESSMENT AND DIAGNOSIS Chapter 16: MENTAL HEALTH SERVICES: LEGAL AND ETHICAL ISSUES Recorded Lecture: Clinical Assessment and Diagnosis, posted on ANGEL in this week’s unit Recorded Lecture: “Mental Health Services: Legal and Ethical Issues” posted on Angel in this week’s unit Examination 1: MONDAY, July 16 from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. You will be tested on information contained in readings and lectures from Weeks 1 and 2. WEEK 3: July 16 Chapter 5: ANXIETY DISORDERS Chapter 6: SOMATOFORM AND DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS Recorded Lecture: “Anxiety Disorders: PTSD” posted on Angel in this week’s unit Video: Mirror, Mirror: Body Dysmorphic Disorder Parts 1 and 2, posted on ANGEL in this week’s unit Abnormal Psychology Page 8 WEEK 4: July 23 Chapter 7: MOOD DISORDERS AND SUICIDE Chapter 8: EATING AND SLEEP DISORDERS Examination 2: MONDAY, July 30 from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. You will be tested on information contained in readings and lectures from Weeks 3 and 4. WEEK 5: July 30 Chapter 10: SEXUAL AND GENDER IDENTITY DISORDERS Chapter 11: SUBSTANCE-RELATED AND IMPULSE-CONTROL DISORDERS Video: Getting an Addict into Treatment: The Craft Approach (Chapters 1 and 2), posted on ANGEL in this week’s unit Video: Getting an Addict into Treatment: The CBT Approach (Chapters 1, 2, and 3), posted on ANGEL in this week’s unit WEEK 6: August 6 Chapter 12: PERSONALITY DISORDERS Chapter 13: SCHIZOPHRENIA AND OTHER PSYCHOTIC DISORDERS Chapter 14: DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS Recorded Lecture: “Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders” posted on Angel, in this week’s unit Audio Recording: This American Life: Edge of Sanity (Act II: Guided by Voices), link posted in this week’s unit Examination 3: THURSDAY August 16 from 9 a.m. – 9 p.m. You will be tested on information contained in readings and lectures from Weeks 5 and 6. *This syllabus is subject to modification. Any modification will be posted to the course web site at least one week prior to implementation. It is the responsibility of the student to regularly check the course web site for additional materials and course updates. Keep the ANGEL help numbers by your computer in case there is a problem. Print a copy of this syllabus so that you have this information handy in case there are problems with accessing ANGEL.