Five Themes of Geography Project. You work at a small travel agency that specializes in promoting unique world destinations. Your job is to come up with a way to promote and advertise one of the following destinations: Japan China Australia Canada India Brazil Mexico Germany South Africa Egypt Italy Russia Spain France New Zealand Of course to do this, you will probably need to visit the country and get to know the people. Remember, you want to get people excited about going to the country. Here are the things you need to do to get the job done. Location – ____________________________________ You will be traveling to the following country. You need to determine where it is. 1. Find the absolute location of the capital of the country. 2. What is the relative location of the country in relation to time, proximity, landmarks, etc? Place You need to describe the location. What is the country like? You need to give a description of the human/physical characteristics of the location. Human/Environment Interaction Based on your research and your travel plans, how do people interact with the environment? What activities, industries and businesses exist in your assigned country that reflects human/environment interaction? Movement Where did the people who live there come from? Why do people move there? Why should people come there? What examples can you research that reflect the movement of people, goods and ideas? Region What region of the world is the country located? All this information will be gathered (researched), put together in a Power Point presentation, and uploaded onto MyBigCampus. Your goal is to tell us everything about the country (good and bad). Due Date: Friday, August 24 5 Themes of Geography Assessment Advanced 4 pts Advanced Attractiveness Proficient 3 pts Proficient Basic 2 pts Basic Does not meet criteria 1 pts Does not meet criteria Graphics - Relevance The presentation is exceptionally attractive in terms of design, creativity, and neatness. Advanced All graphics relate to the topic. Location All graphics are related to All graphics are related to the topic and make it easier the topic and most make it to understand. All borrowed easier to understand. graphics have a source citation. Advanced Proficient You've displayed a map of Several required elements your country showing its were missing. location in the world. You've included natural features such as mountains, rivers, etc. Place The presentation includes all You've displayed a detailed required elements as well as map of your country additional information. showing its location in the world. You've included natural features such as mountains, rivers, etc. You've also included manmade features such as major cities and highways. Advanced Proficient The presentation includes all You've described/illustrated required elements as well as in detail your country's additional information. characteristics, including the people and their cultures and traditions, and communities. You've also included descriptions of unique physical features and climate. Advanced Proficient You've described and Several required elements illustrated your country's were missing. characteristics, including the people and their cultures and traditions, and communities. You've described and Several required elements illustrated how the people were missing. have changed the landscape to suit their needs, including farming, hunting/fishing, and raising livestock. Movement The presentation includes all You've described and required elements as well as illustrated in detail how the additional information. people have changed the landscape to suit their needs, including farming, hunting/fishing, and raising livestock. You've also included the building of roads, industries, and homes. Advanced Proficient You've described and Several required elements illustrated your country's were missing. modes of transportation, and major imports and exports. Region The presentation includes all You've described and required elements as well as illustrated in detail your additional information. country's modes of transportation, and major imports and exports. You've also included the ways in which people communicate (move ideas). Advanced Proficient Human-Environment Interactions The presentation is attractive The presentation is The presentation is in terms of design, creativity acceptably attractive though distractingly messy or very and neatness. it may be a bit messy. poorly designed. It is not attractive. Proficient Basic Does not meet criteria Basic Basic Basic Basic Basic Graphics do not relate to the topic. Does not meet criteria Does not meet criteria Does not meet criteria Does not meet criteria Does not meet criteria The presentation includes all You've described and You've described and Several required elements required elements as well as illustrated in detail your illustrated your country's were missing. additional information. country's region including region including characteristics of climate and characteristics of climate and vegetation (grassland, desert, vegetation (grassland, desert, rainforest, etc.) You've also rainforest, etc.) described and illustrated your country's religions, and political structures. Use of Class Time Advanced Used time well during each class period. Focused on getting the project done. Never distracted others. Review of classmates project Advanced Reviewed and commented on at least 3 other group’s presentations. Proficient Used time well during each class period. Usually focused on getting the project done and never distracted others. Proficient Reviewed and commented on at least 2 other groups’ presentations. Basic Does not meet criteria Used some of the time well Did not use class time to during each class period. focus on the project OR There was some focus on often distracted others. getting the project done but occasionally distracted others. Basic Does not meet criteria Reviewed and commented on at least 1 other group’s presentations. Did not review or comment on any other group’s presentations.