Outside Reading Schedule

Mr. Wiesen
English 10H
Reading/Assignment Schedule
First Marking Period
This marking period, we will begin by discussing the role the settlers and Puritans played in shaping our
nation’s consciousness. We will move on to examine the time periods known as Romanticism,
Transcendentalism, and Anti-Transcendentalism. We will work with the summer reading novel, The Scarlet
Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne, as well as this semester’s outside read, Moby-Dick by Herman Melville.
Other major works will include selections from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, the essays of Ralph Waldo
Emerson, and Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer. The following is a list of tentative due dates for the
completion of major pieces of literature, essays, and projects. It also provides tentative dates for seminars.
Please note that the dates on this list may change for any number of reasons.
September 9
Seminar: Smith/Bradford
September 9
The Scarlet Letter: Essay Due
September 11
LMC for Whaling WebQuest
September 15
Seminar: Moby-Dick Chapter 1
September 23
Seminar: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
September 23
Whaling WebQuest due
September 25
Finish First Half of Moby-Dick (up to and including Chapter XLI “Stubbs Kills a Whale)
 Assignment to follow
September 26
First Interim ends
October 1
Seminar: “The Fall of the House of Usher”
October 9
Seminar: “Civil Disobedience”
October 14
Finish Walden
October 16
Finish Moby-Dick
 Hand in essay on Moby-Dick
October 22
Finish Into the Wild
October 24
Seminar: “Rappaccini’s Daughter”
October 30
First Marking Period Ends