5th grade - 2nd Qtr December 08 -comm arts CR

Name: ________________________ Date: _____________ Number: ___________
Context Clues
Fran knocked on the classroom’s door. She pressed her ear to the door so she could hear
voices inside. There was no sound on the other side of the door. She shrugged her shoulders.
She guessed that the room was vacant and walked to the classroom next door.
In this passage, the word vacant means
Write your response here:
Predictions and Inferences
The Man Who Ended Polio
Jonas Edward Salk (1914-1995) was an American scientist. He made the first vaccine that
prevented a crippling disease called polio. A vaccine is a special medicine that keeps people from
getting sick or harmed from a certain disease.
Salk was born in New York City. He became a doctor in 1939. Then, he began to study germs
that caused flu and polio. These germs are known as viruses.
Many scientists had studied what makes people immune, or protected, from catching diseases.
Salk learned from their work and used what he learned to make a polio vaccine. He had to weaken
the virus that caused polio but not destroy it completely. The weakened virus would not give people
the disease. Instead, it would help people's immune systems learn to fight the polio virus. Their
immune systems would make materials called antibodies to fight the disease.
In 1953, Salk tried out the vaccine on himself, his wife, and his three sons. It was safe and
seemed to work. In 1954, the vaccine was tested on nearly 2 million children. It was a success.
People were excited that they would not have to suffer the effects of polio anymore. Salk received
many honors. He would not take any money awards. He went right back to work to improve his
Salk spent much of life teaching. In 1963, an institute was started in his name in California. He
continued working on his vaccine there.
adapted from http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/Article?id=ar831905&st=salk
2. Which sentence from the passage best shows that Salk knew his vaccine was safe?
Write your response here:
Drawing Conclusions
The human body can often seem like a mystery. Some parents may have a hard time answering
their kids' questions about how it works.
Teacher Jane Schoenberg and her husband, Steven, want to help. They created a set of songs
that explain bodily happenings. These include breathing, passing gas, and sneezing.
The book My Bodyworks comes with a 12-song CD. It also includes a short anatomy lesson that
teaches young kids about their bodies. It might even entertain parents along the way. "We're giving
them information that is correct and is engaging. We're also packaging it in music," Jane says.
adapted from http://www.npr.org
3. Based on the passage, the reader can conclude Jane and Steven Schoenberg
Write your response here:
Summarizing and Paraphrasing
Francie was on the computer. She was allowed to play her games after she finished her
homework. Francie liked playing on the computer. It was really fun. When her friends were over,
they would play games together.
Today, Francie was playing by herself. She had music playing in the background, and her
mother was out getting groceries. It was pretty quiet in the house. Francie had just gotten to the
next level in Sky Mania, an airplane game, when the screen suddenly went black.
What happened? She was just playing her game. She didn't press anything she wasn't
supposed to or pull on any of the cords. Francie started to get nervous. She was afraid she
broke the computer. Her mom would be so mad!
Which line shows an idea that would be good to include in a summary of this story?
Write your response here:
Text Connections
Annie and the Bike Race
During a trial bike race with her friend, Mike, Annie is left in the dust and becomes discouraged.
As she's resting, she thinks about the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare." Annie hops back on her
bike and beats Mike, who has been wasting his time along the bike trail.
The Tortoise and the Hare
When a determined tortoise challenges a boastful hare to a race, the hare is sure he will win. As
the race begins, the hare is so confident that he takes his time. In fact, he naps along the way. The
tortoise plods along, slow and steady, and beats the hare to the finish line.
adapted from "The Tortoise and the Hare" by Aesop
5. What do the hare and Mike have in common in these stories?
Write your response here:
Decoding Words
A Safe Biking Trip
It was going to be a good day for Jimmy. His new friend Ted was spending the day
with him. The boys were going to ride their bikes on the new bike trail. Jimmy checked
his clothing to make sure nothing could get caught in the bike. He was careful to follow
the bike safety rules that he had read in a magazine.
"Mom," he called, "can we take a picnic lunch?"
"Why, yes," his mom replied. "You can take peanut butter sandwiches and some
cans of juice." Jimmy started making the sandwiches. He put the sandwiches and juice
in his backpack, and looked out the window just as Ted arrived.
"Hi, Ted." Jimmy yelled. "I made some sandwiches. We can have a picnic."
"Great," answered Ted. "My mom gave me some cookies." Then Jimmy discovered
that Ted was not wearing a helmet.
"Where's your helmet?" he asked
"Uh, I forgot it." Ted answered. "I guess I was in too big a hurry."
"Well, my parents won't let me ride without one." Jimmy explained. "They say that
most biking injuries happen when people don't wear helmets."
"Okay, I suppose we can go back and get it." Ted said.
Jimmy's mom waved at the boys as they left. "Have fun," she called. "And don't
forget to look for rocks and other things on the path that might make you fall."
The boys walked their bikes to Ted's house and got his helmet. Then both boys put
their helmets on and took off on the new bike path. They rode single file along the
path, going around the walkers on the left. By the time they got to the park, the boys
were thirsty and hungry. Jimmy gave a ranger his prepaid park ticket, and the boys
rode to the picnic site. After they ate their sandwiches and drank their juice they took a
walk along the nature trail. Soon it was time to go home.
"You know, I'm glad you reminded me about my helmet," Ted told Jimmy. "It sure
wouldn't be much fun to have an accident. That would make me very unhappy.
"I can't disagree with that," said Jimmy. "I've read some other rules about biking,
too. Did you know that bikers follow the same rules that motorists do? They are
supposed to ride on the right side of the road, and stop at all stop signs and traffic
lights. At busy intersections, bikers are supposed to get off their bikes and walk them."
"You sure know a lot about biking safety," his friend said. From now on I'll always
remember to bring my helmet."
It's fun biking when you follow the safety rules and have a safe trip.
6. What is the root word of spending?
Write your response here:
Cause and Effect
The Heat Index
Have you noticed that you feel hotter on humid days than on drier days that have the same
temperature? This is because not as much water leaves your skin on humid days. The air on these
days is already wet or moist. The evaporation of perspiration is one way your body keeps cool. You
feel hotter because less perspiration evaporates. The air does not need more moisture.
The heat index takes into account the given air temperature and the relative humidity. It is a
measure of how hot the air feels to your body. The apparent temperature to your body can be higher
or lower than the air temperature. For example, if the temperature is 90°F and the relative humidity is
only 20%, your body will feel like it is only 87°F. However, if the temperature is 90°F and the relative
humidity is 80%, then the heat index is 113°F.
The heat index can have an effect on your body. High heat indexes can cause fatigue, heat
exhaustion, and even death from heatstroke. Be careful when you exercise on humid days.
However, wind, even on humid days, helps perspiration evaporate. This can help lower the heat
from SRA Real Science
7. What causes your body to feel warmer on humid days than dry days?
Write your response here:
Problem and Solution
"Carrie? I think we are lost," Tyler called. "Maybe we should stop here for a second."
"I know where we are," Carrie argued. "We just need to follow this trail back east a little, and then
we will be at camp."
"This trail goes north and south, not east and west," Tyler said, looking at his compass. He
opened up his backpack to check his supplies. Between him and Carrie, they only had enough food
and water for one day. And it was starting to get dark outside.
"We just need to keep moving," Carrie said. "We will run into someone eventually."
"I don't think so," Tyler argued. "We need to stop here for a second. Hand me the map. I might be
able to get us back on track. Otherwise, we might end up farther from camp. We don't have the
supplies for that."
"Fine," Carried grumbled. She handed her pack to Tyler, who pulled out the map. After a couple
of minutes, Tyler shouted, "Aha!"
"What?" Carried asked.
Tyler grinned and handed Carrie her pack. "We are fifteen minutes from camp. This trail meets
another a little north of here. That trail will take us to the camp. Come on!"
Tyler and Carrie walked north on the trail. After about five minutes, they met another trail and
took a right. Within ten minutes, they were back at their campsite, to the delight of their group.
"It was all Tyler," said Carrie. "If he didn't know how to read a map, we never would have made it
back." Tyler just smiled and started cooking his dinner.
8. How did Tyler solve the problem?
Write your response here:
Jerry was a gray and white cat. He was fed twice a day and liked to do pleasant things. The thing
he liked most was chasing his tail. He came close to catching it, but it was always just out of reach.
One day, a kitten named Molly came to live at Jerry’s home. Molly was friendly. She enjoyed
watching Jerry chase his tail.
“You’ll never catch it,” said Molly. Her words made Jerry really want to catch it. One morning,
Jerry caught it! He decided he would never let it go.
Molly laughed and went to lick Jerry’s ears. It tickled. He wanted her to stop, but he couldn’t
speak. He had to put up with it.
Then, the cats heard food being poured. Molly ran to her bowl. Jerry tried to run but kept falling
“You can’t eat with your tail in your mouth,” said Molly. “I will eat your food.”
“No!” said Jerry. His tail popped out of his mouth. He ate his food quickly.
After that, Jerry still liked to chase his tail. If he did catch it, he held it for a second. Then he set it
free so that he could chase it again.
9. Which word best describes the setting of this story?
Write your response here:
Follow Directions
How to Straighten a Crooked Picture
The easiest way to make sure that a picture is hung straight is to place a carpenter's
level on top of the frame. Here's how to do it without the aid of a level.
1. Use a tape measure to measure the distance between both bottom corners of
the picture frame and the floor.
2. Adjust the frame until the corners are equal distance from the floor. For
example, if one corner measures 37 inches above the floor and the other corner
is 37 1/4 inches above the floor, adjust the frame until both corners are 37 1/8
inches from the floor.
3. Use a pencil to lightly mark where the frame corners should be. Make sure the
marks are not visible at eye level.
4. Use these pencil lines for guidance in the future when you need to restraighten
the frame.
10. What should you do when you need to restraighten a crooked picture?
Write your response here:
Main Idea and Supporting Details
A 13-year-old surfing star was attacked by a shark. It happened just off Kauai’s North Shore.
There was no sign of danger as Bethany Hamilton was lying on her surfboard in clear water. Her
best friend and her friend’s father were nearby. The shark bit just once and then disappeared. It took
Bethany’s left arm just below the shoulder.
Bethany remained in stable condition after the attack. Dr. David Rovinsky at Wilcox Memorial
Hospital cared for her at the hospital. He said her top condition as an athlete helped her survive the
attack. "This is a woman who is a highly trained athlete,” Rovinsky said.
The shark had not only taken off most of Bethany’s left arm, but her surfboard as well. The chunk
taken out of her surfboard measures about 16 inches across and 8 inches deep. The measurements
mean the shark was about twelve to fifteen feet long. A spokesman for the state Shark Task Force
thinks that it may have been a tiger shark. Great White sharks are another type of shark that lives in
the ocean.
adapted from "Teen Surfer Attacked by Shark” by Renee Eng
11. Which sentence would best support the second paragraph?
Write your response here:
Courage for Sammy
by Judith Miller
"I'm going downtown to buy an ice cream cone," Mark called to his mother. He lifted his cat,
Sammy, and took him outside.
Sammy wasn't used to being outside. Everything scared him. He sat down on the driveway and
wouldn't move.
"Sammy, come on," said Mark. "It's a nice day. I have just enough money for an ice cream cone."
Mark tugged on Sammy's collar. He didn't move. Mark started calling to Sammy. Sammy finally
got up and followed Mark down the sidewalk. As they passed by Mrs. Middleton's house, a leaf blew
by Sammy's ear.
"Meee-ooow," he screeched, jumping under a bush.
"Sammy, you are a chicken," said Mark, as he reached under the bush and tugged on Sammy's
Mark scratched his arm on the bush's branches. Finally, Sammy came out and followed Mark. As
they passed Mr. Sommerville's yard, a butterfly landed on Sammy's nose.
"Meee-ooow," he screeched, running under a porch.
"Sammy, it was a butterfly," said Mark.
Mark slid under the porch and tugged on Sammy's collar. Sammy came out from under the porch
and followed Mark.
Mark passed the ice cream store and went into the pet store. Sammy watched Mark count out his
money and buy a leash. Mark put the leash on Sammy's collar.
Mark tugged on the leash. Sammy followed behind him. Sammy felt safe with the leash hooked
onto his collar.
As they walked, a butterfly flew by, but Sammy didn't run under a porch. A leaf blew by, but
Sammy didn't run under a bush. He followed Mark all the way home.
When they got home, Mother said, "You were gone for a long time. Is everything okay?"
"Yes," answered Mark. "I bought some courage for Sammy."
adapted from "Courage for Samuel P. Cat" by Judith Miller
12. How did Sammy feel after he was put on the leash?
Write your response here:
Sequence of Events
You can become a Junior Ranger for Denali National Park. First, you have to get an application.
Then, you find the answers to questions about the park. You can get the answers from the park’s
Web site. Next, you must share what you have learned with someone else. After you have shared
your information, you must complete a project to protect your own community. You must sign a
pledge to take care of the environment. You have to get your parents’ signature to prove that you
have completed the work. Finally, you mail your application to the park. Soon, you will receive your
Junior Ranger badge.
13. Which words show sequence in the paragraph?
Write your response here:
Dictionaries and Glossaries
Soccer Terms
center circle a circular marking in the center of the field from which kickoffs are taken
corner kick a restart of the game where the ball is kicked from one of the four corners of the
draw a game that ends with both teams having the same number of goals
foul an unfair or invalid piece of play, against the rules
free kick a kick given to a player for a foul by the opposition; the player kicks the ball without any
opposing players within ten yards of him
goalkeeper/goalie the player in front of the goal who tries to stop the other team scoring
hand ball a foul, when a player touches the ball with his arm or hand
header the striking of the ball by a player with his head
hooligan a violent troublemaker
Laws of the Game the 17 main rules for football established by FIFA
penalty area a rectangular area in front of the goal, 44 yards wide by 18 yards deep
red card a small card, red in color, that the referee holds up to show that a player must leave the
game for very bad behavior
referee the chief official; he starts and stops play, makes all decisions about the rules, and acts
as timekeeper
striker a team's best forward who plays near the center of the field
winger a forward who plays to the side of the striker or strikers
yellow card a small card, yellow in color, that the referee holds up to warn a player for bad
adapted from http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/sports-football.htm
14. According to the glossary of terms, what happens during a free kick?
Write your response here:
Context Clues
I almost lost the check that my parents gave me to pay for the book sale.
Which sentence uses the same definition of the word check?
Write your response here:
Predictions and Inferences
The Man Who Ended Polio
Jonas Edward Salk (1914-1995) was an American scientist. He made the first vaccine that
prevented a crippling disease called polio. A vaccine is a special medicine that keeps people from
getting sick or harmed from a certain disease.
Salk was born in New York City. He became a doctor in 1939. Then, he began to study germs
that caused flu and polio. These germs are known as viruses.
Many scientists had studied what makes people immune, or protected, from catching diseases.
Salk learned from their work and used what he learned to make a polio vaccine. He had to weaken
the virus that caused polio but not destroy it completely. The weakened virus would not give people
the disease. Instead, it would help people's immune systems learn to fight the polio virus. Their
immune systems would make materials called antibodies to fight the disease.
In 1953, Salk tried out the vaccine on himself, his wife, and his three sons. It was safe and
seemed to work. In 1954, the vaccine was tested on nearly 2 million children. It was a success.
People were excited that they would not have to suffer the effects of polio anymore. Salk received
many honors. He would not take any money awards. He went right back to work to improve his
Salk spent much of life teaching. In 1963, an institute was started in his name in California. He
continued working on his vaccine there.
adapted from http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/Article?id=ar831905&st=salk
16. Which sentence from the passage suggests that Jonas Salk was not concerned
about becoming rich?
Write your response here:
Drawing Conclusions
The human body can often seem like a mystery. Some parents may have a hard time answering
their kids' questions about how it works.
Teacher Jane Schoenberg and her husband, Steven, want to help. They created a set of songs
that explain bodily happenings. These include breathing, passing gas, and sneezing.
The book My Bodyworks comes with a 12-song CD. It also includes a short anatomy lesson that
teaches young kids about their bodies. It might even entertain parents along the way. "We're giving
them information that is correct and is engaging. We're also packaging it in music," Jane says.
adapted from http://www.npr.org
17. Which sentence from the story best shows that the Schoenbergs hope that
parents will use My Bodyworks with their children?
Write your response here:
Summarizing and Paraphrasing
Marvin loved his dog Sarah, and he loved to feed Sarah doggie treats. One day, Marvin fed
Sarah human treats, like hot dogs and chewy candies. Sarah's stomach grumbled. Sarah felt
very sick from all of those extra human treats. She did not want to play, which worried Marvin
very much.
"Mom!" Marvin called. "Sarah is sick! What do we do?"
"We will take Sarah to Dr. Woods, the veterinarian," Mom said. "Load Sarah in the car."
Marvin worried about Sarah the whole way to the vet. He petted her stomach hoping it
would make her feel better. When they got to the vet's office, Dr. Woods gave Sarah some
medicine. It helped her feel much better. She was ready to play! Marvin promised his mom he
would not feed Sarah human treats again.
Which of the following best summarizes the story?
Write your response here:
Text Connections
Annie and the Bike Race
During a trial bike race with her friend, Mike, Annie is left in the dust and becomes discouraged.
As she's resting, she thinks about the story of "The Tortoise and the Hare." Annie hops back on her
bike and beats Mike, who has been wasting his time along the bike trail.
The Tortoise and the Hare
When a determined tortoise challenges a boastful hare to a race, the hare is sure he will win. As
the race begins, the hare is so confident that he takes his time. In fact, he naps along the way. The
tortoise plods along, slow and steady, and beats the hare to the finish line.
adapted from "The Tortoise and the Hare" by Aesop
19. What theme do both of these stories have in common?
Write your response here:
Decoding Words
A Safe Biking Trip
It was going to be a good day for Jimmy. His new friend Ted was spending the day
with him. The boys were going to ride their bikes on the new bike trail. Jimmy checked
his clothing to make sure nothing could get caught in the bike. He was careful to follow
the bike safety rules that he had read in a magazine.
"Mom," he called, "can we take a picnic lunch?"
"Why, yes," his mom replied. "You can take peanut butter sandwiches and some
cans of juice." Jimmy started making the sandwiches. He put the sandwiches and juice
in his backpack, and looked out the window just as Ted arrived.
"Hi, Ted." Jimmy yelled. "I made some sandwiches. We can have a picnic."
"Great," answered Ted. "My mom gave me some cookies." Then Jimmy discovered
that Ted was not wearing a helmet.
"Where's your helmet?" he asked
"Uh, I forgot it." Ted answered. "I guess I was in too big a hurry."
"Well, my parents won't let me ride without one." Jimmy explained. "They say that
most biking injuries happen when people don't wear helmets."
"Okay, I suppose we can go back and get it." Ted said.
Jimmy's mom waved at the boys as they left. "Have fun," she called. "And don't
forget to look for rocks and other things on the path that might make you fall."
The boys walked their bikes to Ted's house and got his helmet. Then both boys put
their helmets on and took off on the new bike path. They rode single file along the
path, going around the walkers on the left. By the time they got to the park, the boys
were thirsty and hungry. Jimmy gave a ranger his prepaid park ticket, and the boys
rode to the picnic site. After they ate their sandwiches and drank their juice they took a
walk along the nature trail. Soon it was time to go home.
"You know, I'm glad you reminded me about my helmet," Ted told Jimmy. "It sure
wouldn't be much fun to have an accident. That would make me very unhappy.
"I can't disagree with that," said Jimmy. "I've read some other rules about biking,
too. Did you know that bikers follow the same rules that motorists do? They are
supposed to ride on the right side of the road, and stop at all stop signs and traffic
lights. At busy intersections, bikers are supposed to get off their bikes and walk them."
"You sure know a lot about biking safety," his friend said. From now on I'll always
remember to bring my helmet."
It's fun biking when you follow the safety rules and have a safe trip.
20. Jimmy gave the ranger his prepaid ticket. What does prepaid mean?
Write your response here:
Cause and Effect
The Heat Index
Have you noticed that you feel hotter on humid days than on drier days that have the same
temperature? This is because not as much water leaves your skin on humid days. The air on these
days is already wet or moist. The evaporation of perspiration is one way your body keeps cool. You
feel hotter because less perspiration evaporates. The air does not need more moisture.
The heat index takes into account the given air temperature and the relative humidity. It is a
measure of how hot the air feels to your body. The apparent temperature to your body can be higher
or lower than the air temperature. For example, if the temperature is 90°F and the relative humidity is
only 20%, your body will feel like it is only 87°F. However, if the temperature is 90°F and the relative
humidity is 80%, then the heat index is 113°F.
The heat index can have an effect on your body. High heat indexes can cause fatigue, heat
exhaustion, and even death from heatstroke. Be careful when you exercise on humid days.
However, wind, even on humid days, helps perspiration evaporate. This can help lower the heat
from SRA Real Science
21. Which weather factor may cause heat exhaustion?
Write your response here:
Problem and Solution
"Carrie? I think we are lost," Tyler called. "Maybe we should stop here for a second."
"I know where we are," Carrie argued. "We just need to follow this trail back east a little, and then
we will be at camp."
"This trail goes north and south, not east and west," Tyler said, looking at his compass. He
opened up his backpack to check his supplies. Between him and Carrie, they only had enough food
and water for one day. And it was starting to get dark outside.
"We just need to keep moving," Carrie said. "We will run into someone eventually."
"I don't think so," Tyler argued. "We need to stop here for a second. Hand me the map. I might be
able to get us back on track. Otherwise, we might end up farther from camp. We don't have the
supplies for that."
"Fine," Carried grumbled. She handed her pack to Tyler, who pulled out the map. After a couple
of minutes, Tyler shouted, "Aha!"
"What?" Carried asked.
Tyler grinned and handed Carrie her pack. "We are fifteen minutes from camp. This trail meets
another a little north of here. That trail will take us to the camp. Come on!"
Tyler and Carrie walked north on the trail. After about five minutes, they met another trail and
took a right. Within ten minutes, they were back at their campsite, to the delight of their group.
"It was all Tyler," said Carrie. "If he didn't know how to read a map, we never would have made it
back." Tyler just smiled and started cooking his dinner.
22. What is Tyler and Carrie's main problem in this story?
Write your response here:
Jerry was a gray and white cat. He was fed twice a day and liked to do pleasant things. The thing
he liked most was chasing his tail. He came close to catching it, but it was always just out of reach.
One day, a kitten named Molly came to live at Jerry’s home. Molly was friendly. She enjoyed
watching Jerry chase his tail.
“You’ll never catch it,” said Molly. Her words made Jerry really want to catch it. One morning,
Jerry caught it! He decided he would never let it go.
Molly laughed and went to lick Jerry’s ears. It tickled. He wanted her to stop, but he couldn’t
speak. He had to put up with it.
Then, the cats heard food being poured. Molly ran to her bowl. Jerry tried to run but kept falling
“You can’t eat with your tail in your mouth,” said Molly. “I will eat your food.”
“No!” said Jerry. His tail popped out of his mouth. He ate his food quickly.
After that, Jerry still liked to chase his tail. If he did catch it, he held it for a second. Then he set it
free so that he could chase it again.
23. What is the setting of this story?
Write your response here:
Follow Directions
How to Straighten a Crooked Picture
The easiest way to make sure that a picture is hung straight is to place a carpenter's
level on top of the frame. Here's how to do it without the aid of a level.
1. Use a tape measure to measure the distance between both bottom corners of
the picture frame and the floor.
2. Adjust the frame until the corners are equal distance from the floor. For
example, if one corner measures 37 inches above the floor and the other corner
is 37 1/4 inches above the floor, adjust the frame until both corners are 37 1/8
inches from the floor.
3. Use a pencil to lightly mark where the frame corners should be. Make sure the
marks are not visible at eye level.
4. Use these pencil lines for guidance in the future when you need to restraighten
the frame.
24. Which step tells you to mark the wall with a pencil?
Write your response here:
Main Idea and Supporting Details
A 13-year-old surfing star was attacked by a shark. It happened just off Kauai’s North Shore.
There was no sign of danger as Bethany Hamilton was lying on her surfboard in clear water. Her
best friend and her friend’s father were nearby. The shark bit just once and then disappeared. It took
Bethany’s left arm just below the shoulder.
Bethany remained in stable condition after the attack. Dr. David Rovinsky at Wilcox Memorial
Hospital cared for her at the hospital. He said her top condition as an athlete helped her survive the
attack. "This is a woman who is a highly trained athlete,” Rovinsky said.
The shark had not only taken off most of Bethany’s left arm, but her surfboard as well. The chunk
taken out of her surfboard measures about 16 inches across and 8 inches deep. The measurements
mean the shark was about twelve to fifteen feet long. A spokesman for the state Shark Task Force
thinks that it may have been a tiger shark. Great White sharks are another type of shark that lives in
the ocean.
adapted from "Teen Surfer Attacked by Shark” by Renee Eng
25. Which sentence is not related to the main idea of the last paragraph?
Write your response here:
Courage for Sammy
by Judith Miller
"I'm going downtown to buy an ice cream cone," Mark called to his mother. He lifted his cat,
Sammy, and took him outside.
Sammy wasn't used to being outside. Everything scared him. He sat down on the driveway and
wouldn't move.
"Sammy, come on," said Mark. "It's a nice day. I have just enough money for an ice cream cone."
Mark tugged on Sammy's collar. He didn't move. Mark started calling to Sammy. Sammy finally
got up and followed Mark down the sidewalk. As they passed by Mrs. Middleton's house, a leaf blew
by Sammy's ear.
"Meee-ooow," he screeched, jumping under a bush.
"Sammy, you are a chicken," said Mark, as he reached under the bush and tugged on Sammy's
Mark scratched his arm on the bush's branches. Finally, Sammy came out and followed Mark. As
they passed Mr. Sommerville's yard, a butterfly landed on Sammy's nose.
"Meee-ooow," he screeched, running under a porch.
"Sammy, it was a butterfly," said Mark.
Mark slid under the porch and tugged on Sammy's collar. Sammy came out from under the porch
and followed Mark.
Mark passed the ice cream store and went into the pet store. Sammy watched Mark count out his
money and buy a leash. Mark put the leash on Sammy's collar.
Mark tugged on the leash. Sammy followed behind him. Sammy felt safe with the leash hooked
onto his collar.
As they walked, a butterfly flew by, but Sammy didn't run under a porch. A leaf blew by, but
Sammy didn't run under a bush. He followed Mark all the way home.
When they got home, Mother said, "You were gone for a long time. Is everything okay?"
"Yes," answered Mark. "I bought some courage for Sammy."
adapted from "Courage for Samuel P. Cat" by Judith Miller
26. How did Sammy feel at the beginning of the story?
Write your response here:
Sequence of Events
You can become a Junior Ranger for Denali National Park. First, you have to get an application.
Then, you find the answers to questions about the park. You can get the answers from the park’s
Web site. Next, you must share what you have learned with someone else. After you have shared
your information, you must complete a project to protect your own community. You must sign a
pledge to take care of the environment. You have to get your parents’ signature to prove that you
have completed the work. Finally, you mail your application to the park. Soon, you will receive your
Junior Ranger badge.
27. When must the reader do a project to help the environment?
Write your response here:
Dictionaries and Glossaries
Soccer Terms
center circle a circular marking in the center of the field from which kickoffs are taken
corner kick a restart of the game where the ball is kicked from one of the four corners of the
draw a game that ends with both teams having the same number of goals
foul an unfair or invalid piece of play, against the rules
free kick a kick given to a player for a foul by the opposition; the player kicks the ball without any
opposing players within ten yards of him
goalkeeper/goalie the player in front of the goal who tries to stop the other team scoring
hand ball a foul, when a player touches the ball with his arm or hand
header the striking of the ball by a player with his head
hooligan a violent troublemaker
Laws of the Game the 17 main rules for football established by FIFA
penalty area a rectangular area in front of the goal, 44 yards wide by 18 yards deep
red card a small card, red in color, that the referee holds up to show that a player must leave the
game for very bad behavior
referee the chief official; he starts and stops play, makes all decisions about the rules, and acts
as timekeeper
striker a team's best forward who plays near the center of the field
winger a forward who plays to the side of the striker or strikers
yellow card a small card, yellow in color, that the referee holds up to warn a player for bad
adapted from http://www.englishclub.com/vocabulary/sports-football.htm
28. According to the glossary, what term does a referee use to warn a player for "bad
Write your response here:
Context Clues
Derrick was so tall, he had to duck or else he would hit his head on the door frame.
What is the meaning of the word duck in the sentence above?
Write your response here:
Predictions and Inferences
The Man Who Ended Polio
Jonas Edward Salk (1914-1995) was an American scientist. He made the first vaccine that
prevented a crippling disease called polio. A vaccine is a special medicine that keeps people from
getting sick or harmed from a certain disease.
Salk was born in New York City. He became a doctor in 1939. Then, he began to study germs
that caused flu and polio. These germs are known as viruses.
Many scientists had studied what makes people immune, or protected, from catching diseases.
Salk learned from their work and used what he learned to make a polio vaccine. He had to weaken
the virus that caused polio but not destroy it completely. The weakened virus would not give people
the disease. Instead, it would help people's immune systems learn to fight the polio virus. Their
immune systems would make materials called antibodies to fight the disease.
In 1953, Salk tried out the vaccine on himself, his wife, and his three sons. It was safe and
seemed to work. In 1954, the vaccine was tested on nearly 2 million children. It was a success.
People were excited that they would not have to suffer the effects of polio anymore. Salk received
many honors. He would not take any money awards. He went right back to work to improve his
Salk spent much of life teaching. In 1963, an institute was started in his name in California. He
continued working on his vaccine there.
adapted from http://www.worldbookonline.com/kids/Article?id=ar831905&st=salk
30. Which of the following statements about Salk is best supported in this selection?
Write your response here:
1. empty.
2. "In 1953, Salk tried out the vaccine on himself, his wife, and his three sons."
3. believe music helps kids learn.
4. . . . when the screen suddenly went black.
5. They are both so over-confident that they end up losing the race.
6. spend
7. Only a little perspiration evaporates from your skin.
8. He read the map to find out how to get back.
9. comfortable
10. use the pencil lines for guidance
11. Bethany handled the huge blood loss better than most people would.
12. secure
13. first, next, after, finally
14. A player kicks the ball without any opposing players within ten yards of him.
15. My dad looked sad when he wrote a check to pay the electric bill.
16. "He would not take any money awards."
17. "It might even entertain parents along the way."
18. Marvin fed his dog Sarah human treats. Sarah got sick, so Marvin and his mom took her
to the vet. The vet gave Sarah some medicine, and Marvin promised he would not give
Sarah human treats again.
19. Slow and steady wins the race.
20. already paid
21. high heat index
22. They do not know how to get back to camp.
23. Jerry's house
24. step 3
25. Great White sharks are another type of shark that lives in the ocean.
26. scared
27. after sharing information with someone
28. yellow card
29. to get out of the way
30. He never felt his vaccine was perfect and complete.
1. Fran did not hear any sounds on the other side of the door. If a room is silent, most
people would think it is empty. People inside a room would probably make noise. Fran
went to the next room because she thought that there was no one in the first room.
2. The passage says that Salk tried out the vaccine on his own family. He must have
known it was safe because he would not have put his family in danger. He already knew
it was safe and also wanted his family protected from polio. Notice that the passage
does not state this directly. It is something the reader must infer.
3. The Schoenbergs would not create a set of songs that teaches students about their
bodies if they thought that music did not help kids learn. They could have created a
book without the CD. Instead, they chose to use music.
4. When you summarize a story, you retell it in shorter form. A summary tells the
important ideas of the story, but it does not give all of the details. The most important
idea is that Francie was playing on the computer when the screen went black. The line ".
. . when the screen suddenly went black" shows an important event in the story.
5. The hare is so confident that he naps along the way and loses the race to the tortoise.
Mike is also very confident that he will win, and wastes so much time that he loses to
6. The root word of "spending" is "spend." The -ing ending changes the tense of the verb.
7. This passage tells us why we feel hotter on humid days than on drier days. Not much
perspiration evaporates from our skin on humid days. Little perspiration evaporates
and our body can't get cool.
8. In this story, Carrie wants to keep moving until they find their way back to camp. Tyler
decides that this could take them even farther from camp. He looks and the map and
finds out where they are and where they need to go. Because Tyler could read the map,
he and Carrie were able to find their way back to camp.
9. The setting tells when and where a story takes place. The author describes the setting
with comfortable images. Jerry smells flowers, eats twice a day, and chases butterflies.
These images are not dangerous, scary, or windy.
10. The last step of the directions says to "use these pencil lines for guidance in the future
when you need to restraighten the frame."
11. The second paragraph focuses on Bethany's recovery from the shark attack. All the
sentences should give a detail about the main idea. The best sentence tells the reader
about how well Bethany recovered even though she lost a lot of blood.
12. The passage says, "Sammy felt safe with the leash hooked onto his collar." "Secure" is
another word for safe. Sammy felt secure on the leash.
13. Sequence is the order of events. The words "first," "after," "next," and "finally" show
the order of events.
14. If you go to the term "free kick," you'll notice that the definition states, "a kick given to
a player for a foul by the opposition; the player kicks the ball without any opposing
players within ten yards of him."
15. In the top sentence, the word check is a noun the means "a written order to a bank to
pay the amount specified from funds." A check will pay for the book sale. In the correct
sentence, a check is needed to pay the electric bill. The wrong answer choices use
different meanings of the word check.
16. The passage says that Salk would not take any money awards for his discovery. This
sentence shows the reader that Salk was not concerned about becoming rich. He made
the vaccine to help people. Notice that the passage does not state this directly. It is
something the reader must infer.
17. The Schoenbergs think that My Bodyworks might entertain parents as well as children.
This statement can lead you to conclude that they hope that parents will use the
materials with their children. After all, they would not care if parents were entertained if
they did not want them to use it with the children.
18. When you summarize a story, you retell it in shorter form. A summary tells the
important ideas of the story, but it does not give all of the details. A good summary
includes the major ideas: why Sarah got sick, how she got better, and that Marvin
promised not to give Sarah human treats again.
19. Both stories teach that being steady and determined is often the way to reach your
goal. Another way to say that is "Slow and steady wins the race."
20. The prefix "pre-" means before, or earlier than. The root word "paid" means a payment
has been made. Together the prefix and the root word mean already paid.
21. Fatigue, heat exhaustion, and death can all be caused by a high heat index. When the
heat index is high, our body doesn't cool properly.
22. In the very first sentence of the story, the author tells the reader there is a problem.
Tyler and Carrie are lost in the woods and do not know how to get back to their
campsite. Also, it is getting dark outside.
23. The setting tells when and where a story takes place. The first line of paragraph two
states, "One day, a fluffy white kitten came to live at Jerry's home."
24. Step 3 says, "Use a pencil to lightly mark where the frame corners should be. Make sure
the marks are not visible at eye level."
25. The main topic of the article is the shark attack on the surfer. The last paragraph tells
the reader that the shark was probably a tiger shark. The information about the Great
White shark has nothing to do with the topic of the shark attack.
26. The passage tells us that Sammy was scared of everything. He was not normally
outside, and so things outside made him nervous.
27. The paragraph says, "After you have shared your information, you must complete a
project to protect your own community." The keyword "after" shows the order of the
steps of the process. The reader should share the information and then complete the
28. If you look through the glossary for the term "yellow card," you'll notice that the
definition reads, "A small card, yellow in color, that the referee holds up to warn a
player for bad behavior."
29. Duck is a verb that means "to move downward to avoid something." Duck the noun is
an animal that quacks.
30. In the fourth and fifth paragraphs, the passage says that Salk continued working to
improve his vaccine. He worked on it even after it was considered a success. This shows
the reader that he never felt that his work was perfect or complete. He always felt there
was more work to do. Notice that the passage does not state this directly. It is
something the reader must infer.
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