IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction STANDARD TWO – COMMUNICATION AND COLLABORATION The induction program articulates with preliminary teacher preparation programs and P-12 organizations in order to facilitate the transition from teacher preparation to induction and build upon and provide opportunities for demonstration and application of the pedagogical knowledge and skills acquired in the preliminary credential program. The induction program collaborates regularly with partner school district personnel. These may include: human resource professionals for identification, eligibility, requirements for participation, and completion; educational services personnel regarding curricular and instructional priorities; and site administrators for site support of the candidate and the program. Collaboration between the induction program and administrators establishes a professional, educational community, ensuring structures that support the activities of induction and coordinating additional site/district professional development opportunities. Programs offer professional development for site administrators that emphasizes the importance of new teacher implementing effective steps to ameliorate or overcome challenging aspects of teachers’ work environments, and the foundations and processes of induction, in order to effectively transition the new teacher from induction to the role of professional educator. The Irvine Unified School District (IUSD) BTSA Induction Program is involved in collaborative partnerships, which support the development of teacher preparation candidates and Participating Teachers as they transition from the university to the classroom. The collaboration and communication serve to increase each partner’s knowledge of teacher preparation and that of high quality induction. The IUSD BTSA Induction program uses the Formative Assessment for California Teachers (FACT) as its formative assessment instrument. FACT, Module B, Initial Assessment of Teaching Practice, provides each Participating Teacher with the opportunity to acknowledge their pre-service experience, while recognizing the transition into a more complex role as the teacher of record. Using the Alignment Chart, each Participating Teacher and Support Provider understands the similarities and differences between the Teacher Performance Expectations and the Induction Standards. The use of FACT Modules A and C guides Participating Teachers to apply and demonstrate knowledge and skills acquired during their pre-service and induction experience in their classroom practice. The clear credential program, by design, is organized so that Participating Teachers are able to apply knowledge and skills gained in the preliminary teacher preparation program. Each Participating Teacher works with a trained Support Provider to develop an initial Individual Induction Plan that guides the professional development throughout Induction and is designed to build upon and provide opportunities for demonstration and application of the pedagogical knowledge and skills acquired in the preliminary credential program. Support Providers and Participating Teachers uses assessment information from the preliminary preparation program to plan their ongoing professional growth goals. Monthly meetings include opportunities for collaboration between general education BTSA Induction Plan 2009-2011 Page 1 3/9/2016 2:16 AM IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction induction and special education induction teachers, allowing for participating education specialist teachers to be part of the larger education community. The IUSD BTSA Induction Program receives advice from the Advisory Council, which is comprised of representatives from the Human Resources Department, Educational Services Department, Site Administrators, members of the certificated bargaining unit, Support Providers, Participating Teachers, and representatives from local Institutions for Higher Education (IHEs). All members on the BTSA Advisory Council are stakeholders who have knowledge of the Learning-to-Teach continuum. Coordination of professional development needs occurs as a result of the communication between the Program Leadership Team and District Coordinators within all District departments. Ongoing collaboration with the different departments provides professional development opportunities for Participating Teachers in areas such as: formal workshops and individualized support. These professional development opportunities are listed for the Participating Teacher on The IUSD BTSA Induction Program collaborates with the Human Resources department to determine candidate eligibility and provide the candidate with requirements for participation and completion. The candidate first meets with the credential analyst who to determines if the candidate is eligible to enter the IUSD BTSA Induction Program. Once eligibility is determined, the credential analyst fills out the Professional Teacher Induction Notification of Eligibility and Responsibility form, the candidate signs it, and then copies of this form are given to the candidate and sent to the BTSA office. The candidate then attends a BTSA Orientation and meets with a member of the BTSA Leadership Team where the requirements for participation and completion are explained. Collaboration between the IUSD Induction program and site administrators occurs through a variety of ways that include: site orientation meetings that are facilitated by the site administrator, site administrator participation on the Advisory Council, site administrator input with PT-SP matches, site administrator input in selection of support providers, and participation in new teacher orientation. Establishing and maintaining a culture of support within their school is a strong commitment of site administrators in IUSD. All site administrators who have induction participants at their school, sign the site administrator Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The MOU lists the roles and responsibilities of the site administrator when working with a Participating Teacher. Information is distributed to site administrators through newsletters, site meetings, BTSA updates at site administrator meetings, and email. Feedback is received from site administrators through the BTSA state survey and other district surveys. The IUSD BTSA Induction Program provides ongoing professional development for site administrators to prepare them to assume their responsibilities to support participating teachers and their support providers. Site administrator training on the Induction Standards is conducted by the BTSA Induction Leadership Team at principals’ meetings and other information is distributed through email on a regular basis. Site administrators receive more individualized support through yearly site visits that are conducted by the BTSA Induction Plan 2009-2011 Page 2 3/9/2016 2:16 AM IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction BTSA Leadership Team. Site administrator training includes, but not limited to the following: formative assessment (FACT), supporting teachers in challenging working conditions, confidentiality, and the overall role of the site administrator in supporting each component of the BTSA Induction Program. Key Ideas Program Design Articulation with Teacher Preparation Programs and P12 Organizations Opportunities for Application and Demonstration of Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills DOCUMENTATION Irvine Unified School District BTSA Advisory Council includes partners from California State University, Fullerton, Concordia University, and Chapman University. BTSA Coordinator regularly attends Orange County Teacher Preparation Induction Collaborative (OCTPIC) Support Providers and Participating Teacher’s collaborative approach to the completion of FACT (Module B) provides a smooth transition between teacher preparation and the induction program IHE Memorandum of Understanding OCTPIC agendas Teacher Preparation & Induction Alignment Chart (B-1.1) Alignment Chart Discussion Guide (B-1.2) The use of FACT Modules A-C guides Participating Teachers as they apply and demonstrate knowledge and skills learned during pre-service and induction in their classroom practice BTSA Induction Plan 2009-2011 Page 3 Module A: Conversation Guides (A-7) Module B: Informal Classroom Observations (B-3.1) and Post-Observation Reflection (B-4) Module C: Forms 1-8 Professional Collaboration Sessions- Next 3/9/2016 2:16 AM IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Steps Form Collaboration with Partner School District Personnel Collaboration between induction program and administrators Representatives from all district departments serve on the Advisory Council. Regular meetings are held to review current practice and discuss possible program needs between the BTSA Induction Program Director, the Director of Human Resources, and Credential Analysts. Coordination of professional development needs occurs as a result of the communication between the Program Director and all district departments. On-going collaboration with the Educational Services Department, Special Education Department, Human Resources Department, Assessment and Categorical Programs, and Student Services provide professional development opportunities for Participating Teachers, such as: o Formal workshops o Individualized support o Credential Completion Professional relationships between Participating Teachers, Support Providers, Induction Program Leadership, and Site Administrators are accomplished through: o Site Orientation meeting facilitated by administrator o Site Administrators participation on Advisory Council o Site Administrator input with PT-SP matches o Site Administrator input in selection of Support Providers o New Teacher Orientation Advisory Council Roster and Agendas Human Resources Staff and Admin. Agendas Leadership Team Agendas Professional Development Course Offerings Curriculum Coordinators’ Meeting Agendas Support Provider (Accountability) Logs Cohort (Advice and Assistance) Agendas Professional Teacher Induction Notification of Eligibility Form Site Administrator MOU Site Orientation Checklist A-5 Advisory Council Roster Emails Support Provider Application New Teacher Orientation Agenda Site administrator training on the Induction Standards is conducted by the BTSA Induction Program Leadership Team at BTSA Induction Plan 2009-2011 Page 4 3/9/2016 2:16 AM IRVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Standards of Quality and Effectiveness for Professional Teacher Induction Professional Development for site administrators K-12 Principals’ meetings. Training includes, but not limited to: o Formative assessment o Working conditions for new teachers o Additional support that may be required for teachers in difficult working conditions o Support the implementation of the IIP o Confidentiality o Role of the site administrator in supporting each component of the program BTSA Induction Plan 2009-2011 Page 5 Roles and Responsibilities of K-12 Organizations Training/Meeting Agendas BTSA Administrator emails Information provided at principals’ meetings 3/9/2016 2:16 AM