Professional Resume Name: Hassouna Moussa, MA, Ph D HOME ADDRESS: 1, Alline Street, Wolfville, N.S., B4P 1J5, Canada TELEPHONE: 1 902 542 7886 WORK ADDRESS: Department of Economics Acadia University, Wolfville, N.S., B4P 2R6, Canada TELEPHONE: 1 902 585 1511 Education: Degree Field Institution Year PhD Economics University of Minnesota 1978 MA Mathematics University of Minnesota 1974 Economics University of Tunis 1969 Licence Experience 2011-2014 Professor, Acadia University, NS, Canada 2008-2010 Chairman, Department of economics, Professor Acadia University, NS, Canada 2006-2007 Chairman, Department of economics, Professor Acadia University, NS, Canada 1991 - 2006 Professor, Acadia University, NS, Canada 1985 - 1991 Associate Professor, Acadia University, NS, Canada 1982 - 1985 Assistant Professor, Acadia University, NS, Canada 1980 - 1982 Assistant Professor, Concordia University, Quebec, Canada 1978 - 1980 Professeur Université Nationale du Congo Teaching Activity Courses Taught Economic Development, Intermediate Macroeconomics, International Finance, Advanced and Graduate Macroeconomics, Mathematical Economics, Labour Economics, Manpower and Employment, Econometrics Hassouna Moussa Page 2 Teaching Aids Intermediate Macroeconomics 12 chapters of lecture notes Computer assisted Outlines for all chapters Labour Economics and Manpower and Employment 18 chapters of lecture notes Computer assisted Outlines for all chapters Introductory Economics: 12 chapters of lecture notes (about 220 pages) Computer assisted Outlines for all chapters Advanced Macroeconomics: 6 chapters of lecture notes (about 120 pages) Computer assisted Outlines for all chapters International Finance: 2 chapters of lecture notes (about 120 pages) Computer assisted Outlines for all chapters Mathematical Economics 8 chapters of lecture notes (about 150 pages) Computer assisted Outlines for some chapters Honours Thesis Supervision: Aysigul Dincel, “ Turkey and the European union”, 2006 Olawaiye, Oladoyin. “Water resources and economic development”. 2006 Liu Yi, “ Economic Reform and economic Development in China”, 2005 Lee Ming How: 1997 "Interest Rate Parity between Canada and the United States: An Empirical Analysis" Acadia University Kwan Wai Ho 1988: The Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment in Canada, Acadia University Internal Thesis Reader: A Gudmundur, Honours Thesis Ibnu Widyanto, 1994, Master Degree Thesis. Hassouna Moussa Page 3 Choi, Hung Kwok, 1984, Master Degree Thesis. Master Thesis Supervision and Advising: Jerret Steve. 1995 "Social Security and Work Incentives", (with P. Hobson) Acadia University Soeterman Tyas: 1995 «Economic Development and Economic Policy in Indonesia", Acadia University Fang B.: 1992. "Inflation and Monetary and Fiscal policies in China ", Acadia University Hasan A.: 1988 "Female Labor Supply in Nova Scotia and Ontario: A Comparative Study", Acadia University Chu Raymond: 1988 "Short Term Capital Flows in Canada and the Portfolio Adjustment Theory". Acadia University, Ilogu Pius: 1988 "The Current International Payment System and the determination of Optimal Exchange Rate Policies, The case of Nigeria", Acadia University, Sikwila Michael: 1985 "The Monetary Theory Approach to the Balance of Payments: The Case of Kenya and Zaire" Acadia University. Talamaku Fuemina Wa Mawanzo: 1980 "La Fonction de Coût Transcendantale Logarithmique et la Compagnie Sucrière de Kwila Ngongo, 1964-1978". Université du Zaïre. Scholarly Activity Current Research Interests Financial Structure and Economic Development Current Research Papers Asset prices and interest rates Quantitative easing, corrupt financial systems, and inflation Hassouna Moussa Page 4 Papers Published Refereed Publications “The uncertain journey towards inflation targeting in Tunisia” with Mongi Boughzala, in Inflation Targeting in MENA Countries” David Cobham and Mongi Boughzala, Editors, Palgrave Macmillan, 2012, “Inflation targeting and financial fragility in Tunisia”, with Adel Boughrara, Mongi Boughzala, in “Monetary Policy and Central Banking in the Middle East and North Africa”, Edited by David Cobham, Ghassan Dibeh, Routledge, 2009 “Inflation conrol and banking system: The case of Tunisia” Journal of Economic Asymmetries, Volume 5, No 2, 2008 “Trade Imbalance and Capital Flows”, with Tadashi Inoue, in Global Business & Economics Anthology, Volume I, December 2007, pp 67 -89 "Politique Optimale de Change pour la Tunisie", Actualité Économique, March 2001, 71-1, “Economic Policy and Economic Development in Tunisia" in J. Y. Lin, Ed., "Contemporary Economic Issues, 1", London, St. Martin's Press, 1998, p. 75-95. "The Case against Day-Care, and Most Other Subsidies" Policy Options, 12(5) June 1991, pp. 910. "The Response of Interest and Exchange Rates to Money Supply Announcements" (with A. Hasan) Canadian Journal of Economics, 24(1), February 1991. pp. 161-174. "Natural Monopoly and the Invisible Hand" (with J. E. Davies), The Economic Studies Quarterly, 39(2), June 1988, pp. 118-131. ‘Tobin’s Q, the Demand for Investment and the Corporate Profit Taxation Policy in Canada (1950-1983)’, Recherches Économiques de Louvain, 53(1), March 1987, pp. 27-50 "Monetary Policy, Devaluation and Capital Accumulation in an Open Developing Economy with Fixed Exchange Rates", Journal of International Economic Integration, 1(2), autumn, 1986, pp. 232-256 "An Alternative Solution to the Moral Hazard Problem and Some Sufficient Conditions for its Absence" Recherches Économiques de Louvain, 51(2), June 1985, pp. 181-194 "Social Value of Public Information Re-examined," (with T. Murota) Journal of Economic Behaviour and Organization, 6(3), 1985, pp. 249-274. Non refereed Journals and books "Economic Development and Financial Structure in Japan" with J. Obata, University of Tsukuba, Japan, ACEA proceedings, 2002. Hassouna Moussa Page 5 “Higher Education and the Role of Universities”, Tsukuba University Economic Review, 2000, 44 p.1-24, “Un modèle macro-économique pour la Tunisie.” Institut d'Économie Quantitative, Tunis Tunisie, 1996. "Étude sur la Politique Monétaire en Tunisie", a monograph, Institut d'Économie Quantitative, Tunis, Tunisie, 1994 "Real Wages, Employment and Inventories in a Dynamic Theory of the Firm with Adjustment Costs" Keisai-Shirin Economic Review, 57(1), 1989, pp. 293-328. Papers Completed and Delivered At Various Conferences. Optimal Exchange Rate Policy for Tunisia, Meeting of Societé Canadienne de Sciences Économiques, Quebec City 1998, Endogenous Fluctuations and the role of Monetary Policy, Atlantic Canada Economic Association Meeting, 1997, Sackville NB Economic Policy and Economic development in Tunisia, International Economic Association Meetings, Tunis, Tunisia, 1995 Money Supply Announcements in an Open Economy» (with Fred Chipman), Canadian Economic Association meetings 1992 "Employment and Inventories: Is There a Speculative Effect of Real Wages on Employment". Far Eastern Econometric Society Meetings, 1989 "The Canadian Labour Market and the Labour Market Theories of Implicit Contracts and Incomplete Information" delivered at the European Econometric Society meetings, Copenhagen, "Investment Demand and Rational Expectations: Some Canadian Evidence". (with A. Hasan), April, Canadian Economic Association meetings, 1987 Discussion Papers: Financial Structure and Economic Development in Japan during the Meiji era, 2002 Economic development and Finance, 2000 Higher Education Policy and the Job Market, 1998 "Fiscal Policy and Government Budget Policy in Tunisia", 1992 "Intertemporal Substitution and Monetary Policy, Evidence from Canada", 1992 "Monetary Policy, Inflation and Growth in Tunisia", 1992" "The effects of Wages and Interest Rate Changes on Inventories and Employment" 1991 "The Labour Force Participation Rate and Imperfections in the Canadian Labour Market, 1989 "On the Canadian Job Strategy: A Critical Evaluation of the Job Training Program" 1988. Hassouna Moussa Page 6 "The Canadian Natural Rate of Unemployment and Canadian Employment Policy 1976-1988", 1988 "Real Wages, Employment, and Inventories in a Dynamic Theory of the Firm with Adjustment Costs", 1988 "Monetary Policy and Stability in a small open Economy with slowly adjusting prices" "On the Optimality of Monetary Equilibria with Inflation" Acadia University Economics Department Discussion Paper (1983) "Training Costs and Growth in Labour Surplus Economies", Acadia University Economics Department Discussion Paper (1983). "Le Mécanisme de Fixation des Prix à la Bourse de Tunis" (1980) "Fiat Money and Flexibility in General Equilibrium", (1980) "The Relationship between the Zaire Exchange Rate on the Black Markets of Zurich and Kinshasa", (1979) "A Test for the Adaptive Expectations Hypothesis Using the Permanent Income Hypothesis and Data from the US and Taiwan", (1977) "The Value of Money to an Individual in a Partial Equilibrium", (1976) "A Bayesian Approach to a 2-Person Game”, (1975) Participation in Meetings of Learned Societies: American Economic Association meeting 1999, 2000 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Canadian Economic Association Meetings, 1984-1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1998 Société Canadienne de Sciences Économiques, 1984, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993.1994, 1998, 2004 International Economic Association Meetings, Tunis 1995 Ministry of Planning Conference on Investment Incentives and the New Investment Code in Tunisia, December 1994 Ministry of Planning Conference on Foreign Trade in Tunisia, June 1994 American Economic Association Meetings, 1979 and earlier Eastern Economic Association Meetings, 1981, 1982 European Econometric Society Meetings, 1984, 1987 Far Eastern Econometric Society Meetings, 1989 Atlantic Economic Society, 1985, 1986 Atlantic Canada Economic Association, 1983-1995. 1997 In every one of the above meetings, I presented a paper and sometimes I acted as a discussant. JOURNAL REFEREEING AND PAPER DISCUSSION AT CONFERENCES: Hassouna Moussa Page 7 Referee for Eastern Economic Journal, Canadian Economic Journal, Actualité Économique Discussant for the Canadian Economic Association Meetings Membership in learned societies: American Economic Association, University Service Faculty of Arts Curriculum Committee: 2011-present Sabbatical Leave Committee, 2010-present Chairperson Department of Economic: June 2006- 2007, 2008-2010 Election Officer, Faculty of Arts, Acadia University 2002-2006 Chair of University Pension Committee, 1999-2000 Faculty of Arts Planning Committee 1999-2000 Member of University Nominating Committee 1998- 2001 Benefits Committee, 2007-2009 Internal Seminars Department of economics Acadia University 2002-2006 Lectures in Peace Studies 1989-1994, Coordinator Professor G. Fisher French Department Seminars L'Inflation et la Politique Monétaire au Canada 1984. La Politique de l'Emploi, l'Éducation et le Marché du travail au Japon. 1989. Other Services Honours Thesis Reader, 1998 Member of AUFA Committee on NSCUFA, 1995 Wrote Final Report Member of AUFA Constitution Review Committee, 1994 Chairman Faculty of Arts Computer Committees 1990-1995. 1996-1998 AUFA Treasurer 1992-1993 Panel Debate on the Forget Report on Unemployment Insurance: A member of the Panel Winter 1987 Co-organizer and Mediator of the Debate on the Free Trade Agreement Fall 1987 University Honours Thesis Committee 1987-1988. Hassouna Moussa Page 8 Dean of Arts Task Force on Exploring the Possibility of Teaching in French at Acadia, 19871988 Chairman Faculty of Arts Computer Committees, 1990-1995. 1996-1998 University Search Committee for Economics Department Head, 1985 Various Departmental Committees Organization of Internal Seminars 1984-1995