Microsoft Kinect – Visualising a 3D World Ryan Durrant - 23945583 University of Southampton Abstract In this paper I review the technology behind the Microsoft Kinect and look at current and possible future applications in order to evaluate the impact of the Kinect on the world of multimedia. I will compare the advantages and disadvantages the Kinect which allow it to be useful in these areas. I also propose an experiment to understand further the effectiveness of the Kinect in education, an area I believe it could be important and effective in improving the learning experience for pupils. Keywords: Kinect, Education, 3D, Computer Vision, Infra Red Camera, Microsoft, Robot Vision, Depth Imaging 1. Introduction When first released in November 2010, the Microsoft Kinect was a whirlwind success. Some ranked it as a technological revolution rivalling that of the personal computer and the internet [1]. Depth imaging was initially developed as a tool for gait analysis, facial recognition and skeletonisation in order to combat terrorism. Depth imaging was an expensive tool, the result of billions of pounds and many years of development [1], out of the reach of the common person. The Kinect package itself was rumoured to take between 5 and 10 years to develop [2]. However, when completed, it put top of the range technology in the hands of creative and intuitive civilians. There are already many applications being developed, beyond the initial release purpose of a peripheral for the XBOX 360. For instance, it has been researched in medicine for many possible uses. Doctors could, for example, control a computer without having to come into contact with un-sanitary keyboards [3]. In this paper, I will look at how the Kinect operates, the hardware required and briefly at the software. I will then provide a broad view of current applications and look at possible future applications, especially in education, in order to analyse how the Kinect is successfully affecting multimedia applications. 2. Related Work Zhang, Z. (2012) wrote about the impact of the Kinect in multimedia, focussing mainly on the different software attributes, such as skeletonisation and facial tracking, and suggests that the Kinect offers a huge range of applications throughout multimedia, in particular for more immersive video conferencing [30]. good indication of what is in front of the camera. This works as we know the speed of light to be, roughly, 300,000,000 metres per second, so we can calculate the distance by multiplying through by a half the time delay in seconds to get the distance in metres. The Kinect, however, uses a dense field of infra red (IR) points, which create a 3D map. The structured light technique can then turn this into depth data as it is calibrated to know where each point is on a flat surface a known distance away, it then calculates the displacement of each point from this and thus its distance. This is then stored in a 2D greyscale image with the colour value for each pixel relating to its 3rd dimensional value, the distance, as seen in figure 1. A pixel’s x and y co-ordinates within the image denote its position on the xy-plane. 3.2 Why use a depth camera? Depth cameras in general are very useful. While computers have been able to analyse still images and even video from standard cameras before, it is very difficult to get useful, real time data. This is because, with a picture as an array of coloured pixels, colour images do not give a great indication of what is going on in a 3D space as it is very difficult for a computer to establish where one item ends and another begins. Other limitations arise from the nature of colour (RBG) images, the camera records an array of pixels based on the exposure, the amount of light which passes through the lens. This can be drastically altered by the light level and source [1]. A picture of a human under sunlight, for example, would look very different to an identical pose under fluorescent tubing. Other factors, such as the exposure rate of the camera, can also result in completely different images. This makes it very difficult to generalise any software to get consistent results in different environments and situations. The depth camera, however, creates a depth image as an array of pixels relating exactly to the distance from the camera. This allows a computer to emulate one of the most important aspects of human sight: the ability to recognise individual objects in 3D space. This is because it is clear that if the distance on a pixel is suddenly much further away to those before it, we know we have reached the end of an object. As can be seen in figure 1, the RGB image on the right is difficult for a computer to understand and includes reflections and shadows from a light source which would make the image very hard to understand in its current form. This is ignored in the depth image, centre, though this shows up a shadow where the IR field, left, returns no data. 3. History Initially, this technology was produced by research established in particular to observe crowds with more success than normal Closed Circuit Television. CCTV relies heavily on humans to spot something really small and easily missed, making it unreliable. Depth cameras were developed by many pioneers in the fields of Computer Science and Mathematics before Microsoft did a lot of research, along with PrimeSense, to produce a civilian version for the XBOX console. It was hugely successful and became the fastest selling peripheral in history [1]. 3.1 Developing a new sensor Although the idea of a depth camera is nothing new in itself, the Kinect marks the first time this technology has been within the reach of civilians. The system used to power the Kinect is very cheap, but it is not by any means poor. Many of the previous depth cameras used Time-of-Flight (ToF) methods, which use short bursts of light and read the time it takes for the light to bounce back as well as the wavelength, giving a Figure 1 – IR image, Depth image and RGB image captured by Kinect There are two principle methods for creating a depth image: Passive depth imaging takes multiple 2D images and tries to compute the distance of pixels and objects, often through the use of computationally exhaustive correspondence algorithms or optical flow. Active depth imaging employs additional physical sensors, such as an IR field as seen in figure 1. The problems with correspondence can be avoided through active methods, such as structured-light and ToF, which do not require these complex algorithms to triangulate the depth of each part of an image. [13] 3.3 Design Motivation Initially developed to combat terrorism, how did this technology end up a peripheral in living rooms across the world? Hardly a new route, technology has evolved from military and government use to personal and business use for years. The internet was developed for the military as a way of communicating in the event of war. This path is also true for depth imaging and the Kinect. Microsoft initially had the vision of a controller-less gaming console, which allowed people to use natural gestures. They took this brief to PrimeSense, and the Kinect was developed. It initially allowed Microsoft to combat systems developed by Nintendo and Sony, which used different methods to capture motion but both still required controllers. The aim was to enable people who were perhaps daunted by learning to use the controller in order to play complex computer games, expanding their target market. [4] More recently, development has continued to utilise the Kinect in other fields. Medicine and robotics are two areas being researched currently [3,7,14,15]. Microsoft released an SDK, and OpenNI released a framework, meaning that developers could not only use the Kinect, but actually improve it for their needs. This third party development is pushing advancements which could apply the Kinect to aid many aspects of our lives. 4. Hardware The hardware offers a step forward from previous depth cameras which have been expensive and highly specialised. The Kinect costs very little to produce and can provide better results than much more expensive systems, and it does all of this in the living room of civilians. [3] An infrared projector projects the field of IR points as in figure 3. These are read by an IR camera and fed to the processor by a Complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) Active Pixel Sensor (APS). This type of APS contains an integrated circuit with an array of photo-detectors and is often used in camera phones and even some digital SLR cameras. It has the main advantage of being comparatively cheap and not requiring any special manufacturing techniques. These sensors are also immune to blooming, in which a strong light source results in nearby pixels having extra light. One disadvantage is the rolling shutter effect as it records one row at a time. These traits are perfect for the Kinect, as it allows the sensor to be robust in most lighting conditions as well as remaining cheap and efficient. The RGB camera is also controlled by this sensor which translates the light into electrical signals which are understood by the PS1080 chip. The cameras and the projector can be seen in figure 2 with the RGB camera and IR sensor close together in the middle, allowing the two images to be overlaid, and the projector off to the side. There are also 4 microphones in the body, which allow the Kinect to recognise different sound inputs and ignore background noise such as the television when connected to an Xbox. The upgrade from ToF to structured-light 3D mapping requires a boost in processing power, made possible by the PS1080 chip which converts the raw data from the IR camera, the RGB camera and the microphones into usable data. The Kinect can also rotate through 27˚ up or down thanks to a motor attached to the base. 5. Software Shane Kim, an executive at Microsoft, was quoted in 2009, after the initial announcement of the Kinect, as saying “To me, the magic is more software.” [4] With each pixel in the image received from the Kinect’s sensors possibly encoded with RBG, Depth and even sound information, the software has to manipulate a lot of information; 9.2 million 3D points per second compared to 6800 2D pts/sec for a laser range finder [14]. PrimeSense developed the PS1080 chip specifically to process this influx of data [3]. The information from the IR sensor provides red points from the field which will have slightly different positions and sizes depending on the distance of the point, as can been seen in figure 3. It then triangulates this with a virtual image, hardwired into the chip [5] which contains the expected positions at a known distance to create the depth image. It is worth noting that the shadow caused by each item, visible in figure 3, does not return any data to the Kinect, so the chip assigns the maximum depth value, of 2047, to each point within this space. This allows them to be ignored as insignificant background space. It then analyses the curves in real space to produce useable information and a 3D model. It can also use this depth image to create “visible audio” from the microphone array, enabling the computer (or Xbox) to understand where in space each sound is coming from. It can overlay the colour image to the depth image, as the two cameras are a known distance apart, to allow the user to see their actions affecting the outcome. This is desirable as it enables the Kinect to distinguish between players and sounds, enabling a more engaging interface for multiple users. However, it results in the vast amount of data mentioned above. In order to deal with this, the PS1080 chip in the Kinect analyses depth values from points, multiple points are often found within a single pixel [10]. Attempts are then made to interpret the data before sending it on. It can do things such as locate a human body, map its joints and body parts and estimate where, in all probability, your body parts will be in a few nano-seconds time [6]. This is done based on criteria for the human body, for instance it is unlikely your elbow will bend backward. It then gives already interpreted data to the connected device which enables it to use the data without having to process all of the raw data. One of the more impressive figures is the frame rate of 30Fps, allowing a real-time experience. Figure 3 –Magnified IR image captured with Kinect showing field of IR dots as seen by Kinect. The dots in the foreground are much bigger and closer together than those in the background. This allows the Kinect to calculate the distance at each point. The shadow caused by the object is also visible. Other methods exist to speed up this data analysis. A fast sampling plane filtering algorithm is proposed by Biswas and Veloso [14] to reduce the volume of the 3D pixel cloud by sampling points to produce an overview of the 3D map. This can be vital in systems with less computational power, such as small robotics. 6. Advantages and Limitations In this section I will analyse the advantages of the Kinect over other similar depth imaging technologies, as well as looking at its limitations. Figure 2 - Shows the RGB camera in the centre, the IR projector on the right and the IR sensor on the left in the Kinect [25] However, despite it being hailed as a revolution, the hardware is nothing massively new. It is, in fact, the software which is most innovative. 6.1 limitations There are a few limitations of the Kinect. It lacks the accuracy of some of its more expensive peers, though it is still robust and highly accurate, and even considered more accurate than many other 3D sensors by Forsythe and Green [3]. It also has a limited resolution, 640 x 480 pixels, though the RGB camera can run at the higher resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels but this will result in a lower frame-rate. It is also not hugely important for a large resolution depth camera as it will normally be used to follow large objects which can be defined at lower resolution with enough clarity to be understood. In this instance a higher resolution could be a step backward as it would slow down processing times. One of the main limitations is due to the structured light approach; it is difficult, though not impossible, to include more than one Kinect in a system as the array of IR dots will become entwined and will confuse the results. The use of IR may also be a problem in direct sunlight, which could limit its applications. 6.2 Comparison to other cameras There are other cameras available, and other methods for them to retrieve depth data. One such camera, the Point Grey Bumblebee XB3, uses passive methods through stereo imaging and triangulation. It has three cameras which each capture an image. These are plugged into triangulation software to provide a 3D image. It has a high resolution, 1280 x 960, and good depth range, 0.2 to 4.5 meters. However, the software is entirely hosted on the connected computer, which requires a powerful processor, and the increased frame size, along with computationally complex algorithms, reduces the frame rate to a maximum of 15 frames per second. It also requires parameter configuration in each environment, making it limited in its applications. Another camera, the Camcube, utilises an active time of flight (ToF) method. It is very expensive, a common trait with the Kinect’s competitors, lacks colour, and has a very limited resolution, just 200 x 200 pixels. However, perhaps the main limitation could be that depth data is noisy, and affected by lighting conditions to the degree it is only useable indoors under controlled lighting conditions. Comparatively, the Kinect has a reasonable frame size, 640 x 480 pixels. It also maintains a good depth range, 1.2 to 3.5 meters, as well as an incredible frame-rate at 30fps thanks to the complex software on the chip. It has a low impact on the computer, as it conveys depth data directly from the hardware. Also, vitally, it can be successful in a wide range of situations, increasing its usability. Pece et al. compared these three cameras [27] and concluded that the Camcube provided the most accurate depth data. They also claimed that ToF cameras will soon improve to include colour as well as quickly come down in price. However, due to the inflexibility of this camera, as well as the price differential, I would argue that the Kinect is still a better and more useable option. Figure 5 – The Kinect attached to wheelchair allowing the instructor to control the chair without confusing the student [17] 7. Applications Many applications of the Kinect have been researched and developed across many disciplines since its release as a gaming console peripheral. 7.1 Medicine Medicine is one area in which there are many possible applications of the Kinect. For example, the ability to operate a computer without coming in contact with any un-sterile interfaces, such as a mouse or keyboard, has obvious benefits to doctors who always need to reduce risk of infection. [3] The ability to recognise natural gestures allows for the use of a Kinect to monitor vulnerable patients, ensuring their comfort and safety in their own home as well as reducing the strain on health care professionals required in hospitals or old people’s homes. Current systems require a carer, or the use of a lifeline panic button worn around the neck. However, the second of these is not robust, as if the patient finds themselves in trouble; they may not be able to activate an alarm. The first is also not robust as contact is only temporary, it is also expensive and time consuming. One method was proposed, using the natural gestures understood by the Kinect, in collaboration with a data set containing gestures to watch out for. The Kinect could then notice if the patient is showing signs of distress, and communicate information on what the problem could be and how severe it is with a medical professional. They could then use the built in microphones to talk to the patient, and be able to monitor them. This method is as yet only concept, though its implications are vast and could be hugely beneficial. [3, 16] Figure 4 – The results collected for one subject by Chang et al. [17] The Kinect has also been explored as a tool to aid the rehabilitation of people with motor disabilities requiring regular exercise in order to improve their mobility. This was explored by Chang et al. [16] where two patients were asked to do their exercises with and without the aid of the Kinect. Through a simple animated game, which saw a whale reacting directly to the motions the patients made, their motivation and results were massively improved, as seen in figure 4. A similar application, though different approach, has been developed in which a Kinect is used to speed up teaching children to used motorised wheelchairs, as in figure 5, by minimising the distractions posed by the carer. If child makes a mistake they risk hurting themselves or others, which requires the carer to move his hand into the chair to take control, which can distract and confuse the child, this can be avoided using a Kinect to override the wheelchair based on the instructors commands. [17] 7.1.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of the Kinect The Kinect could be particularly useful in the medicinal world primarily because of what it enables people to. The price is particularly important when trying to rehabilitate children or young adults with motor difficulties as it could be purchased for the home to encourage continued exercise and increase motivation as well as keep medical costs for insurers, health services and hospitals down. The IR camera enables the Kinect to monitor patients in low light, or even no light, which could be hugely beneficial as night time is often when patients are most vulnerable. Other types of camera which rely on visible light such as CCTV and passive depth cameras could not do this. The use of microphones also enables another sense to be included which can provide vital information as well as a more personal and beneficial communicative connection between patients and medical professionals. One disadvantage of the Kinect is its static nature, which would make it difficult to monitor a patient across more than one room. This could be overcome with the use of personal robotics, as we will discuss in the next section, or multiple sensors. The Kinect also raises ethical issues as it captures personal information. 7.2 Robotics Another area that the Kinect is currently being developed is as a navigational aid for robotics. Nick Hawes (et al.) have developed a robot, named Dora the Explorer, which aims to improve its own knowledge about its surroundings [11,12]. This could lead to robots helping around the house, and could even be implemented into other systems such as looking after vulnerable patients as mentioned above. The need for a 3D sensor exists even for the simplest of tasks; before a robot can make a cup of tea it needs to calculate the position of the mug in front of it. Initially Dora was designed with 2 point grey lasers to produce an idea of its surroundings, but has since been updated with a Kinect, as in figure 6, showing how the Kinect can hold its own against more established technologies. Hawes claims that the Kinect is a “huge new technology” [28] for robotics due to its incredible cheapness and its effective data capturing. With the original system, items were only sensed at the level of the sensors. It was noted that tables were difficult, as they were not substantial enough at the height of the sensor to be recognised. The Kinect has improved this massively, allowing the robot to build a much “richer map” of the local environment [28]. However, it still has difficulties sensing things like towels, which are irregular and un-textured, and in particular glass which doesn’t register with IR. Applications such as this heavily rely on the ability to recognise objects around it. Figure 6 – Dora’s Sensor layout including two point grey sensors and a Kinect (left) [29] and more recently with just the one point grey sensor and a Kinect attached to a laptop. Methods enabling the Kinect to recognise objects in images are also being developed. There are many data-sets about, and one proposed by Janoch et al. utilises both the RGB and depth cameras to build up a database of images for various objects from different angles in attempt to enable category level object recognition [18]. This research can add further to the usefulness of the Kinect in robotics by giving a better understanding of the environment. It is also shown by Stowers et al. (2011) [13] that the depth camera and its feedback are robust enough under experimentation to be a valid controller for the flying altitudes if quadrotors, as in figure 7. The authors concluded that the Kinect was able to work effectively under changing conditions and that its “low cost, high frame rate and absolute depth accuracy over a useful range make it suitable for use on robotic platforms”. Figure 7 – The Kinect on a Quadrotor [14] 7.2.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Kinect The main advantage of the Kinect to robotics is the very low cost. Robotics is expensive, however to be plausible in everyday life, it is required to be affordable and robust. The Kinect excels here as it provides robust data at a low cost, as well as being small and sturdy meaning it can be integrated easily. It can also be used in a wide range of situations as it does not need to be calibrated in every new environment and can be used in almost any lighting. The Kinect, however, might be rendered useless by direct sunlight, as it uses IR. This could be a big dent to its effectiveness in robotics, though more information is needed on the subject. It also requires a minimum distance, 0.8 metres, to be able to calculate the depth, which maybe an issue for a robot who needs to get close to things. This can often be solved by placing the sensor at the back of the robot body, though this can result in blind spots. 7.3 Education One area in which I believe the Kinect could be influential, and deserves more research, is education. Considering Chang et al. found that the Kinect can increase motivation [16], I feel that it could revolutionise primary and secondary education, akin to the impact of interactive white boards (IWB). In particular, methods could be developed to enable teachers to teach while moving around the class, enabling children to get more involved through interactive games and even alert teachers when a student raises their hand. Development in this area has been pushed by Microsoft, who have many lesson plans available utilising the Xbox and the Kinect, though many of these are not specific, including games such as Kinect Sports and relying on teachers to make it educational and relevant. For example, the distance which a student throws a javelin can be used to teach decimals. Bowling could be used to help understand the base 10 system. Darts can be used to learn addition and subtraction. These can also enable competition in the classroom which can also improve student motivation. It is known, and has been shown many times including by Brekke and Hogstad [26] (2010), that the use of computers and technology can improve students’ motivation, satisfaction and results. We also know that students learn in different ways, and that the more senses used, the better they will retain information, and the stronger the neurological connections in the brain will be. These are both evident with the Kinect, which enables children to be physically active while interacting with technology. When tested in Houston Texas, as discussed by D. Enriquez-Vontoure in [21], it was found that the children were much more motivated and engaged in the lessons. Also, it was evident that students were better behaved, and developed better team-working skills. It was also found to be an effective reward and motivational tool to increase homework completion rates and in class activities. 100% of teachers in the sample saw these improvements, though only 66% would recommend it as a useful and relevant instructional tool. 66% is by no means poor, but why is this so low? Especially if the system enabled better engagement while combating bullying and improving behaviour [21]. One suggestion is that teachers were not sure how to use the resource, or how to relate it to lessons. Another is that new technology is not yet developed enough in this field. So why is this technology worth developing? Games have existed in education for years, so what makes the Kinect such a revolution? 7.3.1 Advantages and Disadvantages of Kinect The Kinect could be very beneficial in this area for many reasons. It is cheap, compared to an IWB which will set you back between £600 and £1600 a Kinect can be bought and plugged into a computer for less than £100. It is versatile, useful not just for student interaction, but also for teachers and even parents [21]. Teachers can use the natural gestures interface to interact with the computer without having to divert their attention from the class. However, arguably the main benefit of this technology is its accessibility. The accessibility of the Kinect means it can be used by anyone. Students who have disabilities, such as partial or even full blindness, can use the Kinect easily. Feedback based entirely on sound to headphones can enable the student to learn and interact where many other input methods, such as a keyboard or controller, would fall down [21]. Another aspect of the Kinect which lends itself to education is its ability to recognise faces. The use of Kinect and Avatar Kinect has enabled educators in the USA to help autistic children to learn how to interact socially, by allowing them to interact with themselves, as well as other people’s avatars in a safe and comforting environment. [21, 23] There are other aspects of the Kinect which one can see being beneficial: The multiple microphone array, for instance, could allow for a single player to be heard in a room full of children. The RGB camera has been used as a webcam to provide the opportunity for international conferences, allowing children to gain a global awareness [21]. The speed with which the Kinect can track people would be useful, and the ability to recognise people will ensure that scores are kept safe even if two players change quickly. The motorised base will also allow for players of different heights, which sound trivial, but would save a lot of effort and time. One disadvantage, however, is that students’ engagement will decrease over time when playing the same games, so the Kinect will require constant updating to stay interesting, though this is nothing new and is true for all tools in education. Teachers will also be required to plan lessons with it, and to be creative with it, and this can be daunting as well as incredibly time consuming. However, despite all these advantages, we still only have 66% of teachers in Houston schools who were chosen as a sample to test the Kinect recommending it as a useful tool. To understand why this is, I would propose an experiment into the effectiveness of the Kinect in education as follows: 7.3.2 Experiment I think the future of the Kinect as a tool in education lies, not in the ingenuity of teachers when applying games to learning, but with more specific and specialised applications. Games programmed with the sole purpose of teaching using the Kinect allow for much more interactive lessons with much more specific lesson objectives. For this reason, any experiment into the effectiveness of the Kinect must reflect different methods of teaching. So, I would propose that a pre-existing game or method is tested, along side two or three bespoke games programmed from scratch with varying levels of interactivity and utilising different aspects of the Kinect. It would then be important to test these fairly, alongside a control group, to see which, if any, has the best impact on learning. It would also be important for the testing to adhere to common practices, such as the experimental design model, so the results can be reliable. For this reason, a test schedule which includes two periods of contact as well as two periods without contact should be applied. This can provide information on how the tool actually impacts on the class as well as hopefully showing the impact over time. Theoretically with scores higher during the second noncontact period than the first if the tool is effective. To get fair results, I would suggest 4 games in the same subject area, in this case maths. The first should already be implemented, a good example being the use of Kinect Sports darts game, as seen in figure 8, to improve basic arithmetic skills. Figure 8 – Kinect Darts is being used to aid with teaching maths Secondly, a bespoke game which enables more teaching to be done directly through the game could be used. Again, I would suggest a game based on darts, but which utilised maths questions to tell students what to aim for, and awards a high score for getting the right answer. This would provide a sense of competition between students to get the answer right, and could be supplemented with time constraints or bonuses. This will allow a direct comparison between bespoke software and use of a pre-existing game. Thirdly, I would propose a less interactive game which will focus more on purely getting the right answer. A game which utilises the Kinect’s ability to follow two players at once could have two students side by side competing to answer the question on screen first from a selection of answers simply by moving their hands over it. The class could help by shouting out the answer and competition between two teams, say boys and girls, should provide ample motivation. In addition to this, players could have to swap after each question to improve team-working skills. Finally, I would use a more active game. A game in which students attempt to pop a virtual balloon containing the answer to a question asked on screen by jumping on the correct one, would allow students to be much more active. Penalties could be used for popping the wrong balloon, and scores can be kept to encourage competition. The testing method will also need to define what it is to be successful as well as what it is to be helpful. For the Kinect to be a helpful teaching tool, it would require the teacher to notice improvements in the class when teaching. This would be quantified through a questionnaire which collects information on the motivation, behaviour and teamwork of the children as well as other important aspects. In order to call the system successful, there would need to be some evidence of an improvement in the amount students are learning. This would require some form of assessment to be performed before, during and after the experiment. However, it was suggested by Cameron Evans, a Microsoft employee, that conventional examination methods such as multiple choice, might not directly show how successful the Kinect can be [21]. He even suggests a more interactive exam to complement the more interactive learning style. However, a short multiple choice test which must be short enough for the student to complete more than once could be used. These games use a wide range of techniques which the Kinect makes available and the relative successes of each can show us both if the Kinect can be a useful tool and hopefully which aspects are most beneficial. A student undergoing any form of teaching should improve over time, so there must be a randomly assigned control group which never gets contact with the system in order to provide a comparison. A further issue comes from the difference between understanding and knowledge, for example: is it important for a student to understand why 1 + 1 = 2 or just that it is? Clearly, understanding is vital in many situations but in others, such as how to drive where it is not required for the driver to understand why turning the wheel turns the car, just knowing that it does is enough. The tests should include questions which are easy for most students even before contact, plenty of examples of work which is covered during the contact as well as some which are not covered, but use skills which are taught. This will show both how well they retain knowledge, such as 1 + 1 = 2, but also how well they understand; for instance if they then know 102 + 1 = 103 even if it never comes up. The scores for each pupil can then be compared at each stage to see any improvements, and the overall scores can also be considered. These can be compared to the control group to see how much improvement is down to the Kinect. An extension could look into another subject area, and swap control groups such that the control group in one subject is the contact group in another, which will avoid them becoming demoralised which could skew the results. The results of the questionnaire and the results of the tests can provide qualitative and quantitative data with which to conclude the effectiveness of the Kinect in the setting. The Games For this experiment, I would test in a primary school, looking at young children, though the methods could equally be applied, through different games, to any level. Even in higher education as is mentioned by Barilovits and DePriest (2011) [24]. Collecting Results There should be a questionnaire for the teacher and tests for the pupils at each of the stages of the experiment. Initially, looking at the ability the pupils show and what the teacher’s initial opinions are, then at each stage we want to see how the scores and the teachers’ perceptions change until we get the final results. The questionnaire should focus mainly on how the pupils are motivated, how they behave, how they perform and how they interact with their peers. This information is important, as a method which is effective at teaching, but results in students misbehaving is not beneficial. Predictions I would expect the results to reinforce the success of the Kinect in other applications. Student results should be higher after the experiment and in particular during contact periods. Also, the teachers should find that children are more motivated and more [12] Nick Hawes, Matthew Klenk, Kate Lockwood, Graham S. interested in class as well as other areas of school including Horn, John D. Kelleher, Towards a Cognitive System that can homework. I would suggest that the more active methods would be Recognize Spatial Regions Based on Context, more fun to start and therefore could have the biggest impact as children like to be active. It is also known that physical exercise pdf, accessed 11/11/2012 strengthens neurological pathways when learning. [13] Stowers, J., Hayes, M., & Bainbridge-Smith, A. (2011, April). Altitude control of a quadrotor helicopter using depth map from 7.4 Other Applications Microsoft Kinect sensor. In Mechatronics (ICM), 2011 IEEE Other applications range from simple interactive experiences in International Conference on (pp. 358-362). IEEE, Istanbul, public buildings, such as banks or museums, to choosing what to Turkey, accessed 11/11/2012 wear in the morning [20]. [14] Biswas, J., & Veloso, M. (2012, May). Depth camera based indoor mobile robot localization and navigation. In Robotics 8. Future work and Automation (ICRA), 2012 IEEE International Conference on (pp. 1697-1702). IEEE. I would like to run the experiment proposed in this paper in order to assess the impact which the Kinect could have on education. I [15] R. Rexit. (2011, December 15). Visualiztaion of Posture (for Kinenct Pain Recognizer), accessed 12/11/2012 also feel that the Kinect could continually be developed in new areas as the interface it offers is so easy to use that the possibilities really are huge [16] Chang, Y. J., Chen, S. F., & Huang, J. D. (2011). A Kinect9. Conclusion based system for physical rehabilitation: A pilot study for young adults with motor disabilities. Research in developmental The Microsoft Kinect is a very impressive piece of technology disabilities, 32(6), 2566-2570. which enables a plethora of new uses. Interfaces controlled by natural gestures are a phenomenal advancement as it will allow [17] D.K. Zondervan and D.J. Reinkensmeyer, Kinect-Wheelchair Interface Controlled (KWIC) Robotic Trainer for Powered learning curves to be dramatically reduced. 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