Perfect answer

Analysis of Performance test.
1. Rules, regulations and terminology. Name all the exercises in the circuit. What
component parts of health and skill related fitness are being tested? What are the
advantages of circuit training.
Circuit is made up of six exercises. Press ups, Star jumps, Sit ups, Squat Thrusts, Sit
up with lateral twist, Burpees. The circuit could help agility, power and speed for
Sport Related Fitness, and Muscular Endurance, Muscular Strength and Stamina for
Health Related Fitness. This circuit is designed to work a wide variety of muscles. It
does not require expensive equipment. It can be done at home. A circuit can be
designed for your own needs and planned so that muscles can be worked in turn. This
circuit is predominantly aerobic as we can work for a long time, but on the third run
through, we are working anaerobically.
2. Observation and analysis. Describe the warm-up and the reasons for it. What
muscles are being used in each of the exercises? What is a cool-down and what is the
purpose of it? Why do we have a jog recovery after each exercise?
Warm up is to prevent injury, to prepare physically for the activity, and to prepare
mentally. There are 3 phases to the warm up, pulse raising (vascular), dynamic
stretching(to mobilise the joints) and static stretching to stretch muscles. Modern
research points to dynamic stretching being more beneficial before an activity with
static stretching best suited to the cool down. The muscles used in each exercise are
press ups (triceps, pectorals), sit ups (abdominals) star jumps (quadriceps), squat
thrusts, (quadriceps), sit ups with lateral twist,(external obliques, and burpees
(loads). The cool down is lower the pulse rate, prevent soreness after exertion and
reduce the build up of lactic acid.
3. Identifying strengths and weaknesses against the Perfect Model.
Understand the action of the Perfect Model
Press up
Hands facing front
Shoulder width apart
Body straight
Chin 10 cm from floor
Arms bend to 90
Sit ups
Feet on floor, knees bent
Fingers on temples
Eyes on ceiling
Sit up to create 90 angle between thigh and
Star jump
Crouch down, head up
Spring up, make star shape
Keep back straight
Land softly on toes
Evaluation of your partner against the Perfect
Model. Strengths and weaknesses. Ti ck or
Squat thrust
Hands facing front
Shoulder width apart
Keep low
Body straight
Knees to elbow, then fully extended
Sit up with lateral twist
As for sit up
When body is at the correct angle rotate body
with elbows back to demonstrate lateral
See Star Jump and Squat Thrust
4. Planning strategies to improve performance. Take one or two specific weaknesses.
How can he train to improve performance? Use the training principles from your PEP.
F- how often will he train
I-how hard will he train
T-what type of training will he do
T-how long will each session be.
Michael is having difficulties with the sit up. His feet lift up from the floor and his
hands come away from the temples. This is because he has insufficient strength in his
abdominal muscles to complete the exercise perfectly. To improve performance he
must follow the S PO RR IN principles. I did this in my PEP to improve the same
He must SPECIFICALLY focus on abdominal muscles, doing sit ups and leg raises or
working with a fit ball, ab-trainer or incline.
He will use the principle of PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD by doing steadily more
training each session.
He must consider REST AND RECOVERY when planning a training programme. If
he trains too hard he could be in danger of injury, illness (and obsession!)
We must also consider his INDIVIDUAL NEEDS when planning his programme. Is he
training for top level sport or simply to get a bit fitter.
He must also be aware of REVERSIBILITY will take place if he stops training for any
5. This section is your written PEP. You have done a lot of this in Year 10, but some
of you must tidy this up, and perhaps put a bit more into it.