Request for Proposal for Application Audit

Request for proposal for the implementation
of Core Banking Solution in Regional Rural
Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank
Reference No. 666/35/RRB-RFP/2009-10/16 dt. 02-03-2010
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
About this RFP
About Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank
About Andhra Bank
Profile of Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank (CGGB).
Profile of Rushikulya Gramya Bank
Objective and Scope of the Project.
Specific Goals and Scope of the Project.
Goals of the Project.
Scope of the Project
Implementation Scope for CBS
Branch-wise implementation Projections
Core Banking Solution Software requirements.
Finacle Universal Banking Solution.
Comprehensive Customer Information File:
CASA Accounts – Common:
Current Accounts
Savings Bank Accounts
Temporary Overdraft (TOD) in Current and Savings Accounts (CASA)
Term Deposits
Inland Bills.
Bank Guarantees.
Branch Side Operations – Cash module.
Branch side operations - Clearing module.
Branch side operations – Remittances module
General Requirements
Nominal Heads
Head Office Accounts
Audit Requirements
Service Tax
Management Information Systems
Application Software Features
Functional requirements
Hardware requirements.
Hardware & Operating System requirement
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Supply of Hardware
Backup – Recovery – Replication Requirements
Acceptance of Hardware
Additional Information
Core Banking Solutions – Hardware Sizing
Implementation and maintenance services.
Software implementation.
Hardware implementation.
Handholding support at branches.
Resources for Helpdesk.
Resources for ongoing support.
Warranty and Annual Technical Support for Finacle and RDBMS.
Warranty and Annual Maintenance Contract for Hardware.
List of Indicative Deliverables
Deliverables for the Solution
Systems Deliverables
Resources support:
Technical Bid – Organisation and formats.
Documents required as part of bidder’s profile:
Documents required as part of Technical Proposal.
Cost of Bid documents
Earnest Money Deposit.
Commercial Bid - Format for Bill of Materials
Application Software
Application Software Customization and implementation.
Hand holding support at Branches.
Hardware Requirements
Operating Systems:
Relational Database Management Systems
Work stations and other requirements at Data Center / DRC.
Annual Technical Support and Annual Maintenance Contract.
Resources for ongoing support.
Summary of Cost and Total Costs
Payment Terms.
Payment Schedule
Project Implementation Costs.
Project Life cycle Costs
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Procedure for Claiming Payments
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility of Bidders
Experience of the Bidder in implementing Core Banking Solutions
Evaluation Process
Objective of Evaluation Process
Technical Bid Evaluation Process
Scoring Methodology for Functional Requirements
Scoring Methodology for Technical and Solution Requirements
Scoring Methodology for Structured Walkthrough
Scoring Methodology for Past experience
Scoring Methodology for Vendor Presentations
Consolidated Score in Technical Bid Evaluation
Disqualification Parameters in Technical Bid Evaluation
Commercial Bid Evaluation
Bid Submission
General Terms of Bid Submission
Cost of Bid
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
Two Stage Bidding Process
Sealing and Marking of Bids
Commercial Bid
Bid Submission
Clarifications on the Tender Documents
Amendments to Tender Documents
Correction of Errors
Notification of Award
Signing of Contract
Other Terms and Conditions
Contact Details
Evaluation Schedule
Annexure - 1 Compliance Certificate
Annexure - 2 Bidder Profile
Annexure - 3 Confirmation of Soft Copy
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 4 Credentials – Core Banking Solutions implemented by
the Bidder.
Annexure - 5 Team Profile
Annexure - 6 Project Plan and Resource Deployment
Annexure - 7 Query Format
Annexure - 8 Non – Disclosure Agreement Format
Annexure - 9 Write up on Products and Services of Chaitanya
Godavari Grameena Bank.
Annexure - 10 Write up on Products and Services of Rushikulya
Gramya Bank.
Annexure - 11 Write up on.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
List of Tables
Table 2-1 CGGB Business Indicators ................................................................................................... 5
Table 2-2 CGGB Branch distribution.................................................................................................... 7
Table 2-3 CGGB Products and Services ............................................................................................... 7
Table 2-4 RGB Business Indicators ...................................................................................................... 9
Table 2-5 RGB Branch distribution .................................................................................................... 10
Table 2-6 RGB Products and Services ................................................................................................ 11
Table 3-1 Scope of the CBS Project for Andhra Bank sponsored RRBs ............................................ 15
Table 3-2 Project schedule .................................................................................................................. 17
Table 5-1 RRB CBS Server sizing parameters ................................................................................... 56
Table 5-2 RRB CBS – Additional inputs for Solution Sizing ........................................................... 57
Table 5-3 Information on existing business for solution sizing. ........................................................ 59
Table 5-4Business projections for 5 year period for solution sizing. ................................................. 60
Table 9-1 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Application Software .................................... 73
Table 9-2 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Application Software customisation and
implementation. ................................................................................................................................... 74
Table 9-3 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Handholding support .................................... 75
Table 9-4 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Handholding support (Optional costs beyond
50 branches) ........................................................................................................................................ 75
Table 9-5 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Training. ....................................................... 75
Table 9-6 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Hardware for DC .......................................... 76
Table 9-7 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Hardware for DRC ....................................... 77
Table 9-8 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for RDBMS for DC ............................................ 78
Table 9-9 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for RDBMS for DRC ......................................... 78
Table 9-10 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Workstations (DC) ..................................... 79
Table 9-11 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Workstations (DRC) ................................... 79
Table 9-12 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Technical Support Charges –
Application Software. .......................................................................................................................... 80
Table 9-13 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Technical Support Charges – Oracle
RDBMS etc.(DC) ................................................................................................................................ 80
Table 9-14 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Technical Support Charges – Oracle
RDBMS etc. (DRC) ............................................................................................................................ 80
Table 9-15 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charge – DC
Hardware. ............................................................................................................................................ 81
Table 9-16 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charges –
DRC Hardware .................................................................................................................................... 81
Table 9-17 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charge - DC
Workstations........................................................................................................................................ 81
Table 9-18 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charges
(DRC) .................................................................................................................................................. 82
Table 9-19 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Manpower resources provisioning (DC) ... 82
Table 9-20 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Manpower resources provisioning (DRC) 83
Table 9-21 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format - Consolidation ................................................. 84
Table 10-1 AB RRB CBS– Payment Terms. ..................................................................................... 87
Table 10-2 AB RRB CBS– Payment Terms – Project Implementation Costs. .................................. 88
Table 10-3 AB RRB CBS– Payment Terms – Project Life Cycle Costs ........................................... 89
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Table 12-1 AB RRB CBS – Functional specifications mapping document for Technical Bid
evaluation ............................................................................................................................................ 94
Table 12-2 AB RRB CBS – TEVS Weightage Distribution .............................................................. 98
Table 13-1Evaluation Schedule ......................................................................................................... 108
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
About this RFP
Andhra Bank, a body constituted under Banking Companies Acquisition and Transfer of
Undertakings Act 1980 has its Head Office at 5-9-11, Dr. Pattabhi Bhavan, Saifabad, Hyderabad500004. It’s Department of Information Technology – Core Banking Solutions is located at 3rd
Floor, “D” Block, Cyber Gateway, Madhapur, Hyderabad-500081, India.
Andhra Bank is hereinafter called “Bank” which term or expression unless excluded by or repugnant
to the context or the meaning thereof, shall be deemed to include its successors and permitted assigns
herein after called “Andhra Bank” or “Bank” or “bank”, issues this Request For Proposal, hereinafter
called “RFP”.
The Request for Proposal is issued for inviting proposals (Technical and Commercial Bids) for the
implementation of Core Banking Solution in Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank.
A vendor submitting the proposal in response to RFP for Implementation of Core Banking Solution
in the Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank shall hereinafter be referred to as “Bidder /
Vendor” interchangeably.
The RFP document is neither an offer letter nor a legal contract, but an invitation for offers /
responses. No contractual obligation on behalf of Andhra Bank whatsoever shall arise from the RFP
process unless and until a formal contract is signed and executed by duly authorized officers of
Andhra Bank and the bidder.
The Bank has no obligation to accept any or the lowest quote. The Bank may decide not to accept
any quote or may accept a quote that is not a lowest quote. The bank reserves the right to cancel the
RFP at any point in time.
All offers of the bidders shall be unconditional and once accepted whether with or without
modifications by the Bank shall be binding between the Bank and such Bidder.
However, this is a binding document between Bank and respondents till the completion of selection
process and notification of award and till a contract is signed between Bank and the Vendor in the
process in case both parties initiate and expedite certain actions pending the execution of a contract.
The Bank may modify any / all of the terms of this RFP and shall be entitled to award the contract to
a selected bidder with / without modification of any conditions contained herein.
This RFP document is structured in such a way that the Bidders fully understand and acquaint
themselves with the requirements of RRBs sponsored by the Bank..
The last date for the receipt of proposals responding to the RFP is 26th March 2010.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
While this section is a Preface to the entire document, the following sections are meaningfully
segregated for better understanding of the document. The section headings or any other headings do
not have any contractual sequence and the submission of responses to RFP should be based on total
understanding of the document.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
About Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank
About Andhra Bank
Andhra Bank ( has its history parallel to India’s freedom struggle and was
founded by an eminent freedom fighter and a multi-faceted genius, Dr. Bhogaraju Pattabhi
Seetharamayya. Bank was registered on 20th November 1923 and commenced its operations on 28th
November 1923. Bank was nationalized on 15th April 1980 and is presently a Public Sector Bank
with the Government of India holding 51% of its capital.
Bank has achieved a business of Rs. 117,899 Crores as on 31st December 2009.
Bank uses Information Technology in all spheres of its functioning by connecting all its branches,
service centres and extension counters through its WAN and implemented Finacle Universal Banking
Solution with 100% coverage.
Bank has sponsored two Regional Rural Banks namely Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank and
Rushikulya Gramya Bank.
Profile of Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank (CGGB).
Inception: Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank (CGGB) was formed by the amalgamation of two
Regional Rural Banks namely ‘Chaitanya Grameena Bank’ and ‘Godavari Grameena Bank’ with
effect from March 1, 2006.
The shareholding pattern of the RRB is
Government of India
Andhra Bank :
Government of Andhra Pradesh:
CGGB’s Business Indicators as on 31st December, 2009.
Table 2-1 CGGB Business Indicators
Business Indicator
Net Worth
Rs. In Lakhs
Total Business
Total Deposits
Aggregate Deposits
Gross Bank Credit
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Business Indicator
Rs. In Lakhs
Low Cost Deposits
Operating Profit
Net Profit
Interest Income
Interest Expenditure
Net Interest Income
Non Interest Expenditure
Credit Deposit Ratio
Turnover in Credit Card Merchant Business
Standard Assets
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CRAR)
Per Employee Business
Priority Sector Advances
Advances to Agriculture
Credit extended to SME Sector
Retail Lending
Credit extended to Housing Sector
Educational Loans
Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) to whom Bank
has extended finance to
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Organisation Structure
The Bank has a three tier organizational structure with the Head Office at the top, a Controlling
Office in the middle and branches across Guntur, East Godavari and West Godavari districts in
Andhra Pradesh.
Head Office and Controlling (Regional) office
Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank has its head office located at Brodipet, Guntur. The bank also
has a controlling (Regional) office in Rajahmundry with jurisdiction over branches in East and West
Godavari Districts. The Bank however functions on two tier basis for the Branches in Guntur
Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank has a branch network of 103 units including 101 branches and
2 Extension Counters.
The following table gives details of branches based on category
Table 2-2 CGGB Branch distribution
Urban Branches
East Godavari
Semi-urban Branches
Rural Branches
Products and Services offered by CGGB are as follows:
Table 2-3 CGGB Products and Services
Current Deposits
Savings Bank Accounts
Nirbhaya Savings Bank (Insurance
Nirbhaya Gold Savings Bank (Insurance
Suraksha Savings bank (Insurance
Suraksha Gold savings Bank (Insurance
No Frills Account
Loans against Deposits
Loans against KVPs, NSCs, LIC policies
Loans against Shares and Mutual Funds
Fixed deposits
Kalpalatha Deposits
Tax Saver Deposits
Loans against Gold (Non-Agricultural)
Clean Loans
Loans against Merchandise
Personal Loans for Consumer Durables, Motor
Other term Loans against Mortgage of Property
All Staff Loans
Housing Loans to Staff
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Cash Certificates
Recurring Deposits
Overdue Deposits
Additional Housing Loans to Staff
Kisan Credit Cards
Rythu Mithra Groups
Joint Liability Groups
Produce Loans
Converted Crop and Medium Term Loans
Rural Credit Card
Gold Loans Agricultural
Agricultural Term Loans
Agricultural Allied Activities
Indirect Finance to agriculture
Small Scale Industries
Transport Operators
Retail Trade
Business Enterprises
Professional & Self-employed
General Credit Card
Housing Loans
Education Loans
Self Help Groups
Housing Loans (Indiramma)
Clean Overdrafts to Staff
Secured Overdrafts
Secured Overdrafts against Gold
Secured Overdrafts against Mortgage of Urban
Open Cash Credit
Suit Filed Accounts
Clean Bills Purchase
Clean Bills Purchase-Instant Credit
Swarojgar Credit Cards
CGC Invoked Accounts
Bank Guarantees
Invoked Guarantees Paid
Temporary Overdrafts
Solvency Certificate
Existing Computerisation
All branches of Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank are computerized using Micro TBA (MTBA)
solution provided by M/s LaserSoft InfoSystems Pvt. Limited. Two branches perform clearing
operations using RBI’s MMBC package.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Profile of Rushikulya Gramya Bank
Rushikulya Gramya Bank is operational in two Districts of Orissa State.
The shareholding pattern of the RRB is
Government of India :
Andhra Bank
Government of Orissa :
RGB’s Business Indicators as on 31st December, 2009.
Table 2-4 RGB Business Indicators
Business Indicator
Net Worth
Rs. In Lakhs
Total Business
Total Deposits
Aggregate Deposits
Gross Bank Credit
Low Cost Deposits
Operating Profit
Net Profit
Interest Income
Interest Expenditure
Net Interest Income
Non Interest Expenditure
Credit Deposit Ratio
Turnover in Credit Card Merchant Business
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Business Indicator
Rs. In Lakhs
Standard Assets
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CRAR)
Per Employee Business
Priority Sector Advances
Advances to Agriculture
Credit extended to SME Sector
Retail Lending
Credit extended to Housing Sector
Educational Loans
Number of Self Help Groups (SHGs) to whom Bank
has extended finance to
Organisation Structure
The Bank has a two tier organizational structure with the Head Office at the top and the branches
spread across Ganjam and Gajapathi districts of Orissa state.
Head Office
Rushikulya Gramya Bank has its head office located at Gate Bazar, Brahmapur – 760001 in Orissa
Rushikulya Gramya Bank has a branch network of 81 branches .
The following table gives details of branches based on category
Table 2-5 RGB Branch distribution
Urban Branches
Semi Urban Branches
Rural Branches
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Products and Services offered by RGB are as follows:
Table 2-6 RGB Products and Services
Current Deposits
Savings Bank Accounts
Suraksha Savings Bank
Rushikulya Jeevan Suraksha
No Frills Account
Fixed deposits
Kalpabata Deposits
Tax Saver Deposits
Cash Certificates
Recurring Deposits
Rushikulya Sarvashreshta
Loans against Deposits
Loans against KVPs, NSCs, LIC policies
Mortgage Loans
Loans against Gold (Non-Agricultural)
Clean Loans
Loans against Merchandise
Personal Loans for Consumer Durables, Motor Vehicles
Other term Loans for High Value Advances
All Staff Loans
Housing Loans to Staff
Additional Housing Loans to Staff
Rushikulya Bank Kisan Credit Cards
Rythu Mithra Groups
Kisan Yagna (Two Wheeler Loans)
Joint Liability Groups
Advance against Rent Receivables
Gold Loans Agricultural
Agricultural Term Loans
Agricultural Allied Activities
Indirect Finance to agriculture
Small Scale Industries
Transport Operators
Retail Trade
Business Enterprises
Professional & Self-employed
General Credit Card
Housing Loans
Education Loans
Self Help Groups
Rushikulya Laghu Udyog Credit Card
Clean Overdrafts to Staff
Secured Overdrafts
Secured Overdrafts against Gold
Secured Overdrafts against Real Estate
Open Cash Credit
Suit Filed Accounts
Clean Bills Purchase
Clean Bills Purchase-Instant Credit
Rushikulya Swarojgar Credit Cards
CGC Invoked Accounts
Bank Guarantees
Invoked Guarantees Paid
Temporary Overdrafts
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Existing Computerisation in RGB.
All branches of Rushikulya Gramya Bank are computerized using Micro TBA
provided by M/s LaserSoft InfoSystems Pvt. Limited.
Three branches
operations using RBI’s MMBC package.
Products and Services offered by the RRBs
(MTBA) solution
perform clearing
Both the RRBs offer all Banking services to the clients with special focus on Rural Lending. The
service in brief include the following:
Current Deposits
Savings Bank Accounts (including Insurance linked schemes)
Term Deposits
Cash Credits (including Kisan Cards)
Demand and Term Loans
Remittances (Drafts and Pay orders)
Bills and Cheques (inward and outward)
Bank Guarantees
Lockers (system support not expected for Lockers maintenance)
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Objective and Scope of the Project.
The objective of the Project is to implement a Centralised Core Banking Solution to the two
Regional Rural Banks sponsored by the Bank to provide the benefits of centralization including
delivery channels, payment systems etc. in phases and to help implementation of Financial Inclusion.
Specific Goals and Scope of the Project.
For the reasons of knowledge sharing, training and guidance, synchronization with parent bank etc.
Bank has chosen to implement Finacle Universal Banking Solution in the Bank in the two Regional
Goals of the Project.
Following are the goals of the project:
Implement a unified Core Banking Solution duly establishing a single Data Center for both the
RRBs for the centralization of application and data covering 182 identified branches and 2
Extension Counters, along with existing Controlling (Regional) Office and Two Head Offices of
the two RRBs, and new branches opened during implementation.
Deploy a robust solution to handle high volume of data using a standard RDBMS, responding to
all types of transactions within the stipulated time limits under peak load and supporting
estimated concurrent user access.
Introduce new delivery channels such as ATM and Internet Banking (in subsequent phase)
Introduce National Electronic Funds Transfer
Ensure high availability by building redundancies in hardware, network and other systems at Data
Center and also have corresponding systems at a Disaster Recovery Center.
Leverage centralized data for Management and Executive Information System and use the
centralized data for meeting regulatory and statutory requirements of individual RRB.
Ensure high level of confidentiality and integrity to the data of Bank.
Enable Financial Inclusion.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Scope of the Project
The scope of the project includes provision of all necessary or customary components for a
centralized Core Banking Solution, including, but not limited to, suitable hardware, operating
systems, application software, RDBMS and other required systems, their installation, performance
tuning, and facility management as a Total Turnkey Solution so as to be able to achieve the relevant
service levels described herein. Bank will provide necessary Network connectivity, Data Centers
(Primary and Secondary sites) and ensure their maintenance either through internal arrangements or
through a Separate Service Provider.
The implementation of Core Banking Solution aims to evolve a “Customer Centric, Enterprise
Architecture” for RRBs. The solution is expected to provide an enterprise view and management
services of Bank maintaining the identity of branches and delivery channels. The bidder has to
necessarily propose only Finacle Universal Banking Solution (with a version suitable to the RRBs)
duly understanding and provisioning the customisation requirements in accordance with the details
provided in the RFP.
For the purpose of performance measurement and also to meet regulatory and statutory requirements,
the branch shall be retained as a delivery channel, providing an enterprise concept for the customer
and Management & Executive Information Systems.
The scope of the project is enumerated in the table 3.1. The requirements are provided in brief as
bulleted items. The scope of the project for the sake of understanding is divided into four main
groups, viz. (1) Solution Scope (2) Functional scope (3) Technical scope (4) Services scope.
The detailed requirements on each of the areas are mentioned in the following sections.
While the objective of the Sponsor Bank is to bring all its RRB branches, controlling / administrative
offices, other functional offices and delivery channels under Core Banking in a phased manner, the
scope of the project envisaged under this RFP is for covering 182 branches, 2 Extension counters
along with 3 controlling / administrative offices, and all delivery channels under Core Banking by
31st December 2010. The branches that are expected to be opened in due course are also to be
covered under Core banking.
Taking into consideration the contents of this RFP along with its annexures, the Bidder shall be
required to estimate size and propose a Core Banking (Centralised) solution which is suitable to the
RRBs and meet all the present and upgrade requirements desired by the RRBs. The Bidder shall also
propose all the services that are required for the implementation and smooth functioning of the
solution for a period of 5 years.
The Bidder shall be required to estimate all the required products and services considering that only
principal provisions are given in this RFP. The Bidder has to take total responsibility for working out
macro and micro level details of the project plan and the requirements and make provision to utilise
the existing infrastructure as per the information furnished in the RFP about the availability for such
systems for the use in this project scope.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The Bidder shall be required to implement the proposed systems and provide support and
maintenance for all the systems either, supplied and installed within the scope of this RFP or existing
systems that are included for maintenance within the scope of work for a period of 5 years from the
date of signing the contract.
The Bidder shall provide necessary resources for the maintenance of Hardware, Operating System,
Middleware, RDBMS, Application Software and any other component that is proposed in Bill of
Material as part of solution in response to RFP for a period of 5 years.
The Bidder shall be required to submit a project plan considering the entire scope expressed in the
RFP document or scope deemed necessary and manage the project execution as per the plan
approved by the Sponsored Bank. The plan submitted should cover all the assumptions that have
been made by the bidder for a smooth execution of the project.
The Bidder should consider and plan the project as on on-going project beyond the contractual
period of 5 years where the scope of the project can be extended by the Bank at its option. Bank’s
option of extending the scope may at the minimum cover:
Addition of more branches, offices under CBS
Extension of Service Obligations under Annual Technical Support, Annual Maintenance
Contract, Warranty, Resources for Maintenance Services, etc
Addition of Features / Modules
Any other component of the project
Implementation Scope for CBS
The scope broadly as follows:
Table 3-1 Scope of the CBS Project for Andhra Bank sponsored RRBs
Finacle Application Software
For two RRBs @100 each as The rates are to be valid for a
initial lot with option to buy in minimum contractual period of
the bundles of 10 additional 5 years.
licenses for each RRB at an
optional cost.
Oracle RDBMS licenses
As required by the proposed
components required
other Any other licensed component
required for Finacle CBS
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Finacle CBS customisation as
implementation support – Pilot
consisting of 10 branches.
Business Process Definition,
Providing environment for User
Acceptance Tests etc. will also
form part of this item.
Data upload/migration support
For all 184 units. Data Center Data will be provided by the
level activity.
Bank in Finacle uploadable
formats. The formats are to be
provided by the vendor with
proper explanation of the fields.
The uploading to Finacle
migration with mock activity in
the test system falls in the scope
of this item.
Handholding support (Onsite)
For first 50 branches
branches for each RRB)
(25 With onsite resource for one
week per branch beginning
usually Sunday to Friday for 6
Core Team Training by Infosys
One batch of 20 members
The training expected by the
Bank is less than the normal
duration Core Team Training.
A truncated need based
program of 3 weeks (18
working days) is envisaged.
Application Support
With a minimum of
3 From Andhra Bank, DIT, Cyber
resources duly adjusting the Gateway
shifts in accordance with the
functioning and volumes of the
Oracle DBA
With a minimum onsite support
and to provision required
number of man days.
Web servers
App Servers
DB Servers
Tape Library
Test systems for Finacle
It is envisaged to have separate
instances for each RRB on the
same set of servers.
High availability, redundancy is
to be ensured with architectural
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
jeopardizing security.
Hardware installation Services
Depending on Hardware sized This is an end to end activity
and included in Bill of Material. including OS hardening etc. and
as needed by Oracle/Finacle.
Hardware maintenance services
On going maintenance support This is besides warranty and
for 5 years.
Annual Maintenance Contract.
These resources have to extend
onsite maintenance services for
all Hardware / OS / Storage /
Tape Library etc. and always
work in coordination with
Oracle DBA and Application
Help Desk resources
3 Resources for each RRB
The above requirements are detailed in following sections.
Branch-wise implementation Projections
Infra will be provided by the
respective RRBs. The resources
will work in coordination with
RRB resources and with the
guidance of L2 support from
Andhra Bank Data Center
where RRB application will be
Table 3-2 Project schedule
Scope Inclusion
Pilot –5 Branches in each RRB
Included as mandatory scope 10th July 2010
for end to end roll out
service including hand
holding support
Phase I Rollout – 25 Branches in
each RRB (cumulative)
Included as mandatory scope 31st August 2010
for end to end roll out
service including hand
holding support
Phase II Rollout – 50% of branches
Data uploading and
25th September 2010
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Scope Inclusion
in each RRB (cumulative)
migration services included.
Handholding support
Phase III and Final Rollout – 100%
of branches in each RRB
Data uploading and
migration services included.
Handholding support
30th December 2010
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Core Banking Solution Software requirements.
Finacle Universal Banking Solution.
Andhra Bank intends to deploy Finacle Application Software from M/s Infosys Technologies as a
part of Core Banking Solution implementation in its two sponsored RRBs, as the Application
Software being used by the Sponsor Bank for its Core Banking Solution is Finacle. This will
facilitate uniformity in the technology platform and related business processes.
Andhra Bank, on behalf of its RRBs requires the following components in an integrated environment
for the implementation of proposed CBS.
 Common requirements for all modules
Customer Information System
o Signature Capture and Verification
Cash Module
Clearing and Service Branch
Deposits (CASA and Term Deposits)
Loans and Advances (post sanction)
Remittances and Inter Branch Reconciliation
Fees, Service tax, Interest and Charges
General Ledger
Delivery channel connectivity through Connect24.
National Electronic Funds Transfer – through Sponsor Bank as per RBI guidelines.
The detailed requirements for each of the above areas are provided in the following sections.
Comprehensive Customer Information File:
System should generate unique customer ID for any type of customer across any of the branches
under CBS on accepting the details and counterchecking the data base for duplicates.
Customer Id should be auto generated, and not to allow the user to enter the same.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
System should capture party identification details such as PAN number, Unique ID number etc. as
per RBI/Bank’s requirements.
Ability to capture data like occupation / employment, nature of activity, anticipated level of activity.
Ability to capture PID details validating customer IDs with duplicate PID details.
System should generate alerts, if the introducer is a staff member.
System should give alert on the number of customers already introduced by the introducer.
System should identify a customer ID as KYC compliant or not, by capturing a flag / field.
The system should be capable to capture all the required data of the customers of different
constitutions/types, as per Bank’s requirements and statutory requirements like RRB guidelines,
KYC/PML norms.
System should allow modification in customer name under exceptional circumstances, with higher
level authorization.
Ability to select and drill down customer details based on short name/ alphabets to identify correct ID
of the customer.
The system should be able to store relevant data and to provide reports like Customer details, resume
across all his accounts, history of changes done in CIF with old & new values etc.,
The system should allow generation of reports based on details of customer such as cheques
presented, retuned, average balance, transaction turnover (based on parameterized amount/period),
Customer constitution, customer type, customer status etc.,
The Customer Information Module should provide a single view of customers across the products
and should have capability to integrate with all the modules across the CBS.
System should be able to support village masters (as in existing system)
CASA Accounts – Common:
Account Opening:
System should permit opening of a new account only if Customer Master (CIF) is present, for Main
account holders / Joint Account holders.
System should have ability to link any number of accounts across the bank to a customer.
Account opening or modification or closure should be done under maker checker concept, with
appropriate user levels.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Account number is to be auto-generated by system, with check digit. Provision should be available to
parameterize the structure of "Account Number" as per Bank’s requirement.
While opening an account, the system should have the ability to take all customer details in the
existing Customer Information file and populate the details automatically.
Facility for automatic capture of default values specified for the selected scheme code.
Ability to auto populate default values in generic fields as given by Bank, with a provision to modify
the same by the user.
The system should have the ability to parameterize the eligibility criteria for opening different
accounts for different customer types/constitutions. Also, the system should be capable to capture
the information regarding prohibitions and exemptions pertaining to the particular constitution.
System should validate such parameters with the fields in CIF while opening the accounts, and
should throw alerts wherever deviations are found.
System should have the capacity to capture Introducer details such as Name, Customer ID, Address,
relation with the customer, Period of Knowledge about Customer etc. Introduction should be
optional as per KYC norms.
Ability to generate letter of thanks to the Account holders after an opening of account, with a
provision to generate the letter to any or all of Main account holder, Joint Account holders,
Introducer & Related parties.
If an account opened as transferred in account then free text fields under MIS tab customized to
capture last insurance posted and branch details for insurance linked schemes.
Ability to restrict schemes to particular category of branches like Metro, Urban etc.
Ability of the system to capture and store the list of banned/ terrorist organizations and search the
lists to ascertain whether the applicant is named in the list and provide appropriate alerts
Ability to enter risk rating for all operative accounts during account opening with a provision to
modify the same either upward or downward with higher level authorization, and to generate a report
of accounts, risk rating wise.
Ability to parameterize turnover limit in accounts, and to generate a report in case transactions
turnover in account exceeds a parameterized percentage of the specified fixed turnover
Account Maintenance & General:
Ability to define the limits for transactions in new accounts, with a provision to override the same as
an exception.
Facility to switch from one scheme to the other without change of account number
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Facility to support sweep and reverse sweep from the operative account to term deposit, after keeping
the minimum balance as parameterized
Ability to add or delete the names of a party from an account
Nomination facility with acknowledgement, modification, necessary registers maintenance.
Nomination should be mandatory for Insurance deposit accounts.
System should be able to generate balance confirmation letters, interest certificates.
Ability to block the pay interest and collect interest fields from modification by user.
Allowing Temporary Overdraft (TOD)
Ability in the system to disallow employees (logged in users) to pass cheques/ instruments in their
own accounts (this would be possible only in cases where more than one officer is available in the
To parameterize minimum balances in the account based on the scheme code, location of Branch,
cheque book facility. System should raise alert during transaction, if the balance will fall below the
minimum balance stipulation because of that transaction.
Ability to credit or debit any of the accounts within CBS (ABB), subject to parameterized
exemptions (e.g. illiterate account/ Inoperative accounts/ new accounts etc.)
System should support issue of Pass Book / Account statement, at the option of account holder.
Ability to issue pass book in the format provided by the bank along with full address and telephone
number of the Branch. The unique customer identification/ account number should also be printed on
the cover of the pass book
Provision for Lien marking upto specified amount. Marking or un-marking should be done with
maker & checker concept with appropriate user levels. Required reports and logs should be available
for the same.
Provision for account freeze, for debit or credit or both. Freezing or unfreezing should be done with
maker & checker concept with appropriate user levels. Required reports and logs should be available
for the same.
Providing cheque book facility based on scheme type / as per customer request.
Provision for acceptance/revocation of Stop payment instructions. System should validate the same
during all types of transactions.
Provision should be available to parameterize the duration for marking an account as
inactive/dormant and system should mark the accounts as inactive or dormant, as per
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Provision to change of account status from Dormant to Normal should seek authorization of higher
System should block credit transactions in dormant accounts.
System should be able to pick Finacle account number, if the user enters the account number in old
System should be able to capture data like type of transactions to be conducted, sources of funds.
Provision to collect premium / service charges for failed accounts.
Identifying No-Frill accounts crossing the limits and freezing the same.
Provision to mark an account as Unclaimed, and to generate required reports on unclaimed deposits
as per statutory requirements.
During account closure, system should pay/recover applicable interest and to recover applicable
account closing charges.
Ability to close all zero balance accounts after a parameterized period in case no transactions occur
during that period.
Provision to auto closure/batch closure of account based on certain parameters like zero balance,
dormant, non-maintenance of minimum balance or frequent cheque returns etc., Provision to issue
prior notices, and advices after closure.
While account closure, system should validate for linking of the account with other accounts,
standing instructions, pending cheques for collection, ATM card linking, charges pending for
recovery etc., and should give appropriate alerts. Account closure should be restricted or allowed
only by overriding by higher level users.
Ability to capture the source and use of funds for transactions above a certain limit.
System should support quick account opening facility i.e opening of customer master and SB account
by furnishing 4 to 5 fields, so that the user can update the remaining fields during non-peak hours.
Ability to send account statement through e-mail.
System should support for numeric fields to allow entry of numeric values only.
Ability to make some of the existing fields as mandatory as per bank’s requirement.
If entry and verification are allowed in single menu option, verification should be allowed to higher
work class only as specified by bank.
Ability to add new fields in CIF/account opening screens, as per bank’s requirement.
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February 2010
Ability to maintain scheme wise Interest rates and to modify the same with effect from a previous/
future date. In case rate of interest is effected from a previous date, interest/ products are to be
reworked accordingly. Ability to maintain history of the same.
Ability of the system to create interest provisions as and when required by the Bank for periodical
profitability arrival or for Balance sheet purpose. System should ensure reversal of the same without
manual intervention.
Ability to parameterize the nature of interest application i.e., daily products or minimum balance
between 10th to month end or as per RBI norms, and to apply interest at Bank specified periodicity, as
To recover TDS from interest payment on specific schemes like SBNRO etc., as per Bank’s
requirement / statutory obligation. System should be capable of recovering differential rate of TDS
depending upon the country the customer is residing.
Provision to parameterize Minimum & Maximum age, Insurance premium/service charges/service
tax for different schemes or products, and for different age slabs.
Provision to recover the insurance premium/charges automatically, on the day of account opening
and also on a pre-defined date of insurance year-end, for renewal of scheme.
Insurance premium/service charges are to be recovered to main account holder/joint account
holder/other related parties, as per parameterization or specification in account master.
The recovered premium should be credited to respective office account/insurance company accounts
as per the bank’s requirement at the account branch or at a designated nodal branch.
Reports should be available in specified format, on the list of accounts with details of insurance
premium/charges recovered or not recovered, along with reason for the same.
Service Charges:
Ability for defining different service charges scheme -wise/ customer type -wise based on a flag
indicating applicability of service charges
Ability in the system to facilitate parameterization, collection and exemption of the charges such as
Minimum Balance charges, account closure charges, stop payment charges, charges for loss of
cheque book, duplicate passbook/statement charges, cheque book issue charges, inoperative charges,
folio charges, cheque return charges, Number of withdrawals exceeding the parameterized limit per
month/quarter, handling/ incidental charges on insurance linked accounts and other charges etc.,
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Parameterization for charges/collection should be done at Scheme level and exemption should be
done at account level.
Ability to parameterize Service Tax and to recover the same along with Service charges.
Signature Scanning:
Ability to scan signatures/Photos and to link to the accounts.
Ability in the system to disallow modification or deletion of signature once linked to the account.
Only addition of signature should be permitted. History of the same is to be maintained.
Facility to display latest signature/ photos of account holder/authorized/ joint signatories, during
financial & non-financial transactions, or with the help of hot keys
Minor accounts:
Proper alerts to be thrown while effecting Financial and Non-financial activities in such accounts.
Ability to Identify the minor account on attaining majority and provide appropriate alerts / reports.
Ability to generate letter on minors attaining majority. Also, provision to: i) generate a letter
addressed to the guardian (where the account is operated by the guardian) at least one week prior to
minor becoming a major and (ii) generate a letter addressed to the minor who becomes a major. This
should be done both in the case of accounts in single names as well as in joint names
Facility to calculate average monthly balances for extending various facilities, i.e. issue of free DDs
or offer any other facility as prescribed by the Bank (parameterized).
Facility to generate the resume of an account or range of accounts in required format.
Provision to generate all the reports required for Branch verification, internal MIS & statutory
Provision to generate the advises/notices/statements required to issue to the customers.
Provision to generate reports based on transactions in new accounts, inoperative/dormant accounts,
Accounts opened and closed in a specified period/scheme/location, insurance related, unclaimed
deposits etc.
Ability for reporting of cash transactions of Rs. 10.00 lakhs and above during given period
Facility to generate consolidated reports for a given SET ID.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Current Accounts
The system should be capable of defining and operating Current deposit type of accounts. The system
should support all the schemes as listed in Annexure 9.
These accounts can be opened by individuals, JHF, proprietary concern, partnership firms, private
and public limited companies, registered or unregistered clubs and associations, co-operative
societies, Government Departments, religious endowments, semi Government or local bodies, trusts,
executors, administrators, liquidators, receivers, assignees etc.
By default, Current Accounts should be, Interest free, with cheque book facility, and with certain
minimum balance stipulation. But, there should be provision to pay interest on Current accounts in
special cases, to open current accounts without cheque book facility, and without minimum balance
Operating the account regularly and frequently without any restriction on number of withdrawals or
Savings Bank Accounts
The system should be capable of defining various Savings Bank (SB) schemes such as General SB
accounts, No Frills Accounts and Insurance Linked Accounts. The system should support all the
schemes as listed in Annexure 9.
The system should provide for opening of SB accounts for the customers of different constitutions
and customer types like in the name of individuals, Joint accounts, Purdanishi ladies, Illiterate
persons, Students, minors, visually impaired persons etc.
These accounts can be opened by individuals / jointly with the name of the two or more persons,
payable to any of them or to the survivor or survivors or to all of them jointly
Prohibit opening of such accounts in the name of a trading / business concerns, government
departments, bodies, agencies depending upon budgetary allocations for their functioning with
certain exceptions.
System should be able to support Group SB accounts for SBSHG, SBRMG, SBJLG.
No Frills Accounts:
Ability to open No Frills Accounts with relaxed KYC norms / zero balance, and to maintain zero/low
minimum balance.
Ability to exempt No frills accounts from specified service charges.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
There should be provision to parameterize Maximum Limits for (a) total credits to the account during
year, and (b) Credit balance at a given time.
There should be provision to parameterize Alert Limits for (a) total credits to the account during
year, and (b) Credit balance at a given time.
System should generate alerts/notices/report on reaching the Alert limits & Maximum limits.
Temporary Overdraft (TOD) in Current and Savings Accounts (CASA)
Ability to grant TOD in CASA accounts, by competent user levels only.
Ability to allow/prohibit TOD during transactions, as per scheme code.
It is a contra entry for the debit balances i.e., TODs arise in CASA accounts
It will be shown both under assets and liabilities
Provision to parameterize interest rate, and to auto recovery of applicable Interest periodically /
during account closure / account regularization.
Generation of required reports on outstanding TODs / TODs granted / regularized / age-wise.
Term Deposits
The system should be capable of defining various deposit schemes including Reinvestment deposits,
Fixed Deposits, Cash Certificates, Overdue deposits, Tax Saver Deposits, Recurring Deposits etc.
The system should support all the schemes as listed in Annexure 9.
The system should allow to open Term Deposit accounts for all types of persons like individuals,
Joint accounts, Firms, HUF, Companies, Corporations, Societies or associations, Trust, Executors
and administrators, Govt/Semi Govt Departments, Local bodies etc. The system should also provide
for means to identify each account based on above constitution/type for MIS purposes.
The system should support basic features as per the Bank’s requirements such as
Account maintenance
Transaction maintenance
Term deposit accounts may be accepted in Cash or Transfer
Periodic interest calculation and application
Closure of account before maturity (with or without penalty) with slabs for individuals and corporate
with time limit or on maturity
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Premature cancellation charges are waived if the deposit is closed for better rate of interest. If the
renewed deposit is closed prematurely, earlier waived penalty to be recovered. This is applicable for
all Term Deposits for that premature cancellation is allowed.
Splitting of the deposit during the course of deposit/claim settlement
Deposit receipt printing
Due date notice printing
Auto renewal facility for identical/non identical periods with or without interest
TDS application on interest as per IT act
Nomination facility should be available
Claims and deceased deposit payment
Interest rates calculation procedures for Deposit Interest
In case of Reinvestment and recurring deposits interest will be calculated & credited to the account
every half-year (compounding quarterly).
In case of Fixed Deposits, interest will be calculated as per the frequency specified while opening
the deposit (M/Q/H/Y/F).
For payment of interest on Term deposits Bank follows Ground Rules and Code of Ethics of IBA
(GRACE) i.e., on deposits repayable in less than three months Or where the terminal quarter is
incomplete, interest would be paid for the actual number of days on the basis of 365 days in a year.
System should be capable of doing the following in respect of renewal of overdue term deposits
If the overdue term deposit is renewed after 14 days of its maturity, system should capture interest
rate prevailing as on the date of renewing the deposit or the rate prevailing as on the date of maturity,
whichever is lower. If the overdue term deposit is renewed before 14 days from the date of its
maturity , system should capture the interest rate as on the date of maturity.
The system should be capable of generating reports such as deposit ledger, Accounts closed /opened
in a given period/scheme/area etc., report on interest rates, TDS recovered, Interest credited/TDS
deducted – party wise/branch wise , deposits under auto renewal etc.
System should support checking the balance available in PHINQ.
System should be able to generate IPD debit balances report.
System should be able to mask linked operative account field, maturity value etc. in
HOAACTD/ACM as required by the bank.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
System should check with Maximum Interest value set in GSPM while giving preferential interest
through HOAACTD/INTTM menus. Also should check with Maximum period and Maximum
amount values set in GSPM while opening the accounts through HOAACTD menu.
System should block Transaction Tab in HOAACTD menu.
System should not allow in TM menu, cash entry more than 49999 in entry level itself.
System should block ACXFRSOL menu for TDA accounts
System should not allow opening new TD acoounts in 12070/overdue GL sub-head code in
System should block opening of TD accounts through OACC menu.
System should block FD account in debit leg of Standing Instructions menu (SIM)
System should not mask penalty flag in CAAC menu
System should support TD receipt printing for Tax saver schemes.
System should check in INTTM not to exceed the Max. interest defined in GSPM while giving
preferential rate through INTTM.
System should auto populate renewal interest table code in TDREN menu.
Overdue deposits
A term deposit, which is neither renewed nor paid on the due date, is to be transferred together with
interest to this account.
No interest is payable on overdue deposits except under certain circumstances as defined by bank /
Full particulars of the term deposits like number, name of the depositor etc should be noted against
the overdue deposit.
The system should be capable of making interest provisioning requirements thru system (monthly
with facility to reverse thru system).
Fixed Deposits
A fixed amount can be deposited for a specified period.
Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100 with no ceiling on maximum amount.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Minimum period of deposit is 15 days and maximum period is 120 months with automatic renewal
facility and facility for premature cancellation.
Standing instructions can be taken for payment of interest.
Loan facility is available upto 90% of the deposit amount.
Deposits can be made by individuals, HUF, Proprietary concerns, partnership firms, Limited
Companies, Registered bodies, trusts, Government / Quasi Government departments.
TDS is applicable on interest as per IT Act.
Nomination facility is available
Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50% extra
payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members
Reinvestment Deposits
A reinvestment plan, where interest will be added to the deposit amount half yearly, on quarterly
compounding basis.
Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100 with no ceiling on maximum amount.
Minimum period of deposit is 6 months and maximum period is 120 months and facility for
premature cancellation.
Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50% extra
payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
Application of interest is done on a half yearly , on quarterly compounding basis
Loan facility is available upto 90% of the accrued amount of deposit.
Deposits can be made by individuals, HUF, Proprietary concerns, partnership firms, Limited
Companies, Registered bodies, trusts, Government / Quasi Government departments.
TDS is applicable on interest as per IT Act.
Nomination facility is available
Tax Saver Deposits
A term deposit account from Income tax assesses to get exemption under section 80c of IT Act.
Deposit can be in the form of Fixed deposits with monthly / quarterly interest payment or
Reinvestment Deposits
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Can be opened by Individuals or HUF, Income tax assesses with permanent account number either
singly or jointly.
In case of joint account, exemption under Sec 80C shall be available only to the 1st holder of the
To obtain the declaration from the depositor stating that the deposit amount under such scheme with
various banks does not exceed Rs.100000/- under Sec 80c of IT act.
It is for a fixed period of 5 years.
Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100/- or multiples thereof with a maximum of Rs.100000/-
Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50% extra
payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
No deposit loan to be allowed or no lien to any other loan.
No provision for premature cancellation.
No nomination shall be obtained in case of minor.
Cash Certificates
Odd amounts can be deposited (Issue price) for a fixed period to receive round amount (face value)
on due date.
Deposit amount is accepted for face value of Rs.100 or Rs.1000 or multiples thereof
All other features as applicable to Reinvestment Deposits.
Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50% extra
payable to senior citizens.
Recurring Deposits
An affordable amount can be deposited monthly to receive a lump sum amount together with interest
on due date.
Accounts can be opened by individuals (singly / jointly), clubs, proprietary concerns, partnership
firms, companies associations, education institutions and other registered bodies for genuine saving
Application of interest is done on a half yearly, on quarterly compounding basis
Minimum period of deposit is 6 month and in multiples of three months with a maximum period of
120 months with facility for premature cancellation.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Accounts are accepted in monthly installments with a minimum sum of Rs.5/- per month and
multiples thereof.
Loan facility is available up to 90% of the deposit and interest accrued on it.
Nomination facility is available
No TDS on recurring deposits as per prevailing Income Tax rules
Facility to accept the amount of cash deposited in multiple of installment amount. Facility to restrict
cash deposit in matured accounts.
The system should have the ability to parameterize different loan products (together with their
applicability to different customer categories) including, but not limited to the following: Loans
against deposits, Loans against KVPs, NSCs LIC policies etc., Loans against shares and mutual
funds, Loan against Gold (Non- Agricultural), Clean Loans, Loans against merchandise etc. as given
in Annexure 9.
The system should have the ability to define retail/ corporate loans based on GLs, threshold limits,
constitution or a combination of any other parameters.
The system should have the capability define various product types under general ledgers and to
classify broadly into, including but not limited to the following: Demand Loans, Overdrafts, Cash
Credits, Term Loans and Bills
The system should have ability to maintain a list of approved security types (i.e. land and buildings,
house sites, plant and machinery, jeweles, deposits, NSCs, KVP, shares (fully paid/ partly paid
details, physical/demat etc.), LIC policies, stocks, book debts etc. The system should also have ability
to link a single security to multiple loans/ limits, fully/ partially and multiple securities to a single
Each account should be linked to a party master.
The system should have the ability to specify the category
GL level,
Tenure of the loan (e.g. demand/ term loan/ working capital term loan) and also to
manually classify the loans as desired by the bank
Repayment period (short term/medium term/long term)
Department code
Industry code
BSR codes (main codes and sub codes)
Sectors and sub-sectors
Education (Inland/Abroad)
Exports/ tiny/ micro enterprises/ Small Scale Service and Business Enterprises (SSSBE)
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February 2010
Rural/ semi urban/ urban/ metro, based on the place of construction (in case of housing
Direct/ Indirect finance
The system should have the ability to capture all data required by the bank for the particular type of
loan. The system should also have the capability of allowing the user to define additional fields other
than those available, with ease for additional data capturing.
The system should provide facility to define a master set of loan documents to be received from
customer at pre-sanction. The standard document set should be capable of being modified as specific
to each account. The system be able to capture the details of these documents once received (e.g.
document date and validity period, date of receipt etc) and to generate alerts after ‘x’ days of opening
the account yet not receiving relevant documents.
The system should provide facility to create, modify, delete and print masters related to Facilities,
Purpose, BSR codes, Scheme codes, DSB, Loan code master, Industry code, Sanctioning authority,
Gold codes, Asset codes, Charge codes, Classification of advances. Limit type, Party Grading
The following requirements are related to Limit Maintenance
Ability to create/ modify/ cancel group -wise/ party -wise limit structure for funded/ nonfunded limits to define main limit, sub limit or break limit
Ability to define various limit types e.g. bill limit, CBP limit etc.
Ability to maintain multiple limits (including adhoc limits) for a single customer with
different expiry dates
Ability to define the working capital limits as fund based/ non-fund based and also classify
them as regular, single, adhoc, peak/ non-peak etc.
The following requirements are related to Interest Application
Ability to define standard interest rate types like BMPLR, STPLR, LIBOR, SUB-PLR,
SBIRATE, G-Sec rate etc.
Facility to centrally define a minimum interest rate, so that the higher of the customer
interest rate and the bank’s Prime Lending Rate/ MIBOR/ LIBOR etc. is applied
automatically by the system
Ability to aggregate accounts, as required by the bank, for interest calculation purposes
(netting of accounts). Ability to link loan/ advance accounts to credit balances in operative
accounts of the customer and charge interest after adjusting the balance
Ability to incorporate 'reset' clause for charging interest at account level
Ability to define and charge interest based on fixed, variable and fixed variable
Ability to centrally define base interest rates like BMPLR (Bench Mark Prime Lending
Rate), interest spreads with both + and – values, product -wise, tenure-based, rating-based
or sector-based and define additional rate, term premia, interest tax, service tax etc.
Ability to define ‘Overdue’ interest percentage and the conditions for the reckoning of
overdues for different type of loans for automatic calculation of OD interest as per the set
parameters and ability not to charge ‘overdue’ interest during holiday/ gestation period
Ability to change interest method/ rate for an account/ customer at branch level
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February 2010
The following requirements are related to EMI calculation and application
Ability to modify interest calculation mode from simple to compound and vice versa for
the periods defined by the bank
Ability to parameterize the frequency of compounding interest
Provision for retrospective/ prospective change in rates of interest to accounts/ schemes/
customers/ GLs and automatic recalculation and recovery/ credit of differential interest at
the time of application of interest or closure of account
Ability to calculate/ recalculate interest, based on ‘value date’ of transactions
Ability to charge simple/ compound interest, based on the crop seasons defined in case of
agriculture/ crop loans
Ability to maintain interest history at account level/ scheme level/ customer level/ GL
Ability to maintain zero interest accounts (e.g. subsidy)
Ability to generate interest calculation report for a previous date (for any given rate) for
the purpose of verification by inspectors/ auditors (without considering the interest
actually debited during the period)
Ability to capture the ratings given by different agencies and the interest rates applicable.
Also, ability to fix the rating model adopted for the purpose of interest application at
customer level/ account level.
Ability to fix overdue interest exemption limits like 5,000/- for all loans and Rs.25,000/for priority sector loans
Ability to give advance 'alert' at pre-defined period in case of loans sanctioned with 'reset'
clause of interest.
Provision for EMI calculation on the limit sanctioned/ amount disbursed, based on
frequency and number of installments, loan amount, interest rate and age of the borrower.
There should be a provision to round-off the EMI upto certain tolerance limits
Ability to specify more than one EMI schedule for a loan (step-up or step-down by a
specified percentage or fixed amount)
Ability to define multiple repayment schedule, holiday/ gestation period at account level
with a facility to support bullet payment/ balloon payment and progressive installments
To recalculate EMI on the following conditions: Revision of rate, on capitalization of
interest/charges like liability insurance, Restructuring, Reschedulement / Rephasement
Ability to prevent modification of the EMI amount calculated by the system, beyond
certain specified tolerance limits
Ability of the system to validate the aggregated and modified fixed installment amounts
against the total loan amount, in case of modification of installments of non-EMI loans
Ability to automatically recompute the EMI in the event of modifications to interest
rates. Also, to generate a letter to the customer, notifying him/ her of the modified rate and
The system should support the following features related to interest subvention
Ability to capture subvention parameters, amount upto which accounts are eligible for
subvention, Kharif and Rabi seasons (in terms of from and to dates), subvention applicable
up to dates separately for Kharif and Rabi, rate of interest chargeable to party and rate at
which claim is to be made on RBI, details of GL numbers and account types
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February 2010
Ability to charge original applicable rate of interest after expiry of the subvention period
of the scheme or on due date of the loan, whichever is earlier
Ability to calculate and post interest periodically (at present quarterly) at subvented rates
on all eligible accounts and at usual rates on the remaining accounts
Ability of the account closing program to calculate interest at subvented rate on eligible
Ability to calculate claim on a quarterly basis/suggested intervals and submit to RBI as per
the proforma
Provision for recalculation and posting of interest (debit or credit) due to revision/ change
of interest rate with value date
Ability to permit modifications to default interest rates (parameterized for the specific
scheme) only on approval by manager/ appropriate authority (parameterisable).
All such accounts which are otherwise eligible and for which net interest rate falls below
the interest rate applicable for subvention should be reported in the ‘Claim report’.
The system should have provision for re-schedulement/ rephasement of loans with or without
overdues / interest (to be parameterized).
The system should have provision to restructure loans under CDR/ bank’s compromise policy/
Government directions (e.g. principal and Interest separately with or without overdues or as defined
by the bank/ conversion of agriculture loans).
The system should have the ability to print loan pass books in case of agricultural advances, weaker
section advances, advances against gold ornaments or as defined by the bank. Provision to print
account statement for loan accounts for a given period duly mentioning the rate of interest during the
different periods.
The system should have ability to maintain list of borrowers, guarantors, co-obligants, sureties who
are blacklisted (i.e. chronic defaulters, willful defaulters, undesirable parties, RBI defaulters list,
internal caution list, CIBIL, ECGC-SAL, sensitive commodities etc.) and generate reports as required
and support interface with external databases/ upload data/ information received from IBA/ RBI/
ECGC/ CIBIL/ Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) etc.
The system should have the capacity to define and collect Processing Charges, Upfront Charges, Prepayment Charges, Other periodic charges, such as administrative charges (including at the time of
closure), out of pocket expenses, etc. These charges have to be levied to the debit of the Loan /
Advances account. System should also have provision to exempt certain charges at scheme level and
also at account level.
The system should have ability to capture the details of subsidy received from agencies and to link
them to accounts, to place subsidy amount in the appropriate account e.g. sundry creditors/ sundry
suspense as defined by the bank and to adjust the subsidy to loan accounts as defined by the bank and
for recalculation of interest
The system should have the ability to capture the details of refinance, and process the same, as
defined by the RRBs and to know status of refinance accounts for monitoring and review.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The system should have ability to define margin for various types of securities at individual security
level and to define products/ schemes where margin amounts need to be collected from the customer,
before disbursal of the loan amount. The margin amounts to be collected may be flat amounts,
Percentage, Tiered slab-wise amounts/percentages etc.
The system should be capable of automatically calculating and displaying the applicable margin
amount as per the loan product/ scheme selected
The system should have provision to classify NPA accounts as per IRAC statements and for
identification of accounts which were categorized as NPA in any particular period/quarter. The
system should also have the ability to mark NPA manually at customer/ account level with
parameterized level of authorization.
The system should have facility to calculate provision based on the availability of security (e.g. for
sub standard assets)
Facility to capture unrecovered interest and installment separately
Provision for automatic reversal of outstanding interest (from the date of NPA) on the date of
marking an account as NPA
Provision for auto upgradation/ down gradation of assets based on the recoveries/ age of NPAs which
should be definable
Ability of the system to maintain the history of NPAs with date and code
Ability to define exemption categories of loans from the purview of NPA (e.g. deposit loans)
Ability to generate details of closed NPA accounts period -wise, range –wise
The system should have facility to support maintenance of details for suit-filed accounts [i.e. original
account number, date of filing suit, suit amount, nature of suit (money/ mortgage etc) claim/ refund
details, decree details, petition details, advocate details, legal fee paid and other relevant details and
to classify these accounts as - Under Sarfaesi / DRT/ other suit-filed/ decreed/ restructured accounts
The system should have provision for transfer of accounts/ bills from regular to suit, and to maintain
the link between the original and suit account/ bill with history within or outside the branch.
The system should support reconciliation mechanism for interest booking on loans.
Facility for debiting interest on loan accounts periodically but reporting the same as due on a
predefined future date.
Migration of securities to loans and ODCC a/cs.
Migration of correct penal interest date for ODCC accounts.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Automatic switchover of charging of interest from simple to compound and compound to simple. .
Simplified menus for opening of accounts under gold loans, deposit loans, agriculture cash credits
and SHGs.
System should support transfer of accounts between SOLs.
System should support subsidy loans.
System should generate interest rate history report on loans and advances.
The system should be able to support “Technical Write-off of loan accounts.
The system should be able to support liquidation loans under “Compromise”.
The system should be able to support “Personal Accident Scheme”
The system should be able to support “Comprehensive Insurance Scheme”.
The system should support ‘Rythu Mithra Groups’,
The system should support ‘Joint Liability Groups’,
The system should support Kisan Credit Cards.
The system should support loan installments in EMI/EQI/EHI.
The system should be able to to give interest reimbursement for the loans and Govt. sponsored
The system should be able to charge interest on loans for net of backend subsidiary, and to calculate
OD interest on the loans based on net of backend subsidiary.
Inland Bills.
The system should be able to handle purchase, discount, negotiation, re-discount and collection of
instruments including inward / outward bills, cheques (both inland & foreign), demand drafts,
warrants, travelers cheques, demand bills, usance bills etc. for various categories of customers such
as individual customer, group, corporate customer, staff member etc.
The system should be able to handle all types of bill operations like lodge, purchase, realize (full or
part), dishonor, release margin, recovery, transfer from collection to purchase, allowing rebates, free
delivery, etc
The system must have provision to categorize Bills under various sub categories and process
transactions accordingly. (e.g.: Clean Bills Purchased (CBP) /Instant Clean Bills Purchased (ICBP)
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
/Documentary Bills Purchased (DBP) / Documentary Usance Bills Discounted (DUBD) /Clean
Usance Bills Discounted (CUBD /Supply Bills/ Foreign Clean Bills Purchased (FCBP) etc.
The system should be able to link bills to relevant LCs so as to keep track of actual amount available
under that LC and enable generating LC liability report party wise, register wise, etc.
The system should be able to handle devolvement of bills where the Bank reimburses to negotiating
bank without receipt of payment from the customer
The system should be able to define different methods for calculation of commission, Interest , other
charges and service tax. These could be based on credit rating & usance periods, and to handle
recovery of interest & commission upfront, back ended, periodic, on actual outstanding.
The system should be able to compute and charge commission, interest , other charges and service
tax thereon as applicable as per the circulars in force. The system should have the ability to recover
such charges at a later date from the customer's account in the event that the account does not have
sufficient balance.
The system should be able to generate a report of advance interest collected on bills discounted, for
making quarterly provisions, and automatically make a provision of such advance interest in Sundry
Suspense - Provisions, at the end of every quarter.
The system should be able to charge preferential /overdue interest as per the policy of the Bank, &
ability to pay interest on delayed collection of cheques/bills for any period. In case of early
realization, dues to the customer should be credited to their account
The system should be able to maintain regular /adhoc limits for funded, non-funded facilities in
combination with other advances of the customer. Be able to verify the limits available before
accepting the application for purchase of instruments for processing and give appropriate messages/
error messages. To restrict instant clean bills purchased taking into account all outstanding purchases
made for that customer.
The system should be able to maintain securities as collaterals with regard to bills (e.g.: supply bills/
CUBDs backed by collateral securities, bills purchased against LCs etc.) & to link bills purchased to
the collateral securities of customers
The system should allow the user to record noting and protesting of dishonored bills.
The system should be able to maintain bills identified as NPA- System should support further
operations including but not limited to IRAC Reporting, Recovery, Compromise Write-Off,
Technical Write-off, etc. System of maintaining NPA for Bills to be in line with the advances NPA
module to ensure seamless maintenance & reporting.
The system should be able to generate covering letters with all details of instruments sent for
collection along with the instructions for collection for Bank & intimation letters to drawee for
retiring bills in respect of inward bills. Also be able to generate payment advice / realization advice
on realization/ retiring of bills/cheques to the drawer of bill.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The system should be able to generate standard reports of Outstanding liabilities as on any date,
income & expenditure, margin details & business reports for any period based on Customer, duedate,
beneficiary, sector.
The system should be able to generate report for overdue bills party-wise & an age-wise analysis of
overdue/ outstanding bills as on current business date / any date. Generate reminders/ fate enquiries
of bills.
The system should be able to generate reports for fund & non-fund advances sector-wise (IFD, SSI,
ME, Ag, etc), Sub-sector wise (Sensitive sectors like Capital Markets, Real Estate etc) etc.
The system should be able to generate Report on Bills devolved, instances of devolvement, extent of
devolvement, date of adjustment.
The system should be able to generate Charges/Interest Collected Report - details of normal, penal
interest - bill wise, party wise, register/sub-register wise.
The system should be able to handle electronic upload of data from corporate customers to whom the
Bank has extended such facilities.
Bank Guarantees.
The system should be able to handle outward /inward guarantees and be able to integrate the
Guarantee module with the other related modules such as limit maintenance, security maintenance,
margin maintenance, commission maintenance, etc. Transactions exceeding limits should be marked
as exceptional transactions.
The system should be able to handle BG issuance taking into account the available balance in the
total BG/LC limits, ad hoc limits, Interchangeable LC & BG limits of the party.
The system should be able to handle different types of bank guarantees including performance
guarantee, financial guarantee, bid bond guarantee, advance payment guarantee, deferred payment
guarantee, third party guarantees on behalf of joint ventures etc.
The system should be able to handle deferred payment guarantees and process all transactions listed
under guarantees, LCs, co-acceptance limits and bills under LCs.
The system should be able to create installment transaction in respect of Deferred Payment
Guarantees on the due date or on previous/ next working day basing on user defined parameters.
The system should be able to perform annual review of DPGs of the constituents as per Format, with
a Memo field to note the review remarks.
The system should be able to classify bank guarantees into secured and unsecured guarantees.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The system should be able to create and maintain a master record for various charges associated with
guarantees as per the circular in force. The user should have the flexibility to choose preferential
charges associated with each guarantee.
The system should allow to define whether commission is to be collected in full or in installments
spread out over a user defined period.
The system should be able to handle amendment, cancellation and invocation of bank guarantees
(e.g.: amount, extension of validity etc.) and compute and recover charges, commission, margins etc
as per the Bank's policy. The system should also facilitate generation of contra entries in these events.
The system should be able to release the margin or lien on closure of bank guarantee.
The system should be able to handle invocation of bank guarantees. The system should facilitate
verification of due date and restrictive periods prior to processing invocation of bank guarantees.
The system should be able to process invocation of BGs as per the payment instructions and generate
the necessary accounting entries.
The system should allow the user to record restraint/ court order restraining bank from making
payment on invoked guarantee and allowing payment only after the order is revoked. System should
alert the user if such records are attached to the bank guarantee.
The system should be able to generate due date notices, claim expiry letters on due date and alert the
user to forward the same to the beneficiary to return the original guarantee.
The system should be able to generate resume on the BGs issued/ outstanding/ commission earned
etc customer-wise, branch-wise, purpose & sector-wise etc. for a particular date or for a period.
The system should be able to generate standard reports of Outstanding liabilities as on any date,
income & expenditure, margin details & business reports for any period based on Customer, due date,
beneficiary, purpose, sector.
The system should be able to report exposure under non-fund based BGs activity wise, sector wise
(industrial finance, SSI, ME, AG etc.), sub-sector wise (capital markets, real estate etc.) etc.
Branch Side Operations – Cash module.
The system should have the ability to parameterize GL for cash transactions. All cash transactions
should be debited/ credited to this GL account.
The system should maintain retention limit branch -wise/ cashier –wise.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The system should have the ability to designate users as cashiers/ tellers/ Single window users/ joint
custodians and allow only the designated cashiers/ tellers/ single window users to access cash options
on a daily basis at each branch.
The system should have the ability to define functions/ operations, which can be performed by each
officer/ cashier/ teller/ single window user.
The system should be capable of operating in local currency (Indian Rupee). Presently operations in
Foreign Currency are not envisaged. If such requirement arises in future such features in Finacle may
be used.
The system should support receipt of cash by the cashier from all account types permitted by the
bank. The system should also support payment of cash for authorized transactions.
An alert should be raised where the cash receipt is beyond the threshold limit fixed (as per KYC
Norms) for an account.
The system should allow the teller, cashier, head cashier to enter cash received from the vault, tellers/
head cashiers etc.
The system should disallow closing of cash if any amount is outstanding with any of the cashiers, any
cash receipts are pending for authorization or any cash payments are pending for payment
The system should be able to record the details (serial numbers) of currency notes which are
withdrawn by RBI from circulation and which are reported by RBI to be forged/ fake.
The system should provide the facility to record PAN number for amounts received in excess of the
parameterized amount with structural validations of PAN No.
The system should provide various reports like cashier’s Receipt scroll, Payment scroll, consolidated
reports of cash etc.
Branch side operations - Clearing module.
The system should support outward clearing, inward clearing, cheque return accounting and basic
The Outward / inward clearings should support various categories of clearings like –MICR clearing,
Non-MICR clearing, Magnetic Media Based Clearing, Domestic, High Value, Return clearing,
National clearing, Electronic clearing Service and any other type of clearing as per RBI norms from
time to time.
The system should support different types of Masters like MICR codes for Bank, Branch and City,
Instrument types, cheque return reasons
The system should support levy of charges such as clearing charges like cheque returning, penalty
charges for the receipt of instruments received after a predefined cut-off time, clearing returns,
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
advance release, speed clearing charges, ABB charges. System should also support the charging of
service tax as per prescribed norms from time to time. They may be made to go through the
parameter table for easy handling in future.
The system should provide for opening and closing of any number of batches (with unique batch
numbers) in each category of clearing.
The system should facilitate the marking of Outward Clearing Returns through Inward Clearing and
automatic entry of Inward Clearing Returns in Outward Clearing Returns Batch.
The system should be able to generate various reports like bank-wise and branch-wise statements,
different clearing registers, cheque return memo, cheque refer registers etc.
System should support withholding release of any instrument, instrument wise, bank wise, branch
wise for any future date.
Branch side operations – Remittances module
The system should support various remittance products such as Demand Drafts(DD) / Banker’s
Cheques(BC), Pay Orders (PO), Agency drafts (AD), Electronic funds transfers (EFT).
The system should support the following transactions with respect to the above remittance products Issue (including mass issue), Payment (including mass payment) , stop payment, cancellation,
revalidation and duplicate issue, stop payment revocation etc.
The system should allow prescribing minimum and maximum amounts, validity period, commission
and exchange and other charges like cancellation, revalidation, duplicate charges etc.
The system should support maintenance of masters like Bank lists, Branch lists, Branch code No,
Agency Bank codes, Agency Bank branches, and Branch-wise or Branch group-wise limits for issue/
pay/ honour of remittances.
The system should support facility of printing on pre-printed stationery. System should also support
the picking of the next series of inventory number, as per user’s choice.
The system should generate Register/ report/ query for specified DDs/ BC/POs/ ADs/ TTs/ GCs
Issued, Paid, Cancelled, Revalidated, Duplicate issued, destroyed, payment stopped, as on any date or
for a given period for a given scheme code or account number.
General Requirements
Access Control Requirements:
The system should provide the following facilities regarding access control
Support Maker Checker Facility (multiple levels) based on category of staff, Product type, Account
type, Transaction Type/amount, Effect of transaction (like a/c becoming TOD etc), Status of the
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Account (inoperative, dormant a/c). Ability to enforce appropriate authorization using maker checker
concept for setting up User level / ID / account level passing limits
Ability to parameterize events as exceptions and map with GLs / sub GLs for granting authorization
Provision to update the data only after verification by checker, for all financial / non-financial
Every activity / transaction must be tagged with the corresponding operator and all levels of
authorizations by indicating the staff number / user ID of all the employees who "handle" this
transaction along with the time of handling / authorization and generate relevant reports
Ability to provide appropriate user rights management features, i.e. no user other than the System
Administrator to have command line / any other means of accessing UNIX Shell or database directly
Ability to lock account in case of repeated entry of wrong id-password combination (parameterisable)
and ability to automatically lock User ID and activate password protected screen savers when logged
in session is inactive for more than the predefined period (parameterisable) of time, and maintain a
uniform screen saver throughout the organization
Ability to enforce maker checker concept for reset of password and the DBA should provide a
dummy Password valid for the day only, which to be changed on first log in by the user. The system
should capture such details in an exception report
Ability to provide menu / sub menu / screen / field / report which are restricted on the basis of
individual user IDs access level and Ability to define user access (on transactions) to be based on the
following options including but not limited to: Input, Hold, Modify, Delete, Authorize, Reverse,
View / Display, Print etc.
Ability to restrict access to change User Level Master parameters to certain user groups and with
appropriate authorization. System should support all activities related to user profile maintenance
from central level and certain activities from branch level with maker checker provision. System
should not allow more than one user ID for any employee.
Ability to disable employees' User ID who are on leave / not on computer duty / left the Bank, by
duly validating with the Attendance register and with appropriate authorization
Ability to provide a separate pre-set Menu option against each User Level defined within the system.
Ability of the system to create new menu option for a new User level created. This restricts access of
users to only authorized menu options
Ability to define financial ceilings explicitly (for entry and authorization) for each User level / ID /
group and ability to grant exception passing rights at user ID level in addition to being restricted at
the menu level
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Ability to link login access ID with each user's unique staff number allotted by the Bank and Ability
to link the user's designation with the work class allocated in the CBS. The work class allocation can
be scaled downwards or upwards with adequate authentication duly capturing the letter reference,
date of effect and reasons for the same. History of previous work class etc. to be maintained
Facility to control cash / clearing / transfer limit for each user with appropriate authorization. This
control should be at user level / work class level.
Provision to grant read and write permission for each module, scheme, GL subhead etc. at user / user
group / user level and menu wise with appropriate authorization and Ability to restrict access rights
of Auditors to read only
Ability to generate mandatory log for all the activities carried out by highly powerful users like
System Administrator / DBA and for all activities at prompt level by any user
Provision for user to be limited to a single session on the network i.e. user cannot log-in concurrently
from more than one terminal. Exceptions to be allowed based upon parameter (non availability of
staff) and provision to limit this exception to certain activities (i.e. reports / queries) and with
appropriate authorization
Ability to query / generate the following reports / logs as on a particular date / range of dates
including but not limited to: User accounts created, Access rights granted, Current as on users etc
Ability to maintain a serial for each Mandatory log
Application Requirements
Ability to support branch code of upto 4 digits and Up to 999 users per branch and up to 99,99,999
customers per branch
Ability to support definition and classification of products under a multi-level hierarchy under
authorization from highest level of user
Ability to define workflow and also the levels of authorization for each transaction type under
authorization from highest level of user
Ability to exclude any / some accounts / group of accounts from interest / charges etc. under
appropriate authorization
Ability to support multiple currencies and ability to round up / round down the amount to the nearest
user-defined unit for each individual currency
Ability to configure mandatory fields for master and transaction within each module, ensuring their
entry before the transaction / master entry is ‘committed’ and ability to highlight mandatory fields in
a different color
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Ability to support calendar definition (and modification) for each location / branch capturing weekly
holidays, public holidays, non-business working day, unscheduled holidays for each front office
Ability to restrict access for modification prior to authorization to the maker. In exceptional cases,
permission / access for modification may be given to another user by the Branch head / Data Centre
when the maker is not available. In such case the userID of the modifier to be captured in the system
Provision for the capability to have batch update for all modules in the proposed solution, and
Provision to parameterize the scheduling of any batch job
Ability to define and process tasks for : Start of Day, End of Day, Start of week, End of week, Start
of Month, End of Month, Start of quarter, End of Quarter, Start of year and End of Year and Ability
to permit EOD processing only after ensuring that: All transactions are authorized and Entries /
modifications in masters / parameters etc are authorized
Ability to store and retrieve images of signatures, photographs, Physical document images and
linking them to customer ID and / or account number, for retrieval
Ability to provide for value dated transactions, which result in a change in the end-of-day account
balance and / or targeted to an account linked to a tiered interest rate structure. To be flagged as
‘exceptions’ and processed via the end-of-day interest
Ability to upload / download data to the core Banking system received in any electronic format (i.e.
flat files, FTP, excel, dbf, PDF and direct download from internet sites, media uploads etc.)
Ability to download data in prescribed formats, (i.e. RBI Data for R Return, ALM Data, Annual
return for TDS , Interest on deposits and fee / rents paid, annual return on Cash deposits in SB
accounts etc.)
Ability to archive database on user definable parameter (e.g. from and to dates for transactions,
closed accounts, accounts with zero balances) and provide a parameterized process for purging
various types of data which is archived
Ability to allow for user defined frequency for backups for the following: Online, manual, automated
/ Database, Programs, Systems etc
Exceptional Transactions Maintenance
Ability to define conditions for transactions to be treated as exceptional transactions
Ability to capture override of a given rule / parameter in an exception report which is printed
automatically as part of EOD
Ability to generate exception reports for a given period for a given account and given type of
transaction relating to the selected period and ability to generate exception reports on a daily basis as
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
part of the day -end activity and print / display exception reports for any defined date or range of
dates, sanctioning authority -wise.
Ability to display the following fields in the exceptional transaction report, but not limited to: Date
and Time Stamp, Transaction ID, Operator ID, Transaction details (before and after changes),
Referred by ID, Authorizing personnel etc
Product Accounting
Ability to configure / define accounting rules for individual product and generate accounting entries
that will be passed to the GL module
Ability to block GLs and sub GLs on closure / discontinuation of schemes / GL / sub GL accounts to
prevent passing of any transactions to the same and Provision to disallow subsequent reallocation of
blocked GLs / sub GLs / schemes
Ability to automatically generate accounting entries, online at the time of data entry or batch update
itself, based on the pre-defined rules
Ability to support accounting for the following but not limited to: multiple business units, multiple
products, multiple cost-centers, and multiple profit centers. Multiple currencies etc
Ability of the system to support multiple currencies for all accounting operations and generate the
Day Book and Trial Balance for Indian Rupee and Foreign Currency Trial Balance for Foreign
Nominal Heads
The system should maintain GL codes for in following Nominal Heads including but not limited to Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors, Sundry Suspense, Credit Receivable and Items in Transit etc. The
system should also have the ability to define whether parameters like cash/transfer/clearing is
allowed for the GL head
The system should be able to support creating any number of sub-codes under each GL. The system
must also have the ability to accept either partial reversals or one to one reversals based on the
parameter for the particular sub code
The system should support integration with other modules like clearing, ATM etc.
The system should generate a unique serial/item number for each of the originating entry, sub code
The system should have the ability to generate nominal ledger for a range of dates Nominal head
wise, Sub code wise and also to query for item wise, date wise with reversal details.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The system should support different reports like outstanding, reversals, age-wise analysis, CRA
schedules etc. sub code wise / GL Sub Head wise for any date. The report should also be generated
sol wise / set id wise.
Head Office Accounts
The system should be able to transfer of funds from one branch to another branch\head office for
items not falling under Demand Drafts / Agency Drafts.
The system should allow to define various Inter Branch transaction codes, including the following,
but not limited to BC, BP, CC, CR, IP, LB, OT, PP, AT, AB, RR, , FN, DT, HT, RC, RT, MC etc.
for Inter Branch transactions (Type of Transaction may be given numerical code)
The system should support for entry and maintenance of all originating debit, originating credit and
responding debit and responding credit transactions.
The system should enable HO account entries under all types of A/Cs. i.e. Cash, Clearing and
The system should be able to support for serial numbers of the advices are to be generated
automatically with integration to the Inventory module. Before going to EOD, number of advice
generated and number of advice inventory should tally and it should be enabled to acknowledge in
the system.
The system should be able to capture details like branch code from branch master and should be able
to generate a unique inter-branch advice number for each transaction as a reconcilable entry. Same
number should not be repeated by any branch on a particular date.
The system should be able to print Branch Advices in the Bank defined formats with the following
details, but not limited to, Branch Code of both originating and responding, date of the advice,
amount, inter-branch transaction code, details of transactions. Without details of transaction system
should not allow authorization. All fields of advice should be correctly entered with a separate
provision for entering the E-advice or Manual advice linking to E-advice message field.
The system should provide print IBR statements/balancing report (consolidation of credit
advices/debit advices, etc.) both at Branch level and at a centralized location (branch-wise) in the
prescribed formats. The system should generate warning messages in event the individual
accounts/product totals do not match the GL totals.
Audit Requirements
The system should be able to handle the Bank’s auditing requirements – both statutory (e.g. Risk
based audit as per RBI guidelines) and other customized audits that are configured by users.
The system should be able to restrict access to auditing features only to designated users.
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February 2010
The system should be able to maintain complete audit trail for transactions and other activities
Iincluding the new tables which are required to be created / maintained due to customizations) so as
to enable the RRBs’ auditors to recreate transaction workflow if needed.
The system to allow configuration of audit trails on the basis of user defined parameters.
The system should be able to configure the application to generate and transmit custom alerts to the
Bank's auditor when certain transactions are processed.
The system should be able to provide facilities for on-site or off-site auditing in CBS enabled
The system should allow the Bank's audit division to perform branch inspections.
The system to integrate with audit tools (provided by the bidder or procured by the Bank)
The system should support concurrent audits, income audit and IS audit for all CBS enabled
The system should support generation of all reports including the statutory reports.
Service Tax
The system should be able to collect service tax along with service charges for all services and
ability to link Service Tax calculation with all modules which have incidence of the same, including
but not limited to deposits and advances.
The system should automatically calculate and deduct Service Tax at the time of Accounting /
Provision / Recognition of payable / receivable transaction, actual payment, down payment, EOD /
SOD etc.
The system should be able to create a charge structure which considers parameters including but not
limited to customer, product, duplicate issuance, cancellation charges, volume, value, amount,
location etc.
The system should be able to maintain a master to capture the following services that attract service
tax, including but not limited to commission / exchange, charges on various services, any other
charges from time to time.
The system should have ability to generate the centralized reports including Branch wise ST
refunded, Service code wise ST refunded
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Management Information Systems
The system should be able to generate dynamic reports based on the requirements like information on
customer accounts, statutory reports, mandatory reports and various operational reports like Balance
sheet, P&L analysis, classification of advances, NPA reports, Time and demand liabilities, Income
Recognition and Asset classification returns 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B,3 & 4 etc.
The system should be able to generate all reports related to advances like BR 12Y, suit-filed, credit
limits, exposure limits, borrowal accounts etc.
Application Software Features
Audit features of Finacle have to be enabled for traceability of transactions.(financial as well as nonfinancial)
The solution must meet performance requirements of Bank by ensuring maximum throughput and
minimum response time as stipulated in other sections of this document.
Wherever applicable, the software should provide features / facilities for meeting various provisions
of Information Technology Act, 2000 and be in conformity with the guidelines issued by the RBI and
other applicable laws with latest amendments.
Functional requirements
The Application software functional requirements are to meet all the Universal Banking functions of
RRBs which are similar to the other RRBs in India. However the RRBs have implemented some
unique products with a view to deliver certain value added services where the functionalities vastly
differ from products offered by Other RRBs. Further functional requirements may also vary
depending on the ancillary and other fee based services undertaken by Bank. Bank’s existing Deposit
and Loan schemes are briefly explained in the annexures. The system should support and provide all
these products.
Features and Modules Required
Comprehensive Customer Information File (CIF): Customer Information File should cover all the
requirements for KYC (and AML guidelines) norms, all other regulatory requirements and analytical
requirements such as CIBIL, with a provision for back office updates after account opening
Software should provide for on-site and off-site Audits and Branch inspections: Bank envisages
shifting of majority of audit functions from on-site inspections / audits to off-site inspections / audits
/ surveillance and various small special audits. The software should have necessary support and
provision for various audit tools. The tools must be provided for auditing application software,
network, operating systems and database systems. The solution must also facilitate generation of
alerts to the auditors about exceptional transactions defined for the purpose of monitoring
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
discrepancies/ deviations, if any, instantaneously. The solution must be able to provide necessary
results required in accordance with the Risk Based Internal Audit (RBIA) adopted by Bank as per the
guidelines of RBI.
Software should provide for upload and download of files for bulk postings, data for consolidation,
MIS. Branches receive bulk files from its clientele for posting to the customer accounts for payments
like clearing, salaries, pensions, bonus, and purchase of sugar cane or other agricultural commodities,
loan repayments, DD/PO issuance etc. Duly validated posting of these bulk files with entry level
authorization and also supporting bulk authorization is required. Data from Non-CBS for
consolidation for Consolidated GL or any other relevant Bank consolidation module is also to be
supported. It is expected that the download and upload should be capable of handling encryptions.
Software should provide upload of masters (employee / branch / bank etc. )into Finacle as a one time
The advances modules should handle all guidelines about prudential norms for identification of NPA,
including probable NPAs, NPA management and suit filed, written off and compromised accounts
including maintenance of the information relating to panel advocates, suits handled, etc. Income
Recognition and Asset Classification (IRAC) is totally handled in the existing software and the data
is consolidated at Bank level. This is a statutory requirement for the finalization of balance sheet and
this requirement is to be provided as per the latest guidelines with provision to make modifications
based on parameterization for provisions to be made.
Advances modules should capture information about all types of Securities (primary and collateral)
against which Banks can sanction loans. Bank handles various securities including movables /
immovable creating various types of charges. The securities include but not limited to shares and
other paper based securities, Government bonds, NSC, housing, commercial real estate, agricultural
lands, agricultural equipment, agricultural produce and other ancillary agricultural assets, stock-intrade (open and under lock and key), Land, Machinery, fixed assets, raw material, stock-in-process,
finished goods of industries, assets created in schematic lending, gold ornaments, Jewels,
documentary bills and other bills etc. All types of securities that can be handled by the Public Sector
Banks in India as per the extant guidelines are to be supported with provision to add more to the list
with parameterization. Various valuation types, revaluation, capturing dates of valuation, valuer’s
details are to be supported
Generation of comprehensive MIS and statutory, standard and reports required for business
information and decision making: Besides various scrolls, ledgers, day end reports which are required
as part of the transaction based routines, returns required for MIS, Balance Sheet finalization,
statutory audit, control and monitoring function are presently handled in the existing system with
Bank-wise consolidation in two tier process. The reports are required branch-wise as well as Bankwise.
Consolidated General Ledger and associated returns for Bank’s balance sheet purposes should be in
conformity with the stipulated Accounting Standards
The solution must provide extensive data extraction facility by supporting generation of statutory,
standard and dynamic reports for Executive information and decision-making. It must also provide
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
for analyzing the data for enabling Bank to monitor/evaluate performance of Bank in all parameters
of business - product wise, segment wise, zone wise etc.
ATM / Debit Card (VISA Electron): Andhra Bank has an ATM Network with Base-24 Financial
Transaction Switch (FTS). Bank is an affiliate of VISA and MasterCard as an issuer as well as
acquirer. Bank has its own VISA Access Point. Bank has outsourced Point of Sale terminals (POS)
driving. Bank is a member of NFS (National Financial Switch), a multilateral ATM sharing
arrangement facilitated by IDRBT, Hyderabad and has bilateral arrangements for ATM sharing with
few other Banks. The proposed software for RRBs should have necessary interface with the existing
ATM solution of Andhra Bank and should provide all the required features.
Finacle Version should have a Debit Card Management System so that the Card Issuance can be
managed by Finacle. The required CAF, PBF files as per Base24 are to generated from Finacle.
Finacle Version should have a Reconciliation module for the transactions routed through Connect24.
The Bidder has to provide uploads for in house software.
The solution must facilitate Bank to define the workflow and route various tasks in accordance with
authorization levels and process flow to be specified by Bank.
The solution must be integrated with all the electronic messaging systems like Fax, SMS, and e-mail
to handle messages.
The solution must also provide common /general requirements like signature scanning and storing for
verification, photo capturing, standing instructions, electronic messaging system, movement of
security items and maintenance of subsidiaries and nominal accounts like Sundry Creditors /
Suspense / Debtors, Credit receivables (in Inter Branch) Local Branch Accounts (clearing related),
General charges, Commissions, Interest paid and Interest collected etc.
The solution should support and provide automatic generation of vouchers for system-generated
The solution should provide for configuring general ledger accounts such that some general ledger
accounts can be posted only with system generated transactions, without allowing manual postings.
Application Audit
Bank may opt for application audit by external / internal auditors after implementation of the same in
Bank DC and in few branches and the bidder should permit for the same and also should attend to the
observations of the auditor with regards to functionality, security, availability etc. of the application
software and hardware provided .Bank will not reimburse any additional expenses incurred by the
bidder in meeting such audit compliance
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Hardware requirements.
Hardware & Operating System requirement
The project scope includes supply, installation, maintenance and ongoing operations support of
necessary Hardware and Operating Systems for the implementation of Finacle Core Banking Solution
over Oracle RDBMS as per the scope of this RFP.
The bidder should clearly specify the requirement of various systems and OS for Data Center,
Disaster Recovery Center, which become part of the entire CBS implementation
One of the three flavours of UNIX, viz., HP-UX, IBM-AIX or Sun Solaris is the preferred Operating
System for the Core Banking database server
Operating Systems for the other servers could be any of the Industry standard OS, aptly hardened and
Supply of Hardware
The scope includes the supply of hardware to run the proposed Core Banking Solution (Production
system) and other software modules offered to meet the requirements in the RFP. The hardware shall
be sized and procured to provide a 3-tier architectural model with redundancy at each level. The
design should facilitate separate Web, Application and Database servers for all delivery channels and
The productions systems will be shared by the two Regional Rural Banks. Two separate database
instances, application etc. are to be created on the shared hardware platform.
The bidder should provide one set of hardware which shall be shared for Testing (20 users) and
Training (25 users). Two separate instances are to be created for Testing and Training requirements.
The bidder shall provide one server to handle migration of 30 branches at a time.
The equipment supplied shall be fully insured under comprehensive insurance to cover equipment
during the period of transit and installation till acceptance by Bank. The insurance shall be for an
amount 110% of total value of equipments on ‘all risk’ basis including war risk, theft and robbery
clauses valid for the entire period till acceptance of the equipment by Bank. In case any loss or
damage occurs, the Bidder should be responsible for initiating and pursuing claims and settlement
and also make arrangement for repair and/or replacement of any damaged item. The Bank would
extend all its cooperation on getting the insurance of the Hardware delivered without any
commercial obligation
The Bidder shall be required to complete hardware sizing for the complete scope with provision for
upgrade as specified while submitting the bid.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The Bidder has to provide an undertaking and own the responsibility for the delivery of expected
performance under Service Level Agreements (SLAs). In the event of any performance issues, the
Bidder must provide additional hardware as necessary at their own cost till expiry of warranty period
or till 6 months after completion of project, whichever event occurs later.
During the process of migration, if Hardware sizing is found to be insufficient, the Bidder will have
to add additional hardware at one go to ensure that, the additions would be sufficient for the entire set
of branches considering the projected volume of business and also caters to the stipulated headroom
without any additional costs involved. It is to be noted that the Hardware sizing will be a judgemental
call of the Bidder only and the Bank would not be responsible for any errors in judgement by the
The bidder must give full details of technical architecture of the processor and mother board
including clock frequency, primary bus architecture, available cache, memory, storage and backup
devices, controllers etc
The hardware proposed must be fault tolerant. The Bidder must provide the details of fault tolerance
features proposed at all levels of central servers including recovery in case of failure
Bank proposes to utilise the existing PCs, Printers, UPS etc. at branches. The bidder may provide
requirements for Branch Roll out to enable the Bank to validate the existing IT infrastructure and
make arrangements for refresh on need basis.
The bidder must also ensure that the hardware resources utilization should not exceed 70% at any
point of time in the DC & DRC, for five years from the date of signing of contract. In case the
utilization exceeds the above level, the bidder must provide additional hardware without any
additional cost.
Utilisation of resources across the environment should not cross 70% for the peak loads of various
However, utlising all the resources by any particular application for a given type of process other
than OLTP (such as batch processing) due to certain architectural requirements is acceptable to the
Bank, provided this results in better overall performance of the system over and above what is given
in the RFP.
The hardware must be highly available with reference to recoverability so that any momentary failure
can be over come with no impact on end user availability
Further, the Bidder may also ensure that the hardware is upgradeable horizontally and vertically and
highly available with adequate redundancy for all the critical parts.
The Bidder is expected to submit a sizing document duly substantiating the basis for sizing of the
hardware. Bank may at its sole discretion evaluate the hardware sizing document. The Bidder needs
to provide necessary explanation for sizing document during Vendor presentation.
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February 2010
The hardware acceptance tests including performance validation of hardware will be mutually agreed
upon. Bank may at its discretion engage an external consultant for hardware acceptance.
In the Commercial Bid, the bidder has to provide and quote the requirements of hardware, component
wise for each item for DC and DRC separately. The production hardware to be provided to DRC
should be of the same specifications as that of Data Center
The configuration should specify the Operating System and RDBMS with version numbers. The
patches, if any, for the given version should also be mentioned
The detailed hardware technical requirements soliciting response from the Bidders are given in
The bidder shall submit in the technical bid, complete list of Hardware, Operating System Software,
RDBMS etc proposed to be supplied under the project at all the locations with full configuration,
technical details, version numbers, deliverables along with sizing methodology as detailed in this
RFP as per the format enclosed as a part of Technical Bill of Materials.
The Bidder may partner with OEM(s) or National Distributor(s) in the consortium for supplying
Hardware. The Bidder should furnish a letter from the OEM authorizing the consortium member to
quote for the OEM's product in response to this RFP. The letter should also certify that the Prime
Bidder or the Consortium Partner is a certified partner for delivering the highest category of support
for the CBS equipment.
Bidder should ensure that the hardware supplied to Bank including all components and accessories
are brand new and are supplied free of any / all encumbrances. No refurbished hardwarere should be
Backup – Recovery – Replication Requirements
The brief scope of work for Backup, Recovery and Replication Requirements is as follows:
Designing a backup and recovery solution
Providing necessary hardware, software and process & procedures document justify the need for
additional procurement.
Planning, providing an automated Tape Library system and justifying the need for the same.
Implementation of backup and recovery solution to meet performance parameters and SLA.
Planning, providing and implementing a replication solution for the CBS and other relevant
applications which need replication of data from DC to DR not confining to CBS alone.
Planning the solution to meet RPO, RTO and SLA requirements
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The “Recovery Point Objective” should not exceed 30 minutes and “Recovery Time Objective”
should not exceed 8 hours.
The Bidder has to provide a note detailing the replication methodology suggested performance
parameters, databases & operating systems supported and graphic tools for manageability.
The Bidder should provide for LAN free backup mechanism with backup window of not more than 2
hours duly considering the data volumes after rolling out the entire solution and also considering the
growth projected for the entire project scope.
The Bidder shall perform back up according to the mutually agreed back up policies and procedures,
including performance of daily, weekly, monthly functions for data and software maintained on
Servers, including interfacing with the specified back up media storage facilities at Bank as a part of
the Facility Management services extended to the Bank.
The Bidder should ensure that the CBS solution architecture and replication technologies suggested
are compatible to a near site data replication providing for a zero data loss replication as and when
the Bank desires to implement DC — Near Site – DRC replication.
The Bidder should furnish the details of procedure for bringing up the DRC within the recovery time
objective when the DC is down. The Bidder should also furnish the details of synchronizing the DC
data from DRC after DC infrastructure is made operational. A document on DRC drill is also to be
provided and the Bidder has to provide all incidental services under Facility Management.
Acceptance of Hardware
Bank may choose to carry out a technical inspection / audit and performance evaluation of products
offered by the short listed Bidders. The Bidder should permit Bank or any person appointed by Bank
to conduct the audit and any incidental expenses incurred for the same would be borne by the Bidder.
However Bank will bear expenses relating to the travel and boarding of its officials / consultants.
The Post Delivery Audit shall be conducted either for all or critical components of entire solution.
During the audit, random physical inspection of systems shall also be carried out by opening the
systems and verifying the make and model of important components like Hard Disks, CD ROM,
memory etc. During the audit, if any discrepancies / defects are found either in systems or
components, the bidder shall undertake to replace such systems and components at their cost.
The bidder has to conduct the following activities and submit relevant reports to Bank
The bidder shall provide necessary performance evaluation tests (mutually acceptable formats)
for hardware sizing as well as response time for all types of transactions.
All systems are to be tested with reference to CPU, Memory, etc. Error log must be maintained
for all such tests.
Bank may opt for acceptance test before delivery of systems at Bank’s site. The acceptance test is
only to verify compliance with the systems proposed and systems delivered but the Bidder continues
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
to be liable for system performance at peak loads till parameters on various categories like number of
accounts, transactions, etc. reach their highest specified levels
Additional Information
The Bidders and / or the authorized service providers should have support offices for adequate
support arrangement and they should have their employees for execution of projects. However, Prime
Bidder shall be fully responsible for the service provided by the service providers. Bank shall not
make any reference to the Service Provider and in case of any deficiency in service on a service
provider’s part; penalties shall be levied to the prime bidder’s account.
Bank would subsequently provide Addresses of the Data Centre and Disaster Recovery Centre.
Core Banking Solutions – Hardware Sizing
Inputs for Sizing the Hardware - CBS – Servers sizing parameters.
Table 5-1 RRB CBS Server sizing parameters
Sizing Information
The CBS architecture should be able to process a minimum of 12 TPS,
excluding Interest Applications and Year End Transactions where all the
debit and credit legs of the transaction would be considered as a single
The response time to the storage should be at a minimum (less than 10ms)
for a single transaction.
End-to-End response time for a user accessing the CBS over the WAN
under peak load conditions should be less than 4 seconds. i.e., Any
transaction initiated from any one of the delivery channels (including from
branch teller) should provide a complete response under peak load within 4
Resource utilization should not exceed 70% under peak load after all the
scheduled branches are migrated to CBS at least, till the end of five years
from the date of signing the contract.
The time taken for a transaction to complete (from the time it reaches the
Data Center LAN and exits as a completed response) should not be more
than 200ms (Data Center Latency)
All modules proposed by the Bidder should be seamlessly integrated either
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Sizing Information
at the Application Layer or at Database Layer.
CBS application and hardware should at a minimum
Application should support 600 users and should be scalable to 900
users by 2015.
Be sized for 180 branches, 2 extension Counters, 10 New Branches per
year that would be commissioned directly on CBS till 2015. (The data
provided covers both the Regional Rural Banks.)
The modalities of the number of instances of Application, Database
needed have to be explained in the technical proposal by the Bidder
All components within the CBS environment should be hot-swappable.
The CBS architecture should have Store and Forward (SAF) capabilities.
Clustering at Data Centre should be provided at both Application as well as
Database levels.
Database clustering at Data Centre and DRC should be Active-Passive
(High availability) as per the scope of the RS and the Bidder should support
to upgrade the same to Active-Active Clustering at DC as and when
decided by the Bank, duly quoting the additional costs, if any, as an optional
item in the Bill of Material.
With regard to Clustering at application level, provision for redundancy option
for all applications brought in by the System Integrator is mandatory in lieu of
Active–Active Clustering.
Additional Inputs for Solution Sizing are furnished hereunder.
Table 5-2 RRB CBS – Additional inputs for Solution Sizing
Sizing Input
Estimated growth of Users
10% per annum
Estimated growth of Accounts
10% per annum
Estimated growth in Transactions
10% per annum
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Sizing Input
Additional functionality increase
expected due to business,
regulatory and statutory
Peak load during a day
30% of transactions per hour during peak time
Peak time window
2 hours
Transactions that shall be carried
out in a three hours window
Concurrent users transacting at any
given point of time
@80% of total users (please refer number of users in core
banking server sizing requirements)
Number of branches proposed to
be connected and scheduled date
92 units by 25.09.10
184 units by 31.12.10
Estimated number of new branches
which are to be connected to CBS
after ------
10 new branches per year starting 31.12.2009
Automated Teller Machines as on
End of Day completion
rrequirement (After all the
proposed branches are centralized)
Branch side :With in 15 minutes after the last
transaction is posted in the branch
DC side :
Within 120 minutes after the Last branch puts
through its last Transaction on a Normal day for a
full load of all connected branches
Within 180 minutes during Quarter End, Half
Year and Year End for full load of all connected
Data Storage (Data to be migrated
from the existing system including
historical data for 2 years)
100 GB
Routine Operations like retrieval
of Signatures, Photos, Images etc
4 Seconds
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Sizing Input
Estimated requirement of Storage
at DC and DR for a five year
As per the Database requirements of the application
duly taking regulatory and statutory requirements into
Minimum Online Data for eight years depending
upon the Data Type and Application Type with due
Archival of the Data beyond one year subject to
applicable regulatory requirements
A list of data structures – storage period is to be
furnished and substantiated by applicable guidelines
in force.
Transactions break up
Approximately 30 % of transactions stated by phases
over the next 3 years would be query type of transactions.
Estimated Average percentage of transactions through:
Branch: 95%
ATM: 5%
The rate of growth of ATM transactions may be
considerable. Hence under this category alone, the
transactions may even touch 10%.
Enquiry transactions are expected to shift to alternate
delivery channels as and when they are made available.
Operating System with all
necessary System Administration
One of the flavors of Unix viz. HP-UX, IBM-AIX, Sun
Solaris is the preferred OS for CBS Database server.
Other Operating systems may be used in case of other
associated servers.
Estimated percentage of nonfinancial transactions such as
balance enquiry
Existing business information of proposed CBS branches
Table 5-3 Information on existing business for solution sizing.
Description of Item
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February 2010
No. of Accounts
Financial Transactions Per Day
Non-Financial Transactions Per Day
Total Number of Users
Projections for proposed CBS branches for next Five years
Table 5-4Business projections for 5 year period for solution sizing.
in Lakhs)
The Bidder shall provide the details of hardware sizing detailing the modalities used for the same
and explaining the calculations using the data provided above
Additional Information for Bidder on Hardware Sizing
Storage requirements for the CBS will have to be assessed by the Bidder and the Storage solution
shall be sized and procured accordingly.
Redundancies must be built into the solution for ensuring optimal performance while taking into
account, the present as well estimated number of future users and the load estimated on the system.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The backup and disaster recovery plans need to be highlighted and the bandwidth requirements from
the branches to DC / DR needs to be spelt out.
Utilization of hardware resources should not exceed 70% level at any point of time (for CPU(s),
memory module(s), hard disk(s) and NIC (s), and for WAN Equipment such as Router(s) till the end
of five years from the date of signing of contract.
The servers and network devices should have redundant power supplies for connecting power from 2
separate UPS supplies. In case of failure of one power supply, the second power supply should be
able to take the full load without causing any interruption in services. Any upgrade to the existing
UPS needs to be proposed by the Bidder.
The hardware to be provided must be scalable both horizontally and vertically and provide high
availability with adequate redundancy for all the critical components. It must be fault tolerant. The
hardware should support recoverability so that any momentary failure can be overcome with no
impact on end user availability.
In case the server resources are not horizontally scalable, the server should be configured allowing
20% of free slots in terms of CPU boards and Memory modules so as to enable future upgrades. The
hardware models need to be chosen accordingly.
Upgrade option keeping the above point in consideration is to be explained in detail.
High availability should be built in within the system installed in the Data Center. Hardware should
have sufficient redundancy in terms of Power Supplies, Fans and other components. Clustered
systems should be used wherever applicable. All critical components should be hot swappable and
replacement of such components should not result in system downtime.
Bank’s intention about the hot swappability feature is that the solution provides for the
replacement of critical components while the systems are functioning without needing to take a
down time (shut down the systems for maintenance). Bidder has to note that this feature is
required in meeting uninterrupted (24x7x365) services to the customers.
Keeping the above business requirements in view, Bidder have to offer an alternate efficient
mechanism in place of hot swappable feature for CPU, RAM, I-O slots and disks in case such
facility can not be provided by the OEM. The Bidder has to explain all such features with
technical write ups and estimations made in this regard as stipulated in the RS.
All servers should have a minimum of dual 1000 Mbps network interface cards (NIC) installed on
different slots. Each NIC shall be cabled from a different module on the switch using gigabit speed
cabling. Gigabit speed cabling is already available at both the DC and DR. For systems other than the
servers, such as desktops and clients used as power users, dual 1000 Mbps NICs should be
The proposed hardware should perform in a redundant mode to provide 24x7 services to the clients
and to support other delivery channels including ATMs, Any Branch Banking (ABB) etc. This is
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
also applicable for branches which work in extended hours like 8 am to 8 pm branches, besides
normal working hours for other branches.
The Bidder should ensure that the proposed servers should be able to accommodate newer versions of
processors that support higher frequency of operation if required, whenever they are available. It has
to be substantiated with proof and migration is to be furnished preferably with an undertaking to
replace the processors as and when such processors of highest level of frequency are supported.
The proposed server models wherever applicable are to be such as Blade Servers / Rack Mount
servers with key board, monitor etc. shared to minimize the requirement of rack space in Data Center
/ Disaster Recovery Center considering the existing space constraints. The model however should not
pose constraints in performance.
Systems / products marked as End-of-sale by the respective OEMs should not form part of the
equipment (Bill of Material) offered.
The Bidder is required to quote for each component of the Hardware/ proposed as a part of the
commercial bid in addition to the total cost of solution and any deviation in this regard will make the
quote liable to be rejected.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Implementation and maintenance services.
Software implementation.
The vendor shall make a Detailed System Study of two Regional Rural Banks and map the
requirements to Finacle Universal Banking Solution 7.0.x (most suited latest version for Regional
Rural Banks). The Detailed System Study (DSS) document shall be signed off by the vendor and the
The vendor shall identify the gaps and customise Finacle Universal Banking solution in accordance
taking broad scope as elaborated in chapter 4 of this RFP and the vendor has to make assessment of
customisation accordingly. The gap analysis document shall be signed off by the vendor and the
The vendor shall undertake Business Process Definition (BPD) and together with customised code
meet the entire Software requirements envisaged in this RFP. The BPD document shall be signed off
by the vendor and the Bank.
The vendor shall install, configure and implement Oracle RDBMS and Finacle Universal Banking
Solution. The vendor shall furnish a document detailed installation process, parameters, configuration
set up for RDBMS as well as Finacle.
The vendor shall implement separate instances of Finacle / database for two RRBs on shared
hardware and RDBMS environment.
The vendor shall provide implementation similar services for one Test and one Training
environments on common Hardware.
The vendor shall coordinate and assist the Bank team in User Acquaintance Test (UAQ).
The vendor shall coordinate and assist the Bank team in User Acceptance Test (UAT). The UAT sign
off is subject to vendor carrying out necessary rectifications / modifications / enhancements based on
UAT feed back given by the Bank team.
In a parallel process, the vendor shall provide Finacle Data upload formats duly explaining field level
requirements and expected validations. The vendor shall own this process and also willing to work
with the existing software vendor to finalise Data extraction requirements from the existing system.
The vendor shall plan for migration of 5 pilot branches from each RRB. The migration processes
shall be fine tuned with observations and feed back from the pilot phase. The vendor shall make
necessary enhancements / customisation to comply with the feed back from the pilot phase. However
any new requirements envisaged at this stage shall not come within the scope of feed back.
The vendor shall provide data uploading and migration assistance at Andhra Bank’s Data Center for
all the remaining branches in a mutually agreed plan with two RRBs. The vendor scope includes
mock upload of data in a test system and providing validation reports to ensure error free data upload
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February 2010
to production system. This mock data upload is to be carried out as an iterative process till the errors
are rectified in the process.
Hardware implementation.
The vendor shall be responsible for delivery of systems at the Primary and Secondary sites or at any
other site decided by the Bank. Bank shall provide the addresses of the sites before despatch of
material from the vendor’s site. The vendor shall make its own arrangements for delivery and receipt
of hardware, positioning in right places, unpacking etc.
The vendor shall submit a plan for installation of systems which shall be agreed upon and install the
systems accordingly. The vendor shall ensure all the requirements of Finacle UBS and Oracle
RDBMS platform are taken care of with required level of OS hardening.
The vendor shall furnish infrastructure (Power, Precision Air Conditioning etc.), network and IS
security requirements to install and maintain the hardware. Bank will make necessary arrangements
after finalising such requirements with the selected Vendor for CBS solution.
Handholding support at branches.
The vendor shall provide hand holding support at 10 pilot branches with two resources per branch
per week. Bank may at its option relocate the resources, however with prior communication and
The vendor shall also provide hand holding support at 40 more branches with one resource per
branch per week.
The resources provided for hand holding support shall have requisite application knowledge with
orientation to Bank’s BPD and good communication skills in English.
The resources provided to the branches of Rushikulya Gramya Bank should be capable of conversing
in Oriya language.
The resources provided to the branches of Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank should be capable of
conversing in Telugu language.
The hand holding support resources have to work in coordination with L2 Application support team
at Andhra Bank DC.
Resources for Helpdesk.
The Help desk for each of the RRBs shall be set up at the respective Head quarters of two RRBs at
Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) and Brahmapur (Orissa).
The vendor shall also provide 3 – L1 resources for each of the Help Desks with adequate knowledge
on Finacle. The resources have to be trained in the solution customised for these two RRBs. These
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
resources shall work in the shifts as desired by the respective RRBs. The indicative timings are from
8.30 am to 8.00 pm.
The resources provided for hand holding support shall have requisite application knowledge with
orientation to Bank’s BPD and good communication skills in English.
The resources provided to the branches of Rushikulya Gramya Bank should be capable of conversing
in Oriya language.
The resources provided to the branches of Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank should be capable of
conversing in Telugu language.
The Help desk L1 resources have to work in coordination with L2 Application support team at
Andhra Bank DC.
Resources for ongoing support.
The vendor shall provide 3 – L2 resources for Finacle Universal Banking Solution to suit the needs
of both RRBs. As of now 24x7 support is not envisaged. These resources have to work in
coordination with ATS support from M/s Infosys and Bank’s maintenance team. The resources
should be capable of handling all application related issues and also guide Hand holding support team
during implementation and Help Desk.
The vendor shall provide 1 – Oracle DBA who will work in coordination with Hardware and
Application teams. The timings for Oracle DBA may vary depending on the needs.
The vendor shall provide 2 resources for the maintenance Hardware. These resources shall work in
coordination with the backend team who will provide support under warranty / AMC.
The resources are required for a period of 5 years or for a lesser period at the option of the Bank.
For all major activities, Bank shall provide downtime without interruption to Bank’s working
schedule. The resources are to be provisioned to cover maintenance activities on holidays or late
night shifts. The resources have to work in coordination with other teams in such cases.
Warranty and Annual Technical Support for Finacle and RDBMS.
The vendor shall offer warranty for Finacle Universal Banking Solution and Oracle RDBMS as per
the standard terms and conditions of the respective Software vendors.
The vendor shall arrange for post warranty Annual Technical Support from respective Software
The vendor shall arrange to contract for necessary enhanced support for immediate trouble shooting
to encounter show stoppers.
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February 2010
Warranty and Annual Maintenance Contract for Hardware.
The vendor shall provide Hardware with 3 years warranty.
The vendor shall also offer Annual Maintenance Contract for a minimum period of 2 years within
this contract and renewable further.
The vendor shall contract for enhanced support to encounter show stoppers.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
List of Indicative Deliverables
This section covers a comprehensive list of deliverables that are to be provided by the Bidder as a
part of the scope. The details provided throughout the document are also to be considered in addition
to this section, while arriving at the proposed solution.
Deliverables for the Solution
Finacle Universal Banking Solution:
Finacle Universal Banking Solution is to be provided for two RRBS sponsored by the Bank. The
license to use is to be provided to two RRBs as two separate End User License Agreement or a
Tripartite End User License Agreement with Infosys as party granting license, two RRBs as licensees
and Andhra Bank as facilitator. The license document should have license fees, Annual Technical
Support requirements.
Detailed System Study and submission of document for both RRBs.
Conducting Gap Analysis and Gap Analysis document.
Customisation scope document based on Gap Analysis document.
Data migration strategy document with Data upload formats duly explained.
Business Process Definition process and BPD document.
User Acquaintance Test environment.
Coordinating User Acceptance Test and submission of UAT sign off document with details of UAT.
Pilot roll out plan document.
Document for branch client installation.
Oracle RDBMS License, installation, configuration and installation document. (For Production
System and test system and for DRC system if separate license is applicable)
Finacle Product documents and Finacle implementation document.
Finacle installation and installation document.
Debit Card issue / interface document – sharing Bank’s switching infrastructure
National Electronic Funds Transfer through Bank’s NEFT environment.
SMS push alerts.
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February 2010
Interface to Financial Inclusion project.
Systems Deliverables
All the hardware should be adequately sized based on data provided and should have appropriate
redundancies to meet the Performance Standards and comply with the SLA.
The Bidder should provide adequately sized hardware for
 Data Center for Production with three tier architecture duly following best practices and
optimizing the architecture.
 Disaster Recovery Center – in sync with systems proposed for Data Center.
 Test & Development and Training – one set of systems with separate environments for
Testing & Development and Training.
 Staging Servers
 Submission of installation, configuration documents, OS hardening and submission of OS
hardening document for all the above systems.
The bidder should Size, Procure, install and configure
 Storage Solutions, with SAN Switch, necessary software
 Back up, Recovery and Replication, Backup server
 Middleware for Delivery Channels (Besides Connect24 which is a part of Finacle)
 Submission of relevant document.
The bidder should provide training to Bank personnel covering.
Core Technical Team
Operating Systems
Resources support:
The Resources support covers
Data Center Management
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February 2010
 Physical and Application Security Management
 Server Management
 Database Management
 Performance Monitoring and Tuning of the Core Banking Solution
 Ongoing Application Support Management
 Back up and Recovery Management
 Patch Management for Applications and OS
Disaster Recovery Center Management
 Physical and Application Security Management
 Server Management
 Database Management
 Patch Management for Application and OS and ensuring that the systems in the DRC are in
sync with the systems in the DC
 Back Up, Recovery and Replication Management
 Incident Management and Response Management
 User Management
 All hardware, and OS should be supplied with 3 years Onsite warranty
 All Application Software should be supplied with 1 year warranty
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February 2010
Technical Bid – Organisation and formats.
This section covers mandatory requirements as part of Technical Bid to be submitted by the Bidder..
Documents required as part of bidder’s profile:
Bidder’s covering letter for the proposal
Authorisation for Signatory.
Bidder Profile (format provided in annexure)
Financial Indicators of the bidder in format – supported by three years audited annual financial
statements (If audit of FY 2008-2009 is not completed a provisional copy certified by a competent
official such as CFO may be submitted while statements for the years 2006-07, 2007-08 have to be
audited statements.
Compliance Certificate.
Certificate confirming contents of soft copy.
Statement showing Bidders eligibility criteria. Each point in relevant sections have to be confirmed
with details in an word / xls document
Team Strength
Statement of Deviations in Terms and Conditions.
Documents required as part of Technical Proposal.
Document containing features of Finacle version proposed with architecture details.
Mapping document showing Finacle CBS and Bank’s specifications as stipulated in this RFP.
Bill of quantities with version details for Operating Systems, Middleware, RDBMS.
Hardware sizing document.
Solution architecture logical design and physical architecture
Document on infrastructure requirements indicating power, PAC requirements
Document on Network and Security requirements
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February 2010
Hardware Bill of Quantities (Component-wise details with part numbers to be furnished).
Hardware product literature for each system.
Customisation strategy document.
Project Plan with timelines for implementation.
Masked Commercial Bid.
Cost of Bid documents
Demand Draft for Rs. 25,000/ - Covering of Cost of Bid is to be submitted separately alongwith bids.
Earnest Money Deposit.
Demand Draft for Rs.10 Lakhs Covering EMD or Bank Guarantee in lieu of DD covering EMD is to
be submitted separately alongwith Technical Bid.
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February 2010
Commercial Bid - Format for Bill of Materials
The Bidder should ensure that this document contains data pertaining to the Commercial Bill of
Materials. It is to be ensured that the non-commercial numbers presented in this document should be
the same as the one provided in the Technical Bill of Materials document.
The Bidder should propose the costs in such a way that the mentioned costs here would be the
maximum costs that the Bank will have to incur during the contract period and there would be no
revision upwards. Any reduction in prices for the components or services will have to be passed on to
the Bank.
The unit prices are necessarily quoted wherever indicated. For Hardware, the prices are to be quoted
component-wise also wherever applicable.
Bank reserves the option to place further orders for procurement of systems or components at such
unit / component prices for additional requirements.
All Prices to be quoted as inclusive of all Taxes and Duties. However all taxes and duties as
applicable shall be indicated separately
The Total Cost for each of the sections will have to be provided in Figures as well as words.
The formats in the following sections are to be used for submission of Commercial Bid.
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February 2010
Application Software
Table 9-1 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Application Software
Sl. No.
Price per Branch
Total Price for 200 branches
Base Price
Base Price
Finacle Core Banking Solution
requirements of RRBs
Finacle eBanking
The license is to be valid for use at Data Center and Disaster Recovery Center either for a planned
activity or for Business Continuity.
The license is to be valid for use by both the RRBs sponsored by the Bank.
Any other priced component required alongwith Finacle other than Oracle RDBMS are also to be
included in this sheet.
For all separately priced items, the details are to be furnished under item no.7 in the table.
The Bill of Materials should be provided in an MS Excel Spreadsheet only.
Using the following formats, the Bidder should prepare a cash flow for 5 years providing annual cash
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Application Software Customization and implementation.
Table 9-2 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Application Software customisation and implementation.
Sl. No
Consolidated charges
Base Price
Tax Component
Finacle Customisation to be built to meet functional
specifications envisaged in RFP – including ATM
interface, NEFT through Andhra Bank etc.
Finacle implementation for two RRBs – separate
instances, test and training environments and both
at DC and DRC.
Data upload / migration activity at Data Center for
all branches
Additional customisation --- man days
Total Customization Charges
Software should be customized based on the Gap Analysis for the proposed scope of the project.
The customized software is to be maintained by the Bidder and integrated with the base software
during any version upgrades or patch upgrades.
Additional customisation – man days provisioned above are for use in case of new requirements that
are not envisaged as part of this RFP.
Finacle implementation includes implementation services to be extended at DC, DRC, for separate
instances for RRBs and Test and Training systems.
Data upload activities to include required mock migration activity as well as final upload in the
production run.
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February 2010
Hand holding support at Branches.
Table 9-3 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Handholding support
Consolidated charges
Sl. No
Hand Holding support for 25 branches for each of
the RRBs (i.e. for 50 branches in all spread over
three districts of Andhra Pradesh and two districts
of Orissa)
Base Price
Tax Component
Optional costs for additional branches
Table 9-4 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Handholding support (Optional costs beyond 50 branches)
Hand holding support per branch charge at the rate
of one person week per branch.
Table 9-5 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Training.
No9.5.1.1of No
days of
per person /
per day
Finacle Core
Operating System
Team 25
Total Training Cost
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February 2010
Hardware Requirements
Hardware for installation at Data Centre, Hyderabad
Table 9-6 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Hardware for DC
Sl. No.
Make and
No. of
Unit Rate
Base Price
Base Price
CBS – Web Servers
CBS – Application Servers
CBS – Database Servers
CBS – Staging Servers
CBS – Test / Training Servers
CBS – Storage solution
CBS – Backup solution (Tape Library – if any server is required the same has also to be quoted)
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February 2010
Hardware for installation at Disaster Recovery Centre (place to be finalised)
Table 9-7 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Hardware for DRC
CBS – Web Servers
CBS – Application Servers
CBS – Database Servers
CBS – Storage solution
CBS – Backup solution (Tape Library – if any server is required the same has also to be quoted)
Hardware should be supplied with 3 years comprehensive on-site warranty.
Operating Systems:
If there are any costed OS licenses are required the same has to be quoted in a similar format.
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February 2010
Relational Database Management Systems
Data Centre
Table 9-8 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for RDBMS for DC
Sl. No.
Make and
No. of
Unit Rate
Base Price
Base Price
Finacle production system
Oracle licenses
Oracle license
for Test system
Disaster Recovery Centre
Table 9-9 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for RDBMS for DRC
Sl. No.
Make and
No. of
Unit Rate
Base Price
Base Price
Finacle production system
Oracle licenses
as required
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February 2010
Work stations and other requirements at Data Center / DRC.
Table 9-10 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Workstations (DC)
Sl. No
Branch Hardware
Make /
No. of
Unit rate
Client PCs - 10 DC
Printer for printing
certificates 24 Pin
80 column / 300
CPS - 1 no.
Printer for Printing
Demand Drafts /
(Banker’s cheques)
- 9 Pin 80 column /
300 CPS - 1 no
132 column 300
CPS – 9 Pin Dot
Matrix Printer - 2
Suitable scanner for
signature scanning
- 1 no.
LaserJet Printer
Table 9-11 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Workstations (DRC)
Sl. No
Branch Hardware
Make /
No. of
Unit rate
Client PCs - 5 nos.
LaserJet Printer
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February 2010
Annual Technical Support and Annual Maintenance Contract.
Annual Technical Support Charges – Application Software.
Table 9-12 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Technical Support Charges – Application Software.
Sl No
Application Software
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of ATS
ATS charges
Tax Component
Finacle CBS
Table 9-13 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Technical Support Charges – Oracle RDBMS etc.(DC)
Sl No
Application Software
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of ATS
ATS charges
Tax Component
Oracle RDBMS – DC
Oracle for Test system
Table 9-14 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Technical Support Charges – Oracle RDBMS etc. (DRC)
Sl No
Application Software
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of ATS
ATS charges
Tax Component
Oracle RDBMS – DR
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February 2010
Annual Maintenance Contract Charges – Hardware (DC)
Table 9-15 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charge – DC Hardware.
Sl No
Description of system
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of AMC
AMC charges
Tax Component
Annual Maintenance Contract Charges – Hardware (DRC)
Table 9-16 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charges – DRC Hardware
Sl No
Description of system
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of AMC
AMC charges
Tax Component
Table 9-17 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charge - DC Workstations
Sl No
Description of system
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of AMC
AMC charges
Tax Component
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February 2010
Annual Maintenance Contract Charges – Hardware (DRC)
Table 9-18 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Annual Maintenance Contract Charges (DRC)
Sl No
Description of system
Annual Technical Support Charges
No. of AMC
AMC charges
Tax Component
Post warranty ATS / AMC charges to be quoted to ensure that the software is either covered by
warranty or AMC for a contractual period of 5 years.
Year Number is to be filled as Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4, Year 5.
ATS / AMC charges during warranty period is to be filled as Zero.
Resources for ongoing support.
Table 9-19 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Manpower resources provisioning (DC)
Charges for Resource provisioning for ongoing support
of Man
Resources month
Total costs
Tax Component
Resources at DC for
including Storage and
Oracle DBS at DC
Application Support
L2 at DC
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February 2010
Table 9-20 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format for Manpower resources provisioning (DRC)
Annual Technical Support Charges
of Man
Resources month
Total cost
Tax Component
Resources at DRC for
including Storage and
Oracle DBA at DRC
Note: Resources as detailed in the RFP are to be provisioned for a contractual period of 5 years.
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February 2010
Summary of Cost and Total Costs
Table 9-21 AB RRB CBS Commercial Bid Format - Consolidation
Tax Component
Software Cost (Total of
implementation Charges
Handholding support at
Operating Systems
Recurring Costs –ATS for
Recurring Costs –ATS for
Recurring Costs – AMC for
Recurring Costs – AMC for
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February 2010
Disaster Recovery Centre
Operating Systems
Recurring Costs –ATS for
Recurring Costs – AMC for
DRC Hardware
Recurring Costs – AMC for
DRC Workstations
Recurring Costs – AMC and
Amount in words
Note:We Confirm that
The above quoted fee is the lump sum (fixed price) amount and any add on in any form will
not be payable by the Bank for whatsoever reason. No out of pocket expenses will be paid
over and above this price.
The fee includes all taxes, duties, levies, service tax, etc.,
The fee also includes the cost of deliverables for all the phases of the Project.
Bank will deduct the tax at source, if any, as per the law of the land.
Further, we confirm that we will abide by all the terms and conditions contained in the
Request for Proposal document.
Authorized Signatory with Seal
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February 2010
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February 2010
Payment Terms.
Payment Schedule
The following payment schedule would be followed for the supply of software and hardware.
Table 10-1 AB RRB CBS– Payment Terms.
% of Payment
Stages (On completion of activities to the
Satisfaction of the Bank)
Finacle CBS licenses
Delivery of base version of software and execution
of End User License Agreement
On completion of the warranty period or on
production of bank guarantee for equivalent
Delivery of base version of software and execution
of End User License Agreement
On completion of the warranty period or on
production of bank guarantee for equivalent
Delivery and installation of hardware, operating
systems, and submission of invoice with proof of
delivery and installation.
On commencement of live operations and on
production of Bank guarantee for 10% of Hardware
cost covering warranty period.
Oracle licenses
If Bank Guarantee is not furnished, the vendor can
claim 10% of the hardware cost only on completion
of warranty period.
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February 2010
Project Implementation Costs.
The following payment schedule would be followed for providing Training and one time
implementation services.
Table 10-2 AB RRB CBS– Payment Terms – Project Implementation Costs.
% of Payment
Stages (On completion of activities to the
Satisfaction of the Bank)
Will be paid as and when each batch of training is
completed and e-learning materials are provided on
a CD
50% of
15 days after first pilot branch roll out and
acceptance by Bank.
25% of
After successful completion of roll out in 50% of
branches subject to sign off by both parties
agreeing completion of Customisation.
25% of
Customisation and
One month after successful completion roll out in
25 pilot branches and acceptance by Bank.
35% of
15 days after first pilot branch roll out and
acceptance by Bank.
35% of
After successful completion of roll out in 50% of
30% of
After successful completion of roll out in 100% of
Data uploading services
To be assessed on monthly basis and shall be paid monthly in arrears
subject to completion of the respective task and acceptance by Bank.
To be assessed on monthly basis and shall be paid monthly in arrears
subject to completion of the respective task and acceptance by Bank.
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February 2010
Project Life cycle Costs
The following payment schedule will be followed for the project life cycle ( on going support)
Table 10-3 AB RRB CBS– Payment Terms – Project Life Cycle Costs
Annual Technical Support
Software, RDBMS
Stages (On completion of activities)
On signing the relative contract, quarterly in
advance against a financial guarantee for 25%
of ATS / AMC Charges or the amount shall be
payable in arrears quarterly (within 30 days
from the end of relevant quarter or on
submission of claim whichever is later).
Financial Guarantee for the entire year may be
submitted to draw quarterly payments
All other charges and
recurring Costs
The amount shall be paid in arrears quarterly
within 30 days from the end of relevant quarter or
on submission of claim whichever is later
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February 2010
Procedure for Claiming Payments
The following process should be followed for claiming payments:
The bidder shall submit payment claims to Bank in writing accompanied by Original Invoice
detailing the Hardware systems, software delivered, installed and accepted.
The payments for all undisputed amounts shall be made within 30 days of valid claims that are
supported by invoice, original Proof of Delivery (POD), installation and acceptance by bank as
well as upon fulfilment of other conditions stipulated in the contract. The invoices and other
documents are to be duly authenticated by the bidder.
On receiving each payment, the bidder shall submit a stamped receipt for the full payment
received including TDS. The payment will be released centrally from Department of
Information Technology, Head Office, Hyderabad, after deducting the applicable TDS. A TDS
certificates would be issued for the TDS recoveries at the end of the respective Financial Year.
Any penalties / Liquidated damages payable by the Prime Vendor shall first be adjusted in the
invoices before making Payments by the Bank.
Taxes as applicable in terms of proposed Finance Bill for the FY 2010-2011 are to be taken into
consideration while assessing taxes. Any increase or decrease in Taxes would be passed on to
the Bank.
Octroi charges wherever applicable will be reimbursed by the Bank on production of proof of
payment in original.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Eligibility Criteria
Firms meeting the eligibility criteria as described in the following sections will be considered
for evaluation.
The Bank reserves the right to change or relax the eligibility criteria to ensure inclusivity.
Eligibility of Bidders
The bidder should not be an individual/ proprietary / HUF etc. The bidder may be a government
organization/ Public sector unit/ Partnership firm / Limited Company/ Private Limited Company
having its Registered Office in India. Relevant documents of the same are to be submitted
The bidder organization should have been in existence for and must be engaged in the business
of integration of IT Projects for at least 3 years as on December 31, 2009 in India. Related
document should be submitted as part of the proposal with special reference to Banking clients.
The bidder should have a minimum turnover of INR 200 Crores per year in the last three years
from IT segment of the company. The bidder must warrant financial solvency, i.e. able to meet
all the debts as and when they fall due.
The bidder should have made profits in succession for the past 3 years (FY ending March 2007 FY ending March 2009). The relevant documents including Balance Sheet/Profit and Loss
Account/Certificate from Statutory Auditors certifying the financials are to be submitted as part
of the proposal
The bidder must warrant that there are no legal actions being taken against it for any cause in
any legal jurisdiction. If such an action exists and the bidder considers that it does not affect its
ability to deliver the requirements as stated in this RFP, an undertaking specifying the nature of
the legal action and the reasons why this shall not affect the bidder’s ability to deliver shall be
The Bidder should not have been black-listed by any Public Sector Bank, RBI or IBA or any
other Government agencies. Bidder must certify to that effect.
Experience of the Bidder in implementing Core Banking Solutions
The bidder should have previous experience in the supply, installation and maintenance of
Finacle Core Banking Solution either one Public Sector Bank or a Private sector Bank or a
Regional Rural Bank ( with > 200 branches roll out to CBS)
The bidder should have previous experience in implementation and maintenance of Unix based
three tier architecture (Web, Application Database servers) for CBS implementation in any
Public or Private sector Bank or Regional Rural Bank ( with > 200 branches roll out to CBS)
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February 2010
The bidder should be an OEM for the hardware proposed for CBS implementation or authorized
by OEM to provide such hardware and maintenance support under warranty / AMC. The OEM
should provide an authorization letter undertaking to abide by the purchase terms agreed by the
The bidder should have previous experience implementation and maintenance of Oracle
RDBMS for Core Banking Solution in a Public Sector or Private sector Bank or Regional Rural
Bank ( with > 200 branches roll out to CBS)
The Bidder should furnish reference Banking Client
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February 2010
Evaluation Process
Objective of Evaluation Process
The objective of the evaluation process is to evaluate the bids to select an effective solution at a
competitive price.
Through this Request for Proposal, Bank aims to select a Vendor for the implementation of
Core Banking Solution in Andhra Bank sponsored RRBs. The Bidder shall be entrusted with
end-to-end responsibility for the execution of the project under the scope of this RFP and has to
work in coordination with Network Service Provider. The Bidder is expected to commit for the
delivery of services with performance levels set out in this RFP with a Service Level
The Bank has adopted a two bid process in which the Bidder has to submit (1) Technical Bid
and (2) Commercial Bid separately but at a time as stipulated
The Bank shall evaluate the Technical Bids initially and based on Technical Bid evaluation shall
undertake Commercial Bid evaluation of the proposals qualified Technical Bid Evaluation.
The evaluation by the Bank will be undertaken by a Committee of Officials and Consultants
formed by Bank and its decision is final
Technical Bid Evaluation Process
The Core Banking Solution implementation involves various components including supply and
implementation of Application Software, Hardware, RDBMS, Training, Data Migration,
Implementation Services, Roll out of the CBS and support services. Hence the proposal
submitted by the Bidders shall be evaluated on technical grounds covering various components
of the projects as follows:
Functional requirements
Technical and Solution requirements
Structured walk through
Past Experience
Vendor Presentation & Approach and Methodology
All the above components are having weighted scores as explained in subsequent sections
which will add to 100 against which a Bidder’s proposal has to score a minimum of 70 (duly
meeting component minimum requirements) for considering the proposal for the Commercial
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February 2010
The scoring methodology for technical bid components is explained in the following paragraphs
of this section.
Scoring Methodology for Functional Requirements
The bidder has to furnish responses in detail for every point in Chapter 4.
The responses are to be furnished duly mapping details in Finacle Product document. The
customisation if needed. The replies are to be furnished by way of a detailed xls document.
Table 12-1 AB RRB CBS – Functional specifications mapping document for Technical Bid evaluation
Point No.
Detail from
Mapping with Finacle
document – Meeting
the requirement
% readily
met through
% met
customisation /
work around
The bidder has to furnish responses to all points without fail. The points skipped in the response
document will be treated as not met either through product basic configuration or customisation
and will be awarded “Zero” marks.
The marks will be given duly according appropriate weightage for above two categories (4) and
The evaluation will be done based on desktop evaluation.
Scoring Methodology for Technical and Solution Requirements
The Technical requirements cover the Hardware proposed as part of the solution.
The solution requirements cover the General Solution Architecture of the CBS that is to be
provided as a part of the solution.
Bidder should clearly specify the detailed configuration and specifications of the hardware
required at various levels of performance and supply a detailed Bill of Materials (BoM) with the
part numbers for the hardware based on the technical requirements.
The Bidder should clearly specify the detailed solution architecture.
The hardware should be scalable to support the numbers specified as a part of the Master
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February 2010
The Scoring for Technical and Solution requirements would be based on the response provided
by the Bidder
The Sizing Booklet that is provided as a part of the response as described in Section ------ would
also be considered for evaluation. The Bidder should cover the following as a part of the Sizing
The Bidder’s interpretation of the Bank’s requirements and translating them as parameters for
sizing the system will be rated based on the hardware sizing documentation.
The scores will also be dependent on the explanation given on how conclusions are made about
the response time, performance of systems in terms of TPS, concurrent sessions, concurrent
users etc.
The scores will also take into consideration the supporting documents, performance estimation
reports on equivalent hardware and similar environment.
The hardware sizing documentation should be exhaustive with details application-wise,
system-wise, providing for the entire range of hardware required, substantiated with the product
literature, performance estimation reports and duly relating with the information provided for
hardware sizing.
The Bidder would be invited to the Bank to make an exclusive presentation detailing the Total
Solution Sizing which would be evaluated by a competent Panel.
The Bank at its discretion may reject the proposal of the Bidder without giving any reason
whatsoever, if in the Bank’s opinion, the Solution Sizing was not made appropriately to meet
the performance criteria as stipulated by the Bank
The Bidder should score a minimum of 80% in Technical and Solution Requirements.
Scoring Methodology for Structured Walkthrough
The Bidder is required to arrange for a Structured Walkthrough of the solution offered in
response to RFP in a place where all the functionality can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of
the Bank’s team including Non-ATM delivery channels.
During the structured walkthrough, the Bank may seek explanations on various technical and
other requirements.
The cost for set up for the structured walkthrough will be borne by the Bidder and the Bank will
bear the expenses incidental to attending the Structured Walkthrough by the Bank’s team and its
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Each question in the questionnaires prepared by Bank would be verified by the officials of the
Bank and appropriately record the responses. Any workarounds suggested by the bidder for
functionality may be considered by Bank personnel and details recorded.
Additionally the Bank team will verify the overall functionalities and technical architecture of
the proposed solution and record the observations.
The responses provided by the Bidder in response to functional and technical requirements of
RFP will also be verified and marked during the structured walkthrough process.
The Structured Walkthrough Questionnaires would be released to the Bidder’s after preliminary
scrutiny of the technical bids, post RFP submission. The dates would be indicated at the
appropriate time.
The structured walkthrough questionnaires for each of the Bidders will be dependent on the
solution proposed by them.
The Bank at its discretion may reject the proposal of the bidder without giving any reason
whatsoever, if in the Bank’s opinion, the bidder could not present or demonstrate the proposed
solution as described in the proposal.
The bidder is expected to score a minimum of 80% score in Structured Walkthrough.
Scoring Methodology for Past experience
A Committee of people from the Bank would carry out Reference Site Visits and/or Telephonic
interviews with the existing customers of the Bidder. The inputs that have been received from
the Customer would be considered by the Bank and this might not need any documentary
evidence. This rating would be purely on the inputs provided by the Bidders customers.
The scoring would be relative among the bidders.
The Bank at its discretion may reject the proposal of the Bidder without giving any reasons
whatsoever, in case the responses received from the Site Visits are negative.
Scoring Methodology for Vendor Presentations
As an evaluation process, the Bidders will be invited to Bank to deliver a presentation on the
Solution that is proposed.
The Bank will propose the structure for each of the Bidders based on the information required
from the concerned Bidders.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The presentations would be rated by a competent panel chosen appropriately by Bank and
scores would be assigned to each of the presentation. The details of the presentations and the
contents to be covered would be published and intimated by Bank prior to the presentations.
The “Approach and Methodology” adopted for the Implementation would also be evaluated by
the Bank duly supplemented through this presentation and would at the minimum cover
Data Migration
Team Strength
Project Management for CBS roll out.
Data Migration
The quality of the Bidder’s Data Migration procedure shall form an integral part of the final
evaluation and selection of the Bidder.
The bidder has to furnish a detailed write up on Data migration methodology and their
understanding of the work in scope.
The bidder has to furnish a document detailing the trainings that are envisaged in the scope of
the document besides Finacle Core Team Training which is to be undertaken by M/s Infosys.
The other trainings to include training on Hardware, Help desk etc.
Team Strength
The Bidder has to furnish a document detailing Team Strength for CBS projects together with
profiles of team members experienced in CBS roll out and their availability to Bank’s project.
The Bidder should ensure that the people above the role of the Team Lead who are proposed for
this project should have worked on projects in Indian Banks earlier.
Project Management
It is also expected that the Bidder gives an elaborate Project Management template covering
each of the activities and the implementation schedule as per the “Pilot Implementation” details
provided in this document.
The Bidder should provide explanation on the Project Management process that is proposed for
the Bank including details of how the same was applied in a similar project
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Consolidated Score in Technical Bid Evaluation
The Consolidated Technical Bid Evaluation Score (TEVS) would be a composite of the
following scores:
Table 12-2 AB RRB CBS – TEVS Weightage Distribution
Scoring Parameter
Weighted Score
Minimum Percentage for
Technical Qualification
Functional Requirements (FR)
WTFR = (Bidder Score in FR
65% Overall
Technical and Solution
Requirements (TSR)
WTTSR = (Bidder Score in
TSR /TSR)*20
Structured Walkthrough
Scoring (SW)
WTSW = (Bidder Score in SW
Past Experience (PE)
WTPE = (Bidder Score in PE
Vendor Presentations (VP)
WTVP = (Bidder Score in VP
TEVS = 100
FR, TSR, SW, PE, VP and AM denote the maximum score possible for each of the
corresponding sections
The final Technical Evaluation Score shall be calculated as following:
Disqualification Parameters in Technical Bid Evaluation
As indicated in 12.2.2 , a minimum percentage has been defined for technical qualification for
certain parameters. Bidders whose solutions do not meet the minimum percentages required in
those parameters would not be considered for further evaluation.
The Bids which do not meet the stipulated criteria on 70% TEVS will not be considered for
commercial evaluation
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The Bank at its discretion may reject the proposal of the Bidder without giving any reason
whatsoever, if in the Bank’s opinion, the Solution Sizing was not made appropriately to meet
the performance criteria as stipulated by the Bank
The Bank at its discretion may reject the proposal of the Bidder without giving any reasons
whatsoever, in case the responses received from the Site Visits are negative.
Commercial Bid Evaluation
The Bids which are Technically qualified would be considered for Commercial Bid evaluation.
The Total Cost for a period of 5 years for each of the Bidders will be arrived at based on the
Commercial Bid format
The Bank shall scrutinize the commercial bids and normalize the same if found necessary before
comparing the bids
The Commercial Bid will be evaluated based on the Cost that has been proposed by the Bidder
in the Commercial Bid.
The Technically Qualified bidder with the lowest Commercial Bid after scrutiny and
normalization would be declared as L1.
In case of a Tie between two or more Bidders for considering L1, the Bid with higher TEVS
would be chosen at the discretion of the Bank
The L1 bidder shall not automatically qualify for becoming selected Bidder and for award of
contract by the bank.
The Bank shall negotiate with L1 Bidder and in case the cost of L1 is found to be high and not
acceptable to the Bank, the Bank reserves the right to reject the L1 Bidder and re-tender.
The Bank shall not incur any liability to the affected bidder on account of such rejection.
12.10.10 The Bidder whose commercial bid is accepted will be referred to as “Selected Bidder” and the
Bank will notify the name of the Selected Bidder
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Bid Submission
General Terms of Bid Submission
The offers should be made strictly as per the formats enclosed.
The Bidder should bear all the costs associated with the preparation and submission of their bid
and Bank will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or
outcome of the bidding process.
Two copies of the bid are to be submitted, one in original and the other in copy.
The bid should be signed by the Bidder or any person duly authorized to bind the bidder to the
contract. The signatory should give a declaration and through authenticated documentary
evidence establish that the person is empowered to sign the tender documents and bind the
bidder. All pages of the tender documents except brochures if any are to be signed by the
authorized signatory.
The offers submitted to Bank should preferably not bear any corrections, alterations, over
writings and additions. In such cases, the person/s singing the bid should initial such
The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and conditions and technical
specifications in the Bidding Documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the
Bidding Documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the Bidding
Documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of the bid.
No columns of the tender should be left blank. Offers with insufficient information and Offers
which do not strictly comply with the stipulations given above, are liable for rejection.
Bank may accept or reject, in full or in part, any or all the offers, without assigning any reason
Bank may at its discretion abandon the process of the selection of IS Auditor anytime before
notification of award.
The bids will be opened in the presence of authorized representatives of the bidders. However,
the representative of the bidder has to produce an authorization letter from the bidder to
represent them at the time of opening of Technical/Commercial bids. Only One representatives
will be allowed to represent any bidder. In case the bidder’s representative does not present at
the time of opening of bids, the quotations/bids will still be opened at the scheduled time at the
sole discretion of the Bank.
The bidder must use the entire information furnished in the RFP including scope, detailed
requirements of audit of application and other terms and conditions, while submitting the
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
All responses should be in English language. All responses by the Bidders to this RFP
document shall be binding on such Bidders for a period of 180 days from the date of opening
the Technical Bid.
All responses including commercial and technical bids would be deemed to be irrevocable
offers / proposals from the Bidders and may, if accepted by Bank, form part of the final contact
between Bank and Bidder.
Bidders are advised to attach a letter from an authorized signatory attesting the veracity of the
information provided in the response.
Any technical or commercial bid submitted cannot be withdrawn / modified after the closing
date and time for submission of the bid offers unless specifically permitted by Bank. However,
the Bidder may modify or withdraw its offer after submission provided that, Bank, prior to the
closing date and time receives a written notice of modification or withdrawal.
Bank concludes that everything as mentioned in the RFP documents circulated to the Bidders
and responded by the Bidders have been quoted for by the Bidders and there shall be no extra
cost associated with the same other than the cost quoted by the Bidder.
In the event, Bank has not asked for the quotes for alternative price.
Cost of Bid
The Bidder is required to submit a Demand Draft amounting to Rs.25,000 in favour of Andhra
Bank along with the bid. This is to be submitted in a separate envelope along with the Bid
response. This amount is not refundable.
Earnest Money Deposit (EMD).
The Bidder is required to deposit of sum of Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupees Ten Lakhs only) in the
form of a Demand Draft / Banker’s Cheque / Pay order in favour of ‘Andhra Bank’ payable at
Hyderabad as Earnest Money Deposit. The bidder may however submit a Bank Guarantee for
180 days issued by a Scheduled Commercial Bank in lieu of EMD by way of Demand Draft /
BC. Format of Bank Guarantee is provided.
The EMD is to be submitted as part of the Technical Proposal.
No interest will be paid on the EMD.
The EMD (bid Security) / Bank Guarantee of successful Bidder shall be refunded after
furnishing performance Guarantee as required by the Bank.
EMDs / Bank Guarantees furnished by all unsuccessful Bidders will be returned on the
expiration of the bid validity / finalization of successful Bidder, whichever is earlier.
The EMD made by the bidder will be forfeited if:
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
the bidder withdraws his bid before opening of the bids.
the bidder withdraws his bid after opening of the bids but before acceptance of “Letter of
Intent” or “Purchase Order”.
the selected bidder withdraws his bid / proposal before furnishing an unconditional
irrevocable Performance Bank Guarantee.
the bidder violates any of the provisions of the terms and conditions of the RFP in the process
of evaluation and upto submission of Performance Bank Guarantee.
Failure to accept the order by the Selected Bidder within seven days from the date of receipt of
the order makes the EMD liable for forfeiture at the discretion of Bank. However Bank reserves
its right to consider at its sole discretion the late acceptance of the order by selected Bidder.
Failure to submit the Performance Guarantee with in stipulated period from the date of
execution of the contract makes the EMD liable for forfeiture. In such instance, Bank at its
discretion may cancel the order placed on the selected Bidder without giving any notice..
The Performance Bank Guarantee is to be furnished for a sum equivalent to 10% of the
Contractual value covering the entire contractual period.
Two Stage Bidding Process
For the purpose of selection of the Vendor for implementing Core Banking Solution in the
Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank, a two-stage bidding process will be
The response to the present tender is to be submitted in two parts, i.e. the Technical Bid and the
Commercial Bid. The bidders will have to submit the ‘Technical Bid’ separately from the
‘Commercial Bid’.
The bidder has to submit their response in hardcopy and softcopy in Microsoft Office document
formats for Technical Bid and Commercial Bid.
The ‘Technical Bid’ will contain the exhaustive and comprehensive details of approach,
methodologies to be followed, assertions, documents and any other collateral the Bidder would
want to submit to the Bank.
The ‘Commercial Bid’ will contain the pricing information alone.
The Technical Bid should NOT contain any pricing or commercial information at all. Any bids
violating this will be summarily rejected and the bids shall be disqualified from further
In the first stage, only the ‘Technical Bids’ will be opened and evaluated. Those bidders
satisfying the technical requirements of the solution, as determined by Andhra Bank and as per
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
the requirements/specifications and the terms and conditions of this document, shall be shortlisted.
Under the second stage, the Commercial Bids of bidders which have been short-listed earlier on
the basis of evaluation of their Technical Bids, will only be opened.
Bank may call for any clarifications/ additional particulars required, if any, on the technical/
commercial bids submitted. The vendor has to submit the clarifications/ additional particulars in
writing within the specified date and time. The bidder’s offer will be disqualified, if the
clarifications/ additional particulars sought are not submitted within the specified date and time.
Bank reserves the right to call for a presentation on the features etc., from the short-listed
bidders based on the technical bids submitted by them to make an evaluation.
The commercial bid should contain quotation for end-to-end CBS implementation services as
envisaged in the Scope of the RFP.
Bidders must acquaint themselves fully with the conditions of the bids. No plea of insufficient
information will be entertained at any time.
Sealing and Marking of Bids
The offer should be submitted in two separate sealed covers containing Technical (Technical
Bid) and Commercial (Commercial Bid) Proposals super scribed with “Selection of the Vendor
for implementing Core Banking Solution in the Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra
Bank” and “Selection of the Vendor for implementing Core Banking Solution in the Regional
Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra Bank – Commercial Bid”.
The sealed covers containing the Technical offer and the Commercial offer should in turn be put
in a sealed outer envelope to be super-scribed as “Technical and Commercial offers for
providing Core Banking Solution for RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank”.
The envelope containing Technical Offer should include only Bidder’s Profile (as per enclosed
format), Relevant Technical Bid Forms and Standard Printed Technical Literature/Brochure in
support of the Technical bid submissions.
The envelope containing Commercial Offer should include only the commercial quote for the
Core Banking Solution implementation for RRBs as per the formats provided in relevant
sections. Please note that no other information other than the price should be furnished along
with this offer.
Commercial Bid
The commercial bid should be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope. Cost figures should be
presented separately for each of the line items.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
The Bidder to quote in Indian Rupees only and bids in currencies other than INR would not be
The prices and other terms offered by Bidders must be in force for a period of 180 days from the
date of opening of the commercial bid.
All costs should be inclusive of all taxes, duties, charges and levies of State or Central
Governments, as applicable, at the date of signing the Agreement and subject to deduction of all
statutory deductions applicable, if any. The benefits realized by Bidder due to lower rates of
taxes, duties, charges and levies shall be passed on by Bidder to Bank.
Any additional expenses incurred by the Bidder due to increase in taxation, duties, charges and
levies, the same shall be reimbursed to the Bidder on production of satisfactory proof.
The Bidder has to include all costs like Travel, Lodging & Boarding, Local Travel expenses, etc
incurred during the entire period of the Project and Bank will not bear any additional costs on
The prices quoted by the Bidders shall include all costs such as Taxes, Service Taxes, VAT,
Levies, Cess, Insurance, etc. that need to be incurred.
Terms of payment shall be finalized with the selected bidder and milestone based payments
shall be made to the selected bidder, on completion of such milestones to the satisfaction of the
Bid Submission
Bidders are not permitted to submit more than one bid.
The cost of bidding and submission of the bids is entirely the responsibility of the Bidders,
regardless of the conduct or outcome of the tendering process.
Bids sealed in accordance with the Instructions to bidders should be delivered as mentioned in
the Bid schedule. Bids may be sent by registered post or hand delivery, so as to be received at
the address given above in the tender schedule.
Receipt of the bids shall be closed as mentioned in bid schedule. Bids received after the
scheduled time will not be accepted by the Bank under any circumstances.
The technical bids will be opened as mentioned in bid schedule.
Bank will not be responsible for any delay due to postal service or any other means.
The bidders or their authorized representatives shall be present at the time of the opening of the
technical bid. Only one person per bidder will be allowed to be present at the time of the
opening the technical bids. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening, except for late bids and those
that do not conform to bidding terms.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Clarifications on the Tender Documents
Written requests for clarification may be submitted to the Bank before the date stipulated for
receipt of such queries.
Form should preferably be emailed to the Bank or provided by softcopy – in either event
hardcopy confirmations are to be submitted with the Bid documents.
The queries and clarifications wherever necessary shall be placed in Bank’s web-site under
Tenders column.
Amendments to Tender Documents
Amendments to the Tender Document may be issued by the Bank for any reason, whether at its
own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective bidder, prior to the
deadline for the submission of bids.
The amendments will be posted on Bank’s web site and will be binding on all the bidders.
From the date of issue, amendments to Terms and Conditions shall be deemed to form an
integral part of the RFP.
Further, in order to provide, prospective Bidders, reasonable time to take the amendment into
account in preparing their bid, the Bank may, at its discretion extend the deadline for
submission of bids.
Correction of Errors
Arithmetic errors in the Bids submitted shall be treated as follows:
Where there is a discrepancy between the amounts in figures and in words, the amount in
words shall govern; and
Where there is a discrepancy between the unit rate and the line item total resulting from
multiplying the unit rate by the quantity, the unit rate will govern unless, in the opinion of
the Bank, there is obviously a gross error such as a misplacement of a decimal point, in
which case the line item total will govern.
Where there is a discrepancy between the amount mentioned in the bid and the line item
total present in the Commercial Bid, the amount obtained on totaling the line items in the
Commercial Bid will govern.
The amount stated in the tender form, adjusted in accordance with the above procedure,
shall be considered as binding, unless it causes the overall tender price to rise, in which case
the bid price shall govern.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Bidder agrees that all information gathered from the Bank including oral enquires, letters,
documents, emails, presentations, interactions, technical documentation, discussions with
Bank’s service providers and documents gathered from Bank’s service providers etc. related to
the Bank’s business and other information identified as confidential by the Andhra Bank are
confidential information of Bank.
Unauthorized disclosure of any such confidential information will amount to breach of
contractual terms and in such cases Bank may pre-maturely terminate the contract and initiate
any legal action as deemed fit.
The Bidder shall, at their own cost and expenses, defend and indemnify the Bank against all
third-party claims including those of the infringement of Intellectual Property Rights, including
patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret or industrial design rights, arising from use of the
Products or any part thereof in India.
The Bidder shall expeditiously meet any such claims and shall have full rights to defend itself
there from. If the Bank is required to pay compensation to a third party resulting from such
infringement, the Bidder shall be fully responsible therefore, including all expenses and court
and legal fees.
The Bidder shall also be liable to indemnify the Bank, at its own cost and expenses, against all
losses/damages, which the Bank may suffer on account of violation by the Bidder of any or all
national/international trade laws, norms, standards, procedures etc.
Notification of Award
The acceptance of a bid will be communicated in writing at the address supplied by the Bidder
in the bid response. Any change of address of the Bidder, should therefore be promptly notified
to the Assistant General Manager, Department of Information Technology, Andhra Bank, 3rd
Floor, D-Block, Cyber Gateway, Hitec City, Hyderabad.
Signing of Contract
The Bidder shall be required to enter into a contract with Andhra Bank, within 15 days of the
award of the tender or within such extended period, at the discretion of the Bank.
All disputes and differences of any kind, whatsoever, arising out of the audit propositions shall
be referred by either party (the Bank or the Bidder), after issuance of 30 days notice in writing
to the other, clearly mentioning the nature of the dispute / differences, to a single arbitrator,
acceptable to both the parties, for initiation of arbitration proceedings and settlement of the
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
dispute/s and difference/ strictly under the terms and conditions of this contract, executed
between the Bank and the Bidder. The arbitration shall be governed by the provisions of the
applicable Indian Laws. The award shall be final and binding on both the parties. The venue for
arbitration shall be at Hyderabad, India.
Other Terms and Conditions
This RFP document is the property of the Bank and this can not be copied or used in any other
manner except for the purpose of responding to this tender notice or without written permission
from the Bank.
All the documents submitted along with bids shall also become the property of the Bank and
retained by the Bank unless otherwise specifically mentioned.
The bidder should mention whether he is having any contractual obligation presently with the
Bank, its status and any conflict of interest has arisen in such contractual obligation.
The implementation methodology and business processes in the implementation of the Project
will form the property of the Bank except for those for which Intellectual Property Rights are
already established.
Selected bidder has to undertake not to hire, solicit, or accept solicitation for their employees
directly involved in this contract during the period of the contract and one year thereafter,
except as the parties may agree on a case by case basis.
Besides penal provisions, Bank reserves the right to terminate the contract, if the work is not
progressing according to the agreed project plans and when the delay is attributable to the
Bidder either directly or indirectly due to the failure of Proper Project Management.
Penal Provisions and right of termination is however subject to Force Majeure situation to be
defined in the agreement.
Contact Details
The contact details for submitting the proposal is as follows:
Primary Address
Sri V. Narasimha Murty
Asst. General Manager
Andhra Bank
Department of Information Technology,
Cyber Gateway, 3rd Floor, “D” Block, Wing-1
Hi-tech City, Madhapur
Hyderabad - 500 081: India
Tel: 040-23122256
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Fax: 040-23122260
Alternate Address:
Sri. Ajay Gupta
Asst. General Manager
Andhra Bank
Department of Information Technology
Cyber Gateway, 3rd Floor, “D” Block, Wing-1
Hi-tech City, Madhapur
Hyderabad - 500 081: India
Tel: 040-23122260
Fax: 040-23122261
Evaluation Schedule
The proposed evaluation schedule is tabulated below. However, the Bank, at its discretion can
change the schedule assigning no specific reasons for the same.
Any other milestones will be communicated to the bidders in due course.
Table 13-1Evaluation Schedule
Scheduled Dates
Date of issue of RFP in web-site
02nd March, 2010
Last Date for receipt of Queries
8th March 2010
Pre-bid Meeting
11th March 2010
Last Date for Bank’s response to Queries
13th March 2010
Last Date for receipt of RFP response
1400 hours on 26th Mach 2010
Technical Bid Opening
1500 hours on 26th March 2010
Bids would be opened at Andhra Bank Department of Information Technology, Cyber Gateway,
Hitec City, Hyderabad, if not specified by the Bank.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 1
Compliance Certificate
The Assistant General Manager,
Department of Information Technology,
Andhra Bank,
‘D’ Block, Right Wing, 3rd Floor,
Cyber Gateway, Hitec City,
Dear Sir,
Subject: Declaration and Acceptance of Terms and Conditions and Confirmation of offer
Ref: Andhra Bank Tender Ref No. 0666/35/2009-10/ dated --- for the implementation of Core
Banking Solution in the Regional Rural Banks.
The details submitted in the this document are true and correct to the best of our knowledge and
if it is proved other wise at any stage of execution of the contract, Andhra Bank has the right to
summarily reject the proposal and disqualify us form the process.
We confirm having understood the entire bid process, contents of RFP with all its terms and
conditions and undertake to abide by the terms and conditions. We have also understood that the
Bank may add, alter, modify the terms and conditions and post the required information in its
web-site under Tenders column and all such additions, modifications, alterations will form part
of the RFP.
We hereby acknowledge and confirm having accepted that the Bank can at its absolute
discretion apply whatever criteria it deems appropriate and fit, not just limiting to those criteria
set out in the RFP, in short listing of bidder for implementation of Core Banking Solution in
Andhra Bank sponsored RRBs.
We confirm having met all the criteria set out for Bidder’s eligibility including financial
soundness. There is no legal action against our organization for any cause in any legal
jurisdiction which will impose restrictions to the ability of the Bidder in carrying out its
obligations under this RFP.
We confirm and warrant that key project personnel to be deployed in this project have been
sufficiently involved in similar projects in the past.
Authorized Signatory with Seal
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 2
Bidder Profile
The registered name of the Bidder
Bidder’s registered address
Bidder Address for Correspondence
Contact name of the official who
can commit on the contractual terms
and the name of an alternate official
who may be contacted in the
absence of the former
STD- Phone:
e-mail Id:
Primary Contact:
STD- Phone No:
Mobile Phone :
e-mail ID :
Alternate Contact:
Name :
STD- Phone No:
Mobile Phone :
e-mail ID :
Contact addresses if different from
Business Structure
Names of Directors
Organization Structure
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Core Business of Bidder
Bidder’s Organization has been in
existence since (date)
Bidder is engaged in IT integration
projects since (month & year)
and Core Banking implementation
for Banks since (month & year)
Name of the Bank
start date
Names of the Banks where CBS
implementation was undertaken by
the Bidder
Turnover of IT segment of the
company over the past 3 years
Net Profit of the Organization for
last 3 years
Explain experience in Finacle CBS implementation:
Authenticated Proof of revenue from IT is to be furnished.
Audited Balance-Sheet and Profit & Loss Account for last 3 years
enclosed :
Bidders warrants financial solvency
i.e., ability to meet all the debts as
and when they fall due
Bidder confirms that there are no
legal actions / restrictions by any
regulatory authority that would
affect the ability to deliver audit
Total Number of employees in India
Number of employees who have
worked on similar projects in India
Authorized Signatory with Seal
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 3
Confirmation of Soft Copy
General Manager
Andhra Bank
Department of Information Technology
Cyber Gateway, “D” Block, 3rd Floor, Wing-1
Hi-tech City, Madhapur
Hyderabad - 500 081: India
Dear Sir,
Sub: Implementation of Core Banking Solution in Regional Rural Banks sponsored by Andhra
Further to our proposal dated XXXXXXX, in response to the Request for Proposal(Bank’s
tender No.
hereinafter referred to as “RFP”) issued by Andhra Bank (“Bank”) we
hereby covenant, warrant and confirm as follows:
The soft-copies of the proposal submitted by us in response to the RFP and the related
addendums and other documents including the changes made to the original tender documents
issued by the Bank, conform to and are identical with the hard-copies of aforesaid proposal
submitted by us, in all respects.
Yours faithfully,
Authorized Signatory
Bidder’s corporate name
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 4
Credentials – Core Banking Solutions
implemented by the Bidder.
Name of the Bank
Project Location
Address of client
Current Status of the Project
Client contact person and contact
Project start date
Duration of project
Project Closure Date
Scope of the Project (Software,
Hardware, Network etc,)
Names of project staff
Authorized Signatory with Seal
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 5
Team Profile
Please provide details of the Governance structure for the proposed team and provide details of
the members of the Governance in the following format.
Name of the member
Educational Qualification
Other Certifications/accreditations
Employment History
Total Banking Experience (no. of
years, areas of experience)
Experience in similar projects
(including client details, role of
member, activities performed,
duration of experience)
Authorized Signatory with Seal
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 6
Project Plan and Resource Deployment
A Project plan similar to the illustrated plan needs to be provided by the Bidder.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 7
Query Format
CBS implementation for Andhra Bank
sponsored RRBs
Request for Clarification
To be mailed, delivered,
posted, faxed or emailed
Assistant General Manager
Name of Organization
submitting request
Name & position of person
submitting request
-- address, email id and fax
number given in the schedule
Full formal address of the
organization including phone,
fax and email points of contact
Please Tick preferred contact option
Section Number:
Page Number:
Point Number:
Query description
Section Number:
Page Number:
Point Number:
Query description
Section Number:
Page Number:
Point Number:
Query description
Name and signature of
authorized person issuing this
request for clarification
Official designation
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 8
Non – Disclosure Agreement Format
Strictly Private and Confidential
The General Manager,
Andhra Bank,
‘D’ Block, Right Wing, 3rd Floor,
Cyber Gateway, Hitec City,
Dear Sir,
Confidentiality Undertaking
We acknowledge that during the course of the Engagement for ‘Implementation of ‘Core
Banking Solution in Andhra Bank Sponsored Regional Rural Banks’ we shall have access to
and be entrusted with Confidential Information. In this letter, the phrase "Confidential
Information" shall mean information (whether of a commercial, technical, scientific,
operational, administrative, financial, marketing, business, or intellectual property nature or
otherwise), whether oral or written, relating to Andhra Bank / RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
and their business that is provided to us pursuant to this Agreement.
In consideration of the bank making Confidential Information available to us, we agree to the
terms set out below:
1. We shall treat all Confidential Information as strictly private and confidential and take
all steps necessary (including but not limited to those required by this Agreement) to
preserve such confidentiality.
2. We shall use the Confidential Information solely for the preparation of the Engagement
and not for any other purpose.
3. We shall not disclose any Confidential Information to any other person or firm.
4. We shall not disclose or divulge any of the Confidential Information directly or
indirectly to any other client of ours.
5. We shall seek the bank’s prior written consent to disclose the information, except in
cases where such disclosure is required by any rule or requirement of law or any
regulatory authority with which we are bound to comply
6. This Agreement shall not prohibit disclosure of Confidential Information:
To our employees who need to know such Confidential Information to assist
with the Engagement and in the review processes
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
To our professional advisers for the purposes of our seeking advice. Such
professional advisors will be informed of the need to keep the information
7. This Agreement shall not apply to Confidential Information that:
Is in the public domain at the time it is acquired by us
Enters the public domain after that, otherwise than as a result of unauthorized
disclosure by us
Is independently developed by us.
8. This Confidentiality Agreement shall continue for two years After the completion of the
engagement unless and to the extent that the bank may release it in writing.
9. We acknowledge that the Confidential Information will not form the basis of any
contract between the bank and us.
10. We warrant that we are acting as principal in this matter and not as agent or broker for
any person, company, or firm.
11. We acknowledge that no failure or delay by the bank in exercising any right, power, or
privilege under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or
partial exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or privilege.
12. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Indian laws and
any dispute arising from it shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Indian
We have read this Confidentiality Undertaking carefully and confirm our agreement with its
With kind regards
Yours sincerely
Authorised Signatory:
Company Seal:
duly authorised for and on behalf of
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 9
Write up on Products and Services of
Chaitanya Godavari Grameena Bank.
Current Deposits.
 Interest free operative account with cheque book facility with certain minimum balances
 To operate the account regularly and frequently without any restriction on number of
withdrawals or deposits.
 Can be opened by individuals, JHF, proprietary concern, partnership firms, private and
public limited companies, registered or unregistered clubs and associations, co-operative
societies, Government Departments religious endowments, semi Government or local
bodies, trusts, executors, administrators, liquidators, receivers, assignees
 Accounts become inoperative if there are no transactions for 3 years and there are charges
for inoperative account every year.
 Nomination facility available.
 TOD can be allowed in some current accounts.
TOD in Current Accounts
 It is a contra entry for the debit balance i.e., TODs allowed in current account.
 The balance will be shown both under assets and liabilities.
Credit Balances in OD and CC Accounts.
 The credit balances in overdrafts and cash credit accounts will be reported here.
 Not entitled to receive any interest.
Overdue deposits.
 A term deposit, which is neither renewed nor paid on its due date, is to be transferred
together with interest to this account.
 No interest is payable on overdue deposits except under certain circumstances as defined
bank / RBI.
 Full particulars of the term deposits like number, name of the depositor etc should be
noted against the overdue deposit.
Saving Bank Accounts:
 Operative account with cheque book facility with certain minimum balances.
 Eligible for interest at half yearly intervals on monthly minimum products maintained
between 10th and last day of the month.
 Can be opened by individuals / jointly with the name of the two or more persons, payable
to any of them or to the survivor or survivors or to all of them jointly.
 Can be opened and operated by minors also.
 Prohibited to open in the name of a trading / business concerns, government departments,
bodies, agencies depending upon budgetary allocations for their functioning with certain
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Nomination facility available.
Nirbhaya Saving Bank
 A savings bank account with accidental insurance facility with a maximum coverage of
Rs.10,000/- by collecting premium as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Individuals / two or more individuals in the age group of 10 to less than 70 years can
open these account.
 To maintain minimum balances in the account as decided from time to time.
 Nomination facility is available.
 Service charges (premium) is to be debited on the day of opening and on the 1st day of the
month in which the account is opened for every three years (i.e., premium is to be
collected once in every three years)
 Some percentage of the service charges goes to P & L which will be decided by the bank
from time to time.
 Eligible for interest at half yearly intervals on monthly minimum products maintained
between 10th and last day of the month.
Nirbhaya Gold Savings Bank.
 A savings bank account with accident insurance facility with a maximum coverage of
Rs.100,000/- by collecting premium as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Individuals / two or more individuals in the age group of 10 to less than 70 years can
open these account.
 To maintain minimum balances in the account as decided from time to time.
 Insurance year is 1st October to 31st August.Premium will be debited on the date of
opening and on 31st August every year.
 Nomination facility is available.
 Some percentage of the service charges goes to P & L which will be decided by the bank
from time to time.
 Eligible for interest at half yearly intervals on monthly minimum products maintained
between 10th and last day of the month.
Suraksha Saving Bank
 A savings bank account with accidental insurance facility with a maximum coverage of
Rs.25,000/- by collecting premium as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Individual / two or more individuals in the age group of 10 to less than 70 years can open
these accounts.
 To maintain minimum balances in the account as decided from time to time.
 Nomination facility is available.
 Service charges (premium) is to be debited on the day of opening and on 31st October,
every year.
 Some percentage of the service charges goes to P & L which will be decided by the bank
from time to time.
 Eligible for SB interest (3.5%)
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Suraksha Gold Savings Bank.
 A savings bank account with accident insurance facility with a maximum coverage of
Rs.50000/- by collecting premium as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Individuals / two or more individuals in the age group of 10 to less than 70 years can
open these account.
 To maintain minimum balances in the account as decided from time to time.
 Insurance year is 1st November to 31st October. Service charges (premium) is to be
debited on the day of opening and on 31st October, every year.
 Nomination facility is available.
 Some percentage of the service charges goes to P & L which will be decided by the bank
from time to time.
 Eligible for SB interest (3.5%)
No frills account
 This scheme is introduced for total financial inclusion.
 Accounts can be opened with zero balance and there is no minimum balance restriction.
 Interest paid at 3.5% on the minimum balance maintained from 10 th to last day of the
 Nomination facility available.
Temporary Overdrafts in SB group of Accounts
 It is a contra entry for the debit balances i.e., TODs arised in savings bank accounts.
 It will be shown both under assets and liabilities.
Fixed Deposits
 A fixed amount can be deposited for a specified period.
 Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100 with no ceiling on maximum amount.
 Minimum period of deposit is 15 days and maximum period is 120 months with
automatic renewal facility and facility for premature cancellation.
 Standing instructions can be taken for disposal of interest.
 Loan facility is available upto 90% of the deposit amount.
 Deposits can be made by individuals, HUF, Proprietary concerns, partnership firms,
Limited Companies, Registered bodies, trusts, Government / Quasi Government
 TDS is applicable on interest as per IT Act.
 Nomination facility is available
 Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
Kalpalatha Deposits (KLD)
 A reinvestment plan, where interest will be added to the deposit amount on quarterly
 Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100 with no ceiling on maximum amount.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Minimum period of deposit is 6 months and maximum period is 120 months and facility
for premature cancellation.
 Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
 Loan facility is available upto 90% of the accrued amount of deposit.
 Deposits can be made by individuals, HUF, Proparitory concerns, partnership firms,
Limited Companies, Registered bodies, trusts, Government / Quasi Government
 TDS is applicable on interest as per IT Act.
 Nomination facility is available
TAX saver deposit:
 A term deposit account from Income tax assesses to get exemption under section 80c of
IT Act.
 Deposit can be in the form of Fixed deposits with monthly / quarterly interest payment or
Kalpalatha Deposits
 Can be opened by Individuals or HUF, Income tax assesses with permanent account
number either singly or jointly.
 In case of joint account, exemption under Sec 80C shall be available only to the 1st holder
of the deposit.
 To obtain the declaration from the depositor stating that the deposit amount under such
scheme with various banks does not exceed Rs.100000/- under Sec 80c of IT act.
 It is for a fixed period of 5 years.
 Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100/- or multiples thereof with a maximum of
Rs.100000/ Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
 No deposit loan to be allowed or no lien to any other loan.
 No provision for premature cancellation.
 No nomination shall be obtained in case of minor.
Cash Certificates:
 Odd amounts can be deposited (Issue price) for a fixed period to receive round amount
(face value) on due date.
 Deposit amount is accepted for face value of Rs.100 or Rs.1000 or multiples thereof
 All other features as applicable to Kalpalatha Deposits.
 Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens.
Recurring Deposits:
 An affordable amount can be deposited monthly to receive a lump sum amount together
with interest on due date.
 Accounts can be opened by individuals (singly / jointly), clubs, proprietary concerns,
partnership firms, companies associations, education institutions and other registered
bodies for genuine saving purpose.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Minimum period of deposit is 6 month and in multiples of three months with a maximum
period of 120 months with facility for premature cancellation.
 Accounts are accepted in monthly installments with a minimum sum of Rs.5/- per month
and multiples thereof.
 Loan facility is available upto 90% of the deposit and interest accrued on it.
 Nomination facility is available.
Loans Against Deposits (LAD):
Demand loan allowed against the deposits of our bank, duly maintaining the lien.
Loan is repayable in lump sum or installments.
Loan will be allowed duly maintaining certain margin against the deposit amount.
Deposit rate of interest + 2% will be charged as interest on loan. For staff, rate of interest
1% extra on deposit interest rate.
Loans Against KVPs,NSCs,LIC policies.
Loans allowed against security of NSCs / KVPs / LIC Policies / Government Securities.
These loans may be allowed as demand loan or term loan.
Repayment is 36 EMI for term loans and 2 years for demand loans.
Amount of loan is certain percentage of the face value + accrued interest which is decided
by the bank and the percentage is different for different type of securities.
Loans Against Shares and Mutual funds.
 Loans/Overdrafts will be sanctioned against shares and units of mutual funds which are
actively traded, quoted in Stock Exchanges and should be included in the approved list of
sponsor bank.
Loans Against Gold (Non agricultural) (NAGL):
 Demand loan against the security of gold ornaments / jewellery to general public and
staff members of the bank.
 Eligible amount of the will be arrived basing on the fitness of the gold appraisal value,
per gram lending rate. Per gram lending rate is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayable in one year.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Appraising charges, processing charges are applicable.
Clean Loans (CL)
 Loans allowed to confirmed employees, preferably in public sector having a residual
service of at least three years to meet any genuine credit requirement for personal
 Loan amount will be arrived basing on the salary income. There is ceiling on loan amount
(presently Rs.100000/-)
 Net take home pay after deduction of installments of the proposed loan shall not be less
than 40% of gross salary. EMI shall not exceed 30% of gross salary of the applicant.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Repayment is 36 EMI
Guarantor from a good third party is obtained.
Processing charges and administrative charges are applicable.
Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
Loans against merchandise:
 These loans will be allowed against pledge of farm products. This can be allowed to the
traders only against central / state warehousing or market yard receipts.
 The period of loan is 1 year.
 The stock should be insured for full value.
 Eligible crops are paddy, groundnut, chillies, cotton, turmeric and pulses.
 Maximum loan amount is Rs.10.00 lakhs with a margin of 50% of the market value.
 Collateral security of 200% of the loan is obtained.
Invoked Guarantees Paid:
 Bank guarantee issued by bank and invoked by the beneficiaries are paid to the debit of
this account.
 These amount attract commercial rate of interest with penalty.
Personal Loans for consumer durables and motor vehicles.
 Loans allowed for purchase of consumer durables like refrigerators, TV etc., and vehicles
like car, motor cycle etc., to salaried persons, business people, professional & self
employed and agriculturists.
 For motor vehicle loan, amount of loan will be decided on the basis of gross annual
 For loan amount of more than Rs.25000 collateral security is obtained. Third party
guarantee is obtained.
 Maximum repayment period is 60 EMI
Other Term Loans against Mortgage of property.
 Loans allowed for investment needs like constructions of commercial complex, cinema
halls, restaurants, hospitals etc., for good customers of the bank.
 Quantum of loan is based on the repayment capacity of the applicant and collateral
security. Repayment period is 60 EMI.
 Collateral security worth 200% of the loan is obtained. Guarantee from third party is
All Staff Loans:
 Term loans to staff of the bank to purchase consumer durables.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayments are from salary deductions.
Housing Loans to staff:
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Loans to staff of the bank to purchase or construction of houses / flats.
 Quantum of loan will be arrived basing on cost of construction / cost of the house or flat
and salary subject to repaying capacity subject to the ceilings fixed as per the cadre of the
staff member
 Rate of interest will be decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayments are from salary deduction,.
Additional Housing Loans to Staff:
 Loans to staff of the bank to purchase or construction of house / flats
 This loan is in addition to the housing loan sanctioned under concessional rate of interest.
 Repayments are from salary deductions.
Kisan Credit Cards
 Short term loan under agricultural direct finance towards production credit for raising
 The limit is valid for 3 years.
 Account is to be brought credit or nil before 30th June of every year after harvesting.
Account is to be revived every year.
 Eligible amount of loan will be arriving basing on scales of finance for both the crop
seasons and number of acers of cultivation.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Interest subvention applicable for the loan accounts upto 31st March, for the accounts
disbursed in Kharif and upto 30th June for the accounts disbursed in Rabi seasons.
 Crop insurance as prescribed by National Agricultural Insurance Company from time to
time will be debited to accounts for eligible crops for Kharif and Rabi seasons.
 Processing charges and Administrative charges applicable for loan accounts of limit
grater than 25000/ Eligible for interest at SB rate on credit balances in the accounts.
 If Government declares anavari the eligible accounts will be converted to Medium Term
Loans (MTL) and transferred to CCMTL head.
 The borrowers are to be covered under personal accident insurance scheme. Nominal
insurance premium is to be debited to the accounts every year.
 Bank claims interest portion exceeding 3% (borrower bears upto 30 in the regular SHG
loan accounts from State Govt under Pavaddi scheme.
Rythu Mithra Groups:
 Bank extend finance crop loans and also investment credits to RMGs which have
homogeneous membership of only SFs / MFs / Lessees / Tenant Farmers / Share
Croppers. Optimum number of members in a group is 15.
 Quantum of loan: - upto a corpus to debt ratio of 1:20 can be considered keeping in view
the requirement adequate credit for cultivation of crops and for investment credit.
 All loans to notified crops are to be covered under National Agricultural Insurance
scheme. Insurance premium is to be debited to the accounts
 All members of RMG are to be covered under personal accident insurance scheme.
Nominal insurance premium is to be debited to the accounts every year.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Interest subvention applicable as Kisan Credit Cards.
 All other guide lines of Kisan Credit Cards applicable.
 Interest subvention applicable for the loan accounts upto 31st March, for the accounts
disbursed in Kharif and upto 30th June for the accounts disbursed in Rabi seasons.
Joint Liability Groups:
 The objective of the JLG is to augment flow of credit to tenant farmers cultivating land
either as oral lessees or share croppers and small farmers who do not have proper title of
their land holding through formation and financing of JLG.
 A JLG is an informal group comprising preferably of 4 to 10 individuals coming together
for the purposes of availing bank loan either individually or through group mechanism
against the mutual guarantee.
 Bank finance in two models
 Individuals in the group
 Total group
 Purpose of the credit: The finance to JLG is expected to be a flexible credit product
addressing the credit requirements of its members including crop production,
consumption, marketing and other productive purposes.
 Maximum loan amount may be restricted to Rs.50000/- per individual.
 No collateral security.
 Members of JLG are to be covered under personal accidental Insurance scheme.
 Crop loans to notified crops are to be covered under National Agricultural Insurance
Produce Loans:
 These loans will be allowed to farmers against pledge of farm produce. In order to avoid
distress sale by the farmers to meet the consumption needs and other family requirements
the bank allow loans against pledge of farm produce. These loans are to be allowed only
to farmers.
 Out of the loan allowed under produce loans the existing Kisan Credit Card loan if any
shall be brought to credit balance.
 A margin of 50% is to be maintained at any point of time.
 Period of loan is 1 year from date of disbursement.
 The stocks should be insured for full value.
 Crops covered under this scheme are paddy, groundnut, chillies, cotton, turmeric and
 Maximum amount of loan is Rs.10.00 lakhs for an individual.
 Collateral security obtained for loan above Rs.50,000.00.
Gold Loans Agricultural:
 Demand Loan against the security of gold ornaments and jewellery for agricultural
 Agriculture direct finance towards production credit
 Eligible amount of loan will be arrived basing on the fitness of the gold, appraisal value
per gram lending rate and linked to scales of finance.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Repayable on or before 30th June.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Appraiser charges are applicable. Re-Appraisal to be done once in two years for overdue
loan accounts and re-appraisal charges applicable.
 Processing charges applicable.
 Penal interest of 2% applicable for OD account with limits of grater than 25000/ Interest subvention applicable for the loan accounts upto 31st March, for the accounts
disbursed in Kharif and upto 30th June for the accounts disbursed in Rabi seasons.
Agricultural Term Loans (ATL)
 Term Loan sanctioned for various agricultural purpose like
 Minor Irrigation
 Land Development
 Farm Mechanization
 Construction of Farm Buildings and Storage facilities like Godowns
 Development loans to Plantations, Horticulture, Forestry, Oil Palm,
cultivation etc.,
 Hi-tech agricultural projects such as Floriculture, Agro Processing,
Tissue Culture, Mushroom Cultivation etc.,
 Non conventional energy source like Biogas, Solar pump sets, wind
power etc
 Purchase of 2 wheeler / 4 wheeler under Rythu Chakra Scheme.
 Loans to unemployed Agril. Graduates under Agri clinic and agri
business center
 Land purchase scheme.
 Unit cost, repayment schedule etc., prescribed by NABARD from time to time shall be
followed. Applicant should contribute some margin.
 There are different eligibility criteria and guidelines for different schemes depending on
the activity of loans.
 Collateral security needed for loan limit of grater than 50000. Third party guarantee
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable for limits grater than Rs.25000.
Government sponsored loans exempted from charges.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Agricultural Allied Activities:
 Term loan sanctioned for various purposes like;
 Dairy
 Poultry
 Sheep / Goat / Piggery / Rabbit rearing
 Aqua culture
 Seri culture
 Unit cost, repayment schedule etc., prescribed by NABARD from time to time shall be
followed. Applicant should contribute some margin.
 There are different eligibility criteria and guidelines for different schemes depending on
the activity of loans.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Collateral security needed for loan limit of grater than Rs.50000. Third party guarantee
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable for limits grater than Rs.25000.
Government sponsored loans exempted from charges.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Indirect Finance to Agriculture
 Loan sanctions upto 40 lakhs for distribution of fertilizers, pesticides distribution of
inputs for allied activities such as cattle feed etc.,
 Loans to electricity boards, PACS, FSS and LAMPS. Finance for hire purchase scheme
for distribution of agricultural machines, implements. Construction and running of
storage facilities (ware house, market yards etc.,) Cold storage units in rural areas.
Finance to dealers in drip irrigation / Sprinkler irrigation etc.,
Small Scale Industries:
 Bank extend most SSI entrepreneurs towards both term loans and working capital
requirements upto Rs.1 crore
 Any changes in definition of SSI by the Government / RBI will be announced from time
to time.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayable over fixed period of time
 Collateral security obtained. Third party guarantee obtained.
 Processing charges, Administrative charges applicable.
 Penal interest applicable for OD accounts.
 Bank can extend loan upto 50 lakhs without collateral security or third party guarantee
where 75% of the loan amount will be guaranteed by CGTMSE.
 Bank is to pay one time guarantee fee and annual service fee for the accounts sanctioned
 Bank receive guaranteed loan portion from CGTMSE in case of default of loan accounts.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Transport Operators:
 Advances to small road and water transport operators owning a fleet of vehicles, not
exceeding 10 vehicles, including the one proposed to be financed. Only new vehicles are
to be financed.
 Repayment period is 36 to 84 EMI depending upon the repaying capacity of the
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Retail Trade
 Advance granted to private retail traders dealing in essential commodities (fair price
shops) and consumer co-operative stores and other private retail traders with credit limits
not exceeding Rs.10.00 lakhs
 Credit facilities granted for acquiring premises or furniture / showcases and office
equipment and for working capital requirements.
 Repayment period is 36 to 84 EMI depending upon the repaying capacity of the
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Business Enterprises:
 Loans extended to individuals and firms managing a business enterprise established
mainly for the purpose of providing any service other than professional services whose
original cost price of the equipment use for the purpose of business does not exceed
Rs.20.00 lakhs without any restrictions on working capital limit.
 Advances for acquisition construction renovation of house-boats and other tourist
accommodation and distribution of mineral oils.
 Purpose of Loans:- Credit facilities granted for purchasing of necessary equipment,
repairing or renovating the existing equipment, acquiring or repairing the premises,
purchasing tools and for working capital requirements.
 Repayment is 36 to 60 EMI depending upon the repayment capacity of the borrowers.
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Professional and Self Employed
 Loans to professional and self-employed persons include loans for the purpose of
purchasing equipment, repairing or renovating existing equipment and / or acquiring and
repairing business premises or for purchasing tools and / or working capital requirements
to medical practitioners including dentists, Chartered Accountants, Surveyors,
Construction contractors or Management consultants or to a person trained in any other
art or craft who holds either a degree or diploma from any institution established, aided or
recognized by Government or to a person who is considered by the bank as technically
qualified or skilled in the field in which he is employed.
 Limits upto Rs.10.00 lakhs of which not more than Rs.2.00 lakh for working capital
requirement, come under priority sector.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Repayment 36 to 72 EMI with a gestation period not exceeding 3 months.
Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained for limits above Rs.50,000.00
Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
General Credit Card:
 This scheme shall cover General Credit needs of existing customers of the branches.
 The objective of the scheme is to provide hassle free credit to our bank customers based
on assessment of cash flow without insisting on security purpose or end use of the credit.
 Maximum limit is Rs.25000/ No guarantee, no collateral security.
 Account will be revived every year and renewed after three years.
 Card holders to be covered under personal accident insurance scheme for Rs.25000/Housing Loans (HL):
 Term Loans to salary persons / business men / professional / self employed /
agriculturists to purchase or construction of house / flats or to meet repairs of the house.
Quantum of finance depends upon monthly gross income / annual income as per IT
return / Income certificates duly fixing certain margin on the cost of construction /
amount of repairs.
 Housing loans upto 15 lakhs irrespective of the location of the house are to be categorized
under priority sector. The applicant’s age should not be more than 55 years and not less
than 18 years.
 For salaried persons maximum loan amount eligible is 36 times net monthly salary of the
applicant. For agriculturist maximum loan amount eligible is 3 times net annual income.
For business persons maximum loan amount eligible is 3 times of the average annual
income for the last 3 years.
 Repayment period should not exceed 15 years inclusive of moratorium or initial holiday
period till completion of construction or 18 months from the date of disbursement of 1 st
installment of the loan whichever is earlier.
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
Educational Loans (EL)
 Term loans to students to meet the expenses of the studies for
 Studies in Abroad
 Studies in India.
 Loans will be sanctioned for studying professional courses like
 Engineering, Medical,
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Courses conducted by IIM, IIT
 Post graduation, MCA, MBA
 Phd etc.,
The applicant must be an Indian, over 16 years of age but less than 30 years and must be
merit student.
Loan will be considered for Tuition fee Examination fee, project work, books, hostel fee,
computer etc.,
Repayment: the loan is repayable in 60 EMI after a gestation period of 1 year after course
period or 6 months after getting job whichever is earlier. Shorter repayment period may
also be fixed taking into consideration of the repayment capacity.
Collateral security for limits above Rs.4.00 lakhs.
Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
Self Help Groups (SHG):
 Loans sanctioned to SHGs and to VOs / NGOs / MACS for onward lending to SHGs /
members of SHGs / discreet individuals or small groups which are in the process of
forming into SHGs will be reckoned as priority sector lending and shown in this category.
 Eligible amount will be arrived basing on the corpus fund / Critical rating index / micro
credit plan.
 Repayment period should be for a minimum of 36 months. Depending upon the
repayment capacity of the group members it may get extended upto 60 months.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Bank claims interest portion exceeding 3% (borrower bears upto 30 in the regular SHG
loan accounts from State Govt under Pavaddi scheme.
Housing Loans (Indiramma):
 Loan sanctioned to Self Help Groups for the purpose of housing under the A P Govt
Indiramma scheme, will be shown under this category.
 All other guidelines are same as SHG loans.
CGC Invoked Accounts:
 Loans where credit guarantee corporation cover is invoked and outstanding are
transferred to this head.
Temporary Overdrafts:
 Overdraft allowed for a temporary period in excess of the credit balance in Current
Accounts with satisfactory transactions in the account for a minimum period of 1 year.
 To be allowed against a request letter duly specifying the Purpose, Amount and period for
which the TOD is required.
 Allowed for a maximum period of 15 days.
 Not to allow more than 6 times during the year.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 TOD should not be allowed for cash drawals. It should be allowed for passing cheques
drawn for payment of statutory dues and other important urgent obligations of the
account holder.
Clean Overdrafts to Staff (CODST)
 Allow to staff with specific sanction from the competent authority. Eligible amount of
limit will be arrived basing on the gross pay subject to a maximum limit of Rs.3.75 lakhs
and depends on the cadre of the staff member.
 Limit is valid for 2 years.
 Salary of the staff member is to be credited to the CODST account every month.
 Rate of interest is to be decided by the bank from time to time.
 The limit is to be reduced by 20% every year during the last five years of retirement.
Secured Overdrafts (SOD)
 Overdrafts allowed to against securities like deposits of the bank ;
 Government securities like NSCs, KVPs, LIC policies etc.,
SOD against GOLD:
 SOD will be sanctioned to those customers who borrow amount against gold ornaments
frequently and repeatedly. The facility can be extended only for non agricultural purpose.
This loan can be sanctioned to individuals who maintain SB / CD accounts.
 Duration of the limit is 1 year.
 The minimum interest to be paid shall be Rs.1000 per anum.
 Appraising charges are applicable.
 Reappraising to be done once in two years.
SOD against mortgage of urban property:
 This scheme shall cover the working capital needs of valued customers. This is to provide
adequate credit to the customers based on the assessment of repaying capacity and worth
of the security.
 Contractors, traders, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools & colleges and wine dealers
are the eligible borrowers.
 Maximum loan amount is Rs.25.00 lakhs.
 Collateral security of immovable property located in urban areas worth atleast 200% of
the loan amount. Guarantee from 3rd party is obtained.
 Limit is valid for 1 year.
 Rate of interest will be decided by the bank from time to time.
Open Cash Credit (OCC)
 Working capital limits against the hypothecation of moveable security.
 Eligible amount of limit will be fixed within the Maximum permissible bank finance
(MPBF) arrived under various assessment methods.
 Debits will be subject to drawing power.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Borrower is to maintain certain percentage of margin.
 Collateral security is obtained.
Suit Filed Accounts:
 All loan accounts against which suits are filed will be transferred to this head.
 All further transactions will be routed through this account.
Clean Bills Purchase:
 Cheques purchased tendered by customers belonging to savings bank / current accounts
and borrowers.
Clean Bills Purchased Instant Credit:
 Cheques purchased tendered by customers belonging to the savings bank category.
 Cheques upto a maximum of Rs.15000/- can be purchased.
Swarojgar Credit Cards:
 To meet working capital or term loan for acquiring fixed assets or both including
reasonable component for consumption needs upto Rs.25000/- to small businesses. In
deserving cases branch may consider even limits upto Rs.50000/ Working capital limit to be renewed annually and term loan is repayable in 5 years.
 This scheme covers small artisans to handloom wavers, service sector, fishermen, self
employed persons, Riksha owners other micro entrepreneurs
 Card holders are to be covered under group insurance scheme upto an amount of
Rs.25000/Bank Guarantees:
 Financial guarantees as well as performance guarantees and differed payment guarantees
can be issued.
 Minimum cash margin shall be 15%
 Collateral security of property worth not less than 150% is to be obtained for the
unsecured portion.
 Counter guarantee is to be obtained from the customer on whose behalf the guarantee is
 Bank guarantee can be extended and cancelled.
Solvency certificate.
 Solvency certificate has to be issued basing on the verification of properties mentioned in
the property statements balance sheets, income tax & wealth tax assessment orders.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 10 Write up on Products and Services of
Rushikulya Gramya Bank.
Current Deposits. GL 1020
 Interest free operative account with cheque book facility with certain minimum balances
 To operate the account regularly and frequently without any restriction on number of
withdrawals or deposits.
 Can be opened by individuals, JHF, proprietary concern, partnership firms, private and
public limited companies, registered or unregistered clubs and associations, co-operative
societies, Government Departments religious endowments, semi Government or local
bodies, trusts, executors, administrators, liquidators, receivers, assignees
 Accounts become inoperative if there are no transactions for 3 years and there are charges
for inoperative account every year. (PERIOD OF YEARS MAY CHANGE)
 Nomination facility available.
 TOD can be allowed in some current accounts.
TOD in Current Accounts GL 1120
 It is a contra entry for the debit balance i.e., TODs allowed in current account.
 The balance will be shown both under assets and liabilities.
Credit Balances in OD and CC Accounts. GL 1050
 The credit balances in overdrafts and cash credit accounts will be reported here.
 Not entitled to receive any interest.
Overdue deposits. GL 1070
 A term deposit, which is neither renewed nor paid on its due date, is to be transferred
together with interest to this account.
 No interest is payable on overdue deposits except under certain circumstances as defined
bank / RBI.
 Full particulars of the term deposits like number, name of the depositor etc should be
noted against the overdue deposit.
 Amt outstanding in this account can be renewed to any term deposit as per the guidelines
of the bank
Saving Bank Accounts: GL 1090
 Operative account with cheque book facility with certain minimum balances.
 Eligible for interest at half yearly intervals on monthly minimum products maintained
between 10th and last day of the month.
 Can be opened by individuals / jointly with the name of the two or more persons, payable
to any of them or to the survivor or survivors or to all of them jointly.
 Can be opened and operated by minors also.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Can be opened in the name of government bodies, agencies depending upon budgetary
allocations for their functioning with certain exceptions. Like PO, DRDA, School a/cs,
BDO etc.
 Nomination facility available.
Suraksha Saving Bank GL 1110
 A savings bank account with accidental insurance facility with a maximum coverage of
Rs.1,00,000/- by collecting premium as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Individual / two or more individuals in the age group of 10 to less than 70 years can open
these accounts.
 To maintain minimum balances in the account as decided from time to time.
 Nomination facility is available.
 Service charges (premium) is to be debited on the day of opening and on 31st October,
every year.
 Some percentage of the service charges goes to P & L which will be decided by the bank
from time to time.
 Eligible for SB interest (3.5%)
 Annual premium to be debited on 01/11 of every year( date is optional)
No frills account GL 1090 (SBNF)
 This scheme is introduced for total financial inclusion.
 Accounts can be opened with zero balance and there is no minimum balance restriction
but maximum credit amt is fixed (subject to change from time to time)
 Interest paid at 3.5% on the minimum balance maintained from 10 th to last day of the
 Nomination facility available.
(GL 1090 includes a/c types as SB/ SBNF/SBNRG/SBSHG)
Temporary Overdrafts in SB group of Accounts GL 1120
 It is a contra entry for the debit balances i.e., TODs arised in savings bank accounts.
 It will be shown both under assets and liabilities.
Fixed Deposits GL 1150
 A fixed amount can be deposited for a specified period.
 Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100 with no ceiling on maximum amount.
 Minimum period of deposit is 15 days and maximum period is 120 months with
automatic renewal facility and facility for premature cancellation.
 Standing instructions can be taken for disposal of interest.
 Loan facility is available upto 90% of the deposit amount.
 Deposits can be made by individuals, HUF, Proprietary concerns, partnership firms,
Limited Companies, Registered bodies, trusts, Government / Quasi Government
 TDS is applicable on interest as per IT Act.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Nomination facility is available
 Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
And the Interest Type is :
15 – 45 days
46 - 90 days
91 - 179 days
180 – 364 days
1 year to < 2 years
2 years to < 3 years
3 years to <5 years
5 years to 10 years
This interest type may change from time to time viz: 1 year to < 3 years etc.
Cash payment restrict upto Rs 19999/ in all GL 1150,1160,1210,1200
Kalpabata Deposits (KBD) GL 1060
 A reinvestment plan, where interest will be added to the deposit amount on quarterly
 Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100 with no ceiling on maximum amount.
 Minimum period of deposit is 6 months and maximum period is 120 months and facility
for premature cancellation.
 Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
 Loan facility is available upto 90% of the accrued amount of deposit.
 Deposits can be made by individuals, HUF, Proparitory concerns, partnership firms,
Limited Companies, Registered bodies, trusts, Government / Quasi Government
 TDS is applicable on interest as per IT Act.
 Nomination facility is available
 Maximum cash payment restricted upto Rs 19999 ( subject to change)
TAX saver deposit: GL 1165
 A term deposit account from Income tax assesses to get exemption under section 80c of
IT Act.
 Deposit can be in the form of Fixed deposits with monthly / quarterly interest payment or
Kalpabata Deposits
 Can be opened by Individuals or HUF, Income tax assesses with permanent account
number either singly or jointly.
 In case of joint account, exemption under Sec 80C shall be available only to the 1st holder
of the deposit.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 To obtain the declaration from the depositor stating that the deposit amount under such
scheme with various banks does not exceed Rs.100000/- under Sec 80c of IT act.
 It is for a fixed period of 5 years.
 Minimum amount of deposit is Rs.100/- or multiples thereof with a maximum of
Rs.100000/ Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens and 1% extra for staff members.
 No deposit loan to be allowed or no lien to any other loan.
 No provision for premature cancellation.
 No nomination shall be obtained in case of minor.
Cash Certificates: GL 1200
Odd amounts can be deposited (Issue price) for a fixed period to receive round amount (face
value) on due date.
 Deposit amount is accepted for face value of Rs.100 or Rs.1000 or multiples thereof
 All other features as applicable to Kalpalatha Deposits.
 Rate of interest as applicable for different maturities ruling from time to time with 0.50%
extra payable to senior citizens.
But this GL includes Rushikulya Sarva Sreshta and Sarva Sreshta Plus in lines of Andbhra
Bank schemes and scheme already closed but some a/cs outstanding in this GL
Recurring Deposits: GL 1210
 An affordable amount can be deposited monthly to receive a lump sum amount together
with interest on due date.
 Accounts can be opened by individuals (singly / jointly), clubs, proprietary concerns,
partnership firms, companies associations, education institutions and other registered
bodies for genuine saving purpose.
 Minimum period of deposit is 6 month and in multiples of three months with a maximum
period of 120 months with facility for premature cancellation.
 Accounts are accepted in monthly installments with a minimum sum of Rs.5/- per month
and multiples thereof.
 Loan facility is available upto 90% of the deposit and interest accrued on it.
 Nomination facility is available.
Cash payment restricted upto 19999 / (as per Andhra Bank) and subject to change.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Loans Against Deposits (LAD): GL2090
Demand loan allowed against the deposits of our bank, duly maintaining the lien.
Loan is repayable in lump sum or installments.
Loan will be allowed duly maintaining certain margin against the deposit amount.
Deposit rate of interest + 2% will be charged as interest on loan. For staff, rate of interest
1% extra on deposit interest rate.
Loans Against KVPs,NSCs,LIC policies GL .2100
Loans allowed against security of NSCs / KVPs / LIC Policies / Government Securities.
These loans may be allowed as demand loan or term loan.
Repayment is 36 EMI for term loans and 2 years for demand loans.
Amount of loan is certain percentage of the face value + accrued interest which is decided
by the bank and the percentage is different for different type of securities.
Loans Against Gold (Non agricultural) (NAGL): GL2110
 Demand loan against the security of gold ornaments / jewellery to general public and
staff members of the bank.
 Eligible amount of the loan will be arrived basing on the fineness of the gold, appraisal
value, per gram lending rate. Per gram lending rate is decided by the bank from time to
 Repayable in one year.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Appraising charges are applicable.
Clean Loans (CL): GL2130
 Loans allowed to confirmed employees, preferably in public sector having a residual
service of at least three years to meet any genuine credit requirement for personal
 Loan amount will be arrived basing on the salary income.Maximum 18 months salary in
case of Govt employees and 10 months for employees of private concerns.In case of non
salaried persons average income of last 3 years taken as per IT returns.
 Net take home pay after deduction of installments of the proposed loan shall not be less
than 40% of gross salary. EMI shall not exceed 30% of gross salary of the applicant.
 Repayment is maximum 60 EMI
 Guarantor from a good third party is obtained.
 Processing charges and administrative charges are applicable.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Personal Loans for consumer durables and motor vehicles: GL 2130.
Loans allowed for purchase of consumer durables like refrigerators, TV etc., and vehicles
like car, motor cycle etc., to salaried persons, business people, professional & self employed
and agriculturists.
For motor vehicle loan, amount of loan will be decided on the basis of gross annual income.
For loan amount of more than Rs.25000 collateral security is obtained. Third party
guarantee is obtained.
Maximum repayment period is 60 EMI
Other Term Loans FOR HIGH YALUE ADVANCES GL :2330.
Loans allowed for investment needs like constructions of commercial complex, cinema
halls, restaurants, hospitals etc., for good customers of the bank.
Quantum of loan is based on the repayment capacity of the applicant and collateral security.
Repayment period is 60 EMI.
Collateral security worth 200% of the loan is obtained. Guarantee from third party is
Mortgage loan: GL 2160
To meet credit needs of the borrowers for personal purposes such as marriage,medical
expenses,educational expenses and business needs
Applicant must own a house or in the spouse’s name at Municipality or NAC headquarters
including house building on roadside along NH-5 and NH-217.
applicants must have assured /verifiable sources of income and within the age group of 2160 years.
Security to be obtained @200% of the limits sanctioned
Interest rate as decided by the bank from time to time
Appraisal charges as decided by the bank from time to time.
Advance against Rent Receivables: GL 2160
The address are self liquidating in nature apart from providing security coverage.
Applicable to residential/commercial properties at semi-urban and urban places only.
Eligible tenants includes reputed public sector/private sector/multi national undertakings,
banks and financial institutions and individuals of high repute and credibility.
Maximum loan amount allowed is not more than Rs.1.00 Crore. Loan amount shall be
worked out based on monthly rent receivables in the next 84 months/unexpired lease period
including option period after making adjustments for TDS, Tax and 15% of the rend
towards maintenance.
Rte of interest as decided by the Bank from time to time.
Primary security shall be rent receivables. No collateral securities for loans up to Rs.1.00
lac. For more than Rs.1.00 lac loans equitable mortgage of the property of value not less
than 150% of the loan amount.
The loan shall be repaid within the unexpired lease period including option period or 84
months which ever is less.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
General power of Attorney (POA), preferably notarized shall be executed by the borrower
in favour of the Bank, to be accepted by the lessees (by way of a letter) to collect monthly
rentals from the lessee on behalf of the borrower.
All Staff Loans: GL 2165
 Term loans to staff of the bank to purchase consumer durables.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayments are from salary deductions.
Housing Loans to staff: GL 2166
 Loans to staff of the bank to purchase or construction of houses / flats.
 Quantum of loan will be arrived basing on cost of construction / cost of the house or flat
and salary subject to repaying capacity subject to the ceilings fixed as per the cadre of the
staff member
 Rate of interest will be decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayments are from salary deduction,.
Additional Housing Loans to Staff:
GL 2167
 Loans to staff of the bank to purchase or construction of house / flats
 This loan is in addition to the housing loan sanctioned under concessional rate of interest.
 Repayments are from salary deductions.
Rushikulya Bank Kisan Credit Cards: GL 2190
 Short term loan under agricultural direct finance towards production credit for raising
 The limit is valid for 3 years.
 Account is to be brought credit or nil before 30th June of every year after harvesting.
Account is to be revived every year.
 Eligible amount of loan will be arrived basing on scales of finance for both the crop
seasons and the acrage of cultivation.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
 Interest subvention applicable for the loan accounts upto 31st March, for the accounts
disbursed in Kharif and upto 30th June for the accounts disbursed in Rabi seasons.
 Crop insurance as prescribed by National Agricultural Insurance Company from time to
time will be debited to accounts for eligible crops for Kharif and Rabi seasons.
 Processing charges and Administrative charges applicable for loan accounts of limit
above 25000/ If Government declares anavari the eligible accounts will be converted to Medium Term
Loans (MTL) and transferred to CCMTL head.
 The borrowers are to be covered under personal accident insurance scheme. Nominal
insurance premium is to be debited to the accounts every year.
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RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Insurance on all RBKC a/cs for covering accidental insurance upto Rs 50000/ on
disbursement and yearly premium on all existing accounts Rs 50/ out of which some amt
to P&L
Joint Liability Groups:
( No separate GL Head)
 The objective of the JLG is to augment flow of credit to tenant farmers cultivating land
either as oral lessees or share croppers and small farmers who do not have proper title of
their land holding through formation and financing of JLG.
 A JLG is an informal group comprising preferably of 4 to 10 individuals coming together
for the purposes of availing bank loan either individually or through group mechanism
against the mutual guarantee.
 Bank finance in two models
 Individuals in the group
 Total group
 Purpose of the credit: The finance to JLG is expected to be a flexible credit product
addressing the credit requirements of its members including crop production,
consumption, marketing and other productive purposes.
 Maximum loan amount may be restricted to Rs.50000/- per individual.
 No collateral security.
 Members of JLG are to be covered under personal accidental Insurance scheme.
 Crop loans to notified crops are to be covered under National Agricultural Insurance
Gold Loans Agricultural: GL 2200
Demand Loan against the security of gold ornaments and jewellery for agricultural purpose.
Agriculture direct finance towards production credit
Eligible amount of loan will be arrived basing on the fineness of the gold, appraisal value per
gram, lending rate and linked to scales of finance.
Repayable on or before 30th June.
Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
Appraiser charges are applicable. Re-Appraisal to be done once in two years for overdue loan
accounts and re-appraisal charges applicable.
Penal interest of 2% applicable for OD accounts.
 Interest subvention applicable for the loan accounts upto 31st March, for the accounts
disbursed in Kharif and upto 30th June for the accounts disbursed in Rabi seasons.
Agricultural Term Loans (ATL) GL 2210
 Term Loan sanctioned for various agricultural purpose like
 Minor Irrigation
 Land Development
 Farm Mechanization
 Construction of Farm Buildings and Storage facilities like Godowns
 Development loans to Plantations, Horticulture, Forestry, Oil Palm, cultivation etc.,
 Hi-tech agricultural projects such as Floriculture, Agro Processing, Tissue Culture,
Mushroom Cultivation etc.,
 Non conventional energy source like Biogas, Solar pump sets, wind power etc
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 .
 Loans to unemployed Agril. Graduates under Agri clinic and agri business center
 Land purchase scheme.
Unit cost, repayment schedule etc., prescribed by NABARD from time to time shall be
followed. Applicant should contribute some margin.
There are different eligibility criteria and guidelines for different schemes depending on
the activity of loans.
Collateral security is required for loan limit above Rs.50000. Third party guarantee
Processing charges, administrative charges applicable for limits above Rs.200000.
Government sponsored loans exempted from charges.
For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Agricultural Allied Activities: GL 2201
 Term loan sanctioned for various purposes like;
 Dairy
 Poultry
 Sheep / Goat / Piggery / Rabbit rearing
 Aqua culture
 Seri culture
 Unit cost, repayment schedule etc., prescribed by NABARD from time to time shall be
followed. Applicant should contribute some margin.
 There are different eligibility criteria and guidelines for different schemes depending on
the activity of loans.
 Collateral security needed for loan limit above Rs.50000. Third party guarantee obtained.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable for limits above Rs.200000.
Government sponsored loans exempted from charges.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Indirect Finance to Agriculture - GL 2201
 Loan sanctions upto 40 lakhs for distribution of fertilizers, pesticides distribution of
inputs for allied activities such as cattle feed etc.,
 Loans to electricity boards, PACS, FSS and LAMPS. Finance for hire purchase scheme
for distribution of agricultural machines, implements. Construction and running of
storage facilities (ware house, market yards etc.,) Cold storage units in rural areas.
Finance to dealers in drip irrigation / Sprinkler irrigation etc.,
Small Scale Industries: GL 2230
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Bank extend most SSI entrepreneurs towards both term loans and working capital
requirements upto Rs.1 crore
 Any changes in definition of SSI by the Government / RBI will be announced from time
to time.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Repayable over fixed period of time
 Collateral security obtained. Third party guarantee obtained.
 Processing charges, Administrative charges applicable.
 Penal interest applicable for OD accounts.
 Bank can extend loan upto Rs5.00 lakhs without collateral security .
 Bank is to pay one time guarantee fee and annual service fee for the accounts sanctioned
under CGTMSE.
 Bank receives guaranteed loan portion from CGTMSE in case of default of loan
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Transport Operators: GL 2240
 Advances to small road and water transport operators owning a fleet of vehicles, not
exceeding 10 vehicles, including the one proposed to be financed. Only new vehicles are
to be financed.
 Repayment period is 36 to 84 EMI depending upon the repaying capacity of the
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Retail Trade GL2250
 Advance granted to private retail traders dealing in essential commodities (fair price
shops) and consumer co-operative stores and other private retail traders with credit limits
not exceeding Rs.10.00 lakhs
 Credit facilities granted for acquiring premises or furniture / showcases and office
equipment and for working capital requirements.
 Repayment period is 36 to 84 EMI depending upon the repaying capacity of the
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Business Enterprises: GL 2260
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Loans extended to individuals and firms managing a business enterprise established
mainly for the purpose of providing any service other than professional services whose
original cost price of the equipment use for the purpose of business does not exceed
Rs.20.00 lakhs without any restrictions on working capital limit.
 Advances for acquisition construction renovation of house-boats and other tourist
accommodation and distribution of mineral oils.
 Purpose of Loans:- Credit facilities granted for purchasing of necessary equipment,
repairing or renovating the existing equipment, acquiring or repairing the premises,
purchasing tools and for working capital requirements.
 Repayment is 36 to 60 EMI depending upon the repayment capacity of the borrowers.
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
Profession and Self Employed: GL2270
 Loans to professional and self-employed persons include loans for the purpose of
purchasing equipment, repairing or renovating existing equipment and / or acquiring and
repairing business premises or for purchasing tools and / or working capital requirements
to medical practitioners including dentists, Chartered Accountants, Surveyors,
Construction contractors or Management consultants or to a person trained in any other
art or craft who holds either a degree or diploma from any institution established, aided or
recognized by Government or to a person who is considered by the bank as technically
qualified or skilled in the field in which he is employed.
 Limits upto Rs.10.00 lakhs of which not more than Rs.2.00 lakh for working capital
requirement, come under priority sector.
 Repayment 36 to 72 EMI with a gestation period not exceeding 3 months.
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained for limits above Rs.50,000.00
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
 For backend subsidy loan accounts interest to be charged on loan portion (net of subsidy)
General Credit Card: GL2390
 This scheme shall cover General Credit needs of existing customers of the branches.
 The objective of the scheme is to provide hassle free credit to our bank customers based
on assessment of cash flow without insisting on security or end use of the credit.
 Maximum limit is Rs.25000/ No guarantee, no collateral security.
 Account will be revived every year and renewed after three years.
 Card holders to be covered under personal accident insurance scheme for Rs.25000/-
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Housing Loans (HL): GL 2280
 Term Loans to salary persons / business men / professional / self employed /
agriculturists to purchase or construction of house / flats or to meet repairs of the house.
Quantum of finance depends upon monthly gross income / annual income as per IT
return / Income certificates duly fixing certain margin on the cost of construction /
amount of repairs.
 Housing loans upto 20 lakhs irrespective of the location of the house are to be categorized
under priority sector. The applicant’s age should not be more than 55 years and not less
than 18 years.
 For salaried persons maximum loan amount eligible is 48 times gross monthly salary of
the applicant. For agriculturist maximum loan amount eligible is 3 times net annual
income. For business persons maximum loan amount eligible is 4 times of the average
annual income for the last 3 years.
 Repayment period should not exceed 20 years inclusive of moratorium or initial holiday
period till completion of construction or 18 months from the date of disbursement of 1 st
installment of the loan whichever is earlier.
 Collateral security, 3rd party guarantee obtained.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
Educational Loans (EL) GL 2300
 Term loans to students to meet the expenses of the studies for
 Studies in Abroad
 Studies in India.
 Loans will be sanctioned for studying professional courses like
 Engineering, Medical,
 Courses conducted by IIM, IIT
 Post graduation, MCA, MBA
 Phd etc.,
 The applicant must be an Indian, over 16 years of age but less than 30 years and must be
meritorious student.
 Loan will be considered for Tuition fee Examination fee, project work, books, hostel fee,
computer etc.,
 Repayment: the loan is repayable in 60 EMI after a gestation period of 1 year after course
period or 6 months after getting job whichever is earlier. Shorter repayment period may
also be fixed taking into consideration of the repayment capacity.
 No margin upto Rs4.00lakh
 Collateral security for limits above Rs.4.00 lakhs.
 Rate of interest is as decided by the bank from time to time.
 Penal interest eligible for OD accounts.
 Processing charges, administrative charges applicable.
Self Help Groups (SHG): GL 2301
 Loans sanctioned to SHGs and/ NGOs / B-MASS for onward lending to SHGs / members
of SHGs / discreet individuals or small groups which are in the process of forming into
SHGs will be reckoned as priority sector lending and shown in this category.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
 Eligible amount will be arrived basing on the corpus fund / Critical rating index / micro
credit plan.
 Repayment period should be for a maximum period of 36 months. Depending upon the
repayment capacity of the group members it may get extended upto 60 months.
 Rate of interest is decided by the bank from time to time.
Temporary Overdrafts: GL 2360
 Overdraft allowed for a temporary period in excess of the credit balance in Current
Accounts with satisfactory transactions in the account for a minimum period of 1 year.
 To be allowed against a request letter duly specifying the Purpose, Amount and period for
which the TOD is required.
 Allowed for a maximum period of 15 days.
 Not to allow more than 6 times during the year.
Clean Overdrafts to Staff (COD) GL 2370
Allow to staff with specific sanction from the competent authority. Eligible amount of limit
will be arrived basing on the gross pay subject to a maximum limit of Rs.3.75 lakhs and
depends on the cadre of the staff member. (AMT OF LIMIT SUBJECT TO CHANGE)
Limit is valid for 2 years.
Salary of the staff member is to be credited to the CODST account every month.
Rate of interest is to be decided by the bank from time to time.
The limit is to be reduced by 20% every year during the last five years of retirement.
Secured Overdrafts (SOD) GL 2380
 Overdrafts allowed against securities like deposits of the bank ;
 Government securities like NSCs, KVPs, LIC policies etc.,
SOD against GOLD:
GL 2380
 SOD will be sanctioned to those customers who borrow amount against gold ornaments
frequently and repeatedly. The facility can be extended only for non agricultural purpose.
This loan can be sanctioned to individuals who maintain SB / CD accounts.
 Duration of the limit is 1 year.
 The minimum interest to be paid shall be Rs.1000 per anum.
 Appraising charges are applicable.
 Reappraising to be done once in two years.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
SOD against Real Estate: GL 2380
 This scheme shall cover the working capital needs of valued customers. This is to provide
adequate credit to the customers based on the assessment of repaying capacity and worth
of the security.
 Contractors, traders, hotels, restaurants, hospitals, schools & colleges and wine dealers
are the eligible borrowers.
 Maximum loan amount is Rs.25.00 lakhs.
 Collateral security of immovable property located in urban areas worth atleast 200% of
the loan amount. Guarantee from 3rd party is obtained.
 Limit is valid for 1 year.
 Rate of interest will be decided by the bank from time to time.
Open Cash Credit (OCC) GL 2410
 Working capital limits against the hypothecation of moveable security.
 Eligible amount of limit will be fixed within the Maximum permissible bank finance
(MPBF) arrived under various assessment methods.
 Debits will be subject to drawing power.
 Borrower is to maintain certain percentage of margin.
 Collateral security is obtained.
Rushikulya Laghu Udyog Credit card: GL 2340
*To meet the working capital requirements of small business unit,retail traders,village
industries,tiny and small scale industries,and professional and self employed persons for a
msximum limit of Rs2.00lakhs.
*limits arrived basing on 20% of the annual turnover of last 12 months for small business,retail
traders and SSIs,50% of the gross annual income as per IT returns in case of professional and
self employed persons
*Limits are valid for 2 years and renewable on every 2 years on the basis of turn over and
*Collateral securities:Nil upto limit of Rs0.25lakhs
Above Rs25000/-:100% for urban and semi urban areas and 150% for other areas
*Interest rate applicable as decided by the bank from time to time
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Suit Filed Accounts: GL 2420 (PRIORITY) GL 2450 (Non prior)
 All loan accounts against which suits are filed will be transferred to this head.
 All further transactions will be routed through this account.
Clean Bills Purchase: GLl 2470
 Cheques purchased tendered by customers belonging to savings bank / current accounts
and borrowers.
Clean Bills Purchased Instant Credit: GL 2471
 Cheques purchased tendered by customers belonging to the savings bank category.
 Cheques upto a maximum of Rs.15000/- can be purchased.
Rushikulya Swarojgar Credit Cards: GL 2350
 To meet working capital or term loan for acquiring fixed assets or both including
reasonable component for consumption needs upto Rs.25000/- to small businesses.
 Working capital limit to be renewed bi-annually and term loan is repayable in 5 years.
 This scheme covers small artisans to handloom wavers, service sector, fishermen, self
employed persons,and other micro entrepreneurs
 Card holders are to be covered under group insurance scheme upto an amount of
Rs.25000/Bank Guarantees: GL 2150
 Financial guarantees as well as performance guarantees and differed payment guarantees
can be issued.
 Minimum cash margin shall be 25%
 Collateral security of property worth not less than 150% is to be obtained for the
unsecured portion.
 Counter guarantee is to be obtained from the customer on whose behalf the guarantee is
 Bank guarantee can be extended and cancelled.
Andhra Bank
RFP for implementation of CBS in RRBs sponsored by Andhra Bank
February 2010
Annexure - 11
Write up on.