Summer 2014 - Operation ABLE

Operation ABLE of Michigan
(An affiliated company of Spectrum Human Services)
Catalog of Certificate
Summer 2014
Detroit Training Center
4750 Woodward
Detroit, MI 48201
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The Operation ABLE of Michigan mission is to provide market responsive programs to
meet the employment needs of mature individuals along their career paths, to promote
lifelong learning among individuals, businesses and government and to assist the
employer community in developing a competent workforce.
Operation ABLE is a non-profit organization, governed by a Board of Directors.
Chair of the Board: Lena Barkley
Mary McDougall, Ph.D., M.A., M.S.N., L.P.C., – Executive Director; Instructor in
Customer Service, Employability, Management Issues, Office Procedures, Medical
Customer Service/Instructional Staff
Michael Kelliher, B.A. – Contract Instructor (Computer Applications, Business
Communications, Office Procedures)
Nancy O’Malley, B.A.– Contract Instructor (Computer Applications, Business
Communications, Office Procedures)
Nancy Warnars, M.A., – Employment Counselor/Workforce Development Coach,
Instructor, Employability
Daphne Jones Gooden, M.A., LLPC- Employment Counselor/Income Supports
Coach; Instructor, Customer Service
La Rita LaViolette, Contract Instructor in Keyboarding, Computer Applications and
Business Communication
Pamela Selley, Financial Literacy Instructor/Financial Coach
Barba Patton, MIS Coordinator, Trouble Shooter: Computer Applications; Business
Center Projects Facilitator
Angeline Smith, Contract Instructor, QuickBooks
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The school is open on Monday through Friday with the following exceptions:
Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and the day after, Christmas Eve and Christmas
Day, News Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day, Martin Luther King Day, Good Friday,.and
Memorial Day. Occasionally, the classroom will be closed on other days but those days
will be programmed into the schedule.
For inclement weather, classes will be cancelled when Wayne State University is closed
for weather conditions. When classes are cancelled for power outages or inclement
weather, they will be rescheduled.
The school has an open enrollment policy with start dates approximately every nine
Start Dates for Summer, 2014
Computer Certificate Programs: July 14, 2014 (Tentative)
IceHouse Entrepreneurship Program: June 17, 2014
Minimum of fifth grade reading and math levels
Other requirements from funding sources for free training
Students may test out of specific courses. Credit will be given toward certificate. There
is no adjustment in tuition.
Classes for 300 hours certificate programs are held Monday through Thursday from 9:00
a.m. to 12 noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. A detailed schedule will be provided on
the first day of class. Some courses are offered separate from the certificate program and
may be scheduled during the week, evenings and/or on Saturdays.
The Icehouse Entrepreneurship Program is usually offered twice a week for nine weeks.
Grading is a pass/fail system. Passing requires passage of tests and [practical
assignments to measure competency).. Students may continue to work toward passing
courses beyond the completion of classroom attendance.
The tuition for the 300-hour certificate programs is $1,900. The tuition includes all the
equipment and materials needed by the students. There are no program fees. If an
individual student is paying tuition, 1/2 is due before class begins and the remainder is
due at the completion of 4 weeks of training. Individual courses from the certificate
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program curriculum are available at $59 per day unless otherwise stipulated (some
reduction for courses that are more than one day). For individual courses, we recommend
that students bring a new flash drive to save class work.
Tuition for the Icehouse Entrepreneurship Course is $450. Payment is required no later
than the first day of class.
All tuition paid by the applicant will be refunded if the applicant is rejected by the school
before enrollment. All tuition paid by the applicant shall be refunded if requested within
three business days after signing a contract with the school but before beginning classes.
All refunds shall be returned within 30 days. No refunds are allowed for courses
attended. However, students are given the opportunity to repeat a course at no cost on a
space available basis.
Students are encouraged to attend every class. However, an 80% attendance rate is
required for completion. There are make-up options for students.
Students can be dismissed from the program or denied future training for any of the
following reasons: falsifying of records on enrollment applications or other official
paperwork, disruptive behavior, coming to agency with or under the influence of alcohol
or drugs, bringing a weapon of any kind to the agency premises, harassment or
threatening violence to staff or other students, refusing to provide employment
information to agency representative.
The school works with students to achieve placement for up to one year following the
completion of class for students in the certificate programs.
Our training site has two large classrooms, each equipped with 16 up-to-date computers
with large monitors. Projectors allow the computer instruction to be visible to all
students. There is also a career center with computers and job search materials. There
are conference rooms for non-computer classes.
Operation ABLE offers three certificate programs:
Office Professional I
Office Professional II
Computer Savvy Manager/Professional/Entrepreneur
See each program syllabi for goals, performance objectives and requirements for completion (pp 6-25)
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Course Description
This course will prepare participants for employment in an office setting in entry level
clerical or customer service positions. The course will include an introduction/review
and skill building of keyboarding, an introduction to computers, basic and intermediate
applications of word processing, application of basic spreadsheets, presentation and
database software, and business communications, office procedures, customer service
principles and employability skills. Six hours of coursework from the elective courses are
required. This 300-hour course will meet five days a week for six hours per day for 10
weeks. Upon meeting the course objectives and completing a minimum of 240 hours of
class time, participants will receive a certificate of completion of Operation ABLE’s
Office Professional Program I with the designation of 300 Contact Hours. Students, who
are not employed at the end of formal class time, are expected to spend a minimum of 60
hours of job search in the Operation ABLE Career Center and to continue job searching
till employed. Providing school with employment information is a requirement for any
student who has all or part of tuition paid for through Operation ABLE.
Program Goal
To provide the student with basic computer skills, office procedure/business
communications knowledge, and customer service ability in order to qualify for an entrylevel office or customer service position.
Performance Objectives
 Type accurately at 15 - 20 wpm or 10 wpm over baseline score
 Demonstrate correct procedures for turning computer on and off, naming and saving
files and locating information
 Produce a memo and letter in correct format with no errors using Microsoft Word
 Demonstrate ability to change format and edit a Microsoft Word document.
 Take telephone messages accurately
 Demonstrate the ability to give clear directions on the telephone
 Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate approaches in dealing with challenging
customers in simulated scenarios
 Use fax, copier, calculator and multi-line telephones with no assistance
 Demonstrate accurate filing skills (alpha and numeric)
 Enter and edit data in a spreadsheet; perform simple calculations electronically
 Send and retrieve email messages; add an attachment to email
 Find job search related information on the Internet, e.g. Gather information on a
prospective employer
 Create simple charts in Microsoft Excel
 Create a merged document
 Pass the beginning level of Microsoft Word and Excel and the intermediate level of
Word through testing and completion of assignments
 Create a basic PowerPoint presentation
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Office Professional I (continued)
Demonstrate effective job search techniques
Develop a career resilience plan reflecting steps for assuring job retention and
continuous learning.
Note: Because the course is designed so that content learned in one unit will be
reinforced and practiced in other units, the objectives are not separated by unit.
Introductory Unit (12 Hours)
This unit will get participants off to a sound start in pursuing an office or customer
service position. Baseline skills for office settings will be measured as a means of
documenting learning. Discussion on the ways adults learn and techniques for
maximizing one’s learning approaches will be presented. The core information on
getting started with computers and windows will be presented and demonstrated. This
module includes testing (reading and math; typing; and grammar and spelling).
Discussion, lecture, demonstration, hands-on practice and interactive activities are the
teaching methods used in this module. A learning plan will be developed for each
student considering base-line skills and learning style.
Course One: Overview of Program (6 Hours) Note: this course is only available as part
of the certificate program
 Welcome and introductions; tour
 Course expectations
 Preliminary testing: baseline typing, grammar, spelling, reading, math and data entry
 Overview on learning strategies and styles (Accent on Learning)
 Introduction to My Skills Tutor
Course Two: Introduction to Computers and Windows (6 Hours)
 Introduction to computer terminology
 Computer hardware and software
 Positioning for comfortable use of computer
 Start up procedures
 Moving around the “desktop”
 Mouse practice exercises
 Becoming familiar with the desktop
 Opening, saving, naming and finding a file
Unit Two: Keyboarding (24 hours)
This Unit is designed for people new to keyboarding. It is recommended that all students
attempt to improve their keyboarding skill in order to be more efficient in use of
computers. This course involves presentation, skill activities, tutoring, and drills.
 Pre, post and intermittent testing at 1 minute and 3 minutes.
 Ergonomics and keyboarding
 Finger positioning
 Introduction to Mavis
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Office Professional I (continued)
Introduction to on-line typing programs
Sample Drills
Unit Three: Customer Service Course (30 Hours)
This unit will focus on telephone techniques, verbal and non-verbal communication skills
for working with the public and problem solving for specific situations. A focus on
customer service for both external and internal customers will be presented. This unit
will use lecture, demonstrations and return demonstrations, role playing, audio and video
taping of simulated customer service scenarios and other interactive methods activities
with guidance from an instructor. There will be required assignments and a final test to
measure competency.
 Customer service overview
 Telephone communication techniques: General office, reception and call center
 Greeting the public; verbal and non-verbal communication
 Managing stress in a customer service role
 Team work for effective customer service
 Problem solving with challenging customers or situations
 Customer service as a sales/marketing tool
 Cash Handling: theory and practice
Unit Four: Basics of Microsoft Word (24 Hours)
This unit will introduce the most common techniques for word processing using
Microsoft Word. Each 6-hours of this module will include three hours of structured class
and three hours of self-paced practice time to complete work-context assignments related
to the structured presentation. The structured presentations will make use of a large
screen projector so that students can observe what the instructor is doing while they
practice on their own computer. Students will be given practice packets to complete with
guidance during the self-paced portion of this module.
Course One: the Basics of Microsoft Word – Overview and Common Formatting (12
 Create and edit basic word processing documents
 Name, save and retrieve documents
 Explore status bar, task bar, Quick Access Toolbar, Ruler and Ribbons
 Use help feature
 Apply various techniques for selecting text
 Apply basic formatting techniques: Bold, Italic and Underline
 Change font styles and size.
 Use cut, copy, paste features
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Office Professional I (continued)
Course Two: Creating flyers (6 Hours)
 Apply various text and page alignment choices
 Insert pictures
 Apply bullets and numbering
 Add page and section borders
 Use Word Art
 Changing text color and shading
 Apply spelling and grammar check, using ribbon and right click
Course Three: More Formatting (6 Hours)
 Inserting tables and columns
 Adding headers and footers and page numbering
 Setting margins and tabs
 Use Zoom view
Course Four: Review of Basic Word (6 Hours)*
Review of lessons learned in first 3 days of Word
Practice activities
Test on the Basics of Word
Unit Five: Intermediate Word
In this unit, students will learn about ways to be more efficient with office procedures by
using some of the intermediate features of Word. Lecture, demonstration and practice
activities will be the continuing approach to learning.
Class One: Templates, Macros and Styles (6 Hours)
 Using pre-existing documents from templates
 Creating templates
 Creating macros
 Using styles
Class Two: Mail Merge (6 Hours)
 The basic steps of mail merge
 Creating mail merge letters within word
 Using data from Excel for a mail merge
Class Three: Review of Intermediate Word (6 Hours)*
 Review of both Intermediate Word Classes
 Practice Activities
 Test on Intermediate Word
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Office Professional I (continued)
Unit Six: Business Communications Courses
This unit will provide the students with a foundation for writing business correspondence
(memos, letters and simple reports) and applying basic business math in an office or
customer service setting. Both format and content will be stressed during this module.
Each six hour class will be a combination of formal presentation and self-paced activities
with work-context assignments related to the structured presentation. The 9nent of this
module is to prepare students for both work and pre-employment testing.
Course 1: Essential of Written Communications in business (12 Hours)
 Memo formats
 Business letters
 Fax cover sheets
 Using templates for business correspondence
 Grammar review
 Spelling review
 Basics of punctuation
 Proof-reading techniques
 Work-place context assignments
Course 2: Basic Math for Business Settings (6 Hours)
This course will be a review of basic math to prepare students for work assignments and
for pre-employment testing. This course recognizes that students at mid career and
beyond may have not used some of their math knowledge in some time. A pre-test on the
basics of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, will identify areas of needed
concentration. After a class overview, students will be assigned lessons from “My Skill
Tutor” for their specific needs.
Course 3: Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (6 Hours)
Students will receive a review of fractions, decimals and percentages. Exercises to
practice will be provided to reinforce learning. Reading rulers, thermostats, etc will also
be included.
Course 4 – Review of Basic Algebra (6 Hours)
The basic principles of algebra will be presented with an opportunity for practice. It is
intended to be a refresher of material learned earlier in life. The intent is to help
participants be competitive in pre-employment testing, by presenting a review of material
learned earlier in life. It is not intended for individuals who have never taken algebra,
except as preparation for a more in-depth course.
Unit Six
Introduction to Excel (36 Hours)
This unit will introduce the students to spreadsheets with special emphasis on Microsoft
Excel applications. Each 6 hours of instruction will include three hours of structured
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Office Professional I (continued)
presentation and three hours of self-paced activities related to structured presentation to
reinforce learning and confidence
Course 1 The Basics of Excel (6 Hours)
 Uses of spreadsheets and worksheets
 Becoming familiar with Excel terminology
 Moving around in an excel spreadsheet
 Creating, naming, saving, editing and printing worksheets and spreadsheets
 Formatting with Excel, using the ribbon
 Using Autosum
 -practice Activities
Course 2: Functions and Formulas
 Review of basic math functions using Excel
 Creating formulas for common calculations
 Sorting data safely
 Editing and formatting cell content
 Using fill handle and ?
 Practice Activities
Course 3 Review of Basic Excel (6 Hours)*
Review of first 2 days of Excel
Practice activities
Test on Basic Excel
Unit Seven: Intermediate Excel
These courses will teach students how to filter and present data in various formats data
and how to export and import data from other programs.
Course 1: Charts
Selecting chart types
Creating charts
Adding titles
Resizing and positioning charts
Practice Activities
Course 2: Using the power of the software
Importing and Exporting Data to and/or from Word, PowerPoint or Access documents.
Using f/Then scenarios
What else?
Course 3 – Review of Intermediate Excel
Review of Course 1 & 2
Preparing for Microsoft Certification in Excel
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Office Professional I (continued)
Employability Skills (39 Hours)
This unit will assist the participants in developing the skills needed to conduct a
productive job search and to make a successful transition to the workforce. It will
include lecture, demonstrations, computer-based activities, videos, discussion, roleplaying, and videotaped interview sessions. This unit will be presented for one day (6
hours) each week beginning with week two. Half of each session will be structured and
the other half will involve independent work toward job attainment. Guidance for resume
development and interview practice (with and without videotaping) will be done during
the independent part of the sessions.
Career resilience, the foundation for continuous employability
Goal setting and planning strategies for job search
Developing job search tools resume, reference list, business cards, portfolio, and
telephone scripts
The Internet as a job search tool (with hands-on practice)
Benchmarking and other strategies for exploring the labor market
Cold calling exercises and other job search techniques
Interviewing strategies
Planning for successful transition to the workforce
On-site employee interviews
Guided job search opportunities
Strategies for successful transition to the workplace
Unit Eight
Office Procedures (12 Hours)
This unit will focus on developing skill with common office procedures and equipment.
Demonstration and return demonstration with practical assignments and post-testing will
be included.
 Principles and rules of filing
 Electronic filing using Windows
 Using and trouble shooting simple and intermediate functions of copiers
 Correct procedures for faxing
 Use of binding equipment and postage meter
 Green office principles
Unit Nine
PowerPoint (18 hours)
 Creating a basic presentation with PowerPoint
 Appropriate use of special effects
 Hand-out options with PowerPoint
 Group and individual presentations
Office Professional I (continued)
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Unit Ten
Access (18 Hours)
In this unit students will learn how to use Microsoft Access for database development and
management. The morning session of each day of Access will be structured. The second
half o the day will be used to work on self-paced assignment related to the structured
 Purpose of a database
 Formatting and editing an Access database worksheet
 Query function for extracting information
 Creating reports with Access
Completion Requirements
To obtain a certificate in Office Professional I, a student must meet the following:
 Achieve typing of 15 wpm or 10 wpm over baseline test on a one-minute and
3-minute typing test
 Reach a minimum score of 76% on a written test for Basic and Intermediate
 Demonstrate the ability to produce correctly formatted letters and memos and
envelopes using Microsoft Word with no typos, spelling errors or grammatical
 Reach a minimum score of 76% on a written test for the basic and
intermediate levels of Excel.
 Demonstrate the ability to format and enter data in a spreadsheet using Excel,
apply basic formulas accurately and create a simple chart.
 Complete required assignments for Employability Module including a resume,
scannable resume, reference list, correctly completed application, and career
resilience plan for transition
 Demonstrate effective interviewing skill in role play setting
 Send and receive e-mail message
 Show ability to find company information on the internet
 Demonstrate ability to correctly take a telephone message and handle an irate
 Complete customer service test with score of 76% or higher
 Demonstrate ability to use copier, fax and binder
 Demonstrate ability to file in alpha and numeric order
 Create a simple PowerPoint presentation with accompanying handouts.
 Attend a minimum of 240 clock hours (make-up classes can be arranged)
 Complete course requirements for selected elective(s)
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Course Description
This course will prepare participants for employment in an office setting in intermediate
or advanced level clerical or customer service positions. It is designed for individuals
who have some office or customer service experience, some keyboarding skills but
limited computer skills. The course will include a review and skill building of
keyboarding, an introduction to computers, basic and intermediate applications of word
processing, application of basic spreadsheets, applications of PowerPoint for
presentations, applications of Access as a database, customer service principles and
employability skills. This 240-hour course will meet five days a week for six hours per
day for 8 weeks. Upon meeting the course objectives and completing a minimum of 192
hours of class time, participants will receive a certificate of completion of Operation
ABLE’s Office Professional Program II with the designation of 240 Contact Hours.
Students, who are not employed at the end of formal class time, are expected to spend a
minimum of 60 hours of job search in the Operation ABLE Career Center.
Program Goal
To prepare graduates for an intermediate positions in an office or customer service
setting, requiring intermediate level Microsoft Office applications, an ability to apply
customer service principles, and demonstrated skill in office procedures and business
Performance Objectives
 Type accurately at 35 - 40 wpm or 10 wpm over baseline score
 Demonstrate correct procedures for turning computer on and off, naming and saving
files and locating information
 Produce a memo and letter in correct format with no errors using Microsoft Word
 Take telephone messages accurately
 Demonstrate the ability to give clear directions on the telephone
 Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate approaches in dealing with challenging
customers in simulated scenarios
 Use fax, copier, calculator and multi-line telephones with no assistance
 Demonstrate accurate filing skills (alpha and numeric)
 Enter and edit data in a spreadsheet; perform simple calculations
 Create simple charts in Microsoft Excel
 Create a merged document
 Pass the beginning level of Microsoft Word and Excel and the intermediate level of
Word on QWIZ, a computer-based testing system
 Create a PowerPoint presentation with related handouts on a topic of student’s choice
 Create an Access Database; enter and edit information from an access database;
retrieve information from an Access database using the Query function
 Demonstrate effective job search techniques
 Develop a career resilience plan reflecting steps for assuring job retention and
continuous learning.
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Office Professional II (continued)
Note: Because the course is designed so that content learned in one unit will be
reinforced and practiced in other units, the objectives are not separated by unit.
Unit One
Introductory Unit (18 Hours)
This unit will get participants off to a sound start in pursuing an office position. Baseline
skills for office settings will be measured as a means of documenting learning. Strategies
for enhancing keyboarding that will be used throughout the program will be introduced.
Discussion on the ways adults learn and techniques for maximizing one’s learning
approaches will be presented. The core information on getting started with computers
and windows will be presented and demonstrated. This module includes testing
(Reading and Math; typing; and grammar and spelling with Differentiated Aptitude Test).
Discussion, lecture, demonstration, hands-on practice and interactive activities are the
teaching methods used in this module. A learning plan will be developed for each
student considering base-line skills and learning style.
 Welcome and introductions; tour
 Course overview
 Preliminary testing: baseline typing, grammar, spelling, reading, math, and data entry
 Overview on learning strategies (Accent on Learning)
 Introduction to keyboarding, computers and Windows
 Introduction to Skills Bank and Mavis
Unit Two
Customer Service (21 Hours)
This unit will focus on telephone techniques, verbal and non-verbal communication skills
for working with the public and problem solving for specific situations. A focus on
customer service for both external and internal customers will be presented. This unit
will use lecture, demonstrations and return demonstrations, role playing, audio and video
taping of simulated customer service scenarios and other interactive methods activities
with guidance from an instructor.
 Customer service an overview
 Telephone communication techniques
 Greeting the public; verbal and non-verbal communication
 Managing stress in a customer service role
 Teamwork for effective customer service
 Problem solving with challenging customers or situations
 Customer service as a sales/marketing tool
 Skill Building in grammar/spelling and articulation
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Office Professional II (continued)
Unit Three
Word Processing I (36 Hours)
This unit will introduce the most common techniques for word processing using
Microsoft Word. Each 6-hour day of this module will include three hours of structured
class and three hours of self-paced practice time to complete work-context assignments
related to the structured presentation. The structured presentations will make use of a
large screen projector so that students can observe what the instructor is doing while they
practice on their own computer. Typing drills will be a regular part of the self-paced
sessions to move students toward their word-per-minute goal. Students will be given
practice packets to complete with guidance during the self-paced portion of this module.
 Creating and editing basic documents
 Naming, saving and retrieving documents
 Exploring standard and formatting tool bars and ruler
 Use of help feature, spell check, grammar check, and thesaurus
 Formatting techniques
 Headers, footers, margins and tabs
 Tables
 Envelopes
 Continuation of keyboarding practice
Unit Four
Business Communications (24 Hours)
This unit will provide the students with a foundation for writing business correspondence
(memos, letters and simple reports). Both format and content will be stressed during this
module. Review of punctuation and grammar will be included. Students will be
instructed in the use of copiers, faxes, and calculators. Half of each day will be spent in
lecture and demonstration/return demonstration and the other half will be self-paced with
work-context assignments related to the structured presentation. Students will be
encouraged to use a part of each day to continue typing and basic skill building through
Mavis (typing program) and Skills Bank.
 Memo formats
 Business letters
 Fax cover sheets
 Using templates for business correspondence
 Grammar review
 Spelling review
 Basics of punctuation
 Proof-reading techniques
 Continuation of keyboarding drills
 Work-place context assignments
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Office Professional II (continued)
Unit Five
PowerPoint (18 Hours)
This unit will provide the students with a foundation for developing presentations using
Microsoft PowerPoint.
 Purpose of Presentation software
 Auto wizard for simple presentations
 Creating a basic presentation
 Formatting text
 Adding animation and special effects
 Creating support materials
 Presentation tips
 Student presentations
Unit Six
Word Processing II (18 Hours)
In this unit more complex word processing features will be introduced, demonstrated and
practiced. It will include three hours per day of structured presentation with
demonstration and return demonstrations and three hours per day of self-paced practice
time to complete work-context assignments related to the structured presentation. Typing
drills will be a regular part of the self-paced sessions to move students toward their wordper-minute goal.
 Creating and editing columns
 Adding clip art to documents
 Developing merged documents, including labels
 Editing templates
 Developing simple macros
Unit Seven
Introduction to Excel (36 Hours)
This unit will introduce the students to spreadsheets with special emphasis on Microsoft
Excel applications. It will include three hours per day of structured presentation and
three hours of self-paced practice time to complete work-context assignments related to
the structured content. Typing drills will be a regular part of the self-paced sessions to
move students to their word-per-minute goal.
 Uses of spreadsheets
 Creating, naming, saving, editing and printing worksheets
 Formatting with Excel
 Review of basic math functions
 Creating formulas for common calculations
 Sorting and filtering data
 Creating and editing charts
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Office Professional II (continued)
Unit Eight
Employability Skills (39 Hours)
This unit will assist the participants in developing the skills needed to conduct a
productive job search and to make a successful transition to the workforce. It will
include lecture, demonstrations, computer-based activities, videos, discussion, roleplaying, and videotaped interview sessions. This unit will be presented for one day (6
hours) each week beginning with week two. Half of each session will be structured and
the other half will involve independent work toward job attainment. Guidance for resume
development and interview practice (with and without videotaping) will be done during
the independent part of the sessions.
 Career resilience, the foundation for continuous employability
 Goal setting and planning strategies for job search
 Developing job search tools resume, reference list, business cards, portfolio, and
telephone scripts
 The Internet as a job search tool (with hands-on practice)
 Benchmarking and other strategies for exploring the labor market
 Cold calling exercises and other job search techniques
 Interviewing strategies
 Planning for successful transition to the workforce
 On-site employee interviews
 Guided job search opportunities
 Strategies for successful transition to the workplace
Unit Nine
Access (18 Hours)
In this unit students will learn how to use Microsoft Access for database development and
management. The morning session of each day of Access will be structured. The second
half of the day will be used to work on self-paced assignments related to the structured
 Purpose of a database
 Formatting and editing an Access database worksheet
 Query function for extracting information
 Creating reports with Access
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Office Professional II (continued)
Unit Ten
Office Procedures (12 Hours)
This unit will focus on developing skill with common office procedures and equipment.
Demonstration and return demonstration with practical assignments and post-testing will
be included.
 Principles and rules of filing
 Electronic filing using Windows
 Using and trouble shooting simple and intermediate functions of copiers
 Correct procedures for faxing
 Math
 Typing
Completion Requirements
To obtain a certificate in Office Professional II, a student must meet the following:
 Achieve typing of 35-40 wpm or 10 wpm over baseline test on a one-minute and 3minute typing test
 Reach a minimum score of 76% for the basic and intermediate level of Microsoft
Word on QWIZ (a computerized testing program)
 Demonstrate the ability to produce correctly formatted letters and memos using
Microsoft Word with no “typos”, spelling errors or grammatical errors.
 Reach a minimum score of 76% on the basic level of Excel on QWIZ (a
computerized testing program
 Demonstrate ability to use copier, fax and binder
 Demonstrate ability to file in alpha and numeric order
 Demonstrate the ability to format and enter data in a spreadsheet using Excel
 Complete required assignments for Employability Module including a resume,
scannable resume, reference list, correctly completed application, and career
resilience plan for transition
 Demonstrate effective interviewing skill in role play setting
 Send and receive e-mail message
 Show ability to find company information on the internet
 Demonstrate ability to correctly take a telephone message and handle an irate
 Create a PowerPoint presentation and related handouts
 Create an Access Database
 Prepare a report based on information in an Access database
 Complete customer service test with score of 76% or higher
 Attend a minimum of 192 clock hours (make-up classes can be arranged)
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Course Description
This course will prepare participants to re-enter management positions requiring a
knowledge of computers. It is designed for individuals who have some management or
professional experience but limited computer skills. The course will include a review and
skill building of an introduction to computers, basic and intermediate applications of
word processing, application of basic spreadsheets, applications of PowerPoint for
presentations, applications of Access as a database, customer service principles and
employability skills and information related to application of software to management
issues. This 240-hour course will meet five days a week for six hours per day for 8
weeks. Upon meeting the course objectives and completing a minimum of 192 hours of
class time, participants will receive a certificate of completion of Operation ABLE’s
Computer Savvy Manager with the designation of 240 Contact Hours.
Program Goal
To prepare students to apply basic and intermediate computer skills in carrying out the
responsibilities of a management or professional role.
Performance Objectives
 Demonstrate correct procedures for turning computer on and off, naming and saving
files and locating information
 Produce a memo and letter in correct format with no errors using Microsoft Word
 Take telephone messages accurately
 Demonstrate the ability to give clear directions on the telephone
 Demonstrate the ability to use appropriate approaches in dealing with challenging
customers in simulated scenarios
 Enter and edit data in a spreadsheet; perform simple calculations
 Create simple charts in Microsoft Excel
 Create a merged document
 Pass the beginning level of Microsoft Word and Excel and the intermediate level of
Word on QWIZ, a computer-based testing system
 Create a PowerPoint presentation with related handouts on a topic of related to
 Create an Access Database; enter and edit information from an access database;
retrieve information from an Access database using the Query function
 Demonstrate effective job search techniques
 Develop a career resilience plan reflecting steps for assuring job retention and
continuous learning.
 Discuss issues relevant to management in today’s world of work with an emphasis on
issues caused by and/or helped by computers
 Deliver a presentation on a management issue related to computers
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Computer Savvy Manager/Professional (Continued)
Note: Because the course is designed so that content learned in one unit will be
reinforced and practiced in other units, the objectives are not separated by unit.
Unit One
Introductory Unit (18 Hours)
This unit will get participants off to a sound start in pursuing an office position. Baseline
skills for office settings will be measured as a means of documenting learning. Strategies
for enhancing keyboarding that will be used throughout the program will be introduced.
Discussion on the ways adults learn and techniques for maximizing one’s learning
approaches will be presented. The core information on getting started with computers
and windows will be presented and demonstrated. This module includes testing (Reading
and Math; typing; and grammar and spelling). Discussion, lecture, demonstration, handson practice and interactive activities are the teaching methods used in this module. A
learning plan will be developed for each student considering base-line skills and learning
 Welcome and introductions; tour
 Course overview
 Preliminary testing: baseline typing, grammar, spelling, reading, math and data entry
 Overview on learning strategies (Accent on Learning)
 Introduction to keyboarding, computers and windows
 Introduction to Skills Bank and Mavis
Unit Two
Customer Service (21 Hours)
This unit will focus on telephone techniques, verbal and non-verbal communication skills
for working with the public and problem solving for specific situations. A focus on
customer service for both external and internal customers will be presented. This unit
will use lecture, demonstrations and return demonstrations, role playing, audio and video
taping of simulated customer service scenarios and other interactive methods activities
with guidance from an instructor.
 Customer service an overview
 Telephone communication techniques
 Greeting the public; verbal and non-verbal communication
 Managing stress in a customer service role
 Teamwork for effective customer service
 Problem solving with challenging customers or situations
 Customer service as a sales/marketing tool
 Skill Building in grammar/spelling and articulation
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Computer Savvy Manager/Professional (Continued)
Unit Three
Word Processing I (36 Hours)
This unit will introduce the most common techniques for word processing using
Microsoft Word. Each 6-hour day of this module will include three hours of structured
class and three hours of self-paced practice time to complete work-context assignments
related to the structured presentation. The structured presentations will make use of a
large screen projector so that students can observe what the instructor is doing while they
practice on their own computer. Typing drills will be a regular part of the self-paced
sessions to move students toward their word-per-minute goal. Students will be given
practice packets to complete with guidance during the self-paced portion of this module.
 Creating and editing basic documents
 Naming, saving and retrieving documents
 Exploring standard and formatting tool bars and ruler
 Use of help feature, spell check, grammar check, and thesaurus
 Formatting techniques
 Headers, footers, margins and tabs
 Tables
 Envelopes
 Continuation of keyboarding practice
Unit Four
PowerPoint (18 Hours)
This unit will provide the students with a foundation for developing presentations using
Microsoft PowerPoint.
 Purpose of Presentation software
 Auto wizard for simple presentations
 Creating a basic presentation
 Formatting text
 Adding animation and special effects
 Creating support materials
 Presentation tips
 Student presentations
Unit Five
Word Processing II (18 Hours)
In this unit more complex word processing features will be introduced, demonstrated and
practiced. It will include three hours per day of structured presentation with
demonstration and return demonstrations and three hours per day of self-paced practice
time to complete work-context assignments related to the structured presentation. Typing
drills will be a regular part of the self-paced sessions to move students toward their wordper-minute goal.
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Computer Savvy Manager/Professional (Continued)
Creating and editing columns
Adding clip art to documents
Developing merged documents, including labels
Editing templates
Developing simple macros
Unit Six
Business Communications (24 Hours)
This unit will provide the students with a foundation for writing business correspondence
(memos, letters and simple reports). Both format and content will be stressed during this
module. Review of punctuation and grammar will be included. Students will be
instructed in the use of copiers, faxes, and calculators. Half of each day will be spent in
lecture and demonstration/return demonstration and the other half will be self-paced with
work-context assignments related to the structured presentation. Students will be
encouraged to use a part of each day to continue typing and basic skill building through
Mavis (typing program) and Skills Bank.
 Memo formats
 Business letters
 Fax cover sheets
 Using templates for business correspondence
 Grammar review
 Spelling review
 Basics of punctuation
 Proof-reading techniques
 Continuation of keyboarding drills
 Work-place context assignments
Unit Seven
Introduction to Excel (36 Hours)
This unit will introduce the students to spreadsheets with special emphasis on Microsoft
Excel applications. It will include three hours per day of structured presentation and
three hours of self-paced practice time to complete work-context assignments related to
the structured content. Typing drills will be a regular part of the self-paced sessions to
move students to their word-per-minute goal.
 Uses of spreadsheets
 Creating, naming, saving, editing and printing worksheets
 Formatting with Excel
 Review of basic math functions
 Creating formulas for common calculations
 Sorting and filtering data
 Creating and editing charts
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Computer Savvy Manager/Professional (Continued)
Unit Eight
Employability Skills (39 Hours)
This unit will assist the participants in developing the skills needed to conduct a
productive job search and to make a successful transition to the workforce. It will
include lecture, demonstrations, computer-based activities, videos, discussion, roleplaying, and videotaped interview sessions. This unit will be presented for one day (6
hours) each week beginning with week two. Half of each session will be structured and
the other half will involve independent work toward job attainment. Guidance for resume
development and interview practice (with and without videotaping) will be done during
the independent part of the sessions.
 Career resilience, the foundation for continuous employability
 Goal setting and planning strategies for job search
 Developing job search tools resume, reference list, business cards, portfolio, and
telephone scripts
 The Internet as a job search tool (with hands-on practice)
 Benchmarking and other strategies for exploring the labor market
 Cold calling exercises and other job search techniques
 Interviewing strategies
 Planning for successful transition to the workforce
 On-site employee interviews
 Guided job search opportunities
 Strategies for successful transition to the workplace
Unit Nine
Access (18 Hours)
In this unit students will learn how to use Microsoft Access for database development and
management. The morning session of each day of Access will be structured. The second
half of the day will be used to work on self-paced assignments related to the structured
 Purpose of a database
 Formatting and editing an Access database worksheet
 Query function for extracting information
 Creating reports with Access
Unit Ten
Management Issues (12 Hours)
In this unit, management issues in today’s business world are explored with an emphasis
on the way that computers impact the problem and or the ways that managers can use
computers in dealing with the issues
 Management Issue exploration
 Application of computer technology to management issues
 Research on topics of choice
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Class presentations
Computer Savvy Manager/Professional (Continued)
Completion Requirements
To obtain a certificate in Computer Savvy Management, a student must meet the
 Reach a minimum score of 76% for the basic and intermediate level of Microsoft
Word on QWIZ (a computerized testing program)
 Demonstrate the ability to produce correctly formatted letters and memos using
Microsoft Word with no typos, spelling errors or grammatical errors.
 Reach a minimum score of 76% on the basic and intermediate level of Excel on
QWIZ (a computerized testing program
 Demonstrate the ability to format and enter data in a spreadsheet using Excel
 Complete required assignments for Employability Module including a resume,
scannable resume, reference list, correctly completed application, and career
resilience plan for transition
 Demonstrate effective interviewing skill in role play setting
 Send and receive e-mail message
 Show ability to find company information on the internet
 Demonstrate ability to correctly take a telephone message handle an irate customer
 Create a PowerPoint presentation and related handouts
 Create an Access Database
 Prepare a report based on information in an Access database
 Complete customer service test with score of 76% or higher
 Attend at least 2 management seminars and make a class presentation on related topic
 Attend a minimum of 192 clock hours (make-up classes can be arranged)
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Operation ABLE of Michigan
Program Description: The Ice House Entrepreneurship Program is designed to immerse
students in the fundamental aspects of an entrepreneurial mindset and the unlimited
opportunities it can provide. This 45 hour course was developed by the Eli Institute in
cooperation with the Kauffman Foundation. They have certified the Operation ABLE
instructors to teach the course. It builds on the life lessons described in the book “Who
Owns the Icehouse” by Clifton Taulbert and Gary Schoeniger (Eli Press, LLC). The
course uses a combination of classroom presentations, videos, class discussions, vignettes
of successful entrepreneurs, guest speakers (local entrepreneurs and experts on business
start-ups), class activities, and individual or small group coaching). The course can be
customized for specific populations such as youth, veterans, or older adults.
Course Goals
To increase the confidence of students in their ability to achieve their vision by using
tried and true entrepreneurial approaches. Although the course focus is on the
development of a business, the principles can be applied to other pursuits such as
contributing to one’s achievement as an employee, going to school or building a more
successful life.
Course Objectives: As a result of this course, students will:
 Develop critical thinking skills that will enable them to identify and evaluate
entrepreneurial opportunities, manage risks and learn from the results
 Understand the process that enables entrepreneurs with limited resources to
transform a simple idea into a sustainable success
 Understand and apply fundamental aspects of entrepreneurial thinking across
disciplines and as a means of personal empowerment
 Establish goals, identify resources and determine the steps required to accomplish
their goals
 Identify and interact with local entrepreneurs and business owners within their
own communities
 Understand the options for legal structure of a new or existing business
 Know the initial steps in registering one’s business name
 Recognize the essential elements of a simple business plan
Course Requirements: Students are required to attend 75% of classes, complete pre and
post assessments, complete workbook assignments, and participate in class discussion. In
addition they must complete a personal vision statement and a simple business plan that
incorporates the eight ice house entrepreneurial principles and other specific elements
that will be identified by the instructor. Both written and verbal presentation of the
business plan will be required.
Prerequisites: Reading and math at the 5th grade level or beyond is preferred.
Cost: The cost of the course is $450. It includes instruction, fees, guest speakers and
materials. Students will receive a copy of “Who Owns the Icehouse”, a course
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workbook, lists of local entrepreneurial resources and other materials. They will receive
up to four individual or small group coaching sessions.
Course Outline
Module One Introduction (5 Hours)
 Warm-up activity
 Class Overview
 Schedule and assignments
 Brief description of the eight life lessons
 Introduction to the Ice House Entrepreneurs
 Myths and realities of successful entrepreneurship
 Mindset defined
 Review
Module Two (First Life Lesson): The Power to Choose (5 Hours)
Life is not a lottery. The ability to choose the way we respond to our circumstances is
fundamental to an entrepreneurial mindset. Using real-world examples, participants learn
to recognize how choices rather than circumstances will ultimately shape our lives.
 The influence of environment on our mindset and our choices
 The difference between reacting and responding to life circumstances
 Locus of control
 The importance of our life vision on our power to choose
 Personal Vision activity 1
Module Three (Second Life Lesson): Recognizing Opportunities (5 Hours)
 Balancing the “right idea” with our abilities
 Viewing problems as opportunities
 Finding simple solutions
 Opportunistic adaptation
 Experience: how much is enough
 Solving problems with inventions
Module Four (Third Life Lesson): Ideas into Action (5 Hours)
 Barriers to Action
 Overcoming lack of money
 Bootstrapping
 Testing our concept
 Time as a barrier
 Lack of experience as a barrier
 Fear as a barrier
 Mission Statement activity 1
 Elevator Speech 1 (Think Big, Start Small, Act Fast)
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Module Five (Fourth Life Lesson): Pursuit of Knowledge (2.5 Hours)
 The power of knowledge
 Learning defined
 The “aha” moment
 Planning for success
 Unproved assumptions vs. established facts
 When knowledge becomes a barrier
 Basics of a business plan
 Learning redefined
 Schedule first business coaching session
Module Six (Fifth Life Lesson): Creating Wealth (5 Hours)
 Wealth perceived
 Wealth defined
 Spending vs. investing
 The credit trap
 An entrepreneur’s approach
 Starting your budget
 Approaches to funding
Module Seven (Sixth Life Lesson): Building your Brand (5 Hours)
 Brand defined
 Defining your brand
 Communicating your brand
 Building your brand
 Mission Statement activity 2
 The role of confidence
 Elevator Speech 2
 Schedule next business coaching session
Module Eight (Seventh Life Lesson): Creating Community (2.5 Hours)
 Community defined
 The value of a network
 Who is our network
 How needs change as business develops
 Building a success network
 Legal framework for businesses
 Personal Vision activity 2
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Module Nine (Eighth Life Lesson): The Power of Persistence (5 Hours)
 The hard work begins: Finalizing the concept
 Tapping local resources
 Taking action
 Messages from the Ice House Entrepreneurs
 Dress Rehearsal with teams and coaches in small groups
 Schedule next business coaching sessions
Module Ten: Show Time (5 Hours)
 Presentation of Businesses to guest panel
 Plan for continued support
 Reception
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