Cloverdale United Reformed Church

3580 N. Cloverdale Road
Boise, Idaho 83713
Church Office (208) 375-4219
Web Site:
Senior Pastor: Rev. Jonathan Van Hoogen
Associate Pastor: Rev. Ryan Kron
May 10, 2009 – Happy Mother’s Day!
Welcome! Today as we join together in worship we
recognize that motherhood is truly a gift from God. We rejoice
in the opportunity we have to celebrate that gift today.
If you are a guest today we would invite you to fill out one of
the blue cards found in the pews or sign the guest register in
the entry way. We would also love to have you join us for
coffee and cookies following the morning worship service.
NEW MEMBERSHIP CLASS: Pastor Jonathan has begun a
new membership class. We will meet today in Pastor
Jonathan’s office immediately after the morning worship
service. If you are interested in becoming a member of
Cloverdale URC, please join us today or speak to Pastor
Jonathan for more information.
ATTN SUNDAY SCHOOL PARENTS: Today will be the last
day of Sunday school for this school year. Special thanks to
all the teachers, helpers and music leaders for their faithful
service of teaching the Sunday School children.
Today will also be the last meeting for Adult Sunday School &
the 11/12th grade Catechism class.
SR. HIGH YOUTH MEETING/EVENTS: Tonight we will hear
the testimony of “Big Ed” Chavez who is a friend of Greg
Wood. “Big Ed” will talk to us about how God delivered him
from a life of drugs and crime.
Mark your calendars for an end of the school year movie night
at Rob & Alyssa Howerzyl’s house on Saturday, May 30, at
6PM. Pizza and pop will be provided. Please bring a snack or
dessert to share.
Also, our hike to Table Rock which was cancelled last week
due to the rain has been rescheduled for Sunday, May 31.
We will leave right after the morning worship service on the
31st. Please bring a bag lunch.
ATTN JR. HIGH YOUTH: Our next meeting will be this
Wednesday, May 13, from 6:45-8:30PM for an overview of the
“life of Christ.” Prizes will be given to those who memorize
Heidelberg question & answer 1, 21, 60 & 61.
THE MEN’S BIBLE STUDY will meet this Thursday, May 14,
at 6:15AM for prayer and a study of chapters 10-11 in John
Owen's "The Mortification of Sin."
ATTN HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH #4 (Howerzyl/Landers): We
will meet for a time of fellowship and dessert this Friday, May
15, at 7:00PM at the home of Dave & Nikky Howerzyl. Please
come to meet the other families in our household and to
discuss future group activities. If you have questions, please
speak to Nikky (461-1125) or Marilee (467-7984). Hope to
see you there!
ATTN HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH #6 (VanderWoude/Wright/Ropp):
Our first get together will be a dessert social to introduce
ourselves to each other. We will meet after the morning
worship service next Sunday, May 17, in the Fellowship Hall.
will be a short meeting next Sunday, May 17, with all SS
teachers & helpers. Please meet in SS room #8 (next to the
Library) immediately after the morning worship service. If you
have questions, please see Alyssa Howerzyl.
ATTN ACCOMPANISTS: We will have a brief meeting by the
organ next Sunday, May 17, immediately after the morning
worship service. We will be distributing new accompanist
manuals. If you have any questions, please see Sara Cooke.
will be Wednesday, May 20, from 7–8:30PM at the home of
John & Kasey Boles. We plan to finish our study of the
Canons of Dort as we look at the doctrine of the perseverance
of the saints (5th head of doctrine).
ORDINATION SERVICE: The congregation is cordially
invited to witness the ordination of Chaplain David Booth.
David’s ordination will take place during our evening worship
service next Sunday, May 17.
ATTN HOUSEHOLD OF FAITH #3 (Bieri/Sherman): We will
meet together for the first time immediately following the May
31st morning worship service for donuts and juice. This will be
a brief meeting to discuss possible outings and our June
household responsibilities. We hope that all household #3
families can make it!
CONGREGATIONAL MEETING: Our annual Congregational
Meeting will be held on Wednesday, June 10, at 7:00PM. At
this meeting we will be approving the annual budget and
voting on changing our Sunday evening worship time from
6:30PM to 6:00PM. We will also be selecting five new council
The Council has nominated the following men for Elder
(3 Elders needed for 3 years of service):
Ken Arendse
Dennis Vander Stelt
Tom Kasper
Terry Wright
The Council has nominated the following men for Deacon
(2 Deacons needed for 3 years of service):
Jason Cooke
Nathanael Ryerson
Matt Howerzyl
Ryan Sherman
Council urges the congregation to prayerfully consider these
men for the respective offices to which they have been
nominated. We also encourage the congregation to use the
pictorial directory to familiarize yourselves with these men (if
you don't know them already!). If you are unfamiliar with any
of these men, please seek them out during our fellowship time
on Sunday morning and speak with them. May God grant His
wisdom to the body of Christ, here at Cloverdale, as we "test
and approve what God's will is - His good, pleasing and
perfect will" in the matter of Christ's servant-leaders of His
FAMILY TIES – Vacation Bible School for the Whole
Family – Pre-Registration: It is time for families and children
to let us know if they will be attending the Family Ties Program
June 22-25. Pre-registering your family and your children
helps us plan meals and prepare for all the children's
activities. Please see the bulletin board in the narthex for the
family sign-up sheets. Kids, come write your name on a fish
and put it in the water to let us know if you will be
attending the Crocodile Dock Vacation Bible School adventure
this year. See Lori Den Hartog (887-8613) or Rhea Vander
Woude (895-7870) if you have questions. Also be sure to
check out the Family Ties insert in this month's newsletter.
ATTN CADETS & PARENTS: Our annual Cadet campout will
be held this year July 12-14. Please mark your calendars for
this event. Also, we are planning on launching rockets on
Saturday, June 6. Speak to Chris Cooper if you have
questions, and watch future bulletins for more specific
information about both of these events.
offering today will be for the Christian Education Fund. Please
remember to put your pledge in this offering. The Christian
Education Committee would like to thank the congregation for
your support of the CEF fund.
SUNDAY SCHOOL PIGGY BANKS: At the beginning of the
Sunday School year, the children were given piggy banks.
Monies collected from the banks will go toward the Summer of
Hope program. Banks can be placed in the basket provided in
the narthex, and need to be returned by today.
for our annual graduate issue of the Cloverdale Courier. If you
are graduating this year from high school or college, please
complete a “graduate questionnaire” found on the information
hutch in the narthex. Please place the completed
questionnaire along with a senior or family photo in the
secretary’s mailbox in the kitchen by this Friday, May 15.
A NOTE OF THANKS: Jerry and Carolyn Niezen would like
to thank the Cloverdale congregation for their prayer support
through Carolyn's many months of treatment and recent
surgery. “We really appreciate it, and pray for good results
from the surgery. We are thankful to God for his watchful care
through this difficult time."
CHANGE FOR LIFE – Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center is a
non-profit organization in Nampa that share Christ’s love
through counseling, teaching and providing resources to those
facing an unplanned pregnancy. Lifeline also offers abortion
recovery counseling and provides abstinence-only education
to our local schools. All services at Lifeline PCC are free and
Please help us support Lifeline PCC by picking up an empty
baby bottle from the table in the narthex. The Change for Life
fundraiser runs from today, Mother’s Day, to Father’s Day,
June 21. Please fill the baby bottle with pocket change. We
are responsible to return all bottles provided so if you choose
to take a baby bottle, please sign the sheet provided on the
table. Remember to return the baby bottle to church on or
before Father’s Day, June 21. All proceeds will benefit the
ministry of Lifeline Pregnancy Care Center. If you have any
questions, please contact Marie Haveman at 867-1532 or
email her at
A NOTE OF THANKS: “We wish to express our sincere
gratitude for the outpouring of your sympathy through your
letters, cards, food and visits. It has made us definitely feel
like part of a big family. Above all, we praise and thank our
Lord and Savior through all our experiences. Although we
cannot see God's hand holding us, we certainly did feel and
experience his guiding hand through all of this. Praise the
Lord!! Thank you.” Claretta James & family
THE CHURCH SECRETARY will not be in the office this week
Monday through Wednesday, but will return on Thursday.
Please email bulletin announcements for next week’s bulletin
“A Swing and a Prayer” benefit golf scramble will be held
Saturday, May 30, at the Centennial Golf Course. For more
information, please see the flyer on the Love INC food cabinet
or visit
BOISE RESUCE MISSION 7TH Annual “Ride for Rescue”
fundraiser will be held May 30. Clubs, individuals and all
motorbikes welcome! Proceeds go toward the expansion of the
City Light Home for Women & Children. For more info visit their
website at or see the flyer on the bulletin
board in the Fellowship Hall.
LOVE INC: Dressed with Dignity all church shop day is
Saturday, May 16, from 9AM-1PM. Furniture ministry needs
twin, full & queen size beds, dressers, washers & dryers.
Food Pantry shortages include the following:
Refried Beans
Baked Beans
Taco Mix
Tomato Paste
Tomato Sauce Chocolate Chips Cooking Oil
Laundry Soap Fabric Softener Shaving Cream Rice
Clear Wrap
Egg & macaroni noodles
1. Cornerstone bookstore serving the students of BSU.
2. Preparations for Family Ties scheduled for June 22-25.
3. Men nominated for office of Elder & Deacon.
SUN: 10:00AM
FRI: 7:00PM
Morning Worship
Sunday School – Classrooms
Adult Sunday School – Fellowship Hall
Catechism – Grade 11-12
New Membership Class – Pastor’s Office
Evening Worship
Sr. High Youth Meeting
Snacks: Victoria McKenzie
Snacks next week: Jon Obenchain
GEMS – Snacks: Katie Ribbens
Cadets – Snacks: Chris Cooper
Jr. High Youth – Snacks: Thomas
Men’s Bible Study @ church
HOF #4 Fellowship & Dessert
@ Dave & Nikky Howerzyl’s
May Household of Faith Leaders
Bruce & Bernice Cooper/Rose Vander Schaaf
Greeters/Guest Book:
Steve & Yvette Ilguna & family/Eileen Visser
May 17
Justin & Siska Reece/Sean Cooper
May 24
John & Patty Thomas/Betty Lichtenberger
May 31
Vicki Van Hoogen & family/Sam Van Hoogen
O - Sharon Wigboldy
O - Sharon Wigboldy
P - Teresa Smith/Deb de Jong P - Kim Van Grouw
May 17
O - Robin Vander Stelt
O - Robin Vander Stelt
P - Kim Van Grouw
P - Teresa Smith
May 24
O - Sharon Wigboldy
O - Sharon Wigboldy
P - Julie Brands
P - Deb de Jong
May 31
O - Robin Vander Stelt
O - Robin Vander Stelt
P - Leslie Vander Schaaf
P - Janet Gonsalves
May Committee contact: Audra Sherman (888-5036)
Tami, Victoria & Zabrina McKenzie
Toddler Colleen Barrett, Lori Den Hartog,
Renee McNicol, Karen Gosche
Margaret Roest & Alyssa Groen
May 17
Gregg & Aimee Russell, Anne Van Grouw
Toddler: Audra Sherman, Krisha Vander Woude,
Lynda Miedema, Alyssa Howerzyl
Nancy Rotman & Claudette Wright
May 24
MaryAnn Slegers, Jeana Siegersma, Patti Crager
Toddler: Brandie Cooper, Stephanie Hinton,
Janice De Groot, Brooke Vander Stelt
Julie & Hannah Brands
May 31
Jen Brandsma, Julie Ribbens, Marilee Nienhouse
Toddler: Jannyce, Elysse, Mercy & Liberty Barrett
Jane & Kimberly Obenchain
Ryan Arendse
Pete Koetsier
Judd McNicol & Jason Cooke
May 17 Chris Brandsma & Gregg Russell
May 24 Ted Vander Schaaf & Jeremy Vander Woude
May 31 Curtis De Vries & Ed Oppedyk
May 10 & 17
Debie Wood
May 24 & 31
Janice De Groot
PM Song Service
PM Prayer & Share
May 17 Brian Visser
May 17 Greg Wood
May 24 Bill Pastoor
May 24 Jim Branahl
May 31 Psalm Service
May 31 5th Sunday Service
Bruce & Bernice Cooper
May 17 Jim & Mary Ann Slegers
May 24 Herm & Margaret Roest
May 31 Rose Vander Schaaf & Karen Gosche
Cookies for Today:
Rose Vander Schaaf, Julie Howerzyl, Siska Reece,
Mary Ann Slegers, Brooke Vander Stelt,
Krisha Vander Woude
Deacon’s Report for May 3, 2009
General Fund $6,134.75 Benevolence: $1,659.45
Today’s Offerings:
Christian Education Fund – Money collected is placed
in a fund to be used by members of our church for
Christian education.
Building Fund – Money collected goes toward the loan
payment (debt reduction) of our church sanctuary.
Next Week’s Offerings: General Fund & Missions