Ecology Packet Chapters 19-22 Use your textbooks, pages 359-419, to answer the following questions. What is Ecology(359)What is the most significant environmental change? How many people were on the Earth in 1930________ and in 1999______? When is the sixth mass extinction expected to occur(360)? How many species will probably go extinct with in the next century? What is causing the Ozone layer to thin out(361)? What is causing the increase in the greenhouse effect? Describe the difference between the greenhouse effect and global warming. Levels of Ecological organization(362-363) Define the following OrganismPopulationCommunityEcosystemBiosphereEcology of organisms(368-369) Describe the difference between an abiotic and a biotic factor. Write down several examples of biotic and abiotic factors in your environment. Biotic- AbioticDefine the two following terms HabitatTolerance CurveTrout can survive in water temperatures ranging from 45 degrees to 70 degrees. As the temperature approaches either extreme, fewer trout survive. Trout survive the best between the temperatures of 55-60. Use page 369 to help you draw a tolerance curve for trout. What is Acclimation and give an example of how it may occur in humans(370). Define the following terms and Give an example of each. ConformerRegulatorWhat is the difference between dormancy and migration? What is a Niche(371)Choose an animal found in Pennsylvania and describe some of the important aspects of its niche. Animal__________ What does it eat? How does it help other organisms? Where does it live? How many offspring to they produce? When during the day is it most active? Fundamental Niche- Realized Niche(371)Which of the following would be considered a generalist, and which would be a specialist? White tail deer Panda bear vs. Why? Populations Chapter 20 Describe the three population properties below(379-380) Population sizePopulation densityDispersionDraw the three types of dispersion below(381) What do survivorship curves show(382)? Draw figure 20-4 below. Circle which kind of survivorship curve the following organisms have. Humans and elephants Type II Type III Type I Birds Type III Type I Type II Fish and oysters Type III Type I Type II Define the following growth models and draw the diagram that corresponds to it(384) Exponential model- Logistic Model- What are limiting factors? What is a carrying capacity? Community Ecology Chapter 21 Describe what symbiosis is. Give examples of two organisms that exhibit the following forms of symbiosis together. Predator Prey – MimicryPlant Herbivore InteractionParasitismCompetitionMutualismCommensalismDescribe the following terms406-408 Primary successionSecondary succession- Pioneer speciesClimax community Ecosystems415-419 Draw a food chain below and label the producers with a P and the consumers with a C. Draw a picture of a food web below. Label the organisms with a D for decomposers, a C for consumers, an H for herbivores, and an O for Omnivores. Label each organism with a 1,2,3,or 4 to indicate which trophic level it is on.