Syllabus Instructions for Registering an Access Code:

Syllabus Instructions for Registering an Access Code:
You are required to purchase access to EconPortal for this course. EconPortal for
Economics, Second Edition, in Modules is a complete Web-based study tool.
If you have purchased either a package with the EconPortal Access Card or the
Access Card itself, please follow the instructions below:
1.) Go to
2.) Click on the "STUDENTS REGISTER YOUR CODE" button.
3.) Click the “Register Your Code” link next to your textbook’s title (Economics in
Modules, 2e).
4.) You will be prompted to follow the on-screen instructions to find your course.
You will start by selecting your school's state/province, the school name, then your
course/instructor, and/or section.
5.) You will enter the access code that came with your textbook or that you
purchased separately. You will also be asked to enter your email address, choose a
password and you will be ready to go!
If you have any trouble during the registration process, please call 1-800-936-6899
or email us at
Syllabus Instructions for Purchasing Access online:
You are required to purchase access to EconPortal for this course. EconPortal for
Economics, Second Edition, in Modules is a complete Web-based study tool.
If you are planning to purchase access to the EconPortal only, please follow the
instructions below:
1.) Go to
2.) Click on the "STUDENTS PURCHASE ACCESS TODAY" button.
3.) Click the “Purchase” link next to your textbook’s title (Economics in Modules, 2e).
4.) You will be prompted to follow the on-screen instructions to find your course.
You will start by selecting your school's state/province, the school name, then your
course/instructor, and/or section.
5.) You will be asked to enter your name, email address and choose a password.
6.) Enter your Credit Card information and you will be ready to go!
If you have any trouble during the registration process, please call 1-800-936-6899
or email us at
Syllabus Instructions for Using EconPortal:
Student Welcome Message
EconPortal provides an easy‐to‐use learning management system. With it, you can:
 Practice with activities and flashcards.
 Take quizzes with instant grading and feedback.
 Communicate with your teacher and/or other students.
You can perform a System Check on the log‐in page before you begin working with
EconPortal (
When you first log in to EconPortal, the Home page appears. From here, you can
access all the information, tools, and resources offered by the online course. Tabs
across the top of the page take you to the most popular areas of the course. To view
all the assignments for this online course, go to the Assignment Center tab. This
page lists assignments by title, along with due date and gradebook points. The
Status column shows whether the assignment is completed.
If you run into any technical glitches with the system (problems registering online,
problems submitting assignments, etc.), please immediately report these issues to
the Worth Technical Support Team.
Here’s the contact information for technical support:
Phone: 1‐800‐936‐6899