M.P. POORV KSHETRA VIDYUT VITARAN CO. LTD. JABALPUR TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. DISCOM/EZ/PUR/523 (E-Tender No.09) DUE FOR OPENING ON: - 25.04.2014 FOR SUPPLY OF COPPER CONTROL CABLES THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (PURCHASE) M. P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd, Block No.8th, 3RD Floor Shakti Bhawan, Jabalpur (MP) 482008 Phone No.: 0761-2666040, 2702473, 2702425, 2702541. Email: - cepurez@yahoo.co.in : - 1 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. DISCOM/EZ/PUR/523 (E-Tender No.09) ITEM: Copper Control Cables DUE FOR OPENING ON 25.04.2014 FROM 10.30 AM S. No. Page No. 1 Tender Notice 2 Key Dates & Basic Tender Information 5 3 Tender Form 6 4 Guidelines to Bidders for E- Procurement system 5 Annexure-III - Important Instructions to the Bidders 6 Schedule-I – Price & Quantity Schedule 20 7 Schedule-II - Technical Specifications 21 to 25 8 Schedule-III - Guaranteed Technical Particulars 26 to 29 9 Annexure-VI – Price Variation Formula PART-II 30 & 31 1 Annexure I - General instructions to bidders/ tenderers 1 to 8 2 Annexure-II - General Terms and Conditions of Purchase 9 to 20 Annexure-IV - List of consignee Area Stores & Sr./ Regional Accounts Officers 3 3&4 4 Annexure-V - List of Scheduled Banks 5 Schedule-IV - Questionnaire 6 7 INDEX Particulars PART-I Part – A Part – B - General Information - Commercial information Part – C - Technical information 7 to 9 10 to 19 21 22 23 & 24 25 Undertaking Schedule-V Part – A 26 - Performance/Past experience 27 Part – B - Commercial deviation 28 Part – C - Technical deviation 29 Schedule-VIII – Check List 30 : - 2 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) O FFICE OF CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (PURCHASE) M.P. POORV KSHETRA VIDYUT VITARAN Co. Ltd. REGD. OFFICE – BLOCK No. 8TH, 3RD FLOOR, SHAKTI BHAWAN, RAMPUR, JABALPUR - 482 008 (M.P.) (Telephone no. 0761- 2666040, 2667808, Extn. 270-2473, 270-2425 & 270-2541) Fax no.0761-2660048, e-mail:- cepurez@yahoo.co.in No. CGM/PUR/EZ/GM-I/II/4408 Jabalpur, dtd:- 03.03.2014 TENDER NOTICE Online tenders are invited for supply of following items from manufacturers only as per tender specifications. The Bid Seals will be received online on the portal http://www.mpeproc.gov.in upto date & time indicated below. The tender will be opened in the office of the undersigned as mentioned in tender time schedule (key date). If desired, the bidder or their duly authorized representatives may remain present at the time of opening of tender: Sr. No. TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. DISCOM/ EZ/PUR/ NAME OF ITEMS APPROX. VALUE (Rs. in Lakhs) TENDER FEE (in Rs) 1 517 (e-Tender No.3) 518 (e-Tender No.4) 519 (e-Tender No.5) 520 (e-Tender No.6) 11KV & 33KV Current Transformers (CTs) Accessories for LT AB Cables 501.10 10,000/- Due date of opening of tender online from 10.30 Hrs.* 10.04.2014 255.00 5,000/- 11.04.2014 LT AB Cables of different sizes 345.60 5,000/- 16.04.2014 LT Single Phase Whole Current Static Energy Meters (5-30A) with IrDA Communication Port LT Single Phase & Three Phase Spring Loaded Constant Pressure Multi-connection Bus Bar Distribution Boxes Single Core LT XLPE UnArmoured Cables Copper Control Cables 3,272.00 10,000/- 17.04.2014 190.60 5,000/- 22.04.2014 142.70 5,000/- 23.04.2014 340.30 5,000/- 25.04.2014 220 KV & 132 KV CTs & PTs for Consumer Metering GSM (GPRS Enabled) Modems 77.30 2,000/- 30.04.2014 18.00 1,000/- 01.05.2014 2 3 4 5 521 (e-Tender No.7) 6 522 (e-Tender No.8) 523 (e-Tender No.9) 524 (e-Tender No.10) 525 (e-Tender No.11) 7 8 9 * For updated / extended due dates for opening of tender (EMD in envelop-A & Technocommercial bid in envelop-B) please refer to the online key dates. NOTE: (1) (2) (3) Other details can be seen in the complete tender documents available on e-portal http://www.mpeproc.gov.in. Tender documents can be purchased only online and download from main portal http://www.mpeproc.gov.in by making online payment for the prescribed non-refundable tender document fees. Only in case if the tender is dropped without opening, the tender fees shall be refunded after deduction of necessary portal charges. Manual purchase of tender is not allowed. The bid data should be filled in and the bid seals of all the envelops and the documents which are to be uploaded by the bidders should be submitted online upto as per time schedule (Key Dates). Contd.2. : - 3 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) --2-No. CGM/PUR/EZ/GM-I/II/4408 Jabalpur, dtd:- 03.03.2014 (4) The relevant portion of tender which tenderers have to fill online would be available on above website on date mentioned against each tender. The company reserves the right to reject any or all the tenders or accept any tender in full or part as considered advantageous to the company, whether it is lowest or not, without assigning any reason whatsoever it may be. (5) Since the online bidders are required to sign their bids online using class III – Digital Certificates only, hence they are advised to obtain the same at the earliest. For further information, bidders are requested to contact Madhya Pradesh State Electronic Development Corporation Ltd, State IT Centre, 2nd Floor, 47-A, Arera Hills, Bhopal462011, Telephone No. 0755-2518500 / 269, E-mail: brahme@mpsedc.com or M/s Tata Consultancy Services Limited, 5th Floor, Corporate Block, DB Mall, Arera Hills, Bhopal462 011, Tel No. 0755-4075010, & Toll Free No.18002748484, E-mail Address: eproc_helpdesk@mpsdc.gov.in. Shri Ajay Khare of M/s TCS Limited could be contacted on Mobile No. 08989-436595 for this. (6) Bidders intending to participate in the Tender are required to get themselves trained on the e-Procurement System. They are required to contact the Service Provider-M/s Tata Consultancy Services Limited to confirm their session in advance. (7) The EMD of respective amount in favour of Sr. Account Officer (JC), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur, along with Hard Copy of tender & supporting documents duly filled up excluding Price & Quantity schedule, shall be submitted in the office of undersigned one day prior to the due date of opening of tender as per online key dates up to 17:00 Hrs. (8) No offer will be accepted without valid Earnest Money Deposit, unless exempted by the Company. If on opening of tender, it is revealed that EMD amount is inadequate / any other discrepancy is noticed, the tender shall be rejected and returned to the tenderer. (9) The corrigendum or addendum to the bidding documents, if any, as well as any change in due date(s) of opening of tender will be published on the website https://www.mpeproc.gov.in & also Company’s website http://www.mpez.co.in but will not be published in newspaper. Hence participant bidders are advised to regularly visit the websites until the bid opening. The Company shall not be responsible in any way for any ignorance of the bidders about the corrigendum or addendum or change in the due date(s). (10) Last date for submission of physical documents {Envelop- A (EMD in original) & Envelop-B (Techno Commercial Bid)} is one day prior to the due date of opening of tender as per online key dates up to 17:00 Hrs. The same shall be opened as per key dates. The date of opening of EMD & Technical / Price Bid shall be the date of opening of tender for all the purpose. (11) SAMPLE:- Submission of samples against the tender No. 517, 519 & 520 is must. The samples shall be submitted one day prior to the due date of opening of tender. In absence of samples, the tender shall not be considered. (12) The Tender document will be available on portal http://www.mpeproc.gov.in on or after 10.03.2014. The interested bidders are advised to regularly visit the portal for the purpose. (M. Ibrahim) Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V. Co. Ltd., Jabalpur SAVE ELECTRICITY : - 4 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) KEY DATES & BASIC TENDER INFORMATION Particulars Details Name of Work Supply of Copper Control Cables Tender Specification Number DISCOM/EZ/PUR/523 (e-Tender No.9) Due date of submission of Tender (EMD in 24.04.2014 up to 17:00 Hrs Envelop-A + Techno-Commercial Bid in Envelop-B) Physically Key Dates:Sr. No. 1 MPEZ stage Purchase of tender 2 Bid submission 3 Open EMD & Techno Commercial bid 4 Open Financial / Price Bid Start Date & Time 15.03.2014 10:30 Hrs -- End Date & Time 23.04.2014 17:00 Hrs 24.04.2014 17:00 Hrs 25.04.2014 10:30 Hrs 09.05.2014 10:30 Hrs --- Envelope -Envelope C, Envelope A, Envelope B Envelope A, Envelope B Envelope C Note:(1) The bidder has to quote their rates online only in schedule-I(A), I(B), I(C) & so on as per the item wise schedule defined to be kept in envelope “C‟ and upload online as per key dates. Please note that, the Schedules of price bid (Schedule-I(A), I(B), …), i.e. Financial bid (Envelope-C) will not be accepted physically. In case Envelope-C is submitted physically the bid will be rejected. The bid of the eligible bidder for the respective item shall be opened online as per key dates. (2) Last date for submission of physical documents (Envelope- A & B) will be one day prior to the due date of opening of tender as per online key dates up to 17:00 Hrs. The same shall be opened (online & physical) as per key dates. (3) The bidders have to submit EMD in Envelope– (A) in physical form & upload scan copy of the same online as per key dates. (4) The bidders have to submit following documents in Envelope – B as per key dates: (a) Physical submission:(i) Document related to Basic Qualifying requirement (ii) Duly filled all schedules (except price & discount schedules) with supporting documents (iii) The tender form duly sealed & signed. (iv) The copy of valid BIS licence, type test reports etc. as per tender requirement, if any. (b) Online uploading:(5) The bidder has to upload the check list as per Schedule-VIII online as well in envelope-B. The date of opening of financial / price bid may vary depending upon time taken in techno-commercial evaluation, sample evaluation it any & related issues. The bidders may please keep them updated of price bid opening from the E-portal. (M. Ibrahim) Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur SAVE ELECTRICITY : - 5 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) M.P.POORV KSHETRA VIDYUT VITARAN Co. Ltd., BLOCK NO.8th, 3rd FLOOR, SHAKTI-BHAVAN, JABALPUR (MP) Postal Order/Demand Draft No…………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………….. Tender issued to M/s ………………………………………………………….. TENDER FORM The undersigned hereby tender and offer (subject to the Company’s conditions of tendering) the MP Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd., Jabalpur to supply the plant, machinery and materials and execute and do the several works and things which are described or referred to in the Details of Technical Particulars attached to tender document no. Discom/EZ/PUR/523 (e-tender no.9) and its enclosure and in Schedules to the side Details of Technical Particular copies of which are annexed here to and which under the terms thereof are to be supplied, executed and done by the contractor and to perform and observe the provisions and agreements or the part of the contract contained in or reasonable to be referred from the said tender documents for the sums and at the rates sets out in Schedule-I annexed here to. The questionnaire enclosed with this tender document has been fully answered and is enclosed herewith (if the questionnaire is not answered in full, the answer to various question may be taken so as to be advantageous to the Company unless contrary is mentioned in the body of the tender). Date the …………. Day ……………. TENDERER’S SIGNATURE (with seal) : - 6 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) GUIDELINES TO BIDDERS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF E-PROCUREMENT SYSTEM Note: These conditions will over-rule the conditions stated in the tender documents, wherever relevant and applicable. 1. REGISTRATION OF BIDDERS ON E-PROCUREMENT SYSTEM: All the Bidders (Contractors) registered / intending to register with Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited are required to register on the eProcurement System on the website http://www.mpeproc.gov.in and get empanelled on http://www.mpeproc.gov.in in order to participate in tenders processed by Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited using the e-Procurement System. The Bidders (Contractors) registered with other departments who are also eligible to participate in tenders processed by Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Limited are also required to be registered on the e-Procurement System on http://www.mpeproc.gov.in. 2. DIGITAL CERTIFICATES: The Bids submitted online should be signed electronically with a Class III Digital Certificate to establish the identity of the Bidder submitting the Bid online. The Bidders may obtain Class III Digital Certificates issued by an approved Certifying Authority authorized by the Controller of Certifying Authorities, Government of India. A Class III Digital Certificate is issued upon receipt of mandatory identity proofs along with an Application Form. Only upon the receipt of the required documents, a Digital Certificate can be issued. Note:- It may take upto 7 working days for issuance of Class III Digital Certificate, hence the bidders are advised to obtain them at the earliest. Important Note: Bid for a particular tender can be submitted during the ONLINE BID SUBMISSION stage only using the Digital Certificate that is used to encrypt the data. In case, during the process of a particular tender, the bidder loses his Digital Certificate because of any problem (such as misplacement, virus attack, hardware problem, operating system problem, etc.); he may not be able to submit his bid online. Hence, the bidders are advised to keep their Digital Certificates in a safe place under proper security to be used whenever required. The digital certificate issued to the Authorized User of a Partnership firm / Private Limited Company / Public Limited Company / Joint Venture and used for online bidding will be considered as equivalent to a no-objection certificate / power of attorney to that user. In case of Partnership Firm, majority of the Partners have to authorize a specific individual through Authority Letter signed by majority of the Partners of the firm. In case of Private Limited Company, Public Limited Company, the Managing Director / any other Person (having designated authority to authorize a specific individual) has to authorize a specific individual through Authority Letter. : - 7 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Unless the certificate is revoked, it will be assumed to represent adequate authority of the specific individual to bid on behalf of the Organization for online tenders as per Information Technology Act 2000. This Authorized User will be required to obtain a Digital Certificate. The Digital Signature executed through the use of Digital Certificate of this Authorized User will be binding on the firm. It shall be the responsibility of Management / Partners of the concerned firm to inform the Certifying Authority, if the Authorized User changes, and apply for a fresh digital certificate for the new Authorized User. 3. SET UP OF BIDDERS’ COMPUTER SYSTEM: In order for a Bidder to operate on the e-Procurement System, the Computer System of the Bidder is required to be set up for Operating System, Internet Connectivity, Utilities, Fonts, etc. A help file on setting up of the Computer System can be obtained from e-Procurement Cell. 4. PUBLISHING OF N.I.T.: For the Tenders processed using the e-Procurement System, only a brief Advertisement related to the Tender shall be published in the newspapers, our company’s website www.mpez.co.in and the Detailed Notice shall be published on the e-Procurement System. The contractors can view the Detailed Notice and the time schedule for all the Tenders processed using the e-Procurement System on the website http://www.mpeproc.gov.in 5. KEY DATES: The Bidders are strictly advised to follow the time schedule (Key Dates) of the Tender for their side for tasks and responsibilities to participate in the Tender, as all the stages of each Tender are locked before the start time and date and after the end time and date for the relevant stage of the Tender as set by the concerned Department Official. 6. PURCHASE OF TENDER DOCUMENTS: The Tender documents can be purchased ONLY online. The Tender shall be available for purchase to concerned eligible contractors immediately after online release of the Tender and upto scheduled date and time as set in the key dates. Arrangements have been made for the Bidders to make payments online via Credit Card/Debit Card/ Internet Banking. In case of online tendering, the application form for the purchase of tender documents shall not be required. The Bidders can purchase the tender documents online by making online payment of tender document fees using the service of the secure electronic payments gateway (see point 7 below for further details), and should print out the system generated receipt for their reference which can be produced whenever required. 7. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT ACCOUNT: As the tender documents shall be available for purchase only online, Bidders are required to pay the Tender Document fees online using the Online Payments Gateway Service integrated into the e-Procurement System. For the list of available modes of electronic payments that are presently accepted on the Online Payments Gateway Service, please check the link, List of e-Payments accepted Online’ on http://www.mpeproc.gov.in. : - 8 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 8. BID SUBMISSION Bidder should duly upload the documents and fill the bids. The online tender should be submitted before Bid Submission End date. 9. SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT: The Bidders shall submit their Earnest Money Deposit as usual in a physically sealed Earnest Money Deposit envelope and the same should reach the concerned Office as stated in the Notice Inviting Tender by post. The Bidders have to upload scanned copy of Earnest Money Deposit instrument along with the reference details. 10. OPENING OF TENDERS: The concerned Department Official receiving the tenders or his duly authorized Officer shall first open the online Earnest Money Deposit envelope of all the Bidders and verify the scanned copy of the Earnest Money Deposit uploaded by the Bidders. He shall check for the validity of Earnest Money Deposit as required. He shall also verify the scanned documents uploaded by the Bidders, if any, as required. In case, the requirements are incomplete, the commercial and other envelopes of the concerned Bidders received online shall not be opened. The concerned Official shall then open the other envelopes submitted online by the Bidders in the presence of the Bidders or their authorized representatives who choose to be present in the order of opening. In the event of any issue, the Bid Data in question shall be liable for a due process of verification by the Authorised Officer of e-Procurement System of Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd., Jabalpur. Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur : - 9 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) ANNEXURE-III IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS TO THE BIDDERS The Chief General Manager (Purchase) on behalf of the Madhya Pradesh Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitran Co. Ltd. hereinafter referred to as “MPPKVVCL” invites sealed tender in Single copy for supply of material in accordance with the attached specification for supply to Area Stores Jabalpur, Chhindwara, Sagar, Chhatarpur and Satna in Madhya Pradesh. The bidders are requested to go through the tender document’s instructions and various terms and conditions contained in Annexure-I & II except as modified/ laid down hereunder. It may be noted that no conditions or stipulations to the contrary or which are inconsistent will be accepted. Bidders are requested to ensure that all such schedules along with questionnaire (duly filled in), are submitted along with their offer. The bidder should also note that in absence of any of the schedules, their offer is likely to be rejected. The bidder should read and note carefully all the terms and conditions of the tender with following new additions and modification in the existing clauses before submitting the bid. The bidders are requested to flag the Bid Documents properly with the pages duly numbered containing General terms & conditions, GTP ,Commercial & Technical deviation, Type test certificates, Calculation sheets & MRC of past orders supply etc. for the convenience of scrutinizing Bid Documents. 1. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA:i. The bidding is open for manufacturers of the tendered item only. ii. In case of a new unit, who have not yet executed any order(s) of tendered items from MPSEB or its successor companies, should have a minimum five years experience in the field of design, manufacturing of the equipment offered and have supplied 30% of the tendered quantity to the Discoms of M.P. (including the supplies made to turn key contract(s) of Discom-EZ), any State Electricity Boards or to any Power Utilities during last 03 (three) years as on date of tender opening. To satisfy above Manufacturing Experience & Supply Capacity Criteria, the bidder shall have to furnish copies of orders received from Discoms/SEB’s/Power utilities along with Material Receipt Certificates (MRCs) and performance reports issued by the Discoms/SEB’s/Power utilities in lieu of conformation and documentary proof that the tenderer have supplied the tendered items. Please ensure that above information is supported by the documentary evidences i.e. order copies, MRC’s, receipted challans & Performance reports etc. The documents shall invariably be in the name of the participated bidders / firms only and other than those, shall not be considered. : - 10 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur iii. TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Financial Criteria:The purchaser will take account of the following financial criteria to verify the qualification of the bidder. These criteria shall be evaluated on a Pass–Fail basis only:(i) Financial Situation:- The audited financial statements of accounts for the last three years submitted by bidder shall be evaluated and last year of audited accounts should show positive net worth and average annual sales of supply of material and equipments for the last three years should be more than 20% of the tender value. The approximate value of the instant tender is Rs.340.30 lakh. (ii) Availability of Financial Resources:- The documents submitted by the bidder, including the audited financial accounts must demonstrate that the bidder has adequate working capital available to undertake this contract, which will be equal to at least 20% of the tender value. If the bidder’s working capital is inadequate, the bidder should supplement this with a Banker’s letter confirming the availability of a line of credit such that the bidder’s available working capital plus line of credit are in total of at least 20% of the tender value.” iv. Please ensure that at-least 50% of tendered quantity in each size is offered, failing which offer shall be liable for rejection. 2. CONFLICTING INTEREST:Bidder shall not have a conflict of interest with one or more parties. Participation by bidder(s) with a conflict of interest situation will result in the disqualification of all bids in which it is involved. Discom-EZ considers a conflict of interest to be a situation in which a party has interest that would improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or responsibilities, contractual obligations or compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and that such conflict of interest may contribute to or constitute a prohibited corrupt practice. A bidder may be consider to be in a conflict of interest with one or more parties if including but not limited to :i) ii) i) ii) iii) iv) v) have controlling share holders as his/her family members viz spouse, son, daughter, father, mother or brother etc. in common or have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties that puts them in a position to have access to information about or influence on the bid of another bidder. The bidders shall be requested to furnish following documents in this regard:Copy to latest Income Tax return/Permanent Account Numbers (PAN) of all the partners/Directors (in case of company) along with names, addresses and telephone Nos./ Mobile Nos. of each Partner/Director. Latest partnership/ownership deed of the firm quoting the tender. Copy of list of directors (in case of a company) with names, addresses and telephone Nos./Mobile Nos. of each director. Power of Attorney to sign the tender documents and all correspondence before and after placement of order. Copy of Sales Tax clearance certificate 3. SUBMISSION OF EARNEST MONEY (a) The bidder shall deposit the Earnest Money vis-à-vis the value of the items offered as per the table given below:- : - 11 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur Value of Item Upto INR 50,000. Above INR 50,000. TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Earnest Money Nil @1%, subject to minimum INR 1,000 and maximum INR 1 Lac. (b) The bidders are permitted to quote for part quantities and pay earnest money only to the extent of the participation as specified above. (c) EMD shall be in the form of Crossed Bank Demand Draft (DD) / Pay Orders/ Banker’s Cheque (BC) of scheduled commercial bank drawn in favour of Sr. AO (JC), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur The EMD validity shall be up to 180 days from the next day of the final bid submission date i.e. bid deadline and with a claim period of another 30 days. For all tendering modes and methods, EMD shall be submitted by bidders in a separate envelope along with the bid, which should be opened prior to the opening of the Techno-commercial and Financial proposal. In absence of EMD, Techno-commercial and Financial proposal shall be treated as unresponsive and the same shall be retained with the company. No offer will be accepted without valid Earnest Money Deposit, unless exempted by the Discom-EZ on the ground mentioned below (d) The following are exempted from payment of EMD: – S.S.I Units of Madhya Pradesh Permanently registered with DIC/Ancillary Units of MPSEB. The registration should be permanent and should be specifically for the items quoted in the tender and valid on the date of opening of tender. – Small Scale Units registered with NSIC:- The Small Scale Units permanently registered with NSIC, whose registration certificate is valid for the item quoted on due date of opening of commercial and technical bid shall be entitled for exemption from EMD. The renewal/amendment of certificate should not be more than 3 years old from the due date of opening of tender otherwise EMD has to be furnished by the bidder. – The Medium/Large Scale Manufacturing Units, located in Madhya Pradesh (other than SSI/ Ancillary Units to MPSEB and Govt. undertakings) are permitted to furnish the EMD @50% of the rates prescribed above. Here also permanent registration is a must in respect of specified item against the tender. – Fully owned State/Central Govt. manufacturing units, if 100% shares are held by the respective Govt. for which documentary evidence must be furnished with the offer. – The photocopy of the NSIC/SSI Registration Certificate for the tendered items duly notarized/attested by G.M./Manager, DIC of the area/ any officer if Discom-EZ not below the rank of E.E. shall be furnished with the offer. In case of unattested/un-notarized copy, the original certificate should be produced at the time of tender opening for verification. (e) Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit:The EMD may be forfeited:(i) If a bidder withdraws or revokes its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder; (ii) If a bidder modifies its bid in any manner after its opening but before the validity of the bid expires; (iii) If a bidder does not accept the arithmetical corrections of its bid price; (iv) In the case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails to: : - 12 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) -sign the contract within the prescribed time; -furnish the performance security within the prescribed time. (v) In case, the bidder withdraws his offer during the validity period, after placement of order, the EMD shall be forfeited. 4. PRICES:The ex-works prices of cable shall be Variable as per relevant IEEMA Price Variation formula, both on plus & minus side without any ceiling. The basic price of the material and indices used shall be as published by IEEMA prevailing as on first working day of the month, one month prior to the date of tender i.e. 01/03/2014. 5. (a) TAXES & DUTIES :Excise duty, ST/VAT and statutory levies shall be paid at the rate prevailing at the time of delivery. No upward variation shall be payable beyond the contractual delivery period where the supplier is responsible for the delay. The bidders are advised to quote the present rate of ED, ST/VAT etc. applicable to them. The concessional rate of CST payable against “C” form shall be limited to the Sales Tax applicable for the state of origin from where the material moves, in case it is lower than the concessional rate of CST. Statutory variations in ED/CST/VAT and any other/new Government levies /taxes, if applicable during the contractual delivery period shall be paid extra against documentary evidence. (b) EVALUATION METHODOLOGY:The material for which Input Tax Rebate (ITR) is admissible as per the provisions of the MP VAT Act 2002, the evaluation of price bid for arriving the lowest L-1 computed landing cost, shall be made after consideration of the accrued ITR credit. The VAT quoted above 4% shall therefore be ignored for the purpose of determination of lowest bidder. However, after determination of L-1 bidder in above manner, the Purchase Order shall be placed on the VAT as quoted. 6. PAYMENT:Subject to completion of all contractual formalities, 100% payment along with excise duty and taxes corresponding to the consignment would generally be made within 45 days from the date of receipt of material at Area Stores in good condition against MATERIAL RECEIPT CERTIFICATE (M.R.C.) issued by the consignee. The conditional MRC shall be issued by the consignee store on receipt of material at stores. After successful testing of the randomly selected item / material, the clearance for payment shall be issued by the CGM (Stores), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. Other provisions of terms of Payment Clause of Annexure-II shall remain unchanged. The MPPKVVCL shall make above payment directly in the Account of successful bidders. MPPKVVCL is having its Account in S.B.I., Nayagaon Br., Jabalpur. To make payment directly through Bank, the bidders are requested to furnish following information in respect of their Bank Account:(a) Name of Bank and Branch address. (b) Their Bank Account Number. (c) IFS code of the Branch for RTGS transfer. Charges required by Bank in this regard will be debited to suppliers’/contractors’ Account. Net payment after deduction of charges required by the Bank shall be released in favour of successful bidders. The M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd. shall not be liable for payment of any interest on delayed payment. : - 13 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 7. DELIVERY:(i) 7 days postal time shall be allowed for receipt of order (ii) The first lot of material shall be offered within 45 days from the date of receipt of order and the supply shall be completed in 01 (one) month thereafter in accordance with the delivery schedule given below :Sl. No. Lot No. 1. 2. 1st 2nd Qty. of be offered in % of ordered Qty. 50% 50% Delivery Schedule To be offered within 45 days from the date of receipt of order Thereafter within next 30 days The bidders, therefore, should quote strictly for only such quantities which they can supply according to the above delivery schedule. (iii) Offer shall be made by the bidder indicating date of readiness of material therein else the date of receipt of offer in the office of the order placing authority shall be considered as the date of readiness of material. (iv) The date of readiness of material notified in the offer for pre-despatch inspection shall be considered as the date of delivery subject to condition that the offer alongwith the Routine Test Certificates is received in the office of order placing authority within the terminal date of scheduled delivery and the material is delivered at Area Store within 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) of issue of despatch instruction. In case the last date of terminal delivery schedule falls on holiday(s) the next working day / date shall be considered as the terminal date of scheduled delivery period. (v) (a) The material should be delivered to the consignees within 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) of issue of dispatch instructions. In case, the last day (i.e. the 21st day) falls on holiday(s) or is declared a holiday, the delivery will be accepted on the next working day without levy of penalty. (b) In case material is not delivered within 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) from the date of issue of despatch instructions even though the delivery period exists, penalty as per Penalty Clause of the tender/order shall be reckoned/recoverable from the date of readiness of material notified in the offer and the period of 21 days allowed for despatch shall not be permitted and shall be taken into account for calculation of penalty. (vi) Offers alongwith Routine Test Certificate may be sent through e-mail / fax. The MPPKVVCL Jabalpur shall not be responsible for any delay in receipt of inspection offer by ordinary/registered post. (vii) In case of delay in testing of material at NABL lab, the delivery of next lot(s) shall be re-scheduled by CGM(Purchase), if required. (viii) Deferment of deliveries: - MPPKVVCL reserves the right to defer the supplies or reschedule the delivery of the orders, if required. The intimation shall be given in writing. The price variation shall be given for quantities deferred along with any change in excise duty, CST/VAT and any other statutory levies. : - 14 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) (ix) Price Variation:Price variation shall be payable as under :(i) In case the offer is made within the schedule/contractual delivery period (Including early delivery), the price variation shall be payable on the basis of date of readiness of material notified in the offer or contractual delivery period, whichever is lower. (ii)In case the material is delivered beyond 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) of issue of DI or the offer is made beyond the scheduled / contractual delivery period, the price variation shall be payable on the basis of date of readiness of material notified in the offer / contractual delivery period/actual date of delivery, whichever is lower. 8. PENALTY The time for and the date of delivery of the material stipulated in the order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. In case of delay in supply of material beyond delivery schedule stipulated in the order or non-execution of the order, the MPPKVVCL at its option shall recover from the supplier as agreed towards liquidated damages @ 0.5% of Ex-works price of any stores not delivered per week or part thereof subject to maximum of 10%. 9. SECURITY DEPOSIT: (i) Security deposit equal to 10% of value of the order placed against the tender shall be furnished by the bidder in the form of Cash/DD/B.G. only drawn on any scheduled Bank at Jabalpur. The Bank Guarantee towards Security Deposit should be from a scheduled bank with validity of minimum 24 months (i.e. two years) so as to cover the guarantee period of the material and also due and faithful performance in accordance with terms and conditions of the order. No relaxations in submission of Security Deposit against the tender/order shall be granted. (ii) Bank Guarantee in lieu of cash deposit on any nationalized/ scheduled bank strictly as per Board/ Company's proforma (to be supplied along with the order) valid for minimum 24 months to cover the guarantee period. (iii) The Security deposit shall be deposited by the bidder strictly in aforesaid manner within 30 days from the date of receipt of order prior to offering the material for predispatch inspection against the order. The offers made for pre-despatch inspection of material, without submission of SD may be rejected. (iv) No Permanent Security Deposit (PSD) shall be considered against this tender and the bidders shall have to furnish the requisite Security Deposit as above. (v) No interest shall be paid by MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur on Security Deposit furnished by the suppliers. 10. PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE:If during the course of 18 months subsequent to the date of receipt of consignment any of the goods is found defective in material or workmanship or develops defect during service, the same shall be replaced/repaired immediately, but in any case within 30 days of receipt of report of defect/ failure, by the supplier free of all charges. All necessary arrangement on this account will be made by the supplier. In case replacement is delayed beyond three months of intimation cost of the material may be recovered from the pending bills/security deposit of the firm. Other provisions of Performance Guarantee of Annexure-II shall also be applicable. : - 15 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 11. GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS & QUESTIONNAIRE:Guaranteed Technical Particulars as per Schedule-II attached giving specification and Questionnaire as per Schedule-IV shall be filled-in and submitted compulsorily with the offer. In case, these are not filled-in and enclosed with the offer, the Bid will be rejected. 12. TYPE TEST CERTIFICATE:Each size of offered cables shall be fully type tested from NABL accredited lab as per relevant Indian Standards during the last five years from the date of bid opening. Submission of photo copy of the type test certificates for the tests conducted at CPRI, ERDA or any NABL accredited Test Lab is essential. Please note that type test certificates of other than NABL accredited lab shall not be considered. In absence of NABL certificates the offer shall be liable for rejection. The decision of MPPKVVCL in this regard shall be final and binding on the bidders. 13. ROUTINE & ACCEPTANCE TEST:The manufacturer shall carry out all Routine & Acceptance test as stipulated in the relevant Indian Standards at their works and results of these tests will be submitted to this office for approval along with letter/offer for inspection. The above test results may be witnessed by our representative at the manufacturer works, if so desired by the purchaser, prior to dispatch of the material. The MPPKVVCL at its discretion may consider to waive off the pre-despatch inspection of the lot(s), in case of urgency. 14. ACCEPTANCE OF MATERIAL The material at our consignee Stores shall be accepted after successfully passing of the randomly selected sample(s) in the Acceptance Tests in an Independent NABL Laboratory like ERDA/CPRI or any other NABL accredited lab for the tendered items. The MRC shall be issued on receipt of satisfactory test results. The testing charges shall be borne by MPPKVVCL. However, in case the cable fails in any of the test the entire lot shall be rejected and the entire testing charges shall be recovered from the supplier. The MPPKVVCL, at its discretion may consider to waive off the testing of lot(s) at NABL Lab, if need arises to meet out the urgent requirements. In case of any dispute relating to test results against the rejected lot and on contesting by the supplier, the retesting of another randomly selected sample from the rejected lot in presence of firm’s representative may be considered at the discretion of MPPKVVCL. The retesting charges including other expenses viz transportation, loading/unloading etc. shall be borne by the supplier. In case of failure of the lot in second testing, the lot shall be finally rejected and shall have to be lifted & replaced by the supplier. No further representations /requests shall be entertained and the decision/ discretion of MPPKVVCL in this regard shall be final and binding on the supplier. : - 16 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 15. PRICE CONSIDERATION ZONE (10% Above Lowest Acceptable Rate) :Subject to fulfilling the financial, experience, supply capacity and technocommercial criteria etc., the MPPKVVCL reserves the right to distribute the quantities amongst the bidders other than lowest also. While in the normal course counter offer shall be limited to the bidders whose computed FOR rate including taxes, duties and freight, other levies is within the price band of 1.1 times of the lowest acceptable offer on merit basis. 16. QUANTITY ALLOCATION TO ELIGIBLE BIDDERS : (i) In cases where lowest acceptable F.O.R. destination rate is from a regular firm:60% of the proposed quantity to L-1 bidder (limiting the same to offered quantity) and balance 40% quantity amongst L-2 and L-3 bidders falling within price consideration zone of 10% above L-1 and at the price of L-1. The order shall be placed to L-3 when the offered quantity by L-2 is less than the balance 40% and at the price of L-1. However the bidders shall have to offer a minimum of 50% of the proposed quantity, below which their bid shall not be evaluated. (ii) In cases where lowest acceptable F.O.R. destination rate is from a New firm (not supplied material to Discoms of MP and whose supply performance is not known) and difference between L-1 and other eligible bidders is within price consideration zone of 10% :Capacity of the L-1 bidder or 50% of proposed quantity, whichever is lower, to L-1 bidder (subject to satisfactory factory inspection prior to placement of detailed order and limiting the same to offered quantity) and balance quantity amongst L-2 and L-3 bidders only falling within the price consideration zone of 10% above L-1 and at the price of L-1 Order shall be placed to L-3 when the offered quantity by L-2 is less than the balance 50%, at the price of L-1. However the bidders shall have to offer a minimum of 50% of the proposed quantity, below which their bids shall not be evaluated. 17. ACCEPTANCE OF QUANTITY BY L-1 BIDDER :In case, where L-2 & L-3 bidders do not accept the counter offer rates of L-1, the bidder who has quoted/offered the Lowest Acceptable Rate will be required to accept the enhanced quantity allocations, if it is within the offered quantity by him. In the event of non acceptance, the bid security (EMD) shall be forfeited, along with punitive action against the firm including debarring the firm with Discom EZ for a certain period as may be decided by MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. An intimation to the GM(DIC) in case of State SSI Units and to the GM(NSIC) in case of outside State Units shall be given for taking action against the firm.” 18. EXTENSION ORDER:The MPPKVVCL reserves right to place an extension order for any additional quantity to the extent of 100% quantity of the original order on the same rates, terms and conditions within Six (06) months from the date of order. 19. FACTORY INSPECTION:The MPPKVVCL may depute authorized officers to visit and inspect the factory of new firms with a view to ascertain whether they are actually manufacture and have adequate manufacturing & testing facilities, technical know-how and practical experience for the manufacturing of the quoted item, after opening of the tender or before issue of detailed trial order, for which necessary intimation shall be given. : - 17 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 20. UNSATISFACTORY PERFORMANCE:Even on fulfillment of all the criteria it may please be noted that:(i) Offers of those bidders who have been debarred/black listed for future business with our company/MPSEB/other MP Discoms, may be summarily rejected. (ii) In case of those bidders whose past performance has not been found satisfactory against previous tenders of MPSEB /Distribution Companies formed on restructuring of MPSEB, they may not be considered for order. Following shall attribute to poor performance of a bidder: Non-execution of previous order(s)/inordinate delay in supply of material. Failures of material in testing & non-replacement of the same by the supplier. Failures and supply of inferior/substandard quality of materials en-mass as reported by the field officers. 21. PENALTY FOR BREACH OF CONTRACT Breach of any terms and conditions which are included in the any section of the tender documents, or various schedules, annexure, enclosures, appendix etc. which are referred in these sections, shall be deemed as breach of this Contract. In case of breach this contract by the bidder/vendor, the Company shall be entitled to forfeit the available security deposit and to realize and retain the same as damages and compensation for the said breach. This will be without prejudice to the right of the company to recover any further sums as damages, from any sums which are due or which may become due to the contract by the company; or otherwise howsoever. 22. REDUCTION OF RATE DUE TO SUBSEQUENT TENDER As a result of placement of LOI/Order against subsequent tender, if the rates received are found to be lower, then the offer(s) for the balance ordered quantity shall be accepted at the lower rates, from the date of issue of LOI/Order against subsequent tender. 23. RECOVERIES FOR LIABILITIES AGAINST OTHER CONTRACTS:All amount recoverable from you against earlier contracts / orders including contracts / orders placed on sister concern by the MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur will be adjusted / recovered from any type of payment due against the contracts / orders that may be awarded under this specification OR any other contract(s) / order(s) including the contracts / order placed on sister concern firms placed by MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur against other tender specification for the same or the other items. The MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur shall have also the option for recovery of liabilities from any type of payments due against the contracts / orders that may be awarded by other Discoms of MP viz. MPMKVVCL, Bhopal & MPPKVVCL, Indore. 24. ARBITRATION If, at any time, any question, dispute or difference, whatsoever shall arise between the purchaser and the supplier, upon, or in relation to or in connection with the contract, either party may forthwith give to the other, notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference, and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of two Arbitrators, one to be nominated by the purchaser and the other to : - 18 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) be nominated by the supplier. In the case of said Arbitrators not agreeing, the matter shall be referred to the adjudication of an Umpire, to be appointed by the Arbitrators, whose, decision shall be final and binding on the parties. The arbitration shall be conducted as per provision of The Madhya Pradesh Madhyastha Adhikaran Adhiniyam 1983, as amended from time to time, and of the rules made there under. The Arbitrators or the Umpire as the case may be, are bound to give a detailed speaking award assigning reasons for the findings. Supplies under the contract shall be continued by the Supplier during the arbitration proceedings, unless otherwise, directed in writing by the purchaser or unless the matter is such that the work cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the Arbitrator or of the Umpire, as the case may be, is issued. The arbitration proceeding if any shall be strictly held at the head quarter of MPPKVVCL at Jabalpur. 25. All the bidders are advised to quote their own individual price. It may please be noted that if the same price is quoted by more than one bidder, suggestive of a cartel then such offers may not be considered. It may also please be noted that the competitive price quoted by each bidder may also be one of the main criteria for quantity to be ordered on each successful bidders. 26. The MPPKVVCL reserves the right to accept/reject wholly or partly any tender without assigning any reason, whatsoever. No correspondence in this regard shall be entertained by the MPPKVVCL. Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur : - 19 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-I (PRICE & QUANTITY) (To be kept in envelope containing Part-III of tender documents) S. No Description of Material 1 1. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Quantity Quantity Unit ex-works price ED tendered offered including packing in % (Kms) (Kms) (Rs. /Kms) Excise CST/ CST/VAT Forwarding Any other Unit FOR Remark/ Duty on VAT in on Ex- & Freight levy destination Discount if Ex works % Works (Rs. /Kms) (Rs./Kms) price any Price Price Plus (5+7+9+10+11) (Rs./Kms) ED (Rs./Kms) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ISI marked, 2.5 sq.mm. Unarmoured / Armoured solid annealed copper conductor, PVC Insulated and PVC sheathed, 1100 volts grade control cable of following size (core) conforming to IS:1554(Pt-I)/1988 with latest amendments and as per technical specification. 12 Core Unarmoured 35 8 Core Unarmoured 158 4 core Unarmoured 65 2 Core Unarmoured 44 10 Core Armoured 5 2 Core Armoured 6 Note:(1) Payment of any type of Govt. Statutory duty/levies/taxes, VAT etc. shall be paid on actual. (2) Price Bid to be furnished in above format only. Filling of all the columns is necessary otherwise offer may be rejected. (3) Responsibility of any lack of clarity leading to confusion will rest with bidders. (4) MPPKVV Co. Ltd is a Registered Dealer having TIN Number 23845807718. Therefore necessary declaration form, wherever applicable, shall be issued after receipt of material at destination stores. This should be kept in mind by the bidder while quoting the competitive prices. (5) If you do not want to participate in any item please fill zero in quantity offered column only. (6) Please note that the offered discount/ rebate shall be un-conditional only. If conditional rebate/discount is offered, then the same shall be treated as unconditional. (7) Remarks, if any, may please specified clearly. PLACE: DATE SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL : - 20 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-II TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION OF `ISI' MARKED COPPER CONDUCTOR, PVC INSULATED AND SHEATHED UNARMOURED AND ARMOURED CONTROL CABLE 1 2 SCOPE :This specification covers design, manufacturing, testing and delivery at places anywhere in East Zone Discom listed in Annexure-III of General Terms and Conditions of Tender Specification of ISI marked 1100Volt grade, weather proof 2.5 sq.mm, 2, 4, 8 & 12core Unarmoured and 2 & 10core armoured solid annealed copper conductor, PVC insulated, PVC sheathed Cable. APPLICABLE STANDARDS:All the Cables shall conform to the requirements of following standards with latest amendments, if any:(i) IS:1554 (Part-I)/1988. - PVC insulated (Heavy Duty) Electric Cables for working voltage up to and including 1100 Volts. (ii) IS:8130-1984 - Specification for conductor for insulated electric cables. (iii) IS:5831-1984 - Specification for PVC insulation and sheath of electric cables. (iv) IS:10810-1984 - Methods for test for cables. (v) IS:3961(Part-II) 1967 - Recommended current ratings for PVC insulated and PVC sheathed heavy duty cables. (vi) IS:4905-1968 - Methods for random sampling. (vii) IS:10418-1972 - Wooden drum for electric cables. (viii) IS:3975-1979 - Specification for mild steel wires, strips and tape for armouring of cable. 3 GENERAL TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT:3.1 CONDUCTOR: Copper conductor used in control cables shall comply to the requirement of IS:8130-1984 with latest amendments and shall be in accordance with clauses of relevant ISS of cables with latest amendments. 3.2 PVC INSULATION: PVC insulation used shall comply to requirement of IS:5831-1984 with latest amendments. PVC insulation shall be suitable for continuous conductor temperature of 70ºC under normal operation and 160º C under short circuit conditions. Insulation shall be of ‘Type A’ PVC compound. The insulation shall be applied by extrusion so that it fits closely on the conductor and it shall be possible to remove it without damage. The average thickness of insulation shall not be less than nominal value (ti) specified in relevant ISS. The smallest of the measured values of thickness of insulation shall not fall below the nominal value (ti) by more than 0.1 mm + 0.1 ti. : 21: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 3.3 FILLER AND INNER SHEATH:The filler and the inner sheath shall be of unvulcanised rubber or thermoplastic material or proofed tape. Unvulcanised rubber or thermoplastic material used shall not be harder than PVC used for insulation and outer sheath. The material shall be chosen to be compatible with temperature ratings of the cable and shall have no deleterious effect on any other component of the cable. The laid-up cores shall be provided with inner sheath applied either by extrusion or wrapping. It shall be ensured that the shape is as circular as possible. The inner sheath shall be so applied that it fits closely on the laid up cores and it shall be possible to remove it without damage to the insulation. The thickness of inner sheath shall be as in Table-4 of IS:1554 (Part-I) 1988. 3.4 ARMOURING:The galvanized steel strip/wire, used for armouring shall comply with the requirement of IS:3975-1979 with latest amendment. Armouring shall be applied over the inner sheath. The D.C. resistance of galvanized steel strips armour shall be measured and the result when corrected at 20° C shall comply with approximate value given in Table-6 of IS: 1554 (PartI)/1988. The armour strips shall be applied as closely as practicable. A binder tape should be provided on the armour. Type of armour, its dimension, procedure for its laying and joints shall comply with the requirement of Clause-13.2, 13.3, 13.1.3 & 13.4. respectively of IS:1554 (Pt-I)/1988. 3.5 OUTER SHEATH:The outer sheath shall be of type ST1 PVC Compound conforming to the requirements of IS:5831-1984. The outer sheath shall be applied by extrusion over the armouring and shall be so applied that it fits closely over armouring. It shall be possible to remove it without damage to inner sheath. The colour of outer sheath shall be black. The minimum thickness of outer sheath shall not fall below the nominal value (ts) specified in Table-7 of IS: 1554 (PtI)/1988 by more than 0.2 mm ± 0.2 ts. In case of unarmoured cable, the bidders have also option to offer single sheath. In such a case the thickness of extruded sheath shall not be less than the sum of the inner sheath thickness specified in table-4 and the nominal outer sheath thickness specified in column 3 of table-7 of IS:1554. The smallest of the measured value shall not be less than the sum of the inner sheath thickness specified in table-4 and the minimum value of outer sheath thickness specified in col.4 of table-7 of IS:1554. 3.6 CORE IDENTIFICATION:- The core shall be identified in accordance with Clause-10 of IS:1554 (Part-I) 1988. 3.7 IDENTIFICATION, PACKING & MARKING: Manufacturer’s Identification:- As per Clause-17.1 of IS:1554 (Part-I) following marking shall be embossed over outer sheath at every 3 mtrs. (a) Cable size and Voltage Grade. (b) Name of Manufacturer and Word MPEZ. : 22: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) The embossing shall be increasive, automatic in line throughout the length of the Cable and shall be legible and indelible. Packing & Marking: The cable shall be wound on a drum (ref.IS:10418-1972) of suitable size and packed. The packing shall be robust for rough handling that is occasioned during transportation. The ends of the cable shall be sealed by means of non-hygroscopic sealing material. The cable should carry the following information stenciled on the drum:(i) Reference to Indian Standard IS:1554 (Part-I) (ii) Manufacturer’s name, brand name or trade mark (iii) Type of cable and voltage grade (iv) Number of cores (v) Nominal cross-sectional area of the conductor (vi) Cable code (vii) Colour of cores (viii) Length of cable on the drum (ix) Number of lengths on drum (if more than one) (x) Direction of rotation of drum by means of an arrow (xi) Approximate gross weight (xii) Running end of cable (xiii) Country of Manufacturer (xiv) Year of manufacture 3.8 ISI Certification Mark:- The cable (Drum) must bear ‘ISI’ Certification Mark. In this connection, a certified photo-stat copy of valid ‘ISI’ Marking License rights duly attested must be submitted along with the inspection offer as documentary evidence. In absence of ‘ISI’ License documents, the inspection offer may not be considered. 3.9 Standard Length:- The standard length of cable shall be 500 meters ± 5% tolerance. 4 TESTS: Following type tests, acceptance tests and routine tests are to be carried out in accordance with clause-15 of IS:1554(Part-I)1988 with its latest amendments:S N Tests (Whichever is applicable) A TEST ON CONDUCTOR Annealing test Tensile Test Wrapping Test Conductor Resistance test TEST FOR ARMOURING STRIPS i ii iii iv B C TEST FOR THICKNESS INSULATION AND SHEATH : 23: OF For requirement ref. to For Test method ref. to Part No of IS:10810 IS:8130-1984 IS:8130-1984 IS:8130-1984 IS:8130-1984 Table -5 and IS:3975/1979 Table- 2, 4 & 7 of IS:1554/(Part-I) 1 2 3 5 36 to 42 6 CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur Tests (Whichever is applicable) SN D i ii iii iv v vi vii E F G TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) For requirement ref. to For Test method ref. to Part No of IS:10810 PHYSICAL TEST FOR INSULATION AND SHEATH Tensile Strength and elongation at break IS:5831-1984 Ageing in Air oven -----do----Shrinkage Test -----do----Hot deformation -----do----Loss of mass in air oven -----do----Heat shock test -----do----Thermal stability -----do---------do----Insulation Resistance Test High Voltage Test at room temperature Clause 16.2 of IS:1554 (Part-I) Water immersion test Clause 16.3. of IS: 1554 (Part-I) Clause 16.4 of Flammability Test IS:1554 (Part-I) 4.1 4.2 7 11 12 15 10 14 43 45 45 53 TYPE TESTS: The following shall constitute type tests. Acceptance Tests: The following shall constitute acceptance tests:a. Annealing test b. Conductor resistance test c. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath d. Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath e. Insulation resistance test f. High voltage test at room temperature All the above acceptance tests may be carried out by Discom’s representative as per relevant ISS at the time of material inspection for the purpose of clearing the lot offered by the manufacturer. Acceptance test shall be carried out on cable drum selected at random as per following sampling plan:No. of drums in the lot Upto 50 51 to 100 101 to 300 301 to 500 501 and above No. of drums to be taken as sample 2 5 13 20 32 Permissible number of defectives 0 0 0 1 2 : 24: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 4.3 Routine Tests – The following shall constitute routine tests:(a) Conductor Resistance test (b) High voltage test at room temperature The above routine tests shall be conducted by the manufacturer in accordance with relevant ISS and test certificate in proof of this shall be submitted to this office along with each inspection offer. In absence of routine test certificate the inspection offer shall be considered as fake and all complication arising out of this shall be to the supplier’s account. 5 OTHER IMPORTANT TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT OF TENDER: Cables shall be designed to withstand mechanical electrical and thermal stress developed under steady state and transient operating conditions. 6 TYPE TEST CERTIFICATE: The bidders are advised to submit the certified photocopy of Type Test Certificate along with the tender in respect of the type tests indicated in Clause 4.1 from NABL accredited lab like National Test House, ERDA, CPRI etc. for each size of quoted cables. In absence of Type Test Certificate for all the type tests, the offer is liable for rejection. The bidders shall confirm that they will supply the material exactly for the design for which type tests have been conducted. The above type test certificates should not be more than five years old on the date of opening of tender. 7 INSPECTION: All the tests and inspection may be conducted at the place of manufacturer unless otherwise specifically agreed upon by the manufacturer and purchaser at the time of purchase. In case of inspection at works, the manufacturer shall offer all reasonable facilities to the purchaser, without charges to satisfy him that the material is being manufactured in accordance with the specification. In order to ensure that quality of raw materials used during manufacturing of control Cable is as per requirement of IS:1554 (Pt-I)/1988, the inspecting officer shall check quality of raw material, obtain necessary invoices in proof that raw materials used are of desired quality. In addition to above, on receipt of Cables at consignee Area Store, the purchaser has the right to have any or all type/acceptance test carried out through an independent NABL accredited lab like ERDA, CPRI etc. to ascertain the quality of supply. In case the material fails to pass the test as per specification, the entire lot shall be rejected and the testing charges along with the other charges which may likely to be incurred for arranging the testing through independent agency shall be recovered from the supplier. In addition to this, action as deemed fit, may be taken against the supplier. Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur : 25: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-III (A) GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 2.5 SQ.MM UNARMOURED COPPER CONTROL CABLE Bidders have to confirm following important requirements: 1 Name of Manufacturers 2 3 Standard applicable Whether material offered is having ISI mark. Give ISI marking no. & its validity period Particulars 4 5 6 2 core a b c d Rated Voltage Suitable for earthed or unearthed system Continuous current rating when laid in air at an ambient temperature of 400C and for maximum conductor temperature 700C. Short Circuit current rating (rms) Duration of short circuit Conductor temperature allowed for Short Circuit Conductor details Material Nominal cross section area Conductor resistance/Km at 200C Source of Supply a b c d Insulation details Composition and type Thickness Tolerance in thickness Received from (Supplier’s Name) 7a b c 8 9 10 11 a b c d f 12 a b c d Colour scheme for identification Inner sheath details Material Extruded/Wrapped Calculated diameter over laid up cores Thickness Received from (Supplier’s Name) Outer sheath details Material Extruded/Wrapped Calculated diameter under the sheath Thickness : 26: 8 core 4 core 2 core CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) f Tolerance on thickness g Received from (Supplier’s Name) 13 Overall diameter of cable over the outer sheath 14 Volume resistively at 270C and 700C 15 Conductor temperature corresponding to maximum continuous current 16 Test voltage a High Voltage test b Water immersion test voltage 17 Recommended minimum installation radius 18 Cable Drum a Empty drum weight approx (Kg) b Net weight of cable per drum approx (Kg) c Total weight (cable + drum) Kg approx. d Maximum length per drum Undertaking- I hereby undertake, if any parameter filled above not complies to relevant ISS and TS or the value indicated above are less than the ISS and TS values, the same shall be considered as per TS / ISS values with permissible tolerance. SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME: DESIGNATION: : 27: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-III (B) GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS OF 2.5 SQ.MM ARMOURED COPPER CONTROL CABLE Bidders have to confirm following important requirements: 1 Name of Manufacturers 2 3 Standard applicable Whether material offered is having ISI mark. Give ISI marking no. & its validity period a b c d Particulars Rated Voltage Suitable for earthed or unearthed system Continuous current rating when laid in air at an ambient temperature of 400C and for maximum conductor temperature 700C. Short Circuit current rating (rms) Duration of short circuit Conductor temperature allowed for Short Circuit Conductor details Material Nominal cross section area Conductor resistance/Km at 200C Source of Supply a b c d Insulation details Composition and type Thickness Tolerance in thickness Received from (Supplier’s Name) 4 5 6 7a b c 8 9 10 11 a b c d f 12 a b c d f g Colour scheme for identification Inner sheath details Material Extruded/Wrapped Calculated diameter over laid up cores Thickness Received from (Supplier’s Name) Outer sheath details Material Extruded/Wrapped Calculated diameter under the sheath Thickness Tolerance on thickness Received from (Supplier’s Name) : 28: 10 core 2 core CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 13 Overall diameter of cable over the outer sheath 14 Volume resistively at 270C and 700C 15 Conductor temperature corresponding to maximum continuous current 16 Test voltage a High Voltage test b Water immersion test voltage 17 Recommended minimum installation radius 18 Cable Drum a Empty drum weight approx (Kg) b Net weight of cable per drum approx (Kg) c Total weight (cable + drum) Kg approx. d Maximum length per drum Undertaking- I hereby undertake, if any parameter filled above not complies to relevant ISS and TS or the value indicated above are less than the ISS and TS values, the same shall be considered as per TS / ISS values with permissible tolerance. SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME: DESIGNATION: : 29: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) ANNEXURE-VI PRICE VARIATION FORMULA FOR COPPER CONDUCTOR PVC INSULATED AND SHEATHED CONTROL CABLES The price variation formula will be as under:P= Po + CuF (Cu - Cuo) + CCFCu (CC – CCo) + FeF(Fe-Feo) For unarmoued control cables FeF = 0 Where:P = Price payable as adjusted in accordance with the above appropriate formula(Rs/Km) Po = Price quoted/confirmed per Km CuF = Variation factor for Copper as per Table-I Cuo = Price of Copper wire rods CCFCu = Variation factor for PVC compound as per Table-I. CCo = Price of PVC compound FeF = Variation factor for steel armour as per Table-I Feo = Price of Steel armour TABLE-I VARIATION FACTOR FOR COPPER (CuF): As per table CuC of IEEMA circular dt.6.1.07 Nominal cross section Variation factor 2 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.047 4 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.094 8 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.182 10 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.235 12 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.282 VARIATION FACTOR FOR PVC COMPOUND CCFCu : As per table P-5 of IEEMA circular dt.6.1.07 Nominal cross section Variation factor for unarmoured cables 2 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.125 4 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.161 8 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.292 12 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.334 Nominal cross section 10 core 2.5 sq. mm. 2 core 2.5 sq. mm. Variation factor for armoured cables 0.337 0.139 VARIATION FACTOR FOR STEEL ARMOUR FeF : As per table P-6 of IEEMA circular dt.6.1.07 Nominal cross section Variation factor for armoured cables Shape 10 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.325 F 2 core 2.5 sq. mm. 0.277 W The above prices for raw materials viz Cuo, CCo and Feo are those published by IEEMA prevailing as on 1.1.2008 i.e. the first working day of the calendar month, one month prior to the date of tendering. The applicable prices of raw material would be one month prior to the date of tendering e.g. if tender is submitted in Feb.2008 the applicable prices would be those prevailing as on 1.1.2008. : 30: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur Cu= CC= Fe= TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Price of Copper wire rod in Rs./MT published by IEEMA prevailing as on the first working day of the calendar monthly covering the date one month prior to the date of delivery Price of PVC compound in Rs./MT Grade CW-22(see note no.1) prices of these raw materials are published by IEEMA prevailing as on the first working day of the calendar monthly covering the date one month prior to the date of delivery. Price of Steel armouring flat/round wire in Rs./MT. prices of these raw materials are published by IEEMA prevailing as on the first working day of the calendar monthly covering the date one month prior to the date of delivery. e.g. if the date of delivery in terms of clause given below falls in Apr.2007 the applicable raw material prices would be those as published by IEEMA prevailing as on 1.3.2007. The date of delivery shall be the date at which the cable is notified as being ready for inspection. In the absence of such notification of manufacturer, the date of dispatch note shall be considered as the date of delivery or the contracted delivery date including any extension thereof, whichever shall be earlier. Note-1: Price of PVC compound is the price (Ex-works) for grade CW-22 as per price circular issued by IEEMA. This price is exclusive of excise duty (since modvatable) and exclusive of any other State Central Local Taxes, Octoroi etc. Note-2:-THE PRICE VARIATION SHALL BE GOVERNED BY THE FOLLOWING FACTORS: (i)(a) The accepted prices are VARIABLE as per P.V. formula and with base date of price of raw materials prevailing as on 1.1.2008. For any subsequent price rise/fall during scheduled delivery period the price variation shall be to Discom’s account. The P.V. shall be limited to the scheduled delivery period only. (b) In case supplies are made beyond delivery schedule, the price variation shall be restricted either to the contractual delivery period or the actual date of readiness of material whichever is advantageous to the Discom. (c ) In case of any down-ward trend in prices, the firm shall immediately inform to Dy.Director (Bills-EZ)/Regional Accounts Officer concerned, with information to the purchase section, MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. (ii) The supplier shall submit separate supplementary bill on account of PV to the Dy. Director (Bills:EZ), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. Payment of PV claims shall be settled, for each lot of material supplied, by the due date of payment of original bill for that lot provided the PV claims for that lot is prepared and submitted with original bill well before the due date for payment. The supplier shall submit all relevant documents along with the supplementary PV bill viz. Photostat copies of ruling price circulars of relevant raw materials. Actual purchase voucher shall not be insisted. In other words, the suppliers are at liberty to procure the raw material from any sources/price available, provided the finished product conforms to our requirement/ tender specification. Delivery of the materials shall not be linked, in any way, with the procurement of raw materials from the aforesaid identified sources/prices. Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur : 31: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) PART-II ANNEXURE-I GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS 1. GENERAL Chief General Manager (Purchase) on behalf of "The Madhya Pradesh Poorva Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Co. Ltd." herein-after referred to as "Discom-EZ", will receive sealed tenders/bids for supply of materials/equipments in accordance with the attached specifications for supply to Area Stores at Jabalpur, Chhindwara, Sagar, Chhatarpur and Satna only in Madhya Pradesh. 2. BASIC QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS This bidding is open for Manufacturers/Printers* (wherever applicable) only who provide satisfactory evidence:(a) That they are qualified Manufacturer/Printers* (wherever applicable) who regularly manufacture the materials/equipments of the type specified and have adequate technical knowledge and practical experience. (b) That they do not anticipate change in the ownership during the proposed period of contract (if such a change is anticipated, the scope and effect thereof shall be defined). (c) That, they have adequate financial stability and status to meet the financial obligations pursuant to the scope of the assignments (d) That, they have adequate plant and manufacturing capacity available to perform the assignment properly and expeditiously within the time period specified. *applicable for tenders pertaining to printing of stationery etc. 3. EARNEST MONEY (f) The bidder shall deposit the Earnest Money vis-à-vis the value of the items offered as per the table given below:Value of Item Upto INR 50,000. Above INR 50,000. Earnest Money Nil @1%, subject to minimum INR 1,000 and maximum INR 1 Lac. (g) The bidders are permitted to quote for part quantities and pay earnest money only to the extent of the participation on the basis of slabs specified above (h) EMD shall be in the form of Crossed Bank Demand Draft (DD) / Pay Orders/ Banker’s Cheque (BC) of scheduled commercial bank drawn in favour of Sr. A.O. (JC), MPPKVV Co. Ltd., Jabalpur. : 1: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) (i) The EMD validity shall be up to 180 days from the next day of the final bid submission date i.e. bid deadline and with a claim period of another 30 days. For all tendering modes and methods, EMD shall be submitted by bidders in a separate envelope along with the bid, which should be opened prior to the opening of the Techno-commercial and Financial proposal. In absence of EMD, Techno-commercial and Financial proposal shall be treated as unresponsive and the same shall be retained with the company. No offer will be accepted without valid Earnest Money Deposit, unless exempted by the Discom-EZ (j) The following are exempted from payment of EMD: – S.S.I Units of Madhya Pradesh Permanently registered with DIC/Ancillary Units of MPSEB. The registration should be permanent and should be specifically for the items quoted in the tender and valid on the date of opening of tender. – Small Scale Units registered with NSIC:- The Small Scale Units permanently registered with NSIC, whose registration certificate is valid for the item quoted on due date of opening of commercial and technical bid shall be entitled for exemption from EMD. The renewal/amendment of certificate should not be more than 3 years old from the due date of opening of tender otherwise EMD has to be furnished by the bidder. – The Medium/Large Scale Manufacturing Units, located in Madhya Pradesh (other than SSI/ Ancillary Units to MPSEB and Govt. undertakings) are permitted to furnish the EMD @50% of the rates prescribed above. Here also permanent registration is a must in respect of specified item against the tender. – Fully owned State/Central Govt. manufacturing units, if 100% shares are held by the respective Govt. for which documentary evidence must be furnished with the offer. – The photocopy of the NSIC/SSI Registration Certificate for the tendered items duly notarized/attested by G.M./Manager, DIC of the area/ any officer if Discom-EZ not below the rank of E.E. shall be furnished with the offer. In case of unattested/unnotarized copy, the original certificate should be produced at the time of tender opening for verification. (k) Forfeiture of Earnest Money Deposit:The EMD may be forfeited:(i) If a bidder withdraws or revokes its bid during the period of bid validity specified by the bidder; (v) If a bidder modifies its bid in any manner after its opening but before the validity of the bid expires; (vi) If a bidder does not accept the arithmetical corrections of its bid price; (vii) In the case of successful bidder, if the bidder fails to: -sign the contract within the prescribed time; -furnish the performance security within the prescribed time. (v) In case, the bidder withdraws his offer during the validity period, after placement of order, the EMD shall be forfeited. : 2: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) (l) RETURN OF EARNEST MONEY TO BIDDERS a) EMD shall be returned to the un-successful bidders, as soon as possible, after the tender is decided. No interest shall be paid on EMD amounts. b) EMD of bidders on whom the orders have been placed, shall be returned on acceptance of security deposit. No, interest shall be paid on EMD amount. 4. TAXES AND DUTIES a) All taxes and duties should be included in the prices quoted. Any kind of taxes and duties shall not be paid extra. However, the break up of taxes & duties must be indicated separately in the Schedule-IV, Part-B Commercial Information. b) M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd., Jabalpur is a Registered Dealer and TIN Number is 23845807718. Therefore necessary declaration form, wherever applicable, shall be issued after receipt of material at destination, by the M.P. Poorv Kshetra Vidyut Vitaran Company Ltd., Jabalpur. Any other applicable declaration form for concessional rate of Sales tax/Commercial tax as may be in force shall be given only after the legal position is verified at our end. Please note that ‘C’ forms for claiming concessional sales tax shall not be issued in case of following items:(i) Type writers, (ii) Stationery, (iii) Furniture & (iv) Other goods not used in the process of Generation/Transmission/ Distribution of Electricity Energy. c) Excise duty and Sales Tax/Commercial Tax are payable for the contractual delivery period only at the prevailing rates wherever applicable. No upward variation shall be payable beyond the contractual delivery period, where the supplier is responsible for the delays. d) Wherever applicable tenderers outside the State of M.P. should also quote the prevailing rate of Sales Tax/ Commercial Tax in the state of origin so that the concessional rate of CST payable against “C” form may be limited to the Sales Tax applicable for state of origin, from where the material move, in case, these are lower than the concessional rate of CST. 5. AMENDMENT IN SPECIFICATIONS The Discom-EZ may revise or amend the specification and drawing, prior to the date notified for opening of Price Bid of tender. Such revision/ amendment, if any, will be communicated to all those who have bought the tender documents as Amendment/ Addendum to the invitation of tender. 6. BIDS RECEIVED BY MESSENGER When tenders are delivered by special messenger, the same should be dropped in the Tender Box, kept in the office of CGM (Purchase), MPPKVV Co. Ltd., Block No.8, 3rd floor, Shakti Bhawan, Rampur, Jabalpur (MP) - 482008, on all working days during working hours indicated in tender notice. Nobody is authorized to receive or grant receipt for tender delivered by hand. 7. BIDS IN OPEN FORM Open bids through Telegram/Fax will not be considered under any circumstances. : 3: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 8. DELAYED/ LATE BIDS The Discom-EZ shall not assume any responsibility for any postal delays either for the late receipt of documents by bidder or late receipt of bids by the Board/Company. No Extension in time shall be granted on such grounds. 9. ALTERNATIVE BIDS Bid should be submitted as per intent of tender documents; any alternative offers are liable for rejection. 10. MISTAKES IN BIDS Rates should be quoted in both; figures and words. In case of ambiguity between rates in figures and words, lower of the two/beneficial to the Discoms shall be considered. Such offers can also be rejected. 11. LUMPSUM BASED BIDS:- In case prices for some items or all items are given as a sump sum, instead of unit prices as required in the tender specifications, Discom-EZ can summarily rejected such incomplete tender. 12. PRINTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS IN BIDS Supplier's printed terms and conditions will not be considered as forming part of the tender under any circumstances whatsoever. 13. ALTERATIONS/CORRECTIONS IN BIDS Any alteration/correction in the tender document should be counter-signed. Further, no post tender alteration/correction shall be entertained. 14. INCOMPLETE BIDS Tender which is incomplete or obscure is liable for rejection. 15. ACCEPTANCE OF PART/WHOLE BIDS-RIGHTS THEREOF Discom-EZ reserves the right to accept/ reject wholly or partly any tender without assigning any reason whatsoever. The Discom-EZ in this regard shall not entertain any correspondence. 16. AMBIGUITIES IN CONDITIONS OF BIDS In case of ambiguous or self-contradictory terms/conditions mentioned in the bid, interpretation as may be advantageous to the Discom shall be taken without any reference to the tender. 17. DISQUALIFICATION OF BIDS A Bid which gets opened before the due date as a result of improper or no indication having been given on the cover to indicate that it is a tender, will be disqualified. Bidders will not be permitted to change the substance of his tender on post interpretation/improper understanding grounds. This includes post tender price changes/ modifications etc. after opening of Price Bid. In such events, otherwise, that is, when a bidder does not comply, tender will be rejected. 18. LANGUAGE OF BIDS All tenders should be made either in English or in Hindi only. : 4: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 19. INCOME TAX/SALES TAX CLEARANCE CERTIFICATE During the processing of tender if asked for, the bidders shall be required to furnish Income/Sales Tax clearance certificates from competent authority. 20. FILLING OF QUESTIONNAIRE/SCHEDULES All the Questionnaire / Schedules along with specification are enclosed for technical/ commercial terms & conditions. It is compulsory on the part of the bidder to furnish all details as sought in these. In case, these are not filled in and enclosed with the offer, the Bid will be rejected. 21. DEVIATIONS FROM TERMS & CONDITIONS Offers with deviations in the terms of payment, liquidated damages, security deposit and performance guarantee are liable to be rejected out rightly. 22. PAST EXPERIENCE Supplier having past experience in manufacture and supply of materials should furnish the list of supplies made during the last three years for the materials supplied by them, as per enclosed Schedule V Part "A” failing which the tender may not get any preference for his past experience. 23. SUBMISSION OF BIDS (i) The tender shall be submitted in three (3) parts:Part-I shall contain “EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT / DOCUMENT WHICH ENTITLE FOR EXEMPTION FROM EMD". Part-II shall contain “COMMERCIAL BID AND THE TECHNICAL BID". Part-III shall contain "PRICE BID", in the Price Schedule. The bidder shall ensure that the prices/rates are filled in accordance with the proforma for "Price and Quantity." Schedule-I. (ii) Tender being submitted must be signed by a person holding a Power of Attorney authorizing him to do so, certified copies of which shall be enclosed. (iii) Tender submitted on behalf of companies registered with the Indian Companies Act, for the time being in force, shall be signed by persons duly authorized to submit the Tender on behalf of the Company and shall be accompanied by certified true copies of the resolutions, extracts of Articles of Association, special or general Power of Attorney etc. to show clearly the title, authority and designation of persons signing the Tender on behalf of the Company. (iv) All the three parts shall be submitted in three separate sealed envelopes and these envelopes shall be properly superscribed as Part-I "Earnest Money Deposit", Part-II "Commercial Bid and Technical Bid" and Part-III "Price Bid". Each envelope shall also be superscribed with name of item and T.S. No. for which the tender is submitted, the name of the said bidder and the date of opening, as advertised. The tender i.e. the three parts shall be submitted each in duplicate. (v) The above three envelopes duly sealed are to be kept again in one envelope called main envelope and sealed. This envelope should be properly superscribed stating that this envelope contains three separate envelopes for Part-I "EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT", Part-II "COMMERCIAL AND TECHNICAL BID" and Part-III "PRICE BID", in addition to tender specification No., Name of Item & bidder. Details of : 5: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Earnest Money Deposit and Due date of opening should be superscribed on this common envelope also. Beside this, it shall be certified on the main envelope itself that Discom-EZ’s PAYMENT TERMS, PENALTY, SECURITY DEPOSIT and PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE & PRICE VARIATION (WHEREVER APPLICABLE) CLAUSES, as mentioned in tender specification, are acceptable to the bidder. This certification shall be in the following manner:TENDER SPECIFICATION NO. ________DUE FOR OPENING ON __________ FOR PROCUREMENT OF ______________________________________________ THIS ENVELOPE CONTAINS 3 SEPARATE ENVELOPES FOR:i) PART-I : "EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT" ii) PART-II : "COMMERCIAL AND TECHNICAL BID" iii) PART-III : "PRICE BID" TO, THE CHIEF GENERAL MANAGER (PURCHASE) M.P. POORVA KSHETRA VIDYUT VITRAN Co. Ltd. BLOCK NO. 8, 3 rd Floor SHAKTI BHAWAN, RAMPUR, JABALPUR (MP) 482 008 IT IS CERTIFIED THAT WE AGREE THE FOLLOWING CLAUSES OF TENDER SPECIFICATION:(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) PAYMENT TERMS SECURITY DEPOSIT PENALTY PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE : : : : AGREED AGREED AGREED AGREED (v) SIGNATURE OF TENDERER STATUS & COMPANY’S SEAL Even after certification on the body of the main envelope, if any ambiguity is found upon opening of the main envelope or after opening of the Price Bid, the offer shall be liable for rejection. 24. DATE AND TIME OF OPENING OF BIDS - CHANGES Tender shall be opened on the due date and time as notified in the presence of the bidders or their authorized representatives who may be present. If the due date of opening/ submission of tender documents are declared a holiday by the Central/ State Government or Local Administration, it will automatically get shifted to the next working day, for which no prior intimation shall be given. The tender opening shall be continued on subsequent days, in case the opening of all the tenders is not completed on the day of opening. It may please be noted that the due date/ time of opening can be altered, extended, if felt necessary by the purchaser, without assigning any reason thereof. However, due intimation shall be communicated in such a case. 25. OPENING OF E.M.D. & COMMERCIAL AND TECHNICAL BID The first envelope of Earnest Money Deposit shall be opened on the due date and time, as notified in the Notice Inviting Tenders. The requirement for EMD shall be verified and : 6: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) thereafter, the second part, i.e. the Commercial & Technical Bid, shall be opened on the same date in respect of eligible bidders. 26. OPENING OF PRICE BID Opening of price bid along with first two parts of the offer on the same date:The offers which are in conformity with important commercial terms and conditions including Payment terms, Penalty, Security deposit and Performance guarantee clause & Technical specifications of Tender specification shall be eligible for opening of their Price Bid. OR Opening of Price Bid on subsequent date:(a) After opening of first two parts (i.e. Part-I and Part-II), the deviations from the Discom-EZ terms & conditions, if any, proposed by the bidder in regard to Commercial and technical Bid, as per prescribed schedules, given along with the tender documents, shall be notified and clarifications, if required by Discom-EZ, shall be submitted by the bidders, either at the time of scrutiny of tender or within the time prescribed. (b) As a result of discussions and clarifications obtained in writing on Commercial & technical matter, the bidder shall be free to indicate the effect of such changes on their prices and submit a sealed "Supplementary Price Bid", within the specified time to take care of any deviations/alterations on account of changes in Commercial & Technical matters. (c) The bidder shall not be allowed to change their original price bids. In case deviations and clarification on Commercial and Technical matters are not submitted by the bidder within the time prescribed by the Discom-EZ then the Discom-EZ reserves the right to refuse to open the original price bids Part-III. Thus, the bidder should ensure that their tender is strictly in conformity with the specifications. (d) It is, therefore, necessary for the bidder, in his own interest to submit a "Supplementary Price Bid" in the sealed cover stating that in spite of clarifications, he does not want to revise his original Bid. This will avoid confusions/ misinterpretations. Otherwise, failing which, Discom-EZ`s decision, shall stand as binding. (e) The date of opening of "Part-III i.e. PRICE BIDS" shall be notified to the bidders, whose bids are found to be commercially & technically acceptable. (f) The decision of the Discom-EZ in this respect shall be final and acceptable to the bidder. 27. CANVASSING OF BIDS Tenders shall be deemed to be under consideration, after opening of tender/ bid, till placement of order. During this period, the bidders or their authorized representatives or other interested parties are advised strongly, in their own interest, to refrain from contacting by any means any of the Discom-EZ’s personnel or Representative, on matters relating to tender under process. 28. VALIDITY OF BIDS The offers shall be valid for 180 days. Validity of the offer shall be counted from the date of opening of bids. Those who do not agree for a validity of 180 days will do so at their own risk and their offers are liable to be rejected. : 7: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 29. AUTHORISATION/LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE Only authorized representative, possessing necessary authority letter from the bidder who have participated in the tender shall be allowed to attend the tender opening. 30. ACCEPTANCE OF TENDER i) The Discom-EZ may reject any or all tenders or to accept any tender considering advantageous to Discom-EZ whether it is the lowest offer or not. ii) The Discom-EZ may split the quantities against the tender on more than one bidder for the same item. The Discom-EZ shall assign no reasons for this and the same will be binding on the bidders. 31. CHANGE OF QUANTITY The quantity indicated the Schedule-I is tentative and purchaser reserves the right to vary the quantities of any or all items as specified in the technical specification/schedules as may be necessary, based on Purchaser's judgment and vendor rating (wherever carried out). No correspondence shall be entered into, neither discussed regarding quantity variation, nor any reason will be assigned thereof. 32. POOL RATES The bidders are advised to quote their own individual rates. It may please be noted that if more than one bidder quotes the same rate, suggestive of a cartel, then such offers may not be considered by the Discom-EZ. It may also please be noted that the competitive rate quoted by each bidder may be one of the main criteria for quantity to be ordered on each successful bidders. Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur : 8: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) ANNEXURE-II GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE 1. PRICES AND STATUTORY LEVIES 1.1 ORDERS / RATE CONTRACT AWARDS The prices for above category shall be FIRM / VARIABLE as the case may be:- A. (i) (B) FIRM PRICES Wherever asked for FIRM & on FOR destination basis, prices should be inclusive of all taxes and duties (Any where in Poorv Kshetra) prices are quoted. However, break up of following elements may be indicated:(a) Unit Ex-works/Ex-godown rate including packing and forwarding. (b) Excise Duty applicable on Ex-works price as on date of Bid. (c) Sales Tax : - C.S.T./ M.P. Commercial Tax (d) Freight charges (e) Any other levy/taxes. (f) In case of exemption from excise duty/or sales tax, documentary evidence shall be furnished with the offer. (g) The prices shall be quoted exactly as per the price schedule enclosed with the tender specification, indicating all elements clearly. In absence of this, the offer shall be liable for rejection. (h) No revision on any account shall be allowed during execution of the order. VARIABLE PRICES & P.V CLAIMS (i) Wherever asked for, the prices shall be VARIABLE in accordance to P.V Formula attached with the tender document. (ii) In such cases, the payment of statutory levies i.e. sales tax, Excise duty against the contract shall be paid on the basis of rates prevailing during the contractual delivery period only against documentary evidences. Sales tax/Commercial tax and Excise duty shall not be paid on freight elements in any case. (iii) In case supplies against contracts are effected late i.e. beyond contractual delivery period and rate of excise duty/sales tax undergoes upward revision, the payment will continue to be made only on the basis of rates prevailing during the contractual delivery period. However, in case the rate of statutory levy(ies) undergoes downward revision then the delayed supply beyond contractual deliver period will attract reduced rate of statutory levy(ies). (iv) In case of delay in supply, if the supplier is able to prove that the delay involved is due to force Majeure conditions as detailed in the force Majeure clause, supported with suitable documentary proofs and in case the delay is condoned with specific approval for payment of statutory levies during extended period, supplementary claims for sales tax/excise duty shall be accepted and payment shall be released accordingly. : 9: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur (v) (vi) (vii) 2. TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Pending decision on the request of the supplier for condonation of the delay in delivery, the supplier will claim excise duty/sales tax as per the rates prevailing during the contractual delivery period. In case this is not done, all financial losses will be to supplier’s accounts. While claiming the P.V., the suppliers shall furnish the relevant circulars/price indices. The claims towards Price Variation if any, shall be submitted directly to paying authorities along with the relevant indices and other required documents. For the purpose of calculation of PV the date of offer shall be the date on which the equipment is notified to be ready for inspection, if the material is passed in inspection. TRANSIT RISK (a) Responsibility regarding covering of risks during transit of material shall entirely be on the supplier. The Discom-EZ shall, in any case, not bear the transit risks/ transit insurance charges. (b) Transit damages/ shortages/ losses shall be reported by the consignees within 30 days from the receipt of the consignments. Such damages/shortages/losses shall be repaired/ replaced by the suppliers, free of cost within one month from the date of intimation by the consignee without awaiting for his settlement from carrier or Insurance Discom-EZ etc. If the supplier fails to do so the consignee(s) shall be free to get the repair work done from other sources and they shall be free to recover the cost of such material/ expenses of repairs either from the supplier’s balance bills or from the security deposit as deemed fit. (c) While the necessary assistance shall be rendered by the consignee in lodging and processing the claims with carriers and the supplier's insurance underwriters, the responsibility shall rest with the supplier to immediately make good the shortages/ losses/ damages, without any extra cost and without waiting for the settlement of the claim. (d) Replacement of goods lost/ broken or damaged including loss due to fire:- Notwithstanding anything here-in contained, the supplier shall undertake responsibility for the safe arrival of the material in good condition and without any loss or damage at the final destination and until the same is actually delivered to/ received by the Discom-EZ at its stores or other places of final destination. For this purpose, material carried by Railway or Road transport or other carriers shall be deemed to be so carried at the risk of the suppliers. In the case of transport damages/shortages, the payment shall be made only for the quantity received in good and working condition and consignee shall lodge claim with the suppliers/ carrier with all necessary documents for settlements of the same with the carriers at supplier's end. 3. PACKING AND FORWARDING (a) The supplier shall be responsible for the Stores being sufficiently and properly packed at his expense for transport by rail, road or sea, so as to ensure them being free from loss/damage due to handling and transport to the destination. (b) Each package shall be prominently and distinctly marked on at least two faces, indicating the full address of the consignee, destination station, name of material, purchaser’s order number, weight and volume of the package etc. (c) Each package shall contain in a water proof cover, detailed description indicating the order reference and date and list of the contents. Each item contained in the package or box shall be described sufficiently to enable easy identification. The quantity, weight etc. shall also be given. : 10: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) (d) The packing shall conform to the specification, rules and regulations prescribed by the underwriters, railways, Transport Agencies. In case of any loss/damage to the consignment due to non-standard packing, the same shall be made good free of all charges to Purchaser by the supplier. All provisions of this clause shall apply whether the disrupting cause is total oar partial in its effects upon the ability of supplier to perform. 4. MODE OF DISPATCH The bidder should clearly indicate mode of dispatch for the material. In case of dispatch through rail, the material is to be booked for respective destination railway station. In case of dispatch through road transport, the material should be dispatched through bank approved road transporter on door delivery basis only. 5. SUBMISSION OF DRAWING AND LITERATURE All the relevant drawings shall be submitted immediately after placement of order for approval. One set of drawing, Descriptive Literature and instructions Manual for Erection, Commissioning and maintenance of the equipments ordered, shall be supplied to each consignee. 6. i) ii) INSPECTION AND TEST CERTIFICATE Each lot of offered material shall be inspected by the Disco-EZ's inspecting officer before despatch. The supplier shall extend all reasonable and necessary testing help to the inspecting officer of the Discom-EZ to carry out testing of material at his works. An intimation about the date, by which material shall be ready for inspection, indicating quantity, be given to. Order Placing Authority, by the supplier, so as to reach him sufficiently in advance, failing which, the suppliers shall be responsible for delay in delivery on account of inspection. On receipt of such intimation, the material shall be inspected normally within 15 days. iii) The supplier shall not despatch the material unless specific despatch instructions are issued by the Purchase Section of Discom-EZ or any other authorized officer of the Board/Company. iv) In case the inspector deputed for inspection does not find the offered lot ready, the Discom-EZ reserves the right to recover from the supplier, such charges as may have been incurred towards arranging such inspection. These charges have been mentioned in clause 8 below. 7. RIGHT TO CARRYOUT THE INSPECTION DURING MANUFACTURING i) The Discom-EZ, at its option, will inspect the material on order during its process of manufacturing including the inspection of raw material and will request the supplier to carry out such tests as may be necessary to ensure proper quality check. Samples of components of the material shall be subjected to quality check by the inspecting officer during manufacturing. In the event of stage inspection, if any discrepancy is noticed, the supplier shall be given immediate notice to suspend further manufacturing until corrective measures are taken and the process cleared. : 11: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) ii) FACTORY INSPECTION :The factory inspection of the bidders, who have not executed any order of MPSEB, may be carried out before placing detailed order or during pendency of the order, the factory inspection may be conducted by Discom-EZ’s authorized officers as and when felt necessary for ensuring production of quality material. iii) The supplier shall extend all reasonable and necessary assistance to the inspecting officer of the Discom-EZ to carry-out testing of equipment/ material at his works. 8. FAKE INSPECTION CALL All such firms, who after giving inspection call, do not offer materials to Inspecting Officer for inspection due to one or the other reasons, shall be required to remit a sum of Rs. 5,000/- per officer. 9. DELIVERY (i) Normally, supply shall be commenced within ____ month from the date of receipt of order and to be completed in four quarterly installments. Wherever the quantity is small, the delivery may be changed accordingly. (ii) 7 days postal time shall be allowed for receipt of order. (iii) Offer shall be made by the bidder indicating date of readiness of material therein else the date of receipt of offer in the office of the order placing authority shall be considered as the date of readiness of material. (iv) The date of readiness of material notified in the offer for pre-despatch inspection shall be considered as the date of delivery subject to condition that the offer alongwith the Routine Test Certificates is received in the office of order placing authority within the terminal date of scheduled delivery and the material is delivered at Area Store within 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) of issue of despatch instruction. In case the last date of terminal delivery schedule falls on holiday(s) the next working day / date shall be considered as the terminal date of scheduled delivery period. (v) (a) The material should be delivered to the consignees within 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) of issue of dispatch instructions. In case, the last day (i.e. the 21st day) falls on holiday(s) or is declared a holiday, the delivery will be accepted on the next working day without levy of penalty. (b) In case material is not delivered within 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) from the date of issue of despatch instructions even though the delivery period exists, penalty as per Penalty Clause of the tender/order shall be reckoned/recoverable from the date of readiness of material notified in the offer and the period of 21 days allowed for despatch shall not be permitted and shall be taken into account for calculation of penalty. (vi) Offers along with Routine Test Certificate may be sent through e-mail / fax. The MPPKVVCL Jabalpur shall not be responsible for any delay in receipt of inspection offer by ordinary/registered post. (vii) In case of delay in testing of material at NABL lab, the delivery of next lot(s) shall be re-scheduled by CGM(Purchase), if required. : 12: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur (viii) TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Deferment of deliveries: - MPPKVVCL reserves the right to defer the supplies or reschedule the delivery of the orders, if required. The intimation shall be given in writing. The price variation shall be given for quantities deferred along with any change in excise duty, CST/VAT and any other statutory levies. (ix) Price Variation:Where ever required price variation shall be payable as under:(i) In case the offer is made within the schedule/contractual delivery period (Including early delivery), the price variation shall be payable on the basis of date of readiness of material notified in the offer or contractual delivery period, whichever is lower. (ii) In case the material is delivered beyond 21 days (including the date of issue of DI) of issue of DI or the offer is made beyond the scheduled / contractual delivery period, the price variation shall be payable on the basis of date of readiness of material notified in the offer / contractual delivery period/actual date of delivery, whichever is lower. 10. FORCE MAJEURE Force majeure condition is herein defined as:(a) Natural phenomena, such as floods, draughts, earth-quakes and epidemics. (b) Act of any Government Authority, domestic or foreign, such as war, quarantines, embargoes, licensing control or production or distribution restrictions. (c) Accident and disruptions such as fires, explosions, increase in power cut with respect to date of tender opening, break-down of essential machinery or equipments etc. (d) Strikes, slow down, lockouts continuing for more than three (3) weeks. (e) Failure or delay in the supplier's source of supply due to force majeure causes enumerated at (a) to (d) above, provided the supplier produces documentary evidence to show that there were no other alternative sources of supply available to him or if available, the lead time required was likely to be longer than the duration of the Force Majeure at the normal source of supply. (f) Any cause which is beyond the reasonable control of the supplier or purchaser as the case may be. All the provisions of this clause shall apply whether the disrupting cause is total or partial in its effect upon the ability of the supplier to perform. NOTE:- The cause of force majeure condition will be taken into consideration only if the supplier within 15 days from the occurrence of such delay notifies. The Discom-EZ shall verify the facts and grant such extension as the facts justify. For extension of delivery period on account of force majeure conditions, the supplier shall submit his representation with documentary evidence for scrutiny by the purchaser and decision of the Discom-EZ shall be binding on the firm. 11 TERMS OF PAYMENT 11.1 Subject to completion of all contractual formalities, 100% payment along with excise duty and taxes corresponding to the consignment would generally be made within 45 days from the date of receipt of material at Area Stores in good condition against MATERIAL RECEIPT CERTIFICATE (M.R.C.) issued by the consignee. The conditional MRC shall : 13: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) be issued by the consignee store on receipt of material at stores. After successful testing of the randomly selected item / material, the clearance for payment shall be issued by the CGM(Stores), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur. The Discom-EZ shall not be liable for payment of any interest on delayed payment. The supplier shall forward the original RR/MTR and Excise gate pass directly to consignee along with copies of following documents :i) ii) iii) iv) iv) A copy of bill Delivery Challan Original copy of excise duty gate pass (wherever applicable) along with a photocopy The inspection and/ or T.C. approval Detailed packing list, if required. 11.2 The original bills should be forwarded to the paying authority and should be marked "ORIGINAL". The bill should indicate Sales Tax Registration Number and date allotted to him under Sales Tax Act. 11.3 The following documents will have to be forwarded to the paying authority along with bills in triplicate :i) Bill/ Invoice. ii) Xerox copy of despatch documents i.e. RR/ MTR etc. iii) Dispatch clearance/instructions. iv) Photo-copy of Excise Duty gate pass (wherever applicable). 11.4 For payment, the invoice in triplicate with relevant documents such as Material Receipt in good condition etc. should be submitted to the Dy. Director (Bills-EZ), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur for value more than Rs. 2.50 Lacs. The bills valued upto Rs. 2.50 Lacs, should be submitted to concerned R. A. O.(JC) The Material Receipt Certificate will be forwarded by the consignee to the paying authority for payment, as well as to the suppliers towards acknowledgement of receipt of material including part consignment to the extent it is received in good condition and is serviceable. The Company will make above payment directly in the Account of suppliers. Company is having its Account in S.B.I., Nayagaon Br., Jabalpur. To make payment directly through Bank, the bidders are requested to furnish following information in respect of their Bank Account:(a) Name of Bank and Branch address. (b) Their Bank Account Number. (c) IFS code of the Branch for RTGS transfer. 11.5 11.6 11.7 Charges required by Bank in this regard will be debited to suppliers’/contractors’ Account. Net payment after deduction of charges required by the Bank shall be released in favour of suppliers. 12. PENALTY The time for and the date of delivery of the material stipulated in the order shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. In case of delay in supply of material beyond delivery schedule stipulated in the order or non-execution of the order, the MPPKVVCL at its option shall recover from the supplier as agreed towards liquidated damages @ 0.5% of Ex-works price of any stores not delivered per week or part thereof subject to maximum of 10%. : 14: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 13. 13.1 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE If during the course of 18 months subsequent to the date of receipt of consignment or 12 months from the date of commissioning whichever is earlier (wherever applicable) any of the goods found to be defective in materials or workmanship or develops defects during service, they will have to be replaced by the supplier, free of all charges. All necessary arrangements on these accounts will be made by the supplier. 13.2 The said material if required to be replaced, shall be collected by the supplier/ firm from Area Stores/ work site at their own cost and at their own responsibility. These materials will like-wise be returned duly repaired/ replaced and tested subsequently by the supplier to the destination indicated on “FREIGHT PAID BASIS” at their cost in a reasonable time of 30 days from the date of intimation. The guarantee period as stipulated in clause 13.1 above shall also be applicable for repaired/replaced material, which shall however be counted afresh from the date of its delivery in our stores/site. 13.3 Further, it is clarified that all the charges towards carrying out repairs including packing, forwarding, loading, unloading shall be borne by the supplier. The amount deposited under security deposit clause shall also cover the performance guarantee of the material. 13.4 All equipment/ line materials reported failed within the specified guarantee period may be replaced free of cost by the supplier/ Manufacturer/Printer/Printer concerned. 13.5 Actual cost of dismantling and replacement of these equipments/ materials with the new ones may be charged to the supplier’s account. 13.6 To and fro transportation cost of such failed equipment may also be borne by the supplier/ contractor. 13.7 In the event of the supplier’s inability to adhere to the aforesaid provisions, suitable penal action will be taken against them, which may interalia include blacklisting of the firm for future business with the Discom-EZ for a certain period. 14. 14.1 SECURITY DEPOSIT On acceptance of offer, the supplier will have to deposit an amount of 10% of the total value of the order in cash or Demand Draft or Bank Guarantee as Security Deposit. 14.2 Cash to be deposited with office of Sr. Accounts officer (JC), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur and original receipt produced to this office shall be returned after conveying the acceptance of Security Deposit. 14.3 Demand Draft to be drawn in favour of Sr. Accounts officer (JC), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur drawn on any nationalized/scheduled Bank and payable at Jabalpur. 14.4 Bank Guarantee in lieu of cash deposit on any nationalized/ scheduled bank strictly as per Board/Company's/Board’s proforma (to be supplied along with the order) valid sufficiently to cover the guarantee period. 14.5 All SSI Units registered with Industries Department of MP shall be required to pay Security Deposit for only 5% (five percent) value of the order, subject to maximum of Rs.20,000/- in cash or DD. This concession is for such SSI Units of M.P. who are doing business up to Rs.50 Lacs annually only. : 15: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) 14.6 The Security Deposit shall have to be deposited within 30 days of issue of order. 14.7 The Discom-EZ shall forfeit the security deposit in the event of non-execution/ part execution of the orders/poor performance of supplier/contractor besides invoking the Penalty Clauses. 14.8 The Security deposit shall be returned to the successful bidder only after due and faithful performance of the order as per terms and conditions of the order and on expiry of guarantee period provided there are no claims outstanding to be recovered against the bidders/ suppliers. 14.9 No interest shall be paid by the Discom-EZ on security deposit furnished by the suppliers. 15. COMPLETENESS OF EQUIPMENTS The equipment/material shall be completed in every respect with all minor fittings and accessories, even though these may not be specifically mentioned in the purchaser’s specifications or the tender’s offer. The supplier shall not be eligible for any extra price in respect of such minor fitting and accessories which can be considered as an essential part of the basic equipment even though not specifically mentioned in the specification or in the offer. 16. EXTENSION ORDER The Discom-EZ reserves right to place an extension order for any additional quantity to the extent of 100% quantity of the original order on the same rates, terms and conditions within Six Months from the date of order. 17. DESIGN AND INTER-CHANGEABILITY All similar material and removable parts of similar equipments shall be uniform and interchangeable with each other. 18. TESTING FACILITY & TESTS TO BE CONDUCTED The bidder must give their production capacity, all about testing lab. and line testing facilities available with them in details for the tendered material. The bidder should also give the details of Tests proposed to be conducted in their labs in the event of order, with details of Indian Standard Specifications/codes. 19. MATERIAL TEST CERTIFICATE Each item of the lot should be tested by the supplier and routine test certificate in duplicate giving the result of all tests prescribed in the relevant ISS (as mentioned in the Technical Specification Schedule) for ordered items shall be submitted to the office of the Order placing Authority for approval along with the letter/ offer for inspection of the material. Please note that each lot will be inspected at your works, which includes witnessing of all tests prescribed in ISS. 20. TYPE TEST CERTIFICATES Wherever applicable or called for photocopies of type test certificates from the Govt. Standard Test Laboratories in India or from Laboratories of International repute duly attested by "Competent Testing Authority" should be submitted. : 16: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Type test reports/ certificates for the tests conducted as per latest applicable ISS on the tendered item/ material shall not be older than 5 years on the date of opening of technical/ commercial bid. 21. RECOVERIES FOR LIABILITIES AGAINST OTHER CONTRACTS All amount recoverable from the successful bidders against earlier contracts including orders on sister concern with the Discom-EZ will be adjusted from payment due against the contract that may be awarded under this specification. 22. ROYALITIES AND PATENTS All royalties for patents or any charges for usage or infringement thereof that may be involved in the supply shall be included in the offered price and the supplier shall protect Purchaser against any claim thereof. Supplier is fully responsible for such contractual dealing and purchaser shall not be called upon to bear any such charges. 23. COMPLIANCE OF REGULATIONS The supplier shall warranty that all Goods covered under procurement, shall have been produced, sold, despatched, delivered, tested, in strict compliance with all applicable Rules, Regulations including Industries (Development and Regulations) Act 1951 and any amendment there under, labour agreements, working conditions and technical codes and requirements, as applicable from time to time. The supplier should execute and deliver such documents, as may be needed, by the purchaser in evidence of compliance. All laws, Rules and Regulations are required to be incorporated in this reference. Any liability arising out of contravention of any of the laws shall be the sole responsibility of the vendor and the purchaser shall not be responsible in any manner whatsoever. 24. 24.1 CANCELLATION OF ORDER The Discom-EZ may upon written notice of default, terminate contract in the circumstances detailed hereunder:a) If in the opinion of the Board/Discom, the supplier fails to deliver the material within the time specified or during the period for which extension has been granted by the Board/Company. b) If in the opinion of the Board/Discom, the supplier fails to comply with any of the other provisions of this contract or material is found not in accordance with prescribed specifications and or the approved samples. c) If as a result of stage inspection, it is revealed that material and/ or, workmanship is substandard which is likely to affect the performance of the finished product, a notice would be served by the Discom-EZ to the supplier to suspend further activities and to take urgent steps towards corrective measures, failing which the entire order would be cancelled. 24.2 In the event of such termination, the Board/Discom shall exercise its discretionary power as :a) To recover from the supplier the agreed liquidated damages as approved in the Clause No.12 above. : 17: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur b) c) 24.3 24.4 TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) OR To purchase from elsewhere after giving due notice to the supplier on account and at the risk of the contractor such stores/ material not so delivered or others of similar description in respect of consignment not yet delivered. OR To cancel the contract reserving Discom-EZ’s right to recover damages. In pursuance to clause no. 24.1 & 24.2 above, M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd. shall exercise its discretionary power to back-list/debar the supplier/contractor for further business with M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd. for a declared period on breach of the contract. Notwithstanding that the powers under clause (24.2a, b & c) referred to above, are in addition to the rights and remedy available to the Board/ Discom under the general law of India relating to Contract. 24.5 In the event of risk purchase of stores of similar description, the opinion of the Board/ Discom shall be final. In the event of action taken under clause 24.2(a) or (b) above, the supplier shall be liable to pay for any loss, which the Discom-EZ may sustain on that account but the supplier shall not be entitled to any saving on such purchases made against the default. 24.6 The decision of the Discom-EZ shall be final regarding the acceptability of the stores supplied by supplier and the Discom-EZ shall not be required to give any reason in writing or otherwise at any time for the rejection of the stores/ material. 24.7 In the event, Discom-EZ does not terminate the order as provided in clause 24.1 & 24.2 above, the supplier shall continue execution of this order, in which case he shall be liable to the Discom-EZ for liquidated damages for the delay as per clause 12 until supplies are accepted. 25. REDUCTION OF RATE DUE TO SUBSEQUENT TNEDER As a result of opening of the subsequent tender, if the rates received are found to be lower, then the pending supply against order shall be accepted at the lower rates. 26. ARBITRATION If, at any time, any question, dispute or difference, whatsoever shall arise between the purchaser and the supplier, upon, or in relation to or in connection with the Contract, either party may forthwith give to the other, notice in writing of the existence of such question, dispute or difference, and the same shall be referred to the adjudication of two arbitrators, one to be nominated by the Purchaser and the other to be nominated by the Supplier or in the case of said arbitrators not agreeing, then to the adjudication of the Umpire to be appointed by the arbitrators, whose decision shall be final and binding on the parties and the provisions of the Indian Arbitration and Conciliation Act-1996 and of the rules there under and any statutory modification thereof shall be deemed to apply. The arbitrators or the Umpire, as the case may be, are bound to give a detailed speaking award assigning reasons for the findings. Supplies under the Contract shall be continued by the supplier during the arbitration proceedings, unless otherwise, directed in writing by the Purchaser or unless the matter is such that the work cannot possibly be continued until the decision of the arbitrators or of the Umpire, as the case may be, is issued. : 18: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur 27. TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) JURISDICTION Any dispute or difference, arising under, out of, or in connection with this tender/ contract order shall be subject to exclusive jurisdiction of competent court at Jabalpur only. 28. RANDOM TESTING- 28.1 Inspection of material before despatch or waiver of inspection will not relieve the supplier from his responsibility to supply the material strictly in accordance with the specification. The Discom-EZ shall have option to test the samples selected at random from the supplies affected and subject it to routine/ type test as per relevant ISS and Technical specifications. 28.2 In case, the samples fail to withstand the required test, the entire lot will be liable to be rejected (i.e. unused material so supplied) and the supplier will have to refund the amount paid, including all taxes and duties, as well as the test charges thereof, after inspection. Such quantities or rejected material as identified, shall be removed by the supplier and replaced in full at his own cost. Company will not be responsible for levy of taxes on such rejected material and deduction shall be in totality. 28.3 In case of random checking of the supplies, if any deviation is noticed, a notice shall be given to the supplier, who shall arrange to depute his representative within 15 days for joint inspection. If during joint inspection any deviation is observed and material supplied is found not conforming to standards laid down in the relevant ISS, the Company reserves the right to impose any appropriate penalty for full quantity of material supplied against the order. The decision of the Company in this respect shall be final and binding on the supplier. 29. VARIATION IN THE ORDERED QUANTITY A tolerance in the ordered quantity will be allowed to the extent of ± 2% (plus minus two percent) and not for each consignment. MRCs shall be issued for actual receipt of quantity only. 30. SUBMISSION OF DESPATCH DETAILS On completion of supplies, a statement showing details of offer and supplies made shall be furnished to this office promptly i.e. in first week of following month in following proforma:S.No. Particulars Page 1 Qty. offered Date of offer Date of D.I. Page 2 Qty. for which D.I. is given Bill No. & Date Qty. Supplied Name of Consignee Page 3 Liability intimated by consignee Details of remittance of liability : 19: Addl. information, if any Remarks CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Similar information for supplies made during each month shall be submitted by the first week of subsequent month. 31. CORRESPONDANCE:Copies of all important correspondence on subject should be sent to Dy. Director (BillsEZ), MPPKVVCL Jabalpur, the concerned consignee, Sr. Accounts Officer/Regional Accounts Officer and to this office. A copy of each invoice may also be sent to the CGM(Stores), MPPKVVCL, Rampur, Jabalpur. In addition to the above, one statement showing the details of dispatches made should be submitted to this office after completion of order. 32. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS The climatic conditions where equipment is intended for installation could be taken as under:45oC 4oC 95 % (The humidity some time approaches saturation point) (iv) Minimum relative humidity 10 % (v) Average number of dust-storm days per annum 40 days (vi) Average number of rainy days per annum 90 days (vii) Number of months of tropical monsoon conditions 3 months per annum (viii) Average annual rainfall 1250 mm (ix) Maximum wind pressure 150 Kg / Sq. mm (x) Altitude not exceeding 1000 metres (The limit of ambient temperature shall be 45oC peak and 35oC average over a period of 24 hours) (i) (ii) (iii) Maximum temperature of air in shed Minimum temperature of air in shed Maximum relative humidity In view reform process, the designations of various authorities mentioned in this tender document at many places viz. Sr. AO(Bills), RAO(CAU) etc. are subject to change. These shall be intimated as & when required. Chief General Manager (Purchase) M.P.P.K.V.V.Co.Ltd., Jabalpur : 20: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) ANNEXURE-IV LIST OF CONSIGNEE AREA STORES & SENIOR / REGIONAL ACCOUNTS OFFICERS (For the items other than General stationery/General printed stationery/Drawing Articles etc.) S.No. Name of Consignee 1 Addl.S.E./ E.E.(Stores) Area Store, MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur -doSagar -doSatna -doChhatarpur -doChhindwara 2 3 4 5 Name of Station to which Materials are to be despatched, if by Railway. Jabalpur (W-C.R.) Concerned Sr.AO / R.A.O. MPPKVVCL Jabalpur Sagar (W-C.R.) Satna (W-C.R.) Harpalpur (W-C.R.) Chhindwara (S.E.R.) Sagar Rewa Chhatarpur Chhindwara ANNEXURE-V LIST OF SCHEDULED BANKS S.No. 1 Name of R.A.O. / Sr.A.O JABALPUR 2 SAGAR 3 4 CHHINDWARA REWA 5 CHHATARPUR Name of Bank (i) State Bank of India, Nayagaon Branch (ii) State Bank of India (iii) MP State Co-operative Bank (iv) Punjab National Bank. (i) Bank of India (ii) State Bank of India (i) State Bank of India (i) State Bank of India (ii) Punjab National Bank. (iii) Allahabad Bank (i) State Bank of India. : 21: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE - IV SCHEDULE OF QUESTIONNAIRE PART “A”: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. 3. 4. 5. (TO BE KEPT IN THE ENVELOPE PART-II, (COMMERCIAL/TECHICAL BID)” (i) Strike off, whichever is not applicable. (ii) Separate sheets should be used, wherever necessary. Name & Address of the firm/Company etc (a) Registered office (b) Factory/ works address (c) Telegraphic address Office ------------- Works ---------(d) Telephone Nos. Office ------------- Works ---------(e) Fax Nos. Office ------------- Works ---------(f) Email 2. Confirm whether bidder is a Manufacturer Yes / No. Only Manufacturer to give following Particulars (a) Address of factory (b) Year of starting manufacture (c ) Whether same / similar materials Manufactured / printed earlier, (if yes, give reference (d) Yearly/monthly production Capacity (e) Maximum yearly production achieved so far Whether the firm is an MP SSI Unit Yes / No (a) If yes, write registration No. (b) Whether documentary evidence regarding registration enclosed (c ) Items of registration (d) Period of Registration (e) Furnish latest copy of competency certificate Yes/ No (a) Whether the bidder is old participant with Yes/ No MPSEB or its successor companies (b) If yes, whether document evidence enclosed. 6. Any other information that bidder If yes, If yes, give details may like to give whether document evidence enclosed. in order to highlight his bid PLACE: DATE SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL : 22: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE - IV PART “B”: COMMERCIAL INFORMATION (TO BE KEPT IN THE ENVELOPE PART-II, (COMMERCIAL/TECHICAL BID)” (i) Strike off, whichever is not applicable. (ii) Separate sheets should be used, wherever necessary. 1. i Earnest Money details ii (a) Amount of EMD (b) Particulars/details iii If exempted, state whether the bidder is 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. iv Whether reference of documentary evidence regarding exemption enclosed. Whether the offer is valid for 180 days from the date of opening of commercial / technical bid State whether the quoted prices are Firm/ Variable Mode of despatch DISCOUNT:Whether any rebate/ discount is offered & percentage. Remarks:-Please note that the offered discount/ rebate shall be un-conditional only. If conditional rebate/discount is offered, then the same shall be treated as unconditional. PAYMENT TERMS Whether Discom-EZ’s terms of payment is acceptable to the tenderer. DELIVERY PERIOD Whether agreeable to Discom-EZ’s Delivery Clause. PENALTY CLAUSE : 23: Bank draft/ Bankers cheque in favour of Sr Account Officer (JC), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur / Cash with the office of Sr Account Officer (JC), MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur Rs. SSI Unit of M.P./ Small Scale unit registered with NSIC/ Fully owned State/ Central Govt. Unit. Yes/ No Yes/ No (If no, state validity period). By Rail/By Road Yes/No Yes/ No Yes/ No CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Whether agreeable to Discom-EZ’s penalty clause. 9. GUARANTEE PERIOD Whether agreeable to Discom-EZ’s guarantee clause. 10. SECURITY DEPOSIT a Whether agreeable to furnish Security deposit @10% of value of order for satisfactory execution of the order and to cover guarantee period. 11. a. Indicate applicable rate of Excise Duty. b. Indicate applicable rate of VAT/CST. 12. EXTENSION ORDER Whether Discom-EZ’s terms of extension order is acceptable to the tenderer. 13. Whether rates offered are applicable for part quantities also. 14. Have you noted that you have quoted prices in the desired format 15. Please mention the quantity quoted in the Price Schedule (Rating & size-wise, if any). 16. Please furnish information in respect of firm’s Bank Account in support of payment term. (i) Name of Bank and Branch address. (ii) Firm’s Bank Account Number. (iii) IFS code of the Branch for RTGS transfer. PLACE: DATE Yes/ No Yes/ No Yes/No _____% _____% Yes/ No Yes/ No SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL : 24: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE - IV PART “C”: TECHNICAL INFORMATION (TO BE KEPT IN THE ENVELOPE PART-II, (COMMERCIAL/TECHICAL BID)” (i) Strike off, whichever is not applicable. (ii) Separate sheets should be used, wherever necessary. 1. i Whether material offered is exactly as per the technical specification. ii If not, give details of technical deviation (Information may be given in deviation schedule given with documents for this purpose. 2 Whether the list of orders received during last 5 years from other State Electricity Board/NTPC & from other organization for similar materials is furnished. 3. Whether the tender has furnished details of manufacturing equipments and short history of plant. 4. Whether pamphlets/technical details literature along with drawing etc. furnished with the offer 5. Whether the tender agrees to furnish material test certificates in respect of chemical composition and physical properties, wherever required, from Govt./ Govt. approved Lab. 6. Whether details of manufacturing process furnished with offer. 7. i. Whether all testing facilities are available. If so, give details and in case of non-availability of facilities indicate approved lab. available in surrounding areas where tests are proposed to be conducted. ii Whether you agree for inspection by Discom- Yes/No EZ’s representative prior to despatch and bear the testing charges for all tests as per relevant standard. 8. Please furnish/indicate the quality assurance programme/ plan of your product being followed in your works. PLACE: DATE SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL : 25: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) Undertaking / Declaration by the tenderer The following declaration/Undertaking must be submitted by all the bidders on non-judicial stamp paper worth Rs.100/- duly notarized (A) “Regarding Conflicting of Interest ” I ……………………… sole proprietor / partner / Director …………….. of M/s,…………………… under take that I am not interested as a proprietor and/or partner and/or ………… in any other party/firm, participated in tender No. -------- of Discom-EZ due for opening on ____/____/20___ for procurement of ------------------------. (B) “Regarding Black listing/Debarring of the firm ” We hereby undertake and submit the declaration that our firm/company is not debarred / black listed for future business with East Zone Company/MPSEB/other successor Companies formed after restructuring of MPSEB. In case, at any stage if the above declaration is found false or incorrect, the MPPKVVCL, Jabalpur shall be free to take any punitive / legal action against us, as may be deemed fit, which shall be acceptable / binding on us and the consequences shall be to our account. (C) “Regarding information/details given” I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Sole proprietor/ partner / Directors of M/s. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . is giving undertaking that details given are correct to the best of my knowledge and I agree to abide by all your tender/order terms and conditions. PLACE: SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL DATE : 26: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-V PART "A" SCHEDULE OF PAST EXPERIENCE Bidder's Name & Address: To, The Chief General Manager (Purchase), M.P.P.K.V.V. Co. Ltd., Block No. 8, Third Floor, Shakti Bhawan, JABALPUR. Dear Sir, Sub: - Performance/ past experience. We furnish herewith the record of our performance and experience of quoted items as follows:Sl. No. 1 Purchaser's Name and Address 2 Order Number and Date 3 PLACE: Ordered Quantity 4 Quantity supplied 5 Value of Order 6 SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL DATE Note: - Photocopy of the orders & performance reports received from other State Electricity Boards/ Govt. undertakings etc. should be enclosed. : - 27 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-V PART "B" SCHEDULE OF COMMERCIAL DEVIATIONS Bidder's Name & Address: To, The Chief General Manager (Purchase), M.P.P.K.V.V. Co. Ltd., Block No. 8, Third Floor, Shakti Bhawan, JABALPUR. Dear Sir, Sub: - Commercial Deviations. The commercial Deviations & variations to the specifications stipulated in the tender, for the item quoted are, as under:Sl. No. Condition Clause No. of tender document Page No. of Tender document 1 2 3 4 2. Statement of deviations and variations 5 Except aforesaid deviations, the entire order, if placed, on us shall be executed in accordance with your specifications and any other conditions, variations/deviations etc. if found, elsewhere in our offer should not be given any considerations while finalizing the tender. PLACE: DATE SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL Note: - Continuation sheet of like size & format may be used as per bidder's requirements and shall be annexed to this schedule. : - 28 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE-V PART "C" SCHEDULE OF TECHNICAL DEVIATIONS Bidder's Name & Address: To, The Chief General Manager (Purchase), M.P.P.K.V.V. Co. Ltd., Block No. 8, Third Floor, Shakti Bhawan, JABALPUR. Dear Sir, Sub: - Technical Deviations. The Technical Deviations & variations to the specifications stipulated in the tender, for the item quoted are, as under:Sl. No. Condition Clause No. of tender document Page No. of Tender document 1 2 3 4 2. Statement of deviations and variations 5 Except aforesaid deviations, the entire order, if placed, on us shall be executed in accordance with your specifications and any other conditions, variations/deviations etc. if found, elsewhere in our offer should not be given any considerations while finalizing the tender. PLACE: DATE SIGNATURE OF TENDERER NAME IN FULL DESIGNATION/ STATUS IN THE FIRM COMPANY SEAL Note: - Continuation sheet of like size & format may be used as per bidder's requirements and shall be annexed to this. : - 29 -: CGM(Purchase:EZ), Jabalpur TS.NO.523 (e-TS-09) SCHEDULE – VIII: CHECK LIST (TO BE KEPT IN THE ENVELOPE PART-B, “COMMERCIAL/TECHNICAL BID” & UPLOAD ONLINE ALSO) Sr.No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Check List Item Whether “Earnest Money Deposit” of specified amount is kept in a sealed envelope-A & the same is uploaded online. Whether NSIC/SSI /DIC Registration Certificate is attached Whether confirmation certificate proving bidder is a Manufacturer is attached Whether appropriate type test certificate is attached Whether P&L Accounts of last 3 year are enclosed Whether Balance Sheets of last 3 year are enclosed Whether Income Tax / Sales Tax / VAT Clearance Certificate ate is enclosed Whether duly signed “Tender Form” is attached with the bid Whether all schedules except schedule-I (Price bid) duly filled & signed with supporting document are enclosed Schedule I: Price bid is duly filled in and digitally signed by the signatory authority & uploaded online in envelope-C The schedule-VIII i.e. Check List submitted physically in envelope-B & uploaded online in envelope-B : - 30 -: Options Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Answer