(2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHECK – LIST Name of work: Planning, design, engineering, erection, testing, commissioning and civil construction works of 2 x 750 KW Khandi MHP in Suru block, Kargil. 1. Have you submitted the cost of tender document? Yes/ No 2. Have you submitted requisite Earnest money, in desired form? Yes/ No 3. Have you given the Bid and Price- Schedule in the Prescribed format? Yes/ No 4. Have you kept your offer valid for 120 days? Yes/ No 5. Have you furnished the Eligibility Document? Yes/ No 6. Have you submitted the banker’s report? Yes/ No 7. Have you furnished the specifications of equipment? Yes/ No 8. Have you furnished your PAN No, TIN No./ S.T certificate? Yes/ No 9. Any other information eg. list of engineering personal employed Detail of Equipment owned etc. KREDA Yes/ No 1 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER – I TURNKEY EXECUTION OF KHANDI (2X750 KW) SHP SCOPE OF WORKS The scope comprises of the following works as per Indian/International Standards design and drawings approved by the KREDA, Kargil, J&K and details provided in these tender documents and required to complete the works for smooth operation and subsequent maintenance of the project. i. Design and Construction of all project components mainly as follows: Diversion weir & Intake Feeder Channel Desilting Tank including fair weather channel Box Type Power Channel Forebay Tank Penstocks Power House Tail Race Channel Switchyard Approach Roads Residential / Non residential buildings All protection works ii. Design, Construction, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Hydro Mechanical works comprising of gates & trash racks etc. iii. Design, Construction, Manufacture, Supply, Erection, Testing and Commissioning of Electro Mechanical Equipment with their auxiliaries, station auxiliaries, switchyard equipment and other related works mainly comprising the following: iv. KREDA Turbines & Auxiliaries Salient Pole Synchronous Generators and Auxiliaries Station Auxiliaries General Service Equipment Transmission line system Switchyard Works including Transformers, 33 and 11 kV Equipment, Earthing and Fencing etc. Operation & maintenance of project for 3 years from the date of commissioning. 2 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER – II TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT A - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS (ITB) 1.0. i. DEFINITIONS Governor/Government shall mean Governor/Government of J&K and Government of India. ii. “LAHDC” shall mean, Ladakh Autonomous Hill Development Council. iii. “KREDA” shall mean Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency. Throughout these special conditions, specification and instructions to bidders, the following shall apply unless the context otherwise required: - iv “The Owner” or “Customer” shall mean the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K and shall include their legal Representatives, successors, in office, and permitted assign. v The “Bidder “ shall mean and include one or more persons or any firm or any company or body incorporate who has submitted the tender in response to “Invitation of Tender”. vi. The “Contractor/supplier” shall mean the Bidder whose Tender has been accepted by the “Owner” and shall include the Bidder’s heirs, legal representatives successors and permitted assigns approved by the Owner. vii The “Sub contractor” shall mean the firm or the person named in the contract for any part of the work or any person to whom any part of the contract has been sublet with the consent in writing of the Owner and shall include his heirs, legal representatives successors and assign approved by the Owner. viii “Engineer or Engineer-in-charge” shall means officer (s) appointed in writing by the Owner to act as engineer from the time to time for purposes of contract. ix “Works” shall mean and include the furnishing of material, equipment, labour and services for construction as per the Technical specifications and complete supervision of erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment as defined in the contract. x The Director, shall mean the Project Director Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, Srinagar. xi “Consultant” Shall mean any firm or person duly appointed by Owner as such from time to time. KREDA 3 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xii “Test” shall means such tests as are prescribed by the Owner or considered necessary by the authorized agents of the Owner whether conducted/performed or made by him or any other agency acting under his direction. xiii “Test on Completion” shall mean such tests as are prescribed by the specifications to be made before the works are taken over by the Owner. xiv “Specification” shall means the specifications annexed to or issued with these Conditions of Contract. xv “Plant” Shall mean the goods including equipment/machinery/component/parts specified in the contract which the contractor has agreed to supply under the Contract. xvi The “Contract” shall mean and include the following a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. NIT (Notice Inviting Tender) Instruction to Bidders General Conditions of Contract Special conditions of contract Tender form including schedules of prices Earnest money Letter of Intent and its acknowledgement Performance Security Deposit Formal work order Guaranteed Test Performance and Penalty Site Conditions Specifications, Specific Conditions, Schedules and Drawings Addenda which may hereafter be issued by the Owner to the contractor in the form of letter and covering letters and schedule of prices as agreed between the Contractor and the Owner. The Agreement to be entered into under clause of these General Conditions. xvii Contract Price” means the sum named in the Tender subject to such additions thereto or deductions there from as may be made under the provisions hereinafter contained. xviii Contract value means that part of the Contract Price which is properly apportion able to the plant or work in question having regard to the state condition and topographical location of the plant the amount of work done and all other relevant circumstances and disregarding any changes that may have occurred since the date of the Contract in the cost of executing the works. xix Date of Contract shall mean the date on which both the parties have signed the contract agreement. KREDA 4 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xx “Consignee” Shall mean the person to whom the Plant/material is required to be delivered in the manner indicated in the Contract. xxi The “Site shall mean the place or places named in the contract and include where applicable upon or in which the works are to be executed. xxii “Act” Shall mean the Electricity (supply) Act 1948 (No. L IV of 1948) and shall include any statutory amendments modifications or reenactments there of for the time being in force. xxiii “Annexure” shall mean the annexure to the terms and conditions. xxiv “DELIVERY” shall be deemed to take place on deliver of the equipment in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract after test and inspection by the Owner or his authorized agent to the consignee. xxv “Place of Delivery” Shall mean the place of delivery of which the supplier is responsible to deliver the equipment at the contract price as specified. xxvi The terms Equipment, Store, Material shall mean and include, Plant Store and materials to be provided by the Supplier under the Contract. xxvii The terms “Services” shall mean technical supervision of works of construction, receipt, handling, storage, erection of equipment and stores done by the Contractor/ Supplier or his other contractors and performing testing and commissioning of equipment’s. xxviii “Erection Contractor” shall mean any other Contractor if appointed by the Owner directly for actual erection of equipment and material provided under the contract. The supplier shall be the erection contactor for this turnkey tender. xxix The term equipment portion of the Contract price shall mean the FOR work value of the equipment. xxx The term services portion of the Contract price shall mean the value for supervision of field activities of the contract including supervision of construction works, receipt, handling, storage, erection and carrying out of testing and commissioning at site by Contractor. xxxi Manufacturers works or Contractors works shall mean the place of work used by the manufacturer the contractor/supplier their collaborators or sub contractors for the performance of contract. xxxii Inspector shall mean the Owner or any person nominated by the Owner from time to time to inspect the equipment stores or materials – under the contract and/or the duly authorized representatives of the Owner/Owner. KREDA 5 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xxxiii Notice of award of Contract/Letter of Intent shall mean the official notice issued by the Owner notify Contractor that his proposal has been accepted. For all purposes date of letter of Intent defining the full scope of construction, supply and the basic engineering inputs shall be effective date of Contract. xxxiv “Month” shall mean the Calendar month Day or days unless herein otherwise expressly defined shall mean-calendar day or days of 24 hours each. xxxv Writing shall include any manuscript type written or printed statement under or over Signature and/or seal as the case may be. xxxvi When the words approved, subject to approval, Satisfactory, equal to proper, requested as a directed where directed when directed determined by accepted permitted or words and phrases of like –import are used the approval judgment direction etc. is understood to be a function of the Owners engineer. xxxvii “Performance and Guarantee Test” shall mean all operational checks and tests required to determine and demonstrate capacity, efficiency and operating characteristics as specified in the Contract Documents. xxxviii Commercial Operation shall mean the condition of operation in which the complete works and equipment covered under the contract is available for continuous operation at different loads upto and including rated capacity. xxxvix The term Final Acceptance shall mean the successful Completion of performance and guarantee test. xxxx Warranty Period/Maintenance Period shall mean the period during which the contractor shall remain liable for repair or replacement of any defective part of the works covered under the contract. xxxxi Drawing Plans shall mean all KREDA i. Drawing furnished by the Owner/Consultant as a basis for information ii. Supplementary drawings furnished by the Owner/Consultant to clarify and to define in greater detail the intent of the Contract. iii. Drawings submitted by the Contractor with his proposal provided such drawings are acceptable to the Owner/Consultant iv. Drawings furnished by the Owner Consultant to the Contractor during the Progress of the works and 6 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP v. TENDER DOCUMENT Engineering data and drawings submitted by the Contractor during the progress of the work provided such drawings are acceptable to the engineer. xxxxii Words imparting the singular only shall also include the plural and vice-versa where the context so requires. xxxxiii Words imparting person shall include firms companies’ corporations and associations or bodies of individuals whether incorporated or not. Term as expression not herein defined shall have the same meaning as are assigned to them in the India Sale of Goods Act (1930) failing that in the Indian Contract Act (1872) and failing that in the General Clauses Act (1897). xxxxiv KREDA shall mean the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K as Constituted under direction of MNRE, Govt. of India and shall include its successors in office and assigns. xxxxv “KREDA” or “PURCHASER” shall mean the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, or their successors, assignees or representatives. xxxxvi “ENGINEER OF CONTRACT” Shall mean the Project Engineer/Consultant, Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, Engineer shall also denote Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K xxxxvii “ENGINEER-IN-CHARGE” Shall mean an officer duly appointed by Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, for the purpose of the contract and shall be an Engineer not below the rank of AEE. xxxxviii “CONTRACTOR/SUPPLIER” Shall mean the tenderer, whether an individual, a firm or company whose tender has been accepted by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K and shall include heirs, legal representative, successor and permitted assignees of such tenderer. xxxxix “I.S.S.”/ “B.I.S” Shall mean Indian Standard Specification / Bureau of Indian standard. xxxxx “ELEVATION OR REDUCED LEVEL (RL)” Shall mean height in meters above mean sea level wherever these words are followed by figures quantifying such height xxxxxi “RATES” “TENDERED RATES” AND UNIT RATES” Shall unless otherwise specified, mean the unit prices entered in the schedule of Quantities and Rates. xxxxxii “CONTRACT VALUE” OR “VALUE OF CONTRACT” Shall mean the value of work in accordance with the schedule of quantities and rates. xxxxxiii “COMPLETION” Shall mean the successful completion of the entire works including any testing and cleaning required at site have been completed and work is made ready for commercial use. KREDA 7 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xxxxxiv “DEFECT LIABILITY PERIOD” Shall mean the Maintenance Period for one year and a further period of 3 months in respect of items replaced or repaired from the date of such replacement or repair as the case may be. xxxxxv “SCHEDULE OF RATE OF THE KREDA” Shall mean the schedule of rates adopted or sanctioned by the PWD of Govt. of Jammu & Kashmir from time to time for different areas of the state. xxxxxvi “OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE PERIOD” Shall mean three years duration from the date of commissioning of the Project. KREDA 8 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.1 ELIGIBLE BIDDERS 1.1.1 The bidder shall provide firm/company/joint venture: 1.2 TENDER DOCUMENT following satisfactory evidences stating that the (a) Is registered company under Companies Act or registered consortium of companies, including an original manufacturer or an authorized representative of a manufacturer, who must have designed, constructed, manufactured, supplied, erected, tested and commissioned at least two small hydro projects of similar nature and capacity, as per prevailing National and International Standards. (b) Consortium comprising civil engineering construction company, hydropower related equipment manufacture or its authorized representative and a consultant working in the field of hydropower and status to meet the financial obligations to perform the scope of works. The civil contractor should have experience of civil works of two identical nature costing about Rs.1.50 crore each. The E&M manufacturer should have executed at least two similar projects. (c) The company or the consortium of companies have completed similar project, works worth Rs. 5.00 crores per annum during last 3 years in India or Abroad. (d) They have adequate financial stability and status to meet the financial obligations required for the works. (e) They have adequate infrastructure, plant, machinery, manufacturing, commissioning and testing capacity available to perform the works properly and expeditiously within the time period specified. (f) They have adequate field service setup to provide necessary field execution. (g) They have established quality assurance systems and organization designed to achieve high level of all project elements, plant and equipment reliability, both during construction, manufacturing, field installation and plant running activities. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION FOR ELIGIBILITY The above stated requirements are minimum and Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K reserves the right to request for any additional information and also reserves the right to reject the proposal of any bidder. 1.3 ELIGIBLE PLANT, EQUIPMENT AND SERVICES For the purposes of these bidding documents, the words “facilities,” “plant and equipment,” “installation services,” etc., shall be construed in accordance with the respective definitions given to them in the conditions of contract. KREDA 9 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1. 4 TENDER DOCUMENT COST OF BIDDING The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and the Owner will in no case be responsible or liable for these costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process. 1. 5 THE BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1. 5.1 Content Of Bidding Documents The facilities required, bidding procedures, contract terms and technical requirements are prescribed in the bidding documents. The bidding documents include the following sections: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) (x) (xi) (xii) (xiii) (xiv) (xv) KREDA Notice Inviting Tender (NIT), Salient Features and Project Details. Instructions to Bidders (ITB) Conditions of Contract General Technical Specifications Technical Specifications Civil Works Technical Specification Turbines Technical Specification Generators Technical Specifications Transformers Technical Specification Control Protection and Metering Technical Specifications Station Auxiliaries Technical Specifications Equipment for Power Evacuation Technical Specifications Erection, Testing and Commissioning Price Schedules Guaranteed Technical Particulars (GTP) Forms Form 1 Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Form 2 Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit Form 3 Performance Bank Guarantee Form 4 Agreement Form Form 5 Tender Form Form 6 Pre-qualification Details of Tenderer Form 7 Declaration Form 8 Performance for Joint Undertaking Form 9 General Particulars Form 10 List of Drawing and Literature Form 11 Deviations from Conditions of Contract Form 12 Deviations from Technical Specifications of Contract Form 13 Recommended Spare Parts Form 14 Recommended Special Tools and Tackles Form 15 Recommended Test Sets and Testing Instruments Form 16 Quoted Guaranteed Delivery/ Project Completions Form 17 Details of Proprietor/ Partners etc. 10 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (xvi) Form 18 Drawings and Tables TENDER DOCUMENT Financial Incidence of Technical Deviation The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms, specifications and other information in the bidding documents. Failure to furnish all information required by the bidding documents or submission of a bid not substantially responsive to the bidding documents in every respect will be at the Bidder’s risk and may result in rejection of its bid. All forms and schedules are to be filled, signed and stamped by the bidder, even if there is no information is being furnished by the bidder. 1. 5.2 CLARIFICATION OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS; AND PRE-BID MEETING i. A prospective Bidder requiring any clarification of the bidding documents may notify the Owner in writing or by cable (hereinafter, the term cable is deemed to include Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), telex or tele-fax) at the Owner’s mailing address. The Owner will respond in writing to any request for clarification or modification of the bidding documents that it receives no later than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for submission of bids prescribed by the Owner. Written copies of the Owner’s response (including an explanation of the query but not identification of its source) will be sent to all prospective bidders that have received the bidding documents. ii. The Bidder is advised to visit and examine the site where the facilities are to be installed and its surroundings and obtain for itself on its own responsibility all information that may be necessary for preparing the bid and entering into a contract for supply and installation of the facilities. The costs of visiting the site shall be at the Bidder’s own expense. iii. The Bidder and any of its personnel or agents will be granted permission by the Owner to enter upon its premises and lands for the purpose of such inspection, but only upon the express condition that the Bidder, its personnel and agents will release and indemnify the Owner and its personnel and agents from and against all liability in respect thereof and will be responsible for death or personal injury, loss of or damage to property and any other loss, damage, costs and expenses incurred as a result of the inspection. iv. The Bidder’s designated representative is invited to attend a pre-bid meeting, which, if convened, will take place at the venue and time stipulated in the NIT. The purpose of the meeting will be to clarify issues and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage. The Bidder is requested, as far as possible, to submit any question in writing or by cable, to reach the Owner not later than one week before the meeting. It may not be practicable at the meeting to answer questions received late, but questions and responses will be transmitted as indicated hereafter. Minutes of the meeting, including the text of the questions raised and the responses given, together with any responses prepared after the meeting will be transmitted without delay to all Owners of the bidding documents. Any modification of the bidding documents listed in ITB Sub-Clause 1.5which may become necessary as a result of the pre-bid meeting shall be made by the Owner KREDA 11 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT exclusively through the issue of an addendum and not through the minutes of the pre-bid meeting. 1.6 AMENDMENT OF BIDDING DOCUMENTS 1.6.1 At any time prior to the deadline for submission of bids, the Owner may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative, or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, amend the bidding documents. 1.6.2 The amendment will be notified in writing or by cable/e-mail to all prospective bidders that have purchased the bidding documents and will be binding on them. Bidders are required to immediately acknowledge receipt of any such amendment, and it will be assumed that the information contained therein will have been taken into account by the Bidder in its bid. 1.6.3 In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendment into account in preparing their bid, the Owner may, at its discretion, extend the deadline for the submission of bids, in which case, the Owner will notify all bidders in writing of the extended deadline. 1.7. LANGUAGE OF BIDS The bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents related to the bid exchanged by the Bidder and the Owner shall be written in English only. 1.8 DOCUMENTS COMPRISING THE BID 1.8.1 The bid submitted by the Bidder shall comprise the following documents: i) ii) Bid Form duly completed and signed by the Bidders, together with all attachments identified below. Price Schedules duly completed by the Bidder. 1.8.2 Bidders shall note that, if permitted according to the Bid documents, they are entitled to submit an alternative bid within the scope specified in the Bid documents. In such case, bidders shall submit full details and justifications, etc.,. 1.8.3 Each Bidder shall submit with its bid the following attachments. KREDA i) Earnest Money Earnest money as detailed in subsequent paras ii) Power of Attorney A power of attorney, duly notarized, indicating that the persons(s) signing the bid has (ve) the authority to sign the bid and thus that the bid is binding upon the Bidder during the full period of its validity. 12 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP iii) TENDER DOCUMENT Bidder’s Eligibility and Qualifications In the absence of pre-qualification, documentary evidence that the Bidder is eligible to bid established in accordance with ITB Clause 1.1 and is qualified to perform the contract if its bid is accepted. The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s eligibility to bid shall establish to the Owner’s satisfaction that the Bidder, at the time of submission of its bid, is from an eligible source country as defined in ITB Sub-Clause 1.1. The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualification to perform the contract, if its bid is accepted, shall establish to the Owner’s satisfaction that the Bidder has the financial, technical, production, procurement, shipping, installation and other capabilities necessary to perform the contract and, in particular, meets the experience and other criteria outlined in the Bid Data Sheet. iv) Eligibility and Conformity of the Facilities Documentary evidence that the facilities offered by the Bidder in its bid or in any alternative bid (if permitted) are eligible and conform to the Bidding documents. The documentary evidence of the eligibility of the facilities shall consists of a statement on the country of origin of the plant and equipment offered, which shall be confirmed by a certificate of origin issued at the time of shipment. The documentary evidence of the conformity of the facilities to the bidding documents may be in the form of literature, drawings and data, and shall furnish: a. A detailed description of the essential technical and performance characteristics of the facilities; b. A list giving full particulars, including available sources, of all spare parts, special tools, etc., necessary for the proper and continuing functioning of the facilities for a period of Three (3) years, following completion of facilities in accordance with provisions of contract; and c. A commentary on the Owner’s Technical Specifications and adequate evidence demonstrating the substantial responsiveness of the facilities to those specifications. Bidders shall note that standards for workmanship, materials and equipment designated by the Owner in the bidding documents are intended to be descriptive (establishing standards of quality and performance) only and not restrictive. The Bidder may substitute alternative standards, brand names and/or catalog numbers in its bid, provided that it demonstrates to the Owner’s satisfaction that the substitutions are substantially equivalent or superior to the standards designated in the Technical Specifications. KREDA 13 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP v) TENDER DOCUMENT Subcontractors Proposed by the Bidder The Bidder shall include in its bid details of all major items of supply or services that it proposes to purchase or sublet, and shall give details of the name and nationality of the proposed Subcontractor, including vendors, for each of those items. Bidders are free to list more than one Subcontractor against each item of the facilities. Quoted rates and prices will be deemed to apply to whichever Subcontractor is appointed, and no adjustment of the rates and prices will be permitted. The Bidder shall be responsible for ensuring that any Subcontractor proposed complies with the requirements of ITB Sub Clause 1.3, and that any plant, equipment or services to be provided by the Subcontractor comply with the requirements of ITB Clause 1.4 and ITB Sub-Clause 1.8.3 (iv). The Owner reserves the right to delete any proposed Subcontractor from the list prior to award of contract, and after discussion between the Owner and the Contractor, the corresponding Appendix to the form of contract Agreement shall be completed, listing the approved Subcontractors for each item concerned. vi) Deviations In order to facilitate evaluation of bids, deviations, if any, from the terms and conditions or Technical Specifications shall be listed in relevant form. The Bidder shall also provide the price implications, for withdrawal of the deviations. However, the attention of the bidders is drawn to the provisions of ITB Clause 1.22 regarding the rejection of bids that are not substantially responsive to the requirements of the bidding documents. “Bidder may further note that except for the deviations listed in relevant forms, the bid shall be deemed to comply with all the requirements in the bidding documents and the bidders shall be required to comply with all such requirements of bidding documents including Technical Specifications without any extra cost to the Owner irrespective of any mention to the contrary, and else where in the bid. vii) Alternative Bids a. Except as provided under subparagraph (b) below, bidders wishing to offer technical alternatives to the requirements of the bidding documents must first price the Owner’s design of the facilities as described in the bidding documents, and shall further provide all information necessary for a complete evaluation of the alternatives by the Owner, including drawings, design calculations, technical specifications, breakdown of prices, proposed installation methodology and other relevant details. b. When bidder are permitted in the Bid Documents to submit alternative technical solutions for specified parts of the facilities, such parts shall be KREDA 14 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT described as in subsequent sections, Technical Specifications and Drawings. Technical alternatives that comply with the performance and technical criteria specified for the facilities shall be considered by the Owner on their own merits, pursuant to ITB Claus 1.22. viii) Local Representation If a foreign bidder has engaged as Indian agent, it will be required to give the following details in its bid. a. b. c. The name and address of the local agent What Service the agent renders; and The fixed amount of remuneration for the agent included in the offer The agency commission shall be indicated in the space provided for in the Price Schedule and will be paid to the Bidder’s agent in India in Indian Rupees using the Telegraphic Transfer buying market rate of exchange ruling on the date of award of contract and shall not be subject to any escalation or any further exchange variations. 1.8.4 Qualification Criteria: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. KREDA Is registered company under Companies Act or registered consortium of companies, including an original manufacturer or an authorized representative of a manufacturer, who must have designed, constructed, manufactured, supplied, erected, tested and commissioned at least two small hydro projects of similar nature and capacity, as per prevailing National and International Standards. Consortium comprising civil engineering construction company, hydropower related equipment manufacture or its authorized representative and a consultant working in the field of hydropower and status to meet the financial obligations to perform the scope of works. The civil contractor should have experience of civil works of two identical nature costing about Rs.1.50 crore each. The E&M manufacturer should have executed at least two similar projects. The company or the consortium of companies have completed similar project, works worth Rs. 5.00 crores per annum during last 3 years in India or Abroad. They have adequate financial stability and status to meet the financial obligations required for the works. They have adequate infrastructure, plant, machinery, manufacturing, commissioning and testing capacity available to perform the works properly and expeditiously within the time period specified. They have adequate field service setup to provide necessary field execution. They have established quality assurance systems and organization designed to achieve high level of all project elements, plant and equipment reliability, both during construction, manufacturing, field installation and plant running activities. 15 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP viii. ix. x. xi. xii. 1.9 TENDER DOCUMENT The bidder should not be blacklisted by KREDA or J&K State Renewable Energy Development Agency or other State Electricity Board/Corporation/Undertaking or any other Public Works Department of J&K. The bidder should furnish a write up, backed with adequate data, explaining his available capacity (both technical and financial) for manufacture and supply, within the specified time of completion after meeting all their current commitments. The bidder should provide the list furnishing the name, qualification and experience of technical staff who will be deputed to site for erection and commissioning. The bidder should confirm that all the facilities exists in manufacturer’s works for inspection and testing of equipment and same will be made available to the Owner or to his authorized representative for inspection. Not withstanding anything stated above, before the Award of Contract the Owner reserve the right to assess the bidder’s capabilities and capacity to execute the contract satisfactorily. TENDER FORM AND PRICE SCHEDULES The Bidder shall complete the Tender Form and the appropriate Price Schedules furnished in the bidding documents as indicated therein and in the Subsection ‘Forms’ of the bidding documents, following the requirements of ITB Clauses. 1.10 BID PRICES 1.10.1 Bidders shall quote for the entire facilities on a “single responsibility” basis such that the total bid price covers all the Contractor’s obligations mentioned in or to be reasonably inferred from the bidding documents in respect of the design, manufacture, including procurement and subcontracting (if any), delivery, construction, installation and completion of the facilities including supply of mandatory spares. This includes all requirements under the Contractor’s responsibilities for testing, pre-commissioning and commissioning of the facilities. Items against which no price is entered by the Bidder will not be paid for by the Owner when executed and shall be deemed to be covered by the prices for other items. Bidders will quote separately in the price bid for compulsory running and maiontenance of the plant for 3 years. 1.10.2 Bidders are required to quote the price for the commercial, contractual and technical obligations outlined in the bidding documents. If a Bidder wishes to make a deviation, such deviations shall be listed in appropriate form. The Bidder shall also provide the price implications, if any, for withdrawal of the deviations. 1.10.3 Bidders shall give a breakup of the prices in the manner and detail called for in the price Schedules. Where no Price Schedules are included in the bidding documents, bidders shall present their prices in the following manner. KREDA 16 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Separate numbered schedules shall be used for each of the following elements. Schedule of Quantities and Prices Schedule No. 6.1 Civil works Schedule No. 6.2 Generating Plant/Equipment Schedule No. 6.3 Auxiliary Equipment for Power Station Schedule No. 6.4 General Services for Power Station Schedule No. 6.5 Switchyard Equipment Schedule No. 6.6 Erection, Testing and Commissioning Schedule No. 6.7 Spares, Tools and Plants Schedule No. 6.8 Abstract of cost 1.10.4 The terms EXW, CIF, CIP, etc. shall be governed by the rules prescribed in the current edition of Incoterms published by the International Chamber of Commerce, 38 Cours Albert 1er, 75008 Paris, France. 1.10.5 The prices quoted by the Bidder shall be fixed during the Bidder’s performance of the contract and not subject to variation on any account. A bid submitted with an adjustable price quotation will be treated as non-responsive and rejected. 1.11 BID CURRENCIES Prices shall be quoted in Indian Rupees only. 1.12 EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT 1.12.1 Earnest money worth Rs. 7.50 lacs (Seven Lacs and Fifty Thousand only) in the shape of CDR/NSC, Bank Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipts or Bank Guarantee from Scheduled Commercial Bank shall be deposited alongwith tender shall be deposited by each tenderer. 1.12.2 The earnest money will be liable to be forfeited on revocation of tender before the validity of the tender expires or on refusal to enter into a contract after the award is made to the tenderer. 1.12.3 Earnest money given by unsuccessful tenderers will be refunded expeditiously after the award of the contract to the successful tenderer. 1.12.4 The Earnest money deposit will be returned to the successful tenderer after he furnishes security deposit for performances and duly enters into the contract. 1.12.5 The earnest Money deposit shall be valid for a period not less than 365 (Three hundred sixty five) days from the date of opening of the tender. 1.12.6 Within 30 (Thirty) days from the date of receipt of the letter accepting the tender, the successful tenderer shall submit a Contract performance Security as specified, otherwise the Earnest Money will be forfeited by the Owner. 1.12.7 Any tender not accompanied by a requisite earnest money in desired form shall be disqualified. Part-II of the tender shall not be opened. KREDA 17 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.12.8 No interest will be payable by the Owner on the above tender guarantee/earnest money. 1.12.9 No earnest money will be accepted after opening of the tender 1.13 EXEMPTION FROM DEPOSITING EARNEST MONEY The tenderers of following categories are exempted from depositing Earnest Money. Small Scale Industries Units of the State registered with the department of Industries, Government of J & K. In such cases the part I of the tender should be supported by a Photostat copy of their valid registration certificate, duly attested by a gazetted officer failing which the tender shall be liable for rejection. Any State Government/Government of India undertaking. 1.14 PERIOD OF VALIDITY OF BID 1.14.1 Bids shall remain valid for a period of 120 days after the closing date prescribed by the Owner for the receipt of bids. A bid valid for a shorter period shall be rejected by the Owner as being non-responsive. 1.14.2 In exceptional circumstances, the Owner may solicit the Bidders’ consent to an extension of the bid validity period. The request and responses thereto shall be made in writing or by cable. If a Bidder accepts to prolong the period of validity, the bid security shall also be suitably extended. A Bidder may refuse the request without forfeiting its bid security. A Bidder granting the request will not be required nor permitted to modify its bid. 1.15 FORMAT AND SIGNING OF BID 1.15.1 The Bidder shall prepare an original and the number of copies/sets of the bid specified here in after clearly marking each one as “OIRGINAL BID,” “Copy No. 1,” Copy No. 2,” etc., as appropriate. In the event of any discrepancy between them, the original shall govern. 1.15.2 The original and all copies of the bid, each consisting of the documents listed in ITB Clause 1.8, shall be typed or written in indelible ink and shall be signed by the Bidder or a person or persons duly authorized to bind the Bidder to the contract. The latter authorization shall be indicated by written power of attorney accompanying the bid and submitted with the Bid under ITB Clause 1.8.3. All pages of the bid, except for unamended printed literature, shall be initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 1.15.3 The bid shall contain no alterations, omissions or additions, unless such corrections are initialed by the person or persons signing the bid. 1.15.4 The Bidder shall furnish information on commissions or gratuities, if any, paid or to be paid to agents relating to this bid, and to contract execution if the Bidder is awarded the contract. KREDA 18 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.16 PREPARATION AND SUBMISSION OF TENDER 1.16.1 Preparation of Tenders i. The tenders shall be prepared in quadruplicate complete with forms & schedules etc. each in three parts in sealed covers, as detailed below, duly super scribing the NAME OF WORK, TENDER NUMBER, DUE DATE OF TENDER and shall be addressed to the competent authority of Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, inviting the tender. ii. Part-I: Earnest Money iii. Part-II – Technical & Commercial Part (Quadruplicate) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. This shall include the following: All forms annexed herewith the tender documents except price schedule All commercial terms and conditions Delivery and erection schedule Qualifying requirements of the eligible tenderers Technical specification and technical particulars. Recommended spare parts Bill of Materials Guarantees Submission of drawings etc. Deviation sheets List of tools and tackles Part – III: Price (Quadruplicate) iv. a. Price schedule and any other relevant information b. The tenderers shall quote all-inclusive fixed price for the complete plant as per the scope of specifications giving complete break-up of prices and taxes separately. The Sale Tax etc. shall be charged as applicable. Separate schedule giving break-up of price of various equipments and services shall be given, indicating the unit rate, quantity and total price. c. The tenderer shall quote separately item wise price for spare parts so that these may be ordered as per requirements, and the tenderers shall be required to supply these spares within a reasonable time. The minimum time of delivery shall be indicated by the tenderer. v. Tenders submitted by post shall be sent under Registered post with ‘Acknowledgement Due’ and shall be posted with due allowance for postal delay. Tenders received after the due date and time of opening shall be rejected and returned to the tenders without opening. Telegraphic offers or offers received by telex e-mail etc. shall not be accepted. Following shall be superscribed on the envelopes of all parts. KREDA 19 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vi. TENDER DOCUMENT PART – I : EARNEST MONEY TENDER NUMBER NAME OF WORKS DUE DATE OF OPENING NAME OF FIRM/TENDERER PART – II : TECHNICAL TENDER NUMBER NAME OF WORKS DUE DATE OF OPENING NAME OF FIRM/TENDERER PART – III : PRICE TENDER NUMBER NAME OF WORKS DUE DATE OF OPENING NAME OF FIRM/TENDERER All the three parts of the tender shall be individually sealed and super-scribed as indicated above, and shall be enclosed in one main cover duly sealed and super-scribed as “Tender for --------- containing part – I, II and III for this tender”. “Tender number -------------------------------”. “Due date of opening ------------------------- at -----------------hrs”. “Name of firm/tenderer --------------------------“. 1.16.2 Sealing And Marking Of Bids The Bidder shall seal the original and each copy of the bid in separate envelopes, duly marking the envelopes as “ORIGINAL BID” and “Copy No. [number]’. The envelopes shall then be sealed in an outer envelope. 1.16.3 The inner and outer envelopes i. ii. iii. The envelopes shall be addressed to the Owner at the official address and The inner envelopes shall also indicate the name and address of the Bidder so that the bid can be retuned unopened in case it is declared “late.” If the outer envelope is not sealed and marked as required above, the Owner will assume no responsibility for the bid’s misplacement or premature opening. If the outer envelope discloses the Bidder’s identity, the Owner will not guarantee the anonymity of the bid submission, but this disclosure will not constitute grounds for bid rejection. 1.16.4 Submission Of Tender The tender shall be submitted complete in all respect as desired above and submitted in the office of competent authority by specified date. KREDA 20 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.17 TENDER DOCUMENT DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION OF BIDS 1.17.1 Bid must be received by the Owner at the address specified in the NIT no later than the time and date stated in the NIT. “In the event of the specified date for the submission of bids being declared a holiday for the Owner, the bids will be received upto the appointed time on the next working day”. 1.17.2 The Owner may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for submission of bids by amending the bidding documents in accordance with ITB Clause 1.6, in which case all rights and obligations of Owner and bidders will thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended. 1.18 LATE BIDS Any bid received by the Owner after the bid submission deadline prescribed by the Owner, pursuant to ITB Clause 1.17, will be rejected and returned unopened to the Bidder. 1.19 MODIFICATION AND WITHDRAWAL OF BIDS 1.19.1 The Bidder may modify or withdraw its bid after submission, provided that written notice of the modification or withdrawal is received by the Owner prior to the deadline prescribed for submission. 1.19.2 The Bidder’s modifications shall be prepared, sealed, marked and dispatched as follows: i. The Bidders shall provide an original and the specified number of copies of any modifications to its bid, clearly identified as such, in two inner envelopes duly marked “BID MODIFICATIONS – ORIGINAL” and BID MODIFICATION – COPIES.” The inner envelopes shall be sealed in an outer envelope, which shall be duly marked “BID MODIFICATIONS. ii. Other provisions concerning the marking and dispatch of bid modifications shall be in accordance with ITB Clauses 1.16.2. 1.19.3 A Bidder wishing to withdraw its bid shall notify the Owner in writing prior to the deadline prescribed for bid submission. The notice of withdrawal shall i ii. KREDA be addressed to the Owner at the address given in NIT, and bear the name of work, the NIT number, and the words “BID WITHDRAWAL NOTICE.” Bid withdrawal notice received after the bid submission deadline will be ignored, and the submitted bid will be deemed to be a validly submitted. 21 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.19.4 No Bid shall be withdrawn in the interval between the bid submission deadline and the expiration of the bid validity period specified in ITB Clause 1.14. Withdrawal of a bid during this interval may result in the Bidder’s forfeiture of its EMD, pursuant to ITB sub – Clause 1.12.6. 1.20 OPENING OF BIDS BY OWNER The bids received upto specified time and date shall be opened as follows: Part-I of the tender containing earnest money shall be opened first and the document shall be checked. Part-II of the tender containing technical and commercial terms and conditions shall be opened only if the earnest money documents are in order and as required in the NIT/Tender Document. Part-III of the tender containing prices shall be opened at specified time and date of the technically and commercially eligible bidders only. 1.20.1 The Owner will open the bids, including withdrawals and modifications made pursuant to ITB Clause in the presence of bidder’s designated representatives who choose to attend, at the time, date, and location stipulated in the tender documents. The Bidders’ representatives who are present shall sign a register evidencing their attendance. “In the event of the specified date for the opening of bids being declared a holiday for the Owner, the bids received upto the appointed time will be opened on the next working day.” 1.20.2 Envelopes marked “WITHDRAWAL” shall be opened first and the name of the Bidder shall be read out. Bids for which an acceptable notice of withdrawal has been submitted pursuant to ITB Clause shall not be opened. 1.20.3 The bidders’ names, the Bid Prices, including any alternative Bid Price or deviation, any discounts, and any such other details as the Owner may consider appropriate, will be announced by the Owner at the opening. Subsequently, all envelopes marked “MODIFICATION” shall be opened and the submissions therein read out in appropriate detail. No bid shall be rejected at bid opening except for late bids pursuant to ITB Clause 1.18. 1.20.4 The Owner shall prepare minutes of the bid opening, including the information disclosed to those present in accordance with ITB Sub-Clause 1.20.3. 1.20.5 Bids not opened and read out at bid opening shall not be considered further for evaluation, irrespective of any circumstances. KREDA 22 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.21 TENDER DOCUMENT CLARIFICATION OF BIDS During bid evaluation, the Owner may, at its discretion, ask the Bidder for a clarification of its bid. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing, and no change in the price or substance of the bid shall be sought, offered or permitted. 1.22 PRELIMINARY EXAMINATION OF BIDS 1.22.1 The Owner will examine the bids to determine whether they are complete, whether any computational errors have been made, whether required sureties have been furnished, whether the documents have been properly signed, and whether the bids are generally in order. 1.22.2 Arithmetical errors will be rectified on the following basis. If there is a discrepancy between the unit price and the total price, which is obtained by multiplying the unit price and quantity, or between subtotals and the total price, the unit or subtotal price shall prevail, and the total price shall be corrected. If there is a discrepancy between words and figures, the amount in words will prevail. If the Bidder does not accept the correction of errors, its bid will be rejected. 1.22.3 The Owner may waive any minor informality, nonconformity or irregularity in a bid that does not constitute a material deviation, whether or not identified by the Bidder in its bid, and that does not prejudice or affect the relative ranking of any Bidder as a result of the technical and commercial evaluation, pursuant to ITB Clauses 1.25 and 1.26. 1.22.4 Prior to the detailed evaluation, the Owner will determine whether each bid is of acceptable quality, is complete and is substantially responsive to the bidding documents. For purposes of this determination, a substantially responsive bid is one that conforms to all the terms, conditions and specification of the bidding documents without material deviations, objections, conditionality or reservations. A material deviation, objection, conditionality or reservation is one i. ii. iii. that affects in any substantial way the scope, quality or performance of the contract; that limits in any substantial way, inconsistent with the bidding documents, the Owner’s rights or the successful Bidder’s obligations under the contract; whose rectification would unfairly affect the competitive position of other bidders who are presenting substantially responsive bids. 1.22.5 Bids containing deviations from the following critical provisions relating to Conditions of Contract Clauses will be considered as non-responsive. KREDA 23 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Sl. No. Provisions i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Governing Law Settlement of Disputes Terms of payment Performance Guarantee Taxes and duties Completion time guarantee and liquidated damages Defect Liability Patent Indemnity Limitation of Liability However, the bidders wishing to propose deviations to any of the above provisions must provide in the bid, with the cost of withdrawal of such deviations. If the deviation to any of these provisions is not priced, the bid will be rejected. The evaluated cost of the bid shall include, in addition to the cost described in ITB Clause 1.24, the cost of withdrawal of the deviations from the above provisions to make the bid fully compliant with these provisions. At the time of Award of Contract, if so desired by the Owner, the bidder shall withdraw these deviations listed in the bid at the cost of withdrawal stated by him in the bid. “In case the bidder does not withdraw the deviations proposed by him, if any, at the cost of withdrawal stated by him in the bid, his bid will be rejected and his bid security forfeited”, If a bid is not substantially responsive, it will be rejected by the Owner, and may not subsequently be made responsive by the Bidder by correction of the nonconformity. The Owner’s determination of a bid’s responsiveness is to be based on the contents of the bid itself without recourse to extrinsic evidence. 1.23 TECHNICAL EVALUATION 1.23.1 The Owner will carry out a detailed evaluation of the bids previously determined to be substantially responsive in order to determine whether the technical aspects are in accordance with the requirements set forth in the bidding documents. In order to reach such a determination, the Owner will examine and compare the technical aspects of the bids on the basis of the information supplied by the bidders, taking into account the following factor. i. KREDA Overall completeness and compliance with the Technical Specifications and Drawings; deviations from the technical Specifications as identified in the bid; suitability of the facilities offered in relation to the environmental and climatic condition prevailing at the site; and quality, function and operation of any process control concept included in the bid. The bid that does not meet minimum acceptable standards of completeness, consistency and detail will be rejected for non-responsiveness. 24 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT ii. Achievement of specified performance criteria by the facilities. iii. Type, quantity and long-term availability of mandatory and recommended spare parts and maintenance services. iv. Any other relevant factor, if any, that the Owner deems necessary or prudent to take into consideration. 1.23.2 Where alternative technical solutions have been permitted and offered in the bid, the Owner will make a similar evaluation of the alternatives, which will be treated in the technical and commercial evaluations as if they were base bids. Where alternatives are not permitted, but have in any event been offered, they shall be ignored. 1.24 COMMERCIAL EVALUATION 1.24.1 The comparison shall be of the EXW price of plant and equipment offered from within the Owner’s country, such price to include all costs as well as duties and taxes paid or payable on components and raw material incorporated or to be incorporated in the plant and equipment, with the price of the CIF-named port of destination (or CIP border point or CIP-named place of destination) offered from outside the Owner’s country, plus the cost of local transportation, all installation and other services required under the contract. The Owner’s comparison will also include the cost resulting from application of the evaluation procedures described in ITB Clause 1.26. 1.24.2 The Owner’s evaluation of a bid will take into account, in addition to the bid price indicated in Price Schedule the following costs and factors that will be added to each Bidder’s bid price in the evaluation using pricing information available to the Owner, in the manner and to the extent indicated in ITB Clause 1.26 and in the Technical Specification. i. The cost of all quantifiable deviations and omissions from the contractual and commercial conditions and the technical Specifications as identified in the bid. ii. Compliance with the time schedule called for in the corresponding Appendix to the Form of Contract Agreement and evidenced as needed in a milestone schedule provided in the bid. The estimated effect of the price adjustment provisions of the conditions of contract, applied over the period of execution of the contract, shall not be taken into account in bid evaluation. KREDA 25 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.24.3 Pursuant to ITB Clause 1.26, the following evaluation methods will be followed; i Contractual and commercial deviations The evaluation shall be based on the evaluated cost of fulfilling the contract in compliance with all commercial, contractual and technical obligations under this bidding document. In arriving at the evaluated cost, the price for withdrawal of deviations shown in the bid will be used, if necessary. ii. Time Schedule (program of performance) The civil construction works, plant and equipment covered by this bidding are required to be shipped, and the facilities shall have the pre-commissioning completed within the specified period after the effective date specified in the Form of Contract Agreement. Bidder are required to base their prices on the time schedule given in the corresponding Appendix to the Form of Contract Agreement (Time Schedule) or, where no time schedule is given, on the completion date(s) given in the Bid. No credit will be given for earlier completion. Where an Alternative Time Schedule is accepted, pursuant to ITB Sub-Clause 1.8.3 (vii) and where the completion date offered is within the limits specified in the Sheet, bids offering a completion date beyond the minimum designated period shall be adjusted in the evaluation by adding a factor specified in the Bid to the bid price. Bids offering a completion date beyond the maximum designated period shall be rejected. 1.25 CONTACTING THE OWNER 1.25.1 From the time of bid opening to the time of contract award, if any Bidder wishes to contact the Owner on any matter related to its bid, it should do so in writing. 1.25.2 Any effort by a Bidder to influence the Owner in the Owner’s bid evaluation, bid comparison or contract award decisions may result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid. 1.26 POST –QUALIFICATION FOR AWARD OF CONTRACT 1.26.1 In the absence of pre-qualification, the Owner will determine to its satisfaction whether the Bidder selected as having submitted the lowest evaluated responsive bid is qualified to satisfactorily perform the contract. 1.26.2 The determination will take into account the Bidder’s financial, technical and production capabilities, in particular the Bidder’s contract work in hand, future commitments and current litigation. It will be based upon an examination of the documentary evidence of the Bidder’s qualifications submitted by the Bidder in the bid, as well as such other information as the Owner deems necessary and appropriate. 1.26.3 An affirmative determination will be a prerequisite for award of the contract to the Bidder. A negative determination will result in rejection of the Bidder’s bid, in which KREDA 26 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT event the Owner will proceed to the next lowest evaluated bid to make a similar determination of that Bidder’s capabilities to perform satisfactorily. 1.26.4 The capabilities of the vendors and subcontractors proposed in the bid to be used by the lowest evaluated Bidder will also be evaluated for acceptability. Their participation should be confirmed with a letter of intent between the parties, as needed. Should a vendor or subcontractor be determined to be unacceptable, the bid will not be rejected, but the bidder will determined to be unacceptable, the bid will not be rejected, but the Bidder will be required to substitute an acceptable vendor or subcontractor without any change to the bid price. 1.27 AWARD CRITERIA 1.27.1 Subject to ITB Clause 1.31, the Owner will award the contract to the successful Bidder whose bid has been determined to be substantially responsive and to be the lowest evaluated bid, further provided that the Bidder is determined to be qualified to perform the contract satisfactorily. 1.27.2 The Owner may request the Bidder to withdraw any of the deviations listed in the winning bid, at the price shown for the deviation in to the bid. 1.27.3 The Owner reserves the right to vary the quantity of any of the spares and/or delete any items of spares altogether at the time of Award of Contract. 1.27.4 The mode of contracting with the successful bidder will be as briefly indicated below: In the case of successful Bidder, the award shall be made: For design, Supply of material, Working personal, Supervisors etc. for construction works of all the components of this project. Supply of all equipments and materials including mandatory spares identifying separately the CIF/CIP and Ex-Works components of the supply, For providing all services i.e. inland transportation for delivery at Site, unloading, storage, handling at site, installation, Testing and Commissioning including performance testing in respect of all the equipments and services required for successful commissioning, operation and subsequent maintenance works of the project as detailed in the specification. 1.28 OWNER’S RIGHT TO ACCEPT ANY BID AND TO REJECT ANY OR ALL BIDS 1.28.1 The Owner reserves the right to accept or reject any bid, and to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at the time prior to award of contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or bidders of the grounds for the Owner’s action. KREDA 27 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.28.2 The Owner at his discretion may not accept the lowest or any offer or a part of any offer without assigning any reason. The Owner also reserve its right to accept any or all the items, partial or full quantity offered without assigning any reason/s what so ever. 1.28.3 Non-Acceptance of the conditions 1.28.1 & 1.28.2 as mentioned above shall be specially mentioned in the bid, failing which it shall be deemed to have been accepted by the tenderer. No claim in this regard shall be entertained at any time after opening of the tender. 1.29 NOTIFICATION OF AWARD 1.29.1 Prior to the expiration of the period of bid validity, the Owner will notify the successful Bidder in writing by registered letter or by cable/e-mail, to be confirmed in writing by registered letter, that its bid has been accepted. The notification of award will constitute the formation of the contract. 1.29.2 Upon the successful Bidder’s furnishing of the performance security pursuant to ITB Clause 1.31, the Owner will promptly notify each unsuccessful Bidder and will discharge its bid security, pursuant to ITB Clause 1.12. 1.30 SIGNING THE CONTRACT AGREEMENT 1.30.1 At the same time as the Owner notifies the successful Bidder that its bid has been accepted, the Owner will send the Bidder the Contract Agreement provided in the bidding documents, incorporating all agreements between the parties. 1.30.2 Within thirty (30) days of receipt of the letter of intent/copy of Contract Agreement, the successful Bidder shall sign and date the Contract Agreement and return it to the Owner. 1.31 PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT 1.31.1 Within thirty (30) days after receipt of the notification of award, the successful Bidder shall furnish the security deposit in the prescribed form or in another form acceptable to the Owner. 1.31.2 Failure of the successful bidder to comply with the requirements of ITB Clause 1.30 or Clause 1.31 shall constitute sufficient grounds for the annulment of the award and forfeiture of the bid security, in which event the Owner may make the award to the next lowest evaluated Bidder or call for new bids. 1.32 CORRUPT OR FRAUDULENT PRACTICES The Owner requires that the bidders/ Suppliers/Contractor, observe the highest standard of ethics during the procurement and execution of contracts. In pursuance of this policy, the Owner defines, for the purposes of this provisions, the terms set forth as follows: KREDA 28 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT i. “corrupt practice” means the offering, giving, receiving or soliciting of any thing of value of influence the action of a public official in the procurement process or in contract execution; and ii. “fraudulent practice’ means a misrepresentation of facts in order to influence of procurement process or the execution of a contract to the detriment of the Owner, and includes collusive practice among bidders (prior to or after bid submission) designed to establish bid prices at artificial non-competitive levels and to deprive the Borrower of the benefits of free and open competition; iii. will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question; iv. if the contractor or any of his employees or agents directly or indirectly gives promise or offers any gratuity, gift, loan, reward for advantage, pecuniary or otherwise to any public officer, or person in the employment of Government and the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, or in any way directly or indirectly tries to influence the action of any such employees in any way relating to his office or employment, the contract shall be liable to be rescinded. In the event of the contract being rescinded the security deposit of the contractor shall stand forfeited to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K 1.33 CO-ORDINATION WITH CIVIL CONTRACTOR The successful bidder will have to co-ordinate with the civil contractor, for smooth and timely execution of the Project. The bidder without any loss of time shall furnish all the information and details, which are necessary for civil works to progress. Similarly all the materials required for progress of civil works shall be supplied in time in consultation with the civil contractor. 1.34 FIRM REGISTERED WITH D.G.S. & D The tenderer must state if he is registered with D.G.S. & D for the supply of the equipments/stores or execution of works. The tenderer must state their current registration number and date and also furnish a true attested copy of such registration. In case any or part of the stores/equipment required against the tender specification is on the rate contract with D.G.S.& D., New Delhi such details must be furnished in the tender giving reference number and date of the relevant notification etc. In such event a copy of the relevant notification may also be furnished alogwith the Tender. 1.35 DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT Early delivery of equipment shall be preferred. The tenderer shall quote for stores delivery of the equipments under penalty. The time/date of delivery shall be reckoned KREDA 29 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT from the date of issue of LETTER OF INTENT. The work/supply shall be considered complete/finished only, if the Engineer has issued a certificate to that effect. 1.36 QUANTITY The requirement mentioned in the schedule of quantity is tentative and is subject to increase or decrease at the time of finalizing the tender. 1.37 RIGHT TO SPLIT ORDER KREDA reserves the right to split up the order amongst various tenderers and has the right not to accept the lowest or any other tender either in whole or in part without assigning any reason for such non-acceptance. 1.38 RIGHT TO AMEND SPECIFICATION The Owner reserves the right to amend the specifications, drawings, other conditions. However such revisions or amendments shall be communicated to all Owners of the specification before opening of the tender. 1.39 FINANCIAL RESOURCES AND EXPERIENCE The tenderer shall submit alongwith his tender a statement regarding his previous experience in performing similar or comparable work and of business technical organization, financial resources and manufacturing facilities available. 1.40 FOREIGN EXCHANGE Only tender offering materials without involving any foreign exchange commitment or help for procuring import license foreign exchange release etc. on the part of the Owner shall be considered. 1.41 PATENTS/AND/OR COPYRIGHTS The contractor shall indemnify the department, its representatives or its employees against any action, claims or proceeding relating to infringement or use of any patent or design rights and shall pay any royalties or other charges which may be payable in respect of any clause or material or part thereof included in the contract. In the event if any claim being made and objection being brought against the department in respect of any such matters as aforesaid the contractor shall immediately be notified thereof, provided that such indemnity shall not apply when such infringement has taken place in complying with the specific directions issued by the department, but the contractor shall pay any royalties or other charges payable in respect of any such use, the amount so paid being reimbursed to the contractor only if the use was result of any drawings and/or specification issued after submission of the tender. KREDA 30 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.42 TENDER DOCUMENT ACCESS TO THE CONTRACTOR’S BOOK Whenever it is considered necessary by the Engineer- in – charge/consultant to ascertain the actual cost of execution of any particular extra item of work or supply of plant or material on which advance is to be made for extra items or claims, he shall direct the contractor to produce the relevant documents such as pay rolls, records of personnel, invoices of material and any or all data relevant to the item and necessary to determine its cost etc, and the contractor shall, when so required furnish all information pertaining to the aforesaid items in the mode and manner that may be specified by the Engineer-incharge/consultant. KREDA 31 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT B - GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.1 SCOPE The scope of work includes design, detailed engineering of Civil and E&M works, manufacture/procurement of equipment, shop testing, packing, transportation, loading & unloading, delivery, storage at site, handling, erection, pre-commissioning, test and commissioning of all equipment/ systems including preliminary acceptance test, performance guarantee as set fourth in these specifications on turnkey execution basis. Insurance during transit, storage, erection and commissioning of all the equipment and accessories is included in the scope. Provision of commissioning, spares required during testing and commissioning is also included in the scope. 1.1.1 The equipment(s) shall be supplied complete in all respects i.e. with all fittings/ accessories, apparatus and parts that are necessary for their usual efficient operation. Such parts shall be deemed to be within contractor’s scope whether specifically mentioned or not. 1.1.2 The General Conditions of Contract and detailed technical specifications are supplementary to each other and are essential for complete interpretation of the requirements of the Owner. 1.2 DEFICIENT ITEMS UNDER CONTRACT In the event of any omission of items for successful operation and subsequent maintenance of work in the agreement, such items as needed to complete and commission the project shall be deemed to be included in the schedule of work as the contract is a lump sump fixed tender on turnkey basis. 1.3 MANUALS The contractor shall furnish Six sets of bound copies of erection, commissioning and operation, maintenance manuals giving detailed instructions, procedures, precautions for all the equipments to the Owner. The manuals shall be specific to the equipment supplied and work carried out and not of general nature. Three sets of these manuals shall also be supplied with each set of equipment/ work. 1.4 SAFETY 1.4.1 GENERAL The provision detailed here under are supplementary to safety requirements as stipulated in central, state or local bodies laws, rules, regulations etc. applicable for the time being as amended from time to time. Where the provision conflict with the enforcement laws, by reason of amendment or any other causes, the stipulation of the aforementioned laws, etc. shall govern. KREDA 32 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.4.2 SAFETY PROVISIONS The contractor shall arrange for the safety in his operation as required including the provisions in the Safety Manual published by the Central Water and Power Commission. New Delhi (January 1962 edition) as amended from time to time. In case the contractor fails to make such arrangements the Engineer-in-Charge shall be entitled to cause them to be provided and to recover the cost thereof from the contractor. For failure to comply with the provisions of the safety manual, the contractor shall without prejudice to any other liability pay to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, a sum exceeding Rupees One Thousand Per day for each day of default. 1.4.3 EXPLOSIVES All operation including handling, storage, transportation and use of explosives in surface as well as underground work shall be performed in accordance with all applicable Central, State, Municipal laws and ordinances as required by the chief Controller Explosives, Government of India. 1.4.4 SAFETY TECHNIQUES AND STANDARDS The contractor shall comply with the provisions laid down in the safety Manual published by C.W.C. Govt. of India and shall also follow the safety rules and regulations as stipulated in the publication of other recognized authority and standards in respect of protective devices, tools and equipments, transportation, storage and carriage of material, excavation, construction, operation and maintenance. 1.4.5 ELECTRICITY RULES The contractor shall comply with the Indian Electricity Act and the rule made there under. He will also comply with the rules framed by the Govt. of J & K and enforced by the Chief Electrical Inspector, J & K All units with respect to their location, layout, general arrangement and design and equipment, structural design, etc. shall be safe to the personnel and conform to the relevant safety rules and regulations/statutory requirement issued by State Government and the Central Government as well as to the following: KREDA 33 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Indian Electricity Rules Indian Electricity Act Indian Explosives Manual Fire Protection Manual issued by Tariff Advisory Committee (India) 1.5 COMPLIANCE WITH RULES REGULATIONS & OBTAINING STATUTORY APPROVAL All equipment / materials shall be installed in accordance with the requirement of relevant Standards, Indian Electricity Rules and Acts. The contractor shall ensure that the electrical installation supplied and erected by him shall be to the entire satisfaction of Chief Electrical Inspector, Central Electricity Authority or any other statutory body having Jurisdiction in the area and also to the Owner /his authorized representative. Electrical Inspectorate's approval for the installation and commissioning shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Preparation and submission of all necessary drawings, calculations, test certificates and relevant details to the Electrical inspectorate and obtaining prior approval for commencing the work and for the complete installation work done shall be done by the contractor. Any statutory fee for inspection charged by Electrical inspectorate, shall be borne by the contractor. 1.6 CHANGE IN CONSTITUTION OF FIRM AND ADDRESS Any change in the constitution and addresses of the Bidding firm and its Partners shall be forthwith notified by the Contractor to Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K for its information. 1.7 SUFFICIENCY OF PROJECT INFORMATION The data and information given in Tender Document are based on the information available from project site. The Contractor shall satisfy himself about the adequacy of the said data/information and interpretation there-of and if necessary, carry out further investigation at his own cost. Thus, KREDA shall not be responsible for in-adequacy of the said data/information and interpretation there-of by the Contractor. 1.8 WORK SCHEDULE / RE-SCHEDULING & PROGRESS OF WORK The Contractor shall submit a detailed BAR CHART and PERT network with tender. The PERT network shall consist of adequate number of activities covering various key phases of the Works such as design, procurement, manufacturing, shipment, installation of equipment, assembly and commissioning of units. This network shall also clearly indicate the interlinking/interdependencies of interface facilities to be provided by the Owner and the dates by which such facilities are needed. Contractor shall discuss the network so submitted with the Engineer and the agreed network shall form part of the contract to be signed within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt of Letter of Intent/Letter of Award of Contract. KREDA 34 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The above PERT network shall be reviewed jointly by the Owner and the Contractor every month, wherein the holdups/delays, if any, in the progress of Works, with reference to the agreed Schedule shall be given special attention. Necessary modifications (updating/revisions) of the Programme, within the over all time for completion, shall be carried out by mutual agreement between the Owner and the Contractor. Supply of new parts of Electro-mechanical equipment at power house shall be planned to ensure their availability about one month in advance of the scheduled dates of installation and matching with the progress. No extra cost, whatsoever, on account of such rescheduling shall be payable to the Contractor. Sequencing of works is to be planned to suit the said requirement. 1.9 INSURANCE 1.9.1 The contractor shall arrange, secure & maintain insurance as may be necessary to protect his own interest and the interests of the Owner against all risks. The risks that are to be covered under the insurance shall include, but not be limited to the loss or damage in transit, theft, pilferage/ civil commotion, weather conditions, accidents of all kinds, fire, war risks during ocean transportation damage, during commissioning etc. Insurance is to be taken for the landed at site value of the equipment for transit from the manufacturer’s ware house/factory to the site and storage there after. 1.9.2 All damages and shortages after its delivery to site and storage there-after shall be notified by the contractor’s site representative by registered post to Owner and action taken by him within 30 days for making good the damage or loss by way of replacement/ repair/new supply against the equipment damaged or lost. The contractor shall take up the matter with insurance company on its own for finalization of claims. All actions in connection with making and settling of claims , if any, will be carried out by the contractor himself for which no extra payment will be made by the Owner to the contractor in this regard. The contractor shall be responsible to make good the damage or loss by way of repairs and/ or replacement of equipment free of cost, irrespective of the fact whether claim is accepted by the insurance company or not, without waiting for settlement of claims. The scope of such insurance shall cover the entire value of the contract from time to time 1.10 GUARANTEE & WARRANTY 1.10.1 The contractor herby guarantees that all the work shall be of first quality workmanship and material shall have no defect in manufacture and shall be in all respects suited for the purposes intended. The guarantee shall be for a period of one year (unless another period is specially stated in the specifications) from the stipulated date of completion of the work. The contractor shall remedy, without cost to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, KREDA 35 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Kargil, J&K, all defect in materials and workmanship which may develop under normal use and which have been called to the attention of the contractor prior to the expiration of the guarantee period. 1.10.2 The Contractor shall guarantee the performance of the equipment such as output and efficiency of turbine and generator, efficiency of transformers and temperature rise of generator and transformer windings over the given ambient temperature as specified in respective Technical Specifications of items. 1.10.3 The Contractor shall further warrant that the equipment supplied under this Contract shall have no defect arising from design, material or workmanship or from any act or omission of the Contractor or his approved sub-contractor that may develop under normal use of the equipment. The warranty shall remain valid for 8000 hours of operation or 18 (eighteen) months after the commissioning and handing over of the equipment, whichever is later. 1.10.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for fulfilling of all the warranties and making good as soon as practicable at his expenses, any defect in or damage to any section or part of the Work which may appear or occur during the Warranty Period. Repair, modification or replacement of work/part of Work as required to make good such defect or deficiency or damage shall constitute complete fulfillment of the Contractor’s obligations under the Warranty provided under this Clause. 1.10.5 The Owner shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing of any claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Contractor with all reasonable speed, repair or replace the defective parts thereof free of cost. The Contractor shall take over the replaced parts at the time of their replacement. Replacement of such defective parts as are not repairable at the site and are not essential in the meantime to the maintenance in commercial use of the plant, shall be made promptly and the defective parts shall be returned to the Contractor works at the expense of the Contractor unless otherwise arranged. 1.10.6 If it becomes necessary for the Contractor to replace or renew any defective parts of the plant/works pursuant to the warranty clause, the Warranty Period for such parts shall, notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, be operative for a further period of twelve months from the date of such repair/replacement or until the end of the above mentioned period of eighteen months whichever may be the later. 1.10.7 If effective steps for repair modification or replacement of defects, deficiencies or damages pursuant hereto are not taken within seven days of the date of notification thereof by the Owner to the Contractor or if such repair, modification or replacement is not completed with reasonable promptitude by the Contractor at his own expense, as required by the Owner in accordance with this Clause, the Owner shall be entitled to cause the same to be made good by other agencies or otherwise and deduct expenses (of which the certificate of Owner shall be final) from any sum that may by then or at any time thereafter become due to the Contractor under the Contract or from the amount released by encasing the bank guarantees provided by the Contractor under the Contract or recover otherwise from the Contractor including from any money due to the Contractor on any other accounts whatsoever. KREDA 36 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.11 SUBMISSION OF BANK GUARANTEES 1.11.1 Performance Security Deposit i) The contractor to whom work is awarded shall deposit performance security @ 10% of the contract value as per relevant clause of the Contract in the form of bank guarantee or bank draft, FDR/CDR or Govt. interest bearing security duly pledged in favour of Project Director KREDA, Kargil or Guarantee Bond from a scheduled Bank of India duly executed on non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value in the enclosed Proforma. ii) The above security shall be sent within 30 days of the award of contract. The validity of the security in any of the above form shall be kept valid till taking over the project by the Owner after commissioning. In case the contractor fails to suitably extend the validity due to delays in supply/commissioning/or any other reason, the Department shall have the right to encash the Bank Guarantee without making any reference to him. This order is liable to be cancelled if security is not deposited within the time specified and in that event earnest money shall be forfeited. The contractor shall not commence the work and supply of material till such time he deposits security as above and intimation regarding receipt and correctness of the same is received by him in writing from the Engineer of Contract. iii) In the event of default on the part of Contractor in the faithful execution of performance obligations, the performance security shall be forfeited and discharged by the Owner as compensation for any loss resulting from the Contractor’s failure to complete its obligations under the Contract. The forfeiture of Performance Security shall be without prejudice to any other rights arising or accruing to the Owner under relevant provisions of the Contract like penalty/damages for delay in delivery or risk execution of work including suspension of business dealing with the Owner for a specific period. 1.11.2 Performance Guarantee i. The Contractor shall also be required to furnish Performance Guarantee @ 20% (Twenty percent) of the Contract Value towards successful performance of the works and plant in accordance with the guaranteed technical particulars immediately after taking over the machines by the Owner after commissioning. The above guarantee shall be kept valid up to 8000 hours of operations or 18 months whichever is later after the date of completion of performance obligations including warranty obligations defined above. The performance guarantee will be discharged by the Owner and returned to the Contractor after expiry of performance guarantee period following the date of completion of the Contractor’s performance obligations, including any warranty obligations, under the Contract. ii. The performance guarantee shall be in the form of a bank guarantee issued by a scheduled bank located in India or abroad acceptable to the Owner duly executed on non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value in the enclosed Performa. 1.12 PRICE VARIATION, TAXES, DUTIES & LEVIES ETC. No price variation shall be entertained during the entire period of the contract, as the contract is a lump sum fixed tender on turnkey basis. However, the variation in taxes, duties and excise during the period of contract shall born by the contractor. KREDA 37 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.13 TENDER DOCUMENT CONTRACT DRAWINGS AND DETAILED TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 1.13.1 Within 30 days from the effective date of the Contract, the Contractor shall send to the Engineer a list of all the drawings with their respective titles and the dates on which they shall be supplied to the Owner. The list shall be amended or extended by the Contractor in consultation with the Owner or asked by the Owner as and when necessary during the progress of work. All the drawings required/supplied by conteracgtor shall be wetted by the consultant of the owner within reasonable time. The schedule of submission of drawings shall be coordinated with the work programme of other work components and shall successively be adjusted in order to meet the actual requirements of other components for completing the works, within the TIME for completion. Prior to the detailed engineering, contractor will be required to carryout construction survey and and soil investigation for drawing bearing capacity of the site. 1.13.2 All the drawings pertaining to civil works of all components of the project, new plants and goods of Electro-Mechanical works shall preferably be worked out on computers using latest version of AutoCAD on maximum A1 size. The civil construction drawings shall have adequate plans, elevations, bill of materials able to clarify the component or proper execution of works at site. Electrical drawings including schematic drawings, block diagrams, flow diagrams, terminal details, panel outline drawings, circuit diagrams etc. shall be worked out on A3 size. All drawings shall have a uniform title-block as approved by the Engineer. Beginning with the very first submittal to the Engineer, the Contractor's drawings shall bear a serial number corresponding to a drawing classification plan to be agreed upon by the Contractor and the Engineer. The drawings of bought out items shall also be preferred in AutoCAD version, however, their scanned version will be allowed. Catalogue sheets, illustrations, printed specifications, etc., shall be checked and prepared by the Contractor in such a way that the figures, statements and data valid for the delivered sizes and types of the works concerned are clearly marked. These documents also shall be scanned and stored on CD. 1.13.3 The contractor shall furnish seven prints of each of the following drawing to the Engineer of the contract, within four weeks of the date of order. General arrangement drawings of the equipment offered. Detailed dimensional drawing and descriptive literature of all the components supplied with basic electrical diagrams. In addition, the contractor shall also submit seven prints to the Engineer of contract within 30 days of the complete bill of material with each item identifiable in the detailed drawing with references. This will also form detailed packing list of the equipment. 1.13.4 The Engineer shall return to the contractor one print of each drawing; (a). stamped APPROVED or (b). Marked Up With Comments. In case of (a) no further resubmission of drawings is required for Engineers approval. Incase of (b) the contractor shall correct his original drawings to conform to the comments made by the Engineer and re-submit in KREDA 38 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT the same manner as stated above, within two weeks after the receipt of the marked up print by him. 1.13.5 The contractor on receipt of prints stamped APPROVED shall furnish to Engineer of the contract one direct reading reproducible of each drawing and bill of materiel within two Weeks of receipt of approved set. 1.13.6 Approval Category drawings/documents after placement of order: The contractor will submit the following documents /drawings. i. Calculations a. Design, calculations, plans, elevations, section, reinforcement details, bill of material for all the components of the project shall be provided on the componentwise drawings. b. Grounding/Earthing calculations and drawing(s). c. Design calculations for steel structures to be used for mounting of Electrical Equipment. d. Calculations to justify CT/PT Parameters like ratios, VA burden, knee point voltage etc. for all cores. e. Fault MVA and KA ratings at different voltage levels used in the power station and switchyard ii. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. iii. Approval Category Drawings All construction drawings of different components of the project required for complete works Single line diagram indicating isolators, CT/PT, all relays, meters, LA, cable sizes, details of CT/PT ratio. VA burden, type and make of all relays, their range nominal and short time ratings of breakers, busbars etc. for all equipment included in this specification. Front view and GA diagrams for panel(s). Over all layouts of the switchyard-indicating sizes of all the premises, cable trenches, clearances etc. Control and schematic drawings for control/protection. Lightning protection drawings, showing coverage of all equipment, structures, buildings etc. Grounding scheme for Power house and switchyard equipment, layout drawing covering internal/external rings and connections to equipment structures etc. Lighting system of the power house, switchyard and appurtenant works Electrical equipment layout for all electrical premises. Information Category Drawings/Documents Cable schedule indicating type of cables, from to via, route, total length size of cable and a final summary sheet indicating total requirement of all types of cables (for control and power both). Core wise control cable termination details indicating ferrule no. terminal block no. for each cable/each equipment. Internal wiring diagram for panel(s). Catalogues for each type of equipment, relays, meters etc. Installation and commissioning manuals for each equipment, relay etc. Operation and Maintenance Manuals indicating trouble shooting KREDA 39 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT procedure for all Equipment. Type Test Certificates for all the major equipment. Details of Test results, for test conducted at works for all equipment. Details of Test results, for tests conducted at site for all equipment. Spare part list, number and ordering procedure for all recommended spares. Overall GA of all the panels/equipment. Fixing details of all the panels/equipment supporting structures etc. Static and dynamic loading of each equipment. Floor cutouts and wall opening details for cables and light conduits etc. Details and location of various inserts base plates. bolts, etc. required to be provided for support of cable structure, panel etc. As executed drawings incorporating site changes along with reproducible. 1.14 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP All the material, equipment, components and materials supplied under the Contract will be new, free from defects and of the respective kinds, grades and specifications described in the Contract as well as conforming to the provisions of relevant codes of Bureau of Indian Standards and shall be subjected from time to time to all necessary tests at the place of manufacturing or fabrication at the Site. Such tests shall be as specified in detailed Technical Specifications. The Contractor shall provide, at his cost such assistance, instruments, machines, labour and materials as are normally required for examining, measuring and testing any work and the quality, weight or quantity of any material used and shall supply samples of materials before incorporation in the Works for testing, as may be selected and required by the Engineer. The cost of making all tests shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.15 INSPECTION, TESTING & MEASUREMENTS CIVIL WORKS 1.15.1 Inspection The Engineer-in-Charge and his duly authorized agent shall have, at all times the right to inspect the works which are in progress either on the site or in the Contractor’s or in the sub-contractor’s premises where work in connection with the contract may be in hand. Such inspection will not absolve the contractor of his contractual obligation to execute the work in accordance with the specification of the contract. The contractor shall during working hours maintain supervisors, who shall be qualified and experienced Engineers to supervise the various items and operation of the work and said supervisor shall remain present during the inspection by the Engineer-in-Charge. All orders and directions will be given to such supervisors or other staff of contractor. Further, the Engineer-in-Charge may desire a high ranking member of supervisory staff of the contractor to be present on any inspection and the contractor shall comply with such direction. Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (a) herein before all material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination and test by the Engineer-inCharge at any or at all time during construction, and at any or at all places where collection of all materials, fabrication and/or such construction are carried out. The KREDA 40 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Engineer-in-Charge has the right to reject defective material and workmanship or require its correction. Rejected work shall be satisfactorily replaced with the proper material without any extra charge, and the contractor shall promptly segregate and remove the rejected material from the premises. If the contractor fails to proceed with the replacement of rejected material and/or the correction of the defective workmanship, the Engineer-in-Charge may be compelled to or otherwise may replace such material and/or correct such workmanship and charge the cost thereof to the contractor or may terminate the right of the contractor to proceed with the work as provided in the Clause 1.66 of this contract, the contractor being liable for any damages to the same extent as provided in the said Clause 1.66 for termination there under. The Engineer-in-Charge shall during the progress of the work have power to order the following in writing from time to time: (i) The removal from the site within such time or times as may be specified in the orders of any materials, which in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge are not in accordance with the contract specifications. (ii) The substitution of the specified materials by other suitable materials. (iii) The removal and proper re-execution (not withstanding any previous test thereof or interim payment thereof) of any work which in respect of material or workmanship is not in accordance with the contract specifications. In case of the default on the part of the contractor in carrying such orders, the Engineerin-charge shall be entitled to employ and pay other person to carry out the same and all expenses consequently thereon shall be borne by the contractor and shall be recoverable from him by the Engineer-in-Charge or may be deducted by the Engineer-in-Charge from any money due or which may become due to the contractor under this or any other contract with the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K. (a) The contractor shall furnish promptly without any additional charges all reasonable facilities, labours and materials necessary for the safe and convenient inspection and tests that may be required by the Engineer-in-Charge. All inspections and tests by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be performed in such a manner as will not unnecessarily delay the work. (b) Inspection of the material and the furnished clauses to be incorporated in the work at the site shall be made at the place of quarry. Fabrication and collection shall be done where the quarry is, unless otherwise stated in specifications and such decision after oral inspection and written orders shall be final except as latent defect, departure from specific requirements of the contract, damage or loss in transit, fraud or gross mistakes subject to the requirements as may be contained in the proceeding sentence, the inspection of the material and workmanship to get the replacement done in such works or materials in whole or in part shall be made at the site. Nothing contained in KREDA 41 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT this paragraph shall, in any way, restrict the right of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, under any warranty and guarantee. (c) If the contractor fails to comply with any of the requirements of the Engineer-inCharge for inspection under the condition of the contract or with any instruction or decision of the Engineer-in-Charge issued there under, except where otherwise specifically provided in this contract, the Engineer-in-Charge may, after giving written notice to the contractor, take necessary action for the compliance of the said conditions, instruction or decision and the expenditure incurred shall be recoverable from the contractor. 1.15.2 Covering of Work In order that the work may be measured and the correct dimension taken thereof, the contractor shall not cover up any part of the same or otherwise, place it beyond the reach of the measurement until he has obtained the consent in the writing of the Engineer-in-Charge or until he has given the Engineer-in-Charge at least seven days notice in writing. If the contractor cover up any work or places it beyond the reach of the measurement without any such notice, the contractor shall either, as he may select, strip such work at his own expense in order that it may be measured or shall forego the cost of such work and the material used in its construction unless otherwise specifically accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge for computing the quantities from drawing or other alternative methods or documents. Judgment of the Engineer-inCharge in this respect shall be final and binding on the contractor without any reasons being assigned thereto by the Engineer-in-Charge and without prejudice to the other works. 1.15.3 Measurements i. ii. iii. iv. KREDA The Engineer – in – Charge shall accept as otherwise ascertained and determined by measurement, the volume of work done in accordance with the contract. Notwithstanding any provision in the relevant standard method of measurement or any general or local custom, measurement of work done under the contract shall be taken in accordance with the procedure set forth in the technical specification or schedule of quantities under the contract. In the case of items of the work which are not covered by the technical specifications or schedule of quantities, measurement shall be taken in accordance with the relevant standard methods of measurements laid down by the Indian standard institution. All items having a financial value shall be entered in work register measurement book, level book, etc. as prescribed by the department. This shall be maintained of all the works performed under the contract. Measurement shall be taken jointly by the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative and by the contractor or his authorized representative. 42 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP v. vi. vii. TENDER DOCUMENT Before taking measurement of any works, the Engineer-in-Charge or representative deputed by him for the purpose shall give a reasonable notice to the contractor. If the contractor fails to attend or send an authorized representative for measurement after such a notice or fails to counter sign or record the objection within a week from the date of taking the measurements, then in that event the measurement taken by the Engineer–in– Charge shall be taken to be correct and final measurement of such work. The contractor, shall, without extra charge, provide assistances with every appliances, labour and other things necessary for measurement. Measurement shall be signed and dated by both parties each day on the site on completion of measurement. If the contractor objects to any of the measurement recorded by the representative of the Engineer – in – Charge a note to that effect shall be made in the measurement book against the item objected to and such note shall be signed and dated by both parties engaged in taking the measurement. The decision of the Engineer – in – Charge of such dispute or difference or interpretation shall be final and binding on the contractor in respect of all contract items, substituted terms, extra items and deviations. Every measurement for intermediate payment on account of works, material or other things shall be regarded as only provisional and approximate and all payment made on such measurement shall be regarded as being advance payment respectively which may be subject to revision and settlement by the Engineer-in-Charge shall and in the event of his deciding measurement of the work executed, return of material provided and used or the estimate value previously made, did not truly represent the quantity and quality of work executed and materials provided and used, the Engineer-in-Charge shall have the power, from time to time or at any time upto the time of refund of security deposit to correct the total result by recording measurements afresh or by other means, after communication with the contractor or its duly authorized agent and such communication shall be binding on the contractor. 1.15.3 Payments of Intermediate Bills (a) In the first week of the month, the contractor may submit a bill for all work executed by him during the preceding month and the Engineer-in Charge shall ensure that all measurements necessary for checking the contractor’s bills are taken. If the contractor does not submit his bill within the time as fixed, the Engineer-in-Charge may after giving the contractor three days notice in writing measure the work in presence of the contractor or his authorized agent whose signatures in the list of measurements shall be sufficient. Authority to the Engineer-in-Charge to draw up a bill based on such measurement and any bill so drawn shall be binding on the contractor. (b)The contractor shall on submitting the monthly bill be entitled to receive a monthly intermediate payment provided the bill is complete, duly supported by details, in order and complete in every respect and is for the actual quantity of the work approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. A deduction at the rate mentioned under the security deposit Clause KREDA 43 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT of the total value of the bill will be made from each intermediate bill towards security deposit. Deduction on account of recovery of advance payment made to the contractor will be made from these intermediate bills in accordance with Clause 1.15.6 in case, any item of work if not in order in any respect then, the item will be deleted from the bill or the intermediate payment or shall be made at the reduced rates, if in the judgment of Engineer-in-Charge sufficient justification exists for doing so. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this respect will be final and binding on the Contractor. This, however, does not preclude the inclusion of the items by the contractor in his next bill or bills. Intermediate payment against bills will only be made as advance to be credited to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, in the final settlement of accounts with the contractor and not as payment for work completed and passed and the making of any such payment shall not preclude the Engineer-in-Charge from requiring the contractor to remove or reconstruct any work on the ground that such work is faulty, unsound, imperfect or unskillful or prevent the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, from enforcing any claim against the contractor on account of any default by him or conclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the Engineer-in-Charge under these conditions or any of them as to the final settlement and adjustment of the accounts. (c) Deduction towards income tax under section 194 C of Income Tax Act, 1972, and any amendments thereto made in future shall be made form the gross amount of any bill including cost of material etc. No deduction towards Income Tax shall be made from the contractor’s bill, if the contractor is able to produce a certificate from the Income Tax Department stating that he is exempted from such deductions. Deduction towards Sale Tax and E P F shall also be made as per relevant rules. 1.15.4 Quantities and Unit Prices (a) (b) KREDA The quantities noted in the schedule of quantities and bids shall be treated as approximate and no claim shall be made against the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, for any variation therein actual or relative except as provided in clause for deviations etc. The unit prices in the schedule of bids shall include the cost of all labours, materials, tools, equipments, accessories and processes and all other expenditures as are required for completion of corresponding items of the work in accordance with technical provision and conditions of the contract. The rates quoted by the contractor in “Schedule of Quantities & Price” shall be deemed to be inclusive of the Trade Tax, if any on the constructional plant, materials and supplies (permanent, temporary and consumables) acquired for the purpose. Nothing in the contract shall relieve the contractor from the responsibility to pay any Trade Tax that may be levied under the Jammu & Kashmir Trade Tax Act and any amendment thereof in performances of this contract to the satisfaction of Trade Tax Officer concerned. During pursuance of the contract, the Engineer-in-Charge or any other person responsible for making 44 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (c) TENDER DOCUMENT the payment to the contractor, either in cash or in any other manner shall deduct an amount required as per trade tax rule or as the case may be to the full satisfaction of the Tax payable under the said Act as interpreted by Trade Tax Officer concerned on account of this contract. The contractor shall not, however, quarry any material from the land acquired by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, /Government or otherwise belonging to it, except with the prior written permission from the Engineer-in-charge/government. If such permission is accorded by the Engineerin-charge/government, the royalties as fixed by the Engineer-incharge/government and tax and duties etc. payable in respect thereof shall be borne by the contractor. 1.15.5 Measurements and Payment of Final Bills Residual final measurement and adjustment of quantities shall be made on completion of the work only when the Engineer-in-Charge has given a certificate of completion of the work. 1.15.6 Recoveries for Cost of Materials and Equipment supplied by the KREDA (i) Recoveries of the cost of cement and other materials, if issued to the contractor, will be made from the intermediate payments to the contractor as per procedure laid down in J & K financial codes. (a) For Security Deposit: Deduction on this account shall be made from intermediate payments to the contractor as specified in the Clause for security deposit of the contract. (b) For Other Miscellaneous Accounts: Recoveries on account of services such as accommodation electricity and water supplies etc. and on account of expenditure, if any, incurred by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, on the contractor’s behalf shall be recovered from him from the next bill immediately after the expenditure is incurred. KREDA 45 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.15.7 TENDER DOCUMENT Work subjected to Technical Examination and Audit The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, shall have the right to the technical examination / audit of works, running and /or final bills including supporting vouchers, abstracts etc. to be made before or after the payment of final bill. If as result of acceptance of substandard material etc. or defective work, on audit or technical examination any sum is found to have been over paid in respect of any work by the contractor under the contract or in respect of work claimed to have been executed by him under the contract, but found not to have been actually executed, the contractor shall be liable to refund the amount of the over payment and it shall be lawful for the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, to recover the same from him on the certificate of the Engineer-inCharge which shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor as arrears of land revenue or in any other manner legally permissible, and if it is found that the contractor was paid less then what was due to him in respect of any work executed by him under the contract, the amount of such under payment may be duly paid by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, to the Contractor. 1.15.8 Extra Items Since the contract under these specifications shall be Lump Sum on Fixed Cost basis, no extra payment shall be made over and above the contract value. The contractor shall however complete the works for this project as are required under thse specifications and required for successful operation and maintenance of the project. 1.15.9 Final Payment Final payment will be made to the contractor on the basis of the final measurement taken as per Clause 1.15.5 after adjustment of all outstanding recoveries on account of advanced payments made to the contractor if any herein before and recoveries of amount due from the contractor. Credit shall also be given to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, for all intermediate payments to the contractor made in accordance with Clause 1.15.3. The amount of security deposit shall be refunded to the contractor after he has cleared all camp sites as laid down in the relevant Clause or after expiry of defect liability period, whichever is later. The contractor shall, before the final; payment, obtain and furnish to the Engineer-inCharge satisfactory evidence that the work is fully released from all claims and demands from the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, KREDA 46 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT and secure and furnish a written consent and of his sureties to acceptance of final here under. The acceptance of final payment by the contractor shall release the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, from all claims and liabilities to the contractor for all work done and materials furnished in the execution of the contract. Final payment (or any other payment) shall, however, not serve to release the contractor or his sureties from their obligations under or in connection with this contract particularly with reference to relevant clauses. 1.15.10 Lien to withheld any payment due to the contractor The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, shall have a lien on and over all or any money that may become due and payable to the contractor under these presents and /or also on and over the deposits of security amount or amounts under this contract which may become payable to the contractor under the conditions of the contract, in respect of debt or sum that may become due and payable to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, by either under this or any other contract or transition of any nature whatsoever between the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, and the contractor and also in respect of any Government tax or taxes or other moneys which may become due and payable to the Government/Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, by the contractor either alone or jointly with another or others under the other statutory enactment’s in force, including there modifications and substitutions. The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, and the Government shall at all time be entitled to deduct the said debt or sum or tax due to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K,/Government from the contractor from the Money, securities or deposits which may become payable or returnable to the contractor under these presents. The provisions of these conditions shall also apply and extend to the Bankers Guarantee given by the Contractor. 1.15.11 No Claim for delayed payment due to dispute etc. The contractor agrees that no claim for interest or damages will be entertained or be payable by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, in respect of any money or balances which may be lying with the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, owing to any dispute, difference or misunderstanding between the parties or in respect of any delay or omission on the part of the Engineer-in-Charge in making intermediate or final payment or in any other respect whatsoever. KREDA 47 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.15.12 TENDER DOCUMENT Interest on money due to the contractor No omission on the part of the Engineer-in-Charge to pay the amount due upon measurement or otherwise shall vitiate or make void the contract, nor shall the contractor be entitled to interest neither upon any guarantee or payment in arrears nor upon any balance which may in final settlement of his account be due to him. 1.15.13 Deduction for un-rectified works If the Engineer-in-Charge deems it in expedient to get replaced any item of supply made or to get rectified the damaged work or works not done in accordance with the contract, an equitable reduction of the contract rate be provided in the Schedule of Quantities and bids shall be made from the bills of the contractor. However, any action by the Engineer-in-Charge under this Clause shall not in any way, absolve the contractor from his responsibilities and liabilities as per terms of the contract and the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge on this account shall be final and binding upon the contractor. 1.15.14 Mode of Payment The payment shall be made through cheques drawn on National Bank in Indian Rupees as per the agreement term/offer/order and dispatched by Registered Post/Speed Post/Courier Service or by hand. The payment may also be made through bank transfer, if possible. E&M WORKS 1.15.15 General The contractor shall give 15 days notice to the Engineer of contract under intimation to Owner, of every lot of material being ready duly packed for dispatch along with routine test results of the material offered and details of dispatches made against last authorization for dispatch In addition to the tests specified in the technical specification, the Owner reserves the right of carrying out at site such tests as he may decide upon. Such additional tests will be carried out at the supplier’s expenses. The contractor shall also render necessary assistance to the inspecting officers in making random sampling. Wherever considered necessary, material shall be marked embossed or sealed by the inspecting officer after inspection has been carried out and the material approved for dispatch. KREDA 48 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The Owner reserves the right to draw required number of samples of other major items of raw material. These samples shall however, be drawn and sealed in the presence of contractor or his authorized representative. The Owner further reserves the right to get these samples tested from any Govt. recognized test house/ laboratory or Govt. test house/ laboratory. The contractor shall record either of the following certificate on the invoice / packing list (Challan) as the case may be "Certified that the consignment (lot) of material supplied through this invoice/ packing list (challan) has been inspected and tested by representatives of Department and has been approved for despatch". Or “ Certified that the inspection and testing of consignment (lot) of material supplied through this invoice/ packing list (Challan) has been waived off by the Owner vide his letter. No. ………….date………….. It is further certified that the material has been tested and results have been found to be within the values specified in the relevant ISS / contract as per copies of Test certificate enclosed". Not with - standing the inspection carried out by the officer of department in case of any short/defective supply of material detected by the consignee, the contractor shall be liable to make good such shortage/ rectify the defects. The consignment also be subject to joint inspection by representatives of the contractor and the Owner, in case of any dispute regarding quality and / or quantity of the material supplied. In case, the material offered for inspection is not found ready when the inspecting party reaches the works of contractor, the cost incurred by the Deptt. on this account will become payable by the contractor on demand by the Engineer of Contract within 30 days. 1.15.16 KREDA At Works i. All the supplies will be subject to inspection and testing before clearances are given by the Owner for despatch. It is essential that: The tenderer/sub-vendors must have all necessary facilities at their works for carrying out such routine and acceptance tests as prescribed in the relevant standards and any other routine and acceptance tests as specified in the specification. Documentary evidence of existence of such facilities will be provided along with the tender. ii. Quality assurance plan (QAP) for tests and inspection of equipment. The Contractor shall submit four copies of QAP of equipment within 60 days after the award of contract for approval of the Owner. The approved quality assurance plan shall form the basis for inspection and acceptance of the 49 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT equipment. The Engineer shall have the right to ask for more relevant tests if the same could not be included in the quality assurance plan at the time of their approval due to non availability of final design drawings. iii. The offered equipment must have been fully type tested as per relevant ISS and/ or other specified International Standards, during the last 5 years period, to be reckoned from the date of opening of tender. Photocopy of such type test reports/certificates must be submitted along with the tender bid. The type test certificate of prototype manufactured and tested by foreign collaborators of the tenderers at their works shall not be acceptable for indigenously manufactured equipment iv. In case the equipment is being, manufactured in India under foreign collaboration, the collaborator’s equipment shall have three years' satisfactory operating experience under tropical climate. v. The offered indigenously manufactured equipment should have been type tested and test report submitted with the tender. 1.15.17 Inspection of works KREDA i. The Contractor shall prepare the field quality assurance plan and get it approved from the Owner before starting works at site. The approved quality assurance plan shall form the basis for inspection and acceptance of the plant and works at site. The Engineer shall have the right to ask for more relevant tests if the same could not be included in the quality assurance plan at the time of their approval due to non availability of final design drawings. ii. During erection, re-assembly, commissioning and trial operation, the Contractor shall perform at suitable intervals all inspections and tests in the presence of the Engineer in order to prove the orderly execution of the works in accordance with the Contract. iii. Unless otherwise specified, all costs for testing at site and of the works and charges associated with it shall be borne by the Contractor. This includes the measuring devices - properly calibrated, and any pertinent accessories which shall be made available by the Contractor for the entire duration of the tests. The Contractor shall delegate his experts to perform the tests at site. iv. In case of disagreement between the Engineer and Contractor on the test results, an independent expert shall be appointed by Owner to whom both parties shall agree. If no amicable settlement can be reached, the Arbitration Clause shall be applied. 50 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.16 TENDER DOCUMENT PACKING The Contractor shall provide such packing of the Goods as is required to prevent their damage or deterioration during transit to their final destination as indicated in the Contract. The packing shall be sufficient to withstand, without limitation, rough handling during transit and exposure to extreme temperatures, salt and precipitation during transit and open storage. Packing case size and weights shall take into consideration, where appropriate the remoteness of the Goods’ final destination and the absence of heavy handling facilities at all points in transit. Suitable lifting lugs should be provided in heavy consignments and clear instructions be marked on the package for handling. All electrical parts shall be carefully packed in high-pressure polyethylene foils where parts may be affected by vibration, they shall be carefully protected and packed to ensure that no damage will occur while they are being transported and handled. All bright parts shall be thoroughly protected from rust during transit. Each package shall contain a packing list in polythene cover and six copies shall be sent to the Owner. All points shall be marked to facilitate erection. Large clauses, which are not packed in cases, shall have all screwed holes, plugged suitably and machined surfaces properly protected. Weight and size limitation for transport shall be ensured by the contractor The Contractor will be required to make separate packages for each consignment and shall mark all containers with the implementing document number pertinent to the shipment. Each shipping container shall also be clearly marked on at least two sides as follows: Consignee Contract No. Package number Description Item number (if applicable) Net and gross weight Volume Country of Origin Port of entry 1.17 : : : : : : : : : DELIVERY The commencement of delivery/ project completion period shall be counted from the date of issue of letter of intent or date of signing of contract, whichever is earlier. The date of receipt of material in Owner's store shall be deemed to be the date of delivery. KREDA 51 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The delivery should be effected in serviceable lots/ sets of equipment. In case of part despatch, the delivery shall be deemed to have been effective when last component/ part of the equipment of serviceable lot /set has been delivered. 1.18 DELIVERY OF PLANT AND DESPATCH DOCUMENTS 1.18.1. The Contractor shall prepare and forward six copies of the master list of packages in bound form within 120 days of award of Contract or at least 90 days before dispatch of any package. This list will be used as checklist for dispatch of all the equipments and materials under the Contract. The list will be updated, if necessary by the Contractor based on changes during subsequent details design. 1.18.2 The Goods shall be dispatched by the Contractor strictly as per the master list of packages and the delivery schedule agreed in the final Contract after getting dispatch instructions from the engineer. Dispatch clearance shall be given by the Engineer based on site requirement keeping in view the limited warranty period. 1.18.3. Following dispatch documents shall be sent with the packages: i. ii. iii. iv. vi. vi. vii. viii. x. 1.19 Six (6) copies of the Contractor invoice showing Goods description, quantity, unit price, total amount; Six (6) copies of packing list identifying contents of each package; Packages, containers, bundles and loose materials forming part of each and every consignment shall be described in full in the packing account and full details of the contents of packages and quantity of materials shall be given. Delivery note/railway receipt/truck receipt; Manufacturer’s/Contractor’s guarantee certificate; Test Certificate/Inspection certificate issued by the nominated inspection agency, and the Contractor’s factory inspection report; and Certificate of origin. Predespatch clearance certificate. Three copies of the despatch documents shall be sent to consignce and consultant of KREDA Kargil Notification of delivery or dispatch in regard to each and every consignment shall be made to the Owner immediately after despatch or delivery. DELAYS IN THE CONTRACTOR’S PERFORMANCE & LIQUIDATED DAMAGES (PENALTY) If the works or any part thereof is not completed in accordance with the Contract within the Time For Completion, the Owner shall be entitled to liquidated damages and the said damages shall be payable by the Contractor on demand without there being any proof from the Owner. The liquidated damages shall be payable for delay in completion of the work @ 1.0% (One Percent) of the Contract Price of incomplete works thereof. The liquidated damage so payable shall not exceed 10% (ten percent) of the Contract Price KREDA 52 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT and will be recovered from any sums due to the Contractor separately for construction works, supply and erection works as follows: 1.19.1 Civil Works The construction works shall be guaranteed for completion in scheduled time. Failing which a penalty of 1% of the Contract Price of incomplete works thereof, subject to a maximum of 10% of the contract price of the incomplete work. 1.19.2 Delivery of E&M Equipment The delivery of equipment should be guaranteed under penalty. The penalty shall be @ 1% of the value of the materials delayed in delivery for a fortnight or part thereof subject to the maximum of 10% of the contract price of the parts/materials delayed. 1.19.3 Erection of Plant and Equipment In the event of the Contractor failing to complete the erection work within mentioned period, he shall pay as compensation one (1) percent of the erection cost of each Equipment, per each fortnight of delay in completion, provided always that the entire amount of compensation to be paid under the provision of this clause shall not exceed, ten (10) percent of each equipment erection cost. 1.19.4 General No penalty shall be payable due to minor omission or defects which do not effect the final commissioning of the equipment, provided the contractor agrees to make good the omission or defect at the earliest possible date. The Contractor shall however be responsible for any damage that may be caused by such defects. KREDA Without prejudice to the right of the Owner under the Contract and its right to entitlement for liquidated damages, the Owner shall be entitled additionally to terminate the Contract without being liable in any manner whatsoever to the Contractor and/or to have the WORKS completed at the risk and cost of the Contractor, by a communication in writing to the Contractor in the following events: In the event the liquidated damages have become payable in terms of this Clause but the maximum limit of the amount of liquidated damages payable hereunder by the Contractor to the Owner have not been reached and the Contractor has failed to complete the delayed works within 30 (thirty) days of receipt of notice in this behalf from the Owner; or In the event the liquidated damages have become payable in terms of this Clause hereof and the maximum limit of the amount of liquidated damages for delay payable hereunder has been reached and the Contractor has failed to complete the WORKS within 30 (thirty) days of the receipt of notice in this behalf from the Owner; or In the event of the Contractor, being in breach of any of the provisions of the Contract and if the Contractor has failed to remedy such breach/default within 30 53 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT (thirty) days or such further period as may be mutually agreed between the Owner and the Contractor having regard to the nature of the breach or default or shortfall, of the receipt of notice in this behalf from the Owner. 1.20 CONTRACTORS STAFF, LABOUR & CAMP The contractor shall comply with all legislations and rules of State and /or Central Government or Other Local Authority formed from time to time governing the protection of health, sanitary arrangements, wages, welfare and safety for labour directly or indirectly employed on construction works. The rules and other statutory obligations with regard to fair wages, welfare and safety measures including insurance etc, maintenance of register etc. shall be deemed to be part of the contract. 1.20.1 Contractor’s representatives, Supervisory staff and labour The contractor shall at all times, maintain on the works adequate number of qualified engineers and staff of sufficient experience of similar other jobs to ensure that the quality of work turned out shall be as intended in these specifications. The contractor shall also maintain at the work a project manager of suitable status and having adequate experience of the type of work to be carried out under the contract and also experience of official dealings, and duly authorized to deal with all aspects of the day-to-day work. All communications to and commitments by the project manager shall be considered binding on the contractor. The contractor shall at all times submit details of skilled and unskilled labour and equipments employed to the Engineer-in-charge in prescribed Performa as may be required to assess and ensure proper progress of the work. 1.20.2 Right to object to personnel employed The Engineer-in-charge shall have the right to object to the employment or presence of any representative or other persons or labour employed by the contractor on the works for incompetence, negligence, misconduct or being considered undesirable in the interest of work, and on receipt of such objections in writing from the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall be bound to remove such person or persons as may have been pointed out in the written objections. If it happens to be in respect of the contractor or his authorized representative himself, the Engineer-in-charge shall have the right to rescind the contract. The contractor shall not be entitled for any damage or loss that may be caused by removal of person and in rescinding the contract due to such objection as provided herein. KREDA 54 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.20.3 Rates and wages i. ii. iii No labour below the age as prescribed by law for the time being in force shall be employed on the work. Fair wages, not less than minimum wages that may be fixed from time to time in accordance with the law or Act or Rules there under applicable to the works shall be paid by the contractor to all labour and their wages rates shall be prominently displayed in the labour camp in Hindi written in Devanagri script and English script and Urdu. The payment of wages to the labourers shall be made at regular reasonable intervals and shall be governed by the contractor labour regulations enforced from time to time. Proper acquaintance records for such payment shall be maintained and made available for inspection in the event of there being any complaint from the labourers. During the period the contract remains in force, the contractor is required by any law or statue to make provisions for labour amenities and benefits in excess of those customary on similar project in India on the date of opening of bids, the contractor shall make reimbursement for any direct increase in the cost of construction at his own charge which he may have to incur on this account. The engineer in charge shall have the liberty to check the enforcement of the above amenities. The contractor shall employ labour for one or more shifts as per the requirement of work. The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K,shall reimburse no payment for overtime work made by the contractor to the labour. 1.20.4 Labour statistics The contractor shall report monthly within five days after the closing of each calendar month, on forms approved by the Engineer-in-charge the number of persons on his or any of his subcontractor pay rolls at site and such other information as may be required by the Engineer-in-charge. He shall furnish to the Engineer-in-charge, if so required, the names and addresses of all such persons employed on the work. The contractor shall, as far as possible, employ local labour (Skilled and unskilled) and staff, if found suitable. 1.20.5 Convict labour In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the contractor shall not employ any person being tried in a court for criminal offence or any person, who has been convicted for a criminal offence. KREDA 55 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.20.6 Non-discrimination in the employment In connection with the performance of work under this contract, the contractor agrees not to discriminate against any employee or applicant for employment, because of religion race, caste, creed or colour and further agrees to insert the foregoing provisions in all subcontracts hereunder. 1.20.7 Employment of labour of other contractor If the contractors take away any labour brought and employed by other contractors of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K,working on the same project, he shall be liable to pay compensation, equal to the profit, as the original contractor would have been made if the labour would have continued with him and he will also have to return the labour thus employed. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor. 1.20.8 Right of way The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K,will provide right of way for permanent works. The contractor will be permitted to use such right of way as well as other available land for construction proposes. The contractor will supply to Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, within a reasonable time after the award of the contract the details of land required by him for the purpose of camp, stores and shops at work site, should any private land or land belonging to Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, which has not been requisitioned be required by the contractor for the work the acquisition /requisition proceedings will be carried out if practicable by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, and the land made over to the contractor free of cost on the completion of the acquisition/requisition proceedings provided always that the Engineer-in-Charge is satisfied about the additional requirement of land. In case the contractor takes over any land at site of work by private negotiations the cost of such land will be reimbursed to him at the rates as may be certified to be reasonable by the District Magistrate and/or his authorized representative or their actual purchase price whichever is lower and the land acquired will become the property of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K Provided that no reimbursement, as aforesaid, shall be made to the contractor if he has procured private land by negotiations without obtaining prior written approval of the Engineer-in-charge. KREDA 56 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.20.9 Surrender of occupied land The land as herein before mentioned shall be returned back to the Engineer-in-charge before the issue of completion certificate. Also no land shall be held by the contractor no longer than the Engineer-in-charge shall deem necessary and the contractor shall, on receipt of written notice from the Engineer-in-charge, vacate and return the land which Engineer-in-charge may certify as no longer required by the contractor for the purpose of the work. All areas of operation including those utilized by the contractor’s staff and colonies, shall be handed back to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, in good condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge without any damage to the areas which he has to handover back to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, or to other property or land handed over to him for purpose of this work. 1.20.10 Camp sites The contractor shall provide, maintain and operate under competent skilled staff direction camp and facilities convenient to work and sufficient for housing and accommodating all his employees including labour at his own cost. He shall also provide facilities for community latrines, bathrooms, kitchens, dining halls and recreation facilities for labourers. The location, operation and maintenance of such camps and facilities shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. No constructions of any kind, other than that of the most temporary nature shall be undertaken until drawing and specifications have been approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The design, construction, operation and maintenance of electric and water supply sewerage shall be done by the contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 1.20.11 Contractor’s office The contractor shall have an office near the work site where notices or directions and instructions from the Engineer-in-charge may be served. The contractor shall have a clerk or some authorized person always present in the office who shall receive such notice, directions and instructions on behalf of the contractor. 1.20.12 Buildings and roads Expensive or permanent type of construction will not be required but all buildings created in the contractor’s camp shall be substantial in construction and shall have reasonably good appearance, a minimum of 15 sqm. of covered area shall be provided for every employee of the contractor including all workmen. All approach roads and roads inside his camp shall be constructed and maintained by the contractor at his own cost. The KREDA 57 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT layout, design, construction and maintenance etc. of the roads shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. 1.20.13 Water supply and fire protection The contractor shall provide and maintain at his own cost all camp and work sites, water system for supplying water for domestic purpose, fire protection, and for use in the workshop, the capacity, design, construction operation and maintenance of all water supply and fire protection arrangements shall be subject to the approval of the Engineerin-charge. 1.20.14 Camp regulation The contractor shall be responsible for maintenance of good order in this camp and to that end shall employ such officer, watchmen or other persons as may be required for this purpose. Unauthorized persons shall be excluded from the camps and from the work areas. If in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge any employee or agent of the contractor misbehaves or causes obstruction to proper execution of the work or otherwise makes himself undesirable the Engineer-in-charge may ask the contractor to remove such employee or agent from his camp at once and the contractor shall promptly carry out such orders. 1.20.15 Medical aid The camp area shall be provided by the contractor with adequate medical facilities on scale commensurate with camp requirements. Facilities for first aid shall be arranged by the contractor at every worksite to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 1.20.16 Post and telegraph office The nearest Post and Telegraph, facilities are available at Padum in District Kargil. These will be available to the contractor at the usual terms and conditions of Post and Telegraph Department. 1.20.17 Removal of camp After completion of the work covered by these specifications and before completion certificate is issued under the contract, the contractor shall remove from any site located KREDA 58 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT on land owned or controlled by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, buildings and all other constructions above the ground surface except buildings not owned by the contractor. He shall neatly fill with earth all cells, basements and other excavated areas and shall leave the site in clear and right conditions. If the contractor refuses or fails to remove the buildings and other construction as herein provided within the specified period, the buildings and other improvements shall become the property of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, and in such event the cost of such removal will be deducted from the amount with held vide clause 1.15.10 from the final payment due to the contractor. 1.20.18 Accident prevention (a) The contractor shall at all times exercise reasonable and proper precaution for the safety of the people on the works and shall comply with the provisions of current safety laws and relevant buildings and construction codes of the state Govt. and the safety manual of C.W.C. as may be applicable. He shall also provide all necessary fencing and lights required to protect public from accidents. All machinery and equipments and other sources of physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the regulations or laws of the State Govt. and the Govt. of India. The contractor shall be responsible to all risks to the lives and property of the people from whatsoever cause arising out of or in connection with the execution of the works during their progress although the contractor may have taken all reasonable and proper precautions. The contractor shall be deemed to have indemnified and saved harmless the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, against all actions, suits, claims, demands and cost etc. arising in connection with injuries suffered prior to the issue of the final certificate of completion. In case the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K,(either alone or jointly with the contractor) shall be called upon by a court of law to make good such loss or damage, or to pay compensation (including that payable under the provision of the workman’s compensation Act.) to any person or persons sustaining damages as aforesaid by reason of any Act. or any negligence or omission on the part of the contractor, the amount which the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, may be required to pay in respect therefore and the amount of any costs or charges,(including legal costs and charges in connection with legal proceeding) which the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, may incur in reference thereof shall be chargeable from the contractor. (b) Further-more, the Engineer-in-charge shall under his uncontrolled discretion if he deems fit, have the right to pay or to defend or to compromise any claim which may be made against the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, or in case of threatened legal proceeding or in anticipation of legal proceeding being instituted in respect of matters for which contractor is liable, to take such steps as may be considered necessary or desirable to ward-off or mitigate the effect of such proceedings and recover from the contractor all sums and expenses the Engineer-incharge may incur and pay in his behalf and the priority of action taken and the sums KREDA 59 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT and expenses incurred and paid by the Engineer-in-charge in his behalf shall not be open to question. Provided that the Engineer-in-charge shall, before taking any action as aforesaid give to the contractor a notice in writing of the action proposed to be taken by him and in case the Engineer-in-charge proposes to pay or compromise any claim, no such payment shall be made or comforted without the consent of the contractor except when the claim dose not exceed the sum of Rupees 1000/-(Rupees One Thousand only) the payment on the compromise is sanctioned by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K,. Monthly report of all accidents shall properly be submitted by the contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge, as required under law giving such details as may be prescribed under any law for that purpose. In case of accident of serious nature the contractor shall send the report immediately after the accident has taken place. 1.20.18 (a) (b) Preservation of existing vegetation: The contractor will preserve and protect all existing vegetation such as trees, on or adjacent to the site, which do not unreasonably interface with the construction. The contractor will be held responsible for all unauthorized cutting of and damage to trees by careless operation of equipment, stock piling of materials etc. Care will be taken by the contractor in setting fire or felling trees authorized for removal, so as not to cause any damage to vegetation or to structures under construction or in existence or injury to workmen. If there is any damage to trees, the contractor will be fully responsible as per Govt. rules in force. 1.20.20 Contractor not to dispose off soil, etc. The contractor shall not dispose off or remove, except for the purpose of fulfillment of this contract. Sand, stone, clay, ballast, earth, trees and shrubs or other materials and equipment obtained in the excavation made or laying on the site of the work and all such material and produce shall remain property of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, may upon request of the contractor allow use any of the above materials and produce for the works, either free of cost or after payment as may be specified in the order, as may be considered necessary during the work. 1.20.21 Insurance (a) KREDA Before commencing execution of the work, the contractor shall without in any way limiting this obligations and responsibilities under this condition, insure against any damage or loss or injury which may occur to any property excluding that of the department but including the department’s building rented to the contractor wholly or in part and any part of which is used by him for storing 60 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT combustible material, public liability by arising out or carrying out of the contract. For this purpose, the contractor shall take out, pay all costs and maintain throughout the period of his contract public liability with the following coverage:i. ii. (b) (c) Public liability limits, for bodily injury or death not less than Rs. 1,00,000.00 for one person and Rs. 2, 00,000 for each accident. Property liability limits for each accident not less than Rs. 1,00,000.00. The contractor shall prove to the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time that he has taken out all the insurance policies referred to above and has paid the necessary premiums for keeping the policies alive till expiry of the defect liability period. The contractor shall ensure that similar insurance policies are taken out by his sub-contractor if any and shall be responsible for any claims or losses to the department resulting from their failure to obtain adequate insurance protection in connection thereof. The contractor shall produce or cause to be produced by his sub-contractors (if any) as the case may be the relevant policy or policies and premium receipt as and when required by the Engineer-in-Charge 1.20.22 Age Limit The age limit for employment of labour shall be strictly in accordance with the existing labour rules and Regulations. 1.20.23 Liability under EPF & Miscellaneous Act, 1952 The contractor shall ensure that they are registered under Employee provident fund & Miscellaneous Act 1952. The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner against any liability under Employees Provident fund & miscellaneous provision Act 1952 in respect of employees / labour engaged by him for the execution of work under the contract & shall discharge all the obligations under the Act with regard to such employees. The Contractor shall also furnish all such reports & return as may be required under the Act from the Owner with regard to the contractor’s employees. 1.21 CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION OF WORKS Before taking over any part of the works into commercial use, the Owner shall issue a certificate of completion based on the following certifications by the Engineer: 1.21.1. Acceptable quality and workmanship of the various works including dimensional accuracy and KREDA 61 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.21.2 Acceptance of various field tests by the Engineer after commissioning of the works. 1.22 FINAL ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATES 1.22.1 A Final Acceptance Certificate shall be issued by the Owner to the Contractor on his request within thirty days after the expiry of the Warrantee Period applicable to the works or part thereof, or the date of rectification of outstanding deficiencies/ damages/defects whichever is later. 1.22.2 The request for issue of a Final Acceptance Certificate by the Contractor shall be accompanied by a list of documents already handed over in accordance with the Conditions of the Contract and such other documents/information that may be mutually agreed between the Owner and the Contractor. 1.23 CONTRACTOR TO KEEP SITE CLEAR During the progress of the works, contractor shall keep the site reasonably free from all unnecessary obstruction and shall store or subject to approval from the Engineer and subject to the conditions, if any, imposed by the Government of India or the State Government of Jammu & Kashmir or any of its officers, dispose of any construction equipment and surplus materials and from time to time clear away and remove from the site any wreckage, rubbish or temporary works no longer required. 1.24 CLEARANCE OF SITE ON COMPLETION On the completion of the works, the contractor shall clear away and remove from the site all the remaining construction equipment surplus materials, rubbish and temporary works of every kind, and leave the whole of the site and works of every kind clean and in a workmanlike condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The old plant/goods which are replaced by the new ones, shall be stored in Owner’s stores allocated by the Engineer for this purpose and handed over to the Engineer. 1.25 CO-OPERATION WITH CONSULTING ENGINEERS The Contractor shall agree to co-operate with the Owner’s consulting engineers and freely exchange with them such technical information as is necessary to obtain the most efficient and economical design. However, the Contractor shall do all correspondence with the Consultants in respect of such exchange of technical information through Engineer only. 1.26 TRAINING OF OWNER’S PERSONNEL 1.26.1 Training of Engineers at Contractor’s works The Contractor shall undertake to train adequate number of engineers selected and sent by the Owner at the later’s expense to the Works of the Contractor. The period of training shall be approximately 30 man-months. These engineers shall be given special KREDA 62 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT training in the shops where the equipment will be manufactured and where possible in any other power plant where similar manufactured equipment is under installation or test to enable them to become familiar with the equipment being supplied by the Contractor. All the traveling expenses for the engineers to be trained during the total period of training will be borne by the Owner. The Engineer while undergoing training shall be responsible to the Contractor for discipline. In the event of the Owner, for any reasons, failing to avail of the training facilities, he shall not be entitled for any rebate whatsoever on this account. The Contractor will arrange necessary accommodation and other facilities such as conveyance etc. at the site of training for trainees or Resident representative of the Owner free of cost. The training plan shall include the information on individual courses: Outline Duration and scheduling Location Qualification of instructor Objectives Prerequisites Contents Training material Audio visual aids Special equipment, tools, etc. Ratio of hours of class room/ to hours of hands on laboratory experience 1.26.2 Training of other personnel at site The Owners engineers and other personnel shall be associated at every stage of erection, testing and commissioning of the project, so as to acquaint them with the plant and equipment and auxiliary systems for smooth operations and maintenance. The contractor shall arrange necessary modalities for training of the staff. 1.27 REJECTION 1.27.1. Owner reserves the right to reject any equipment/ item if during the tests at works or site, the test values achieved do not comply with the respective standards / specifications and exceed the tolerable limits. 1.27.2. Contractor shall replace a rejected equipment with a new equipment complying with the guaranteed values as promptly as possible and at no extra cost to the Owner. Owner reserves the right to retain any rejected equipment and take it into service until the contractor supplies the new equipment. 1.27.3. Rejection of any equipment will not be held as a valid reason for delay in timely completion of the works. KREDA 63 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.28 MISCELLANEOUS 1.28.1. Necessary stores required at site shall be constructed by the contractor at his own cost. The contractor shall be fully responsible for arranging the required tools and tackles, water and construction power supply at his end. All precautions shall be taken by the contractor for taking proper shutdowns while working in the vicinity of live equipment or interfacing new equipment with line equipment. 1.28.2The Contractor shall ensure that all personnel employed do not stray into other areas. Any injury caused due to this shall be the sole responsibility of the contractor. 1.28.3. The contractor shall ensure that all the workmen and supervisors engaged by him or by his sub- contractor are provided with proper safety appliances. Any violation in safety provisions or failure to maintain safe working conditions will lead to serious penalty on the contractor and finally may lead to termination of the contract. 1.28.4. The contractor shall ensure that skilled labours required for specific works have necessary trade certificates and adequate experience of the job. 1.28.5.When the work is carried out in the obscure daylight or night, adequate arrangements for flood lighting in the working area shall be made by the contractor at his own cost. 1.28.6. The safety poster/regulation for prevention of accidents shall be displayed by the contractor at appropriate places. Notices and warning signs shall be displayed for all sources of danger at places and in a manner that the same attract attention of the personnel. 1.29 JUDICIAL JURISDICTION All disputes arising out of and touching or relating to subject matter of the agreement/ contract shall be subject to jurisdiction of local courts of Kargil and High Court of judicature at Srinagar only. 1.30 NOTICES The notices given by one party to the other pursuant to the Contract shall be sent in writing by registered / speed post to the addresses of the Owner and Contractor. The notice shall be effective when delivered or on the notice’s effective date, whichever is later. KREDA 64 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.31 TENDER DOCUMENT WORKS AND SERVICES TO BE FURNISHED BY THE CONTRACTOR Unless otherwise specified, the following works and services shall be provided by the Contractor for complete construction works, erection, testing and commissioning of equipment under turnkey project. 1.31.1 Works i. All labour, skilled and unskilled including supervisory personnel for expeditious and efficient construction and erection of the equipment and material covered by the specification. ii. Key Skilled and unskilled personnel as may be required for carrying out tests on the equipment during start- up, testing and commissioning. iii. Accommodation of supervisory personnel and housing of all labour. iv. Daily transport for workers as required. v. Site office and covered storage as required. vi. Medical facilities shall be provided by the Contractors. 1.31.2 Services i. All equipments and materials to be erected by the contractor will be collected by him from the equipments stores. ii. Taking delivery of all erection materials along with special tools etc. and equipment to be erected from the Project Stores. iii. Safe transportation of the equipment and materials from Project Stores to the site of erection. iv. All consumable materials, tools and tackles for the purpose of erection, unless otherwise specified. v. All fastening materials, nuts, bolts, screws, clamps, washers and gaskets etc. unless otherwise specified. vi. All consumable and erection materials to be supplied by the Contractor shall be of the best quality and according to the specification approved by the Engineer. vii. All the materials procured by the Contractor shall be got inspected and approved by the Engineer before the same are used for erection work. viii. All equipment’s, tools, platforms, scaffolding, temporary supports and facilities required for erection and for handling of heavy packages at site. ix. Owners equipments and tools may be made available on payment of hire charges, if and when available. The hire charges shall be those determined by the Engineer, who shall however be under no obligation to supply such tools. KREDA 65 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT x. Erection of the equipment and materials complying with the specifications satisfaction of the Engineer and design requirements and to the entireties. xi. All work shall be carried out as per requirements of Codes and shall be electrically and mechanically corrected. xii. The Contractor shall supply and paint with anticorrosive paint damaged and rusty parts before erection. xiii. All parts of an equipment delivered in disassembled condition, shall be checked for zero % wear or damage, accumulation of dust, cleaned and assembled for erection. xiv. Strict cleanliness shall be observed during the erection. xv. Watch and ward to ensure security/ and safety of materials under his custody. xvi. Cleaning up of site after erection, xvii. Any other works as required for completion of works. 1.32 MATERIALS & EQUIPMENTS 1.32.1 Supply of materials by KREDA The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K will not supply any material to the contractor. 1.32.2 Materials to be arranged by the contractor Except the materials which may be issued by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, under Clause 1.32.1 of general conditions of contract herein before all other materials required for the execution of his contract and corresponding to the specifications stipulated either in this chapter or under the technical provisions given for the items of work in the contract shall be arranged by the contractor. The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, may assist the contractor as far as possible for obtaining sanctions for diesel and petrol pumps quota for supply of diesel, petrol and lubricants. The contractor will not claim any compensation if the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, fails to obtain the same infavour of the contractor. KREDA 66 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.32.3 Contractor’s plant and equipments KREDA (a) The contractor shall arrange his own tools, plants and equipments for the proper and expeditious execution of the work under this contract. (b) No item of plant and equipment required for the construction of the work and brought to site for this purpose shall be removed by the contractor prior to the completion of the work without the written permission of the Engineer-in-Charge. In respect of items of plant and equipments belonging to the contractor, such permission to remove shall not be withheld by the Engineer-in-Charge unless in his opinion removal of such items is likely to jeoparadise the completion of the work. (c) Should the contract be terminated for any reason, the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, reserves the right, which must be exercised within 90(ninety) days from the date of such termination, to purchase the construction plant and equipment of the contractor by payment of all expenses incurred by the contractor in the purchase, transport and erection at the site of such plant and equipment less the depreciation calculated in accordance with C.W.C. Depreciation rules, upto the date of termination of the contract subject to the adjustment of the total advanced payment made to the contractor and total amount of recoveries made from the contractor in respect of the plant and equipment. In the event of termination of the contract by either party for any reason and the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, not electing to purchase the interest of the contract in any plant and equipment herein provided, it is agreed that the contractor, if elects to remove such plant and equipment, will pay to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, an amount equal to the total advanced payment, made to contractor in respect of such plant and equipment together with interest less recoveries already made from the contractor. (d) The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, will also have the right to take over from the contractor any or all plant and/or equipment which is not required for the works, in its existing condition, at the time of taking over which is of foreign make and in the procurement of which the Engineer-in-Charge had helped the contractor by way of release of foreign exchange or otherwise and the contractor shall not dispose off such plant and equipment without obtaining prior permission of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing. The price to be paid to the contractor for the plant and / or the equipment so taken over shall be thirty percent of the cost F.O.R. Kargil occasioned to the contractor, provided that the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, shall exercise such right not later than six months after completion of the work. In case the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, does not exercise the right as aforesaid to take over any of the plant and equipment, the contractor will be free to dispose off such plant and equipment as he chooses, except that the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, shall have the first 67 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT preference to purchase any item or items of the plant and equipment at a mutually agreed price which shall not be more than 30% of the original cost FOR Kargil. 1.32.4 Loan of tools, plants and machinery by KREDA The Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K will not provide any kind of tools, plant and machinery to the contractor. 1.32.5 Construction power (a) (b) The contractor shall make his own arrangements for construction power at its own cost including fee, etc. All equipments materials and work in connection with electrical installation shall conform to specifications and rules acceptable to the Engineer-in-Charge as well as the Chief Electrical Inspector, J&K. Fee of electrical inspector shall be paid by the contractor. The electrical installation shall be maintained in a safe and satisfactory operating condition, In order to provide proper voltage regulation, all motors used by the contractor shall be of the type approved by the Engineer-inCharge. 1.32.6 Approval and storage of materials (a) (b) All materials or clause samples shall be provided to the Engineer-in-Charge. Samples shall be submitted for approval when so directed and the materials or clauses used without such approval shall be at the risk of subsequent rejection. Such approval shall not absolve the contractor from his responsibility to use material and clauses as per specification. The contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish sheds and yards with guards in such situation and in such numbers as in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge are required for the storage of material arranged by him or handed over to him by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, for execution of the work under this contract. The contractor shall keep at each of such sheds and yards sufficient quantity of materials and stocks so as not to delay carrying out of the work with due expedition. 1.32.7 Inspection of materials All materials, process of fabrication and methods of construction shall be subject to the inspection of the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorised representative when need be who shall be the sole judge of their qualities and suitability for the purpose for which these KREDA 68 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT are to be used. If any of them fails to meet his approval the same shall forthwith be replaced and / or corrected, and / or otherwise made good by the contractor at his own expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Rejected materials shall be disposed off as the Engineer-in-Charge may direct. Acceptance of any materials and/or workmanship shall not preclude subsequent rejection by the Engineer-in-Charge, if he finds either or both to be unsatisfactory. No material shall be transported to the work site from its place of manufacture without approval unless so ordered by the Engineer-inCharge. Such inspection, however, will not absolve the contractor from his responsibilities under the provisions of the contract. 1.32.8 Cement consumption Cement to be used per unit of different items of work shall be according to the consumption statement attached herewith or as approved by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, from time to time. In case less cement than prescribed consumption is used and the work is accepted by the Engineer-in-Charge, the recovery of the cost of the cement shall be made from contractor for the cement actually used and also for the cement less consumed by the contractor at the issue rates. In case actual consumption of cement is more then the prescribed consumption as per schedule C&D, the cost of excess cement consumed shall be recovered at double the issue rates from the contractor. The rates quoted by the contractor are based on the consumption of cement as given in Schedule. If the Engineer-in-Charge prescribes higher or lower cement contents on the basis of design of mix the contractor will do so. And increase or decrease at the issue rate of cement (as provide in schedule) per bag consumed more or less shall be made in the tender rates on this account. 1.33 OTHER SERVICES FOR ERECTION WORK BY THE CONTRACTOR Tenderer shall provide the services of an experienced Engineer for supervision of erection, testing and commissioning of the plant and equipment covered under his scope of supply. The work and services to be rendered under this clause shall include but are not limited to i. Complete checking of the materials at site and reporting to the Engineer in writing of any discrepancy, loss / damage thereof. ii. If so desired by the Owner, the Contractor shall arrange to depute his representative for rendering the services under item (i) on receipt of equipment/materials at site and within the claim period of transit insurance. iii. Advising the Engineer regarding rectification of any damage during transit. KREDA 69 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT iv. Preparation of schedules for constructions, pre-commissioning check-up and tests. v. Preparation of material requirement schedule. vi. Advising the engineer on the procedure of erection to be followed, vii. Ensuring that the work is being carried out as per normally accepted engineering practice. viii. Exercising quality control for construction material and actual construction. ix. Submission of erection logs and all records of erection in proper proforma in triplicate. x. Issuing completion certificate for readiness to start-up. xi. Testing, commissioning and putting the equipment in successful operation. 1.34 INSURANCE FOR EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 1.34.1 The supplier at his cost shall arrange, secure and maintain insurance as may be necessary and for all such amounts to protect his interests and the interests of the Owner, against all risks as detailed herein. The form and the limit of such insurance, as defined herein together with the under writer thereof in each case shall be acceptable to the Owner. However irrespective of such acceptance, the responsibility to maintain adequate insurance coverage at all time during the period of Contract shall be that of the Suppliers alone. The Suppliers failure in this regard shall not relieve him of any of his contractual responsibilities and obligations. 1.34.2 All costs on account of insurance liabilities covered under the Contract will be on Suppliers account and will be included in Contract Price. However, the Owner may from time to time during the pendency of the Contract, ask the Supplier in writing to limit the insurance coverage risks and in such case, the parties to the extent of reduced premium amount. 1.34.3 On receipt of materials at site these will be jointly verified by the representatives of the Owner and the Supplier against packing lists. In case some of the materials listed in packing list are found missing while the package is received in outward sound condition, such shortage shall be treated as short supplies. 1.34.4 If, however, the package is received in damaged condition and open delivery is taken, missing items will be treated as lost in transit and claimed from the underwriters. The Contractor shall arrange the missing/damaged items at his cost 1.34.5 In both cases, the Supplier shall forthwith take all expeditious action to dispatch, manufacture and dispatch the missing/lost components in such a manner as not to jeopardize the sequential erection completion of the particular group. KREDA 70 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.34.6 The insurance shall be done upto the Project Stores of the Owner against all risks of transportation. 1.35 INSURANCE OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS FOR ERECTION The Contractor shall take an overall insurance cover for all equipment and materials issued to him for erection against loss or damage during storage, erection, testing and commissioning of the plant. Such insurance shall remain valid till the plant and equipment are taken over by the Owner and cover the third party risk. The Contractor shall report to the Owner immediately any loss or damage, which is detected during the course of storage, erection, testing and commissioning of the equipment and materials and shall settle the claims with his Insurance Company. The contractor shall, however, have to make good the loss or damage at his own cost. The Owner, however, reserves the right to ask the Contractor to arrange for Insurance cover with his approved underwriters but when called upon to do so, the Contractor shall obtain the desired cover. 1.36 REPAIR OF DAMAGES IN EQUIPMENT SUSTAINED DURING TRANSIT If required by the Owner and if it be within the competence of the contractor, the contractor shall repair the damages during transit. The total man hour actually employed for this work shall be certified by the Engineer in each case and the later’s decision in this regard shall be final. 1.37 DELIVERY OF EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS FOR ERECTION The Contractor shall take delivery of equipment and materials from Project Stores for erection. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to arrange for transportation of equipments from the Project Stores to work sites. The Contractor shall be responsible for bringing the materials safely to the site of erection. An authorized representative of the Contractor shall take delivery of the plant and equipment in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the engineer and shall submit a complete detailed account of the same after completion. 1.38 RESPONSIBILITY OF ERECTION The Contractor shall be completely responsible for the satisfactory erection, testing and commissioning of the plant notwithstanding that he may have been assisted by the Engineer in doing so. 1.39 EXTRA WORK SHIFT: Night work shall be permitted with the written approval of the Engineer provided that except in an emergency, sufficient notice is given by the Contractor. The Engineer may KREDA 71 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT also direct Such extra shift for the Contractor to ensure completion of contract on schedule if in his opinion such work is permitted. 1.40 PROTECTION OF WORK: The Contractor shall take all reasonable care to protect the work under erection till such time the erected equipment has been taken over by the Owner. Where necessary, suitable fencing and lighting shall have to be provided by the Contractor as a safety measure against accident and damage of Owners property, Caution, notices shall be displayed by the Contractor to give warning to the persons working at site if access to any part may be deemed unsafe and hazardous. The Contractor shall be responsible for any loss or damage of the equipment or material under his custody until the same is taken over by the Owner. 1.41 CARE OF FINISHED WORK: The Contractor shall effectively protect the work from action of weather and from damage or defacement and shall cover finished parts where required for their thorough protection, Face work shall be perfectly clean and free from defects. The Contractor and his sub-contractors shall be responsible during their work for protection of the work which has been completed by other Contractors. Suitable means shall be used to protect finished work when moving equipment over it. 1.42 CLEANING UP OF WORK SITE During erection the Contractor shall, without any additional payment, at all times keep the working and storage areas used by him free from accumulation of waste materials or rubbish. Upon completion of erection he shall remove or dispose of in a satisfactory manner all temporary structures, waste and debris and leave the premises in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer, and in the event of the Contractors failure to do so, the same may be removed by the Owner, and the cost incurred shall be recovered from the Contractor or his securites. All stripped wooden packing of the equipment shall become the Property of the Owner and they shall be delivered to the Owners store. 1.43 ERECTION PROGRAMME The Contractor shall submit in such forms as may be requested by the Engineer, schedule showing the programme and order in which the Contractor proposes to carry out the work, with dates and estimated completion time for various parts of the work. Such KREDA 72 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT schedules shall be approved by the Engineer, prior to starting the work. The Contractor shall also furnish when so directed by the Owner, the Organization that will set up for completion of the work according to the approved Construction Schedule. The Contractor shall also give sufficient notice in advance intimating in Writing his requirement of materials which are to be supplied by the Owner. 1.44 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING OF ERECTED EQUIPMENT BY THE CONTRACTOR The Contractor shall be completely responsible for conducting the pre-start checks and commissioning and trial run notwithstanding that he may have been assisted by the Engineer in doing so. The Contractor shall supply all labour in the execution of these tests. Operating personnel will be provided by the Owner. If the first test is not satisfactory and the defect is due to Contractor, the Contractor shall rectify the defects to the satisfaction of the Engineer at no extra cost to the Owner and subsequent tests shall be carried out as necessary by the Contractor till the tests are successful. If however, the defect is not due to the Contractor the repeat tests shall be carried out as mutually agreed upon and the maximum number of repetitive tests in such cases will be limited to two in number. 1.45 PAYMENT Subject to any deduction which the Owner may be authorized to make under the contract subject to any deduction provided under other clauses in the contract the Contractor shall be entitled to payment as detailed in this document under terms of payments. 1.46 CONTRACTOR'S' EMPLOYEES AT SITE The Contractor shall provide at the proper time, the necessary erectors, supervisor and other personnel duly qualified and in sufficient number for the erection, testing and commissioning of the plant. The qualification and experience of different categories of personnel will require prior approval of the Owner. Contractor's representatives shall abide by all general regulations in force on the site and to any special conditions affecting the local administration issued by the Owner or his duly authorized representatives. All the employees of the Contractor living on the land belonging to the Owner shall be deemed to be aware of all dangers and risks incidental to the activities of the Owner, and other Contractors and the conditions of the Owner's land and work from time to time and the Owner will not be responsible for any injury arising KREDA 73 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT therefrom. The Contractor shall discharge all the obligations under the Indian workmen's compensation Act and labour Laws so far as it will affect the work under his control. 1.47 QUALIFICATIONS OF CONTRACTOR'S SUPERVISORY PERSONNEL The Contractor's supervisory personnel will be adequately qualified trained and experienced so as to carry out the duties most efficiently and effectively as expected of them. The Contractor's personnel shall have adequate experience of working on similar type of equipment and similar job. Notwithstanding above if any of the supervisory personnel is not found to be performing his services in a manner as expected of him under the contract, the Contractor on advice from the engineer, shall replace such person (s) at his cost with those acceptable to the engineer, by mutual agreement. 1.48 WORK AT SITE In the execution of the work, no persons other than the Contractor or his duly appointed representatives, subcontractors and workmen shall be allowed to do work at Site, except by special permission, in writing of the Engineer or his representative but access to the work at all times shall be accorded to the Engineer and his representative and other authorized officials or representatives of the Owner. 1.49 LIABILITY FOR ACCIDENTS AND DAMAGES The Contractor shall indemnify the Owner against any claims which may be made under the workmen Compensation Act 1923 or any statutory modification or otherwise for or in respect of any damages or compensation payable in consequence of an accident or injury sustained by any workman or other person whether in the employment of the Contractor or not. In every case in which by virtue of the provision of the sub-section (1) of section 1 2 of the workmen's Compensation Act, 1923, the Owner is obliged to pay compensation to a workman employed by the contractor in execution of works, the Owner will recover from the Contractor the amount of the compensation so paid, and without prejudice to the rights of the Owner under sub-section (2) of section 12 of the said act, the Owner shall be at liberty to recover such amount or any part thereof by deducting it from the security Deposit or from any such due by the Owner to the Contractor whether under this Contract or otherwise. The Owner shall not be bound to contest any claim made against it under section-1 2, sub-section (1) of the said except on the written request of the Contractor and upon his giving to the put-chaser full security for all costs for which the Owner might become liable in consequence of consisting such claim In the event of any claim being made, or act-ion brought against the Owner involving the Contractor and arising out of the matters referred to and in respect of which the Contractor is liable under the clause, the contractor shall be immediately notified thereof, and he shall, with the assistance, if he so requires of the Owner but at the sole expense of the Contractor, conduct, all negotiations for the settlement of the same or of any litigation that may arise therefrom. In such case the Owner shall, at the expense of the Contractor, afford all available assistance for any such purpose. KREDA 74 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The Contractor shall, during the progress of the work, properly cover up and protect the plant from injury to weather and shall take every reasonable, proper, timely and useful precaution against accident or injury to the same from any causes and shall be and remain answerable and liable for all accidents or injuries thereto which, until the same be, or be deemed to be taken over or be occasioned by the acts or omissions of the Contractor or his workmen or sub-Contractor and all losses and damages to the plant arising from such accidents or injuries as aforesaid shall be made good in the most complete and substantial manner by and at the sole cost of the Contractor and to the reasonable satisfaction of the Engineer. Until the plant shall be or be deemed to be taken over as aforesaid the Contractor shall also be liable for and shall be deemed to have agreed to indemnity the Owner in respect of all damages to any property of Owner or -of other occasioned by the negligence or fault of the Contractor or sub-contractor or his or their workmen or representative or by defective design, work or material or otherwise. Provided that the Contractor shall not be liable under the Contract of any loss (or profit or loss) of Contractor any other claims made against the Owner not already provided for in the Contract, nor for any damage or injury caused by or arising from the acts of the Owner or of any other person or due to circumstances over which the Contractor has no control, nor shall his total liability for loss, damage or injury exceed the total value of the Contract. 1.50 REGULATION OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES The Owner will, throughout the continuance of the Contract and in respect of all matters arising in the performance thereof, serve all notices and obtain consents, way leaves, approvals and permissions required in connection with the Regulations and by laws of the local or other authority which shall be applicable to the work. All work shall be executed in accordance with the requirements of relevant standard codes with all statutory modification thereof to date, wherever applicable, unless otherwise agreed to in writing by the Engineer. 1.51 EXTENSION OF COMPLETION TIME If the progress of works is delayed at any time by any act, delay or neglect of the Owner or by any other Contractor employed by the Owner or by changes ordered in the work by the Engineer, or by strikes, lockout, fire, war, act of public enemy or by any cause which the Engineer shall decide to justify the delay, then the time of completion shall be extended by a reasonable time or by such time as the Engineer may decide. No such extension shall be allowed unless claims are made in writing to the Engineer within fifteen (15) calendar days from the date of occurrence of the cause of delay. 1.52 KREDA MEDICAL SUPERVISION & CARE 75 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any first aid and emergency medical treatment to his employees. Necessary arrangement for this purpose shall be made by the Contractor. 1.53 CONTRACT PRICE AND PAYMENT 1.53.1 The contract price Unless otherwise stated in the particular conditions payment for the works shall be made on the basis of the lump sum contract price, subject to adjustments in accordance with the contract and the contractor shall pay all taxes, duties and fees required to be paid by him under the contract, and the contract price shall not be adjusted for any of these costs. 1.53.2 Advance payment The KREDA shall make advance payment, as an interest free loan for mobilization and design, when the contractor submits a guarantee in accordance with this sub-clause including the details stated in the particular conditions. If the particular conditions of contract does not state: the amount of the advance payment, then this sub-clause shall not apply the number and timing of instalments, then it shall be only one the applicable currencies and proportions, then they shall be those in which the contract price is payable ‘and /or the amortization rate for repayments, then it shall be calculated by dividing the total amount of the advance payment by the contract price stated in the contract agreement less provisional sums The KREDA shall pay the first instalment after receiving (i) a statement (under subclause [Application for interim payments]) (ii) the performance security in accordance with sub-clause [Performance security], and (iii) a guarantee in amounts and currencies equal to the advance payment. This guarantee shall be issued by an entity and within the country (or other jurisdiction) approved by the KREDA, and shall be in the form annexed to the particular conditions or in another form approved by the KREDA. Unless and until the KREDA receives this guarantee, this sub-clause shall not apply. The contractor shall ensure that the guarantee is valid and enforceable until the advance payment has been repaid, but its amount may be progressively reduced by the amount repaid by the contractor. If the terms of the guarantee specify its expiry date, and the advance payment has not been repaid by the date 28 days prior to the expiry date, the contractor shall extend the validity of the guarantee until the advance payment has been repaid. The advance payment shall be repaid through proportional deductions in interim payments. Deductions shall be made at amortization rate stated in the particular conditions as stated above, which shall be applied to the amount otherwise due (excluding the advance payment and deductions and repayments of retention), until such time as the advance payment has been repaid. KREDA 76 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT If the advance payment has not been repaid prior to the issue of the taking –over certificate for the works or prior to termination by Employer], Suspension and Termination by contractor or Force majeure (as the case may be), the whole of the then balance outstanding shall immediately become due and payable by the contractor to the KREDA. 1.53.3 Application for Interim payments The contractor shall submit a statement in six copies to the KREDAafter the end of the period of payment stated in the contract (if not stated, after the end of each month), in a form approved by the employer, showing in detail the amounts to which the contractor considers himself to the entitled, together with supporting documents which shall include the relevant report on progress in accordance with sub-clause [Progress reports]. The statement shall include the following items, as applicable which be expressed in the currencies in which the contract price is payable, in the sequence listed: The estimated contract value of the works executed and the contractor’s documents produced up to the end of the month (including variations but excluding items described below: any amounts to be added and deducted for the advance payment and repayments in accordance with sub-clause [Advance payment];any other additions or deductions which may have become due under the contract or otherwise, including those under clause [Claims, disputed and arbitration]; and the deduction of amounts included in previous statements . 1.53.4 Schedule of payments If the contract includes a schedule of payments specifying the instalments in which in the contract price will be paid, then unless otherwise stated in this schedule; the instalments quoted in the schedule of payments shall be the estimated contract values for the purposes of sub-clause [Application for Interim payments], subject to sub-clause [Plant and Materials intended for the works]; and if these instalments are not defined by reference to the actual progress achieved in executing the works, and if actual progress is found to be less then that on which the schedule of payments was based, then the KREDA may determine revised instalments, which shall take account of the extent to which progress is less than that on which the instalments were previously based. If the contract does not include a schedule of payments, the contractor shall submit nonbinding estimates of the payments, which he expects to become due during each quarterly period. The first estimate shall be submitted within 42 days after the commencement date. Revised estimates shall be submitted at quarterly intervals, until the taking –over certificate ahs been issued for the works. KREDA 77 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.53.5 Plant and materials intended for the works If the contractor is entitled, under the contract, to an interim payment for plant and materials which are not yet on the site, the contractor shall nevertheless not be entitled to such payment unless. The relevant plant and materials are in the country and have been marked as the employer’s property in accordance with the employer’s instructions’ or The contractor has delivered, to the employer, evidence of insurance and a bank guarantee in a form and issued by an entity approved by the KREDAin amounts and currencies equal to such payment. This guarantee may be in a similar form to the form referred to in sub-clause [Advance payment] and shall be valid until the plant and materials are properly stored on site and protected against loss, damage or deterioration. 1.53.6 Interim payments No amount will be paid until the KREDA has received and approved the performance security. Thereafter, the KREDA shall within 28 days after receiving a statement and supporting documents, give to the contractor notice of any items in the statement with which the KREDA disagrees, with supporting particulars payments due shall not be withheld, except that: If any thing supplied or work done by the contractor is not in accordance with the contract, the cost of rectification or replacement may be withheld until rectification or replacement has been completed; and / or If the contractor was or is failing to perform any work or obligation in accordance with the contract, and had been so notified by the employer, the value of this work or obligation may be withheld until the work or obligation has been performed The KREDA by any payment, make any correction or modification that should properly be made to any amount previously considered due. Payment shall not be deemed to indicate the KREDA’s acceptance, approval, consent or satisfaction. 1.53.7 Timing of payments Except as otherwise stated in sub-clause [Employer’s claims] the KREDA shall pay to the contractor: The first installment of the advance payment within 42 days after the date on which the contract came into full force and effect or within 21 days after the KREDA receives the documents in accordance with sub-clause [Performance security] and sub-clause [Advance payment], whichever is later; The amount which is due in respect of each statement, other than the final statement, KREDA 78 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT within 56 days after receiving the statement and supporting documents; and The final amount due, within 42 days after receiving the final statement and written discharge in accordance with sub-clause [Application for final payment] and sub-clause [Discharge]. Payment of the amount due in each currency shall be made into the bank account, nominated by the contractor, in the payment country (for this currency) specified in the contract. 1.53.8 Delayed payment If the contractor does not receive payment in accordance with sub-clause [Timing of payments], the contractor shall be entitled to receive financing charges compounded monthly on the amount unpaid during the period of delay. Unless otherwise stated in the particular conditions, these financing charges shall be calculated at the annual rate of three percentage points, above the discount rate of the central bank in the country of the currency of payment, and shall be paid in such currency. The contractor shall be entitled to this payment without formal notice, and without prejudice to any other right or remedy. 1.53.9 Payment of retention money When the Taking-over certificate has been issued for the works, and the works have passed all specified tests (including the tests after completion, if any), the first half of the retention money shall be paid to the contractor. If a taking –over certificate is issued for a section, the relevant percentage of the first half of the retention money shall be paid when the section passes all tests. Promptly after the expiry dates of the defects notification periods, the outstanding balance of the retention money shall be paid to the contractor. If a taking –over certificate was issued for a section, the relevant percentage of the second half of the retention money shall be paid promptly after the expiry date of the defects notification period for the section. However, if any work remains to be executed under clause [Defects liability] or clause [Tests after completion], the KREDA shall be entitled to withhold the estimated cost of this work until it has been executed The relevant percentage for each section shall be the percentage value of the section as stated in the contract. If the percentage value of a section is not stated in the contract, no percentages of either half of the retention money shall be released under this sub- clause in respect of such section. KREDA 79 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.53.10 Statement at completion Within 84 days after receiving the taking over certificate for the works, the contractor shall submit to the KREDA six copies of a statement at completion with supporting documents, in accordance with sub-clause [Application for Interim Payments], showing: The value of all work done in accordance with the contract up to the date stated in the taking –over certificate for the works, any further sums which the contractor considers to be due, and an estimate of any other amounts, which the contractor considers will become due to him under the contract. Estimated amounts shall be shown separately in this statement at completion. The KREDA shall then give notice to the contractor in accordance with sub-clause (interim payments] and make payment in accordance with sub-clause (Timing of payments]. 1.53.11 Application for final payment Within 56 days after receiving the performance certificate, the contractor shall submit, to the employer, six copies of a draft final statement with supporting documents showing details in a form approved by the KREDA: The value of all work done in accordance with the contract, and any further sums which the contractor considers to be due to him under the contract or otherwise If the KREDA disagrees with or cannot verify any part of the final statement, the contractor shall submit such further information as the KREDA may reasonably require and shall make such changes in the draft as may be agreed between them. The contractor shall then prepare and submit to the KREDA the final statement as agreed. This agreed statement is referred in these conditions as the “ Final statement”. However if, following discussions between the parties and any changes to the draft final statement which are agreed, it becomes evident that a dispute exists, the KREDA shall pay the agreed parts of the draft final statement in accordance with sub-clause [Interim payments] and sub-clause [timing of payments]. Thereafter, if the dispute is finally resolved under sub-clause [obtaining dispute adjudication board’s decision] or sub-clause [Amicable settlement], the contractor shall then prepare and submit to the KREDAa final statement. 1.53.12 Discharge When submitting the final statement, the contractor shall submit a written discharge memo conforming which confirms that the total of the final statement represents full and final settlement of all moneys due to the contractor under or in connection with the contract. This discharge memo may state that it becomes effective when the contractor has received the performance security and the out-standing balance of this total, in which KREDA 80 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT event the discharge shall be effective on such date. 1.53.13 Final payment In accordance with sub-clause [Timing of payments] the KREDA shall contractor the amount which is finally due, less all amounts due for deduction. pay to the 1.53.14 Cessation of Employer’s Liability The KREDA shall not be liable to the Contractor for any matter or thing under or in connection with the Contract or execution of the Works, except to the extent that the Contractor shall have included an amount expressly for it: i. ii. In the Final Statement and also (Except for matters or things. arising after the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate for the Works) in the Statement at completion described in Sub-Clause [Statement at Completion}. However, this Sub-Clause shall not limit the KREDA's liability under his indemnification obligations, or the KREDA's liability in any case of fraud, deliberate default or reckless misconduct by the KREDA. 1.53.15 Mode of Payment i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. KREDA The payments shall be made through cheques drawn on a nationalized bank in Indian rupees/US dollars as per the agreement terms of offer/order and dispatched by Registered post/Speed post/Courier services (To be discussed later). All the progress payments mentioned above shall be made by the Owner based on the satisfactory progress of work according to agreed schedule and as certified by the Owner’s authorized representative. All the Bank Guarantees shall be submitted by the contractor, issued from State Bank of India or a Nationalized Bank drawn in Favour of KREDA. All interim/progress payments shall be regarded as payments by way of advance against the final payment only and not as payment for work actually completed and shall not preclude defective/ imperfect/ incomplete work to be removed. It will not be considered as an admission by the Owner of the due performance of the Contract or any part thereof by the contractor nor shall it preclude, determine or affect in any way the powers of the KREDA under these conditions or in any other way vary or affect the contract. The KREDA reserves the right to encash Bank Guarantees if sufficiently convinced of negligence and lack of dedication to work or failing the milestones against the agreed date on the part of the contractor. Within 30 days of the Date of Letter of Intent, the Contractor shall furnish detailed price Break-up and billing and despatch schedule, which only after approval of the KREDA 81 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vii. viii. ix. x. xi. TENDER DOCUMENT shall form the basis for releasing interim pro-rata payments. The billing and despatch schedule shall be submitted according to the sequence of supplies and erection. Should the contractor consider that he is entitled to an additional payment due to change in scope, he shall forthwith give notice in writing to the Owner to that effect. Such notice shall be given to the KREDA containing full particulars and justification of the additional claim. Irrespective of any provision in the contract to the contrary, the contractor must intimate his intention to lodge claim within 20 days of the commencement of happening of the event and quantify the additional claim within 30 days of completion of the work failing which, the contractor will lose his right to claim any compensation/ reimbursement/ damages etc. or refer the matter to Arbitration. Failure on the part of the contractor to put forward any claim as above within the time as specified shall be an absolute waiver there-of. Omission by the Owner to reject any such claim and delay in dealing therewith shall not be waiver by the Owner of any of his rights in respect thereof. If at the time at which either of the installments due under Sub-clauses of hereof becomes payable there are minor defects in the plant which are not of such importance as to effect the full commercial use of the plant, then the Owner shall be entitled to retain such part of the installments then due as represents the cost of making good such minor defects, and any sum so retained shall, subject to the provisions to become due upon such minor defects being made good. If the KREDA desires that the plant or any portion should not be dispatched by the contractor when it is due for dispatch, the Contractor shall store such plant or portion at his works and be responsible for all risks. For such storage the KREDA shall pay to the contractor at a rate to be mutually agreed upon between the parties but not exceeding Rs.15 (fifteen rupees) per tonnes per week payable quarterly plus interest @ 1 percent per annum above the current rate of the State Bank of India, on 80 per cent of the contract value of the plant or portion thereof so stored, for the period from the date on which the said plant or portion becomes due and is ready for shipment up to the date on which it is actually shipped . In the event of the Contractor not being able to supply the materials or to carry out the works in accordance with the terms of this contract, the KREDA or its Representative shall have the right to recover any sums advanced in accordance with the contract from the Contractor and from his assets. All costs, damages or expenses which the KREDA may have paid, for which under the Contract the Contractor is liable, may be deducted by the KREDA from any money due or which may become due by him to the Contractor under this contract, or may be recovered by suit or otherwise from the contractor. Any some of money due and payable to the Contractor (including security deposit returnable to him under this contract) may be appropriated by the KREDA and set off against any claim of the KREDA for the payment of a sum of money arising out of or under any other contract made by the contractor with the KREDA. KREDA 82 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.54 TENDER DOCUMENT EFFECTIVE DATE OF CONTRACT The Contractor shall start the work immediately on receipt of Letter of Intent/ signing of Contract, whichever is earlier & it shall be treated as effective date of contract for all purposes. 1.55 ROAD IN WORK AREA In case the contractor has to construct any road, which he thinks is required for carriage of heavy equipment and material, he may do so at his own cost provided that the proposals cleared by the forest deptt. or any other agency to which the land belongs as well as the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor will not be entitled to any claim regarding time or expenses in case of blockage in the road due to any reason. All such roads inside the contractors camp shall be constructed and maintained at his own cost. The layout, design, construction and maintenance, etc. of the roads shall be subject to approval of the Engineer-in-charge. The KREDA Ltd., Govt. of J & K and its authorized agencies shall use the roads constructed by the contractor. 1.56 AVAILABILITY OF LABOUR Some unskilled labour may be available locally but suitable skilled labour is not likely to be available in the project area. The contractor must make his own inquiries in this regard. KREDA 83 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT C - SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 1.1 GENERAL Other terms and conditions as mentioned in General conditions of contract of J & K State KREDA the tender documents and those agreed to in subsequent correspondence will be applicable. Incase any of the terms given in General terms and conditions laid down by the Owner are at variance with the conditions being given here under, the provision as contained herein after shall prevail. 1.2 SCOPE OF WORKS The scope of this contract shall be TURNKEY execution basis, covering, design, supply and construction/manufacture, erection/testing & commissioning of all parts, accessories, equipment, consumables which may be essential for successful operation and subsequent maintenance of this hydro project as per specifications even though these or any other essential required item specially or individually be not mentioned in the tender document. The entire works is broadly identified as follows: 1.2.1 Design, supply of material, construction of all civil components of the project to suite the E&M equipment specified in these documents. 1.2.2 Design, Supply and Erection, Testing and Commissioning of turbine, generator, transformer, their auxiliaries, station auxiliaries, switchyard and other power evacuation equipment etc at this project as detailed in these specifications. 1.2.3 Proper storage, watch and ward at site, handling, erection, testing and commissioning of all civil components, E&M plant, power evacuation equipment, station auxiliaries and switchyard etc. 1.2.4 Running and maintenance of plant for 3 years. 1.3 AUTHORITY OF PERSON SIGNING THE CONTRACT ON BEHALF OF THE CONTRACTOR A person signing the tender or any other documents in respect of the contract on behalf of the contractor without disclosing his authority to do so shall be deemed to warrant that he has no authority to bind the contractor. If it is discovered at any time that the person so singing had no authority to do so the Owner may without prejudice to any other right or remedy cancel the Contract and make or authorize the making of a purchase of the plant at the risk and cost of such persons and held such person liable to the Owner for all costs and damages arising from the cancellation of the Contract including any loss which the Owner may sustain on account of such purchase. 1.4 KREDA ADDRESS OF THE CONTRACTOR FOR NOTICE AND COMMUNICATIONS ON BEHALF OF THE OWNER 84 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT For all purposes of the contract including arbitration there under, the address of the contractor mentioned in the offer shall be the address of the contractor to which all communication addressed to the contractor shall be sent unless the contractor has notified a change by a separate letter containing no other communications and sent by Registered Post with Acknowledgement due to the Owner. The contractor shall be solely responsible for the consequence of an commission to notify a change of address in the manner aforesaid. Any communication or notice on behalf of the Owner in relation to the contract may be issued to the contractor by any Officer(s) authorized by the Owner and all such communications and notices may be served on the contractor by a letter. 1.5 TENDERER TO INFORM HIMSELF FULLY 1.5.1 The bidder shall make independent enquiry as to the conditions and circumstances affecting his tender estimate and to the possibility of executing the works as described. 1.5.2 The bidder shall be deemed to have carefully examined all contract documents to his entire satisfaction. If he shall have any doubt as to the meaning of any portion of the Contract Document he shall before signing the contract set forth the particulars thereof and submit them to the Owner in writing in triplicate in order that such doubt may be removed. The Owner will provide such clarifications as may be necessary in writing to the bidder any information otherwise obtained from the Owner or the Engineer shall not in any way relieve the contractor of his responsibility to fulfill his obligations under the contract. 1.6 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS 1.6.1 The term Contract Documents shall mean and include the following which shall be deemed to form an integral part of the contract: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Instruction to Bidders, General conditions of Contract, special conditions of contract and all related documents. Specifications of the equipment to be furnished and erected under the contract as brought out in the accompanying Technical Specifications. Contractors tender proposal including the letters of clarifications there to between the contractor and the Owner prior to the Award of Contract. All the materials literature data and information of any sort given by the Contractor alongwith his tender subject to the Approval of the Owner/Engineer. Any agreed variations to the conditions of the documents and specifications and special terms and conditions of Contract if any. 1.6.2 In the event of any conflict between the above mentioned documents the matter shall be referred to Engineer whose decision shall be final and binding upon the parties. KREDA 85 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.7 TENDER DOCUMENT MANNER OF EXECUTING THE CONTRACT 1.7.1 The Owner/Owner after the issue of the Letter of Intent to the Contractor/Bidder will send one copy of the final Agreement to the Contractor for his scrutiny and consent. 1.7.2 The agreement, unless otherwise agreed to shall be signed within 30 days of the acceptance of the Letter of Intent at the office of the Owner on a date and time to be mutually agreed. The Contractor shall provide for signing of Contract, Performance Security deposit in Six Copies, appropriate power of attorney and other requisite materials. In case the Contract is to be signed beyond the stipulated time, the Bidder Guarantee submitted with the proposal will have to be extended accordingly. 1.7.3 The agreement will be signed in six originals and the Contractor shall be Provided with one signed original and the rest will be retained by the Owner/Owner. Contractor shall provide free of cost the Owner/Owner all the engineering, data drawings and descriptive materials submitted with the tender, in at least six (6) copies to form a part of the Contract immediately after issue of the Letter of Intent. 1.7.4 Subsequent to signing of the Contract, the Contractor/Bidder at his own cost shall provide the Owner/Owner with atleast three (3) true copies of Agreement within ten (10) days after the signing of the Contract. 1.8 TIME –THE ESSENCE OF CONTRACT The time and the date of completion of the works as stipulated in the Contractors proposal and accepted by the Owner without or with modifications, if any and so incorporated in the Award Letter, shall be deemed to be the essence of the contract. The Contractor shall so organize his resources and perform his work as to complete it not later than the date agreed to. 1.9 FORCE MAJEURE 1.9.1 Force Majeure is herein defined as any cause which is beyond the control of the contractor or the Owner as the case may be which they could not foresee or with a reasonable amount of diligence could not have foreseen and which substantially affect the performance of the contract, such as: i. ii. natural phenomena, include but not limited to floods, draughts, earthquakes and epidemics: acts of any Government, domestic or foreign, including but not limited to war, declared or undeclared, priorities, quarantines, embargoes: Provided either party shall within fifteen (15) days from the occurrence of such Causes notify the other in writing of such causes. KREDA 86 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.9.2 The contractor or the owner shall not be liable for delays in performing his obligation resulting from any force majeure cause as referred to and or defined above. 1.9.3 The date of completion will, subject to hereinafter provided, be extended by a reasonable time even though such cause may occur after contractors performances of his obligations has been delayed for other cause. 1.10 GOVERNING LAW The contract shall be governed by the Laws of India for the time being in force 1.11 SETTLEMENT OF DISPUTES 1.11.1 Except as otherwise specifically provided in the Contract all disputes concerning questions of fact arising under the Contract shall be decided by the Engineer subject to a written appeal by the Contractor to the Engineer, whose decision shall be final to the Parties hereto. 1.11.2 Any disputes or differences including those considered as such by only one of the parties arising out of or in connection with the Contract shall be to the extent possible settled amicably between the parties. 1.11.3 If amicable settlement cannot be reached then all disputed issues shall be settled by arbitration as provided in the “Arbitration” clause. 1.12 SUB- LETTING The Contractor shall not sublet the whole of the works. Except where otherwise provided by the Contract the Contractor shall not sublet any major part of the Works without the prior written consent of the Engineer (which shall not be unreasonably withheld) and such consent if given shall not relieve the contractor from any liability or obligation under the Contract and shall be responsible for the acts, defaults and neglect of any Contractor his agents, personal or workmen as fully as if they were the acts defaults or neglects of the Contractor, his agents, personal or workmen, in any case where any works are sublet, under above provision, the Contractor shall not further sublet the work, in any manner. 1.13 AFTER SALES SERVICES 1.13.1 The equipment supplied against this specification shall be attended to by the contractor when referred to by the Owner at contractors price within guarantee period and at Owners price beyond that immediately so that the equipment does not remain idle on account of Contractors service. 1.13.2 Necessary spare parts shall be made available till the life of the equipment. Before going out of the production of the spare parts, the contractor shall give advance notice to the KREDA 87 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Owner so that the Owner may procure his requirements then. Necessary drawings and materials specification of such spare in such circumstances shall be made available by the contractor to the Owner enabling him to fabricate the same or procure from elsewhere. 1.14 ENFORCEMENT OF TERMS The failure of either party to enforce at any time of the provisions of this Contract or any rights in respect thereto or to experience any option herein provided, shall in no way be construed to be a, waiver of such provisions, rights or options or in any way to affect the validity of the Contract. The exercise by the either party of any of its rights herein shall not preclude or prejudice either party from exercising the same or any other right it may have hereunder. 1.15 ENGINEERS DECISION 1.15.1 In respect of all matters which are left to the decision of the Engineer including take granting or withholding of the certificates, the Engineer shall, if required to do so by the Contract given in writing a decision thereon. 1.15.2 If in the opinion of the Contractor, a decision made by the Engineer is not in accordance with the meaning and intent of the Contract, the Contract may file with the Engineer within fifteen (15) days after receipt of the decision, a written objection to the decision. Failure to file an objection within the allotted time will be considered as acceptance of the Engineers decision and the decision shall become final and binding. 1.15.3 The Engineers decision and the filing of the written objection there to shall be a condition precedent to the right to request arbitration. It is the intent of the Agreement that there shall be no delay in the execution of the works and the decision of the Engineer as rendered shall be promptly observed. 1.16 PACKING, FORWARDING & SHIPMENT 1.16.1 The Contractor/Supplier wherever applicable shall pack and crate all Plant in a manner so as to protect it from loss, damage and deterioration in transit by road, rail or sea. The contractor shall be held responsible for all damages due to improper packing. 1.16.2 All packing shall be partially removed for checking at site. Whenever necessary, proper arrangements for attaching sling for lifting shall be provided and all packages shall be clearly marked with sigh showing up and down side of boxes and handing and unpacking instructions as considered necessary. Special precaution shall be taken to prevent rusting of steel and iron parts during transit by sea. Gas seals or other methods proposed to be adopted for protection against moisture during transit shall be subject to the prior approval of the Engineer. KREDA 88 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.16.3 The cases containing easily damageable materials shall be very carefully packed and marked with appropriate caution symbols i.e. FRAGILE, HANDLE WITH CARE, USE NO HOOK etc. 1.16.4 Each bale or package delivered under the Contract shall be marked by and at the expense of the Contractor and such marking must be distinct all, previous irrelevant marking being careful obliterated, such markings shall show the description and quantity of contents, the name of the consignee and address, the gross weight of the package, the name of the Contractor with distinctive number of mark sufficient for purposes of identification. All markings shall be carried out with such materials as to ensure quickness of drying fastness and indelibility. 1.16.5 The supplier shall notify the Owner of the date of each shipment from his works and the expected date of arrival at the site for the information of the Owner. 1.16.6 The supplier shall also give all shipping information concerning the weight, size and content of each packing including any other information the Owner may require. 1.16.7 Each bale of package shall contain of packing note quoting specifically the name of the supplier, the number and date of contract or order and name of the office placing the contract, nomenclature of the stores and include a schedule of parts for each complete equipment giving the parts number with reference to the assembly drawing and the quantity of each part, drawing numbers and tag numbers. The gross and net weights of each package shall be clearly marked on it. 1.16.8 The shipment dimensions of each package shall not exceed the maximum dimensions for packages which can be accepted for transport over the broad gauge/Metre Gauge system of Indian Railways. 1.16.9 After delivery of the materials at site, all packing shall become the property of the Owner. 1.16.10 Notwithstanding anything stated in this clause, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for any loss, damage or depreciation to the stores due to improper and insecure packing. 1.17 DESPATCH OF PLANT AND EQUIPMENT 1.17.1 The plant shall be dispatched to destination Rail Head. Further dispatch instructions shall be issued by the Consignee or the Engineers to the Contractor. 1.17.2 Notification of delivery or dispatch in regard to each and every consignment shall be made to the Owner immediately after dispatch or delivery. The supplier shall Further supply to the Consignee a priced invoice and packing account of all stores delivered or dispatched by him, All packages, containers, bundles and loose materials forming part of each and every consignment shall be described fully in the packing account and full details of the contents of packages and quantity of materials shall be given. KREDA 89 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.17.3 A list in duplicate containing details of equipment verification at site shall also be placed inside each package and shall correspond with the advice note. 1.18 PROTECTION OF SURFACES FROM DAMAGE All the finished and coated surfaces shall be protected against abrasions, impact, discoloration and any other damages. All exposed threaded portions shall be suitably protected with either a metallic or a non-metallic protecting device. Ends of all valves and pipings and conduit equipment connections shall be properly sealed with suitable devices to protect them from damage. The parts which are likely to get rusted, due to exposure to weather, should also be properly treated and protected in a suitable manner. 1.19 PRESERVATIVE SHOP COATING 1.19.1 All exposed metallic surfaces subject to corrosion shall be protected by shop application of suitable coatings. All surface which will not be easily accessibly after the shop assembly, shall beforehand be treated and protected for the life of the equipment. All surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned of all mill scale, oxide and other coatings and prepared in the shop. The surfaces that ate to be finish painted after installation or, require corrosion protection until installation shall be shop painted with at least two coats of primer, Transformers and other electrical equipment, if include, shall be shop furnished with one or more coats of primer and two coats of high grade resistance enamel. The finished colours shall be as per manufacturers standards, to be selected and specified by the engineer. 1.19.2 Shop primer for all steel surfaces exposed to operating temperature below 950 C and such primer shall also be subject to the approval of the engineer. 1.19.3 Such of the items which are required to be stored for long period shall be specially treated as per the latest engineering practice. 1.19.4 All other steel surfaces which are not to be painted shall be coated with suitable dust preventive compound subject to the approval of the engineer. 1.19.5 The supplier shall also give all information of consignment concerning the weight, size and content of each packing including any other information the Owner may require. 1.19.6 The supplier shall prepare detailed packing list of all packages and containers, bundles and loose materials forming each and every consignment dispatched to site. The supplier shall further be responsible for making all necessary arrangements of loading at his work. 1.20 DEMURRAGE WHARFAGE ETC. All demurrage, wharfage and other expenses incurred by the Owner due to reasons attributable to the supplier shall be to the account of the supplier. KREDA 90 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.21 TENDER DOCUMENT EXECUTION The Whole Contract is to be executed in the most approved substantial and workmanship like manner to the entire satisfaction of the Owner 1.22 INSPECTION 1.22.1 The plant shall be of approved design and each part/equipment components, machinery shall be thoroughly inspected and tested at Suppliers premises or works including subcontractors work if entrusted to them by Supplier with the permission of the Owner before dispatch and shall fully comply with relevant requirements of the Owner. 1.22.2 The Owner/the Engineer reserves the right to have the inspection done by his representatives or through an independent inspection agency appointed by him. 1.22.3 In case the Owner’s Inspector does not come forward, of inspection within the notice period, the Supplier will be free to fabricate, manufacture, test & make shipment of the equipment, but all the relevant tests and inspection shall be carried out by the Supplier and copies of such test and inspection reports shall be supplied to the Owner for reference and record before the shipment of the equipment. Such Supplier’s tests and inspection reports can be used for claiming the payment. 1.22.4 The Owner, The Engineer shall be entitled at all reasonable time, access to the Supplier’s premises or works and to inspect, examine and conduct test at take Supplier’s premises or works the materials and workmanship of all plant to be supplied under the contract, and if part of plant is being manufactured elsewhere, the supplier shall obtain permission for the Owner/the Engineer permission to inspect, examine and test, as if the said plant were being manufactured at the supplier’s premises or works. Such inspection, examination and testing, shall not release the Supplier from any obligation under the Contract. 1.22.5 The Supplier shall provide free of charge all materials, equipment, instruments, tools, labour fuel electricity, apparatus of every kind which the Owner/the Engineer may consider necessary for any tests and examinations which he shall require to be made on the Supplier’s premises or works or of his subcontractor’s or any other place. 1.22.6 The Supplier shall also provide and deliver free of charge at such places as the Owner or the Engineer may nominate such materials as he may require for test by the chemical analysis or independent testing machine. The cost of any such test shall be defrayed by the Owner unless it is stated in the specification that it is to be paid by the Supplier. 1.22.7 No plant shall be considered ready for delivery until the Owner/the Engineer shall have certified in writing that these have been inspected and approved by him. It shall be the responsibility of the supplier to ensure that only such plant as have been duly inspected and approved by the Owner/ the engineer are shipped alongwith a certificate as under “Certified that the Plant offered for arranging dispatch have been duly inspected and approved by Owner/Engineer in accordance with terms of the Contract and a copy of the Inspection Certificate issued in this regard is enclosed.” KREDA 91 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.23 TENDER DOCUMENT PROGRESS REPORTS FOR EQUIPMENT DELIVERY The Contractor shall furnish to the Owner “Progress Report” of the equipment manufactured and delivered every fortnight or as decided by the Owner. The report shall be submitted by the contractor to the Owner in the format desired by the later. 1.24 INDEMNITY In the event of any claim or demand being made or action being brought against the Owner for infringement or alleged infringement of letters patent in respect of any machine, plant, work or thing used or supplied by the Contractor under this Contract or in respect of any method of using or working by the Owner of such machine, plant, work or thing the Contractor will indemnify the Owner against such machine, plant, work or thing the Contractor will indemnify the Owner against such claim or demand and all costs and expenses arising from or incurred by reasons of such claim or demand PROVIDED THAT the Owner shall notify the Contractor within reasonable time any claim is made and that the Contractor shall be at liberty if he so desires with the assistance of the Owner if required but the Contractor’s own expenses, to conduct all negotiations for the settlement of the same or any litigation that may arise there from and PROVIDED THAT no such machine, plant, work or things shall be used by the Owner for any purpose or in any manner other than that for which they have been supplied by the Contractor and specified under this Contract. 1.25 PLACE OF MANUFACTURE The plant shall be made at the place named in the quotation/contract. 1.26 MARKING The following particulars should be stenciled by the Supplier at his expense with indelible paint on all the packages in bold letters in English. * Consignee * Address * Contract No. * Supplier’s Name * Case No. Gross Dimensions * Weight gross * Brief description of the Contract item * Suggested sling marks 1.27 KREDA SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR TRANSPORTATION Instructions for special care, if any air-conditioning storage, protection from exposure to sun/weather/maximum time allowed in transit, etc. should be clearly marked on the packing. 92 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.28 TENDER DOCUMENT DIMENSION AND WEIGHT Specification of dimensions and weight, in all places shall be in metric system and in ENGLISH Language and in the case of over dimensional consignments shipment will take place only after approval of the Owner. Supplier/Seller in such cases shall send Dimensional drawing for Owner’s approval. 1.29 BILL OF MATERIALS PRIOR TO THE FIRST DESPATCH A complete scope of Bill of Material pertaining to this whole/complete contract shall be submitted in a booklet form in ten copies in order to verify the completeness of the supplies of the contract. Should the seller add/delete any items, revised sheet in ten copies should be supplied immediately with proper numbering of the sheet. 1.30 REMOVAL OF REJECTED MATERIAL If any equipment is rejected by the Owner or his authorized agent after tests and inspection or by the consignee, the equipment so rejected shall be removed from the premises of Owner by the supplier at his own cost. Such rejected equipment shall under all circumstances lie at the risk of the Supplier from the moment of such rejection, and if such equipment is not removed by the supplier within a period of 30 days the Owner or his authorized Agent or consignee may dispose of such equipment in any way at the Supplier’s risk and cost and retain such portion of the proceeds as may be necessary to cover any be entitled to recover handling and storage charges for the period during which the rejected equipments is not removed. 1.31 POWER TO VARY OR OMIT WORK 1.31.1 No alteration, amendments, omissions, suspensions or variations of the works (hereinafter referred to as Variation) under the Contract as detailed in the contract documents, shall be made by the contractor except as directed in writing by the Engineer shall have full power subject to the provision hereinafter contained from time to time during the execution of the contract, by notice in writing to instruct the Contractor to make such Variation without prejudice to the Contract. The Contractor shall carry out, such Variation and be bound by the same conditions as far as applicable as though the said variation occurred in the Contract Documents. If any suggested variation would, in the opinion of the Contractor, if carried out prevent him from fruiting any of his obligations or guarantees under the Contract, he shall notify the Engineer thereof in writing and the Engineer shall decide forthwith whether or not the same shall be carried out and if the Engineer confirms his instructions, Contract’s obligations and guarantees shall be modified to such an extent as may be mutually agreed. Any agreed difference in cost occasioned by any such variation shall be added to or deducted from the Contract Price as the case may be. 1.31.2 In the event of the Engineer requiring any variations, such reasonable and proper notice shall be given to the Contractor to enable him to work his arrangements accordingly, and in cases where goods or materials are already prepared or any design, drawings or pattern KREDA 93 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.31.3 1.31.4 1.31.5 1.31.6 1.32 TENDER DOCUMENT made or work done required to be altered, a reasonable and agreed sum in respect there of shall be paid to the Contractor. In case in which the Contractor has received instructions from the Engineer as to the requirement of carrying out the altered or additional substituted work which either then or later on will in the opinion of the Contractor, involve a claim for additional payments, the Contractor shall immediately and in no case later than thirty (30) days, after receipt of the instructions, advise the Engineer to that effect. But the Engineer shall not become liable for the payment of any charges in respect of any such Variation, unless the instructions for the performance of the same shall be confirmed in writing by the Engineer. If any variation in the works, results in reduction of Contract Price, the parties, shall agree, in writing, so to the extent of any change in the price, before the Contractor proceeds with the change. In all the above cases, in the event of a disagreement as to the reasonableness of the said sum, the decision of the Engineer shall prevail. Notwithstanding any stated above in this clause, the Engineer shall have the full power to instruct the Contractor, in writing during the execution of the Contract, to vary quantities of the items or groups of items. DEATH OR BANKRUPTCY ETC. If the Contractor shall die or dissolve or commit any act of bankruptcy or being a corporation commence to be wound up except for reconstruction purposes or dairy on its business under a receiver, the executors, successors or other representatives in law of the state of the Contractor or any such receiver, liquidate or any persons in writing to the Owner and shall for one (1) month, during which he shall take all reasonable steps to prevent stoppage of the work, have the option of carrying out the Contract subject to his or there providing such guarantee as may be required by the Owner but not exceeding the value of the work for the time being remaining unexecuted. Provided however that nothing above said shall be deemed to relieve the Contractor or his successors of his or their obligations under the Contract under any circumstances. In the event of stoppage of the work the period of the option under this clause shall be fourteen (14) days only provided that should the above option be not exercised the Contract may be terminated by the Owner by notice in writing to the contractor and the same power and provision reserved to the Owner as specified in the event of taking the work out of the Contractor’s hand shall immediately become operative. 1.33 NEGLIGENCE 1.33.1 If the Contractor shall neglect to execute the work with due diligence and expedition or shall refuse or neglect to comply with any reasonable orders given to him in writing by the Engineer in connection with the works or shall contravene the provisions of the Contract, the Owner may give notice in writing to the Contractor calling upon him to make good the failure, neglect or contravention complained of. 1.33.2 Should the Contractor fail to comply with such notice within a period considered reasonable by the Owner from the date of service there of, in the case of failure, neglect or contravention capable of being made good within that time or otherwise within such KREDA 94 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT time as may in the opinion of the Owner reasonable necessary for making it good, then and in such case of Owner shall have the option and be at liberty to take the work wholly, or in part, out of the Contractors hand may carry on the work necessary to complete the work envisaged in the Contract either by himself or his agents or may reconstruct at reasonable price with any other person or persons to execute the same or any part there of and provide any other materials tool, tackle or labour for the purpose of completing the works of any part thereof. 1.33.3 In such event the Owner shall without being reasonable to Contract, for fair wear and tear of the same be entitled to seize and take procession and have free use of all material, tools, tackle or other things which may be on site, for use at any time in connection with the work to the exclusion of any right of the Contractor over the same and the Owner shall be entitled to retain and apply and balance sum which may otherwise be then due on the Contract by him to the Contractor or such part there as may be necessary, to the payment of the cost of execution of such work aforesaid. 1.33.4 If the cost of executing the work as aforesaid shall exceed the balance due to the Contractor and the Contractor fails to make good the deficit, the said materials, tools, tackle, construction plant or other things, the property of the Contractor as may not have been used up in the completion of the works may be sold by the Owner and proceeds applied towards the payment of such difference and the cost of any incidental to such sale. Any outstanding balance existing after crediting the proceeds of such sale shall be paid by the Contractor on the certificate of the Engineer, but when all expenses costs and charges, incurred in this completion of the work are paid by the Contractor, all such materials, tools, tackle, construction plat or other things not used upon in the completion of the works and remaining unsold shall be removed by the Contractor. If the proceeds of the above sale of the Contractor materials, tools, tackle, construction plant, etc. are insufficient to cover the cost of executing the aforesaid work, the balance remaining after crediting the proceeds of such sale shall be recoverable from the Contractor by action of law. 1.34 PERFORMANCE GUARANTEE 1.34.1 All machines/equipments/works shall be guaranteed for 8000 hrs of operations or 18 (Eighteen) months from the date of commissioning which ever is later against a Bank Guarantee for 20% (Twenty Percent) of the contract price of electrical/mechanical equipments. The Bank Guarantee shall be furnished on or before claiming balance 20% (Twenty Percent) payment of electrical/mechanical equipment. 1.34.2 Such guarantee period shall also cover the period of extension agreed upon. 1.34.3 The guarantee amount shall be payable to the Owner without any condition whatsoever. 1.34.4 Whether or not the equipment has been installed under his supervision, the Contractor shall give the following guarantees in respect of the equipment to be furnished. i KREDA All equipment shall be free from any defect due to faulty design materials and/or workmanship. 95 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ii. TENDER DOCUMENT The equipment shall operate satisfactorily and reliably and the Performance and efficiencies of the several equipment shall not be less. 1.34.5 The above guarantee shall be valid for the above mentioned period commencing immediately on the satisfactory completion of the final tests at site and taking over or 24 months from the date of delivery at site, whichever is earlier. During this period the Contractors liability shall be limited to the replacement of any defective parts that may develop in plant of his own manufacture or those of his sub-Contractors under the conditions provided for by the Contractor under proper use and arising solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship provided always that such defective parts as are not repairable at site, and are not essential in the meantime for commercial use of the plant are promptly returned to the contractors work at the expense of the Contractor unless otherwise arranged. 1.34.6 All such replacement of defective parts mentioned above shall be made free of cost at site by the contractor and the return of the defective parts to the contractor’s works shall be the contractors responsibility and shall be made at his expense. The Owner will however render such assistance in this matter as will expedite the same. In the case of defective special parts not repairable at site but essential in the mean time for the commercial use of the plant, the contractor shall replace at site free of cost to the Owner the said defective parts before the defective parts are removed to his works. The Contractor shall bear reasonable cost of minor repairs of the defective parts carried out on his behalf at site. 1.34.7 If for rectification or replacement of any part or equipment for work due to defective materials, manufacture or design, the service of the contractor personnel are requisitioned within the guarantee period these services shall be made available free of any cost to the Owner. 1.34.8 If it becomes necessary for the contractor to replace or renew any defective parts of the plant under this clause, the provisions of this clause shall apply to the parts of the plant so replaced or renewed until the expiration of six (6) months from the date of such replacement or renewal or until the end of the above mentioned period of 18 (Eighteen) months whichever may be later, If any defects be not remedied within a reasonable time, the Owner may proceed to do the work at the Contractor risk and expense, but without prejudice to any other rights which the Owner may have against the Contractor in respect of such defect. 1.34.9 If the replacements or renewals are of such contractor as may effect the efficiency of the plant, the Owner shall have the right to give to the Contractor within one (1) month of such replacement or renewal, notice in writing that “Test on Completion” be made, in which case such tests shall be carried out as provided in the specifications. Should such tests show that the plant sustains the guarantees given be not sustained, the cost of the tests shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.34.10 All replacement or renewals to be carried out by the Contractor during the maintenance period shall be subject to such clause of these General Conditions as may be considered reasonable by the Engineer. 1.35.11 Until the final certificate has been issued, the Contractor shall have the right of entry, at his own risk and expense, by himself at his duly authorized representatives whose names have previously been communicated in writing to the Engineer, at all reasonable working KREDA 96 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT hours upon all necessary parts of the works, for the purpose of inspecting the working and the records of the plant and taking notes there of and, if he desires, at his own expense making any test, subject to the approval of the Engineer, that will not be unreasonable withheld. 1.34.12 The issue of the Engineers certificate shall in no way exempt the Contractor from the provisions of this clause 1.34.13 At the end of the maintenance period the Contractors liability ceases. In respect of goods not covered by the first paragraph of this clause, the Owner shall be entitled to the benefit of any guarantee given to the Contractor by the original supplier or manufacturer of such goods. 1.34.14 The contractor shall indemnify the Owner against any infringement of patent rights. 1.35 TAKING-OVER 1.35.1 When the specification calls for performance test before dispatch and these have been successfully carried out, the plant shall be accepted and taken over when it has been satisfactorily put into operation at site for which the Engineer shall forthwith issue a taking over certificate. 1.35.2 When the specification calls for test at site, the plant shall be taken over and the taking over certificate issued after such tests have been successfully carried out at site. 1.35.3 Such certificates, however, shall be deemed to be on account and shall in no way release the contractor from his liabilities and responsibilities in respect of such plant including satisfactory performance of the test on completion. 1.36 ARBITRATION 1.36.1 In any dispute or difference of any kind whatsoever shall arise between the Owner and the contractor arising out of the contract for the performance of the contract whether during the progress of the contract or after its completion or whether before or after the termination, abandonment or breach of the contract, it shall, in the first place, be referred to and settled by the Engineer who, within a period of thirty (30) days after being requested by either party to do so, shall give written notice of his decision to the Owner and the Contractor. 1.36.2 Save as hereinafter provided, such decision in respect of every matter so referred shall be final and binding upon the Parties until the completion of the contract and shall forthwith be given effect to by the Contractor who shall proceed with the contract with all due diligence, whether he or the Owner required arbitration as hereinafter provided or not. 1.36.3 If after the engineer has given written notice of his decision to the parties and claim to arbitration has been communicated to him by either party within thirty (30) days from the receipt of such notice, the said decision shall become final and binding on the parties. 1.36.4 In the event of the engineer failing to notify his decision as aforesaid within thirty (30) days after being requested as aforesaid, or in the event of either the Owner or the Contractor being dissatisfied with any such decision, or within thirty (30) days after the expiry of the first mentioned period of thirty (30) days as the case may be, either party may required that the matters in dispute be referred to arbitration as hereinafter provided. KREDA 97 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.36.5 All disputes or differences in respect of which the decision, if any, of the engineer has not become final or binding as aforesaid, shall be settled by arbitration in the manner hereinafter provided. 1.36.6 The matter shall be referred to the sole arbitration of an officer appointed to be the arbitrator by the Director, Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K. It will be no objection that the arbitrator is a Government Servant, that he had to deal with the matters to which the contract relates or that in the course of his duties as a Government Servant, he has expressed views on all or any of the matters in dispute or difference. The award of the arbitrator shall be final and binding on the parties to this contract. 1.36.7 In the event of the arbitrator defying, neglecting or refusing to act, or resigning or being incapable of acting or unable to act for any reason it shall be within the power of the Director to appoint another arbitrator in place of the out-going arbitrator, in the manner aforesaid. 1.36.8 Subject to aforesaid, the Arbitration Act, 1996 and the rules there under or any statutory modifications thereof for the time being in force shall be deemed to apply to the arbitration proceedings under this clause. 1.36.9 Work under the contract shall if reasonably possible, continue during the arbitration proceedings and due if any, payable by the Owner to the contractor with respect to the work not in dispute shall not ordinarily be withheld on account of such proceedings unless it becomes necessary to withhold the same. 1.36.10 The proceedings, if any, in relation to the arbitration referred to above, shall be held by the arbitrator aforesaid at Srinagar, and all legal proceeding, if any, arising, out of and in connection with the said clause shall be in the court of competent jurisdiction at Srinagar in the state of J & K. 1.36.11 No decision given by the engineer in accordance with the forgoing provisions shall disqualify him as being called as a witness or giving evidence before the arbitrators on any matter whatsoever relevant to the dispute of difference referred to the arbitrators as aforesaid. 1.37 FIRM PRICES The price should be quoted on firm basis, FOR Destination. There shall be no provision of price/rates variation due to any increase or decrease in the price index which is declared by the Govt. The tenderer must keep in mind the time of execution or completion of the contract and quote the rates accordingly. The total firm price for the complete work of supply, erection, testing and commissioning etc. of the entire electrical and mechanical works of the project will be given alongwith the break up, in detail, to facilitate the payment. The taxes, duties, levies etc shall be quoted separately. KREDA 98 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.38 TENDER DOCUMENT TAXES & DUTIES The taxes and duties viz. Sales tax, Excise duty, local taxes and other levies and applicable on contract price in respect of transaction between the contractor and KREDA for supplies will be borne by Contractor as per actuals. 1.39 DEDUCTION OF SALES TAX & INCOME TAX Sales tax and income tax will be deducted at source as per the provision in the statutory rules for deduction of the same on works contract. 1.40 TERMS OF PAYMENT 1.40.1 Construction of Civil Works (i) Advance Payment In pursuance to Clause 1.15 and 1.53 of these documents under B- General Conditions of Contract, mobilization advance of 15% of the cost of civil works shall be paid to contractor against a bank guarantee of equal amount issued by nationalized bank in favour of KREDA. (ii) Running Payment 80% of the running bills shall be paid less proportionate advance for the works executed at sight against verified joint measurements. (iii) Balance Payment Balance 20% of the running bills shall be paid on completion and successful commissioning of the project works. 1.40.2 Advance for E&M works (i) Mobilization advance equivalent to 10% of the Ex- Works price of the equipments against bank guarantee of equal amount issued by the nationalized bank. (ii) Advance equivalent to 5% of the Ex-works price of the equipments against bank guarantee of equal amount after submission and approval of following drawings and documents; (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) KREDA Single line diagram of Generating Units, switchyard and inter connection Equipment Lay out in Power house and switchyard Design and layout of Earth Mat in both Power house and switchyard PERT CHART/Bar Chart Guaranteed Technical Particulars of Turbine and Generators with their auxiliaries 99 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.40.3 Payment for supply of equipment (i) (ii) 70% payment of Ex-Works price plus 100% taxes and duties, less proportionate advance against proof of dispatch through bank. 10% payment, less proportionate advance after receipt and acceptance of equipment at site stores. 1.40.4 Payment for Erection, Testing And Commissioning works (i) 10% of the amount for Erection, Testing and Commissioning as advance on submission of a irrevocable bank guarantee of equal amount issued by a nationalized Bank valid for the entire completion period but on receipt of material at site and start of erection work. (ii) 80% payment less proportionate advance against each running bill duly verified by the concerned field officer as per actual progress of erection, testing and commissioning works. 1.40.5 Balance Payments Balance 20% payment less proportionate advance for supply, erection, testing and commissioning works on successful commissioning and acceptance of the project. 1.40.6 Running and Maintenance (i) (ii) 1.41 80% of monthly charges to be paid after each month. Balance 20% of successful completion of running and maintenance for three years. LIST OF VENDORS After 30 days, from the date of approval of design of E/M equipment and works, the contractor will submit the final list of vendors, make & also delivery/erection schedule for E/M equipments/works for approval. 1.42 PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT The minimum amount of Security deposit is @ 10% of the contract value. The security amount shall be deposited in the specified form before/at the time of executing agreement as detailed in general conditions of contract. 1.43 COMPLETION PERIOD The execution of Project Works including Supply, Erection, Testing & Commissioning works shall be completed within 24 (Twenty Four) months from the date of letter of intent. KREDA 100 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.44 TENDER DOCUMENT SUPERVISION The consultant of KREDA will check all the Design, construction drawings, and specifications and monitor the project activities. The payment of consultant as per agreement signed by KREDA with consultant shall be released by Owner which will have to be reimbursed by the contractor as per actuals. However, the contractor will be responsible for obtaining the approval of drawings/documents from Owner to avoid any delay in completion of the contract. 1.45 CONTRACT DRAWINGS 1.45.1 All designs drawings shall be drawn by the contractor and got them approved by KREDA after wetting by KREDA or their consultants. However, the contractor will be responsible for obtaining its approval from KREDA to avoid any delay in completion of the contract. 1.45.2 The Contractor shall send (within a reasonable time after the receipt of the contract), the layout drawing, single line schemes for electrical/mechanical items alongwith relevant specifications. 1.45.3 Contractor must submit a flow chart showing each activity of the execution including design and preparation of detailed drawings, design, manufacture, supply of items/materials/machineries, erection, testing and commissioning within three months from the date of contract. 1.45.4 Within 60 days from the effective date of this contract, the contractor shall send to Engineer a list of all drawings with their respective titles and the dates on which these shall be supplied to the Engineer. The list shall be amended or extended by the Contractor in consultation with the Engineer as and when necessary during the progress of work. All titles notes and inscriptions on the drawing shall be in English. 1.45.5 Any manufacturing work in connection with the equipment prior to the approval of drawings shall be changed in the design which are necessary to make the equipment conform to the provision and intent of the contract without additional costs to the Owner. Approval of the contractor’s drawings shall not be held to relieve the contractor of any part of contractor’s obligation to meet all the requirements of the contract of the responsibility for the correctness of the contractor’s drawings. 1.45.6 Upon approval by the Engineer, the drawings shall become the contract drawings and the contractor shall not depart from them anyway whatsoever, except by the written permission of the Engineer. 1.46 MISTAKE IN DRAWINGS 1.46.1 The Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay for any alternation of the work due to any discrepancies, errors or omissions in the drawings or other particulars whether they have been approved by the inspector or not provided that such discrepancies, errors omissions be not due to inaccurate information or particulars furnished to the contractor by the Engineer/Inspector. 1.46.2 If any dimensions, figures on a drawings or a plan differ from those obtained by scaling the drawing or plan, the dimensions as figured on the drawings or plan shall be taken as correct. KREDA 101 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.47 TENDER DOCUMENT QUALITY OF MATERIALS The plant shall be manufactured and constructed in the best and most substantial and most workman like manner and with materials of the best or of approved qualities for their respective uses as per B.I.S. codes of practice. 1.48 SUBLETTING CONTRACT FOR RAW MATERIAL The contractor may after informing the Engineer of the contract, assign or sublet procurement of raw materials as per requirements of the contract. 1.49 DESIGN IMPROVEMENT IN TIME 1.49.1 The inspector or the Contractor may propose change in the specification of the equipment or quality thereof if the parties agree upon any such changes, the specification shall be modified. 1.49.2 If any such agreed upon changes such that it affects the Price or delivery, the parties shall agree in writing as to the extent of any change in the price and or delivery or both before the contractor proceeds with the change following such agreement the provision here of shall be deemed amended accordingly. 1.50 INSPECTION, TESTING & INSPECTION CERTIFICATES 1.50.1 The Engineer/Inspector shall have at all reasonable time access to the Contractor’s premises or works and shall have the power at all reasonable time to inspect drawing or any portion of the equipment or examine the materials and workmanship of the equipment being manufactured in other premises. The contractor shall endeavor to obtain for the Engineer/Inspector permission to inspect such equipment. 1.50.2 The inspector shall within seven days from the date of inspection as defined in paragraph 3.23 give notice in writing to the Contractor of any objection to any drawing and/or any equipment and workmanship which in his opinion is not in accordance with the contractor. The shall give due consideration to such objection and shall either make the modifications that may be necessary to meet the said objections or shall confirm in writing to the Engineer/Inspector giving reasons or shall confirm in writing to the Engineer/Inspector giving reasons therein that no modifications are necessary to comply with the contract. 1.50.3 The Contractor shall give the Engineer/Inspector seven days written notice of any material being ready for testing. Such tests shall be to the Contractor’s account except for the expenses of the inspector. The Engineer/Inspector, Unless the inspection of the test is virtually waived, shall attend such tests 15 (fifteen) days of the date on which the equipment is notified as being ready, failing which the contractor may proceed with the test which shall be deemed to have been made in the inspector’s presence and shall forthwith forward to the inspector duly certified copies of the test in triplicate. KREDA 102 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.50.4 When the factory test have been completed at the Contractor’s or subcontractor’s work the Engineer/Inspector shall issue a certificate to this effect within 15 days after completion of tests but if the tests are not witnessed by the Engineer/Inspector to issue such a the certificate shall be issued within fifteen days of receipt of the Contractor’s test certificate by the Engineer/Inspector. Failure of the Engineer/Inspector to issue such a certificate shall not prevent the Contractor from continuing manufacturing and shipping. The completion of these tests or the issue of the certificates shall not bind the Owner to accept the equipment should it on further tests after erection be found no to comply with the contract. 1.50.5 In all cases where the contract provides for tests whether at the premises or works of the Contractor or of any sub-Contractor the Contractor, except where otherwise specified shall provide free of charge such labour, materials, electricity, fuel, water stores, apparatus and instruments as may be reasonably demanded by the Engineer/Inspector or his authorized representative to carry out effectively such tests of the equipment in accordance with the contract and shall give facilities tot the Engineer/Inspector or to his authorized representative to carry out effectively such tests of the equipment in accordance with the contract and shall give facilities tot the Engineer/Inspector or to his authorized representative to accomplish testing. 1.51 DELIVERY OF PLANT AT SITE The plant or material shall not be forwarded until dispatch instructions have been given to the contractor. Based on dispatch instruction, contractor’s normal commercial practice and availability of wagons, goods will be dispatched in separate consignment from time to time. All such dispatches will be reckoned as separate transactions under this contract through for convenience of billing as per terms of payment quoted by the Contract. 1.52 RAW MATERIALS No materials shall be arranged by the Owner/Corporation. Tenderers shall have to arrange the requirements of raw materials themselves. 1.53 REPLACEMENT OF DEFECTIVE PLANT MATERIALS If during the progress of manufacture or supply of the plant the engineer decides and notify in writing to the Contractor that the Contractor has manufactured any plant or part of plant unsound or imperfect or has supplied any plant inferior in quality to the specified the Contractor, on receiving details of such defect or deficiency, shall of the accepts the Engineer’s findings at his own expenses within such time as may be reasonably necessary for the purpose alter reconstruct or remove such plant or part of plant or supply fresh materials upto the standard of the specifications and in case the contractor fails to do so, the Owner may on giving the contractor 7 days notice in writing of his intention to do so. Proceed to alter “ reconstruct or remove such plant or part or supply all such material at the Contractor’s cost provided that nothing in this clause shall, be deemed to deprive the Owner or affect any rights of the contractor which he may otherwise have in respect of KREDA 103 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT such defects or deficiencies and provided that such replacement shall be carried out by the Owner within a reasonable time and at a reasonable price and when reasonable possibly to the same specifications and under competitive conditions. 1.54 CONTRACT PRICE The prices quoted should be for delivery F.O.R. destination inclusive of packing forwarding, freight and insurance but exclusive of sales tax and any other taxes and duties which may be levied by the Central Government or the State Government from time to time. The Owner if registered under the Sale Tax act should furnish to the contractor the necessary sales tax forms in duplicate as necessary to get the benefit of concession in the rate of Sales Tax, otherwise it will have to be paid by the contractor at the non concessional rate. 1.55 EXTENSION IN DELIVERY PERIOD 1.55.1 The time given to the Contractor for dispatch or delivery shall be reckoned from the date of agreement. 1.55.2 In all cases in which progress shall be delayed by strikes, lockouts, fires, accidents, hostilities, delays in approval of drawings or any case whatsoever beyond the reasonable control of the Contractor and whether such delays or impediments shall occur before or after the time or extended time for dispatch or delivery extension of time shall be granted by the Owner on application by the contractor produced before the Owner prior to expiry date. 1.56 REJECTION OF DEFECTIVE PLANT If the completed plant or any portion thereof, expiry of warranty period be found to be defectives or fails to fulfill the requirements of the contract, provided the erection of the plant has been carried out under the contractor’s supervision, the Engineer shall forthwith give the Contractor notice setting forth particulars of defects or failure and the Contractor. If contractor accepts the defect in writing, shall forthwith make the defects Good or alter the same to make it comply with requirements of Contract. If the Contractor fail to do so, within a reasonable item, the Owner may reject and replace the defects at the cost of the contractor the whole or any portion of the structure, plant or equipment which is defective or fails to fulfill the requirements of the contract. Such replacement shall be carried out by the Owner within a reasonable time and at a reasonable price and where reasonably possibly to the same specifications and under competitive conditions. Incase of such replacement by the Owner, Contractor shall be liable to pay to the Owner the extra cost, if any, of such replacement delivered and/or erected as provided for the original if any, of such replacement delivered and/or erected as provided for the original contract, such extra cost being the ascertained difference between the price paid by the Owner, under the provision above mentioned for such replacement and the contract price for the plant so replaced and also to repay any sum paid by the Owner to the contractor in respect of such defective plant. If the Owner does KREDA 104 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT not replace the rejected plant within a reasonable time, the contractor shall be liable to repay the Owner all money paid by the Owner to him in respect of such plant. 1.57 WARRANTY AND MAINTENANCE 1.57.1 The Contractor warrants that the equipment will be new and in accordance with the specifications. The contractor warrants the equipment will be free from defects in design, materials, and workmanship. 1.57.2 Warranty of the equipment supplied under this, contract shall be for a period of 18 calendar months, commencing immediately from the date of commissioning of each generating unit called warranty period. The Contractor shall be liable to repair or replace any defective parts that may develop in the part of his own manufacture or those of his sub-contractor’s under conditions provided by the contract under proper use and arising solely from faulty design, materials or workmanship, provided that notice of any such defect of failure to confirm to the specification and satisfactory proof thereof is promptly given by the Owner to the Contractor. 1.57.3 The Contractor’s obligation against the above clause shall be limited, at Contractor’s option to replace or repair at Contractor’s workshop or at site contractor cost. 1.57.4 The acceptance of the equipment by the Engineer shall in no way relieve the Contractor of his obligation under this clause. 1.57.5 In the case of defective parts not repairable at site, but essential in the meantime for the commercial operation of the equipment, the contractor and Owner shall mutually agree to a programme of replacement of renewal which will minimize to the maximum extent interruption in the operation of the equipment. 1.57.6 If it becomes necessary to replace or renew any defective equipment under this clause the provisions of this clause shall apply to replacing part, until the expiration of 6 months from the date of such replacement/renewal or until the end of the “warranty period”. 1.58 PROGRESS REPORT The contractor shall render such reports as to the progress of the Contract and in such form as may be called for by the Owner or his nominee. The submission and acceptance of these reports shall not prejudice the rights of the Owner in any manner During the progress of work the Contractor shall submit periodical progress reports on the Erection Work and Organization as the Engineer may direct. If for any reason the work is held up, the Contractor shall bring it to the attention of the Engineer in writing without any delay. 1.59 COMMISSIONING IN TIME The Contractor shall commission the plant and equipments within the periods specified. 1.60 PERFORMANCE OF MACHINES The performance figures in respect of output, efficiency and guarantee thereof would be as per the technical specifications of the system. KREDA 105 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.61 TENDER DOCUMENT OTHER CONDITIONS 1.61.1 Schedule of execution of E/M works are to be made available clearly by the bidders which will help in monitoring their progress of works as well as releasing the payment. 1.61.2 Cost quoted by the Bidders though will be on turnkey basis, however, for facilitating the progressive payment and executing any additional work, if required, the unit rates should also be quoted. The cost for pre construction survey, detailed design, drawing and engineering shall be quoted separately. 1.61.3 The electrical control protection, metering, auxiliary, transformer, switchyard etc to be quoted and executed as per relevant I.E.C. or I.S. standards. 1.61.4 The rates as envisaged in tender document are to be F.O.R. destination inclusive of packing, forwarding & insurance but excluding any duties and taxes for equipments and for civil works should be inclusive of all taxes and duties and royalties. 1.62 SPECIFICATIONS 1.62.1 The bidders are requested to go through the specifications and should give their offer as per the requirement and provision therein. 1.62.2 The bidders should necessarily visit to get themselves acquainted with the site conditions before preparing offer on turn-key basis. 1.62.3 In these specifications, it has been, suggested to provided a particular type of equipment. If any manufacturer finds that instead of the specified equipment, they can supply other type of equipment for service, the purpose and suitable for the system, the rates of the same may also be quoted as alternative with full justification. 1.62.4 The bidder should give the specifications of its equipment with their guaranteed particulars otherwise their tenders will be liable for cancellation. 1.62.5 A list of spares required for five years normal operation should be given with the unit cost and the number required. 1.62.6 Special tools required during erection, which will be required during maintenance, should also be given with the cost of each item and number to be supplied by the bidder. 1.63 PRICE BID A bill of quantity is enclosed and bidders should give their offer as per the bill of quantity. If the bidder feels that some more items are required for the S.H.P. beyond what has been given in the bill of quantity, the bidders should submit their Price Bid for such items on a separate sheet. 1.64 COMMISSIONING REPORT The Owner and Contractor shall properly maintain in the agreed format their respective records of all observations and measurement taken in respect of all tests and operations. Joint protocol shall be signed on completion of each and every test/check till the commissioning. During commissioning all readings shall be jointly maintained and KREDA 106 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT signed. On successful completion of commissioning, a report shall be jointly prepared and signed indicating results of all the tests/checks. 1.65 WITHHOLDING PAYMENT The Owner may withhold the whole or part of any payment for erection claimed by the contractor which in the opinion of the Owner is necessary to protect himself from loss 1.65.1 Payments may be with held on account of i. ii. iii. iv. v. Defective work not remedied or guarantees not met. Claims filed against the Contractor. Failure by the Contractor to make due payments for materials or labour employed by him. Damage to another Contractor. Un satisfactory progress. 1.65.2 When the grounds for withholding payment are removed, payments of the amount due to the contractor shall be made by the Owner without delay. 1.66 DEFAULT BY THE CONTRACTOR AND TERMINATION OF CONTRACT IN FULL OR IN PART 1.66.1 If the Contractor (i) Commits default in complying with or commits breach of any of the terms and conditions of the contract and does not remedy it or take effective steps to remedy it immediately and not later than 10 days in any case after a notice in writing is given to him in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge: or (ii) Fails to complete the work (s) or any item of work (s) within the time specified or any extended time under the contract and does not complete the works or any item of works within the period specified in notice given in writing in that behalf by the Engineer-in-Charge: or (iii)Shall offer or give or agree to give to any person in Corporation’s services or to any other person on his behalf any gift or consideration of any kind as an inducement of reward of doing or forbearing to do or for having done or forborne to do any act in ;relation to obtaining or execution of this or any other contract for KREDA: or (iv) Shall enter into contract with KREDA in connection with which commission has been paid or agreed to be paid by him or to his knowledge unless the particulars of any such commission and the terms of payment thereof having been disclosed in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge: or (v) Being a company shall pass a resolution or the Court shall make an order for the liquidation of its affairs or a receiver or manager on behalf of the debenture holder shall be appointed or circumstances shall arise which entitle the court or debenture holders to appoint a receiver or manager: or KREDA 107 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT (vi) Assigns, transfers, sublets (engagement of labour on a piece-work basis shall not be a deemed to be subletting) or attempts to assign, transfer or sub-let the entire works or any portion thereof without the prior written approval of the engineer– in-Charge. 1.66.2 1.66.3 1.66.4 1.66.5 1.66.6 1.67 The Engineer-in-Charge, shall on such termination of the contract, have powers (i) to take possession of the site of work under the contract as well as the land/premises allotted to the contractor and (ii) also any materials, constructional plant, equipment, implements, stores structures etc. thereon. The Engineer-in-Charge shall also have powers to carry out the incomplete work by any means or through any other agency or by himself. On termination of the contract in full or in part, the Engineer may direct that a part or whole of such plant equipment and materials, structures be removed from the site of the work as well as from the land/premises allotted to the contractor for his preliminary, enabling and ancillary works, within a stipulated period. Of the contractor fails to do so within in period specific in a notice in writing by the Engineer-in-Charges, the Engineer-in-Charge may cause them to be sold, holding the net proceeds of such sale to be credit of the contractor, which shall be released after completion of works and settlement of amounts under the contract. If the expenses incurred or to be incurred by KREDA for carrying out and completing the incomplete work a part of the same as certified by the Engineer-in-Charge, are in excess of the value of the work credited/to the credited to the contractor, the difference shall be paid by the contractor to KREDA. If the contractor fails to pay such an amount, as aforesaid, within thirty days of receipt of notice in writing from the Engineer-in-Charges, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be empower to recover such amount from any sums due to contractor or any account under this or any other contract or from his security deposit or otherwise. Also, the Engineer-in-Charges shall have the right to sell any or all of the contractor’s unused materials, constructional plant, equipment, implements, temporary buildings/structures etc., and apply the proceeds of sale thereof towards the satisfaction of any sums due from the contractor under the contract and if the after there may be any balance outstanding from the contractor, the Engineer-in-Charges shall have powers to recover the same in accordance with provision of the contract. The complete work is to be carried out as Turnkey Project by the contractor. SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME The inter phase schedule of works prepared for civil works shall be got approved from KREDA and the contractor shall be responsible to adhere to the schedule. Any loss due to non-adherence causing shall be the responsibility of the contractor and the same shall be recovered from the bill of the contractor. The decision of the Director, KREDA shall be final and binding in the matter. 1.68 OLD CURIOSITIES Any find on the site of the work such as old curiosities, relics, or fossils and clauses of antiquity or other valuables or any minerals or coins etc. shall be absolute property of the Government and shall be handed over intact by the contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge. KREDA 108 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The contractor shall take reasonable precaution to prevent his workman or any other person or persons from removing or damaging any such clauses or things and shall, immediately on discovery thereof acquaint the Engineer-in-Charge of such discovery. 1.69 DISCREPANCIES AND ADJUSTMENT OF ERRORS 1.69.1 Detailed drawings shall be followed in preference to small scale drawings and figured dimensions in preference to scaled dimensions. In the case of discrepancy between the schedule of quantities and prices the specifications and/or the drawings the following order of precedence shall be observed. a. Description in the schedule of quantities and prices. b. Relevant specifications and special conditions if any. c. Drawing. d. General specification. 1.69.2 The contractor shall study and compare the drawings, specifications and other relevant information given to him by the Engineer-in-charge and shall report in writing to the Engineer-in-Charge any discrepancy and inconsistency which he notes. The decision of the Engineer-in-Charge regarding the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications shall be final and binding. Immediately on noticing any such discrepancy, error, omission or ambiguity he shall bring same to the notice of the engineer incharge before start of any work or such items and obtain the instructions from him. Any work done by the contractor after discovery by him of such discrepancy, error, omission or ambiguity without authorization by, the Engineer will be entirely at the contractor’s risk. 1.69.3 Any error in description, quantity or price in schedule of quantities and prices or any omission there from the execution of the whole or any part of the works comprised therein according to drawings and specifications or from any of his obligations under the contract. 1.69.4 If on check there are found to be differences between the rates given by the contractor in words and figures or in the amount worked out by him in the schedule of quantities and prices and general summary, the same shall be adjusted in accordance with the following rules: a. b. c. In the event of discrepancy between description in words and figures quoted by a tenderer the description in words shall prevail. In the event an error occurring in the amount column of schedule of quantities and prices as a result of wrong multiplication shall be amended on the basis of the prices. All errors in totaling in the amount column and in carrying forward totals shall be corrected. The total of various sections of schedule of quantities and prices amended shall be carried over to the general summary and the tendered sum amended accordingly. The tendered sum so altered shall for the purpose of tender, be substituted for the sum originally tendered and considered for acceptance instead of the original sum quoted by the KREDA 109 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT tenderer. Any rounding off of quantities or in sections of schedule of quantities and prices or in general summary by the tenderer shall be ignored. 1.70 ISSUE OF MATERIAL BY KREDA The KREDA does not take any responsibility for issuing any material or equipment to the contractor or sub contractor for the execution of works but if some material or machinery /equipment is supplied by the KREDA the cost of such material or equipment shall be recovered from the running bills at the rates mentioned in schedule ‘E’. 1.71 PROTESTS AND CLAIMS 1.71.1 Protests (a) If the contractor considers any record or ruling of the Engineer-in-Charge or of his representative in respect of any of the provisions of this contract to be unfair or considers any work demanded from him by the Engineer-in-Charge to be outside the requirements of the contracts, he shall immediately, upon such record or ruling being made or such work being demanded, ask in writing for written instructions or decisions and on receipt where of he shall proceed without delay to confirm to the record or ruling or to perform the work demanded and within 15 days after the date of receipt of the written instruction and decision he may file a written protest with the Engineer-in- Charge stating clearly and in details the basis of his objection. Except for such protest or objections, as are made on record in the manner herein specified, and within the time limit stated, the records, ruling, instructions, or decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be conclusive and binding on the contractor. Instruction and /or decision of the Engineer-in-Charge contained in letter transmitting drawings to the Contractor shall be considered as written instruction or decision subject to protest or objections as herein provided. (b) All dispute in respect of this contract arising between contractor and the department will be put up to the authority next higher to the officer accepting and executing the contract and his decision shall be final and legally binding on both parties. 1.71.2 Engineer-in-charge’s orders to be final and binding in certain matters In the matter of disputes (either at the commencement, during the progress, or after of the completion of the works by the contractor or after taking possessions of the work by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, rightly or wrongly or after the abandonment of the work by the contractor) in respect of any or every claim by the contractor, whether arising under or out of the contract or from the breach or alleged breach thereof or in any way incidental thereto or connected therewith or not herein provided for, including (but without limiting generality of the forgoing provisions) questions as to the quality, quantity and kind of the materials, labour, supervision, workmanship, plant and temporary work, the order of the works and the several parts thereof, the prescribed or extended time limit (if any) for the completion of the work, the KREDA 110 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT measurement of the work and materials and all additional, altered, modified, substituted or omitted work and certificate of completion of the work, payment and as to all other matters and things in the contract documents left to or dependent on the decision, opinion, order, direction, requisition and/or certificate of the Engineer-in-Charge, his measurements decision, opinion, order, direction, requisition and/or certificate shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor and the Engineer-in-Charge shall not be called upon or bound to give reasons with regard to matter and things aforesaid subject to protest under Clause 3.0. Further the Engineer-in-Charge shall be sole judge as to which clause of the specifications related to which particular work and as to the items in the schedule of quantities and bids under which any particular work is to be classed, and also whether or not the unit price for any item in the schedule of quantities and bids shall hold good under conditions allotted or modified according to the provisions of this contract and the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge in this respect shall be unquestioned, final and binding on the contractor except that the contractor will have option to refer the matter under Clause 3.0 1.71.3 Non-exercise of powers in respect of penalty etc., not to waive off the right of the engineer-in-charge The non-exercise of the power of the Engineer-in-Charge to levy penalty or take any other action as contemplated at the time these should have been exercised shall not debar the Engineer-in Charge from exercising such powers, levying such penalty or taking other action against the Contractor to which he becomes liable, at a future date. 1.71.4 Breach on the part of kargil renewable energy development agency No breach or non-observance on the part of the KREDA of anything contained herein, shall annul this contract or discharge the contractor from the observance and performance thereof, but on the application by the contractor, the Engineer-in-Charge may in respect of such breach or non-observance by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, grant extension of time for the completion of the works. 1.72 CONTRACT INCLUDING ALL NECESSARY OPERATIONS The contract is to include the whole of the works whether permanent or temporary which are described in or implied by the contract documents, which may be inferred to be obviously necessary for the efficiency, stability and completion of the permanent works, also the performance of all others operations including testing and commissioning, one year running, clearance of the site and supplying of all materials and things described in or implied by the contract documents which may be deemed desirable or required for the KREDA 111 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT completion in all respect of the above works to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-inCharge and all such matters shall be deemed as included in the contract . Work shown upon or mentioned in drawings to be issued/approved by KREDA, Kargil, J&K, but not mentioned in the specifications or described in the specifications but not shown in the drawing shall nevertheless be held to be included in this contract, in the same manner as if they had been expressly shown upon the drawings and described in the specification also. The equipment’s, accessories and components thereof necessary for the satisfactory execution of the work but not detailed in the specification shall be designed, if necessary, and/or drawings and specification shall be prepared by the contractor and design, drawing and/or specification shall be got approved from the Engineer-in-Charge and those shall be held to be included in this contract. The decision as to which equipment’s, accessories and components thereof are necessary for the satisfactory execution of the work, shall be that of the Engineer-in-Charge and shall be final binding on the contractor without absolving him of his responsibility for the satisfactory execution of the contract and affecting the contractor’s guarantees. 1.72.1 Execution of work in conformity with contract documents The contractor shall execute the work with faithfulness and in conformity with the contract document as well as in accordance with such explanatory and detailed drawings and directions as may be issued from time to time by the Engineer-in-Charge or prepared by the contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge for the guidance of the contractor. 1.72.2 Work to be executed to the satisfaction of the engineer-in-charge The contractor shall proceed with the work with diligence and expedition and the whole of the work herein specified as well as the mode of execution shall be under the supervision and direction and carried out to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-inCharge who shall have full power to order the contractor to alter enlarge or diminish the forms, dimensions, positions or quantities of any of the work or to make use of materials and workmanship or different description and quantities from those herein specified. The whole of the works together with any temporary works associated there with shall be carried out in the substantial, proper and workmanship like manner with the best material and workmanship and to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and in such order of time as he may direct. The contractor shall attend to and execute without delay all order and instructions, which may from time to time be issued by the Engineer-inCharge. KREDA 112 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.73.3 Contractors to be responsible for the sufficient means The contractor shall supply and take upon himself the entire responsibility for the sufficiency of the machinery, tools, implements and generally all the means used for the fulfillment of this contract whether or not of the type enumerated and whether such means may or may not be approved or recommended by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor must accept all risks and accidents, or damages from whatever cause they may arise except where otherwise provided in this contract, until the completion of this contract. The contractor shall ensure that all such structures shall have adequate strength for the purposes for which they are constructed and the contractor shall maintain these in a proper condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. 1.72.4 Order to commence the works a. b. c. d. KREDA The order for the commencement of work shall be obtained in writing from the Engineer-in-Charge by the contractor. Without written order, the contractor shall not enter upon or, commence any portion of the work. If he does so, the contractor shall have no claim to ask for measurement or payment for works until the order to commence the work has been given. The contractor will, however, be responsible for any claims or damages that may arise due to such unauthorized commencement or entry. The contractor shall commence the work(s) within 30 (thirty) days after the issue of letter of award and shall proceed with the same with the expedition and without delay as may be expressly sanctioned or ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge. If the contractor commits default in the commencement of the work as aforesaid, the Engineer-in-Charge shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy be at liberty to cancel the contract and forfeit the earnest money/security deposit. The contractor shall strictly adhere to the completion schedule appended vide schedule ‘C’. The construction planning, phasing and sequence of construction shall be in accordance with time and progress charts within the framework of construction schedule as indicated above for achieving the completion targets of works as a whole. The method and techniques of construction by which the contractor will carry out the works, are given in commencement and construction of various trades or section of work distribution and balancing of work load pertaining to construction activities in various structures/component parts of works into working seasons duly taking into account working months available for working, to arrive at seasonal monthly average and planning schedules as submitted are integral part of this agreement. 113 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Contractor shall have to strictly adhere to such an agreed planning and scheduling. However, it shall not relieve the contractor of any of his duties, obligations or responsibilities under the contract. 1.72.5 The conditions to be fulfilled before the issue of order to commence work The order to commence the work shall be given only after the contract has been executed, the warranty and the agreement has been signed and the security deposit has been furnished by the contractor as required under Clause 1.11 under general conditions of contract. 1.72.6 Delay in issuing the order to commence the work Any delay on the part of the Engineer-in-Charge in the issue of the order to commence the work shall not be considered a ground for any claim for compensation by the contractor nor shall the contractor be entitled to extension of time if the issue of the order to commence the work is delayed due to any of the conditions necessary to be complied with by the contractor remaining incomplete or due to any other lapse on the part of the contractor, provided that if the issue of the order to commence work is delayed without any fault of the contractor, fair and reasonable time extension corresponding to the delay in issue of such order may be considered. 1.72.7 Construction program Within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issue of the order to commence the work, the contractor shall furnish to the Engineer-in-Charge the complete works program showing in detail his proposed program of operation, including clean up operations for orderly performance of the work. The construction works program shall be in such form and in such details as to properly show the sequence of operations and the period of time required for completion of the work under each item of the schedule of quantities and bid, also giving details of work to be done in each working season. The contractor shall advise the Engineer-in-Charge of any proposed change in this construction work program, as and when such a necessity arises, such change shall not, however, affect or supersede the construction schedule. The construction work program including any change therein shall be subject to approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. KREDA 114 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.72.8 Commencement of works The contractor shall commence the work under this contract within thirty (30) calendar days from the date of issue of notice to proceed with the work. Any delay by the contractor in commencement of the work will render him liable to action under Clause 1.72.4. 1.72.9 Materials, workmanship etc The work shall be executed in a thoroughly workmanship like manner with materials and workmanship of the required quality and strictly in accordance with the specifications and with drawings or with such other drawings or written instructions as may from time to time be furnished to the contractor in accordance with the term of this contract and shall be completed in every respect with all material and workmanship implied and necessary according to the fair interpretation and meaning of the same. Should there be any deference or dispute as to the dimensions to be worked to or the quality of the material to be used or with respect to any subject arising out of this contract the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge shall be final and binding on the contractor rejected materials shall be so disposed off as to obviate any possibility of their use on the work. The place, method and period of disposal shall be as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. 1.72.10 Site investigation It shall be understood that the contractor has satisfied himself as to the nature and location of work, the general and local conditions including those bearing upon transportation, disposal, handling and storage of material, availability of labour, water etc. similar physical condition at the site, the configurations and conditions of ground, the character, quality and quantity of the surface and sub-surface materials to be encountered, the character of equipment and facility needed, preliminary to and during the execution of the work and all other matters which can in anyway affect the work, or the cost thereof under this contract. Any default or failure by the contractor to acquaint himself, with all the available information concerning these conditions will not relive him from responsibility or the execution of this contract unless the contract explicitly provides that responsibility thereof is assumed by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K 1.72.11 Bench marks and survey stakes Benchmarks and survey stakes shall be preserved by the contractor and in the event of their destruction or removal by him or his employees these will be got replaced by the Engineer-in-Charge at the contractor’s expense. KREDA 115 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.72.12 Lines and grades During the execution of the work the contractor at his own cost shall lay all lines and grades etc. required for the proper execution of the works. The Engineer-in-Charge may exercise check on such lines and grades for his satisfaction but the responsibility regarding their accuracy will rest entirely with the contractor. The contractor shall provide all facilities and assistance as may be required by the Engineer-in-Charge for the checking of the lines and grades etc. The lines and grades, stakes and benchmarks shall be preserved carefully by the contractor until they have served their purpose. Work shall be suspended at such points and for such responsible times as may be required for checking as above. No compensation or extension of time will be given to the contractor for giving assistance in checking of lines and grades, etc. or for loss of time on account of such suspension of works or otherwise an account of requirement of this Clause. 1.72.13 Period and hours of work The contractor will plan the execution of work and shall inform the Engineer-in-Charge of the number and hours of shifts he proposes the work at site and obtains prior approval of his proposal from the Engineer-in-Charge. He shall work in shifts and hours as may be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time. 1.72.14 Speed of works The contractor shall at all times maintain the speed of works to confirm to latest operation construction program but the Engineer-in-Charge may at any time, after one month’s notice in writing direct the contractor to slow down any part and whole part of work for any reason (which shall not be questioned) whatsoever and the contractor shall comply with such orders of the Engineer-in-Charge. The compliance of such orders shall not entitle the contractor to any claim for compensation except that reasonable extension of time will be granted in case such slowing down results in delay in final completion of works to be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. 1.72.15 Suspension of works (a) KREDA The Engineer-in-Charge may at any time suspend the whole or any portion of the work under this contract. The right to suspend the work shall not be construed as denying the contractor, actual, reasonable and necessary compensation for loss (which may occur due to such suspension) to be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. No compensation will be allowed for such suspension when ordered by the Engineer-in-charge on 116 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT account of weather conditions or modified designs. The Engineer-in-charge may order the contractor to suspend any work that may be subject to damage by climatic or weather conditions. (b) The contractor shall plan his works taking into account the effect of Snowfall during winter period (15th Nov. to 15th April). The loss of time or damage to work on account to snowfall / monsoon floods will be the contractors own cost and responsibility. (c) The contractor shall on the order of the Engineer-in-Charge suspend the progress of the works or any part thereof for such time/times and in such manner as the Engineer-in-Charge may consider necessary and shall during such suspension properly protect and secure the work so far as if necessary in the opinion of the Engineer-in-Charge. If such suspension is: (i) (ii) (iii) Provided for in the contract, or Necessary for the proper execution of the works or by reason of weather conditions or by some default on the part of the contractor, or Necessary for the safety of the works or any part thereof – The contractor shall not be entitled to extra cost (if any) incurred by him during the period of suspension of the work but in the event of any suspension ordered by the Engineer-in-Charge for reasons other than aforementioned and when each such period of suspension exceeds 14 days the contractor shall be entitled to such extension of time for completion of works as the Engineer-in-Charge may consider proper having regard to the period or periods of such suspension and to such compensation reasonable in respect of salaries or wages paid by the contractor to his employees during the period of such suspension. (d) If the progress of works or any part thereof is suspended on the order of the Engineer-in-Charge for more than three months at a time the contractor may serve a written notice on the Engineer-in-Charge requiring permission within 15 fays from the receipt thereof to proceed with the works or that part thereof in regard to which progress is suspended and if such permission is not granted within that time the contractor by further written notice so served may (but is not being to) elect to treat the suspension where it effects only part of the works as an omission of such part or where it affects the whole of the works as abandonment of the contract by the department. 1.72.16 Power to close work If at any time after the acceptance of tender, the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, shall for any reason whatsoever, not require the whole or any part of the work to be carried out, the Engineer-in-Charge shall give notice in writing of the fact to the contractor who shall have no claim to any payment by way of compensation or otherwise on account of any profit or advantage which he might have derived from the execution of the work in full but he could not derived in consequence of the giving up of KREDA 117 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT the work before completion. He shall be paid at contract rate for the work executed and also actual expenses incurred by him on execution of the work which could not be utilized either fully or partially on the work. on account of giving up of the work, as aforesaid. Where partial utilization of labour, material and arrangements as aforesaid has been made, the payment will be made i n the ratio at the value of the work done bears to the value of the work covered by the contract. All material paid for shall become the property of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K 1.72.17 Contractor responsible for maintenance of works During construction All the work under this contract until handed over to the Engineer-in-charge shall stand at the risk of the contractor who shall be responsible and make good at his own cost all loss or damages caused due to any cause whatsoever and the contractor shall hand over the work in good order and conditions and in conformity in every respect, with the requirements of the contract and the instructions of the Engineer-in-charge. Nothing extra will be paid for maintenance of the work during construction and upto the dates the works are handed over to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, 1.72.18 Action and compensation payable in case of bad work All material and workmanship shall be subject to inspection, examination and test by the Engineer-in-charge at any and at all times during fabrication and/or construction are carried on. If the Engineer-in-charge is satisfied that the construction of any part of the work is faulty or that the materials used in the same are inferior to those for which the specification provides or not in accordance with the contract, he may, notwithstanding such work, material or clauses, having been passed, certified or paid for, serve the contractor with notice in writing specifying the work, material or clauses of which he complains and order the contractor to remedy such defects or to replace such materials or clauses within a specified period of time. If the contractor fails to comply in all respects with the requirements of any such notice within ten days after the expiry of the period specified in the notice, the Engineer-incharge may himself remedy such defects or replace such materials or clauses and the contractor shall pay all expenses incurred by the Engineer-in-charge, whose decision as to the amount of any such expenses shall be final and binding on the contractor. KREDA 118 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.72.19 Termination for default, damage or delay (a) If during the progress of the work at any stage the contractor refuses or fails to execute the work or part thereof with such deligence and with such number of skilled and unskilled labours, plants or equipment’s as in the opinion of the Engineer-incharge will ensure it completion as per construction programme and within the time specified in this contract or any extension thereof, or fails to complete the work within such time, the Engineer-in-charge may communicate by written notice to the contractor his decision to terminate the contractor’s right to proceed with in the entire works or such part of the work on which he is delayed. In such event the Engineerin-charge may, after the expiry of a period of twenty (20) days from the date of issue of such notice take over the work or part of the work and prosecute the same to complete by contract or otherwise and the contractor shall be liable to pay Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, any excess cost occasioned to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, thereby and the same, determined and certified by the Engineer-in-charge without prejudice to any other remedial measures in respect thereof adopted by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, again the contractor or his security, may be deducted by the J & K State KREDA Ltd., from any money or to become due to the contractor. If the contractor’s right to proceed with the work be so terminated, the Engineer-incharge, shall have the right to take possession of, on payment of their depreciated value as assessed by the Engineer-in-charge, and to utilize in completing the work, all such materials, appliances and plants and equipments as may be on the site of work which, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, would be necessary for the completion of the work. The value to be paid to the contractor for such materials, appliances, plants and equipments as may be taken over by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be final and binding on the contractor subject to clause 1.71. (b) If the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, does not terminate the right of the contractor to proceed with the work as provided in the preceding para (a) hereof, the contractor shall continue the work, in which event, he and his sureties shall be liable to pay the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, the amount set forth in clause 1.19 hereof for fixed and agreed liquidated damages until the work is completed and accepted. 1.72.20 Time extension Time shall be considered as the essence of the contract. If, however, failure of the contractor to complete the work as per the stipulated dates referred to above arise from delays on the part of Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, in supplying the materials or equipments etc. it has undertaken to supply under the contract KREDA 119 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT or from delay in handing over sites, or from increase in the quantities of the work to be done under the contract, or force majeure, an appropriate extension of time will be given by the Engineer in charge. The contractor shall request Engineer-in-charge for such extension within one month of the cause of such delay and in any case before expiry of the contract period. 1.72.21 Emergency In an emergency affecting the safety or life or of the works or of adjoining property, the contractor shall immediately inform the Engineer-in- Charge of such emergency and of whatsoever measures are proposed to be taken and the condition that warrant such action. In case sufficient time is not available to obtain approval of the Engineer -in-Charge of the measures required to be taken to meet the emergency (the opinion of the Engineer-inCharge in this respect being final and binding) the contractor is permitted to act according to his discretion to prevent such loss or injury, shall, however, not cause any damage to any other work. In case the contractor take action to meet an emergency at his own discretion as specified above, without obtaining an approval of the Engineer-in-Charge, he shall be bound to justify the soundness of the action taken by him. In case the action taken by the contractor is not found justifiable, the contractor shall be entirely responsible for the consequences thereof and shall make good any damage or loss at his own cost. Any compensation claimed by the Contractor on account of such emergency work shall be determined by the Engineer-in-Charge. The provision of this Clause shall not in any way limit the provision of any other clause nor relieve the contractor of any responsibility whatsoever under any other Clause of this contract. 1.72.22 Cleaning up Upon completion of construction and commissioning and running of the scheme, the contractor shall remove from the work sites all plants, buildings, rubbish, scaffolding, unused material and other similar materials belonging to him or used under his direction during construction and in the event of his failure to do so, the same shall be removed by the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, at the expense of the contractor and his sureties. The contractor or his sureties shall hand over the land occupied by the contractor during construction of the project belonging to KREDA or Forest Department or hired Private Land as the case may be. KREDA 120 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.72.23 Action to be taken by the contractor on the completiion of the works On completion of the work the contractor shall inform the Engineer-in-Charge in writing about the date of completion and shall request him for a certificate of completion. No such certificate shall be given nor shall the work be considered to be complete until the contractor has discharged his contract obligations contained in Clause 1.72.22 and has removed from the work sites all scaffolding, surplus material, rubbish and other like material belonging to him or used under his direction during construction and if the contractor fails to do so on the date or before the date fixed for the completion of the work, the Engineer-in-Charge may do so and may sell such scaffoldings and materials as have not been removed by the contractor and the expenditure so incurred shall be recovered from the contractor’s outstanding dues. He shall have to claim in respect of any sum actually raised by the sale thereof. 1.72.24 Completion certificate As and when the whole of the work including the cleaning up of the site, etc. have been completed to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge and in accordance with the contract, and the contractor has submitted all details in the form of as executed drawings of the entire work executed by him under this agreement, the Engineer-in-Charge shall give to the contractor “completion certificate” and take over the work. 1.72.25 Completion of work The contractor shall arrange all equipments and construct the whole of the work and handover to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, on or before the expiry of the stipulated date of completion as per Clause 1.43. The time of the completion of the work shall under no circumstances whatsoever be extended or altered except as stated in clause 1.72.20 herein. The various stage of the completion of the work shall be as per proposal of the contractor and approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. 1.72.26 Possession prior to completion The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to take possession of or use any completed part of the work or any part thereof under construction either temporarily or permanently. Such possession or use shall not be deemed as an acceptance of any work either complete or not complete in accordance with the contract. KREDA 121 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 1.72.27 Inability to complete the work If the contractor abandons or is unable to complete the work the Engineer-in-Charge may certify in writing the value of the work done by the contractor. Such certificate shall be final and binding and conclusive as against the contractor and he will not be paid more than the value of such work as certified irrespective of the contract rates. 1.73 QUALITY CONTROL & INSPECTION 1.73.1 Inspection The Engineer-in-charge (term includes his authorized representative for the purpose of this chapter) shall have the right to inspect all materials and workmanship as specified in clause 7.7 to control the quality of the same. Such inspection, however, will not absolve the contractor from his responsibilities under the provision of any other clause in the general condition or technical provisions of the contract. 1.73.2 Tests The various on-site-tests that shall be required to be performed for different job and materials are narrated in the following clauses. These tests are only for obtaining information and do not purport to replace, define, or explain any of the provisions in other clauses of the contract. The Engineer-in-charge may also require the use of electric power, compressed air and other general services for the purpose of carrying out on-sitetest. The contractor shall provide free of cost such services when required by the Engineer-in-charge. 1.73.3 Tests of aggregates (a) (b) Tests shall be made for the suitability of coarse and fine aggregates by the Engineer-in-charge at the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, expenses. All facilities shall, however, be provided by the contractor at his-own cost for taking and transporting to test laboratory for presenting samples of aggregates as considered necessary by the Engineer-in-charge. All samples of coarse and fine aggregates shall be drawn in accordance with Indian Standard IS: 2430-1969 and its latest amendments. 1.73.4 Tests on concrete as mixes (a) KREDA The following test will be made on the concrete as mixed. 122 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (b) (c) (d) (e) TENDER DOCUMENT i. Consistency (slump) ii. Casting of specimen for compressive strength tests. Test for consistency shall be done as per IS: 1199 and the compressive strength test shall be done as per IS: 516. The frequency of sampling for casting specimen shall be in accordance with the provision as per IS: 456 and for other tests the frequency shall be as required by the Engineer-in-charge. The strength and slump of concrete shall be as specified from time to time for various locations. An acceptance criterion for strength requirements shall be as per IS: 456. The contractor shall erect and provide test facilities to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, at his own cost. Such facilities may be necessary for collecting and handling representative test samples of concrete at different places. Tests shall be carried out at the expenses of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K 1.73.5 TESTS FOR WELDING Tests as described below shall be performed by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative to check the adequacy and efficiency of welding for different structures. The particular tests to be performed shall be specified by the Engineer-in-Charge from time to time. The contractor shall provide free of cost, all facilities for making these tests and shall also furnish the test specimens whenever required by the Engineer-in-Charge and in a manner specified by him. (a) (b) KREDA Visual Inspection: Visual inspection shall be made to ensure that: (i) Size of weld is correct. (ii) Weld deposit is correct. (iii) Weld is clean and free of slag, excessive oxides and scales. (iv) Weld edges indicate thorough fusion without under cut and overlap. (v) Weld bands and free of pinholes and have uniform fine ripples. Tensile Tests: Tensile tests on welded splices of reinforcement bars shall be taken at random from actually placed reinforcement at the rate of not more than one out of 100 splices. In case the splices are found to be defective, the same shall be repeated on other random splices until three successive tests give satisfactory results. 123 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER – III GENERAL TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS 3.1 APPLICABILITY The Contractor shall strictly observe these General Technical Specifications in conjunction with the Particular Technical Specifications for various elements of E&M works. He shall carry out all works in a skilled and workman like manner in compliance with modern methods of engineering. In addition, the Contractor shall conform to all applicable regulations regarding the execution of erection and commissioning work, and shall follow all instructions issued by the Engineer. 3.2 CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME The project is envisaged to be completed within 24 months from the date of awarding contract for civil and electromechanical works on turnkey basis. The contractor has to take into account the factors necessary to be considered for design, drawing, layout construction/execution, supply of electrical/mechanical equipment, erection and commissioning of E&M equipment complete system for generating specified power and evacuate the same to grid. 3.2.1 Project Drawings The work shall conform to the proposed drawings of the Project all of which form a part of these specifications. These drawings are intended to show the proposed general arrangement of the power plant, turbines, generators and auxiliaries. The final design of the power plant will be modified in so far as practicable to suit the equipment furnished and layout plans recommended by the Bidder 3.2.2 Control Of Unit Operation The power House is proposed to be controlled automatically through PLC based system. Provision is also to be made for emergency manual control. 3.3 KREDA STANDARDS All equipment supplied and works executed under these Specifications shall conform to the latest editions of the applicable Standards together with any amendments issued to date. All designs, calculations, materials, manufacture and testing shall conform to the latest applicable standards. If requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply at his own expense two copies in English of the Standards, which are applicable to the Contract. Standard publications issued by the following organisations of standardisation are considered being approved Standards for the works: 124 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT STANDARDS FOR GENERAL APPLICATION AISI American Iron and Steel Institute ANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials AWS American Welding Society BS British Standards IEC International Electro-technical Commission IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers IPCEA Insulated Power Cable Engineer's Association IS Indian Standards ISO International Standards Organisation NEMA National Electrical Manufacturers Association "Not withstanding reference made to various standards, all equipment and works as per requirements of relevant and latest Indian Standards shall be acceptable“. In the case of equipment offered from a country where the relevant Standards to which the equipment conforms are in the opinion of the Engineer equal to or better than I.E.C., these will be acceptable, but appropriate Standards shall be quoted at the time of Bid. Full details of differences, which affect the design or performance of the equipment shall be stated in the tender and English translations of any such alternative standards shall be supplied by the Contractor when requested by the Engineer. 3.4 DESIGN FOR TROPICAL CLIMATE & EARTHQUAKE All outdoor equipment supplied shall be suitable for operating under the worst tropical conditions, including lightning, rains and high humidity. All equipment shall be adequately protected against ingress of dust, vermin, moisture and tropic proofed in an approved manner. The generating equipment and associated electrical equipment shall be designed to withstand loads due to earthquakes in accordance with Indian Standards in this region. 3.5 DESIGN COORDINATION AND COORDINATION MEETING The Contractor shall coordinate between manufacturers/suppliers of various equipment to fulfill all requirements of the Contract, matching the design parameters of the related equipment and completeness of the supply. For example, coordination between turbine and generator manufacturer (if both are separate firms) so that the generator to be coupled with the turbine is matched in respect of speed, runway speed, moment of inertia, overload capacities and other operational requirements. The Contractor will be called upon to attend design coordination meetings with the Engineer and the Consultants of the Purchaser during the period of Contract. The Contractor shall attend such meetings at his own cost at mutually agreed venue as and when required and fully cooperate with such persons on agenda involved during discussions. KREDA 125 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.6 TENDER DOCUMENT TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS In general, following technical documents shall be supplied by the Contractor to the Engineer : Drawings and catalogues of the equipment as specified in respective Technical Specifications, Design calculations as per requirement of the Engineer, Operation and Maintenance Manuals, Installation and Commissioning Manuals, Quality Assurance Plan for Manufacturing Works, Quality Assurance Plan for erection and commissioning, Quarterly Progress Reports during design & manufacturing, Monthly Progress Reports during erection & commissioning The Engineer reserves the right to request the Contractor for additional documents as may be required for proper understanding of constructional & operational features of the equipment. All documents to be supplied shall be submitted in accordance with the agreed programme so that any comment and change requested by the Engineer can be taken into account before starting of the manufacture in the workshop and/or erection at the site. The Contractor shall not be relieved of his responsibility towards quality and guaranteed performance of equipment even after drawings and calculations have been approved by the Engineer. 3.6.1 Drawings a) The Contractor shall submit the drawings as desired in technical specifications of individual equipment for approval and reference within the period and in number and quality as specified under “Conditions of Contract”. Following drawings of all works will be submitted for approval: b) General arrangement drawings, layout drawings and foundation drawings, Assembly drawings of all major components, Hydro-Mechanical schematic drawings, Electrical/electronic control schemes, block diagrams, logic diagrams and single line diagrams Following requirements shall be fulfilled while working out the drawings of different nature : i) Foundation Drawings : If any equipment requires its own foundation or needs a special area for installation, the Contractor shall submit drawings indicating all pertinent dimensions, static and dynamic loads, etc. They shall include all essential details required for proper design and construction of the foundations and/or buildings. In addition, they shall include openings, sleeves, details of conduits, slopes and the arrangement of any KREDA 126 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT supporting structure, i.e. base-frames or other steel constructions for permanent fixing or erection purposes. ii) General Arrangement and Layout Drawings : All general arrangement and layout drawings shall be drawn to scale. The general arrangement drawings shall show the overall physical arrangement and dimensions of Works and their layout in the power house/switchyard and appurtenances. iii) Assembly and sub-Assembly Drawings : The assembly drawings shall show all elements and the main dimensions in plan view, cross-section and side views. The assembly drawings shall also include erection drawings, piping diagrams and piping arrangement drawings. The assembly drawings shall show following details : Assembly of major components in plan, elevation and detail views with overall and main dimensions, Sub-assembly of the principal components which shall require dismantling, assembly and adjustments at site for maintenance, giving overall dimensions, adjustment, clearances and fitting tolerances, Sub-assemblies which the Contractor proposes to ship individually, Instructions for heat treatment, pressure tests, surface preparation and anti-corrosive protection Detail bill of materials identifying each item and its material, Method and sequence of installation, field joints, erection and lifting devices, jacks, grout plugs, anchoring details, etc., if not shown on foundation drawings. iv) Schematic Diagrams : Schematic (hydro-mechanical) diagrams of turbine control and auxiliary systems like oil pressure unit, compressed air system, drainage/ dewatering system, cooling water system etc. shall be supplied. These drawings shall show all instruments and control devices. Standard abbreviations and component numbers shall be used as per relevant standards. v) Single-Line Diagrams : Each electrical works and their circuits shall be represented by a single line diagrams. It shall contain all required technical information of the Works represented, e.g. voltage, current, capacity, short-circuit level, ratios, voltage variations, measuring transformer and protection relay indices, interlocking, kind of switch drive, code designation, etc. as applicable. vi) Circuit Diagrams : The Circuit Diagrams shall show the power circuits in all phases with the main apparatus as well as the pilot circuits (measuring and control circuits). Contacts of installed switches, contactors, relays and other apparatus which appear in the diagram shall be shown below the respective contactor coil, indicating by means of numbers and, if not on the same page, also the page no., the current path in which the corresponding contact has been used. .Circuit diagrams shall also contain all terminals and their correct designations. Terminals grouped together to terminal blocks of switchboards, distributors, etc. KREDA 127 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT vii) Logic Diagrams : The Logic or Functional Diagrams shall be used for representation of logic and sequence controls and inter locking by showing only binary logic elements and their effect on the various process equipment disregarding their electrical realisation. Logic function elements (AND, OR, NOR, NAND, STORAGE, etc.) shall be used for processing and combining binary signals. viii) Terminal Diagrams : Such diagrams shall be prepared for any type of terminal box, marshalling rack, control cubicle, switchboard, etc., and shall show the terminals (properly numbered) and the internal and/or external conductors (wires or cables) connected to them. The terminal diagram of each individual switchboard, terminal box or panel shall contain terminal number of terminal board with incoming and outgoing cables and wires, cable designation, type of cable and number and cross-section of conductors. 3.6.2 Lists and Schedules Following lists and schedules shall be supplied : Cable Lists / Interconnection Lists Alarm Lists List of Final Control Elements 3.6.3 Calculations The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer all relevant calculations for determining the main sizes, stress levels, dimensions and operational characteristics clearly indicating the principles on which the calculations were based. The computer calculations shall be supplemented with base line information such as derivation of the calculation method, applied formulas, definition of variables and constants, explanation of abbreviations etc. The short-circuit calculations shall be performed in accordance with VDE Standard 0102, part I / IEEE 242 and 399 and submitted to the Engineer for approval. 3.6.4 Operation and Maintenance Manuals The Operation and Maintenance Manuals shall be prepared in MS Word with enclosures in the form of computerised drawings and scanned figures. They shall be supplied on CD along with Ten (10) hard copies in properly bound form. The O & M manuals shall contain the following information in sufficient detail to enable the Purchaser to maintain, dismantle, reassemble, adjust and operate the Works : a) Detailed Description, Operating Principles and Characteristics of Equipment : The description shall include construction detail of all components, their operating principles, characteristics, clearances, fits & tolerances, maximum allowed temperatures, control diagrams, circuit diagrams, sequence diagrams etc. b) Operating Instructions : The instructions shall contain the sequence of individual manipulations required for operation. c) Testing and Adjustment : The entire testing and adjustment procedure required for the equipment after overhauls and during operation shall be described. d) Maintenance Instructions : This section shall contain the following details : KREDA 128 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Preventive maintenance schedule indicating the inspections required at regular intervals, routine cleaning and lubricating operations, regular safety checks and similar steps. The maintenance instructions shall include a tabular summary of the required activities sorted according to Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Yearly, (Or other) cycles as applicable. Repair and adjustment procedures including dismantling & assembly procedures, trouble shooting and fault tracing Spare part lists, containing all the necessary data for ordering spare parts. These lists shall include all spare parts, those to be supplied and those not to be supplied under the present Contract. Tool lists, containing all necessary data for identification of tools delivered under the present Contract. List of bought out items and addresses of their suppliers. Catalogues including O & M instruction manuals of all bought out items As-built drawings in separate folder e) Detailed manufacturing drawings for frequently required spare parts 3.6.5 Installation and Commissioning Manuals The Manuals of Installation and Commissioning shall be prepared in MS Word with enclosures in the form of computerised drawings and scanned figures. They shall be supplied on CD along with 10 (Ten) hard copies in properly bound form. These manuals shall contain the following information in detail : a) Installation Procedures : The installations procedures shall describe the erection of major equipment in sequential steps and shall contain sufficient details such as equipment preparation on erection bay, handling of large and heavy pieces, levelling, anchoring, site welding, site painting, erection checks, site pressure tests, site flushing and cleaning of hydraulic systems, alignment and run out checks to allow the Engineer / Purchaser to plan and supervise the Works at site, if required. The manuals shall contain the Log Sheets for taking measurements during installation. b) Pre-Commissioning Tests and Procedures : Pre-commissioning tests and procedures shall be described in sequential steps for the pre-commissioning of all electrical and mechanical equipments and shall also contain sufficient details viz. checking of installations, ratings, cable terminal checking and operation test of all auxiliary equipments etc. necessary Log Sheets shall be annexed to facilitate proper recording of test results. c) Commissioning Procedures : The commissioning procedures shall sequentially and in sufficient detail describe activities and tests for all systems. KREDA 129 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.6.6 TENDER DOCUMENT Progress Reports during Design and Manufacturing During design and manufacturing the Contractor shall submit four (4) copies of the quarterly progress reports in a format acceptable to the Engineer, detailing the progress of the work during the preceding period. The report shall contain (but not be limited to) the following information: A general description of the Works performed during the reporting period on each main activity including the problems, which were encountered. The total overall percentages of design and manufacturing works completed, with reference to the CPM programme. Appropriate comments shall explain any differences. The percentages of each main works activity completed during the reported quarter with reference to the CPM programme. Appropriate comments shall explain any differences. A list of activities scheduled to be started within the next period of two (2) months, with expected starting and completion dates. If the expected starting and/or completion dates are different from those shown on the CPM programme, an explanation shall be given. 3.6.7 Progress Reports during Erection and Commissioning at Site During erection and commissioning, the Contractor shall, before the tenth (10th) day of each calendar month, submit four (4) copies of the monthly progress reports in a format acceptable to the Engineer, detailing the progress of the work during the preceding month. The report shall contain, but not be limited to, the following information: KREDA A general description of the Works performed during the reporting period on each main activity including the problems, which were encountered. The total overall percentages of erection works completed, with reference to the CPM programme. Appropriate comments shall explain any differences. The percentages of each main work activity completed during the reported month with reference versus the scheduled programme. Appropriate comments shall explain any differences. A list of activities scheduled to be started within the next period of two (2) months, with expected starting and completion dates. If the expected starting and/or completion dates are different from those shown on the CPM programme, an explanation shall be given. A list of local manpower (by trade classification) employed during the reporting period. A list of expatriate personnel (by position) employed during the reporting period. 130 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.6.8 TENDER DOCUMENT Progress photographs of significant events. The Engineer may direct the inclusion of specific photographs if deemed necessary. A statement detailing the status of progress on the overall programme and how to regain any lost time or setbacks which may have occurred. A list of inoperable temporary equipment, and the estimated date when the repair will be completed. A statement concerning potential problems and recommendations on how they could be resolved. Quality Assurance Plan For Manufacturing Works Four copies of Quality Assurance Plan giving details of inspection, tests and customer witness/hold points for each major component of each functional assembly shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer. The tests will include material composition and its properties, NDT, X-ray, hydraulic tests, leakage tests, insulation, high voltage tests and functional tests etc. along with the applicable standards and acceptance criteria. The approved quality plan shall form the basis for inspection and acceptance of the equipment. The Engineer shall have the right to ask for more relevant tests if the same could not be included in the quality assurance plan at the time of their approval due to non availability of final design drawings. 3.6.9 Quality Assurance Plan for Site Installation & Commissioning Four copies of Quality Assurance Plan giving details of stage inspection during installation, pre-commissioning and commissioning tests and customer witness/hold points for each major functional assembly shall be submitted for the approval of the Engineer. The tests will necessarily include NDT, X-ray, hydraulic tests, leakage tests, insulation, high voltage tests and functional tests etc. along with the applicable standards and acceptance criteria. The approved quality plan shall form the basis for inspection and acceptance of the equipment at site. The Engineer shall have the right to ask for more relevant tests if the same could not be included in the quality assurance plan at the time of their approval due to oversight and/or non availability of final design drawings. 3.7 SPARE PARTS, TOOLS AND SITE CONSUMABLES 3.7.1 Spare Parts All spare parts to be supplied shall be interchangeable with the corresponding parts of the Works and shall be of the same material and workmanship. They shall be replaceable without cutting or destruction of adjacent components. All spare parts shall be protected against corrosion and shall be marked with clear identification labels. The identification scheme for the spares shall be simple and describe the title of assembly/assemblies where it can be used. All spare parts, tools and materials shall be delivered in marked boxes of sufficient sturdy construction to withstand long term storage. The spare parts supplied under the Contract can be taken on loan by the Contractor for use during erection and KREDA 131 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT commissioning in special circumstances with the permission of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be bound to supply the same within reasonable time but before handing over the plant in any case. The required list of mandatory spare parts has been given. The Bidders will give a separate list of spares recommend by them in addition to the mandatory spares and offer the price of the same separately in price schedule of recommended spares. Wherever the quantity of spares is given as set/sets, it will be taken as quantity for all generating units. Sufficient quantity of spares will be included in recommended spares for parts that are prone to frequent wear and tear and can be replaced easily without involving long shutdown. 3.7.2 Tools and Appliances The special tools and lifting devices designed and supplied against the Contact, can be used by the Contractor during erection. These shall however, be handed over to Purchaser in good working condition without any wear and tear after commissioning the sets except all ropes, slings and small hoists etc. which shall be handed over in new condition. All lifting devices and wire ropes slings to be used at site shall be tested at works and test certificate shall be supplied to the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply gauges for repair of the hydraulic profile of the wicket gates blades and the runner blades at or before commissioning. 3.7.3 Site Consumables, Lubricating Oil and Grease for First Filling All lubricants, hydraulic oil, cooling liquids and other liquids shall, in order to minimise the risk of water pollution in the event of a spill, be free of poisonous substances and shall be biodegradable. Left over site consumables like welding electrodes, brazing materials, insulating materials, lubricating oils, insulating oils, greases, sealants, cleaning agents, paints and varnishes, grinding wheels/discs, fasteners and raw materials etc. supplied under the Contract shall be properly packed and handed over to the Purchaser after commissioning of the units. Lubricating oils, insulating oils and greases etc. required for first filling in the plant shall be supplied by the Contractor as per site requirement and shall not be stocked with main equipment. Any quantity of these materials consumed excessively or spoiled during erection and commissioning shall be made good by the contractor during handing over the plant so that atleast 20% extra quantity is available after filling . 3.8 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS 3.8.1 General The equipment shall be designed and manufactured to provide most optimum functional value and neat appearance. All major assemblies or equipment shall be designed to facilitate easy and quick surveillance, maintenance and optimum operation. All control sequences shall be simple and rational. KREDA 132 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT All live, moving and rotating parts shall be adequately secured in order to avoid danger to the operating staff. All electrical components shall be electrically earthed. Suitable lifting eyes and forcing off bolts shall be provided where required or where they will be useful for erection and dismantling. Any change in the design of any part of the equipment which deviates from the technical specifications and becomes necessary after signing the Contract have to be submitted in writing to the Engineer for approval, being sufficiently substantiated and justified. 3.8.2 Design Responsibility The contractor shall assume full responsibility for a coordinated and adequate design of all equipment specified and shall ensure that such equipment conforms to the best engineering practice for the operating conditions specified. When requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall furnish complete information as to the maximum stress and other criteria used in the design. 3.8.3 Working Stress Conservative factors of safety shall be used throughout the design and especially in the designs of all parts subject-alternating stresses of shock. For the rotating parts of the generator, the maximum units stresses due to runaway speed of turbine shall not exceed two –thirds of the yield point. For stationary parts of generator, the maximum stresses due to the most serve operating conditions shall not exceed one-third of the yield point nor one-fifth of the ultimate strength of the material. For temporary overloads, unit stresses shall not exceed one-half the yield point stress. 3.8.4 Resistance to Earthquake The forces being caused by earthquake including hydraulic loads, which may occur additionally, shall be taken into account for the computations. Stresses resulting after including these loads shall not exceed permissible stresses and following provisions shall be made in the generator, Turbine and all switchyard equipment structure. Mechanical strength : Generator, turbine, switchyard equipment and structure be designed to safely withstand earthquake acceleration force 0.3g both in the vertical and horizontal direction. Generator stator support and bearing brackets : Generator stator and bearing brackets of turbine and generator be designed to safely withstand horizontal and vertical forces due to earthquake. 3.8.5 Standardisation of Works Every effort shall be made to standardise parts, instruments and devices to minimise costs of the Works and facilitate keeping stocks, maintenance, replacement, interchangeability, etc. KREDA 133 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3.8.6 Surface Finish Surfaces to be machine-finished shall be indicated on the shop drawings by symbols. Compliance with the specified surface shall be determined by the sense of feel and by visual inspection of the work compared to applicable "Standard Roughness Specimens", or with roughness feeler gauge instruments. 3.8.7 Fits and Tolerances Fits and tolerances shall be given in accordance with ISO Standard. Tolerances on matching components shall be suitable for intended service and will ensure interchangeability. Fits shall be selected for the smooth functioning of the components for fairly long life. 3.8.8 Materials In choosing materials, due regard shall be given to the humid tropical conditions under which equipment is to work. Tropical grade material should be used wherever possible. Material specifications, including grade or class shall be shown on drawings submitted to the Purchaser. 3.8.9 Natural Frequency Natural frequency of the machine be kept well away (higher) from the magnetic frequency of 100 Hz (twice the generator frequency). The natural frequency must be much away from multiple of runner blades passing frequency. 3.9 MANUFACTURING REQUIREMENTS 3.9.1 Materials All materials used, shall be new and of first class quality free from rust, defects and imperfections. Inspection documents of all materials shall be reviewed and compiled before actual use. The Engineer shall review the inspection records of materials of major components. Materials of limited shelf life shall not be used after their expiry date. Steel Casting : The Bidder shall submit to the Purchaser, drawings of all important steel castings, showing thereon the location of tension and end test specimens before proceeding with foundry work. The Bidder shall notify the Purchaser in time to have an Inspector present at the foundry when casting have been cleaned and are ready for surface inspection and before any repairs are made and after the castings have been annealed and before they are shipped to machine shop. No repairs shall be made to castings without the knowledge and approval of Purchaser. Welding shall be performed only by properly qualified welders and in accordance with the best welding practice. Cracks and other defects disclosed when the casting are cleaned or during machining operations shall be chipped to sound clean metal before any repairs are made. If the removal of metal to uncover the crack or defect reduces the stresses resisting cross section of the casting more than 50 %, the casting may, KREDA 134 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT at the option of the Purchaser be rejected. Casting requiring welding repairs impairing the strength of the stress-resisting cross section, at any stage of the manufacture after the first annealing, shall be re-annealed, unless otherwise permitted by the Purchaser. All thickness and or other dimensions of the casting shall not be less then called for on the drawings by an amount sufficient, in the opinion of the Purchaser, to impair by more than 10 % the strength of casting of the dimensions shown on the drawings and to exceed the stresses allowed under these specifications. Casting shall not be warped or otherwise distorted. The structure of the casting shall be homogeneous and free from excessive non-metallic inclusions. An excessive segregation of impurities or alloys at critical points in a casting will be cause for its rejection. Steel Plates : Steel plates for all the principal stress-carrying parts shall be Boiler Quality Steel plates as per IS 2002. and steel plates for moderately stressed parts shall be as per IS 2062. The material selected shall be weldable and suitable for the required service. 3.9.2 Workmanship All works shall be performed and completed in highly professional manner and shall follow the best modern practice in the design and manufacturing of the equipment. All parts shall be made accurately and shall not deviate from drawing and quality requirements. All the components of the machines shall be interchangeable without any rework or modification in the component. 3.9.3 Welding and Heat Treatment Welding : All welding (except welding of thin plates or piping of small sizes) shall be performed by electric-arc method and where practical, with process controlled automatic machines. Butt welds welded from one side only, shall be provided with back strips on the whole length of the seam to be welded. Particular care shall be taken in aligning and separating the edges of the members to be joined by butt-welding so that complete penetration and fusion at the bottom of the joint will be ensured. Where fillet welds are used, the members shall fit closely and shall be held together during welding. Where possible, welding shall be carried out in the workshop. Welding which has to be performed in the field shall be clearly indicated on drawings. After being deposited, welds shall be cleaned of slag and shall show uniform sections, smoothness of weld metal, featheredges without overlap, and no porosity and clinker. Where weld metal is deposited in successive layers, each layer shall be thoroughly peened before the next layer is applied. Visual inspection of the ends of welds shall indicate good fusion with the base metal. All welds transverse to the direction of flow shall be ground flush with the plates on the inside. Welds shall be ground flush on both the inside and the outside wherever dynamic stress occurs. The Contractor shall maintain Weld Procedure Specifications (WPS) for the type of welds to be performed in shop. These WPS shall conform to the recommendations of material Contractors, electrode Contractors and approved standards. The WPS shall be got approved from Engineer. However, approval of the welding process shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for correct welding, the use of correct electrodes and for minimising distortion in the finished structure. Welding Qualifications : For welding of principal stress carrying parts, the standard of KREDA 135 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT welding procedures, welders and welding operators shall conform to standards equivalent to the requirements of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Sections VIII and IX, or equivalent standards. For welding of less important parts, the standards and qualifications shall conform either to the AWS Standard Qualification Procedure or equivalent standards. All welders assigned to the work shall have passed a performance qualification test. If more than one year has elapsed since the welder passed his last test, then he shall again be tested. Welders' test certificates shall be submitted to the Engineer. Quality and Procedure Control for Welding : Quality control methods, e.g., radiography, ultrasonic crack detection, etc., shall be selected in accordance with the appropriate manufacturing code. However, the Bidder shall indicate clearly in the quality Assurance Plan, the method of control to be used for major fabricated parts. All welded joints, which have to be tight, shall be inspected or tested by dye penetration tests. All major welds carried out on parts under hydraulic pressure shall be at least 10 % radio-graphically and 100% ultrasonic examined. All welds on the skin-plates shall be additional dye penetration tested as directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall indicate in the corresponding drawings the type of non-destructive testing to be carried out during manufacture and at Site. Defects and Repairs : Plates with laminations discovered after cutting shall be rejected unless the laminated portion is only local and can easily be repaired; such repairs shall require the consent of the Engineer. Defects in welds, which are to be repaired, shall be chipped out to sound metal and the areas to be DP or ultrasonically tested to ensure that the defective material has been completely removed before repair of welding is carried out. Repairs shall be carried out in accordance with the relevant Standards and to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the in-service performance of all welding work. The Work shall be 100% inspected again by the method used first to determine such faulty work. Heat Treatment : Heat treatment shall be performed on all fabricated parts which are stressed during service and are to be finish machined as per the approved heat treatment / weld procedure. Heat treatment of field erection welding seams shall be performed according to the specifications for the welding procedure for the corresponding parts, which shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. 3.10 PROTECTION OF MACHINED PARTS AT MANUFACTURING WORKS 3.10.1 Protection of machined surfaces against damages Finish machined surfaces of large parts shall be applied with anti-corrosive paints and protected with rubber sheet and wooden pads or other suitable means against damages during handling and transportation. Un-assembled pins or bolts shall be oiled or greased and wrapped with moisture-resistant paper or protected by other approved means. Large size bolts and studs shall be wrapped by polythene tapes. KREDA 136 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3.10.2 Protection of surfaces against corrosion All metal parts shall be provided with effective coats of paint, galvanised or hard chrome plated/polished in accordance with the best trade practice to protect from corrosion and give aesthetic look. i) Painting The Contractor shall submit for Engineer's approval full details of the paints to be used i.e. type, brand of painting materials and method of painting and colour scheme for different type of equipment. While selecting the painting scheme, due attention shall be given to overall aesthetic look of the works in addition to protection of the surfaces. All panels shall be painted with high decorative finish of uniform shade and shall have peelable protective film to avoid deterioration of paint finish during transportation, storage and handling. All surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned by suitable means before application of paint. For removing rust and mill scale from structural steel, piping and other steel parts, sandblasting shall be preferred. Parts, which cannot be sandblasted shall be cleaned by power tools to the highest degree. After cleaning, the surfaces shall be rinsed and applied one coat of quick-drying highly pigmented 2-pack zinc-rich primer, unless otherwise specified. The procedure of painting as recommended by the paint manufacturer shall be adopted. For all paints the surface temperature of the metal shall not be higher than +50C during the painting. Parts, which are embedded in concrete, shall be painted with cement base paints. ii) Galvanising Unless otherwise specified, all fasteners and steel structures including ladders, platforms, hand rails etc. and all exterior and interior steel surfaces of outdoor Works shall be hotdip galvanised or electrolytically galvanised. For galvanising, only original blast furnace raw zinc shall be applied, which shall have a purity of 98.5%. The thickness of the zinc coat shall be as under : For bolts and nuts of sizes above M36 approx. 36 micrometer and for sizes below M36, 20 micrometer. For all other parts, except for hydraulic steel structures or parts intermittently or permanently submerged in water, approx. 30 micrometer For hydraulic steel structures or parts intermittently or permanently submerged in water, approx. 80 micrometer. Bolts, nuts, washers, locknuts and similar hardware shall be galvanised in accordance with the relevant standards. All plates and shaped components, which have been warped by the galvanising process, shall be straightened by being re-rolled or pressed without injury to the protective coating. KREDA 137 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Materials that have been harmfully bent or warped in the process of fabrication or galvanising shall be rejected. iii) Chrome Plating and polishing All hand railings and ladders used in machine hall and instrument holders etc. shall be chrome plated and polished for best aesthetic look as per design requirements. 3.11 MECHANICAL WORKS AND STEEL STRUCTURES General : All mechanical Works and steel structures of any mechanical or electrical works shall comply these General Technical Specifications. 3.11.1 Bolts, Screws, Nuts etc. : All bolts, studs, screws, nuts, and washers shall be as per ISO metric system. Mild steel bolts and nuts shall be of the precision cold forged or hot forged type with machined faces parallel to one another. All bolts and studs which will be subject to high stress and/or temperature shall be of high tensile material with nuts of appropriate material. Fitted bolts shall be a driving fit in the reamed holes and shall have the screwed portion of a diameter such that it will not be damaged during driving. They shall be properly marked in a conspicuous position to ensure correct assembly at site. All parts (other than structural steel work) bolted together, shall be spot faced on the back to ensure that nuts and bolt heads bed down satisfactorily. Mild steel nuts and bolts shall be zinc or cadmium plated. Stainless steel bolts, nuts, washers and screws shall be used for holding renewable parts in water or when exposed to high humidity. The Contractor shall supply the net quantities plus 5 percent of all permanent bolts, screws and other similar items and materials required for installation at the Site. Any such rivets, bolts, screws, etc., which are surplus after the installation of the works, shall be treated as spare parts and shall be wrapped, marked and handed over to the Purchaser. 3.11.2 Seals : Rubber seals shall be made of synthetic rubber suitable for particular application and shall be designed in such a manner that they are adjustable, water tight and readily replaceable. Seals shall be manufactured by molding process and not extruded. All adjusting screws and bolts for securing the seals and seal assembly shall be of noncorrosive stainless steel. 3.11.3 Oils and Lubricants : Different types of oils, lubricants, etc. shall be subject to the written approval of the Engineer. Unless otherwise stated in the Particular Technical Specifications, the oil or grease for bearings, pressure oil systems, transformers, etc., including the necessary quantity for flushing and quantity for first oil change with 20% extra shall be included in the Tender Price. KREDA 138 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT General: All required piping shall be furnished complete with flanges, joints, expansion joints, gaskets, packing, valves, drains, vents, pipe suspensions, supports, etc. Flanged joints or connections shall be provided only as required for transport, installation or for dismantling and reassembly. Standard metric flanges and connections shall be used for all pipe works. Adequate clearance shall be given to parallel pipes to allow for easy maintenance without disturbing other lines. All overhead piping shall have a minimum clearance of 2.1 m from operating floors and platforms. All pipes shall be supported/restrained/anchored in order to prevent any undue localised stress and deflection/sagging anywhere along the piping length due to the applied forces/moments. For the above purpose standard support attachments such as clamps, saddle plates, braces, angles/cleats, guides etc. and support components such as hangers, rods, turn buckles, spring boxes etc. shall be used by the Contractor. 3.11.4 Materials of Pipes & Fittings : Water, air and drain piping less than 25 mm nominal bore shall be of galvanised heavy grade to IS-1239, Part-I or equivalent standards steel pipe. Pipes equal to or greater than 25 mm nominal bore shall be galvanized heavy grade to IS-1239, Part I/IS-3589 or equivalent. Oil piping greater than 25 mm nominal bore shall be of seamless high quality steel pipe conforming to IS 1239 or API-5L GR.B or equivalent grade as per process requirement, whereas pipes less than 25mm bore shall be of stainless steel. Steel pipes of diameter 100 mm and above for a pressure upto PN 10, may be used in welded type. The minimum wall thickness of pipes shall be the "normal" or "standard" wall thickness as per applicable standards. Pipe Work Fabrication : Steel pipe work smaller than 25 NB and for operating pressure more than PN 10 shall be joined by screwed fittings and pipe work for 25 NB and over shall be joined by welded flanges. Pipe work for operating pressure upto PN 10 may be joined by screwed fittings upto 50 NB size. Tig welding must be used for fabricating pipe work. Pipe work Cleaning : Oil pipe work internal bores shall be chemically cleaned and passivated prior to use.. Water, air and drain piping shall be blown through with high pressure air and flushed with water prior to use. Pressure Testing : All pressure piping shall be pressure tested at a pressure 50% greater than maximum operating pressure after erection and cleaning but before painting at site. The test pressure shall be maintained without loss for half an hour. Painting : All steel piping shall be painted on the exterior to prevent rusting. The paint treatment shall be of the same system as used for the turbine exterior. Colour coding of pipe work shall be adopted as per applicable Indian Standard. Paint damaged during erection and commissioning shall be repaired prior to handing-over the plant. KREDA 139 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Protection for Transport and Storage : Oil piping shall have a protective coating applied to prevent corrosion occurring during transport and storage. The ends of the pipe lengths shall be plugged to prevent ingress of water. Valves & Gates : Generally, valves shall be leak-proof in either flow direction (except for non-return valves) when the nominal pressure is applied. All valves with design pressures higher than PN 10 and diameters larger than DN 100 shall be workshop-tested for tightness and soundness of materials. Valves shall close clockwise and be provided with position indicators/marks on hand wheel. The drive units of motor-driven valves shall also be provided with hand wheels for manual operation. To facilitate operation, large valves and gates shall be provided with by-pass lines for pressure balancing, if required. Valves spindles and pins shall be of stainless steel, spindle nuts and bushes of bronze, the body of cast steel. No valve in cast iron body will be accepted. All pressure reduction valves; safety valves and similar components shall be workshoptested and provided with a work certificate. 3.11.5 Mechanical Instruments : All mechanical parts of instruments shall be suitably protected against shocks and vibrations, heat, humidity and splash water, etc. Pressures gauges shall be provided with a damping liquid, e.g., glycerine, to compensate vibrations. Pressure gauges without damping means are not permitted, unless approved by the Engineer. 3.11.6 Pumps : Materials of the main parts of pumps shall be : Casing Impeller Shaft Sleeves Wear rings Keys Cast steel stainless steel stainless steel stainless steel bronze stainless steel The capacity of the driving electric motor shall be 15 % higher than the maximum power required by the pump at any operation point The overall pump-motor efficiency for the specified rated head and discharge shall not be less than 60%. The pumps shall withstand corrosion and wear by abrasive matters within reasonable limits. Shafts sealed by packing glands shall be fitted with sleeves. Pump seals shall be replaceable without extensive dismantling of the pump. Leakage water shall be directed to suitable drainage facilities. 3.11.7 Miscellaneous Metalwork Except where otherwise indicated elsewhere in the Particular Technical Specifications, the Contractor shall supply the following: KREDA All platforms, ladders, guards, handrails of tubular construction and hatch covers necessary for easy and safe access to Works. 140 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.12 TENDER DOCUMENT Safety guards at each point where normal access provision would permit personnel to come within reach of any moving equipment. All covers for pipe work, cable trenches and access hatches, required for completing the floors around and over the equipment will be supplied and installed. Unless otherwise approved, floor chequered plates shall be of an angular pattern. MANUFACTURER'S NAME PLATES Each important part to be delivered under this Contract shall be equipped with permanent nameplate in readily visible locations. The nameplates shall be protected during erection and especially during painting. The following data shall be shown in accordance with the relevant standards: Manufacturer’s name Work's serial number and year of manufacture Main design data. As a general rule, standardised components, such as small or medium-sized electric motors, transformers, instruments, etc., may be delivered with the original manufacturer's standard nameplate. Items such as valves, which are subject to handling, shall be provided with an engraved chromium plated brass name plate or label with engraving filled with enamel. Nameplates or labels for outdoor equipment are to be non-corrosive and non-hygroscope material with lettering of a contrasting colour. Labels for indoor equipments shall be engraved with black letters on white background. 3.13 ELECTRICAL WORKS 3.13.1 General The electrical items of Works of any electrical or mechanical installation to be provided under this Contract according to the Particular Technical Specifications shall, if not stated otherwise therein, fulfil the requirements of this Section. All components shall be of reliable design. The power supply and control cables shall be laid up to the common terminal blocks. The Contractor shall ensure that various control/protection devices and instruments supplied against scopes of works under different sections of these Tender Specifications shall be uniform, interchangeable and connected as per system requirement. Unless otherwise agreed, ratings of main electrical works as selected or proposed by the Contractor, whether originally specified or not, shall generally include a safety margin of 10%. Prior to approval of such basic characteristics, the Contractor shall submit all relevant information such as consumer lists, short circuit calculations, de-rating factors, etc. Short-circuit calculations shall be evaluated giving full evidence that every electrical component can withstand the maximum stresses under fault conditions, for fault levels KREDA 141 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT and durations obtained under the worst conditions, e.g., upon failure of the corresponding main protection device and time delayed fault clearing by the back-up protection device. All Works shall be suitable for the prevailing climatic conditions and insensitive to any signals emitted by wireless communication equipment. Clearances : The layout of the equipment in the power house shall provide ready access for operation and maintenance whilst the remaining sections of equipment are alive. Working clearance provided between isolated equipment and nearest live metal work shall be as per Indian Electricity rules & Standards. Electrical Supplies For Auxiliary Equipment : The electricity supplies available for various auxiliary equipment will be : (i) (ii) (iii) 415 V, 3-phase 50Hz, 4-wire for A.C. power supply, 220 V, single phase, 50 Hz for lighting, indication, and anti-condensation heaters, 24 VDC for essential indication, controls, protection, alarms and circuit breaker closing and tripping supplies. Alternating Current Supply Practice : All mains supplies shall be through MCBs of appropriate rating. Double-pole switches shall be used to break single-phase A.C. mains supplies. For multi-phase supplies, each phase shall be switched simultaneously and the neutral should preferably not be switched. Direct Current Supply Practice : Power supply bus bars in cubicles shall be carefully routed and each bus bar shall be shrouded. It shall not be possible to inadvertently short bus bars either between themselves or to earth. It shall be possible to remove/replace cards from/to electronic equipment without damage and without interfering with the operation of the rest of the equipment or system. 3.13.2 Electric Motors General : All motors shall be of approved manufacture and shall comply with BS for motor dimensions and fitted with suitable eyebolts. AC motors shall have squirrel cage type rotors. The insulation of all the motors shall be of class F but temperature rise during operation shall be limited to class B insulation. It shall be suitable for operation in damp locations and for occasional contact with corrosive gases/vapors. Ventilation and Type of Enclosure : All motors shall be of the totally enclosed fancooled type, protection class IP 54 according to IEC Recommendation 144. Cable termination points shall be of class IP55. Vertical motors shall be provided with a top cover to prevent the ingress of dirt and droplets etc. Terminal Boxes and Earthing : The terminals, terminal boxes and associated equipment shall be suitable for terminating the power cables. The terminal boxes shall be of ample size to enable connections to be made in a satisfactory manner. A permanently KREDA 142 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT attached connection diagram shall be mounted inside the terminal box cover. The direction of rotation shall be clearly indicated on the cover towards shaft extension.. For earthing purposes, each motor shall have adequately sized bolts with washers at the lower part of the frame. In addition, each terminal box shall contain one earthing screw. Motor Voltages and Power Ratings : The service voltages and corresponding power ratings for electric motors to be used shall be as follows: Motors up to 1 kW - Service voltage : single-phase a.c. 240 V, 50 HZ - Mode of starting : condenser Motors above 1 kW and up to 75 kW Service voltage : 3-phase a.c. 415/240 V,50 HZ Mode of starting : direct-on-line up Motors intended to work on the D.C. System Service voltage : 24 V D.C. as per battery voltage Mode of starting : resistor Rating : The rating of the motors shall be adequate to meet the requirements of its associated driven equipment. The service factor, being the ratio of the installed motor output to the required power at the shaft of the driven machine at its expected maximum power demand, shall be applied as follows: Power Demand of Driven Machine Service Factor Up to 5 kW 1.2 More than 5 kW 1.1 A.C. motors shall be capable of operating continuously under rated output conditions at any frequency between 95% and 105% of the rated frequency and/or with any voltage variation between 90% and 110% of the nominal voltage. A transient over voltage of 130% of the nominal voltage shall be sustained. Further, the motors shall be capable of maintaining stable operation when running at 70% nominal voltage for a period of 10 seconds. The pullout torque for continuously loaded motors shall be at least 160% of the rated torque and for intermittently loaded motors 200% of the rated torque. D.C. motors shall be capable of operating continuously under rated output conditions at any voltage between 90% and 110% of the nominal voltage with a fixed brush setting for all loads. Unless otherwise approved, the speed drop between no-load and full-load shall not exceed 10% of no-load speed. Starting : A.C. motors shall be designed for direct on-line starting. They shall be capable of being switched on without damage to an infinite busbar at 110% of the nominal voltage with an inherent residual voltage of 100% even in phase opposition. For starting the motors from the individual main and auxiliary busbars, a momentary voltage drop of 20% referred to nominal voltage should be taken into consideration. With 85% of the nominal voltage applied to the motor terminals, each motor shall be capable of accelerating its associated load to full speed with a minimum accelerating torque of 5% of full load torque. KREDA 143 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The maximum starting currents (without any tolerance) shall not exceed the following values: 5 times of rated current for L.V. motors rated 100 kW or above 2 times of rated current for D.C. motors (by means of starting resistors) Generally, all motors shall be able to withstand five cold starts per hour, equally spaced. Each motor shall be capable of withstanding three successive starts under the same conditions or once every fifteen minutes without detrimental heating. Motors for frequent automatic starting shall have an adequate rating. Noise-Level and Vibrations : Under all operating conditions, the noise level of motors shall not exceed 75 dB (A). In order to prevent undue and harmful vibrations, all motors shall be statically and dynamically balanced. Tests : Each motor shall be factory tested and shall undergo a test at site. The following tests shall be performed under full responsibility of the Contractor. Workshop Tests: Measurement of winding resistances No-load and short-circuit measurements Measurement of starting current and torque Efficiency measurement (type test) Heat run test Dielectric test Measurement of insulating resistance 3.13.3 Starters and Contactors Motor starters and contactors shall be equipped with short circuit protection and local disconnecting devices. Preferably, all starters shall be from one manufacturer. The control circuit voltage shall be obtained from a 415/240 V isolating transformer with primary circuit breaker and secondary fuse. The secondary winding of this transformer shall be grounded. The operating coils of the contactor shall be connected between the grounded side of the transformer and the control contacts. Starters and contactors shall comply with IEC 292.1 or NEMA IC 1 and be suitable for direct on-line starting, uninterrupted electrical duty, and capable of 30 operations per hour. They shall be installed in ventilated enclosures for indoor installation and weatherproof enclosures for outdoor installation, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. The enclosures shall be complete with locks, cable sealing boxes, conduit entries, cable gland plates, bus bars, internal wiring, terminal boards, etc. as required by the duty of the starter or contactor. Thermal type overload and phase failure relays shall be supplied with starters for motors of 7.5 kW or greater. For motors of less than 7.5 kW, suitable rated 3-phase thermal overloads will be acceptable. Ammeters to read current in one phase shall be provided for motors above 7.5 kW. KREDA 144 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3.13.4 Moulded Case Circuit Breakers All moulded case circuit breakers shall be of 2 or 3-pole type as required, having thermal time delay and instantaneous trips with "On-Trip-Off", indicating/operating mechanism. Circuit breakers used in combination type motor starters or contactors shall have the operating mechanisms interlocked with the starter or contactor cover so that the cover cannot be opened unless the circuit breaker is open. 3.13.5 Terminal Blocks All terminal blocks shall be mounted in an accessible position with the adequate spacing between adjacent blocks and space between the bottom blocks and the cable gland plate. Sufficient terminals shall be provided to allow for the connection of all incoming and outgoing cables, including spare conductors and drain wires. In addition, 20 percent spare terminals shall be provided. Not more than two conductors shall be connected under one terminal clamp. Terminal blocks shall conform to the applicable standards. Circuit terminals for 415/220 VAC and 24 VDC shall be segregated from other terminals. and shall be equipped with non-inflammable, transparent covers. 3.13.6 Equipment Wiring All wiring connections shall be readily accessible and removable for test or other purposes. Wiring between terminals of the various devices shall be point to point. Multiconductor cables shall be connected to the terminal blocks in such a manner as to minimise crossovers Each conductor shall be individually identified at both ends through a system providing ready and permanent identification, utilising slip-on ferrules approved by the Engineer. Markers may be typed individually or made up from sets of numbers and letters firmly held in place. Markers must withstand a tropical environment and high humidity and only fungus proof materials will be accepted. Ferrules of adhesive type shall not be acceptable. All trip circuits shall employ markers having a red background. 3.13.7 Cubicles and Control Panels Cubicles and control panel enclosures shall be of sheet steel with minimum thickness of 2.0 mm, vermin proof, rigid self-supporting construction and supplied with channel bases. Cubicles shall be fitted with close fitting gasketted and hinged doors capable of being opened through 180 deg. The doors of all cabinets/panels shall be provided with similar integral lock and atleast six (6) number of master keys shall be supplied. The cables and wiring shall enter from bottom or top as necessary for the layout through cable glands. The cubicles and panels shall be adequately ventilated by vents or louvers. Space heating elements with thermostatic control shall be included in each panel. KREDA 145 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Unless stated otherwise, all cubicles and panels shall be provided with a ground bus with copper bar extending through out the length. Each end of this bus shall be drilled and provided with lugs for connecting ground cables. All instruments, control knobs and indicating lamps shall be flush mounted on the panels. Relays and other devices sensitive to vibration shall not be installed on doors or hinged panels and no equipment shall be installed on rear access doors. The exterior finish of all the panels shall be uniform subject to the approval of the Engineer. The interior of all cubicles and panels shall have a mat white finish unless specified otherwise. Switched interior light and socket outlets shall be provided for all cubicles and control panels. All cubicles and control panels shall be provided with nameplates, identifying the purpose of the panel and all of its components. 3.13.8 Earthing Provision shall be made for earthing all equipment intended for connection in an A.C. mains supply. All structural metal work and metal chassis shall be connected to earth. Connection between circuits and metal work shall only be made for reasons of safety and/or reduction of interference. Where such connections are made, they shall not be used as normal current-carrying earth returns. Earthing conductors shall be at least equal in cross-sectional area to the supply conductors and shall be capable of carrying the fault current. 3.13.9 Labels and Plates Each separate construction unit (cubicle, panel, desk, box, etc.) shall be identified. Cubicles and similar units shall also bear the identification number on the rear side if rear access is possible. The overall designation of each unit shall be given in English language and - if required - also in a selected local language. These labels shall be made of anodised aluminium with black engraved inscriptions, arranged at the top section of the units. Labels shall be provided for all instruments, control switches, push buttons, indication lights etc. located on the face of the panels. In case of instruments and devices where function is indicated on the device, no separate label is required. All items inside cubicles, panels, boxes, etc., shall be properly labelled with their item number. This number shall be the same as indicated in the pertaining documents (wiring diagrams, Works list, etc.). 3.13.10 Warning Labels Warning labels shall be made of synthetic resin with letters engraved in English and selected local language, where required in particular cases. For indoor circuit breakers, starters, etc., transparent plastic material with suitably contrasting colours and engraved lettering would be acceptable. 3.13.11 Labels For Cables Each cable when completely installed shall have permanently attached to each end and at convenient intermediate positions non-corrosive labels detailing identification KREDA 146 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT number of the cable, voltage, and conductor size. The cable identification numbers shall comply with those of the cable list. 3.13.12 Single-Line Diagrams Each switchgear shall be furnished with a copy of the final as-built single-line diagram detailing all electrical data and denominations, separate for each individual switchgear/distribution board/MCC, placed under glass and frame mounted at an approved location. The same applies to the Station Single-Line Diagram one copy of which shall be arranged in the control room. 3.14 INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL EQUIPMENT Design Criteria All instruments shall be of an approved and reliable brand. The Works shall be preassembled in the Contractor's or Sub-Contractor's workshop, e.g., shop welding of thermometer wells and other connections, wiring of boards, desks, etc., including internal wiring and installation of devices shall be carried out. Fragile instruments shall be removed from the assembly for transportation to site and packed separately. Shielded cables shall be provided for the control and supervisory equipment where required. Sizes of Indicators, Recorders etc. : The meters, instruments and recorders shall be of standard size, to be selected to guarantee unique appearance of switchgears, control panels, control desks, etc. The front glasses shall be of the anti-glare type. Measuring Systems : Electric measuring signals of 4-20 mA shall be transmitted to the control room for essential or regulating circuits. Measuring signals for indicating purposes will be 4-20 mA. Measuring ranges of indicators, transducers, etc. shall be selected in such a way that the rated value of the measured magnitude covers approx. 75% of the range. All local instruments shall, as far as practicable, be mounted vibration free to allow good reading. Wherever required, damping elements shall be used. Corresponding systems shall be grouped together in local panels. 3.14.1 Temperature Measurement Platinum Resistance thermometers of type Pt 100 shall be used. The use of dial-type contact thermometers shall be restricted to bearing metal temperature measuring. Resistance thermometers shall be equipped with waterproof connection heads. The temperature sensors shall be selected in such a way to minimise the number of different spare inserts. 3.14.2 Pressure Measurements Pressure gauges shall be shock and vibration-proof (preferably by filling with glycerine) and the movement shall completely be made of stainless steel. The casings shall be dust and watertight and be made of stainless steel. The adjustment of the pointer shall be possible by means of an adjustment device without removing the pointer from its axle. KREDA 147 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Each gauge, pressure switch and transmitter for absolute or differential pressure shall be equipped with a pressure gauge isolating valve including a test connection of the screwed type M20 x 1.5 mm so that such device can be removed without any disturbance of the plant operation. If the pressure is pulsating, the devices concerned shall be connected via flexible tubes or other pulse-absorbing means. The error for pressure transmitters shall be limited to 0.5%. 3.14.3 Level Measurements The liquid level measurements in reservoirs and tanks with atmospheric pressure shall be made by means of capacitance measurement type. The errors shall not exceed ± 1.0% of the total measuring range. 3.14.4 Electrical Measurements All Electrical instruments shall be of flush mounted design, dust and moisture-proof. A.C. ammeters and voltmeters shall have digital type system of not less than 1.5 accuracy class. D.C. measuring instruments shall also be digital type of the same accuracy. Wattmeters shall be suitable for unbalanced systems and accuracy of energy meters should be of 0.2 % accuracy class. All indicating instruments shall generally withstand without damage a continuous overload of 20% referred to the rated output value of the corresponding instrument transformers. Ammeters shall not be damaged by fault-currents within the rating and fault duration time of the associated switchgear via the primaries of their corresponding instrument transformers. All instruments and apparatus shall be capable of carrying their full load currents without undue heating. Means shall be provided for zero adjustment of instruments without dismantling. When more than one measured value is indicated on the same instrument, a measuring point selector switch shall be provided next to the instrument and shall be engraved with a legend specifying each selected measuring point. CT connected Ammeters provided for indication of motor currents shall be provided with suppressed overload scales of 2 times full scale. The dials of such ammeters shall include a red mark to indicate the full load current of the motor. All instruments mounted on the same panel shall be of same style and appearance. 3.14.5 Position Measurements Position transmitters for continuous position indication and measuring transducers shall have an output current of 4-20 mA and aux. supply voltage (if required) 24 V D.C. 3.14.6 Limit Switches Limit switches shall be mounted suitable for easy adjustment and for rigidly locking in position after being adjusted. They shall be of heavy-duty rating and have two changeover contacts suitable for 24 V D.C. operation. KREDA 148 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Switch fixings shall be positive and shall be unaffected by vibration. At the same time they should be capable of easy adjustment to suit changing parameters of the associated plant. Particular attention shall be paid to potentially harmful environmental conditions, including water, oil, dust, dirt, temperature variations and differential expansions. 3.15 LONG TERM AVAILABILITY OF SPARES i) The Contractor shall guarantee the long term availability of spares to the Purchaser for the full life of the equipments covered under the-Contract. Before going out of production of spare parts of the equipment covered under the Contract, he shall give the Purchaser atleast twelve (12) months advance notice so that the latter may order his bulk requirement of spares, if he so desires. The same provision will also be applicable to subcontractors. Further, in case of discontinuance of manufacture of any spares by the Contractor or his sub-contractors, the Contractor shall provide the Purchaser, two (2) years in advance, with full manufacturing drawings, materials specifications and technical information required by the Purchaser for the purpose of manufacture of such items without demanding any royalty. ii) iii) 3.16 Further in case of discontinuance of supply of spares by the Contractor or his subcontractors, the Contractor will provide the Purchaser with full information for replacement of such spares with other equivalent makes, if so required by the Purchaser. The Contractor shall provide the Purchaser with a "directory" of his sub-contractors giving the addresses and other particulars of his sub-contractors. The Purchaser. if he so desires, shall have the right to procure the spares directly from sub-contractor. INSPECTIONS AND TESTS 3.16.1 Inspections and Tests at Manufacturing Works As far as practicable, quality of materials, workmanship and performance of all items of Works to be furnished under this Contract shall be inspected at the places of manufacture. Where the Contractor desires to use stock material, not manufactured specifically for the Works, satisfactory evidence that such material conforms to the requirements of the Contract shall be submitted. For general conditions regarding inspections and tests at Manufacturing Works, refer “Conditions of Contract”. 3.16.2 Material Tests Unless otherwise specified, the quality of materials shall be verified generally by: KREDA Chemical analysis Mechanical tests (yield point, tensile strength, elongation, and notch impact.) Welding tests (welding procedure, welding material, welding tensile strength, welding bend test, welding reversed bend test, etc.) Non-destructive x-rays, ultrasonic, magnetic pclause, liquid tests, penetration inspection, etc.). 149 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Electrical tests (voltage, losses, tan delta, insulation, magnetic properties etc.) Certified mill test reports of plates will be acceptable when these comply with the requirement of specifications. Test specimen and samples for analysis shall be plainly marked to indicate the materials they represent. Castings and forgings shall be tested in the rough state in order to detect flaws in good time thus avoiding delays. Magnetic pclause inspection of important castings shall cover the whole surface of the casting. After partial machining further tests can be conducted. Load tests on crane hooks, steel wire ropes, chains and other lifting devices, etc. shall be considered as material tests. 3.16.3 Checking of Dimensions The dimensions, especially clearances and fits, (ISO 286) which are essential for operation and efficiency shall be carefully checked in an approved manner, as for example: Run out and roundness tolerances of shafts, pistons, etc., to be measured on single parts, Fits and clearances of bearings, servomotor pistons, valves, guiding, distributing and actuating elements, etc., Accuracy, surface roughness and shape of sliding and guiding surfaces of seals, bearings, water passages in hydraulic machinery, valves, etc., Dimensions of couplings or connections for assembly with other deliveries from the Contractor, Sub-contractors or other contractors. 3.16.4 Workshop Assembly In addition to the quality and production control tests, the following shop assembly work and tests shall be made to check measurements, fitting and functioning. Works to be furnished shall be shop assembled to a status sufficient to prove that the design and workmanship have been executed in accordance with the Specifications, that the delivery is complete, and that no work remains to be done at Site, which reasonably can or should be done in the shop. Field joints shall be temporarily connected. All parts shall be properly matched marked, identified and doweled where practicable, to facilitate correct and quick field assembly and alignment. Where necessary, suitable dowels shall be provided for insertion after field assembly and drilling. The holes for any fitted bolt shall be accurately reamed. During workshop assembly all instruments, control devices and piping shall be fitted. If the assembly shows defects in the design or manufacture or unforeseen difficulties in assembling and dismantling, these shall be eliminated. If required, design alterations or corrective measures can be executed provided that reliability of operation or interchangeability are not reduced and provided that the agreement of the Engineer has been obtained. If the corrections cannot be carried out in accordance with the terms mentioned above, the components concerned will be rejected. The decision on possible subsequent corrections is reserved exclusively to the Engineer. Faulty parts or Works shall by no KREDA 150 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT means be delivered. The assembled parts shall subsequently be subject to tests as per applicable standards or required by the Engineer. Where applicable, each item of the Works shall be assembled completely prior to painting. 3.16.5 Pressure and Leakage Tests All parts subject to internal or external pressure or containing any liquids or gases temporarily or permanently during operation shall be tested prior to painting. In addition to the Specifications, the applicable and approved standards and official regulations shall be observed. If any liquid is used for the test that may cause corrosion, all Works and piping shall be thoroughly cleaned immediately after the test. Leaks and defects can be repaired if permitted by the applicable standards and approved by the Engineer. If defects are found, the Engineer may reject the defective parts, or permit welding repairs with stress relieving, radiographic examination and additional pressure tests. 3.16.6 Parts Exposed to Hydraulic Pressure Unless otherwise specified or required, the hydraulic pressure tests shall be carried out using the liquid to be used during operation or a liquid with less viscosity. The hydraulic test pressure shall be l.5 times the maximum operating pressure and shall be maintained for a period of 30 minutes. 3.16.7 Functional Tests Functional tests shall be defined as tests of the function of individual assemblies, subassemblies or parts of the Works under no load conditions. 3.16.8 Operational Tests As far as practicable operational test shall be carried out on all Works with simulated operating conditions. Parts to be delivered by sub-Contractors shall be tested either at the premises of the sub-Contractor or of the Contractor, as agreed by the Engineer. Testing of the electrical Works shall be performed in accordance with applicable standards and they shall include but not be limited to tests of heating, loading, overloading and losses. Operational tests of lifting equipment and other machinery shall include tests under nominal load and 125 % of nominal load unless otherwise specified. 3.16.9 Electric Tests Electrical Works shall be tested in accordance with applicable standards and agreed test programs and procedures. 3.16.10 Type Tests Type tests for certain parts of the work or Works shall be carried out as specified or agreed between Contractor and Engineer. In any case, type tests carried out earlier than last five years shall not be accepted. KREDA 151 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.17 TENDER DOCUMENT ERECTION OF WORKS Prior to commencement of erection, the Contractor shall closely inspect the site and all the foundations and other structures on which parts of the plant supplied under this Contract will be installed. He shall check that the foundations conform to the installation drawings. The Contractor shall strictly adhere to drawings, specifications, Field Quality Assurance Plan and other detailed erection procedure. The Contractor shall provide all necessary pegs and centre lines and shall establish all such permanent markings and recovery marks as may be required by the Engineer for checking the Contractor's setting-out. All parts to be embedded in concrete shall be set accurately in position and shall be supported rigidly to prevent displacement during the pouring of concrete. Adjusting screws and bolts shall be drawn tight and secured adequately. Steel wedges shall be secured by welding. Wooden wedges shall not be used. All necessary anchors and braces shall be provided to ensure the alignment and stability of the parts to be installed. All temporary anchors and bracings shall take care of all dead load, wind load, seismic and erection stresses, e.g., during concreting, and shall remain in place until they can be removed without endangering the stability of the plant All important measurements and dimensions shall be recorded. Copies of these records shall be given to the Engineer for checking and approval before concrete is poured. After concreting, the control measurements shall be verified again, indicated in the above-mentioned records and submitted to the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for rectifying, at his own cost, all work rejected by the Engineer due to errors in placement or alignment. The checking of any position, line or level by the Engineer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility for its correctness. If auxiliary structures have been attached to the plant for installation purposes, they shall be removed after completion of work and the surface restored to proper condition by grinding and repainting. Special care shall be taken not to damage surfaces of galvanised or specially treated plant during erection. Care shall be taken to prevent or remove any rust streaks or foreign matters deposited on galvanised or otherwise finished surfaces during storage or transport or after installation. Glass parts or other parts, which can easily be damaged, shall be provided with suitable protective sheaths or coverings during installation. Machined or bare metal surfaces, which are to receive no coat of paint, shall be protected during transportation, storage and erection by a suitable anti-corrosion film. KREDA 152 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.18 TENDER DOCUMENT PAINTING OF WORKS AT SITE Painting Materials Coating materials shall be standard products of a renowned paint manufacturer with proven experience in the field of painting materials. Paint material shall be delivered in unopened original containers bearing the manufacturer's brand name and colour designation, storage directions and handling instructions. The entire paint material for a particular specified paint system shall be supplied by one manufacturer only, who shall guarantee the compatibility and quality of the paint material. A complete list of the proposed paint material shall be submitted to the Engineer. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval an overall colour scheme in accordance with the Particular All final coats shall be in the colours approved by the Engineer. On request of the Engineer, painting samples for the different coats and colours shall be provided. The manufacturer's instructions for preparation and application of all painting and protective coats shall be strictly observed. Preparation of Paint Material : Paint shall be delivered ready mixed wherever possible. Adding of diluting agents and mixing of two or multi-component systems shall be done in the field in accordance with the directions of the manufacturer. After mixing, the paint shall be poured into a clean container to ensure that no settled pigments are at the bottom. Application: The methods of application i.e. painting by brush, pressure and airless spraying equipment will be selected on the surface to be painted. The manufacturer's directions shall govern the choice of application method. Inaccessible surfaces shall be painted prior to erection with prime and finish coats according the specification. Areas inaccessible to spraying equipment shall be painted by brush. Corners and edges shall be pre-coated. Bolts, screws, studs, rivets etc. shall be painted as a whole with the complete paint system after erection. The primer shall be applied to an absolutely clean and dry surface only. Temperature and dry-out time shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's directions. Whenever possible the prime coat as well as one intermediate coat shall be applied in-doors at the Contractor's shop. Cleaning and painting work shall be interrupted during rain, fog, dew, and polluting winds, sand and dust. Surface preparation and application of the first paint layer are parallel operations to be carried out within a maximum delay of 4 hours. All painting shall be free of cracks and blisters and all runs shall be brushed out immediately. After application of the last coat the paint system shall be free of pores. After erection of the equipment all damages to painted surfaces shall be repaired. Welds, rusty spots, slags, beads, flux deposits etc. shall be repaired and repainted. For touching up, the same materials shall be used as for the main painting work. Repaired finish coats shall be of the same appearance as the original coating. KREDA 153 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Quality Control of Painting The minimum dry-film thickness prescribed in these Specifications shall be observed. Of each 100 m2, one area of 10 m2 will be measured for dry-film thickness. No measured thickness shall be less than the specified thickness. Where the minimum thickness is not achieved, the coat shall be repaired to reach the specified minimum dry-film thickness. The dry-film thickness shall be measured by approved gauges to be arranged by Contractor. Upon completion of each coat, the painter shall make a detailed inspection of the painting finish and shall remove from adjoining work all spattering of paint material. He shall make good all damage that can be caused by such cleaning operations. A detailed inspection of all painting work shall likewise be made, and all abraded, stained, or otherwise disfigured portions shall be touched up satisfactorily or refinished as required to produce a first-class job throughout and to leave the entire work in a clean and acceptable condition. 3.19 COMMISSIONING AND ACCEPTANCE TESTS The requirements of testing and commissioning are detailed in subsequent chapters. 3.20 LIST OF APPLICABLE STANDARDS A. TURBINES, GENERATORS AND ANCILLARY PLANT 1. International Code for Field Acceptance Test of Hydraulic Turbines Publication 41 (IEC 60041)-1963. International code for testing of speed governing systems for hydraulic turbines' The IEC 60308 -1970 Test code for Hydraulic Prime Movers, ASME Power Test Codes, ASME-New York 1949. Electromechanical Equipment Guide for Sal Hydroelectric Installations (IEC-1116-199210) International Code for Model Acceptance Tests of Hydraulic Turbines 60193-1965-193A1972. 2. 3. 4. 5. B. CODE AND STANDARDS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Bolt calculation : VSM 14 332; Vibrations : VDI 2 056; Shaft coupling : ANSI B 49.1; Shaft alignments : NEMA; Rotating electrical machines; IEEC 30.4 to 34.11; Test Procedure for Synchronous Machine; IEE 115 KREDA 154 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP C. TENDER DOCUMENT INDIAN STANDARDS S.No. IS:CODE DESCRIPTION 1. IS:4722-1968 Rotating electrical machines 2. IS:325-1978 Three phase induction motors 3. IS:8789-1978 Values of performance for three-phase induction motors 4. IS:3156 Voltage transformers 5. IS:3156(Pt.I)-1978 General requirements 6. IS:3156(Pt.II)-1978 Measuring voltage transformers 7. IS:3156(Pt.III)-1978 Protective voltage transformers 8. IS:3156(Pt.IV)-1978 Capacitor voltage transformers 9. IS:2705 Current transformers 10. IS:2705(Pt.I)-1981 General requirements 11. IS:2705(Pt.II)-1981 Measuring current transformers 12. IS:2705(Pt.III)-1981 Protective current transformer 13. IS:2705(Pt.IV)-1981 Protective current transformers for special purpose applications 14. IS:2026 Power transformers 15. IS:2026(Pt.I)-1977 General 16. IS:2026(Pt.II)-1977 Temperature-rise 17. IS:2026(Pt.III)-1981 Insulation levels and dielectric tests 18. IS:2026(Pt.IV)-1977 Terminal markings, tappings and connection 19. IS:335-1983 New insulating oils 20. IS:3231-1965 Electrical relays for power system protections 21. IS:3043-1966 Code of practice for earthing 22. IS:1651-1979 Stationary cells and batteries lead-acid type (with tubular positive plates) 23. IS: 13118 Circuit-breakers 24. IS: 13947 Degree of protection provided by enclosures for low voltage switchgear and control gear 25. IS:1554-1988 PVC insulated (heavy duty) electric cables 26. IS:5613(Pt.I/Sec.1) 1985 Lines upto and including 11 kV, section 1 Design. (Pt.II/Sec.1) KREDA Lines above 11 kV, Section 1 Design 155 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER – IV TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS CIVIL WORKS 4.0 GENERAL All works shall be carried out in accordance with detailed specification provided in the tender documents. If the specifications of any works are not given in the document or in case of any ambiguity then the work shall be carried out in accordance with the detailed specification published under the order of Chief Engineer PWD Deptt. Jammu & Kashmir. In case specifications of any work are not given either in Jammu & Kashmir PWD detailed specification or the specifications given in the document, the work, shall be carried out in all respect in accordance with the I. S. codes or instructions of Engineerin-Charge given from time to time. 4.1 4.1.1 EARTH WORK IN CUTTING AND EXCAVATION IN FOUNDATION General The work under this item shall comprise of excavation according to the profile of the bottom of the foundation raft or foundation or other works as shown in the drawings, disposal of the excavated material at location specified by the Engineer-in-Charge, dressing of surface for preparing the foundations for placement of concrete and/or any other foundation material. 4.1.2 Limits of excavation The contractor shall be required to do excavation up to the foundation level leaving suitable berms and side slopes in all types of strata i.e. ordinary soil, soil mixed with moorum, shingle etc. or with boulders, requiring blasting or otherwise or any mixture of them and jungle clearance, falling trees, removal of trees, stumps and roots of all sizes and their disposal within specified leads and lifts as directed by Engineer-in-charge. 4.1.3 Layout of works After the site has been cleared of jungle the contractor shall before starting excavation, set properly all lines and establish levels for various works on the basis of t he benchmarks/reference pillars established by the KREDA. These shall be checked by the Engineer-in-charge and thereafter properly recorded and duly signed by the contractor and Engineer-in-charge or their authorized representatives. Excavation shall conform to the lines, grades, side slopes and levels shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall not excavate outside the slopes or below the established grade or loosen any material outside the limits KREDA 156 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT of excavation. Subject to the permitted tolerances, any excess depth excavated below the specified levels shall have to be filled up with cement concrete by the Contractor, with the mix as specified by the Engineer-in-charge at his own cost including the cost of materials. If, however, the contractor is directed by the Engineer-in-charge to excavate to a lower level than indicated on the drawings, such additional excavation shall be paid for at the applicable unit rates. The Contractor shall remove any side slopes that may fall and obstruct the work at his own cost. The contractor shall also safeguard the excavated earth from the flow of water or slush from outside. No payment shall be made for the removal of the slush if it comes. The excavated material shall be placed beyond 1.5 m or half the depth of the pit, whichever is more from the edge of the pit. It shall be placed farther away if directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall arrange to transport the surplus excavated soil etc. to maximum distance of 1000 meters away if so directed by the Engineer-incharge. The Contractor shall be responsible for the assumptions and conclusions regarding the nature of the materials to be excavated and the difficulty in maintaining the required excavations and performing the work required as shown on the drawings in accordance with these specifications. In the matter of classification of the excavated soils/materials the decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding on the contractor and where excavation requires bracing, sheeting or shoring etc. the contractor shall submit the Engineer-in-charge, drawings showing details of the proposed installations and shall not proceed with the work until he has received the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. 4.1.4 Dewatering Where water is met with in excavation due to stream flow, seepage, springs, rain or other reasons the contractor shall take necessary measures to keep the foundation trenches dry when so required and to protect structures built against damage by erosion or sudden rise of water level. The contractor, for approval by the Engineer-in-charge, shall submit the methods to be adopted in this regard and other details thereof. Approval of the Engineerin-charge shall, however not relieve the contractor of the responsibility for the adequacy of dewatering arrangements and to achieve and safety of the work. 4.1.5 Disposal The disposal shall be done as directed by the Engineer –in-charge within specified leads. 4.1.6 Measurements and Payments The excavation shall be measured by taking cross sections at suitable intervals in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing the KREDA 157 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT volumes in cubic meters. The contractor or his authorized representative shall be present while the original, intermediate and final cross sections are recorded by the representative of Engineer-in-charge. A clear 3 days notice shall be given to the contractor for this. If the contractor or his authorized representative fails to be present, the cross-section recorded by the representative of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding on the contractor. At the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall leave depth indicators during the excavation of such shape and size and in such positions as directed, so as to indicate the original ground levels as accurately as possible. The contractor shall see that these remain intact till the final measurements are taken. Excavation for structures shall be measured in cubic meters limited to the dimensions shown in the drawings or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Excavation over increased width, cutting of slopes, shoring, shuttering and planking shall be deemed as convenience for the Contractor in executing the work and shall not be measured. However, the excavation in excess of the line and grades in the drawings issued to the contractor shall be measured by plotting the cross-section but shall be deleted for the purpose of payment. If natural slips occur (not due to the negligence of the contractor) beyond the specified slopes the same will be measured and shall be paid to the contractor at 2/3 of the agreement price. The decision of Engineer-in-charge, whether the slips are natural or due to negligence of the contractor shall be final and binding on the contractor. However, the KREDA does not take any responsibility for suspension or dislocation of work, damage to materials, machinery and work, or any other loss, due to aforesaid steps and no claim whatsoever will be entertained on this account. The excavation, for final payment shall be measured only when the work is completed in all respect and to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. 4.1.7 Rates The unit rates for the items of excavation shall include the following operations: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) Setting out profiles. Stripping (removal of boulders and any other unsuitable material) and jungle clearance including cutting of trees etc., if any. Excavation in all types of materials. Transporting the excavated material and the disposal of the same on side of the embankment / spoil banks or at locations indicated by Engineer-incharge. Trimming bottoms and slopes of excavation. Dewatering and keeping the area dry during construction. 4.1.8 Payments KREDA 158 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The proposed foundation level of work may be altered due to any reason whatsoever, no extra payment shall, however, be made on this account unless specifically provided in the agreement. 4.2 EXCAVATION IN FOUNDATION IN ALL TYPE OF SOIL STRATA Same as in clause 4.1 but, excavation in all type of soil strata. 4.3 EXCAVATION IN VERY HARD ROCK AND VERY HARD SHALE AND BLASTING BOULDERS 4.3.1 The specification for excavation as aforesaid shall apply to excavation in very hard rock and very hard shale and blasting boulders also, except that the over breaks up to a maximum depth of 0.3 m below the required level may be allowed by the Engineer-incharge at his discretion. The extra excavation below the final level shall be filled with suitable material as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.3.2 Blasting Blasting material required for excavation shall be arranged by the contractor from any authorized dealer/agency of such approved material. Necessary assistance in obtaining approval for procurement of the materials will be given by the KREDA. All rules under explosive act or other local rules in force shall be fully observed. All blasting work shall be done in accordance with the stipulations contained in IS 4081 (latest edition). Proper precautions for safety of persons and property shall be taken. Where blasting is to be carried out in the proximity of other structures, sand bags etc. shall be used on top of the blast holes to prevent the rock fragments from causing damage to adjacent structures, and other properties, otherwise the sole responsibility of damages, if any, shall be on the part of contractor. Blasting shall only be carried out by qualified and licensed personnel under strict supervision, at certain specified times, only as directed by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative. The number of blasting to be fired and the actual number of shots heard shall be compared and the person responsible shall satisfy himself by examination that all blasts have exploded before any person working in the area is permitted to approach the blast site. The withdrawal of unexploded charges shall not be permitted under any circumstances. The taming of the unexploded charges shall be carried out by flooding it with water and hole marked in a distinguishable manner. Another hole shall be drilled at a distance of about 450mm. of the old hole and fired in the usual way. This process shall be continued till the original blast is exploded. Wherever necessary controlled blasting shall be done as per standard practice or as per direction of Engineer-in-charge or his authorised representative. 4.3.3 Decomposed or soft rock Excavation in decomposed or soft rock shall be carried out by blasting or by crowbars, KREDA 159 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT pick-axes etc. or by both. 4.3.4 Chiselling in hard rock Where blasting is prohibited or not practicable, excavation shall be carried out by chiselling. The decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final, in this regard. 4.3.5 Disposal The disposal shall be done within specified leads and as directed by the Engineer-incharge or his authorised representative. 4.3.6 Measurements and payments The excavation shall be measured by taking cross sections at suitable intervals in the original position before the work starts and after its completion and computing the volumes in cubic meters. The contractor or his authorized representative shall be present while the original, intermediate and final cross sections are recorded by the representative of Engineer-in-charge. A clear 3 days notice shall be given to the contractor for this. If the contractor or his authorized representative fails to be present, the cross-sections recorded by the representative of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding on the contractor. At the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall leave depth indicators during the excavation of such shape and size and in such positions as directed, so as to indicate the original ground level as accurately as possible. The contractor shall see that these remain intact till the final measurements are taken. Excavation for structures shall be measured in cubic meters limited to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as directed by Engineer-in-charge. Excavation over increased width, cutting of slopes, shoring, shuttering and planking shall be deemed as convenience for the contractor in executing the work and shall not be measured and paid for separately. However, the excavation in excess of the line and grades in the drawings issued to the contractor shall be measured by plotting the cross-section but shall be deleted for the purpose of payment. If natural slips occur (not due to the negligence of the contractor) beyond the specified slopes the same will be measured and shall be paid to the contractor at 2/3 of the agreement price. The decision of Engineer-in-charge, whether the slips are natural or due to negligence of the contractor, shall be final and binding on the contractor. However, the KREDA does not take any responsibility for suspension or dislocation of work, damage to materials, machinery and work, or any other loss, due to aforesaid steps and no claim whatsoever will be entertained on this account. The excavation for final payment shall be measured only when the work is completed in all respect and to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. KREDA 160 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.3.7 Rates The unit rates for the items of excavation shall include the following operations: (i) Setting out profiles. (ii) Stripping (removal of boulders and any other unsuitable material) and jungle clearance including cutting of trees etc., if any. (iii)Excavation in all types of materials. (a) Transporting the excavated material and depositing the same on sides of embankment/spoil banks or at locations as indicated by Engineer-in-charge. (b) Trimming bottoms and slopes of excavation. (c) Dewatering and keeping the area dry during excavation /construction. 4.3.8 Payment The proposed foundation level of work may be altered due to any reason whatsoever and no extra payment shall, however be made on this account unless specifically provided in the agreement. The excavation for final payment shall be measured only when the work is completed in all respect and to the full satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 4.4 FILLING EARTH AND STONES ETC. 4.4.1 General The work to be done under these specifications consists of providing all material, T& P and labour required for complete performance of work in accordance with the drawing and as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.4.2 Compacted Backfill The backfill shall be placed where indicated on the drawings and as indicated by the Engineer-in-charge. For the material to be borrowed, the contractor shall get the borrow duly approved by the Engineer-in-charge. The fill material shall be free from clods, shale, bushes, roots or other perishable and objectionable materials. Prior to backfilling, all forms, temporary shoring timber etc., shall be removed and the excavation cleaned of all trash, debris and perishable material. Backfilling shall begin only with the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Backfill shall not be dropped directly upon or against any structure or facility where there is danger of displacement or damage. Trucks or heavy equipment for depositing or compacting backfill shall not be used within 1.5 m of building walls or other facilities, which may be damaged by their weight or operation. Pushing of earth for backfilling KREDA 161 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT shall also not be adopted under any circumstances. The backfill shall be placed in horizontal layers not exceeding 20 cm in thickness. Each layer shall be compacted with proper moisture content and with such equipment as may be required to obtain a density of not less than 95% of the laboratory maximum dry density as determined by the relevant Indian Standard I.S.2720-PartVII(1974),PartVIII(1974) and Part-IX(1971) or their latest revision. The method of compaction shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Backfill adjacent to pipes shall be hand placed and compacted uniformly on both sides of the pipes and where practicable, to a depth of 300 mm over the top of pipes. Filling and tamping of pipe trenches shall be carried out simultaneously on both sides of the pipes to avoid unequal pressures. The moisture content of the completed backfill at the time of compaction shall be that required to give the maximum consolidation of the materials. When directed by the Engineer-in-charge, the contractor shall add water by uniform sprinkling in advance of the compaction of each layer. The amount of sprinkling shall be controlled so that no free water will appear on the surface during or subsequent to compaction. Where the material is too wet to permit proper compaction the contractor shall leave it to dry until in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge the optimum moisture content is reached. 4.4.3 Measurements Measurements for payment for compacted backfill will be made in cubic meters of materials placed between the structure neat lines and the excavation pay line indicated on the drawings. Cross-sections shall be taken at suitable intervals, if considered necessary, by the Engineer-in-charge prior to the commencement of backfilling. Finally finished profile of backfill shall be plotted on the aforesaid cross sections and this will form the basis of the measurements for payment. Due to conditions at site or for any other reasons, the Engineer-in-charge may according to his discretion adopt any other mode of measurements and the same shall be acceptable to the contractor. The excavated material used directly, in backfill shall be measured and paid for as excavation only. 4.4.4 Payment Payments for compacted backfill will be made at the applicable contract unit prices which include cost of furnishing all plant, labour and material and performing all works including loading, unloading, handling, spreading, sprinkling of water, compacting, dressing of slopes and other incidentals required for the completion of work in accordance with the details shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer-incharge. KREDA 162 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 4.5 TENDER DOCUMENT HP STONE FILLING 4.5.1 General This work shall comprise of furnishing and laying of stones at locations and thickness as shown in drawings or as directed by the Engineer –in-charge, including all T&P, labour etc. and carrying out of all operations required for the execution of this item of work. 4.5.2 Material Boulders/stones shall be hard, durable and free of flakes, soft and disintegrated pclauses and other objectionable matter. Stones/boulders shall be well graded. After the excavation, the bottom is to be prepared to the satisfaction of the Engineer-incharge and the stone laid in layers to the required thickness. 4.5.3 Measurements Stone filling shall be measured and paid for in cubic meters on the basis of area covered and the thickness provided. 4.5.4 Rate Unit rate for payment shall include the cost of materials of approved quality, at the work site, furnishing of all T&P, labour and performing all works required for the completion of the work in accordance with the details shown on the drawings and as required by the specifications or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.6 CEMENT CONCRETE WITH 1:3:6 IN CEMENT, COARSE SAND AND STONE BALLAST 4.6.1 General These specifications cover the requirements of cement concrete for use in various components of the project. It includes furnishing with cost of all labour, materials and equipments in accordance with the provisions of the conditions of the contract and performing all works for the manufacturing, transporting, placing, finishing and curing of concrete of the structures included in the contract. The cost of all materials and supplying/producing aggregates shall be included in the unit rates tendered in the schedule of bids for the items of work in which aggregates are used. Unit rates shall include all expenses i.e. screening, washing, classifying, blending, storing, handling, hauling and other necessary operations, involved. The contractor shall not be entitled to any compensation for materials wasted or materials discarded by reasons of not being in accordance with the specifications. 4.6.2 Composition KREDA 163 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Concrete shall be composed of cement, water, fine and coarse aggregates and any admixtures if specified. Fine and coarse aggregates and water shall be arranged and supplied by the Contractor. The proportioning of cement and aggregates in any particular type of concrete will be by volume. The design of each concrete mix will be based on the watercement ratio necessary to secure a plastic workable mix suitable for the specific conditions of placement and when properly cured, a product having durability, impermeability, and strength in accordance with all requirements of the structures covered by these specifications. The cement concrete placed on the work shall have strength not less than that specified in I.S. 456 with 10% tolerance. 4.6.3 Materials (i) Cement Cement conforming to IS: 269-1975 (OPC of 53 Grade) shall be arranged by the contractor at his end to site of work and its cost shall be included in the rates of the respective items. (ii) Coarse Aggregates The term “Coarse Aggregate” is to designate aggregate that is reasonably well graded to range of size specified herein. Coarse aggregate for concrete shall be furnished by the contractor and shall consist of crushed rock to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall estimate the quantity of coarse aggregate required by him for the works well in advance. The Contractor shall set up at his own cost the processing and crushing plant for producing aggregates of the required size and shall make necessary arrangements for its transportation to the batching plant or screening site to the full satisfaction of Engineer-in-charge. The source, from which concrete aggregates are to be obtained, shall be selected by the contractor well in advance of the time these are required to be used and shall supply samples to the Engineer-in-charge along with test report for his approval at least 60 days before the contemplated use of the aggregate in concrete. Coarse aggregates shall consist of uncoated hard, strong, dense and durable pieces of crushed stone or natural shingle and shall be free from undesirable matter viz. disintegrated stones, soft, flaky or elongated pieces, silt, alkali, vegetable matter or other deleterious substances. The total percentage of all undesirable constituents (except mica) in any size of coarse aggregates shall not exceed limits as specified in the relevant I.S. Codes but in no case shall exceed 5% by weight both for crushed and uncrushed aggregates. Relaxation of these limits could, however, be allowed at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge. KREDA 164 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The coarse aggregate may be rejected if it does not comply with the requirements of IS 383-1970. Grading of aggregates for a particular size shall generally conform to relevant IS codes and shall be such so as to produce a dense concrete of the specified proportions/or strength and consistency that will work readily into position without segregation. (iii) Fine Aggregate The term ‘‘fine aggregate” is used to designate the aggregates defined as sand in this chapter. It is expected that suitable river sand may be available in the river. The contractor shall be responsible for the investigation and procurement of sand of the quality specified herein. In the case of river sand, the source from which it is obtained shall be subject to the approval of Engineer-in-charge. All fine aggregate obtained from the riverbed be washed to remove impurities, silt and clay. Aggregate manufactured from natural rocks shall be free from dust by either washing or any other approved process to the satisfaction of the Engineer-incharge. The fine aggregate shall be clean, free from excess mica, silt pclauses, organic and chemical impurities. The sand shall consist of hard, dense, durable, uncoated rock fragments. The maximum percentage of deleterious substances in the sand as delivered to the mixer shall not exceed the values specified in IS: 383- 1970 or as modified in subsequent amendments. The fine aggregate as delivered to the mixers or as incorporated in the mixed concrete shall be well graded within such limits as may be specified by the Engineer-in-charge. During normal operation, the grading of the fine aggregate shall be controlled so that the fineness modulus of nine samples out of ten as delivered to the mixer shall be within the range of 2.0 to 3.6 or as modified by the Engineer-incharge. In exceptional cases, the fine aggregate of fineness modulus less than 2.0 may be permitted by the Engineer-in-charge, provided that extra cement consumption on this account shall be at contractor’s cost. (iv) Water Water used for mixing and curing shall conform to IS 456-2000 or its subsequent revisions. It shall be clean and free from injurious amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic materials or other substance that may be deleterious to concrete or steel. Potable water is generally considered satisfactory for mixing concrete. IS 3025 & 3550 may be followed for testing of water. KREDA 165 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The silt content in water, shall not exceed 1000 parts per million by weight. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for pumping water required for washing aggregates, mixing in concrete, curing etc. and shall provide pumps, pipe lines, etc., including their maintenance and operation at his own cost. (v) Admixtures The use of admixtures in concrete for promoting workability, improving strength, entraining air or for any other purpose if required and as may be determined by Engineer-in-charge, will be arranged by the contractor. The contractor shall make necessary arrangements for the supply, carriage, stores, adding and mixing of these as per instructions of the Engineer-in-charge for which no additional payment shall be made to him. 4.6.4 Storage Of Materials All materials shall be stored by the Contractor in a manner affording convenient access for identification and inspection at all times. The storage arrangements shall be subject to approval of Engineer-in –Charge. Storage of materials shall be as described in I.S.4082 (1996) as amended up to date. All materials shall be so stored as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter and to ensure the preservation of their quality and fitness for the work. Any material, which has deteriorated or has been damaged or is otherwise considered defective by the Engineer-incharge, shall be removed from the site immediately. (i) Cement Cement shall be stored above the ground in dry leak-proof, well-ventilated warehouse, at the works, in such a manner as to prevent deterioration due to moisture or intrusion of foreign matter. The storage platform shall be at least 300 mm above the ground. Cement shall be stored in easily countable stacks with consignment identification marks. Sufficient space for storage with open passage between stacks shall be arranged. Consignments shall be used in order of their receipts at site or as otherwise directed by the Engineer-in-charge. Sub standard or partly set cement shall not be used and shall be removed from the site by the contractor with the knowledge of the Engineerin-charge, as soon as it is detected. (ii) Aggregates Aggregates shall be stored on planks or on steel plates or on concrete or masonry surfaces. Each size shall be kept separated with wooden or steel or concrete or masonry bulk heads or in separate stacks and sufficient care shall be taken to prevent material at the edges of the stockpiles from getting intermixed. Stacks of KREDA 166 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT fine and coarse aggregates shall be kept sufficiently apart with proper arrangements for drainage. The aggregates shall be stored in easily measurable stacks of suitable depths as may be directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.6.5 Proportioning Of Concrete The proportioning of cement, sand and stone ballast shall be as shown in the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall provide all necessary equipment and plant to determine and control the actual quality of materials entering each batch. The proportioning will be changed whenever, in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge, it is necessary, in order to maintain the standard of quality required by these specifications. Cement will not be gauged by volume but the size of the concrete batch would be such as to require the use of a bag or bags of cement. For the purposes of computations, the volume of each bag of 50 kg. shall be taken as 0.034 cum. During the concreting operations of some of the smaller components of work the Engineerin-charge may, however, permit adoption of part bag batch under strict supervision. The coarse and fine aggregates shall be gauged by wooden “Farmas”or measures of approved size suitable to measure quantity of aggregate for the required mix correctly. When filling “Farmas” the material shall be poured loosely and struck off level. No compaction shall be allowed. Quality of water to be used, in litres per bag of cement for each type of concrete, will be determined and fixed by the Engineer-in-charge. Only the quantity of water, so fixed, will be used for preparing the concrete. The water-measuring device to be used by contractor will be such that it discharges the measured quantity of water into the mixer quickly without any spillage, and that no leakage from it occurs when it is closed. Adjustment in the mixing water for moisture content in aggregate shall also be made from time to time as per the directions of the Engineer-in-charge. The time for obtaining uniform mix for a particular type of concrete shall be initially determined by the Engineer-in-charge, and the same time shall be adhered to for mixing in all subsequent batches of that type of concrete, unless revised by the Engineer-in-charge. The adequacy of mixing shall be determined in accordance with IS: 1199-1959 or subsequent amendments or revisions. 4.6.6 Mixing Concrete (i) Mechanical Mixing For all works concrete shall be mixed in tilting type mechanical mixers, which along with other accessories shall be kept in good working condition and so maintained throughout the construction. Mixing shall be continued till materials are uniformly distributed and a uniform colour of the entire mass is obtained and each individual KREDA 167 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT pclause of the coarse aggregate shows complete coating of mortar containing its proportionate amount of cement. In no case shall the mixing be done for less than 2 minutes after all the ingredients have been put into the mixer. (ii) Hand Mixing Where hand mixing is permitted by the Engineer-in-charge for small jobs or for certain other reasons, it shall be done on a smooth watertight platform large enough to allow efficient turning over of the ingredients of concrete before and after adding water. Mixing platform shall be so arranged that no foreign material shall get mixed with concrete nor does the mixing water flow out. Measured quantity of the coarse aggregate shall be spread to an even layer on the mixing platform. The fine aggregate shall also be measured in a gauge box (measuring box) and spread evenly over the coarse aggregate. The requisite quantity of cement shall thereafter be turned over in dry state and the mixing operations continued until they are mixed thoroughly. A measured quantity of water shall then be added and the entire mass turned and returned until all the pclauses of coarse aggregate are fully covered with mortar and the mixture obtained is of uniform colour and required consistency. 4.6.7 Workability Unless otherwise provided the concrete shall be so controlled that the slump at all times is kept between 25 mm and 75 mm when tested in accordance with IS: 1999-1959 or its subsequent amendments. 4.6.8 Quality Samples for testing concrete, as mixed, will be collected by the KREDA for all classes of mix, (a) when being delivered from the mixer, and or (b) when being placed in the forms and tested in accordance with the relevant I.S. Specifications (IS: 199-1959) and (IS: 5161959) read with their latest revision. The Contractor shall provide all facilities for the collection of concrete samples free of cost to KREDA. He will also make arrangements for transporting and depositing these samples for testing at the laboratory or at KREDA field office as per the direction of the Engineer-in-charge. Test operations of the concrete shall be carried out by the Contractor under the supervision of the Engineer-in-charge, to determine the average strength, of concrete of each class of mix. The average strength of all test samples of particulars mix taken during a day shall not be less than the acceptable strength. The Engineer-in-charge, will specify the strength of the concrete to be laid by the contractor. Laboratory test as per standard practice would be carried out with the use of specified aggregate to determine the cement concrete required to give the desired strength in structure. Cement concrete cubes shall be tested for compressive strength at 28 days. On the concreting days No. of samples as detailed below shall be taken. Eighty five percent of these samples must show strength above the specified strength. If however, this is not achieved KREDA 168 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT the concrete may be accepted but payment shall be made at the reduced rates in proportion of the actual strength to the specified strength as per IS 456-2000. The minimum frequency of sample of concrete shall be in accordance with the following. Quantity of concrete in work-cum Number of Sample 1-5 6-15 16-30 31-50 51 and above 1 2 3 4 4 plus one additional sample for every additional 50 cum or part there of. At least one sample shall be taken from each shift. Three test specimens shall be made from each sample for testing at 28 days. The test strength of the sample shall be the average of the strength of three specimens. The individual variation should not be more than 15% of the average. All the relevant records regarding the quality of work shall be maintained by the contractor or the Engineer-in- charge according to the instructions issued by the KREDA. In case, the concrete is not accepted, the work will have to be dismantled and redone by the contractor at his own cost. 4.6.9 Conveying Concrete shall be conveyed from the mixers to the forms as rapidly and as practicable by methods, which shall prevent segregation or loss of ingredients. There shall be no vertical drop greater than 1.5 meters except where suitable device is provided to prevent segregation or where specifically authorized by the Engineer –in-charge. Use of chutes etc. for transportation of concrete shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. Such equipment shall be suitably modified by the Contractor at his own cost to prevent segregation and to suit the working conditions of any specific part of the work, where necessary. 4.6.10 Placing Of Concrete (i) General Concrete shall be placed as soon as possible in its final position and worked rapidly into the corners and angles of the forms and around all reinforcement and embedded items without permitting the materials to segregate. Free water collected in depressions in forms shall be removed by bailing out prior to placing of fresh concrete. The method shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. KREDA 169 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Concrete shall not be placed in locations prohibited by the Engineer-in-charge. No concrete shall be placed until all form work, installations of embedded parts and placement of reinforcement steel, preparation of surfaces and necessary clean up has been approved and measurement recorded. The contractor shall keep the Engineerin-charge informed of the schedule for placing concrete. Unless inspection is waived off in each specific case, placing of concrete shall be performed only in the presence of an authorized representative of the Engineer-in-charge. (ii) Time Interval Between Mixing And Placing No cold joints shall be allowed to form. Concrete shall be placed before the initial set has occurred i.e. within thirty minutes of release from mixers unless otherwise authorized by the Engineer-in-charge. (iii) Retempering Of Concrete Re-tempering of concrete will not be permitted. Any concrete, which has become so stiff that proper placing cannot be assured, shall be wasted, and the contractor will be charged for any materials furnished by the KREDA at the point of delivery to the contractor. (iv) Lifts In Concrete The permissible depth of concrete placed in one lift or course will be determined by the Engineer-in-charge for each structure. All concrete shall be deposited in approximately horizontal layers not exceeding fifty centimetres in thickness unless otherwise specifically authorized or directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The placement shall be carried at such a rate that all concrete surfaces set to grade shall not have reached their initial set before the additional concrete is placed thereon. Slabs shall generally be placed in one layer unless the depth is so great that this procedure will produce objectionable results. In walls, the layers shall terminate at the top and bottom of door and window openings and shall terminate at such levels as will conform to architectural details. (v) Rate Of Placing Concrete Concreting shall continue without avoidable interruption, until the structure or section is completed or until a satisfactory construction joint can be made. Concrete shall not be placed faster than the placing crew can compact it properly. The rate of deposition shall be such, as to have no adverse effect on the placement of concrete, particularly near the forms and around the embedded equipment/ metal work where the rate of placing shall not exceed the limitations placed by the Engineer-in- charge. KREDA 170 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (vi) TENDER DOCUMENT Placing Concrete Through Reinforcement In dropping, concrete through reinforcement care shall be taken so that no segregation of the coarse aggregate occurs. (vii) Adverse Weather Conditions No concrete shall be placed during rain, high winds, dust storms, and similar condition without the prior approval of the Engineer-in –charge. In extreme weather conditions concreting shall be done in conformity with IS: 7861(Part-I and Part-II) latest edition. No claim shall lie against the KREDA on account of any action by the Engineer-in-charge in this behalf. (viii) Replacement Of Rejected Concrete. Concrete, which is not placed and compacted in accordance with these specifications and is in the opinion of the Engineer-in-charge of inferior quality shall be removed and replaced by the Contractor. The entire cost of removing and replacing such rejected concrete shall be borne by the contractor including the cost of all materials required in the replacement. 4.6.11 Vibration Of Concrete Soon after placement of concrete, proper spreading and tamping shall be done, Concrete shall be consolidated to the maximum practicable density so that it is free from pockets of entrapped air between coarse aggregate and close smugly against all surfaces of forms and embedded materials. The vibrators shall be of the internal type, of adequate size, and shall at all times be adequate in number or units so as to properly consolidate the concrete. Form vibrators shall not be used unless specifically approved by the Engineer-in-charge. Internal vibrators shall have a vibration of not less than 7000 impulses per minute when in operation while submerged in the concrete. The amplitude of vibration shall be sufficient to produce satisfactory compaction. The duration of vibration shall be limited to that necessary to produce adequate compaction without causing objectionable segregation and shall continue until bubbles of entrapped air have practically ceased to escape. While compacting each layer of concrete, the vibrating head shall be allowed to penetrate and vibrate the concrete in the upper portion of the under lying layer in the same lift. Subsequent layers of concrete shall not be placed until the layers previously placed have been worked thoroughly as specified. The disturbance of reinforcement embedded in concrete beginning to set shall be avoided. Care should be taken to avoid contact of vibrating head with the surface of forms. 4.6.12 Equipment Not To Be Disturbed Once placement of concrete has commenced at a given location, it shall not be interrupted by diverting and placing the equipment to other locations. KREDA 171 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.6.13 Finishing Of Concrete Lift Surface The top surface of each lift shall be finished to level by adequate vibration to produce not only the degree of consolidation desired in the surface layers of concrete but also a surface with the desired degree of roughness for bond with the next lift. Surface vibration or excessive surface working including screeding of any kind will not be permitted in placing concrete. Coarse gravel protruding from the surface of the lift shall be worked down into the mass during the compacting or vibrating operations. All top surfaces not covered by forms and which are not to be covered by additional concrete or back filled shall be carried slightly above grade, as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and struck off by board finish. After the top surface of the lift is finally compacted it shall be immediately and carefully protected from pedestrian traffic, running water, heavy rains or any activity, which may in any manner affect the setting of the concrete, or damage it. 4.6.14 Construction Joints When the work is to be interrupted, or the concrete surface upon or against which fresh concrete is to be placed and to which new concrete is to adhere, has become so rigid that the new concrete cannot be incorporated integrally with it, shall be defined as the construction joint. Construction joints shall be provided at locations shown on the drawings or as directed by t he Engineer-in-charge. All such surfaces shall be given the treatment as given in the following paragraphs before the subsequent pour of concrete. 4.6.15 Horizontal Joints All horizontal construction joints in the work shall be sloped enough to provide free drainage of clean up water. All such joints in exposed faces shall be sharp, level and in straight line. Each joint shall be prepared to receive the succeeding lift by having all loose or defective concrete coatings and foreign materials removed by the means of air-water jet applied at high velocity before the concrete has taken its final set. However, in case it is considered undesirable to disturb the surface of the lift before final set has taken place, surface cutting by means or air water jet will not be permitted. In such cases use of wet sand blasting will be required after the final set. Where it is not practicable to clean the joints after forms are fixed, these shall be cleaned by air-water jet or wet sand blasting and washed at the last opportunity prior to fixing of the forms. The surface of such lifts shall again be washed with air water jet just prior to the placing of the successive lift of concrete in order to remove all foreign and loose materials which may have accumulated since the first clean-up. Manual scrubbing and chipping may be allowed by the Engineer-in-charge where cleaning by sand blasting and air water jet may not be possible. The surface of the lift when ready will be covered with an initial layer of mortar 10 to 15 mm thick and of the same cement sand proportion as in the concrete mix. The surface of concrete, before placing the mortar shall be thoroughly wet but free from any standing or excess water. KREDA 172 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The method used in disposing off wastewater employed in cutting, washing and rinsing of concrete surface shall be such that the water shall not stain, discolour or effect permanently exposed surface of the structure. The method of disposal of the water shall be subject to the approval of Engineer-in-charge. 4.6.16 Vertical Joints All vertical construction joints shall be made with stop boards, which shall be rigidly fixed and slotted to allow for the passage of reinforcing steel. If desired by Engineer-in- charge, keys and or dowel bars shall be provided at construction joints. Water stops of approved material shall be provided if so specified in the drawings or as desired by the Engineer-incharge. Concrete shall be carefully placed against faces of the vertical construction joints so as not to disturb the water seals etc. Whenever the placing of concrete is interrupted long enough and the concrete has taken final set, the working face joints shall be roughened, cleaned thoroughly, wetted and shall receive neat cement slurry before placing fresh concrete. 4.6.17 Curing & Protection All concrete shall be protected against injury until final acceptance. Exposed finished surfaces of concrete shall be protected from the direct rays of sun for at least 72 hours after placement. Fresh exposed concrete shall also be protected from the action of rains, flowing water and mechanical injury. Concrete in which standard Portland cement is used shall be kept continuously moist for at least 7 days by covering with water saturated material or a system of perforated pipes, mechanical sprinklers or porous hose or by any other approved method. All horizontal surfaces shall be continuously kept wet till the next pour regardless of time. Curing shall be maintained so as to prevent detrimental loss of water from the concrete during the entire curing period. Curing period where special cement is used shall be specified by the Engineer-in-charge. All conduits and other formed openings through the concrete shall be closed during the entire curing and as long there after as practicable to prevent circulation of air and the resultant drying and cracking. Construction joints shall be cured in the same manner as the other concrete and shall also, if practicable be kept moist for at least 72 hours prior to the placing of additional concrete upon the joint. Horizontal surfaces shall be cured by sprinkling water or by covering with damp sand or may be cured by the use of wet quilts or mats, which will satisfactorily provide the required curing water. If damp sand or quilt is used for curing, it shall later be completely removed. The time of applying damp sand shall be specified by the Engineer-incharge before which curing will be carried out by other approved methods. KREDA 173 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The method of keeping formed concrete surfaces moist shall be continuous sprinkling or spraying of water as may be necessary to prevent any portion of the surface from drying out during the specified period. All water and other material used in curing shall be free from excessive amount of silt, colouring material and impurities, which may stain the finished work. The actual method of curing adopted shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-incharge. The contractor shall have on hand and ready to install before actual concrete placement is started, all equipment needed for adequate curing and protection at all locations of concrete placement. In limited areas and for special purposes the use of an approved and properly applied compound may be permitted at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge to restrict the evaporation of the mixing water. Such curing compound shall be of the surface membrane type, which will not be used on joints. The curing compound shall be used as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The cost of curing compound and all operations involved in its use shall be to the contractor’s account and shall be included in the unit price in the schedule of bids for the concrete on which the curing material is used. Finished concrete surface shall be protected from stain or abrasions. Surfaces or edges likely to be injured during construction period shall be kept properly protected by leaving forms in place or erecting protective covering to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. In case, the curing operations are inadequate or unsatisfactory, the Engineer-in-charge shall be entitled to take such steps as he may deem necessary to make good the deficiencies and defects, at the Contractor’s risk and cost. 4.6.18 Repairs Of Concrete Repair of concrete shall be performed by skilled workmen and in the presence of an authorized representative of the Engineer-in-charge. The contractor shall correct all imperfections to the specified requirements. Repairs of imperfections on formed concrete shall be completed as soon as practicable within 26 hours after removal of forms. Fins and encrustations shall be neatly removed from the surface concrete that is damaged from any cause and concrete that is honeycombed, fractured or otherwise defective and concrete, which because of excessive surface depression, must be excavated and built up with dry pack mortar or concrete as thereinafter specified to bring t he surface to the prescribed lines. Where bulges and abrupt irregularities protrude outside the formed surface, the protrusions shall be reduced by bush hammering and grinding, so that the surfaces are within the prescribed units. Dry pack filling shall be used for holes having at least one surface dimension a little greater than the hole depth or holes left by the removal of fasteners from the ends of the form tie rods and for narrow slots cut for repairs of cracks. Filling of holes KREDA 174 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT left by the removal of fasteners from the ends of the tie rods in surfaces against which backfill or concrete is to be placed shall not be repaired. Dry pack shall not be used for filling behind reinforcement or for filling holes that extend completely through a concrete section. Mortar placed under impact by use of mortar gun shall be used for holes too wide for dry pack filling and too shallow for concrete filling and not deeper than the far side of the reinforcement that is nearest to the surface. Concrete filling shall be used for holes extending entirely through concrete section for holes, which are greater in area than 900 sq.cm, and deeper than 10cms and for holes in reinforced concrete, which extend beyond reinforcement. All materials, procedures and operations used in repair of concrete shall be subjected to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge. All fillings shall be bonded tightly to the surface of the hole and shall be sound and free from shrinkage cracks after the filling have been cured and dried. Fillings in surface, prominently exposed to view, shall contain sufficient cement to produce the same colour as that of the adjoining concrete. The cost of all materials including cement, labour and equipment used in the repair of concrete which before final acceptance of the work found to be damaged or defective or not within the specified limits shall be borne by the contractor. The cement for repair of concrete shall be issued to the contractor to the extent, it is actually consumed, and its cost recovered from the contractor. 4.6.19 Finishes And Finishing Allowable deviations from plumb or level and from the alignment, profile grades, and dimensions shown on the drawings are defined as “Tolerances ” and are to be distinguished from finishes as defined herein. The class of finish and the requirements for finishing of concrete surface shall be as specified in this clause. The finish to be given to the various surfaces shall be as hereinafter specified. In the event that finishes are not clearly specified herein, the finish to be used shall be that specified for similar adjacent surfaces as determined by the Engineer-in-charge. Finishing of concrete surface shall be performed only by skilled worker and in the presence of an authorized representative of Engineer-incharge. Concrete surface shall be tested by the Engineer-in-charge. Off sets caused by displaced, or misplaced from something or lining from sections or by loose knots in forms or otherwise defective from lumber, will be considered abrupt irregularities and will be tested by direct measurement. All other irregularities will be considered as gradual irregularities, and will be tested by use of a template consisting of straight edge or the equivalent there of for curved surfaces. The length of the template will be 1.5 meter for testing of formed surfaces and three meters for testing of unformed surfaces. Before final acceptance of the work, the contractor shall clean all exposed surfaces. 4.6.20 Shuttering (i) General Forms for placing concrete shall either be of wood/steel or of other approved material. The type, size, quality and strength of all materials of which the form are made shall be subjected to the approval of Engineer-in-charge. The formwork should conform to the shape, lines and dimensions shown on drawings. The forms shall be sufficiently strong to carry without undue deformation the dead weight of KREDA 175 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT the concrete at the time of casting as well as the working load. The forms shall be strong enough to withstand the effects of vibration. The joints in the formwork shall be sufficiently tight to prevent any loss of mortar through leakage. The form work shall be such as to ensure a smooth uniform surface free from honey combs, air bubbles, bulges, fins and other blemishes, Any such blemish or defect found on the surface of concrete shall be rectified by the Contractor at his expense and to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. (ii) Cleaning And Treatment Of Forms All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned off old concrete, wood shavings, saw dust and dust sticking to the forms or other foreign materials that may contaminate the concrete or interfere with the fulfilment of the requirement of specifications relative to the finish of the formed surfaces. Before the concrete is placed in position, the form surfaces that are to come in contact with concrete shall be treated with a suitable non-staining oil or composition, not harmful to the concrete, so as to prevent sticking of concrete and facilitate removal of forms. Care shall be taken to ensure that the oil/composition does not come in contract with the reinforcing steel or the existing concrete surface. These shall also not be allowed to accumulate at the bottom of the shuttering. Oil/composition that has the approval of the Engineer-in-charge shall only be used. (iii) Inspection And Approval Of Forms After the forms are erected and before any concrete is placed, the forms shall be inspected for line, level and grade, with respect to the structure, adequacy of bracing, freedom from dirt fixture, keyways, openings etc. No concrete shall be placed in the forms unless the forms have been checked and the placement of concrete permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. Such approval shall however, not absolve the contractor of his responsibility for the adequacy and stability of the formwork. The contractor shall, at all times, be solely responsible for its sufficiency, strength and stability. (iv) Plane Smooth Shuttering Shuttering pieces shall have ply board of approved quality or steel plates sufficiently rigid to withstand pressure and buckling. After the removal of the shuttering the concrete surface shall be finished smooth by fine carborandum stone to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge in case of undulations of the surface. Forms may have to be cut to accommodate embedment for which no extra payment shall be made. Embedment material shall be supplied by the KREDA free of cost. 4.6.21 Removal Of Forms KREDA 176 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Removal of forms shall not be started until the concrete is thoroughly set and has aged to give it sufficient strength to carry its own weight, and the live load likely to come on the work during the course of construction. The length of time, the forms should remain in place shall be decided by the Engineer-in-Charge with reference to weather conditions, shape and position of the structural member and the nature and the amount of dead and live loads to which the structural members are subjected to. The following minimum intervals of time as specified by IS: 456-2000 will generally be allowed between placing of concrete and stripping of forms but the period shall be increased in case of wet weather and also at the discretion of the Engineer-in-charge. a) Walls, columns and vertical faces b) c) d) Slabs (props left under) Beam soffits (props left under) Removal of props under the slabs i) Spanning up to 4.5 m ii) Spanning of over 4.5 m. Removal of props under beams and arches. i) Spanning up to 6 m ii) Spanning more than 6 m e) 24 to 48 hours as may be decided by the Engineer-in-charge. 3 days 7 days 20 days 28 days. 22 days 28 days. These minimum periods are expected to be safe and no claim be made against KREDA for any damage owing to the period not being sufficient. The contractor may, how ever, he so desires extend the above period to longer intervals. This shall not however, constitute any reason for any claim or extension of time. In no case should the forms be removed until there is assurance that the removal can be accomplished without chipping, sapling of defacing the concrete surface. Further more, heavy live loads should not be permitted until after the concrete has reached its designed strength. The exact period shall be fixed by the Engineer-in-charge and shall be binding on the contractor. The forms should be removed with great caution and without jarring the structure or throwing heavy forms upon the floor. In order to achieve this end, edges and clamps shall be used whenever practicable instead of nails. In order to avoid excessive stresses in the concrete that might result from swelling of the forms wooden forms for wall openings shall be loosened as soon as this can be accomplished without damages to the concrete. Forms for the openings shall be constructed so as to facilitate such loosening. The work of striking forms shall be carried out under the personal supervision of a competent foreman in the employment of the contractor. The contractor shall be solely responsible for any damage that may be caused by negligence, lack of proper precaution or hastiness etc. in the matter of removal of forms and shall make the same good at his own cost to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. KREDA 177 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.6.22 Formed Surfaces The classes of finish shall apply as follows: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) Formed surfaces upon or against which backfill or concrete is to be placed require no treatment after form removal except removal and repair of defective concrete and the specified curing. Correction of surface irregularities will be required for depressions only and only for those for which when measured as described in clause of shuttering as hereinbefore exceed 2.5 cms. All permanently exposed surface for which the finishes as mentioned in clause of shuttering do not apply, will need no filling of pits or sack rubbing and no grinding other than that for surface imperfections. Surface irregularities measured as described in clause shall not exceed 6mm. for abrupt irregularities and 12 mm. for gradual irregularities. Formed surface, the appearance of which is considered by the KREDA to be of special importance such as surfaces of structure prominently exposed to public inspection will not require general stoning or grinding. Surface irregularities, measured as described in clause of shuttering shall not exceed three millimetres for abrupt irregularities and 12 mm for gradual irregularities. Formed surface for which accurate alignment and evenness of surfaces are of paramount importance from the stand point of eliminating destructive effects of water, aside from any necessary repairs and the specified curing no surface treatment will be required for such surfaces except that irregularities measured as described in clause of shuttering shall be reduced or eliminated in accordance with the following requirements. All abrupt irregularities on other surfaces shall not exceed 6 mm for irregularities parallel to the direction of flow and three mm for irregularities exceeding these limits; the excess shall be eliminated by grinding. Gradual irregularities shall not exceed 12mm. Gradual irregularities greater than the specified 12mm shall be reduced by grinding so that they are within that limit. 4.6.23 Unformed Surface Interior surfaces shall be sloped for drainage where directed. Surfaces which will be exposed to the weather and which would normally be levelled shall be sloped for drainage. Unless such as tops of walls and curbs shall be sloped approximately 3 cms. Per meter of width, broader surfaces, such as walls, roadway platforms, and decks shall be sloped approximately 2cms per meter. The classes of finish shall apply as follows: i) Screeded Finish (Unformed surfaces that will be covered by backfill or by concrete and surfaces of sub floors, which will be covered by concrete floor topping). This finishing operation shall consist of levelling and screeding to produce even and uniform surfaces. Surface irregularities measured and as described in clause of shuttering shall not exceed 19 mm. KREDA 178 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ii) TENDER DOCUMENT Float Finish Sufficient levelling and screeding shall be done to produce even uniform surface. Floating may be performed by use of hand or power driven equipment. Floating shall be started as soon as the screamed surface has stiffened sufficiently and shall be minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free from screed marks and is uniform in texture. If trowel finish is required floating shall be continued until a small amount of mortar with out excess water is brought to the surface, so as to permit effective trowelling surface. Irregularities measured as described in clause of shuttering shall not exceed 12 mm. for gradual irregularities. Joints and edges of gutters, sidewalks, and entrance slabs and also other joints and edges shall be tooled where directed. iii) Trowel Finish This finish is to be used for unformed surface of tunnels, floors etc. when the floating surface has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess of fine materials from being brought to the surface steel trowelling shall be started. Steel trowelling shall be performed with firm pressure, which will flatten the sandy texture of the floated surface and produce a dense uniform surface, free from blemishes and trowel mark, except the light steel trowelling shall be permitted on surfaces of slabs to be covered with built roofing or membrane water proofing, in which even light trowel marks will be considered objectionable. Surface irregularities, shall not exceed 12 mm. for gradual irregularities. 4.6.24 Tolerances For Concrete Construction The intent of this clause is to establish, tolerances that are consistent with modern construction practices yet governed by the effect that the permissible deviations might have upon the structural action or operational function of the structure. Deviation from the established lines, grades and dimensions will be permitted to the extent set-forth herein provided that the KREDA reserves the right to diminish the tolerance set-forth herein if such tolerances impair the structural action or operational function of the structure. Concrete forms shall be set so as to ensure completed work within the tolerance limit specified herein. Where the tolerances are not stated in the specifications, or drawings these shall be in conformity with the provisions of this clause. The notation of the construction drawings of specific maximum or minimum tolerances in connection with any dimension shall be considered as supplemental to the tolerances specified herein. Rejected work shall be remedied or removed and replaced at the expenses of and by the contractor. KREDA 179 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.6.25 Tolerance In Reinforced Concrete Structure Variation From The Plumb i) (a) In the lines and surfaces of the columns, piers, walls and in risers. In 3 m. In 6 m. In 12 m or more (b) Fore exposed corners column and other conspicuous lines. In any bay or 6 m maximum In 12 m. or more - 6 mm. 9 mm 12.5mm - 6 mm 12 mm ii) Variations from the level or from the grades indicated on the drawings (a) In floors, ceilings, beams, soffits and risers. In 3 m In any bay of 6 m In 12 m or more - 6mm 9 mm 19 mm (b) For exposed lintels, sills, Parapets, horizontal grooves and other conspicuous lines. In any bay of 6 m In 12 m or more - 6 mm. 12.5 mm iii) Variation of linear buildings lines from established position in plan and related position of columns, walls and partitions. In any bay of 6 m In any 12 m or more iv) Variation in sizes and location of sleeves, floor & wall openings - 12.5 mm 25 mm - 6mm v) Variation in cross sectional dimension of columns and beams and in the thickness of slabs and walls Minus 12.5 mm Plus 19 mm vi) Footings for columns, piers, walls, buttresses and similar members: (a) Variation of dimensions in plan Minus 12 mm Plus 50 mm (b) Misplacement or eccentricity KREDA - 2% of the footing width in 180 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (c) Thickness TENDER DOCUMENT the direction of misplacement but not more than 50 mm. - 5% of the specified thickness subject to maximum of 50mm vii) Variation in steps (a) In a flights of stairs, Risers and treads (b) In consecutive steps, Riser and treads - 12.5 mm - 6 mm. viii) Sills and side walls for gates and similar watertight joints. Variation from Plumb and level. Minus Plus - Not greater than at a rate of 3mm in 3m. Variation from indicating spacing - 6mm - Nil 4.6.26 Tolerances For Placing Reinforcement Steel Unless otherwise specified by the Engineer-in-charge reinforcement shall be placed within the following tolerances:(a) For effective depth of 200 mm or less (b) For effective depth of more than 200 mm - ± 10 mm - ± 15mm The cover shall in no case be reduced by more than one-third of specified cover or 5 mm whichever is less. 4.6.27 Measurement And Payment Of Concrete Measurement of all categories of concrete for payment will be made only to the neat lines of structure as indicated in the drawings or as modified by the Engineer-in-charge. In measuring concrete for payment the volume of all recesses, passageways, openings, cavities and depressions, chambers and embedded pipes except reinforcement bars, metal work and anchor bolts etc. will be deducted. The unit rate for the purposes of payment shall include supply of all material, labour, T&P, scaffolding etc. needed for proper completion of the work under these specifications. The cement consumed in the slurry or cement mortar in construction and lift joints will be considered as bonafide use on the works. The contractor will maintain proper account for the same as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. The proportion of cement and sand in the slurry in cement mortar will be the same as for the corresponding concrete. For the purpose of measurement of concrete, payable to the Contractor, the slurry or cement mortar in construction joints shall be treated as part of concrete and shall not be paid for additionally. No extra payment shall be made for keeping the work area dry during construction. KREDA 181 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.6.28 Cement Concrete In Construciton Joints Etc. As described herein before no deduction in quantity of concrete shall be made for the quantity of the mortar used in construction joints. Forms for placing concrete shall be either of steel and/or best quality shuttering wood of non-absorbent type. Timber shall be free of knots and shall be of medium grain as far as possible. Plywood or equivalent shall be used where specified to obtain smooth surface for exposed concrete work. The formwork shall conform to the shape, lines and dimensions as shown on the drawings. The centring shall be true to shape and rigid and thoroughly braced both horizontally and diagonally. The forms shall be sufficiently strong to carry without undue deformation the dead weight of the concrete at the time of casting as well as working load. When concrete is vibrated, the formwork shall be strong enough to with stand the effects of vibration. The joints in the formwork shall be sufficiently tight to prevent any leakage of mortar. The formwork shall be such as to ensure a smooth uniform surface free from honey –combs, air bubbles, bulges, fins and other blemishes. Any blemish or defects found on the surface of the concrete shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 4.6.29 Cleaning And Treatment Of Forms All forms shall be thoroughly cleaned off old concrete, wood shavings, saw dust, dirt and dust sticking to them before they are fixed in position. Before concrete is placed in position the form surfaces in contact with concrete shall be treated with approved non-staining oil or composition. Care shall be taken that the oil or composition does not come in contact with existing concrete surfaces. This shall not be allowed to accumulate at the bottom of shuttering. 4.6.30 Embedment Of Sills/Guides/Anchor Bolts Etc. The contractor shall take delivery of the embedment of steel and other accessories, which do not form a part of his supply and embed them as per requirement of design, drawings and specifications. No separate payment shall be made for this item. If so required by the Engineer-in-charge the contractor shall provide block out for embedment as per plan furnished by him at contractor’s cost. In case plates, bolts or any other embedments are required to be fixed in primary concrete in any part of the structure the same shall be done by the contractor at his own cost. Such embedment bolts shall be supplied by the department free of cost. The contractor shall also do the necessary concreting in such block outs. Such concrete would be measured and paid at the rates of items in the schedule of quantities and bids. KREDA 182 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.6.31 Rates The tendered rate shall include the cost of all the materials and labour involved in all the operations described above. It will also include all necessary charges for T&P required for work, all taxes and centring and shuttering etc. all for proper completion of work as mentioned above. 4.7 CEMENT CONCRETE WITH CEMENT, SAND AND STONE BALLAST OF 40MM GRADED GAUGE IN PROPORTION OF 1:4:8 Same as above clause 10.6 but cement concrete with cement, coarse sand and stone ballast of 40mm gauge in proportion of 1:4:8. 4.8 CEMENT CONCRETE WITH CEMENT, SAND AND STONE BALLAST OF 40MM GRADED GAUGE IN PROPORTION OF 1:2:4 Same as above clause 10.6 but cement concrete with cement, coarse sand and stone ballast of 40mm gauge in proportion of 1:2:4. 4.9 RCC IN 1:2:4 a) RCC in slabs, lintels, beams and columns in 1:2:4. Same as above clause 10.6 but cement concrete with cement, coarse sand and 20mm gauge graded stone ballast in proportion of 1:2:4. This excludes supply of reinforcement and its bending but including its fixing and binding the same with 24 BWG binding wire. This item includes RCC in structures as shown in drawings. b) RCC in foundation in 1:2:4 Same as above clause 10.9.1 but RCC in foundation, columns up to plinth, anchor thrust blocks, foundation of equipments and similar structures. 4.10 RCC IN 1:1.5:3 a) RCC in slab, lintels, beams and columns in 1:1.5:3. Same as above in clause no. 10.9.1, but reinforced cement concrete with cement, coarse sand, 20mm gauge down graded stone ballast in proportion 1:1.5:3. b) RCC in foundation in 1:1.5:3 Same as above in clause no. 10.9.1 but reinforced cement concrete with cement, coarse sand, 20mm gauge down graded stone ballast in proportion 1:1.5:3 in foundation work. KREDA 183 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 4.11 TENDER DOCUMENT STEEL REINFORCEMENT FOR STRUCTURES a) General The work consists of furnishing, cutting, bending, placing in position and binding of reinforcement steel of shape and dimensions shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. b) Quality Of Reinforcement Steel The steel reinforcement shall be of standard quality and shall conform to IS:432-1966 and its subsequent amendments for mild steel bars and conform to IS:786-1966 and its subsequent amendments, for tor steel bars. All steel used for reinforcement shall be clean, free from loose rust, loose mill scale, oil. Grease paints, dust, mortar, or any rolling defects. Bars with kinks or bends other than those shown on drawings shall not be used. The contractor shall get the steel tested from a recognised test house and submit the test result. c) Bending Of Reinforcement Bars shall not be bent or straightened in a manner that will injure or weaken the material. Bars shall be bent cold to the specified shapes and dimensions shown on drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge using proper bar bender operated by hand or power to attain proper radius of bends. Heating of bars shall not be allowed. The hooks at the end of the plain mild steel bars shall not have an inner diameter of less than four times the diameter of the bars or as indicated on the drawings and shall have a length of straight part beyond the end of the curve of at least four times of diameter of the bar. d) Placing Of Reinforcement All reinforcement bars shall be accurately placed in exact position shown on the drawings and shall be securely held in position during placing of concrete by welding or by annealed binding wire not less than 1mm in size and conforming to the IS:280 and by using stays, concrete blocks or metal chairs, metal hangers, supporting wires or other approved devices at sufficiently close intervals. Bars will not be allowed to sag between supports or displaced during concreting or any other operation connected with work. All devices used for positioning shall be of non-corrodible material. Wooden and metal supports will not extend to the surface of the concrete except where shown on the drawings Pieces of broken stone or brick and wooden blocks shall not be used. Layers of bars shall be separated by spacer bars, precast mortar blocks or other approved devices. As far as possible, bars of full length shall be used. In case this is not possible, overlapping of bars shall be done as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. When practicable, overlapping bars shall not ordinarily touch each other. But be kept apart by 25mm or 1.25 times the maximum size of the coarse aggregate whichever is greater by concrete between them. KREDA 184 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT However, where it is not feasible, overlapping bars shall be tied with annealed steel wire of not less than 1mm thickness twisted tight. The overlaps shall be staggered for different bars and located at points, along the span where shear not bending moment is maximum. However, in no case the overlapping shall be around 50xdia of bar at any section. Joints in steel bars of 25mm diameter and above will be required to be welded as per the standard practice or as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Wherever welding is necessitated, it may be butt weld or lap weld. In the case of lap weld the length of the lap to be welded shall be as per the table given below. In the case of welding of tor steel, special precautions as specified by the Engineer-in-Charge shall have to be taken. Welding shall be as per IS-2751and IS-9417. Sl. No. Size of bar Length of lap to be welded on both sides 1 25mm 82mm 2 28mm 91mm 3 32mm 103mm 4 36mm 115mm 5 40mm 128mm 6 45mm 145mm 7 55mm 175mm Where ‘d’ is the diameter of bars in mm. Remarks 3d + 7mm 3d + 7mm 3d + 7mm 3d + 7mm 3d + 8mm 3d + 10mm 3d + 10mm In case of welding being done to join bars of different sizes, the length of the lap shall be governed by the diameter of smaller size bars, where the lap weld on both sides is not feasible then the lap length given may be double of the length on one face. The welding procedure, the number of passes for depositing weld and the quality of electrodes shall conform to the Indian standards specifications as mentioned above or as approved by the Engineer-in-Charge. Welding shall be done with due care to produce welded joints of sufficient strength. Due care as required shall be taken, not to damage the parent material in the vicinity of the welded joints. The surfaces of the bar to be welded shall be cleaned of all loose scale, rust, grease or other foreign matter before welding. Reinforcement after being placed in position shall be maintained in a clean condition until completely embedded in concrete. Special care shall be exercised to prevent any displacement of reinforcement in the concrete already placed. To protect reinforcement from corrosion, concrete cover shall be provided as indicated on the drawings. All bars protruding from concrete and to which other bars are to be spliced later and which are likely to be exposed for a considerable length of time shall be protected by a thick coat of neat gout cement. In case of columns and walls, vertical bars shall be kept in normal position with timber templates having slots accurately cut in for bar position. Such templates shall be removed after concreting has progressed up to a level just below the templates. KREDA 185 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Bar crossing each other, where required, shall be secured by binding wire (annealed) of size not less than 1mm conforming to IS:280 in such a manner that they do not slip over each other at the time of fixing and concreting. e) Measurements Steel required for reinforcement shall be arranged by the contractor in conformity with clause 4.11.2 at his own cost. Reinforcement (both mild steel and tor steel) shall be measured in length separately for different diameters as actually used in the work excluding overlaps. From the length so measured the weight of reinforcement shall be calculated in kilograms on the same basis. Length shall include hooks at the ends. However, the wastage, overlaps, welding joints, space bars, chairs and annealed steel wire for binding shall not be measured. The cost of these items shall be deemed to be included in the unit rate for reinforcement. Before starting concreting the contractor shall make certain, that the measurements of the reinforcements placed have been recorded and the Engineer-in-Charge certifies to the correctness of the reinforcement used. Failure to do so might mean no payment or payment at the unquestioned discretion of the Engineer-in-Charge for the reinforcement concerned. f) Rates Rate of reinforcement steel (both mild and tor) shall include the cost of steel, its cutting, bending, binding and placing in position as shown on the drawings and as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. It shall also include the cost of all devices for keeping reinforcement in position, cost of jointing (including welding) as per approved method and all wastages, overlaps, spacer bars, chairs and annealed steel wire etc. No extra payment shall be made for keeping the work area dry. 4.12 MILD STEEL OR IRON WORK IN SMALL SIZES AND SECTIONS a) General This item shall cover supplying and fixing mild steel or iron work in small sizes and sections such as holding down bolts, holdfasts, tie rods, gratings etc. b) Steel For purpose mentioned above mild steel conforming to ST 32.0 as per IS: 1977 and rolled as per IS: 1852 shall be used. It shall be free from cracks, surface flaws, laminations, roughs and imperfect edges and other harmful defects. c) Rivets Rivets shall be made from rivet bars of mild steel as per IS: 1148. KREDA 186 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT d) Turned And Fitted Bolts The bolts should be made in automatic machine, which turns the bolts to exact diameter. For these bolts, whether reamed or drilled bolts, the same unit stress are allowed as for rivets. e) Straightning All materials shall be straight or shaped to form and if necessary, before being worked shall be straightened and / or shaped to form by pressure, and not by hammering. f) Cutting Cutting shall be affected by shearing, cropping, sawing, gas cutting by mechanically controlled torch. g) Holding All holes shall be drilled, alternatively the holes may be punched small and reamed out to the proper size. Holes for rivets or bolts shall not be formed by gas cutting process. h) Assembling The component parts shall be assembled in such a manner that they are neither twisted, nor otherwise damaged, and shall be so prepared that the specified shapes, if any are maintained. i) Painting Steel work shall be thoroughly cleaned of rust, loose scales, dust etc. as per IS: 1477-part-I and given one coat of red oxide paint conforming to IS: 2074 applied as per IS: 1477-part-II. Over surface inaccessible after placing in position, two coats of red oxide paint as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge, shall be applied. j) Measurement Each member of steel as fixed, shall be measured in running meter correct to a mm and its weight calculated nearest to 1 kg on the basis of tables given in ISI handbook of Structural Engineers. k) Rate The rate shall include cost of materials, labour, painting etc. required for all the operations described above, and all the wastages involved. KREDA 187 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 4.13 TENDER DOCUMENT SUPPLY, FABRICATION AND FIXING OF M.S. TUBULAR TRUSSES AND ERECTION OF ROOF TRUSSES a) General The work to be done under these specifications consists of design, fabrication, supply and erection at site of tubular / structural steel trusses complete with purlins, fixing accessories such as J/L bolts, nuts, washers, anchor bolts, screw bolts etc. b) Design And Drawings The roof trusses, purlins, and fixing accessories etc. shall be designed by the contractor in accordance with the loads specified in IS: 875-1987 (part-III) with its subsequent amendments. The contractor shall get the design and the detailed installation and fabrication drawings approved from the Engineer-in-Charge before the start of the fabrication work. The contractor shall be fully responsible for the safe design, proper fabrication and installation. Any defect pointed out by the Engineer-in-Charge shall be rectified, promptly by the contractor, without any extra cost to the KREDA. c) Assembly All parts be assembled accurately and erected as shown on the drawings or as directed. Structural members shall not be overstressed during the process of erection, nor subjected to hammering that may injure or distort the member. Bearing surfaces to be in permanent contact shall be cleaned thoroughly before the members are assembled or erected. In bolted connections, the bolts shall be drawn tight and where required by the Engineer-in-Charge the boltholes shall be reamed in the field to provide a tight driven fit. Cutting of members with cutting torch shall not be done unless permitted by the Engineer-in-Charge. d) Welding All welding shall be done by electric method. All welding rods required shall be arranged by the contractor himself. They shall be heavily coated type, designed for all positions of welding. The size, type and manufacture of rods shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. All butt welds shall have complete penetration. Welding shall be done in accordance with the IS 816-1969 as amended up to date. e) Painting This shall be done as laid down as per relevant specification for “Painting of wooden / steel structures”. f) Measurements Measurements for payment will be based on the total sectional weight of steel erected to the extent shown in approved drawings excluding the weight of the welds and bolts. Nothing KREDA 188 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT extra shall be paid for any wastage. No deductions for holes, bolts, shall be made in measurement for payment of this item. Foundation bolts shall be paid under the item of reinforcement steel. g) RATE The tendered rates shall include the cost of all material and labour involved in fabrication, carriage up to site and erection etc. all the operation described above and shall also include the cost of all tools and plants and tackles required for proper completion of the work. 4.14 SUPPLY AND FIXING OF G.C.I.SHEET ROOFING 4.14.1 G.C.I.Sheet Roofing 4.14.2 General Roofing shall be of 18 gauge (BWG) galvanised corrugated iron sheet secured to the purlins on the top of the roof trusses by means of hook –bolts etc. 4.14.3 Material Specificaton G.C.I. sheets shall conform to IS 277-1977(Class I) with its latest amendments. The sheets shall be clean, bright, free from rust, uninjured in carriage by rubbing of zone covering and show no signs of white powder deposit on the surface. Material for ridge and hip sections and eave gutters shall also conform to IS: 277-1977 (Class I). Galvanized coating shall confirm to IS:1367. 4.14.4 Laying & Fastening The sheets shall be laid on purlins to a true plane surface, with the lines of the corrugations running parallel to the slope from ridge to eaves. Each sheet will be fixed to the truss at least at 4 points places at the ridges of the corrugations by means of galvanized L/J bolts and nuts with limpet washers. Limpet washers shall be fitted in conjunction with bitumen washers. Each sheet shall be laid with 150 mm lap at the ends and lap of two corrugations on sides. Holes for nails, screws, rivets, etc. shall be made on the ground. The sheets shall be placed on trestles and holes punched in the ridges of the corrugations with very sharp punches and in such a manner that the axis of the punched hole may come on the top of the sheet when laid. Unless otherwise specified or ordered by the Engineer-in-charge each sheet shall be riveted at the corners and at least once in breadth, and also at an interval of 300mm to 600 mm along its length. 4.14.5 Painting This shall be as laid down as per relevant specification for “painting of wooden/steel structures”. KREDA 189 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.14.6 Measurement Measurements for this item, shall be on the basis of the surface area covered by the sheeting in sq.m. Neither the corrugations shall be measured nor any additions be made for laps. 4.14.7 Rate The tendered rate shall include, the cost of all material and labour involved for supply and erection of G.C.I. Sheet roofing as described above. This also includes the cost of all the tools and plants, nuts and bolts, washers etc. required for proper completion of work. 4.15 SUPPLY AND FITTING OF GI SHEET RIDGES, VALLEY/GUTTER ETC. 4.15.1 GI Sheet Ridges Ridges and pipes shall be made out of 18 gauge galvanised plain sheets. After being placed in position these shall be clipped or riveted to the G.C.I. sheets with a 300mm lap on each side and fastened down securely in a manner as to prevent the rainwater driving under it. Measurements for the purposes of payment shall be for the finished length installed, excluding overlaps. The unit rate shall include the cost of all material, fabrication, installation, T & P, labour and accessories etc. 4.15.2 Gutters Gutters shall be made into rectangular, semicircular or to any other section as specified by the Engineer-in-charge out of 18 gauges galvanised plain iron sheets. For connection to the down pipe, a proper drop end or funnel shaped connecting pieces shall be made out of the G.P. iron sheets of the same thickness as the gutter and riveted together, the other end tailing into the socket of rain water pipe. The gutters shall be laid with a minimum fall of 2.5 cm in every 3m length and shall be supported on and fixed to M.S. flat iron brackets bent to slope. The brackets shall be placed at not more than 1.2 m apart. The gutters when fixed shall be true to line and slope and shall be leak proof. Measurements for payment shall be made for the finished length along the centre line of the gutter correct to a centimetre, excluding overlaps. The unit rate shall include the cost of all material fabrication, installation, labour and all other activities and accessories incident al to the proper completion of this job. 4.15.3 Rates The tendered rate shall include the cost of all material, labour involved for supply and erection G.C.I. Sheet ridges/G.P.I. Gutters as specified above. This also includes the cost of all T&P nuts, bolts, washer etc. required for proper completion of work. KREDA 190 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.16 SUPPLY AND FIXING OF M.S. FLAT IRON WIND TIE 4.16.1 Same as in clause no.4.12 but supply and fixing M.S. wind tie of specified size in item of work on G.C.I. roofing with nuts, bolts, washers, as required for proper completion of work. 4.17 COURSED RUBBLE STONE MASONARY WITH 1:4 CEMENT AND COARSE SAND MORTAR 4.17.1 Stone The quarry shall be subject to approval of the Engineer-in-charge. The stone shall be durable hard tough and sound. Stone with round surface shall not be used. Stone enough for whole work or in lots as the Engineer-in-charge may direct shall be collected at site and passed by him before being used. Stone shall conform to following tests:(i) (ii) (iii) Water absorption shall not be more than 5% of the dry weight when immersed in water for 24 hours as per test specified in IS-1124-1974. Los Angles abrasion value shall not be more than 50% when tested according to IS-23861963 (Part-VI). The stone shall withstand 30 cycles of durability test with sodium sulphate solution as per IS-1126 –1974 i.e. will not show any cracking or excessive rounding of edges of test specimen after completion of 30 cycles. 4.17.2 Dressing The stone shall be hammer dressed on the face, also on sides to such an extent that stones will come into close approximity. Faces shall be approximately of rectangular shape and all face joints shall be dressed at right angles t o the face for a distance of 4 cm. The sharp & irregular projection on the stone face shall be knocked off. 4.17.3 Laying The mortar shall be as indicated in the general specification and all stones shall be well wetted before laying. Every stone shall be carefully fitted to the adjacent stone so as to form neat and close joints. Chips and spalls of stone shall be used whenever necessary. The masonry shall be carried up regularly no step shall be allowed more than 60 cm. But when the masonry of one part has to be delayed the work must be raked at an angle not exceeding 45 degree. The stone shall break joint on the face for at least half the height of the course. The thickness of course shall not be greater than the thickness of course below it and shall be less than the thickness of bond stone. Course may be of equal or unequal quoins more than one in number. KREDA 191 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The walls shall be carried up truly in plumb. All coarse shall be laid truly horizontal. Each stone shall be laid with both bed and vertical joints full of mortar; sample lapping at the edges shall not be permitted. All stones shall be laid so that their joints lines in plan are parallel to or at right angles to the face of wall. Face stone shall tail back and bond well into the backing & shall not be of greater height than either width of the face or length of tail into wall. Through or bond stones running through the thickness of wall shall be provided in walls up to 60 cm. Thick two or more bond stones overlapping each other by at least 15 cm shall be provided for every 0.5 sq. meter of wall surface. Thickness of joint shall not exceed 1 cm. In wet foundations the workspace shall be free of water. Dewatering will be included in the masonry. 4.17.4 Striking Joint Where pointing is not provided for as a separate item of the estimate the joints shall be struck and finished at the time of laying otherwise the joints shall be raked to a minimum depth of 2cm, during the progress of the work when t he mortar is still green. 4.17.5 Scaffolding Proper scaffolding shall be provided whenever necessary, having 2 sets of vertical supports and shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-charge, who may order the Contractor to alter or strengthen the scaffolding if he considers it necessary without thus becoming responsible either for the safety of the work or workmen. In scaffolding ends of poles should not be placed in the position of header stones. 4.17.6 Protection The masonry during construction shall be protected from the effects of sun & rain by suitable covering and the masonry shall be kept moist for a period of at least 10 days after completion. The work shall be left flooded at the end of each days work with about 2.5 cm of water. Watering should be carefully done so as not to wash out the joints. When the work is done under frost conditions special, precautions as directed by the Engineer-in-charge, such as mixing of half percent of calcium chloride in cement use of warm water in mixing and curing and covering of masonry with gunny bags etc. shall have to be taken. 4.17.7 Measurements Masonry shall be measured in cubic meters, length, height and thickness shall be measured correct to one cm. KREDA 192 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.17.8 Rate The tendered rate shall include the cost of material and labour required for all the operations described above and shall include all scaffolding, centering, moulds, profiles, templates required. No allowances or extra payment shall be made for face work, mitre splay or cutting. It shall include carriage involved and all tools and plants. 4.18 COURSED RUBBLE STONE MASONARY IN 1:4 CEMENT AND COARSE SAND MORTAR IN SUPER STRUCTURE 4.18.1 Same as above clause no. 4.17 but when, stone masonry work is above the plinth level. The work includes arrangement of scaffolding, centering etc. all required for all lifts for proper completion of the work. The tendered rates shall include the cost of material, labour and T&P etc. required for all operation described in 4. 17 and shall also include all scaffolding. Centring, moulds, profiles, templates required. No allowance or extra payment shall be made for face work, mitre, splay or cutting. It shall include carriage involved and all tools and plants required. 4.19 COURSED RUBBLE STONE MASONARY IN 1:6 CEMENT AND COARSE SAND MORTAR 4.19.1 General This section covers the furnishing of all labour materials and equipment and the performing of all operations required for the stone masonry work and incidental items pertinent thereto, all in accordance with the drawing and these specifications. 4.19.2 Materials 4.19.3 Stone The stones shall be of hard, sound and free from decay and weathering. They shall be obtained from an approved quarry. Discoloured or distorted stones, with boulder skin, mica flex or stones with round surface shall not be used. Stone shall be properly hammer dressed on the face, the sides and the beds to enable it to come in close proximity with the neighbouring stone. The faces shall not project more than 4cms on exposed face and one cm on plastered face. 1. Water absorption shall not be more than 5% of the dry weight when immersed in water for 24 hours when tested in accordance with IS: 1124-1974. 2. Los Angles abrasion value shall not be more than 50% when tested according to IS 23861963 (part IV). 3. Shall not show any cracking or excessive rounding at edges of test specimen when tested as per IS: 1126-1157. KREDA 193 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.19.4 Mortars Cement conforming to IS:269 and sand from natural sources conforming to IS: 2116-1976 and sand from natural sources conforming to IS: 2116-1980 ) shall be mixed in 1:6 proportions. Cement shall be proportioned only by weight, by taking its unit weight as 1440 kg. per cubic meter and the sand shall be proportioned by volume after making due allowance for bulking. The required quantity of water shall be added and the mortar mixed to produce a workable consistency. The mixing shall be done in mechanical mixer unless hand mixing is specifically permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. If hand mixing is done, the operation shall be carried out on a clean watertight platform. Cement and sand shall be first mixed dry in the required proportion to obtain a uniform colour and the mortar shall be mixed for at least two minutes after addition of water. The mortar shall be used within half an hour after mixing . 4.19.5 Water Water shall be clean and reasonably free from deleterious matter such as oils, acids, alkalies, salts and vegetable growth and shall meet the requirements of IS: 456-2000. 4.19.6 General Requirements 4.19.7 Laying All stones shall be wetted before use. The wall shall be carried up truly in plumb, or to the specified batter. Face stones shall extend well into backing. These shall be arranged to break joints as much as possible, and to avoid long vertical lines of joints. Their height shall not be greater than the breadth at the face or the depth inwards. The hearting or interior filling of the wall face shall consist of rubble stone, which may be of any shape but not pass through a circular ring of 15 cm inner-diameter, thickness of these stones in any direction shall not be less than 10cm. These shall be carefully laid, hammered down with a wooden mallet into position and solidly bedded in mortar, chips and spawls of stone being used whenever necessary to avoid thick mortar beds or joints and at the same time ensuring that no hollow spaces are left anywhere in the masonry. The use of chips shall be restricted to the filling of interstices between t he adjacent stones in hearting and these shall not exceed 20% of the quantity of stone masonry. The top of the masonry work shall be left flooded with water at the close of the day’s work or for other periods of cessation. During this period, it shall be suitably protected from all damages. Watering is to be done carefully so as not to disturb or wash out the mortar. 4.19.8 Bond Stones KREDA 194 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Bond or through stones running right through the thickness of walls shall be provided in wall up to 60 cm thick. If the walls are more than 60cm thick, two or more bond stones overlapping each other by at least 15 cm shall be provided in a line from face to back. At least one bond stone or a set of bond stones shall be provided for every 0.5 sq.m. of wall surface. 4.19.9 Quoins The quoins shall be selected stones neatly dressed with the hammer or chisel to form the required angle, and laid header and stretcher alternately. No quoin stone shall be less than 30 cm. in any dimension. 4.19.10 Joints Stones shall be so laid that all joints are full of mortar. Face joints shall not be more than 2.5 cm thick. 4.19.11 Curing Green work shall be protected from rain, sun etc. by suit able covering. Masonry work in cement shall be kept constantly moist on all faces for a minimum period of seven days. During hot weather, all finished or partly compacted work shall be covered or wetted in such a manner as will prevent rapid drying of the work. The scaffolding shall be sound and strong to withstand all loads likely to come upon it. The holes left in the masonry work for supporting the scaffolding shall be filled in and made good. 4.19.12 Measurements Stone masonry shall be measured in cubic meters nearest to second place of decimal. The length, height and thickness shall be measured correct to a cm, the thickness of wall shall be measured at joints, excluding the bushing. Only specified dimensions shall be allowed, anything extra shall be ignored. 4.19.13 Scaffolding Suitable scaffolding shall be provided by the contractor whenever necessary and he shall alter or strengthen the scaffolding as required by the Engineer-in-charge, but the contractor shall always remain responsible for the safety of workmen and the works as well as for payment of compensation for any damage or injury which may be caused by the failure of the scaffolding. The contractor shall be required to make arrangements for making passage, scaffolding and necessary arrangements for carrying out various operations connected with the fulfilment of the job or any other work whatsoever. KREDA 195 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.19.14 Rates The unit rates shall include the cost of all materials, tools and plants, labour, scaffolding and other items incidental to the satisfactory completion of the work in accordance with the relevant drawings and or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.20 Coursed Rubble Stone Masonary In 1:5 Cement And Coarse Sand Mortar Same as above in clause no. 4.19 but cement mortar with, one portion cement and 5 coarse sand shall be used. 4.21 R.R. DRY STONE MASONRY Same as above in clause no. 4.19 but R.R. masonry shall be laid dry. 4.22 40 MM. THICK CEMENT CONCRETE FLOORING WITH CC. 1:2:4 4.22.1 The proportion of cement, coarse sand and stone ballast 20 mm gauge shall be 1:2:4. i) Materials The coarse aggregate shall consist of broken stone of 20mm gauge graded stone ballast and confirming to relevant specification of stone grit for cement concrete. The sand shall conform to detailed specification as mentioned in the specification of concrete. Cement of approved quality shall be used. The lime putty or marble dust shall be used for top layers of plain cement concrete floors. This lime putty shall be strained through a cloth to remove gritty material before being used. ii) Sub Grade Flooring shall be laid on concrete sub-grade in the ground floor and over structural slabs in upper floors. The sub-grade shall be provided with the slope required for the flooring. Floors in Varandah, Kitchens, baths, water closets, and courtyards shall invariably be provided with minimum slope of 1 in 100. Plinth masonry offset in the ground floor shall be depressed so as to allow the sub-grade concrete to rest on it. If the sub-grade consists of lime concrete it shall be allowed to set for about seven days and the flooring shall then be laid. In no case the time interval between laying of lime concrete and completion of flooring shall exceed 10 days. If the sub-grade is of lean cement concrete, the flooring shall commence within 48 hours of laying of sub-grade, failing which the surface of the sub-grade shall be roughened with steel wire brushes without disturbing the concrete. KREDA 196 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT If the cement concrete flooring is to be laid directly on structural slab, the surface of the slab shall be roughened with brushes while the concrete is green. This shall be done carefully without disturbing the concrete. Before laying the floor all dirt and caked mortar droppings shall be removed, and the surface of the slab raked. 4.22.2 Proportioning & Mixing The floor shall be laid in two layers. The lower layers 22 mm thick and the upper 3 mm thick in case of plain 25mm. thick floors. It shall be 37 mm and 3 mm respectively for 40 mm thick floors. In case of coloured floors, the thickness of the two layers shall be 19 mm and 6 mm respectively for 25 mm thick floors and 34 mm and 6 mm for 40 mm thick floors. The lower layers in both the cases shall consist of cement concrete in the specified mix. The upper layer in case of plain floors shall consist of mortar comprising of 4 parts cement and one part of marble dust or whit e lime putty and in case of coloured floors it shall consist of one part coloured cement obtained from approved source and 2.5 parts of sand. If coloured cement is not used then approved colouring material shall be mixed with cement in the proportion specified by the manufacturer or as required by the Engineer-in-charge to get proper tinges. The ingredients for lower layer of floor (including water) shall be accurately measured, cement will be measured by volume, unit taken being one bag and the volume taken per bag of 35 litres of 50kg. Cement. The other ingredients shall also be measured by volume. In order to ensure uniformity of colour it is important to keep the same proportions of cement, sand and stone ballast and the same quantity of water throughout. It is important that same brand of cement is used for the whole floor of one room. The quality of cement required in one room should be calculated in bag units, counting any portion of a bag as a full bag. Then all these bags should be opened and the cement contained in these bags shall be mixed well till the whole mass of cement is of the same uniform colour and this mixed cement shall be again refilled in the bags and stored in a dry place and used as expeditiously as possible. The aggregate and cement shall be thoroughly mixed either in a hand mixer or a mechanical mixer. Hand mixing can be resorted to in exceptional circumstances only. The amount of water to be added shall be minimum necessary to give just sufficient plasticity for laying and compacting. In hand mixing, the cement and sand in the prescribed proportions will first be mixed dry, being turned over by “Phaoras several times till the whole mass is well mixed and assumes a uniform colour. This mixture is then added to the prescribed quantity of stone ballast and the whole turned over by “Phaoras” or Belchas at least six times till all the pieces of stone ballast are well coated with the dry mixed cement and sand. After the mixture is thus well mixed dry, water is to be added gently through rose cane & in quantities only enough to make the mixture of plastic consistency, the entire mix being turned over by Belchas. The quantity of water to be added shall not exceed 30 litres per bag of cement, which shall be kept constant for the mix laid in one room. The mix shall be used in the work within half an KREDA 197 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT hour of the addition of water after its preparation, no concrete which has began to cake or set shall be used even after mixing. Such mortar shall be immediately removed away from the site of work. 4.22.3 Laying Panels The floor shall be divided in to panels according to the details given in the drawings or as ordered by the Engineer-in-charge. Ordinarily no panel should exceed 1.0 meter in its smaller dimension and 2 meters in larger dimension. The border shall have mitered joints at t he corners of the room & intermediate joints shall be straight line with the panel joints. Five pits, four at the corners of the panel and one at the centre of the panel of size approx. 8 x 8 cms shall be made in the base concrete to facilitate proper bond. 4.22.4 Shuttering Glass or Aluminium strips- 3 mm thick and depth equal to the thickness of floors, shall be fixed on the sub-grade along the panel lines with cement mortar and with their tops true t o the desired level. The surface of base concrete shall then be soaked with water at least of twelve hours and surplus water shall be removed napping immediately before laying concrete. Neat cement slurry @ 2.73 kg. Per sq. meter shall then be thoroughly brushed into the prepared surface of the sub-grade just ahead of laying. 4.22.5 Concreting The concrete shall then be laid by means of showels and troweled over to give 22 or 37 mm layer in case of plain floor and 18 mm or 34 mm in case of coloured floors immediately after it has been evenly showelled, it shall be beaten with thapkies, or mason trowels Blows shall be fairly heavy in the beginning but as consolidation takes place light rapid strokes shall be given till cream of mortar comes on top. 4.22.6 Finishing The surface of the floor shall be left for some time till moisture disappears from it. Excessive trowelling shall be avoided. Use of dry cement or cement and sand mixture spranked on the surface to stiffen the concrete or to absorb excessive moisture shall not be permitted. The mortar for top layer shall be provided with water to form thick slurry and shall then be laid finished with wooden or stainless steel float. During the finishing, any hollows, which appear, shall be made up true. The surface during the finishing shall be frequently tested with straight edge and sprit level and when finished shall present true smooth surface truly horizontal and free from undulation or float marks. KREDA 198 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT If in accordance with general specification or the drawings the whole or any portion of the floor is to be coloured the floor be laid in two layers. The concrete of the lower layer shall be deposited and roughly screened to the correct level with a rebated straight edge, the concrete for the upper layer shall then be laid and beating with thapies shall then commences. The mortar, if any, over the strips shall be cleared by rubbing with sand stone blocks 10 cms. in diameter and 5 cms in thickness. The concrete shall be left undisturbed till next day when it shall be flooded with clean water at least 8 cms deep and kept so flooded for a least seven days. 4.22.7 Polishing If specified, polishing of the finished concrete shall be carried out four days after laying. The floor shall be flooded with water and fine sand sprinkled lightly over it. It shall be polished with carboundum stones about 15 cm x 8 cm x 8 cm. The undersides of the stones used shall be plane and smooth. 4.22.8 Note The points to be noted are: 1. 2. 3. 4. Work is done in two layers, which immediately follows each other. Top mix has no sand & is mixed with lime or marble dust in case of plain floors, which gives it uniform colour. Only clean water is used for 7 days for keeping the surface wet. All cement to be used is thoroughly mixed dry to make it uniform. Same proportion of water is used for the mixes used in one room. Flooring in water closets and baths shall be laid after fixing of W.C. pans and floors traps. Traps shall be plugged while laying the floors and opened after the floors are cured and cleaned. Any damage done to W.C. pans and floor traps during the execution of work, shall be made good. During cold weather, concreting shall not be done when the temperature falls below 40 degree F. The concrete placed shall be protected against frost in case the concrete laid is affected by frost, the same shall be removed & work redone. During hot weather precautions shall be taken to see that the temperature of wet concrete does not exceed 100 degree F. No concrete shall be laid within half an hour of the closing time of the day unless permitted by the Engineer-in-charge. The floor shall be protected from any damage during the execution of work. 4.22.9 Measurements KREDA 199 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Flooring shall be measured in sq.m. Length and breadth shall be measured between the finished faces of skirting, dado or wall plaster correct to a cm. No deductions shall be made, or extra paid for any opening in the floor up to 0.1sqm. Nothing extra shall be paid for laying the floor at different levels in the same room or courtyard. 4.22.10 Rates The tendered rate shall include the cost of material and labour including carriage to site for completion of work as described above. It shall also include the cost of all forms and tool and plants required. 4.23 RAISED CEMENT POINTING WITH 1:2 CEMENT & COARSE SAND MORTAR 4.23.1 General Raised and cut pointing shall project from the wall facing with its edges cut parallel so as to have uniform raised band about 6 mm raised and width 10 mm or more as specified. The following specifications shall apply to all types of pointings. 4.23.2 Scaffolding Scaffolding shall be done as directed by Engineer in-Charge. 4.23.3 Preparations Of Surface This shall be done as specified in item no. 4.24 for cement plaster except that the joints shall be raked to such a depth that the minimum depth of the new mortar applied in pointing as measured from either the sunk surface of the finished pointing or from the edge of the brick, shall not be less than 13 mm. 4.23.4 Mortar Mortar of the specified mix i.e. one cement and two parts coarse sand shall be used conforming to the relevant detailed specifications. 4.23.5 Application Of Mortar And Finishing The mortar shall be pressed into the raked out joints with a pointing trowel, either flush, sunk or raised according to the type of pointing required. The mortar shall not spread over the corners, edges or surface of the masonry. The pointing shall then be finished with the proper tool, in the manner described under the respective type of pointing. The superfluous mortar shall be cut-off from the edges of the lines and the surface of masonry shall also be cleaned of all mortar.The finish shall be such that the pointing is of exact size and shape stipulated and the edges are straight, neat and clean. KREDA 200 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.23.6 Curing After pointing is completed all mortar shall be washed from the face of the wall, which shall be kept wet for seven days. During this period it shall be suitably protected from all damages. The pointing lines shall be truly horizontal and vertical except where the joints are slanting as in random rubble stone masonry. Lines of joints from different direction should meet neatly at the junction, instead of crossing beyond. 4.23.7 Measurements Pointing shall be measured on length and height of wall, deduction being made for small size opening such as doors, windows and ventilators etc., on one face of the wall only, if both faces are pointed, but in case of plaster on inside and pointing on the outside the area of the opening shall be deducted from pointing only, making no deduction in plaster work. Measurement of length and breadth shall be taken correct to a cm. 4.23.8 Rate The tendered rate shall cover the cost of all the material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of the work. 4.24 CEMENT PLASTER IN CEMENT MORTAR (1:4) 4.24.1 General The work of cement plastering to be done under these specifications shall comprise of furnishing of all material, labour, T&P and scaffolding etc. and preparing the surface as directed by the Engineer-in-charge and carrying out all operations needed for the execution of this item of work. 4.24.2 Materials The mortar shall consist of cement and sand mixed by volume in the proportion of 1:4. The sand shall be clean, fine, sharp silicious silicon pclauses free from loam, clay, salts and organic matter and shall conform to the requirements of IS: 1542-1960. Water shall be clean, free from salts, acid and injurious amounts of organic matter. Potable water is generally considered suitable for this type of work. 4.24.3 Mixing The cement and sand shall be separately measured in wooden boxes (prepared for the purpose) in proportions specified in the schedule of quantities and or drawings. The cement and sand shall then be mixed dry thoroughly until the colour and the consistency of the mixture are uniform and show complete mixing. The quantity of the water to be added shall be between 30-40 litres per bag of cement. KREDA 201 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Mortar once mixed shall be used preferably within 15 minutes but in no case later than 30 minutes. No mortar which has begun to cake or set shall be used. Such mortar shall be immediately removed from the work site. 4.24.4 Surface Preparation The masonry surface, which is to receive plaster, shall be cleaned by removing loose pclauses, dust, adhering mortar, grease, oil, efflorescence and other foreign matter. The joints in the masonry shall be raked to a minimum depth of 12 mm for providing a key to the plaster. A wire brush may be used with advantage for this purpose. The surface then shall be sprinkled with water and damped evenly, but not soaked, and kept as such for two days before plastering. Dry spots, if any, shall be moistened again to ensure a uniform bond. Concrete surface shall be prepared by racking and removing all loose materials and shall be kept wet for 24 hours before the application of the plaster, if the time interval between the racking and the application plaster is excessive sand blasting may be resorted to or as directed by the Engineer-in-charge. 4.24.5 Plastering The plaster over the masonry work shall be as specified in the schedule of quantities or as given on the relevant drawings. To ensure even thickness and a true surface small patches of Plaster measuring 15 cm x15 cm shall first be applied horizontally and vertically and of not more than 2 meter interval over the entire surface to serve as gauge. The plaster shall then be applied in between the gauges slightly more than the specified thickness and shall then be brought to a true and even surface by working a wooden straight edge reaching across the gauges. 4.24.6 Finishing Final surface shall be finished true with a wooden float. The work shall be checked frequently as the work proceeds with a true straight edge not less than 2.5 meters long and a plumb bob. All horizontal lines and surfaces shall be tested with a spirit level and all joints and corners with a plumb bob. All corners, angles and junctions shall be truly vertical or horizontal as the case may be and shall be carefully finished without rounding or chamfering. Whenever there is a break in the continuity, the two portions of the plaster shall be separated by a neat cut through the plaster at the junction. In suspending the work at the end of the day, the plaster shall be left cut clean to line, both horizontally and vertically. When recommencing the plaster, the edge of the old work shall be scraped, cleaned and wetted with cement slurry before the plaster is applied to the adjacent areas, to enable the two to join together. Plastering work shall be closed at the end KREDA 202 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT of the day on the body of such features as bends or corners. Horizontal joints shall not occur in parapet tops and copings as these invariably lead to leakage. No portion of the surface shall be left out initially to be patched up later. 4.24.7 Curing Curing shall be commenced as soon as the plaster has hardened sufficiently not to be damaged when watered. The plaster shall be kept wet for a period of at least 7 days. During this period it shall be suitably protected from sun, rain and frost at the Contractor’s expense and by such means as the Engineer-in-charge may approve. Ordinarily to protect the plaster from the sun, the entire surface shall be covered with wet gunny bags. The dates of plaster shall be legibly marked on the various sections of the plastered surface so that curing for the specified period thereafter could be ensured. 4.24.8 Defective Plaster Any crack, which appears in the plaster or any part which sound hollow, or is found to be soft or otherwise defective, shall be cut out in a rectangular shape and re-plastered at the contractor’s expense. 4.24.9 Mouldings All mouldings shall be worked true to drawings with a properly constructed template and drawn neat, clean and straight. 4.24.10 Measurements The measurements shall be in sqm. of the finished work. The length and the breadth shall be measured correct to a cm. Deductions for openings etc. shall be made as under:a) No deductions will be made for opening or end of the joists, beams, posts, girders steps, etc. up to 0.5 sq.m. No additions shall be made either for the jambs, soffits or sills or such openings. The above procedure will apply to both faces of the wall. b) For openings exceeding 0.5 sq.m, but up to 3 sq.m each, when only one face of the wall is plastered and the other face is not plastered, no deduction shall be made for the openings nor shall any addition be made for reveals, jambs, soffits and sills etc. c) For openings exceeding 0.5 sq.m and up to 3 sq.m each, when both the faces of the walls are plastered, deductions, shall be made as detailed below but no additions shall be made for reveals, jambs, soffits, sills etc, of the openings. i)When both the faces of the walls are plastered with the same thickness of plaster deduction shall be made for one plaster only. KREDA 203 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT ii) When the two faces of the walls are plastered with the same thickness of plaster deduction shall be made for one plaster only. d) For openings with areas exceeding 3 sq.m. deductions shall be made for the full openings on both the faces of the wall while at the same time jambs, sills and soffits shall be measured for payment. In measuring the jambs, soffits, and sills, deductions shall not be made for the areas in contact with the frames of doors, windows etc. 4.24.11 Rate The tendered rate shall cover all the material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 4.25 WHITE WASHING 4.25.1 Materials The wash shall be prepared from fresh and rich white lime of approved quality. The lime shall be thoroughly slaked on the spot, mixed and stirred with sufficient water to make a thin cream. This shall be allowed to stand for a period of 24 hours and then screened through a clean coarse cloth. 40 grams of gum dissolved in hot water, shall be added to each 10 litre of the cream. Water shall be added at the rate of 5 litres per Kg. of lime to produce the milky wash. In order to avoid a yellowish tint, indigo (neel) up to 3 grams per litre of lime dissolved may be added to the solution. 4.25.2 Preparation Of Surface The surface to receive the white wash shall be thoroughly cleaned of mortar drops and any other foreign matter. 4.25.3 Application The surface, that are to receive the white wash shall be thoroughly dried and cleaned. The white wash shall be applied with brushes, the coats being laid vertically and horizontally alternatively, each coat being allowed to dry before the next coat is applied. Further, each coat shall be inspected and approved by the Engineer-in-charge, before the subsequent coats are applied. Three or more coats shall be applied till the surface presents a smooth and a uniform finish. No portion of the surface shall be left out initially to be patched up later on. The finished dry surface shall not show any sign of cracking and peeling nor shall it come off readily on hand when rubbed. Doors, windows, floors etc. shall be protected from being splashed upon Droppings and splashing, if any, shall be removed and the surface cleaned. Damage, if any to the fittings and fixtures shall be recoverable from the contractor. KREDA 204 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.25.4 Measurements. The method of measurements under this item of work shall be similar to that for plastering. 4.25.5 Rates The tendered rate shall cover all the material, labour and T&P etc. required for proper completion of work. 4.26 PAINTING OF WOODEN/STEEL STRUCTURES 4.26.1 Material Paints, varnishes and oils shall be of approved brand and manufacture and of the required shade. They shall conform in all respects to t he relevant IS: Specifications. Superior quality ready mixed paint as received from the manufacturer without any admixture shall only be used. If for any reason tuning is necessary in case of ready mixed paint the brand of thinner as recommended by the manufacturer or as instructed by the Engineer-in-charge shall be used. Approved paint or oils, shall be brought to the sit e of work by the contractor in their original containers in sealed condition. The materials shall be brought in at a time in adequate quantity of sufficient for the whole work or at least a fortnight’s work. The materials shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the Engineer-in-charge. 4.26.2 Commencing Work Painting shall not be started until the Engineer-in-charge has inspected the items of work to be painted, satisfied himself about their proper quality and given his approval to commence the work. Painting except the primer coat, shall only be taken in hand after all other building works have practically been complete. The rooms should be thoroughly swept out and the entire building cleaned up at least one day in advance of the paint or varnish work being started. 4.26.3 Preparation Of Surface 4.26.4 Iron & Steel Work All rust and scales shall be removed by scrapping or by brushing with steel wire brushes. Hard skin of oxide, formed on the surface of wrought iron during rolling which becomes loose by rusting, shall be removed. All dust and dirt shall be thoroughly wiped away the surface. If the surface is wet, it shall be allowed to dry thoroughly before priming coat is applied. KREDA 205 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.26.5 Application Of Priming Coat All new wood work and ironwork shall be given a coat of primer. The primer coat for metal work shall be of red oxide and that for woodwork of a non-colouring matter. This shall be readymade and of approved brand and manufacture. The primer shall be applied with brushes, worked well into the surface and spread even and smooth. After the priming coat is applied holes, cracks and indentions on the wood surface shall be stopped with glaziers wood putty, as may be required and all knots properly filled with quicklime. 4.26.6 Application Of Paint Before pouring into small containers for use, the paint shall be stirred thoroughly in its containers. Also when applying the paint, it shall be continuously stirred (In small containers) so that the consistency is kept uniform. The painting shall be done evenly and smoothly by means of crossing and laying off, the latter in the direction of the grain of wood. The crossing and the laying off consist of covering the area with paint brushing the surface hard for the first time over and then brushing lightly in a direction at right angles to the same. In this process no brush marks shall be left, after laying off is finished. The full process of crossing and laying off will constitute one coat. The priming coat shall have dried completely before painting is started. Where so stipulated the painting shall be done with spray, spray-machine used may be (a) high pressure type or (b) a low-pressure type, depending on the nature and location of the work to be carried out. Skilled and experienced worker shall be on location of the work to be carried out. Skilled and experienced worker shall be employed for this class of work. Paints used shall be brought to the requisite consistency by adding a suitable thinner. Spraying should be done only when dry conditions prevail. Each coat shall be allowed to dry out thoroughly and rubbed smooth before t he next coat is applied. This should be facilitated by through ventilation. Each coat except the last coat shall be lightly rubbed down with sand paper and fine pumice stone and cleaned off dust before the next coat is laid. No painting shall be carried out on exterior work in wet weather or on surfaces, which are not thoroughly dry. No left over paint shall be put up back into the stock tins. When not in use, the containers shall be kept properly closed. No hair marks from the brush or clogging of painting puddles in the corner of panel angles of mouldings etc. shall be left on the work. In painting or varnishing doors and windows the putty around the glass panes must also be painted but care must be taken to see that no paint stains etc. are left on the glass. Tops of shutters and surfaces in similar hidden locations shall not be left out in painting. KREDA 206 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT In painting steel work special care shall be taken while painting over bolts, nuts, rivets, overlaps etc. 4.26.7 Brushes And Containers After work, the brushes shall be completely cleaned of paint, varnish and linseed oil by rinsing with turpentine oil. A brush in which paint has dried up is ruined shall not be used for painting work. When the paint has been used the containers shall be cleaned with turpentine and wiped dry with soft clean cloth so that they are clean and can be used again. 4.26.8 Protection All painting shall be neatly and carefully finished off and the contractor shall be held responsible for any damage done by dropping, or smearing paint where it is not required and shall make good the same, removing superfluous patches or stains of paint or varnish by means of turpentine or as otherwise desired. 4.26.9 Measurements Measurements for the purpose of payment shall be made in sq. mtrs correct up to two places of decimal, in the manner given below: 1. Doors and windows of all kinds and moulded work of all types such as cornices etc. shall be measured flat. 2. Fully panelled and flush shutters painted on both sides shall be measured as two times the area of the opening. 3. Part panelled and part glazed shutters painted on both sides shall be measured 1.75 times the area of opening. 4. Fully glazed wooden shutters painted on the both sides shall be measured 1.50 times the area of the opening. 5. Wire gauge shutters painted on both sides shall be measured as one time the area of the opening. 6. Braced & battened shutters painted on both sides shall be measured as 2.5 times the area of the coating. 7. Fully glazed steel shutters painted on both sides shall be measured as one time the area of the opening. 8. Iron gates, iron gratings, iron grills, expended metal and similar work painted all over shall be measured as ½ time of the area of opening. 9. Collapsible gates painted all over shall be measured as 1.5 times the area of the opening. 10. Rolling shutter painted all over shall be measured as 2.5 times of the area of the opening. 11. Corrugated iron and A.C. sheeting as in roofs and partitions painted on one side only shall be measured as 1.20 times of the flat area. 12. Iron work in heavy sizes such as in trusses, purlins, R.S. Joists and similar work shall be measured as per actual area painted., No extra shall be paid for painting on bolt, heads, nuts washers etc. KREDA 207 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.26.10 Rates The tendered rates shall include the cost of all material and labour involved in all the operations described above and shall also include the cost of ladders, cans, scaffolding and all tools and paints required for proper completion of the work. 4.27 FABRICATION OF PENSTOCK AND AUXILIARIES 4.27.1 General The scope of these specifications covers complete design, fabrication, supply, transportation to site, erection, testing and commissioning of steel penstock(s) of diameter, as specified, length as needed to complete the job All accessories listed here under besides pipes, bifurcation/trifurcation pieces, reducer, bends, make up pieces, steel test bulk heads, required for carrying out hydraulic pressure tests whether in shop or in the field, shall also be provided and installed by the Contractor. I. Air vents. II. Drainage pipe connections. III. Expansion joints. IV. Base plates for Saddles including embedded parts, if any. V. Flanged connections to match the turbine inlet valve. All these items shall be fabricated/supplied in accordance with approved design and drawings and shall be of materials specified in the drawings. The work of fabrication and erection of steel penstock(s) shall be carried out in accordance with the drawing(s) approved by the Engineer-in-Charge with additions, alterations and modifications made from time to time and also according to any other drawings that may be supplied to the contractor, during the operation of the contract. All operations except concreting are covered under these specifications. 4.27.2 Specification The item wise detailed specifications are intended for general description of quality, workmanship, etc., desired for the items covered in the schedule of items. The specifications are not however intended to cover all the minute’s details and the work shall be executed according to the spirit of the tender specifications. In the absence of specifications, the particular items of work shall be executed as per relevant IS codes. 4.27.3 Material Specification KREDA 208 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The penstock straight pieces and bends shall be fabricated from ERW (electric resistance weld) or spiral welded steel pipes API tested and manufactured, by steel authority of India Ltd.(S.A.I.L.). Alternatively, these could be manufactured from M.S. plates conforming to latest edition of I.S.S. (Tested Quality) by cold rolling and welding. Wye piece (Bifurcate) and reducer pieces shall in any case be manufactured from M.S. Plates conforming to latest edition of I.S. (Tested Quality). 4.27.4 Test Certificates Contractor’s test certificates in respect of all material used in manufacture/fabrications/erection of penstock shall be submitted by the contractor in triplicate before using such materials. 4.27.5 Layout The contractor, at his own cost, shall do the setting out for all structures, etc. from the general grid of the plot and benchmarks given by the Engineer-in-Charge. He shall give all help with instruments, material and men to the Engineer-in-Charge for checking the layout and levels. The contractor shall be solely responsible for correctness of laying of penstock (s). The checking and approval by the Engineer-in-Charge will not absolve the contractor of the responsibility of erecting the penstock in true alignment and in accordance with the drawing and specification. Making benchmark pillars and reference line pillars, etc. and maintaining them till the completion of the work shall be the responsibility of the contractor. No extra payment shall be made for such service. The contractor shall complete all preliminary work at site well before the arrival of the fabricated manufactured pipes, such as, keeping in readiness winches, mobile crane, jig poles, all tools and tackles, welding sets, etc. as part of the contract and any other work may be necessary to start erection immediately after the fabrication. The contractor shall arrange for adequate number of erection equipment, supervision labour and the arrangements so as to carry out the work effectively and in the specified time schedule. 4.27.6 Drawing To Be Furnished By The Contractor The contractor shall prepare all necessary shop drawing noted below, covering the details of the fabrication of material, to be furnished under these specifications and shall be responsible for the correct fitting of all the parts. (a) Assembly drawing giving exact sizes of section and identification marks of various sections. (b) Dimensional drawing of bends, wye piece, reducer sections, manholes, closing sections, test bulks heads etc. KREDA 209 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT (c) Complete bill of materials and detailed drawings of all sections and also their billing weights. (d) Any other drawings or calculations that may be required for checking the correctness of design and/or fabrication details. Before fabrication is undertaken, the contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, three prints of all shop drawings of sections to be fabricated covering all details of manufacture/fabrication. The Engineer-in-Charge shall have the right to make any change in the contractor’s drawings which may be necessary in the opinion of the Engineer-inCharge to make the furnished construction conform to the requirements of the specifications without additional cost to the engineer. Approval by Engineer-in-Charge shall not be construed to relieve the contractor of any obligation to meet any or all the requirements of these specifications or of the responsibility of the correctness of contractor drawings. 4.27.7 Deviations From Specifications For deviations of any item of work, for any valid reason, the contractor shall submit the proposed deviations explaining the reason for the same for the approval of the Engineerin-Charge, before making any change. 4.27.8 Fabrication i) Preparation The fabrication of steel penstock shall be in accordance with these specification and requirements of latest edition of I.S. code. Where the requirements of this code are in conflict with the requirements of these specifications, the more stringent conditions out of the two shall govern. The contractor shall ensure that each shop-fabricated section can be transported to site conveniently and economically and it can be handled for erection safely. ii) Cutting Of Plates Plates to be welded shall be cut accurately to size and shape either by gas or machine shearing. iii) Preparation Of Plate Edges All edges shall show sound metal free laminations, surface cracks and other defects. Any material damaged in the process of cutting plates to size or machining, grinding or chipping shall remove forming grooves. Flame out edges shall be uniform and smooth and shall be free from loose scale, accumulations, notches and burnt metal. The ends of the pipe sections shall be normal to the axis of the pipe within a KREDA 210 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT tolerance of 2 mm on the radius. The edges of the plates of each section shall be properly prepared for field welding. All plates shall be bent or rolled cold to true circular section, with the curvature continuous from the edges of the plates. Correction of curvature by blow will not be permitted. Particular care shall be taken in matching the edges of adjoining plates and sections to ensure that the inner surfaces of the pipe section are in continuity within a maximum allowable off set, at any point of 2 mm. Allowance shall be made for shrinkage due to welding the circumferential joints and care shall be ensured in assembly so that when the pipes are completely assembled and erected the overall length will be as shown on the drawings. Finds of adjoining sections to be field welded together shall fit properly and shall not vary in the inside circumferences by more than 10 mm. iv) Alignment And Tolerances The shell section of the complete penstock(s) shall be circular within the limits specified. Measurements for this purpose shall be made at the surface on the parent metal and not at the weld, fitting or other raised parts. There shall be no flats or peaks at welded seems and any local departure from circularity shall be gradual. The difference between the maximum and the minimum diameter at any cross-section of shell welded longitudinally shall not exceed 1% of the nominal internal dia. with a maximum of D + 1.25/2.00, where D is the internal diameter in mm. Before any welding is commenced it shall be ensured that the prepared edges are in alignment to meet the requirements of the welding process and detects in alignment at the surface plates are not more than 10% of the maximum nominal plate thickness plus 1mm with a maximum of 4mm for circumferential joints. v) Flanges, Bolts, Etc. All flanges including bolts, gaskets, piezometer connections and plugs as may be required shall be installed on the steel liner sections as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge. Bolts, nuts and studs shall be made out of steel conforming to latest IS. Code. Gasket material shall conform to relevant I.S. Code. Flange required to make the Turbine inlet Valve shall either be procured from the Turbine Inlet Valve contractor or shall be manufactured as per the design and requirement of the Turbine Inlet Valve. This shall also apply to bolts, nuts, gasket, etc. vi) Bends And Fittings All bends and reducers shall be made of short segments of pipe with mitered ends. The bends shall be made with equal deflection angle except for the end ones, which shall be half of the deflection of other sections. The number of sections shall be as shown in KREDA 211 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT the drawings. vii) Expansion Joints Expansion joints wherever provided for the penstock shall be furnished as per approved design and drawings complete with bolts, studs, nuts, packing, etc. The sleeves of the expansion joints shall be formed accurately to the required dimension in order to provide close stuffing boxes for the packing and to ensure watertight joints. While the inner surface of the outer sleeve of the expansion joints shall be machined, the outer surface of the inner sleeve, shall either be given a nickel cladding or machined smooth and metallised with stainless steel (for a distance of 150 mm on either side of packing) to prevent corrosion and facilitate smooth movements of packing. The longitudinal welds on outside of the inner sleeve and insider of the out sleeve shall be ground flush. The packing material shall consist of long fiber, braided flax or rubber rings impregnated with suitable lubricant. The size of the rings shall vary from 12.5 mm to 32 mm ( 1/2 to ¼”) square and the number of rings to be provided shall very from 3 to 10 depending on the size of the joints and the internal pressure of the pipe equal to 21 kg per Sq.cm. All the parts shall be carefully fabricated with close tolerance between the sliding surfaces and allowance of 3mm on the dimensions. ix) Anchor Blocks And Saddles All the embedded metal other than reinforcement steel required to be embedded in anchor blocks and saddles shall be furnished under these specifications. Such material shall be furnished well in advance to match the concreting schedules. 4.27.9 Welding i) General Surfaces to be welded shall be clear and free from mill scale, rush, paint or any other foreign matter. All welding will be performed by electric method using a process, which will exclude the atmosphere from the molten metal and where practicable automatic welding equipment shall be used. All welding shall be done in accordance with the requirements of fabrication and inspection as specified in the relevant IS codes. All welding electrodes required for the fabrication and installation of the penstock(s) and accessories covered under these specifications shall be arranged by the contractors. Where weld is deposited in successive layers such layers shall be cleaned of all slag and other deposits before the next layer is deposited. Tack weld joints shall be chipped or flame gouged to sound metal before depositing weld metals to the backsides of joints. Defects in weld shall be chipped or flame gouged until sound metal is reached on all sides and the resulting cavity shall be rewarded. The welding of temporary attachments to the penstock sections for the purpose of handling or aligning of sections shall be limited to essential requirements subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. Careful chipping and flame cutting shall remove all such attachments and welding shall repair any damage to sections, if required. All longitudinal and circumferential welds in the pipe KREDA 212 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT shells and for the ends of stiffener rings shall be of double weld butt joint or single weld butt joint. The root of the welds shall be chipped to clean sound metal and the weld shall then be deposited to obtained and removed by grinding. All welding shall be performed all over and penstock section to be welded shall be protected in excessive cold and humidity. All welds that fail to pass the specified test (s) shall be required to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Defects in the weld cavities shall be filled in the same manner as the original grooves were filled after gouging. ii) Welding Procedure The welding procedure to be followed shall confirm to latest edition of IS: 4353- 1967. iii) Qualification Of Welders All welders assigned to manual welding shall have successfully passed the test, conducted by the contractor as prescribed for welder qualification as per IS: 817-1966 iv) Unit And Match Marking Each part of the steel penstock and its auxiliary parts shall be legibly marked to show the unit of which it is a part and match to show its relative position in the finished structure to facilitate assembly in the field. Each section shall be marked to show top of vertical diameter and the direction of flow. v) Dispatch And Transport The contract shall include and provide for securely protecting and packing the material so as to avoid damage in transit and the contractor shall be responsible for all losses or damage caused by or occasioned any defect in packing and transportation, the Engineer-in-Charge will take no responsibility on this account. All transport and handling from the contractor’s works to the site-store and from the site-store to work site shall be done by the contractor without any extra charge. Before dispatch, the contractor shall determine the net weight of each piece or assembly that is to be dispatched as a unit and finished weight exclusive of boxes, crates or skids shall be furnished to the assemblies or stated on tags attached thereto. 4.27.10 Tests During Fabrication And Erection The contractor shall carry out the tests specified below and submit the reports in duplicate to the Engineer-in-Charge. i) KREDA Welding Tests In Shop 213 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT All technical shop welds shall be subjected to one of the following test to ensure their soundness. IS: 3658 – 1981 IS: 5334 – 1981 Code of practice for liquid penetrate flaw detection of welds. Code of practice for magnetic practical flaw detection of welds. These tests will be required in case tested spiral-welded pipes or ERW pipes have been used by the Contractor. All circumferential welds made in the shop irrespective of the fact whether penstocks are manufactured out of MS Plates of from spiral welded pipes or ERW pipes shall be subjected to one of the two above mentioned tests. 4.27.11 WELD TEST IN FIELD i) Radiographic Examination For quality assurance of the welding works in the field in the welded joints shall be subject to inspection and non-destructive testing as specified below. While all the longitudinal joints shall be radio graphed for full length, the circumferential field joints shall be spot radio graphed for 10% of length in addition, 100 mm of field circumferential joints on either side of the longitudinal joints shall also be tested radio graphically as per relevant I.S. code. ii) Hydraulic Pressure Test In Shop The design pressure for the hydraulic tests shall be 21 kg.per Sq.cm. Each fabricated piece i.e. Y-piece bends expansion, joint etc. shall be completely filled with water and the pressure shall be slowly and uniformly increased until the required tests pressure is reached. The test pressure shall be applied and released three times successively and after each application shall be standby for at least 15 minutes or till such time all the welded joints and plate can be examined for defects, leaks, etc. The contractor to the satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge shall repair any defects in welded joints and all required action should be tested hydrostatically. iii) Leakage Test At Site First this test will be carried out by filling completely erected penstock with water from fore bay with the head placed at the power house end of the penstock, i.e. just upstream of Butterfly valve. All field/shop joints and the expansion joints shall be thoroughly checked for leakage. Expansion joints gland packing shall be tightened within the permissible limits. Suitable remedial measures to stop leakage if any, will be taken by the contractor to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-Charge. Thereafter the fore bay end also provided with bull head and now this complete penstock should be tested for KREDA 214 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT inside water pressure of 21 kg per Sq.cm with an arrangement of hydraulic pressure pumps, pressure gauges etc. and checked for leakages /pressure drops for at least one hour. Any leakage / pressure drop shall be suitably attended by the contractor to finally achieve no leakage / no pressure drop position. After the successful completion of the test, the normal position required as per drawing shall be put back by removing the test arrangements. The expenditure of the test has been included in the concerned item rates and nothing extra shall be payable to the contractor for carrying out the above tests including all the necessary arrangements and T&P etc. iv) Thermal Stress Relieving All specials like the penstock pipe with manholes, bends, expansion joints, bifurcation/trifurcation pieces, ring girders, fabricated rocker supports, etc. shall be stress relieved. The stress relieving shall be carried out after all welded connections have been attached to the penstock. Such stress relieving shall be done before the hydrostatic test but after repairs of welding. When welding repairs have been done to a part which has been earlier heat treated, the same shall be heat treated again, unless such rectification are of very minor nature. The stress relieving shall be carried out in accordance with IS: Code for unfired pressure vessels. 4.27.12 Inspection During Manufacture And Erection i) General The Engineer-in-Charge and his duly authorized representative shall have, at all reasonable times, access to the contractor’s premises or workshops and shall have power to inspect and examine the materials and workman of the manufactured parts during their manufacture and /or erection. The Engineer-in-Charge shall on giving seven days notice, in writing, to the contractor, setting out any grounds of the objection, which he may have in respect of the work be at liberty to reject all or any materials, plants or workmanship, which is in his opinion is defective for any reason whatsoever, provided that is such notice be not sent to the contractor within a reasonable time after the grounds upon which such notice is based shall come to the knowledge of the Engineer-in-Charge. He shall not be entitled to reject the said materials, plant or workmanship on such grounds. Unless specifically provided otherwise, all tests shall be made to the contractor’s works before shipment. The contractors shall give the Engineer-in-Charge of any material being ready for testing and the Engineer-in-Charge or his authorized representative shall on giving 24(“twenty four) hours prior notice in writing to the contractors, attend at the contractor’s premises of works within fifteen days of the date of which the material is modified as being ready failing which the contractor may proceed with the tests, which shall be KREDA 215 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT deemed to have been made in the presence of the Engineer-in-Charge and duly certified copies of such tests in triplicate, shall be furnished to the Engineer-in-Charge. 4.27.13 Test At Contractors Premises In all cases where the contractor provides for tests whether at the premises of the contractor or sub contractor or work site, the contractor except where otherwise specified, shall provide free of charge, labour, material, electricity fuel, water storage facilities, apparatus and instruments as may reasonably be demanded by the Engineer-in-Charge to carry out efficiently such tests of the manufactured parts/equipment in accordance with the contract. He shall also provide facilities to the Engineer-in-Charge or to his authorized representative to accomplish such testing. When the test has been satisfactorily completed at the Contractor’s premises or works the Engineer-in-Charge shall issue a certificate to that effect. 4.28 ERECTION OF PENSTOCKS The steel penstock (s) shall be assembled and installed in place accurately to line and grade subject to following deviations: I. II. Alignment Grade - not more than 6 mm in 30 m. length not more than 6 mm in 30 m. length The penstock shall be embedded in concrete or covered with backfill or held securely by means of steel straps over the anchor blocks as shown on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Bends for the penstock (s) shall be created first and concrete anchors along with holding down bolls and straps shall be constructed and properly cured before installing the penstock sections between the anchors. Installation of the straight lengths shall then be started from the anchors. When assembled and ready for welding, the distance between the ends of adjoining sections which are to be connected together by circumferential weld shall not be greater than 6mm and not less than 3mm unless otherwise directed. Care shall be exercised to avoid excessive length, growth or shrinkage in pipe lengths. The Contractor shall furnish and install such permanent structures temporary supports, including holding down straps and internal bracings as may be required to support the penstock securely in place and prevent distortion during erection, welding and placing of covering material without any additional cost. However, the embodiment of timber supports will not be permitted. After the penstock (s) have been erected and embedded or held securely in position by straps or anchor blocks, the Contractor shall remove all internal bracings, debris and foreign matter from inside of the penstock. Before erection is started the Contractor shall supply a complete set of erection schedule and erection drawings to the Engineer for approval. 4.29 KREDA PAINTING 216 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4.29.1 General The penstock steel liner shall be cleaned and painted as hereinafter specified. The contractor, shall furnish, prepare and supply all materials for cleaning, painting and coating of the penstock and its accessories. Machined start surfaces, screw threads and surfaces that will be in rolling or sliding contact will be shop coated with a rust preventive compound and if painting is required shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with the painting schedule. Cleaning, painting or coating shall be performed prior to, during or after installation of the penstock(s) subject to the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. 4.29.2 Painting Schedule Surface preparation, cleaning and painting shall be done in accordance with the following schedule. Item SL. No 1. 2. 3. Method of Paints of coating material Surface Preparation Exterior surface that will be encased in A No painting or coating. (No concrete. payment for this would be made) Machined surfaces that will be in rolling A Gasoline soluble rust or sliding contact and that will not be preventive compound. lubricated. Exterior surface that will be exposed to B I. Red led priming paint type IV. atmosphere. II. Phenolic resin aluminium Paint. 4- Exterior surface that will be covered with backfill. B 5. All ferrous, stainless interior surfaces B KREDA Relevant American Water Works association specification Applied coal tar paint or coal tar epoxy. 217 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 4.30 TENDER DOCUMENT PREPARATION OF SURFACES FOR PAINTING Surface preparation shall be in accordance with any one of the under mentioned two methods. Weld spatters; burrs of any other objectionable surface irregularities shall be completely removed or repaired by any suitable means before cleaning. Any grit or dust remaining from the cleaning operation shall be completely removed from the surfaces by brushing, air blowing, suction or other effective means. Should the surfaces become otherwise contaminated in the interval between cleaning and painting, recleaning will be required. Method - A All oil, grease and dirt shall be removed from the surface by the use of clean mineral spirits, Xylol white gasoline and clean wiping material. Method – B All oil, grease and dirt shall be removed from the surface by the use of clean mineral spirits, xylol white gasoline and clean wiping material except for surfaces, which require coal tar coatings, the cleaning solvent shall be Xylem. Following the solvent cleaning, the surface to be painted shall be cleaned of all rust, mill scale and other tightly adhering objectionable substance by sand blasting or grit blasting to base metal. 4.31 APPLICATION PROCEDURE OF PAINTS Red led priming paint shall be applied in one or more coats as herein specified. An additional coat of primer with brush shall be applied without thinning over all the nuts, welds, bolts, etc. Thinning shall be allowed, if permitted, shall be with mineral sprits not exceeding one liter of thinner per 8 liters of paint. The coverage shall be 9 sq.m. per liter (400 sq.ft. per gallon). Rust preventing compound shall be applied by any convenient method which will ensure coverage of the surface with a heavy uniform coating.. 4.32 REPAIR AND PROTECTION OF COATINGS Metal work that has been shop painted or field painted shall be handled with care so as to preserve these coating in the best possible condition. Before proceeding. contractor shall clean and repair all areas of shop coat that are defective and damaged. areas that are loose, weakly bonded, blistered, abraded, rusted or otherwise defective shall be removed to clean metal by scraping, chipping wire brushing or other effective means. Areas thus prepared shall be cleaned of all dust, dirt and other contamination’s using clean rags and clean solvent. These surfaces shall then be repainted in accordance with the painting schedule. Hairline crack or thin areas of coal tar epoxy which are otherwise undamaged shall be recoated with additional coal tar paint/epoxy will be required to pass KREDA 218 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT acceptance tests performed by the Engineer. The cleaning and painting of damaged areas shall be at the contractor’s expense. 4.33 REJECTION OF DEFECTIVE PENSTOCK PIPE If the completed penstock pipe or any portion thereof before it is taken over, be defective, or not fulfill the requirements of the contract, the Engineer-in-Charge shall give the contractor notice setting forth particulars of such defects or failures and the contractor shall forthwith make the defective plant good or make the same to comply with the requirements of the specifications/ contract. Should he fail within a reasonable time, the Engineer-in-Charge may reject and replace at the cost to the contractor, the whole or any portion of the penstock pipe as the case may be, which is defective or fails to full-fill the requirements of the specifications/contract. Such replacements shall be carried out by the Engineer-in-Charge within a reasonable time and at a reasonable identical/comparable conditions. The contractor’s full and extreme liability under this clause shall be satisfied by the payment to the Engineer-inCharge of the extra cost, if any, of such replacements delivered and/or erected as provided for the original contract. Such extra cost being the difference between the price paid by the Engineer-in-Charge, for such replacements and the contract price for the penstock pipe so replaced and the repayment of any sum paid by the Engineer-in-Charge to the contractor in respect of such defective penstock pipe within a reasonable time. The contractor’s full and extreme liability under this clause shall be satisfied by the repayment of all money paid by the Engineer-in-Charge to him in respect of steel penstock pipe. The unit quoted and accepted rates shall be considered to include all cost i.e. cost of material, fabrications, plant and equipments, tools, labour, loading, unloading, handling, transport, all shop tests including hydraulic pressure tests in the contractor’s works/shop, cleaning, painting, cement wash, erection, hydraulic and other tests at site, etc. complete as required for all the operations specified or otherwise so specifically directed for any particular element of work. 4.34 GATES AND SEALS The gates shall be manually operated low head slide gates with screw hoists. The gates shall consist of gate leaf and embedded parts to transmit water load on the gate leaf to the supporting concrete structure to guide the gate leaf during operation and to provide sealing surface for leak proof operation. The gate frame, gate leaf, sealing arrangement shall be as per illustrations of IS 5620-1985 respectively. Skin plate of M.S. (IS 2062) shall be at up stream of gate. It shall be sufficiently rigid to with stand vibrations and hydrodynamic forces arising from high velocity flow under the gate leaf. Seal plates shall be of gunmetal screwed to gate leaf by stainless steel fasteners. Fabricated embedded part of Mild Steel providing sealing surface, bearing surface and KREDA 219 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT guides for gate leaf shall be anchored and suitably embedded in concrete structure. The guide shall extend upto gate height above deck level. The sealing bearing surface shall be made of stainless steel. The sealing strips shall be machined on sealing face and screwed on the seal base by stainless steel screws. The gates requirements, loading consideration and structural design shall be as per IS 5620-1985. The design and provision of embedded parts rubber seals, seal plates and tolerances shall also be as per IS 5620-1985. Provision shall be made on gate for hoist stem connection at perfect C. G of gate. The screw hoist shall be designed as per IS 11228-1985. hand operated screw hoist of suitable capacity shall also be provided as per Fig. 1 of IS 11228 The hoist capacity shall be calculated as per cl. 3 of IS 11228. Design of mechanical components of drive unit, stainless steel square threaded stem, Bronze Nut, Gears etc shall be designed as per IS 11228. Gate position indicator shall be provided at the operating level . The hoist shall be placed over a superstructure at suitable height so that gate can be taken out at deck level for maintenance. Steel columns hoist bridge and stair case shall be provided Dogging arrangement shall be provided at top of grooves at deck level for supporting the gate and hoist for maintenance. The painting of embedements, gates and hoists shall be done as per IS 1417. 4.35 COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE OF WORK 4.35.1 Final Acceptance The final acceptance of the penstock(s) will be given only after the successful completion of field hydrostatic test for leakage (leakage test) as specified earlier. This final acceptance will not in any way absolve the Contractor of his responsibility for any damage that may occur to penstock(s) within one year of its commissioning. 4.35.2 Taking Over When all performance tests called for by these specifications have been successfully carried out, the plant shall be accepted and taken over. After it has been satisfactorily put into operation at site or within one month of its being ready to put into operation, which ever may be earlier, the Engineer-in-Charge shall forthwith issue a taking over certificate. In the event of final or any outstanding tests being held over until the plant is erected, such taking over certificate shall be issued to the results of such final or outstanding tests KREDA 220 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT which shall be carried out in accordance with clause “LEAKAGE TEST AT SITE”. When the specifications call for tests ‘at site’ the plant shall be taken over and the takings over certificate issue immediately after such tests have been satisfactorily carried out. If for any reason, other than the default of the Contractor, prescribed test ‘at site’ cannot be carried out within one month of the notice by the Contractor to the Engineer-in-Charge the plant being ready for test, the plant shall be deemed to have been taken over on the last day of such period and payment due to the Contractor on taking over shall be made, but the contractor shall, if called upon to do so by the Engineer-inCharge at the Engineer’s expense carry out the said tests during maintenance period and accept the obligation as specified in clause. ‘Testing at site.’ The Engineer-in-Charge shall not delay issue of any taking over certificate contemplating by this clause on account of minor defects in the plant which do not materially effect the commercial use there of. It shall, however, be obligatory on the part of the contractor to rectify such defects. 4.36 BASIS OF PAYMENT Payment for each of the items will be made at unit rates as finalized and accepted. The pipes including the welds shall be considered as continuous pipes. Finished length of penstock (s) as laid in position shall be measured and paid. 4.37 AS EXECUTED DRAWINGS The contractor shall submit detailed as executed drawings of the work executed under this agreement to the Engineer-in-Charge, in requisite numbers, before the contractor applies for the completion certificate. The contractor shall submit one set of reproducible “as executed drawings” and six sets of prints of the same. KREDA 221 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER- V TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ELECTRO MECHANICAL WORKS 5.1 FRANCIS TURBINES AND AUXILIARIES 5.1.1 Scope This section of the specifications covers the design, manufacture, tests at works, supply, delivery at site, erection, testing at site and commissioning of 2 (Two) Nos. horizontal Francis type hydraulic turbines, governing system, main inlet valve, and equipment for auxiliary systems such as cooling water, oil, water and air piping with valves and fittings, instrumentation, controls and safety devices, special tools and devices, site consumables and spares for five year operation of the plant as described and detailed in the specification. The compressed air system shall be supplied with turbine if OPU is of air pressure accumulator type. The scope of supply shall include all parts, accessories, spares etc., which are essential for construction, operation and maintenance of the complete prime mover even though these are not individually or specifically stated or enumerated. Corresponding components, of all the turbines and associated equipment and spares shall be of the same material, dimensions and finish and shall be inter-changeable. The turbine manufacturer shall co-ordinate with the generator supplier so that the generator to be coupled with the turbine is matched in respect of direction of rotation, speed, runaway speed, moment of inertia, overload capacities, coupling and other relevant requirements. The turbines and generators must conform to relevant International/National Codes of practices including the following standards. IEC 34, 61366, 61116 IS 4722, 12800 KREDA 222 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.1.2 Type And Rating Francis type of turbines are suitable for this project. Francis turbine is being detailed in this document. The tender may however offer alternative prices for othere type of Turbine feel suitable. The turbine shall be of the Horizontal shaft Francis type suitable for coupling directly or through speed increaser (gears is required) to horizontal shaft synchronous generators. The direction of rotation shall be clock-wise when viewed from drive end. The turbines shall be capable of giving outputs higher than rated outputs to match the overload capability of the generators. The details of the hydraulic system and other basic data for design of turbines for tender purpose are given below: 1. Full supply level at forebay = 3387.25 m 2. Maximum gross head (Static) = 101.45 m 3. Rated net head = 100.00 m 4. Level of C/L of turbines = 3287.00 m 5. Details of common penstock = i) Diameter 6. Length of common penstock = ii) Thickness - 6 mm iii) Total Design Discharge - 2.00 cumecs vi) Design discharge per machine – 1.00 cumecs 180 m 7. Permissible speed rise = +35% 8. Permissible pressure rise = +25%, - 700 mm (ID) The tentative layout of the powerhouse is enclosed which may be reviewed by the tenderer for adequacy of equipments offered by him. Each turbine shall be designed to give a rated output of 750 KW continuously at generator terminals at rated head with guide vane opening of about 90 Percent. The turbine shall have adequate capacity commensurate with the 10 % continuous overload capacity of the generators. The turbine would have output higher than the rated output when operating at heads higher than the rated head. The supplier may offer his nearest standard design suitable to operate at the above specified elevation. The maximum output, both at maximum and minimum heads, shall be stated in the offer. The specific speed of the turbine shall be as per the best modern practices and of proven design and operation. The number of guide vanes,runner blades, rated speed and specific speed with turbine settings shall be selected for optimum generation with least cavitational problem. The KREDA 223 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT speed and setting of the turbine and its design shall be such as to result in the installation of the best generating unit at least cost. 5.1.3 Guarantees And Penalties Output And Efficiency Guarantee The rated output of the turbine at rated head and maximum output at max. head shall be stated and guaranteed. The efficiency of the turbine at rated head for 100%, 80% and 60% rated output shall also be guaranteed. These figures shall be applicable for purpose of penalties, rejection limits and bid evaluation as defined in subsequent following clauses. In addition, the output of the turbine at full nozzle opening and rated head shall be stated in the tender. Weighted Average Efficiency The weighted average efficiency of the prototype turbine shall be determined from the field test or model test values of efficiency at rated head in accordance with the following formula for purpose of penalty and rejection limit and bid evaluation. Tµav = k1 x Tµ100 + k2 xTµ80+ k3 x Tµ60 Where Tµav Weighted average efficiency of the turbine, Tµ100, Tµ80 and Tµ60 are efficiencies of turbine at 100%, 80% and 60% rated output at rated head respectively. The values of discharge factors k1, k2, k3 shall be shall be obtaine from the discharge data anf flow duration curve for this project. The weighted average efficiency of turbine will be multiplied by the efficiency of gearbox (if provided) for obtaining overall weighted average efficiency of turbine. Penalties For Shortfall In Weighted Average Efficiency And Output For any shortfall in the tested values of rated output and weighted average efficiency from the guaranteed values, penalty shall be applied at rate of 0.5 (Half) percent of ex-works price of turbine including governing system for every 0.1 (one tenth) percent or part thereof by which test figure is less than the corresponding guaranteed figure. The penalties for output and efficiency shall be computed separately and the total amount of penalty shall be the sum of these two. No tolerance shall be permissible over the test figures of rated output. In case of efficiency, tolerance will be allowed as per appropriate IS/IEC test code. The ceiling on the total amount of penalty on account of shortfall in the weighted average efficiency and output shall be 10% of the total unit price of turbines and governing system. KREDA 224 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Rejection Limit The purchaser has the right to reject the turbine if the test value of either weighted average efficiency or the rated output is less than the corresponding guaranteed value by 02 (two) percent or more after allowing tolerance in computation of efficiency. Rectification To Meet Guarantees The contractor shall be given four months or mutually agreed time to improve/modify the design of turbine or to carry out rectifications, etc., as may be required so that the guarantees are met in case the tests prove unsuccessful in meeting the guarantees. If the second meeting is also unsuccessful, penalty or rejection of the equipment, as the case may be, shall be applied. However, no delay in the original delivery schedule shall be allowed if the test results do not meet the guarantees and rectifications are made by the contractor thereafter within a period of four months or mutually agreed period as stated above. 5.1.4 Cavitation/Erosion Guarantees The tenderer shall guarantee the runner against excessive pitting caused by cavitation/erosion for 18 months from the date of commissioning or 8000 hours of operation, whichever is more. If the 18 months of guarantee period expires before completion of 8000 hours of operation, the guarantee shall apply to the actual hours of operation proportionately. Excessive pitting shall be defined as the removal of metal from the runner of a weight of W= 0.15 D2 per 1000 hours of operation, where, D = Discharge diameter of the runner in meters and W = weight in Kg. In case of cavitation/erosion exceeding the guarantee, the turbine supplier shall, at his cost, take corrective measures such as modification of design, finish, replacement, repair, etc., and the turbine after modification, etc. shall be subject to cavitation guarantee as for the original equipment. In determining whether or not excessive pitting has occurred metal removal by erosion, corrosion or by the presence of injurious elements in water, etc., shall be excluded. 5.1.5 Runaway Speed The maximum runaway speed shall be stated and guaranteed by the Bidder. The machine shall be capable of running continuously at runaway speed without any damage to any part for a period of not less than 15 minutes for every such occurrence with cooling water supply off and 30 minutes with cooling supply on. The critical speed of the unit shall be more than 1.2 times the runaway speed. KREDA 225 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.1.6 Speed Rise And Pressure Rise The moment of inertia of the unit and the normal Guide vanes operating time shall be so adjusted that the maximum momentary speed rise of the unit shall not exceed 35% over the rated speed and the maximum pressure rise in the penstock shall not exceed 25% of the maximum rated head under any condition of operation including full load throw off at 10% overload condition. The turbine manufacturer shall co-ordinate with the generator manufacturer for limiting the speed and pressure rise values. If necessary, adequate flywheel shall be provided which has been included in Generator section. 5.1.7 Noise Level Maximum noise level resulting from any of the operating conditions shall not exceed 90 db (A) at any place 1.0 m away from operating equipment in the machine hall. 5.1.8 Stress And Factor Of Safety All parts of turbine shall be designed and constructed to safely withstand the maximum stresses during the normal running and runaway and short circuit conditions, out of phase synchronizing and brake application. The maximum unit stresses of the rotating parts shall not exceed twothirds of the yield point of the material. For other parts, the factor of safety based on yield point shall not be less than 3 at normal conditions. For over-load and short circuit conditions, a factor of safety of 1.5 on yielding point shall be permitted. 5.1.9 Bid Evaluation In the comparison of the tenders; the equalization on account of differences in the efficiencies of various offers will be made on the basis of overall weighted average efficiency as calculated by the formula given earlier. The highest figures of overall weighted average efficiency will be the basis for comparison of prices of turbines with lower efficiencies and will be loaded at the rate 0.5% of their ex-works prices for each 0.1% difference in weighted average efficiency as compared with the highest weighted average efficiency. The weighted average efficiency of the turbine will be multiplied by the efficiency of the gear box (if provided) for obtaining overall weighted average efficiency which will be used for bid evaluation. KREDA 226 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The basis for selection of the offers shall be the overall economy to the purchaser considering power house civil works, monetized values of efficiencies, prices of matching generator, prices of powerhouse crane required, etc. The speed and setting of the turbine and its design shall be such as to result in the installation of the best generating unit at least cost. 5.1.10 Model Test The rates for model test as per relevant standards may be quoted separately. The purchaser shall have the option to get the model test performed by the contractor at an extra cost after the award of the contract. In that event, the manufacture of any part of turbine shall be started only after the efficiency and other guarantees and requirements of the turbine are established and fulfilled on the basis of model tests. In case the contractor has already performed model tests on homologous models, the purchaser may, at his discretion, permit the contractor to proceed with the manufacture after approval by the purchaser of the model test report. The performance of the model tests either afresh or that had been done earlier shall be as per IEC 193 and 193A in all respects. Hydraulic performance tests shall be made at various Guide vanes/Nozzle openings to determine machine characteristics including regimes of safe operations, zones of cavitation and vibration, etc. The phenomenon of cavitation and vibration, particularly at lesser load shall be specially investigated. These tests shall include determination of capacity, cavitation limits, hydraulic thrust, runaway speed, etc., and such other details as covered in IEC 193 and 193A. Prototype efficiencies shall be derived from model tests. Model tests shall simulate all possible normal operating conditions of the prototype for entire range of forebay/reservoir and tailrace levels and discharge availabilities. The tenderer shall clearly mention the time within which the model tests including manufacture of a new model, if required, will be completed. The delivery schedule given by the tenderer shall be reckoned from the date of approval of model tests or model test report or from the time of permission to proceed with the prototype manufacture. If the model test is already available, this shall be submitted within 1(one) month after the award of the contract if required by the purchaser. 5.1.11 General Arrangement And Construction The turbine shall be of spiral casing type so constructed as to allow all the removable parts to be dismantled conveniently. The design shall also permit removal of rotating parts without disturbing the guide apparatus Guide vanes assembly. The design shall also permit horizontal movement of runner shaft by an amount sufficient for adjustment of bearings and for clearing the joint at the coupling between the turbine and the generator. KREDA 227 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Runner The runner shall be of 13/4 chromium-nickel stainless steel. The composition of the material and the source of runner casting shall be stated in the tender. The runner shall be cast integrally of stainless steel. The runner will be a one-piece construction. The runner will have adequate number of blades which shall be polished and ground smooth and shall be free from roughness, cracks, high spots, etc. The finished machine and ground runner shall be dynamically balanced in the works before dispatch. Shaft And Coupling The turbine shaft shall be forged carbon steel or alloy steel conforming to IS or other equivalent international standards. Wherever the flanges are integral with the shaft, the same should be conform to American standard ANSI-49.1, 1967. For long larger size shafts, tubular construction of proven design will also be considered. The turbine shaft shall be connected to the runner on one side and to the gear box/flywheel generator shaft on the other side. It shall be of ample size to transmit torque at rated speed without excessive vibration or any distortion. The turbine manufacturer shall co-ordinate and co-operate with the generator manufacturer for proper design and construction. The final alignment of the shaft at site shall be the responsibility of the generator manufacturer. Mounting of runner on extended generator shaft (if offered by any tenderer) shall be allowed. Turbine Bearings The turbine shall be provided with adequate number of bearings. The bearings can be oil/grease lubricated pad type or sleeve type or babbit lining or anti-friction ball/roller bearing type. Water lubricated pad type. In this case the shaft shall have stainless steel removable sleeve lining where it asses through the bearing. They shall be designed to withstand operation at maximum runaway conditions with cooling water supply on (if cooling water is provided) for a period of not less than 30 minutes and also for 15 minutes without cooling water supply. The bearings shall be provided with one dial type and one resistance type thermometer with provision for alarm annunciation/shut down on excessive bearing temperatures. These bearings shall be guaranteed for a minimum continuous operation of 100,000 (one hundred thousand) hours and the design and performance shall be well proven and established. Turbine Spiral Casing The turbine casing shall be cast/fabricated in low alloy Mn. Steel, The wall thickness shall be sufficient to ensure adequate rigidity. Adequately sized air admittance piping enabling the turbine to draw air from atmosphere shall be provided. Each turbine housing shall be equipped with the necessary lugs to facilitate easy handling by a hoist/crane. Turbine housing and generator stator may be supported on a common foundation frame. KREDA 228 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Guide Apparatus Assembly Guide vanes shall be made of stainless steel to reduce possibilities of erosion due to sand and silt in the discharge water. The vanes shall have self-closing tendency due to penstock pressure and spring action. The servomotors shall be double acting hydraulic jacks with spring assistance. The stay vanes shall be provided to guide the water for spring casing. The assembly and the supports will be designed to prevent any harmful vibrations during operation, including complete load rejection in the event of operating mechanism breakdown. The guide vanes will be of rigid design integrally cast or forged in 13Cr 4 Ni, erosion and cavitation resistant stainless steel. Each vanes will turn on a shaft of stainless steel, supported in two self-lubricating type bearings. All components of the vanes will be inside the turbine housing and shall be of corrosion resistant materials. Each vanes shall be provided with an external position indicator. The vanes servomotors will be double-acting, hydraulically operated on opening, but closed with rivers operation and water pressure. The servomotors will have sufficient capacity to operate the Guide vaness under all conditions of operations and to move them through full opening or closing stroke in the minimum time specified. The servomotors will be equipped with a mechanical position feedback mechanism, for connecting to the governor restoring mechanism. Brake Assembly Each turbine will be fitted with one brake assembly, to be automatically operated during shutdown of the turbine. The brake will be fed from a pipe with a manual shutoff valve for maintenance. The operation of brake shall be controlled through a solenoid operated control valve with over riding manual operation facility. 5.1.12 Governing System Each turbine shall be equipped with suitable electro-hydraulic governor conforming to IEC No. 60308. The governor shall be of proven design capable of controlling speed/output under all operating conditions. The governing system shall comprise oil pressure system, governor actuator digital governor electronic regulator, speed signal generator, oil pipelines and guide vanes position restoring mechanism. The PLC based digital electronic regulating functions of governor i.e. speed/gate setting, Guide vanes limit setting, start, stop, main circuit breaker position, shutdown etc. shall be performed in electronic regulator. Additionally, local control unit shall be provided to operate the unit in manual mode in case governor electronic regulator is non-operative. Local control unit have the indicators for guide vanes position, speed of the unit and power generated by the unit. a) Governor Regulator The speed sensing shall be achieved through speed signal generator and line PT KREDA 229 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The governor shall control, with stability, the turbine at any speed between 85 and 105% of rated speed when operating isolated from the system and while connected to the system at any load between zero and the load corresponding to maximum opening of all guide vanes with all nozzles operating. Partial Shutdown/Controlled Action Shutdown device shall be used for automatically shutting down the turbine to the speed-no-load position by the operation of certain protective devices. It should be possible to operate guide vanes manually at the local control unit. b) Governor Actuator Governor actuator shall have the following provisions : c) Adequate capacity to operate the guide vanes servomotor and the guide vanes through complete opening or closing strokes in desired time under all operating conditions. Hand control device for stroking of guide vanes so as to operate the machines manually even if electronic regulator is non-functional. Emergency shut down device, which can be operated manually at the actuator/OPV system Auto - clean double element filter to ensure that clean oil is supplied to control valves. The change over to standby filter and cleaning of clogged filter must be possible while unit is under operation. Means of independent adjustment of the opening and closing times of the guide vanes. The time for Guide vanes closing under full load throw off shall be adjustable to limit the speed rise and pressure rise within guaranteed values. Speed Signal Generator (SSG) A toothed wheel type speed signal generator shall feed speed signal to the governor electronic circuits for speed regulation and operation of speed relays. The toothed wheel shall be mounted on the shaft and two magnetic pick-ups shall be mounted near the toothed wheel. One of the two pickups will work as redundant. The output signal of the magnetic pick-up shall be fed to the governor electronic cubicle. d) Over Speed Device A centrifugal type over speed protection device with provisions for electrical/ mechanical tripping, shall be mounted on the turbine shaft. The tripping points shall be adjustable independently for speed higher than the maximum speed, the turbine can develop with loss of full load. The mechanical tripping device shall directly actuate the governor actuator shut-down valve through a hydraulic connection. The electrical tripping contact shall be wired to the turbine terminal cubicle. The rotating parts of the over speed protection shall be protected by a guard. KREDA 230 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP e) TENDER DOCUMENT Oil Pressure System Each turbine will be provided with one independent oil pressure unit to supply oil under pressure to servomotors through governor actuator/specific valves. Oil pressure system shall consist of one oil sump, two positive displacement screw type pumps driven by AC motors, set of valves, pressure accumulator and accessories. The pressure accumulator can be installed over the sump or separately. The capacity of the pressure accumulator shall be sufficient to operate the servomotor and needle servomotors with minimum pressure of normal operating range and under other normal operating conditions, through three complete servomotor strokes (servomotors volume) with the oil pump not operating. Design calculation of capacity of oil pressure system shall be furnished. The pressure tank shall be constructed in accordance with ASME Code for Unfired Pressure Vessels, Section VIII, for the maximum working pressure of the governing system. Necessary safety / control devices shall be provided on the accumulator. f) Oil Pipe Lines Oil pipe lines of adequate size along with necessary valves, connecting flanges, fittings and fasteners shall be supplied for interconnection between different hydraulic elements. All pipes above 15 mm internal diameter shall be carbon steel seamless pipes and up to 15mm size, will be stainless steel / copper pipes. 5.1.13 Gear Box The turbine shall be of around 1000 rpm speed, which may not require any gearbox for connectivity with generators. The generator 1000 rpm shall be directly coupled with the turbine. 5.1.14 Turbine Instrumentation, Control And Safety Devices Each turbine shall be provided with a complete set of instruments, gauges, controls and safety devices for unit control monitoring the conditions of the unit during normal running and emergencies. The instruments and gauges for the turbines include, inter alia, pressure gauges, level indicators, temperature and flow indicators, position indicator, indicating lamps for status indication etc. The safety devices shall comprise equipment and devices for sensing abnormal operating conditions, for giving visual and audible annunciation and shut down the unit, if required. The instruments, controls and safety devices shall be tentatively as follows. The items, quantities and locations are to suit the requirements for safe and satisfactory operation of the generating units and the auxiliary systems. i) Instruments 1 Penstocks Pressure 2 Pressure of water after inlet valve KREDA 231 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3 Guide vanes position indicators 4. Guide vane limit indicator 5 Speed indicator 6 Speed level setting indicator 7 Unit output meter 8 Pressure of governor oil pressure system on panel and pressure accumulator 9 Level of oil in oil pressure vessel 10 Level of oil in sump tank 11 Turbine bearing temperatures 12 Cooling water pressure, if cooling water system provided 13 Water level in Fore Bay ii) Control 1 Guide vane Position Control (Electrical) 2 Governor Auto-manual selection switch 3 Speed level controller 4 Manual turbine gate controller 5 Inlet Valve Control 6 Manual control of Brake system 7 Pressure Switches for control of oil pump motors 8 Pressure Switches for control of compressors (if provided) 9 Turbine Over speed Tripping Device 10 Turbine Guide bearing temperature high (for shut down command) KREDA 232 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 11 12 TENDER DOCUMENT Turbine emergency shut down command . Control of cooling water pumps, if provided iii) Safety devices 1 Governor oil pressure too low 2 Turbine bearing temperature too high 3 Oil level in pressure receiver too low 4 Unit over speed 5 Manual emergency shut down KREDA 233 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 5.1.15 TENDER DOCUMENT Turbine Inlet Valve Turbine inlet valve shall preferably be butterfly type. Valve shall be operated through a hydraulic cylinder with pressure oil supply from turbine oil pressure unit. Opening of valve shall be performed by oil pressure and closing by dead weight. Necessary control panel with solenoid operated control valves shall be provided. Provision of manual control locally and remote control from control panel shall be provided. Inlet valve shall be provided with metal to metal working seal operated by upstream water pressure. Arrangement for equalizing pressure through bypass valves shall be made, so that valve is operated at equal pressure on both sides. One hand operated rising spindle gate valve shall be installed on penstock at forebay for maintenance purpose. Cost of this valve may be given in rates for civil works. The main inlet valve shall conform to latest edition of IS 7326 besides other National and International Codes of practices. 5.1.16 Penstock Drainage System Necessary piping with fittings and steel gate valves shall be supplied for draining both the penstocks into their respective tail race channel. 5.1.17 Cooling Water System The cooling water for turbine and generator bearing coolers (if required) may be tapped from penstock or may be lifted from tailrace with the help of pump motor sets. The system shall be complete with required number of pump motor sets, duplex strainers, flow indicators, flow relays and pressure gauges etc. 5.1.18 Compressed Air System A centralized high-pressure compressed air system common for both the units shall be provided for charging the governor oil pressure vessels. The system shall comprise two numbers high pressure compressors of suitable capacity, one of them being a standby, a common air receiver and necessary pipes, fittings, valves, pressure switches, etc. The capacity of the system shall be sufficient to cater to both the generating units. The compressed air system shall be of the automatic start-stop design operating under pressure switches control sensing the pressure in the receiver. In case Nitrogen filled accumulators are provided for high oil pressure system for governor and MIV, suitable compressor may only be required for braking system and other general purposed. Under such conditions, the cost of compressed air system may be included in the cost of Turbine and Auxiliaries. KREDA 234 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.1.19 Special Tools, Slings, Consumables Etc. All special tools, slings, lifting devices, jacks, turn buckles, foundation plates/bolts, testing devices etc., required for erection and commissioning of the equipments shall be listed and supplied. First filling of oil and grease (if applicable) with 20% extra quantity shall be included in the offer and supplied along with equipment. Welding electrodes as required for site welding and paint for finishing coat shall be supplied by the contractor. 5.1.20 One Set Of Level Transmitter And Receiver Device For Water Level In Forebay Reservoir, Forebay Water Level measurement device shall be supplied suiting its installation in Forebay tank. Electronic part of the measuring device should be housed in a hermetically sealed case/panel. This device shall have one local indicator (digital) for indicating water level. Output signal for the device should be made available for unit control panels. Necessary cable between Powerhouse and Forebay, installation of this device and laying of cable shall be included in the priced offer. 5.1.21 Mandatory Spares The spare parts for the turbine and associated equipment considered necessary for 5 years of operation of the generating units shall be supplied by the contractor along with the first turbine. The unit prices of the spares shall be indicated in the enclosed Price Schedule Format and additional spares if considered necessary shall be quoted separately. A list of such spares is shown in Table annexed herewith. 5.1.22 Shop Assembly And Tests (At Manufacturing Works) The Tenderer shall submit the quality plan indicating the tests to be performed and witnessed by Purchaser and acceptance criteria for the same. The Contractor shall get the quality plan approved from Purchaser as per Contract Conditions. For inspection and tests to be witnessed by Purchaser, requirements elaborated in Conditions of Contract shall be followed. The following assembly and testing requirements in Contractor’s works shall essentially be included in quality assurance plan: KREDA Guide Vanes Servomotors – hydraulic testing, stroke checking, minimum oil pressure required for movement and oil leakage past piston and piston rod. Turbine Runner – Dimensional checks, blade profile checking, casting soundness tests, static and dynamic balancing. Guide Vanes Assemblies: Free movement, minimum pressure required for movement, and stroke measured Complete assembly of turbine in the shop for matching 235 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Oil Pressure System – Performance testing of pumps, U/T of weld joints and hydrostatic testing of pressure vessels. Governor – Assembly and complete performance testing as per relevant IEC code Turbine Inlet Valve: Assembly, hydraulic testing and Operational tests. Material Tests - Material tests for important components such as runner, turbine shaft, guide vanes, stay vanes, bushes, turbine spiral, bearing sleeve/shell and other important components shall be carried out as per agreed quality plan. Purchaser’s Engineer shall review the test certificates during inspection. Tests on Bought out Components : All motors, pumps and compressors etc. shall be tested as per relevant Indian Standards. 5.1.23 Pre-Commissioning Field Tests Following measurements/tests in addition to tests recommended by Contractor shall be included in quality plan for pre-commissioning tests: Characteristic - Servomotor stroke Vs Guide vane Opening Guide vane opening and closing times and servomotor cushioning time. Insulation Resistance Tests on all electrical motors as per relevant Indian Standards Operational tests on oil pressure system to verify: Setting of pressure relays for automatic control of pump Setting of pressure relay for emergency low pressure Test to verify pumps capacity Tests to verify number of close/open operations with oil pump not operating The governor shall be assembled, adjusted and tested in the field for optimum performance. Specifically, the following tests/checks will be performed: KREDA Verify logic control scheme from local/remote including start/stop, load control, emergency shutdown, controlled action shutdown, locking and other feature Verify stability and response of governor during 10% to 20% step change in load (acceptance and rejection or a combination of these). Verify setting range of permanent droop, on/off-line temporary speed droop, derivative time constants, frequency dead band, speed setting limits, gate setting limits, no load gate limit, speed relays etc. 236 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.1.24 Commissioning Tests Following commissioning tests shall invariably be included in tests recommended by Contractor before putting the machine on 72 hours continuous trial run for handing over: Logic control scheme from local/remote including start/stop, speed control, load control, level control, emergency shutdown, controlled action shutdown and other features, Automatic starting, stopping, synchronizing, loading and emergency shut down by simulating emergency conditions, Checking the setting of over speed trip device by actually over speeding the machine, Checking speed rise and pressure rise at 100% sudden load rejection of individual generating unit and simultaneously from both units, The Contractor shall carryout the commissioning test in accordance with the agreed procedures. The turbine will be handed over to the purchaser after continuous operation for 72 hours free from problems of leakage, overheating, failures, damages, etc. Tests for meeting performance guarantee can be performed after handing over the machine for commercial operation but before final acceptance in agreement with the Purchaser. 5.1.25 Field Acceptance Tests The turbines shall be tested at site for establishing fulfillment of guarantees in respect of turbine output and efficiencies including weighted average efficiency. The tests shall be carried out as per IEC 60041 1991 and IEC 62006 2010 for Field Acceptance Tests of hydraulic turbines. The arrangements for these tests will be made, including the testing devices, by the contractor. 5.1.26 Drawings/ Documents To Be Supplied Drawings/ Documents To Be Supplied With Tender KREDA Performance characteristics of the turbine with respect to output and efficiency against various discharge and head. Model test report, specifically the Hill Chart of a model based on which prototype will be manufactured & supplied and detailed parameters of projects where turbines based on the same model are working satisfactorily. Cross section of turbine showing the various components, parts/assemblies of the turbine to the extent possible. 237 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Layout drawings of the power house showing the overall dimensions and layout of turbines, etc., Overall arrangement drawing, schematic drawing and descriptive literature of electrohydraulic governor, emergency closing device, return motion gear, speed signal generator and over speed trip device. Schedule of indicating and recording instruments and safety devices. Quality Assurance Plane Following Drawings, data and information shall be supplied after award of Contract as per Contract Conditions for purchaser’s approval and record: Overall arrangement drawings of turbine runner, Guide apparatus assembly, Guide vane, needle control device, brake assembly & inlet valve. Overall arrangement drawings, schematic drawings and descriptive literature of electrohydraulic governor, emergency closing device, return motion gear, speed signal generator and over speed trip device. Schematic drawings of oil pressure system, Quality plan for tests at supplier’s / vendor’s works indicating customer hold points and acceptance criteria. Operation & Maintenance Manual and Erection & commissioning Manual of turbine, governor and inlet valve. Tentative list of vendors for major purchase items and instruments. Catalogues of pumps, valves and other purchased items 5.1.27 Guaranteed Technical Particulars The tenderer shall furnish all the data, information and other particulars called for in the schedule under guaranteed technical particulars. 5.1.28 Schedule Of Requirements (1) Two (2) sets of Horizontal Francis Turbines each consisting of : One Turbine spiral One Runner One turbine shaft One turbine guide bearing Stay vane assembly Guide vanes each with servomotor and operating device One Brake assembly including piping KREDA 238 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT One PLC based Governing system including digital electro-hydraulic governor, speed signal generator, over speed trip device, emergency shut down device, restoring mechanism, One oil pressure unit and oil pipe lines Under water partslike Draft Tubes, liners,cones etc. One set of inlet valve (Butterfly) including bypass valve Necessary air and water piping alongwith valves and fittings Necessary electrical wiring and terminal boxes Set of Instruments for temperature, pressure and water flow One set of Penstock drainage system including valves and pipes etc. Any other parts and accessories required to make the turbine complete. (2) Following items/materials shall be supplied as common for both the units : One set of level transmitter and receiver device for water level in Forebay reservoir, One set of Cooling Water System, if required One set of Compressed Air System, if required All special tools required for assembly, dismantling, maintenance and handling of the equipment, including templates for repair of runner and Guide vane and one set of Pressure pump and other accessories for site hydrostatic tests. Site consumables, lubricating oils and grease for first filling with 20% extra quantity, welding electrodes, brazing materials, paints, insulating materials, cleaning agents etc. One set of spare parts for five years trouble free operation as per schedule of mandatory spares, KREDA 239 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT TABLE –5.1.1 LIST OF MANDATORY SPARES Sl.No. Item Quantity TURBINE 01 Guide vane 1 no. 02 Levers 4 nos 03 Bush of Guide vane assembly 2 sets 04 Breaking links 12nos 05 Seals of Guide vane 2 sets 06 Piston rings (if used) 1 set each INLET VALVE 07 Seals of Inlet valve 1 no. 08 Piston rings (if used) 1 set 09 Journal bushes 1 set GOVERNING SYSTEM 10 Speed pick up 2 nos 11 Actuator Transducer/proportional valve 2 nos. 12 Oil filter element 2 nos. 13 Emergency solenoid valve 1 no. 14 Return motion Potentiometer 2 nos. 15 PCBs of electronic regulator 1 set OIL PRESSURE UNIT 16 Oil Pump-motor set 1 set 17 Idler/Unloader Valve 1 no. 18 Safety Valve 1 no. KREDA 240 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 19 Pressure gauge TENDER DOCUMENT 2 nos. INSTRUMENT AND SAFETY DEVICES 20 Resistance temperature detector 2 nos. 21 Dial type thermometers 2 nos 22 Pressure gauges ( each type ) 2 nos. 23 Differential pressure relay (each type) 2 nos. 24 Solenoid operated valve ( each type ) 1 no. 25 Level Switches 1 each type KREDA 241 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 5.2 TENDER DOCUMENT SALIENT POLE SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS AND ACCESSORIES 5.2.1 Scope This section of the specifications covers the design, manufacture, test at works, supply, delivery at site, erection, testing at site and commissioning of Two (2) Nos. of horizontal AC synchronous generators complete with excitation system, voltage regulating equipment, neutral grounding and generator terminal equipments including CTs. PTs, (as per protection schemes) surge protection equipment, etc., and auxiliaries, lubrication system (if required), oil, water and air piping with valves and fittings, instrumentation, controls and safety devices (as required), spares for 5 years operation of the plant, special tools and testing devices as described and detailed in the specifications and in the annexed schedule of requirements. The scope of supply shall include all parts, accessories, spares etc., which are essential for construction, operation and maintenance of the complete generator even though these are not individually or specifically stated or enumerated. Corresponding components of all the generators and associated equipments and the spares shall be of the same material, dimensions and finish and shall be interchangeable. The synchronous generator manufacturer shall co-ordinate with the turbine supplier so that the generators to be coupled to the turbine is matched in respect of speed, direction of rotation, runaway speed, moment of inertia, overload capacities, coupling and other relevant requirements 5.2.2 Type And Rating The synchronous generators shall be of the horizontal shaft salient pole water wheel driven alternating current type. The direction of rotation shall be in accordance with turbine. The rating and other details of the generators are given below. (i) Rated output 750 kW (ii) Power factor 0.8 (iii) Frequency 50Hz (iv) No. of Phases 3 (v) Rated terminal voltage between phases 3.3 kV (vi) Range of voltage variation between phases for rated output + 10% (vii) Range of frequency variation + 3% (viii) Stator winding connection Star connection (ix) Speed To match with turbine and gearbox. (x) Short Circuit ratio Not less than 0.8 (xi) Inertia constant Not less than 1.0 KREDA 242 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The generator shall be capable of delivering maximum continuous output of 110% of the rated output at rated power factor. The tenderer may offer his nearest standard. The generator will be connected to the turbine directly or through speed increaser which will be supplied by the turbine supplier. All generator terminals shall be brought out of the stator frame for insertion of current transformer for protection, metering and surge protection apparatus. The generator neutral shall be grounded suitably and the generators shall be designed to safely withstand any mechanical/magnetic stresses resulting from either a three phase or a single-phase fault. The tenderer may offer generator of 3.3kV-generated voltage. The terminal equipment shall be accordingly suitable for offered terminal voltage. The generator shall be able to run in isolation, in parallel with each other and in synchronism with the state grid. Each generator shall comply in all respects with the requirement of the latest issue of Indian Standard IS:4722 except where specified otherwise. 5.2.3 Speed Rise And Runaway Speed The moment of inertia of the generator together with the moment of inertia of the turbine and flywheel (if any) shall be such that the maximum momentary speed rise on full load rejection shall not exceed 35 % of the rated speed. The generator manufacturer shall co-ordinate with the turbine manufacturer to limit the speed rise to this value. Each generator shall be designed and constructed so as to be capable of running for a period of 15 minutes at the maximum runaway speed with cooling water supply off and 30 minutes with cooling water supply on. The runaway speed test shall be considered successful if after undergoing the test ‘no injury’ is apparent. The runaway speed test may be carried out at site for which the purchaser would provide suitable foundations shall be casted that will withstand the test. Necessary foundation layout and loads under all possible conditions of operations and runaway speed shall be provided by the generator manufacturer. 5.2.4 The Flywheel A separate flywheel of adequate dimensions shall be provided in case the required movement of inertia for limiting the speed rise/runaway speed is not available from the generator rotor (through the speed increaser, if envisaged). Necessary provision for brakes shall be made with the flywheel to operate as predetermined speed on closing/tripping of the machine. KREDA 243 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.2.5 Noise Level The noise level shall not exceed 90 db (A) when measured at a distance of 1m from any component of the generator. 5.2.6 Insulation And Temperature Rise Insulation shall be provided as follows: (i) Stator winding (ii) Rotor winding material corresponding to class F. material corresponding to class F. The generator shall be capable of delivering rated output continuously at any voltage and frequency in the operating range at rated power factor without exceeding the following values of temperature rise over ambient temperature (20oC) (a) Stator winding (b) Rotor winding (c) Stator Core As per Clause ‘B’ of Indian Standards -do-do- The maximum temperature rise when the generator is delivering maximum output corresponding to continuous overload capacity for conditions stated above shall not exceed limits as per IS for both stator and rotor windings. 5.2.7 Efficiency And Output Guarantees Within the limits of temperature rise specified above, the rated continuous output of the generator shall be guaranteed under penalty with a rejection limit of minus 2% for the rated generator terminal conditions. The weighted average efficiency of the generator shall be guaranteed under penalty with a rejection limit of minus 2%. The efficiencies shall be determined by the summation of losses method as specified in latest Indian Standard IS:4889. For any shortfall in the test value of output and weighted average efficiency (as determined below) from the guaranteed figures, the penalty shall be at the rate of 5% of the ex-works value of generator per generator for every 1% by which the test figure is less than the guaranteed figure. The weighted average efficiency = K1 efficiency at full load K2 efficiency at 80% load K2 efficiency at 60% load. KREDA 244 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The penalty on account of output and efficiency shall be computed separately and the total amount of penalty shall be the sum of the two. The ceiling on the total amount of penalty on account of shortfall in the weighted average efficiency and output will be 10% of the total unit price of the generators. No tolerance shall be permitted over test figures of output. Tolerance in determination of efficiency shall be as per relevant Indian Standard. 5.2.8 Bid Evaluation For the purpose of comparison of tenders, the equalization on account of differences in the weighted average efficiencies between various offers will be made on the same basis as indicated for penalties, i.e., the prices of generators with lower efficiencies will be loaded at the rate of 0.5% (half percent) of their ex-works prices for each 0.10%(one tenth) difference in weighted average efficiency as compared with the highest weighted average efficiency. 5.2.9 Structural Details Stator i) Stator frame Frame shall be fabricated from M.S. plates and to be rigid enough to take the stresses transferred during core assembly. Ventilating ducts of suitable dimensions with wire mesh shall be provided on outer periphery of the frame. The frame shall have its own foundation plate, which shall be fixed with the existing foundation bolts if possible. The bidder shall coordinate with turbine supplier for details of centerline of stator frame to be kept. If necessary, suitable fabricated structure to be provided to fix the generator sole plates with the existing foundations. ii) Stator core Stator core material shall be of high quality Electro technical sheet sheets of grade 50C 270 as per IS 648. Core punching may be in one piece or in segments. Punching shall be degreased cleaned & dried before varnishing. Core plate varnish with class `F’ properties shall be applied and over dried. Both side thickness of the varnish shall be restricted to 6-7 microns. Insulation resistance shall be measured and recorded. The segments shall be assembled in stator frame with the help of wedges. In case punching are in segments these shall be staggered in alternate layers. The punching shall be pressed between pressing plates welded with fingers as per bidders shop specifications. However, no looseness in core assembly shall be permitted. Bidders shall ensure monolithic stator core frame inside to outside. Assembled core shall be tested for core losses & hot spots if any. Proper record shall be kept for the test procedures & observations. After completion of core loss test, stator slot portion shall be painted with conducting varnish. iii) KREDA Stator Windings 245 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Windings shall be multi turn with tip to tip class `F’ insulation system, manufactured by VPI system. The copper for elementary conductors shall be ETP as per IS 191. The section shall be rectangular in shape. The self-insulation of elementary conductor shall be glass braiding with class `F’ varnish. Other insulation details like liners, packers & slot wedges shall also be of class `F’ material. Over hang portion of the winding on both sides shall be supported on suitable binding rings and lashed properly with packers of suitable thickness to provide adequate rigidity to the over hanging portion against dynamic forces. Three main & 3 neutral terminals shall be brought out. Rotor i) Shaft & Spider Generator shaft shall be of forged steel in one piece including extension for mounting the turbine runner. The shaft shall be heat-treated & accurately machined. Spider shall be of fabricated type with central bush to be shrink fitted on the shaft. Suitable arrangements shall be provided to fix the poles on the rotor body. Generator supplier shall coordinate with turbine manufacturer for mounting the turbine runner on the extended portion of the generator shaft and flywheel required for turbine governing. If any additional flywheel is required excluding generator rotor effect, it shall also be mounted on the generator shaft. The high frequency generator shall also be mounted on the generator shaft. ii) Poles The field poles shall be laminated from stamped sheets of suitable thickness, and fixed between iron plates and fitted to the rotor rim/spider/rotor body. The form of pole shoe shall be such that sine wave of voltage at no load performance of the generator is achieved. Field windings shall be made of copper bends on edges. The subsequent turns shall be insulated with pretreated Nomex paper of suitable thickness of class `F’ properties. The body of the poles shall be isolated with glass insulation. Temperature limits for field windings shall be 60oC which shall ensure the reliability of operation and long life of insulation system. Pole coil connections shall be soldered with suitable grade of material. iii) Current carrying leads Suitable arrangement from diode wheel shall be provided for transferring power from diode wheel to the field poles. The field current shall be fed directly from diode wheel to the rotor winding through cable. The cable /current carrying leads shall be insulated with class `F’ insulating material. The leads shall be secured perfectly for any slippage due to centrifugal forces. Bearings There shall be two bearings one on either side of the generator, the bearing shall be of pedestal type with bearing sleeves in two half. The bearings shall be cooled by circulating oil coolers mounted in the oil bath. Suitable temperature measuring devices viz. RPT&TSD with KREDA 246 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT two contacts shall be provided for measurement of bearing metal temperature. Suitable flow relays in water flows system with alarm & tripping for low water supply shall also be provided. Bidder shall furnish the complete details of bearing being provided alongwith the offer. The bearing metal temperature rise shall not exceed 20-25oC. The bearing shall be capable to withstand forces due to earthquake of magnitude 0.3g in both the directions. Ventilation System Cooling system for the generator shall be open ventilating type. Two fans of suitable design shall be provided at both ends of the generator rotor, if required. These fans shall suck the cold air from sides and hot air after cooling stator winding & core shall be exhausted form the ducts provided on the stator frame. Heating Of Generator In Stand Still Conditions At each end of the generator heating elements of suitable capacity shall be installed to avoid condensation when the unit is under shutdown. The temperature to be maintained shall be 5oC above the surrounding temperature. Necessary thermostat to be provided for auto on/off of the heating elements. Bearing Oil Coolers Coolers shall be manufactured with cupro-nickel tubes grade Cu Ni 30 as per IS 1545. Adequate surface shall be provided to evacuate the bearing losses. These shall be plugged to the oil bath. Necessary cooling water flow arrangement shall be provided for oil cooling. Oil temperature at full load shall be less than 25oC. 5.2.10 Fire Protection For Generator (Optional) An automatic carbon dioxide fire protection system complete with CO2 cylinders, ring headers, discharge nozzles, temp. detectors etc., shall be provided as a common system for all the generators if closed ventilation type of generators are offered. The temperature detectors shall be of the rate of the rise of temperature type. Automatic control shall be arranged to discharge CO2 into the generator in the event of operation of temperature detector or of the differential relay of the generator (if provided). The system shall be complete with manual operation arrangement to release CO2 and with all necessary pipes, fittings, directional valves, etc. 5.2.11 Oil And Grease The tenderer shall indicate this requirement and give his recommendations with detailed specifications regarding type of oil/grease to be used for lubrication of generator bearings. The oil if used for generator bearing lubrication, etc., shall be identical with that used for the pressure oil system of governor. The generator and turbine manufacturers shall cooperate to ensure that KREDA 247 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT their recommendations regarding oil are identical. The first filling of oil with 20% extra shall be supplied alongwith the generator. 5.2.12 Excitation System General The excitation system shall be brush less or a static potential source type and a “High Initial Response” system as described by IEEE Std. 421 (Standard Criteria and Definitions for Excitation Systems) with a response ratio of 2.0 The equipment shall be capable of continuously carrying the required excitation current at 30oC ambient when the generator is delivering 100% rated kVA at rated power factor, rated frequency and 105% rated voltage. It shall also be capable of carrying ceiling current for 30 seconds after reaching rated temperature when the generator is delivering 100% rated kVA at rated power factor and 100% rated voltage. The system shall consist of the following major sections arranged in a continuous line-up of NEMA-1 metal cubicles or equivalent, 14 gauges minimum, with hinged front doors for access to the equipment. Doors shall be equipped with a three points latch and locking handle. Enclosures shall be suitable for lifting, rolling, skidding, and jacking and provided with roof access covers for purchasers interconnecting wiring. Note (a) (b) (c) 1: 2: 3: Excitation Transformer with Primary Fuses Power Converter Regulating and Sequencing Control Transformer may have bolted access panels The excitation equipment shall be completely factory assembled, wired, and tested. Interconnections between close connected cubicles in a continuous line-up shall be furnished for field installation (by others). Excitation Transformer The power transformer shall be a three-phase, two-winding, self-cooled dry type with a 220oC insulation system and a 1150 C maximum rise. It shall receive power directly from the generator terminals. The transformer shall be equipped with an over temperature detector. The transformer shall be in accordance applicable standards for the kVA and voltage class. A set of primary fuses, over temperature detection, and grounding pad shall be included. Power Conversion Section The power conversion section shall consist of: (a) KREDA One (1) full wave power conversion bridge with thyristor modules capable of producing both positive and negative DC output voltages. The negative DC voltages shall be capable of reducing the field current to zero rapidly to maintain a fast response system of field forcing in both directions. The module shall be 248 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT complete with a cooling fan, a thyristor over temperature detector, and gate firing and RC snubber circuit boards. Provide redundant power conversion module to increase the reliability of the system. The standby power conversion module shall automatically switch-on to prevent an interruption of field current should a thyristor failure occur in the lead power conversion module. A “Lead-Standby” selector switch scheme shall be provided to permit the operator to pre-select which power conversion module is to be operative. (b) One (1) AC breaker, moulded case types, non-drawout, manually operated, with shunt trip and auxiliary switch, for thyristor failure and DC short circuit protection. Breaker shall not trip on normal shutdown sequence. (c) One (1) AC overload relay (thermal type) for overload protection. (d) One (1) set of field flashing equipment consisting of the following: One (1) set of resistors to limit the field flashing current to the value required to raise the generator terminal voltage to 25% of rated voltage to no load. One (1) DC contractor, 2 pole, to automatically connect and disconnect the field flashing source. One (1) blocking diode to prevent reverse current into the field flashing source. (e) One (1) field over voltage relay front door mounted (E.E.) (f) One (1) DC shunt, suitably rated. (g) One (1) set of non-linear field discharge and surge suppression devices. (h) One (1) control power transformer, 3-phase (or 3 single phase transformers). (i) One (1) set of DC bus connect terminals (j) One (1) set of field flashing source connection terminals. The power converter shall conform to the equipments of “Standard Practices and Requirements for Semiconductor Power Rectifiers”. Regulator and Sequencing Control i) Regulator For ease of maintenance and to minimize “Time to Repair”, the regulator shall be an assembly of card file mounted plug-in type printed circuit cards. Test points shall be provided on the front of each card so that circuit checks can be readily made while the equipment is operational. In addition, the card field assembly shall be front door mounted so that it shall not be necessary to open a cubicle door to make the regulator circuit checks. The following functions shall be provided. (a) Power Factor and Voltage Regulators In the “Power Factor” mode, the reactive component of generator current shall be compared to an adjustable DC reference and the amplified error signed shall be used to drive a motor operated potentiometer which raises or lowers the voltage regulator set point, thereby changing field excitation to obtain required reactive current loading. The KREDA 249 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT “Power Factor” regulator shall maintain the reactive current ampere loading on the generator within 5% without hunting under steady load conditions when the system voltage deviation does not exceed 10% from nominal. The operation of the regulator, when in the “Power Factor” mode, shall automatically switch into the “Voltage” mode whenever the unit breaker is open. Thus during the synchronizing period of time, the synchronizer can be used to drive the motor operated potentiometer to adjust the terminal voltage to the required condition for synchronizing. In the voltage mode, the average generator three phase terminal voltage adjustable DC reference and the amplified error signal applied to the excitation system to maintain the terminal voltage with 0.5% without hunting under steady load from no-load to full load condition. The range of control shall be from 10% below normal to 10% above normal generator voltage. The “Power Factor” and “Voltage” regulator shall include reactive droop compensation. (b) Field Current Regulator The “Field Current” regulating mode shall provide a back-up system for the “Power Factor and “Voltage” regulators. In this mode, the generator terminal voltage (kVAR loading) shall be under the operator’s manual control. Variations in system voltage which effect kVAR loading must be compensated by readjustment of the “Field Current” regulator “Set Point” adjust. The range of control shall be from approximately 10% less than no-load field current to approximately 5% above maximum required field current. Maximum Excitation Limiter (Operational and “Power Factor” and “Voltage” Regulating Modes Only). (c) Selection of “Power Factor”, “Voltage”, and “Field Current” regulating modes shall be via remote/local control. The control shall permit transfer when the unit is on line. (d) Local/Remote control of “Set Point” adjust for the “Power Factor” and “Field Current” regulators. The “Power Factor” regulating mode shall be the normal operating mode. Provide minimum excitation limiter to automatically limit the decrease of generator excitation. The limiter shall hold the generator field current at a preset value determined from the reactive capability curve of the generator. (e) (f) KREDA Provide maximum excitation limiter to limit the field current after an adjustable time delay to prevent sustained field over current. The time delay shall be inversely proportional to rate of change in field current. An instantaneous over current limiter shall be included to prevent excitation from exceeding ceiling current. 250 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ii) TENDER DOCUMENT Control The start-stop control shall be arranged for automatic start when the machine speed reaches a pre-set value, and for automatic shutdown whenever an “OFF”, “Unit Breaker Trip” or “Lockout” signal is received. The control shall be designed for a soft shut-down on a normal stop command, with the field current being reduced to zero by the phase control action before any circuit disconnect device operates. The following controls and indicating meters shall be mounted on the control (provisions shall be made for remote control): (a) One (1) “Power Factor”/ “Voltage”/ “Field Current” regulating mode selector switch. (b) One (1) “Power Factor”, “Set Point Adjust”, switch with limit indicating lights (c) One (1) “Voltage Set point Adjust” switch limit indicating lights. (d) One (1) “Field Current Set Point Adjust” potentiometer. (e) Remote/Local transfer switch. (f) One (1) Field Ammeter with isolating transducer for remote control. (g) One (1) Field Voltmeter (provisions for remote indication not required). (h) One (1) Stator Voltmeter. (i) One (1) Regulator card file. (j) One (1) Annunciator, 12 point, substation monitor type of required points with windows. The following devices shall be mounted inside the control section. Item a) b) c) d) e) f) One (1) set of auxiliary control relays. One (1) motor operated potentiometer with limit switches (when remote control is less than 150 feet). One (1) set of required power supplies and auxiliary power transformer. One (1) set of generator terminal voltage auxiliary PTs (110 vAC open delta signal required). One (1) control power breaker, moulded case type, 3-phase, single throw manually operated for -station control power. One (1) set of terminal blocks for control connections. Terminal blocks shall be rated 1000 volt, 30 amps minimum, except terminal blocks for signal wires which may be rated 600 volt, 20 amperes. Each point shall be marked with the wire number. Ten percent extra terminal blocks shall be provided. KREDA 251 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Wiring The excitation equipment shall be completely factory assembled and wired. Wiring shall be neatly arranged and properly supported. General, control wires shall be 2.5 mm2 and signal wires shall be 1.5 mm2. PT wires shall be 2.5 mm2 and CT wires shall be 4.0 mm2. Power cables field flashing and field suppression circuit wires shall be extra flexible or equivalent and sized according to the application requirement. Shielded or pair 1.5 mm 2 wires shall be used in low signal level Wire markers shall be used at each termination of a wire except for card field wiring. Drawings The following general type drawings shall be furnished alongwith offer. General arrangement and overall dimensions of the generators, exciters and bearings and showing positions of main and neutral and terminals. Graphs showing various characteristics of the generator. Generator layout drawings showing overall dimension and layout of all ducts, cables piping relative positions of auxiliaries, etc. The following general type drawings shall be furnished. Outlines Start-Stop Logic 3-Line Diagram Schematics Wiring Charts Sequencing and, protective control schematics shall be ladder type with coils and contacts cross-referenced. Regulator schematics shall detail each circuit card for clarity and ease of shooting. Wiring charts shall be table type and shall include drawings showing devices locations. Additional Items Following additional items shall also be furnished. a) All control switches, transfer switches and indicating instruments that are mounted remote from the excitation cubicles. b) Power from properly protected ungrounded 24 volts DC sources, for, use in controlling the elements of the excitation and regulating systems. c) Two potential transformers, open delta connected, secondary for use with the synchronous machine voltage regulator, each rated for the normal machine voltage. KREDA 252 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP d) TENDER DOCUMENT Over speed and synchronous speed contacts, master start/ stop relay contacts', and machine protective relaying devices as required for station control and protection. Factory Tests The following factory tests shall be performed: (a) Dielectric tests per IEC/I.S./ANSI C34.2 “Practices and Requirements for Power Rectifiers”. (b) Complete operational check of sequencing and regulator sections. Regulator to be set to simulate actual operating conditions. (c) Complete operational check of all protective relays (d) Energize all power circuits for operational checks (e) Rated voltage test (f) Test of excitation system potential transformer in accordance with IEC/ANSI C57.12.00 “Distribution, Power, and Regulating Transformers” 5.2.13 LINE TERMINAL AND NEUTRAL GROUNDING CUBICLES Each generator shall require 1 no. terminal cubicle for housing surge capacitor, potential transformers, current transformers, lightning arresters, cable boxes, etc., as required for the protections and metering system and suitable for generated voltage. The cubicle shall be complete with necessary tappings for excitation system, etc. The rating of the CTs for AVR shall be decided by the supplier taking into account the requirements of AVR & APFC systems. The generator shall also require one neutral grounding cubicle for housing single phase distribution transformer, secondary loading resistor, current transformer, cable boxes, etc., as shown in enclosed drawing. The cubicles shall be suitably compartmentalized with doors and shall be furnished complete with base mounting arrangement, foundation bolts, etc. The internal illumination for cubicles shall be provided with guarded lamps with on/off switches. Copper/Alluminium conductors of appropriate size shall be used for bus bars and connections in the cubicles. The bus bar and main connecting conductors shall be suitably insulated to make them compatible with generator temperature rise and insulation. The support insulators for the bus connection will be provided as necessary. GI earth bus of adequate cross section will be provided in the cubicle. KREDA 253 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.2.14 Potential Transformers The potential transformers will be single phase, epoxy cast, dry type units. Potential transformer will be protected on primary and secondary side by current limiting fuses. The PT shall conform to IS:3156. The potential transformers shall be rated as given in the drawing. 5.2.15 Current Transformers The current transformer will be epoxy cast, dry type unit conforming IS:2705. The current transformer shall be designed to withstand the thermal and magnetic stresses resulting from the maximum short circuit current. The technical requirement and location of the CTs are given in the drawing. The generator suppliers shall intimate required rating for instrument transformers suitable for the protection scheme and these shall be installed in the neutral grounding and line terminal cubicles. The current transformers should be suitable for metering and protection. The following protections are recommended: (i) Differential Relay (87-G) (ii) Over & Under Voltage Relays (59 & 27) (iii) Voltage Restrained Over Current Relay (51 V) (iv) Rotor Earth Fault Protection Single Stage (64 R) (v) Stator Earth Fault Protection (64 S) (vi) Field Failure Protection (40) (vii) Negative Phase Sequence (46) (viii) Reverse Power Protection (32) (ix) Over Frequency Relay (81) (x) Over Speed Relay (12) High set instantaneous over-current relay (50) ID MT and over-current relay (51) would be provided in the tapping for excitation transformer for protection of excitation transformers. KREDA 254 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.2.16 Lightning Arrestors The lightning arrestors shall be heavy duty indoor station class non-linear resistor type suitable for generated voltage and repeated operation to limit voltage surges on alternating current power circuits and to interrupt power follow current. The arrestors shall conform to IS:3070. The nominal discharge current of lightning arrestor shall not be less than 10KA. 5.2.17 Surge Capacitors The surge capacitors shall conform to the latest edition of IS:2834 and shall be rated 0.50 microfarad for 3.3kV generated voltage. The capacitors shall be connected in parallel with lightning arrestors and shall be provided with a built-in discharge resistor. The capacitor shall be suitable for indoor mounting. The cost of all CTs, PTs, LA and SCs and Cubicles may be included in the cost for generator switchgear panels. The cost of CTs and PTs for Generator Transformer LV side shall also be included in the cost of switchgear panels. 5.2.18 Generator Instrumentation And Control Devices The generator supplier shall supply all instruments and devices for control, indication and safety relating to the generator. These together with the equipment supplied by the turbine supplier shall constitute a complete and coordinated set of instruments, gauges, control and safety devices for control of the units during normal running and in emergencies. Indicating instruments, gauges, control and safety devices will be mounted on the unit gauge panel to be supplied by the generator supplier. The turbine supplier shall supply necessary loose items for mounting on the unit gauge panel. The generator manufacturer shall fully coordinate with the manufacturer of turbine to ensure a neat and functional arrangement of the cubicles. A tentative list of indicating instruments, controls and safety devices to be supplied by the generator supplier is given in Table – 5.2.1 annexed. The generator manufacturer may increase/decrease items according to requirements to suit the type and design and also for proper and satisfactory operation of the units. 5.2.19 Spares The unit rates shall be quoted for mandatory spares as listed in Table-5.2.2. The tenderer shall also indicate in the tender any additional spares that he would recommend for 5 years’ operation and furnish item wise unit prices for the same separately. KREDA 255 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.2.20 Tests The first generator shall be completely assembled at works and types tests as specified below shall be conducted on the assembled unit and auxiliaries as per the latest edition of Indian and relevant International Standards. Type Test on First Generator (a) Temperature rise test. (b) Dielectric test. (c) Efficiency test. (d) Excess current test. (e) Runaway speed test. (f) Moment of inertia of rotating parts (by mutual agreement between the purchaser and the contractor) (g) Wave form (h) Determination of characteristic: (i) (ii) (iii) Reactances – Synchronous, transient, subtransient, negative phase sequence and zero phase sequence. Rated current, zero power factor lagging saturation curve. No load and short circuit saturation curve. Routine Tests on all the Generators (a) High voltage test on stator coils and stator sections and on assembled stator. (b) High voltage test on field coils and poles. (c) Insulation resistance tests. (d) Impedance and voltage test on field coils. (e) Accuracy test for RTDs and dial type thermometers. (f) Hydraulic tests on oil, and air coolers. Tests on Exciters and Regulating Equipment (For Rotating Exciters) KREDA (a) High voltage test. (b) Temperature rise test. (c) Measurement of resistances. 256 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (d) Measurement of insulation resistance. (e) Regulation test. (f) Commutation test. (g) Excitation response ratio. (h) Routine tests on static excitation equipment. TENDER DOCUMENT Additional test, if any, as recommended by the supplier. Tests At Site Site test for each generator shall include the following: (a) Mechanical run. (b) Measurement of stator and rotor winding insulation resistance. (c) High voltage dielectric test. (d) Measurement of shaft voltage (if applicable) (e) Measurement of stator and rotor winding resistance. (f) Phase sequence test. (g) Load acceptance and rejection test at selected loads from no load to full load. (h) Overall response of machine and excitation system to system voltage changes. (i) Adjustment of AVR. (j) Synchronizing test. (k) Checking and commissioning of various other auxiliary equipment. Test on other equipment like CTs, PTs, LAs shall comply with the routine tests, etc., as per relevant standards. Test report for all type tests on the generator, CTs, PTs, etc., carried out on similar equipment already supplied shall be furnished for approval. 5.2.21 Testing Equipment A list of field-testing equipment along with item-wise rental prices shall be indicated in the tender. 5.2.22 Special Tools KREDA 257 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The contractor shall supply a complete set of special tools and other equipment that may be necessary or desirable for erection and maintenance of the generator and auxiliary equipment of his supply. The tenderer shall submit a list of the above and include the price in tender. Any special reamers or broaches and brazing equipment for all work which must be done in the field, shall be provided by the contractor. 5.2.23 Drawings In addition to the drawings called for earlier, the following drawings and data shall be submitted with the tender. The drawings containing all the information required for designing the civil works shall be supplied within 60 calendar days of the placement of letter of intent: (i) The general arrangement and overall dimensions of the generators, exciters (where applicable) and bearings, and showing positions of main and neutral terminals. (ii) Description of lubrication system alongwith drawings. (iii) Physical and schematic drawings of excitation system and AVR alongwith descriptive literature. (iv) Graphs showing predicted characteristic of the generator. (v) Generator layout drawings showing overall dimensions and layout of all ducts, cables, piping, relative positions of auxiliaries, etc. 5.2.24 Guaranteed Technical Particulars The guaranteed and technical particulars of generator and associated auxiliary and ancillary equipments shall be furnished in the tender as per schedule of Guaranteed Technical Particulars. 5.2.25 Schedule Of Requirement Two (2) Nos. 750 kW, 0.8 pf, 3.3kV, 50Hz +3%, 3 phases horizontal salient pole synchronous generators with excitation system. Each generator shall be equipped as follows and in accordance with the specifications described in the preceding clauses. KREDA 258 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT One No. Generator stator complete with frame, soleplates, core, winding with accessories and terminals. One No. Generator rotor complete with shaft, spider rim, poles with windings and accessories. One set Bearings. One set Anti-condensation space heater. One set Excitation and voltage regulation equipment including AVR and APFC systems. One set Fabricated base plate for generator and its bearings (for horizontal machines). One set Resistance type temperature detectors. One set Dial thermometer with electric contacts for alarm and trip for bearings. One No. Multi-point temperature indicator cum recorder. One Neutral grounding cubicle including CTs & transformer. To be supplied with generator switchgear panels One Line terminal cubicle including CTs & PTs, LA/SC etc. One set Instruments, controls and safety devices for generators for installation on the control panels. One set Mechanical over speed devices with electrical contacts. One set Bearing oil coolers One Set Flywheel and Brake Assembly (As required) COMMON EQUIPMENT FOR BOTH GENERATORS i) ii) iii) KREDA One set of special tools. One set of testing devices. One set of spares for five years’ normal operation of the generator. 259 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT TABLE –5.2.1 SCHEDULE OF INSTRUMENTS AND SAFETY DEVICES FOR EACH UNIT Sl. No. 01 Purpose Remarks Temperature of stator windings Type of Qty. instruments PRT 3 02 Temperature of stator core PRT 3 03 Temperature of pedestal bearings PRT shall be 100 platinum resistance & 3 wire system for indication & recording PRT shall be 100 platinum resistance & 3 wire system for indication & recording PRT TSD Temperature of cooling water PRT outlets for bearings 2 2 2 Indication / recording Alarm/Trip Indication/Record 05 Control of stator heaters Thermostat 1 Control 06 Flow of water in oil coolers of Flow Relay bearings 1 Indication/Alarm 07 Level of oil in oil baths for Level Relay bearings. (Low & High) 1 Indication/Alarm Bearing sleeves 04 KREDA PRT shall be 100 platinum resistance & 3 wire system for indication & recording 260 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT TABLE –5.2.2 LIST OF MANDATORYSPARES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. KREDA Complete field coils with connecting clamps and all necessary insulation. Set of both side bearings One of each type of PCB, auxiliary relay contained in the excitation system Diode wheel complete with diodes. Oil cooler for bearing 2 Nos. 1 Set 1 Set 1 No. One 261 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 11kV TRANSFORMERS 5.3 5.3.1 SCOPE The scope of work includes design, detailed engineering, manufacture of equipment, testing at works, assembly at manufacturer’s works before dispatch, packing transportation, loading, unloading, supply and delivery F.O.R. destination, storage at site, erection, inspection, testing and commissioning of following equipment/system and works including preliminary acceptance tests and performance guarantee for this Small Hydro Power Station: i. ii. 2 Nos., 1250 kVA, 3.3/11 kV, 50 Hz generator transformer 1 No., 100 kVA, 3.3/ 0.433 kV station transformer 5.3.2 CODES AND STANDARDS A list of applicable Codes of Practice and Standards has been given in Annexure-5.3/1. These shall be the latest editions including all applicable official amendments & revisions as on date of opening of bid. 5.3.3 SERVICE CONDITIONS The equipment to be supplied under this specification will be installed outdoor at an altitude of about 3300 meters and shall be suitable for satisfactory operation under the site conditions. 5.3.4 PARTICULARS OF THE SYSTEM The equipment shall be suitable for use on 3.3 kV, 11 kV, and 0.433 kV, 50 Hz, three phase effectively earthed neutral systems. 5.3.5 GENERATOR- TRANSFORMER TRANSFORMER RATINGS The ratings of the transformers shall be as below: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. KREDA Particulars Continuous MVA rating Type Frequency No. of Phases Maximum voltage on H.V. side Maximum voltage on L.V. side Vector group Connections i. H.V. windings Ratings 1.25 MVA Oil immersed 50 Hz + 3% Three 12 kV (r.m.s.) 3.6 kV (r.m.s.) Y N d 11 Star, neutral solidly earthed 262 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT ii. 9. L.V. windings Off-load taps on H.V. side (for H.V. variation) 10. Suitability of bushings 11. 12. 13. Type of cooling Neutral CT Impedance Delta (+) 5.0% to (-) 5.0% in steps of 2.5% L.V. side suitable for cable box/connections. H.V. side: bushings ONAN 100/1A 5.0%, Design And Construction i. The transformer shall be 3-phase, oil immersed with core type of construction, tank mounted radiators, and suitable for outdoor service as step-up transformer. Adequate Ceramic ball/spacers shall be provided in the core/winding for circulation of oil so as to ensure proper cooling. All apparatus shall be designed to ensure satisfactory operation under such sudden variations of load, frequency and voltage as may be met-with under system working conditions including those due to short circuits. To minimize the eddy current losses in the windings, CTC shall be used wherever required. Similarly, for minimizing the stray losses, magnetic shield in yoke, magnetic shunt in tank walls, bushing turrets, clamps, flitch plates etc. shall be provided, wherever required. The design value of eddy current losses and stray losses shall be indicated by the manufacturer as a % of load losses. ii. All materials used in the manufacture of the transformers shall conform to Codes and Standards as above. iii. Design of all outdoor apparatus, including bushing insulators with their mountings shall ensure that no pockets be formed wherein collection of water can take place. iv. Corresponding parts, which are liable for replacement, shall be interchangeable. Temperature Rise, Over-Load Capacity & Continuous Rating i. Each transformer shall be capable of operating continuously on any tap at normal rating under service conditions given without exceeding following temperature rises, over maximum ambient temperature of 30 deg. C: a. b. c. ii. KREDA 55 deg. C in winding (by resistance) 50 deg. C in oil (by thermometer) The temp. of hot spot in the winding not to exceed the limits in standards. Transformer shall be capable of delivering rated current at an applied voltage upto + 10% of rated voltage without exceeding the temperature limit. 263 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT iii. The limits of temperature rise mentioned above and over-load capacity as per IEC354 (1993) shall be satisfied by the manufacturer by carrying out the heat run test at the lowest negative tap. This test shall be carried out by feeding the following losses : (Total max. losses at 75 deg. C at highest current tap ) x 1.1 iv. Safe over-load capacity of the transformer and the duration of over-load for ONAN cooling under maximum temperature conditions without any damage to the winding or harmful effects on the insulation shall be as per IEC 354 and shall be clearly stated in the tender. v. The transformers shall be operable without exceeding temperature rises, winding gradients and hot spot at any particular tapping at the rated MVA for 10% of the voltage corresponding to that tapping. Tap Changer The range of transformer taps shall be as specified above. OFF - circuit tap changer having local manual control and with following features shall be provided: i. ii. iii. iv. v. Designed for sustained over current of not less than 150% of rated current of the winding. It shall not occupy any intermediate position between clearly marked tap positions. It shall be capable of repeated operation and withstanding S.C. forces. It shall have integral handle with pad-locking facility at every tap position. The tap charger shall have tap position indicator. Core i. ii. KREDA Working flux density under rated voltage and frequency shall be such that flux density in over voltage and over frequency conditions shall not exceed 1.90 Tesla at normal voltage, frequency and voltage ratio. Over fluxing shall be as per relevant standards. Tenders with higher flux density than specified shall not be considered. iii. The core shall be built up with thin laminations of high grade, non-ageing, low loss, high permeability, cold rolled super grain oriented silicon steel, known as HIBIMOH or low loss CRGO silicon steel of maximum 0.27 mm or low lamination thickness specially suitable for transformer cores. iv. The laminations shall be annealed in a non-oxidizing atmosphere to relieve stresses and restore original magnetic properties of material after cutting and punching operation. 264 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The laminations shall be treated after cutting etc. to remove all burrs and checked during stage inspection. These shall be coated with baked enamel insulation coating. The insulation shall be inert to the action of hot transformer oil and be perfectly adhesive. Paper and varnish insulation shall not be accepted. Particulars of proposed insulation shall be stated in the tender. KREDA v. The core shall be rigidly clamped and/or bolted to ensure adequate mechanical strength and to prevent vibrations during operation. The bolts used in the assembly of the core shall be suitably insulated and the clamping structure be so constructed that the eddy currents will be minimum. vi. The design of magnetic circuit shall be such as to avoid static discharges, development of short circuit paths within itself or to the earthing clamping structure and the production of flux components at right angles to the plane of the lamination which may cause local heating. vii. Number of steps in the limb and yoke shall be matching and dimensionally identical to minimize the effect of cross-fluxing and for better mechanical strength. viii. The core shall be provided with lugs suitable for lifting complete core and coil assembly of transformer and be fixed in the tank so that its shifting will not occur when the transformer is moved or when a short circuit occurs. ix. Every care shall be exercised in selection treatment and handling of core steel to ensure that the laminations are flat and that finally assembled core is free from distortions. x. Supporting frame of the core shall be so designed as to avoid presence of pockets which would prevent complete emptying of the tank through the drain valve or cause trapping of air during filling. xi. Oil ducts, where necessary, should be formed across the plane of the lamination and be given a suitable slope to assist oil circulation. The overall design of core and winding should ensure free flow of oil without obstruction. xii. Frame work and clamping arrangement shall be earthed by connecting to the tank body through a copper strip. Yoke bolt area should be compensated if bolts are used for fastening of the core. Also, flitch plate area will not be counted in core area. xiii. The insulation of core to bolts and core to clamp plates shall be able to withstand a voltage of 2 kV (RMS) for one (1) minute or as per standards. 265 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xiv. Core and winding shall be capable of withstanding shocks during transport, installation, service etc. and adequate provision shall be made to prevent movement of core and winding relative to tank during these conditions. xv. All steel sections used for supporting the core shall be thoroughly sand blasted after cutting, drilling and welding. CRGO used shall be procured from reputed vendor. xvi. xvii. The tenderer shall indicate the maximum flux density allowable continuously, as well as for time intervals of 1 minute and 5 secs. and the limit of flux density at which core material used by them saturates. xviii. The name of the core material must be mentioned in the tender. The successful tenderer shall be required to furnish magnetization curves of the core material/design calculations and such other data/documents deemed fit by the purchaser for being satisfied that flux density is as desired. xix. Purchaser may inspect the built-up core for verification of flux density for which all facilities shall be provided. Core may also be inspected during horizontal assembly, built up assembly. xx. The transmission shall be suitable for continuous operations with a frequency variation of +3% from normal 50Hz. Combine voltage and frequency variation should not exceed the rated v/f ratio by 10%. NOTES: i. The above flux density has been specified to meet with the over fluxing of the core due to temporary over voltage of the order of 31% for 1 min., 44% for 5 sec. that may appear in abnormal conditions such as those following sudden loss of large loads/ tripping of Generator-breaker. ii. Yoke bolt area and flitch plate areas shall not be counted in the net core area, if these are provided for fastening of core. iii. The design of limb and yoke shall be so coordinated that there is no cross fluxing at the joints. Windings KREDA i. The conductor used for the winding shall consist of solid drawn high conductivity electrolytic grade copper free from scale and burrs. ii. In case of copper strip, the corners shall be rounded-off to eliminate risk of injury to internal insulation during winding & other operations. No strip Conductor wound on edge should have width, exceeding six times its thickness. 266 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP iii. All permanent current carrying joints in the windings and leads shall be welded or brazed. Preference shall be given to a winding with a continuous conductor. The windings shall be pre-shrunk during manufacture so as to avoid any chances of any further shrinkage-taking place during service. Provision shall be made so that it will be possible to take up this shrinkage by means of adjustable clamping screws and end rings in case of occurrence of shinkage. iv. The voltage between adjacent coils shall be kept as low as consistent with the given design. The windings shall be so designed that all coil assemblies of identical voltage ratings shall be interchangeable and field repairs to the windings can be made readily without special equipment. v. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT vi. The coils shall be supported between adjacent sections by insulation used in the assembly of the windings. vii. The windings shall be arranged so as to ensure free circulation of oil and to reduce hot spots in the windings. viii. All threaded connections shall be provided with locking facilities. All leads from the windings to the terminal board and bushings shall be rigidly supported to prevent injury from vibration. Guide tubes shall be used wherever practicable. ix. The winding shall be designed to reduce the out of balance forces in the transformer to a minimum at all voltage ratios. x. The windings shall be clamped securely in place so that they will not be displaced or deformed during short circuits. The assembled core and winding shall be dried and suitably impregnated before removal from the treating tanks. xi. The insulation of the coils shall be treated suitably to develop full electrical strength of the windings and for this, hot oil vacuum impregnation process shall be used for improving the electrical and thermal properties of insulating paper. xii. All materials used in the insulation and assembly of the windings shall be insoluble, non-catalytic and chemically inactive in the hot transformer oil and shall not soften or otherwise be adversely affected under the operating conditions. xiii. The conductors shall preferably be CTC, transposed at sufficient intervals in order to minimize eddy current and equalize the distribution of current and temperature along the winding. xiv. Windings shall preferably be made in dust proof condition. 267 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xv. Tappings shall be so arranged as to preserve the magnetic balance of transformer at all voltage ratios. Tapping winding shall be provided separately from the main HV winding. xvi. Coil assembly and insulating spacers shall be so arranged as to ensure free circulation of oil and to reduce the hot spot of the winding. xvii. Inter-coil and inter-turn insulation shall be designed to ensure that di-electric stress is uniformly distributed through out the windings under all operating conditions. xviii. The insulation of transformer windings and connections shall be free from insulating compound which are liable to soften, ooze out, shrink or collapse and be non-catalytic and chemically inert in transformer oil during service. xix. The windings shall be braced to withstand shocks due to rough handling and forces due to short circuits, switching or other transients. Reinforced Insulation At each end of HV winding an electrostatic shield and/or cap & ring shall be provided so as to increase the ratio of the electrostatic capacity between turns as compared with the electrostatic capacity of the high voltage winding to earth and to the low voltage winding. HV winding shall preferably be interleaved. Current Density The design of the transformers shall ensure that the current density of the windings at the lowest tap is as per standards. Insulation Level KREDA i) The insulating material to be used, shall be of class “A” as specified in the latest relevant standards. ii) The dielectric strength of winding insulation and of the bushings shall conform to values given in IS: 2026/1981 part-III amended upto date except for the changes made in this specification. iii) The impulse test and power frequency test voltage shall be as follows in conformity with Standards. 268 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Rated System Voltage (kV) Highest System Voltage (kV) 1.2/50 Sec. Positive impulse with stand voltage (kV peak) One minute power frequency withstand voltage kVrms 0.415 3.3 6.6 11 33 66 0.457 3.6 7.2 12 36 72.5 -40 60 75 170 325 3 10 20 28 70 140 The provision of note under clause 5.4 IS: 2026 (Part-III)-1981 should be kept in view while offering this parameter. The star connected windings of the transformers shall have graded insulation. All windings for above system voltages shall have uniform insulation. iv) Short Circuit Strength and Provision of Separate Tapping Coil for Regulation Transformers shall be designed and constructed to withstand without damage the thermal and dynamic effects on external short circuits for 5 seconds under conditions specified in IS: 2026 (Part-I)- 1977. The transformers shall be provided with separate tapping coil to limit the short circuit forces. The position of the tapping coil shall be so arranged that at extreme negative tap, t he percentage regulation is less than at normal tap. The bidders shall submit test certificates of short circuit test, if already done on the offered design and rating. However, the thermal and dynamic ability to withstand short-circuit forces shall be demonstrated by calculations. Load Rejection On Generator Transformer Phase transformer are intended to be connected directly to generators in such a way that they are subjected to load rejection conditions and therefore shall be able to withstand 1.4 times the rated voltage for 5 seconds at the transformer terminals to which the generator is to be connected. Tolerances Various tolerances on technical parameters shall be as under :i. Impedances: Maximum tolerance allowed on impedances at all taps shall be as per IS:2026 (Latest edition). KREDA 269 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ii. TENDER DOCUMENT Over-Load Transformers shall be tested for over-load conditions as specified in latest edition of IEC-354/1993 , which shall be read with IEC-76/1993. iii. Weights No negative tolerance shall be allowed on Weight of Copper, Weight of CRGO & Weight of Oil etc. iv. Losses No positive tolerance shall be allowed on guaranteed No load losses, Load Losses and Auxiliary Losses individually at rated voltage, current, principal tap & 75oC temp. v. Temperature Rise Test No positive tolerance shall be allowed on Temperature Rise of Oil, Windings, Windings Temperature Gradients & Hot-Spot Temperature than the Guaranteed Values. Cooling Transformers shall have ONAN type of cooling. Radiators shall be of pressed steel, tank mounted, bolted type. Bolted, gasketted and flanged connections shall be used for connecting the radiators to the tank. Radiators shall be designed to withstand the pressure conditions specified for the tank and shall be designed so as to be accessible for cleaning and painting to prevent accumulation of water on the outer surfaces. Radiator shall be provided with: i. ii. iii. Top and bottom shut-off valves and blanking plates. Bottom drain plug, top filling plug and air release plug. Lifting lugs. Valves and connections shall have following features: i. ii. iii. Sluice type valves with hand wheels. Clear indication of open and closed positions. Provided with blanking plates and screwed plugs. Insulating Oil i. ii. KREDA Sufficient insulating oil of NAPTHENIC TYPE (Made from NAPTHENIC CRUDE) conforming to BS: 148/IEC:296 class-I/IV shall be supplied for first filling of each transformer. The insulating mineral oil as per IS 335 shall also be acceptable. An extra quantity of transformer oil equal to 10% of the total quantity of oil 270 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT shall also be supplied. iii. If the transformer is to be supplied gas filled, particular attention shall be paid to deliver the oil at site free from moisture and of uniform quality through out in non-returnable epoxy coated steel drums. iv. The quantity of oil for first filling of each transformer shall be stated in tender along with manufacturer of the oil to be supplied. v. Use of inhibitors in oil shall not be resorted to. Suppression Of Harmonics The transformer shall be designed with particular attention to suppression of harmonic voltages especially the 3rd and 5th harmonics. Percentage of harmonics at normal voltage and at maximum system voltage shall be stated in the tender. Transformer Tank The transformer tank and cover shall be oil tight and fabricated from good commercial grade low carbon steel of adequate thickness. The weld procedure and performance shall be in line with ASME-BPV-9 /IS:2062. The tank and the cover shall be of welded construction. All seams shall be welded and where practicable they shall be double welded. The tank shall be designed and constructed for vacuum filling of oil and be capable of withstanding without leakage or distortion continuous internal gas pressure of 0.7 atmosphere with oil at operating level. The tank cover shall be bolted with the lower position of the tank and the transformer design shall make it possible to move the complete transformer unit by skidding in any direction without injury when using plates or rails. Where the design of the tank is such that the bottom plate will be in direct contact with the surface of the foundations, the bottom plate thickness shall not be less than 20mm. Man holes/inspection covers with welded flange and bolted covers shall be provided on the tank cover. The inspection covers shall be of sufficient size to afford easy access to the lower ends of bushings, terminals etc. All bolted connections to the tank and connections between sections of the tank shall be provided with suitable flanges, with properly spaced bolts and suitable oil tight gasket which shall give satisfactory service under operating conditions. The thickness of M.S plate for bottom, sides and top of the tank shall be adequate as per CBIP recommendations. The main body including tap changing compartments, radiators and coolers shall be capable of withstanding full vacuum of 760mm of mercury when empty of oil. KREDA 271 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The design of tank, its shape, proportions, weight of material and construction shall be such as to best facilitate oil circulation and to ensure against transmission or magnification of noise or vibration, which might be injurious or objectionable. The transformer tank alongwith raditators and other accessories shall be tested for vacuum and pressure test as per CBIP recommendations. Suitable guides shall be provided for positioning the various parts during assembly or dismantlement. Adequate space shall be provided between the cores and windings and the bottom of the tank for collection of any sediment. Lifting eyes or lugs shall be provided on all parts of the transformer requiring independent handling during assembly or dismantlement. In addition, the transformer tank shall be provided with lifting lugs and bosses properly secured to the sides of the tank for lifting the transformer by using hydraulic or screw jacks. As far as possible, the transformer tank and its accessories shall be designed without pockets so that gasses may not collect. Where pockets cannot be avoided, pipes shall be provided to vent the gas into the main explosion pipe. The vent pipes shall have a minimum inside diameter of 15mm except for short branch pipes which may have 6mm minimum inside diameter. The tank cover shall be provided with pockets one for mercury in glass thermometers and two pockets for the bulbs of oil and winding temperature indicators. Minimum depth of the thermometer pockets shall be 250 mm from top oil level. Protection shall be provided where necessary, for each capillary tube. The thermometer pockets shall be fitted with a captive screwed top to prevent ingress of water. The pockets shall be located in the position of maximum oil temperature at CMR and it shall be possible to remove the instrument bulbs without lowering the oil in the transformer tank. Each transformer tank shall be fitted with the following valves/plugs with standard screw connections for external piping: i. ii. iii. iv. v. One filter-cum-oil drain valve with plug or blanking flange (size 80mm/ 100mm/ dia) and so placed as to completely drain the oil of the transformer. One no. top filter valve of size 50mm near the top of the tank diagonally opposite to filter-cum-drain valve. At least two nos. 15 mm/ dia air release plugs suitably located on top of cover. One pressure relief valve/device to operate at a pressure below the test pressure for the tank. Suitable no. of jacking bolts shall be provided on tank cover and inspection covers. The design of the tank, the lifting lugs and bosses shall be such that the complete transformer assembly filled with oil can be lifted with the use of these lugs without any damage or distortion. KREDA 272 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT All bolts and nuts used in connection with tank and fittings shall be galvanized/Zinc plated & passivated. The tank shall be provided with suitable lugs for the purpose of grounding with a mild steel flat. Conservator Tank i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. An oil conservator tank preferably air cell type complete with sump, filling hole and drain valve shall be mounted above the radiators and located so as not to obstruct taking of bare connections from the transformer terminals. The capacity of the conservator tank shall be adequate to meet the requirements of expansion of the total cold oil volume in the transformer and cooling equipment from minimum ambient temperature of minus 300 deg.C. to 115 deg.C. The minimum indicated oil level shall be, with the feed pipe from main tank cover, under not less than 15mm depth of oil and the indicated range of oil level shall be from minimum to maximum. One magnetic type oil level gauge with alarm contacts shall be mounted at a convenient height to be read from ground level. Prismatic oil level gauge shall also be provided. Oil level at 30 deg.C. shall be marked on the gauge. The conservator tank shall have one oil filling hole with cap at the top and drain valve of appropriate size at the bottom. A shut off valve shall be provided at the conservator to cut off supply to the transformer. The conservator tank will be designed to withstand strong wind pressure. Adequate stiffeners may be added, if necessary. Each conservator shall be fitted with a double compartment breather with oil seal in which silica gel is the dehydration agent and designed so that :- a. The passage of air is through the silica gel. b. The external atmosphere is not continuously in contact with the silica gal c. The moisture absorption is indicated by change in colour of the tinned crystals and can be observed from distance. d. All breathers shall be mounted at approximately 1400 mm above ground level. e. The breather should be made of superior quality see-through material and should consist of two compartments placed in parallel. f. The conservator shall be of air cell type, if possible, having provision for rubberized air cell so that air does not come in contact with oil in the conservator. Off-Circuit Tap-Changer Each transformer shall be provided with an off - circuit tap changing switch suitable for varying its effective ratio of transformation whilst the transformer is de-energized and without producing phase displacement. The off - circuit switch handle will be provided with a locking arrangement along with tap position indicator, thus enabling the switch to be locked in position. KREDA 273 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT A warning plate, indicating that switch shall be operated only when the transformer is deenergized, shall be fitted. Electrical Clearances The electrical clearance in air between live conducting parts and live conducting parts to each structure shall be as per the relevant IS/Standards followed. Fittings And Accessories Each transformer shall be complete with the following fittings and accessories : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. KREDA One 150 mm (6'') dial type indicating thermometer (OTI) of robust pattern mounted on the side of the transformer at a convenient height to read the temperature in the hottest part of oil and fitted with alarm and trip contacts. 1 No., 150 mm dial type winding hot spot temperature indicator (WTI) placed in HV/LV winding, as described below: It shall be indicating type responsive to the combination of top oil temperature and winding current calibrated to follow the hottest spot temperature of transformer winding. The device shall have a additional pointer to register the highest temperature reached. Winding temperature indicator should have two sets of contacts. Contacts of the WTI shall be used for trip and alarm purpose, wiring of which will go to the main control and relay panel of the transformer (external control cables from the Marchalling kiosk to the Control & Relay panel are covered in separate section.) One explosion vent on transformer tank cover. Inspection covers with jacking bolts in the top cover plates of the tank. One filter - cum - oil drain valve with plug or blanking flange size 80mm. One filter valve at top of transformer tank size 50mm. One double float gas/oil surge detecting (Buchholz) relay in the pipe connecting the conservator with tank, complete with alarm/tripping contacts to detect accumulation of gas and sudden rise of oil pressure, complete with two shut - off valves on conservator side as well as tank side and a coupling to permit easy removal without lowering flanges/oil level in the main tank. The size of shut - off valve shall be 80mm. Two grounding terminals on breadth side of tank Skids and pulling eyes on both sides. One Marshalling box housing dial type thermometers for winding and oil temperature indicators. Thermometer pockets for mercury in glass thermometer of minimum 25 cm depth from top level. A set of universal type bi-metallic multi-bolt double grooved conductor clamps for HV side capable of receiving single ACSR conductor for bushing of 11 kV side of transformer. Suitable bi-metallic flexible connectors for neutral terminals. 274 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xiv. xv. xvi. One set of terminal bushings each for HV & LV winding One set of Neutral bushing (s) with ring type CT of required ratio for protection. Suitable size bi-directions wheels for rail gauge to suit existing tracks in both directions-4 Nos. along with locking and bolting devices. xvii. The following plates, marked in English, shall be fixed to the transformer tank at about 1750mm above ground level: a. Rating plate bearing date as specified in IS: 2026/1977, it must contain insulation levels of various windings, impedance at normal & extreme taps short circuit duration, WTI ratio besides other information. b. Terminal marking plate showing the internal connections & voltage vector relationship of various windings in accordance with IS: 2026: 1977 (Latest Edition). c. Diagram plate showing the location and function of all valves and air release cocks or plugs. xviii. Oil conservator (for main tank) complete. xix. One no. spare pocket on tank cover for thermometer. xx. Off-circuit tap changer xxi. De-hydrating breather xxii. Any other item, which is not included above but is essential for the satisfactory operation of the equipment. Anti-Earthquake Clamping Device A clamping device shall be provided for fixing the transformer to the foundations to prevent transformer movement during earthquake. The contractor shall supply necessary bolts for embedding in the concrete. The arrangement shall be such that the transformer can be fixed to or unfastened from these bolts as desired. The fixing of transformer to the foundation shall be designed to withstand seismic events to the extent that a static coefficient of 0.3g applied in the direction of least resistance to that of loading will not cause the transformer or clamping device as well as bolts to be over stressed. Earthing Terminals Two earthing pads suitable for connecting 50x 8mm mild steel flat shall be provided at positions close to the two diagonally opposite bottom corner of tank. These grounding terminals shall be suitable for bolted connection. Two earthing terminalsshall also be provided on marshalling box and any other equipment mounted separately. Under Carriage The transformer shall be supported on a strong structural steel base equipped with forged steel or cast steel, single flanged, bi-directional wheels suitable for moving the transformer completely filled with oil. Jacking pads shall be provided to make it possible to change the direction of wheel through 90 degree when the transformer is lifted on jacks and permit movement of the transformer both in the longitudinal and transverse direction. Track gauge in both longitudinal and transverse direction shall match with the existing track at power house KREDA 275 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT switchyard site. Means shall be provided for locking the swivel movement in position parallel to and at right angles to longitudinal axis of the tank. Pulling eyes and skids shall be provided to facilitate moving of the transformer. These shall be suitably braced in the vertical direction to avoid bending when the pull has a vertical component. Bushing Insulators And Terminals i. Transformer shall be fitted with bushing insulators as follows :a. HV Bushings: 12 kV b. LV Bushings: 3.6 kV c. HVN Bushings: 12 kV ii. iii. Bushing shall be suitable for 25 times rated current for 5 seconds. Short time current withstand capability of bushing shall be 31.1 kA for 3 seconds for HV bushing and 40 kA for LV bushing. The electrical characteristics of bushings shall be in accordance with IS:3347, IS:2029 and CBIP Manual on Transformers. All bushings shall be equipped with suitable terminals of approved type and size and all external current carrying surfaces shall be adequately silver plated. All ends as well as all tappings on the windings shall be brought to terminals. Bushings which pass through the cover shall be removable without disturbing the transformer cover. The bushings shall have high factor of safety against leakage to ground and shall be so located as to provide adequate electrical clearances between bushings of various voltages and between bushings and grounded parts. Bushings of identical voltage shall be interchangeable. The insulating class of the high voltage neutral bushings shall be properly coordinated with the insulation class of neutral of the high voltage winding. Clamps and fittings shall be galvanized. Each bushing shall be so coordinated with the transformer insulation that all flash covers will occur outside the tank. All bushings shall have puncture strength greater than dry flash over value. Any stress shield shall be considered as integral part of bushing assembly. Neutral bushings shall be provided as required for earthing of neutral point alongwith ring type of specified CT. Separately mounted CT shall also be accepted. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Centre Of Gravity The center of gravity of the assembled transformer shall be low and as near the vertical center line as possible. The transformer shall be stable with or without oil., if the center of gravity is eccentric relative to track either with or without oil, its location shall be shown on the outline drawings. KREDA 276 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Joints, Gaskets And Valves i. ii. All gasket used for making oil tight joints shall be of proven material such as granulated cork bonded with synthetic rubber. The material used should not deteriorate under the action of hot oil. All valves upto and including 100 mm shall be of gunmetal or of cast steel. Larger valves may be of gunmetal or may have cast iron bodies with gunmetal fittings. They shall be of full way type with internal screw and shall open when turned counter clockwise when facing the hand wheel. Means shall be provided for padlocking the valves in the open and closed position. Every valve shall be provided with flanges having machined faces. The drilling of valves flanges shall comply with the requirement of IS: 2026/IS: 3639. Cleaning And Painting All corrodible parts and surfaces shall be of such material and shall be provided with such protective finish that no part of the installed equipment is injuriously affected by atmospheric conditions. The whole of the exposed portion except bright parts shall be thoroughly cleaned by sand blasting and painted with two primary coats of approved rust resisting paint in dark admiralty grey colour. Inside surface shall be clean, smooth, free from voids and of best construction. The nature of coatings, provided inside, shall be specified and it shall be ensured that it does not react with transformer oil or deteriorates its electrical/chemical properties. Some paint suitable for primary and secondary coats shall also be supplied to cover the damage to paint work which may be experienced during transportation. Marshalling Kiosk Made of sheet steel of minimum 3mm thickness, vermin proof, well ventilated and weather proof marshalling box of a suitable construction shall be provided for the transformer ancillary apparatus. Wiring up to marshalling box shall be with PVC/SWA, PVC copper cable 660/1100 volts grade IS certified/marked. The marshalling box shall accommodate the following equipment: i. ii. Temperature indicators. Terminal board and glands for incoming and out going cables. The temperature indicators shall be so mounted that the dials are not more than 1600 mm from the ground level and the door(s) of the compartment(s) shall be provided with glass window of adequate size to prevent internal condensation. An approved type of metal clad heater with thermostat shall be provided, controlled by water tight single pole iron clad rotary switch mounted on outside of the box. The ventilation louvers, suitably padded with felt, shall also be provided. KREDA 277 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT All outgoing connections from the transformer viz.: Buchholz relay, temperature indicators, level indicators, etc. shall be wired to marshalling kiosk. All incoming cables shall enter the kiosk from the bottom and the gland plate shall not be less than 450 mm from the base of the box. The gland plate and associated compartments shall be sealed in suitable manner to prevent the ingress of moisture from the cable trench. Control Connection, Instrument Wiring, Terminal Boards & Fuses All wiring connections, terminal boards, fuses and lines shall be suitable for tropical atmosphere. Any wiring liable to be in contact with oil shall have oil resisting insulation. There shall be no possibility of oil entering connection boxes used for cables and wiring. When 415 volts connections are taken through junction boxes of marshalling boxes, they shall be adequately screened and 415 volts danger notice must be affixed to the outside of junction boxes or marshalling boxes. All wiring shall be with stranded copper of 1100 volts grade and 4.00 sq. mm for CT leads and not less then 2.5 Sq.mm for other connections. All wiring cables shall be ISI- marked/certified and in accordance with the relevant ISS. All wires on panels and all multicore cables shall have ferrules bearing same number at both ends. Same ferrule numbers shall not be used on wires in different circuits, on the same panels. Ferrules shall be of white insulating material and be provided with glossy finish to prevent adhesion of dirt. They shall be clearly and durably marked in black and shall not be effected by dampness or oil. Wiring shall, in general be accommodated on sides of the box and wires for each circuit shall be separately grouped. Back of panel wiring shall be arranged so that access to the connecting stems of relays and other apparatus is not impeded. All the cables and capillary types of OTI and WTI etc are to be wired properly on cable trays with the help of suitable cleats upto the marshalling box. The cable trays shall be kept minimum 100 mm away from the tank body to avoid excessive heating of cables/wires. Wires shall not be joined or tied between terminal points. Wherever possible, all circuits in which the voltage exceeds 125 volts, shall be kept physically separated from the remaining wiring. The function of each circuit shall be marked on the associated terminal boards. Where apparatus is mounted on panels, all metal cases shall be separately earthed by means of copper wire. No live metal part shall be exposed at the back of terminals boards. All fuses shall be of cartridge type and links shall be labelled. KREDA 278 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT All wiring diagrams for control panels shall preferably be drawn as viewed from the back. The overall design of wiring shall be such that various wires and ends of the same wire can be traced easily and there is convenience to access the terminations and ferrule number shall be readable with convenience. Drawings The tenderer shall submit with his tender, one set of dimensional drawings of the equipment offered, alongwith illustrated and descriptive literature for scrutiny. The successful bidder after the award of the contract, shall supply four copies of the following drawings documents within 30 days after the receipt of purchase order, which will describe the equipment in detail for approval by the Purchaser. i. Detailed outline General Arrangement drawing showing plan, front elevation, side elevation with all fittings and accessories etc. Following information must be specifically included on this drawing: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Make of transformer oil. Electrical clearances, minimum as well as actual. The no. of radiator elements, width, thickness of sheet & height of each radiator. A sketch showing detailed procedure for dismantling. Thickness of transformer tank bottom, side & top plates. Type, shade, shade no. and thickness of transformer paints. Roller, rail gauge sketch. Weight of oil; Bare copper windings, core, un-tanking mass, transportation mass and dimension etc. ii. Detailed drawing of bushing, showing plan & elevation, terminal details, mounting details, make and type, number, incorporating electrical characteristics, description of various parts, total creepage/protected creepage distance, weight of oil, total weight of bushing, dimensions, short time rating etc. iii. Transportation sketch showing dimensions and weights of the heaviest package and the shipping arrangements of the transformer. iv. Rating and diagram plate. NOTE: Bushing CT’s for WTI’s are to be provided on HV side. v. vi. vii. Detailed structural drawings for the transformer tank, under carriage, conservator, radiators, supporting structures for cooling fans etc. Dimensional drawings of multi bolt bimetallic connectors for line ends and flexible connectors for the neutral ends. Roller Stopper arrangement drawing. Additional Drawings KREDA 279 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Following drawings shall be supplied for reference and record in addition to the above listed drawings. i. Large scale drawing of high and low voltage windings of transformer showing the nature and arrangement of insulation and terminal end connections. ii. Drawing showing sectional view of the HV and LV windings when viewed from top. iii. Detailed drawings of conservator and pressure relief device (explosion vent) mounted in position. iv. Foundation plan of the transformer including auxiliary equipment. v. Any other drawing considered necessary by the Purchaser. vi. A schedule showing the requirement of set of spare gaskets. Instruction Manuals The successful tenderer shall be required to supply 6 (six) sets of instruction manuals per transformer, each properly bound in hard cover and two soft copies. Each set shall consist of the following:i. ii. iii. iv. v. All the approved drawings listed above. Erection, Operation & Maintenance manual for transformer and pamphlets for all spare parts e.g. OIL, WTI, Off- load tap-changer Buchholz relay, Silica-gel breather / Pressure relief valve. Instructions for dehydration, if any. Precautions prior to vacuum application, if any. Any other information/data/documents/instructions considered necessary by the manufacturer for efficient functioning of the transformer. Guaranteed Data And Other Particulars Guaranteed data and other technical particulars of the transformers offered shall be furnished by the tenderer in accordance with format provided in this specification for all the transformers. Place Of Manufacture, Testing And Inspection The tenderer shall state in his tender, the place (s) of manufacture, testing and inspection of various portions of the work included in the tender. The place of manufacturing shall not be allowed to be changed at a later stage. The purchaser or his duly authorized representative shall have access to the manufacturer’s works at any time during working hours for the purpose of inspecting the manufacture & testing of materials, equipment and completed plant and the supplier shall provide necessary facilities for inspection. Inspection And Testing KREDA 280 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The successful tenderer shall submit complete set of drawings as already brought out in this specification within 30 days from the receipt of purchase order. The suppliers will furnish schedule of manufacturing of the transformer alongwith the drawing. Purchaser can inspect the raw material, manufacturing process at sub-supplier's works for which advance intimation of manufacturing activities shall be given. i. Radiators Radiators shall be routine/type tested at supplier works as per relevant standards. ii. Routine Testing All routine tests shall be carried out on each transformer as per IS- 2026/ IEC-76 & IEC354 iii. Type testing Following type tests as per IEC-354 shall be carried out as per IEC-76/IEC- 354 & IS2026 on the transformers: a) Temp. Rise Test with 2x50% radiators only. b) The impulse Voltage withstand test on all the three phases with chopped impulse test certificate of identical rating transformer of the manufacturer through Govt. reputed test lab, shall be acceptable. Foundation Bolts And Fixings All plant and equipment shall be provided with a complete set of foundation bolts, washers, nuts, plates and other fixtures as may be required and these shall be supplied by the supplier. These fittings shall be fixed by the purchaser in the foundations, unless otherwise specified. All foundations, bolts, fixtures etc. shall be supplied as soon as possible after the contract drawings have been approved. Packing, Despatch And Delivery The supplier shall be responsible for suitable packing of all equipment and marking of the consignments so as to avoid any damage during transit, storage and to ensure correct dispatch to the destination. Damages to equipment/material in transit due to improper packing shall be to supplier’s account. All parts requiring protection from moisture shall be especially packed to prevent ingress of moisture. No parts of any kind shall be packed inside other larger parts. Heavy parts shall be so mounted that there is no difficulty in attaching slings etc. for unloading at destination. All parts shall be adequately marked to facilitate field erection. Boxes and crates shall be marked with contract number and shall have packing list enclosed, showing the parts contained therein. KREDA 281 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT In case the transformers are despatched gas filled and oil for first filling is despatched separately, sufficient quantity of gas in NON RETURANABLE Cylinders shall be supplied to maintain the pressure of the gas in the tank at site before it is filled with oil. Tools The transformers shall be supplied with a set of special tools, if considered necessary for assembling and dismantling of transformer. The details of the tools etc. included in the offer shall be given. Spares All the spare parts of the equipments shall be interchangeable and shall be of same material and workmanship as the corresponding parts furnished with main equipment. Unit prices of any additional spares considered necessary may be indicated separately. The F.O.R. destination prices shall be mentioned clearly against each item given above. Further, voltage & current rating of each spare bushing should be clearly indicated and should be same as that of bushing provided on the transformers. Drying-Out And Erection The transformer shall be dried-out by an appropriate method at the manufacturer’s works and so arranged for transportation and storage that it may be put into service without further drying out at site. For any subsequent drying out which may be necessary at site the manufacturer shall give details of the method recommended for using the same. The transformer shall be designed to withstand pressure and vacuum tests as specified by CBIP specification for power and distribution transformers :i. ii. iii. Vacuum as per CBIP manual to be applied to tank and cooling equipment when empty of oil. Pressure of 1 kg/cm2 mercury applied to tank and cooling equipment when empty of oil. Pressure of 0.5 kg/cm2 to be applied at conservator on fully assembled transformer when full of oil. Clear instructions shall be given in the maintenance manual regarding special precautionary measures e.g. stucking up of tap changer barrier or tank cover which must be taken before applying the specified vacuum treatments. The maximum vacuum which the complete transformer filled with oil, can safely withstand without any special precautionary measures being taken shall also be stated in the maintenance manual. The bushings shall be capable of withstanding vacuum operation when drying out the transformer. 5.3.6 Station Transformer One No.100 kVA, 3.3/0.433 kV station transformer of oil filled Type shall be provided in KREDA 282 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT the switchyard, conforming to Indian Standards and General specifications as detailed for generator transformer. Technical Particulars i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Voltage Continuous Power Capacity Max. System Voltage Rated voltage a. HV side b. LV side Connection with neutral earthed separately Taps vii. HV Connection connection Cooling ix. : : : : 100 kVA T/F 3.3/0.433 kV 100 kVA 3.6 kV : : : 3.3 kV 433 Volt Dyn 11 : Off load taps + 5% of 2.5% each Cables : Cables : ONAN viii.L.V. FITTINGS Fittings on 100 kVA transformers shall be provided as for generator transformer in accordance with Indian Standard. 5.3.7 TRANSFORMER LOSSES The losses in the transformers at no load and loads shall be as per Indian Standard with the allowances as admissible therein. Losses, Guarantees, Bid, Evaluations And Penalty i) ii) The no load loss in kW at rated frequency and the total losses in kW at rated output, rated voltage and rated frequency shall be guaranteed under penalty for each transformer. The maximum losses at rated frequency shall not be more than the following values. Transformer No load loss Load loss at 750C 1250 kVA 100 kVA iii) iv) KREDA 1.65 kW 0.22 kW 12.0 kW 1.57 kW Penalty on losses higher than the guaranteed values i.e. rate of capitalization shall be Rs. 1.85 lacs per kW. Bid evaluation price adjustment due to losses at 50% average load factor shall be calculated at follows: Total Load Losses = Load Losses + Auxiliary Losses Capitalization of losses = Rate of capitalization x (no load losses + 283 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 0.50 x total load losses) v) No weightage will be given for offers with lower losses for the size of transformer. 5.3.8 List Of Mandatory Spares Generator Transformer 1. 33 kV Bushings complete with gaskets 2 Nos. 2. Neutral Bushings 1 No. 3. Gaskets for tank cover and fittings 1 Set 4. Neutral CT 1 No. 5. OTI/WTI (one of each type) 2 Nos. 6. Buchholz relay 1 No. 7. Oil level indicator 1 No. 8. Pressure relief device 2 Nos. 9. Silica gel drying agent 50% of quantity used 10. Silica gel breather 1 No. 11. Set of valves (one no. of each size) 1 Set Station Transformer 1. Fittings 1 Set each 2. Bushing 1 Set each 3. Neutral Bushing 1 No. each KREDA 284 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Annexure-5.3/1 STANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE IS: IS: IS: IS: IS: IS: 1367 1866 2026 2705 3156 3347 Hot dip galvanized coatings on threaded fasteners. Code of practice for maintenance of insulating oil. Specification for Power Transformers Current transformers Potential Transformers Dimensions of porcelain transformer bushings for use in lightly Polluted Atmospheres IS: 3637 Gas operated relays IS: 3639 Fitting & accessories for Power Transformers IS: 6600 Guide for loading of oil immersed transformers IS: 9434 Guide for sampling and analysis of free and dissolved gas and oil from oil filled electrical equipment. IS: 10028 Code of practice for selection, installation and maintenance of transformer IEEE: 32 IEEE standard requirement terminology and test procedure for neutral Grounding device. CBIP: Manual of Transformer. Equipment complying with other internationally accepted standards such as IEEE, IEC, BS, USA, VDE etc. will also be considered if they ensure performance and constructional features equivalent or superior to standards listed above. In such a case the Bidder shall clearly indicate: i. ii. iii. KREDA The standards adopted, The bidder shall clearly bring out salient features for comparison with the standards listed under serial 1 above. Furnish a copy (in English) of the relevant standards adopted (along with the latest revision of standard and copies of all official amendments and revisions in force as on date of opening of bid). 285 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CONTROL, METERING AND PROTECTION 5.4 5.4.1 General It is planned to provide this Power Station with the systems based on state of art technologies of control, metering, protection, communications and remote control. The equipment offered against this section of specification shall meet the requirements and specification laid down herein, shall be based on the latest techniques in the respective fields and conform to the relevant Indian / International Standards and codes of practices. 5.4.2 Scope The scope includes design, manufacture, shop testing, delivery, erection, testing, commissioning and training of purchasers’ personnel for computer based automatic systems for the operation of power plant and switchyard from any control point that can be local, and remote. The scope also includes data logging, alarm monitoring, unit control, protection, metering, communication system and other components for making the system complete and to ensure a trouble free and safe operation on turnkey basis. The power station will comprise the following major components: i. ii. iii. iv. 2x750 MW Synchronous Generating units, Francis turbines being the prime mover, synchronization at 3.3 kV, excitation and digital governing systems. 2 Nos. 1250 kVA 3.3/11 kV step up generator transformer 1 No. 100 kVA,3.3 kV/433 V station transformer 2 Nos. 11 kV Feeders Following drawings show tentatively the equipments to be controlled: Single line diagram – indicating CT/PT, Metering and Protection scheme Control Equipment and Data Acquisition The control equipment shall comprise following: a. Generating Units Control Manual/Automatic control of generating units from control panels located in the control room as well as near the respective units by PLC based unit controllers. KREDA 286 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT b. Switchyard Control i. ii. Manual control from hard wired control panels located in the control room. Automatic control from computer based unit controller in the control room using a remote terminal unit (RTU) located in the switchyard if required. c. Data Acquisition The PLCs will acquire data from generating units, transformers, 3.3 kV and 11 kV switchgears, auxiliaries, transducers/sensors, CTs and VTs, etc. as necessary for their optimal operation. Wherever signals are weak or there is strong noise due to EMI or RI etc, shielded cables shall be used to carry signals/data. Notes: i. The control equipment offered should have been in successful operation for 2 years in at least 2 power stations. Certificates to this effect from the users shall be submitted by the bidder. ii. The UPS required for the PLCs system and the batteries needed for the UPS for 1hour backup shall also be supplied by the contractor. iii. Calculation for kVA rating of the UPS and battery specifications shall be submitted by the bidder for purchaser’s consideration. Synchronization Manual synchronization shall be provided in addition to computer-based autosynchronization with an appropriate change-over switch on the control panel. Alarm and Annunciation Window annunciation shall be provided on the control panels in the control room as well as those near the generating units and the same shall be complete with audio and video alarm system. The system shall be designed to have low DC power consumption. Metering i. ii. iii. KREDA All panel meters shall be digital with at least 2 cm digit size, at least three-and-ahalf digit LED display and accuracy class of 1.0. Export/Import Energy metering shall be provided on the 11 kV feeders and generators with microprocessor based trivector meters of an accuracy class of 0.2 or better. Electronic energy meters of accuracy class of 1.0 or better will be provided for metering at station transformer. 287 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Protection Relays i. ii. iii. Each generator and generator transformer shall be provided with a multifunction digital relay incorporating all protection functions, measurements and fault data logging features. Generators and generator transformers shall have additional protection using static (analog) relays. Digital relays shall be provided for the protection of feeder and station transformer. Temperature Scanners Temperature scanners and suitable printer shall be installed for stator windings, bearing temperatures and transformers including cables from temperature sensors. The scanners shall have two alarm settings for high temperature for each point adjustable over the entire range. There shall be one scanner for each generating unit along with generator transformer. Each scanner shall have atleast 32 channels. Control Panels The following control panels fitted with necessary devices and appropriately wired using standard accessories shall be provided and located in control room. Each functional control panel listed below can physically be comprised of more than one panel. Mimic diagram with semaphore indications for circuit breaker and isolators shall be provided on the control panels. Mimic diagram with semaphore indicators for circuit breakers and isolators shall be provided on the control panels. i. ii. iii. iv. Unit control panel for each generating unit and generator transformer. Station Transformer Control Panels Synchronizing panel. Feeder Panels Local Communication The scope shall cover supply, erection, testing & commissioning and handing over to owner of a digital electronic private exchange of 8/10 lines along with 8/10 telephone sets, including connection to subscribers for voice communication. The exchange will work on available D.C. system. Voice communication system shall have to be integrated with BSNL or other telephone communication network. Completeness All such systems/equipment/components/works which are necessary for the completeness of the system but not mentioned explicitly shall also be a part of the scope of the contractor. The control room shall be dust-free and air-conditioned as described elsewhere. KREDA 288 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Spare Parts & Tools The contractor shall ensure supply of the spares for all the offered equipment/components (at least one module of every type) for use for 5 years and any special tools and plants, spanners etc. required for site assembly, erection, testing, commissioning, operation & maintenance of the equipment. Documentation The contractor shall provide all necessary drawings, diagrams and documentation of equipment and software. The documentation in original shall also include six hard copies and one soft copy of the following: a. Hardware: The necessary user, reference and service manuals along with the technical specifications for all the hardware systems/sub-systems shall be supplied by the contractor. The extent of documentation to be furnished shall be to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. b. Software: User and reference manuals related to complete software shall be supplied by the contractor. The extent of the documentation to be furnished shall be to the satisfaction of the Purchaser. 5.4.3 Standards The equipment must conform to national and international codes of practices and standards. 5.4.4 Functional Requirements Automation System i) Control Options Computer-based automation systems shall permit operation of the power plant and switchyard from the control panels. Manual control shall also be provided in the equipment. The auxiliaries will have option to start locally from the motor starter panels to be installed nearest to the motors. ii) Unit Controllers For each generating unit, there will be an independent PLC based unit controller. Back up manual control shall be provided for each unit. Suitable remote terminal units (RTUs) shall be provided in the switchyard and at station auxiliaries to enable control of the switchyard equipment and station services. KREDA 289 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Each PLC will have a dual power unit. The main power unit will work on station D.C. and the hot-standby power unit will take power from a UPS at 240 Volts A.C. Unit Control i) Control Functions The unit controllers will control the generating units individually and shall perform following functions: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Governor control Excitation control Sequence control Alarm and annunciation Synchronization Input from transducers & sensors Output to actuators Communication Active power control Reactive power control ii) Auto Start/Stop The equipment controlled and monitored during the start/stop sequence will include the following: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Main inlet valve; Governor hydraulic oil system; Guide vanes limit positions; Guide vanes positions; Brakes; Cooling water system; Excitation equipment; Unit speed; Protective relaying status; Unit alarms; Unit breaker status; iii) Diagnostic Information Automation system shall have capability to provide diagnostic information in the event something fails to operate during the start sequence/running. The protective relays and devices of generator and turbine are proposed to be grouped into four categories subject to modification by purchaser in consultation with contractor/equipment supplier. KREDA 290 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP iv) Control Scheme of Turbine (a) Controlled action shut down TENDER DOCUMENT Controlled action shutdown will be initiated by any of the following conditions. Generator thrust bearing pads temperature very high Generator guide bearing pads temperature very high Turbine guide bearing pads temperature very high Governor OPU oil level low stage-II Governor OPU oil pressure low stage-II The controlled action shut down system will not cause immediate tripping of the generator and field breaker but smoothly transfer load and initiate tripping of generator transformer breaker & field breaker only when entire load is transferred. Trip Alarm in control room and VCB will operate. (b) Emergency Shut down Emergency shutdown will be initiated by any of the following conditions. Speed 115% and Guide vanes apparatus not moved to closing Guide vanes fails to close in preset time Unit over speed (electrical)>140% Unit over speed (mechanical)>150% Stop push button on unit control board is pressed. Stop push button on control panel in control room is pressed. Emergency shut down system will perform following functions: Trip 3.3 kV main generator breaker Stop turbine by governor action Trip generator field circuit breaker Operate trip alarm in control room/UCB Energizes emergency solenoid valve in governor cubicle to stop the turbine by bypassing governor. Close main inlet valve (c) Immediate Action Shut down Immediate action shut down will be initiated by any of the following conditions: KREDA Generator differential protection operates 291 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Generator stator earth fault protection operates Generator field failure protection operates Generator transformer stand by earth fault protection operates Over current in stator Over current instantaneous protection in the excitation circuit The immediate action shut down will perform following function. - Trip generator breaker Trip field breaker Initiates controlled action shut down. Stop turbine by governor action. Trip annunciation in control room/UCB. (d) Electrical shut down Electrical shutdown system will be initated by any of the following conditions. - Over current in the excitation circuit Generator back up protection operates Generator over voltage protection operates. Excitation failure protection operates. Reverse power protection operates. Generator T/F IDMT over current, over current instantaneous & earth fault and negative phase sequence protection operates. Electrical shut down system will perform following functions: (i) (ii) (iii) Trip generator breaker Trip field breaker Governor brings the unit to spin at no load. v) Synchronization Automatic system shall be capable of auto synchronising. A synchronising check relay will be provided. Provision of manual synchronization shall also be provided. vi) Turbine Operation Optimization Optimization of energy generation will be ensured by monitoring water level of the forebay. For this purpose signals shall be taken from the level transducers at forebay. Protection Protection relay panels for the generating units and 3.3/11 kV generator transformers shall use microprocessor based (numerical) and static (analog) relays as described in Generator KREDA 292 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Protection. The 11 kV feeder shall be protected with microprocessor based relay as described in 11 kV line protection herein after. Protective relays for other equipment shall be digital type. Details of protection requirements are shown tentatively in enclosed drawing. Metering The metering equipment (Meters, CTs and VTs) will meet the requirements shown in drawing. Auxiliary Power The auxiliary power at 415 V shall be taken from the 3.3 kV bus through one station transformer and distributed as per requirement. D.C. Supply The D.C. power at 24 v for all controls, circuit breakers, relays and meters etc. shall be obtained from one set of station battery. The battery bank shall have 300 AH capacity tentatively and shall be float and boost charged from separate rectifier units. Tentative details of charging arrangements and distribution are shown in drawing. Further details are given in subsequent paras. Calculations for the capacity of batteries shall be submitted by the bidder for the consideration of the purchaser. 5.4.5 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE & COMPONENTS i. Open architecture system shall be followed in accordance with IEEE-1249-1996. Interface and operating standards/protocols for the following shall be intimated and should comply with ISO/IEC 12119: Time stamping of data, Communications Operating system Data base KREDA ii. Each of these elements should be capable of being replaced by and communicating with system elements provided by other vendors. iii. The scope of the bidder is not limited to the parts & components explicitly identified here in and shall have to provide any and all parts/components needed to meet the functional requirements laid down herein. 293 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.4.6 PROTECTION AND METERING DETAILS Protection and Metering Scheme Requirements of metering and protection/scheme and the function performed by various relays are explained in following tentative drawing - Single Line Diagram All the protective relays will be housed in the control room of the Power Plant. The tentative locations of CTs and PTs shall be in Line Terminal and NG cubicles for the protection and metering. Alternative arrangements may be proposed by the bidder. The final drawings for the protection & metering shall be submitted by the contractor and will be subject to the approval by the Purchaser. Instrument Transformers All current and voltage transformers required for protection system of the unit shall have adequate VA burdens, knee point voltage, saturation factor and characteristics suitable for the application, and shall be subject to approval of the Owner. Special Features of Proposed Protection System i. The protection system shall be built on latest technology and the bidder has to guarantee for supply of spares for at least 10 years. Moreover, the bidder should have full range of manufacture of the system offered. ii. Wide setting ranges with fine setting steps for each protection shall be available. iii. The offered system shall have proven record of satisfactory performance for at least 2 years and in two power stations. Necessary certificates to this effect shall be a part of the offer. iv. The protective relays shall preferably be housed in draw out type of cases with tropical finish. v. Common tripping relays (each for similar functions) will be provided with lock-out facilities. All these relays shall have potential free contacts for trip and alarm purposes and externally hand reset type of flag indicators Generator And Transformer Protection 1. An integrated numerical protection relay incorporating the following functions shall be provided for each Generator and Transformer: Generators KREDA 294 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. TENDER DOCUMENT Generator differential (High impedance circulating current) (87 G) Negative phase sequence (46) Generator reverse power protection (32) Voltage restrained over current protection (51V) Stator earth fault protection (64S) Loss of excitation protection (40) Over frequency protection (81) Rotor earth fault protection (64R) Over & under voltage protections (59 & 27) Over speed relay-Mechanical And Electrical (12) Transformers i. Generator transformers differential protection (87 GT) ii. Generator T/F over current and earth fault protection with high set instantaneous element (50/51, N) iii. Generator T/F stand by earth fault protection (64) iv. Measurements b)In addition, the following electromagnetic relays, protective relays shall be provided for generator and transformers: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Negative phase sequence relay (46) IDMT Over current relay (51) Reverse power relay (32) Stator earth fault protection (64G) Generator T/F stand by earth fault protection (64) Check synchronizing relay (25) The bidder may propose additional (if any) protection as an option. c)Following protection provided on the generator transformers shall also be integrated with the main protection described above: i. ii. iii. iv. d) Oil temperature indicator with alarm Buchholz relay with alarm and trip control. Winding temperature indicator with alarm and trip control Oil gauge with low-level alarm. Following mechanical protections shall be provided: a. Resistance temperature detectors (Pt-100) in stator core (12 no.) and in the bearings for indication, alarm and recording. RTD’s are to be provided by Generator Suppliers. b. Turbine and generator bearing, metal and oil temperatures – alarm/shutdown. KREDA 295 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT c. Governor oil pressure low to block starting and very low for emergency tripping. d. Over speed for normal and emergency shutdown depending upon its extent. Note: Though the generator shall be synchronized at 3.3 kV, neutral displacement protection has been provided through a neutral grounding transformer with a ratio of 3.3kV /110 volts (Ratings are tentative and subject to confirmation). There shall be a provision in the relay for time grading to avoid operation of the relay function on 11 kV fault. The ratings of this transformer are tentative, the bidder shall submit detailed calculations. 11 kV Line Protection A numerical directional inverse-over current and earth fault relay with high set unit shall be provided on line along with frequency relay (81). Station Transformer protection Station supply is provided through 1 No. 3.3/0.433 kV 100 kVA station transformer. This transformer will supply power to all the auxiliaries of the units and station general supply. The following protection will be provided on the transformers. (i) 3.3 kV side of Station transformer (a) (b) (c) (d) (ii) Digital IDMT over current and earth fault relay with high set instantaneous element (50/51N) T/F winding temp high alarm/trip control. T/F oil temperature high alarm Bucholz relay with alarm and trip control LV side of the Station transformer Digital IDMT over current & earth fault protection with high set instantaneous element (50/51N). 5.4.7 CONTROL AND RELAY PANELS Constructional Features i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. KREDA All control panels shall be of standard construction, dimensions, materials and 12 SWG sheet thickness. Control panels shall be of simplex types (devices mounted on the front panel and lockable double door on the back side). Panels shall be painted by dry electro-static powder coating process. All accessories mounted on the front panel shall be flush mounting type. The control panel will have mimic diagram painted or embossed on its front. Each panel will have arrangements for internal lighting and heating. 296 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vii. TENDER DOCUMENT The wires and wiring accessories, terminations etc. shall be as per relevant Indian Standards. Control Panels The unit control panel for each generating unit shall accommodate necessary relays, measuring instruments, indicators, control unit, control switches, annunciator, temperature scanner etc. for the operation of the generating unit from control room. The generating units shall be controlled from this control panel during starting, stopping and normal running in manual and auto modes. Some important controls, instruments, annunciations etc. shall be duplicated or additionally provided on a unit control board mounted in machine hall near governor cabinet for operation of the unit, details of which shall be decided in consultation with the purchaser. Panel Synchronizing equipment with check feature shall be provided for synchronization of the generating units at the 3.3 kV bus bars and shall comprise of a centrally positioned panel. All the indicating meters with associated switches and fuses should be mounted on the upper half of Central panel so that it is easily visible to the operator. Synchronising switch shall be mounted near each circuit breaker control switch on the respective unit control panel. Contacts provided in each switch shall be connected in the closing circuit of the respective breaker so that the breaker cannot be closed until the switch is turned to the “Synchronising” position. Switches shall be arranged so that the handle will be locked only in the ‘OFF’ position and check synchronizing relay shall be provided, so that the breaker could be closed only when voltage, frequency and phases are properly matched. Provision for closing the breaker without synchronising check should also be made with the check synchronising switch in OFF position. All necessary interlocks, auxiliary potential transformers, auxiliary relays, wiring of the synchronizing bus inside the control panel, fuses, clamps and other accessories for satisfactory synchronizing operation shall be provided by the contractor. The synchronizing scheme is subject to purchaser’s approval. Transformer Control Panels One control panel for the station transformer and other for distribution transformer shall be provided complete with necessary relays, measuring instruments, indicators, control switches, annunciator etc. KREDA 297 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.4.8 ANNUNCIATION SYSTEM A multipoint microprocessor based annunciator with suitable number of ways for projecting visual signals and audible alarm in case of fault shall be provided on the control panels suitably. The annunciator shall be back connected flush mounting, dust tight and tropicalised and shall be complete with audible warning device, and apparatus as required to complete the annunciator system. It shall be suitable for operation on 24 V.D.C. supply. The operation of the annunciator system shall be as follows :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) When an external initiating contact is closed, the audible warning shall sound continuously and the appropriate facia shall be illuminated by flashing light. An “acknowledge” push button shall be provided on control desk and near the annunciator unit which when pressed shall stop the audible signal and cause the facia to remain illuminated steadily. The annunciator facia illumination shall normally be designed to retain the indication after the re-opening of the initiating contact. A “reset” push buttom shall restore the annunciator to the normal condition. A test button shall be provided close to the “acknowledge” and “reset” buttons to illuminate all the facias on the associated display unit for as long as the “test” button is held in pressed condition. In case there is a second fault on a system when the first is alreadybeing shown by the facia, the annunicator shall show the second fault also even when the first is existing on facia. The following facilities shall be provided with each of the annunciator points :It shall be possible to use “Normally open” type contacts as initiating contacts for the annunciator. It shall also be possible to use a few “Normally closed” type of initiating contacts, if required. ii) Provision shall be included with each annunciator point for remote indication at other control boards. It will be the responsibility of the contractor to provide all the alarms and annunciations required for the safe and efficient operation of the power station. i) An A.C. operated relay with A.C. buzzer and A.C. indicating lamp with reset push button shall be supplied for annunication of D.C. supply failure. Alarm horns, flicker light relays, necessary hardware and any other auxiliary equipment required to complete the annunciation system shall be provided. KREDA 298 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.4.9 FACTORY TESTING Equipment Tests Each individual equipment shall be routine tested as per IEC/IS at the work’s of supplier in presence of Owner. System Tests The contractor shall organize and execute a complete factory test of the system. The system shall be erected in his workshop in the engineered configuration and shall be tested for the following: i. Operation requirements ii. Operating characteristics iii. Response times iv. Software functions v. Deficiencies Various process signals shall be simulated for carrying out above system tests. The Supplier shall submit routine test reports of each equipment and the total system. 5.4.10 SITE TESTING The contractor shall carryout tests at site as per relevant IEC/IS standards as follows in the presence of and to the entire satisfaction of the owner: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Calibration checks (on sample basis) on all factory calibrated meters and transducers. Acceptance tests on all other devices fitted on the control panels and earlier tested in factory. IR tests on panels. Continuing and IR tests on external cablings. Calibration checks/acceptance tests on all devices and equipment connected to the control panels. Functional checks on each equipment/object controlled from unit controllers with control circuits de-energised. Functional checks on controllers with power circuits de-energised. Verification of all manual control functions from unit control panels. Verification of all control sequences from unit controllers with power and control circuits energised. Watch up each generating unit and perform all start/stop sequences on it. 5.4.11 TRAINING Training of the personal of the department shall be arranged by the Contractor at the suppliers works and project site. KREDA 299 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT ANNEXURE-5.4/1 CODES OF PRACTICE AND STANDARDS IEEE Std 1249-1996 IEEE Std 1020-1988 IEEE Std1010 – 1987 IEEE 2519 IEC 687 IEC 225 IEC 68 IEC 60255-21-1 IEC 60255-21-2 IEC 60255-1-3 IEC 801-2/4 IEC 801-3/3 IEC 801-4/4 IEC 801-5 IEC 801-3 EN 5501/COSPR11 EN 55011/CISPR11 IEC 62000-4-6 IEC 61000-4-3 IEC 61000-4-4 IEC 61000-4-5 IEC 61000-4-11 IEC 60255-22-1 IEC 68-2-1 & 68-2-2 IEC 68-2-30 IEC 68-2-6 IEC 68-2-27 ASTM D999-75 ASTM D775-80 IEC 1000-4-2 IEC 1000-4-3 IEC 1000-4-4 IEC 1000-4-5 IEC 1000-4-6 CISPR 11 (EN55011) UL94V KREDA Guide for computer based control of hydroelectric plant automation Guide for control of small hydro plant Guide for Control of Hydro Electric Power Plant Power Quality Alternating current static watt-hour meters for active energy Electric relays Environmental testing Vibration National Electrical Code Earthquake Static discharge test Electromagnetic fields Transient fast burst test Surge withstand test Dielectric tests Emission, terminal disturbance Emission, radiation disturbance Electromagnetic fields Fast transients/Bursts Surge voltage Voltage dips 1MHz Burst disturbance Temperature Humidity Vibration of Unpackaged Products Shock of Unpackaged Products Vibration of Packaged products Shock of Packaged products Electrostatic Discharge Immunity Radiated Electromagnetic Immunity Electrical Fast Transient/Burst Immunity Surge Transient Immunity Conducted Electromagnetic Immunity Radiated Emissions Flammability and Resistance to Electrical Ignition 300 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CODE OF PRACTICE AND STANDARDS KREDA IS-3231 Electrical relays for power system protections IS- 1248 Indicating Instruments IS-722 Energy meters, control switches (LV switching devices for control and Auxiliary Circuits) IS-2705 Current transformers IS-3156 Voltage transformers IS-4237 General requirements for Switchgear and control gear for voltage not exceeding 1 kV IEC-375 Marking and arrangements for switchgear busbars, main connection and auxiliary wiring IS-8686 Specification for static protective relays IS-1248 Specification for direct acting electrical indicating instruments IS 13118 Circuit Breakers IS 9920/21 Isolators IS 3070 Lightning Arrestors 301 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 5.5 TENDER DOCUMENT 11 kV SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT 5.6.1 Scope These specifications covers the design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of the following equipment to be installed in the11kV switchyard . All these equipments shall be suitable for service in outdoor yard at an altitude of about 3300,3200,3300 m under the site conditions described in project details. (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) 11 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker. 11 kV Lightning Arrestors 11 kV Line Isolator 11 kV Current Transformers 11 kV Potential Transformers Switch Yard Structures etc. 5.5.1 11 Kv Vaccum Circuit Breaker Scope Of Supply And Design Criteria These specifications cover the design, manufacture, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 11 kV circuit breakers vacuum type suitable for installation in out door switch yard. The breakers shall be complete in all respect including supporting structures, control kiosk mounted there on, bushings, terminal connectors suitable for ACSR conductor, operating mechanism, earthing terminals etc. as per relevant IS specifications. Applicable Standards Unless otherwise modified in this specification, the vacuum circuit breakers shall comply with the following Indian Standards as amended from time to time: IS - 13118 : Circuit breakers Rated Voltage The rated voltage for the circuit breaker shall be 12 kV. This represents the highest system voltage corresponding to the nominal system voltage of 11 kV. Rated Current The Standard rated normal current shall be 630A. Rated Short-Circuit Breaking Current The rms value of the A.C. component of the rated short-circuit breaking current shall be 16 kA. KREDA 302 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The value of D.C. component shall be calculated in accordance with recommendations contained in IS : 13118. Rated Short-Circuit Making Current The rated short-circuit making current of the circuit breakers shall be taken as 2.5 times the rms value of the a.c. component of the rated short-circuit breaking current. Rated Voltage Of Operating Devices The standard DC voltage for the operating devices shall be 24 V. Metering And Protection (i) Meters/instruments on the circuit breaker control panel shall be provided in accordance with the REC standard. (ii) A triple-pole IDMTL type protection relay having two elements for over-current protection and one element for earth fault protection shall be provided on 11 kV outgoing circuit breaker control panel. The current setting range of the over-current elements shall be from 50% to 200% in steps of 25% and that of the earth fault element from 20% to 80% in steps of 10%. Constructional Features – Vacuum Circuit Breaker Out door Application: Vacuum circuit breaker for outdoor application shall be fixed type of construction and the vacuum interrupter units together with the HV connections shall be enclosed in a sealed housing (preferably of porcelain) conforming to IP-65 protection (IS:2147). The operating mechanism, links, etc. shall be housed in a suitable cubicle and should be accessible for maintenance. The indicators and operating handle etc. shall be provided on the front side with a hinged door and locking device. The door shall open upwards (with hinge at the top) for protection against rain (when in open position). Closing/Tripping Mechanism The circuit breakers shall be provided with 230 V single-phase AC motor for springclosing mechanism with provision for manual closing. Note: i) The hand-operated spring mechanism is very light in the case of vacuum circuit breakers as compared to the conventional oil circuit breakers and is ideal for rural sub-stations due to its simplicity and economy. KREDA 303 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Alternatively, the Deptt. have the option to order circuit breakers with solenoid closing mechanism suitable for operation with 24 voltage. (ii) The trip mechanism shall be suitable for direct operation from the control panel in conjunction with the 'Series trip' relays operated by DC system. Tests The circuit breakers shall be subjected to the following routine and type test in accordance with the details specified in the relevant Indian Standards, as amended from time to time. (i) Routine Tests a) b) c) d) (ii) Power frequency voltage dry test on the main circuit Voltage test on control and auxiliary circuits. Measurement of resistance of the main circuit Mechanical operating test Type Tests a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Tests to prove mechanical performance Tests to prove mechanical operation Tests to prove that temperature rise of any part does not exceed specified limits Tests to prove that insulation complies with specified limits Tests to prove short-circuit making and breaking performance. Tests to prove sort-time current performance. Tests to prove performance when breaking line charging current Test to prove performance when breaking cable charging current Tests to prove the performance when breaking single capacitor bank currents Tests to prove the performance when breaking small inductive currents. Technical Requirements SL. NO. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. KREDA PARTICULARS Name of manufacturer/ (Word equivalent not acceptable) Manufacturers type designation Rated Voltage Maximum (continuous service rated voltage) Short time current rating: 1 second rms (kA) 3 second rms (kA) Normal current rating: Under normal conditions 11 KV BREAKER Vaccum Type 11 KV 12 KV 16.0 KA 630 Amp. 304 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP SL. NO. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. TENDER DOCUMENT PARTICULARS Under site conditions Maximum temperature rise ambient Breaking capacity a) Symmetrical b) Asymmetrical Making capacity Total break time at 10% rated interrupting capacity at rated interrupting capacity Arcing time Make time Minimum reclosing time from the instant of trip coil energisation Minimum dead time for 3 phase reclosing Data on transient recovery voltage i) Amplitude factor ii) Natural frequency iii) Phase factor iv) R.R.R. volts in micro second Dry 1 minute power frequency withstand test voltage a) Between line terminal and ground objects: b) Between terminal with breaker contacts open 1.2 / 50 full wave impulse withstand test voltage: a) Between line terminal and ground objects b) Between terminal with breaker contacts open Bushing of insulators ii) iii) iv) v) vi) KREDA Type of bushing Dry 1 min. power frequency withstand test voltage kV (rms) Dry flash over value kV (rms) Wet flash over value kV (rms) 1.2/50 impulse 11 KV BREAKER 630 Amp. 16 KA 750 MVA 40 KA Less than 100 ms Less than 100 ms Less than 50 ms Less than 100 ms --- 50% of rated capacity ----- 28 kV 28 Kv 75 kVP 75 kVP Hollow porcelain ------ 305 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP SL. NO. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. TENDER DOCUMENT PARTICULARS withstand kV (speak) vii) Creepage distance Minimum clearance in air i) Between phases ii) Live parts to earth iii) Live parts to ground level Number of poles of circuit breaker Number of breaks per phase Total length of break per phase Type of main contacts Type of arcing contacts Material of arcing contacts Contacts silver plated or not Thickness of silver plating Contact pressure Number of auxiliary contacts provided Those closed when breaker is closed Those open when breaker is closed 11 KV BREAKER -- As per standards 3 1 30 mm Butt Spiral Copper alloy Yes 20 micros 139 kgs. area of contacts 94 cms. 6 6 30. 31. 32. Type of operating mechanism i) Opening ii) Closing Control circuit voltage Maximum over voltage on switching transformer on no load and the charging current motor spring charging mechanism 24 V DC Less than 4 per unit Circuit Breaker (i) (ii) KREDA The breaker shall be of vacuum type. This shall be restrike free, stored energy operated, trip free, and with electrical anti-pumping feature. Only motor wound closing spring charging arrangement shall be accepted. Operating cycle shall be `O-3 min.-CO-3min.CO'. The breaker shall be controlled locally and/or remotely as required. The closing and tripping coils shall operate under extreme conditions of control voltage variation. Supervision relays shall be provided for trip coil monitoring under both status of the breaker i.e., open and closed. Facilities shall be provided for mechanical tripping of breaker and manual charging of closing spring. 306 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Relays And Protection Relay and protection shall generally be as shown in metering and relaying scheme,to be provided on indorr control panel for the outdoor breallers. (i) (ii) Selection of all types of relays shall be subject to Owner's approval. All relays and timers shall be flush mounted with connections from inside. They shall have transparent & dust tight cover, removable from front, drawout construction for easy replacement from the front. They shall have built-in test facilities, or can be provided with necessary test blocks and test switches. One testing plug shall be provided. The auxiliary relays and timers may be in non-drawout cases. The relays and timers shall operate under extreme conditions of control voltage variation. They shall not have any in-build batteries, and shall operate on available dc supply. They shall be provided with hand-reset operation indicators (flags) or LEDs with push buttons for resetting for analyzing the cause of breaker operation. 5.5.2 11 kV LIGHTNING ARRESTORS Scope This specification covers metal oxide Lightning Arresters for use in effectively earthed systems with nominal voltage of 11 KV Applicable Standards The Indian Standard on metal oxide lightning arresters to be followed shall be IS 3070 and shall generally conform to stipulations made in IEC recommendations. Rated Voltage The rated voltage of arresters shall be 9 KV (rms). These ratings are applicable for effectively earthed systems with the transformer neutral effectively earthed. Nominal Discharge Current Rating The nominal discharge current rating of arresters shall be 10 KA for 11 KV system Current Impulse Withstand Levels The 10 kV arresters shall withstand 18 impulses of long duration current with a peak level of 75 Amps. And duration 1000 micro-secs. KREDA 307 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Protective Levels These arresters shall meet the following maximum protective levels: 9KV Maximum residual voltage at nominal discharge current 40 Maximum steep current impulse residual voltage at nominal 45 discharge current KV (Peak) Terminal Arrangement The top metal cap and the base of the lightning arresters shall be galvanized. The line terminal shall have a built-in-clamping device which can be adjusted for both horizontal and vertical take off to suit ACSR (Conductor size to be specified by the purchaser). The base of the lightning arresters shall be provided with two separate terminals distinctly marked for connection to earth. Sealing The arresters shall be hermetically sealed to avoid ingress of moisture. Suitable rubber gaskets with effective sealing system should be used. Manufacturers should devise a suitable routing production testing to verify the efficacy of sealing. Disconnecting Device The arrester for 11 kV system may be provided with a suitable disconnecting device. This shall be connected in series with the ground lead and should not affect the sealing system of the arresters. The disconnecting device shall conform to the requirements specified in IS : 3070 (Part-2) 1985. Pressure Relief Device The arresters for 11 kV system should have a suitable pressure relief system in order to avoid damage to its porcelain housing. Tests i. (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) KREDA Type Tests Insulation withstand test Residual voltage test Current impulse test Operating duty test Test for arrester disconnectors Temperature cycle test on porcelain housing Porosity test for porcelain components 308 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (h) (i) TENDER DOCUMENT Galvanizing test on exposed steel metal parts Visual examination ii. Acceptance Tests The following tests shall be doen on the lower whole number of the cube root of the number of arresters to be supplied: (a) (b) (c) (d) Power frequency reference voltage test at reference current on complete arresters Lightning impulse residual voltage test at nominal discharge current on complete arresters Galvanizing test on exposed steel parts Visual examination Routine Tests iii. (a) (b) (c) iv. Measurement of the reference voltage on the complete arresters Residual voltage test at nominal discharge current on the complete arresters of sections. Test to verify the efficacy of sealing Inspection All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture unless otherwise specially agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser. The manufacture shall afford the inspector (representing the purchaser) all reasonable facilities without charge to satisfy him that the material is supplied in accordance with this specification. The purchaser has the right to have the tests carried out at his own cost by an independent agency, whenever there is dispute regarding the quality of supply. 5.5.3 11 kV ISOLATOR: Scope This specification covers 11 KV, 50 Hz Air Break Switches for outdoor installation. The switches are suitable for operation under off-load conditions manually only and are intended for use onTransformer and feeder circuits at project. Applicable Standards Unless otherwise stipulated in this specification, the AB switches shall conform to IS: 9921 (Pt.I to V) Rated Voltage The rated voltage shall be 11 KV. KREDA 309 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Rated Nominal Current The rated normal current shall be 6300 Amps. Rated Lightning Impulse Withstand Voltage kV (Peak) i) ii) To earth and between poles Across the terminals of open Switch 75 KV 85 KV One-Minutes Power Frequency Withstand Voltage kV (rms) i) ii) To earth and between poles Across the terminals of open Switch 28 KV 32 KV Temperature Rise The temperature rise shall not exceed the maximum limits specified below: Temperature rise limit at ambient temperature not exceeding i. Copper contacts (Silverfaced) in air ii. Terminals of the switch intended to be connected to external conductors by bolts 40oC 65oC 50oC Rated Short Time Current The rated short time current shall be 16 KA. Constructional Features-Isolators The Air Break Switch shall have triple-pole gang operated double break construction and shall be suitable for horizontal or vertical mounting as required by the purchaser. The switch shall have two 11 kV post insulators per phase suitably mounted on angle irons to enable easy movement of insulators. The angle supports shall be mounted on a steel frame made of two angle/ channel supports. The switch shall be manually operation arrangement through a 30 mm2 G.I coupling rod. All current carrying parts shall be made of silver or nickel-plated 90% electrolytic copper. The arcing horns shall be made of phosphor bronze and shall have spring – assisted operation. The switch shall have a spring mechanism so as to ensure that the speed of opening of contacts is independent of the speed of manual operation. KREDA 310 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The vertical operating rod shall comprise of 25 mm (Nominal bore) Galvanized steel tube (medium class) as per IS: 1161-1979. Suitable arrangement shall be provided to pad –lock the operating handle in ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ positions. The switch shall be provided with bimetallic connectors on the incoming side to accommodate ACSR of conductor. All iron parts shall be hot dip galvanized. The tubes shall be galvanized in accordance with IS: 4736-1968. (1) Isolator and Earth Switch Operation The isolating switch shall be equipped with local manual operating device intended for operation. It shall be possible to padlock the manual-operating handle both in the open and closed positions of the switches. Additional electromagnetic type interlock shall be provided on the manual operating handle and control cubicle for motor operation so as to prevent the operation of isolator manually and locally when the corresponding circuit breaker is ‘ON’. Earth switches shall also be local manual operated by separate operating mechanism. (2) Earth Switches Line earth switches shall consist of three earthing links for isolator which will normally rest against the frame when the isolator is in closed position. The earthing links for the three phases shall be mechanically linked to a coupling shaft which shall be capable of being fitted on either side of the isolator. Each earth switch shall be mechanically interlocked with the connected isolating switch so that it is possible to close and open the earth switch only when the isolating switch is in the open position only. The earthing switch shall be designed to withstand electrodynamic stress due to currents as per I.E.C. recommendation. (3) Isolating & Earth Switch Operating Mechanism The operational requirements have already been specified in the above clauses. Local electrical shall meet the following requirements. i) Operating Rods Phase to phase clearance of isolating switches may be about 1100 mm. Height of isolating blades above ground may be about 2500 mm for line isolating switches. Height of the manual operation handle above ground may be between 1000 mm to 1300 mm. The tenderer may frame his bid broadly on the basis of above KREDA 311 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT mentioned dimensions and no variation in price shall be allowed within these limits. Small variations in dimensions shall be to the tenderer account. ii) The supply shall be complete with all items of driving mechanism including fixing bolts etc. which shall be supplied by the tenderer. Supply of each isolator pole shall include the base on which the insulator stacks and stack bearings shall be mounted. Fixing materials for installation of the base on the supporting structures shall also be included in the scope of supply. iii) The isolator with earth switch inclusive of their operating mechanism, should be such that they cannot come out of their open or closed positions by gravity, wind pressure, vibration, reasonable shocks, or accidental toughing of connecting rods of the operating mechanism. Isolators and line earth switches should be capable of resisting in closed position, the dynamic and thermic effects of maximum possible short circuit current at the installation point. They shall be so constructed that they do not open under the influence of the short circuit current. The operating mechanism should be of robust construction, easy to operate by a single person and conveniently located for local operation in the switchyard. (4) Auxiliary Switches All isolators and earthing switches shall be provided with 24 + 10% volts D.C. auxiliary switches for their remote position indication on the control panel and for electrical interlocking safety and protection with other equipment. Three pairs of normally open and three pairs of normally closed contacts silver-plated should be provided on the auxiliary switches for the earthing switch. While the isolator shall have three pairs of normally open and equal number of normally closed contacts. All contacts should be brought out on terminals. A cable terminating box shall be provided beneath auxiliary switch housing for multi core control cables. Provision shall be kept for adding more auxiliary switch contacts at a later date. Separate auxiliary switches shall be provided for isolating and earth switch. The auxiliary switches shall be of robust construction of reputed make and housed in weather proof and dust tight covers mounted on the respective operating mechanism. The auxiliary switches shall conform to the relevant provision of latest edition of IS – 1818. The capacity of each contact of these switches shall not be less than 10 ampere. (5) KREDA It shall be possible to change normally closed contact into normally open contacts and vice versa at site. Interlocks 312 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT For the purpose of making the operation of the isolator dependent upon the position of the associated circuit breaker or other equipment as may be required at site, a suitable electrical interlock should be provided on the isolator. The interlocks should be of robust design of some reputed make and contained in a weather proof and dust tight housing. Besides the electrical interlocks, the earthing switches shall be provided with mechanically operated interlocks so as to ensure that :(a) It shall be possible to close the earthing switches when the isolating switch is in the fully open position. (b) It shall be possible to close the isolating switch only when the earthing switch is in the fully open position. (c) The earth switch should not open automatically while attempting to close the isolator. (d) The operation of the earth/isolating switch shall not take place when the corresponding isolator/earth switch is in operating stroke. In addition to the above, the line isolator shall fulfill of the following requirements :(i) (ii) (iii) (iv) The line isolator shall open only when the circuit breaker of corresponding bay is open. The line isolator shall close only when the corresponding circuit breaker and the earthing switch of the corresponding line are open. Electromagnetic type interlocking shall also be provided to avoid wrong local operation of the isolator (manual or motor) when the corresponding circuit breaker is in closed position. Isolators and earth switches shall be so designed that the above noted requirements can be conveniently met. Detailed control schematics incorporating all the necessary interlocking features shall be prepared, and submitted with the tender for the approval of purchaser. Equipment excluded in the scope of supply on the basis of control schematics shall be clearly marked on the drawings. 5.5.4 11 kV CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Scope The specification provides for design, manufacture, testing at manufacturers works and delivery in accordance with the detailed requirements of these specifications of the current transformers as specified in “Schedule of requirements and prices”. The terminal connectors, fixing clamps shield rings (if required), hardwares to fix the equipment on structures are included in the scope of this specification. KREDA 313 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Standards The current transformers shall comply with the latest editions of ISS No. 2705 (part – I, II, III & IV) or any other recoganised International standard except in so far as modified by these specifications. Where standards adopted are other than ISS, copies of the relevant standard specification be attached with the tender. The tenderer shall state the standard specification to which the equipment conforms. Type and Rating The current transformers shall be suitable outdoor installations, single phase, oil filled, self cooled and suitable for operation in 3 phase solidly grounded system with following particulars:i) ii) iii) iv) Nominal system voltage Highest system voltage Frequency Ratio for T/F and feeder circuits v) Accuracy protection/ metering vi) Burden 11 kV 12 kV 50 Hz 100/1- and 150/1-1 A 5P20/class 0.2/PS 20 VA Temperature Rise The maximum temperature attained by any part of the equipment in service at site under continuous overload capacity conditions and exposed continuously to the direct rays of sun shall not exceed the permissible limit fixed by the applicable standard, when corrected for the difference between the ambient temperature at site and the ambient temperature specified by the standard. Drawings In addition to any other drawings and literature which the tenderer may enclose to show merits of his equipment, the following drawings shall be supplied. 1. Drawing showing outlines of each current transformer. 2. Drawing showing inside details viz a) b) c) d) KREDA No. of primary turns No. of secondary turns Core Area Cross-sectional area of primary and secondary conductor. 314 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3. Drawing showing details of both primary & secondary terminal connectors. 4. Drawing showing details of mounting flange. 5. Magnetising curves for each of the secondaries of current transformers. 6. Drawing showing the connection and wiring diagrams of primary and secondary windings. 7. Primary and secondary windings. 8. Manuals on maintenance & check/trouble shooters etc. General Requirements Current transformers shall be of robust design, tested quality and reliable in operation. Only pure high grade paper, wound evenly under controlled conditions and impregnated with mineral oil under high vacuum shall be used for the main insulation. The assembly of each CT shall be dried, filled with appropriate quality of insulating oil under high vacuum and hermetically sealed with or without inert gas to eliminate undesirable effect of moisture and oxygen on the internal insulation. No breathers and/or drying chemicals shall be used in the design and construction of CTs. The shape of the external metal parts shall ensure that rain water runs off and it does not accumulate. All external surfaces shall be resistant to atmospheric corrosion either by the selection of suitable materials or by proper treatment such as hot dip galvanisation, zinc coating and passiviation enamel painted over rust inhibitive coat of zinc chrome primer etc. Likewise, the internal metal surfaces coming in contact with oil shall be given proper treatment unless the material used itself is oil resistant. Bolts, nuts and washers to be used as fastners shall be heavily hot dip galvanised throughout. The galvanising should conform to IS: 2629-1966. All CTs shall have an oil level gauge marked with the maximum and minimum levels. Although no oil samples may be required to be taken for analysis nor any filter connections made for reconditioning of oil at site but a filling plug at the top and a drain at the bottom of the lower tank shall be provided on each CT for use during initial assembly or any subsequent repair. The current transformers shall be with dead/live tank design. The current transformers shall be of single phase oil immersed, self cooled and suitable for services indicated, complete in all respects conforming to the latest edition of relevant standard specification. The cores shall be of high grade, non-ageing silicon laminated steel of low hysteresis loss and high permeability to ensure high accuracy at both normal and fault currents. The CTs shall be hermetically sealed with or without inert gas to eliminate breathing and prevent air and moisture from entering into the tank. To take care of volumetric variation of oil due to temperature changes-stainless steel bellows/Nitrogen shall be provided. In case Nitrogen is used the supplier shall ensure that gas is filled at KREDA 315 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT suitable pressure to take care of the expansion & compression of nitrogen gas. The equipment shall be provided with oil level gauge and pressure relieving device capable of releasing abnormal internal pressures. The secondary terminals shall be brought out in a compartment on one side of the equipment for easy access. The secondary taps shall be adequately reinforced to withstand normal handling without damage. Equipment shall be provided with power factor terminals for testing loss angle (Tan delta). The equipment shall also be provided with drain valve, sampling plug to check deterioration of oil characteristics and replacement of oil at site. Means adopted for sealing the CTs hermetically and to absorb the variation in volume of oil due to temperature variation by way of provision of stainless steel volume adjustable bellows or other means shall be clearly brought out in the tender. Rubber or PVC/synthetic bellows for the purpose shall not be accepted. The secondary terminal of CTs shall be provided with short circuiting arrangement. Terminal Connectors All current transformers shall be provided with appropriate number of solderless clamp type primary connectors suitable for ACSR conductor and shall be suitable for horizontal as well as vertical take off with single conductor as per actual requirement to be intimated to the successful tenderer. Suitable terminal earth connectors for earth connection shall also be included in scope of supply of current transformers. Terminal Box All secondary terminals shall be brought out in a compartment on one side of each current transformer for easy access. A terminal board which shall have arrangements for short circuiting of secondary terminals shall be provided. A cable box alongwith necessary glands for receiving control cables suitable for mounting on the bottom plate of the terminal box shall be included in the scope of supply. A door with locking arrangements shall be provided on the front of the terminal box so as to permit easy access to the secondary terminals. The door shall have suitable arrangements to check ingress of moisture into the terminals box. The secondaries of CTs shall be shorted in the terminal box before dispatch from the factory. Type of Mounting The current transformers shall be suitable for mounting on structures. The necessary flanged, bolts etc. for the base of CTs shall be within the scope of supply and these shall be galvanized. System Frequency CTs shall be suitable for giving satisfactory service when system frequency varies by 3% from normal value of 50 c/s system frequency. KREDA 316 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Tropical Treatment The equipment will be subjected during service to extremely severe exposure to atmospheric moisture and long periods of low ambient temperatures. All corrodible parts and surfraces shall be of such material and shall be provided with such protective finishes that no part of the installed equipment shall be injuriously affected by atmospheric conditions. All electrical auxiliary equipment shall be given special treatment for tropical conditions. Materials & Workmanship All materials used in the manufacture of equipment shall be of the best quality obtainable of their respective kinds and the whole of the work shall be of the highest class well finished of approved design and make. Castings shall be free from blow holes, flaws, cracks, and other defects and shall be smooth close grained and of true forms and dimensions. All machined surfaces shall be true and smooth finished. Instructions Plate and Marking All name plates, Instructions plates, warning signs and any marking whatsoever on the equipment and its parts and accessories shall be in English Language. In order to facilitate sorting and erection at site, every part of the plant and equipment shall be suitably marked. Each current transformer shall be provided with a non-corrosive and non-rusting rating plate with all particulars marked in accordance with clause 5.1 of IS:2705 part I (amended upto date) together with the following additional particulars:Purpose (Measurement or protection), rated output at p.f. lagging and rated class accuracy of each secondary winding. of Terminal numbering of each secondary winding. Rated instrument security factor in respect of winding meant for measurement and metering. Secondary winding resistance at 75oC. Knee point voltage. Maximum exciting current at knee point voltage. Rated thermal current. Switching impulse withstand voltage. Class of insulation. Accuracy limit factor (ALF). No. of cores VA burden KREDA 317 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Tests Each current transformer shall comply with type test including short time current test as stipulated in relevant Indian Standard specification. The short time current test and dynamic current test report must specify the cross section area of primary winding and the number of turns of the primary winding. Test report with out this information shall not be accepted. The CTs shall also conform to the additional type test i.e. test to prove the capability of withstanding earthquake forces specified earlier in this specification. Temperature rise test shall be conducted at continuous overload capacity in order to ensure conformity of the CTs to specified requirements. Detailed test reports of insulating oil used shall be supplied and got approved before despatch of the CTs. The reports of all type tests and other tests conducted on similar equipment shall be supplied alongwith the tender. Additional charges (if any) for conducting impulse test, short time current withstand test and dynamic current withstand test and temperature rise test, at continuous overload capacity shall be quoted by the tenderer, so as to enable purchaser to decide for the carrying out of these tests on CTs offered. Desired type tests may be got carried out from independent laboratory out of the manufactured lot, which will be accepted on after successful testing. Each current transformer shall be subjected to routine tests and type tests (if not already done on the same design) as per relevant Indian standards in presence of purchaser’s representative, if so desired by the purchaser. All the test reports shall be submitted and got approved from the purchaser before despatch of equipment. (I) Routine Tests: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (II) Type Tests a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) KREDA Verification of terminal markings and polarity High voltage power-frequency test on primary windings High voltage power-frequency tests on secondary windings Over-voltage inter-turn test Determination of errors according to the requirements of the appropriate accuracy class. Verification of terminal markings and polarity High voltage power-frequency test on primary windings High voltage power-frequency tests on secondary windings Over-voltage inter-turn test Determination of errors according to the requirements of the appropriate accuracy class. Short-time current test Temperature-rise test Impulse voltage test for current transformers for service in electrically exposed installations. 318 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Inspection (a) All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of manufacture unless otherwise especially agreed upon by the manufacturers and purchasers at the time of purchase. The manufacture shall afford the inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities, without charge, to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with the specifications. (b) The purchaser has the right to have the tests carried out at his own cost by an independent agency whenever there is dispute regarding the quality of supply. (c) Insulation Resistance values (d) The tenderers should recommend the minimum insulation resistance values of Primary winding to secondary winding earthed with 2500 volts and 5000 volts megger below which CTs should not be energised. Delta Test The tenderers should recommend minimum values of tan delta and partial discharge level for the current transformers offered. A suitable procedure to be adopted for their measurement alongwith relevant standard should also be brought. The copy of relevant standard adopted for tan delta and partial discharge measurement should also be supplied with the tender. Completeness of the Equipment All fittings, accessories and apparatus which may have not been specifically mentioned in this specification but which are actually necessary for the completeness of the equipment shall be deemed to have been included in the contract. All equipment shall, therefore, complete in all details whether such details are mentioned in this specification or not. Windings and Cores a) Primary Winding The conducting material for the primary winding may comprise of electrolytic high conductivity copper strips or aluminium tube and sufficient area of cross section shall be provided to cater for the guaranteed short time as well as continuous thermal current ratings under site conditions. The winding shall be wound type or hair pin type. The main insulation shall be paper and oil combination having high mechanical strength, superior electrical withstand properties and good ageing qualities to ensure long trouble free life for the CTs. Strong winding shall be provided as required to ensure high mechanical strength for safety against short circuit stresses. KREDA 319 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP b) TENDER DOCUMENT Cores and Secondary Windings All the cores may be continuous without any air gap. All the protection cores shall be formed out of high grade, cold rolled, grain – oriented silicon laminated steel, whereas the metering cores in which high accuracy at low amperes turns and low ISF are required, may be of Mu metal or such other ferromagnetic material. The core material shall have low hystersis loss and high permeability. The area of cross-section of the cores as also the flux densities at rated primary current and rated burden shall be consistent with the required characteristics of the CTs. The cores shall be carefully annealed and bonded after they are wound to relieve the stress during winding. The secondary winding shall be high conductivity copper wire of suitable cross-section. The copper wires shall have enamel insulation and paper insulation may also be provided to enhance reliability. The secondary winding shall be uniformly distributed on the total circumference of the core. For obtaining different ratios, the secondary winding may be suitably tapped. The leads of the secondary taps shall be brought out to the terminal box. Overloading Capacity The current transformers shall be suitable to withstand an overload capacity continuously above the normal rating at all taps without exceeding the permissible temperature rise. Short time Current Rating The short time current rating of the current transformer at all taps shall be as per IS. Tenders with short time rating of the equipment less than this value shall be rejected out rightly. External Insulation The external insulation shall comprise of a hollow porcelain, which will also serve as a housing for the main insulation or other internal parts of the CTs depending upon the type of arrangement offered by the tenderer. Insulators shall be of high grade and homogeneous procelain made by the wet process. The poreclain shall have hard glazing and shall comply with the requirements of IS 5621-1970 in all respects. The skirt forms shall be carefully selected to achieve the necessary flashover distance and total / protected creepage distances as specified in this specification. Fittings and Accessories Besides any other items recommended by the manufacturers a list of fittings and accessories whether specifically referred in the text of this specification or not but required to be incorporated/supplied with the CTs, is given below for ready reference:Primary terminals Terminal connectors for connections from line to the CT primary KREDA 320 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Rating and diagram plates Earthing terminals Schedule of Guaranteed and Other Technical Particulars Tenders shall be accompanied by the Guaranteed and technical particulars as called for in particulars which are subject to guarantee shall be clearly marked. Experience / Performance The tenderers shall clearly state their experience / performance resources and engineering organisation to undertake the work. Tenderers shall give in tabulated form, orders executed under execution for similar material by them alongwith the full details and names of departments/corporations/undertakings etc. to whom such equipments have been supplied. Copies of performance reports from utilities shall also be supplied with the tender. Departure from specification Should the tenderer wish to depart from the provision of the specification either on account of manufacturing practice or for any other reasons, he shall draw attention to the proposed points of departure in his tender and submit such full information/drawings and specifications so that the merits of his proposal may be fully understood. This specification shall be held binding unless the departures have been fully recorded as required above. 5.5.5 11 KV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS 11kV 110V / volts shall be provided suitable to 3 3 install in outdoor switchyard and bus bar for metering of power transfer to distribution organization. These potential transformers may be three phase or three single phase type as per relevant Indian Standard and of burden and accuracy as follows’: 11 kV potential transformer of ratio Voltage Ratio: The voltage ratio shall be 11000/110 volts. The transformer shall be star/star connected and one of the secondary shall be earthed Rated output: The standard rated output of the potential transformer shall be 50 VA and 100VA per phase. Accuracy Class:- The standard accuracy class shall be 0.5/3P Standard : IS - 3156 (Part-I)-1992 Tests: The transformers shall be subjected to the following tests as per relevant IS KREDA 321 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (i) Routine Tests viii) ix) x) xi) (ii). Verification of terminal markings and polarity Power-frequency dry withstand tests on primary windings Power-frequency dry withstand tests on secondary windings Determination of errors according to the requirements of the appropriate accuracy class. Type Tests (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Verification of terminal markings and polarity Power-frequency dry withstand tests on primary windings Power-frequency dry withstand tests on secondary windings Determination of errors according to the requirements of the appropriate accuracy class Temperature-rise test Impulse voltage tests on voltage transformers for service in electrically exposed installations 322 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 5.6 TENDER DOCUMENT POWER HOUSE AUXILIARIES Power house auxiliaries shall consist of the following systems. All these systems shall be suitable for use at an altitude above 3300 meters under the site conditions described in Project Details. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Station Service Board (L. T. Board) - 1 Lot 3.3 kV Switchgear Panels - 1 Set 10/2 Tonne EOT Crane - 1 No Batteries, Charging Equipment and D.C. Board - 1 Lot Diesel Generating Set - 1 No. Power & Control Cables Including Cable Trays - 1 Lot Earthing System - 1 Lot Lightning Protection - 1 Lot Miscellaneous Equipment 9.1 Transformer Oil Purifier - 1 Set 9.2 Water Level and Turbine Discharge Measurement - 1 Lot 9.3 Air Conditioning Of Control Room - 1 Lot 9.4 Ventilation System - 1 Lot Fire Protection System - 1 Lot Lighting System - 1 Lot 9 10 11 Station Service Board (A) Scope Of Supply And Design Criteria i) These boards shall be of Indoor type suitable for hot, humid & tropical atmosphere. The cubicles shall be dust and vermin proof as per latest version of IS : 54 & IS : 2147 and shall be self standing. The construction shall be compartmentalized having doors with isolating switch handle of inter locking type. All the components shall be mounted on sheet steel and wired upto terminal block. Height of cubicles shall not be more than 1800 mm and easy extension on either side shall be possible. Sheet thickness shall be 12SWG. ii) All the equipment and their component shall be suitable for 415V ± 10% (-20% for induction generator) voltage, 3 phase 4 wires, 50 Hz, grounded system. The fault level shall be worked out on the basis of total MVA of transformers & their reactance and generators MVA and their transient reactances. It shall not be less than 30 MVA. A.C. Control voltage shall be single phase 240 V ± 10%. iii) Draw out type of ACBs and MCCBs/MCBs shall be provided of adequate capacity for various distribution supplies as indicated in the drawing for single line diagram and as per actual site requirements. Bus Bar Bus bar shall be suitable for short circuit & continuous current, and maximum temperature rise shall be 35oC above 30oC ambient. Bus bars shall be at the top of the KREDA 323 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT cubicle in separate compartments. Vertical bus bars shall be isolated from control components by metallic barriers or insulating sleeves. Bus supports shall be arc resistant, non-tracking, low absorptions, moulded insulators, high impact strength & long creepage surface. It shall withstand short circuit stresses. Protection And Metering The switchgear panels shall be equipped with adequate fuse, contactors, relays, lamps push buttons, wiring and terminal blocks as per approved drawing. Lamp, push buttons relays etc., shall be approachable from front out side. The electronic meter shall be provided on incoming panels from station transformer and diesel set. Circuit Breaker It shall be Air break type, 3 pole, indoor, Metal clad, draw out type, mounted on welded sheet steel, fault level 250 MVA. It shall be complete with transfer trucks self-aligning primary & secondary disconnecting device. Main & arcing contacts shall be of forged copper, with brazed silver tungsten alloy. Provisions for emergency trip, mechanical ONOFF indicators, operation Counter, Mech. charge discharge indicator, manual closing device, safety shutters for female primary contacts, racking switch with 3 contacts for test & 3 for service position, operation in Local & Remote mode etc., shall be made. It shall be motor operated and shall having spring charging mechanism, trip free with anti pumping arrangement auxiliary relays etc. It shall operate at 70% rated control voltage, 4 No. and 4 NC auxiliary contacts, shall be provided. It shall have thermal over load & instantaneous magnetic release arrangement. Isolating Switch It shall be provided with triple pole/ double/ single pole air break, making capacity equal to current rating of fuse and with removable type neutral link. External handle with position indicator and door inter locking shall be provided. Fuse These shall be HRC link type, minimum rupturing capacity of 30 MVA or more as per installed capacity at 415 volt, complete with fuse base, visible indication for blowing, possible to change with circuit alive etc. AC Rewire able fuses are not acceptable. AC Motor Starters With Thermal Overload Relays Single Phase Preventer It shall be triple pole solenoid operated, air break type, suitable for direct on line start of 15 KW Squirrel cage induction motor, Class - III Category AC 3f IS : 2959 duty. Its contactors should not drop upto 70% rated voltage, Control circuit shall be protected by HRC fuse and shall have provision of 3 elements ambient tempt., compensated bimetal thermal over load relay. It shall be manual reset type with Knob at the front. The T.O.L. relay shall be connected directly or through C.T., and shall have auxiliary contacts for KREDA 324 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT interlocking & indication, Single-phase preventer shall operate on negative phase sequence current. It shall operate at any load, & its resetting shall be possible by Knob on front door. Moulded Case Circuit Breakers/MCB The MCCBs/MCB as per single line diagram and actual site requirements with spares shall be provided on the panels for providing circuit controllers as per the load requirements. The load shall assessed for each distribution circuit and accordingly by the circuit controller capacity shall be decided. Construction Of Protective Relays, Meter Auxiliary Relays CT, Etc., i) Relays These shall be of standard make only & got approved. These shall be draw out type, flush, semi flush, mounted and shall operate at 70% to 110% rated voltage. Auxiliary relays may be plug in type also. All relays shall conform to IS : 3231 latest revision. Auxiliary relays & timing relays for each breaker shall be indicated. These shall operate in less than 15 milli seconds. Relays for automatic change over scheme, if any, shall be indicated. All relays and their contact shall be rated for 5 amp. C.T. secondary and 110 volt P.T. secondary. Relay contact shall be capable of breaking/ making maximum current of its control circuit. All relays shall have two pairs of independent contacts. Indicating meters shall be moving iron type with squares, 90% scale (110 x 110 mm), accuracy class ± 1.5%, full scale 120% rated current flush mounting. Its zero adjuster shall be accessible from front. Integrating meters shall have current & pressure coil test blocks. The entire AC/DC ammeter, voltmeter shall conform to accuracy class - 1.5. Frequency meter shall be digital type and of accuracy class - 1. Instrument should not damage due to passing of fault current through primary winding of their respective C.T. Integrating meter shall be provided with reverse stop. ii) Current Transformers These shall be epoxy cast, dry type unit conforming to IS : 2705 latest revision. 415 V. C.T. shall be indoor type. C.T. shall withstand the thermal and magnetic stresses due to short circuits. These shall be suitable for metering & protection. iii) Miscellaneous Switchgear Panels shall have space heaters rated for 240 volt, control wiring by flexible heat resistant, PVC insulated, stranded copper conductor 2.5 mm2. Multi way terminal blocks with 20% spare terminals, power terminals with tinned copper crimping lugs, Ground bus through the panel for specified short circuits. current shall provide General Arrangement drawings, final wiring diagram with cable/ terminal numbers, leaflets of various accessories, test certificates of major equipment, short circuit & tempt. rise calculation of bus bars, list of spare parts of all major equipment for 5 years operation, past experience report etc. shall be submitted in due course. KREDA 325 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Constructional Features of Board All 415 VAC switchgear, motor control centres (MCCs), Unit boards, unit station/distribution boards (DBs), etc. shall be of metal enclosed, indoor, floor mounted and free standing type. The switchgear/MCCs shall be fully drawout type. However, distribution boards may be of fixed type construction. a. The incomer and bus coupler breakers for switchgear shall be electrically operated with over current releases or relays. Paralleling of two supplies shall be avoided by interlocking, Autochangeover scheme shall be provided for loss of supply to one section of bus. Provision for manual operation and changeover shall be included. Incomers for MCCs and DBs could be load break isolators. b. For small motors switch-fuse contractor feeders shall be provided. The other outgoing feeders would be moulded case circuit breakers. c. All frames and load bearing members shall be fabricated using mild steel structural sections or pressed and shaped cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 3 mm. Frame shall be enclosed in cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6 mm. Doors and covers shall also be cold rolled sheet steel of thickness not less than 1.6mm. Stiffners shall be provided wherever necessary. Removable gland plates of thickness 3mm (hot/cold rolled sheet steel) or 4 mm (non-magnetic material) shall be provided for all panels. d. All switchboards/panels shall be of dust and vermin proof. All cut outs shall have synthetic rubber gaskets. e. Where breaker/starter module front serves as compartment cover, suitable blanking covers, one for each size of panel per switchboard shall be supplied for use when carriage is withdrawn. f. All switchboards, MCCs and DBs shall have following distinct vertical sections: i. ii. iii. iv. Completely enclosed bus bar compartment for horizontal and vertical bus bars. Completely enclosed switchgear compartment, one for each breaker, motor starter or MCCBs. Compartment, alley or cable box for power and control cables. In case of cable box, they shall be segregated with complete shrouding for individual feeders at the rear for direct termination of cables. For breaker cable connections, a separately enclosed cable compartment shall also be acceptable. It should be possible to carryout maintenance on a feeder with adjacent feeders alive. Compartment for relays and other control devices associated with a circuit breaker, Wherever necessary shall be provided. MCCs and DBs shall be divided into vertical sections. Each vertical section shall be provided with adequately sized cable alley covering entire height. In case cable alleys are not provided for DBs, segregated cable boxes with complete shrouding of individual feeders shall be provided at the rear for direct termination of cables in each individual feeder. KREDA 326 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Busbars shall be of high conductivity aluminium alloy. Minimum air clearance in air between phases, phase-earth and all other components, the clearances shall be as per ISS. All connecting strips horizontal and vertical busbars, insulation shall be provided by sleeving or barriers. In case of DC DBs/fuse boards, the busbar system shall be insulated or physically segregated with barriers to prevent interpole short circuit. Bus bar insulators shall be of track-resistant, high strength, non-hygroscopic, noncombustible type and suitable to withstand stresses due to over-voltages and short circuit current. Insulators and barriers of inflammable material such as Hylam shall not be accepted. Control circuits shall operate at suitable voltage of 24 v DC or 220 V AC. Necessary control supply transformers having primary and secondary fuses shall be provided for each MCC, 2x100% per section. The auxiliary busbars for control supply shall be segregated from main busbars. The control supplies shall be monitored. Contractor shall fully coordinate overload and short circuit tripping of breakers with upstream and down stream breakers/fuses/MCCBs/motor starters. Various equipment shall meet requirement of Type-II class coordination as per IEC. Suitable trolley arrangement shall be provided for breaker modules. Two trolleys per switchgear room shall be provided so that top most breaker module of all types, sizes and rating can be withdrawn on trolley and lowered for maintenance purpose. All non-current carrying metal works of boards/panels shall be effectively bonded to earth bus of galvanised steel extending throughout the switchboard/MCC/DB. Positive earthing shall be maintained for all positions of chassis and breaker frame. The circuit breakers shall be air break, three pole, spring charged, horizontal drawout type, suitable for manual and electrical operation, and shall have inherent fault making and breaking capacities. They shall have shunt trip coil. In case releases are offered, the same shall have contact for energisation of lockout relay. It shall have anti-pumping feature. All breakers shall have built in interlocks for equipment and personnel safety. Mechanical tripping shall be through red `Trip' push buttons outside the panel for breakers, and through switches for other circuits. Clear status indication for each circuit shall be provided through lamps, switch positions or other mechanical means. Provision of mechanical closing of breaker only in `Test' and `Withdrawn' position shall be made. Alternatively, mechanical closing facility should be normally inaccessible, accessibility rendered only after deliberate removal of shrouds. Motor starter contactors shall be of air break, electromagnetic type as per IS:13947 Part4, section-1 suitable for DOL starting of motors. Fuses shall be HRC type with operating indicator. Isolating switches as per relevant standards shall be supplied. Fuse switch combination shall be provided wherever possible. KREDA 327 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Isolating switches and MCCBs shall have door interlocks and padlocking facility. All switchgear, MCCBs, DBs, panels, modules, local starters and push buttons shall have prominent engraved identification plates. Local push button stations shall have metal enclosure of die cast aluminium or rolled sheet of 1.6 mm thickness. The temperature rise of the horizontal and vertical busbars and main bus link including all power drawout contacts when carrying 90% of the rated current along the full run shall in no case exceed 55 deg.C with silver plated joints and 40 deg.C with all other types of joints over an ambient of 50 deg.C. Routine & Type Tests These shall be as per latest revision of relevant I.S. including short circuits., tempt, rise and high potential test. Routine tests shall be witnessed by Owners/Developers representative. Test certificates in 6 copies shall be furnished. Guaranteed and Technical Particulars The guaranteed and Technical Particulars under this head shall be furnished in the tender document as per annexed Schedules Technical Requirements Sr. No. Description L.T. Switchgear 1.0 BUS BAR 1.01 Type High Conductivity Aluminum 1.02 Rated Voltage 415 V + 10% (-) 20% 1.03 No. of Phases 3 phase, 4 wire 1.04 Frequency 50 Hz ± 5% 1.05 System Earthing Effectively Earthed 1.06 Continuous current rating within the cubicle at 50oC ambient. Suitable for scheme proposed. 1.07 Short time current rating for (1) Sec. 25 KA for 30 MVA at 415 volts or more for higher fault levels. 1.08 Temperature rise of bus bar joints under normal working conditions at rated current and at 50oC Ambient. 35oC KREDA 328 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1.09 HV withstand test voltage for (1) minute. 1.10 Minimum clearances. i) Phase to phase ii) Phase to earth 1.11 Insulation to Bus Bar. Size of bus bar. TENDER DOCUMENT 2.5 KV rms. 30 mm 30 mm PVC Sleeve/ heat shrinkable Pl. specify alongwith supporting calculation. 2.00 BUS SUPPORT INSULATOR: 2.01 Type & Service. Solid, Indoor 2.02 Material Porcelain/ Cast resin 2.03 Voltage Class 650 V 2.04 HV withstand test for one (1) minute. 2.5 KV rms. 3.00 CIRCUIT BREAKER: (With Thermal over load and Magnetic release.) 3.01 System 3 phase, 4 wire 50 Hz effectively earthed system. 3.02 Service Indoor 3.03 Type Moulded Case Circuit Breaker 3.04 Pole 3 3.05 Rated Service Voltage 415 + 10% (-) 30% 3.06 One (1) minute power frequency with stand voltage. 2.5 KV (rms) 3.07 Rated continuous current at 50oC and within the cubicle. Suitable for scheme. Rated out put at 80% voltage 3.08 Short time current for one (1) Sec. 10 KA or more 3.09 Rated breaking capacity. 18.0 MVA at 415 V or more 3.10 Rated breaking current. a) Symmetrical b) Asymmetrical 10 KA or more As per relevant ISS 3.11 Rated making capacity 2.5 x 25 KA or more 3.12 Operating mechanism Manual closing mechanism. KREDA 329 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3.13 Tempt. rise above 50oC As per relevant ISS 3.14 Operating duty 0-3 Min-CO-3 Min-CO 3.15 AUXILIARY VOLTAGE: i) Closing ii) Tripping iii) Spring charging motor iv) Space heater & lamp 240 VAC, 50 Hz 24 V DC (85%-110%) 24 V DC (70%-110%) 240V AC + 10% -(-) 30% 3.16 Mounting cubicle. 4.00 CURRENT TRANSFORMER: Cast resin, easily accessible, IS:2705, with test links. 4.01 System 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz effectively earthed neutral. 4.02 Service Indoor 4.03 Type Bar primary 4.04 Rated voltage 415 + 10% (-) 30% 4.05 Quantity As per the scheme requirement 4.06 Power frequency with stand voltage. 2.5 KV rms for 1 minute 4.07 Mounting Inside switchgear in fixed portion. 4.08 Rated short time current for one (1) Sec. 10 KA or more 4.09 Current ratio and accuracy. As per SLD. 5.00 MAGNETIC CONTACTOR (AC): 5.01 Service Indoor, within cubicle for direct or line starting. 5.02 Poles 3 (single throw) 5.03 Rated voltage 415 + 10% V (-) 30% 5.04 Frequency 50 Hz + 5% 5.05 Continuous current rating 16/25/63/100/160/200/250 A or more KREDA 330 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 5.06 Power frequency test voltage 2.5 KV for one (1) minute 5.07 Short time current rating To be coordinated with fuse protecting it. 5.08 Over load protection. Thermal overload in 3 phases 5.09 Control circuit voltage 240 Volts, 1 phase, 50 Hz 5.10 Operation Indicator Red, Green lamps for close, open indication 5.11 AUXILIARY CONTACT: i) ii) 5.12 Normally closed Normally open 4 Nos. 4 Nos. CONTACTOR COIL RATING: i) Pick-up 85%-110% line voltage ii) Drop out 75% or less line voltage 5.13 Temperature rise limit for magnetic coil. In compliance with IS:2959/1975, 5.14 Temperature rise limit for power circuit and other accessories. In compliance with IS:2959/1975, 5.15 Duty class Intermittent Class-3 IS:2959 5.16 Utilization category AC-3 5.6.2 3.3 kV Switchgear Panels Scope Of Supply And Design Criteria Design, manufacturing, supply, erection, testing and commissioning of 3.3 kV switch gear panels comprising of 3.3 kV switchgear panels complete with circuit breakers, HV bus of copper flat, connecting strips duly insulated, indicating and metering instruments, controlling switches, CTs, PT& protection relays etc. The LA/VT and neutral grounding cubicle as detailed in generator section shall also be supplied with these switchgear panels including all the equipment/instruments to be fitted their in. APPLICABLE STANDARDS: KREDA 331 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT IS 13118, IEC 56, IEC 298 TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF BREAKERS SL. NO. PARTICULARS 3.3 kV BREAKERS 1. Name of manufacturer/ (Word equivalent not acceptable) 2. Manufacturers type designation Vacuum Circuit breaking type 3. Rated Voltage 3.3 kV 4. Maximum (continuous service 3.6 KV rated voltage) 5. Short current rating: 16 KA i. 1 second rms (kA) i. 3 second rms (kA) 6. Normal current rating: i. Under normal conditions 630 Amp. ii. Under site conditions Amp. 7. Maximum temperature rise ambient 8. Breaking capacity c) Symmetrical 16 KA d) Symmetrical at rated service 100 MVA voltage e) Asymmetrical 9. Making capacity 40 KA 10. Total break time i. at 10% rated interrupting capacity 128 ms ii. at rated interrupting capacity 94 ms 11. Arcing time Please specify 12. Make time 81 ms 13. Minimum re-closing time from the -instant of trip coil energization 14. Minimum dead time for 3 phase re-closing 15. Data on transient recovery voltage i) Amplitude factor -ii) Natural frequency iii) Phase factor -iv) R.R.R. volts in micro second ---16. Dry 1 minute power frequency withstand test voltage a) Between line terminal and 10 kV ground objects: b) Between terminal with breaker -contacts open KREDA 332 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP SL. NO. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. TENDER DOCUMENT PARTICULARS 3.3 kV BREAKERS 1.2 / 50 full wave impulse withstand test voltage for the two cases given below: i. Between line terminal and 40 kVP grounded objects ii. Between terminal with breaker 40 kVP contacts open Bushing of insulators Solid porcelain i. Type of bushing -ii. Dry 1 min. power frequency -withstand test voltage kV (rms) iii. Dry flash over value kV (rms) -iv. Wet flash over value kV (rms) v. 1.2/50 impulse withstand kV -vi. (speak) vii. Creepage -viii. Distance -Minimum clearance in air Between phases 60 mm Live parts to earth 127 mm Live parts to ground level -Number of poles of circuit breaker 3 Number of breaks per phase 2 Total length of break per phase 178 mm Type of main contacts Road & Tulip Material of arcing contacts Phosphor bronze Contacts silver plated or not Yes Thickness of silver plating 20 micros Number of auxiliary contacts provided i. Those closed when breaker is 6 closed ii. Those open when breaker is 6 closed Type of operating mechanism Manual motor spring charging i. Opening mechanism. ii. Closing Control circuit voltage 24 V DC Constructional Features of panels KREDA 333 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT (i) The switchgear shall be fully compartmentalised metal clad construction, comprising of floor mounted panel. The switchgear assembly shall be rodent and vermin proof. (ii) The circuit breaker shall be mounted on with draw able trucks, having distinct `Service', `Isolated' and `Withdrawn' positions. Testing of breaker shall be possible in isolated position by keeping control plug connected. (iii) In panel design where breaker compartment does not have a door i.e. breaker truck front serves as a door, suitable blanking cover for each switchboard shall be supplied. Use of inflammable material such as Hylam as an Interpol barrier shall not be accepted. (iv) The height of panels shall not exceed 2600 mm. Bushing or other sealing arrangement between breaker and bus bar/cable compartments shall be provided so that there is no air communication around isolating contacts in the safety shutter area with truck in service position. The horizontal bus bars, vertical droppers and connections to the fixed end of the isolating contacts shall be of high conductivity copper. Pressure relief device shall be provided in each high voltage compartment. (v) The over-voltage generated by switching of breaker/contactor under any duty condition shall not exceed 2.5 pu of nominal line to neutral voltage. Evaluation criteria shall be as per IEEE envelope. Suitable surge suppression device, if required, may be provided. (vi) Bus bar insulators shall be of track-resistant, high strength, non-hygroscopic, noncombustible type and suitable to withstand stresses due to over-voltages and short circuit current. The temperature rise of bus bars shall not exceed 55 deg. C for silver plated joints and 40 deg. C for other joints under any condition over an ambient of 30 deg.C. (vii) The internal earth bus shall be provided to withstand short circuit currents for one second. All enclosures shall be connected to this earth bus. Ear thing arrangement for breaker/VT trucks shall be provided either through integral earth switch or through separate ear thing truck. In case of latter arrangement, one set of different types of ear thing trucks per switchboard shall be supplied. Suitable mechanical interlock shall be provided to prevent inadvertent ear thing of any live part. Ear thing switch shall have short time (1 second) current withstand capability equal to the breaker. (viii) All components shall be correctly rated. Use of two breakers in parallel shall not be acceptable. (ix) Panels should be suitable for top/bottom cable entry. 334 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT (x) Each breaker panel shall have breaker control switch of spring return type and a local/remote selector switch of stay-put type. The panel shall also have `ON', `OFF', `Spring charged' and "Control supply healthy' indicating lamps. The lamps shall be filament type and low watt consumption with built-in resistors. (xi) The switchboard/panel shall have suitable arrangement to receive and distribute ac and dc supplies. Control dc supply shall be duplicated for each board. Each switchgear panel shall have thermostatically controlled space heater with switch, illumination and power plug point. All panels on front and back as well as inside shall have engraved nameplate giving circuit description and component identification. Current and voltage transformer These shall be epoxy cast resin, dry type units conforming to IS 2705 & IS 3156 for installations in indoor 3.3 kV switchgear panels, line and neutral terminals panels of the generators. All these instrument transformers shall be as per specification and rating detailed in earlier sections suitable for protection and metering. 5.6.3 EOT CRANE Scope Of Supply And Design Criteria This specification covers the design, manufacture, testing at shop before dispatch, supply, delivery at site, erection, testing and commissioning at site of one number EOT crane. The crane is required to be installed in the Machine Hall of Power House. The project envisages installation of 750 kW horizontal hydro generating units. The crane shall be equipped with a trolley having a hoist of 10 tonnes with 2 tonnes auxiliary hook capacity capable of safely handling the generator with shaft, turbine, valve or any other assembly of the generating units and shall be complete with all motions of the crane and the hoist control gears, runway, rails, runway conductors with mounting brackets, collectors, insulator, M.S. angles etc. The powerhouse crane shall be supplied with spare parts, accessories, special tools etc., and such other items which are necessary to erect, operate and maintain a safe and reliable crane even though these are not specifically mentioned. Standards Structural design of crane shall be done in accordance with IS 807 - 1976. The crane shall be designed as per IS 3177 - 1977 except as otherwise specified in these specifications. All equipments shall comply with the latest edition of the relevant Indian Standard specifications. Deviations, if any, from these specifications shall be clearly stated in the tender. Type And Capacity KREDA 335 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The crane shall be electrically operated, indoor, overhead travelling type and shall be of Class I duty as per IS 807 - 1976. The crane shall be controlled from floor level by means of pendant push buttons. A preliminary drawing of the Power House showing the layout of the generating units and the crane is attached. The requirements of the crane are given below. It may be pointed out that these requirements excepting those at Sr. Nos. ii), iii) & iv) are only approximate. i) Hoist rated capacity ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Hoist normal speed Cross travel speed Long travel speed Crane span Runway length Height of top of crane rail above generator floor Vertical travel of Hook viii) Main hook 10 Tones (Approx.) Aux. hook 2 tones 1 m/minute 2 m/minute 4 m/minute 8.0 meters (Approx.) 21.0 meters (Approx.) 8.5 m (Approx..) 11.0 meters (Approx.) The contractor shall make his own assessment of the weight to be lifted, span and lengths of travel based on the equipment offered and layouts required. These parameters shall be clearly stated and the crane may be offered accordingly. The capacity of crane is indicative shall be decided in accordance with the heaviest package to be handled considering all provisions provided in the Indian Standard. Safeguards During Earthquake The crane shall be designed to withstand seismic forces. Clamping necessary to contain the movement of the crane during earthquake shall be provided. The locking shall be designed to put it on and off easily. Mechanical Equipment i) Crane Bridge The bridge shall consist of two girders supported on end trucks. The girders shall be designed to safely carry the full rated load without undue vertical or lateral deflection or vibrations. The design shall take into account all conditions of operations and tests at works and site as per IS : 3177 - 1977. The girders shall be of the box type construction reinforced by stiffening ribs. Suitable stops shall be welded near the end of each girder to engage bumpers on the trolley to prevent it from leaving the bridge. Rails for the trolley shall be supported centrally on the girders and shall be held in place by rail clips. The clips shall be locked in position to prevent the rails from creeping. ii) KREDA End Carriages (Trucks) 336 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The end trucks shall be constructed of cast steel, structural steel sections or plates welded and shall be of box type with openings at each end for receiving the truck wheels. Each truck shall be fitted with double flanged rail wheels wit roller bearings, running on suitable axles, wheel fracture props, buffer etc. All trucks shall be provided with suitable track sweeps at each end of trucks so as to be effective in both directions of travel. Safety lugs shall be provided which shall extend below the top of rail on both sides to prevent the trucks from leaving the rails. Lugs shall be provided on the truck frames to permit a drop of not more than 25 mm in case of broken axle. The end stops shall be provided and they shall contact the face of the end truck and not the wheels. The stops shall be attached at each end of runway rails. Suitable jacking pads shall be provided for maintenance of wheels. iii) The Wheels and Axles The bridge shall be carried on sufficient number of wheels on each side. All wheels shall be double flanged with treads machined or ground to size and shall be of forged or rolled steel. The flanges shall be tapered to prevent derailment. The truck axles shall be made of forged carbon or alloy steel. The journal bores of all the truck wheels shall be drip proof and shall be provided with roller bearing with high pressure grease lubrication. iv) Bridge and Trolley Drive, Hoisting Machinery The bridge and cross travels of the crane shall be effected electrically through push buttons on pendant. The travels will be steady and free from vibration or rocking in any part of the structure while traveling under maximum load. There shall be no tendency for the crane structure to get out of line while traveling along the runway under any condition. The trolley shall be equipped with a hoist. The hoist shall be driven by suitable motor and gears to obtain the required hoisting speed. The hoist shall be provided with brakes and retarding devices as stated elsewhere. v) Hook and Block The hook and block shall be arranged to lift without twisting and sidewise pull of load end and dead end rope. The hook shall be swiveled on antifriction thrust bearings of an approved type and shall have ample capacity for the maximum loads. The hook shall be made of annealed forged alloy or carbon steel or may be cut from rolled stock. The sheave pins shall be made of annealed carbon or alloy steel and shall have ample sheave bearing area. The bottom blocks shall be constructed so as to guard the hoisting ropes fully and prevent them leaving the sheaves under the conditions of operation. KREDA 337 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vi) TENDER DOCUMENT Rope Drum, Sheaves and Rope The winding drum shall have machined grooves to receive the full hoisting rope without over-lapping and the drum shall be of such size that there will be not more than one layer of rope on the drum, when the rope is in fully wound position. All rope sheaves shall be made of cast iron, cast steel or mild steel and shall be machine grooved to a depth of not less than 1.5 times the diameter of the rope. The hoisting rope shall be flexible plough steel wire type with fiber core and internal lubricant. The factor of safety of hoisting rope shall not be less than 5 (five). The rope system shall be equalized and arrangements entailing reverse bends shall be avoided as far as possible. vii) Gears, Bearings and Lubrication All gears shall be machine cut and shall conform to relevant Indian Standards. Gearboxes shall be so designed that the gears which they enclose will be automatically lubricated. The gears shall be readily removable and the gearboxes shall be oil tight. All bearings shall be of the roller, ball or sleeve type with removable and bronze linings preferably flanged at both ends. All bearings shall be designed so as to be replaceable easily. Bushings at ends of shaft shall be sealed properly to prevent dripping of lubricant. Oil lubrication shall be provided for all gear trains, sleeve bearings on motor and bearings for truck wheels. Lubrication for all mechanically operating parts shall be by means of biodegradable oil and industrial button type fitting shall be used. viii) Walk-ways and Ladders Ladders, platforms, walkways, hand holds, foot holds etc., necessary to give safe access to bridge drive and trolley drive mechanisms and all other components of the cane, needing inspection, maintenance and repair shall be provided for. The walkways shall be of steel required plate extending to the entire length of the bridge. ix) Rails Two runway rails for the bridge travel will be furnished by the contractor for the full length of powerhouse. The trolley rails shall be of the same size as those used on runway. The stoppers at each end with sole plate clips for crane run to cover the full length of powerhouse shall also be supplied. x) Bumpers Rubber bumpers shall be attached to the bridge trucks and on the trolley. The bridge shall have four bumpers, one at each corner arranged to meet the crane stop squarely. The trolley shall have two bumpers on each side placed to meet the truck stops squarely at the end of track. KREDA 338 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP xi) TENDER DOCUMENT Slings The contractor shall deliver suitable wire rope slings in pairs having a safety factor of not less than five when lifting specified loads. Each sling shall have a ring at one end and a ring or hard eye at the other end with matching shackles. Electrical Equipment i) General All equipment and wiring shall suit the requirements and shall be in accordance with the latest standards unless otherwise specifically stated in the specifications. Mats, railings, screens and other accessories which are external to the apparatus, but which may be required to meet these codes for installed equipment shall be furnished by the contractor. The power supply will be 415 volts, three phase, 50 Hz. A circuit breaker with overload and short circuit magnetic releases shall be provided in the incoming power supply. ii) Electric Motor All electric motors shall be of ample capacity for the duties and speeds specified, and shall conform to IS : 325 - 1970. The motors shall also meet the requirements as specified in IS : 3177 - 1977. The rated capacity of the motors shall be such that their full load torque shall not be exceeded in giving the specified performance. The motors shall be suitable for operation at 415 volts, 50 HZ, 3 phase, 4 wire supply system, with i) ii) iii) Voltage variation Frequency variation Any combination of (i) & (ii) above + 10 % + 3% The synchronous speed of the motors shall not exceed 1000 rpm. The pull out torque of the motors shall not be less than 225 percent of full load torque of motors with rated voltage and frequency applied. Motors shall be provided with class 'F' insulation and rated on the basis that under the specific service conditions, the temperature rise will not exceed the limits specified in Table - 1 of IS : 325 - 1970. Protective gear for the motor shall be provided as per the requirements indicated in IS : 3177 - 1977. The motors shall be subjected to type and routine tests as specified in IS : 325 - 1970 and the copies of the test reports shall be furnished by the tenderer. iii) Controls Control of the hoist for raise and lower of the load shall be effected by a person standing at the floor of the power house by means of a pendent controller connected through a sufficient length of suitable cable. Adequate length of the cable with control mechanism shall be supplied in addition. The motor controllers shall be of fully magnetic reversing type to provide gradual acceleration. They shall be designed so that it will be possible to limit the vertical KREDA 339 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT movement of the hooks with full rated load and when starting from standstill to within 6 mm. Hoist motor controller shall have atleast two speed control points in each direction of operation. At lowering with full load, it shall be possible to achieve a continuous speed not more than 10% of rated full load hoisting speed. Controls for the bridge travel and trolley travel motors shall also be provided in the same pendant. A push button for emergency stop shall be provided. The push button shall be so arranged as to immediately cut OFF the main supply and apply electro magnetic brake simultaneously, irrespective of controller position. The control and lighting supply circuits shall be protected through circuit breakers and fuses of appropriate rating. iv) Brakes for Hoist Motion Solenoid operated electro-magnetic brakes shall be provided for hoisting motor. The brake shall be applied immediately irrespective of controllers position, on operating an emergency stop push button. The electro-magnetic brake shall be complete with the rectifier equipment to obtain D.C. supply for the solenoid. In addition to electro-magnetic brake, electro-hydraulic thruster brake shall also be provided. v) Limit Devices Limit switches of gear or cam type for 'UP' and 'DOWN' limits for the hook block shall be provided. Suitable limiting devices shall also be provided to limit the travel of the trolley at the ends of the crane girders. vi) Wiring, Conductors and Collectors All wiring shall be in metal conduit hot dip galvanized. All conductors for primary power and lighting shall be insulated for not less than 600 volts and shall have standard moisture resisting double braid coverings. The control and lighting conductors shall be of standard and suitable sizes in copper. The main runway conductors shall be rigid type and shall consist of four lengths of hard drawn copper wire with end brackets, intermediate brackets and insulators etc., to suit the power house building. The trolley conductors shall be of the rigid type. The collector shall be designed to reduce the sparking between collectors and conductors to the minimum and shall be readily renewable. vii) Lighting The permanent 240 volts lighting system on the crane shall consist of two 250 watts high bay lighting units to illuminate uniformly the area under the crane. Suitable convenience outlets shall also be provided. KREDA 340 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Cleaning and Shop Painting After being fabricated, all structural steel and unfinished surface of castings shall be cleaned thoroughly of all mill or foundry scale, rust, dirt, oil, grease and other foreign substances. All machine finished parts and surface including bolts and nuts shall be well coated with a suitable rust preventive compound. In addition, one coat of finishing paint of approved colour on all surfaces shall be applied over a coat of primer. Shop Assembly and Testing The crane shall be completely assembled and operated in the shop and load tested for adequacy of design and suitability for reliable safe and proper operation. The crane shall be tested at shop under full load and 25% overload on hoisting and cross travel motions. The parts of the crane shall be sent in as large units as practicable for field erection and handling, keeping in view the limitation of transport and handling. Inspection The Developer/ Owner and his authorized representatives shall have access to the manufacturer's works at all reasonable times for the purpose of witnessing the manufacture, inspection and testing of all components and/or complete crane. Acceptance Tests After the crane has been installed at site and placed in satisfactory operation, it will be tested by and at the expense of the Developer/ Owner to determine whether the requirement of these specifications have been fulfilled. All tests will be made under the supervision of the contractor or his representative. Complete set of tools and plant required for erection, testing and commissioning shall be arranged by the contractor at his own cost. Spares The tenderer shall give item wise prices for the spares. The tender shall list any other spare part that he recommends for 5 years operations of the crane. Drawing And Data i) The tenderer shall submit with his tender detailed description, drawings, clearance diagrams, bridge wheel spacing and loading, photographs, catalogues covering the general construction and dimensions of the apparatus he proposes to furnish and electrical schematic diagram. ii) Three copies of instruction manuals for installation, operation and maintenance of the crane shall also be supplied. KREDA 341 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Deviation From Specifications All deviations from the specifications shall be listed separately in the absence of which it will be presumed that the provision of the specifications are complied with by the tenderer fully. 5.6.4 Batteries, Charging Equipment And D.C. Board Etc. General i. This specification broadly covers manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of (a) one set 24 volts, 300 AH capacity NICKEL CADMIUM/sealed VRLA batteries, as an alternative (b) one set of float and boost charger for quick and trickle charging of the batteries and for supplying 30 Amps continuous DC load and (c) one no. 24 volts D.C. distribution board. ii. The 24 volts 300 AH high discharge type batteries shall be used for supplying power to essential services where instant availability and reliability of D.C. supply are most important such as: ii. Protection, control and indicating circuits. iii. D.C. emergency lighting of powerhouse. Tripping and closing coils of 11 kV, 3.3 kV and 415 volts switchgears. iv. Trip coils for controlling generator field flashing circuit breakers, emergency solenoid of electro hydraulic governor cubicle and alarm annunciator etc. iii. The battery and charger shall meet following load requirement: Continuous load for three hours 30 Amps Emergency load for one hour 25 Amps Intermittent load for 1/60 hour 55 Amps The above load requirement is tentative. The tenderer shall give actual load requirement based on specification of the equipments offered. iv. The charging arrangement for main batteries shall comprise installation of one set of float and boost battery charger. The boost charger should be capable of quick charging the battery in 10 hrs. from the fully discharged condition. The charger shall be connected to the batteries through D.C. distribution board, which shall have a charger load bus, load bus, emergency load bus contactors, MCCBs, and MCBs as shown in drawing. By means of MCCBs, it shall be possible to connect any of the charger or Battery to the load bus. Under normal operating conditions, battery charger shall be connected to load bus, float charger shall be ON while boost charger shall be OFF, to keep the battery floating. v. The float charger shall be capable to trickle charge the 300 AH batteries at about 1.3 volt/cell, while supplying a permanent load of 30 Amps. Boost charger shall be capable of quick charging the batteries upto 1.7 volt/cell. The charger shall be provided with KREDA 342 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT controls for adjusting the voltage between ranges of 24 volts to 15 volt, so as to make them suitable for trickle charge as well as boost charge duty. For distribution of 24 volts D.C. supply, a 24 volts D.C. distribution board shall be installed with two incoming circuits from chargers one circuits from batteries and 15 outgoing circuits. One outgoing circuits shall feed the emergency lighting board, through emergency lighting contactors. The emergency lighting contactor shall supervise the A.C. supply to normal lighting boards and shall switch on D.C. lighting in the event of A.C. failure. REQUIREMENT 1. 2. One no. 24 volts, 300 AH nickel cadmium / VRLA sealed maintenance free batteries complete with stands, insulators, inter-row, inter-tier and inter-cell connectors. One set of automatic voltage regulated, static type full wave battery charger for batteries complete with filters, rectifier, AVR, voltmeter (0-200 V DC), ammeter 0-100 Amps, moulded case circuit breaker, fuses etc. One no. 24 volts D.C. distribution board equipped with: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. xviii. xix. xx. xxi. KREDA One positive and one neutral charger load bus. One positive and one neutral for load bus One positive and one neutral for emergency load bus One outgoing circuit controlled by MCCB from the charger load bus connecting load bus. Three incoming circuits of moulded case circuit breaker type, two from battery charger and one from battery. 15 outgoing circuits of miniature circuit breaker type, one of which shall feed emergency lighting board through emergency lighting contactors and remaining to the other D.C. loads. The D.C. distribution board shall be equipped with protective relays to give visible and audible alarms with buzzer silencing facility etc. under the following conditions: Over voltage at bus bar Under voltage at bus bar Battery ground (positive bus, negative bus) A.C. supply failure annunciation D.C. over load Earth leakage Float output D.C. fuse failure/MCCB trip Boost output D.C. fuse failure/MCCB trip Controller card defective Float charger failure Boost charger failure 343 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP xxii. TENDER DOCUMENT Alarm annunciation scheme for the above protections with "Alarm accept, reset and test push buttons." xxiii. One No. 415V/230V A.C. emergency lighting contactor. xxiv. Instrument for measuring a. Voltage for 415V A.C. supply b. D.C. output voltage of float and boost charger c. D.C. output current of float and boost charger d. Trickle charging current of battery and discharging current from battery xxv. Four outgoing circuit of miniature circuit breaker type from emergency load bus. xxvi. xxvii. An internal lamp with a door switch shall be provided. The distribution panel shall be physically matching with the charger panel in all respect and its construction will be similar to the charger cubicles. Technical Particulars for Ni-Col batteries i. Battery i) ii) iii) Type Nickel cadmium Normal voltage of a single cell 1.2 volt Capacity when discharging 300 AH to 1.0 volts/cell at 10 hrs discharge rate iv) Voltage under floating conditions 27 Volts v) Voltage at the end of full discharge per cell 1.0 Volts vi) No. of cells 22 Nos. Types of cells (to comply IS:10918-1984) Open type, single cell construction The batteries shall comply with IS 10918-1984 or its latest version. ii. Connectors Battery cells shall be accommodated in multi row multi tier arrangement on wooden stands. Sufficient No. of inter-row, inter-tier and inter-cell connectors shall be provided. iii. Potassium Hydroxide It shall strictly comply with relevant ISS and shall be sufficient for one filling with 10% spare. iv. Water The distilled water shall be sufficient for one filling and charge-dischargerecharge operations with 10% spare. It shall conform to IS:1069-1964 (revised). KREDA 344 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP v. TENDER DOCUMENT Stand The stand shall be constructed from seasoned teak wood and shall be robust enough to take the full load of batteries. The stand shall have bolted connections and should be supplied in pieces to facilitate entry in the battery room. The stands shall be coated with three coats of paints as per IS requirements. vi. Bolts & Nuts Bolts and nuts for connecting the cells shall be effectively lead coated to prevent corrosion. Float & Boost Charger i. Type It shall be static type, full wave, suitable for boost charging and trickle charging to keep all cells battery floating under normal operating conditions while supplying permanent load upto 30 Amps. Input Output Current - 415 V, 50 c/s, 3 phase A.C. 24 V to 32 V 30 Amps permanent load In the event of failure of float charger, boost charger should be capable to boost/trickle charge the batteries and also to supply 30 Amps. permanent load. ii. Regulation It shall be inherently voltage regulated static type with automatic regulation within plus and minus one percent from 10% of rated load to full load and shall have steep voltage drop beyond 110% full load. Both the chargers will be housed in a sheet steel cubicle of angle iron structure with adequate ventilation for natural air cooling, suitable for floor mounting indoor operation and having door at the rear side with locking arrangement for easy access to all the components housed in side as detailed below. The height of the charger shall be such as to allow easy operation of all the switches and push buttons. D.C. Distribution Board: i. D.C. Bus Bars: There shall be one charger load bus, one load bus and one emergency load bus. The charger load bus shall be rated for 200 Amp, 10kA short circuit withstand rating. KREDA 345 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Load bus bar shall be rated for 100 Amps, 10 kA short circuits withstand rating. The emergency load bus shall be rated for 50 Amps, 5 kA short circuits withstand rating. The charger load bus and load bus shall be connected through 100A MCCB. ii. Outgoing Circuits: Feeder to 2 nos. UCBs . Feeder to control and relay panel. Feeder to L.T. Board. Feeder for switchyard Feeders to Electronic governor panel Feeder to excitation panel Feeder for Emergency Lighting Feeders as spare. One No. feeder for emergency lighting which will comprise of a emergency load bus and 4 Nos. outgoing emergency light circuits having 16 amps MCB in each circuit, each housed in D.C. panel itself. One main lighting feeder shall be connected to emergency load bus through emergency lighting contactors. The contactor will normally keep D.C. supply to the mini bus off, but in case A.C. fails it will automatically switch on the D.C. to emergency lighting. Note: All above feeders except emergency load bus feeder will be connected through 32 amps MCB. Emergency load bus will be connected through 50 Amps MCCB. iii. One no emergency lighting contactor rated for 415/230 V. A.C. and provided with two sets of contacts controlling D.C. emergency contactor. The DC contactor rated for 24 Volt. controls D.C. emergency supply. iv. The board shall be complete with wiring, cable glands, cable lugs for termination of outgoing and incoming circuits, as shown in drawing. This drawing is tentative and tenderer is desired to submit his own drawing for approval of the purchaser. Instruments Following instruments may be installed on the charger: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. KREDA AC voltmeter 0-500 V with RY, YB, BR selector switch DC output-voltmeter for float charger DC output-voltmeter for boost charger DC ammeter for float output DC ammeter for boost output DC ammeter (centre zero) to measure trickle charging current to battery as well as discharging current from the battery. 346 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Spares The technical particulars of the spares shall be identical to those of corresponding components. Tenderer will give list of spares required for five years. Tools Cell testing voltmeter Thermometers Hydrometers Alkaline mixing tank Alkaline resistant jugs, funnels, rubber apron, rubber gloves, rubber siphon and rubber syringes, spanners 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 2 Nos. 1 No. 2 Nos. each Design & Construction i. Wooden stands shall be of first class seasoned teakwood. These shall be mechanically strong and coated with three coats of KOH resistant paint. ii. Charger shall be floor-mounting type totally enclosed in steel cabinet with provision of cable entry from bottom. All the breaker controls and instruments shall be mounted in front of the panel and at a convenient height to facilitate ease of operation. It shall be provided with hinged doors at the rear side. The charger cabinet shall be painted with approved shade colour as per ISS Plastic paint in gloss finish shall be used. iii. DC distribution board shall be floor-mounting type. It shall be totally enclosed in steel cabinet with welded steel work inside so as to make it rugged and all fuses bus bars and switches except their operating handle shall be mounted inside. Bus bars shall be covered with coloured PVC tapes or epoxy insulated and shall be designed for the appropriate current rating. A common ear thing shall be provided for the DC board. Cable glands shall be provided and mounted on the glands plate so as to facilitate easy termination of all the incoming and outgoing cables entering from the bottom. Front of the cabinet shall be hinged type. The cabinet shall be painted with approved shade colour. Tests Following tests shall be performed on each battery after installation at site. The tests shall be performed in accordance with IS:1651-1970 and the test results shall strictly conform to the provisions of the above said standard. i) Visual inspection and dimensional check as per Para 10.4 of IS:1651-1970. ii) Capacity test on complete batteries as per Para 10.5 of IS:1651-1970. iii) Test for retention of charger as per Para 10.7 of IS:1651-1970. iv) Potassium hydroxide supplied shall be tested in accordance with IS (revised). Tests of Chargers KREDA 347 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Following tests shall be performed on each of the charger: i) General inspection of circuits, associated components and checking of wire etc. ii) Capacity test on charger to verify temperature rise of various components. iii) Calibration test of indication instruments. iv) Performance test on voltage regulating equipment both on auto and manual condition. v) Testing of overload and other protective devices. Tests on DC Distribution Board General inspection of the board and associated components checking of working etc. i) Calibration test of indicating instruments provided on the D.C. distribution board. ii) Test of insulation resistance. Test of safety devices such as over voltage, under voltage and ground fault alarms and lighting contactors etc. Alternative Batteries The tenderer may quote alternatively for sealed maintenance free Valve Regulated Lead Acid Batteries of 24V, 300AH along with suitable charger. 5.6.5 Diesel Generating Set Diesel generating set 75 kVA, 415 V, 0.8 PF 3 phase, 50c/s, manual/battery auto start directly coupled to an alternator fixed on a sturdy channels section steel base frame shall be provided for this project. It should be complete with control panel, water pump, lubricating oil cooler, radiator or heat exchanger. It should have low noise level and low vibration level as per relevant IS. It should have superior combustion chamber design so as to give low fuel consumption and high efficiency. The set should be rated for 24 hours running. The set should shut down on high temperature, low fuel level and low lubricating oil level. Over current/over voltage protections etc. shall be provided alongwith all metering arrangement on the panel for this generating set. Technical Particulars 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. KREDA Make From reputed manufacturer. Quantity 1 No. Rating 75 kVA Phase 3 Phase 4 wires Voltage 415 Volts Frequency 50 c/s Voltage variation from no load to full load Not more than 3% The set shall be complete with control panel, water pump, lubricating oil cooler radiator exhaust with silencer as required etc. Manual/Auto battery start Protections High-Temperature Low Fuel Level Low Lubricating Oil Level. 348 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Other protection and metering systems as required for the set with alarm and indications shall be provided. 5.6.6 Power & Control Cables Including Cable Trays Scope The scope shall include supply, laying of power and control cable, cable trays, termination of cables etc., their testing and commissioning Power Cables The 3.3 kV XLPE power cables in full length (Without Intermediate Joints) shall be required to interconnect the stator (line and neutral) terminals to 3.3 kV switchgear located in the power house and to terminal cubicles. Continuous current carrying capacity may be taken as 200 Ampere with a fault level of 16 kA for 1 second. These type of cables are also required to connect: 3.3 kV Switchgear to one no. 3.3/0.433 kV, Station Transformer suitable for 16kA -1 sec. 3.3 kV Switch gear to 3.3 kV terminal of 3.3/11 kV Main Generator Transformer located in the switchyard suitable for 300A, 16 kA – 1sec. L.T. Power Cables The 415 V AC and 24 V DC cables shall be required to interconnect the different auxiliary service boards and connect to various equipment to various distribution boards as required. 250 V DC flexible insulated oil resistant copper cable shall also be required to connect generator field with the excitation equipment. The insulation level of all these cables shall be 1.1 kV grade. i) Control, and Instrumentation Cables These shall include all cables required for the installation of the complete instrumentation, control, protection and metering systems in the power house, transformer, switchyard, diesel set and fore bay. Special reference is made to: ii) KREDA Control room with their control panels/control desks, metering, protection and automatic control cubicles. The digital turbine governor electronic/mechanical cabinets, the static excitation equipment alongwith automatic voltage regulators. Automatic and manual control of unit Unit and station auxiliaries Cable Trays, Supporting Structures, Cables Terminals etc. 349 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The cable trays, supporting structures, cable terminating lugs and other accessories shall be required to interconnect various service boards and equipment to complete the system. iii) Design Features All cables shall be designed to cope with the short circuit conditions and voltage drop. Fusing capacity of power cables may be taken for fault duration of 200-ms. Maximum short circuit current for 3.3 kV system may be taken as 16 kA, for 415V power circuit as 25 kA. For PT & CT circuits, 4 mm2 copper cables shall invariably be used. DC distribution shall also be on 6mm2 copper cables. Size of aluminium power cable shall in no case be less than 10 mm2. The cables shall be capable of satisfactory operation under a power supply system voltage variation of 10% and frequency variation of ± 5% and a combined frequency voltage variation of 10% (absolute sum). The cables shall have heat and moisture resistant properties. These shall be of type and design with proven record of power station installation. All the accessories and special tools supplied and used by the contractor during the installation of cables shall be handed over to the Owner for future use after completion of work. The cable sizes given in drawing are tentative and shall be finalized during detailed engineering. Broad assessment/quantities of different type of power and control cables, no. of cores, ratings, sizes, fault current withstand capability etc. shall be furnished with the bid. The cable size shall be calculated for laying in ducts interface with adequate spacing. Quantities of different sizes of cable trays, supporting structures, cable routes, cable schedules termination detail etc. shall also be furnished. For the purpose of proper assessment of the requirement, the site may be visited on any working day with prior intimation. iv) Power Cables for 3.3 kV System-Single & Multi-core Cables These power cables shall be heavy duty, stranded circular aluminium conductor, cross linked polyethylene (XLPE) insulated provided with conductor screening and insulation screening, laid up, extruded PVC inner-sheathed, armoured FRLS type conforming to IS 7098 (Part-III) / Relevant IEC and as specified in this specification. The conductor screening shall be by strippable extruded semi-conducting thermo setting material with a minimum thickness of 0.3 mm. as per IS. The insulation and screening shall be extruded, semi-conducting and with copper tape screening (with at least 0.075 mm thickness) about it. KREDA 350 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP v) TENDER DOCUMENT Power Cables 1100 Volts Grade All LT power cables shall be of stranded Aluminium conductor except DC power cables, which shall be of stranded copper conductor. Single Core Cables These cables shall be at least 1100 volts grade, heavy duty, single core, stranded aluminium / copper conductor, HR-PVC insulated and PVC sheathed armoured FRLS type and shall conform to the same design and properties as cables conforming to IS: 1554 (Part I & II) / IEC. The outer sheath is of specially formulated PVC compound. Multi-core Cables The cable shall be at least 1100 volts grade, heavy duty multi-core, stranded aluminium/copper conductor, PVC insulated, colour coded, laid up, armoured inner sheathed with extruded PVC, 2/3.5 or multi-cores FRLS type, conforming to IS 1554 / relevant IEC. (Part I). The outer sheath is of specially formulated PVC compound. Control & Instrumentation Cables The control & instrumentation cables shall be multi-core, colour coded, annealed high conductivity copper, single conductor, insulated with HR-PVC insulation, PVC sheathed, armoured FRLS type conforming to IS 1554 (Part I & II) / relevant IEC. The outer sheath is of specially formulated PVC compound All control and instrumentation cables shall be of stranded 2.5 mm2 copper conductors except cables for CTs & PTs which shall be 4 mm2. The internal wiring of relays etc. may be with 1.5mm2 copper cables. All these cables shall have the following properties: Oxygen index Smoke density Acid gas Flame propagation vi) Min. 29 Min. 40% light transmittance Max. 20% by weight Shall meet IEC 662-1, IEEE 383 & SEN of 4241475 (Class F3) Performance Criteria and Guarantees The power, control and instrumentation and other cables system shall be capable of performing all intended duties and it is the responsibility to supply the equipment as per guaranteed technical particulars. KREDA 351 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION i) Conductor The conductor shall be made from stranded annealed copper / aluminium to form compact conductor having a resistance within the limits specified in relevant IS /IEC. HR-PVC insulated cable of size 25mm2 and above shall have sector shaped conductor. ii) Conductor Shield The conductor having a semi-conducting screen shall ensure perfectly smooth profile and avoid stress concentration. The conductor screen shall be extruded in the same operation as the insulation. The semi-conducting polymer shall be cross-linked (for XLPE cables) iii) Insulation The insulation of the cables shall be extruded type and shall be designed and manufactured for the specified system voltage. The manufacturing process shall ensure that insulation is free from voids. The insulation shall withstand mechanical and thermal stresses under steady state and transient operating conditions. The extrusion method should give very smooth interface between semi-conducting screen and insulation. The insulation of the cable shall be of high standard quality. iv) Insulation Shield In XLPE cables, to confine electrical field to the insulation a non-magnetic semiconducting shield shall be put over the insulation. The insulation shield shall be extruded in the same operation as the conductor shield and the insulation by Triple extrusion process. The XLPE cable insulation shall be strippable. Metallic screening as given in this specification for the various control and power cables and special cables shall be provided. v) Sheath The sheath shall be suitable to withstand the site conditions and specified temperature conditions. It shall be of adequate thickness and applied by a continuous process to produce a sheath of consistent quality free from any defects. The sheath shall be extruded. vi) Armour Hard drawn aluminium wire armouring /single galvanised steel tape/wire armouring shall be used for single core and multi-core cables respectively. The diameter of the aluminium wire shall be as per the table for the dimensions of the galvanised steel wire armour given in the relevant standard. KREDA 352 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vii) TENDER DOCUMENT Service and Outer Sheath Extruded PVC serving as specified shall be applied over armouring with suitable additives to prevent attack by rodents and termites. All servings must be given anti-termite treatment. The cable shall have suitable fillers laid up with the conductors, before the sheath is applied and the fillers shall be of substantially circular cross section. Fillers shall be suitable for operating temperature of the insulation and compatible with the insulation. viii) Size & Length of Cables The number of cores and sizes of the cables required for various circuits shall be specified in the schedule of requirement by the contractor. The cables covered by this specification shall be supplied in one length or in standard length as approved by the Owner. ix) Colour Scheme and Identification To facilitate easy identification of phases a colour scheme of Red, yellow and Blue for phases and black for neutral shall be adopted for power cables. Multi-core control cables shall be colour coded for identification of cores as per IS: 1554 1976/ IEC. All the cables shall carry manufacturer data in a permanent, legible manner at an interval of at least 3 meter run. The manufacturer’s data shall include the name; cable size, voltage rating together with any other information. x) Termination Kit The termination kits required for 3.3 kV XLPE cables terminations shall be heat shrinkable type as per relevant IS / IEC. The contractor shall supply all hardware consumables such as plumbing metal, sealing compound, tapes and other materials required for the making of these terminal connections of various sizes of cables. xi) Cable Lugs The cable lugs shall be supplied as per cable schedule and these shall be made of copper tube electro tinned. The contractor shall supply longneck-crimping lugs for cables of size 240 mm 2 and above. The contractor shall ensure that no bimetallic action takes place, between the aluminium conductor of the cable and the cable-connecting lug by filling the lugs with suitable compound. The lugs shall be of standard quality conforming to relevant IEC / IS only. KREDA 353 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP xii) TENDER DOCUMENT Cable Accessories The contractor shall supply all the required accessories that may be found necessary during actual execution of the job, within the quoted prices. xiii) Cable Glands The cable glands shall be double compression type and shall be made of brass duly electro tinned in order to avoid corrosion and oxidation of the surface. The nipple threads shall be in accordance with IS 1653 / IEC. Glands shall provide neat, tight, dust and vermin proof termination. Gland shall be provided with rubber ring to hold the cables firmly when check-nut is slightly tightened. Gland shall be complete with suitable washers etc. xiv) Compression Type Terminals for Control Wiring These terminals are required for copper conductor of control wiring. They shall be crimped to the conductor while other end will provide flat surface for better connections. The connectors shall be made of copper electro tinned. xv) Button Tape (Strap & Stud) This consists of perforated cable strapping with holes conveniently spaced for assembly and moulded studs. The strapping shall be made of NYLON Grade 220 or other elastic material to give proper performance. The studs shall be made of 'NYLON'. xvi) Self Adhesive Marker Self-adhesive marker in the form of strips of any one character, which can be easily peeled from the backing cards and can be applied on the cable, shall be supplied. The strips shall be water- proof duly marked with special formulated ink with specific thermo-setting adhesive to withstand high temperature. Suitable plastic ring type ferrules marked with engraved indelible ink for control cables and sticker type ferrules for power cables shall be supplied. These shall be marked as per cable schedule such that each core of each cable can be identified easily. xvii) Aluminium Strip Aluminium strip of adequate size for making tags for labels shall be supplied. Good quality PVC tapes, cotton tapes and any other accessories required for laying, termination, testing & commissioning shall be supplied conforming to relevant IS. KREDA 354 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Cable Trays & Support Structure Perforated cable trays made out of 14-gauge mild steel sheet shall be fabricated. The trays shall be provided with long shape slots of 20mm x 8mm size. The trays shall be of perforated plates for proper ventilation of the cables. The cable trays shall be fully galvanized as per the relevant IS / IEC and the Owner reserves the right to test galvanizing as specified in the relevant IS / IEC in presence of its representative. The tack-welded portion of trays and the contact surfaces shall be given a layer of epoxy paint or shall be treated with galvanized compound. The cable support shall be painted. Detailed design of the cable trays & supports shall be got approved from the Owner before commencement of fabrication/assembly. The fixing of supports to the walls/ceiling/tunnel/column/ trench etc. is also covered in the scope of supply. The fixing arrangement shall be approved by the Owner. Embedment for the fixing of the supports shall be provided by the Owner. Proofing Cables passing through different fire zones, shall be provided with fire-proof barriers with the same fire rating as the penetrated walls or partitions. Junction Boxes Junction box shall be constructed of sheet steel of thickness not less than 2mm.The door shall be adequately strengthened to ensure rigidity and strength. Sheet steel and sections used in enclosures shall be cut neatly and finished free from burrs. Ample wiring space shall be provided at the sides, and back of the enclosure for incoming and outgoing circuits. Removable plates with gaskets shall be fitted at the top and bottom of the box to provide the entry for conduit or cable. The door shall be suitably gasketed and fitted with a lock type handle. The door shall be hung on hinges having brass bodies and stainless steel pins. Each cable junction box shall be provided with terminals of adequate rating on the terminal strip of suitable thickness. Disconnecting (sliding) type terminal blocks shall be provided, to facilitate testing & maintenance without disconnecting the cables. Multi-block terminal board of 15 A. 500 V rating shall be provided to form assembly of number of terminal block. Assembly may be secured with only two screws on the surface. There shall be provision on the strips to add more terminal in case of further requirement. All the cables shall be supplied on non-returnable wooden drums with adequate barrel diameter so as to avoid any damage to the cables and to withstand rough handling during transportation and storage. KREDA 355 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Particulars of the drum on which the cables would be packed for transportation with a dimensioned drawing shall be submitted. Preferably not more than one length shall be wound on one drum. The supplier will be held responsible for any loss or damage caused by any defects in packing. A layer of waterproof paper shall be applied to the surface of the drums and over the outer cable layer. A circular space of at least 40mm shall be left between the cable and the lagging. Each drum shall carry the name of the manufacturer, the name of the Owner his address, order number, item number, type, size length of cable, net and gross weight duly stencilled thereon. Quality Control And Assurance Requirements The supplier has to supply the cables and other accessories of best quality. The supplier has to maintain control and quality assurance during the manufacturing, installing, testing and commissioning of equipment. The quality assurance plan shall be submitted with the technical bid. Calculations The supplier is required to submit the calculation for selecting the cable size for connecting various boards/equipment. The cable schedule and termination diagram for all power, control & telephone cables shall be prepared by the contractor and submitted to Owner for approval. Workshop Test The cables shall be routine tested as per relevant IEC/IS at the works of supplier in presence of representative of the Owner. The Supplier is required to submit type test certificate and routine test reports of all the items. Requirement of tests for power and control cables (IS 1554 / IEC). A. Type Tests i. Tests on conductor: ii. Test for armouring wires/strips:- a. b. Nominal thickness (for steel strip) Nominal diameter (for round wire) iii. iv. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath. Physical test for insulation and outer sheath. KREDA 356 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath. Ageing in air oven. Shrinkage test Hot deformation Loss of mass in air oven. Heat shock test. Thermal stability. v. vi. vii. B. Insulation resistance test. High voltage test (water immersion test) High voltage test at room temperature. Acceptance Tests: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. Annealing test (for Cu.) Tensile test (for Al.) Wrapping test (for Al.) Conductor resistance test. Test for thickness of insulation and sheath. Tensile strength and elongation at break of insulation and sheath. Insulation resistance test. High voltage test at room temperature Capacitance measurement test on 3.3 kV cables. C. Routine Tests i. ii. D. TENDER DOCUMENT Conductor resistance test. High voltage test at room temperature Optional Tests i. ii. iii. Cold bend test Cold impact test Armour resistance test The following FRLS tests are to be conducted as per the referred standard. E. FRLS Tests i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. KREDA HCL gas evolution test (IEC - 754.1) Oxygen Index (ASTM-D-2863) Temperature Index (ASTM-D-2863) Smoke density test (ASTM-D-2863) Flammability test (IEC-662.1) Swedish Chimney test (SS-424 14 75) Ladder Test (IEEE-383) XLPE cables shall be tested as per IS 7098 / IEC. 357 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ix. TENDER DOCUMENT The instrumentation and fibre-optic cables shall be routine tested as per relevant IEC/IS. Installation And Commissioning All installation and lying of cables and cable trays shall be done by skilled workers in a workmanlike manner. Sufficient spare cores in control cables shall be kept as spare cores in cable scheduling for future use. Before charging of cables all wiring/cable shall be checked as per cable schedule programme. i. Cable Routing For the main cable ways, a system of cable racks and trays as well as cable ducts and trenches shall be provided. The cable trays shall be provided for power and control cables. The cables which are buried underground shall be laid at depth of at least 1 metre and shall be protected by bricks on two sides and at the top. The cables for emergency lighting, fire alarm systems, etc., shall run on separate trays. All cables laid by the contractor shall be terminated at both ends. The contractor shall make all electrical connections strictly in accordance with the contractor's cable schedule approved by Owner and shall provide numbered ferrules at each connecting terminal in order to check connections without any difficulty. Terminal blocks have been provided in various panels/equipment for these terminations. One termination shall mean connecting both ends of one core of a cable to given terminal blocks. The cables shall be terminated by crimping lugs to the ends. Jointing compound, jointing kits, termination kits, button tape, PVC tape, cotton tapes etc. shall be supplied by contractor and used as part of consumable material. However joints shall be avoided as far as possible. The cables shall be handled with care so as to avoid kinking and damage. Sufficient slack shall be allowed in each run of cable to permit contraction and expansion. Suitable loops between gland and terminating point shall also be provided. Contractor shall take proper care in the handling of cables against external damage of any kind. Necessary rollers etc. shall be used while pulling and laying of the cables. Owner shall have the right to stop the work in case of improper handling of the cables. Cables shall be properly clamped at regular intervals with the help of non magnetic/moulded fiber glass strip clamps/PVC sleeved clamps, of suitable size. Contractor shall submit typical drawings along with tender giving proposed clamping arrangement and also give distance of clamping at bends and in regular run of cables. ii. Cable Markers and Cable Binding Suitable cable markers of aluminium with punch marks shall be provided and suitably tagged to the cable permanently so that cable could be easily identified. KREDA 358 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP iii. TENDER DOCUMENT Cable Binding/Strapping All control cables after glanding shall be neatly routed and binded with the help of cable straps and studs inside the panel. Complete routing in panel shall be such that it gives a neat appearance good workmanship. For L.T. Power cables, suitable holding clamps will be provided in the panel if required. The contractor shall also be responsible for sealing the spare holes and panel circuits with the help of suitable blanking plates or mutually agreed method. The contractor shall do the cable glanding suitable for each cable size at both ends of termination of each cable. Field Tests Before commissioning of complete system all cabling system shall be checked as per cable schedule and complete report shall be prepared by contractor and shall be submitted. Field test shall include: Cabling checking Continuity checking Megger testing in accordance with the applicable codes and standards. Resistance checking Contractor shall be responsible for conducting tests as per IS / IEC before termination of the cables i.e. measuring insulation resistance of each core to earth and core to core, identification of cores, all tests before and after termination etc. Contractor shall be fully responsible for correct terminations and if at the time of commissioning some modifications/rectifications are required the same shall also be carried out by him. If any terminations/cable boxes etc. fail at the time of commissioning, Contractor shall be responsible to replace the same. Spare Parts The supplier shall supply spare parts as per General Technical Specification 3A. In addition the supplier shall submit a detailed proposal on recommended spares and consumables for five (5) years operation. This proposal shall be prepared under due consideration of the requirement of the General Technical Specification. Tools KREDA 359 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT In addition to the tools listed in general technical specification the contractor shall provide one set of all necessary tools for erection, testing, commissioning, repair and maintenance as recommended by the manufacturer. A list of such tools shall be furnished with the bid. 5.6.7 EARTHING SYSTEM Earthing system of power house and switchyard shall be designed as per IS: 3043 and IEEE: 80 and 665. Earthing system network/earthmat shall be interconnected mesh of mild steel rods buried in ground in the plant. All off-site areas shall be interconnected together by minimum two parallel conductors. The contractor shall furnish the detailed design and calculations for Owner's approval. Contractor shall obtain all necessary statutory approvals for the system. Soil resistivity data of the area shall be measured by the Contractor for designing earthing system. Enclosures of all electrical equipment as well as all cabinets/boxes/panels/etc. shall be earthed by two separate and distinct earth connections. Metallic pipes, conduits, cable tray section, etc. shall be bonded to ensure electrical continuity and earthed at regular intervals as well as at both ends. Metallic conduits, pipes, etc. shall not be used as earth continuity conductor. All hinged doors shall be earthed by flexible braids of adequate size. All steel structures shall be duly earthed. Metallic sheaths and armour of all multicore cables shall also be earthed at both equipment and switchgear end. Earthing conductor shall be buried at least 2000 mm outside the fence of electrical installations. Every alternate post of the Francis and all gates shall be connected to earthing grid by one lead. Earthing conductor embedded in the concrete floor shall have at least 50 mm concrete cover. Earthing connections with equipment earthing pads shall be bolted type with at least two bolts, and joint surfaces shall be galvanised. The connections shall be painted with anti-corrosive paint after testing and checking. Neutral of power transformers shall be directly connected to two rods electrodes in treated earth pits, which in turn shall be connected to station earthing grid. The earthing terminal of surge arresters and voltage transformers, and lightning protection, down conductors shall also be connected to station earthing grid through separate rod electrode. The earthing resistance of the grounding system of the power house and the switchyard together shall not be more than 0.5 Ohms. Other requirements for Earthing system a. b. c. d. Standard/Code Earthing system life expectancy System fault level Soil resistivity e. f. Min. steel corrosion rate Depth of burial of main earth KREDA IEEE-80 and 665, IS: 2309, 3043 35 years 25 kA for one second Contractor to measure at site at min. 20 locations approved by Owner. 0.25 mm per year. 600 mm below ground level; where it crosses 360 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT conductor g. h. conductor trenches, pipes, ducts tunnels, rail tracks, etc., it shall be at least 300 mm below them. Conductor joints By electric arc welding, with resistance of joint not less than that of the conductor. Welds to be treated with red lead for rust protection and then coated with bitumen compound for corrosion protection. The minimum conductor size for earthing system shall be as follows: Equipment Main station grid Switchgear 415 V distribution boards HT motors LT motors above 125 kW LT motors - 25 to 125 kW LT motors - 1 to 25 kW Fractional HP LT motors Control panel & control desk Push button stn. & Junction box Cable trays, cols. & structures Rails & other metal parts Equipment earthing switchyard Buried conductor 40 mm dia MS rod ------------for -- Conductor above ground & in trenches 65x8 mm GS flat 65x8 mm GS flat 50x6 mm GS flat 50x6 mm GS flat 50x6 mm GS flat 25x6 mm GS flat 25x3 mm GS flat 8 SWG GS wire 25x3 mm GS flat 8 SWG GS wire 50x6 mm GS flat 50x6 mm GS flat 25x6 mm GS flat 76x8 mm GS flat and 50x6 mm GS flat The equipment/work shall have following features: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. KREDA All earthing connections shall be sufficient to carry the fault current of 25 kA for 1 sec. Soldered joints shall not be used. All joints shall be made pressure type fitting or welded. The earth resistance of yard shall be not be more than that indicated above. Touch and step potential shall be maintained in a safe value by grounding mat in accordance with IEEE-80 for above fault current. Fencing around the yard shall be earthed separately. Earth electrodes shall have facilities for measurements of resistance and watering during dry season. Earth mat shall be extended 2000 mm beyond fencing. All structures and buildings shall be provided with lightning protection as per IS2309. Complete earthing of transformer neutrals, L.A. earthing of all steel structures, earthing of bodies of all equipment etc. Shielding through 7/16 SWG GI wires shall be provided as shown in the switchyard layout drawing. Any other item/work required for efficient completion of work. 361 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Other details have been provided in subsequent chapter erection, testing and commissioning. 5.6.8 LIGHTNING PROTECTION The lightning protection system shall be designed as per IS: 2309. It shall cover all buildings and structures in the plant, and switchyard areas. It shall comprise horizontal/vertical air terminations, down conductors, test links and earth connections to the station earthing grid. All conductors shall be of minimum 25x6 mm size and shall be of galvanised steel only. The down conductors of lightning protection system shall have a test joint at about 1500 mm above ground level. Each down conductor shall be connected to a 40 mm dia, 3 m long mild steel earth electrode as well as station earthing grid. The lightning protection system shall not be in direct contact with under ground metallic service ducts and cables, and shall not be connected above ground level to other earthing conductors. All joints in the down conductors shall be of welded type. Hazardous areas handling inflammable/explosive materials and associated storage areas shall be protected by a system of aerial earths as per IEEE: 142. 5.6.9 MISCELLANEOUS EQUIPMENT Transformer Oil Purifier One No oil purifier 250 liter per hour capacity machine complete in all respect for centrifuging transformer oil shall be supplied and commissioned for successful performance. The purifier shall be mounted on rubber pad wheels trolley and shall comprise of vacuum pump systems, heater system, filter packs etc including all electrical switches, fuses, temperature controllers, indicating instruments and operating valves. This machine should be able to centrifuge the transformer oil as per relevant Indian standards. The heat resistant rubber pipes for connecting this machine with transformer shall also be supplied in 2 x 15 meter lengths having connectors at each end. Water Level And Turbine Discharge Measurement Each of the 2 water turbines receive water from the forebay through main penstock bifurcated in 2 nos. branch penstocks each feeding to the respective turbine. The tenderer shall provide a system for measurement of water levels at forebay, & tailrace and measurement of discharge of each turbine. The prices of this system may be included in rates for turbines. KREDA 362 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Features The equipment/system shall have following features: i. ii. Use of suitable probes/transducers making use of multiple acoustic path as may be required for two decimal digital accuracy of level measurement in metres and three decimal digital accuracy of discharge measurement in cu m. An ultrasonic level and flow meter. Location i. For forebay water level measurement, the transducers shall be located suitably on the upstream side of the trash racks in the forebay channel. ii. The water level is also to be measured after the intake gates for which transducers shall be installed at a suitable place in the reach immediately downstream of the intake gates for monitoring the trash rake cleaning/head loss measurement. iii. For discharge measurement, the transducers etc. shall be located suitably in the respective distributors of each generating unit. Air Conditioning Of Control Room Control room shall be provided with air conditioners. Temperature remaining low, therefore only one 1.5 tonne air conditioners may be sufficient for this purpose. However, the number and capacity of these conditioners shall be decided in consultation with purchaser to achieve the desired results. The temperature at the project shall remain low for most of the period. During heavy snow fall, hot air blowers shall be required. Therefore, three blowers of adequate power shall be provided. Ventilation System Adequate and proper ventilation equipment/system shall be provided in the machine hall, control room, office room etc. as required as per approval to be taken from the purchaser. Three numbers 450 mm size exhaust fans may be installed in down stream wall of the power house. Exhaust fans 300 mm size for toilet, office and Battery room (if required) shall be provided. 5.6.10 FIRE PROTECTION SYSTEM Fire fighting arrangements at the generator floor, control room, switchgear room etc. of the power house and switchyard shall be provided. The equipment/system shall comprise fire/smoke detectors, portable fire extinguishers, fire buckets and hydrants as per the IS/relevant standards. KREDA 363 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP i. TENDER DOCUMENT Fire Detectors The following locations shall be provided with fire/smoke detectors which will be installed above the equipment / most suitable locations. v) vi) vii) viii) Generator floor Control room. L.T. and 3.3 kV switchgear area. Any other location deemed necessary. These fire / smoke detectors shall initiate alarm and indication in the Fire Alarm Panel to be installed in the control room to identify the location of smoke/fire to enable corrective actions. The central alarm & annunciation panel shall also have a connection from the detectors. ii. Portable Fire Extinguishers Portable Fire Extinguishers of various types of requisite capacity shall be located at appropriate locations in the power house as below: a. b. c. d. Trolley mounted CO2 type CO2 type fire extinguishers Soda Acide type Foam type extinguishers : : : : e. Dry chemical type extinguishers : iii. Fire Buckets 2 cylinders on Generator floor 2 Nos. for Control room 2 Nos. Near D.C. batteries 2 Nos. Near OPU & 4 nos near transformers. 2 Nos. for Switchgear and Control room each Two sets of fire buckets, each set comprising 6 buckets filled with sand, shall be provided on covered steel stand at two places in the powerhouse and one set in switchyard area. iv. Fire Hydrants The hose pipes of adequate length and diameter shall be provided at two distinct places inside the power house building. Permanent water under pressure shall be made available upto the hydrants. 5.6.11 LIGHTING SYSTEM Scope These specification covers design, manufacture, supply, installation, testing and commissioning of the lighting system at the project. The scope covers lighting arrangement for powerhouse, switchyard, tailrace, forebay and other appurtenant works like bye pass approach road and trash rack etc. Standards KREDA 364 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP IS: 3646 IS: 694 IS: 732 TENDER DOCUMENT Illumination and glass index Wires Wiring installation conditions General Requirements A comprehensive illumination system shall be provided in the entire project i.e. all areas within the plant boundary. The system shall include lighting fixtures, distribution boards, lighting panels, junction boxes, lighting poles, receptacles, switchboards, cables and wires, conduits, poles and masts, etc. The system shall cover all interior and exterior lighting such as area lighting, yard lighting, street lighting, security lighting, etc. Design Criterion The illumination system shall be designed on basis of best engineering practice and shall ensure uniform, reliable, aesthetically pleasing, glare free illumination. The design shall prevent glare/luminous patch seen on VDU screens, when viewed from an angle. Power supply shall be fed from 415/240 V normal ac power supply, station service board, and 24 V dc supply for emergency lighting. Lighting panels shall be located at different convenient locations for feeding various circuits. These panels shall be robust in construction with lockable arrangements and MCB for different circuits. The dc emergency lighting shall be provided in following areas: a. b. c. d. Machine hall 20 lux Control room 100 lux Exit points and staircases One light fixture All other strategic locations for safe personnel movement during any emergency. DC lighting shall come on automatically on failure of normal ac supply. These shall be switched off automatically after the normal ac supply is restored and luminaries have attained their full glow. Lighting panels, fixtures, receptacles, poles, masts, distribution boards, switch boxes, conduits, junction boxes etc. shall be properly installed and earthed. All outdoor fixtures shall be weather proof type. Fluorescent fixtures, installed in other than control room areas shall have electronic ballasts. For control rooms, the ballasts shall be copper wound inductive, heavy duty type, filled with thermo-setting insulating moisture repellent polyester. All luminaries and their accessories and components shall be of the type readily replaceable by the available Indian makes. All fixtures and accessories shall be of reputed make and noncorrosive type. Acrylic covers/louvers shall be of non-yellowing type. KREDA 365 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The constructional features of lighting distribution boards shall be similar to AC/DC distribution boards described elsewhere. Outgoing circuits shall be provided with MCBs of adequate ratings. Wiring shall be by multi-stranded PVC insulated colour code cable laid in GI conduits. Wiring for lighting circuits of ac, and dc systems shall be run in separate conduits throughout. Minimum size of the wire shall not be less than 1.5 sq.mm copper or 4 sq.mm aluminium. Wire shall conform to IS: 694 and wiring installation shall be as per IS: 732. Conduits shall be of heavy duty type, hot dip galvanised steel conforming to IS: 9537. In corrosive areas, conduits shall have additional suitable epoxy coating. At least one 5/15A, 240 V universal socket outlet shall be provided in offices, stores, cabins, control room, switch gear room etc. 20A, 240 V ac industrial type receptacles shall be provided strategically in all other areas including switch gear room and control room. All these receptacles shall be 3 pins type and controlled with a switch. Suitable numbers of 63 A, 3 phase, 415 V ac industrial type receptacles with control switches shall be provided for the entire plant for welding and other purposes, particularly near all major equipment and at an average distance of 50 m. Street lighting shall be with swaged tubular steel poles of swan new construction. The poles shall be coated with anti-corrosive treatment and paint. Area lighting shall be with suitable lighting masts. Masts of adequate height shall have lattice structure with ladder, cage and top platform. Alternatively they shall have lantern carriage of raise/lower type with electrical winch provided inside the tubular mast. All outdoor lighting systems shall be automatically controlled by synchronous timer or photocell. Arrangement shall be provided in the panel to bypass the timer/photocell for manual control. Illumination Levels And Type of Fixtures And Luminaries Location Machine Hall Average Illumination level (Lux) 200 Control room 300 HPMV high/medium bay Industrial trough type fluorescent Decorative mirror optics type Offices 300 -Do- Switchyard 10 (general) 50 (on equip.) 20 20 HPSV flood light, weather proof Street roads lighting Outdoor storage handling and other areas Garage/Car parking KREDA 70 Type of Fixture HPSV street lights HPSV flood light, proof. Industrial trough weather type 366 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT fluorescent A.C. & D.C. Sub-distribution Boards Sub distribution boards shall be attractive in design, mechanically strong, robust in construction and shall be totally enclosed in a mild steel cabinet of 3 mm. thickness. It shall have specified sets of MCCBs/MCBs and shall be vermin and dust proof complete with double door, lock and key arrangement. The doors shall be properly hinged. Cable entry shall be through suitable conduit pipe. The interior and exterior shall be painted with two coats of red oxide primer after 7 tank treatment and two coats of approved colour paint as per IS: with a minimum thickness of 60 microns. The sub distribution board shall be suitable to be mounted on concrete wall/columns or it may be mounted inside the wall so that its top surface is flush with the wall. Suitable fixing arrangement such as nuts, bolts, washer, anchors shall be provided at suitable places for its proper fixing. The MCCBs/MCBs units shall be of reputed make only and shall be complete and fully comply with latest edition of IS:2516-1977, IEC 157-1983. The operating handle shall be properly insulated from the live portion of MCCBs/MCBs and shall always be easily accessible. The MCCBs/MCBs used for A.C. supply and D.C. supply shall be designed for a fault level of 10 KA for 1 second. These S.D.B.'s shall be suitable for voltage variations as per latest relevant I.S.S. Suitable earthing arrangement shall also be provided with sub distribution boards. MCCBs/MCBs current rating and other details of various subdistribution board shall be as per actual requirement. 34 Wire Power Supply Points These power points shall consist of MCCBs suitable for 100 Amps. fixed in air tight vermin & water proof 2 mm. thick m.s. sheet enclosures complete with two Nos. suitable size cable glands and lock & key arrangement. Cables Cables shall be of reputed make and of High conductivity and stranded copper conductor, PVC insulated 1100 volt grade, conforming to ISS:1544 Part-I with FRLS properties shall be used with different colours i.e. red, yellow, blue, black, green suitable for light & power circuits. Conduits 2 mm. thick m.s. conduits conforming to the relevant latest ISS shall be used where ever required. KREDA 367 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Distribution Board & Junction Boxes Only Piano type switches shall be provided on sunmica sheet fixed on suitable size m.s. box. Fuse unit duly covered with white bakalite sheet shall be provided on each board. Space for fan regulator should be provided on sunmica board wherever required. Multi pin Plug and Piano type switch with fuse unit shall be provided on sunmica board fixed on m.s. box for power points. M.S junction box of 2 mm. thick sheet of suitable sizes with lock & key arrangement along with suitable size of Porcelain fuse kit-kat wherever required, shall be used. The requirement of various light fittings and other equipment is given below which is tentative. Final design and quantities shall be provided by the tenderer as per actual requirement. 250 watts, 250 volt HPMV colour corrected fitting (high bay luminiare)-6 Nos.+ 3 spare = 12 nos. 100 Amps. 415 V, triple pole MCCB power points – 4 Nos. 15 Amps. 250 V, multipin plug with-switch fuse power point – 10 Nos.+ 2 spare = 12 nos. AC Sub distribution Board – Atleast 4 Nos. or as required for the circuits Local distribution board - 6 Nos. or as required for the circuits 250 watts, 250 volt HPSV fitting for switchyard and approach road lighting 10 nos. + 2 spare = 12 nos. 100 watts 24 volt D.C. incandescent lamp with decorative flush mounting type fitting-6 Nos. + 2 Nos. for switchyard + 4 spare = 16 nos. 2 x 40 watts 250 volt decorative recess/flush mounting type fluorescent tube fitting-18 Nos.+ 2 spare = 20 nos.or 20 nos. 18W CFL Supply arrangement for AC and ventilation system shall be provided as follows: Exhaust fan 450mm size 250 volts single phase - 3 Nos. (Machine hall) Exhaust fan 300mm size 250 volts single phase - 2 Nos. (Office, Toilet) Wiring & Fixing KREDA 368 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT i. All the wiring and fixing shall be done in accordance with the provisions of Indian Electricity rule 1956 & as per latest relevant ISS modified up to date. The wiring shall be done with looping system in accordance with Indian Electricity rules & relevant ISS. ii. Number of wires/cables running in each conduit should not exceed the permissible numbers as per Indian Electricity Rule & latest relevant ISS. The other material used in wiring shall be of standard make manufactured in accordance with relevant ISS & duty approved by Engineer in charge at site. As far as possible three phase wiring shall be done as per circuit diagram enclosed & load shall be equally distributed on all the three phase in such a way that when one or more phase is out of order, sufficient distributed light should be available at important installations such as control room, machine hall, battery, room. iii. iv. False ceiling would be provided in control room as such concealed conduit wiring shall be done at these places as per site requirements. Surface conduit wiring shall be done at rest of the locations. Under ground wiring shall be done in existing trenches for street & park lighting and conduits shall be used wherever trenches are not provided. v. The layout of conduit should be such that any condensation or sweating inside the conduit is drained out. Suitable precaution shall be taken to prevent entry of insects inside the conduits. vi. Conduit pipes shall be joined by means of screwed couplers. The ends of conduits shall not have sharp edges. vii. In concealed wiring the use of bends, elbows shall be avoided as far as possible, and if their use becomes inevitable, the conduit pipes themselves may be bent with long radius, so that it may permit easy drawing of cables. viii Mild steel junction boxes of 2 mm. thick sheet of suitable sizes with lock and key arrangement shall be provided & fixed at suitable location as per site requirements. ix. Wherever joint boxes are provided, all joints in conductor shall be made by means of approved mechanical connectors. In all type of wiring no bare or twisted joints shall be made. x. Suitable inspection boxes to the barest minimum requirement shall be provided to permit periodical inspection and to facilitate replacement of wires if necessary. These shall be mounted flush with the wall. Conduits pipes shall be fixed by heavy gauge saddle screwed to suitable wood plugs or other approved plugs with screwed in an approved manner at an interval of not more than one meter. xi. xii. KREDA A.C. power, light & D.C. wiring shall be kept separate and distinct and layout of wiring shall be designed so as to give minimum bends & crossings. The wall shall be crossed through china clay tubes/m.s. conduits. 369 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT xiii. A continuous 16 SWG G.I. earthwire shall be provided shall run with light, fan & power wiring. G.I. fish wire of 10 S.W.G. shall also be provided along with laying of recessed conduits. The joint in earth wire if proper brazing shall make any. xiv. For power point wiring multipin plug, piano type switch fuse unit shall be provided on sunmica board fixed on M.S. box. xv. All switches shall be placed in live conductor of the circuits. xvi. Suitable size G.I. pipe shall be provided for installation of light fittings at various points, which shall be hot, dipped galvanized with heavy zinc coating. All the bolts nuts & washers shall be galvanised. xvii Various S.D.B.'s & L.D.B.'s required for A.C. & D.C. lighting shall be properly fixed on the wall/columns flushed with the surface of wall as per requirements. xviii The contractor shall be required to lay the cables from station service board/battery room to various sub distribution boards in cable trenches/cable-racks. Fixing arrangement and its termination in station service board & S.D.B.'s shall be the responsibility of the contractor. Painting i. The outer surface of conduit including all bends, unions, tees, junction boxes etc. forming part of conduit systems shall be adequately protected against rust when such system is exposed to weather by being painted with two coats of red oxide paint applied before they are fixed. ii. After installation of conduits & wiring all accessible surface of SDB's LDB's conduit pipe, junction boxes etc. shall be painted with two coats of enamel/aluminum paints of approved shade as required to match the finish of surrounding walls, trusses etc. Drawing After having completed the wiring, the contractor shall submit eight sets of wiring diagram to the purchaser indicating the position of main switches, various circuits, positions of points with their controlling switches along with one set of reproducible on tracing-cloth in ink. The circuits shall be clearly numbered in the same order as they have been actually been marked in the building. Test On completion of installation the following tests shall be carried out: i. KREDA Insulation resistance test 370 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ii. ii. TENDER DOCUMENT Polarity test of switches Earth continuity test After completion of the work completion certificate shall be given by the contractor on the prescribed Proforma. 5.7 ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING 5.7.1 Main Power Plant And Power House Auxiliaries The turbine, generators their auxiliaries and other common auxiliaries of the power house shall be erected at site in most professional way and proper sequence in co-ordination with civil works. The main equipment to be erected are as follows: Sl. No. Item Unit Quantity 1. Turbines & their auxiliaries Set 2 2. Generators & their auxiliaries including excitation AVR and terminal equipment Set 2 3. Main inlet valves and oil pressure units etc. Set 2 4. Governors, hydraulic & electronic cabinets complete Set 2 5. Control/Relay Panels Set 2 6. Power House auxiliaries and general services for the power house Lot 1 7. Transformers and switchyard equipments Lot 1 8. Other remaining items Main power Plant The turbines, generators, main inlet valves, governors etc alongwith their auxiliaries shall be erected in sequence as prescribed by the plant manufacturer. The coupling shall be installed and fixed to achieve the desired levels and alignment etc. The erection data shall be measured and recorded duly witnessed by the engineer of the contract or his authorized representative. Power House Auxiliaries KREDA 371 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The station auxiliaries shall be simultaneously erected in accordance with the availability of the area completed by the civil agencies. The special features for erection of auxiliaries shall be taken as detailed below: Installation of Panels i. The base frame of all panels shall be welded to the structures or to the civil inserts provided on the floor. Fabrication of support/frames, wherever required, shall be done by the contractor. ii. The shipping section shall be placed in position before removing the protective covering to eliminate scratch/damage. The shipping section shall be moved by using rollers under the shipping skids wherever lifting cranes are not available. The contractor shall do the assembly at site as per the manufacturer’s General Arrangement drawings and installation instructions. While assembling a complete board comprising several unit type cubicles, the board as a whole shall be aligned. The panels shall be properly leveled prior to grouting the holding down bolts or welding the panels to the inserts. All interconnection of the bus-bars and wiring between the panels shall be done as per manufacturer’s instructions and drawings. Welding work on the panels shall only be carried out after consultation with the purchaser. Damage to the paint during welding shall be rectified by the contractor. ii. After mechanical installation of the board is completed, instruments shall be installed wherever required and wires shall be connected to the instruments. The wiring of intermediate terminal strips between two panels, wherever disconnected for transport, shall also be connected. i. KREDA Installation of Grounding/Earthing Entire system shall be earthed in accordance with the provisions of the relevant IEC recommendations/ IS code of practice IS 3043-1987 and Indian Electricity rules, so that the values of the step and touch potentials in case of faults are kept within safe permissible limits. ii. The principal requirements of the grounding are: a. Low resistance and adequate current carrying capacity. b. Uniform and near uniform ground potential on all structural metal work on all metal enclosures and/ or supports of equipment and apparatus. iii. The resistance of earthing network shall be less than 0.5 ohm for the network of outdoor yard under all conditions. iv. The contractor’s scope of installation will also include all the civil works associated with complete earthing network. v. All earth connections shall ensure a permanent low resistance contact. Earth connections required to be removed for the purpose of testing of equipment/ earthing network shall have bolted connections and joints fastened. All earthing connections shall be visible for inspection. vi. All equipment located at switchyard, shall have 2 separate distinct earth connections. Switchyard fencing shall be earthed at every alternate section. 372 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. TENDER DOCUMENT Lightning arrestors and transformer neutral shall be connected to two independent earth electrodes as per IS 3043. Air termination rods of lightning protector systems shall be connected to earthing network as per IS 3043. The grounding connection to the lightning arrestors, air termination points of lightning protection system shall be as short as possible. Sharp turns in these conductors shall be avoided. It has to be ensured that main earth bus in the installation as well as earth buses in individual sections/areas shall form complete ring and they shall be interconnected. Duplicate earthing (two separate and distinct connections with earth) shall be employed for all equipments. Wherever burying of earth conductors is specified, they shall be buried as per approved drawings. Wherever any earth conductor crosses the road, it shall be taken though GI pipes. At all the terminations of earth conductors on equipments, sufficient length shall be left for any movement of the equipment from its position for alignment purpose. Wherever not detailed, the route of the conductor and location of the earth pit shall be arranged so as to avoid obstruction, crossing etc, according to convenience at site and shall be got approved by the owner’s representative-incharge of the works. Installation Of Earth Pits i. The arrangement of earth electrode/ pit shall be as shown in IS 3043. Termination arrangement of interconnecting earth strips is included in the scope of earth pit. Interconnecting earth flats shall be jointed by welding to the termination arrangement on the electrode. Electrode will be 50 mm dia GI pipe of 3 m length medium class, in a single piece. ii. The distance between two pits shall preferably be 4 to 6 meters. iii. All accessories required for the earth pits such as electrodes, charcoals, salt, clamps, clips, bolts/ nuts washer, GI pipes, funnel cast iron cover and also the masonary works of the pits including supply of necessary materials, bricks, cement and excavation of earth for providing earth pits shall be part of the scope. iv. The electrodes shall be well packed with earth, charcoal and salt mix up to the level of connections. Joints/Terminations Of Earth Strips i. All joints of bare galvanised earth strips shall be welded so as to form rigid earth ring. All such welded joints shall be given necessary coating of cold galvanised paint as per relevant standards and a coat of suitable bitumen compound to prevent corrosion. ii. In case the joints are made by using suitable connectors the entire joint shall be fully sealed by suitable compound so that no metallic part is exposed. KREDA 373 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT iii. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for necessary crimping tools, soldering equipments drilling machines and other tools and tackles which are necessary for completing the installation. i) Installation Of Cables Scope The supply, laying, termination and commissioning of all control/protection cable is in the scope of the contractor. He shall also be responsible for providing, laying and commissioning LT cables for switchyard lighting at power station. Cable schedules/termination drawings in respect of above cabling work shall be submitted to the bidder for his approval. ii) Mode of Cable Installation Straight through joints shall not be permitted in cables. iii) Trenches The maximum depth of all trenches shall normally be 1 .0 metre and the maximum soil cover above the protective slabs shall be 75 cms, unless otherwise agreed. The back filling of the excavation shall be carried out without disturbing the cover slabs or damaging the cables. iv) Cable Laying In Trenches a) b) v) The cables shall be laid in trenches as steel radis duly clamped in proper and systematic manner. Unless agreed otherwise, all power cables shall be spaced at a distance of 15 cms horizontally. Markers a) vi) Approved cable markers of reinforced concrete shall be provided and fixed to mark each and every deviation of all cable routes. A marker shall also be placed every 50 metres along straight portions of each route. b) A concrete cable marker shall also be provided and fixed to mark the position of every joint, if any. Supporting Steel Work for Outdoor Switchyard Equipment All supporting steel work shall be free from dirt, rust or scale and shall be galvanised. vii) Cable Supporting Structure a) KREDA Cable supporting structures shall use angle of minimum size of 50 x 50 x 6 mm. 374 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP b) c) viii) The structure shall be painted. The cable supporting material shall be fixed to concrete and brick work by the use of anchor bolts. Fibre plugs shall not be used. Cable in Pipe a) b) c) ix) TENDER DOCUMENT Cable pipes shall be provided to protect the cables, where the cables rise through holes at ground level. Not more than one cable shall be drawn into one pipe unless agreed otherwise. After the cable has been drawn in, the pipe shall be sealed. Cable Terminations i. Cable shall be terminated in accordance with the relevant diagrams. The cable cores from the sealing box or gland, to the terminals of the apparatus shall be neatly dressed & arranged, and shall be of sufficient length to prevent the development of tension or local pressure on the insulation. They shall be suitably supported wherever required. x) Identification & Marking a) End of each core of every control cable shall be provided with tight ferrules of approved make and white non-flammable plastic insulation material, having the marking engraved in black to correspond with the relevant diagram. Where the ends of one conductor have different markings, each end shall also have white ferrules engraved in red with the remote marking. b) Distinguishing labels of non-corrodible material marked in accordance with the cable numbers of the cabling diagram shall be permanently attached to each end of every cable. The phase or polarity of each power cable core at the cable ends shall be identified as follows c) AC System : Phase Neutral xi) Red, Yellow and Blue painted discs - Black painted disc Connection to Terminals a) b) c) d) e) KREDA - Power cable connections shall be made with cable lugs of approved type and materials, taking into account the bimetallic actions. All control circuit connections shall be made with the bare conductor with the use of washers crimped lugs etc. The ends of all stranded conductors shall be twisted tightly together. Solid or stranded conductors shall be connected to terminal studs by taking one complete turn around the stud between the flat washers. Connections to an easy wiring terminal shall be made with a straight end conductor. 375 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP xii) TENDER DOCUMENT Protection of Cables All cables shall be installed such that the risk of damage is minimized. xiii) Sealing The openings of cables passing from are basement to cable trench, basement to cable tunnel/spare ducts etc. to be sealed properly to prevent seepage of water. i) Guidelines For Clearances Clearance from buildings/between equipments shall be decided as per the following guidelines or as approved layout drawings or as approved layout drawings. a) All equipment/panels shall have nearly 1000 mm back clearance all around them (except when the panels are installed adjacent to each other). b) The front to front clearance of switchboards/panels shall be 2000 to 2500 mm as per drawing approved by the purchaser. Clearance between two panels installed in a row shall be about 1000 mm. c) Clearance between wall and end of the panels shall be minimum 1000 mm. ii) Cable Trenches a) b) c) iii) Cable trenches shall have removable covers for the full width. Minimum working passage of 500 mm shall be provided between cable racks or between cable rack and wall. Shall have suitable drainage facility to avoid accumulation of seepage water. Safety Partitions and Entries All the cable openings on the equipment floor shall be sealed. 5.7.2 Switchyard Equipment It covers all the works related to Erection, Inspection, Testing & Commissioning etc. of all the equipment covered under various Sections of the tender for and 11 kV systems in the switchyard. Installation of main power plant and station auxiliaries have been covered under preceding paras. General i. ii. KREDA All electrical installation shall conform to the Indian Electricity Act, IE Rules and Regulations in force, in the State, as laid down Electrical Inspectorate. All works under this contract including the installation of the equipments shall be 376 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT got inspected and approved by the relevant authorities like Electrical Inspectorate etc. iii. The switchgear, current transformers, lightning arresters, power transformer, etc., shall be examined on receipt for damages. The contractor shall assemble, install and connect the equipment, wherever necessary, as per manufacturer’s recommendations. The assembly of the unit including their operating mechanism, site adjustments shall also be carried out as per guiding instructions from the manufacturer. The equipment shall be placed and leveled carefully on their respective structures. All the preparatory works such as civil foundations, any concrete channels etc., shall be completed prior to this. iv. The operating mechanism and control circuit of the equipment shall be tested for proper opening, closing and position indication. The opening and closing tests shall be made from control points as in service operation. v. Earthing of supporting structures and metal parts of operating mechanism, operating cabinets, operating handles at ground potential shall be ensured. Where moving parts are involved, flexible copper conductors shall he used. vi. Before charging the equipment, contractor shall submit the completion report for each equipment indicating rectifications/modifications carried out during erection, site test certificates with observations if any. Contractor shall also indicate the correctness of operational and safety interlocks. Site test certificates shall also indicate the corresponding values obtained in the factory test. vii. The conductor/jumpers shall be correctly and effectively connected to the terminals of equipment. The faces shall be cleaned with fine cloth and lightly coated with petroleum jelly before use. However, if contacts are silver plated, they shall not be cleaned with emery paper. The connection shall be flexible to withstand stresses during switching operation. viii. The control cabling shall be effectively crimped to the cable lugs which shall be bolted tight after ensuring that the contact faces are clean. Small wiring that is necessary between units in accordance with the diagram of connection shall be made complete. ix. The contractor shall be responsible for completion of the system necessary for successful operation as a whole and would provide any equipment which may be required but may not have been specifically mentioned in this specification. x. The civil works required at switchyard for installation of various equipment/structure/cables etc is not covered in the scope of this tender. Installation of Transformers i. ii. KREDA The transformers and their accessories and mountings like radiators, conservator, Silica-gel breathers, marshalling box, rollers etc shall be assembled at site after cleaning by the contractor in proper sequence as per manufacturer’s drawings. Contractor shall place the transformers on the channel at the location indicated in the layout drawing of outdoor yard. Suitable stoppers shall be provided both in front as well as rear of transformer to keep it stationary in its position. For the 377 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP iii. iv. v. vi. TENDER DOCUMENT front wheels such stoppers shall be screwed on the channels. BDV of the transformer oil shall be tested before energisation of power transformer. Drying out of transformer shall be carried out to get required dielectric strength as per relevant Indian Standards. Oil shall be filled upto the mark shown. Wherever the power/control cables project above the ground, for termination to cable box/marshalling box, the same shall be run in GI pipes of suitable cross section upto the height of 2.0 m from ground and the same shall be supported properly and pipe ends shall be sealed with bitumen compound. The contractor shall ensure the following general sequence of erection of transformers: a. Unpacking of closed/packed cases and comparing with the packing list. b. Physically checking and inspecting, paying particular attention to the following components to ensure that the same are in sound conditions; Tank sides or cooling tubes Protruding fittings Oil sight glass Bushings Tightness of Bolts Oil leakage. c. Transportation to erection site. d. Erection on foundation/channels. e. Assembly of transformer. f. Checking of oil level filtration / drying of oil. g. Alignment. h. Anchoring and tack welding. i. Mechanical Work. j. Laying, meggaring, termination, dressing and clamping of cables. k. Tagging and marking of cables. l. Testing of cables. m. Earthing of transformers, earthing strip, earth resistance to comply with IER (latest revision). n. Testing of assembled plant. o. Testing and calibration of meters, relays, CTs, PTs, etc. p. Connection of busbars/cables to primary and secondary of transformers. KREDA 378 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT q. Series of tests on transformers as per supplier’s/ engineer’s instructions. IS 1886 and manufacturer’s recommendations. r. s. t. u. Submission of completion report. Charging of transformer. Loading of transformer. Handing over to engineer/owner Note: All high voltage tests shall comply with IS 2071 Part I and II and all works in connection with the transformers shall comply with IS 1886 and IER (latest revision). Installation of Circuit Breakers The structure of the Circuit Breakers shall be supplied alongwith breaker. It shall be erected on the foundations and CB shall be placed on the structure. The equipment shall be levelled, aligned and tightened through bolts/nuts. The cables shall be laid, dressed properly and terminated as per cable schedule. of Current and Potential Transformers These instrument transformers shall be installed on their structures, aligned and levelled. The cablings shall be done properly and terminated as required in cable schedule. Installation of Isolators i. ii. iii. iv. v. The poles of the isolators shall be aligned accurately and levelled on the supporting structures. Sequence of installation of isolator parts shall be carried out as recommended by manufacturer. Perfect operation of isolators, earthing switches shall be ensured after erection by normal operation. Working clearance between adjacent structures and switch blades in open position shall be checked. The isolators shall be adjusted so as to permit operation with ease by one man. Laying, termination of power and control cables, checking of internal wiring connections. The contractor shall also check for the key interlocking of the earthing switch with the main disconnect switch. Earthing between units, earthing terminals to structure, operating handle to structure and ground mat should be effective and neatly taken through structures and foundation. Ground mat shall he positioned right below the operating handle of the disconnect switch. Installation of Lightning Arresters The lead connecting lightning arrester with line should be direct without any splice or other joint and the connection should be effective to carry the lightning discharge currents. The lightning arrester shall be positioned in such a way that short and straight leads can be run from the earthing KREDA 379 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT terminal of the arrester to the earth electrode specifically provided for this purpose. The arrester exhaust ports should be directed away from the equipment and other arrester. Interconnection of Equipments i. The arrangement of connections shall be such that the connected apparatus are not subjected to any mechanical stress due to expansions, contractions etc., of the connections. ii. The connections shall ensure good electrical contact. The connector and joints shall be rigid to withstand all mechanical and electrical stresses. Suitable bi-metallic clamps shall be used for all the connections between the conductors of different materials. iii. All live parts shall have sufficient practical clearances from earthed parts and ground. The clearances of strung busbar shall be decided considering the effect of sag. iv. The contractor shall be responsible for supplying and installing the various conductors required for connection of the various equipment. The tenderers scope shall include all bolts, nuts and washers required for installation. All connections etc., shall be so made that stress between connecting terminals will be reduced to the minimum. v. The physical layout of the system shall be such that the system extension or conversion can he carried out with minimum changes and easy methods. Further, it shall be ensured that all civil works for the foundations are completed by the agency before taking up erection of structure. 5.7.3 INSPECTION AND TESTING Manual for Tests At Site The contractor shall prepare and submit to the engineer for approval site testing manual not later than two month before commissioning is due to commence. The manual shall list in detail the tests to be performed during commissioning taking into consideration field tests to be performed for turbines, generators, transformer, breakers, control and protection equipment, switchyard equipment and auxiliaries. The contractor shall provide all testing instruments and shall perform the tests set out in the manual in the presence of the engineer. The testing requirements are briefly described below. Tests Prior to First Rotation The contractor shall demonstrate to the engineer and record that the following items of equipment operate satisfactorily and where applicable are correctly adjusted or calibrated. Tests shall include but not be limited to: a) b) c) d) KREDA Polarity testing, ratio testing and magnetizing curves of all current transformers Polarity testing, ratio and insulation testing of voltage transformers Initial charging, commissioning and testing of batteries. High voltage insulation testing of the following: 380 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Cables Transformers Generators Switchgear e) Full functional checking and setting up of the following All ancillary AC apparatus All ancillary DC apparatus –chargers/ distribution boards etc. All alarms and trip All electrical protection All hydraulic systems All cooling systems Switchgear ( 415V, 3.3 kV and 11 kV ) All associated turbine and generator control protection and miscellaneous items Initial Run, Test Runs and Test Service Period The procedure for initial run, and test runs including testing of speed and pressure transients on load acceptance and rejection shall be in accordance with IEC Publication 545 “Guide for Commissioning, Operation and Maintenance of Hydraulic Turbines” or relevant IS or standards of the country of origin. Tests for turbine output The guaranteed range of outputs for each scheme shall be tested. The testing shall be in accordance with IEC Publication. No. 41 “International Code for the Field Acceptance Tests of Hydraulic Turbines” of relevant IS or standard of the country or origin. The Contractor shall calibrate the pressure gauges with a mercury manometer prior to the testing. The turbine output in each test will be determined by measuring the electrical output of each unit and subtracting generator losses calculated from the generator works test results. When comparing the site test results with the Contractor’s guaranteed performance, the error in the test results shall be assumed to be as allowed in IEC Publication No. 41 or relevant IS or standards of the country of origin. Generator Output and Temperature Rise The generator output in relation to guaranteed temperature rise shall be tested at site by performing a heat run in accordance with relevant IS. The resistance temperature detector installed in the generator stators shall be used to measure machine temperature. Transformer Losses KREDA 381 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Test for determining Transformer Losses guaranteed under penalty shall be performed. Tests on Completion and Handing Over The tests described in the foregoing subsection entitled “ Field Testing” shall be the “Tests on Completion”. The tests must be completed to the Engineer’s satisfaction and the equipment retested where necessary before the taking over certificate will be issued For successful completion of field tests of the mechanical equipment’s, the calibration of various instruments shall be done by ‘ authorized agencies’ only as approved by the owner. A separate handing over certificate will be issued in respect of each set of generating equipment. Field Acceptance Test All field acceptance test as detailed for Turbine, Generator, Transformer, Breakers, Control and Protection Equipment, Switchyard Equipment and Auxiliary etc. shall be performed. Tests, Test Certificates And Documents For each of the items being manufactured following test certificates and Documents (as applicable for each of the equipment) in requisite copies shall be prepared and submitted to the purchaser for scrutiny & records. Should the result of tests not come within the margin specified, the tests shall, if required, be repeated at contractor’s cost without any liability to the Purchaser. The site tests and acceptance tests to be performed by contractor are detailed below. Site Tests And Checks All the equipment shall be tested at site to know their condition and to prove suitability for required performance. Following tests shall be conducted after installation. All tools, accessories and required instruments shall have to be arranged by the Tenderer. Any other test which is considered necessary by the manufacturer of the equipment has to be conducted at site. The tests to be carried out on the equipment at pre-commissioning stage shall include but not limited to the following. KREDA 382 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP Circuit Breakers i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. Continuity Check (for metal oxide type only) Check for connection to ground. Check insulators for cracks. HT and IR test of each element. Check reading of leakage current Current Transformers i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. KREDA IR test by HV Meggar on main poles. IR test on control circuits. Measurement of Contact resistance for all three phases. Functional checking for manual operation. Checking of interlocking with earth switch Checking of earth switch operation . Checking tightness of earthing connections. Checking of insulators for cracks. Lightning Arrestors i. ii. iii. iv. v. IR test on each pole by Meggar (Between phases and phase to ground) by 2.5 kV tester. IR tests on control circuits. Functional check of breaker operation on minimum and maximum specified control voltages. Checking of interlocks with Isolators & Earthing switches. Measurement of contact resistance. Checking of operation and tripping of protection release. Checking tightness of termination connectors and earthing connections. Checking of insulators for cracks etc. Check for closing and opening time and simultaneous closing of all poles through oscillograph. Tripping of circuit breaker at reduced or over voltage of 60% & 110% Isolator/Disconnecting Switches i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. TENDER DOCUMENT IR test on each winding, winding to earth and between windings. Checking of winding ratios by primary injection test set. Polarity check on each winding. Continuity check for all windings. Check for connections to correct taps. Checking of oil level (if applicable). Checking of continuity and IR values for cables form CT to Marshalling Box. Checking tightness of earthing connections. Checking of insulator for cracks. 383 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP x. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. xii. xiii. xiv. xv. xvi. xvii. Check for minor damage/cracks after cleaning. Verification of number of disks as per drawings. Check heating at termination point during shut down. ACSR Conductor i. ii. iii. v. KREDA IR test on each winding to ground and between windings. Turns ratio test on each tap. Polarity and vector group test Measurement of winding group test. IR test of wiring and operational tests on all control devices in control cabinet, oil level indicator, winding and oil temp. indicators etc. Checking of earthing w.r.t transformer tank (flexible from top cover in tank) other parts, neutrals. Testing of Buchhloz relay for alarm and trip conditions. Setting of oil/winding temperature indicators, level gauge and checking of alarm/ trip circuits. Check insulators for cracks. Checking for oil leakage and arresting of leakages (if observed). Checking for open position of all the valves (except drain and filter valves). Filtrations of oil by using fine filter vacuum pump and heater set. BDV test on oil samples from top and bottom. Measurement of magnetizing current and no load loss. Measurement of PI Value. Checking of silica gel breather. Checking of other points given in manufacture’s commissioning manual. Insulators i. ii. iii. IR test on each winding, winding to earth and between winding. Polarity check on each winding. Continuity check for all windings. Turns ratio test Check for connections to correct taps. Checking of oil level Checking tightness of earthing connections. Checking of insulator for cracks Power Transformers i. ii. iii. iv. v. Check output after loading of the main circuit Potential Transformers i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. TENDER DOCUMENT Check for continuity. Check for tightness of connections for all the termination points. Check for phase sequence marking and for their correctness. Physical verification. 384 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Cables i. Checking of continuity/phasing and IR values for all the cables ii. HV test and measurement of leakage current after termination of cable kits (for H T cables). iii. Checking of continuity for Armour and fourth core (if applicable). Earthing i. ii. iii. iv. Lightning Protection i. ii. iii. Check continuity of all the earth strips/shield wire. Check tightness of all connection. Measure earth resistance of each electrode and combined system. Miscellaneous i. ii. iii. iv. 5.7.4 Check tightness of each connection Check earthing of all metallic equipment, busbar supporting structures, yard fencing, steel structures of yard, rails, gates, building column (if steel) etc. Measurement of earth resistance for each electrode. Measurement of total earth resistance. Checking of continuity of the system. Checking of phase sequence from overhead line to consumer end. Checking safe accessibility of all operating points. Check availability of control/aux supply. COMMISSIONING The term “COMMISSIONING” shall mean the activities of functional testing of the complete system after erection, including tuning or adjusting the equipment for optimum performance which meets the requirement of the specifications, complete testing, running in isolation, parallel with other unit and finally synchronizing with the state grid and performance tests. KREDA 385 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 5.8 TENDER DOCUMENT 11 kV Transmission line 5.8.1 SCOPE The scope under this specification covers the design, supply of material, transportation to stores, handling and storage, carriage upto required site and construction of two single circuit 11 kV lines including detailed survey, peg marking, excavation, erection of poles with cross arm, grouting, hoisting of insulators, stringing of conductors to final sag and earthing of every fourth pole and termination at both ends of the line at substation and hydroproject including testing and commissioning. The length of the 11kV lines is about 2 x 5 kms. The 11 kV lines shall be constructed on 8.50 m long steel tubular poles with continuous earth wire and / or the latticed structures as per requirement at site. 5.8.2 SURVEY The final survey of the line route and fixing of the locations for the supports as per ground profile shall be carried out and submitted to the purchaser for approval. 5.8.3 MATERIAL The following material shall be required in general per kilometer of the 11 kV line. All material to be used for the construction of line shall be as per amended REC standards. The poles of adequate height shall be used at different crossings where more height may be required due to ground profile. SL. NO. KREDA PARTICULARS UNITS QUANTITY 1 Supports 8.5 meter long Nos. 15 2 Cross arm -M.S. channel 75 x 40 mm V type Nos. 15 3 Cross arms holding clamps with bolts & nuts Nos. 15 4 11 kV pin insulators with pins Nos. 45 5 F-bracket for fitting top insulator with bolts & nuts Nos. 15 6 Phase wire AAA Conductor Kms. 3.09 7 Steel earth wire with clamps Kms. 1.03 8 Aluminium Tape Kg. 0.75 9 Aluminium binding wire Kg. 2.00 10 Jointing sleeve for Conductor Nos. 3 386 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 11 Danger Plate with clamps & bolts Nos. 15 12 Number plates with clamps & bolts Nos. 15 13 Barbed wire (G.I.) Kg. 10 14 Stays at angle location, Road crossing and sectional D/P support Set 15 15 Earthing complete As required 5.8.4 SECTIONAL AND ANGLE LOCATIONS The poles of 8.50 m height shall be used for construction of 11 kV line. The area in general is hilly. Double or triple pole structure shall be erected at the required sectional locations or the point where angle of deviations of the line is more than 10 O. At remaining locations single poles shall be provided. The cross arms shall be of 75 x 40 mm channel. Stays as per actual requirement at the angle locations, road crossings, and sectional supports shall be provided.The higher length poles latticed structure may also be used as per actual requirement due to the problems transportations or ground clearing. 5.8.5 ERECTION OF POLES The poles shall be erected in most professional way, keeping in view the locations and alignment of the line. The verticality and pole orientation has to be ensured at every location. The depth of plantations shall be 1.5 meters. 5.8.6 CONDUCTOR AND STRINGING The total line is to be constructed on support insulators except the terminal and angle/ sectional locations where disc insulators shall also be used. The pin and strain insulators with hardware fittings, clamps etc shall be hoisted safely so that no insulator is damaged. Even hair cracks in the insulators may create problems at commissioning stage. The all aluminium alloy conductor of suitable size shall be choosen for this line to transmit power, at the step down substation in accordance with prescribed voltage regulations of REC. The conductor shall however be choosen after final survey of the line considering the voltage regulations as per REC standards for final length of the line. For 5 km. length `Weasel’ or `Rabbit’ conductors may be sufficient. In case length of line exceeds 15 km by actual survey higher size conductor AAAC Raccoon (7/3.81 mm) may be choosen. The pin and strain insulators with hardware fittings, clamps etc shall be hoisted safely so that no insulator is damaged. The paying of AAA conductor shall be over rollers to avoid KREDA 387 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT any damage to the conductor strands. The rough and final sagging shall be accomplished as per sag tension chart for the conductor. Wind pressure of 100kg/m2 and temperature variations from -300C to +300C with still air may be considered for sag calculations. The stay wire shall be tightened to keep the poles in proper position. Protection Guarding wire shall be provided at road crossings and other locations as per actual requirement. The following parameters are to be adhered. i. ii. iii. Minimum clearance to ground Maximum Span Other Clearances 5.18m 68 m as per IS / IE Act and rules/Amended REC. 5.8.7 LINE CROSSING The line crossings of telegraphic lines, other LT/HT lines, roads, river and canals etc shall be carried out as per standards and necessary PTCC clearances etc if required shall be obtained by the contractor. The general crossing of road, Canal, other HT/LT lines, telephone lines etc. shall be provided in accordance with REC recommendations with appropriate guard wires. The height and type of poles may be chosen to achieve the desired clearances. 5.8.8 EARTHING OF LINES Earthing at every fourth support of the line shall be provided as per practice and in accordance with relevant standard. Necessary earthing wire shall be fixed properly and earthing GI pipe of appropriate size shall be provided nearest to the pole / structure. The pins of insulators and cross arms shall be bonded with 8 SWG G.I. wire and connected with G.I. pipe 3 meter long driven into the ground as per REC standards. 5.8.9 MISCELLANEOUS MATERIAL Danger plates The danger plates in Hindi and English with Skull and Bones shall be provided of size 250 x 200 mm on each support. The plates shall be made from Mild Steel Sheet of atleast 1.6 mm thickness, vitreous enameled in white colour with letters and figures etc in signal red colour conforming to I.S. 2551. Local language may also be used in the danger plates. Number Plates Each support shall be provided with number plate of enamelled mild steel sheet and fixed at appropriate level on the support in sequence. Phase Plates The angle supports shall be provided with R, Y and B phases enamelled plates. KREDA Stays 388 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Necessary G.I. stays shall be provided as and where required to keep the poles / structures in vertical position. Armour rods and vibration dampers The aluminium armour rods and dampers suitable for conductor used shall be provided for suspension insulator strings. Other Material Any other material like binding wire, anticlimbing device, barbed wire, clamps, nut/bolts and paints etc. required to complete the line work shall be provided as per actual requirement. Excavation and casting of foundations as per actual requirement at site including other civil works like tower protection works etc. shall be done. 5.8.10 CONSTRUCTION OF LINES The main works required for construction of lines shall be as detailed below. (i) Survey Work The entire length of the line shall be surveyed from hydro projects to the terminating substation in a thorough professional way. The shortest route shall be adopted to avoid forest areas, habitats and gardens etc. The length of the lines is to be kept bare minimum. The survey report shall be submitted to the concerned authorities for their approval. The report shall consist of route survey plan, elevation to indicate proper ground clearances, crossing of Canals, Roads, Power and Telecom Lines etc. The detailed bill of quantities shall be submitted with report. (ii) Peg Marking and Excavation The construction of line shall be started on receipt of approval of the survey, with peg marking at the specified locations. The excavation shall be done as per requirement of the pole / structures and alignment of the line. (iii) Erection of Poles / Structures The supports shall be safely transported to the site and erected through skilled workers. Due care shall be taken for any loss to the crops etc. for which the compensation if any shall be settled and paid by the contractors. Proper alignment and verticality shall be adhered while erecting the supports. (iv) Installation of Cross Arms The V-Cross arms shall be fixed with the poles through requisite number of nut/bolts and tightened properly before erection of poles. Guarding cross arms shall be provided on road crossings. The latticed structures shall however be erected at site after casting their foundations and adequate curing during setting period of the concrete. (v) Hoisting of Insulators The insulator strings with clamps or the pin insulators shall be hoisted on supports as per actual requirement. The insulators must be checked for cracks and damages before hoisting. (vi) Paying of Conductors/Earthwire KREDA 389 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (vii) TENDER DOCUMENT The conductors and earthwire shall be payed along the route of the line with extreme care to avoid any scratches and damages on the strands. The rollers of proper size may be used during paying works. Stringing and Final Sagging The stringing of all the three conductors and earthwire shall be done with utmost care with rough sag. The final sagging shall be achieved as per the standard chart for the conductor / earthwire used considering span and temperature of the day etc. The standard methods of measuring sag shall be used to provide adequate clearances from ground and other obstacles. G.I. wires guarding on road crossings shall be provided with cross lacings at an interval of 2.0 meters. 5.8.11 APPLICABLE STANDARDS Following Standards with their latest amendments and revisions read with REC regulation shall be applicable and all equipment and works conforming to them shall be supplied and executed. IS - 4091 : Transmission lines IS - 398 : All Aluminum Alloy Conductor IS - 2121 : ACSR Conductor Accessories etc. IS - 2141 : GI Stay Wires IS – 4826, 4759,6594 : Galvanizations Hot Dip IS – 1367 : Bolts and Fasteners IS – 2551 : Danger Notice Plates IS - 7887, 280 : GI Wire for earthing, guarding etc. IS – 802 : Design of Structures IS – 875 : Wind load considerations for structures IS - 3188,731, 1248 : 11 kV Insulators and Fittings IS - 2486,2544 : Insulator Fittings Indian Electricity Rules - 1956 5.8.12 ROUTE CLEARANCE The contractor shall be responsible for obtaining rout clearance as and when required at his own for completion of the work. 5.8.13 CROP AND TREE COMPENSATIONS KREDA 390 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The contractor shall be responsible for making compensation payments in accordance with the government rules for damage to crops and tree cuttings for adequate clearances during construction of the lines. 5.8.14 INSPECTION OF ELECTRICAL INSPECTOR The lines shall be got inspected through electrical inspectorate of the area as per government laws before energization. Any fee and other expenditure etc for the same shall be born by the contractor. 5.8.15 TESTING AND COMMISSIONING Every pole / structure, insulators, hardwares, earthing and conductors of each span shall be inspected for any defect. The total line shall be meggered with 2500 Volts megger. The line may be charged from 33/11 kV substation of the distribution department after completing all formalities including publicity in the area. Necessary danger boards, anti climbing devices, support numbers etc shall be fixed before energisation. 5.8.16 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (i) Scope The power evacuation system detailed earlier in this document and mainly comprising of the 11kV equipment and works shall be operated and maintained for a period of three years by the Contractor after commissioning. (ii) (iii) A. B. Operation The operations of the equipment shall generally be done by the operation personnel posted at the substation / power house as per the requirement. Maintenance Main Works i) The faults/breakdowns of the transmission lines shall be attended on top most priority in most professional manner to avoid any generation loss and supply system. ii) The scheduled preventive maintenance of the lines shall be carried out as per guide lines in shortest possible time. The maintenance record shall be regularly submitted to the Engineer-in-Charge. iii) Annual maintenance of all the lines shall be carried out as per prescribed norms. Material i) KREDA Normal consumable material required for maintenance of the lines and equipment shall be arranged by the Contractor at his cost. These consumables shall generally include cleaning materials, Insulators, Conductor, nut/bolts etc. 391 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP ii) (iv) TENDER DOCUMENT Unless otherwise stated in the tender document, the damaged equipment and spare parts shall be arranged and replaced by the Contractor. Spares available with the owner (if available) shall be delivered to the contractor on loan basis, which will be promptly procure and return by the contractor to save time of breakdown/maintenance. Tools and Plants The contractor shall arrange all necessary tools and plants required for maintenance works of the lines and equipment under the scope of the works. Special T & P if available with the owner shall be provided on hire basis as detailed in earlier paras. (v) Working Personals (i) For executing the O & M works of the lines, the contractor shall have to depute at least following staff and lodge them nearest to the plant. a) Line man 1 No. b) Semi Skilled workers 2 Nos. c) Unskilled workers 2 Nos. (ii) The contractor shall make arrangements for transportation and lodging etc. for his staff to be deputed for this work. (iii) The contractor and his staff shall follow all rules and regulations according to the law of the land and mentioned in these specifications in other chapters. The payment to these working personnels shall be made by the contractor in accordance with the Minm Wage Act and other rules prevailing in the area, timely and shall have no bearings with the payments to be released by the owner. KREDA 392 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT “This is yo informe that the sedule of Quantities and price (price bid) of civil works have been amended as : attached here with. The eairlier schedule of Chap 6. May be repaced with the present one.” KREDA 393 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT (Price Bid) CHAPTER – VI SCHEDULE OF QUANITIES AND PRICES ABSTRACT COST OF CIVIL WORKS S. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Item Cost (Rs in Lakhs) Diversion Weir, Under Sluice and Intake Feeder and Power Channel Desilting Tank and Fair Weather Channel Forebay Tank and Spilling Pipe & Channel Penstock Power House Building & Tail Race Channel Residential / Non residential Buildings Total Singnatur Bidder name Add. Seal KREDA 394 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT DIVERSION WEIR, UNDER SLUICE BAY AND INTAKE S. No. 1 Item Unit Quantity Amount (Rs.) Earth work in excavation in foundation trenches in ordinary soil and soft rock and disposal of excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 1 km including all leads and lifts, leveling, ramming the foundation trenches, removing roots of trees, shrubs all complete as per approved design, specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (i) Soft rock (ii) Hard Rock 2 Earth work in filling in layers not exceeding 150 mm well watered, rammed, fully compacted and fine dressed with earth obtained after cutting within a lead of 1 km and all lift complete as per specification and direction of Engineerin-charge. (Mode of measurement compacted volume). 3 Providing P.C.C. M-15 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with 40 mm down coarse aggregate, approved coarse sand and cement including scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T & P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge 4 Providing R.C.C. M-20 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) with 20 mm down coarse aggregate, approved fine aggregate and cement excluding cost of reinforcement and including shuttering, scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T&P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. m³ m³ m³ 101 907 312 m³ 82 m³ 343 5 MT 6.9 KREDA Rate Providing Tor Steel reinforcement and per approved design drawings including cartage to work site, cutting bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire, removal of rust, placing in position' all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-incharge. 395 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 6 7 8 9 10 TENDER DOCUMENT Providing stone masonry in cement mortar in 1:3 cement coarse sand of 2 to 2.5 F.M. including cost of screening, carriage of materials, curing, taxes and royalty all complete as per specifications and direction of Engineerin-charge. m³ Providing stone masonry in cement mortar in 1:6 cement coarse sand of 2 to 2.5 F.M. including cost of screening, carriage of materials, curing, taxes and royalty all complete as per specifications and direction of Engineerin-charge. m³ 512 Providing and placing boulders in wire crates duly packed with all lifts as per specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Supplying and placing in position the mild steel trash rack including fabrication, painting, transport, embedment etc. as per drawings and specification. Supplying and fixing in position mild steel railings including fabrication, painting etc as per drawings and specifications. m³ 4.2 MT 17.2 RM 15 80 11 Supplying and fixing Intake & Sluice Gates with hoisting arrangements MT 12 Supplying and laying well graded filter in slope as per design ,drawing including the cost of material Royalty all taxes etc ,complete as per specification of direction of E/I Total Contingency Grand Total m³ KREDA 1160 160 3% 396 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FEEDER AND POWER CHANNEL S. No. 1 Item Unit Quantity Rate Amount (Rs.) Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil and soft rock and disposal of excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 1 km. including all leads and lifts, levelling, ramming the foundation trenches, removing of roofs of trees, shrubs all complete as per approved design, specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (i) Soft rock (i) Hard Rock 2 Earth work in filling in layers not exceeding 150 mm well watered, rammed, fully compacted and fine dressed with earth obtained after cutting within a lead of 1 km and all lifts complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge (Mode of measurement compacted volume). 3 Providing P.C.C. M-15 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with 40 mm down coarse aggregate, approved coarse sand and cement including scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T & P etc. complete as per Engineer-incharge. 4 Providing stone masonry in cement mortar in 1:6 cement coarse sand of 2 to 2.5 F.M. including cost of screening, of materials, and taxes royalty curing, all complete specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 5 Providing R.C.C. M-20 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) with 20 mm down coarse aggregate, approved fine aggregate and cement excluding cost of reinforcement and including shuttering, scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T&P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. 6 Providing TOR steel reinforcement as per approved design and drawings including cartage to work site, bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire removal of rust, placing in position all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. 7 Contraction joint 150 mm wide water stop @ 30 m centre to Centre Total Contingency KREDA Grand Total m³ m³ m³ 1641 14771 12145 m³ 280 m³ 200 270 443070 534 7887714 153 1858185 6139 1718920 3641 728200 m³ 1486 3790 5631940 MT 29.72 54214 1611240.08 300 12000 Rm 3% 19891269.08 596738.07 20488007.15 397 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT DESILTING TANK AND FAIR WETHER CHANNEL S. Item No. 1 Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil and soft rock and disposal of excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 1 km. including all leads and lifts, levelling, ramming the foundation trenches, removing of roofs of trees, shrubs all complete as per approved design, specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 2 3 4 5 6 KREDA Unit Quantity Soft rock Hard Rock Earth work in filling in layers not exceeding 150 mm well watered, rammed, fully compacted and fine dressed with earth obtained after cutting within a lead of 1 km and all lifts complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge (Mode of measurement compacted volume). Providing P.C.C. M-15 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with 40 mm down coarse aggregate, approved coarse sand and cement including scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T & P etc. complete as per Engineer-incharge. m³ m³ m³ m³ 220 Providing R.C.C. M-20 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) with 20 mm down coarse aggregate, approved fine aggregate and cement excluding cost of reinforcement and including shuttering, scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T&P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. Providing TOR steel reinforcement as per approved design and drawings including cartage to work site, bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire removal of rust, placing in position all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-incharge. Providing and placing gates of Inlet and outlet of Tank to control flow of the tank at Lean period as per drawings and specifications and instructions of the Engineer-in -charge. m³ 307 MT MT Rate Amount (Rs.) 211 1901 1161 6.2 3.8 398 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 7 8 Providing and placing gates of Inlet and outlet of MT fair weather Channel to stop flow of the weather channel at peak period as per drawings and specifications and instructions of the Engineer-in charge. Wheel Valve for Silt flushing @ 250 mm diameter Nos. 9 Supplying and laying of MS pipe of 200 mm r and 20 m length each for Silt flushing at required location as per drawing & n of Engineer-in-charge. Total Contingency Grand Total KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT m 3.42 4 80 3% 399 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FOREBAY TANK AND SPILLING PIPE & CHANNEL S. No. 1 Item Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil and soft rock and disposal of excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 1 km. including all leads and lifts, levelling, ramming the foundation trenches, removing of roofs of trees, shrubs all complete as per approved design, specification and direction of Engineer-incharge. (i) Soft rock (ii) Hard Rock 2 3 4 5 KREDA Earth work in filling in layers not exceeding 150 mm well watered, rammed, fully compacted and fine dressed with earth obtained after cutting within a lead of 1 km and all lifts complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (Mode of measurement compacted volume). Providing P.C.C. M-15 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with 40 mm down coarse aggregate, approved coarse sand and cement including scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T & P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. Providing R.C.C. M-20 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) with 20 mm down coarse aggregate, approved fine aggregate and cement excluding cost of reinforcement and including shuttering, scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T&P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. Providing TOR steel reinforcement as per approved design and drawings including cartage to work site, bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire removal of rust, placing in position all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-incharges. Unit Quantity m³ m³ 76 684 m³ 383 m³ 12 m³ 312 MT 6.24 Rate Amount (Rs.) 400 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 6 7 8 9 10 Providing stone masonry in cement mortar in 1:6 cement coarse sand of 2 to 2.5 F.M. including cost of screening, carriage of materials, curing, taxes and royalty all complete as per specifications and direction of Engineerin-charge. Supplying and laying of RCC Hume pipe (NP2) of 800 mm diameter at required location as per drawing & direction of Engineer-in-charge. Supply & fixing with fitting in position the Air vent pipe including painting etc. as drawings and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Supply & fixing wheel valve 1000 mm diameter as per specification. Protection works at the d/s of spilling pipe Total Contingency TENDER DOCUMENT m³ 135 m 16 RM 2 No. 3% Grand Total KREDA 401 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT PENSTOCK S. No. 1 Item Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil and soft rock and disposal of excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 1 km. including all leads and lifts, levelling, ramming the foundation trenches, removing of roofs of trees, shrubs all complete as per approved design, specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Soft rock i Hard Rock 2 Earth work in filling in layers not exceeding 150 mm well watered, rammed, fully compacted and fine dressed with earth obtained after cutting within a lead of 1 km and all lifts complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-incharge. (Mode of measurement compacted volume). 3 Providing P.C.C. M-15 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with 40 mm down coarse aggregate, approved coarse sand and cement including scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T & P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge 4 Providing R.C.C. M-20 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) with 20 mm down coarse aggregate, approved fine aggregate and cement excluding cost of reinforcement and including shuttering, scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T&P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. 5 Providing TOR steel reinforcement as per approved design and drawings including cartage to work site, bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire removal of rust, placing in position all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. 6 Supplying at site steel pipe with bends for penstock including cutting, welding, testing, painting, transport etc. as per drawings and specifications. 7 Anticorrosion wrapping 8 Tarcol Primer/ Painting KREDA Unit Qty Rate Amount (Rs.) m³ m³ m³ m³ 98 886 751 m³ 135 m³ 18 MT .36 MT 45 m² m² 563 563 402 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Total Contingency Grand Total KREDA 403 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT POWER HOUSE AND TAIL RACE CHANNEL S. No. Item Unit Qty 1 Earthwork in excavation in ordinary soil and disposal of m³ excavated earth as obtained to a distance up to 1 km. including all leads and lifts, levelling, ramming the foundation trenches, removing of roofs of trees, shrubs all complete as per approved design, specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. (i) Soft rock m³ 369 (ii) Hard Rock m³ 3338 2 Earth work in filling in layers not exceeding 150 mm well m³ 611 watered, rammed, fully compacted and fine dressed with earth obtained after cutting within a lead of 1 km and all lifts complete as per specification and direction of Engineer-incharge. (Mode of measurement compacted volume). 3 Providing P.C.C. M-15 with nominal mix of (1:2:4) with 40 m³ 49 mm down coarse aggregate, approved coarse sand and cement including scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T & P etc. complete as per Engineer-in-charge. 4 Providing R.C.C. M-20 with nominal mix of (1:1.5:3) with 20 m³ 1181 mm down coarse aggregate, approved fine aggregate and cement excluding cost of reinforcement and including shuttering, scaffolding, vibrating, providing construction joints, finishing, curing, T&P etc. complete as per Engineerin-charge. 5 Providing stone masonry in cement mortar in 1: 6 cement m³ 547 coarse sand of 2 to 2.5 F.M. including cost of screening, of materials, and taxes royalty curing, all complete specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. 6 Providing brick works complete specification and direction m³ 158 of Engineer-in-charge. 7 KREDA Providing TOR steel reinforcement as per approved design and drawings including cartage to work site, bending and binding with annealed wire with cost of wire removal of rust, placing in position all complete as per specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. MT Rate Amount (Rs.) 23.4 404 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 8 9 10 Supplying fitting and fixing rolling shutter of approved size and make with push and pull operation properly fabricated with 80 x 1.22 mm MS Lathes of white sheet, machine rolled and interlocked together through the entire length and jointed together at ends by end locks mounted over 38 mm diameter light. MS black pipe shaft with end brackets made to size from 3 mm MS sheet guide channels made of 12 gauge sheet and 16/62 size SKF, NBC or equivalent bearings, 7 lever brass locks with inside and outside locking arrangement including cost of coiled type springs, stoppers, priming coat with red lead paint, carriage, hoisting, grassing and taxes all complete as per building specifications and directions of Engineer-incharge. (Mode of measurement as per size opening (when material is not supplied by department) Providing 15 mm thick cement plaster (1:4) with clean coarse sand of 1.5 F.M. including cost of carriage with all leads screening curing, & lifts of water scaffolding, taxes and royalty all complete as per building specifications directions of Engineer-in-charge. 14 Providing two coats of painting with ready mixed paint over a coat of primer of approved shade and make over new wooden and steel surface including preparing the surface after cleaning, removing dirt, scales, smokes, grease and sand papering including cost of scaffolding and taxes all complete as per building specifications and directions of Engineer-in-charge. Supplying and erection in position the mild steel draft Tube Gate with hoist including fabrication, painting, transport, embedment etc. as per drawings and specifications and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Supplying and fixing in position roof truss including fabrication, erection, Painting etc. complete as per drawings and specifications and direction of Engineerin-charge. Providing and placing boulders duly packed in slope for protection works at the place of Tail race channel meets nallah as per specification and direction of Engineer-in-charge. Supply and fixing CGI roof sheet. 15 Providing fencing and gate around Power House area. 11 12 13 KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT 2 m² 1400 m² 699 No. 8 MT 4.8 m² 336 405 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 16 Miscellaneous Steel works 17 Other miscellaneous works Total Contingency Grand Total 3% RESIDENTIAL/NON RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS S.No. Item 1 Furnished Guest House having A-class specifications complete with electrification, insulated water supply, sanitary fittings and pathways 2 Staff Quarters, Type-II/III complete with electrification, insulated water supply, sanitary fittings and pathways etc. 3 Guard Room with electrification etc. 4 Store with electrification KREDA Unit M2 Qty. 100 M2 75 M2 M2 50 50 Rate Amount 406 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 6.2 SCHEDULE OF QUANTITIES AND PRICES – E&M WORKS 6.2.1 GENERATING PLANT/EQUIPMENT Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Item Unit Qty. Horizontal Francis turbines to deliver 1000 kW at generator terminals, each comprising of shaft, runner, casing/Guide vanes, servomechanism, bearings, oil pressure unit, suitable gear box etc including all other accessories. The turbine shall be suitable to deliver 10% overload capacity of generator Synchronous Generators 1000 kW, 3.3 kV, 0.8 PF, 50 HZ +3%, class ‘F’ insulation, Brushless Excitation and other accessories etc. Generator/Turbine, Transformers and feeders, control panels including protection, metering and control systems, all indicating instruments, switches etc with one synchronizing panel. Hydraulic Governors including PLC based digital/electronic cabinet complete in all respect and suitable for above generating sets. Main inlet valves each capable of handling rated discharge at gross head and suitable for fixing on penstocks Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Set 2 Exworks unit price Taxes Other F.O.R. site and costs e.g. Rs. In Lacs duties/ insurance, Unit Total unit transport TOTAL KREDA 407 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 6.2.2 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT FOR THE POWER STATION Sl. No. Item Unit Qty. 1. 3.3 kV switch gear complete with 6 Nos. VCB’s, bus bars, indicating/ measuring instruments, CT’s, PT’s, cable boxes, operating mechanism, switch fuse units, terminal equipment e.g. line side terminal equipment, neutral grounding system & LA/SC etc. Station Service Board with ACB/MCCB/MCB and distribution boards. 24 volt , 300 AH, station battery and charger complete with DC distribution board 3.3 kV Power Cables XLPE type Other power and Control Cables 160 kVA, 3.3/0.433 KV Station Transformer TOTAL Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 No. 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. KREDA Exworks unit price Taxes Other F.O.R. site and costs e.g. Rs. In Lacs duties/ insurance, Unit Total unit transport 408 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 6.2.3 GENERAL SERVICES FOR THE POWER STATION Sl. No. Item Unit Qty. 1. EOT crane complete with rails, running wires etc. 75 kVA diesel generating set with control panel. Earthing of equipment and network including lightning protection. Miscellaneous Equipment i. Transformer Oil Purifier ii. Water Level and Turbine Discharge Measuring equipment iii. Air Conditioning Of Control Room iv. Ventilation System Fire Protection System Lighting in P/H, switchyard and appurtenant works TOTAL No. 1 Set 1 Set 1 Set 1 Lot 1 Lot 1 Lot Set Set 1 1 1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. KREDA Exworks unit price Taxes Other F.O.R. site and costs e.g. Rs. In lacs duties/ insurance, Unit Total unit transport 409 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 6.2.4 33 kV SWITCHYARD EQUIPMENT Sl. No. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. B. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19 C. Item Unit 33 kV SYSTEM 1600 kVA 3.3/33 kV step up Nos. transformer 33 kV circuit breakers Nos. 33 kV lightning Arrestors Nos. 33 kV isolator (5 Bus + 2 line) Nos. 33 kV Potential transformers Nos. 33 kV current transformers Nos. Neutral CTS for 33 kV transformer Nos. G I structures, insulators, conductor Lot and hardware etc. Earthing and shielding system for Lot complete switchyard Pale fencing with gates RM 11 KV SYSTEM 315 kVA 3.3/11 kV Distribution No. Transformer 11 kV Lightning Arrestors Nos. 11 kV Current Transformers Nos. 11 kV Vaccum Circuit Breaker No. 11 kV Line Isolator No. 11 kV Potential Transformers Nos. Structures, insulators, conductor and Lot hardware etc. 11kV & 3.3kV XLPE Cables Control/protection and metering No. panel Any other item required for project completion. Qty. Exworks unit price Taxes Other F.O.R. site and costs e.g. Rs. In lacs duties/ insurance, Unit Total unit transport 2 4 12 7 9 12 2 1 1 90 1 3 3 1 1 3 1 LS 1 TOTAL KREDA 410 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 6.2.5 ERECTION, TESTING AND COMMISSIONING Sl. No. 1. Erection, Testing and Commissioning Amount Rs. In Lacs Generating plant and equipment as detailed in 6.2.1 above and specifications 2. Auxiliary equipment for the power station as detailed in 6.2.2 and specifications. 3. General services for the power station as detailed in 6.2.3 and specifications 4. Switchyard equipment as detailed in 6.2.4 and specifications A - 33 kV system B - 11 kV system TOTAL 6.2.6 SPARES, TOOLS & PLANT (Rates are to be provided item wise) Sl. No. Particulars 1. Mandatory spares 2. Mandatory Tools and Plants 3. Recommended spares Amount Rs. In Lacs. TOTAL KREDA 411 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 6.2.7 TRANSMISSION & DISTRIBUTION LINES S.No. Particulars 1 Construction of 11kV Line from Power House for supply to nearby villages including supply of material like poles, insulators, conductors, cross arms and earthwire etc. Total KREDA Quantity Rate Amount (Lacs) 2 x5km 412 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT SCHEDULE-D SCHEDULE OF CEMENT CONSUMPTION Sl Name of Item No. Per 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m3 m2 Consumption of Materials Cement Sand cum Ballast cum (Bags) 11.40 0.38 0.76 8.40 0.42 0.84 6.60 0.44 0.88 6.60 0.44 0.88 4.50 0.45 0.90 3.45 0.46 0.92 0.441 0.048 0.096 m2 0.264 0.018 0.035 m3 2.40 0.32 1.25 m3 m3 m3 m2 2.40 2.10 1.80 0.12 0.40 0.42 0.24 0.016 1.25 1.25 500 (Brick) - m2 0.09 0.018 - m2 m2 0.066 0.27 0.0044 0.018 - 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. C.C. 1:1:2 (M-25) C.C. 1:1½:3 (M-20) C.C. 1:2:4 (M-15) R.C.C. 1:2:4 (M-15) C.C. 1:3:6 (M-10) C.C. 1:4:8 (M-7.5) 25 mm thick C.C. 1:2:4 flooring over 80 mm thick C.C.1: 4:8 40 mm thick C.C. 1:2:4 flooring R.C.R.Stone Masonary in 1:4 cement sand mortar for stone masonry. R.R. Stone masonry 1:5c.m. R.R. Stone masonry 1:6c.m. 1st class B/work in 1:4 c.m. 12 mm thick Plaster in 1:4 cement sand mortar for stone masonry. 12 mm thick Plaster in 1:6 cement sand mortar for stone masonry. Raised pointing 1:2 cm. 20 mm thick D.P.C. in 1:2 cm. Note: The above schedule of consumption of cement may change as per mix design or as directed by Engineer-in-charge and no claim by contractor be entertained on account of any such variations. KREDA 413 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER – VII GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS OF E&M EQUIPMENT The GTP as per enclosed sheets and as required in relevant Indian Standards shall be provided by the contractor for approval of purchaser. Schedule No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. KREDA Name of equipment Turbines Generators Generator Terminal Equipment Power Transformers Control, Protection and Metering 3.3 kV Switchgear Station Service Board Diesel Generating Set Batteries and Charger Mechanical Auxiliaries EOT Crane Power and Control Cables 33 kV & 11 kV Isolators 33 kV & 11 kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers 33 kV & 11 kV Lightning Arrestors 33 kV & 11 kV Potential Transformers 33 kV & 11 kV Current Transformers Conductor and Insulators Control/Relay Panels Earthing and Lightning Power House Lighting Switchyard Structures 414 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT SCHEDULE -1 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS TURBINES To be filled by tenderer 1. Type of Turbine/Shaft orientation 2. Name of the manufacturer 3. Guaranteed Output (a) Guaranteed rated output at rated head. (b) Guaranteed max. output at max. head. (c) Guaranteed max. output at min. head. 4. Efficiency Guaranteed efficiency at rated head for the following outputs: (a) 100% (b) 80% (c) 60% (d) Weighted Average Efficiency 5. Discharges Turbine discharge at rated head for the following percentage of rated outputs: (a) 100% (b) 80% (c) 60% 6. Speed (a) (b) (c) (d) 7. (a) (b) KREDA Specific speed in M.K.W. units. Rate speed in r.p.m. Maximum runaway speed in r.p.m. Direction of rotation when viewed from generator end/top. Momentary rise in speed on suddenly reducing load to zero from full load Time of gate closing for regulation ------- % of rated speed. ------- secs. 415 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 8. (a) (b) TENDER DOCUMENT in item 7(a) above Momentary drop in speed in increasing ------% of rated speed. load from zero to full load Time of gate opening for regulation at (a) above. ----- secs. 9. Flywheel effect of: (a) The generator unit for regulation stated above (b) Generator (c) Turbine runner and shaft (d) Flywheel, if any -kgm2 -kgm2 -kgm2 -kgm2 10. Factor of safety (a) Guaranteed minimum factor of safety under worst conditions based on yield point of the material. (b) Name and location of the part having the factor of safety in (a) above. 11. Max. water hammer pressure --------- m 12. Runner (a) Material of composition (b) No. of runner buckets (c) Runner outer diameter (d) Weight of runner (e) Source of runner casting 13. Turbine Shaft (a) Material of composition (b) Diameter (c) Length (d) Weight 14. Nozzle Guide vanes Assembly (a) Material of Needles/Spears (b) Material of Nozzles (c) Material of Guide vaness (d) Material of self lubricating bearings for Guide vanes (e) Nozzle Diameter 15. Guide vanes Servomotor (a) Material of servomotor body and piston (b) Diameter & stroke KREDA 416 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (c) (d) TENDER DOCUMENT Rating kg. M Minimum oil pressure required for operation 16. Elevation of runner centre line 17. Governing system (a) Make (b) Type of governor (c) Rating (d) Guaranteed sensitivity (minimum speed range to which governor will respond) (e) Range of adjustment of permanent speed droop (f) Range of adjustment in speed setting (g) Governing opening and closing times (h) Description and method of operation (i) Adjustment range in governor opening and closing time (j) Operating oil pressure (k) Size of distributing valve (l) Provision of manual control of Guide vanes 18. Oil pressure Vessels (a) Total volume of pressure vessel (b) Diameter and height of pressure vessel (c) Normal volume of oil in vessel (d) Normal working pressure (e) Grade of oil recommended 19. Oil Pump and Sump Tank (a) No. of oil pump per unit (b) Type of pump (c) Capacity of each pump (d) Dimensions of sump tank (e) Effective volume of sump tank (f) Total volume of oil in the governing system 20. Inlet Valve (a) Type (b) Operating method (c) Diameter KREDA 417 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT (d) Materials of body and rotor (e) Material of main seals (f) Operating pressure 21. Cooling Water System (if provided) (a) Source (penstock) tapping or tailrace pumping (b) No. of pumps (c) Rating of each pump (d) Capacity of duplex strains (e) Material and size of strainer element 22. Compressed Air Equipment (a) No. and capacity of compressors (b) Working pressures (c) Volume of air receiver 23. Gear Box (a) Type of Gear (b) Material of gear (c) Gear ratio (d) Overall efficiency 24. Heaviest Package of Shipment (a) Name (b) Weight (c) Dimensions (L x W x H) 25. Largest Package for Shipment (a) Name (b) Weight (c) Dimensions (L x W x H) 26 Heaviest assembly to be lifted by power house crane (a) Name (b) Weight (c) Dimensions (L x W x H) KREDA 418 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT SCHEDULE - 2 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS SYNCHRONOUS GENERATORS To be filled by tenderer 1. Name of manufacturer. 2. Type of reference. 3. Shaft orientation. 4. Speed and direction of rotation. 5. (a) (b) Normal voltage between phases Voltage variation 6. (a) (b) Frequency Frequency variation 7. (a) Guaranteed rated output at rated conditions with temperature as mentioned in the specifications. (b) Guaranteed Overload capacity 8. Rated power factor. 9. Guaranteed maximum temperature rise for output guaranteed in item 7 above over cooled air/ambient temperature with cooling water temperature not exceeding…………30………….o C. 10. Guaranteed maximum temp. rise for the output guaranteed in item 9 above over cooled air/ambient temperature with cooling water temperature not exceeding: (a) Stator Winding by ETD (b) Rotor Winding by resistance (c) Bearing by ETD KREDA 419 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 11. Guaranteed overall efficiency of generator at rated voltage, p.f. frequency and 75oC winding temperature computed by the summation of losses method in accordance with IS:4889 – 1968 subject to tolerance in IS:4722 – 1968. (a) Full load (b) 80% full load (c) 60% full load (d) Weighted average efficiency 12. Inherent regulation, i.e., increase in voltage at constant speed and excitation on taking off. (a) (b) (c) 13. Full load 80% full load 60% full load Generator Reactances: (a) (b) (c) Synchronous Reactance (saturated) (i) Direct axis (ii) Quadrature axis Direct axis transient Reactances (i) Saturated (ii) Quadrature axis Sub-transient Reactances (i) Direct axis (ii) Quadrature axis 14. Negative phase sequence 15. Zero phase sequence Reactance. 16. Resistance of armature winding per phase. 17. Resistance of field winding. 18. Generators time constants KREDA Reactance. 420 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (i) (ii) 19. Direct axis transient open circuit Direct axis transient short circuit Generator characteristic curves (i) (ii) (iii) Open circuit saturation curve Short circuit saturation curve Full load saturation curve at rated power factor 20. Short circuit ratio 21. Synchronizing power at kV full load, 50 Hz, p.f. (lagging) 22. Flywheel effect of (a) (b) The rotating parts of the generator Flywheel (if any) 23. Duration for which all parts are guaranteed to withstanding safely maximum runaway speed. 24. Guaranteed minimum factor of safety based on yield point of material under runaway/short circuit conditions and name and location of part having the minimum factor of safety. 25. Maximum I22t 26. Inertia constant. 27. Maximum runaway speed which all parts are guaranteed to withstand for 15 minutes. 28. Embedded Temperature Detectors (a) KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Number 421 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (b) 29. (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) 31. 32. KREDA Type Excitation Equipment (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) 30. TENDER DOCUMENT Name of the manufacturer Type Accuracy of voltage regulation Range of voltage level setting Range of compounding/reactance drop compensation Range of control in auto mode Range of control in manual mode Frequency range of operation Excitation power feed Maximum continuous current rating Nominal voltage Celling voltage Response ratio Ambient temperature Protection glass of excitation cubicles Field current for full load on generator at rated power factor and terminal voltage. Stator (a) Material of stator core (b) Insulation of laminations (c) Number of sections in which stator is divided for transport (d) Insulation of winding (e) maximum temperature rise Rotor (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Construction of field poles Method of attaching field poles Rotor material and construction Field winding construction Insulation of field winding Construction of damper winding Air gap 422 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (h) (i) (j) 66. Number of air coolers Number of oil coolers Cooling water requirement Cooling water pressure Bearings (a) (b) (c) (d) 35. Diameter of assembled rotor Factor of safety at maximum runaway speed based on yield point of material Maximum temperature rise of field winding when operating at rated conditions Generator Cooler (if applicable) (a) (b) (c) (d) 34. Type Number of bearings Bearing oil specification Quantity required for first filling Generator Brakes (a) (b) Air pressure for satisfactory operation Speed at which brakes are applied 36. Main Shaft (b) 37. (a) Material Details of coupling flange Weight of generator rotating parts 38. Weight of complete generator 39. Current Transformer (a) (b) (c) (d) KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Type Name of manufacturer Rated transformation ratio Output at rated current and accuracy 423 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 40. 41. KREDA Accuracy class Rated over current factor (i) Times rated current (ii) Time in seconds Knee point voltage Basic insulation level Winding temperature rise Secondary winding resistance Neutral Grounding Equipment (i) Distribution Transformer and secondary Resistor (a) Type (b) Name of manufacturer (c) Voltage ratio (d) Continuous rating (e) One minute rating (f) Secondary load resistance (ohms) (g) Current rating of resistor (h) Duty cycle of resistor and cooling medium (i) Overall dimensions and weight (ii) Neutral Isolation Switch (a) Type (b) Name of manufacturer (c) Voltage rating, frequency (d) Normal current (e) Short time rating (f) 1.2/50 Micro Second impulse level (g) 1 minute power frequency dry withstand voltage (h) Dimensions and weight Heaviest package for shipment (a) (b) (c) 42. TENDER DOCUMENT Name Weight Dimensions (L x B x H) Largest package for shipment 424 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP (a) (b) (c) 43. Name Weight Dimensions (L x B x H) Heaviest assembly to be lifted by power house crane (a) (b) (c) KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Name Weight Dimensions (L x B x H) 425 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-3 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS GENERATOR TERMINAL EQUIPMENT SI. No. 1. Items To be filled by tenderer INSULATORS/ SEAL BUSHING Manufacturer Type Rated Voltage Applicable standards One minute power frequency withstand voltage (kV) Dry Wet Impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50 micro second wave) of (peak) Power frequency puncture withstand voltage (kV) Minimum Creep age distance (mm) Cantilever strength (kg) for insulator only Upright Under hung Mechanical strength (kg) for seal off busing Compressor Tension Weight of each 2. CURRENT TRANSFORMERS (To be supplied for each core separately in tubular farm) CT Number/Location Qty. Application Name of manufacturer Type Winding of connection Rated burden of earth secondary winding per phase Insulation level Insulation class Impulse withstand voltage of primary winding (1.2/50 micro KREDA 426 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT second wave) kV (peak) One minute power frequency dry withstand voltage (kV) Primary winding Secondary winding Characteristic enclosed (Yes/No) Accuracy class 3. 4. 5. KREDA POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER (a) Type (b) Name of manufacturer (c) Standard to which it conforms (d) Manufacturer’s type design Volts (e) Rated primary voltage Volts (f) Rated secondary voltage (g) Rated burden (h) Accuracy class (i) Temperature rise at 1.1 times rated voltage with rated burden and frequency (j) One minute power frequency withstand test voltage on primary kV (rms) FUSES (Primary side & Secondary side) (To be supplied separately) Make Type Rated voltage (V) Rated current (A) Rupturing capacity (kA) Symmetrical Asymmetrical Qty. LIGHTNING ARRESTER Make Type Rated voltage Max. system voltage across arrestor Power frequency spark over voltage (kV) Impulse spark over Kv (peak) Max. front of wave impulse Spark over kV (P) Rated discharge current 427 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Max. discharge voltage in kV crest for discharge Current 8/20 micro sec. Wave Leakage current at rated voltage insulator (kV) One minute dry withstand voltage of arrestor external insulator (kV) Quantity per set 6. 7. 8. KREDA SURGE CAPACITOR Make Type Nominal voltage Max. voltage Insulation class Phase Frequency Capacitance Impulse withstand voltage (1.2/ 50 micro second wave) Qty. Applicable standard Residual voltage after 5 minute of disconnection GROUNDING TRANSFORMER Make Type Applicable standards Rated primary voltage (v) Rated secondary voltage (V) Insulation class Rated output BIL of primary winding (kV) peak Max. Temperature rise over ambient OC No load losses Type of cooling Resistance Primary winding Secondary winding Short time rating for one minute Short time rating for 5 minute Load losses GROUNDING RESISTANCE Make Type Rate current Volume of resistance at 20OC Short time rated current for one minute Short time rated current for five minutes Maximum temperature rise over ambient OC 428 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-4 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS POWER TRANSFORMERS (Separately for all Transformers) Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. KREDA Particulars Name of manufacturer Service whether indoor or outdoor Type (Core or shell) Reference standard Type of cooling Rating: Rated kVA Rated current, amps (rms) LV/HV Rated voltage, kV (LV/HV) Temperature rise above 45°C ambient for oil filled type: In oil by thermometer °C In winding by resistance °C b. Hot spot temperature in winding limited to °C Windings: No. of windings per phase Insulation class Connections: i. Vector group reference (in accordance with IS:2026) Terminal arrangement: HV LV d. Winding Insulation Category Type of tap changer Taps: Capacity Steps and range Tapping provided on HV side? Losses: No load loss at rated voltage and frequency Load loss at rated current and at 75°C Impedances: Impedance at rated current, frequency and at 75°C(%) Reactance at rated current and frequency % As specified As offered AN Uniform/ NonUniform Uniform/NonUniform Yes/No 429 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Resistance at rated current, frequency at 75oC(%) Zero sequence impedance (%) Zero sequence capacitance of LV winding, micro farad/phase HV winding, micro farad/phase Efficiency at 75°C and 0.9 p.f. lag %: At 100% load At 75% load At 50% load Efficiency: Load and power factor at which maximum efficiency occurs, % full load Maximum efficiency (%) Regulation at full load and at 75°C: At unity power factor, % At 0.80 power factor lagging % No load current referred to HV and 50 Hz ….% rated current: At 90% load rated voltage At 100% load rated voltage At 110% load rated voltage At 125% load rated voltage Flux density: Approximate maximum flux density Web/m2 At 90% rated voltage, 50 Hz At 100% rated voltage, 50 Hz At 110% rated voltage, 50 Hz At 125% rated voltage, 50 Hz At 140% rated voltage, 50 Hz Following particulars shall be provided for the worst conditions of simultaneous occurrence of 110% rated voltage and 95% rated frequency Maximum flux density Temperature rise Period of allowable operation under the above worst condition Maximum current density, Amps/cm2: HV, winding LV, winding Clearance in mm: Maximum clearances in mm H.V. L.V. Between phase In air ii. In oil Between phase and ground In air 430 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. KREDA In oil Withstand time without injury for Three phases dead short circuit with rated voltage maintained on the other side sec. Single phase short circuit with rated voltage maintained on the other side sec Tap-Changer: Tap-changer operable at standing height from ground Provided with: Tap position indicators? Operation counter? Padlocking provisions? All contacts silver plated? Details of tank: Material Maximum internal pressure the tank is capable of withstanding (kg/cm2) Explosion vent: Minimum pressure the diaphragm is set to rupture, (kg/cm2) Details of core material Insulation material Details of bushings: Make Type Voltage class, (kV) Creepage distance (mm) Free space required at top for bushing removal mm Minimum clearance in air Phase to phase (mm) Phase to earth (mm) Phase to neutral (mm) Impulse withstand voltage, kV (peak) Power frequency withstand voltage kV (rms) Insulation oil: Approx volume of oil (litre) Whether first fillings of oil with 10% excess included? Oil conforms to IS:665 Marshalling box: Weather proof, suitable for outdoor? Degree of protection Terminal blocks: Make Whether stud type terminals are offered 10% spare terminals furnished? Wiring: TENDER DOCUMENT Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No H V L V HV Neut ral Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 431 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 30. 31. 32. 66. 34. 35. 36. 37. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Cable type Voltage grade (volt) Conductor size Current circuits (mm2) ii. Other circuits (mm2) Contact rating Amps x Volt DC: Making Buchholz relay inductive break Oil temperature indicator Winding temperature indicator Magnetic oil level gauge Gaskets: Material of gaskets No. of gaskets for one complete set (break up of gaskets shall be given) Valves: Type of valve No. of valve comprising one complete set (break up of valve shall be given) Tests: Routine test as per IS:2026 Tank pressure test i. Pressure, kg/cm2 ii. Duration, hour Tank vacuum test i. Vacuum, mm of Hg ii. Duration, hour Accessories Each transformers furnished with fittings and accessories Yes/No as per technical specification Approximate overall dimensions (mm): Length Breadth Crane lift for untanking core and coil assembly (including sling) Approximates weight (kg): Core and coil Tank and fittings Oil Total weight Shipping data: Weight of the heaviest package (kg) Dimensions of the largest package (LxBxH) mm 432 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT SCHEDULE-5 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS CONTROL, PROTECTION AND METERING A. CONTROL SYSTEM To be filled by tenderer 1 Control components and their parameters & makes 2 No. of inputs a. Digital b. Analogue c. Provision for spares 3 No. of outputs a. Digital b. Analogue c. Provision for spares 4 Start/stop operation a. Local Manual b. Local Automatic 5 Mimic diagram display a. Electrical System b. Hydraulic System 6 Mode of control a. Level control b. Speed control c. Flow control f. Sequence control g. Step by step control 7 Temperature measurement a. Make of the scanner b. Holding capacity c. Time for scanning cycle KREDA 433 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP f. Alarm setting range g. No. of setting levels TENDER DOCUMENT 8 Generator, transformer & feeder control panels a. Ammeter b. Voltmeter c. MW meter d. MVAR meter e. Power factor meter f. Frequency meter g. DC ammeter for field current h. DC voltmeter for field voltage 9 Transducers a. Make b. Output c. Accuracy class B. ALARM & ANNUNCIATION SYSTEM 1 Make 2 Type 3 Wattage of window indicating lamp 4 Wattage of a set of windows 5 Interface with auto control system 6 Adjustable range of cut-off time, if unacknowledged 7 No. of active windows 8 No. of spare windows 9 Response time 10 UPS arrangement 11 Dimension of each windows 12 Dimensions of a set of window 13 Over all dimensions of annunciation panel KREDA 434 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT C. ENERGY METERING SYSTEM 1 Make 2 Type 3 CT/PT connection direct or through transducers 5 Accuracy of meters 6 Accuracy of transducers, if any 7 Parameters measured 8 Maximum current rating for 1 second 9 Service voltage range and tolerance 10 Service frequency range and tolerance 11 Service temperature range 12 Power consumption a. Current circuit b. Voltage circuit 13 Service life 14 Protection against electromagnetic/radio interference D. PROTECTION SYSTEM 1 Make 2 Type of numerical relays their functions a. For Generators b. For transformers 3 Built in testing facility 4 Methodology to provide redundancy 5 Type of back-up protection in case of failure of numerical relays a. For generators b. For transformers 6 Parameter/command documentation 7 Maximum operating time 8 Sensitivity in %age of rated current KREDA 435 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 9 ANALOGUE INPUT VARIABLES a. Rated frequency b. Rated current c. Thermal rating of current circuits i. Continuous ii. For 10 seconds iii. For 1 second iv. Dynamic 10 Rated Voltage 11 Thermal rating of voltage circuits (continuous) 12 Burden per phase a. At rated current b. At rated voltage 13 CURRENT TRANSFORMER REQUIREMENTS a. Generator Protection i. VA burden ii. Saturation factor iii. Minimum knee point voltage iv. Maximum excitation current b. Transformer Protection i. VA burden ii. Saturation factor iii. Minimum knee point voltage iv. Maximum excitation current c. Feeder Protection i. VA burden ii. Saturation factor iii. Accuracy class 14. NAME OF MANUFACTURER KREDA 436 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-6 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 3.3 kV SWITCHGEAR Sl. No. Particulars To be filled in by Tenderer 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. KREDA Type Service Maximum Voltage Frequency One minute power frequency withstand voltage Rated continuous current : at 400C A Rated service current : at 600C A No. of poles Breaking capacity kA rms Making capacity kA rms Short Time with stand capacity 1 second Ka rms Rated breaking capacity Symmetrical Asymmetrical Operating mechanism Operating Duty Test Certificate Report reference Type of main contact Material of contact surfaces Weight of circuit breaker complete with all fittings as in service. Kg Over current and earth fault protection Other protections Name of Manufacturer 437 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-7 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS STATION SERVICE BOARD Sl. Particulars No. To be Filled in by Tenderer 1.0 BUS BAR 1.01 Type 1.02 Rated Voltage 1.03 No. of Phases 1.04 Frequency 1.05 System Earthing 1.06 Continuous current rating within the cubicle at 50oC ambient. 1.07 Short time current rating for (1) Sec. 1.08 Temperature rise of bus bar joints under normal working conditions at rated current and at 50oC Ambient. 1.09 HV withstand test voltage for (1) minute. 1.10 Minimum clearances. 1.11 KREDA i) Phase to phase ii) Phase to earth Insulation to Bus Bar. 438 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Size of bus bar. 2.00 BUS SUPPORT INSULATOR: 2.01 Type & Service. 2.02 Material 2.03 Voltage Class 2.04 HV withstand test for one (1) minute. 3.00 CIRCUIT BREAKER: 3.01 System 3.02 Service 3.03 Type 3.04 Pole 3.05 Rated Service Voltage 3.06 One (1) minute power frequency withstand voltage. 3.07 Rated continuous current at 50oC and within the cubicle. 3.08 Short time current for one (1) Sec. 3.09 Rated breaking capacity. 3.10 Rated breaking current. 3.11 KREDA a) Symmetrical b) Asymmetrical Rated making capacity 439 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 3.12 Operating mechanism 3.13 Tempt. rise above 50oC 3.14 Operating duty 3.15 AUXILIARY VOLTAGE: i) Closing ii) Tripping iii) Spring charging motor iv) Space heater & lamp 240 VAC, 50 Hz 3.16 Mounting 4.00 MAGNETIC CONTACTOR (AC): 4.01 Service 4.02 Poles 4.03 Rated voltage 4.04 Frequency 4.05 Continuous current rating 4.06 Power frequency test voltage 4.07 Short time current rating 4.08 Over load protection. 4.09 Control circuit voltage 4.10 Operation Indicator 4.11 AUXILIARY CONTACT: KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT 440 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 4.12 i) Normally closed ii) Normally open iii) Breaking capacity TENDER DOCUMENT CONTACTOR COIL RATING: i) Pick-up ii) Drop out 4.13 Temperature rise limit for magnetic coil. 4.14 Temperature rise limit for power circuit and other accessories. 4.15 Duty class 4.16 Utilization category 5.00 CURRENT TRANSFORMER: 5.01 System 5.02 Service 5.03 Type 5.04 Rated voltage 5.05 Quantity 5.06 Power frequency withstand voltage. 5.07 Mounting 5.08 Rated short time current for one (1) Sec. 5.09 Current ratio and accuracy. 6.0 Name of manufacturer KREDA 441 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Secheule-8 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS DIESEL GENERATING SET Items Specified Value, if any To be filled by tenderer Make No. of Phases Rating i. kVA ii. Voltage iii. Frequency iv. Fuel Storage capacity Voltage variation from No Load to full load. Whether there is facility on Auto Shut Down When i. Temperature ii. Low fuel level iii. Low lubricating oil level Fuel Consumption per hour at i. Full Load ii. 50% Load iii. 25 Load iv. 10% Load Unit Generation at i. Full Load ii. 50% Load iii. 25% Load iv. 10% Load Over Load Capacity for i. ½ Hour (k VA) ii. 1 hour (k VA) iii. 2 hour (k VA) iv 4 hour (k VA) Temperature Rise above ambient of Engine and Generator after running on full load for KREDA 442 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT i. 1 hour (OC) ii. 2 hour (OC) iii. 4 hour (OC) Whether D.G. Set is auto start or not (Yes/No) load on Battery for Auto Start KREDA 443 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-9 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS BATTERY & CHARGER SI. No. A. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Items Specified if any Value, To be filled by tenderer BATTERIES Manufacturers name Capacity of battery at 10 hr discharge rate Cells Cell designation according to IS:16511970 Method of connection between cells whether Cm bolted or soldered Distance between the Cm centre of cells when Kg erected Overall dimension of the cells Weight of cell complete with KOH Type and material of cover Cell insulators(whether provided) Container Material of container Thickness of container Whether container is moulded type Separator Type and material Thickness of separator in mm Plates Type of positive plate & dimensions in cms. Type of negative plate & dimensions in cms. KREDA 444 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP Clearances Clearance between edges of plate and inner surface of container Clearance between bottom of negative plate and bottom of container Clearance between top of the plate and top of the container 10. Electrolyte Amount and specific gravity of electrolyte required for first filling Recommended specific gravity at the end of full charge Expected specified gravity at the end of discharge at 10 hr. rate Max. electrolyte temperature which cell can stand Continuously Short time 11. Voltage per cell at the end of charge at finishing rate 12. Capacity of battery in Amp. hrs. at 27°C At 10 hr. rate of discharge At 3 hr. rate of discharge At 1 hr. rate of discharge At 1 minute rate of discharge TENDER DOCUMENT 9. Cm Cm Cm °C °C V AH AH AH AH AH 13. Voltage of the battery at the end of discharge at: At 10 hr. rate of discharge At 3 hr. rate of discharge At 1 hr. rate of discharge at 1 minute rate of KREDA V V V V 445 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT discharge 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. Recommended charging rates of the battery Starting rate of charge Finishing rate of charge Recommended trickle charging rate How long the battery can remain uncharged without any deterioration in active material before first charge is given Maximum discharge current of battery (with reference to time as per para 18 below) Time for which max. current as referred above can be continuously drawn such that voltage does not fall below 10% of rated voltage Amp. Amp. Amp. Hr. Nominal watt-hour % efficiency of the battery at 10 hr. rate Nominal amp. hr. % efficiency of battery at 10 hr. rate Type of wood used for battery stand Type of paints used 23. Size and material of insulators B. FLOAT & BOOST CHARGER FOR BATTERY KREDA 446 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 1. Rectifiers and filters Type and make Material and construction of rectifier Power rating Watts Peak inverse voltage V Current rating Type of filters and ripple factors 2. Automatic voltage regulator (A.V.R.) Type of AV.R. Regulating bank Auto-setting rate of A.V.R. When set to trickle charging When set to boost charging Manual control range Sensitivity of A.V.R. Transformer V.A. rating of transformer Transformation ratio and taps Type of connection Type of overload device Instruments Ammeter range Voltmeter range Miniature circuit breaker Rated normal current carrying capacity Rated short circuit current capacity No. of auxiliary contacts for alarm and annunciation Type of alarm and annunciation arrangement for over voltage under voltage and grounded bus conditions 3. 4. 5. 6. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT 447 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 7. C. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. TENDER DOCUMENT Alarm and annunciation scheme for HRC fuses D.C. Distribution Board D.C. Bus Bars Current rating of Amp. positive bus Amp. Current rating of Amp. negative bus Type & class of insulator Incoming Circuits No. of moulded case circuit breaker and their normal and short circuit current rating Outgoing circuits No. of MCB Normal rating Short circuit current rating Selector switches Current rating of the switches Current rating of auxiliary contacts Type and range of the ammeter Voltmeter range Alarm and annunciation scheme for HRC fuses KREDA 448 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-10 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS MECHANICAL AUXILIARIES OF POWER HOUSE S.No Description 1. Cooling Water System: Value (to be filled by bidder) Source of cooling water (Intake / tail race) No. of pumps Rating of each pumps (discharge, speed, head) Diameter of impellor Material of casing & impellor Motor type, rating, speed & insulation Type of starter for motors Capacity & make of self cleaning strainers Material and size of strainer element Capacity & make of actuator for strainer Pressure rating of valves Materials of casing, valve seat & stem of valves 2. Compressed Air System No. and capacity of compressors Type & make of compressors Rating of motor, speed & type of insulation Working pressure Volume of high pressure air receiver Volume of low pressure air receiver Test pressure for air receivers Nos., type & make of pressure switches Type & make of pressure reducer 3. 4. Fore bay & tail race water level measuring device Type / basic principle of head sensors Output signals from sensors Make Ventilation 1. Name of Manufacturer (Word equivalent not acceptable) 2.Fan size (mm) 3.Rated Speed (RPM) KREDA 449 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 4 Rated Voltage 5.Rated Current 6. Rated Power Factor 5. KREDA 7. Power of Motor 8. Volume of Air delivery at rated voltage (m3/hr) 9. Volume of Air delivery at test voltage (m3/hr) 10. No. of Blades 11. Class of Insulation 12. Type of bearing 13. Instructions for lubrication of bearings Fire Extinguishers 1. CO2 Type types wheel & hand portable a. Name of Manufacturer (Word equivalent not acceptable) b. Standard to which it conforms c. Capacity d. Pressure of CO2 when charged e. Weight of CO2 f. Weight of Cylinders when full and empty g. Effective range max./min h. Discharge time 450 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT i. Test pressure 2. Dry Powder Type (Hand Operated) a. Name of manufacturer (Word equivalent not acceptable) b. Standard to which it conforms c. Base chemical and name of gas under pressure d. Body material e. Capacity in kg. f. Weight of cylinder when full and empty g. Base diameter h. Overall height i. Effective range j. Duration of discharge time k. Test pressure. 451 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-11 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS EOT CRANE Sl.No. 1. Particulars To be Filled in by Tenderer Type and class of Crane : a. b. c. d. Crane Structure Main hoist Cross traverse Long. travel 2. Safe working load Tonnes 3. Centre to centre of track rails Meters 4. Operating speed (loaded) a. b. c. 5. Hoisting Cross Traverse Long. Travel m/min. m/min. m/min. Minimum working clearance required: i) Distance from centre of runway rail to nearest side obstruction Meters Vertical distance from top of runway rail to nearest side obstruction Meters iii) Distance from floor to top of runway rail Meters iv) Nearest position of hook to centre line of runway rail Meters Vertical clearance to underside of bridge girder Meters ii) v) 6. Type of hook supplied 7. Height of hook above floor level Meters 8. Drop of hook below floor level Meters 9. Section of runway rail recommended Meters KREDA 452 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 10. Type of main girder i) ii) 11. TENDER DOCUMENT Braced, plate or rolled steel joist Riveted or fusion welded End carriages: a Wheel base b. Material of wheels c. Maximum load excluding impact on travelling wheels Tonnes 12. Crab : Centre to centre of Traverse Wheels Meters 13. Hoisting rope : a. b. c. d. e. f. 14. Diameter Construction Quality of Steel No. of falls Minimum breaking load Factor of safety Description of brakes for a. b. Traversing brakes Travelling brakes 15. Particulars of safety devices/limit switches 16. Electrical Equipment: a. Details of controls and protections for power supply to hoist motor and lighting from crane b. Motor for hoist/ Trolley travel / Bridge travel i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) viii) ix) KREDA Meters Make Type Capacity/ rating Insulation class Enclosure type Brushes - type, number Maximum torque (pull out torque) Details of motor controllers like make, steps or points in each directions of motion National Standards to which the above with conform 453 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP c. TENDER DOCUMENT Details of brakes for Hoist motion [[ i) ii) d. 17. Make of electro - magnetic brake Make of electro - hydraulic thruster brake Details of runway conductors and collectors Net weight: i) Complete unladen crane ii) Complete unladen crab 18. Tools and accessories supplied. 19. Other information not stated above. 20. Name of manufacturer KREDA Tonnes Tonnes 454 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-12 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS POWER AND CONTROL CABLES Sl.No. Particulars To be Filled in by Tenderer 1. General 3.3/11kV 1100/600V 2. 3. KREDA i. Name and address of the manufacturer ii. Name and address of contractor's representative from whom technical as well as commercial clarifications can be obtained. iii. Location of factory iv. Validity of tender Cable Type i. Type and size of Cables ii. Standard applicable iii. Voltage rating iv. Permissible variation in voltage, frequency and combined voltage and frequency. v. Suitable for earthed/ unearthed system Conductor i. Material copper/ aluminium/ grade ii. Nominal cross-sectional area. iii. Form of conductor-circular/ shaped iv. No. of strands v. Nominal dia. of each strand 455 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 4. 5. 6. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Conductor Screen i. Material ii. Minimum thickness iii. Whether extruded Insulation i. Material (Mention type) ii. Minimum average thickness iii. Tolerance on the smallest of the measured values of thickness of insulation. iv. Dia of core over insulation. v. Specific insulation resistance at 27oC vi. Colour scheme of identification of cores. vii. Average dielectric strength viii. Suitability with regard to moisture zone, acid, oil and alkaline cup-roundings. Insulation Screen i. Whether extruded semi-conducting screen is supplied ii. Material of the semi-conducting screen iii. Thickness of the semi-conducting screen iv. Whether copper tape screening is applied v. Thickness of the copper tape. vi. For braided screen, material and dia. of screen wire and minimum percentage coverage. 456 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 7. 8. 9. 10. TENDER DOCUMENT Inner Sheath i. Material (mention type) ii. Whether extruded iii. Minimum thickness of inner sheath iv. Calculated diameter over stranded cores of the cables. v. Whether the inner sheath and the filling material are suitable for the operating temperature of the cable. Armour i. Type and material ii. Nominal dimensions of steel strip or nominal dia. of round armour wire. Outer Sheath/ Overall Covering i. Material (mention type, if any) ii. Whether extruded iii. Minimum average thickness iv. Tolerance on the smallest of the measured values of thickness of outer sheath. v. Calculated dia. under the sheath. vi. Whether anti-termite treatment has been given in the outer sheath. Electrical Properties i. Conductor resistance at 20oC per km. ii. Maximum permissible conductor temp. a. b. KREDA Under continuous full load Under transient conditions 457 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT iii. Loss tangent at normal frequency iv. Reactance at 50 C/s per km. v. Capacitance at 50 C/s per km. vi. Current rating. a. b. c. d. vii. Derating factors. a. b. 11. In air (continuous) In duct (continuous) Reference ambient temperature for the above Short circuit current rating for 1 sec. duration For ambient temperature of 50oC For grouping of 4 to 6 cables in racks and trays and in 4 to 6 tiers for different spacings and also touching each other. Mechanical Data (For each of the cable sizes of different voltage grade) i. Overall dia. of the cable ii. Dia. of the cable under the sheath iii. Diameter under armouring iv. Diameter over the stranded cores v. Weight of cable per kg. vi. Drum length vii. Tolerance on drum length viii. Total weight of the drum ix. Dimensions of the drum x. Recommended minimum installation radius Maximum safe pulling force. KREDA 458 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-13 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 33 kV & 11 kV ISOLATOR Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. Particulars Name of manufacturer Manufacturer's type designation Standards applicable Type 5. 6. 7. Rated voltage (kV) Rated frequency Current rating Continuous (at design temp.) (A) Current rating at site condition (A) Dynamic through fault (A) Second rating (kA) Making current (A) Design ambient temperature (°C) Maximum temperature of current carrying parts with carrying rated current at specified ambient temperature, (°C) Maximum temperature of current carrying parts with carrying short circuit current for 3 seconds at temperature, (°C) One minute power frequency dry & wet withstand voltage 1.2/50 micro-second impulse withstand voltage Switch contact particulars Type of main isolating contacts Area & material of contacts Thickness of silver facing Blade material Number of auxiliary contacts on disconnecting switch Rating of auxiliary contacts Continuous (A) Breaking current (A) Type of interlock between earthing blade and isolator Particulars of isolator operating mechanism Duty Outdoor No. of operations the disconnecting switch can withstand without deterioration of contacts Clearance 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. KREDA As specified As offered Double Break/ Horizontal 33 kV 50 Hz 459 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 66. 34. 35. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT between phases, between live parts & earth mm between fixed contacts and blade in open position mm a. Capacitive current that can safely be interrupted by the switch (A) b. Magnetizing current that can safely be interrupted by the switch (A). Type and make of insulators No. of insulators per stack One minute dry & wet withstand voltage per stack, kV (rms) Impulse voltage of insulator stack at 1.2/50 micro seconds positive full wave kV (peak) Creepage distance Total (mm) Protected (mm) Total weight (kg) Dimensions of switch L x B x H (mm x mm x mm) Shipping dimension of largest package Provision of earthing switch One side/both side GA drg. of disconnect switch along-with support Submitted/not structure submitted Supporting structures Material Total weight/isolator (kg) Thickness of galvanizing micron Total height of structure in mm Power and control power supply voltage Confirm that all particulars given in technical Yes/No particulars are acceptable to tenderer If answer is 'NO' in above then indicate point wise deviation 460 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-14 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 33 kV & 11 kV CIRCUIT BREAKER Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. KREDA Particulars As specified Name of manufacturer Manufacturer's type designation Type SF-6/Vacuum Standards followed Suitable for outdoor duty Yes/No Rated voltage (kV) No. of poles of circuit breaker Continuous current rating (A) i. Under normal conditions (amps) (at °C) ii. Under site conditions (Amps) Short time current rating i. 1 second kA (rms) ii. 3 seconds kA (rms) Maximum temperature rise over ambient of different parts °C. Breaking capacity i. Symmetrical kA rms ii. Asymmetrical Ka Making capacity kA (peak) Kilometric fault level (MVA) Maximum interrupting capacity under phase opposition condition MVA Maximum line charging current braking capacity without over exceeding 2.5 to 3 times the rated phase to neutral voltage Maximum line charging current breaking capacity and corresponding over voltage recorded in test Total break time (measured from instant of trip coil energization) Arcing time (ms) Make time (ms) Dry and wet 1-minute power frequency withstand test voltage for complete circuit breaker i. between phase to phase kV (rms) ii. between phase to ground kV (rms) 1.2/50 micro-second full wave impulse withstand voltage for complete circuit breaker i. between phase to phase kV (peak) ii. between phase to ground kV (peak) Dry 1-minute power frequency withstand voltage As offered 461 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 66. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT for insulator Kv (rms) 1.2/50 micro-second full wave impulse withstand voltage for the insulators, kV (peak) Creepage distance to ground, mm i. between phase ii. live parts to earth iii. live parts to ground level Number of break per phase Total length of break per phase, mm Rate of contact travel, mm/sec Type of main contacts Type of auxiliary contacts Material of auxiliary contacts Main contact silver plated or not, if yes, thickness of silver plating Number of trip coils in each breaker Number of auxiliary contact provided Those closed when breaker is closed. Those open when breaker is closed. Those adjustable w.r.t. the position of main contact. Rating and braking capacity of each contact. Type of operating mechanism Opening Closing Emergency tripping Control cum circuit volt. For close/trip coil (volt) Power required for closing/trip coil (watt) Duty cycle Anti-pumping device kg Weight of 3 phase CB complete with operating mechanism, bushing, framework etc. Overall dimensions (mm x mm x mm) Confirm that all details given in technical Yes/No particulars are acceptable to tenderer If answer is No in 41, indicate point wise deviation Manufacture's catalogue enclosed Yes/No 462 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Sechedule-15 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 33 kV & 11 kV LIGHTNING ARRESTORS Sl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. KREDA Particulars As specified As offered N o . Name of manufacture Manufacturer's type designation Standards applicable Arrestor class and type Rated arrestor voltage kV (rms) Nominal system voltage kV (rms) Rated frequency Hz Nominal discharge current (8/20 micro sec wave) kA (peak) Max. 100% 12/50 micro sec. spark over voltage kV (peak) Max. wave front spark over voltage kV (peak) & front steepness kV/sec. Max. residual voltage at rated nominal discharge current kV (peak) Impulse current withstand High current short duration (4/10 micro sec. wave) kA (peak) Low current long duration Amps. (peak) Wet and dry power frequency withstand voltage for the housing kV (rms) Impulse withstand strength of arrester housing with 1.2/50 micro-sec wave kV (peak) Total creepage distance of the arrester housing mm Protected creepage distance of the arrestor housing mm Total weight of material included for supporting structures Thickness of galvanizing micron Total height of structures in mm Suitable for outdoor duty. Yes/No Confirm that all particulars given in Tech. Particulars in Yes/No GTP sheet are acceptable If answer is 'NO' in 19 indicate point-wise deviation 463 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-16 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 33 kV & 11 kV POTENTIAL TRANSFORMERS S. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. KREDA Particulars As specified As offered Manufacturer's name, type & designation Type Rated voltage Rated primary voltage (kV) Rated secondary voltage (kV) Winding I Winding II Rated burden (VA) Winding I Winding II Accuracy class Winding I Winding II Maximum ratio error with rated burden and 5% normal primary voltage Maximum ratio angle error with rated burden and 5% normal primary voltage Variation in ratio and phase angle error for variation in Voltage by 1°C Frequency by 1Hz Temperature rise at 1.1 times rated voltage with rated burden Rated voltage factor and time 1.2/50 micro second impulse wave withstand test voltage (kV peak) One minute power frequency withstand test (dry) voltage kV rms One minute power frequency withstand test (wet) voltage kV rms One minute power frequency withstand voltage on secondaries (kV rms) Minimum creepage distance (mm) Moderately polluted atmosphere Heavily polluted atmosphere i. Total ii. Protected Whether corona shield provided or not Total weight (kg) 464 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 20. 21. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Overall dimensions Mounting details 465 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-17 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS 33 kV & 11 kV CURRENT TRANSFORMERS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. KREDA Particulars As specified As offered Name of manufacturer Manufacturer's types designation Type Standards followed Rated voltage (kV) Rated primary current Rated secondary current Number of cores: Rated Class of Accuracy Core I output accuracy limit Core II factor Core III Short time current rating: i. 1 seconds kA (rms) ii. 3 seconds kA (rms) Dynamic current kA (peak) Temperature rise over max. ambient °C: i. Oil at top of housing (°C) ii. Winding (°C) Class of insulation Current voltage and phase errors at rated burden and frequency Confirm that all particulars given in Yes/No technical data sheet are acceptable If answer is 'NO' in 14 indicate point wise deviation 466 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-18 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS CONDUCTOR AND INSULATORS ACSR CONDUCTOR Sl. 1. 2. Particulars Make N o Type . 3. Size 4. Nominal current rating at maximum site ambient temperature 5. Shirt time rating for 3 sec. (in kA) 6. Rated dynamic stability current kA (peak) 7. Weight per mtr in kg 8. Clearance Phase to phase Phase to earth As specified As offered INSULATORS Sl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. KREDA Particular As specified Make N Type o Material. of insulator Colour Insulation level: Dry (PF) Wet (PF) Impulse Creepage distance Total (mm) Protected (mm) Power freq. Puncture test Visible discharge test volt For support insulators minimum height of base from ground Number of disc in string insulators As offered 467 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 11. 12. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Rated voltage for disc in kV Deviation if any from the data sheet 468 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-19 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS CONTROL AND RELAY PANELS Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. KREDA Particulars As specified As offered Make Type Reference standard Construction Degree of protection Sheet metal thickness mm Floor channel sills, vibration damping pads and kick plate furnished? Equipment mounting All relays, meters and switches are flush mounted? Relays furnished in draw out cases with built-in test facilities? Name plate Material Thickness Size for :Equipment Panels Internal illumination Volt Watt Door switch controlled Space heater Volt Watt Thermostat controlled? Plug socket Type Rating Panel illumination, space heater and plug socket circuits provided with individual switch fuse units? Internal wiring Wire type Voltage grade Conductor material Conductor size for i. Current/control circuit ii. Voltage circuit e. Wires identified at both ends with ferrules? 469 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17 18. 19. 20. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Terminal block Make Type/catalogue No. 20% spare terminals furnished? Ground bus Material Size mm Painting Type of finish Colour shade Inside/Outside Details of painting procedure furnished? Breaker control switch Make Type Reference standard Contact rating Make & Continuous Amp Break (inductive) Amp Meter selector switch Make Type Reference standard Contact rating Make and continuous Amp Break (inductive) Amp Push button Make Type Reference standard Contact rating Make and continuous Amp Break (inductive) Amp 5. No. and type of contacts per button Lamps Make Type Reference standard Rating Volt Watt Series resistance Indicating instruments Make Type Reference standard Type of movement 470 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. KREDA TENDER DOCUMENT Accuracy class Scale in degrees VA burden Current coil Voltage coil Size Range Rated input Overload capacity without loss in accuracy (%) Continuous Short time 12. Burden on CT/PT Annunciator Make Type Referred standard No. of annunciator groups furnished? No. of windows per group Overall dimension of a group mm Details write-up on scheme furnished? Illumination status indication for isolators Make Type Rating Volt Watt Semaphore indicators Make Rating Volt Watt Fuses Make Type Fuse bases provided with imprints of fuse rating and Yes/No voltage Relays Catalogue of all relays submitted with bid Whether tenderer agree to conduct all site tests as Yes/No asked If 'NO' indicated deviations Whether quality assurance plan is acceptable Yes/No If 'NO' indicate deviations Whether tenderer agree to provide No. of aux. Relays timers, range of relays/meters terminal blocks, control switches, wiring etc. as per approved drawings 471 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Minimum clearance between relays/meter/casings Horizontal Vertical Deviation if any on technical design parameters for control protection metering and alarm system Any additional protection, metering control; features, if necessary/desirable from tenderer's point of view KREDA 472 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-20 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS Sl. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. KREDA EARTHING & LIGHTNING PROTECTION Particulars Size ofNearth strip for the yard o Gap between earth mat conductors Size of. main outer strip Galvanizing content on above Value of earthing resistance (proposed to be achieved) Standard to be following for galvanizing Type of electrodes Construction of earthing pit as per IS Deviation if any on technical data sheet Cable identification tag Material Thickness Binding wire material Buried cable/markers/covers Applicable standards Material of protective covers 1.1 kV cables LV Cables Conduit & floor opening sealing compounds Material & composition for : i. Water proofing ii. Fire proofing Grounding for cable amount/sheaths i. Material of conductor ii. Size Structural steel i. Painting of fabricated steel a. Type of paint and no. of coats of primer b. Type of paint no. of coats and colour of furnish paint Whether shield wires or lightning conductors have been envisaged for the lightning protection Angle for protection Numbers of electrodes provided Earthing resistance value Size of down conductors Standard followed Deviations if any on technical data sheet Tools provided i. All necessary tools, tackles, crimping tools etc. ii. Welding equipment iii. HV cable testing equipment As specified As offered Included Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No 473 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-21 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS POWER HOUSE LIGHTING Sl. Particulars No. 1 Illumination levels of machine hall 2 No. and type of fixtures 3 Illumination levels of Switchgear room 4 No. and type of fixtures 5 Illumination levels of Control room 6 No. and type of fixtures 7 Illumination levels of Office room 8 No. and type of fixtures 9 Illumination levels of Turbine floor As specified As Offered 10 No. and type of fixtures 11 Illumination levels of Switchyard 12 No. and type of fixtures 13 Illumination levels of Compressor room/ pump house etc. 14 No. and type of fixtures 15 Illumination levels of Turbine auxiliaries 16 No. and type of fixtures 17 Illumination levels of Cable basement 18 No. and type of fixtures 19 Street lighting 20 No. of posts KREDA 474 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 21 Height 22 No. of Masts 23 Height 24 Make of conduit pipes, type, size and thickness 25 Make of Sockets 26 No. of sockets (20A) 27 No. of sockets (63A) 28 No. of sockets (5A) 29 No. of sockets (15A) 30 Method of automatic control (synchronous timer or photocell) 31 Sub distribution boards 32 Size of boards 66 No. of circuits in one board 34 Rating of MCCBs 35 Short time rating 36 No. of operations at breaking at 100% short circuit current 37 Location of sub distribution boards 38 Environmental protection 39 Thickness of sheet 40 Make of fixtures/fittings 41 Wattage 42 Size of wires KREDA 475 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 43 Current carrying capacity 44 Fusing current and time KREDA 476 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Schedule-22 GUARANTEED TECHNICAL PARTICULARS SWITCHYARD STRUCTURES Sl. No. 1. Make 2. Type Latticed 3. Material used Steel/Galvanized 4. Thickness of galvanizing (for GI) 5. Designed for wind load 6. Designed for earth quack load 7. Matching with equipment arrangement 8. Design calculations for sizing 9. 10. Particulars As offered Yes/No Will be as per approved calculations for each structures Scope of work Support for the equipments bus wires etc. as per approved equipment layout Foundation bolts and base bolts (bolts shall be Included projected min. 75 mm above the base plate) 11. Standard followed for fabrication (for steel structures) 12. Approach ladder provision 13. Deviation if any on technical data sheet KREDA As specified 477 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER-VIII DRAWINGS Index Map ELECTRICAL 1. General Layout of Power House 2. Single Line Diagram CIVIL 1. Layout of Power House Building KREDA 478 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT CHAPTER – IX FORMS This section contains a list of following formats for providing various information about the bidder for ascertaining the credentials of the firms and facilitate evaluation of the bid. The tenderer is required to fill in these formats and submit with their tenders without which the tender shall be considered as incomplete. KREDA Form - 1 Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Form - 2 Bank Guarantee for Security Deposit Form - 3 Performance Bank Guarantee Form - 4 Agreement Form Form - 5 Tender Form Form - 6 Pre-qualification Details of Tenderer Form - 7 Declaration Form - 8 Performance for Joint Undertaking Form - 9 General Particulars Form - 10 List of Drawing and Literature Form - 11 Deviations from Conditions of Contract Form - 12 Deviations from Technical Specifications Form - 13 Recommended Spare Parts Form - 14 Recommended Special Tools and Tackles Form - 15 Recommended Test Sets and Testing Instruments Form - 16 Form Form - 17 18 Quoted Guaranteed Delivery/ Project Completions Schedule Details of Proprietor/ Partners etc. Financial Incidence of Technical Deviation 479 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM –1 SPECIMEN FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE (For depositing Earnest Money in case the amount for deposit exceeds Rs. 5000/-) To, The Project Director, Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, LAHDC Kargil, Ladakh, J&K Sir, WHEREAS, Messers ............................................................a Company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act having its registered office at .................................... a firm registered under the Indian Partnership Act and having its business office at……………………................................................................................................................ Sri…………………………………………………..…son of.............…………………………….. resident of........................................................................................ Sri................................son of............................R/o......................................Sri................................son of ............................ R/o.................................. and Sri.........................son of.............................R/o................................. partners carrying on business under the firm’s name and style of Messers...................... at ..................which is registered partnership firm (hereinafter called the ‘Tenderer’) has/have in response to your Tender Notice against specification No....................for ........................., offered to supply and/ or execute the works as contained in the tenderer’s letter No................................. dated ....................... AND WHEREAS the Tenderer is required to furnish to you a Bank Guarantee for the sum of Rs. .......................................... as Earnest Money against the Tenderer’s offer as aforesaid. AND WHEREAS We ................................. (Name of the Bank), have, at request of the Tenderer, agree to give you this guarantee as hereinafter contained. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises we, the undersigned, hereby covenant that the aforesaid tender of the tenderer shall remain open for acceptance by you during the period of validity as mentioned in the tender or any extension thereof as you and the tenderer may subsequently agree and if the tenderer shall, for any reason back out, whether expressly or impliedly, from his said tender during the period of its validity or any extension thereof as a aforesaid we hereby guarantee to you the payment of the sum of Rs............................... on demand notwithstanding the existence of any dispute between the KREDA and the Tenderer in this regard and we hereby further agree as follows :a) KREDA That you may without affecting this guarantee grant time or other indulgence to or negotiate further with the tenderer in regard to the conditions contained in the said tender and thereby 480 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT modify these conditions or add these to any further conditions as may be mutually agreed upon between you and the tenderer. b) That the guarantee herein before contained shall not be affected by any change in the constitution of the tenderer. c) That this guarantee commences from the date thereof and shall remain in force till the tenderer, if his tender is accepted by you, furnishes the security as required under the said specifications and executes a formal agreement as therein provided or till four months after the period of validity or the extended period of validity, as the case may be, of the tender, whichever is earlier. d) That the expressions ‘The Tenderer’ and ‘the Bank’ and ‘KREDA’ herein used shall, unless such and interpretation is repugnant to the subject or context include their respective successors and assigns. e) That any account settled between you and the tenderer shall be conclusive evidence against us of the amount due hereunder and shall not be questioned by us. Yours faithfully KREDA 481 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM -2 FORM OF BANK GUARANTEE FOR SECURITY (For depositing security in case the amount for deposit exceeds Rs. 5000. Bank guarantee should be on a Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100.00 at present.) To, Purchaser In consideration of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, Kargil (hereinafter called ‘The Deptt.’) having agreed to exempt .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..(hereinafter called ‘The Contractor’) from the demand under the terms and conditions of agreement dated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .made between . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .and KREDA, Kargil for . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .hereinafter called the said ‘Agreement’ of security deposit for the due fulfillment by the said contractor(s) of the terms any conditions contained in the said agreement on production of bank guarantee for Rs. . . . . . . . . .. . (Rupees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . only) we . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Bank (Ltd.) (hereinafter referred to as ‘The Bank’) do hereby undertake to pay the Deptt. an amount not exceeding Rs. ……………….. against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the Deptt. by reason of any breach by said contractor(s) of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement. 2. We …………………………………………… Bank (Ltd.) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this guarantee without any demur merely on demand from the Deptt. stating that the amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or suffered by the Deptt. by reason of any breach by the said contractor of any of the terms and conditions contained in the said agreement or by reason of the contractor(s) failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee. However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding of Rs……………………………… 3. We ……………………………………………… Bank (Ltd.) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Deptt. under or by virtue of the said agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or discharged or till the Deptt. or their only authorised officer certifies that the terms and conditions of the said agreement have fully and properly carried out by the said contractor (s) and accordingly discharges the guarantee. 4. We ……………………………………. Bank (Ltd.) further agree with the Deptt. that the Deptt. shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any manner of obligations hereunder to vary any of terms and conditions of the said agreement or to extend time of performance by the said contractor (s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any of the powers exerciseable by the Deptt. against the said contractor(s) and to forbear or KREDA 482 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said Agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or extension (s) being granted to the said contractor or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the Deptt. or any indulgence by the Deptt. to the said contractor(s) or any such matter or thing whatsoever which under the Law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have effect of so relieving us. 5. We ……………………………………… Bank (Ltd.) lastly undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent of the Deptt. in writing. 6. Notwithstanding any thing contained above, the liability of the guarantor hereunder is restricted to said sum of Rs. …………. and this guarantee shall expire on the day ………………………….. of 200 ……… Unless a claim under the guarantee is filed with the guarantor within six months of such date, all claims shall lapse and the guarantor shall be discharged from the guarantee. 7. We ………………………………… (Name of Bank) lastly undertake to pay to the Deptt. any money so demanded not withstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the contractor (s)/supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding, pending before any Court or Tribunal relating to arbitration thereto or liability under this present being absolute and unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for payment thereunder and the contractor (s)/ supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for making such payment. Date ……………… day of ………………………..200 ……………………………………… for ………………………. Bank (Ltd.) KREDA 483 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 3 PROFORMA FOR PERFORMANCE BANK GUARANTEE To, Purchaser THIS DEED OF GUARANTEE MADE ON THE ....................... day of .................20. .............. By the .................................... (hereinafter called ‘the Guarantor’) of the one PART IN FAVOUR OF the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, Kargil (hereinafter called the Purchaser of the other part WHEREAS in accordance with the contract agreement dated the .............. day of .....................20.................(hereinafter called ‘the said Contract) entered in to between the purchaser and Messers ........................................ a company within the meaning of the companies act and having its registered office at ............................................... (hereinafter called ‘the Contractor’) the Contractor agrees to supply, erect, test & commission (strike off which is not applicable) to the Purchaser the .......................... as provided in the said Contract. AND WHEREAS the payment terms under the Contract provide that in order to take 100% payment of the Contract value the contractor shall furnish to the purchaser a Bank Guarantee in the sum of 10% value of each consignment despatched valid for .......................... AND WHEREAS instead of furnishing separate guarantees as aforesaid the Contractor wishes to furnish one guarantee as sum of 10% value of the Contract valid for ........................ and reckoned from the date.............................. Now This Deed Witnesses As Follows 1. In consideration of the promises the Guarantor hereby undertakes that the Contractor shall duly supply, erect, test and commission (strike off which is not applicable) the aforesaid material of the correct quality and strictly in accordance with the said contract failing which the guarantor shall pay to the Purchaser on demand such amount or amounts as the Guarantor may be called upon to pay to the maximum aggregate of Rs. ......................... being 10% of the Contract value. 2. The Guarantor shall pay to the Purchaser on demand the sum under clause 1 above without demur and without requiring the Purchaser to invoke any legal remedy that may be available to it to compel the guarantor to pay the same or to compel such performance by the Contractor. Provided that where the Guarantor considers the demand of the Purchaser unjustified, it shall nevertheless pay the same though under protest to the Purchaser and shall not with-hold payment on that account. KREDA 484 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT 3. This guarantee shall come into force the date hereof and shall remain valid for 12 (Twelve) calendar months from the date of the Commissioning.... of the last consignment of goods despatched which date despatch according to the Contract is the .......................................... day of ............. ......................... if however, the period of the Contract is for any reason extended thereby extending the said date and upon such extension, if the Contractor fails to furnish a fresh or renewed bank guarantee for the extended period, the Guarantor shall pay to the Purchaser the said sum of Rs................................................ or such lesser sum as the Purchaser may demand. 4. The guarantee herein contained shall not be effected by any change in constitution of the Guarantor or of the Contractor. 5. Any account settled between the Contractor and the Purchaser shall be conclusive evidence against the Guarantor of the amount due and shall not be questioned by the Guarantor. 6. The neglect or forbearance of the Purchaser in enforcement of payment of any moneys the payment whereof is intended to be hereby secured or the giving of time by the Purchaser for the payment thereof shall in no way relieve the Guarantor of its liability under this deed. 7. The Purchaser and the Contractor will be at liberty to carry out any modifications in the said Contract during the time of the said contract and any extension thereof, notice of which modifications to the guarantor is hereby waived. 8. The expressions ‘The Purchaser’ and ‘The Guarantor’ and ‘The Contractor’ shall unless there be any thing repugnant to the subject or context include their respective successors and assigns. 9. Notwithstanding anything contained above, the liability of the Guarantor hereunder is restricted to the said sum of Rs................................. and this guarantee shall expire on the ............................ day of ............................... 200 .............unless a claim under the guarantee is filled with the Guarantor within six months of such date, all claims shall lapse and the Guarantor shall be discharged from the guarantee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF For and on behalf of the Guarantor has signed this deed on the day and year first above written. Witness : 1. Signed by (For and on behalf of Guarantor) 2. KREDA 485 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 4 FORM OF AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made on the day of 20___ BETWEEN (hereinafter referred to as “the Contractor”) of the one part AND the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, Kargil (hereinafter called “the purchaser”) of the other part; WHEREAS the purchaser is about to erect and maintain the………………… ……………… (hereinafter called “the works”) and for the purpose requires the plants and machinery mentioned and specified in certain general conditions, specifications, schedules, drawings, form of tender, covering letter and schedule of prices which, for the purpose of identification, have been signed by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . on behalf of the Contractor and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (the Engineer or the Purchaser) on behalf of the Purchaser all of which are deemed to from part of this Contract as though separately set out herein and are included in the expression “Contract” whenever herein used. AND WHEREAS the Purchaser has accepted the tender of the Contractor for the supply and delivery of the said plant and machinery for the sum of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......................................... upon the terms and subject to the conditions hereinafter mentioned. NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESSES and the parties hereto hereby agree and declare as follows, that is to say, in consideration of the payment to be made to the Contractor by the Purchaser as hereinafter mentioned the Contractor shall and will fully provide the said plant and machinery for the said works on the terms and conditions mentioned in the Contract. AND in consideration of the due provisions of the said plant and machinery by the Contractor and due performance of his part of contract, the Purchaser does hereby for himself, his successors or assigns convenant with the Contractor that he, the Purchaser, his successors or assigns will pay to the Contractor the said sum of . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... or such other sum as may be become payable to the Contractor under the provision of the Contract, such payments to be made at such time and in such manner as is provided by this contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have signed this Deed hereunder on the dates respectively mentioned against the signatures of each. Signed (for and on behalf of the Purchaser) (date) in the presence of KREDA Signed (Contractor) (date) in the presence of 486 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM – 5 TENDER FORM Tender specification No. …………. From: To ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sir, With reference to your tender notice for the above I/We hereby offer to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, the items in the schedule of prices and delivery annexed in strict accordance with the annexed General Conditions of Contract special conditions, technical specifications and schedules of Rates, to the satisfaction of the purchaser and in default there of, agree to fore-fieture of earnest money by Department. The supply rates quoted are on landed at site basis and quoted erection and commissioning rates are inclusive prorata and in full satisfaction of all claims till the handing over of the completed project in operating condition to the purchaser. I/We agree to abide by this tender for the period of 90 days from the fixed date/ extended date for opening of the same. A sum of Rs. -------------/- (Rupees-----------------------------only) in the form of Demand Draft/ Bank Guarantee, duly pledged in favour of Director, Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, is enclosed with offer as earnest money. I/We hereby undertake and agree to execute a contract in accordance with the conditions of the contract. Encl: As above Yours faithfully Date: ---------Day of ------------2011 Witness (Signature of the Tenderer in Full ) (Name and signature) Name Address Occupation Seal KREDA 487 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 6 PRE-QUALIFICATION DETAILS OF THE TENDERER Tender specification No. ---------------------1. Technical : 2. Organization details, Technical manpower, Semiskilled manpower, Equipments with date of manufacturing & present cost Financial : Balance sheet for last three year, Net worth of company, Certificate from Banker showing their capability to execute the project. 3. 4. Experience Testing Facilities Sl. No. Name of tests 1 2 f) g) 5. Details of testing Equipment 3 Range upto which test can be performed 4 Place of testing 5 Routine b. c. Acceptance a. b. c. Type a. b. c. Type Testing of Products It is required that a Xerox copy of complete type test report of the products are enclosed with tender document failing which it will be presumed that the product is not yet tested. NOTE 1. KREDA In case facility of test is not available at works, place where such tests would be carried out, be specified. 488 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT The tenderer is required to give the details of Testing facilities available in works against column 2. He is to essentially mention the name of test and give corresponding detail of testing equipment in column 3. NOTE 2: Date KREDA Type test should have been carried out only within five years from the date of tender opening from any of the Laboratories/Test houses. Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal 489 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Form 6A List of Technical Manpower S. Name Qualificatin No. Descipline Designation Experience Experiee with company Project handled Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal KREDA 490 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Form 6B List of Semi skilled Persons S. Name Qualificatin No. Descipline Designation Experience Experiee with company Project holded Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal KREDA 491 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Form 6C List of Equiupments S. Name of Brand Date of No. equipments Manufacture Cost of equipment Prersent Cost of equipment Capacity and Utility of Equipments Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal KREDA 492 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Form 6D Financial Details S. Name of Work Completed in the No. the project financial year Completion % FY Detail of Detail of Name, Designation total payment dispute Phone no. of Recived if any person to be contacted in the organization completion Certificate to be attached Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal KREDA 493 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Form 6E Financial TurnOver S. No. Financial Year Total turnover Net project Tax paid Details of bad recoveries if any Attached balance sheet for last three years along with income tax returen. Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal KREDA 494 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT Form 6F Experience S. No. Name of project executed Nature of work Completion report (attached a certificate) Details of disputs if any Name, Designation and Phone no. of person to be contacted from contractee organization Signature of contractor Name Designation Company seal KREDA 495 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 7 DECLARATION ( To be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/ - with a revenue stamp of Rs. 1/- affixed) ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------Name of Tenderer……………………………….. Specification No. and date of opening :- ----------------------------”. In consideration of the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K having treated the Tenderer to be an eligible person whose tender may be considered, the Tenderer agrees to the condition that the proposal in response to the above invitation shall not be withdrawn within 120 days (or any extension thereof) from the date of opening of the tender; also to the condition that if hereafter the Tenderer does withdraw his proposal within the said period, the Earnest Money deposited by him may be forfeited to the Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K and at the discretion of the purchaser, the purchaser may debar the Tenderer from tendering for a minimum period of one year reckoned from the date of opening of the tender. Signed this day of Place Signed by State title (Whether Proprietor/Partner) Witness: Name of the firm Signature Address of the firm Name Seal of the firm Address KREDA 496 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 8 PROFORMA FOR JOINT UNDERTAKING By The Sole Tenderer/ Consortium Leader / Members Of The Consortium / Associates ( To be stamped in accordance with Jammu & Kashmir State Act.) To ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Dear Sir, (In Terms of “Instruction to tenderers” in the specification no. -----------------------for the design manufacture, testing, delivery, erection and commissioning (as specified) of two nos. 750 kW generating sets, and other associated equipments on Turnkey basis, it is a condition that the tenderer as well as their collaborator/ associate shall jointly and severally undertake the responsibility for the successful performance of the contract (herein after referred to as Contract) which is qualified for the award on the basis of the expertise of collaborator/associate. We ----------------------------------------------- having our registered office at (herein after referred to as a collaborator/ associate) which in turn shall include our successor, administrator and assign and we -------------------------------------------- having our registered office at -------------------------------------------- (herein after called as tenderer or contractor) are held jointly and severally liable and Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K (herein after referred to as purchaser) which expression shall include its successor administrator and assigns, for the successful performance of the contract, including the overall responsibility for the design, manufacture, rating, delivery performance etc. of “Tender for turnkey design, manufacture, supply, erection, commissioning and running of generating plant for KHANDI Power Station and Associated equipment/works” in accordance with the contract. The contractor/ associate hereby agrees to depute their technical experts from time to time on contractor’s works/ Project site as mutually agreed upon between the purchaser and the contractor in order to discharge the contractor’s obligations as stipulated in the contract. The tenderer and the collaborator/ associate hereby agrees that this undertaking shall be irrevocable and it shall form an integral part of the contract. In witness there of the collaborator / associate and the tenderer have through their authorized representative set their hands and seal on this day of …………………2011. Witness Collaborator/Associate Signature (Official Address) Witness (Official Address) KREDA Name Designation Seal Tenderer Signature Name Designation Seal 497 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 9 GENERAL PARTICULARS Tender Specification No. ----------------------- 1. Sl No. Name of sole Tenderer/Consortium leader/ members of the consortium/associates Name & type of the firm Regd. Office Head office Local Representative Authorized officer Address Phone No. Fax No. Address Phone No./ Fax No. Address Phone No./ Fax No. Address Phone No./ Fax No. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 (i) (ii) (iii) 2 2 Place from where service facility and spares are available (give full address) Whether the tenderer is sole proprietor/ partner-ship concern/Pvt. Ltd. Company/Public Under taking Name of foreign collaborator, if any Whether the design are their own or obtained from other sources. If from other sources, the same may be indicated. Name and address of sub-supplier, indicating equipment’s, components or parts to be supplied by each. The name , designations, qualification & experience of Engineers employed by the tenderer in design, development and manufacturing the quoted item/ equipment and project site engineers/ incharge. Authorized capital of the company. Total annual turnover of the firm during last five financial years 2006-2007 2007-2008 2008-2009 2009-2010 20010-2011 State the name and designation of your relative (s) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 KREDA 498 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 if any, working in Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, Kargil, J&K, Kargil Security deposit in terms of clause is to be deposited within 30 days of placement of order. Whether or not willing to deposit. If no, state reasons. Whether certificates of satisfactory performance of offered equipment enclosed or not. If yes, give the designation of the officer issuing certificate and the quantity to which it refers. Whether landed at site prices and erection prices quoted or not Whether the quoted prices are also applicable for any increased/ reduced quantity order. Terms of payment as mentioned in relevant clause are acceptable or not. Give trade Tax/ Sales Tax Registration No. (i) Central (ii) State Income Tax clearance certificate of current and the preceding year enclosed or not. Whether the Tenderer is agreeable to supply the equipment in case of the deviations stipulated by him are not acceptable to the purchaser. Give two references (Name , Designation and complete postal address) who can certify financial status and capability to under –take such turnkey project orders .References should be from authorized officials of any scheduled nationalized bank/ financial institutions/ credit rating agency in India. Have you offered any discount and if so, then details of rebate / discount TENDER DOCUMENT Enclosed/ not – enclosed Yes/ No. Yes/No. Yes/No. Yes/ No. Yes/ no. Seal of company Signature Name Designation Date KREDA 499 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM- 10 LIST OF DRAWINGS AND LITERATURE ENCLOSED WITH THE TENDER Tender Specification No.------------------------------ Sl No. 1 Drawing/ Literature No. 2 Titles 3 a) b) c) Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date KREDA 500 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 11 DEVIATION FROM “CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT” Tender Specification No. --------------------- (All deviations from the “Conditions of Contract” shall be filled in clause by clause, in this form. Compliance with the Specifications will be taken as granted if the deviations are not specifically mentioned in this form. In case there are no deviation(s) “NIL” information should be furnished. In case the tenderer is required to agree to the standard clause then he may indicate the amount in Tender bid by which the tender price will thereby be increased or decreased.) Sl. No. Page No. 1 2 Clause No. & stipulation in Deptt. Specification 3 Deviation 4 The Tenderer hereby certifies that the above mentioned are the only deviations from the General Requirement of Specification. Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date KREDA 501 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 12 DEVIATION FROM “TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS” Tender Specification No. ----------------------- (All deviations from the “Technical Specifications” shall be filled in clause by clause, in this form. Compliance with the Specifications will be taken as granted if the deviation are not specifically mentioned in this form. In case there are no deviation(s) “NIL” information should be furnished. In case the tenderer is required to agree to the standard clause then he may indicate the amount in Tender bid by which the tender price will there by be increased or decreased.) Sl. No. Page No. 1 2 Clause No. & stipulation in Deptt. specification 3 Deviation 4 The Tenderer hereby certified that the above mentioned are the only deviations form the “Technical Specifications”. Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date KREDA 502 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 13 LIST OF RECOMMENDED SPARE PARTS Tender Specification No. ----------------------- (Tenderer shall give below a list of recommended spares other than mandatory spares for 5 years trouble free operation of equipment offered by them). Sl No. Catalogue No. 1 2 Name of the Component 3 Recommenced Qty. in Nos 4 Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date NOTE: I. KREDA Please write “ NOT APPLICABLE” where the schedule is not relevant. 503 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 14 LIST OF RECOMMENDED SPECIAL TOOLS AND TACKLES Tender Specification No. --------------------------------- (Tender shall give below a list of recommended special tools and tackles required for erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance of equipment offered by him). Sl No. Particular 1 2 Recommenced Qty. in Nos per / unit 3 The tenderer hereby certifies that the above are the only special tools and tackles for required erection, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment’s offered by him. Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date NOTE: Please write “NOT APPLICABLE” where the schedule is not relevant. KREDA 504 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 15 LIST OF RECOMMENDED TEST SETS AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS Tender Specification No. ------------------------- (Tenderer shall give below a list of recommended test sets and testing instruments required for erection, commissioning, operation and maintenance). Sl No. 1 Particular 2 Quantity 3 The tenderer hereby certifies that the above are the only test sets and testing instruments required for required erection, commissioning and maintenance of the equipment’s offered by him. These instruments shall be brought by the Contractor on returnable basis (after commissioning) without extra cost. Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date NOTE: Please write “NOT APPLICABLE” where the schedule is not relevant. KREDA 505 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 16 SCHEDULE OF QUOTED GUARANTEED DELIVERY/PROJECT COMPLETION SCHEDULE Tender Specification No. ----------------------- (Guaranteed DELIVERY/PROJECT COMPLETION SCHEDULE will be reckoned from the date of issue of letters of intent or date of signing of detailed order as the case may be.) (“Please indicate activity wise bar chart with date of start & finish of each activity of the project with submission/approval of drawings/ data, delivery, erection & commissioning, preliminary acceptance tests and final acceptance test/ handing over of the complete project in operating conditions” etc.). Seal of the Company Signature Name Designation Date KREDA 506 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 17 STATEMENT GIVING DETAILS OF PROPRIETOR/ PARTNER OR DIRECTOR/ EXECUTIVES/ PRESIDENT/ SECRETARY OF TENDERING FIRM Tender Specification No. -------------------- Tender invited by: The Project Director, Kargil Renewable Energy Development Agency, LAHDC Kargil, Ladakh, J&K Specification No: Sl No. Full Name Designation 1 2 3 Full address Permanent Official home address 4 i. FOR PERSONS SIGNING TENDERS 1 2 3 ii. PROPRIETOR 1 2 3 iii. PARTNERS 5 Telephone No. Full specimen signatures Relations hip with firm’s proprietor 6 7 8 1 2 3 iv. DIRECTORS 1 2 3 v. EXECUTIVES 1 KREDA 507 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP vi. TENDER DOCUMENT 2 3 PRESIDENT /SECRETARY (AS THE CASE MAY BE) 1 2 NOTE: In each case the person who has signed the tender documents must enclose the attested photo copy of power of Attorney for signing the tender. Seal of the Signature of tenderer Name of tenderer Designation Address KREDA 508 (2 x 750 KW) KHANDI MHP TENDER DOCUMENT FORM - 18 Financial Incidence of Technical Deviation if any The contractor would clearly spell out financial implications of acceptance of deviations as indicated by him in forms of this section. Date: Place: Signature of Bidder Designation Company seal KREDA 509