Wal-Mart – The High Cost of Low Price

Wal-Mart – The High Cost of Low Price
Study Guide
name ______________
Before viewing:
1) Are low prices always a good thing?(yes or no)
2) Is Wal-Mart a good thing for America? Why or why not?
3) What is your first impression of Wal-Mart?
During or after viewing:
In a few words, describe the Wal-Mart philosophy.
2. What town does the documentary start off in?
3. How is Wal-Mart driving down the retail wages in America?
4. Write down the name of the family in the town that owned the store put out of
5. What kind of business did they own?
6. How much does Wal-Mart drive down wages in America each year?
7. Does Wal-Mart require their employees to join a union?
8. Does Wal-Mart offer their employees health benefits?
9. Who started Wal-Mart?
10. Where was the first Wal-Mart store?
11. Is Wal-Mart encouraging employees to use government programs rather than give
employees better treatment ?
12. Does Wal-Mart use ‘profiling’?
13. How much vacation do Wal-Mart employees have in Germany?
14. Do more for _________________!!! (Wal-Mart phrase)
15. Does Wal-Mart use illegal immigrants after hours?(yes or no)
16. Is Wal-Marts practice of having people work off the clock so they don’t have to pay
overtime ?(yes or no)
17. Are women promoted fairly at Wal-Mart?
18. Does Wal-Mart practice safe environmental practices in their storage of fertilizers,
19. Do you think the strategies that Wal-Mart is using are fair? (yes or no)
20. Who gains the most from Wal-Mart's price policies?
21. Who has benefited from Wal-Mart? In what ways?
22. Who has not benefited from Wal-Mart? In what ways?
After Day One viewing:
name __________________
Answer the following questions in complete sentences, using proper grammar and spelling.
Describe how Wal-Mart comes into a community and builds a new store.
Include as much detail as you can remember from the documentary.
2. If Wal-Mart is aware that its employees are talking about union activities,
what procedures does the corporate Wal-Mart take to act upon this
knowledge? Tell me from beginning to end.
3. Why don’t the Wal-Mart employees in Germany understand the plight of the
employees in the United States?
4. How does Wal-Mart management feel about women? Give several examples
from the documentary.
5. What do Wal-Mart employees do about health insurance? What did Sam
Walton believe about employee health care? Why do you think the WalMart philosophy has changed?
6. What impact has Wal-Mart had on the desolation of downtown shopping in
Wal-Mart is not the only reason for the decline in wages and personal
income among working people in America. What other factors do you believe
have effected the decline in wages in America?
After Day Two
Name _________________________
Answer the following questions in complete sentences, using proper grammar and spelling.
In Charlotte, NC, the Wal-Mart was taken to court over environmental issues. What
happened at the store? Why do you think Wal-Mart tried to ignore the problem?
Finally, how did they solve the problem?
2. Describe the working conditions for Wal-Mart employees in China, giving at least
three examples. If you could recommend an improvement in China, what would you
tell the corporate leaders at Wal-Mart?
3. What is your reaction to the statistics regarding salaries and personal donations to
charities of the Walton and Wal-Mart family? Should the Waltons be required to
spend money to improve their employees living standards?
4. Imagine a Super Wal-Mart is considering moving into your town (a half mile from
your home). How do you feel about that? Write a letter to the editor of a
ficticious newspaper either supporting the decision of the town to welcome WalMart or recommending that the town reject the plans for a future Wal-Mart.
Include at least three specific reasons with detailed information to support your