Spelling Task Cards - MargD Teaching Posters

Write your words in alphabetical
order from A-Z then from Z-A.
ape, giraffe, snake, zebra
zebra, snake, giraffe, ape
Use a keyboard or keyboard card to
type your words. Time yourself and
see if you can get faster. Don’t
forget to check if you’re spelling
them correctly.
Write each spelling word twice.
Underline each vowel and circle
each consonant.
eleven e l e v e n
Write each word in lowercase and
capital letters.
eleven ELEVEN
Write each spelling word.
each word a point value by adding 2
points for each vowel and 3 points
for each consonant.
b e s i d e
Use the small whiteboards and
chinagraph pencils to write your
words. Go up, down, diagonally.
Write your words twice
printed and joined writing.
Write each word in a sentence
which also includes the name of a
fairytale character or superhero.
Use the magnetic letters to make
your words on the filing cabinet.
Check to see if you’ve done it
Use a scrabble set to make your
words on the board. Try different
combinations in various places on the
board to make as many points as you