Baseline Project Plan Report

Project Plan Report
Project Name: Book World (BW) Processing System
Project Manager:
Project Overview
The BW processing system will enable employees at BW to process sales orders efficiently, to track
inventory more effectively, and to serve customers better when they make a purchase. This application
will be built in Oracle and APEX and this selection was made after evaluating three alternatives.
The development will be done by SAD (Systems Analysis and Design, Inc.) The technical feasibility
assessment found that SAD has the experience to handle this project and economic feasibility
assessment favored doing this project due to an estimated return on investment of 18% over three years.
From a legal standpoint, proper licenses will be maintained for the software and data will be password
protected. The organizational feasibility assessment found good support for Book World’s goal of better
service to customers.
Alternatives and Selection
There are alternatives considered for the Book World application. One alternative was to keep the
current method of processing orders. Another alternative was to build an application using Microsoft
Access because the software is reasonably priced. The third alternative was to have an application built
by SAD using Oracle APEX with an Oracle database. After weighing tangible and intangible costs and
benefits, the third alternative was chosen because the Oracle platform is more suitable for multiple users
on the database simultaneously and for development and expansion will be easier to do. The
construction of a database and order processing application has been approved by the customer, as
outlined in the Project Charter.
Feasibility Assessment
A. Technical
 Familiarity with Application - This project is similar to five other projects the SAD development
team has completed for small commercial businesses. SAD has successfully used RAD to
provide basic functionality for end-users, then incorporated additional features during each
iteration of the development process.
Familiarity with Application - The application will be built with APEX based on an Oracle
database, which SAD analysts/programmers have extensive experience with. The employees at
BW have virtually no experience using databases or an automated order processing system but
all are comfortable with using PCs. Training should be sufficient to overcome their inexperience.
Product Size - Project size is relatively small. There is only one BW store at this time. Future
expansion is planned but will not affect this project, though business expansion may lead to
subsequent projects.
B. Economic - A return on investment of 18% is estimated for this project. Details about benefits and
costs are listed below.
Tangible benefits include:
 Faster order processing is expected to increase orders by 5% per month (approximately $1,250
 Database-based inventory management is expected to improve inventory management—
estimated savings of $7,500 annually.
 Reduce staffing by one part-time employee--$833 per month.
 Intangible benefits are:
Oracle APEX Tutorial – Book World © by Jennifer Kreie, New Mexico State University
o Increase quality of service to customers.
o Help employees be more efficient.
o Increase customer satisfaction with BW.
Complete cost-benefit analysis is provided in a spreadsheet.
Tangible costs include:
 Development costs will $15,500 for 4 networked PCs and software, $12,000 for user manuals,
videos and training, and $18,500 for application development and implementation done by SAD.
 Annual operating costs of $3,000 to SAD for technical support and $7,000 for hardware and
software replacement and upgrades.
Tangible benefits include costs savings and revenues:
 It is estimated that the annual increase in orders will be $15,000.
 There will be an annual savings of $10,000 in payroll and $7,500 due to better inventory
C. Legal and contractual – The computer where the database resides is password protected and only
authorized users can access the database. Software licenses will be properly maintained. The
proposed system does not present any legal or contractual issues.
D. Operational – The proposed system will streamline the order process, provide better management of
inventory, and help keep employee and customer information up-to-date. The proposed system
directly supports BW’s business goals to increase revenue and provide better customer service. BW
employees are enthusiastic about automating some of the work they do at BW. Steve Haskins
believes this project is essential to BW’s success. He also see the possibility of expanding to other
E. Schedules, Timeline, Resources –
 An MS project file and Gantt chart detail the activities and timeline for this project.
 BW has allocated $50,000 for the processing system. This amount must cover the development
costs, as well as hardware, data conversion, and training.
 The project team has agreed on a project timeline. Tasks will be completed on time.
 Team members will follow standard procedures for reporting progress, documenting work, and
communicating with other members.
 The project manager will be the contact person for the BW customer.
 The system should be operational by _________________.
Project Management Conventions and Standards
 The development team will consist of 4 people—the project manager is assigned full-time and
other team members are assigned half-time. The project manager will maintain the project
repository for all project artifacts.
 Team members will used their business email when communicating about the project and will
respond within 24 hours during the work week. There will be a weekly meeting to report
progress, identify problems and assign tasks. This meeting will be on Tuesday mornings, unless
notified otherwise.
 All documents will be created using MS Word, Excel, Project, Oracle SQL Developer, or Oracle
Data Modeler.
Project Deliverables (Checked items (√) are within this project scope. Other items are for
documentation and possible future development).
Oracle APEX Tutorial – Book World © by Jennifer Kreie, New Mexico State University
The features/functions listed below have been reviewed by Steven Haskins. He has agreed that the
items preceded by a checkmark are within the scope of the current project. Items preceded by a dot are
features that will be added in a future project.
Input functions:
Capture inventory data. (Capture = form)
Capture new member data from membership application form.
Capture sales order transaction data (including employee number, member number & inventory
Set sales order date to current date automatically.
Set sales order status as “open” (the default), “closed” or “cancelled.” LOV (default Open)
Track membership information (whether a customer is a member or not).
Processing functions:
 Assign a membership number automatically to a new member.
 Assign an order number and date automatically to each order.
 Display member’s first and last name in sales order form.
 Display the name of the employee who processed the order, unless the customer made the order
without assistance.
 When processing an order, be able to open that customer’s record.
 Cancel a sales order transaction if for some reason it cannot be processed.
 Change the order status from “Open” to “Closed” when the order is completely processed.
 Update inventory when items are removed from stock on hand or added to current stock levels.
Output functions:
Listing of all customers and their sales orders, if any. (Listing = Report)
Listing of inventory with the ability to sort and group by category or by status.
List of inventory items with a stock level below reorder point.
Listing of customers, with the ability to group by member status.
Listing of employees.
Listing of sales orders, with the ability to group by order status.
Storage functions:
 Sales order data.
 Customer data.
 Inventory data.
 Employee data.
Control functions:
 Verify sales order inventory data.
 Verify membership/customer data.
Oracle APEX Tutorial – Book World © by Jennifer Kreie, New Mexico State University
Oracle APEX Tutorial – Book World © by Jennifer Kreie, New Mexico State University