Cadence Setups

Instructions for All Cadence Labs
1) Cadence tools run only on Unix. From a windows workstation, you must open a
shell client (e.g. SSH from SSH Communications Security Corp.) and run an Xwindows display emulator (e.g. X-Win32 from StarNet or eXceed from Hummingbird).
Set your display resolution to 1280 x 1024. If you are having display problems ( 8-bit
pseudocolor, or any X-window display problem which prevents the Cadence tools from
starting) please notify the folks in CSG.
2) Make sure you have a clean .cshrc before starting the Cadence tools. Slight
changes in the Unix environment can have frustrating effects on tools of this complexity.
I recommend you back up your existing .cshrc, and copy the one I have modified.
This is the standard .cshrc which CSG provided for me in August, but with an “alias”
definition instead of the Cadence setups. The new alias ‘cds’, will call a script to
perform all Cadence setups.
... > cd
macquigg@shelltoe:~> mv .cshrc .cshrc_bak
macquigg@shelltoe:~> cp ~edatools/.cshrc .
Open a new shell to use the new .cshrc
3) To set your environment for running Cadence tools, just type the alias ‘cds’. This
will show you a list of cds aliases defined in the script, and the current path settings for
the default alias. You can switch from one toolset to another by just typing the alias. For
this class, just leave the default settings (alias ‘cds446’).
macquigg@shelltoe:~> cds
... list of aliases ...
... current path settings ...
Note: If you want your own custom setup script, you can copy
~edatools/setups/scripts/setupCDS.csh to your home directory and make
changes to your own copy. Be sure to change the definition of ‘cds’ in your .cshrc
or it will still call the original.
4) Make your own copy of each lab directory. e.g.
macquigg@ece3:~/EDAlabs> cp -r ~edatools/labs/lab1 .
5) Instructions for each lab are in the README.doc files. View these files by opening
them in Word (from your “Z” drive). Other formats (.htm and .txt) may be in the lab
folders also.
6) The setups and initializations specific to each lab will all be contained within the
directory for that lab. If you start the tools from the lab directory, these “project level”
setups will run automatically.
DMQ 5/4/04