The use of Interactive Computer Simulations with regard to access to Education – a social justice issue. Kaheru SJM1, Mpeta M1, Kriek J2 1 University of Venda 2University of South Africa;; 1 The use of Interactive Computer Simulations with regard to access to Education – a social justice issue. Abstract This paper focuses on the use of interactive computer simulations as a way of making education accessible to everyone. Interactive Computer simulations are used to reduce the mental effort used in learning skills and knowledge. Data was collected from Grade 11 learners in physical sciences. The topic of study was geometrical optics. Learners using teacher-centred talk and chalk are compared with those using interactive computer simulations in a teacher-centred environment. The results show a large effect size of 0.84 for knowledge and 0.48 for skills in favour of the use of interactive computer simulations. These results are significant when using the t-test for the comparison of means at p = 0.05. It is on this backdrop that the paper argues that interactive computer interactions should be used to increase the three elements of inclusion, relevance and democratic using the capability social justice theories as expounded by Tikly and Barrett (2011) Keywords: Interactive computer simulations, virtual learning, social justice, science education, physics education and teaching and learning. Introduction Improvements to education access characterise the South African democratic dispensation as one of the means to bring about social transformation in the country. In the context of developing countries, information and communication technology (ICT) has the potential and capacity to overcome barriers such as equity and redress (Department of Education, 2003). Technology, therefore, can be used to strengthen 2 student learning and enhance pedagogy (Dede, 2000) and also be used effectively as a cognitive tool for teaching and learning in the classroom (Bruce & Levin, 2001; Bransford, Brown, & Cocking, 2000). As South Africa is in process of social transformation, ICT can be used to bring about that change. This is reflected in the vision outlined in the Action Plan for Schools for 2015, “[c]omputers in the school are an important medium through which teachers and learners access information” (Department of Basic Education, 2010, p.12). This paper investigates the use of Interactive Computer Simulations (ICS) with regard to education access. The paper will argue that access to education is a social justice issue, and that ICS can provide the means to strengthen student learning. Background for the study With the onset of democracy in 1994 and an African National Congress (ANC) led government, South Africa was faced with the main task of social transformation in the country. “A number of policies have been implemented and legislation promulgated to create a framework for transformation in education and training” (Department of Basic Education, 2010). A number of legislations have had that focus, for example the 1996 Constitution of South Africa which ‘requires education to be transformed and democratised in accordance with the values of human dignity, equality, human rights and freedom, non-racism and non-sexism’ (Department of Basic Education, 2010) and pledges to “heal the divisions of the past and establish a society based on democratic values, social justice and fundamental human rights” (RSA, 1996, p. 3). Thus the transformation process was set up to redress imbalances of the past, among which was to provide equality in terms of providing quality education. The South African Schools Act is also drafted to promote access, quality and democratic governance in the schooling system. 3 The Education Policy Consortium (EPC) which has been involved in a five-year Research Programme on Democracy, Human Rights and Social Justice in Education in South Africa recognises the importance of research to inform policy (Malcolm et al, 2008). In 2010, Social Surveys Africa prepared a submission to the Portfolio Committee on Basic Education on the issue of access to education in South Africa. Some of the major findings indicated that while there were increased opportunities to attend school, and high attendance in grades 1-9, the system was still characterized by high drop-out rates and school delays which affected enrolment at Further Education and Training level and hence completion rates in Grade 12. One of the policy implications in this submission is the need for improved education quality (Russell, Meny-Gibert, & Parenzee, 2009) Furthermore, a Report of the Task Team for the Review of the Implementation of the National Curriculum Statement (DoE, 2009) highlights the poor training of South African teachers, therefore, as outlined in the Strategic Plan 2010-2013, the ‘number one goal’ is the ‘improvement of teaching and learning quality’ in the basic education system. In order to improve the teaching and learning quality in basic education, an exploratory study was done with grade 11 learners to determine if the use of interactive simulations will indeed improve their learning and give access to quality teaching to address social injustice. Literature review Review of social justice theory illustrates the usefulness of this theory in determining the extent of participation by all, in our case, education. Participation in education is only possible when one has access to it. Furthermore, expanding education 4 opportunities to provide the majority’s access to it should go hand in hand with quality education. This paper does not attempt to define quality education but the study investigated performance of learners in physical science as a result of using ICS. The cognitive load theory was used to reveal what leads to long term memory of skills and knowledge. The skills and knowledge going to the long term memory depend on the load which the learner experiences and as a result it is important to use the limited memory resources judiciously. The use of ICS was reviewed in relation to its effect on learning outcomes, such as performance in a test. This paper argues that use of ICS enhances performance by reducing learning burden. ICS can then be seen as providing access to quality education by making learning less of a burden. The conclusion therefore, is that if ICS are used and reach all learners, social justice can be promoted. Social justice Social justice has multiple definitions depending on the context and perspective from which it is looked at. While acknowledging this diversity in definition, we regard social justice in education as means of offering learners and teachers [and all stakeholders in schools] opportunities to recognise and begin to redress societal oppression and marginalization by providing quality education in order to offset effects of segregation and close the social divide (Garii & Rule, 2009, p. 490). Quality education should be provided equitably to all learners irrespective of their socio-economic status, gender, age, political affiliation, race, religion, and any factor that separates individuals or groups of people. This paper reviews an approach to social justice adopted by Tikly and Barrett (2011) which sets out a theoretical framework based on the work of Nancy Fraser and 5 others on global justice. Setting out their understanding in relation to education quality, Tikly and Barrett discuss the social justice issue from both the human capital and rights perspectives. They state that a social justice perspective can help to refocus attention on the nature of a good quality education and of the importance of public debate at all levels in defining a good quality education and how it can be evaluated (Tikly & Barrett, 2011, p. 4). Citing Subrahmanian (2002) and Unterhalter, (2007) they show that human rights approach to education quality is interested in the role of education in securing rights to education, rights in education and rights through education, thereby, human rights discourses have implications for education quality. To this they add that the human rights approach further promotes teaching and learning strategies broadly identified as learner-centred and democratic. This approach gives rise to three inter-related dimensions, that is, those of inclusion, relevance and democracy (Tikly & Barrett, 2011). Using UNICEF’s model, these writers link the ‘child-centred’ principle to child-centred processes of teaching and learning in which children are active agents, hence, the models of good quality education within the rights-based approach have enabled the understanding of issues relating to inclusion, relevance and democracy. Expansion of education access often spells quantity in education but “schools exist in specific socio-cultural contexts and hence, quality education must be responsive to the lived realities of learners and educators in those contexts” (Tikly & Barrett, 2011, p.6). The challenge remains in trying to define the what, who and how of education quality, that is not only what “different capabilities might look like at different levels but also how they can be measured and how the success of education systems in developing these capabilities can be evaluated”. This study is adding its voice to the debate by looking at the capability of ICT, specifically ICS to 6 improve education quality by promoting access to learning. Use of ICS is in science, more specifically in geometrical optics could indicate the potential for both ICT and science to be tools for societal change. Unlike in the past apartheid government when “there was a policy of exclusion from science education for black learners” (James & Wilson, 2002), science is now taught in all the schools in South Africa with the aim of promoting scientific literacy (Department of Education, 2002). However, South African learners’ performance in science has been poor as indicated in international competitions like Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS). In South Africa some of the factors affecting performance in science have been identified as low socio-economic status, lack of resources in schools, and insufficient English language skills (Howie, 2002). ICS can in such a context, provide access to learning science where resources such as scientific equipment and laboratories are lacking, as well as for learners with low socio-economic status. With increased access to all learners, one form of social injustice is redressed. The use of interactive computer simulations Interactive simulations is a two way interaction between the learners and a response displayed by the computer by means of images that are not static but are able to move and also respond to the mouse or key board movements (Aravind & Heard, 2010). Esquembre (2002) discusses five ways of using technology as: (a) tools for the acquisition and manipulation of data; (b) means of accessing Multimedia software; (c) micro-worlds and simulations (d) modelling tools; and finally (e) telematics and internet tools. The whole world is linked by communication and internet and many resources are available in real time. These can be accessed in real time and also 7 link up the professionals with the novices in real space and time. Learners or novices can get world class data from the actual scientists who are producing it. Some institutions of higher learning are involved in this where their lectures and academic activities are disseminated in real time to a global audience where there is a network (Barron, Doody, Cassucio, & Henderson, 2004; Nedic, Machotka, & Nafalski, 2003). ICT, or specifically simulations, has been used to avoid the high drop-out rate of first year students in Physics in tertiary education institutions. For example, in a Spanish university in Madrid, it is asserted that the “interest of students in computer applications has been used to improve their chances of success in their studies” (Martinez, Carbonell, Florez, & Amaya, 2008, p. 2). The report notes that the use of these simulations has helped to increase students’ success and reduced their dropout rate as Martinez et al (2008) report. Improvements have also been found in a study at the University of Colorado (Finkelstein & Pollock, 2008) This confirms the point we are making that engaging the learners actively leads to their better performance. Research questions This paper argues that the use of ICS enhances learner’s performance by reducing the learning burden. In this regard, ICS should be considered as a social justice tool since it has the potential of reducing the learning burden while increasing actual learning. The main research question therefore is: Is the effect of Interactive computer simulations (ICS) on learning significant? 8 In order to answer the main research question, the following sub question has been formulated: To what extent will the use of interactive computer simulations affect learners’ answers to items in a test of skills of describing relationships between variables in geometrical optics in physical sciences in grade 11? Theoretical Framework This paper considers three theories for the theoretical framework, two theories from ICT and media while the third is from social justice. The theoretical framework in Figure 1 is based on Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory (Paas, Renkl, & Sweller, 2003) and Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning (Mayer & Chandler, 2001; Stull & Mayer, 2007) as well as an approach to social justice adopted by Tikly and Barrett (2011) where the two views of human rights and human capital are looked at. This approach is based on the social justice perspective for quality education focussing on three aspects: inclusion, relevance and democratic. 9 The theoretical framework as noted uses Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning and Tikly and Garrett’s Social Justice perspective for quality education and this is represented in the diagram below Interactive computer simulations Extraneous load Intrinsic load Germane load Achievement Skills Inclusion Skills Relevance Achievement Democratic Quality education Figure 1: Theoretical Framework of Interactive Computer Simulations for Social Justice 10 In the model drawn in Figure 1, Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory and Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning form the top part in the dashed circle of the theoretical framework. When learners are introduced to new learning, their working memory resources are limited and as a result they use the limited working memory to learn the available information. Whether they process the information, according to the Sweller’s Cognitive Load Theory will depend on the interplay between the teaching strategies or instructional method and the nature of the interplay will determine how much germane memory is available in the working memory for learners to use to work on what they are learning. If the learners spend a lot of memory on the teaching strategy and less on germane they will process less, form fewer schemas which will not lead to deep understanding. This means more working memory resources have been expended on extraneous memory and hence less on the germane memory. The more the working memory is available for germane processing, the more the chances learners will form schemas which will lead to the schema going to long term memory which has unlimited capacity. Mayer’s Cognitive Multimedia theory of learning has three main important points in its theoretical framework. The two channels of visual and audio in which information comes in are two separate and independent entities and they are limited in terms of what information they can hold (or contain). If the instructional method, directs this visual and / or auditory channels in such a way that they lead to the germane load, so much the better. A concern would be if most of what is to be learnt is used up by the instructional method then little learning takes place. Also, care should be taken that there is no overload of the two channels, since if an overload occurs then only a certain small part of information presented will be taken in to the germane part of the working memory. Active processing of the information is done by germane and this 11 helps to form schemas, if learners are in a position to interact with the instructional material then they are actually learning. It is posited that if it is easy for knowledge and skills to go to the long term memory, then ICS will increase INCLUSION of many learners and lead to quality education. With the increased access, and possibly relevance as a result of ICS making it concrete for the learners, one can argue that relevance is also enabled. The sheer numbers of learners being able to access and understand what they are being taught would lead to a real democratic access so that learners are not just being coerced into participation in activities they do not know. ICS can be looked at as an enabler for quality education as it is inclusive of three capabilities, inclusion, relevance and democratic all components of social justice. Methodology Population The population of the research is the Grade 11 learners of physical science in Vhembe district in Limpopo Province. Sample and sampling A purposive sample was drawn from this population. It was a purposive sample (Kothari, 2004) since one of the criteria for inclusion was that would be able to work on the project right to the end. The most likely participants that would work up to end of the programme, therefore, were selected. Four schools which had limited access to laboratories and equipment were selected, and the participants were the Grade 11 physical science classes. There were 100 12 learners who participated in the research with 44 in the control group and 56 in the treatment group. The unit of analysis in this research were the learner and what was considered was how they performed in a test of achievement. The instruments The instrument used was Test of describing relationships among variables- which was developed based on various instruments. The tests used included: Kazeni’s instrument for science process skills (Kazeni, 2005); Test of Integrated Process skills TIPS (Burns, Okey, & Wise, 1985) and Test of Integrated Science Process Skills and the Limpopo Province common tests and examinations. The guiding content was as in the National Curriculum Statement content of physical science (Department of Education, 2008). The test had items which were dealing with skills and also those with achievement. The achievement items had been included to enable insight into whether the learners could have learnt what had been taught. The skills items were for the purposes of determining whether they had gained science process skills. A 26 item test was developed and four specialists were asked to rank the various items with regard to content validity and appropriate level for the group to use them. Two specialists were practising Physical science educators one was a Chief Examiner and the other with over 20 years of teaching the subject and had previously been awarded the Best mathematics and Physical Science teacher of South Africa. The other two were Science Education Professors. To establish the 13 validity, the Spearman Rank formula as modified by Ogunniyi was used and corrected for the tied ranking and a validity of 0.873 was calculated. The instrument was pilot tested for its language clarity by using a group of learners with regard to the ease of understanding of what was written. The learners worked on the questions and indicated the level of the language. As a result of remarks from the panel, the language was amended in four questions and two had to be removed as these questions / items were judged to be higher than the level of the learners. The reliability of the instrument was determined through another pilot study using another school far away from where the actual research was going to be conducted in a different circuit, and a test-retest reliability was calculated using the Statistical Package of Social Sciences (SPSS) and this was found to be 0.83. There was a pre-test for all the participants to establish what their pre-knowledge in terms of geometrical optics was. The simulations used for this research were from the PhET software (McKagan, et al., 2008) which are available freely on the internet. Research design The Research design was the Switching replications design (Alexander & Winne, 2006; Trochim, 2006) as indicated below: N O X1 O O N O O X2 O The above design is a quasi-experimental design using an intact group. It is a Switching replications design wherein we have a pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2 14 treatments. The strength of this design lies in its having both the treatment and control with the treatments coming at different times. The switching replications design used was able to cater for the varied educator, school experiences and personal factors in both treatment and control conditions. There were four schools and in each of the schools the prevailing conditions were different. The educators’ teaching strategies were quite different from one situation of work to another due to preferred teaching styles and other personal differences, however, they had the same training in the use of ICS The treatment, X1, means Interactive computer simulations were used by the educator who normally teaches the class. In treatment, X2, simulations of a different kind were used for the second group in the second part of the unit. Educators were told to teach as they normally teach except when using ICS. The switching replications design accommodated the differences by using the same educator in the experimental and control groups at different stages of the research. Two schools started by being taught the topic using simulations and the latter part of the topic was by taught normally using the talk and chalk strategy. The other two schools started by using the teaching strategy the educator uses in a day to day environment and in the latter part of the topic they used simulations Data Collection The data was collected using the same test namely the Test of describing relationships between variables. This test was initially administered as pre-test before the learners had learnt the section on geometrical optics, then after the first part of geometrical optics was taught referred to as post–test 1. Learners wrote the test 4 days after they had been taught over 5 – 6 periods and this stage is referred to 15 as Part 1. The lessons included the definitions of lens, how different images are formed in diverging and converging lenses. The second part comprised of lessons that on application of the lens. This included sections on the eye, telescope and magnifying glasses. After Part 2 the same test referred to as ‘post-test 2’ was written. Learners did not receive their scripts after the tests and therefore did not know whether they had done very well or not nor were they given the answers. Data analysis The following is the descriptive statistics from the data collected: Graph 1: Graph of average of total marks for the pre, post 1 and post 2 tests 16 Graph 2: Graph of the average of the total marks for achievement tests in pre, post1 and post 2 tests Graph 3: Graph of the average of the skills marks for the pre, post1 and post2 tests Pre-test Control Post test1 Control Post test2 Control Mean 8.84 10.24 9.82 Standard Error 0.36 0.41 0.46 Standard Deviation 2.38 2.66 2.62 Sample Variance 5.66 7.06 6.84 Count 43 42 33 Table 1: Table of descriptive statistics for the control group in Test of describing relationships Pre-test Treatment Post test1 Treatment Post test2 Treatment Mean 9.93 11.2 12.17 Standard Error 0.35 0.37 0.46 Median 10 11 12 Mode 8 13 13 Standard Deviation 2.60 2.72 3.34 17 Sample Variance 6.77 7.42 11.17 Count 55 55 52 Table 2: Table of descriptive statistics for the treatment group in Test of describing relationships Three measures were used to determine the learning gains: Hake’s normalized gain, Effect Size using Cohen’s d and the statistical significance using the t-test. Hake’s normalised gain Hake’s normalised gain is a calculation that tries to compare the treatment and control groups in an intervention and calculates the various gains as a result of the treatment group compared to the control group. The Effect size is a measure of the usefulness of the intervention without trying to assess the statistical significance. It is a measure that assesses how effective is the intervention that has been used. We used Hake’s normalized gain for the analysis, where Hake’s normalized gain is given by = Or as a general formula = Selvaratnam, 2008) 18 (Molefe, Lemmer, & Smit, 2005, p. 51) (Drummond & Graph 4: Graph of Hake’s normalised gain Graph 4: In the case of use of Hake’s normalized gain, the changes as a result of ICS was small and they indicate only changes consistent with teacher-centred instruction showing that the research was indeed using teacher centredness. From the skills aspect we saw small improvements of 0.135 and for the knowledge or achievement it was 0.27. Effect size The Effect size is a measure of the usefulness of the intervention without trying to assess the statistical significance. The effect size, d, = (Molefe, Lemmer, & Smit, 2005, p. 51), Which is also given as (Höffler & Leutner, 2007, p. 726) and in a similar formula (Powell, Diamond, Burchinal, & Koehler, 2010). 19 Graph 5: Graph of Effect sizes due to achievement, skills and whole test Graph 5, uses effect sizes to determine the effects. An effect size finding of 0.48 was determined with respect to skills improvement. This was a large measure taking into cognisance the fact that a 0.2 effect size could lead to a change of 50% to 58% “a worthwhile effect” (Rennie, 1998, p. 245). t-test For the purposes of this paper, it is important to assess the statistical significance of the intervention and hence the use of the t-test to determine whether the readings could have been a result of chance. The t-test for the two sample assuming unequal variances was used to test whether the differences between the means is significant and we results are indicated in Table 1 below: Table 1: Table for t-test for the two sample assuming unequal variances Items on Mean treatment Mean Control p t Skills only 5.58 5.12 0.24 1.18 Achievement only 6.60 4.7 0.000026 4.30 All test items 12.17 9.82 0.00026 1.7 P – Probability; t – t statistic, df – no of applicable cases (degrees of freedom) df 80 75 79 The items from the Table above show that when all items of the test are used, the difference between the means is significant (at 0.00026 which is less than 0.05) and 20 there is a marked difference between the group that used interactive simulations at the beginning of the unit and the other group. With regard to achievement, we also note it is significant with p = 0.000026 and the t statistic is 4.30 and therefore the difference caused by the interactive computer simulations was significant with regard to the intervention being done in the first part of the experiment. In conclusion, when all three measurements were considered with regard to achievement, which could be associated with knowledge and comprehension, interactive computer simulations are effective as noted by the normalized Hake’s change of 0.27 less than 0.3, which is understandable as the interaction was in a teacher-centred situation. This result when combined with the Effect size of 0.84 shows a big difference that could result in an improvement in geometrical optics for several learners. The major effect on achievement shows that inclusion would be served with regard to social justice. This effect size could also mean that a democratic provisioning or equality and accessibility would also be served. Is the effect of ICS on learning significant? In this research learning was looked at as consisting of two components, the skills and achievement. Achievement is the knowledge component and skills is the science process skills. (a) In the use of Hake’s normalized gain, the changes as a result of ICT were small and they indicated only changes consistent with teacher-centred instruction showing that the research was indeed using teacher centredness. 21 (b) Using another measure of effect size, a medium significant finding 0.48 was made with respect to skills improvement. This was large measure taking into cognisance the fact that a 0.2 effect size could lead to a change of 50% to 58% “ a worthwhile effect” (Rennie, 1998, p. 245). (c) When effect size was used to test achievement it was found that the effect size was 0.84, this is a very high effect. In terms of knowledge this is high and it was higher than that alluded to by Molefe et al of 0.2 (Molefe, Lemmer, & Smit, 2005). One of the reasons the authors give for the low value was the number of learners who were not used to computers. Six years after their paper, there is higher use of mobile phones and also computers, hence this point may not have relevance to this investigation. Using the measures of achievement and skills we see that there is a great improvement as is demonstrated by this research in paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) above. Conclusion The results show improved test achievement for the learners in the study when using interactive computer simulations. This could suggest that simulations scaffold learning and reduces learning time. Mooij (2004) state ICT as among the tools, together with curriculum, instructional and management that could improve school practice at different levels in coordinated and empirically controlled ways. Mooij found out that generally the results of the multilevel theorizing, education innovation in school practice, and software development seem to be promising from the perspective of using ICT to facilitate educational transformation and optimization. As discussed earlier, learning is scaffolded when learners are actively engaged during 22 the learning process. Simulations offer hands-on activities for learners where every learner has an opportunity to actively engage with the process. With consideration that quality education is a social justice issue within the human rights approach, we consider provision of good quality education as a responsibility of the State towards each child. As stated by Smit and Oosthuizen (2011) effective basic education has the potential to give each child the experience of human dignity and teach the child to acknowledge and respect others’ human dignity. 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