St. Michael-Albertville High School Spanish II Teacher: Laura Schuster Month Content September 2010 HOW DO I COMMUNICATE IN SPANISH? WHAT KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING CAN I GAIN ABOUT HISPANIC CULTURE? HOW DOES SPANISH CONNECT WITH OTHER CLASSES I TAKE? HOW DOES THE HISPANIC LANGUAGE AND CULTURE CONNECT TO MY OWN? HOW DO I USE SPANISH IN THE COMMUNITY? UEQ: Can identify different foods and meals in Spanish? Can I communicate my food preferences in Spanish? How are foods different and similar in Spanish speaking countries? How can I order a meal in Spanish at home or in another country? In which situations do I use the verb "ser" - to be? In which situations do I use the verb "estar" - to be? Can I describe different people and places? Can I explain what activities I and others are able to do? Can I talk about how often I do certain activites, including how long I sleep? Can I describe my room and what my ideal room would look like? A. Foods, Likes and Dislikes Skills Assessment Resources & Technology A. Foods, Likes and Dislikes Foods, Likes and Dislikes Realidades video episode chapter 5B A1-A2. Identify and talk about foods you like, don't like, and love at each meal, and foods you love. A1. CA = Listening quiz of native speakers talking about foods. Textbook Realidades 1 chapters 5B & 6A A1.Written quiz identifying foods at various meals. Realidades 5B--review, 6A Listening resources A2. Written test describing personal likes and dislikes of foods at various meals. pictures of cultural dishes. A1-A2. Use descriptive words tasty, flavorful, gross, delicious, etc. to describe foods. A1-A2. Listen to and understand native speakers talking about foods. A1-A2. Correctly respond to what students have heard. A3. Compare and contrast meals from Hispanic family video with their own meals. A3. Analyze the steroetypes each culture has about the other from the video. A3. Identify culturally significant foods and drinks. A4. State what people ate and drank. A2. CA =Speaking quiz- students talk about their likes and dislikes of foods at various meals. B. Restaurant B1-2.Worksheet on completing a dialogue while ordering food. Video clip from Ecuador video - cuy and sugar cane juice. Video worksheet Realidades 1 chapters 5B & 6A resources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards Skip McWillams video on food B1-2. Communication activities on ordering food in a restaurant B1-B2. Dialogue in which students had to order in a resaurant and one be the waiter, express items that are missing, ask how everything is, ask for the bill. Food BINGO Text book online resources and games GramActivia videos on grammar B. Restaurant C. Descriptions B1-2. Respond to a waiter C1. Worksheets using ser vs. estar B1-2. Order a meal B1. Express what is missing from the table and ask for it. C1-C2. Quiz on forms and uses of ser and estar. D. Daily Life and Your Home 1 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills A1. Vocab of food and drinks and names of meals breakfast, lunch, supper, words that describe foods. B1-2. Ask for the bill. A2. Likes and Dislikes of foods at various meals. C. Descriptions B1-2. Discuss tipping. A3. Cultural conceptions and differences about foods and meals. C2. Use ser to correctly describe the personality and physical descriptions of others. B. Restaurant C2, D2, D4. Use ser to describe your bedroom. B1. Vocab and phrases of table settings, menus, and ordering meals, tipping. Assessment Resources & Technology D1. CA = Vocabulary quiz on items in your house. D1. Listening activites involving items in your bedroom D2-D3. Written sentences describing what people are or aren't able to do C3. Use estar correctly when talking about location and emotion D. Daily LIfe and Your Home B2. Cultural perspectives and differences in eating out. D1. Identify items in a bedroom. B3. Discuss what people "ate" and "drank" D2-D3, C1 Write descriptive sentences using ser and estar C. Descriptions C3, D1. Use estar correctly to state location of items in bedroom C1. ser vs estar C2. Personality and physical descriptions using the verb ser C3. Temporary conditions -the verb "estar" D. Daily Life and Your Home D2-D3. State house rules using poder and dormir with expressions of frequency D2-D3. Express what you are able to do C1-D2. State house rules using poder and dormir with expressions of frequency D1. items in your room D2. poder /to be able and dormir /to sleep D3. Expressions of frequency 2 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills Assessment Resources & Technology D4. Review of colors October 2010 UEQ: How can I order a meal in Spanish at home or in another country? In which situations do I use the verb "ser" - to be? In which situations do I use the verb "estar" - to be? Can I describe different people and places? Can I explain what activities I and others are able to do? Can I talk about how often I do certain activites, including how long I sleep? Can I describe my room and what my ideal room would look like? Can I explain where people, places and things are located in a house? Can I describe my house or my ideal house? How are houses in Spanish speaking countries different than my own? A. Restaurant A. Restaurant A1-2. Respond to a waiter A1-2.Worksheet on completing a dialogue while ordering food. A1-2. Order a meal A1. Express what is missing from the table and ask for it. A1-2. Communication activities on ordering food in a restaurant Quack DVD on ser B. Descriptions Quack DVD on estar B1. Worksheets using ser vs. estar Text book online resources and games B1-B2. Quiz on forms and uses of ser and estar. GramActivia videos on grammar A1-2. Ask for the bill. A1-2. Discuss tipping. B. Descriptions B2. Use ser to correctly describe the personality and physical descriptions of others. B1-2. quiz on describing people. B2, C2, C4. Use ser to describe your bedroom. C1. CA = Vocabulary quiz on items in your house. B3. Use estar correctly when talking about location and emotion C1. Listening activites involving items in your bedroom A1. Vocab and phrases of table settings, menus, and ordering meals, tipping. C. Daily LIfe and Your Home C2-C3. Written sentences describing what people are or aren't able to do A2. Cultural perspectives and differences in eating out. B2-B3, C1 Write descriptive sentences using ser and estar B. Descriptions B3, C1. Use estar correctly to state location of items in bedroom A. Restaurant Realidades 1 chapter 5B and 6A-B resources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards C. Daily Life and Your Home Pictures from internet of famous people to compare/contrast Quack DVD on prepositions of location Realidades 1 6A videohistoria - El Cuarto de Ignacio Text book online resources and games GramActivia videos on grammar C1. Identify items in a bedroom. D. Rooms and levels of the house D1-D4. Drawing and labels of student's house layout B1. ser vs estar C2-C3. State house rules using poder 3 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills B2. Personality and physical descriptions using the verb ser, especially adjectives describing hair color and stature and dormir with expressions of frequency B3. Temporary conditions -the verb "estar" B1-B2. State house rules using poder and dormir with expressions of frequency Assessment Resources & Technology C2-C3. Express what you are able to do C. Daily Life and Your Home D. Rooms and levels of the house C1. items in your room C2. poder /to be able and dormir /to sleep C3. Expressions of frequency D1-D2. Describe your house and its rooms D1-D3. State where rooms in your house are located in relation to each other. C4. Review of colors D. Rooms and levels of the house D1-D3. Draw your house and label rooms and levels D1. Vocabulary of room names and levels D4. Identify building levels correctly according to Hispanic practice. D2. Descriptions of your house D4. State how houses and the same are different in other Spanish speaking countries D3. Prepositions of location and estar D4. Cultural difference in housing architecture November 2010 UEQ: Can I describe my house or my ideal house? Can I state where things are located in relation to each other? How are houses different in Spanish speaking countries? A. Rooms and Levels of the House A. Rooms and Levels of the House A1-A2. Write and describe your house Listening activities from chapter 1 Ab dealing with prepositions of location B. Chores A1-2, B1-B2. Describe aloud what CA = Draw your house and label itstate where different rooms or objects Realidades 1 chapters 6B resources: Videohistoria, Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards Realidades 1 6B - Los quehaceres de 4 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills Can I tell people what chores to do? How can I express ongoing actions happening now? Can I state what people needed to do in the past? people are doing in various rooms in the house A. Rooms and Levels of the House B1, B3. Tell people what to do using using chore vocabulary and informal commands A1-2, B1-3. Read "Cantaclara," a story about a girl who does different chores Assessment Resources & Technology are in relation to each other Elena B. Chores Place it! Activity with chores and prepositions Chore vocabulary quiz Text book online resources and games A1. Vocabulary of room names and levels A2. Prepositions of location and estar B4. Tell chores that people had to do past tense. A3. Cultural difference in housing architecture CA =Written quiz with present progressive and chores, tener que infinitive preterit, and some commands. GramActivia videos on grammar Worksheets practicing writing informal commands and chore vocabulary CA = Trimester Final B. Chores B1. Chore Vocabulary B2. The Present Progressive B3. Informal Commands B4. The preterit of tener que infinitive December 2010 UEQ: Can I talk about events that happened in the past and have finished? Can I communicate with others about traveling, including where they went & how they got there? Can I talk about clothing, especially what people bought and wore? A. Discussing Past Activites and Trips A.Discussing Past Activities and Trips A1-3. Write how people travelled A1-3. CA = Quiz on ir /tener and modes of transportation A2. Discuss what people had to do in the past. Text book online resources and games B. Clothing GramActivia videos on grammar B. Clothing A. Discussing Past Activites and Trips Realidades 1 chapters 7A resources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards B1-2. CA= Quiz on ar preterite and clothing vocabulary Reading on La Virgin de Guadalupe B1-2. Discuss what you have bought 5 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content A1. Irregular Preterite of ir - "to go" and ser "to be" St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills and wore using the preterit (past tense) of comprar (to buy) and llevar (to wear) Assessment C. Immigration and Christmas Traditions of Mexico Under the Same Moon DVD - packet of activities B2. Discuss what people did in the past A2. Irregular Preterite of tener- to have A3. Vocabulary dealing with means of transportation and locations B. Clothing B1. Clothing Vocabulary Resources & Technology Christmas carol lyric packets C1.In class discussion of movie C. Immigration and Christmas Traditions of Mexico C1. Watch and discuss the movie "La misma luna" C2. Christmas Caroling around the building C3.In class discussion of reading C2. Sing traditional Christmas carols of Mexico B2. Ar- preterite endings C. Immigration and Christmas Traditions of Mexico C3. Read and discuss the significance of "La Virgin de Guadelupe" C1. Immigration issues C2. Christmas Carols of Mexico C3. La Virgin de Guadelupe January 2011 UEQ: A. Clothing A. Clothing Can I use vocabulary and grammatical concepts from the past semester in differnt contexts to convey and gain meaning? What vocabulary and phrases will I need to shop in Spanish speaking situations? Can I state how clothing fits? A1, B2. Discuss what you have bought and wore using the preterit (past tense) of comprar (to buy) and llevar (to wear) A2-3. Quiz on demonstrative adjectives, querer, preferir, and pensar. A1-2. Chose when to use the different demonstrative adjectvies based on gender/number/location B. Shopping for Clothing and Gifts A. Clothing A1. Clothing Vocabulary A1-3. State preferences (clothing and others) using demonstrative adjectives and the verb "preferir" B1,3,7. CA = Quiz on dar and ver, gifts, and direct object pronouns. Realidades 1 chapters 7A and 7B resources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards Skip McWillams video on clothing and accessories Clothing vocabulary BINGO C. Talking about the past C1. CA = Quiz on ir/er verb endings Dialogue on shopping for a present for your mother 6 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills Assessment Resources & Technology A2. Demonstrative Adjectives A1-3. Discuss what you want (objects or what you want to do) A3. Stem changing verbs Querer (to want), preferir (to prefer), and pensar (to think) A1-3. State opinions or what you plan on doing using the verb "pensar" - to think GramActivia videos on grammar A4. Quedarse and expressing fit of clothing A1, B2. Discuss what you have bought and wore using the preterit (past tense) of comprar (to buy) and llevar (to wear) The song "Te quiero" by Flex B. Shopping for Clothing and Gifts B1. Direct Object Pronouns and demonstrative pronouns Text book online resources and games Internet activity Sing, Laugh, Dance and Eat Tacos 3 song "La cabeza" A4. Discussh how things fit different people using quedarse and adjectives expressing fit B2. Ar Preterite B. Shopping for Clothing and Gifts B3. Gift Vocabulary B4. Numbers 1-1000 B5. Currencies of different countries and conversions B6. Vocabulary of shop names and adjectives describing prices, "it's cheap/expensive/a bargain/a rip-off" B1. Choose when to use the correct direct object pronoun based on gender/number/location. Demonstrate correct placement of pronoun. B2-7. Communicate about purchasing for yourself and others, especially in relation to price and bartering. C. Talking about the past B7. Preterite forms of "dar" and "ver" C. Talking about the past C1. Ir and er preterite verb endings C1-3. Communicate about what you did in the past C2. State how long ago something happened. C2. Hace time expressions C3. Decir and traer preterite verbs D. Discussing Pain and Body Part Vocabulary D. Discussing Pain and Body Part Vocabulary D1. Sing, speak, and write using vocabulary and phrases expressing pain. D1. Body Part Vocabulary 7 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content D2. Doler and review of Indirect Object Pronouns St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills Assessment Resources & Technology D1. Play "Simon dice" and participate in TPR practice to reinforce body parts vocabulary D1-2. Sing "La cabeza" from "Sing, Laugh, Dance and Eat Tacos 3" February 2011 UEQ: Can I talk about events that happened in the past and have finished? Can I communicate with others about past trips including where they went, what they saw, how they got there, and how their trip was? Can I discuss pain of specific body parts? A. Clothing A1. Clothing Vocabulary A2. Clothing materials and patterns A. Clothing A. Clothing Rubric for fashion show A1. Write and present descriptions of outfits A1. Fashion show presentation using different clothing vocabulary correctly Realidades 1 chapters 8A and Realidades 2 chapter 3A resources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcard A2. Describe articles of clothing A. Discussing Travel B. Discussing Travel B1-6. Discuss aloud with a partner about a real trip or a pretend trip. B1-6. Talk about Where did you go? How did you get there? What activities did you do? What did you see? How was your trip? B1-6. Moodle posting on students' favorite vacations. Where did you go? How did you get there? What activities did you do? What did you see? Who did you go with? What did you bring? How was your trip? Realidades 2 chapters 2A resources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards B1-6. CA = Quiz on decir and traer Realidades 2: 2A Videohistoria: Mas maquillaje? A3. Adjective matching and placement B. Discussing Travel B1. Ir Er Preterit verbs B2. Irregular Preterite of ir - "to go" and ser "to be" B3. Irregular Preterite of ver - to see B4. Vocabulary dealing with means of transportation and locations C.Discussing Pain and Body Part Vocabulary B1-6. CA = Quiz on 8A vacation vocabulary C1. Sing, speak, and write using vocabulary and phrases expressing pain. B1-6 = Poster describing Where did you go? What did you see? What did you bring? What did you say about how it went? C2. Play "Simon dice" and participate in TPR practice to reinforce body parts vocabulary C. Discussing Pain and Body Part Vocabulary C1-2. Sing "La cabeza" from "Sing, Laugh, Dance and Eat Tacos 3" C1. Face to shoulders vocabulary quiz Kids' book... "Mi vida diaria" Text book online resources and games GramActivia videos on grammar Moodle forums Sing, Laugh, Dance and Eat Tacos 3 song "La cabeza" B5. Past tense of decir and traer B6. Indirect Object Pronouns 8 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills Assessment Resources & Technology C. Discussing Pain and Body Part Vocabulary C1. Body Part Vocabulary C2. Doler and review of Indirect Object Pronouns March 2011 UEQ: How can I describe my daily routine? How can I order events using sequencing words? How can I use direct and indirect object pronouns correctly? What are some common irregular preterite verbs and how can I use them? How can I apply what I've learned this year in a larger context? A. Daily Routines A. Daily Routines A1-2. Discuss your daily routine A1. CA = Speaking quiz with reflexive verbs Realidades 2 chapter 2Aresources: Guided Practice Activities, vocaublary lists, Activity book, communicative activities, clip art, flashcards B. Irregular Preterite Verbs Text book online resources and games B1,C2, CA = Quiz on reflexive verbs GramActivia videos on grammar B1, C2. Worksheets on irregular preterite verbs and indirect object pronouns. Kids' book... "Mi vida diaria" (timeline) A. Daily Routines B1-B4. Listening interpretation involving irregular preterite verbs and pronouns A1. Reflexive verbs A2. Sequencing vocabulary such as primero, despues, luego, por fin B.Irregular Preterite Verbs B1. Made or did: the irregular verb "hacer" B2. Said or brought: the irregular verbs "decir," "traer" A1-2. Read a dialogue on daily routines in Argentina A1-2 Read a children's book and comic book on reflexive verbs B.Irregular Preterite Verbs C. Direct and Indirect Pronouns: C1, B2-B3. Use direct object pronouns with the verbs hacer, decir, traer, dar, ver, and tener C2, B2-B3.Use indirect objece pronouns with the verbs decir, traer, dar, and ver Comic book "Las aventuras de Mufi" C. Direct and Indirect Pronouns: B1, C2. Worksheets on irregular preterite verbs and indirect object pronouns. Realidades 2: 2A Videohistoria: Mas maquillaje? Text book online resources and games GramActivia videos on grammar D. Second Semester Final D1- 8: CA = Rubric on kids' book D1-8 . CA = Second Semester writting, speaking, and listening finals D. Second Semester Final B3. Gave or Saw: "dar" and "ver" D1-8: Translate sentences using 9 of 10 Spanish II Schuster Month Content B4. Was or had: "estar" and "tener" St. Michael-Albertville High School Skills Assessment Resources & Technology vocabulary for the final C. Direct and Indirect Pronouns: C1. Direct Object Pronouns C2. Indirect Object Pronouns D. Second Semester Final D1. Irregular preterite verbs D2. Regular preterite verbs D3. Indirect object pronouns D4. Direct object pronouns D5. Reflexive verbs D6. Clothing vocabulary D7. Body parts D8. the verb "doler" April 2011 May 2011 June 2011 10 of 10