Services for the Elderly

Services for the Elderly
Prepared by Alice Chong
Revised on 7 November 2000
Understanding the elderly: their physio-social-psychological
Hooyman, N. & Kiyak, H.A. (1996). Social Gerontology. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Atchley, R.C. (1994). Social Forces and Aging. Belmont: Wadsworth Publishing
Policy on Services for the Elderly:
Secretary for Health & Welfare. (2000). Policy Address on Care for Elders:
Policy Objectives for Health and Welfare Bureau.Government Press.
(Annual issue)
Hong Kong Government (1995). The Five Year Plan for Social Welfare Development
in Hong Kong – Review 1995. Government Press.
Hong Kong Government (1994). Report of the Working Group on Care of the Elderly.
Government Press.
Hong Kong Government (1991). White Paper on Social Welfare into the 1990’s and
Beyond. Government Press.
Hong Kong Government (1988). Report of the Central Committee on Services for the
Elderly. Government Press.
Hong Kong Government (1982). Programme Plan on Services for the Elderly.
Government Press.
Useful Journal, Document & Web-sites
Hong Kong Journal of Gerontology
The Gerontologist
Journal of Applied Gerontology
Census And Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government. (1998). A Collection Of
Feature Articles. Hong Kong: Government Printer.
Census And Statistics Department, Hong Kong Government. (1999). Hong Kong
Annual Digest of Statistics. Hong Kong: Government Printer.
Social Work Intervention with the Elderly
Burnside, I. & Schmidt, M.G. (1994). Working with Older Adults: Group Process and
Techniques. Boston; Jones and Bartlett Publishers.
Chong, Alice M.L. (1995). Reminiscence Group For Chinese Older Adults – A
Cultural Considersation. Hong Kong: City University of Hong Kong.
Ganikos, M.L. (ed.) (1977). Counselling the Aged. American Association for
Counseling and Development.
Alpaugh, P. & Haney, M. (1985). Counselling the Older Adult. Toronto: Lixington
關銳 、顏文雄(1993),老人小組社區行政工作,集賢社。
關銳 、顏文雄(1992),老人個案工作,集賢社。
陳麗雲、羅觀翠(1989),社區工作 – 社區照顧實踐,香港社會工作人員協會。
Supplementary Bibliography
Social Gerontology
Binstock, R.H. & George, L.K. (eds.) (1990). Handbook of aging and the social
sciences (3rd ed.). New York: Academic Press.
Bould, S., Sanborn. B., & Reif, L. (1989). Eighty-five plus: The oldest old.
Belmont, CA: Wadsworth.
Cowgill, D.O. (1986). Aging around the world. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Publishing Co.
Cox, H.G. (1988). Later life: The reality of aging (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ:
Prentice Hall.
Hendricks, J., & Hendricks, C.D. (1986). Aging in mass society: Myths and
realities (3rd ed.). Boston: Liggle, Brown & Co.
Kart, C.S. (1990). The realities of aging. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
McPherson, B.D. (1990). Aging as a social process: an introduction to individual
and population aging (2nd ed.). Toronto, Canada: Butterworths.
Ngan, Raymond M.H., Leung, Edward M.F., Kwan, Alex Y.H., Yeung, David
W.T. & Chong, Alice M.L. (1996) A Study of the Long-Term Care Needs,
Patterns and Impact of the Elderly in Hong Kong, Hong Kong: City
University of Hong Kong.
Physical and Psychological Changes in Later Life
Birren, J.E., & Schale, K.W. (eds.) (1990). Handbook of the psychology of aging
(3rd ed.). New York: Academic Press.
Butler, R.N., & Lewis, M.L. (1982). Aging and mental health: Positive
psychosocial and biomedical approaches (3rd ed.). St. Louis, MO: C.V.
Mosby Co.
Chi, Iris; Yip, Paul S.F.& Yu, Gabriel K.K.. (1997). Elderly Suicides In Hong Kong. Hong
Kong. Befriender International.
Edinberg, M.A. (1985). Mental health practice with the elderly. Englewood Cliffs,
NJ: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Ferrini, A.F., & Ferrini, R.L. (1989). Health in the later years. Dubuque, IA:
William C. Brown.
Hickey, T. (1980). Health and aging. Monterey, CA: Brooks-Cole.
Kart, C.S., Metress, E.K. & Metress, S.P. (1988). Aging, health and society.
Boston: Jones & Barlett.
Schneider, E.L., & Rowe, J.W. (eds.). (1990). Handbook of the biology of aging
(3rd ed.). New York: Academic Press.
Social Network Relations
Brubaker, T.H. (1983). Family relationships in later life. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Doty, P. (1986). Family care of the elderly: The role of public policy. The Mibank
Memorial Fund Quarterly, 64, 34-75
Kaufman, A.V. (1990). Social network assessment: A critical component in case
management for functionally impaired older persons. International Journal
of Aging and Human Development, 30, 63-75.
Lee, G.R., & Cassidy, M.L. (1985). Family and kin relations of the rural elderly.
In R.T. Coward & G.R. Lee (eds.). The elderly in rural society: Every fourth
elder. New York: Springer Publishing Co.
Myers, J.E. (1989). Adult children and aging parents. Dubuque, 1A: KendallHunt.
Shanas, E. (1980). The family as a social support system in old age. The
Gerontologist, 19, 169-174.
Sussman, M.B. (1976). The family life of old people in R.H. Binstock & E.
Shanas (eds.) Handbook of aging and the social sciences. New York: Van
Nostrand Reinhold.
Attitudes and Values Toward the Elderly
Allen, J.A., & Burwell, N.Y. (1980). Ageism and racism: Two issues in social
work education and practice. Journal of Education for Social Work, 16, 7177.
Binstock, R.H. (1983). The aged as scapegoat. The Gerontologist, 23, 136-143.
Estes, C.L. (1979). The aging enterprise. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, Inc.
Gottschalk, S., Frumkin, M., 7 Kaufman, A.V. (1984). Social Work intervention
with the aged: Toward a change in the institutionalized thought structure.
Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, 11, 24-55.
Kosberg, J., & Harris, A (1978). Attitudes toward elderly clients. Health and
Social Work, 3, 67-90.
Social Work Practice with the Elderly and their Families
Beaver, M.L., & Miller, D. (1985). Clinical social work practice with the elderly.
Homewood, IL Dorsey Press.
Brody E.M. (1977). Long-term care of older people: A practical guide. New York:
Human Sciences Press.
Brubaker, E. (1987). Working with the elderly: A social systems approach.
Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
Hancock, B.L. (1987). Social with older people. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: PrenticeHall.
Herr, J. & Weakland, J. (1979). Counselling elders and their families. New York:
Kaufman, A.V. (1989). Social Work services for elderly persons with mental
retardation: A case example. Social Work in Health Care, 14, 67-80.
Lowy, L (1985). Social Work with the aging: The challenge and promise of the
later years. New York: Longman.
Monk, A. (1981). Social work with the aged: Principles of practice. Social Work,
26, 61-68.
Roff, L.L., & Atherton, C.R. (1989). Promoting successful aging. Chicago:
Programs and Services for the Aged
Gelfand, D.E. 1988). The aging network: Programs and services (3rd ed.). New
York: Springer Publishing Co.
Harbert, A.S., & Ginsbert, L.H. (1979). Human Services for older adults:
Concepts and skills. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Holmes, D., & Holmes, M.B. (1979). Handbook of human services for older
persons. New York: Human Sciences Press.
Huttman, E.D. (1985). Social services for the elderly. New York: The Free Press.
Rich, B.M., & Baum, M. (1986). The aging: A guide to public policy. Pittsburgh,
PA: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Wilson, A.J.E. (1988). Social services for the older persons. Prospect Heights,
IL. Waveland Press.