Infection control study Immpact 27th April 2009 NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR OBSERVATION Using the observation tool: The questions are divided according to the ward you are in. After the interview, ask to walk around the facility, and if any procedure is happening, ask if you can observe. Observe using the checklist in part A. Go to the delivery ward and observe procedures. If you are going to observe a procedure, fill in the checklist in part A. If you cannot observe a delivery, go to the operation theatre, is there a C- section going on? If yes, fill in the checklist in part A. If there is no C-section occurring, then proceed to the labour ward. Walk around the labour ward read the guide in Part A – “Walk-through”. When you arrive in the ward ask if you can observe quietly. Fill in the checklist in part A. To each of the list items the items must be present or the action must be done in order to answer “yes”. If an item in the list is not present or an action is not done then answer “no” to the entire question. Leave a blank when an item is missing. Part A – Walk-through The following are the areas that require a room-by-room walk-through to determine if they following rooms are ready for the client in terms of equipment, drugs, supplies, and infrastructure: Facility in general Emergency-evaluation area (any area where emergency evaluation is performed (e.g., an emergency room, a room in the labour and delivery ward, a treatment room) Labor and delivery rooms Operating room Female/maternity ward Change/scrub room Instrument-processing and autoclave room Part A: Walk through checklist Q. no. Questions and filters Response categories Available Yes - 1 No - 2 Remarks In the Labour/Delivery Room 1 Surgical gloves? 2 Surgical gloves: Washed? 3 Surgical gloves: Reused? 4 Surgical gloves: Autoclave? Immpact infection control study: Needs assessment for observation 1 Q. no. Questions and filters Response categories Available Yes - 1 No - 2 Remarks 5 24-hour running water 6 Wash basin with elbow or knee tap (aseptic) 7 Scrub brushes 8 Soap 9 Antiseptics for skin preparation 1 Thermometer 0 1 Sterile gloves 1 1 Sterile gowns 2 1 Sterile gauze 3 1 Sterile linen packs 4 1 Sterile delivery packs 5 1 Disposable delivery kit 6 Operation Theatre 1 24-hour running water 7 8 1 Wash basin with elbow or knee tap (aseptic) 1 Scrub brushes 9 2 Soap 0 2 Antiseptics for skin preparation 1 2 Thermometer 2 2 Sterile gloves 3 2 Sterile gowns 4 2 Sterile gauze 5 2 Sterile linen packs 6 2 Sterile laparotomy packs 7 2 Surgical gloves: Washed? 8 2 Surgical gloves: Reused? 9 3 Surgical gloves: Autoclave? 0 3 Automatic door closure in OT 1 Immpact infection control study: Needs assessment for observation 2 Q. no. 2 Questions and filters Response categories Available Yes - 1 No - 2 Remarks Instrument-processing, autoclave room or equipment storage area 3 Autoclave machine with temperature and pressure 3 Supply of indicator paper 3 4 5 3 Reliable and safe electric connection or supply of kerosene oil/gas 3 Table with marked areas indicating sterile and non sterile areas 3 Supply of clean water 6 3 Back-up for water supply 7 3 utility sink Deep 8 3 Brushes for cleaning equipment 9 4 Detergent for cleaning equipment 0 1 4 Chlorine or antiseptic for cleaning equipment 4 Basins to soak instruments 2 [Adapted from Gill et al. 2005 International Journal of Gynecology & Obstetrics] Immpact infection control study: Needs assessment for observation 3 Part B: Observation Table – Labour ward / Labour Room. Q. no. 1 In the labour ward talk to either the midwife /maternity nurse and ask to be shown around. If you cannot observe in the labour ward ask to be shown around the ante-natal ward. Ask her if you can sit quietly somewhere to take notes While you are sitting observe quietly and fill in the form below. Questions and filters Response categories Look at all the posters and charts on the wall – are any relevant to infection control? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 Skips Describe them or take a photo 2 Is there a thermometer available on the ward? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 3 Look at the patients charts – is temperature recorded regularly? How often? Yes………………………………1 Every ……………………minutes No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 4 Where are the hand-washing facilities? How many? Yes………………………………1 ……………hand-washing facilities No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 5 Is there soap (or any other antiseptic) available? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 6 Did you see any staff member washing their hands? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 7 Do they wash hands before examining the patient? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 8 Do they wash their hands after examining the patient? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 9 Do they wash their hands before putting on gloves? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 Immpact infection control study: Needs assessment for observation 4 Q. no. 10 Questions and filters Response categories Do they wash their hands after taking gloves off? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 11 Do they wash their hands after exposure to mucous membranes, blood and body fluids and soiled instruments? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 12 If possible, observe a procedure (injection, insertion IV line, delivery, operation) – did you see the nurse/doctor wash their hands before starting the procedure? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 13 If you cannot observe a procedure, invite the staff member escorting you to wash their hands as if they are about to examine a patient and observe how and where they do it, filling in the questions below: 14 Where is the sink, inside the ward? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 15 Where is the sink, outside the ward? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 16 Do they use soap? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 17 Do they use aseptic practices when switching off tap – use of elbow? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 18 Did they use aseptic techniques to dry their hands? Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 19 20 Ask to see where drugs are kept on ward Are there any antibiotics? 21 What are they? ( List names ) Skips Yes………………………………1 No………….………………….…2 Don’t know………………………3 [Table adapted from Immpact CBCA] Immpact infection control study: Needs assessment for observation 5 NOTES AND OBSERVATIONS: Elaborate on the specific items that are provided in the checklist OR any other event/occurrence . fNote details of general cleanliness of OT,Labour room etc & specifically condition of furniture , equipments , observation about hygiene of patients & staff . ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………… Immpact infection control study: Needs assessment for observation 6